Tuesday, June 4, 2013

COCA-COLA, THE CIA, and the COURTS Part Four of a Series

Part Four of a Series
by Sherman H. Skolnick
Is the media monster. the Tribune Company, a reputed blackmailer of The Coca-Cola Company?
Here is more that is boiling and bubbling out of that witches brew of a scandal implicating Coca-Cola. For background to this story, you should visit our website story about the Chicago Tribune linked to the criminal cartel, at least from 1910 to date, including the Trib using Al Capone as a labor consultant in 1930 to beat back a strike against the Tribune, and then again, in 1986, using gangster goons with attack dogs against the Trib's own workers in a labor strike.
With a charter for their Canadian pulp from the King of England more than a 100 years ago, and large ownership currently by the Queen of England and her dope traffickers, the Tribune Company are no angels. Neither are the Coca-Cola Company as an adjunct worldwide of the American CIA. The one who got in the middle between the Tribune Company and Coca-Cola is Chicago U.S. District Judge Blanche M. Manning [(312) 435-7608]. In a theft of intellectual property case pending against Coca-Cola, Judge Manning has issued a series of "judicial perjuries", as some call them, to corruptly favor Coke. [Robert E. Kolody vs. Simon Marketing and The Coca-Cola Company, 97 C 190.]
Plain-spoken folks call such things straight out lies by the Judge. In August, 2000, Judge Manning was confronted with a situation involving a spy infiltrating the camp of Coke's court opponent, Kolody, thus becoming privy to Kolody's confidential legal strategies against Coke. How did this happen, as identified in the Court record? Following a court hearing, I interviewed Kolody's required "local counsel" in the presence of Kolody's out-of-state counsel Dan Ivy
"Skolnick Does Coca-Cola and their attorneys know the legal strategies of Robert Kolody and his attorney Dan Ivy here? Local counsel Daniel V. Hanley [(708) 474-6633] Yes. Skolnick Really? How could they know? Hanley My sister is the media buyer for Coca-Cola." [Portion of transcript of interview attached to Motion for Relief Because of Fraud Upon the Court, filed 8/9/00. The term "fraud upon the court" is a profound principle of law that frightens cowardly members of the bar and corrupt members of the bench. It requires that the rulings on matters of substance by a judge acting under a malign, if not corrupt, influence, be expunged from the court record.]
When I run into savvy cynics in or near courthouses, they just cackle. "Skolnick, you have often documented such problems. How can there be a fraud upon the District Court in places like Chicago, a court that is a long-known fraud itself?"
To try to get around Kolody's Motion for Relief Because of Fraud Upon the Court, Judge Manning issued a decision giving the Motion a false label, calling it a motion to disqualify the Judge. There is no such thing in the Motion. But this is typical of judges operating under a malign, if not corrupt, influence. [A gambling casino kingpin, reportedly part of the criminal cartel, reportedly paid one million dollars to BUY the federal judgeship for Manning. As stated in the filed Motion. Visit our web stories also about Buying a Judgeship.]
And falsely calling the Motion by that name, Judge Manning said Kolody did not properly invoke the federal statutes for disqualifying a judge. So the Judge said Kolody's Motion is no good. Any one examining the Court record could see the Judge is a plain rotten liar.
In another case on Judge Manning's docket, the Tribune Company has been blackmailing the Judge. In a moment you will understand why. It is a case of a dope-trafficking gang, Chicago-Florida, involving Chicago police and dope "mules" or couriers, actually many of them women also working for the American CIA. The Tribune filed a petition in the case saying they should be allowed to intervene as of right. Why? Because, says the Tribune, Judge Manning is conducting, without notice or legal formality, secret court proceedings. And Judge Manning is censoring court documents and transcripts, by redacting them, and similar secret methods. Judge Manning's apparent purpose? To cover up the dope trafficking showing complicity by corrupt top-level IRS officials, and the kinky U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, and the corrupted FBI, among others. [Visit our web series on corrupt IRS brass and their ocean-going money laundry boat.]
The dope trafficking case is USA vs. Joseph Jerome Miedzianowski, et al., No. 98 CR 923, U.S. District Court, Chicago.
According to advertising agency sources, The Tribune Company, as a media empire, has a beef against The Coca-Cola Company which is being corruptly favored by Judge Manning with her paper tricks. [Kolody vs. Simon Marketing and The Coca-Cola Company, No. 97 C 190.] The Tribune Company is sore at Coke because Coke's media buyer,Mary Hanley, reportedly is not favoring Trib and their raft of newspapers, TV and radio stations and such, with the proper amount of advertising bucks. Get this straight the Tribune, no crusaders against corrupt federal judges, does not wish to assist Kolody but rather to strong-arm Coke.
Just after the Fraud Upon the Court Motion is filed, Mary Hanley's boss, the monstrous DDB advertising octopus, announces, in the Chicago Tribune, that Mary Hanley has been promoted to Senior Vice President and is group media director at DDB Chicago. [Chicago Tribune, George Lazarus' column, 8/15/00.] It appears that DDB is playing the part of press agent, to try to get the stink off the mess.
And guess what? To further get away from the ruckus, Coca-Cola's media buyer, Mary Hanley, identified as such by her lawyer-brother, just at that point, is leaving the U.S. for Ireland. [Mary Hanley (312) 552-6368. E-Mail MaryHanley@chi.ddb.com]
By the way, reportedly arranging such propaganda is an apparatus we call The Banquet Committee, suddenly honoring someone, such as person of the year and such, to counter a scandal. More later.
We have, by the way, been commenting for some 40 years about media units blackmailing slow-to-comply would-be advertisers. The late George Seldes, a crusading journalist, wrote about this type of blackmailing in his book, "Tell The Truth and Run". Since 1991, in our public access Cable TV Program in Chicago, we have spelled out numerous examples of pressfakers using blackmail to strong-arm ads. That is, threatening to run negative stories about a corporation if they fail to buy plenty of ads.
In simple terms, the Tribune Company wants The Coca-Cola Company to throw more ad bucks its way. And twisting Judge Manning's crooked arm [maybe even Mary Hanley's arm] is the way to start the finger pointing leading to loosening up Coke's billion dollar a year advertising bankroll. [Some years ago, we showed how a local TV station in Chicago, Channel 5, WMAQ-TV, an NBC unit, did a series scandalizing Sears Roebuck & Co., basically because Sears was holding back ad bucks.]
And get this angle The Miedzianowski case secretly involves the American CIA, details covered up by Judge Manning. The background of many of the Tribune Company's correspondents and such is that they come out of U.S. Military Intelligence, the CIA's competitor. So the Tribune Company has a number of reasons to privately blackmail Chicago U.S. District Judge Blanche M. Manning.

Sarcastic sorts crow, if Coke does not bubble up with more ads for the Tribune Company---well, Tribune may order any Coke machines to suddenly disappear from Trib's premises. Or sternly order Tribune employees to drink Royal Crown Cola instead. NOT Pepsi-Cola, falsely described as a "competitor" of Coke, yet Coke and Pepsi are run and owned by the same folks. Ha ha. Stories like this take the fizz out of the soda monster. Stay tuned.


COCA-COLA, THE CIA, and the COURTS Part Five of a Series

Part Five of a Series
by Sherman H. Skolnick
It was set to be a crucial hearing in the media-ignored Coca-Cola case in Chicago's federal district court. U.S. District Judge Blanche M. Manning [(312) 435-7608] was determined NOT to hear in open court on August 22, 2000, that Coca-Cola had a reputed spy in the camp of their opponent, Robert E. Kolody, who was sueing Coke for theft of his storyboards and designs. In law, his claim is called theft of intellectual property.
The monopoly press, beholden to major advertiser Coca-Cola, has purposely evaded reporting on this case. Kolody's out-of-state attorney, Dan Ivy, had on August 9, bravely filed a Motion demanding the Judge expunge all her rulings favoring Coke, since the reputed spy reportedly conveyed confidential legal strategies of Kolody to his opponent, Coke. It is called Fraud Upon the Court, an unusual procedure that makes most of those of the bench and the bar plenty nervous. Kolody's required "local counsel", Daniel V. Hanley, the reputed spy, in the presence of witnesses, had confessed to me that Coca-Cola knew Kolody's court strategies because Hanley's sister is media buyer for Coca-Cola.
The court-filed Motion with my signed Declaration attached, among other things, pointed out [1] That power-broker, and gambling casino overlord, WILLIAM F. CELLINI, reportedly paid one million dollars to buy in 1994 the federal court judgeship for Blanche M. Manning. The pay-off reportedly made through then-U.S. Senator Carol Moseley-Braun. [Braun lost the re-election in 1998 because of growing scandlas she could not explain away. As to Buying a Judgeship, visit my website.] Cellini reportedly is linked to the nationwide criminal cartel. [2] My Declaration transcribed two interviews, done in the presence of witnesses, of Daniel V. Hanley. [3] That the Tribune Company, parent of the Chicago Tribune, and their media empire, have been blackmailing Judge Manning by seeking to intervene, as of right they claimed, without publicity, in another one of Judge Manning's cases. To point out that the Judge engaged in secret proceedings without notice, and censored and redacted court records, as part of an apparent cover-up. As later determined, the Tribune Company wanted to pressure Judge Manning, and Coke's media buyer, MARY HANLEY, so Tribune would get more advertising bucks from Coca-Cola. With the merger with the Los Angeles Times, Tribune Company got more heavily in debt. Getting a big share of Coke's billion dollars a year advertising slush fund would help Tribune Company and their banks.
Prior to the show-down August 22 hearing, Judge Manning jumped the gun and rejected the Fraud Upon the Court Motion out of hand. The Judge issued a ruling loaded with what Dan Ivy later on August 22, described in court to her face, as her "judicial perjuries". Identified by Dan Ivy were how, to try to cover up and evade, the Fraud Upon the Court, involving the Judge herself, that she sraight out lied. The Judge falsely described the Motion as one to disqualify herself. No such thing in the Motion. Ivy confronted the Judge with a string of her lies. The Judge resisted allowing the witnesses against the reputed spy to be heard. The witnesses were all present in the courtroom.
Notice the time-line Prior to the key hearing, Daniel V. Hanley informed Kolody that Hanley's sister, Coke media buyer Mary Hanley, is going out of the country, to Ireland. Would she be available as a witness? Her testimony could scandalize her company, DDB advertising agency, in matters that involve both Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola. [More later.] Prior to the key hearing, in a business column 8/15/00, in the Chicago Tribune, it is announced that Mary Hanley of DDB Chicago has been elected Senior Vice President and is a group media director.
By the way, as Coke's media buyer, Mary Hanley has tremendous clout as to who in the mass media get part of Coke's billion dollars a year ad bucks.
After resisting hearing the witnesses, Judge Manning suddenly leaves the bench, presumably to get instructions from "higher ups". In the recess, six federal security patrol officers enter the Courtroom. An excuse supposedly is that the Judge will briefly divert a few minutes to sentence a jail-bird, in an orange prison jumpsuit, brought in through a side door. After the brief diversion, however, the federal police do not leave. Judge Manning then tries to intimidate me demanding I roll my wheelchair to the rear of the courtroom. I told her I am an electronic journalist and wish to be upfront to observe and hear good. One of the federal police stands up and started over to me, to forceably remove me. Under threat, I rolled over to sit right near one of the federals with his intercom in his ear.
Suddenly the Judge changes her mind and the witnesses were called such as me. I was asked what I do. Looking right at Judge Manning, I told her I investigate crooked judges for the purpose of putting them in jail. Pointing to the reputed spy for Coca-Cola who confessed to me in the presence of others, I detailed what was said. The reputed spy did not, however, appear to deny my interviews with him about his sister.
In the Kolody case, the two defendants are The Coca-Cola Company and their marketing adjunct, Simon Marketing. Simon's alleged attorney was asked why she did not inform the Court that Simon had merged and is now part of Cyrk, Inc. The attorney, Jacqueline A. Criswell [law firm Tressler, Soderstrom, Maloney & Priess(312) 627-4000] told Judge Manning that she did not know of the merger.
Apparently not adequately revealed in the Court record is that Criswell does NOT represent Simon Marketing but rather, the insurance carrier under an errors and omission policy carried by many corporations. And the name of the insurance company has not been disclosed in the Court record. Also, Cyrk has reportedly failed to inform the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission of the Kolody suit as required by SEC regulations.
>From all the known facts, it appears that there may be a scam underway to rip off the insurance carrier. No great surprise. Illinois and Texas are havens for pirate insurance companies aand havens for massive insurance frauds, because of crooked state insurance regulators. Coke appears to be fraudulently shifting the multi-million dollar damage claim against them, for theft of intellectual property, so their former marketing adjunct, Simon, would take the blame to be underwritten by the insurance company.
Coca-Cola's advertising agency DDB, may be part of a huge price-fixing and market-tampering mess. Advertising agencies become privy to tremendous financial and political secrets of their clients. Such as the market demographics. Data on profiling would-be customers. Price trends. Political trends that effect marketing products. Problems needed to be "fixed" and judges and others necessary to be corrupted, for the benefit of their clients. Where the product sells the best, so as to put a related business unit right nearby. Point-of-purchase strategies.
Closely scrutinizing DDB's website is helpful http//www.ddbn.com
DDB, once called Needham, has been trying to stay low-key on the fact that they represent PEPSI-COLA at the same time they represent their alleged "competitor" COCA-COLA. That sort of an arrangement is both unethical and may well be a violation of the U.S. Anti-Trust laws. The purpose is to freeze out smaller companies like Royal Crown Cola and others, with Pepsi and Coke together controlling the prices among themselves, dividing up markets among themselves, setting the wholesale price per-case of soda pop in a way to screw smaller firms, and then jacking up the price for themselves, and similar federal price-fixing and market-fixing law violations. An open secret, never mentioned in the monopoly press, is that Coke and Pepsi are substantially owned and operated by the same people.
Two days after the key hearing on Coke's reputed spy, the Chicago Tribune continues their Blackmail Machine. The apparent purpose is not to help Robert E. Kolody fight the injustice inflicted on him by Judge Manning but rather, for the Tribune Company to continue to shakedown Coke's advertising agency, DDB, to get more ad bucks for the Tribune empire of numerous print media newspapers, TV stations, radio stations, magazines, and a great number of advertising-sponsored websites.
The Trib blackmail story was on their front page, 8/24/2000. The Tribune announced a matter that had so far been kept secret That there had been a huge Illinois State contract swindle prosecution that actually involved top officials of then-Illinois Governor Jim Edgar [1991-1999] "The list of those linked by prosecutors to the scandal but not charged included Michael Belletire, Edgar's deputy chief of staff and later head of the ILLINOIS GAMING BOARD; JANIS CELLINI, Edgar's patronage chief AND SISTER OF SPRINGFIELD POWER BROKER WILLIAM CELLINI..." (Emphasis added.)
Notice the tie-in to the Coca-Cola case A gambling casino kingpin, reputedly part of the nationwide crime cartel, William F. Cellini, reportedly bought the Judgeship for Blanche M. Manning sitting in the Coca-Cola case. One of those reportedly covering up dirty business in gambling casinos for Cellini what later became head of the Illinois Gambing Board is now named as having been an unindicted co-conspirator. That is, the prosecutor, splitting hairs because of being corrupted or otherwise inflluenced, left him off the jhook. And then the Tribune names William F. Cellini's sister, JANIS CELLINI, as one who somehow escaped being actually prosecuted and jailed.
Do you suppose that William F. Cellini and the Coca-Cola gang and their ad bucks controller DDB, and Mary Hanley, media buyer for Coca-Cola, along with Judge Manning, got the message? See to it, they are told, that the Tribune Company gets their "cut" of the Coke billion dollars a year ad bucks, or else, more judicial dirt and Cellini scandals will be published.

So what is next? The WORLD GREEDIEST NEWSPAPER suddenly and belatedly finding out that there is an insurance scam reportedly implicating a marketing adjunct of Coca-Cola? Or that DDB advertising agency is concealing an apparent horrendous price-fixing mess involving both Pepsi and Coke? Stay tuned.


COCA-COLA, THE CIA, and the COURTS Part Six of a Series

Part Six of a Series
by Sherman H. Skolnick
One of the hardest things to understand for poorly informed folks is that the law and the facts are not the controlling factors in important cases in Court. Mind you, not every case is corrupted or "fixed". Too often, however, the big ones show signs there has been a malign, if not corrupt, influence on the Judge or Judges involved.
Our court reform group, targetting court corruption, has been active for four decades. We know what to look for. The assignment of cases, is, to us, a key sign.
We have been writing and commenting, and did a one-hour Cable TV Program, on the corruption in the case against The Coca-Cola Company, in Chicago's notorious federal district court. With no exceptions, every judgeship in the place has been bought and sold over the years. [Visit onur website story, Buying a Judgeship.]
The case against Coca-Cola was brought in January, 1997, by a Nebraska attorney, John DeCamp, with long prior experience with the American CIA. [The plaintiff, Robert E. Kolody, found it difficult to get a local attorney.] DeCamp was in a position to understand plenty. He was in a position to know that this important case in Chicago, involving claims against the soda pop monster for theft of intellectual property, storyboards and designs, would be difficult to continue. Any plaintiff's attorney might get chewed up and spit out, especially by Coca-Cola, a worldwide adjunct and proprietary operation of the American CIA.
By the corrupt process of random magic, instead of random selection, the Coca-Cola case was assigned to Chicago U.S. District Judge Blanche M. Manning [(312) 435-7608]. And the road to reportedly blackmailing her, to favor Coca-Cola, was already built. Running on that road was waste hauler John Christopher who had a criminal past with reputed ties to organized crime. He agreed to be an FBI "mole" and to wear a "wire" to target some of Chicago's City Officials, known as "the best that money can buy". The FBI/U.S. Justice Department project was dubbed "Silver Shovel". Screwing the residents in their own districts with poisonous waste, various city council Aldermen took apparent pay-offs or reportedly extorted pay-offs from Christopher, so he could illegally dump huge waste in their neighborhoods. Left-over construction junk. This was primarily or exclusively in poor black areas, with an empty lot or two, areas without financial or political clout. By the way, after the FBI dust had settled, the U.S. Government did NOT quickly offer to haul away all the toxic mess that Christopher unloaded, often right near populated inner city areas.
"Silver Shovel" was a headlined scandal in the local press starting about January, 1996. By the time the Coca-Cola case got started a year later, City of Chicago Commissioner of Water, John Bolden, was targeted for federal criminal prosecution in "Silver Shovel". His and the soda pop case were both pending before Judge Manning. Commissioner Bolden's defense attorney, James Montgomery, was reportedly a close crony of Judge Manning. It was obvious to savvy sorts what might happen. Montgomery reportedly had ties of some sort over the years with Nevada gambling casino gangsters. Reportedly part of the crime cartel and a big-time owner of gambling casinos, William F. Cellini reportedly had bought the federal judgeship for Manning, paying some one million dollars through then U.S. Senator Carol Moseley-Braun [D., Ill.].
John DeCamp, in a position reportedly to understand a few things about Coca-Cola and the CIA and the Chicago federal judges, withdrew from the newly started case against Coke, in July, 1997. A few weeks later, started the federal criminal trial USA vs. John Bolden. Same Judge.
Anyone knowing a lot about court knows that even trials by jury can be "fixed" or sabotaged by the trial Judge. Such as, by the Judge keeping out key evidence as being "inadmissible", by manipulating the dates and circumstances of the jury procedures. By slanting the court procedures against the prosecutors and in favor of the criminal defendant. By scheduling the jury under peculiar circumstances. In September, 1997, the jury in the Bolden case came back with a split verdict. Guilty on tax evasion, wherein Bolden could get, at most, six months in prison. They acquitted Bolden on the more serious charges of extortion.
John Bolden was a bigshot making as much as 90 thousand dollars a year as Commissioner of Water for City of Chicago. [And perhaps much more as pay-offs to influence his official position.] He was a big fish. The team that helped put together the charges against Bolden were and are livid. Why? They contend that Judge Manning, to go easy on Water Commissioner Bolden, got a financial benefit that some might construe as a bribe. The team, in plain language, grumbles loud enough for others to hear, that U.S. District Judge Blanche M. Manning is a crook, whose chair reportedly was bought for her by a crook, and that she belongs in prison, along with the one who bought her the Judgesghip. ]
To understand this story fully, you have to understand the realities of political and financial power. Those who put together criminal charges are most often NOT concerned about bribes to Judges in CIVIL cases. So, if Judge Manning had been bribed or corruptly influenced or blackmailed in the CIVIL case, the one against Coca-Cola, well, the team is NOT concerned. In the Water Commissioner's case, Judge Manning made the same mistake, however, as Chicago Federal Appeals Judge Otto Kerner, Jr., in 1969. He had reportedly taken a huge bribe in a CIVIL case, involving a five million dollar claim regarding a pet food company. The matter, however, that instigated the federal criminal charges aagainst Judge Kerner was that he had been corrupted to turn loose the Silver-Hi-Jacking Gang, an important federal CRIMINAL case.
A federal judge is a fool to counter the prosecutors in a federal criminal case. A federal judge who takes bribes or financial benefits or is corruptly influenced or blackmailed, in a CIVIL case, most likely stays peacefully and quietly on the bench until he or she retires or croaks.
The other some two dozen U.S. District Judges that sit with Judge Manning in the federal courthouse in Chicago are just as corrupt as Manning. EXCEPT, they do not screw or sabotage or sabotage CRIMINAL cases. [This is not a blanket generality. I could detail their crimes as well, one by one.]
Judge Kerner learned the hard way the number one unwritten law that applies to crooked judges YOU DO NOT SCREW AROUND WITH CRIMINAL CASES,only civil cases.
Our group, by the way, was instrumental in getting Kerner put in prison. He was the highest ranking sitting federal judge to be sent to jail for bribery in U.S. history. Also sent to jail with him, by our work, was his crony, the former Director of the Illinois Department of Revenue, the highest Illinois state tax collector, Theodore J. Isaacs. When I publicly accused Kerner, he tried to get a fellow judge to jail me for contempt of court. Kerner held a press conference and all the local media carried his statement calling me a "liar". But get this, he died an ex-convict. So who was lying after all?
Here are a few questions to think about [1] Were and are Coca-Cola's hotshot Chicago lawyers in a position to know that Judge Manning may be in big trouble and subject to blackmail, such as reportedly by Coke's lawyers, because of her role in the Water Commissioner's case. Coca-Cola's attorneys are Ms Laura Beth Miller, of Brinks, Hofer, Gilson & Lione [(312) 321-4715], E-mail lmiller@brinkshofer.com FAX(312) 321-4299. [2] Why is nothing done about Simon Marketing, a marketing adjunct of Coca-Cola and also defendant with them? The one in court that purports to represent Simon Marketing, reportedly actually represents the insurance carrier. Are they committing a fraud upon the court? Simon Marketing merged with Cyrk, Inc., not shown in the Court record. Purporting to represent Simon Marketing is Jacqueline A. Criswell (312) 627-4000 E-Mail jcriswell@mail.tsmp.com FAX (312) 627-1717, of Tressler, Soderstrom, Maloney & Priess. [3] Why did Judge Manning have six federal police in her courtroom, to intimidate me, when I testified at a hearing as to my investigations in respect to Judge Manning and the Coca-Cola case? [4] The other judges in the federal courthouse with Judge Manning know better than to sabotage or corruptly screw up the prosecutors in a federal criminal case. How is it that she does not realize she on the road to possible disaster? Did she flunk out of Crooked Judge 101? The other crooked judges in her courthouse have all passed the test. They are each as corrupt as her but know how to survive as a corrupt judge.

Cynics claim that the School for training Corrupt Judges how to survive, is financed, in part, by gambling casino loot. Wise bookies are refusing bets, however, on Judge Manning, a judicial school drop-out. Do we know who actually runs such a school? You betcha. Stay tuned.


COCA-COLA, THE CIA, and the COURTS Part Seven of a Series

Part Seven of a Series
by Sherman H. Skolnick
A real-life drama and the players
ROBERT E. KOLODY- For upwards of ten years a local lawyer he trusted, DANIEL V. HANLEY, reportedly elicited from Kolody details of his legal strategy plans. Kolody contends that The Coca-Cola Company and their marketing adjunct, Simon Marketing, stole Kolody's intellectual property, being storyboards and designs. Kolody had difficulty getting a Chicago-area attorney to pursue his claims. Since 1997, Kolody's case has been in the U.S. District Court in Chicago, No. 97 C 190.
In February, 1999, Kolody retained Dan Ivy, an outspoken attorney from Arkansas. As required under the local federal rules in Chicago, Ivy designated Hanley as "local counsel", meaning Hanley has to be informed of all proposed court filings and procedures.
SHERMAN H. SKOLNICK- As a long-time court reformer and TV Show moderator/producer I began investigating the Coca-Cola case. In May, 2000, in the presence of Ivy and Kolody, I interview Hanley
Skolnick "Does Coca-Cola and their attorneys know the legal strategy of Robert Kolody and his attorney Dan Ivy here?"
Daniel V. Hanley "Yes".
Skolnick "Really? How could they know?"
Hanley "My sister is MEDIA BUYER FOR COCA-COLA." (Emphasis added.) From the signed court Declaration by Skolnick and Skolnick's court testimony made in the presence of Daniel V. Hanley, 8/22/00.
After the May interview, I find out that his sister, Mary Hanley, is Associate Media Director at the advertising agency DDB, with offices worldwide. And get this DDB represents both Coca-Cola and their alleged "competitor" Pepsi-Cola, an apparent Anti-Trust violation situation.
TRIBUNE COMPANY- As the parent firm of the Tribune media empire, the Tribune Company owns the CHICAGO TRIBUNE, THE LOS ANGELES TIMES, and other newspapers around the country as well as numerous radio and TV stations. Tribune Company is reportedly trying to strong-arm COCA-COLA for more advertising dollars, by reportedly leaning on DDB. But Tribune has not been interested in publicizing the Kolody suit against Coca-Cola.
U.S. DISTRICT JUDGE BLANCHE M. MANNING, Chicago- The Tribune, without publicity in their newspapers, radio, and TV, has sought to intervene in one of Judge Manning's criminal cases to accuse her of secret proceedings and other unlawful acts and doings. [See previous parts of this series.] The apparent purpose? To blackmail the Judge and put pressure on Coca-Cola and DDB for more ad bucks, to relieve the Tribune's huge debt overhang caused by merging with the Los Angeles Times.
In a series of court-filed Motions by Kolody, he documents how Judge Manning has been stuffing the Court records with "judicial perjuries", straight out lies used to justify arbitrary and corrupt rulings favoring Coca-Cola.
GEORGE LAZARUS- As the Chicago Tribune's long-time, widely-read columnist on marketing and advertising, Lazarus on 8/15/00, runs an item "Mary Hanley, a group media director of DDB Chicago, was elected a senior VP of the agency" and includes a picture of her.
MARY HANLEY- Selected to be a top official of DDB Advertising, she is reportedly unavailable to be a witness at an important hearing in Kolody's case set for 8/22/00. Her brother, DANIEL V. HANLEY tells Kolody and Skolnick, in a conference call, that Mary Hanley is leaving the country for Ireland. Later, Hanley tells them she will be back in 15 days. [Is there a link to the IRA? See previous parts of this series.]
While Kolody is listening on the phone, Skolnick interviews JILL ZEMANSKI, private secretary of Mary Hanley. Jill confirms that Mary Hanley represents COCA-COLA COMPANY.
THE HEARING ON AUGUST 22, 2000- Informed by attorney Ivy that there are in Court present two witnesses, Skolnick and Kolody, prepared to testify that Judge Manning is committing a fraud upon her own Court in the Coca-Cola case, Judge Manning brings into the courtroom SIX FEDERAL POLICE to menace and intimidate Skolnick sitting in his wheelchair.
The purpose of the hearing? For Judge Manning to hear and consider whether she herself has committed a fraud upon her own Court through the Judge falsifying the facts and filling the Court records with her "judicial perjuries". The Judge does NOT seem to understand that such a hearing with her presiding, is outlawed by Anglo-Saxon law, that is, for a person TO SIT AS A JUDGE IN THEIR OWN CASE.
Ivy tells the Judge that the remedy he and his client Kolody seek is for the Judge to expunge from the Court records all of Judge Manning's rulings favoring The Coca-Cola Company and Simon Marketing. Judge Manning said she will take the matter of her own fraud upon the Court and instances brought up of newly discovered evidence, "under advisement". [The foregoing is shown in the Report of Proceedings of her Court, of 8/22/00.]
Following the hearing, the Broadsides Cable TV Program sends an envoy to Tribune columnist GEORGE LAZARUS informing him what is happening in Court as to The Coca-Cola Company, Mary Hanley, and DDB advertising. He expresses an interest that he is going to follow up the matter for his column. [Or, are his bosses at the Tribune intending to over-rule him and pursue thair reported blackmailing of DDB, Judge Manning, Coca-Cola, and others, to shake-down more ad bucks for The Tribune Company?]
In a Court order dated 8/29/00, Judge Manning issues a nine-page ruling with more of her falsified facts and "judicial perjuries", contending she finds that she has NOT committed a fraud upon her own Court. [An obvious ruling by someone sitting as a Judge in their own case.] As to some of the prior rulings, Ivy files a Notice of Appeal on August 31,2000.
Among the issues involved in the case against Coca-Cola That the Coca-Cola Company allowed their copyright to lapse and it is now owned by Kolody as shown by documents of the U.S. Copyright office. That Coca-Cola has in respect to this litigation committed a fraud by not reporting it to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that regulates listed stock such as that of Coke.
Several weeks in the works was a story published in the much-watched Tempo Section of the Chicago Tribune, usually published on a Thursday. Published on Thursday, September 7, 2000, was a lengthy Tempo story about various other soda pop companies. In quoting a seller of a flavored foreign pop called Tarhun "People believe Tarhun is good for you and Coke is bad for you". Then further quoting the seller, "For instance, have you ever seen what happens when you put a chicken liver in a glass of Coke?" In so doing, the Tribune was taking a swipe at Coke to reportedly shake them and DDB down for more ad bucks.
While they were commenting, the Tribune could have added that Coca-Cola can be a substitute for DRANO to clear out your home plumbing.
The very next day, Friday, September 8, 2000, player GEORGE LAZARUS was found dead on the commuter train he took each day to the Tribune offices. In a lengthy story Saturday, September 9, 2000, a sort of obituary, headlined "Veteran Business Columnist George Lazarus Dies", the Tribune stated "His daily column, put together through an indomitable force of will for 39 years, all but 11 of them at the Tribune, was practically Holy Writ for executives in the marketing and advertising business in Chicago".
Then the Tribune adds this strange sort of cynical humor "WE WERE SURE HE WAS HIDING IN OUR RESTROOMS", said DDB WORLDWIDE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER KEITH REINHARD. "MANY TIMES, WE COULDN'T FIGURE OUT HOW HE GOT THE STORY." (Emphasis added.) Did someone plant that item in that obituary to take the glare of possible foul play off of themselves and DDB and the Tribune and all the matters discussed in this series?
The Tribune story stated, "A Metra [commuter train] employee found him Friday morning, slumped in his seat on his way to work, his customary collection of morning newspapers still in his lap. He had died on his morning commute from his Flossmoor home to his office downtown."
Some of his buddies, however, have confided to us that they are convinced that GEORGE LAZARUS was murdered. One media homcho, poorly informed and naive, said "Was he shot with a gun?" a foolish question in the current era of political assassination. [Evidently, they never read the reports by CIA to Congressional intelligence committees about cyanide pistols and potassium killer devices.]
Did the Tribune want their own reporter DEAD? There is the unsolved crime of about 1930, involving a Tribune reporter, Jake Lingle, who was shaking down mobsters and others to hush up stories. He was bumped off by being shot in a public place. {It may be a small item but Lazarus lived among the numerous hoodlums in the south suburb of Flossmoor.]
So you thought that mass media reporters are only knocked off in Mexico? Ha, ha. Lazarus was reportedly pursuing some of the issues raised by our series Was the highly corrupt U.S. Justice Department going to finally take an interest that Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola are owned and operated by substantially the same people? That they are a price-fixing monopoly designed to wreck other smaller soft drink beverage firms like R C Cola. And that DDB advertising represents both of the two major soda pop companies, Coca-Cola and Pepso-Cola.

So how many more are they going to have to assassinate to cover up the Coca-Cola espionage and corruption scandals? Stay tuned.



Part One of a series
12/31/00 by Sherman H. Skolnick
In the year 2000 Presidential alleged "Election", upwards of 51 million voters nationwide voted for Albert Gore, Jr. He won the national popular vote by some 500,000 votes. In their heart of hearts, some of those voters will always consider Gore as "President De Facto" and pronounce the name of his opponent as George W. BushFRAUD, as an illegitimate occupier of the Oval Office.
In previous stories, I pointed out how the presidential alleged "election" played out strangely similar to that of 1876, when Samuel Tilden ran against Rutherford B. Hayes. Tilden won the popular vote and for the rest of his life, considered himself as having been the actual elected President. Winning by one Electoral College vote, approved by a Congressional Electoral Commission, the tie vote of which was bribed, Hayes served in the White House as a one-term President. Some called him names similar to RutherFRAUD or bitterly toasted him as "To His Fraudulency".
There are strange coincidences when you compare the events in Gore Vidal's book "1876". First published in 1976, the book was re-issued in softcover just prior to the year 2000 alleged "election". Bribery and fraud of the State Election overseers in FLORIDA was an instrumental part of Hayes seizure of power. And some persist in claiming the same as to George W. Bush. In his Texas home, Bush has bookshelves in his dining room with---you guessed it!---historical novels by Gore Vidal. [Time Magazine, 12/25/00, page 64.] Coincidence?
Some contend in dark and sinister tones that the year 2000 alleged "election" was orchestrated by the super computers using a marketing formula, called "hypothesis averaging". This done, under the supervision of the former head of America's secret political police, the Elder Bush. Were these secret methods used to disenfranchise, nationwide, some two million black voters whose ballots were tossed out by machines as supposedly "defective"? And were these mechanisms, using undisclosed proprietary codes, hooked clandestinely to satellites under the control of the super-secret National Reconnaissance Office, NRO? A high percentage of the supposedly "not valid" Afro-American ballots would have been for Gore.
As the propaganda horn for the Establishment, how would the oil-soaked monopoly press explain away THAT large of a plurality in the national popular vote for Gore as President? So the black vote had to be scrapped.[On the TV networks, by unwritten policy, IF a black reads you the news, they have to be light-skinned and/or look like a doll and resemble a store mannequin.]
One of those turning down an offer by Bush of a Cabinet position was Montana Governor Marc Racicot [(406)444-3111]. Some believe he had too much dirty baggage that even the highly corrupt FBI could not whitewash. Perhaps Bush sought to explain away the shadows. "In an interview with TIME last week, Bush singled out one Governor in particular for praise Racicot of Montana, who emerged during the Florida fiasco as a take-no-prisoners surrogate for the Governor. Racicot's accusation that Gore had declared war on U.S. troops by trying to toss out their absentee ballots has already made him a target among some Democrats on Capitol Hill. But Bush is unbowed and is considering the former state attorney general for Justice or Interior.'He's a genuinely good person', said Bush, 'a genuine guy. I promise you that whatever position he's in, he'll be a star--in a very quiet and humble way. He'll be a great success' " [Time Magazine, 12/25/00-1/1/2001, pp.91-92.]
Whatever election fraud may have occurred in Florida favoring Bush, some contend Racicot was the orchestra leader thereof. Investigators and journalists in upper Montana have claimed that high-level Montana State officials are implicated in the growing dope traffic from Canada through Montana. AND, that Governor Racicot is himself directly involved in a cover up of this criminality. Canadian authorities have sought to reportedly apprehend an FBI official charging him with being a kingpin in the cross-border narcotics. Is it just another coincidence that this U.S. secret police official has been stationed in FLORIDA but has links to the Montana/Canada border area in question?
As we showed in previous website stories, the Elder Bush and his sons have 25 secret bank accounts, worldwide. [See "Greenspan Reportedly Aids and Bribes George Bush and Family", with attached Federal Reserve secret wire transfer records by which the Bush family launders billions and billions of dollars from illicit proceeds from dope and weapons smuggling.]
Perhaps some have forgotten how the Bush gang committed treason. The Elder Bush, Richard Cheney, James Baker 3rd, and General Colin Powell were implicated in secretly arming Iraq even with nuclear weapons items and ingredients for poison gas. See the book, "Spider's Web---The Secret History of How the White House Illegally Armed Iraq" by Alan Friedman. Bantam Books, December, 1993.
One of the most explosive situations reportedly implicates Governor Tommy Thompson, appointed by alleged President Bush as the Secretary of Health and Human Services to replace out-going Clinton appointee Donna E. Shalala. It all revolves around a huge reputed CIA espionage slush fund, from Switzerland reportedly operating without legal authority in Wisconsin through the criminality of Governor Tommy Thompson. The billions and billions of dollars has been called by an innocent-sounding name, Childrens' Defense Fund. Playing a key role in the dirty business reportedly was Donna E. Shalala, starting when she was Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin at Madison and continuing when she was Secretary of Health and Human Services, HHS.
The Foundation/Trust specializes in illegally skimming funds off the Medicare Program and funneling the proceeds through hospitals and health programs that disregard legalities. Part of it operates through Rockefeller's University of Chicago Hospitals. [See our website series about the Red Chinese Secret Police in the United States. And how these hospitals reportedly buy and sell human body parts---hearts, kidneys, lungs, and such---harvested from Red Chinese dissidents condemned to death as the orders for these body parts come in.]
Some of the billions of dollars of the Childrens' Defense Fund are secretly used to margin soybean speculations by Red Chinese and others, through five commodity brokers [we intend to name names later in this series], Chicago and New York; specializing in illegal "no-due-diligence" secret Red Chinese accounts. Also the assets of the Childrens' Defense Fund are reportedly skimmed off and laundered through so-called "segregated accounts", more or less guaranteed quietly, dollar for dollar in the billions of dollars, by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. [Long time maestro of the "Merc" as it is called, has been once-Chairman Leo Melamed, raised in China and reportedly speaks fluent Chinese.]
Another key player reportedly in these Medicare/hospitals/Red Chinese/Chicago Mercantile Exchange swindles has been Rahm Emanuel, reputed deputy North American Director of Israeli intelligence, the Mossad. Off and on for six years, he was Clinton White House Senior Advisor. An expert reportedly in extortion and blackmail, Rahm has been a major election campaign fund-raiser by arm-twisting. He went on to a top position in Chicago with a supposed "investment banker", Wasserstein Perella, now merged with a German bank.
An official of the Childrens' Defense Fund has been Hillary Rodham Clinton, elected from New York to the U.S. Senate. Her reputed lover and law partner, in the Rose Law Firm, Little Rock, was Vincent W. Foster, Jr., for a few months in 1993 being Clinton White House Deputy Counsel. Foster was the courier and "bagman" for the Fund, traveling widely, prior to the White House job, Little Rock, Wisconsin, Chicago, Switzerland, Russia. He started in July, 1993, to turn over incriminating records of the Childrens' Defense Fund as a huge money laundry, to the then FBI Director, William Sessions. The day before Foster's body was found in Fort Marcy Park, Virginia, Sessions was unceremoniously sacked on ridiculous charges that he defrauded the government by taking his wife along on one of his FBI office plane flights. Some of those original records did get into Sessions possession and he formed elite units to investigate, for criminality, both George Herbert Walker Bush and his sons as well as the Bush Family cronies Bill and Hillary Clinton. Foster was murdered because of the massive Medicare/hospital/State Government/commodity markets fraud as well as for other reasons. [See other details of the Foster murder on our website, "Greenspan Reportedly Aids and Bribes the George Bush Family", Part Four of the series.]
For safe-keeping, Sessions parked the original records documenting massive fraud of the Fund, in the Alfred Murrah Federal Office Building in Oklahoma City. The records were destroyed in the multiple bombings, internal and external, of the building, on April 19, 1995. There is substantial reason to believe the FBI and the U.S. Treasury's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Fire-Arms, BATF, allowed a foreign unit, tied to Iraq with American surrogates as dupes, to bomb the building. Not only to destroy the records but to be used by Clinton as an excuse to restore his power following the 1994 Congressional Election debacle and clamp down on American dissidents falsely blamed for the disaster.
Naive people do not understand the overlap between the reputed crimes by Bill and Hillary Clinton and those supposedly investigating them. For over four years as the supposed "Independent Counsel", Kenneth W. Starr pursued the Clintons. The only items that Starr saw fit to publicize were the sex episodes of Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. Hemmed in by numerous conflicts of interest, Independent Counsel Starr was not about to open up a real can of worms. And who was the attorney for the infamous Childrens' Defense Fund, acting as supervisor and strategist? Why, none other than Kenneth W. Starr. You can understand why Starr committed a fraud upon the American people by stating that Vincent W. Foster, Jr., died as a "suicide", when there are substantial contradictions, showing Foster, and his role with the Childrens' Defense fund, was more likely murdered.
So the role of Tommy Thompson reportedly is quite simple to continue the cover up of the massive fraud implicating the Childrens' Defense Fund, continuing the same of his confederate, Donna E. Shalala. As head, like she was, of the Department of Health and Human Services, Thompson is in a perfect position to perpetuate a fraud on the American people. Was George W. Bush simply incompetent in having as his surrogate reputed dope trafficker Marc Racicot? And appointing Tommy Thompson to keep the lid on the CIA money laundering swindles, like Childrens' Defense Fund? Or did George W. with his father supervising him, know quite well what he was doing.

If the Liars and Whores of the Press had all along publicized these crimes, most common Americans, regardless of political party, would most likely agree to be taxed for a new, large jail to house this New/Old White House Gang. Stay tuned.



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WASHINGTON — A witness at a congressional hearing today on IRS targeting of conservative organizations claims he has proof the agency illegally leaked confidential information.
“I would call the disclosure of our donor lists by the IRS a felony,” charged John Eastman, chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, or NOM, in Washington, D.C., in emotionally charged testimony Tuesday before the House Ways and Means Committee .
Eastman testified that the organization’s IRS Form 990 tax return, which lists its donors, was published on the website of the Human Rights Campaign, a “gay-rights” advocacy group.
He claimed to have proof the IRS leaked his organization’s confidential donor list under questioning by Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis.
Eastman said “forensic” specialists within his organization had stripped layers from the document posted on the HRC website to identify “meta-data,” or unseen embedded code, that identified the document as having originated from within the IRS.
Eastman testified the “internal IRS stamps” in the meta-data of the NOM donor list provide  “proof” the document originated from within the IRS and was leaked to HRC to embarrass and “chill” NOM donors opposed to same-sex marriage.
“You can imagine our shock and disgust over this disclosure,” Eastman told the panel. “We jealously guard our donors.”
Eastman alleged the IRS leak of his organization’s non-public donor list was “a deliberate act” undertaken in a manner to avoid detection, a charge he said he was prepared to substantiate with evidence.
“This just smells and I hope this committee gets to the bottom of it,” he concluded.
According to the Daily Caller, NOM has forwarded allegations to the Treasury inspector general for tax administration, demanding to know whether or not the IRS was responsible for leaking to the HRC confidential donor information regarding a $10,000 contribution Mitt Romney made to NOM in 2008.
Rep. Dave Camp, R-Mich., chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, called the hearing to have six conservative groups detail the IRS bias they allegedly experienced in their application for tax-exempt status.
“They are Americans who did what we ask people to do every day, add their voice to the dialogue that defines our country,” Camp said.
“And for pursuing that passion, for simply exercising their First Amendment rights , the freedoms of association, expression and religion , the IRS singled them out,” he added.
Ryan added to his earlier fireworks when he objected to a statement by Rep. Jim McDermott, D–Wash., that the IRS delays could be explained by administrative errors and that there would have been no allegations that First Amendment rights had been compromised by the IRS had the groups not chosen to apply for tax-exempt status.
“The charge here is that these groups were targeted for the political beliefs,” Ryan stated for the record, directly countering McDermott’s statement.
Witnesses vividly described abuse at the hands of their own government.
“It was frightening to have the IRS inquire about the details of our protests in front of Planned Parenthood offices,” testified Sue Martinek of the Coalition for Life of Iowa of Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
“As Christians, we know we needed to pray for better solutions for unplanned pregnancies,” she said.
A particularly poignant moment came when Becky Gerritson, president of the Wetumpka Tea Party in Alabama, was unable to hold back tears and told lawmakers, “I’m a born-free American woman.”
Her voice cracking but firm, she continued, “I’m telling my government, you’ve forgotten your place.”
Dianne Belsom, president of the Laurens County Tea Party in South Carolina described the long delays her group endured.
“Nearly three years in waiting for an answer is totally unacceptable,” she said.
“I’d like to note that our group is a small-time operation with very little money and this represents a complete waste of time by the IRS in terms of any money they would collect if we were not tax-exempt,” said Belsom.
Among the other allegations made by the witnesses in their opening statements were that IRS questionnaires asked to self-report details of prayer meetings, required them to disclose the political activities of family members of the group founders, probed the political beliefs of the organizations’ founders, requested membership and donor lists, asked to see copies of internal communications and demanded detailed statements of the groups’ advocacy goals and political objectives.
“We have found a cancer in the office of the IRS in Cincinnati,” admitted Charles Rangel, D–N.Y., noting the investigation could lead to a grand jury examining criminal charges.
“What is intolerable is to have one set of rules for one political organization and another set of rules for another,” Eastman responded, rejecting the suggestion by Democrats on the committee that release of the NOM donor list could be explained by the inadvertent acts of a few rogue agents in the IRS Cincinnati office.
“We must protect the confidentiality that the law provides donors in order to prevent a chilling effect to their political participation,” he said.
The committee’s top Democrat, Rep. Sander Levin, said it was time to correct the IRS’s problems.
“You are owed an apology,” he told the witnesses in his opening statement.
“We say to you that each of us is committed to doing our part to ensure this does not happen again,” Levin promised.
However, he went on to advance a common Democratic Party theme, insisting the IRS scandal was being resolved now that acting IRS commissioner Steve Miller has been replaced by Obama administration appointee Dan Werfel and Treasury Secretary Lew has ordered a 30-day review to implement the recommendations in the inspector general’s report.
Counting the suggestion the IRS scandal would be resolved by these measures, several Republican members of the committee asked witnesses for the names of IRS agents who handled their applications for tax-exempt status. The intent is to call the IRS agents to Washington to testify before the committee.
House Ways and Means is one of three congressional committees investigating the IRS targeting of conservative groups. The Justice Department has begun a criminal investigation.
An audit by the inspector general of the Treasury Department found IRS agents in Cincinnati improperly targeted and gave extra scrutiny to conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status between 2010 and 2012.
As WND has reported, the targeting actually happened at IRS offices in a number of cities with guidance coming from Washington. And National Review has reported the IRS is still targeting conservative groups.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/06/tea-party-groups-testify-on-capitol-hill/#0XWdHqx2yJfAEi1D.99 

Brief Videotaped Response of "OPPT Eleven" in "Ethiopia" to Drake/Fulford

5:48am Jun 4

Singing like canaries IRS agents tell Issa their marching orders came from Washington

Singing like canaries

IRS agents tell Issa their marching orders came from Washington

By Dan Calabrese (Bio and Archives) Monday, June 3, 2013
This all reminds me of Benghazi. Remember the initial story - horrible guy who put a Mohammed video on YouTube - and how it soon became, er, inoperable as the real truth became obvious? The original story of the two rogue IRS agents in Cincinnati is starting to seem a little like that. Did they really try to tell that one? Eh, just forget they ever said it.

Especially now, when IRS agents are singing like a canary to Darrell Issa and his congressional investigators, and it’s clear the initial story was absurd and impossible. CBS News reports:
House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., citing the testimony of IRS employees who spoke to his committee behind closed doors, argued Sunday that the tax agency’s targeting of conservative groups was not the result of a few “rogue agents” in the Cincinnati field office, as the IRS and the Obama administration have insisted, but the product of a direct order from IRS headquarters in Washington.

“As late as last week, the administration’s still trying to say there’s a few rogue agents in Cincinnati,” Issa said on CNN. “When in fact the indication is they were directly being ordered from Washington.”

As evidence, Issa pointed to the testimony of IRS employees from the Cincinnati office who spoke to his committee and indicated that IRS headquarters in Washington requested a sample of applications from conservative groups for tax exempt status.

As to whether a couple of rogue agents could have pulled off such a stunt if they had wanted to, one IRS agent told Issa’s committee it would have been impossible:
“It’s impossible,” the employee explained. “As an agent we are controlled by many, many people. We have to submit many, many reports. So the chance of two agents being rogue and doing things like that could never happen.”

The interrogator followed up, asking, “With respect to the particular scrutiny that was given to Tea Party applications, those directions emanated from Washington, is that right?”
“I believe so,” replied the IRS employee.

So the administration’s story is falling apart by the day. On Saturday, Hot Air’s Ed Morrissey noted that the IRS locked down computers that might have information about the scandal. Just those couple of rogue agents, right? Uh, not exactly, as Ed notes that no less than 88 IRS employees had their computers locked down:

The IRS says that the number simply reflects their desire to be responsive, which would be a first, but that doesn’t pass the laugh test. If the practice was contained to just “a few” people working on their own without orders, there is no way that you’d haveeighty-eight peopleconnected to it. Unless the IRS wants to argue that it’s supervision is so poor and ineffective that 88 employees can conspire to target people for their political beliefs and no one in authority would have the first clue about it, that’s an absurd posture to take. Don’t bet against that argument getting rolled out at some point, though.

The attempt to blame low-level employees is classic Obama, and the quick collapse of the cover story is just as classic. The information Issa is getting from employees testifying under oath is going to become public eventually. The media will focus on whether there is evidence of direct involvement by Obama, but such evidence is not needed for this to be a huge scandal. It shows that an agency with a frightening degree of power over the lives of individual Americans is completely out of control, and abusing its power to serve the political interests of its bosses.

Whether Obama is directing this or is merely failing to prevent it, he is culpable either way. Rather than serving the people, under Obama the government is serving itself at the expense of the people. He is responsible for that, by definition.