Wednesday, June 5, 2013

December 2013/January 2014 the planet Ascends and becomes 4th dimensional?

December 2013/January 2014 the planet Ascends and becomes 4th dimensional?
Read the info from the websites below:

[link to]

December 3, 2013

Alex Collier 2008 Lecture.

Talking about his contacts with the Andromedans, Alex Collier makes reference to December 3rd, 2013. Mornay told him: "Now, after the blindness of 5,725 years, you and your Terra are about to regain yourselves. It will be such an unprecedented change that it will be difficult for many to grasp their own potential. It is the turning point on your world, which none of your planets forefathers were ever privilaged to experience."

Then here: [link to]

What about the people who wish to continue to live 3D, third dimensional lives. What about them?

ANSWER: First a point of reference - if people are physically on planet Earth in early January 2014 - they will, most will, at minimum become 4D, fourth dimensional, people. Some will, because of their soul & spirit origin essence, and current level of higher vibration, become 5D, fifth dimensional people. Please keep in mind, the raising of the vibrational frequency of this solar system, including planet Earth, is just part of its destiny, its planned evolution.

Now, as to the approximate fifty percent (50%) (+-5%) of the people who will want to choose to remain 3D and continue to live third dimensional lives: they will have the ability to choose, or not, keep in mind this is all about free will choice, to relocate to an alternative, pristine, virgin 3D world much like Earth was before it became industrialized. This planet is also located in the Milky Way galaxy like planet Earth. As to where it is located - think of this galaxy as a "pinwheel". With this pinwheel laying horizontally on it side, as a reference point, Earth is located at 7:00, on a spiral arm, as you would look at a round clock face. This new 3D world is located at around 10:00 on a clock face on a completely different pinwheel spiral arm. People who choose to travel to this world will be provided with an advanced notice for departure sometime during the Summer 2013, approximately five (5) months before January 2014. abductabduct

Then lastly, here: [link to]

Our Solar System and Earth's Future
- A 1995 Lecture by Alex Collier

What will the changes be? How will we experience them? When will they happen?

These are all good questions. No one has all the answers yet. There is, however, one answer to consider, and that is by the end of October 2013, according to the Andromedan Council, all consciousness in this universe will be 4th density that is now 3rd density. Some of us, by that time, will actually be carrying 5th density light-bodies with us. We will also have experienced a natural pole shift of the planet of 17 degrees, putting the new north pole near Saudi Arabia. So, start looking for your alternative sources.

We are about to discover the real power and love of creation. Is-ness, God, generator of dimensions, whatever you want to call it. The essence that created our universe, or the essence that creates energy that we use to create and manifest, is both inside and outside our universe.

This is apparently the first time that it has been actually discovered by dimensional beings. The Andromedans and other races are aware of other dimensional universes within our universe, as well as other completely physical universes and dimensional time continuums. They are also aware of their vibratory rate and other basic elements which differ from those in our own universe.

Me: So, the real date of Ascension was never December 21 2012, but December 2013/January 2014!!!!

RV Commentary

With all the financial issues and concerns we all have been confronted with these last few years has been like Rosie O'Donnell stepping on a scale,  meaning these problems are too large to even register. Finally, the results of your patience and tanacity all these issues will soon become a part of history.  Yesterday, today and tonight have received calls, texts and messages implying we are there.  Hopefully, we will see our blessings by tomorrow or at least by the end of this week.  Withstanding, that all is able to be implimented by the time constraints labled as "appropriate".  The exact nature of what we have been hearing centers around the FIP (Fines, Interest and Penalties), the Omega Funds both being out and the CMKX will be going out in tandem with our Release.  Again, let us add that there are magical things happening with WF plus the positioning of the US dollar values all seem to indicate something good.  This is the time for all of us to be accountable, no matter what, and to never give up when times are tuff.  Just now things are to change, we are on the cusp of a blessed life.

Thought it would only be fitting to add the video below at this very special time in our lives.  I trust that we will all maintain a proper perspective toward what is to be bestowed upon us. How often do we find the happiest people in the world do not have the best of everything.......they just make the best of everything!


Watch - Life is like Coffee >>

Copyright © 2010 - 2012 flickspire

Dinar Chat 6-4-13

6-4-2013  Intel Guru 12thman   His group of friends are receiving Intel that indicates that the process is about to give the ok for Okie to post.   He also said that the meetings in Iraq are a good indicator that the Power Players of the World reset are telling us that things are being approved world wide.   When good things happen in Iraq, the process for the World reset has moved closer to a completion date. He went onto say that it must appear as if Iraq is running the show which we all know they are not.   [post 2 of 2]

6-4-2013  Intel Guru 12thman  [via 12thman's wife]   He asked me if I would post for him while he and his college friend are off to a few 3rd world countries.  ...they believe they will be back home within the next two weeks to exchange their currency...the High Rollers are still Very excited about this week and month. My husband and I have been in this for sometime now and he is pretty pumped about what's about to occur.   [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]

Eagle1 Update From KTFA 06/05/2013

Eagle1 Update From KTFA


Good Evening, Family!

Per tonight's conversation with Frank, here is the first basket of currencies: You will note that it includes the IQD and the VND.


JOD = Jordanian dinar (has already increased in value)

SOS = Somali Shilling

SCR = Seychelles Rupee
Read More Link On Right

STD = Sao Tomean Dodras

TND = Tunisian Dollar

SYP = Syrian Pound

TZS = Tanzanian Shilling

MYR = Malaysian Ringg

AED = United Arab Emirates Dirham

PEN = Peruvian Nuevo

PHP = Philippine Peso

QAR = Qatari Rial

NAD = Namibian Dollar

OMR = Omani Rial

MZN = Euro

CNY = Chinese Yuan

KZT = Kazakhstani Tenge

LBP = Lebanese Pound

VND = Vietnam Dong

IQD = Iraqi Dinar

COP = Colombia Peso

BOB = Bolivian Boliviano

VEF = Venezuelan Bolivar

Congressman Delivers Epic Indictment of Obama – in 1 Minute

Congressman Delivers Epic Indictment of Obama – in 1 Minute

President Obama Gives Statement On The Deadly Oklahoma Tornadoes
This is about the best cliff notes version of the Obama regime ever.
Check it out:
Congressman Jim Bridenstine’s questions Pres. Obama’s leadership in House floor speech from 6-3-2013.

Read more:

Vaccine Hoax is Over. Documents from UK reveal 30 Years of Coverup

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Vaccine Hoax is Over. Documents from UK reveal 30 Years of Coverup
Posted By: Maryhrt [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 5-Jun-2013 02:24:35

The primary purposes of vaccines are population control--sterilization and depopulation in general. Educate yourselves on the number of people who are critically damaged and die from vaccines just so the pharmaceutical companies can make hundreds of billions.
Subject: Vaccine Hoax is Over. Documents from UK reveal 30 Years of Coverup
Educated parents can either get their children out of harm’s way or continue living inside one of the largest most evil lies in history, that vaccines – full of heavy metals, viral diseases, mycoplasma, fecal material, DNA fragments from other species, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80 (a sterilizing agent) – are a miracle of modern medicine.
Full Article

Freedom of the Press Foundation - Bradley Manning trial transcripts online

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Freedom of the Press Foundation - Bradley Manning trial transcripts online
Posted By: FreePlanet
Date: Wednesday, 5-Jun-2013 02:27:47

The US military has refused to release transcripts of Bradley Manning's trial. In addition, they've denied press passes to 270 out of the 350 media organizations that applied.
In response, Freedom of the Press Foundation has crowd-sourced funding to place a professional stenographer in the media room covering the trial. We will post full transcripts shortly after each day's proceedings end. The morning session with be posted by 7 pm the same evening. The afternoon session will be posted by 9 am the next morning. [source FOTPF]
 New  0  0  0  0

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

ITCCS - "Vatican Secretary of State Set to Resign: Insider"

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Reader, fwd: ITCCS - "Vatican Secretary of State Set to Resign: Insider"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 4-Jun-2013 19:37:21

(Thanks, a. :)
Reader a. sends us:
Vatican Secretary of State Set to Resign: Insider
Posted on June 04, 2013 by itccs
A source within the Vatican announced today that Tarcisio Bertone, the most powerful
official in the Roman Curia and one of five Cardinals convicted by a Common Law
Court of Justice last February, has prepared his letter of resignation.
Cardinal Bertone has been the effective "king maker" at the papacy for many years,
and helped force Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, from office on February 11 just
days after an arrest warrant was to be issued against Ratzinger.
According to the Vatican insider,
"Bertone knows that if he's arrested while in office, all of the Vatican archives
and his records are subject to seizure, and they can never let that happen. Once
he's resigned, he can do like Ratzinger and claim immunity from prosecution as a
'private citizen', something the Lateran Treaty allows. These guys understand the
power of the common law court arrest warrant, even if others don't."
Bertone's resignation also coincides with the recent formation of a new Italian
movement to expose child torture and trafficking within the Vatican, announced by
the ITCCS and Rete L'Abuso in Savona, Italy on May 23.
This campaign will commence on September 20 in Rome with civil disobedience actions
and church occupations, and demands to the Italian government to revoke the Lateran
Treaty with the Vatican. (see, May 24 posting).
ITCCS Field Secretary Kevin Annett is in Europe investigating this latest development.
Further communiques on the impending Bertone resignation and the September 20
campaign will be forthcoming.
ITCCS Central Office Brussels


Part Four
by Sherman H. Skolnick 11/22/02
In nailing bribe-taking judges and bribe-giving lawyers, we do NOT proceed applying some overall conspiracy or plot. We do not like to think of events solely in terms of a conspiracy, nor we do wish to be falsely labeled as "conspiracy theorists", a fav orite put-down of the oil-soaked, spy-riddled monopoly press.
We do not like "pie in the sky" ideas or mere philosophies. Our group's corruption investigations have turned on highly technical details, our specialty based on over one million records, court files, secret notebooks, audio and video tapes, and similar items compiled over four decades of our work. Fingering corrupt members of the bench and the bar, from our standpoint, does NOT depend on whether they are conservatives, liberals, Democrats or Republicans. In four decades we have hit enough of them bet ween the eyes, in our public interest crusading, more than in the entire previous history of the nation. These are matters of record, not theories, that should reassure even skeptics that we are not inclined to make idle statements.
So, when we call the PRIVATE Central Bank, masquerading as a U.S. Government unit, the conspiratorial FEDERAL RESERVE, we do not know of any more specific way to describe them.
If you watch with an eagle-eye, occasionally the instruments and mouthpieces of The Establishment, "the powers that be", the Ruling Class, whatever you call THEM, you sometimes get an advance warning from a faction in the Aristocracy.
DERAL OFFICIALS SAY POLICY ISN'T LIMITED BY LOW RATES" "The Federal Reserve may have lowered interest rates to the once unimaginable level of 1.25 percent, but senior officials insist they can still FLOOD THE COUNTRY WITH MONEY if they need to."
"'The U.S. government has a technology, called a printing press---or, todays, its electronic equivalent---that allows it to produce as many U.S. dollars as it wishes AT ESSENTIALLY NO COST', Ben S. Bernanke, one of the Federal Reserve's seven governors, said in a speech to economists here today."
"In a detailed analysis that tracks fairly closely with more general comments last week by Alan Greenspan, the Fed chairman, Mr. Bernanke described the many ways the central bank could INJECT VAST SUMS OF MONEY into the economy to combat DEFLATION, even if interest rates were to drop to ZERO."
A story, datelined Washington, in the New York Times, 11/22/2. (Emphasis added.)
Like in the wake of 1929, the Establishment currently is not about to admit that an horrendous financial meltdown is in the works.AND THAT A FACTION IN THE ARISTOCRACY, with prior treasonous knowledge, diverted attention, temporarily, from an impending financial debacle by way of Black Tuesday, September 11, 2001.
The small to medium so-called "investors", having become sour on stock losses, have been advised by the brokerage trade, "Well, then I'll put you into bonds instead". And the price of U.S. Treasury Securities goes UP as the interest rates go DOWN, and v ice versa.
To just TEMPORARILY delay the inevitable financial collapse, the Federal Reserve is going to RE-FLATE WALL STREET, just long enough for the "big boys" to get their rear ends free and clear, if possible, of financial fall-out, destined to rain-down on kn ow-nothings, the unsuspecting suckers, like so much mostly fatal nuclear economic residue.
After all, who remembers. that the greatest losses were inflicted AFTER 1929, on those that believed the newsfakers and the Herbert Hoover White House that "prosperity is just around the corner". By 1930, plenty of suckers were lured back into the stock market and got clipped and ruined.
A good text book of the events in and after 1929, is J. Kenneth Galbraith's opus, "The Great Crash-1929", several times re-printed since 1959. NOT in October, 1929, BUT IN SEVERAL YEARS AFTERWARDS, quite a number of wrecked "investors", caught also in t he real estate bust that followed, "took the gas pipe", then typical lingo for snuffing themselves out at a time that not all gas stoves had safety pilot lights.
No, they do not nowadays jump out of windows in some spectacular "end it all" situation. In fact, cynics point out that it cannot now happen anyway. After all big buildings, such as near Wall Street, La Salle Street, and such financial districts, do NOT have windows that open, and roof entries are locked.
Only old-timers remember the unemployed bond brokers of the 1930s, walking down the street, without a topcoat in the winter, in the last of their fancy suits. Who remembers the Wall Street Journal almost went into bankruptcy in 1935. Then and now, as th e peddler of Establishment lies, the Journal is trusted by WHOM, and WHO needs them, after all? (Some sarcastic sorts read the Journal the cheap-way, on-line, just to see what the "Big Lie" is currently being circulated. For the purpose of dissidents an d commentators to be able to refute the Journal on Internet or wheresoever outspoken types can be heard.)
In the Fall of 2002, the Wall Street Journal apparently got tired of their skilled team writing stories about corporate finagling. So, in the name of "cut-backs", the Journal dismissed their entire "legal team", the label for 23 of their writers of cove r-up and whitewash stories of corporate bandits and pirates. If you believe in conspiracy theories, can it be said the Bush and Cheney White House ordered this head-chopping? AND, who, if anyone, will write such big lies in the future, to protect the Ar istocracy and their corporations? Will it be their worldwide wire service pack of liars, the Associated Press, AP, the same ones who promoted big CIA lies, such as a "lone gunman" assassinated President John F. Kennedy, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Robert F. Kennedy?
So, will the Journal merely re-print AP stories of corporate gangsters, the Journal's own writing team having been wacked?
In their item 11/22/2,the New York Times does not dare go into more specifics or contradictions, such as
[1] Is the re-flating supposedly of the economy, going to be quite temporary, just long enough to get the "big boys" out and lure the suckers back in?
[2] What will happen to U.S. Treasury Securities, now that so many ordinary Americans have been herded into that?
[3] Will the re-flating actually be able to stop, what savvy sorts see, namely, that dreaded long-term, on-coming DEFLATION?
[4] Will the Federal Reserve's trick device be able to actually stop the impending real estate bust, considering that real estate is one of the only free markets in America?
[5] Actually, if not theoretically, would not re-flation, even if temporary, cause the good stuff, the independent, real MONEY, namely GOLD, jump way up? And would the big-time derivatives swindlers, like J.P. Morgan Chase be already out of their wrong gold positions, being some 23 or more TRILLION dollars, like three times the gross product per year of the whole U.S.?
[6] Why is a faction in the Aristocracy through their mouthpiece, the New York Times, supposedly warning any of us commonfolk at all? To head-off a pro-Nazi-like, fascist-type of element, an opposing faction in the Aristocracy that installed a financial incompetent named George W. Bush?
Do we have to right HERE include all the details elsewhere posted on various websites, showing the documented items that the Bush Crime Family promoted and financed Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, before, DURING, and after World War 2? [Some examples are in Webster Tarpley's book, "The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush".]
Do we right HERE have to show the list of the Ruling Families that formed the Federal Reserve in 1912 and their descendants, agents, and surrogates that continue to own and operate the Federal Reserve? Others on various websites have shown the 1976 Con gressional Report detailing the same Unfortunately, some not-well-informed sorts, highly naive, would require us to re-invent the wheel of history every few paragraphs..And, greatly heckle us for not doing so.
A small correction on a recent posting on some websites, we erroneously called our story "The Red Chinese Secret Police in the U.S.", as Part 3. Actually, it should be as on our own website, as Part 4.

More coming...Stay tuned.

The global GREED game exposed

Subject: The global GREED game exposed

An insightful video on how our economic
system has been massively distorted in
the last 12 years.

This distortion has been in play for decades,
but we really hit the accelerator after
the DOT COM crash.

RealEcon TV takes a look at the Super Rich
and they're global greed game.

NOTE: The first few minutes of this video comes
across like "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous",
but after that it gets very real and really good.

Where the big money comes from...


- Brasscheck

P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
videos with friends and colleagues.

That's how we grow. Thanks.

Dinar Chat --- 6/4/13


From MarineMom: Emailed to Recaps:

To all the ptb groups please step down from your pedestal and clear your money trail today, so that GODS PEOPLE CAN RECEIVE THE BLESSINGS,,, SO WE CAN START TO DO THE CHANGES AND  GIVE OUT THE HELP THAT THE WORLD IS IN NEED OF. 

Remember well that you guys are not the world because the WORLD IS US. STEP ASIDE NOW FOR IT IS TIME......BLUWOLF 6-4-13



Frank26:  Tonight on Your CC.

Yesterday I reviewed RD/LD/IN/RI?RV/OUT.

Tonight Eagle 1 and I will review BASKETS.

 wanted to open a new file tonight ......... CH6 ......... But in would not be wise until baskets are understood better.

KTFA, Frank



[midnight Blue] Points to consider: 1. If you cash in at an exchange dealer, are you going to leave your funds there?

2. Where are the dealers obtaining the Billions of dollars to give you for your dinar

3. Will using a middle man such as the dealers cause a delay to your access of the funds?

 4. How are the middle men making money.

5. Large interbank wires get more scrutiny from Homeland security than direct bank deposits or intra-bank transfers. Could there be extended delays for Homeland security to clear large transfers?

6. Are the owners of the exchange dealers American citizens?

7. Once you transfer the funds to a bank, are you going to leave them in a low or no interest bearing savings or checking account?

8. Will you be using some investment banker or financial adviser company like Ing or Schabes anyway?

9. Do all such investment bankers have higher return services that require minimum periods or amounts and other requirements with many having early with drawl fees?

[midnight Blue] 10. Is there a safer large bank system than WF? Why would Homeland security give them or their investment bank any more scrutiny than any other bank?

11. Is there a problem leaving a portion of your funds on deposit to obtain a higher rate of return? Are you going to need all of your funds now? What are you going to do the rest?


hardtorecall] I wonder what time of the day they will rv?

[timo] 7;43 am pst LOL

[Jane] Hardtorecall.. Good question.... What time do you all think it'll rv?

[hardtorecall] Jane I would think about 4:30 -5:00 am

[hardtorecall] If we are in charge, I can see it being in the afternoon. I would tend to think they will be in charge since it is their currency so I'm thinking early morning.

[hardtorecall] Of course, IE (if ever)

[hardtorecall] lol

[xyz] Stocks Close Lower, Dow Snaps Tuesday Winning Streak on Fed and Japan Worries, 4 Jun 2013 | 4:00 PM ET     Stocks recovered from their session lows but still finished in the red, with the Dow snapping its Tuesday winning streak, amid ongoing worries over the future of the Fed's bond-buying policy and ahead of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's speech.  

[xyz] June 4 for one Iraqi dinar per share -



[pollysue] Just a quick note before I leave, there is a new scam out on the dinar, now there is a guy in vegas tell people that he will set down with them and come up with a price for their dinar between $10.00 and $20.00. Please tell dinar holders so they do not fall for this!

******************************* Contracts and Living in the Private Contracts and Living in the Private

Sunday June 9, 2013 from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM PDT
Add to Calendar

This is an online event. You will be able to see and hear the teaching. We will also make available a streaming copy of the event for a period of 30 days. We understand that not everyone will be able to purview the event live.
Sunday June 9th from 1:00-5:00 PM PST

  • Complete explanation of what is a US Citizen
  • Breakdown on Who You Are
  • What is the Republic
  • What are the laws that get us into the jurisdiction of the US Corporation?
  • What are adhesion contracts?
  • What should you do with your Dr. License, Birth Certificate, Social, Bank Accounts etc...
  • How do you create Private Associations/Foundations/Ministries?
  • How do you act in commerce?
  • How do you read/interpret sign all documents/contracts?
  • How to have a private association bank account?
  • How not to contract with the courts.
  • What words are used to trick us into contracts?
All this for only 39.00 Registration.
The event will be stream-able for 30 days. 

Holder Laid the Groundwork for “Too Big to Jail” In 1999

Holder Laid the Groundwork for “Too Big to Jail” In 1999
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 4-Jun-2013 10:18:52
Attorney General Has Been Lobbying for a Get-Out-Of-Jail Card for Big Banks and their Bosses for 14 Years
Everyone knows that Eric Holder – the head of the Department of Not-Much Justice – has said that the big banks are too big to jail.
And many people know that – prior to becoming the Attorney General – Holder was a partner at a big firm which did some despicable things to represent the big banks and MERS.
But Holder’s see-no-evil act actually started more than a decade ago.
Specifically, in 1999, as Deputy Attorney General, Holder wrote a memo arguing against prosecuting large financial service companies:
Prosecutors may consider the collateral consequences of a corporate criminal conviction in determining whether to charge the corporation with a criminal offense.
One of the factors in determining whether to charge a natural person or a corporation is whether the likely punishment is appropriate given the nature and seriousness of the crime. In the corporate context, prosecutors may take into account the possibly substantial consequences to a corporation’s officers, directors, employees, and shareholders, many of whom may, depending on the size and nature (e.g., publicly vs. closely held) of the corporation and their role in its operations, have played no role in the criminal conduct, have been completely unaware of it, or have been wholly unable to prevent it. Further, prosecutors should also be aware of non-penal sanctions that may accompany a criminal charges, such as potential suspension or debarment from eligibility for government contracts or federal funded programs such as health care. Whether or not such non-penal sanctions are appropriate or required in a particular case is the responsibility of the relevant agency, a decision that will be made based on the applicable statutes, regulations, and policies.
Virtually every conviction of a corporation, like virtually every conviction of an individual, will have an impact on innocent third parties ….
Matt Taibbi points out that – when the Department of Justice subsequently prosecuted accounting giant Arthur Andersen for covering up Enron’s fraudulent schemes – Anderson ran with Holder’s argument, and threatened the DOJ “using their employees as human shields”.
Specifically, Andersen said that – unless the DOJ dropped the prosecution – innocent Andersen employees would lose their jobs.
Andersen was prosecuted and convicted, and some innocent employees – as well as the big time fraudsters – lost their jobs. Since then, the Justice Department has gotten so gun-shy that we basically haven’t had any criminal indictments against a large financial services company since then.
In the wake of the recent revelations that the big banks manipulate virtually every market in the world, and that HSBC blatantly laundered drug cartel money, Holder has said that we can’t indict big companies because that might harm the U.S. or world economy.
And Matt Taibbi notes that – for the first time - Holder is now saying that not only can’t we indict the companies, but we can’t even indict any of the individual criminals at the companies. In other words, Holder is implementing a permanent shield for employees and executives at large institutions.

Updates from Morocco: Life, the RV and everything!

Updates from Morocco: Life, the RV and everything!

Gooooooood morning from Morocco!

Tangier Sunrise

Well my awesome friends, I know I've been MIA for a while now and it's been frustrating more than a few of you not to know what's going on.  I'm up at some god forsaken hour this morning (with a sick 3 year old) so have a perfect opportunity to sit quietly attempt to organize my thoughts into a coherent post.... note the word "attempt", lol!

The past few months has brought me to a very different place internally. The internal change of focus was greatly heightened when I stepped foot in North Africa.  I'm not the only one to experience this- and I'm not just referring to this group of nomads that landed here in Morocco in the past couple of weeks.  All over the planet, people are suddenly finding themselves questioning everything in their lives: questioning their priorities, questioning who they thought they were, questioning what they are doing/believing/saying....  I receive emails almost daily from people who've suddenly found themselves wondering what the hell they are suppose to be doing, or who've found them selves drawn to just up and move to a new location- sometimes hundreds if not thousands of miles away.  It's like a Siren Call that you cannot ignore. A Knowing that you need to BE some place else.  An indescribable force that pulls  and pushes until you place yourself where it wants you to go- internally or externally. The Universe is Calling...... and it doesn't seem to have a snooze button that will allow you to doze for just a few more moments.

I am here in Morocco, with all my family, because this is where the universe told me to be.  It started over a month ago, when I awoke from an energy "zap nap" KNOWing that I would see Heather (and her family) very very soon.  Three days later, I awoke from another "zap nap" KNOWing that I would see the "Bridge Crew" altogether very very soon.  I didn't worry about the "hows" or "Whats" or the "whos" etc...  I just Knew. I set the intention that I would be in Morocco, and then started packing.  The next few weeks was a "magical" exercise in manifestation as every single thing I needed to do or organize or accomplish fell into place with no stress, worry or doubt.  Two weeks- that's pretty much how long it took to pack up our lives and move across the globe and drop our family into North Africa.... my husband is still shaking his head and trying to figure out how I did it.

It wasn't Bibbidy Bobbidy Boo Magic.  It was simply setting the intent and releasing all expectations and then allowing the universe to come and play with me.  Just for shits and giggles, I went back and read the article of Brian's that I posted way back in April called "The Law of Detachment"- I suggest that you all give it a read again as it pretty much sums up the past month of my life in the realm of releasing expectations on the grandest of scales. All of us who are here, in Tangier, are here because the intent was set to be here and the Universe drew us together- we are HERE together because that is where we are suppose to BE.

Now, a lot of you want to know what we are doing.  You are asking for updates and details and all of us here have been sort of floundering:  How do you describe what we've been DOing since we arrived?!  Words really don't convey it.  We've been doing energy work, dimensional work, Healing, vortexing, cleansing, communing, loving & laughing..... like I said, the words really don't express anywhere even remotely close to the reality we have been experiencing.  So..... we decided to start filming our DOing. We will be posting raw unedited footage of our daily work so that you can SEE it.  Don't expect professional cinematography or pristine well rehearsed footage - hell, I haven't even brushed my hair in the past 3 days, lol- what you will get will be unedited for the most part because we want YOU to see and be part of what is happening here.  Many of you are already here with us, working in your dream/meditation state, and I know that as you watch some of this video footage, you will have  some "AHAH!!!!!" moments of resonance. It might be the flashing image in a dream you had, or an instant of "deja vu"..... and we want to hear about it.

We started filming  Thursday when I relayed to Sue (who has since returned to England) the intense visualization I experienced the night before, then we sat down to go into the energetics of it and work it through.  A few more conversations have been filmed since then as well..... but we need to get use to the idea of keeping cameras and phones handy for those impromptu moments of clarity and intense conversations/energy exchanges, because we keep looking at each other and saying "Damn!  we should of filmed that!!!".... but we'll get better at this, I'm sure!

Bob Wright arrived yesterday afternoon and we filmed him taking a few steps, then receiving his first healing treatment, followed by him taking a few more steps afterwards- the difference is remarkable!!  Being surrounded by energy workers and healers brings a whole new clarity to life let me tell you!  One of the biggest "projects" we are working on is the creation of a Healing Centre.  We've already picked the location and now the intent is set to bring it into manifestation.  This will be a major change in the way that healing is done and looked at and experienced. We are also about to start work on free energy systems design and implementation.  We are being the change that we wish to see in the world..... and so much more than that!

Very soon we will be heading south to the Sahara Desert- probably next week.  We've been working energetically/dimensionally there for the past month.  So have many of you, lol!  Dreaming of sand dunes and rocky mountain craigs? Dreaming about men dressed in blue robes?  Hang onto those so called "dreams" because they are about to manifest in reality!  I'm not sure what kind of internet we'll have on the outskirts of the desert, but we'll be keeping you all up to date as much as possible and filming everything. All will be made visible very soon.

Speaking of being "made visible"..... I'll give another update on what's going on with the RV etc..... If you listened to the TCI radio show last Tuesday- you can listen the 2.5 hour show HERE, or read the transcription HERE- then you know that Heather spoke extensively about the RV and SwissIndo.  The Revaluation of currencies, ie: IQD RV, is very important and I've copied the RV info here:

Heather: Okay so as far as the re-evaluations that was the other clarification. Even in the RVs right now you have the guys up the top who are very confused because the RVs aren’t pushing through and now their energy it’s almost it feels like an internal harvesting within their own groups.
Okay I’m sorry. So the guys at the top are starting to crash as far as energetic because this should have gone a long, long time ago. So what I would like to do is clarify the particular re-evaluations and not one particular currency because it’s all tied in together.
Okay, the RVs have nothing behind the RVs and you have Basel III right? Everyone has to you know use their own in-ground assets – don’t pull them out though. Well every time they pull in-ground assets out, they just sort of disappear. So if you keep them in-ground all of a sudden you can just point to them because every time they pull them out they disappear and them they don’t have them and they can’t actually show everyone you know when they come forward and say they want to see our gold. And the gold’s not there and they can’t show them.
So you have these re-evaluations and they’re supposedly based on physical assets, on tangible assets. Well, none of the titles are there. They have no ownership, there’s no underwriting to the re-evaluations. No underwriting at all, but here’s the thing, they can underwrite – any embodiment can underwrite the re-evaluations; any of them.
However for the groups, the ‘divines’ or any other roles that we’ve (inaudible) powers that were, they don’t underwrite them because there’s a limited value that they see that they have and they want more and more and more but they don’t know how to generate it themselves. If they do know how to generate it themselves they still don’t want to use it because they want to use everyone else’s that’s just how the hierarchies and the structures have gone for eons, for the experiment; for this moment NOW.
Okay, so any embodiment can go and underwrite it. And the more you give for the highest good of every embodiment, the more your abundance flows. So, you can have just one embodiment underwrite all other embodiments and RVs can go; however whoever underwrites that RV actually technically under legal systems that formerly existed owns everything and they can dictate how things go.
Okay, so there was a post that D had done and she left one piece out. But it was a post essentially where I said something and then we lost our signal and I was laughing saying “I think everyone just fell out of their chairs and no one is manning the monitors.” So I understood that anyone, any embodiment could underwrite the RV so I had said the part that she left out. was I said “Okay, I’ll give them my signature, I’ll underwrite it.” So that it can go, cause I know it’s a tool.
There are so many embodiments that are really have hung their hat on that RV, they hung their hat on the RV saying that once it happened they could then DO. They could then BE. So if that’s the tool that the people need, fine. I’ll underwrite it. And this is all about energy. The value systems and the part that you saw which was the monetary system, it is all energetic. I think even Keenan and those guys finally admitted they were so excited “Heather doesn’t want the Global Collateral Accounts” (laughing) it’s because it was already gone. It was already irrelevant.
And then they sort of had this aha moment and then they got really mad again and said “Well what is money, it’s just energy – it’s a representation of energy”. So everyone is sort of getting it now. So I said I would give my signature that’s what I said and that’s when D and I lost all the stuff and I started laughing because I could really hear people falling out of their chairs and nobody was manning the monitors and phone calls were happening and here’s the thing. Yes I know that if I underwrite it, or any embodiment underwrites it, which everyone has the power to do, you then own the entire system and where it goes. But, then again in my case I have no interest in owning anything. I have no interest in doing anything other than IMpowering every embodiment so that’s where it all goes. And once you state something, this is absolute current, this is absolute transparency in this moment in this finale.
Okay so what happens is, that if I underwrite it they already know where it’s gonna go. They know it’s gonna go to every embodiment and that the parts of the slavery systems, the former systems that you did not see, they know what’s going to happen there too because it’s the same thing; the energetics. And that’s what every moment of INnforcement has been that at least I’ve been consciously DO’ing.,
Going within their ranks and causing certain events so they start asking questions within their own ranks. And they start looking at data that was not visible before. So for the perceived galactics for instance it was hearing for the first time me swinging inter consciousness that the Akashic Records have been altered and manufactured, fabricated in some parts; and that there was a clean set. Once I swung in that there was a clean set that’s what they did, they went and compared. They went and started asking questions and then you could see in a lot of the purported channellings and messages and everything else there was sort of a moment of chaos, almost a feeling of conflict, a feeling of questioning. And then it evens out because you have a lot of people campaigning. And that’s okay because it was all a part of everyone moving to absolute truth but via their own tools of resonance.
So with this RV, here’s how it goes. I, if anyone underwrites it and then sends it out, because it’s already delivered, that’s a part of the Absolute Plan; it was already delivered before the experiment began and it’s just swinging it into focus and everybody being aware of it.
Okay and I’ll give you what you guys would call a 3D example, Chris and Lisa and Bob is that for instance you have the purported IRS, the alleged IRS or any purported tax authority body. If they can’t show their authority they can’t show their standing and they demand that you pay something and now we have these reports that supposedly some members of the IRS are actually admitting that taxes, at least for the IRS are voluntary. Right!
So if everyone stopped paying these ‘voluntary’ payments, all of a sudden they wouldn’t have the ability, they wouldn’t have anyone paying energy into them for them to be able to do any kind of unlawful or illegal ENforcement. Right, it’s kind of the same thing with the financial system, the banks and everything else. My goal was always been, nothing, no manifestation of energy is ever wasted, there’s always purpose and everything has the opportunity to repurpose itself in this moment because it is all absolutely eternal essence embodied. And if I can’t recognise an embodiment as being eternal essence then I do negate and null and void and cancel out my own eternal essence. I’m not prepared to do that. I’m not willing to do that.
So, the RV absolutely. I would underwrite it and I’ve no problem, even if my value I find out later is limited in some way, I still would do it and I’ve already put out there that I would and any embodiment can do that - any embodiment. And you actually draw behind you anything you spend energy-wise or any representation of your energy, anything you spend when it is for the highest good of all, it magnetically draws behind it all abundance, exponentially, and perpetually. That’s all there is, is abundance – absent limits.
So that’s with the RV. I know that there are a lot of the upper-ups within the RV that are very confused, very upset, very drained and tired. So with absolute love there’s the data and everyone can go and review the data, dissect the data, see what resonates within and see what other data points there are to verify what is, because absolute truth verifies and vets, the same from every point on the sphere of absolute truth

.... and let me tell you, that little announcement over the airwaves caused quite a stir in the realms and offices of the PTW!!!  Suddenly there was a huge pregnant pause as everything seemed to screech to a halt as they frantically analysed the info and tried to figure away around it.  That's fine, because everything "they" do, they DO for the absolute plan- regardless of whether they know it or not, lol!  At this stage in the game, there is nothing "they" can do that ISN'T part of the absolute plan.  Everything is speeding forward again now.  So called "Important people" are signing important documents, and making visits to  cities of note and meeting with other "important people" and toasting their success. The US received what should be their final slap down from China when they tried to renege (yet again) on their promises, but after Lew finished kissing all their asses and grovelling on the floor, apparently China has agreed to moved forward with the RV....  but with their appointed watchdog in charge.  We'll see how that plays out.  As for timing... well we've been sitting at the 23:59:59 moment for the past few weeks.  All it takes is someone to have the balls to stand up and take responsibility- it has to be done in full transparency and for the highest good of EVERYONE or whomever is standing in that place of  liability is toast.  Considering the fact that we've been sitting at one second to the midnight hour for weeks now, I think that should tell you something about just how 'transparent" and "humanitarian" all these idiots actually are, as they stand around like a bunch of juveniles pushing each other and saying "no you put your finger in the light socket first".

But all is good my friends.  Regardless of what people are yammering about, the "RV" is about to be public knowledge- along with announcements of Basal III globally.  With the release of the new currency exchange rates that will reflect their so called worth, will come other announcements.  Oh none of them will actually be transparent or truthful, but you'll all see right through the lies and posturing very very quickly.  The Greatest Contrast- Just like I've been saying for months.

So, get your popcorn ready, because their show is about to begin.  And THEN... once they are boo'ed off the stage in a barrage of rotten eggs and vegetables, ... the REAL Show will begin.

..... Have I mentioned that I'm having the best time of my life in this moment of NOW?!?  Oh Darlins, life is about to get sooooooooooooo much more fun!!!

I have lots more to add to this, but I'm out of coffee now and will have to wander down to Heather's house and beg some from her, before I can continue. .... I think that Lisa and I will record something later this afternoon.

 My Soul Family is HERE and life totally ROCKS!!

2 years after groundbreaking, project to build new US-Mexico border crossing is stalled

2 years after groundbreaking, project to build new US-Mexico border crossing is stalled
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 4-Jun-2013 10:10:22
TORNILLO, Texas — Jesse Grado walks cautiously past a welder whose work throws off a spray of brilliant sparks as construction crews lay slabs of concrete for a bridge over the Rio Grande. The leader of the project points to an empty void — the point where the six-lane span abruptly ends 30 feet above the river.
Beyond the pavement is nothing but miles of Mexican farms, dirt and desert.
By June, this was supposed to be the site of a massive new customs-and-immigration facility that would provide a fourth international border crossing to handle U.S.-bound commercial traffic from Ciudad Juarez, one of North America’s biggest manufacturing hubs.
Planners had hoped the $96 million undertaking would be an economic boon, attracting manufacturing plants and long lines of trucks that currently use two congested crossings between Ciudad Juarez and El Paso.
But nearly two years after a ceremonial groundbreaking, not a shovel of dirt has been moved south of the border. The Mexican government has not allocated any money for its share of the work, so the bridge building is stalled — with no timetable for completion.
In the meantime, truckers say they won’t be lured away from the established crossings until this remote farmland draws more industry. That could take years.
“To me, it does not make any sense,” said Manuel Sotelo, truck company owner and president of the Ciudad Juarez freight truck association. “It’s one of those projects made by someone at a desk in Washington.”
Truckers hauling cargo from Ciudad Juarez say using the bridge would require them to make an hour-long drive east to the new crossing then spend another hour traveling back to cargo terminals in El Paso, Texas, to unload.
So far, the border community of Tornillo has secured no agreements with industry. For now, it offers little but fields of cotton and alfalfa. The scene is similar across the river in the tiny town of Guadalupe, Mexico.
Still, local officials hope that by building the crossing first, commercial traffic will come later. They cite the success at the Santa Teresa port of entry, which was built 20 years ago in New Mexico in a similarly remote area.
About 15 years after the crossing opened, a huge industrial park that houses manufacturing giant Foxconn was built a few hundred yards from the inspection stations. It has since attracted more businesses.
Once the infrastructure is complete, they’ll have to take a fresh look at this,” said Vince Perez, an El Paso County commissioner representing the district where the bridge is being built. “A port of entry is a once-in-a-lifetime project.”
The two farming communities have been pushing for the Tornillo-Guadalupe international bridge for the last 16 years to replace a 1920s-era wooden bridge. Once the new span is finished, the federal government plans to transfer customs and immigration personnel to the adjoining 117-acre complex.
In July 2011, American and Mexican officials showed up with golden shovels and delivered speeches about the promising future for the surrounding communities. Cesar Duarte, governor of the Mexican state of Chihuahua, pledged that construction would start two months later.