Thursday, June 6, 2013


by Sherman H. Skolnick 9/5/02
Is the U.S. Presidency cursed? Or, are the American people cursed? Which is it? Judge for yourself.
Early in the 19th Century, as a result of White House ordered violent mistreatment of American Indians and violation by the White House of solemn Treaties with the Indian tribe leaders, the Indians put a curse on the U.S. Presidency. Every President, starting with 1840, so the curse goes, elected in a year ending in zero, will either die in office, or be assassinated or removed. Ronald Reagan, elected in 1980, is not really an exception. In 1981, he survived an attempted political assassination, falsely blamed on a lone nut gunman whose family was in business with then Vice President George Herbert Walker Bush. Take your pick. It was either a scheme to blackmail Daddy Bush or to shove him by murder into the Oval Office.
Seldom mentioned. In the U.S., reporters have to get press credentials from the U.S. Secret Service who checks out their background, not permitting outspoken types to have the same.Without such press passes, the journalists cannot attend important press conferences. To avoid becoming unemployable, no paid press correspondents have dared to criticize those who guard the President and have other duties, such as checking for counterfeit currency and stolen credit cards.
We are not regular, paid journalists, rather, I head a court reform group founded by me in 1963. I would rather not use the whole story to tell all of our travails with the Secret Service. But a few examples.
Prior to Internet, and public access Cable TV, and more widespread talk radio, our only way to "broadcast" our findings was through a bank of thirty telephones hooked together playing a 5-minute recorded message of our work. (We got that bunch of phones in a cheap deal with the phone company using our own phone answering devices.)
In 1975, we began "broadcasting" exclusive details of the suppressed story of three or more genuine plots to assassinate President Gerald Ford, installed, not elected, in the downfall by Watergate charges of President Richard M. Nixon. Itching to be president by such political murder was Vice President Nelson A. Rockefeller who was not elected but installed by operation of the 25th Amendment, added to the U.S. Constitution eight years prior by a stealthy campaign by the Rockefeller Family.
In 1975, for a period of time, all of our phones were blocked, without court orders or legal formality, by the Secret Service that did not like our candid details and about their duplicitous cover-up, on behalf of the American aristocracy, of the plots against Ford.
In 1985, two Secret Service agents tried to directly scare us. Without a court order or search warrant, they tried to force their way into my private residence. This was ten days before the second Inauguration of Ronald Reagan. They did not like our outspoken exclusive stories about the criminality of Ronnie and his sidekick, George Herbert Walker Bush.
Standing defiantly at my door on my braces and crutches as a paraplegic, I told them I did not accept the validity of their "Commission Books" (how they describe their credentials) and that false ones were used as part of the trick in 1963 in Dealey Plaza. Further, I said "The only way you are getting in, is to knock me down, break in the door, or use a 'black bag job' (secret break & entry)."
As an alternative to the stand-off, they finally agreed to sit in the back of a car while I and a pal sat in the front. Using a small flashlight, they pointed to an alleged letter they received threatening harm against me. "Look, I am not a candidate for President. Hence, you have no jurisdiction to being supposedly guarding me." They asked, "Who do you think sent this letter to us threatening you?" Sarcastically, I replied, "Oh stop this. You sent it to yourself as an excuse to come here to heckle me."
While I had their attention, I pointed out how agents of their service violated all kinds of their own regulations, failing to inspect and guard while President John F. Kennedy's motorcade slowed down to a crawl while navigating a fatal hairpin turn in Dallas.
Then, I dared tell them, "Look, throughout history, to kill the King you need the aid of the Palace Guard. That is YOU and your agency who have been complicit in every political murder of a President in U.S. history."
So, bet on it. This story is not going to sit well with the U.S. Secret Service.
Since he went to University, George W. Bush has reportedly had sexual liasons with a homosexual pal. This ostensibly went on, for example, all during the years Dubya as he is called (his middle initial, pronounced quickly, Texas-style) he supposedly was in the Reserves; and when he was a business partner with Osama bin Laden's older brother, the enterprise being Arbusto Energy; and when Dubya was Texas Governor; and continues as Dubya is the occupant and resident of the Oval Office. According to some, he was an installed usurper, not elected, who needs some kind of a war to cover up the on-coming financial meltdown.
In its simplest terms, 9-11, Black Tuesday, with the prior knowledge of Daddy Bush a given, was simply a diversion from an expected financial disaster in America in 2001.
Bush's reputed male sex-mate is the local government head in a sizeable venue. Some reporters that travel with Bush and report on his sayings and doings, contend the person in question has often traveled with Bush and has repeatedly stayed at Bush's Texas ranch. The reporters do not find any of this unusual. George W. Bush's father has been accused of being part of a Washington, D.C. pedophile ring operating also through Chicago. Some details started with accusations in a book called "The Franklin Cover Up" by John DeCamp. In the beginning of the book, the author, a Lincoln, Nebraska lawyer, praises his mentor, William Colby once Director of Central Intelligence.
DeCamp asserts he was an assistant to Colby when Colby headed the CIA's "Phoenix Assassination" Program in Viet Nam, for the benefit of the U.S. Military, murdering men, women, and children supposedly part of the Viet Cong infrastructure.
I was on a radio talk show with DeCamp who in answer to my question, Was Colby murdered? DeCamp said he and other close friends of Colby know Colby was murdered and made to look like a canoe accident. As we have pointed out in previous website stories, Colby was the General Counsel of the CIA's worldwide money laundry for covert operations including political murders, the Nugan Hand Bank. [See the book, "The Crimes of Patriots" by Jonathan Kwitny. Up to the time he was snuffed out, Colby was the unlisted General Counsel of Household International and Household Bank, successors and alter ego of Nugan Hand Bank. Household is headquartered in the Chicago suburb of Prospect Heights.]
At the time of his death, Colby's wife held a top position in an enterprise like the World Bank. As former Director of Central Intelligence, prior to his demise, Colby joined with the former head of the Soviet Secret Political Police, the K.G.B., in a business venture to market an espionage board game.
Also, as we have pointed out, Colby since about 1993, was assisting 24 highly patriotic flag officers, Admirals and Generals, who felt authorized and justified, under the Uniform Military Code, in seeking to arrest their Commander-in-Chief Clinton. If he had them arrested for mutiny, they planned, if not assassinated, to defend themselves with documented proof of Clinton's reputed treason giving U.S. industrial, financial, and military secrets reportedly to the head of the Red Chinese Secret Police, Wang Jun, who often ate with Clinton from time to time in the White House.
Note these conflicts of interest. Supposed "Independent Counsel" Kenneth W. Starr ran after Bill and Hillary Clinton for four years using up 50 million dollars of taxpayers funds and coming up only with the Monica Lewinsky Affair. Starr had as a PRIVATE law client, Wang Jun. Also, Starr was the UNREGISTERED foreign lobbyist for the Red Chinese government in Beijing. Thus, Starr was subject at any time to be arrested by the Clinton Justice Department. Hence, a stand-off..
The Secret Service is puzzled by George W. Bush's reputed male sex-mate. Several times when that person was talking to Bush, that person would start crying hysterically like a woman, apparently beset by some deep dark medical secret threatening his very existence. As the Secret Service and some White House reporters are fully aware, Bush's reputed sex-mate has AIDS. And Bush reportedly has the onset of AIDS in a terminal form not yet fully seen on his face and skin.
Foreign journalists stationed in the U.S., working on their own on this story, contend the story is quite correct. Some of their news editors, however, out of an over-abundance of caution if not chicken-heartedness, demand documents and proof and witnesses that are obviously not at this point public records. Disregarding the known undisputed circumsances, they try to dismiss this all by waving their hands and proclaiming as if they were know-nothings, "How do we know this is not a black ops item?"
The news bosses are not persuaded when someone mentions that criminal defendants have been sentenced to the electric chair on undisputed circumstancial proof, with no actual witnesses.
Notice this Washington byline item. " 'We've got to do whatever it takes if it takes sending SWAT teams into journalists homes to stop these leaks', admonished James B. Bruce, vice chairman of the CIA's Foreign Denial and Deception Committee." 7/28/2.
And notice this opening paragraph in an alternative magazine.
"He wasn't the first choice to rule, and he seemed ill suited to his political position. His awkwardness in public speaking often gave the impression that he was slow and poorly educated. From early in his reign,he seemed determined to repeat and magnify the mistakes of his father, who had governed before him. With his nation facing threats from foreign powers, he insisted on expanding his executive powers, and created special tribunals to try and punish enemies, both foreign and domestic. By doing so he precipitated a conflict---and ultimately civil war---with his government's legislative branch, eventually leading to his trial and execution as a trraitor". New American Magazine, 9/9/02, page 25.
Who are they talking about? Why British King Charles I, hundreds of years ago. Right next to this paragraph they have a picture of the King along side George W. Bush. The King set up the infamous Star Chamber Court where the accused had no rights and was dealt with in secret.
King Charles I, unhappy with the legislative branch, dissolved the Parliament. Does George W. Bush, if faced with a rebellious Congress, have the power to shut them down? The answer seems to be yes, the little-known power called to prorogue, that is to discontinue or suspend a session of a legislative body.
Some months ago, I made the highly controversial statement that Bush, faced with the truth of prior knowledge of Black Tuesday and other matters, would seek to compromise the situation by having Albert Gore, Jr., made an interim emergency administrator of the U.S. Central government. True, there is no provision in the U.S. Constitution for the emergency that some suspect is soon upon us.
What may be coming?
1. That three Electors, members in Tennesse of the "Electoral College", those who on behalf of the voters cast the vote as to who would get that State's presidential Electoral vote; that they have been reportedly fingered that they accepted bribes, knowing that Gore won his home-state presidential vote but they voted the State's Electoral Vote for Bush. With those Electoral votes, it would make no difference what the outcome of the Florida Electoral vote mess was about. Gore would have more than enough Electoral votes, which would include those of his home state, to be declared the winner, Gore having already nationwide won the popular vote by a 600,000 vote plurality.
2. George W. Bush's reputed male sex-mate is reportedly implicated if not directly knowledgeable how the GOP reputed bagmen, James A. Baker 3rd, former Daddy Bush Secretary of State, and Marc Racicot, once Montana Governor now head of the Republican National Committee and once Enron lobbyist/attorney; how they ostensibly heavily bribed DEMOCRAT officials in Southern Florida, to stop at a crucial point, the recount of the Florida vote, thus fraudulently arranging a Bush/Gore stand-off.
3. Bush's male sex-mate reportedly has IRS tax problems arranged to be disappeared by Bush.
4. The tv networks in New York have an almost-secret private huge computer for voting results. Get this. THEY supply the vote totals to the local and state boards of Election Commissioners, rather than the local officials supplying the figures to New York. Thus, opened up is the way for the networks to falsify, for example, presidential voting totals. In Tennessee, by corrupt means, some 300,000 presidential election votes were falsely switched from Gore to Bush, making Bush corruptly the winner in Gore home-state where Gore most always won.
Time will tell, whether George W. Bush will proceed further down the road like a similar apparent misfit, British King Charles I.

More coming.... Stay tuned.


by Sherman H. Skolnick 9/9/02
For more than ten years, we have mentioned that up to 1988-89, CBS Network received the American CIA subsidy. CBS used those clandestine funds to finance and staff their overseas bureaus. Not that much actual news to go-on-the-air was filed from this expensive set-up. CBS News overseas bureaus were used as a "vacuum pump", to gather up useful intelligence for the American spy agencies.
After 1989, the CIA secret subsidy was transferred to ABC Network News. For example, ABC's "Nightline" Program with Ted Koppel often had on as guests and experts, CIA operatives, not identified as such, who worked for CIA-funded Foundations.
[Identifying CIA Foundations has been one of our specialties since 1968. 1969-70, I taught a 16-week course including such at a Chicago-based broadcast school. I conducted 10-week seminars on such at the Chicago campus of the University of Illinois. Scroll all the way down our website to "A Short History of CIA Fronts".]
Following our part 15 of this "Overthrow" series, some network and foreign correspondents apparently confronted the reputed male sex-mate of George W. Bush who has stayed with the same on his ranch and on occasion travels with him.. The person in question did not ostensibly deny what is in our Part 15 story but put off any denial by simply referring to our story as "a smear job".
This reputed arrangement with George W. Bush and his male sex-mate is not a private matter. It has great national security ramifications.
A coincidence? Reportedly financially failing MSNBC ran on-line a review of a new book about the super-secret Skull & Bones Society. "Secrets of the Tomb---Skull and Bones, the Ivy League, and the Hidden Paths of Power" , by Alexandra Robbins, MSNBC 9/4/2. A more detailed book is the earlier one about "Skull and Bones" by Antony Sutton.
Mentioned in these books is that persons at Yale University have been selected to be pushed to the top by the American Aristocracy, including members of the Bush Family. To be initiated, they are forced to divulge their entire sex life and other deep personal details. These satanic rituals are carried out in a window-less building at Yale, known as The Tomb.
New members engage in homosexual acts while they lay in a coffin.
[A recent scheduled documentary by Connie Chung of CNN on the Bush Family and Skull & Bones, was cancelled after CNN heavily promoted the same. Was it just a warning to George W. Bush, or blackmail, typical of the press-fakers?]
Two important reputed pictures of George W. Bush were in the custody of American Media, Inc., headquartered in Boca Raton, Florida. publisher of several supermarket tabloids including National Enquirer. One was an authenticated one of George W. Bush, laying in the satanic ritual coffin while engaging in homosexual acts with his male sex-mate who was later to engage in such over later years and traveled with Bush and reportedly on occasion stayed at Bush's Texas ranch. The other picture was mentioned in Part 13 of this "Overthrow" series.
To obstruct the use of these two reputedly authentic pictures, the America Media picture editor, Bob Stevens, was snuffed out by way of anthrax-by-mail. [See pt 13 of this series.]
In October, 2001, after the death (murder) of Bob Stevens, the FBI caused the closing and sealing of the entire American Media building in Boca Raton. Some months later, the FBI refused to reportedly permit officials of the publisher to retrieve important pictures inside the building in a database. Some familiar with the situation, contend it was the two mentioned pictures.
If you understand how the American monopoly press is the best in the world on propaganda, and side-stepping revealing items, you would smile to yourself at the following.
White House correspondents as well as foreign journalists are well aware of the correctness and validity of the matters as in Part 15 as to George W. Bush and his male sex-mate. So far, CIA-funded ABC Network News, seems to be engaging in a stealthy type of counter-attack and diversion.
As of this date, ABC is planning to air a segment of their "Prime Time" program. In advance blurbs, ABC contends they have interviewed the purported mistress of Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein. His reputed mistress, says ABC, contends that in their sexual encounters, Saddam uses Viagra.
Of course, ABC is not prepared to discuss that the Bush Family wants to assassinate Saddam Hussein. Why? Because Saddam has direct testimony and proof that Daddy Bush engaged in a treasonous deal. First, the elder Bush instigated Saddam to want to go to war against neighbor Iran. Little known, religious objects deeply important to Iran are actually located in Iraq. Saddam was to block Iranians from visiting these religious sites in Iraq. The Iranians were stirred up about this by Daddy Bush. The result? In September. 1980 began the Iraq-Iran war which went on until 1988.
In October, 1980, Daddy Bush reportedly paid forty million dollars to the top mullahs of Iran, at a meeting secretly filmed by the French CIA in a Paris suburb. The Iranians received many millions of dollars worth of weapons later also. trans-shipped via Portugal and Israel. As we mentioned, Daddy Bush, to cover this up in part arranged the sabotaged air crash to murder the Prime Minister of Portugal. The purpose? The Iranians were to reject all deals by incumbent President Jimmy Carter running for re-election; deals prior to the November, 1980 election to release the 52 U.S. Embassy hostages in Teheran.The treasonous arrangement by Daddy Bush was called "The October Surprise", an event feared by the Reagan/Bush ticket. Carter thus shown as a wimp, the Reagan/Bush ticket won. The 52 U.S. Embassy Hostages were released at the very moment in January, 1981, as Reagan/Bush were being inaugurated. By this treason, the Americans had not been released prior to the Election. Saddam also participated in this arrangement having been promised certain geopolitical benefits.
[The private business partnership between Daddy Bush and Saddam Hussein. Subject of a little-known Chicago federal suit. Visit our website story, "The Secrets of Timothy McVeigh.]
Saddam Hussein is so far a living direct witness who, in addition, has documents supporting his testimony, of treason committed against the American people by Daddy Bush, father of George W.

More coming.... Stay tuned.

Hooray for Cabela's

Subject: Hooray for Cabela's

Unbelievable!! If you don't think the current administration is a complete bunch of crooks, read this entire email.  Among other things, they define a "gas guzzling automobile" as a medical device so they can charge a 2.3% excise tax for Obamacare!  Are we living in Russia or what? Hooray to Cabella's for showing them up.
Begin forwarded message:

The 2.3% Medical Excise Tax that began on January 1st is supposed to be "hidden" from the consumer, but it's been brought to the public's attention by hunting and fishing store Cabela's who have refused to hide it and are showing it as a separate line item tax on their receipts, the email states.
I did some research and found directly from the IRS's website information that PROVES this to be true and an accurate portrayal of something hidden in Obamacare that I was not aware of! Now being skeptical of this I went to the IRS website and found this!
Q1. What is the medical device excise tax? A1. Section 4191 of the Internal Revenue Code imposes an excise tax on the sale of certain medical devices by the manufacturer or importer of the device.
Q2. When does the tax go into effect? A2. The tax applies to sales of taxable medical devices after Dec. 31, 2012.
Q3. How much is the tax? A3. The tax is 2.3 percent of the sale price of the taxable medical device. See Chapter 5 of IRS Publication 510, Excise Taxes, and Notice 2012-77 for additional information on the determination of sale price.

So being more curious I clicked on "Chapter 5

of IRS Publication 510."

And what do I find under "MEDICAL DEVICES" under


The following discussion of manufacturers taxes

applies to the tax on:

Sport fishing equipment;

Fishing rods and fishing poles;

Electric outboard motors;

Fishing tackle boxes;

Bows, quivers, broadheads, and points;

Arrow shafts;


Taxable tires;

Gas guzzler automobiles; and

Vaccines.  I think we have definitely been fooled, if we believe that the Affordable Care Act is all about health care. It
truly does appear to be nothing more than a bill
laden with a whole lot of taxes that we the people
have yet to be aware of.
Please pass this on . I am still incredulous that this can go on .Where is our press ? I guess it’s just like Nancy Pelosi said…….We have to pass it to see what is in it .What is next? What else is there we do not know about?  I am sick to death about our government……all of them!!!!!!
God help us .

Did you know a 3rd tower fell on 9/11?

Dear Thrive Movement,

The Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth are launching a campaign to "Re-Think 9/11", including the implications of contradictory evidence as to what really happened that day.

Somehow a third building - a 47-story high-rise - collapsed even though it was NOT hit by a plane and only had a few fires.

As we approach the anniversary of 9/11, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth will be bringing more attention to this issue by launching a global, grassroots media campaign with advertisements about the third tower in at least 50 cities worldwide. We're happy to support this effort, and hope you will too!

Watch this video to learn more about 9/11 and the upcoming global campaign for 9/11 Truth: 

Click video to watch.
Thank you,
Foster, Kimberly and the THRIVE Team

PS - For your convenience, transcripts of audio and video content on "Foster's Blog" and "News From Thrive" are being added to our website regularly (with more coming soon).  Select your language at the top of the webpage to translate the transcripts using Google Translate.  THRIVE, the movie, is also available in 24 languages - 16 of which are subtitled.  Click here to see all transcripts now available.   

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The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 6-Jun-2013 12:06:51

Partial transcript:

- For example in1995 Obama started up the Chicago New Party which was a total communist organization, and then since then other things have gone even his book that he wrote in 2006 called “The Audacity of Hope” on page 261 he said “I will stay with Muslims should the politic wind shift”. So this made me focus more on him...
…the advance I have in my book, there are quite few of them that parallel scriptures. For example:
- in chapter 24 I have dedicated the whole chapter to psalm 36124, and I thought that this is very, vrery pertinent because of the fact that this describes Obama and all of his associates, and I can preamp this by telling You that in the corporal world people have a tendency when they hire for certain position, they hire in their own self image...
...I would like to say that lot of his associations and Obama itself, they have, what I call, a translucent personality. Its kind like a frosted shower door that you look at outside, and you cannot see anything else. But if you were to get in the core of the door you would start to understand the character of the people involved, so getting on the other side from the core then you see what they are really like. Lot of politicians have this kind of personality when they have an agenda they want to hide...
...the policy of John Brennan was his only policy he wants to ban the US military...
...this is executive order 13490 and section 6, he said that he will not hire anybody who did not have the expertize, did not have the affiliation with their particular position. Well, unfortunaly, none of them had any experience in position that he put them in to.... of the speeches that was most troublesome to me was January 18, 2010, when he was in Cairo, Egypt. He was on a show called “Round Table” which is on Nile TV. He had said, and I quote: “I swear I am a Muslim”. He said “My father was a Muslim, my step-father was a Muslim, my half brother is a Muslim...”
… after he said “My half brother is a Muslim”, this is a key part, he said “I ma loyal to the Muslim agenda”. Now I think that everybody knows what that is. If you don't let me tell you. Destroy Christianity, destroy America, destroy Israel...
...From my research, and my insight, it appears that Obama is supplying the “rebels” with weapons, just as he was giving a lot of equipment, airplanes, Abrams tanks, and all kinds of things to Egypt when he knew that Muslim Brotherhood would, eventually, take over, he did that after they took over, but before took over, he gave 1.5 billion $ to help them along their cause...
...when he went over to Saudi Arabia he bowed before King Abdul ben ...and he had the reason to bow before him...
...The reason he had to bow before the King of Saudi Arabia is because the Muslim faith is centered in Saudi Arabia, and Muslims bow before the leader of Muslim faith. Now, President Obama has sid “I did not bow when I met the head of Saudi Arabia”. Well, you can actually see the video … on the web and you can actually see Barack Hussein Obama bending almost 90 degrees down before the King of Saudi Arabia which of course is demeaning to the office to the Presidency of USA. But what he in essence said was “I Barack Obama demean the United States and submit it to the authority of Saudi Arabia..”...
...The reason why he did that was not just because he is a Muslim, and he wanted to show his respect as he said in speech in Cairo... But to cover his action with king Abdul...he also bowed to the Japanese Emperor, and he also bowed to the major of Palm Beach Florida. This was all to cover his action with king Abdul because of the fact that king Abdul is the part and parcel to an organization of which Suleman Abdul Aziz Alragi who is worth 5.3 billion $ controls the Al-Barack Group which is Islamic banking center, and also, he is tied into an organization called the … fundation in Lebanon which has 12 people on board which of every one of them are terrorist...
...So Obama was bowing to him because of the financial hook in this whole thing...And I have proved in my research that the group that has 20 Saudi billioneries...
...This group is called “Golden Chain”. They were started in Harden Virginia many years ago. This is the group that gets the money, billions of $, and Obama was financed by them to the toon of 200 billion. When everybody was saying they did not know where he got his money I knew because I did the research. It was an individual by the name Dan Worth, he was an American, he was also an Muslim, his Islamic name was Halid al-Mansuri at the university of Baghdad, he is very close to the king, he was the advisor, he is one that got the money to Obama...
...Everyone of Obama's friends, he has friend by the name of Hany Secura who is one of the heads of North American Muslim Brotherhood. He also has Ali abu-Neamal who is the head of American Action Network in Chicago Illinois. Ali abu-Neamal was writing an article very discouraging and very anti-Semitic about Israel. So what Obama did say to him at 2008 during election? He said “Keep the good work”...
...His agenda is not hard to figure out. His agenda is he would probably try to run for third term in 2016....
...I know my information is correct because 4 month before my first book was published I got a death threat, which is called fatwa, from Faisal Abdul Mohamed. I've got more since then... who is a head of American Muslim Alliance. This individual has a very powerful group that helps promote Muslims in political favor at the local state and federal government. He got Larry Allison as well as Larry Show who is one of the speakers for the CAIR.
I've got Said say that he want a Muslim President by 2020... They actually want to take our country over...
...What has to happen is that the government has to be supplemented with an esoteric form to put a lot of devoted Muslims in key positions of our government.
The second thing is that they would have to have an overriding majority of votes by Muslim.
If this is the case you can look at Obama's appointees and federal government. He has appointed so many people that are devoted Muslims in key positions that they could have en effect in taking on our federal government...
…Lets take a look at Homeland Security. Everybody talks about Napolitano.
She is nothing more than figurehead for that organization. September 5, 2009, Obama appointed Carim Chapa and … Khan and later he appointed David Hay Mnister Secretary, all devoted Muslims, every one of them...They were appointed to the Homeland Security Advisory Council that sets all the policy for Homeland Security....
… 13498 was executive order that had to do with US Commissioner of International Religious Freedom. He brought Imam Tali Idan for that specific purpose. And he knew at the time that Imam Id was for jihad. He was also for the Muslim World Legae of which he admitted...
…Hillary Clinton, she had 3 terrorist friends. You can look at campaign contributions that were made by 2 political figures. One of them is Jakub Mursa and the other one is Omar Ashrad. This two held fund raiser for Hillary Clinton in 2006 and 2007. There is another person involved with them. This persons name is Jasen Caidi. Jasen Caidi is one of financiers of Al-Quaida.
So, what we are looking at is a long term relationship Bill Clinton, same with him. He had a Bill Clinton library. He was given money from, or his library, from Foram Gehidi. Foram Gehidi is the person that have a group called Al-labi. This is Muslim charity again who was connected to Mely Bank, Maly Bank is the front for Iranian nuclear program which is tied into ASE corporation...
...So therefore we can look forward to someone that wants to use tyranny to try to intimidate the people like he is trying to do with 14 governors now including governor Polentey as governor Perry. His issue of National Security letters to them. These governors are instrumental in spearheading a program what he want a self defense organizations comprised of military personal in their states in case something happens. Well, Obama send National Security letters to them saying that “If you do not remove those people, I will charge you with treason”...
...You won't hear about these 14 governors that had National Security letters put out on them...You won't hear about 800 Viper Teams that Obama released on February 22 which, incidently, is Washington's birthday. And Viper Teams preceding being released on February 22 they killed 2 people that were … supporters of constitution gun rights. One of them was Matt Redcliff and the other one was Brian Nordesco, I believe that is his name. So, they were killed.
So, the Viper Teams are basically put out to suppress the views and people who want to go forward and of high profile enough to influence the rest of the country and taught....
...We know where he was born. He was not born in Hawaii. 19 days after the election came about the President … and … who is the member of parliament and also the ambassador from Kenya to US … said on … radio in Michigen, they said that Obama was born in Kenya and everybody in Kenya knows it. And this was further pointed out in Sunday Standard news paper...
...When you look at Obamacare this thing will be a train wreck. There are certain sections in Obamacare that come to life.
One of those sections is 2701 and that I believe is will full felony or if people do not get into this program and pay the money then he says that they go to prison for 5 years and be fined 25.000 $. The other section is 2703. 2703 is the will full miss demaner for you have to pay 2.5% out of this program. If you do not do that you go to prison for 1 year and are fined for 5.000 $...
...Obama has excluded every single Muslim. And the reason for it is that Muslim cannot take part in program that has to do with insurance because they look at that as a form of gambling... I understand that members of Congress are excluded as well...
Disclaimer: Due to audio quality and inadequate knowledge of spoken language, above translation, names of physical persons and titles of legal entities are only indicative. For their exact meaning please listen to audio.

"Did You Know The United States is still a British Colony?.."

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Reader: "Did You Know The United States is still a British Colony?.."
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 6-Jun-2013 10:55:07

Thanks Dragon :)
The link will take you to the whole story. Short version is, she was sworn in on a substitute stone. Yeah, I know. It sounds silly from here. But these are Britons. Things are different there. There's a special stone used in the ceremony and someone, the name is revealed, switched it for a counterfeit stone. So the whole ceremony was bogus. Mind you, the coronation was in 1953.
So if the coronation was bogus, everything she's done since then was illegal and of no effect. That's the main idea of the case before the court.
So what's that mean here in Peoria, I can hear you ask?
Well, aside from the fact that the United States is still a British colony,
it has a direct bearing on our legal system because our lawyers are members of the BAR. British Accreditation Registry. Hmmm...... I can hear you say.
It's a very interesting story and a worthwhile read. More interesting than anything you get on daytime TV or Alex Jones. And just in case the ripple effect spills over into the American colonies, you'll have been on top of the story from the beginning.

Benjamin Fulford: Massive Pedophile Network Busted, Bizarrely Dressed Ringleader Arrested

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Benjamin Fulford: Massive Pedophile Network Busted, Bizarrely Dressed Ringleader Arrested
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 6-Jun-2013 10:05:44

International law enforcement officials have raided a massive secret arctic facility and made scores of arrests including of a man suspected of leading the world’s oldest and largest pedophile network. The suspect, who was caught while wearing ritual satanic dress, denies any wrongdoing. However, he was found with detailed plans for illegally breaking and entering into children’s homes in multiple countries with the intent to carry out pagan satanic solar rituals.
In addition, authorities have taken an undisclosed amount of what they believe to be child workers into protective custody. The suspect, known by several aliases including Chris Kringle, Sinter Klaas and St. Nicholas, insists the laborers are members of an alien humanoid race known as “elves.” He further insists that he bought them “fair and square and an inter-galactic slave market” and has the ownership papers to prove it.
Nonetheless, the suspect admits to “loving children,” the very definition of a pedophile. Although he denies any sexually inappropriate behavior, multiple witnesses have come forth to testify that they have seen him publicly fondling under-age children on his lap and offering them “presents.” Prosecutors laughed in derision when he said he gave presents to children “out of the goodness of his heart.”
Experts say the suspect, known to members of his cult as “Santa Claus,” would probably be confined indefinitely to a psychiatric hospital where doctors will try to cure his pedophilia using a combination of chemical castration and selective neurosurgery. “Parents can breathe a sigh of relief knowing their children will from now on be safe from ritual satanic abuse during the winter solstice,” said a task force spokesperson.
While the above is obviously satire, it does serve to illustrate the moral difficulties that can be encountered in dealing with pedophilia and sexual abuse of children. Although it is often portrayed as an absolute evil, pedophilia can range from on one extreme, the rape of a two-year old boy (a case my mother dealt with as a psychologist) to another, a 17-year old boy arrested for having a 15-year old girlfriend.
This issue matters now because of the growing demand for a crack-down of elite pedophile networks. The Jimmy Saville case in the UK and the multiple cases involving the Vatican are two prime examples of widespread, institutionalized sexual abuse of minors by people in power. However, there are reports of massive witch hunts using child pornography planted into target’s computers to carry out systematic arrests of political dissidents in the US and elsewhere.
The Sabbatean mafia has long both bribed and blackmailed power elites by using under-aged sexual partners. Dealing with this issue carefully will be a key to removing the cabal from its grip on power in the West.
For example, former UK Prime Minister Edward Heath was blackmailed by the Russians for having sex with a 16-year old boy. The stigma surrounding this apparently consensual relationship became a massive security breach for the UK government. Then there is the ongoing attempt to incriminate former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi because he allegedly had sex with a 17-year old who said she was 23.
The whole subject is a moral minefield but it needs to be brought out of the closet and dealt with openly and to some extent with forgiveness.
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   Submitted by a reader

    guru bluwolf , recently stepped into to say that WFB ,was  the only stand up responsible  Banking vehicle  to be trusted wit the  IQD/Dollar RV.  
    NO, they are the only one the Rothschild -Bush Cartel has positioned to do their customized manipulative laundering and the wringing out of this international currency revaluation of the IQD , with the dollar.
   WFB continues to proceed with their daily dirty mortgage banking abuses, like recently foreclosing on a guy in Orlando, Fl. , for paying his mortgage forward. That made the MSM, and again, their pants are around their ankles. 
  I hope we get through this RV this week. If not we must start a full fledged attack on WFB. There are many disclosures out there to do this. These Federal Reserve powered bastards are helping themselves to our windfall , our homes and our futures - CRIME SCENE OF CRIMINAL BANKSTERS IN AMERICA .

An unforgettable true story of a grieving dog's gift to her buddy in heaven.


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A Final Offering to a Furry Friend

An unforgettable true story of a grieving dog's gift to her buddy in heaven.
By Theresa Olive

Several years ago, our family rented a house that had a basement apartment under ours. The young couple who lived below us were quiet and unobtrusive. Their dog, however, was not.
Cody was a typical black lab; a big, tail thumping extrovert. He loved to greet us by planting his huge paws on our chest. Our dog Tasha, an English Setter mix, was a kindred spirit. Because she shared the yard with Cody, they soon became fast friends.
We often saw a blur of black and white fur as they raced neck and neck toward some hapless bird that had just landed in their territory. The only time I saw any conflict between the two dogs was when we fed Tasha. Cody would bound up, expecting to share in Tasha’s bounty. However, Tasha would bare her teeth and growl menacingly.
Cody would change his strategy, dropping to his belly and inching slowly toward Tasha’s dish. But this ingratiating behavior did not impress Tasha. The closer Cody got, the more Tasha snarled and snapped. Finally, Cody would slink away with his tail between his legs—until next mealtime, that is. Then Cody, ever the optimist, would replay the scene, with the same disappointing conclusion.

One day my husband Jeff came home visibly upset. He had just found Cody lying by the side of the road, killed by a speeding truck. Tasha sniffed at Cody’s glossy black fur and whined. Over the next few weeks, Tasha was listless, her tail drooping. She obviously missed her old friend.
At the same time, Tasha’s food dish disappeared. We replaced it with another, only to have that one vanish as well. There followed a steady succession of bowls, aluminum plates, even an old coffee can. They all disappeared. Finally, the mystery was solved when our neighbor knocked on our door, her arms loaded with the missing dishes, some still half-full of dog food.
"Are these yours?" she asked.  When Jeff and I nodded, she explained, "I saw Tasha headed toward the road, so I shooed her back. Then I noticed all these dishes in a pile."
Puzzled, I asked, "Where were they?"
"Well, you know," she answered thoughtfully, "it was right by the place where Cody died. Isn’t that odd? Surely Tasha couldn’t..." Her voice trailed off in confusion.
Jeff and I exchanged glances. Could Tasha have been enticing her old friend back by offering him the one thing she withheld from him when he was alive? 

Even today, retelling the story gives me goose bumps. It raises questions about animals’ intelligence and emotions.

It also reminds me not to wait to show love to those around me. I need to share whatever blessings I’ve received with others—before it’s too late.

Diabetes is linked to acute thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency

Diabetes is linked to acute thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency
Thursday, June 06, 2013 by: Paul Fassa

(NaturalNews) Stuart Lindsay is a PharmD (PhD in pharmacy) who contributed an article to entitled "Confessions of a Frustrated Pharmacist." He wrote of his frustrations of being ostracized from members of the medical community as he became aware of how drugs weren't working to cure much of anything.

Orthomolecular medicine is the appropriate application of high dosage nutraceutical supplements for treating diseases.

Stuart was observing people on pharmaceutical drugs not getting better, and he was hearing vitamin users talk of their improved health conditions. He began reading more about supplements and questioning his superiors at the pharmacist's graduate school he was attending.

He managed to obtain his PharmD degree despite his occasional conflicts and disagreements with the teaching staff. (1)

Then he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. His vision was good and other common type 2 diabetes symptoms were not unbearable. His main symptom of concern was the neuropathy affecting his feet, sometimes numb and sometimes painful.

The frustrated pharmacist takes another path

Realizing the pain pills for his feet and other drugs prescribed by his doctor wouldn't help his condition, Stuart decided to go with his non-mainstream medical research and use supplements.

After researching several studies, most importantly UK Dr. Paul Thornalley's theory of diabetes as an acute thiamine deficiency, Stuart started taking 300 mg three times a day using benfotiamine, a fat soluble or lipid form of thiamine.

Having researched Dr. Thornalley's theory of diabetes being an acute thiamine deficiency and other supporting studies, he started a regimen of vitamin and mineral supplements.

He told his doctor that if it didn't work out, he'd succumb to the doctor's list of prescribed drugs, which included pain killers and statin drugs. But that didn't happen. Within a week the intense foot pain was gone, and withing three weeks all peripheral neuropathy sensations had ceased.

They would come back when he stopped taking them, but at least he wasn't suffering from the side effects of expensive drugs. Diabetics lose thiamine with their usually increased urination issues.

Stuart states, "If you go to PubMed and enter the keywords 'thiamine deficiency' and 'diabetes' you will get dozens of references that describe how many symptoms of diabetes are caused by a thiamine deficiency it generates." (2)

Dr. Dach concurs

Dr. Jeffrey Dach, a holistic MD based in South Florida, concurs with Stuart's decisions except for one item, Stuart's rejection of Metformin, which Dr. Dache asserts is a rare "good drug" for diabetics.

He lists the supplements used with Stuart's nutraceutical approach:

* Benfotiamine thiamine - 300mg 3X daily
* Pyridoxal-5-phosphate - 100 mg daily
* Magnisium citrate - 300 mg 3X daily with meals
* Acetyl-L-Canitine - 1,000 mg between meals daily
* Buffered vitamin C - 2,000 to 3,000 mg with meals

Dr. Dach added a few of his own recommendations:

* Alpha Lipoic Acid
* Vanadium with Chromium
* Dietary Fiber
* Tocotrienol Vitamin E
* Exercise and weight reduction program, for which he advises to call his office

Dr. Dach concludes in his article linked below that benfotiamine thiamine should be included for all diabetes patients. He cites several academic sources in addition to his report on the diabetic symptom reduction by the "frustrated pharmacist". (3)

Both Stuart and Dr. Dach refer to the ACCORD (Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes) five-year study failure that proved the opposite of their stated aim. (4) (5)

Essentially they're both saying diabetes or its symptoms are not completely handled by mainstream medicine, and that nutritional medicine does at least handle the symptoms that even lowering blood sugar doesn't.

Sources for this article include:






About the author:
Paul Fassa is dedicated to warning others about the current corruption of food and medicine and guiding others toward a direction for better health with no restrictions on health freedom. You can visit his blog at

Banks in the Bucket

ALL patriot American MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL
reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist,

extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions
Terry Duffy, CME Group President and crooked bank stooge
image benginza. com

Wednesday  June 5, 2013

Banks in the Bucket 

by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

UNITED STATES of America  -  It can now be reported that the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has told CME Group President and crooked bank stooge Terry Duffy that U.S. Bank, ABN AMRO, as well as Bank of America, are totally in violation of CFTC and CME Group Exchange capital requirements. 

The exposure by the aforementioned crooked banks aka the use of derivatives is 100 times worse than the exposure to undermargined naked option positions that collapsed both MFGlobal and PFG.

Reference: CFTC Chairman Gary Gensler was forced to act today when he received overwhelming evidence of the criminal bank misconduct from U.S. Senate Banking Committee Chairman Tim Johnson, Democratic of South Dakota.

Senator Tim Johnson also supplied evidence to the CFTC of massive electronic front running that has been done by these criminal banks, including the latest leak of the ISM Report that was given to ABN AMRO and their criminal banking co-conspirators in an electronic email 5 seconds before the actual report was released.

P.S. The CFTC and the Department of Justice is now in possession of email evidence proving that the soon to be defunct National Futures Association (NFA) was in total collusion with U.S. Bank, PFG CEO Russell Wasendorf, as well as his son, ponzi scheme expert Russell Wasendorf Jr, and finally their Compliance Officer, former NFA employee Susan Mary O'Mara, in conspiring to orchestrate a massive FOREX currency ponzi scheme that was tied to a bank holding company in Minneapolis, Minnesota.   

Note: Miss O'Mara also conspired with NFA personnel to rig entrapment calls and bogus audits versus PFG IBs and even former PFG IBs (one IB with a $3 million run sheet) as to have the NFA blow out and cancel the IBs and then, accordingly, have O'Mara steal the accounts for Wasendorf's son, neo-Nazi and ponzi scheme operator Russell Wasendorf Jr.

It is important to note that PFG Best and U.S. Bank were enablers for a massive money laundry linked to the German Nazi Deutsche Bank of Hamburg, Germany.

In closing, at this hour, the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols now have a June 25th deadline for implementation.

We must report the facts, folks, that American patriot Ambassador Leo Wanta is still having his funds aka U.S. Taxpayers' funds illegally co-mingled and converted into more naked derivatives tied to the Adamus Group and worldwide crooked banks.

Stay tuned for future intelligence briefings.  The endgame is near!  Its the U.S. military versus the TREASONOUS, criminal NSA (National Security Agency).