Friday, June 7, 2013


Part 38
by Sherman H. Skolnick 8/11/03
There are examples throughout history of the making of Empires and the breaking up of the same.
How did a small group of islands take over sizeable land and treasure all over the world? Simple. The British are the leading experts on studying the ways of other peoples and other places. They have for centuries figured out the schemes to grab what they want by turning groups against one another. India and China are examples. South Africa another case to consider.
As discussed in this website series, the British have vowed to take back the land called America, reverting the inhabitants to being mere subjects of the Monarchy in Britain, and the continent to being mere colonies of the Crown. They failed in fomenting the bloody American Civil War, also known as the War Between the States, to turn historic trends against each other. The dirty trick included instigating states to breakaway from the central government, forming the Confederacy, yet based on natural hatred between the industrial North and the slave-agricultural South.
And the British during World War One seized portions of the failing Turkish Ottoman Empire, which included portions of the Mid-East, such as now called Iraq. Like in the attempt to wreck the American Empire, the British by the 1930s had to abandon Iraq and later were involved in controlling the Peacock Throne, Persia, Iran.
By the late 1980s, through their secret political police, the U.S. was well along to breaking up the Soviet Empire, previously known as the Czarist Russian Empire. A super secret unit of the U.S. Treasury, in combination with the American CIA, produced a superior quality counterfeit Soviet paper currency, the ruble. Also used, in part, was a flood of superior quality countefeit U.S. paper currency, that is, Federal Reserve Notes, masquerading as the "U.S. Dollar".
The bogus paper money was produced by a team of world-class engravers, known in the counterfeit trade as "master cutters". [Discussed earlier in this series.] The details became known in that Daddy Bush, as President together with the CIA and the Treasury, failed to pay the counterfeiters. A little-known federal court case deals with the hang-up. The counterfeiters demanded absolute proof that they would be paid the huge, promised fees in valid, not bogus, money.
So the Moscow government was toppled the classic way, with being financially undermined with super-duper fake money.
The result? The breakaway provinces of what was previously the Soviet Empire. The Russians with great military means but suffering huge casualties, have been seeking to punish some of these breakaway pieces of their vast land, treasures, minerals, and such.
The Bush Crime Family, jointly with Bill and Hillary Clinton as cohorts, have not given up on pro-British diabolical methods to divide up the States, not OF AMERICA, but IN AMERICA. As we have shown, the Bushies have a One Hundred Billion Dollar joint account with the Queen of England, in her private enterprise, Coutts Bank London. [Related documents are in our website series "Greenspan Aids and Bribes Bush"; copies of the One Hundred Billion Dollar joint account have been circulated by us, and an authenticated copy is part of the website of a radio talk show which has me on from time to time, <>]
The One Hundred Billion Dollar joint account, the Bushies/the Queen, is made up from private partnership funds of Daddy Bush and Saddam Hussein, a creation of the American CIA. [Little-known federal case in Chicago that dealt with this, where I was the only journalist covering it, is dealt with in detail in our website story "The Secrets of Timothy McVeigh".]
n its simplest form, Enron and Arthur Andersen accounting, were dirty tricks of the American CIA, in with Carylyle Group, the Bush Crime Family, as run in part by former top British government officials. Enron officials reportedly arranged to falsify out-of-state electric transmissions to California. Thus created, was a fraudulent shortage of electric power in California right before and right after the alleged presidential "election" of 2000. The California authorities, fighting "brown-outs" and actual "black-outs", had to pay as much as ten times the usual rate for electric power transmission from the grid.
To deal with an almost impossible monstrous deficit, California authorities have quietly been exploring avenues of rescue. They have secretly explored the idea of California becoming a breakaway STATE IN AMERICA. Some believe this is not quite the same as the states that brokeaway, instigated by the British, to form the Confederacy.
For this purpose, to have funds to pay their expenses, the California State authorities are considering to blockade California funds being sent to the Central Government in Washington, D.C., as "federal taxes", income taxes, withholding taxes, and other federal fees and expenses. The gathering emergency situation would justify such an action. BUT, how can it be carried out? The State authorities can freeze accounts in banks located in California, about to transmit federal tax funds to the Internal Revenue Service and the U.S. Treasury. The largest bank chain in California has been Bank of America, and its holding firm, Bank America. Once headquartered in San Francisco, they now have their headquarters in North Carolina. By the way, some deem them already insolvent because of horrendous gambling by them in gold and oil derivatives, speculators' hocus-pocus, in the trillions of dollars jointly with J.P. Morgan Chase.
Another groups of banks operating in California is Wells Fargo, a major function of which is to funnel covert CIA funds for operations in Asia and the Pacific Basin. Some contend major Wells Fargo stockholder, Warren Buffet, actually has his so-called "fortune" secretly based on CIA operations in illicit transactions, such as dope. Most every bank located in California has as major owners, the huge Japanese mafia, the Yakuza. [Visit our website series on the Yakuza.]
In anticipation of this, the Bush White House has formulated several plans. [1] Scheme Number One. Before the California Governor Recall Movement got so heated up, the Rasputin of the White House, the sinister Karl Rove, worked an apparent deal with Arnold Schwarzenegger to somehow push him in as the new California Governor. The weight-lifting steroid-using movie star is perfect. The Bush Family, as documented beyond challenge, helped install Adolf Hitler. [Such as "The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush", published in 1992, authors Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin.Some websites have the entire book.Use a search engine.]
Arnold has a suitable Pro-Nazi background, and marrying Maria Shriver, whose father married into the Kennedy Family, is in with a group whose patriarch, Joseph P. Kennedy, was Pro-Hitler while U.S.Ambassador to London up to 1940.
Arnold's father, in Austria, was reportedly an official of the Nazi Party. In the 1980s, Arnold actively promoted the election to a top post in Austria of Kurt Waldheim. The former U.N. chief Waldheim had carefully concealed that in World War Two, he was part of an elite unit in the Nazi military committing atrocities against Jews and others in the Balkans.
[2] Scheme Number Two.To counter this or actually to take advantage of the situation of emergency, the occupant and resident of the White House has planned either to nationalize the California State National Guard, or to call up U.S. Military Reservists. What is the justification?
The U.S. Constitution, Article IV, Section 4 provides:
"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Exectutive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence."
[Cynics jointly with know-nothings, seeing the old-time language using capital letters of the Constitution, would prefer the ludicrous version that Bush could install a GOP form of government, that is a REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT. Ha, ha.]
This purportedly empowers the occupant and resident of the White House, assuming he still retain his powers as purported Commander-in-Chief, to send in troops to deal with a version of uprising against the Central Government. In an exclusive story in our Middle-Finger News series, we raise the apparent issue that key forces within the U.S. Military and elsewhere in the Central Government, have quietly taken away the "football" from George W. Bush, that is, the suitcase by Marine Guard carrying the nuclear codes. A week before he was forced to resign facing Impeachment, Nixon had the "football" taken away from him by Nixon White House Chief of Staff, General Alexander Haig, as the General was ordered by his Jesuit relative.
I first raised related issues a few days after the alleged presidential "election" in the year 2000. Visit our website earlier story, "The Breakaway States IN AMERICA". Also as to dealing with an emergency visit our 2/5/1 item "The American Troika".
Is the situation in California made-to-order for the Bush Crime Family, as instigated by the British Crown, to cancel the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights? Is it because we ae facing terrible military disasters in Iraq and Afghanistan? Is it because the real facts of 9-11 are about to become more well known, that the Arabs were NOT directly involved, but that it was a bloody scheme, to sacrifice ordinary Americans to instigate a war. See the book with the documents, that came out right before 9-11, "Body of Secrets" by James Bamford, detailing the crazies in the Joint Chiefs of Staff and their plan, Northwoods Project, to instigate a war against Cuba. It reads much like 9-11.
Other bankrupt states in the Southwest are quietly considering the plan of becoming Breakaway STATES IN AMERICA, including Arizona, Colorado, Orgeon, and the State of Washington.
[NOTE: Our stories are often posted on another website sooner than our own: visit <> MAIN PAGE, left-hand side of page COLUMNISTS Sherman Skolnick. Through clicking there, you can see a long list of our stories over the last several years.
You can hear on-line live, and then later archived, the two-hour radio talk show originating in Canada, every Thursday evening, 11 p.m., Eastern Time, 10 p.m., Central, 9 p.m.,Mountain, 8 p.m. , Pacific.
The book just published "Ahead of the Parade" by Sherman H. Skolnick, can be ordered, U.S./Canada, (800) 861-7899. Or see it on ]

More coming....Stay tuned.


Part 39
by Sherman H. Skolnick 9/25/03
Finger-pointers are dealt with in many ways. Some are simply written off as imagining official bureaus are corrupt. Their protests are blocked as having no basis. Or, that they are paranoid, and require medical if not psychiatric attention. Or, that they are just malcontents, and should be ignored.
If a real reformer shows up, they are sent away with empty promises of correction. If judges are identified as corrupt and bribe-takers, the would-be crusader is barred from the courthouse as a "security risk". If that does not end the agitation for redress of grievances---well, the judges could certainly reach into their cauldron of powers and pull up, from the mists and vapors of antiquity, invoking thus the judge-created offense of "contempt of court". That would certainly preclude the tribunal from having to hear "trouble-makers".
If demands for government reform or improvement persist, the "powers that be", the Establishment, the Ruling Class---in short THEM---could concoct a frame-up. After all, a few per cent of those in prison are innocent but actually political prisoners. Others there may just need hospital attention.
A group of researchers and investigators assisted in the details of a proceeding to bring out Fraud Upon the Courts, perpetrated by the Judges themselves upon their own Court. Among others implicated are judges on the U.S. Supreme Court and one-step below them, all the judges on the U.S. Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit, headquartered in Chicago. Some acted under a malign, if not corrupt, influence in respect to blockading mammoth claims against a major firm, Coca-Cola Company. There are many details. Such as apparent "leakage" into non-legal channels within the U.S. of cocaine, a by-product of the processing of coca leaves to make the secret base for Coca-Cola. So you thought all the clandestine cocaine was smuggled in from Columbia and such? Such as, implicated is George Herbert Walker Bush. Such as, an overlap of corrupting the Five-Judge majority on the U.S. Supreme Court, in the Bush versus Gore litigation, arbitrarily installing George W. Bush as the occupant and resident of the White House.
Step by step details are in my website story with the actual court papers attached (and voluminous court-filed Exhibits to be posted later) Coca-Cola, the CIA, and the Courts, Part 9, 9/22/3.
Perhaps the Judges cannot straight forward answer the charges of Fraud Upon the Court perpetrated by the Judges themselves on their own court. So now the reformers are facing an apparent frame-up. The Bush Justice Department reportedly is set to claim that the court clean-up group committed federal criminal offenses by procuring an elite team of assassins physically endangering two judges on the U.S. Supreme Court, part of the 5-Judge majority that installed the younger Bush in the Oval Office. Is it just a coincidence that these are the same two high court Justices identified as corrupted in the demand for the investigation of Fraud Upon the U.S. Supreme Court?
And, that those who seek to publicly condemn the depraved jurists as corrupt, are also accused of supervising a band of ruffians. Doing what? Why, harassing "liars and whores of the press", that is, shoving around newsfakers who cover up for the Bush Crime Family. Does this include Washington Post hotshot Bob Woodward, whose late father was a highly corrupt Chicago-area Chief Judge? Little-known, that Du Page County Chief Judge Alfred Woodward, in an unpublicized case, arbitrarily awarded millions and millions of dollars from an insurance fraud case to Nixon White House Watergate Figures (the little-mentioned Equity Funding case of the 1970s---we have the files to prove it. And more, Chief Judge Woodward, like his son Bob, was a key figure in the espionage Establishment).
And who is accused, apparently by the Bush Justice Department, of financing these "domestic terrorists"? Why, Albert Gore, Jr., considered by some, if not many, as the duly elected President NOT INAUGURATED. Planned reportedly by the federal prosecutors is to rely on the Patriots Act, which has cancelled many of the guarantees of the Bill of Rights.
Additional Bush Justice Department federal criminal charges reportedly contend that aiding and abetting this "interference" with American high-level judges and media honchos, is a Canadian broadcaster who on a major show, known as a "blow torch" radio facility(maximum power station), broadcast from Toronto and also carried ON-LINE, supposedly foments related sedition directed against the current U.S. regime.

Will the whistle-blowers be dealt with in a Kangaroo Court. And then, sent away to an American Gulag?


Part 40
by Sherman H. Skolnick 9/29/03
Sensible Americans take it as a given. That the oil-soaked, spy-riddled American monopoly press simply cannot tell us the truth. About Iraq, about the murder of President Kennedy, and a lot of other issues. The mouthpieces of "the powers that be", the Ruling Class---in short THEM---are shackled to the Establishment's outrageous if not cruel BIG LIE agenda.
Confronting the U.S. Supreme Court and one step below it, the Chicago Federal Appeals Court, is a Motion detailing Fraud Upon Those Courts perpetrated by the Judges themselves. These facts revolve around a mammoth fraud involving Coca-Cola Company, the American CIA, and the Courts, overlapping onto the litigation of the high court called Bush versus Gore. That is, the Five-Judge, Military-Style Junta in Washington, that under a malign and corrupt influence, arbitrarily installed George W. Bush as the occupant and resident of the White House. The duly elected President, Albert Gore, Jr., was simply not INAUGURATED.
[Visit "Coca-Cola, the CIA, and the Courts", Part 9, on various websites, such as archived on
More details necessary to be understood:
[1] As detailed in the Motion, cocaine is a by-product of the processing, within the U.S., of huge amounts of coca leaves for the production of the secret base of Coca-Cola. Reportedly tied into the "leakage" of cocaine, within the U.S., into non-legal channels are top-level U.S. judges and members of the Bush Crime Family. Plainly, some of the cocaine snorted in the U.S., even by Judges themselves, is NOT smuggled in from somewhere else, outside the U.S., such as Columbia.
[2] Those in law enforcement contend that tied to the Coca-Cola, CIA, Courts, cocaine mess, is Vicente Fox, President of Mexico. He headed Coca-Cola of Mexico and had a dominating, if not having even now a continuing role, as to Coca-Cola in most of Latin America, south of the United States.
Fox is implicated, say those in a position to know, in the BIG FIX in Bush versus Gore litigation in the high court. And in various ways, he is tied to those judges in the Coca-Cola litigation, acting under a mlaign if not corrupt influence. Judges obligated by law to divulge their financial relationship to Fox, Coca-Cola, and such, but do NOT show the same on their mandatory annual judicial financial disclosure forms required to be signed by the judges subject to the penalties of perjury..
3] Mexico President Fox has, on and off the record, made serious demands for concessions, favoring Mexico, from the George W. Bush White House. Some legal scholars assert that some of those arm-twistings border on being, if not actually, unlawful and unconstitutional. That illegal Mexicans in the U.S. be permitted to prevail on U.S. authorities with documents, issued within the U.S., by Mexican officials officed in the U.S. That such otherwise undocumented persons be issued state drivers licenses. That they collect U.S. Social Security, Medicare, and other U.S. and state benefits, the same as U.S. citizens.
[4] Beyond that, Fox is demanding of the Bush White House guarantees as to Mexico and Fox, that Mexico have certain rights as to southern California, New Mexico, Arizona, and parts of Texas. Not identical---would they blatantly dare?---but similar to those areas being somehow returned or annexed to Mexico, nullifying and reversing the results of past wars between the U.S. and Mexico, which would be unconstitutional and beyond the Bush White House authority.
[5] As a horrendous blackmail and diversion, Fox and company are threatening to steer up a big Texas secret, just to trouble Americans who may oppose the demands of Fox/Mexico. Texas was the only territory that entered the Union with provisions. Texas, through their State Legislature, has been granted the proviso, that they can, if they so wish, divide Texas into five separate states, each with Two U.S. Senators to sit in the U.S. Senate. The power to do so has for generations been quietly carried over, from session to session of the Texas State Assembly. It is a legal political nuclear bomb that can be triggered off, at any time, or more openly referred to, by way of strong-arming certain positions.
[6] Another big whisper, fearful to the newsfakers, is about how those sneaking over the border into the U.S. have been used for America's Imperialistic designs. A sizeable number coming across the deserts and the Rio Grande, have been grabbed, sent to U.S. Military boot camp, and make up part of the U.S. forces in Iraq. They do not speak English and are difficult to supervise. When these "grunts" are killed in fire-fights and such with Iraqis and others who oppose U.S. as foreign invaders, or die from accidents or illness in Iraq; their bodies are NOT returned to the U.S., or, for that matter, to Mexico. These "U.S. Troops" are buried in mass graves in Iraq, and no count kept or officially revealed as to how many perished.
A documentary maker, apparently uncovering the mass graves of "U.S. troops" and this terrible secret, was ordered reportedly to be murdered by U.S. Special Forces or similar teams, and explained away as an "accident".
[7] If there is a Presidential Election in 2004 in the usual way, George W. Bush may have a problem. Remember, in advance of the 2000 Presidential Election, I stated on numerous radio talk shows and on-line, that the then upcoming Election may not be conducted in the expected, usual way, if at all. The same may true as to 2004.
Can Bush call up enough Reserves to fulfill the Aristocracy's requirements as to safeguarding the oilfields in Iraq? If not, would Bush dare order a Draft of Men and Women, to send them as Military to Iraq?
An alternative would be a secret pact with Fox and company, to arange more, great numbers of U.S. "Green Card Soldiers". That is, dragoon sizeable numbers of young Mexicans and other Latin Americans, coming across the border, and hustle them into the U.S. Military, and then, swiftly off to Iraq as "throwaway soldiers", expendables, not to be noted, counted, nor their dead bodies returned to the U.S/Mexico. Or, if wounded, shipped where?
Obvious to most, is that pulling out all U.S. Military from Iraq, and returning them to the U.S. in possible dishonor, most likely would destroy the Bush White House and Overthrow the American Republic.
[8] I have described George W. Bush as an incompetent who pisses on his own shoes, to put it crudely. Would Bush dare rattle the chains of Fox as corruptly linked to the looming scandal of the bribery of some of the Judges on the highest tribunal in the nation, jointly overlapping the corruption of the Judges of the Chicago Federal Appeals Court? All swirling around the malign, corrupt influence in the litigation known as Bush versus Gore?
Bush may thus knock down Fox and his demands. BUT, then further revealed would be the corrupt way Bush was installed by the malign influence on the Five-Judge majority on the U.S. Supreme Court.
It would be an understatement to say Vicente Fox merely sleeps with the corrupt Judges, Chicago and Washington, outlined in the court-filed Motion. Fox seems plainly to be implicated with the Fraud Upon those courts perpetrated by the Judges themselves along with their co-conspirators.

Fox and Bush are together in a box. For them, there is no way out. Stay tuned.

Juicy excerpts from the new book "The Center Holds: Obama and His Enemies"

Juicy excerpts from the new book "The Center Holds: Obama and His Enemies"
Posted By: MrFusion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 6-Jun-2013 15:30:17
Chicago Magazine has published excerpts from the new book "The Center Holds: Obama and His Enemies" by Jonathan Alter. Although Alter is a liberal Obama supporter, some of the details back up information supplied in the past by Ulsterman's "White House Insider". The excerpts specifically concern Chicago Collective insiders Valerie Jarrett, Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod, Bill Daley, and Luis Gutierrez:
Here is part of the material on Jarrett, as presented by Ulsterman:
Valerie Jarrett: Alter writes that Jarrett, a big sister figure to the Obamas, is “so close to the family [met Barack and Michelle in 1991 before they were married when she interviewed Michelle for a job in City Hall] that she went on vacation with them.” Others, envious of her access, called her the “Keeper of the Essence.” Alter describes her as “the defender, protector, and avenger for the first family.” She was also called the “Night Stalker” because she “could and often did wander up to the family quarters after hours.” She regularly accompanied Obama on travels abroad and, although foreign policy was not a particular interest or responsibility of hers, “she would frequently take one of the half-dozen seats alongside the president in bilateral meetings, which meant one less seat for a policy expert.”

Staffers feared her, but didn’t like or trust her. At meetings she said little or nothing, instead lingering afterwards to express her views directly to the President, creating anxiety for her underlings and insulting them by saying, “I don’t talk just to hear myself talking.” Staffers engaged in “a nervous pastime” of “interpreting sighs, glances, cleared throats, even terms of endearment.” People who had not performed to her standards were terrified of receiving emails from her, even emails that contained the line, “I forgive you, sweetie,” which, Alter explains, is “supposed to mean you’re back in,” but doesn’t really. He quotes one former staffer as warning, “If she calls you `sweetie,’ run!”

KVOS Webster Reports: The Extraordinary Equation of George Van Tassel

Dear john,
An historic television interview
with George Van Tassel recorded
in June 1964 reveals a number
of technologies that have been
secretly developed by the U.S.
Air Force and Navy based on
information first gained from
extraterrestrial visitors.

Among the national security
secrets revealed by Van Tassel
is that the U.S. Air Force has
possessed antigravity technology
since at least 1956. Van Tassel
claims to have witnessed a practical
demonstration of antigravity
technology in 1953 when he was
taken up into an extraterrestrial
spacecraft that had landed at
Giant Rock airport in California,
which he managed at the time.
Video (about 26 mins):

- Alexandra

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Alexandra Bruce

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How To Dry Up Chronic Diarrhea In A Flash

How To Dry Up Chronic Diarrhea In A Flash

If you stroll down the aisles of your local pharmacy or the drug section
of your grocery store, you'll see an endless sea of laxatives lining the shelves.

Yup--there are a whole lot of blocked up, stopped up, bound up people out there.
But for many, being able to "go" ISN'T the problem.
The problem is going WAAAY too in chronic diarrhea.
Let's take a little closer look at this often joked-about but potentially serious condition.
It keeps you runnin'
Putting it bluntly, diarrhea is your body saying, "Get this out of me NOW!"
With diarrhea, your wastes move through your colon way too fast. Since the colon is where the excess water in your wastes is absorbed, when everything flies through at the speed of light, the colon doesn't have a chance to do its job...
And you get the classic loose, watery wastes known as diarrhea.
Oh, and a sense of urgency like nothing else on earth. Hopefully you're near a toilet when it happens.

Oh crap, there's more?
With diarrhea, having to sprint to a toilet on a moment's notice is not the only problem...
Because when your wastes rocket through the intestinal tract, chances are excellent that you are not properly absorbing the nutrients from your foods as they whiz on by.
This can lead to nutritional deficiencies over time and underweight. Sadly, that's why some people have resorted to abusing laxatives to induce diarrhea as a way to take off pounds -- their health be damned.
But the flip side can also be true. Lacking nutrients can also lead to feelings of constant hunger since your inner dinner bell rings when you need nutrients.
Constantly feeling hungry leads to overeating...and you know what THAT means. That scale number creeps up, Up, UP, especially if you eat a lot of refined carbs and trans-fats.
Plus, diarrhea is an excellent way to get irritation in your exit ramp--otherwise known as hemorrhoids or anal fissures.
Lastly, since your body isn't absorbing the fluids from your wastes like it should, you're at risk for dehydration. (This is especially dangerous for small children and the elderly.)

What it is and isn't
Now, diarrhea is not a disease in and of itself, but rather a symptom of something else.
That something else can be any number of things like:
- Crohn's disease
- Ulcerative colitis
- IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
- Celiac disease/gluten sensitivity
- Food allergies and sensitivities
- An excess of Vitamin C or magnesium
- The sugars found in dietetic candies--sorbitol, mannitol and xylitol
- Diverticulitis/diverticulosis
- Viral or bacterial infection
- Food poisoning
- Laxative abuse
- Colon cancer
- Fructose or lactose intolerance


What to do to stop running to the loo
If you have acute diarrhea (diarrhea that's related to a bug, virus, something you ate, etc.), although you may feel lousy, chances are it will resolve itself within a few days. Just make sure you stay hydrated.
But chronic, long-term diarrhea is a different story.
First and foremost it's important to see a doctor to rule out anything serious that requires medical attention.
But in the absence of a specific underlying condition, chronic diarrhea is most commonly the result of the foods you eat.
When you eat processed foods and meal combinations that are hard to digest, you put your entire GI tract into a stressed state.
Your stomach churns and repeatedly secretes acid trying to break down what you've just swallowed. This can go on for 8-10 hours or more depending on how much you chowed down!
Eventually the stomach passes the "mess" on to your small intestine as if to say, "I've had enough--you deal with it now!"
Then your small intestine tries like heck to finish the job, but it can only do so much.
By the time the mess reaches the colon, heaven help you. If your foods are not broken down properly, this can stress the colon, and in a stressed state it may not properly absorb the water it should to make your bowel movement "solid."
And you fly like a jet plane to the toilet.

Put an end to the explosions
To keep things running smoothly at your "bottom," you have to start at the top (what you put in your mouth).
If you want to get rid of chronic diarrhea, you MUST eat foods that are nourishing to your body, and make sure that all of your meals are correctly combined to be easily digested.
That is exactly what you will learn to do when you follow my advice in the Great Taste No Pain system or for gluten-challenged people, Great Taste No Gluten.
When you eat meals that are easy for your system to break down, your stomach and intestines literally shout out, "Thank you!" and your digestive problems (including diarrhea) can begin to disappear FAST.
There are just a few easy-to-understand manuals that explain how and why eating this way works so well for everyone, no matter how badly you've eaten before or how long you've had diarrhea.

Put the army to work, too
Your intestinal flora also helps break down your foods and encourage normal bowel movements.
Problem is, thanks to the typical diets most people have, their intestinal flora balance is completely out of whack, and they instead have an environment that favors harmful bacteria. (A perfect invitation for diarrhea or other digestive problems.)
But a potent, medical-grade probiotic supplement like Super Shield can help turn that around for you fast, and help maintain a proper flora balance each and every day.
Super Shield contains the probiotic strains Bifidobacteria Infantis, Bifidobacteria Longum, Lactobacillus Casei and Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, all of which have been shown to help counteract diarrhea and improve digestion.
Those and Super Shield's other 9 strains go to work immediately in your gut, beefing up your population of beneficial, disease-fighting bacteria, strengthening your gut wall, enhancing digestion and crowding out harmful pathogens.

Don't live one more moment thinking that your solutions to chronic diarrhea are medication or eating lots of bananas!
Experience the power of the right diet with Great Taste No Pain or Great Taste No Gluten plus a healthy flora balance with Super Shield.
I'm sure you'll be able to say goodbye to chronic diarrhea and hello to normal BMs very soon!
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS:  We're now on Facebook! Like us here:

PPS: Will even surprised his doctor!
Hi Sherry,
I must admit that I was a skeptic when I first read about your Great Taste No Pain plan to normalize my IBS symptoms.
After 3 months of persistent diarrhea, I was diagnosed by my physician as having IBS. I tried Lomotil and Imodium to correct the diarrhea to no avail.
Then I tried your plan and by the second day I noticed a marked improvement and was back to a normal bowel movement by day 4. WOW! I could hardly believe the results. Even my doctor was surprised.
For the past 15 years I have been taking a PPI (Losec) and antacids to control GERD and a hiatal hernia. I am now off these meds and experiencing little or no acid reflux!
Thank you so very much for being there for us that suffers from IBS and SIBO symptoms. Keep up your excellent work.
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RV Rumors -- 6-6-13

You know, John, I heard someplace that if things get bad, our military was going to take over at the banks to get it done. This is saying that they are still catching bad guys. So, what is their problem and why are these people allowed to starve to death ????? Check this out :

[queenmother4] Pink princess and Puppylove or any one else who would like to address this just heard that the banks as of yesterday was given the green light. Sooooooo if that is true why no rv what good is a green light if nothing has happened?

 [DiddyKong] queenmother4 no green light. system security test for when the rv does happen. they are preparing for it but they wanted to test the security aspect of it.

[kelbell] DiddyKong been doing that a while right? for weeks it seems

 [DiddyKong] kelbell and we caught some fools like week

kelbell] DiddyKong this is true

[queenmother4] Diddykong so how many more security checks before they believe it works?

[DiddyKong] queenmother4 as long as it takes. as much as i want the rv, i would like them to ensure my new found wealth is safe, wouldn't you agree?

[DiddyKong] its all about security and funding at this point IMO

[kelbell] DiddyKong Think we will go past June?

 [queenmother4] Diddykong oh I want my money safe but as long as that has been going on it begs the question how do they get anything done? Imho

 [DiddyKong] kelbell I sure hope not. Lot of positive things have been accomplished and still more is being done. We will see.

[DiddyKong] queenmother4 do you know anyone from the military?

[queenmother4] Diddykong does my husband father brothers count lol

 [DiddyKong] queenmother4 sure. ask them how often did a "procedure" seem to be straight forward enough, but then would change at the last minute? Back in my days, I was a Sergeant and we would always change orders around. Too many leaks. We knew when exactly things would go, but would smoke everyone to keep....any ememies off our tails....think about it

[pappyy] DiddyKong tactical deception!!!!!

[queenmother4] Diddykong so when someone in the know says 7 days or green light or soon it's just to keep us off kilter

[DiddyKong] queenmother4 pretty much, remember insider trading is illegal. even if its just currency

[DiddyKong] kelbell early when Jester was on, I told everyone to apply what is going on with this RV to any other real life situation.

[DiddyKong] pappyy correct

[pappyy] DiddyKong been there, done that!!!! LOL

[DiddyKong] pappyy thats why no one knows, but they can guess for days

[queenmother4] Diddykong so this supposed intel is useless to us with that theory but I would have to say it seems likely you are right imho

 [DiddyKong] queenmother4 the only positive intel in my eyes are when things are announced as completed and you can check and verify it. Also it is important to note when things are done, what part of the procedure are they, and does it apply to something else...hint hint the bigger picture

 [queenmother4] Diddykong sure I can totally agree with that

[Maryrose] DiddyKong he's all about the 'big picture'

[DiddyKong] queenmother4 just keep ur head up (not saying u havent been doing that already), there are NO delays. ppl that claim delays are the same ones who call it and find an excuse

 [DiddyKong] Maryrose getting the US back to where it should be, the stabilzation of the world economy, etc. the rv is a part of that. Its a huge corner piece IMO

[queenmother4] Diddykong yes no delays and no speed ups it will just happen when it happens

 [DiddyKong] queenmother4 i honestly think this thing will sneak up on everyone. it'll be the least expected moment. like waiting at concert that is taking forever....just when ppl start to leave, the lights dim and the show starts...crowds of ppl cheering.

[DiddyKong] it will be eventful

 [flameon] DiddyKong I cannot imagine a single moment when the RV would be unexpected with as many eyes that are constantly watching. This is the first time the PTB has had to deal with the internet isn't it?

 [DiddyKong] flameon rofl ..... cant argue there. but it'll be a time when ppl won't be as encouraged to buy as much IQD as what has been occuring in the past IMO

[cisco411] There's tequila in the moat

[BLPastor] cisco411 That must be the problem. When I finished my morning swim I could hardly walk. Lol

 [jack1977] cisco411 are we rich lol and how much longer lol

[marmeysue] cisco411 I'll pretend like I'm Nola Date ________ Rate ____________ lol

[cisco411] Date will be on a day that ends in Y and the date will be numerical

 [cisco411] I guarantee it!

[Papa Bear] cisco411 Watch what u say and be nothing but truthful young man

[cisco411] I have nothimg to say just that we are in a GREAT place and I think that we are in a great place

[cisco411] If things go well you will start seeing God's will fulfilled in your life by Him filling your wallet. Have a plan and stick to it

 [Papa Bear] cisco411 Agreed and hope u and family ok after all

[honeybelle] So does everyone think we are in a great place?????? rofl

[cisco411] We Re all fine the storms in my life have cleared

[marmeysue] cisco411 that is good to hear

 [cisco411] Better news is still to come… But not too much longer

 [cisco411] I must leave but until then....

 [cisco411] I hope you RV before I return

[marmeysue] cisco411 bye it was good to see you and GO RV!!!

 [jack1977] cisco411 u mean u will be back today ? lol

[cisco411] And I WILL return!!!!

MidnightBlue] Dow is losing value, Pound is over 1.56, the highest is almost a year. Euro about 1.325 and even the Yen is up against the dollar to 97. Gold is up to over 14.11 and oil approaching 96

[MidnightBlue] 1411

[sananddan24] MidnightBlue is this good news?

. [MidnightBlue] It's not a revalue and could be a reaction to less Bernacke printing, but that would cause dollar to go up and stocks to go down. Stock are falling this week, but the dollar is dropping. I am not sure what is the reason, unless they have expectations of future direction

[MidnightBlue] Papa Bear gold has been like a yoyo for weeks, big moves 20 to30 up and next day down

 [Papa Bear] MidnightBlue ALL currency big ranges and lots of volitility. Clue

[MidnightBlue] Dinarblessed TY

Papa Bear] MidnightBlue Dont only look at $ today large ranges and volitility that is your clue.

[MidnightBlue] Papa Bear agreed, but nothing like what we will see in the global reset

[MidnightBlue] Waiting for more intel. I wish I knew what contacts meant when they say, I'll call you right back! LOL

[TNGirl] MidnightBlue all currencies are up and down right now? Is that what Papa Bear is saying? And it's a clue?

[sananddan24] Papa Bear how is Okie?

[Papa Bear] sananddan24 Talked to Okie voice sounds good said tell everyone Howdy. He is working hard on house repair and insurance adjustors


[Catbite] mrsdinar okay, I'll bite -what do you know and how do you know it, lol

 [mrsdinar] Catbite Trust me! It's a DONE deal....

[Catbite] mrsdinar no no no, learned that lesson a lonnnggg time ago - spill it first, rofl

[mrsdinar] Catbite I just did! We should know something today, not later than tomorrow......

[donerv] mrsdinar I hope so!

[mrsdinar] Catbite Seriously, you've never heard me say it before. It's over with, can't say any more than that..

[mrsdinar] mkay you guys just gotta trust me on this one. Some of this stuff that's on the boards is real and I know it first hand...

[mrsdinar] We've ARRIVED, you will see shortly...

[Catbite] mrsdinar and your definition of shortly is?????

 [mrsdinar] Catbite today or tomorrow...

 [pastored] I know confirmation from text I just got yes yes yes yes tyj tyj tyj tyj the glory

[pastored] just shared looooooksss great tyj tyj just praise him dont ask questions praise him ty Jesus

[huntress] pastored wow got goose bumps

[mkay] two people in here saying it is DONE???

[siskhyder] Someone knows something we don't?

[DiddyKong] what exactly is done this time?

[mrsdinar] DiddyKong We're there! It's over with....

[DiddyKong] mrsdinar do you have sources or what? How do you know?

[mrsdinar] DiddyKong yes

 [DiddyKong] mrsdinar sources from where....and you can answer as vague as possible

[mrsdinar] DiddyKong sources, give it today, no later than tomorrow...

DiddyKong] mrsdinar hopefully you are right. Time will tell. I will stay grounded until. Hope everyone else does as well.

[mrsdinar] DancesWithWolves DiddyKong dinardr no jokes, i wouldn't do that...

[justbelieve7] mrsdinar Well good and thank you for the encouraging words

[siskhyder] Pastored.. what was your text?

[pastored] my text was only one word and it was YES all I need tyj tyj tyj

 [Catbite] ever feel like the kid on the playground that no one picks for their team - I didn't get a text and I feel like that kid right now. :(

 [pastored] ty Jesus for the text I will praise the King of Kings

[DancesWithWolves] Im not American and sometimes confuse praying something into existence with something thats actually happened! Does anyone think thats whats happening here?

[gretco] Please do not get people's hopes up and then have them dashed tomorrow.

[DancesWithWolves] mrsdinar You sound really honest.....

 [siskhyder] Pastored.. what's the word. Now. Tonight. tomorrow?

 [huntress] mrsdinar i hope you work in a bank looking at the screens showing it done!!! lol

[sananddan24] mrsdinar praying that your sources are correct

[DancesWithWolves] pastored You also sound as if you mean it....

[mrsdinar] DancesWithWolves I am so serious. I wouldn't play games with people, too many desperate situations...

[pastored] the word as already been said praise Jesus he is the one

[mrsdinar] huntress DancesWithWolves even better than looking at bank screens...

[#3sister] Mrsdinar can you repost please?

[mrsdinar] huntress DancesWithWolves even better than looking at bank screens...

 [Mitzi] blackjon mrsdinar saying its done and we will see it today or tomorrow

[mrsdinar] Mitzi that's what I have been told....

[gretco] mrsdinar - thank you for your information - hope you are right.



Part 41
by Sherman H. Skolnick 10/29/03
Sometimes certain events of a mystery are right under the noses of the monopoly press. Either because they are lazy, or their bosses will not let them write what they find, or whatever---parts of the strange happenings remain unexplained, sometimes for years and years.
A network reporter whispered into our ear, pressed to the ground. Not an unusual happening for us. If they find out something that is censored, and they cannot go with it, because of the higher-ups---well, they know where the independent loudmouths reside. And sometimes for various esoteric reasons, they owe us some favor. (Such as by digging up "dirt", we got their boss off their back.)
Before you consider some of the details, you have to consider the following:
[A] Some of what is contained hereafter as to certain persons in the World Trade Center may remain unexplained and not completely correct. So as to give those referred to the benefits of all doubts, that they may, in fact, be innocent of complicity in 9-11.
[B] BUT, possibly true and for the first time revealed, are the details that happened right under the view of the oil-soaked, spy-riddled American monopoly press.
1. Various details analyzed and compiled by others, strongly support the view that the World Trade Center Twin Towers in New York City, on September 11, 2001, did not suddenly collapse shortly after something---an actual airplane, or a missile disguised with a hologram projection to simulate an airplane somehow hitting the Towers and each entire plane getting somehow swallowed up inside the buildings.
Yet, aviation and engineering experts seriously doubt that a huge airplane, wings and tail, could penetrate the buildings hitting heavy reinforced pillars and such. Some question: how come the huge wings and tail, from vibration and impact, did not fall off to the ground below? How come Fire Department experts, on their walkie-talkies, stated that they got high up in one of the buildings; that the fire they saw was not that bad; and that other firemen should bring up hoses because the fire could easily be brought under control. Yet, shortly after making such a report, the buildings got pulverized and collapsed all the way down.
2. The youngest son of George Herbert Walker Bush, namely Marvin Bush, is seldom mentioned in the monopoly press. Yet, there are detailed articles available in search engines [such as <> MARVIN BUSH ] that Marvin was the director of a casualty insurance company with coverage of the World Trade Center, and that the coverage was stopped sometime before 9-11. Also Marvin Bush was a director of a firm that was involved with the security of the World Trade Center.
[For more details, review the known stories about FBI Deputy Director, John P. O'Neill, an expert on counter-terrorism, who about August, 2001, quit the Bureau because the Bush White House blocked him from further investigating Osama bin Laden. Why? Clearly, because O'Neill's probe would lead to the Bush Crime Family, the Carlyle Group, and related banks and entities tied to Osama. O'Neill became the head of Security at the World Trade Center, and about his first day of work was 9-11. He was outside one of the buildings but was somehow lured inside where he perished, CONVENIENTLY.]
3. Notice this strange series of events. A group of purported German and Austrian artists apparently smuggled their way into the World Trade Center. THEY LIVED FOR SOME TIME ON THE 91st FLOOR of one of the twin towers.
[What may or may not be relevant: the U.S. authorities tried their best to torpedo a criminal action in Germany, following 9-11, as to purported Moslem "terrorists" being implicated or in some way blameable for the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings. Yet, the head of the U.S. FBI and other top U.S. officials refused to show up to testify as requested. The apparent reason? German counter-intelligence was apparently pursuing an angle troubling to the U.S. Namely, that certain Saudis, living for a while prior to 9-11 in Germany, were part of a high-level U.S. government diversion to what really happened on September 11, 2001. That is, that Osama and his cohorts were NOT actually involved. And because of the data uncovered by German authorities, the supposed Moslem "terrorists" were merely on what is known in espionage, as a "parallel track", a trick to disguise the real events and make them like Lee Harvey Oswald, a patsy, falsely blamed.]
The German and Austrian purported artists were working on a book while living on the 91st floor of one of the Twin Towers, in an area that had been a warehouse, where they built a balcony.
"In short, the book belies the extravagance of the feat it seems to document: the covert installation, and brief use of a balcony on the 91st floor of the World Trade Center, 1,100 feet above the earth. Eight photographs---some grainy, all taken from a great distance--depict one tower's vast eastern facade, marred by a tiny molelike growth; a lone figure dressed in a white jacket, standing on a lectern-size box."
"Balcony Scene (Or Unseen) Atop the World; Episode at Trade Center Assumes Mythic Qualities", by Shaila K. Dewan, Metropolitan Desk, New York Times, Saturday, August 18, 2001 (1645 words to story).
More from the same article:
"Still, how did a balcony escape the notice of one of the most security-conscious office towers in the world? An examination of the security system revealed that it was focused on the ground floor and basement. Mr. Janka [one of the "artists"] said, adding, "There's no surveillance on the facade itself".
And more from the lengthy article:
"Yet, since the Sunday morning in March 2000, when the balcony was allegedly installed, and, 19 minutes later, dismantled, the affair has taken on the outlines of an urban myth, mutated by rumors and denials among the downtown cognoscenti."
Yet, more:
The four purported artists, "...the four, wearing harnesses, unscrewed the aluminum moldings that hold the window in place and used two large suction cups to remove the glass (air pressure adds about 300 pounds to the effort). As warm air streamed past, they outfitted the window with a cantilevered box, big enough for only one person at a time."
The World Trade Center security apparently at first denied to the New York Times and others that there was anyone living inside one of the Twin Towers on the 91st Floor.
4. So, questions remain:
===were the purported "artists", escaping notice of the WTC security and living on the 91st floor, a diversion for certain persons who wired up the towers for internal explosions, to concide with something striking the towers on 9-11? Did they know, or see anything, while living inside one of the towers, by which they could be witnesses to foul play? The "artists" may deny the whole thing as merely a "prank". And vigorously deny any complicity in any dirty business to bring down the towers. Until more facts are elicited, we must consider the possibility that they may be entirely innocent. To prove they lived in the building, the artists produced a bill proving a helicopter, paid for by them, was used to photograph their occupancy of the 91st floor, photos made from the outside through a window.
===the firm that got the contract to clear up the debris after the collapse of the towers was Controlled Demolition, Inc. Is it a mere coincidence that they are the same one specializing in taking down old hotels and such, by internal explosives causing such buildings to fall down on themselves. The firm was involved with what some contend was a cover up in the rapid way in which the FBI wanted to remove all evidence of what brought down the Federal Office Building, April 19, 1995, by multiple explosions in Oklahoma City. The building was quickly smashed down and the site covered up with cement, courtesy of the FBI and apparently with the demolition firm.
We are making every effort to attach a copy of the New York Times article to this story.

More coming. Stay tuned.