Friday, June 7, 2013

The Master Plan for Planet Earth Revealed!

The Master Plan for Planet Earth Revealed!
        Mother/Father God's Astonishing Message!

Dear Ones, Life is moving at a breath-taking pace for many of you.  Even when things are positive, it can be disconcerting to be moving at lightning speed through your days.  The feeling you are having is real.  Time has truly speeded up.  It is so, because when you approach a portal, all is compacted on both the entry and exit sides of the portal.  You are approaching the portal to a Higher Dimensional Existence.  It has been constructed, and is being guarded by your extra-terrestrial Brothers and Sisters, in cooperation with your Earth Masters, in preparation for the transition you will all be making, when you accomplish the Ascension of all humankind.

Kathryn has asked us a question, about the plan for how the Ascension will be handled, and what options there will be for those who are not ready, or willing, to make the transition, when the rest of you are ready.  You, Earth Children, are in charge of the way this will be handled, not Us.  We do give our approval to your plans, when we see you have thoroughly thought them through, and have the intention to create a Light-increasing plan, which is in the Greater Good.  It has been decided recently, in your Council meetings, that the Ascension process will go forward as originally foreseen - all together.

Let us describe what this means, in practical terms.  We do not wish to prevent anyone from ascending, when they are ready, but it is a difficult and demanding course of personal development, to reach the place where you are completely in command of your thoughts, feelings, and actions, with Love and Light as the energy you breathe.  This is the High Level of Vibration, which has been reached by the Ascended Masters, before they made the transition to Higher Dimensional States in body form.  It was decided in your Planning Councils, that you would prefer to ask for help from your Star Brothers and Sisters, to allow greater numbers to ascend, without the excessively rigorous training, your predecessors have experienced.

We have agreed to this proposal.  It will allow greater numbers of you, who have lived many lives, in the very difficult atmosphere of Planet Earth, to ascend on the basis of the level of difficulty, you have experienced here, even though you may not have quite reached the level of Elevated Consciousness of your teachers.  We now have the additional technology of the very sophisticated Light Chambers, which can help you with raising your Vibrational Levels.  We believe that those who have prepared themselves, by learning to maintain a High Level of Love/Light, in your daily lives, will be able to adapt to the rising energies of the Chambers, and that you will be able to maintain that level, once you have completed the training, we have planned for you, in preparation for the Light Chamber treatments.

For those of you who are conscious and aware of your former lives as Advanced Souls, the transition will be comfortable and pleasant.  You will be “processed” through in the first wave, and will be able to return to help with the next phase of people who are ready, and they will do the same with those who come after them.  So, you see, accomplishing this process together does not mean that you will all ascend on the same day.  It does mean that it will be clear to everyone on the Planet that this is the project they are all taking part in.  There will be intensive Educational and Personal development training for everyone, as much as is needed, until every last Soul has achieved the necessary vibrational level to accomplish their goal.

It will be a Global effort, jointly carried out by the millions of Galactic cousins, in cooperation with your own Ascended Masters, many of whom have been working among you in the recent last push, toward the glorious goal of Ascension of Planet Earth.  It will be possible for all to concentrate on the Global effort, because you will have already experienced the Equalizing Effect, of the Economic Shift, which will eliminate all reason to cheat, steal, or use wealth as power.  Because money will no longer be important (because of the abundance), people who previously worked 50 or 60 hours a week, will be free to work on their own Learning Process, and to join in Community Projects to help their neighbors.

Good Will, and Mutual Sharing, will be the Order of the Day, when the only needs that are important, are met by simply cooperating with one another, in the Spirit of Love.  Since there will be no competition for resources, because you will have Unlimited Power, clean water and air, the only real needs will be for food, and you will receive plenty of help, creating a New Agricultural System, which will provide healthy abundance, in an Ecologically sustainable way.  The fun will include the Cultural Banquet of Arts, Theatre, Dance, Music and Literature, which will no longer struggle for funding, but will be lavished with Support and Appreciation, by the deprived population.

It is a Wonderful Plan, and a Heroic Life-affirming and Hope-filled effort, to create what We have dreamed, in our fondest dreams.  It is a Brilliant Plan too, in that it uses the Power of the Group, to build excitement, enthusiasm and shared successes.  It will create waves of excitement and celebration, as each wave of Ascending Students, makes their Glorious Transition, by renewing their Bodies, and elevating their Hearts, and then returning to the group, like Celebrity Achievers, who inspire those who follow closely on their heels.  Family members will welcome their “Graduated” Loved Ones, in awe and genuine respect, when they experience the Radiant Ones, on their Triumphant Return, who come back to help their own, in the Spirit of Unconditional Love and Light.

You are well aware of the effect your Educators call “Peer Pressure.”  This plan uses all the positive, but none of the negative influences of the group, to build Positive Participation and Joyful Cooperation.  It carries with it all the Glamour, Excitement and Crowd Appeal of the Olympics, where everyone wins a Gold Medal, in a 'Round-Robin of ongoing Training', until everyone becomes a winner.  It is as if all the World is cheering their own team, and everyone belongs to the Hometown Team.

Giving a friend a 'Leg-Up', will be as natural as breathing, when there is no attraction to Crime or Dominance over others, because there is nothing to win, by doing so, and no need for fear or suspicion of others.  Cooperation and Loving Service to others, is Celebrated and Rewarded, by advancing in your Soul Development, which will be, for the first time, a process in Full View, of those “on the ground.”  Reaping your “Heavenly Reward” will no longer be a mysterious and far-off invisible process, which takes place beyond your view or knowledge.  It will be Publicly Celebrated, as it is in the Higher Dimensions.
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Earth is now preparing, for entry into the most Watched and Admired Event in the History of the Universe.  It is an experiment in achieving the most desirable state imaginable for the largest number of people - a truly wondrous undertaking, and one which you will now see, was well worth the careful planning and timing. 

Do you understand now, why it was so important to round up, and remove the Dark Ones, who would be incapable of taking part in the coming effort, because they are unable or unwilling to contribute to any Positive, Light-filled event?  Do you see why, it has been so important for Lightworkers to clear away all the old resentments and shadows, in preparation for this coming Glorious work?  You will all want to be in the first wave of Ascension, so that you can return “with bells on”, to be the inspiration for your Fellow Humans.  Are you as excited and thrilled as We are, by the prospect of seeing your Friends and Lovers, in the visibly glowing form of Radiant Ascended Masters?

Now, before you try to imagine what might go wrong with this Plan, remember that the most brilliant Hearts and Minds in the Universe, have worked Thousands of Years, to anticipate every possible obstacle, and have found a Plan to conquer it.  They are so sure of the Success of the Program, that they are already celebrating. 

We hope that you now have a better sense of the wondrous possibilities to come, for all of you.  We cannot possibly capture in words, the exhilaration and excitement which fills the Ships and the Soaring Hearts of your Galactic friends.  You will be overwhelmed with Joy when you discover how Brilliant and Loving they are, and how much they care for you.

We Love you with all our hearts,
Your Mother/Father God

Via Kathryn May, June 6, 2013, 11 PM
Kathryn E. May, PsyD
60 Lower 27 Knolls Road
High Falls, New York, NY 12440
(914) 466-4250



June 6, 2013 By Joseph P. Farrel

- Giza Death Star Community
If you’re having all sorts of trouble with diseases showing up in your farm animals, pigs for example, you might want to consult with a farmer in Denmark who has a novel solution: quit feeding them GMO crops and foods:
Let’s read that list of problems being caused by the “extensively tested and entirely safe” GMOs once more time:
“Published in the farming magazine Effektivt Landbrug on 13 April 2012 [1], the farmer Ib Borup Perderson describes how his pigs suffered from symptoms including chronic diarrhoea, birth defects, reproductive problems, reduced appetite, bloating, stomach ulcers, weaker and smaller piglets, and reduced litter sizes. This was not just a problem for the animals themselves but also the profitability of the farm, with fewer healthy animals, mounting costs of medicines and added labour costs.
“After researching the health hazards of GM foods and associated herbicides, Pederson decided to stop feeding his 450 sows with GM soybean, replacing them with fishmeal and non-GM soybean instead. He began to notice health benefits after two days of a GM-free diet. The farmer’s account has since been published in an English dossier compiled by scientist Brian John of GM-free Cymru (Wales), with collaboration from Pederson, published online by GM Watch [2].” 
It gets worse:
 ”Residents of heavy agrochemical-use zones in Argentina have seen startling increases in birth defects, adult and human cancer rates as well as other illnesses (see [6] Argentina’s Roundup Human Tragedy, SiS 48, [7] Pesticide Illnesses and GM Soybeans, SiS 53). Argentinian tobacco farmers have recently filed a lawsuit against Monsanto for birth defects suffered by their children following claims by the corporation that the chemical was safe to use [8]“
There’s an interesting linkage in this article, for it appears the glyphosphates cause decline in mineral absoprtion in animals consuming GMOs with them, leading to subsequent birth defects:
“Professor Emeritus Don Huber of Perdue (sic) University, a senior scientist of USDA (US Department of Agriculture) has been studying crop health for over 20 years, and warned how reduced mineral content of glyphosate-tolerant crops lead to nutritional deficiencies in livestock that in turn cause reproductive problems (see [10] USDA Scientist Reveals All, SiS 53). Reduced mineral content in crops results from glyphosate’s metal chelating properties, rendering essential minerals unavailable. Nutrient deficiency effects are independent of direct glyphosate toxicity that causes endocrine disruption, birth defects and cancers among other illnesses.  The identification of a novel pathogen in glyphosate-treated crops, reproductive organs of livestock as well as aborted foetal tissue may also be a contributing factor (see [11]Emergency! Pathogen New to Science Found in Roundup Ready GM Crops?,SiS50).”
The real news however, is that at least in Denmark the government is still responsive to such stories, for as the article indicates, new studies are going forward to test the effects of GMOs on farm livestock. One can imagine the response, had Mr. Pederson lived in America: he would have been lampooned, harassed, and excoriated, if he was paid attention to at all. More likely, with bought and paid for “science” and “government agencies” staffed by a revolving door between “agribusiness” and government, he simply would have been ignored.

See you on the flip side.

One World Freedom Tower Exposed: Crowning The Tyrant

The first public concepts of the Internet (1969)

The first public concepts of the Internet (1969)

A lot of people don't realize this, but AL Gore is not the inventor
of the Internet. (sarcasm)

No, it was developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA) and was based on the idea by J.C.R. Licklider, of
MIT, who first proposed a global network of computers in 1962.

By 1969 they had a good idea where they wanted to go with it,
here's what it looked like then...


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Supreme Court Validates People's Rights to Common Law Grand Jury

Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2013 8:13 PM
Subject: Supreme Court Validates People's Right to Establish Common Law Grand Jury

Subject: The Common Law 4th Branch Of Government-Legally Is The Common Law Grand Jury -- Voted 6 to 3 Decision In The U.S. Supreme Court-- Already started in CA and NY.

Click to listen

Grand Jury How? to and Why? & In a stunning 6 to 3 decision Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the majority, confirmed that the American grand jury is neither part of the judicial, executive nor legislative branches of government, but instead belongs to the people. It is in effect a fourth branch of government "governed" and administered to directly by and on behalf of the American people, and its authority emanates from the Bill of Rights.

This is the solution to taking back our government county by county . . . state by state!

Judge Scalia decision: United States vs. Williams Clck Here To Read:

What Power Does the Common-Law Grand Jury Hold?

"The grand jury is an English institution, brought to this country by the early colonists and incorporated in the Constitution by the Founders. ... "to provide a fair method for instituting criminal proceedings against persons believed to have committed crimes." [Costello v. United States, 350 U.S. 359 (1956),]

16 Page Pdf File how to set up a Constitutional Grand Jury --

Save this to your favorites and download the documents.


Saturday, May 11, 2013

We THE People

And as Interim President, 12 May 2013

Initiate the orders of We THE People

We THE People who are the Civilian Authority with superior lawful position over the U.S. Corporation and U.S. Military acting under the Original Jurisdiction of the United States Constitution 1789, Bill of Rights 1791 with the original 13th Amendment="which removes persons who has an entitlement from holding public office" as the United States of America, Republican form of Government, standing as the true form of Government is proud to announce the following effective IMMEDIATELY.:

As Interim President=Commander in Chief of the Republic it is the duty of this de jure office to ensure the orders issued to the United States Military , Secretary of the Treasury, Provost Marshall and its Public Servants are carried out within the proper time as required by We THE People of The United States of America.

This announcement is for We THE People of the United States of America and our Friends World Wide and

To Chief of Staff of Joint Chiefs, Field Generals, Admirals, Office of General Council for Pentagon, Secretary of the Navy, Trustees of the Constitution and Office of the Inspector General, Provost Marshal, Flag Officers and Secretary of the People's Treasury;

This announcement and order is to the Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew, the Flag Officers assigned to The Secretary of the Treasury Mr. Jack Lew and the Provost Marshall,

You are hereby ordered to use any force including EXTREME PREJUDICE toward any and all public officers including any and all people in the U.S. Corporation=Internal Governmental Departments=Agencies, Individual Corporations=Organizations, and any other Entity=sentient beings WHOM are delaying=derailing= holding up=stopping any other delaying manipulation tactic on the execution of the following announcements and orders:

1. The Flag Officers assigned to The Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew and Provost Marshall is ordered to commandeer all main stream television and radio broadcasting companies and start the announcements that have been prerecorded to inform the Nation:

a. The Republic being re-set, shutdown of the US Corporation (founded in 1871),

b. The shutdown of the Federal Reserve (99 Year Contract Ended),

i. All Debt caused from the US Corporation and / or Federal Reserve is not the responsibility of We THE People of the United States of America

ii. The collector of this debt shall look to and upon US Corporation and its CEO / Presidents, their staff including Legislative and Judicial holders plus the Executives of the Federal Reverse to repay ALL DEBT from their wealth which they stole from the We THE People

iii. Furthermore, the US Corporation Past and Present President, Vice President, staff, Legislative and Judicial are classified as Corporate Contractors or Actors who do not have the lawfull standing for the positions they currently occupy. Therefore, they are trespassing upon We THE People's rights and liberties and are subject to our Constitutional Laws for Fraud, Treason, Misrepresentation, Embezzlement of our Currency, Unlawfull taxation and more. All damages shall be paid to We THE People by Seizing their assets and freezing their funds on-shore and off-shore bank account, safe deposit boxes, Precious Metals stashes, any storage, and depositing all recovered items back into the Peoples Treasury.

c. The shutdown of the Internal Revenue Service=IRS (taxation was repealed by Congress in 1939 and has been in operation fraudulently and while working for foreign agents it has fraudulently told the American people that is a department of the Treasury)

d. To Immediately begin broadcasting the educational=truth of this nation's true history

2. The Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew is established and operating under the Republican form of Government as the true Treasury

3. The Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew will

a. Conduct a forensic audit of the IRS, freeze all assets, shut down all IRS operations and return all stolen funds to We THE People of The United States of America by depositing the returned funds in the Peoples United States Treasury.

b. All bankruptcies of the United States to date are terminated.

c. All debt tied to the social security numbers shall be set to zero.

i. Due to corrupt and unlawful banking practices and corrupt and unlawful government activities ALL injured parties shall be notified immediately following these actions and public announcements on all major media outlets shall commence immediately.
d. Remove=Terminate all unlawful taxation on all privately held property=land=labor.

e. Remove=Terminate all private personal income tax and private business taxation.

f. The return all government agencies CAFR=off book accounts and all court CRIS account funds to the Peoples United States Treasury.

i. CAFR=Consolidated Annual Financial Report

ii. CRIS=Court Registry Investment System

g. Restore financial privacy to all private sentient beings.

h. Introduce the United States Treasury currency (UST) backed by Gold and other Precise metals replacing the Federal Reserve Note effective IMMEDIATELY.

i. Release the 1.5 Trillion dollars of the Wanta-Regan-Mitterrand Protocols into the United States Treasury for We THE People

j. Announce the largest banks in United Sates of America are now Basel 3 Banking Regulations complaint along with several hundred mid-size banking institutions.

i. Basel 3 - A comprehensive set of reform measures designed to improve the regulation, supervision and risk management within the banking sector.

ii. Basel 3 - Largely in response to the credit crisis, banks are required to maintain proper leverage ratios and meet certain capital requirements protecting the end customer.

4. The "Fines & Penalties", Foreign Currency Revaluation, Prosperity Packages, the Global Settlements Program, Prosperity Packages, Native American Claims, Humanitarian funds are to be paid out simultaneously effective IMMEDIATELY.

5. The Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew will oversee the delivery Sunday 12 May 2013 to all recipients of the Farm Claims=Fines and Penalties=Farm Claims Class Action Law Suit Settlement=Bank Claims=Resolution Trust proceeds to the people;

a. The Farm Claims shall be moved to the Royal Bank of Canada for complete delivery=disbursement effective IMMEDIATELY.

b. The Farm Claims Lawsuit shall be unsealed and made part of the public record with=by publication, posting on the internet which is freely accessible to the public at large and=or full disclosure to all claim participants. The executive order that has kept this information hidden was done with the intent to defraud the people and has delayed the execution and delivery of the settlement.

c. These claims shall be delivered using any of the following methods of delivery or all of them together; National Guard, County Sheriffs, Bonded Couriers, Registered Mail, and the Organized and Unorganized State Militias.

d. There shall be NO taxation, NO fees, NO NDAs, NO hidden=misleading language, NO terms or condition or forms that create a contract causing loss of value through BANK FRAUD=MANIPULATION against the private citizen's.

6. The Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew shall conduct the release of the foreign currency exchange to all tier three foreign currency holders known as the "U.S. Treasury Hold" on the participating banks Sunday 12 May 2013 and

a. To communicate on all main stream media channels that the global re-set has occurred every hour for the next seventy- two (72) hours.

b. All banks are to make the hours of operation from 07:00 AM to 24:00 PM daily for the next ninety (90) days.

c. All tier three foreign currency holders shall be given VIP=Group rates with NO taxation, NO fees, NO NDAs, NO hidden=misleading language, NO terms or condition or forms that create a contract causing loss of value through BANK FRAUD=MANIPULATION against the private citizen's when they exchange their currency.

7. The Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew will release the Global Settlements Program, Prosperity Packages, Native American Claims, and all other programs and clai     &n 2013.

It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed by the Political Will of the People~



                                                                Interim President
                                                                The United States of America

Reference: Contempt of the Constitution, Declaration of Independence circa 1776 and 2012, Orders #1-10

DHS insider: It’s about to get very ugly

DHS insider: It’s about to get very ugly

“…“If anyone thinks that what’s going on right now with all of this surveillance of American citizens is to fight some sort of foreign enemy, they’re delusional. If people think that this ‘scandal’ can’t get any worse, it will, hour by hour, day by day. This has the ability to bring down our national leadership, the administration and other senior elected officials working in collusion with this administration, both Republican and Democrats. People within the NSA, the Department of Justice, and others, they know who they are, need to come forth with the documentation of ‘policy and practice’ in their possession, disclose what they know, fight what’s going on, and just do their job. I have never seen anything like this, ever. The present administration is going after leakers, media sources, anyone and everyone who is even suspected of ‘betrayal.” That’s what they call it, ‘betrayal.’ Can you believe the size of their cahones? This administration considers anyone telling the truth about Benghazi, the IRS, hell, you name the issue, ‘betrayal,’” he said.

“We know all this already,” I stated. He looked at me, giving me a look like I’ve never seen, and actually pushed his finger into my chest. “You don’t know jack,” he said, “this is bigger than you can imagine, bigger than anyone can imagine. This administration is collecting names of sources, whistle blowers and their families, names of media sources and everybody they talk to and have talked to, and they already have a huge list. If you’re not working for MSNBC or CNN, you’re probably on that list. If you are a website owner with a brisk readership and a conservative bent, you’re on that list. It’s a political dissident list, not an enemy threat list,” he stated.

“What’s that exactly mean, being on that list, that is,” I asked, trying to make sense of it all.

“It means that there will be censorship under the color of authority of anyone in the U.S. who is attempting to expose what’s going on in our name. It’s about controlling any damning information from reaching epidemic proportions. It’s damage control to the extreme. It’s about the upcoming censorship of the internet in the name of national security. The plans are already in place. These latest reports about “spying eyes” have turned this administration and others connected to it into something very, very dangerous. They feel cornered and threatened, and I’m hearing about some plans they have to shut down the flow of information that is implicating them of wrongdoing. Time is short,” he stated.
“How are they going to do this? How is it even possible?” I asked.

“First, they intend to use the Justice Department to silence journalists like in the Rosen case, but they won’t stop there. They will use a host of national security policies, laws, letters, whatever to take out the bigger threats,” he stated.

Next, they will use some sort of excuse, an external threat, and I believe it will be a combination of the economic collapse and a Mid-East war that will begin in Syria to throttle the information that is accessible on the Internet. And you know what? People will believe it!”

Based on what I’ve seen, most of which I should not have seen, the DHS is co-ordinating efforts with other federal agencies to begin to threaten American citizens with incarceration for non-compliance. You know the old talk of color coded lists? Well, this is what they will be using. People exposing the truth about Benghazi, killing the U.S. Dollar, even those questioning Obama’s legal status and eligibility to be President are the current targets. And they’ve had five long years to get to this point. The ugly truth is that these policies and practices did not start under Obama, but long before. This is about the killing of our Constitutional Republic. The murder of our country and the stripping of our rights. While many have been preoccupied with one issue, few have seen the bigger issue. This is the ‘end game,’ for all the marbles,” he stated…” .

For the complete article see:


Part 35
by Sherman H. Skolnick 6/26/03
High Court and High Crimes
In even the largest reference libraries, there are almost no books stating the true history of America's highest tribunal, the U.S. Supreme Court. The same is true of law libraries and those of law schools.
Early in the 19th Century, for upwards of 35 years, the Chief Justice of the high court was John Marshall. Portraits of him, in gold edged frames, hang in many law schools. In Chicago, a law school is named after him.
>From the beginning of this nation, one of the greatest crimes against the inhabitants here, was the huge land swindles. With the formation of the United States of America, formed from the 13 colonies, only the State Courts, not the Federal Courts, were equipped and inclined to combat terrible offenses committed by the plutocrats of that era.
Chief Justice Marshall, issuing a ruling of his court with flowery language, in so many words, arrogantly proclaimed that the federals are the dominant force and that the State Judges, are, in effect, mere vassals, handcuffed, powerless peons. Law stude nts, starry eyed from consuming perfumed windbags of idealistic law, are forever mouthing off that supposedly "wonderful" decision, Marbury versus Madison.
The Chief Justice's own brother was one of the great land swindlers whose case ended up in the high court. The Chief Justice did NOT disqualify himself. Guess who won in his crooked Court? Nowadays, as we have dared point out, the banker-judges sitting in high tribunals, likewise do not disqualify themselves when their own financial interests are the subject matter before their Court.
So, state court remedies against big land pirates, were snuffed out by the Chief Justice and his well-disguised pronouncements.
As set forth in this website series, since the War of 1812, when the British invaded this nation and burned down the Capitol, the British have repeatedly vowed to overthrow the American Republic, reverting this land to British rule, with Americans becom ing mere subjects of a London Monarchy, rather than citizens and residents of a duly formed Republic operating here.
For the benefit of British rulers, three U.S. Presidents were assassinated, Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, and William McKinley, all of whom opposed British interference with the American industrial development. In its true significance, the America n Civil War, also known as the War Between the States, was in great part, instigated by the British. They added to the natural and historical friction between the industrial North, and the agricultural, non-industrial, slave-owning South. British ships ran the Northern blockade to supply the Confederacy with weapons made in England.
In preparation for civil war, the pro-British Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Roger Taney, a devout Catholic (not really a contradiction), in 1856 added to the North-South agitation. He ruled in the Dred Scott case, that black slaves in America were mere chattel, mere baggage, that could be moved from place to place without any restraints of law. And get this, by the 21st Century, the Dred Scott decision has not been excised from the law books. [As to the concealed Catholic issue in American history, see the heavily documented opus, "The Rulers of Evil" by F. Tupper Saussy.]
In Persian Gulf War One, 1990-91, Daddy Bush, as President, sent great numbers of black GIs to fight for the backward Monarchies of Saudi and Kuwait. Yet, that late in the 20th Century, those two dictatorships had large numbers of black chattel slaves.
I was about the only one to raise the issue at the time that it was unconstitutional for an American ruler to send black soldiers to fight for the benefit and protection of black slave owners. [Visit part 30, of this website series.]
Published early in the 20th Century was a heavily-documented book, dealing with the U.S. Supreme Court as well as the legal history of America, "Supreme Court", by Gustavus Myers. The book is so much as banned, not to be usually found in even the larges t law libraries.
As to the post-Civil War era, see the book entitled simply "1876" by Gore Vidal. Published in 1976, it deals with how the 1876 Presidential election was stolen by corruption of Congress and the high court. Was it a mere concidence that the book was re-i ssued in paperback in the Spring of the year 2000, ahead of the presidential election? A key part of the theft of the presidency revolved in 1876---get this---on election ballot finagling in Florida. Samuel Tilden was the duly elected President but was blocked, apparently by federal troops, from approaching the Inauguation stands in 1877. In that year, like occurred in 2001 with George W. Bush, Rutherford Hayes became the "fictitious" president. Gore, like Tilden, was the duly elected President BUT NO T INAUGURATED. A result was many called him Rutherfraud. We see fit to call the present occupant, Bushfraud. Rutherford Hayes and his gang made corrupt deals, including with the U.S. Supreme Court. The result, a group of cases with the ominous title called "The Slaughter House" cases. In 1883, the high court arbitrarily nullified the federal civil rights laws of 1871, which had granted to blacks and others the right to bring their demand for remedies of injustice into the federal courts such as against nightriders of the Ku Klux Klan. The poisonous and corrupt high court ruling of 1883 was not corrected unti l almost 80 years later in the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Monroe versus Pape, granting blacks the right to be in federal court Chicago to sue corrupt Chicago police who had a system of beating blacks until they admitted to something, in the meantime, arbitrarily shooting blacks in Chicago without established reasons or provocation, such as while the blacks were in their own apartment asleep.
In 1970, was formed a subcommittee to consider the possible impeachment of U.S. Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, for his links, while on the bench, in business with known gangsters, the Albert Parvin Foundation matter. Part of the subcommittee came to Chicago and met in my residence to hear and write down my testimony. The details about me, Chief Judge Campbell and high court Judge Douglas, became part of a U.S. government printed report. Most of the subcommittee agreed with me. The two judge s involved, however, hired lobbyists with suitcases of money who apparently leaned on the subcommittee and Justice William O. Douglas was not made subject to impeachment.
At a later date, I and my colleagues dug up data showing that Chief Judge Campbell was secretly the owner of several tall downtown Chicago buildings, all in the maiden name of his wife. Campbell used his judicial clout to compel several federal agencies to lease space in his skyscrapers, despite the fact that it was not appropriate to their work and was way overcharged per square foot. Judge Campbell moreover got into a ruckus with some of his former business partners who sued Campbell's cronies. My t estimony succeeded in wrecking the Chief Judge's extortion attempt against his former business partners.
In the 1930s, to the great injury and damage to ordinary Americans, the U.S. Supreme Court, packed with banker-judges, arbitrarily ruled in the gold clause cases that ordinary Americans cannot insist on gold to support contracts and other dealings. In19 37, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the greatest counter-revolutionary in modern history, tried to get an arm-lock on the banker-judges by his own "court-packing" scheme, to fill up the court with more judges than previously by law provided for. The FD R trick failed, and the banker-judges succeeded in smashing down laws of Congress designed to alleviate the suffering of workers in the Great Depression.
In 1967, I brought as a Chicago voter, on behalf of myself and all other Chicago voters similarly situated, a class action federal suit (Skolnick versus Mayor & City Council of Chicago, U.S. District Court, Chicago.) I sought to remedy the situation whe rein Chicago's 50 election districts for City Council, called Wards, were grossly gerrymandered. That did not comply with the re-apportionment provisions of the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment, requiring districts, wards, of equal populati on. Further, the ward boundary lines were so abitrarily drawn, that it prevented blacks and latinos from having proper representatives in the city government tribunal. The case was assigned to Chief District Judge William Campbell; despite me being self -educated in law, he ordered a lawyer to speak for me. I told the lawyer, who I did not authorize to speak for me, that if he did claim to speak for me, that I would sue him for malpractice in another court. In a stand-off, the Ch! ief Judge relented, and I was allowed to speak for myself as well as the class of Chicago voters. I proceeded with my suit under the "one man, one vote" doctrine. [Eventually, my litigation succeeded in getting more complete representation in the City Council fo r latinos and blacks.]
I filed a motion to remove Chief Judge Campbell from the case. As i showed, without challenge or dispute, the Chief Judge, while on the bench, was also the director of a gangster-operated money laundry, called the Albert Parvin Foundation, named for a C hicago hoodlum who moved to Nevada. Get this while on the bench of the U.S. Supreme Court, the President of the Albert Parvin Foundation was U.S. Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, a supposed liberal who in his spare time was a mountain-climber.
My city council case generated lots of mentions in the monopoly press, such as for 40 seconds or so on the radio or tv. So I came one day to the courtroom of Chief Judge Campbell to present my motion to remove him from the case. I asked that he disquali fy himself in that I and the Chicago voters could not be assured of a fair hearing and adjudication at his hands, he being in business with known gangsters, and thus subject to blackmail and corrupt manipulation.
Having heard of the expected hearing, eighteen reporters showed up, sitting right behind me as I silently waited my turn to present my motion to the Chief Judge. Without provocation, suddenly two of the Chief Judge's court bailiffs grabbed hold of my wh eelchair and began to turn me upside down. All of the reporters were witnesses to this outrage. None of their reports or comments appeared in print, on the radio, or on the tv. Chief Judge Campbell released a statement, that he heard from certain unspecified sources, that I was there, not to present any court papers, but rather to shoot him. He offered no details from my long public career to support such ridiculous contention s that I was anti-social and would use violence.
I brought a damage suit against his two court bailiffs, contending that I was the son of orthodox Jews and that I obeyed my parents orders never to handle or carry weapons. (Skolnick versus Guadno, et al., Chicago U.S. District Court.) My case ended up before the banker-judges in Chicago's federal appeals court. They ruled, in a law book published decision, that I was not entitled to any remedy. There was no dispute or challenge to the facts that I was there to seek to remove Chief Judge Campbell beca use of his undisputed position, while a judge, as a Director of a hoodlum Foundation. The judges ruled that despite the fact that I am a defenseless cripple silently sitting in a wheelchair in the courtroom, that the bailiffs were immune from being sued despite the undisputed facts that they perpetrated, in full view of 18 witnesses, an assault and battery upon me, without cause or provocation.
In 1971, I had won a successful verdict against the U.S. government spying on anti-war activists, like myself, while they pretended to be a news media service. (Skolnick versus 113th Military Intelligence Group, pretending to be Midwest Audio-Visual New s, Chicago U.S. District Court.) In 1971, William Rehnquist was the top U.S. Justice Department official heading a secret unit, arranging through ulterior means to block verdicts in federal court against spying by the U.S. Military against anti-war acti vists.A few years later, when being ratified as a new Associate Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court, Rehnquist sought to conceal this role from the U.S. Senate ratifying committee.
Later, Justice Rehnquist was the key judge on the high court in a ruling favoring Military Intelligence Units sued for illegal spying on anti-war activists. He did not disqualify himself and his rotten ruling destroyed the validity of my court verdict a gainst U.S. government spying.In plain lingo, Justice Rehnquist had committed a fraud upon his own court.
In 1986, he was appointed Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, requiring him to be again before a U.S. Senate ratifying committee. He sought to conceal his role, before becoming a federal official, that he was a lawyer in the Southwest. Witnesses we re available to prove that there were a line of blacks and latinos, waiting to register to vote. Rehnquist assaulted and harassed them, stating in so many words, "Hey, get out of here. You have no right to vote!"
In his book, "The Myth of Democracy", Ferdinand Lundberg set forth the true basis for the supposed de-segregation decision of the high court in 1954, Brown vs. Board of Education. Namely, that at the time in Africa, British and French colonies were breaking away from the mother country to become independent nations run by blacks.
American foreign policy in Africa was being ridiculed and discredited by actions within the U.S. by hundreds of years of mistreatment of blacks in America. Such as the continuing lynching of blacks, by hanging them from trees, while whites nearby were amused as they sat watching and eating their picnic lunch. Lundberg in his classic book of 1968, "The Rich and the Super-Rich", pointed out that the very wealthy are some of the most stupid persons in the world and continue to abuse and beat down common people until one day, there is a revolution where the heads of the rulers and top clergy are chopped off.
According to witnesses, just as the results of the year 2000 Presidential Election were coming in, Chief Justice William Rehnquist and Associate Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, were heard each separately commenting that if Albert Gore, Jr., were to become President, that they could not carry out their plan, based on their advanced age and suffering from illinesses, to retire from the high court.
Justice Clarence Thomas' wife was a key figure in a group operating with GOP money to promote Bush. Justice Antonin Scalia's son was the lawyer participating with presenting the litigation to the high court, Bush versus Gore. These plus one other, made up the Military-Style Junta, called by some "The Gang of Five" that installed George W. Bush as the occupant and resident of the White House. Recall the details of comparisons between the 1876 corrupt installation of Hayes as the occupant and resident o f the White House and that of George W. Bush. Both, revolved in part on corruption of Congress, the U.S. Supreme Court, and finagling with the election authorities in Florida. [For more details, visit our website stories about the 2000 President Electio n.]
To meet a deadline in December, 2000, the high court released their arbitrary ruling just before midnight. Justice Scalia scornfully announced that Americans did NOT have the right to vote for President, only the very limited right to vote for Electors, that antiquated appendage called the Electoral College (that became the basis for the corruption in Florida, and the bribery of top DEMOCRATS in southern Florida to stop the recount of the Gore ballots).
Acknowledging the arbitrary nature of the Bush vs Gore ruling, the Gang of Five put in their decision that it was NOT to be used as a precedent in any other election case or similar controversy. Thus, they admitted it was tainted, and should not be use d, as is otherwise customary, in some other litigation as a prior binding precedent decision.
Justice Antonin Scalia and two Chicago federal appeals judges, were together law professors at Rockefeller's University of Chicago Law School. [That is 7th Circuit appeals judges Richard A. Posner (312) 435-5806 and his shadow and side-kick, Frank H. Ea sterbrook (312) 435-5808 ]. A third Judge on the 7th Circuit federal appeals court is Judge Diane P. Wood (312) 435-5521. She was Dean of the Law School. Together these four judges, while on the bench, also represent the multi-billion dollar stock and b ond portfolio of Rockefeller's University of Chicago.
These four judges are required to file an annual mandatory federal judicial financial disclosure form. They did NOT disclose their financial links, as required, to the Rockefellers.. Further, these forms require their signatures making them liable to fe deral criminal prosecution for perjury if they falsified or omitted any required details.And they did so omit and falsify.
So three federal appeals judges, one step below the high court, and their crony on the high court, have committed a fraud upon their own court. Also, they have committed a fraud upon the American common people and committed blatant injustices against th em. How many ordinary litigants were rejected by these judges in fronting for the Rockefellers and depriving Americans of Equal Justice under Law? These judges have failed to disqualify themselves in numerous cas es involving the financial ownership and interests of the Rockefellers.
So, Americans are being plundered by the scoundrels over the years occupying the U.S. Supreme Court. In violation of the social compact underlying our organic law, namely the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, we are NOT governed by rulers with o ur consent. The high court judges are not for the common people, but represent the interests and mandates of The Establishment, "the powers that be", the Ruling Class, in others words THEM. The failure to prosecute such Judges for high crimes or to remove them from office by impeachment trial, convinces some commentators that the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights are a dead letter.

More coming....Stay tuned..


Part 36

by Sherman H. Skolnick 7/15/03

The Judges and the Shadow Government

In law, there is a principle described as customs, practices, and usages. In simple terms, it means certain habits that those who rule us use by way of conducting themselves. BUT, these ingrained ways are generally not written down, ye t are clearly understood as the accepted and established way of government.

For example, in the South for a hundred years after the American Civil War, or as southerners call it The War Between The States, the customs, practices, and usages, were that whites would not  respect the Equal Protection of the Law guarantees as to blacks. Lynchings were condoned, and whites would eat their picnic lunch while watching blacks hanging from a tree. The Ku Klux Klan, although dominated some fifty per cent by FBI agents and informants, was more or less allowed to run wild and terrorize blacks. Some Federal judges, such as in Mississippi, were known to chase blacks out of their courts while hurling racial slurs against them. It was a customs, practice, and usage, that blacks had separate fountains to drink wa ter from, in public facilities.

In Chicago, we spoke to an  Afro-American lawyer, formerly a government official, who told us how the federal courts in Chicago likewise mistreat black attorneys, even now. He decided not to make any public statements about t he same. Italian-American lawyers told us similar things from first-hand experience. Namely, that lawyers of color and of certain ethnic groups, are looked down upon by the Chicago federal judges, some of whom are persons of color themselves. That is, t he judges prefer "pin-stripe" suit attorneys, WASPs (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants). No, it is not as blatant as having black attorneys drinking from a separate fountain. BUT, their petitions are routinely rejected, so that they cannot hope to make a li ving in the Chicago federal courts.

Some of the accepted ways of the judiciary, state and federal:
[1] The buying and selling of judgeships in courts at all levels. We discussed this in a website item "Buying a Judgeship". Because of certain circumstances, some of this is even coming out in the monopoly press. Such as "Ex-Judge gets 27 months in bribery case; U.S. still probing whether he paid for seat on bench". Chicago Tribune, 7/26/2002.

A popular website (, 6/19/03)referred to a story in a major New York publication:

"In an admission that has New York Supreme Court [actually a lower court] in an uproar, a retired Brooklyn judge said he paid $35,000 to a Democratic leader more than three decades ago to get a seat on the bench, New York Newsday repor ts. The payment, says Thomas R. Jones, 89, was 'IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CUSTOMS AND PRACTICES OF THE DAY', though he added, 'it was not right then, it's not right now' ".(Emphasis added.)

The article went on to discuss how judges and lawyers knew that certain lawyers were "bagmen", used as go-betweens of lawyers and corrupt jurists.

In our website series on "Coca-Cola, CIA, and the Courts", we mentioned how a known criminal-type bought the bench for Chicago Federal District Judge Blanche M. Manning[(312)435-7608]. An elite federal investigative unit, contacted us.

 Government investigators: "Your story, also in the court record, that Judge Manning's judgeship was bought, is not correct."

Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts: "What is wrong with our court statement and our website story?"
Government investigators: "You state that her judgeship was bought for one million dollars by a known power-broker, described as a mobster. It is not a correct amount. Our inquiry has determined that the power-broker paid two million d ollars."

Citizen's Committee: "So, is that all you found wrong with our position on the buying of that Judgeship? That we mentioned a lower amount?"

Government investigators: "Yes, you have stated a wrong amount."

He did not inform us what, if anything, would be done against the Judge and her patron/judgeship buyer.

Since the buying of judgeships is a known custom, practice, and usage, what are the obvious conclusions? Such as, the criminal-types, or political power-brokers, that buy the judgeship and install someone of THEIR choice, then are in a position to profit in some way from the judge thus put in place. Some call it, pulling on the chain. (In the New York example, however, the retired Judge claimed it did not effect his rulings. Really?)

[2] The handling of court records. No accountability. There is a practice moreso in the federal courts in the U.S., of the judges NOT SIGNING THE COURT RULINGS by them, particularly so in civil cases. So, were you, as we have for decad es, to have examined decisions by U.S. District Judges and then their supervisors, the reviewing courts, U.S. Courts of Appeal, it is quite evident the Judges DO NOT SIGN THEIR NAME.

What is the rationale, off-the-record, and behind-the-scenes? Namely, that many of the federal court decisions are NOT made by the Judges who are simply a front. The decisions are made by law clerks, also "minute clerks" as they are re ferred to. In plain lingo, we have long since known that to corrupt the judiciary, you have to lean on their secretaries, their minute clerks, their law clerks, sometimes just the court bailiffs or deputy marshals, or their ghost-writing law profes sors. Further, in some instances, the decisions are written by former law school students or present or former law professors, particularly so where the judges are former law professors.
We have given as examples of corrupt practices, that three Chicago Federal Appeals Judges, and one judge on the U.S. Supreme Court, are all formerly from Rockefeller's University of Chicago Law School. (7th Circuit Judges Richard A. Po sner (312) 435-5806); Frank H. Easterbrook (312) 435-5808, were law professors, and 7th Circuit Judge Diane P. Wood (312) 435-5521, was Dean of the Law School. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, was a professor there.)They commit perjury, in vio lation of the federal criminal code, in that they have failed to disclose that they, on the bench, represent the Billion Dollar stock and bond portfolio of Rockefeller's University of Chicago. This disclosure, which they have not made, is an annual mand atory judicial financial disclosure, failure to reveal the same by their signed form, being perjury, under federal law.

What is the problem with the judges, as is their custom, practice, and usage, not to sign their name to their rulings? The ghost-written decisions in important cases, not every case, contain judicial perjuries. That is, the established undisputed facts in the court record show it is DAY. To make a corrupt and arbitrary ruling, the judges' rulings say it is NIGHT, and apply NIGHT case law.

The litigant "loser" and/or their attorney is puzzled. Rarely, if ever, do lawyers confront the corrupt judges with their judicial perjury. Funny thing, since the decisions are often ghost-written, the judges, supposely in all candor, could say, but never do, "I did not write that. I know nothing about that decision. You can't hold me responsible and accountible. Why? Because I also did NOT sign it." It is a corrupt and rotten way of carrying out the unwritten customs, practices, and usages, of the Bench and the Bar.


Part 37

by Sherman H. Skolnick 7/27/03

Testing A Coup

Supposing there was a sizeable military unit. And they threatened violence in the main city of the Republic. They demanded that the President and the Cabinet resign. Why? The rebellious military accused them of corruption and the Presi dent of orchestrating fake terrorist violence by way of controlling the country that way.
Was there such a test and who instigated it? The experiment was in progress on July 27, 2003, in Manila, the Republic of the Philippines. (The capital being Quezon City.)
The President stated, that as Commander-in-Chief, she is informing the rebellious military unit that they crossed the line of professionalism. That she is giving them such and such number of hours to surrender or forces will be sent to put down the rebellion (implying that there were forces loyal to her as President and Commander-in-Chief).
In 1972, a previous Philippine President, to entrench his dictatorial power, staged fake would-be-violence against himself, stating there was in the works, a movement to overthrow him. That Philippine President thereafter, suspended th e Philippine Constitution invoking Martial Law. These tests were/are important because the Philippine Constitution is patterned after, if not identical, to the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Was it an "accidental" happening in 1972? Is it just a coincidence in 2003, when the occupant and resident of the U.S. White House was installed by a Military-Style, five person Junta of the U.S. Supreme Court? And that drumhead Justic e installed who was to be the occupant and resident of the White House. Were ordinary Americans aware of, if not shocked, by what some called "The Gang of Five", declaring in a just-before-Midnight proclamation that Americans have no fundamental right to vote for President, rather, just a very limited right to vote for Presidential Electors who, in turn, meeting as the Electoral College, after the supposed Presidential Election, to themselves choose who, if anyone, is to be in the White House.
Through website and foreign news items, important questions have been raised. [1] That the tragedy of September 11, 2001, did not, in being actually carried out, involve Arabs. That the bloodshed against American s on that day was greatly patterned after the Northwoods Project, planned by dictatorial Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1962, wanting to justify an invasion of Cuba. The documents were first publicized in a book coming out shortly before 9-11, namely, "Body o f Secrets" by James Bamford, an expert on the super-secret NSA, the National Security Agency. 2] The Arabs were not actually on any of the accused aircraft in 9-11, but were blamed for the happenings by the White House with the aid of the lapdog press. Some of the Arabs were actually Saudi exchange students studying how to fly airplanes and such, while living on U.S. Military facilities. At least seven of the supposed 19 Arab hi-jackers actually are still alive residing in North Africa, among other places.
The problem of understanding 9-11 is purposely intensified by the oil-soaked, spy-riddled American monopoly press which promotes short attention span and that ordinary Americans are to be fed news like to eight year old children. So in reporting the coup test in Manila now, the press will purposely forget the prior Manila event of 1972 and Martial Law test.
Also part of the problem obstructing ordinary Americans from understanding all this is both the education system combined with the mass media.
The subject of the Aristocracy, the Establishment, "the powers that be", the Ruling Class, whatever THEY are called, is a forbidden topic. The criminal underpinnings of the Aristocracy is not a subject, in high schools, or colleges and universities. And the popular press does not/will not ever deal with such subjects. Why? Simple. It would cause ordinary Americans to be class conscious, unlike Europeans who generally are so aware of that. Those who control Congress, the White House a nd the Executive branch, as well as the Judiciary, from behind the scenes, are not identified, generally not pictured, or referred to.
Books such as "The Rich and The Super Rich", by Ferdinand Lundberg, published in 1968, are mostly unknown to many ordinary Americans. And his other opus, "The Myth of Democracy" is likewise so. Gustavus Myers' book, "The Great American Fortunes", published in the 1930s, and documenting the criminal past of the Ruling Families, is seldom nowadays referred to or to be found in many libraries. Some Americans are merely amused by Gore Vidal's blistering statements that those who rule us are not the ones we see on the television but persons behind the scenes.
Who dares refer to the Bush Crime Family? And that they are not the aristocracy but merely scapegoats and stooges for the plans of the British and the Monarchy, to take back this continent, reverting ordinary Americans to be just subje cts of British colonies. Who among the popular pundits in the press, on the tv or radio, refers to the persistent efforts of the British to overthrow the American central government? Starting, at least since the War of 1812, when in 1814, they burned do wn the U.S. Capitol? And what about the three U.S. Presidents assassinated for the benefit of the British who wanted to snuff out American industrial development (Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, and William McKinley. In addition, the American Civil War , seldom properly identified, was instigated by the British to promote the natural friction between the Industrial North and the Agricultural South, and the divisive issue of slavery. That is to divide up this nation, to Balkanize America).
It remains to be seen how the Manila experiment will play out. Has it been secretly instigated as a test later to be for real in the U.S.? Is the American Central Government facing military disasters in Afghanistan and Iraq? Has the most monstrous treason been committed against ordinary Americans? That is, treachery calculated to be falsely blamed onto Arabs, such as 9-11?
[NOTE: our stories are also listed on MAIN PAGE, left-hand side, click on COLUMNISTS Sherman Skolnick. THAT website often posts our stories sooner than our own website.]

More coming....Stay tuned.