Sunday, June 9, 2013

"Where DO We Get Such Men!"


I watched “The Longest Day” again Friday night. When I think of Diana West’s conclusion in “The Betrayal of America” that the war could have been ended in 1943 but for the Reds in the U.S. government, it makes my blood boil. Of course, there was not even the slightest mention of the anniversary of the D-Day landings in 1944 from our fake “president”.

As much as I have read about the horrors of the wars of the twentieth century, I still cannot get my head around what those guys were going through as they climbed down the nets into the landing craft for the run into the assault beaches. The first wave at Normandy suffered 90 per cent casualties!

I am reading a great book I came across in the library when I was looking for the book about Admiral Nimitz.

The title is “Goodbye Darkness: A Memoir of the Pacific War” by William Manchester. You may recognize him as the author of “Death of a President: November 20  - November 25, 1963” . He is also the author of an excellent biography of General Douglas MacArthur titled “American Caesar: Douglas MacArthur 1880 – 1964”

Manchester was a U.S. Marine sergeant in the Pacific Theatre in WW II who left college at Amherst to join the Marines, hoping to join the same Marine regiment in which his father had served in the Argonne Forest, the wounds from which had resulted in his premature death. The book chronicles Manchester’s  visit of rediscovery to the sites of the major battles in the Pacific campaign, including many of the battles in which he participated and survived. As he visits these sites, he flashes back to his personal memories of his feelings and experiences as a combat Marine, and of the buddies who did not survive.

It has many details of the Pacific campaign and of the individual assaults on New Guinea, Guadalcanal, Saipan, Guam, Tarawa, Peleliu, Iwo, and Okinawa from the perspective of an ordinary Marine – details which are not included in the biographies of the generals and admirals who led the allied forces.

One interesting story you have probably heard involves the work of the UDT teams who were formed in preparation for the assault on Tarawa, and whose effectiveness was repeatedly demonstrated in subsequent operations. After clearing the underwater approaches for the landings on Guam, the Frogmen left an underwater sign in shallow water which said “Welcome U.S. Marines”.

A more important revelation is that the bloody fight for Peleliu was completely unnecessary. The taking of this island was part of the plan for MacArthur to land on Mindanao in his return to the Philippines, but a late decision was made to bypass Mindanao in favor of landing at Leyte much farther north, making the Peleliu assault unnecessary*. Yet for some unknown reason Admiral Nimitz insisted that the Peleliu assault force, then only two days steaming from Peleliu, continue with the Peleliu landings as planned. It turned out to be an ugly fight for the Marines in a steamy tropical climate with heavily fortified Japanese emplacements manned by almost 11,000 enemy fighters who knew they were doomed but determined to fight to the death. The battle was remembered for its “ghastly stage” in the ferocious struggle for Bloody Nose Ridge, a place described by TIME Magazine as “that horrible place”.  (The last Japanese soldier hold-out was not flushed out until eleven years after the battle.)

Naval historian Samuel Eliot Morison wrote that the order to assault Peleliu “should have been countermanded”, being “hardly worth the price of over ten thousand American casualties – three times Tarawa’s”.  

[Note: This was a brilliant move by MacArthur, which completely surprised the Japanese, cost them 65,000 experienced troops, and was responsible for his later unopposed landing at Lingayen Gulf on northern Luzon followed by his triumphant arrival in Manila.]



Subject: Fwd: My Uncle Parachuted Into Normany This Night 69 Years Ago With The 101st Airborne.

Received this yesterday from an online ‘Nam Veteran friend….  I asked & received his permission (sans personal info) to share b/c this was such a heartfelt, truly wonderful tribute –

My Uncle Kenny Hit Omaha Beach, at 06:30 Tomorrow, 69 Years Ago.  Was at Battle of The Bulge, Taking of Cologne'

and Liberated Magdeberg Concentration Camp.  Then Captured the Remagan Bridge Over The Rhine Into Hitler's

"Fortress Europa."

My Father & His Brothers Fought at Guadalcanal, Philipine Liberation at the Baseball Field in Manila ( Hand to Hand With

the Japs ), Saipan, Iwo & Okinawa ( Worst Losses ).

They Never Spoke of The War, Until I Went Off To War & Came Back.  Then I Couldn't STOP Them From Talking About

WWII To Me.  I Think It Was Cathartic For Them?  Like Most Vets, We Lose Contact With Our Battle Buddies.

So I Was Blessed of "Tales of Great Ulysees" By The Hardest SOB's, and At Once The Most Gentle Souls I Ever Knew.

My Old Man Was As Stoic As a Spartan.  But I Saw Him Cross Two Lanes of Speeding Traffic on a Bridge to Save a

Terrified Lost Kitten, About to Be Run Over.

I Also Saw Him Warn a Jerkoff Neighbor:  "You Hassle My Sons?  You'll Face ME!"

There Was a Dichoctomy With Those Men.  Hard as Nails, Soft at Heart.  All I See With Non Warriors is Soft.

When My Wife's Sister Died, My Uncle Moved in With Me.  My Friends Called Us "Fred & Lamont" From "Sanford & Son."

I Got Called "Dummy" and I Called Him "Unc."  Taught Me To Shoot a Rifle at 7.  "You'll Need To Learn This.  Our

Country CAN'T Mind It's Own Damn Affairs."

Couple Times a Month He Would Awake in The Dead of Night Screanimg.  He Always Said:  "Ahh, No Big Deal, Bad


Yeah, Bad "Dream" Of Stacking Your KIA'd, Frozen Stff Comrades Up as Defilade at Bastogne', against  Incoming

7.92 MM Incoming MG-42 MG Fusillades of 1100 Hundred Rounds per Minute, Machinegun Fire.

By The Time The Weather Broke at Bastogne' & Supplies Could Be Air Dropped In, My Uncle Was Down to TWO Enbloc

Clips of .30.06 Ammunition, ONE Mark II Hand Grenade, and His Mi-Garand Bayonet.  To Defend Against  Piper's

Waffen SS Panzers Trying to Take the Essential Road Junction of Bastogne'.

Those "Dubya, Dubya Two-ers" Didn't Hug, Nor Weep, Nor Even Confide to Their Wives About What They Went Through.

They "Suffered in Silence,"  But They Would Tell a 21 Year Old "Buck Sergeant" in 1975 What They'd Seen, 30 Years


I Have, In A Miniscule Sence, Become Them, Although I AIN'T Fit to Strap On Their Leggings.  My Grandson Was 

Wounded in Afghanistan, and I Have to Counsel Him On How to Deal With The Horrors He's Experienced. 

It's Not That Warriors Won't Talk of War.  It's That They WON'T Talk of War to Those Who Haven't.

THIS Year is The 150th Anniversary of Gettysburg.  Next Year is the 70th Anniversary of D-Day.  We Need to Remember

These Men.  And ESPECIALLY The Recent Vets As Well.  For DOD Is Maltreating Them.

"For We Sleep In Soft Beds, Because Rough Men Stand Ready."  Forgive Me If I Misquoted Rudyard Kipling?

As The Admiral in Jame's Michener's Novel "The Bridges at Toko Ri" Observed in Awe:

"Where DO We Get Such Men!"

Where, Indeed?  Despite the Betrayals to Our Warriors by Our Government, Every Generation of Americans Has It's

BEST, Stand and Defend?



What Is PRISM?

Anonymous Just Leaked a Trove of NSA Documents

What Is PRISM?
Last night, the Washington Post and Guardian dropped concurrent bombshell reports. Their subject was PRISM, a covert collaboration between the NSA,… Read…
Chris Mills - Gizmodo UK Friday 7:42am
In the wake of last night’s revelation that everyone in the world has a creepy NSA-shaped stalker, defenders of online liberty and generally angry internet people Anonymous have leaked a treasure trove of NSA documents, including seriously important stuff like the US Department of Defense’s ‘Strategic Vision’ for controlling the internet.
The documents — 13 in total — were posted online, along with an accompanying message full of the normal Anonymous bluster: people won’t be silenced, they have the memory of trivia-master elephants, the governments of the world will fall, your average press release really.
The documents seem to mostly relate to PRISM and supporting operations, and mostly date from around 2008, supposedly not long after PRISM first reared its ugly head. One of the key things Anonymous has highlighted from the documents is the existence of an “intelligence-sharing network” that shares data gleaned from PRISM with “intelligence partners” around the world. Although we’re still in the process of combing through the documents, you can bet your last Bitcoin that ‘intelligence’ has been shared with British security services.
Hit up the documents for further details; just be warned that although this might look like the plot of a B-list movie starring Aston Kutcher, the docs themselves are incredibly dry and full of more acronyms than whatever presentation you should be working on. [Pastebin]
Update: As several have pointed out below, the papers Anonymous "leaked" were already publicly available. It's since been reported that the US does, in fact, share PRISM information with UK intelligence officials.
Image by Getty
For more information on what PRISM is and what it means to you, head here.



Subject: Blessings

From: Subject: blessings! Matthew 19:26

With God all things are possible Matthew 19:26 Twenty angels are in your world. Ten of them are sleeping, nine are playing, one is reading this message. Please Read...not joking...God has seen you struggling with something. God says it's over. A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in God, send this message on, please don't ignore it, you are being tested. God is going to fix two BIG things tonight in your favor. If you believe in God, drop everything and pass it on. Tomorrow will be the best day ever. Send this to ten friends, including me, if I don't get it back, I guess I'm not one of them. As soon as you get five replies, someone you love will quietly surprise you.












Obama picture mystery

One more piece of the Obama life narrative that doesn’t add up

Obama picture mystery

By Coach Collins, on June 9th, 2013
“Take a good look at this picture.  Ask yourself why it is that EVERYTHING about Barack Obama is fake?”

By Emma Karlin, staff writer
Take a good look at this picture.  Ask yourself why it is that EVERYTHING about Barack Obama is fake?
Thanks to Thomas Lifson’s June 5, 2013 essay in The American Thinker Wayne Root’s charge that Barack Obama didn’t graduate from Columbia has been revisited.
For several years Root, a 1983 Poli-Sci major who graduated from Columbia with about 700 other people, has diligently searched for ANYONE who remembers the bugle eared half White half Black Barack Obama who claims he also graduated from Columbia University in 1983 with a master’s degree in Poli-Sci. Not one person remembers the skinny kid with a funny name; not one.
The course of study lasted for two years , yet not a single person can recall ever seeing him - not one.
Lifson’s piece is accompanied by the above picture which is thoroughly puzzling.
Those familiar with New York City will recognize its background as the west wall of Central Park. Those very familiar with Obama’s putative family will recognize his maternal grandparents, Stanley and Madelyn Dunham.
Nevertheless, nothing about the picture will give anyone a clue as to who owns the left hand that is floating above young Barack’s (or was that in his “My name is Barry” stage) right shoulder.
Is there ANYTHING about this guy that is genuine?  

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Dubai - the real story

Subject: Brasscheck TV: Dubai - the real story

For years the news media has portrayed
Dubai as a wonderland.

Now, it's being held up as an example
of extravagance.

The missing part of the story: the place is
run by an absolute dictator and has been
built on slavery.


- Brasscheck

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Banks "create money" from the "borrower's" IOU

Thanks to Dorothy for this one.

Listen to Scott Bartle addressing the European Parliament, Strasburg,  April 16, 2013 about the flawed fractional reserve banking system that we presently have.  Banks lend money they don't have.  Banks openly in documentation state that they "create money" from the "borrower's" IOU.  He states how, back in the USA in the 1850's this action was a capital offense punishable by hanging.  The IMF paper quoted in the short 5 minute video states that the banks "create money".  However, the US Constitution states that only Congress can create money. 
There's a wise old saying "When all else fails, read directions". 

From Dorothy:
This is just an example of what is starting to happen around the world. There is no hiding the truth anymore and those responsible are starting to be exposed more and more. This is just one example of what we will be seeing more and more of in the coming weeks and months.


Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 8-Jun-2013 13:06:37
RH negs - Take the Quiz: Are you a Starseed?
Posted by Vatic Master
Vatic Note: I read this below and decided to put it up because it matches so closely with the RH neg characteristics, that it justified putting it up and asking the question. Remember, the RH negs were in search of their mission, but could not necessarily clearly and firmly identify it, so maybe this is it? Something to think about, and study.
There are far more traits in here for the star seed than we have identified for the RH negs, but that does not mean there is no connection, nor does it mean there is a connection. I think we all have to intuitively read and feel what the truth may well be about this issue. Then if it fits and makes a deep impression on you, there maybe no connection, rather that you may well be both, coincidentally.
Unfortunatley there is so little info, and that could be due to the censorship on the whole alien issue in general. We are slowly finding out how long and how much our government has known about all this from well before the end of WW II. Now we are seemingly having an historical event of group consciousness on at least a global basis, if not a galactic basis.
As we move closer to the center of the galaxy, it maybe we are being affected by the electromagnetic energy being put out in massive amounts, due to our proximity to this center... and that may explain the extraordinary activity of the sun right now. Lots to think about, but as usual be cautious and prudent and careful before making any decisions about this and its veracity.
There are horrific amounts of disinformation in almost every area going on, but I find most take some truth and build their disinfo around that truth. So, even if disinfo it could provide some seeds of truth in it. Keep an open but cautious mind. We certainly do not want to be manipulated either. If true, then the big question is "how do we proceed from here"?

Full Article Below:

RH negs - Take the Quiz: Are you a Starseed?

Vatic Note:  I read this below and decided to put it up  because it matches so closely with the RH neg characteristics, that it justified putting it up and asking the question.  Remember, the RH negs were in search of their mission, but could not necessarily clearly and firmly identify it,  so maybe this is it?  Something to think about, and study.

There are far more traits in here for the star seed than we have identified for the RH negs, but that does not mean there is no connection, nor does it mean there is a connection.  I think we all have to intuitively read and feel what the truth may well be about this issue.  Then if it fits and makes a deep impression on you, there maybe no connection, rather that you may well be both, coincidentally.

Unfortunatley there is so little info, and that could be due to the censorship on the whole alien issue in general.  We are slowly finding out how long and how much our government has known about all this from well before the end of WW II.  Now we are seemingly having an historical event of group consciousness on at least a global basis, if not a galactic basis.

As we move closer to the center of the galaxy, it maybe we are being affected by the electromagnetic energy being put out in massive amounts, due to our proximity to this center... and that may explain the extraordinary activity of the sun right now.  Lots to think about, but as usual be cautious and prudent and careful before making any decisions about this and its veracity.

There are horrific amounts of disinformation in almost every area going on, but I find most take some truth and build their disinfo around that truth.   So, even if disinfo it could provide some seeds of truth in it.   Keep an open but cautious mind.  We certainly do not want to be manipulated either.   If true, then the big question is  "how do we proceed from here"? 

Quiz - Are you a Starseed?
by in5d Alternative News,  April, 2009

Do you have an obsession over the stars and outer space? Have you ever experienced prophetic dreams or visions? Do you have a fascination with ancient symbols? Take the quiz below, you might be a starseed!

Starseeds are simply those people who either have been awakened to Spirit or have bloodlines from ancient days which connect them to visitors from the stars. There are people of Starseed origin that are just people.

They may have more insight and longing for things of spiritual nature, and a deep respect for the creation. As there are different races of people, and differing ranks of spirits, so also are there different types of Starseeds.

There are those of unions with higher dimensional beings, those of unions with angelic spirit beings, and those of unions with reptillian beings: these latter often being bred through genetic manipulation in secret experiments using technology and genetic information taught by reptillians.

True Starseeds in harmony with the Creator exhibit certain personality traits and manifestation of powers inherited from their ancestors. There are many lists of Starseed traits made by people suspecting such a heritage, but these often have combined the traits of all type of Starseed, including those traits inherint in reptillians.

Some of the traits of true Starseed who are in harmony with the Creator are such:

1) An aversion to bright unnatural lighting, yet solace found in natural sunlight.

2) An aversion to reptiles, amphibians, and snakes. [Reptillian seeds often are obsesively attracted to these however.]

3) Sensitivity to extreme hot or cold.
4) An extreme sensitivity to pain.

5) A feeling of being very different from most others.

6) A memory or memories of a profound experience around the ages 5 to 9, usually having something to do with "aliens," UFO's, or stars. This could also include spiritual visions of earth creatures or people.

spiritual psychology
SPIRITUAL PSYCHOLOGY: In a recent poll, nearly 75% of all Americans believe they are psychologically prepared for proof of extraterrestrial life while nearly 80% of those polled believe the U.S. Government is hiding information relating to UFO's and extraterrestrials.

7) An obsession with the stars and/or outer space.

8) Having an "imaginary" childhood friend that seemed to speak of its own accord, as if they were a separate entity. This sometimes continues into adulthood.

9) Attraction to the colors green, blue, and purple, especially the lighter/softer colors such as sky-blue and lavender.

10) Accute hearing/above average hearing range.

11) Extreme sensitivity to excessive or clamourous noise.

12) A driving need to get away from "normal" people to either be alone, or seek out someone who shares your interests in spiritual matters.

13) An inner desire and knowing to "do what is right" even though these things were not taught, but often feeling trapped as a child and expressing ones self in ways that are troubling to others.

14) Hyperactivity as a child.

15) Extreme sensitivity or extreme tolerance to alcohol, medicines, drugs.

16) Creating within ones own mind "fantasy" worlds that often include alien life, journeys to other planets, and places beyond the stereotypical "fantasies" of earth.

17) Dreams involving flying in bodily form or astral projection.

18) Prophetic dreams, visions, or mental suggestions that later come to pass.
spiritual psychology
SPIRITUAL PSYCHOLOGY: Blind people have dreams. In conventions for the blind, they often segregate themselves as being born blind versus being advantageously blind (where blindness occured after being able to see). My advantageously blind Psychology of Sleep and Dreams professor stated that once he went blind, he still retained the ability to see in his dreams, but after a while, his dreams became more sensory related to touch, smell and sound versus visual cognition.

19) Being empathic.

20) Having a desire to heal.

21) Having a desire to try to "save the world" or straiten out problems in the world.

22) A solid beleif that there is an all-powerfull, all-knowing deity, even though you may not have been taught about "God."

23) Having a nagging feeling that most religions, both orthodox and unorthodox, are missing some key elements in their teachings.

24) An almost obsessive desire to search out the missing elements of spiritual teachings not found in religion.

25) Missing time, extra slow time, or speeding time.

26) Having experienced being in one place, then in the blink of an eye being somewhere else. [teleportation/bilocation]

27) Knowing you have been in a certain place, but others who you saw in the same place claim you were not there. [invisibility/cloaking/phasing]

28) A connection to animals that is above average.

29) Telepathic communication with animals.

30) Attraction to birds of prey such as Hawks and Eagles.

31) A special attraction to cats - all cats seem to be your friend.

32) Attraction to "power animals" such as Bear, Wolf, or Buffalo

33) Aversion to city living - strong desire to live in a rural and natural environment.

34) Knowing something is gravely wrong with society without having this knowledge preached to you by doomsday prophets, or conspiracy theorists - you see it yourself and evaluate it within your own mind.

35) A very deep inner pull that seems to constantly make you aware that you are more than you are, and you need to be finding out what and why.

36) Extreme aversion to violence, fighting, and war.

37) Having a deep desire to form a union with one person of the opposite sex for life. Even having this urge as a child.

38) Having an awareness of romantic attraction and love prior to the age of 10.

39) Having blonde or red hair in your gene pool [even if your own hair is different]

40) Being attracted to either very pale complexions, or olive/reddish complexions.

41) Having an above average IQ.

42) Aversion to either extreme male dominant religion or extreme female dominant religion - knowing there is a balance.

43) Attraction to powerful things in nature, such as thunderstorms, lightning, waterfalls, and surf.

44) Attraction to ancient symbols.

45) Being an avid reader who "drinks in" knowledge quicker than the "average" person.

46) Having an interest or attraction to such fields of science as archaeology, astronomy, or quantum physics.

47) Aversion to mundane employment, repetitive tasks, "dead-end" jobs. Not satisfied with working for others, but more than willing to work doing something [which you have yet to discover, but know is out there]

48) Aversion to sexual joking, racial joking, or foul language.

49) Expectation of great changes upon Earth in the near future.

50) A nagging suspicion that you are more than your parents offspring, that you have some unfulfilled mission, and that the implications of these matters have powerful and eternal consequeces for both yourself and the Earth.

If you can answer "yes" to even half of these, there is a good chance you are Starseed. If you have answered 35 or more of these in the affirmative, you most likely are Starseed, especially if you answer "yes" to some of the deeper traits, such as those in numbers 6, 22 to 27, 29, 42, and 50.

The influences of the Pleiades was known to the ancient peoples of Earth. The seven stars, the seven sisters as they were named - though a small cluster in the night sky, were perceived as being much more than a few small stars in the myriad of lights above. Ancient people knew the Truth and expressed it. We have always been messengers, a rank of "angels" - though not the higher ranked angels. Some of us have not always been obedient to the absolute Truth, and have been both misled and have misled.

I clarify to you at this time, that the Truth will be presented and all misconceptions cleared. Omissions will be reinstated, and additions will be removed so that the Truth of the eternal concepts, the will of the Creator, and the purpose of creation becomes a shining beacon of light as the stars illuminate through the darkness, and your closest star brings the light of day.





"As Wash., D.C. creates the problems of America, not solves them, it is time for the American people to raise up leaders who will solve the problems of America, not create them through government." - Erasmus of America

Two Quotes Of Thomas Jefferson Wash., D.C. hates!: "To criticize the government is the highest form of patriotism." Wash., D.C. reply, "Keep your big mouth shut dummy or we will get rid of you to silence you!" "The entire art of government consists in being honest!" Wash., D.C. reply, "Thomas Jefferson, you idiot! The entire art of government consists in being dishonest!"

    Simple math can deliver us powerful answers for our life. There is an old sucker question in math to show the power of compounding math numbers. "How much is one penny doubled for each of 30 days?" The usual answer people think it is is around two dollars or a few more dollars. The actual answer is nearly $11 million dollars total on the 30th day. The math sneaks up on you. First day 1 penny becomes two pennies. Second day - four pennies. Third day - eight pennies. Fourth day - 16 pennies. Fifth day - 32 pennies. Sixth day - 64 pennies. Seventh  day - finally over one dollar or exactly $1.28. End of fourteen days - $163.84. End of twenty one days - $20,971.52.  End of twenty eight days - nearly $2.7 million. End of thirty days - nearly $11 million starting with one penny thirty days earlier and doubling each day. This kind of math is how your national debt grows into many trillions of dollars starting with a debt free government at one time if I recall one administration paid off all the national debt of America at that time. They  had to pass the Federal Reserve Act to get this kind of colossal debt for America. And they had to pass federal income tax previously declared several times by the U.S. Supreme Court as unconstitutional under the U.S. Constitution. The reason for federal income tax was to collect all this compounding of bank interest on counterfeited money through reserve banking run by the Federal Reserve System. You have been swindled so much by this system of con passed by Congress after bribes went to all the right places as you are lucky to have your boxer shorts or panties left on you to wear in daily life after the theft of nearly all that America had previously earned as national wealth. This was done by the counterfeiting of national money by the terms clearly stated in the U.S. Constitution as identifying counterfeit money in America. Now I know you simple folks out there wonder what happened to all this money that represented countless trillions in current value of money and who got it. Why our benevolent big boys who bought out with federal counterfeit money much of the national assets of America, Europe, and the rest of the world. Are you not really proud how charitable you were to these prior suffering super power elite  and so smart as to give them ownership of most of the world with your money as you didn't need it anyway! Right?!! After all, you wouldn't know what to do with all this wealth if you had it in your possession in America.  You are wonderful in your role of Santa Claus to the wealthiest families in the world, but shouldn't you have left something for yourself and your own family? Reserve banking in America basically backs the counterfeit money with hot air for reserves. If foreign currencies with oil or gold backing, etc. was used, or currency back with the monetized assets of a nation either America or Europe turned into credits of money called currency, then there would be a basis of value to back up our paper currency or bank checks of America issued by American banks. I want to remove reserve banking backed by hot air, but I am willing to give to the banks something that is a win-win for both banks and the American people. The banks refuse to properly finance the industrialization of America recognizing as collateral only hard assets such as land, buildings, equipment, etc. Let them issue loans also for return of principal, but instead of regular interest get back a royalty on net profits from powerful new technology which sets up the industries, new farms, etc. This done correctly expands the national economy and can give a bank a potential lifetime income off of what could be a short-term commercial loan. I don't object to banks making profit. I just want them to make it by serving America and its national interests, not by hurting or destroying the American economy by their policies and actions trying to make the banks the secret masters over America. 
     Having studied with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe, I have formed pretty strong evaluations of what will work or not work in a national economy. Not the constitutional definition of money, but the economic definition of money would be justified to say "What spends as money and has purchasing power in buying products, labor, etc. at the market place is money." By this definition, gold and U.S. Treasury Bonds are basically acceptable storages of purchasing power for short term hoarding and can be spent as money if necessary. However, both gold and these federal bonds are basically slow velocity money meaning the use of these to move the economy fast will not generate a guaranteed good or booming economy. They can basically be converted into current spending currency so they are in effect slow velocity money separately, and to boom an economy is required high velocity money held to a trusted standard by sound tactics to represent sound value backing them while spent into the economy. Jesus taught how to do this right in His economic teachings in the New Testament, but the naive economists never thought to see if Jesus had good teachings on national economics in the Bible. Some economists were unhappy that I named this system of money Jesus Money. This had been taught by Jesus in the Bible and used 4 times in history with wild success and total prosperity each time for all citizens, all businesses, all governments, and all churches in the covered area blessed by the Jesus Money system taught in the Bible! If Albert Einstein had come up with this monetary system, then I would have named it after Einstein by calling it Einstein Money. However, Jesus invented the economic system of money that is overwhelmingly the best ever used in human history, so I named it after its founder who is Jesus Christ! That is only fair to honor by name the genius who gives us the best monetary system ever seen in human history! A national economic study around 1987 came to the conclusion that it cost American labor annually a lost total of maybe $1 trillion in lower wages earned in America and cost American business a smaller national market to sell to by $1 trillion or smaller national market by Wash., D.C. outlawing prayer and the Bible from the public schools. Proof of tnational economy of America. The family is the cornerstone of human civilization, sound national economies and prosperity, and a society that is peaceful to live in instead of a war zone of crime to live in as often happens often when you live in a city, for example. When growing up, I was able to talk to Americans who hadamily right! 
     Lack of moral values in society and lack of honoring God in society is not a free ride. It is a costly error creating lower wages, less profit in business, higher taxes, higher crime rates, lower standards of education meaning a less productive society in work performed by workers and less industry for the nation because the government with no moral values is hell to live under and drove out of America over 56,000 factories in the last decade or so that were supplying millions of American jobs before in America. In a godless society, it is a "son-of-a-bitch" for any honest or smart political leader to get elected to office as corrupted people want corrupt, evil leaders, not honest, smart leaders for their nations to run their nation while in elective office. As the people get more morally corrupted, they are no longer any support base for honest, smart leaders in government, industry, school systems, newspapers, etc. Corruption in the people and government undermines the living daylights out of the national economy of America. The family is the cornerstone of human civilization, sound national economies and prosperity, and a society that is peaceful to live in instead of a war zone of crime to live in as often happens often when you live in a city, for example. When growing up, I was able to talk to Americans who had never locked the doors to their house even at night as society was civilized and decent to live in then. Now each home is a castle that must draw up its drawbridges at night by locking all doors so they won't be invaded by the hordes of barbarians raised in society by a godless national educational system and godless standards of government both national and state. 
     Let me share a wild thought with you! Restore prayer and the Bible to the public schools which created a much nicer America to live in than what you have today under pagan Anti-Christ leadership of Obama, etc., add back that lost $1 trillion or so in lost wages for the working people, and lost national market for the businesses of America, and throw in the Jesus Money System which can be established in America with people still being paid the same way, businesses functioning as usual, governments still running as usual, banks running like normal, but a giant difference has occurred. The economy begins to move faster and faster until we have wild prosperity in America without going into national inflation and the people begin to say, "God, we thank you for finally making us wise enough to accept this golden age on earth you were offering us from the Bible, but we were too dumb and didn't know that your Bible could bless our daily lives so colossally as this!" 
     In medieval France when they had this wild prosperity brought into existence through Jesus Money as taught in the New Testament, for 100 years they had a non-stop booming economy, no poor left in society, everyone owned their own homes, people retired at the age of 45 to 55 to live off of thhe corruption money secretly paid to them while ime nearly disappeared in society, wars stopped, and local historians wrote how a virtual golden age had descended on earth for mankind. All this is censored from your history books as your enemies in power through Wash., D.C. can only control you so long as they keep you ignorant of the truth. The French people were so overwhelmed by all prosperity in France as blessing from God for becoming the people of God on earth that out of gratitude to God in this 100 year period they built 80 Gothic cathedrals and 500 cathedral-grade Gothic churches with no bank loans, no taxes, just prosperity of the people and businesses who paid for it all as a way of thanking God for this near golden age on mankind given them by blessing of God. Then early banking interests not liking all this prosperity for everyone in society tricked the people by political agitators or mob leaders we call politicians today and when the people got tricked into false economic teachings and beliefs, the whole system collapsed and they were back in the collapsed economy which occurred after the fall of the Roman Empire in Western Europe. Moral of story includes don't trust the bankers and their snake oil con artist spokesmen and don't trust the con artists called politicians they hire to front for them and pretend to not have their strings pulled by the corruption money secretly paid to them while in Wash., D.C. By the way, the Washington National Cathedral started in 1909 and ground broken by such as Teddy Roosevelt and completed in 1990 was stated to be the one giant cathedral built in America by the old Gothic method of the Middle Ages of Europe. When completed, it was commented that America was not rich enough as a nation to ever build another large church in America by the old Gothic method. Tiny France built 580 giant Gothic  churches versus one in America for basically the same time period. Also, tiny Chartres, France with around 2,500 population built the Chartres Cathedral (Gothic style) in I think 38 years and is close to the same size as the Washington National Cathedral in Wash., D.C. today.    Am I opening up your eyes at last?!!! You have been swindled like hell through the federal reserve which is a private banking cods that will restore freedom to the American people and restore true free enterprise to America instead of growing Marxist socialism under Karl Marx Obama, our Marxist Comrade, trying to run Wash., D.C. and become lifetime dictator of America if you will allow him to take away all your legal rights promised under the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights. Just so it is clearly understood by would-be traitors in Wash., D.C. The Omni Law gets passed and we will hold the equivalent of Nuremberg War Trials in America if necessary to exposehigh yield funds the rich are allowed by Wash., D.C. to invest in. Did Wash., D.C. forget to tell you that you are the peon class of citizens in America and therefore not allowed to earn too much on your investments? You get the low yield offers of stocks and bonds. The federally accredited investors can invest in the high yield funds Wash., D.C. does not want you to get rich by. After all, Wash., D.C. doesn't want to make it easy for ordinary people to become rich in America! That wouldn't be fair to those already rich!

     Figure it out naive Americans! The proposed Omni Law is the only proposed law in America designed to restore power over government back to the American people! And Erasmus of America is the only American leader daring to propose the national stands that will restore freedom to the American people and restore true free enterprise to America instead of growing Marxist socialism under Karl Marx Obama, our Marxist Comrade, trying to run Wash., D.C. and become lifetime dictator of America if you will allow him to take away all your legal rights promised under the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights. Just so it is clearly understood by would-be traitors in Wash., D.C. The Omni Law gets passed and we will hold the equivalent of Nuremberg War Trials in America if necessary to expose before all the American people and all the world the extreme high treason now going on in Wash., D.C. under Obama and co-traitors trying to run Wash., D.C. now for the overthrow of the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights and any other claims to legal rights and freedom the American people might try to assert. They are spying on all phone calls and communications over the internet now. They are organizing plans to put America under marshal law and then put much of America into federal concentration camps. Oh, since Obama is putting dedicated Muslim members of the Muslim Brotherhood into key federal security positions, let's change the reference from marshal law to Sharia Law where they cut off your hand or your head if you don't do what your federal Muslim rulers tell you to in the name of Allah! Obama on Egyptian TV I understand told that Egyptian audience that he was a dedicated Muslim of Obama and his one-world goveout the owd which put him in the White House and think they are going to win through Obama. In Putin's shoes, I would do likely what he is doing to try and save Russia from being destroyed by the Communist-Islamic-Illuminati triple alliance secretly ruling America today and Obama acts as the front for. If I win in America through the Omni Law, I will defuse the situation so that Putin does not have to save the world by wiping out Wash., D.C. and all of America  be Pentagon thinks that they have one ultimate ace to stop Russia from nuclear attack on America. Knowing how the Russian military side thinks, I think I can predict the chess game maneuver of Putin to outfox Pentagon plans so suddenly the Pentagon is helpless as Russia then annihilates America in two surprise maneuvers on the Pentagon which is too confident and underestimating the cunning of the Russian side. I have a surprise military maneuver borrowed from the Russian side which can neutralize their hand against America if I am made the military regent of America before the Russian attack occurs. This tactic can neutralize the Russian side so they cannot attack America without Russia also being annihilated.  What a shame that I am drawn into such a terrible situation for both America and Russia. Strange as it may sound, I respect Putin and he is trying to save Russia from the world plans of Obama and his one-world government crowd which put him in the White House and think they are going to win through Obama. In Putin's shoes, I would do likely what he is doing to try and save Russia from being destroyed by the Communist-Islamic-Illuminati triple alliance secretly ruling America today and Obama acts as the front for. If I win in America through the Omni Law, I will defuse the situation so that Putin does not have to save the world by wiping out Wash., D.C. and all of America  because of Wash., D.C. I will do what I can to turn America back into the nation founded in 1776 and no threat to Russia or others who want to live in freedom and peace in the world. I am not afraid of Putin, but I have great respect for the Russian people and have no interest in trying to annihilate the Russian people. We kick the one world government crowd out of Wash., D.C. and the pending World War III can be defused before it happens. Pass the Omni Law. We will make America much stronger militarily, but with no plans  for world war, but only protect our national defense while we restore good, honest, responsible government to America through the Omni Law. 
     A friend of mine commented yesterday to me in a meeting, that I was something new in America. He said the correct label for me was, "An economic evangelist" in America. And he said if the people heard me speak, he predicted I would storm America after that! 
     Now having laid the foundation, here is what we can do. Pass the Omni Law and I will recover as much of the money swindled from the American people through the federal reserve that I can. I understand that this swindled money is over $300 trillion according to Russian intelligence estimate and elsewhere it is estimated may be over $1,000 trillion belonging to the American people but held by the thieves who stole all this from you the American people. Congress, the White House, federal agencies, etc. are so corrupt and have allegiance so much to the wrong side that it would be millions of years before they would be willing to recover this stolen and swindled money from the American people and get it transferred back to the American people and back to America itself as a nation. We will if aggressive able to recover part of this money, but no guarantees that all can be recovered owed to you the American people. The American people very corrupted now by Washington policy have too much grand larceny in their hearts and  would not think it necessary to pay off the federal national debt. Until World War I, America did not have federal income tax as the national government could finance itself without need of federal income tax. But once the "spend, spend, spend" liberal politicians saw they had federal income tax given to them so they could spend the money of the American people without limitation, they fast forgot the LEGAL pledge they gave to the American people if they allowed the passing of federal income tax into law that it would never be more than 5% annual federal income tax if allowed to become law in America. I think I found the 5% pledge figure in an old forgotten legal reference of Wash., D.C.   
     Paying off the federal debt the one time you could in our age would remove the excuse for most to all of federal income tax to be paid by Americans today. I have a couple of economic tricks up my sleeve how we could potentially end federal income tax forever and finance the government fine without it! But first pass the Omni Law as that is the key to freedom and the economic rebirth of America as a nation.
     Pay off the state debts for all 50 state governments. One time only! Then they are supposed to manage their state governments budgets right and have very low taxes if any for the citizens of their states after that. Removing taxes from the American citizens would be equivalent to a giant pay raise on every job in America and a great new way to add profits to the businesses of America before even increasing their annual sales or raising prices as a business! You have been swindled by the federal reserve front for 100 years now and the amount owed you the American people is very huge now. I know where much of the money is hidden from you!
     Then we divide with the American citizens 18 years of age or older pro-rata meaning split equally in this case what is left over after the first two giant bills are paid off removing a huge financial burden off the backs of the American people hopefully for the rest of your natural lives on earth! Probably this amount will be huge paid to all Americans. Could be enough to pay off mortgage notes on your homes, your farms, your businesses, your college student loan debts, your car, medical bills, or just put into banks or whatever money you want to draw interest on for the rest of your life. Or take a super vacation across America or the world. Or start life afresh with the means to start a new great life in America with. 
     We have two additional items that will be deducted from the original total collected but should be pocket change in comparison to the money going elsewhere including mainly to the American people if this fund is as huge as sources tell us. In shown in earlier reports, Wash., D.C. feeling cocky that it could never be sued or collected on owes me at a minimum at this time $1.3 trillion if I am a nice guy and don't be provoked by them now. If they pull any smart aleck stunts with me as they had which caused this giant owed liability to me, this figure can be increased by adding triple punitive damages to it making the final figure $4.3 trillion total. As I have a good track record in winning upsets in law, it is dangerous to underestimate whether I have the aces hidden up my sleeve how to win at suing Wash., D.C. for this colossal size figure. And creating colossal pressure on Wash., D.C. to start upholding the U.S. Bill of Rights again and the constitutional law of the U.S. Constitution again, sue a long list of federal officials personally for either $1.3 trillion or else $4.3 trillion in actual and punitive damages for any legal involvement of any Washington source which created this giant legal liability in damages for the government in Wash., D.C. run by the wrecking crew of America in Congress, White House, and federal agencies today. One more smart aleck stunt from Wash., D.C. and I have a legal surprise for them how I can add another legal liability of an additional $1 trillion or else $4 trillion to what Wash., D.C. already owes me and also personally sue Eric Holder, Obama, heads of federal agencies, members of Congress, etc. Sometimes it is wise of the other side not to stir up any more legal hornet's nests with me!
     Elements identifying themselves as Satanists pulled every dirty trick they could including several murder threats in the name of Obama trying to block me from releasing my book "The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity" by Erasmus of America (my pen name). They used electronic attacks on computers I was using to prepare this book on. By hacking tactics they read material for the book as it was being written. They tried several times to try and destroy the electronic preparation of this book by such as knocking out the picture of Jesus Christ on 50 copies of the cover page for the book. Somehow the picture of Jesus Christ enraged them so the lunatics tried to destroy this cover picture so we kept producing so many copies of key material for the book as to be too many for them to destroy in quick hacking attacks. They tried a big smear campaign through alias names saying that I was a con artist taking pre-release ordes for a book that would never be written nor released in America. They massively attacked our work typsetting up the book. We had a Sunday that was a fight for several hours against their hacking attack where they tried to wipe out the book so we had nothing left to release as the finished book. They had good hacking training from either C.I.A., National Security Agency, or other federal source and it was quite an electronic battle fought one Sunday to keep them from destroying months of work preparing this book for release. We won and soon afterwards released the book nationally.
      We have the historical distinction of ever having the only Christian book the Satanists feared so strongly they savagely fought to block its release by destroying if they could all the electronic files holding the master copies of the book in computer memory files. We won and the reaction we got back from our first readers were basically that this was the greatest Christian book written in the national history of America. One person who was a lay Catholic monk called this a holy book and likely the most important Christian book to be released in the national history of America. We have restored the Apostolic roots of first historical Christianity back to the churches in America today both Catholic and Protestant. Both Protestants and Catholics commented how this book overwhelmed them and they felt that all Christians in America should read this. We wipe out atheism in America if all read this book in America. We show how important Christianity is today to supply the answers America needs today, not just religious, but in economics, in national health, and other fields important to the national survival of America. In the book I tell many things including how with less than $100 in natural supplies I wiped out in 4 days a tumor on my left arm and left no scar, wiped out a large tumor on my face on 4 days and left no scar, and wiped out in 7 days advanced Colon cancer which never returned which is maybe 15 years later by now. 
      At the end of the book I have the information on a 15% club I had set up. We were going to use one fund run elsewhere to enable us to pay those joining our club a 15% return monthly based upon the time schedule and terms listed in the club material and information for joining. We were also testing a second club plan of running our own fund directly and not using any other fund run by anyone else for our club plan. Our aggressive testing for our own fund run by ourselves was being tested in January, 2013 and still going fine through the beginning of June, 2013. With the trick angle we came up with and looking back at old records for the type market we use for this, we apparently could have come up with the same results for years back, maybe even 10 to 15 years back and could have comfortably delivered 15% return monthly for our club members. We noticed a little corner of a huge market which seems like clockwork to always do the same thing every day. We seem to average every month between 30% to 32% increase for the funds we use. Until America changes everything how America runs as a nation, maybe this market angle is available for the rest of our natural lives. We were going to first use this angle back when the U.S. Justice Dept. broke up our private deal we had with trucking sources. The deal was quite legal and is the reason why the U.S. Justice Dept. at this very moment owes us $1.3 trillion if they behave themselves. Any dumb move and the U.S. Justice Dept. will then owe us $4.3 trillion and to teach a lesson in a bad legal spanking for them also add a second legal claim for any additional $4 trillion on top of the already committed to $1.3 trillion they owe use if they behave themselves or else $4.3 trillion total liability if they convince us they need a stern legal spanking in a colossal legal lawsuit which will also personally sue Eric Holder and Obama for everything they will own for the rest of their lives. The Seneca Police tipped me off back then how the F.B.I. was monitoring our calls as told them by an F.B.I. agent so tipped off Wash., D.C. that we had this mutli-billion dollar secret deal with trucking firms about to go through. Wash., D.C. was trying to head me off from financing the reestablishment of my father's Vatican endorsed food process which would have created millions of new jobs in America and potentially made America once more the undisputed industrial leader of the world. This was not a watch to prevent terrorist attacks in America, but Washington trying to block Christianity from obtaining the finances to win back massively the people of America to Christ once more. In the process, if we deliver the legal evidence to the right court system, the people of America and the businesses of America can potentially sue the F.B.I. for over $100 trillion in damages as our deal would likely have helped the American economy so much as to have blocked the real estate crash of the American economy and loss of millions of jobs and mass loss of homes across America of the American people. Those in federal agencies are no longer loyal to America or the American people working for foreign sources now secretly running the federal government instead of the American people. If we set up this $100 trillion lawsuit against the F.B.I. for the American people, then the F.B.I. will automatically be abolished for having created a $100 trillion liability international law will compel Wash., D.C. to pay. Since I think the F.B.I. can still serve the national interests of America if they legally behave themselves and not violate our U.S. Bill of Rights or claim legal authority for what the U.S. Constitution never granted to them as legal authority, I will try to spare the F.B.I. so I don't wipe them out legally through law. But they are now going to have to obey the U.S. Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution instead of our would-be Communist dictator Obama or else the F.B.I. is history and I will totally wipe out the F.B.I. if they ever pull criminal tactics against me again like they did to help sabotage this massive multi-billion dollar deal with the trucking industry which was totally legal under law.
      Hope the message is heard loud and clear in Wash., D.C.!
      Okay, folks. Order my book "The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity" on my national website of  My email is . The book sells for $25.00. Those wanting can also order the book by mail and send to my mailing address of two decades which is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Make any checks, etc. out to NIFI and of course say what the payment is for. 
     As I will not display the club offer except through the back pages of this book, anyone who hates Christianity will not order this book and so will not have access to my 15% club offer. I taught the readers of this report how powerful compound interest is. It can grow like wildfire used correctly. The club takes your money loaned in units of $25 for accounting purposes and it rides on our larger club fund. The loan money remains yours. We charge a managing fee for placing your loan funds with our club fund. Anything over 15% paid monthly to you is ours to keep. For the first two months we get all profits from our daily trades in a big market. Starting the third month you start earning 15% return every month for 12 months afterwards. You can draw out the 15% return monthly or let it compound for the 12 months afterwards if you instruct us. This is your private fund of the loan money and we charge whatever percentage over 15% you earn by riding piggyback on our club fund. No security offer is involved. Smell the legal maneuvering here so you don't have to be a federally "accredited investor" to earn more than 1% or 2% annually on loan money with banks or savings and loans? You could enter the market we use without needing to be accredited, but you don't have our trade secret trading system we used and it has worked fine without problems. Your money never becomes our money, only part of the surplus money earned beyond paying you the 15% we will pay you so long as the market remains which may be beyond our lifetimes. If some surprise comes such as an RV of currencies, we may suddenly be floated with people wanting to join our club loan program. However, if we feel that we do not want to accept your money as we are flooded with money offered us then, we can close down membership to new members and wish you well to find another source with a good marketing system such as we pioneered and maybe is good enough to last for a lifetime.
      So you don't have to be clever with math figuring up compound interest you can earn. Use a cheap handheld calculator maybe even cheap as $1 if you want. Take your amount of loan money you want to piggybank with our club fund of loan money earning money every day of trading and we have to use three computers coordinated together for this secret trading system of ours and this takes time each day to mass run, take your figure of loan money you will have with us, do a simple chart of how many months or maybe for life you want to be part of our club fund program. Each month you are scheduled to receive 15% payment for the month which we call royalty on profits as we do legal maneuvering with our positions, multiply your current balance by 1.15 and the handheld calculator has automatically added in your increase of net funds by 15%. If you leave this payment in each month instead of having it sent to you each month, multiply your new higher figure again by 1.15 to see your new larger figure created by compound interest. Do it for one year, five years, ten years, whatever you want to see the results for, and you will begin to notice the wild growth of even small amounts into huge amounts of money if you want to go all the way. Or build up a few months and then take out 15% payments from your enlarged loan money now piggybacking with our club fund. Notice this principle of loan money whether your original amount or enlarge amount by compounding 15% payments remains your money and therefore this is your fund, not ours, and we are merely acting as business managers letting your loan money be handled by our sophisticated trading system which apparently is as good as we could find anywhere. If you belong to our club fund and something big happens for you such as an RV of foreign currencies or selling of an invention of yours or whatever, so long as we will accept more money with our club fund, this gives you a  private advantage not available to the average American treated as a peon and second class American citizen according to Washington law and policy. The rich are allowed to get high returns on their money and Wash., D.C. does not want you to get the same legal rights as the already rich! You are discriminated against by Wash., D.C. but we are the great equalizer making you have the same legal rights as the rich in America. Someone asked me if this is your private fund, could you have family members or others join your private fund with us. We deal with you, not others, but if you want to allow others to join your private fund with us, so long as the account is under your name, not with others, do what you want if you allow family members, etc. to join your fund with you. You are responsible for paying them, not us. We pay you and end of our legal obligation in the loan money used.
      Now Americans have a naive approach to health. You are awestruck by medical doctors but you don't use common sense. Any answer used by several people which corrects a health problem they have is the same answer any honest medical source has to use as medical evidence that something works for some particular ailment people have. They may have to be lengthy in investigation to make sure they understand correctly the results they have seen, but the basis of all medical research or scientific research is results. If it works, it works! If it does not work, it does not work! Okay, got the common sense approach? We had a woman who had been on high blood pressure heart medicine for around 35 years, starts taking the green tablets one a day multi-minerals and multi-vitamins made strictly from natural ingredients and 100 capsules for $29.95 we have advertised on our website and mentioned in our book, what does common sense tell you? Her doctor in amazement seeing this after she started taking one tablet a day for around 10 days dropped her high blood pressure heart medicine judging it was no longer necessary for her. Simple math since the medical field has been investigating such as cancer for 100 years and more and still claims no cure for cancer, if several people show results against such as cancer whereas the medical field cannot show results at this time, you are looking at the same raw data the medical field would. If common sense and some simple math as shown here shows hope for someone guaranteed to die according to standard medical claims, you take all responsibility for your own decision pro or con, but worth a try if you are written off by the medical field to look for a credible answer elsewhere. I used common sense is why I got rid of two tumors in 4 days flat and advanced colon cancer in 7 days flat. The medical field couldn't do this and I noticed had zero interest in how I did this. After all when my answer cost less than $100 for me to do and to fight cancer rather than cure it can cost $250,000 to $500,000 to fight cancer but not cure it, who makes more profit me with a $30 product if I offered it or the medical field charging $250,000 to $500,000 to fight but not cure cancer?
      And if you back my Omni Law, then you are a self-made genius. Thomas Edison was successful because he dealt with wealthy people he made deals with. The public would buy his products if they would reach the market, but the common folks would never have backed him with one penny if he asked them to financially back him. Tesla made all his deals with the wealthy as there was zero support from the public to financially back him. Repeatedly inventors get deals with the wealthy or you never hear of them. The American people by culture do not back those who will skyrocket their industries and create millions of new jobs. By joining the club mentioned at the back of the book, you can break the tradition of American culture because at our end with our money, we will back smart inventors for the industrialization of America and the world. And if you want, we will tip you in on interesting deals if you want and you can as one of the new rich of America begin backing inventors also who can skyrocket the economy of America in the process.
      Share this report with all you can. The future of America hangs in the balance!
      Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for the smart common man meaning all of you can also be smart once you decide before God to listen to the wisdom of God and to people on earth blessed with wisdom given them by God! God gave you the brains to be smart. Why hold your own genius back by denying how wonderfully God has designed you to be!?. When you deal with smart people, you can become incredibly smart yourself and show the others how smart you are also! Once by any means you learn how to think smartly, from that point on, maybe there are no limits to how far you can go in life!)