Monday, June 10, 2013

Concentration Camp Obama

Concentration Camp Obama
By Don Feder

In the 1942 Jack Benny/Carole Lombard movie "To Be Or Not To Be" – about a troupe of Polish actors trying to flee the Nazis – one villain, a Col. Ehrhardt, is referred to as "Concentration Camp Ehrhardt," to which Benny quips, "He does the concentrating. The Poles do the camping."

Since he came to office 4 1/2 long years ago, Obama has been concentrating on destroying the conservative movement – eliminating any opposition to the socialist republic he’s creating. In a few years, many of us could be "camping" in a very real sense.

If that sounds alarmist, read on. And try to see the big picture – not snooping, secret e-mail accounts, official harassment and intimidation, sundry assaults on the First Amendment and using the IRS as a presidential goon squad in isolation–but as a deliberate, coordinated, far-reaching plan to use the machinery of government to crush dissent.

Last week, six Tea Party and conservative groups testified before the House Ways and Means Committee on how the IRS tied them in knots when they sought tax-exempt status, which was awarded to leftist groups at the blink of an eye.

The San Fernando Valley Patriots was asked for detailed answers to 36 questions, with 80 sub-questions. Other targets got an even more extensive body-cavity search by the IRS – which asked for membership lists, donor lists, material and copies of speeches – not to mention what they had for breakfast.

To recap, here’s the IRS scandal by the numbers: 1. 300-500 – the number of groups targeted by the IRS for political reasons 2. 27 – the average number of months it took for Tea Party/conservative groups which persevered to get their 501-c-3 status (compared to an average of 9 months for everyone else), 3. 118 – the number of times Obama’s first IRS Commissioner visited the White House over three years, and 4. $49 million– the amount the IRS spent on conferences in roughly the same period. Tormenting Obama's opponents is so fatiguing.

Commentator and former Clinton confidant Dick Morris says the "incredible frequency" of White House visits by the former IRS head would "indicate that Obama must have been deeply involved with the inner workings of the audits and harassment of conservative groups." Which would indicate the president really, really wanted to get the Tea Parties, which he viewed as his chief adversaries.

You can’t keep track of Obama scandals without a program.

Last week, we learned his political appointees, including Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, used private e-mail accounts for government business, hoping to avoid disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. You only do this if you have something serious to hide. While Obama officials were concealing their communications, the Department of Justice got two months-worth of phone logs from the Associated Press.

According to the Washington Post of June 7, under the guise of fighting terrorism, "The National Security Agency and the FBI are tapping directly into the servers of nine leading U.S. Internet companies, extracting audio and video chats, photographs, e-mails, documents and connection logs."

The Guardian, a left-wing British publication, observed that this "shows for the first time that under the Obama administration the communications records of millions of U.S. citizens are being collected indiscriminately and in bulk – regardless of whether they are suspected of any wrongdoing."

It gets more sinister with the revelation that the FBI is now probing right-to-life groups, another focal point of opposition to the administration.

Chris Slattery of the New York-based Expectant Mother Care (which runs a number of pregnancy resource centers) was contacted recently by an agent of the Joint Domestic Terrorism Task Force about meeting with him on a monthly basis "for a mutually beneficial relationship." Says Slattery, "In other words, if I don’t meet with them, it will not be beneficial for me."

The IRS asked one pro-life group to sign a pledge that it would never picket a Planned Parenthood clinic. FBI and DHS agents have attended training sessions on "pro-life terrorism" run by Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation.

This is the same FBI whose Boston office consistently ignored signals from the Tsarnaev boys prior to the Marathon bombings. Meanwhile, Holder’s Justice Department has increased the number of cases it’s prosecuting under the anti-speech Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act. Forget al-Qaeda and its clones, homicidal imams and the Muslim Brotherhood. Catholic grandmothers and evangelical high school kids– now that’s where the real anti-terrorist action is.

The administration is moving to curtail speech on a broad range of issues. On June 4, a rather remarkable meeting was held at the Manchester-Coffee County(Tennessee) Conference Center, conducted jointly by U.S. Attorney Bill Killian and the American Muslim Advisory Council.

Regardless of the rationale offered, the meeting was to warn the public – 2,000 of whom showed up, most to protest – against criticism of Islam. There were suggestions that Internet postings offensive to Muslims could be prosecuted as violations of U.S. civil rights law.

Are Muslims uniquely threatened? According to the FBI, Jews are eight times more likely to be the victims of religious hate-crimes than Muslims. So, why no public forums where prosecutors vow to spare to effort to curtail anti-Semitic incidents – or attacks on Christians?

Obama (who said in his 2009 Cairo speech that it was part of his "responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam") is moving against anti-Sharia activism and efforts to block mosque-expansion in Tennessee, both perfectly legal. Once again, the president hopes to win by intimidation.

Obama is rapidly remaking the military in his own image. There is an ongoing campaign to purge outspoken Christians from its ranks.

After the 2010 election, the president pushed repeal of Don’t-Ask-Don’t-Tell through a lame duck Congress. Following the Ft. Hood massacre – by a Muslim major shouting "Allah is Great" – Army Chief of Staff General George C. Casey, Jr. said that although he was seriously annoyed about 13 dead soldiers under his command, "If our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that’s worse" – easily the stupidest statement made by a general since Custer’s "I don’t think there are many Indians over that ridge."

On April 23, Pentagon officials sought input from Mikey Weinstein, head of something called the Military Religious Freedom Foundation. (Think they had trouble with their C-3 status?)

Weinstein wants to root out Christian "proselytizing" (which he describes as "spiritual rape") from the military. The secular Jacobin would like to see hundreds of court-martials for this heinous offense.

But what exactly is Christian proselytizing? Saying "God bless you" when someone sneezes? Having a "My Boss is a Jewish Carpenter" bumper sticker on your car, or impromptu prayers by soldiers in combat? It’s ironic that a homosexual can now share his "lifestyle" with his comrades-in-arms, but a Christian can not.

Ret. Lt. General Jerry Boykin, vice president of the Family Research Council, says, "This has the potential to destroy military recruiting across the services as Americans realize that their faith will be suppressed by joining the military." Patriots and Christians, always the backbone of our armed forces, have no place in Obama’s Army.

On another front in the war against right-wing Christian fanatics, in May, Lt. Col. Frank Rich, stationed at Fort Campbell, sent a 14-page e-mail to officers in his command warning them to be on the lookout for soldiers influenced by hate groups. Along with the Ku Klux Klan and skinheads, Rich listed among these poisonous influences "anti-gay, anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim" groups. He named the American Family Association, FRC and the Federation for American Immigration Reform.

The list appears to have been taken verbatim from the no-smear-is-too-outrageous Southern Poverty Law Center, whose literature was found on a gunman who tried to storm the FRC headquarters in Washington, D.C. last year, shooting a guard. When Rich’s memo came to light, there were loud disavowals among the brass, but one wonders how pervasive such attitudes are in Obama’s Diversity-Is-Our-Greatest-Strength military.

Because, you see, there is an eerie similarity between Rich’s e-mail and a 2009 report from the Department of Homeland Security – withdrawn when it became public. Within weeks of the regime’s inception, DHS produced a memorandum for local law enforcement titled "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalism and Recruitment," which lumped gun owners, veterans and small-government advocates with neo-Nazis and other violent nut-cases.

In his war on conservatives, Obama has been tutored by the Marx Brothers – not Chico, Harpo and Groucho, but Saul, Herbert and Antonio. Saul Alinsky instructed him to maintain "constant pressure on the opposition" and "look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty" among target groups.

Mentor of the ‘60s New Left, Herbert Marcuse advocated the "withdrawal of toleration of speech and assembly from groups which promote aggressive policies, armament(and) chauvinism," as well as those which oppose extension of the welfare state. The impact of his thinking is the main reason it’s nearly impossible for prominent conservatives to speak on college campuses today.

Antonio Gramsci, a Marxist theorist of the early 20th century, urged the left to seek "cultural hegemony," which it’s largely achieved in the early 21st century. He also said the "revolution" would never triumph as long the proletariat had a "false class consciousness," inculcated by family, church and nation state.

Recall Obama’s bitter-clinger remarks from the 2008 campaign – identifying resistance to his message primarily among those who cling to religion, guns and "anti-immigrant" sentiment. Think of his anti-nationalism (including the rejection of American exceptionalism) and attacks on the family, via same-sex "marriage" and taking medical decisions out of the family’s hands.

The president is harassing his opponents, monitoring their activities, intimidating them, limiting their funding and generally creating a hostile environment for un-Obama speech.

Defending the super-snoops in his NSA, on Friday, the president warned, that if people can’t trust their rulers – himself first and foremost – "We’re going to have some problems here."

How can you not trust a man who lied to you about what happened in Benghazi, lied when he told you that if you liked your health insurance plan, you could keep it under ObamaCare, lied about not raising taxes on the middle class, lied about the impact of sequestration, lied about the use of chemical weapons in Syria being a "red line," and, just today, promised to keep North Korea from getting the nuclear weapons it already has.

Never mind. You just trust Obama, and you go right on trusting him – until they shove you in a cattle car.

Which Fats Are Good - Which Fats Are Bad

Which Fats Are Good - Which Fats Are Bad 

Before I get into today's topic I would like to extend a heartfelt
THANK YOU to all of my clients and readers as well as our new friends that came to hear me speak or stopped by our booth at the Health Freedom Expo in Chicago this past weekend.

It's thrilling to see the real people behind the emails & phone calls.
And I especially LOVE to see my clients in person who have experienced dramatic improvements in their health due to our work here. Believe me, I'm as excited as you are!
Today's topic actually stems from these questions that I was asked at this past weekend's Expo:
"So what's the deal with these trans-fats that everyone's talking about? Are they like the saturated fats in meat and butter? Are they all bad?"
Great questions. Because of slanted studies and creative marketing efforts by food companies, many people are still confused about trans-fats, and believe that ALL saturated fats are deadly.
So I'd like to clarify this issue once and for all.
First, to help you better understand the different kinds of fats, let's take a quick look at...
The anatomy of a fat
To understand what the different types of fats are and what they mean, here's a simplified look at the anatomy of a fat.
Fats are made up of atoms of carbon, hydrogen and a little oxygen, and together they create a "parking lot."
The carbon atoms are the empty parking spaces, and the hydrogen and oxygen atoms are the cars that fill up the spaces.
If a fat "parking lot" is completely full, with not a single space open for another "car," it's called a saturated fat. Examples of saturated fats are those found in meat, butter, eggs, and dairy.
If the parking lot has just ONE empty space available, it's a monounsaturated fat. Monounsaturated fats include olive oil, canola oil, avocados and nuts.
And lastly, if the parking lot has 2 or more open spaces, it's a polyunsaturated fat. Some polyunsaturated fats are Omega-3 oils (like fish oil, flaxseed, pumpkin seed and walnut oils) and Omega-6 oils (such as safflower, sunflower, sesame, grapeseed, borage and evening primrose).

Which ones do we need?
There are no "mistakes" in Nature, and that includes fats.
Your body needs about 30% of your calories to come from fat, with an even breakdown between saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Here are just some of the vital functions fats from Nature serve inside of YOU:

1- They make up the myelin sheath that surrounds and protects your nerves and helps with transmitting nerve impulses
2- They help cushion your internal organs
3- They're needed for your body to make hormones
4- They help regulate your body temperature
5- They help absorb and transport the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K to wherever your body needs them
6- They add flavor to foods and help create feelings of fullness after a meal (so they can actually help you lose weight!)
7- They form adenosine triphosphate (ATP)--your body's main form of energy


The deadly ones
The one fat that you must ALWAYS avoid is the freak fat that is downright deadly to your health--otherwise known as trans-fats.
Although trans-fats are "chemically" a form of saturated fat, they are NOT from Nature, your body can't metabolize them and it must instead detox them like a poison.
Here are just some of the ways that trans-fats can guarantee that you (or your children) will be very sick and likely die way before your time:
- Cancer: Trans-fats interfere with the enzymes your body uses to protect itself against cancer. Consumption of trans-fats is linked to increased cancer rates in numerous studies.
- Diabetes: Trans-fats confuse the insulin receptors in your cell membranes which in turn can raise your blood sugar level and trigger type 2 diabetes.
- Heart disease: Trans-fats raise the level of low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) in your bloodstream, thereby encouraging cholesterol accumulation and eventually atherosclerosis.
- Immune dysfunction: Trans-fats interfere with immune cell function and reduce immune response.
- Fertility: Trans-fats interfere with enzymes needed to produce sex hormones. They can also decrease the level of testosterone and increase the number of abnormal sperm in males.
- Pregnancy: Trans-fats can cross the placenta and interfere with the fats needed for the fetus' brain development.
- Breast feeding: Eating trans-fats lowers the level of (good) fat in the mother's milk, which can impair the neurological and visual development of the baby.
- Obesity: Studies continue to show a higher rate of obesity in people who consume trans-fats--especially women. Women who eat trans-fats are consistently shown to weigh more than women who do not eat trans-fats, even when their total daily calorie intake is the same.
- Mood swings: Consumption of trans-fats is associated with increased irritability and aggression.
- Free radicals: Trans-fats can spur the development of free radicals, which accelerate atherosclerosis and inflammation, contribute to chronic diseases and lead to premature aging.

Where are trans-fats lurking?
Sources of trans-fats include margarine (ALL kinds), shortening and the hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils used in processed foods.
Look very carefully at food labels when you shop. If you see a product has hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, do NOT buy it.
Trans-fats are also found in baked goods (including those from a bakery) and fried items of all kinds--such as French fries, onion rings, chicken and fish from fast food restaurants.

But aren't all saturated fats bad?
This is a common area of misunderstanding, so let me clear the air:
Saturated fats have gotten a bad rap over the years that they don't deserve.
First of all, while trans-fats are chemically classified as a form of saturated fat, as you saw above, they are a whole different animal.
So now let's look at Nature's saturated fats--which are animal fats like meat, butter, suet, lard, etc.
Nature's saturated fats are dense, sticky and can be a challenge for your body to eliminate. But at the same time, your body NEEDS them because they help stabilize your cell membranes.
They also are the main type of fat surrounding your heart, and your heart draws upon them during times of stress.
And they're VITAL to a baby's developing nervous system--so it's no surprise that breast milk contains 45-50% saturated fat.
The problem with Nature's saturated fats is not whether they serve a valid purpose, it's that most people eat WAAAY too many of them.
Simply put, nobody came into this world with a biological need to chow down a 24-oz. porterhouse or a foot-long sausage hero. That's simply far too much.
Saturated fats in reasonable amounts (like butter on your toast or vegetables, or a 4-oz. piece of your favorite meat) can provide the saturated fat your body needs without going overboard.
It's all a matter of balance and moderation, my friend.

Trans fats vs. Nature's saturated fats
Here's a quick comparison of some of the health consequences vs. benefits of trans-fats and Nature's saturated fats:

Nature's fats
Raises LDLs
Lowers LDLs
Immune system
Lowers function
Enhances function
Omega-3 EFAs
Inhibit the body's use of Omega-3 EFAs
Enhance the body's use of Omega-3 EFAs
Associated with increased asthma
Encourage proper lung function
Contribute to weight gain & obesity
Boost metabolism & help weight loss

Get what you need AND get rid of the junk in your trunk

To help ensure that you not only get the good fats you need, but also to minimize your exposure to trans-fats, as well as help eliminate any that may be clinging to your innards, here are some smart measures you can take:
1) Read food labels.
If they mention hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, DO NOT buy the product, period. There are always alternative products that don't contain them.
2) NEVER USE MARGARINE under ANY circumstances!
Real butter and olive oil are your best bets for cooking. If you're concerned about the salt in butter, buy salt-free butter.
3) Don't walk, RUN far away from fast food restaurants.
4) Eat real (not processed or fast) foods that include healthy fats and encourage efficient digestion and elimination of wastes (including trans-fats).
That can be accomplished with the Great Taste No Pain or for gluten sensitive people, Great Taste No Gluten health systems.
Both Great Taste No Pain and Great Taste No Gluten show you hundreds of delicious ways to enjoy real foods and drastically improve your digestion.
This means not only will you automatically be taking in far fewer trans-fats, but you'll also be helping your body eliminate any existing trans-fat buildup AND alleviating any gut troubles you may have too (like reflux, gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea).
5) Help reduce any existing trans-fat related inflammation in your arteries.
The best way to do this is to give your body a dose of healthy, natural inflammation-fighting Omega-3 fatty acids with a pure fish oil formula.
VitalMega-3 is the perfect choice.
Just two VitalMega-3 capsules a day will help keep inflammation low in your arteries (and your joints too!) and give your body a helpful dose of the Omega-3 essential fatty acids that most people with a typical processed food/fast food diet are grossly deficient in.

Congratulations--you are now a "fat expert" and will no longer be fooled by misleading claims on food labels or needlessly frightened away from eating meat or butter.
And most importantly, you will be taking important steps toward enhancing your health and quality of life, as well as that of your children.
That's priceless.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS:  We're now on Facebook! Like us here:

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As the newly appointed Head Cook in our house I never thought it would be a pleasure to cook. My wife agreed to go on your plan to help with her Hiatal Hernia if I also followed the plan and did the cooking.
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We eat a delicious, satisfying meal according to the good book the permitted snacks when and if desired.
I have never eaten steak since my gallbladder was removed but do so now and it tastes good. I feel like Popeye with all this spinach and other greens!
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Many thanks,
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Dying for free elections

Subject: Dying for free elections

Did you know what one simple change would
make electronic voting machines 100% safe
by providing a paper trail that can be audited?

Obviously neither political party wants this,
the news media doesn't care, and corporate
America isn't interested either.

Though this technology is widely known and
offers a completely logical solution, not one
single state has adopted it.


- Brasscheck

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Air Force Academy Commencement 2013

Air Force Academy Commencement 2013

Friday, May 31, 2013

Good friends of ours from here in Elizabethtown, KY just got back home from
a visit to the Air Force Academy, in Colorado Springs where they attended
the commencement exercises of the graduating class of 2013.

In fact John's grandson was one of the graduates and John, being a retired
US Army officer was able to swear in his grandson as a brand spanking new US
Air Force 2Lt.

What an honor that must have been for John and his family, but that's not
the real story nor is it the historic significance of the 2013 commencement

You see 2013 is the first Air Force graduation on record that has occurred
under a Sequester created by a non functioning Congress and an unyielding
Obama Administration.

Due to operating under this Sequester the ceremonies proceeded as

President Obama regretfully declined the kind invitation of the Commandant
of the Air Force Academy to be speak to the graduates and their families on
the occasion of their graduation saying he was committed to addressing the
graduates at West Point.

Instead it was established that Vice President Biden was free and he would
come to Colorado Springs.

And, as to the request for the usual fly-over by the US Air Force
Thunderbirds that was declined again due to the Sequester.

After consultation with his chain of command the Commandant of the Air Force
Academy notified the White House that due to the Sequester cancelling the
traditional fly-over of the Thunderbirds that he was confident that the
nation didn't need the added $1 million + expense to fly Air Force 2, of any
configuration or model, and the added expense of the Secret Service and
their entourage required when the Vice President traveled.

So just cancel the initial request for a speaker from the White House for
the commencement.

So the commencement went off as planned sans representation from the Obama

It looked like this:

The featured speaker was an Under Secretary of the Air Force, who is a
decorated Viet Nam veteran.

The Secretary flew back and forth from Andrews AFB to Peterson AFB In
Colorado Springs on routine training flight conducted by the Air Force thus
costing the American tax payers nothing.

John tells me that there were nearly as many Air Force General Officers in
attendance as there were family members.

He thinks a dozen or more 4 Star General, three or four times as many 2 and
3 Stars an untold number of 1 Star Generals.

And, of course countless Colonels and below.

Most of these officers were themselves alumni of the Air Force Academy and
wanted nothing less than to present a perfect program for the graduating

Since the Congress and the Obama Administration could not see fit to allow
for a fly-over by the Thunderbirds, a number of the senior generals took
matters into their own hands.

And so, when the speeches, the hats were all thrown into the air, and all
the family hugs were all made and it became time for the fly-over a roar of
engines was detected from the West of the air strip and parade grounds there
at the facility and everyone was treated to a fly-over by the Confederate
Air Force.

Looking up they saw all kinds of vintage aircraft from B-17s B-24s, B-25s,
P-38s, P-51s and others all represented by manufactures such Corsairs,
Grumman, Lockheed and Boeing who still provide parts availability for these
aircraft, and flown by our hero's from prior conflicts that still see fit to
stay active for services such as this.

It was a wonderful experience for all who were there.

I am sure you will join me in offering a salute to these serving office rs
who saw fit not to rob the 2013 graduating class of their day of
celebration, and to our hero's who flew the planes for this worthy occasion
and oh yes to the many private donors who pitched in and covered the
expenses involved in bringing these aircraft in to Colorado Springs from
various locations across the country.


Open battle raging between Sabbatean Cabal and military industrial complex

Open battle raging between Sabbatean Cabal and military industrial complex

by benjamin
June 11, 2013
The recent cabal controlled corporate media frenzy of “disclosure” about things like NSA eavesdropping, politically targeted IRS tax investigations and the Bilderberg meeting are signs of full blown panic. All these disclosures seemed to be timed to distract public attention from last week’s pentagon and US agency supported love fest summit meeting between US President Barak Obama and Chinese leader Xi Jinping.
The erupting trade war between Europe and China and the posse of economic hit-men trying to ruin Japan’s economy are also signs of and intensifying battle over control of the world’s financial system and thus the future of our species.
The attacks on Japan’s economy are motivated by the fact the Abe government just announced $32 billion in economic assistance for Africa in a sign Japan is no longer handing its foreign currency to the cabal in order to finance Zionist wars. They are also motivated by the fact that Japan’s government has just begun to do the obvious and eliminate its “200% GDP debt” with the stroke of a pen. Well known mainstream economist Jeffery Sachs last week admitted to this writer, at a Japan Foreign Correspondent’s Club press conference, that there was no theoretical reason why Japan’s government could not just print yen, buy up all the outstanding Japanese government bonds and put them in the garbage. Sachs, who heads the Earth Institute at Columbia University, was also very enthusiastic about the big Japanese plans to modernize Africa saying they were very concrete, detailed and realistic. Of course the corporate propaganda media representatives, or more likely their bosses, did not want to let the world know that Japan’s government had made a decision to break free from Sabbatean debt slavery. Unlike tiny Iceland, Japan is the world’s third largest economy and its biggest creditor nation. Its’ breaking of ranks with the G7 debt-slavery cabal is truly historical.
The other big move in Asia that was under-reported was the resumption of negotiations between North Korea, Japan and South Korea. The goal supported by all parties, including China, Russia and the Pentagon, is regional peace.
To this end, North Korean authorities are rumored to have told the Japanese government they are willing to return over 30 kidnap victims, the remains of over 50 Japanese and 200 relatives of these people as a part of a normalization of relations with Japan. The need for United States forces in the region is also being debated at a high level with many arguing that if push came to shove the pentagon would not fight China over Korea and Japan.
Also, given the fact the United States military industrial complex has basically proposed marriage with China, the Japanese government has forged military agreements with Russia and India to make sure Japan does not become some sort of dowry gift to the Chinese.
Needless to say, of course, all the countries in Asia support peaceful co-existence and governments, including those of China and Japan, have agreed not to allow outside forces (ie Zionists) provoke war in the region.
This tectonic shift coming from Asia is also affecting the old power centers like Washington D.C. and certain European countries. That brings us to the recent rash of corporate propaganda media attacks on the military industrial complex and their sock/spokes-puppet Obama.
The so-called revelations that the NSA has been spying on all Americans and Europeans are very old news suddenly rehashed. All e-mails, phone calls, financial records etc. have been monitored around the world since at least the 1990’s. The reason the Zionist propaganda media have suddenly taken interest is because the agencies doing the eavesdropping are no longer working for them or their masters.
That brings us to the Bilderberg meeting that took place last week in England at the same time Obama was meeting Xi in California. The simultaneous timing of these meetings was no coincidence.
Obama met Xi in California because Xi refused to go the chaotic cesspool that is Washington D.C. according to Chinese and United States government sources. There was also the very real concern Xi would have been poisoned had he gone to Washington. The Chinese view is that even though Obama is a puppet, he currently represents the government of the United States and thus protocol meant he should be the face of Chinese/United States government to government negotiations. The official Chinese and United States government pronouncements about the meeting were that the two governments would forge peaceful, equal relations and work towards a better run planet.
The Chinese also understand Obama might soon be stepping down as part of the ongoing regime change in the United States. Obama is supposed to be making some big confessions to the American people on July 4th, according to a CIA source. His reputation in the history books will depend on whether he finally tells the truth about his past and the non-democratic process that put him in the presidency.
In any case, old world order power-brokers gathering at Bilderberg last week were clearly in a panic over the developments in the United States and Asia. The clearest sign that something has changed concerning the old world order is the massive publicity given to the Bilderberg meeting in the propaganda press. Cabal news outlets like AP, Reuters, the BBC etc. were all there. Suddenly, instead of denying there was even a meeting going on, these propaganda outlets started saying that the most powerful people in the world were gathering there. There was also unprecedented publicity given to controlled opposition forces like Alex Jones and David Icke. Jones, for example, was widely promoted in Zionist outlets like the Drudge Report, BBC etc. in what appeared to be an orchestrated campaign. Jones is linked to the Zionist liquor smuggling Bronfman gangster family.
I do not agree with the anti-Jewish slant of the above article but I will say that my grandmother, who personally knew members of the previous generation of the Bronfman family, thought of them as gangsters. They made their fortune by smuggling Canadian booze to Al Capone.
David Icke, for his part, has been linked to the Rockefeller crime family.

What both these controlled opposition figures have in common is that they take true conspiracy information, like the fact that central banks are privately owned monopolies, and then, in a bait and switch maneuver, ultimately put the blame on “aliens” without providing any credible evidence for this claim.

What can be proven with overwhelming evidence is that many of the families behind the privately owned central banks support eugenics, population reduction and war. They have further been decisively linked to the 9/11 and 3/11 mass murder terror attacks. They have also utterly failed to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and develop latent human potential. Tomorrow is 6/11 and they better not try anything stupid. They must bow out.

The Cobra/Lady Dragon Deception

The Cobra/Lady Dragon Deception

by Former White Hat

This “entity” calling itself  “Cobra,” is, as I said before, full of shayte, pardon my Irish. It gave its first interview the other day and claims that the Plejarans have joined “the Resistance” and are going to step forward and make the mass arrests since the Pentagon generals have not, something Drake is now saying as well.

The Plejarans, nor any other friendly ETs, or EDs, or light beings, are not going to start arresting bankers and politicians and Luficerians. yes, they have arrested the likes of Astra and St Germaine but that is under galactic and universal law, for crimes on many planets against many beings.
The issue with the Cabal is something for 3D bound humanity to deal with on its own.
Cobra is Lady Dragon using a voice changer and claims to be a reincarnated Plejaran. This I can say for certain: Cobra/Lady Dragon is not one of the 250. What is most likely is that he/she/it is a Bafath/Gizeh Intelligence, as this is the sort of psyops they engage in. Plus, no one refers to them as Pleiadeans anymore except the disinfo shills.
The Cobra has a Nazi connection…
And consider this: these people all have reptilian nicknames…Drake (Dracos) of the Royal Order of the Dragon…Cobra the snake and Lady Dragon who runs an online gambling business…gambling being an addictive matter that destroys people just as addictions to alcohol, heroin, and pornography does.
And gambling being one of the Cabal’s bigger money makers.

This video that my counterpart posted, while employing animation as humor, speaks of how the Cabal and evil entities fool people as being “The Galactic Federation of Light” the way Ashtar was luring people in, the way Duncan O’Finioan and Sarah Stanga and Stewrt Swerdlow lure people in with false hope, lies and bullshit, to snag them in a web of deceit as an offering to the Dark Overlords of Bullshit.

Former IRS Director Admits Taxes Are Voluntary

WHERE are the Americans with GUTS to come together in strong unity and stand against the tyranny?  As Americans continue to allow such tyranny, it will only get that much stronger toward our nation's eventual destruction. 

UPDATED – The Truth Comes Out: 

Former IRS Director Admits Taxes Are Voluntary

susanne_posel_news_ irs_political-groups_live
Susanne Posel
Occupy Corporatism
May 23, 2013
[UPDATED: In the first sentence below click the word admitted, CONGRESS CONGRESSIONAL HEARING video is 1:38:50 at the 1:28:40 minute mark it's stated for the record TAXES ARE VOLUNTARY. There is no law and no administrative guidelines for American to pay this extortion tax. WHY are Americans continuing to 'pay taxes' that are being used to destroy this nation from within??) 
In Canada in the income tax act, which is NOT A LAW, ( act & law are completely different,  it say's 'VOLUNTARY COMPLIANCE'] 
Steve Miller, former Director of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), admitted at a Congressional hearing that the taxes collected by the IRS are not mandatory – but voluntary.
When questioned at the House Ways and Means Committee (WMC) hearing last week, Miller told House Representative Devin Nunes that “America’s tax system is ‘voluntary’”. When Nunes remarked for clarification that the US tax code is a “voluntary system”, Miller said, “Agreed.”
House Representative Xavier Becerra commented that the ruse of the IRS is kept as a public confidence in the system scheme to keep Americans paying money to the IRS.
Miller confirmed this is so.
The shuffle at the IRS has landed Danny Werfel as the new acting director.
As his first message to those employed at the IRS, Werfel said that amid the mistrust of the public brewing against the organization, it is the mission of all employees to “help America’s taxpayers understand and meet their tax responsibilities.”
Werfel invoked the tragedy at Oklahoma to coerce his underlings into believing that they are doing a great work. He said: “. . . as the nation comes together to support the victims of the devastating tornados in Oklahoma, we should all feel a sense of pride that IRS is actively supporting the recovery effort and doing our part to help.”
President Obama anointed Werfel as a replacement for Miller who was asked to resign just a month before his term as acting director of the IRS was complete.
Werfel has a history working for the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and an analyst for the Department of Justice (DoJ). Obama describes Werfel as having “proven an effective leader who serves with professionalism, integrity and skill.”
Senator Orin Hatch commented on Obama’s choice of putting a businessman in place at the IRS: “If I was the president I would find the very best businessman I possibly could who’d be willing to take it over and have the authority to be able to straighten the mess out. I don’t know whether Werfel has that kind of dimension or not, but I hope he does.”
Lois Lerner, director of the Tax-Exempt division at the IRS during the targeting of Patriot groupsrefused to speak to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, claiming her right of the 5th Amendment.
William Taylor III, attorney for Lerner, requested in a letter that preceded her arrival, asking the OGRC that she be allowed to refrain from appearing before the committee. Taylor claimed that be forcing Lerner, it “would have no purpose other than to embarrass or burden her.”

The OGRC wanted Lerner to comment as to why she provided incomplete data to the DoJ during their investigation of the discriminatory targeting of Patriot groups; asserting that she was either fully or partially to blame for the unlawful activity.
This week, when Lerner did show up at the hearing before the OGRC, she emphatically claimed: “I have not done anything wrong. I have not broken any laws. I have not violated any IRS rules or regulations. And I have not provided false information to this or any other congressional committee.”
House Representative Trey Gowdy told the committee that since Lerner made a statement at the hearing, “she just waived her Fifth Amendment right to privilege. You don’t get to tell your side of the story and then not be subjected to cross examination. That’s not the way it works. She waived her Fifth Amendment privilege by issuing an open statement. She ought to stand here and answer our questions.”
According to sources , the employees that were directed to target Patriot groups had different upper management to answer to; therefore muddying up the chain of command and further convoluting how to calculate who is actually responsible for disseminating the directive.
With these new assertions, the original story of rouge employees targeting Patriot groups without being told to do so is making less and less sense.
Since it is policy that if a tax-exempt application is not processed within 270 days it causes an internal “red flag” that draws attention and explanation, these applications should have been dealt with within that time frame automatically.
In Cincinnati, Ohio, the directive to target Patriot groups has been linked back to Cindy Thomas, program manager of the Tax Exempt division of the Cincinnati IRS.
Further refusals of cooperation have manifest with the IRS refusing to produce documents requested by MWC chairman Dave Camp and Sander Levin. Earlier this month Camp and Levinwrote to the IRS requesting records of all communications between the IRS and the US Treasury so assist in understanding the discrimination of Patriot groups.
The scandal is unraveling onto itself which is why there is talk that a special prosecutor will be employed to independently review the evidence and piece together the actual timeline of what happened and identify who was involved and at what level.


Things seem to be getting ready to hit the fan. Our fearless "leaders" are being backed in to a corner and, like a wild animal in the same position, are most dangerous. BE ADVISED OF A COMING ATTACK ON OUR NATION - ON YOU, YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS, BY THESE SNAKES.  THEY/THIS IS NOT YOUR 'GOVERNMENT,' BUT A ROGUE PRIVATE CORPORATION POSING AS YOUR 'GOVERNMENT.' TAKE YOUR COUNTRY BACK.

We are fasting and praying with you and for you! 
Russian troops in plain clothes have been spotted all over the Midland/Odessa TX area for the
past few months. 
Last week C-130's were "practicing" low paratrooper drops in between the cities here. 
Friends in the police department have been approached by Russians requesting to take their pictures, and gun shop owners have been approached by Russians to see their stock not on display. Obvious recon before the assault. 
Hey Steve,
I can confirm that 6 C-130s were indeed practicing low altitude parachute drops last week in the Midland/Odessa area. They flew right over my house, and they were all in line flying from east to west. I presume they flew out of Abilene. There's also been black helicopter activity in the area too.  S.H.

Jun 10, 2013

State Department memo reveals possible cover-ups, halted investigations...

June 10, 2013 8:53 AM

State Department memo reveals possible cover-ups, halted investigations...

Did U.S. State Dept. cover up wrongdoing, prostitution cases?

(CBS News) CBS News has uncovered documents that show the State Department may have covered up allegations of illegal and inappropriate behavior within their ranks.

The Diplomatic Security Service, or the DSS, is the State Department's security force, charged with protecting the secretary of state and U.S. ambassadors overseas and with investigating any cases of misconduct on the part of the 70,000 State Department employees worldwide.
CBS News' John Miller reports that according to an internal State Department Inspector General's memo, several recent investigations were influenced, manipulated, or simply called off. The memo obtained by CBS News cited eight specific examples. Among them: allegations that a State Department security official in Beirut "engaged in sexual assaults" on foreign nationals hired as embassy guards and the charge and that members of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's security detail "engaged prostitutes while on official trips in foreign countries" -- a problem the report says was "endemic."

The memo also reveals details about an "underground drug ring" was operating near the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and supplied State Department security contractors with drugs.
Aurelia Fedenisn, a former investigator with the State Department's internal watchdog agency, the Inspector General, told Miller, "We also uncovered several allegations of criminal wrongdoing in cases, some of which never became cases."

In such cases, DSS agents told the Inspector General's investigators that senior State Department officials told them to back off, a charge that Fedenisn says is "very" upsetting.
"We were very upset. We expect to see influence, but the degree to which that influence existed and how high up it went, was very disturbing," she said.

In one specific and striking cover-up, State Department agents told the Inspector General they were told to stop investigating the case of a U.S. Ambassador who held a sensitive diplomatic post and was suspected of patronizing prostitutes in a public park.

The State Department Inspector General's memo refers to the 2011 investigation into an ambassador who "routinely ditched ... his protective security detai" and inspectors suspect this was in order to "solicit sexual favors from prostitutes."

Sources told CBS News that after the allegations surfaced, the ambassador was called to Washington, D.C. to meet with Undersecretary of State for Management Patrick Kennedy, but was permitted to return to his post.

Fedenisn says "hostile intelligence services" allow such behavior to continue. "I would be very surprised if some of those entities were not aware of the activities," she said. "So yes, it presents a serious risk to the United States government."

A draft of the Inspector General's report on the performance of the DSS, obtained by CBS News, states, "Hindering such cases calls into question the integrity of the investigative process, can result in counterintelligence vulnerabilities and can allow criminal behavior to continue."

John Miller spoke with Mike Pohelitz, a retired Senior Agent at the DSS who was involved in one of the cases listed in the Inspector General's memo. Pohelitz said he was told to stop investigating one of the cases and that the order likely came from the upper ranks of the DSS.
"I got the information through my DS channel," he told Miller. "But it had to come from somebody higher than DS, I'm sure."

According to Fedenisn, when a high-ranking State Department security officials was shown a draft of their findings that investigations were being interfered with by State Department higher-ups, he said, "This is going to kill us." In the final report however, all references to specific cases had been removed.

"I mean my heart really went out to the agents in that office, because they really want to do the right thing, they want to investigate the cases fully, correctly, accurately ... and they can't," Fedenisn said.

Fedenisn, a DSS agent for 26 years, was a part of the team that prepared the draft report and is now a whistleblower who has taken her concerns to Congress.

Two hours after CBS News made inquiries to the State Department about these charges, investigators from the State Department's Inspector General showed up at her door.
In a statement provided to CBS News, the State Department said they will "not comment about specific allegations of misconduct, internal investigations or personnel matters. Not all allegations are substantiated. It goes without saying that the Department does not condone interference with investigations by any of its employees."

Former Rep Jesse Jackson Jr Heading to Prison

This is the type of "leader" we have in Washington making critical decisions that affect you, me, our children and our grandchilren.

Former Rep Jesse Jackson Jr Heading to Prison

In 2011, Judicial Watch posted a list of the Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians for the year. Number 6 on the list was President Barack Obama. Ahead of him at number 5 was the Rep Jesse Jackson Jr, son of the infamous civil rights preacher Jesse Jackson.

Jackson Jr is not the brightest apple in politics, but considering the tree he fell from it’s no surprise. In 2011, he urged Obama to declare a national state of emergency and enact his jobs plan. His plan was for the federal government to hire 15 million out of work Americans and pay them $40,000 per year for five years. He claimed that it would only cost $804 billion dollars, but it doesn’t take a math genius to figure out that $40,000 times 15 million people for 5 years equals $3 trillion.
Jackson Jr obviously has a problem with numbers and money. As a US Representative, Jackson Jr made a minimum of $133,600 a year plus all of the perks that go with the office. Sandra Jackson, his wife was a Chicago alderman who made over $100,000 per year. Evidently, that wasn’t enough for the two politicians who claimed to be serving the poor blacks of Chicago.
Federal investigators easily discovered that the Chicago congressman had been dipping his fingers in his campaign till. Not only was Jackson Jr stealing money from his campaign but was so was Sandra. His former friend and one time main fundraiser Raghuveer Nayak was also arrested and charged with fraud and tax offenses.
Finding the evidence overwhelming, both Jackson Jr and Sandra pleaded guilty to the criminal charges of illegally using campaign funds for personal gain. Sandra stole a mere $168,000 from the campaign fund, while her hubby pilfered a whopping $750,000. Among the 3,100 personal lavishes that were financed with campaign funds between 2005 to April 2012, were fur capes and parkas purchased by Sandra for $5,150. Jesse Jr used $9,587.64 of campaign funds to buy children’s furniture and another $43,350 for a gold-plated Rolex watch. The couple used Campaign credit cards to purchase $582,772 worth of person items, $60,857 for restuarants, lounges, nightclubs and gym memberships, $5,814 for alcohol and $14,513 for dry cleaning. Additionally, his campaign fund paid Sandra’s consulting firm $5,000 a week during the entire time of his indiscretions. The consulting fees totaled up to over $340,000.
As part of the plea deal, Sandra has been ordered to pay restitution of $168,000 and Jesse Jr has been ordered to pay restitution of $750,000. Federal prosecutors have recommended that Sandra also serve 18 months in prison and Jesse Jr serve 48 months in prison. They also recommend that Sandra serve her sentence first and then Jesse since the couple have kids. If you asked me, both parents should serve time together and the kids would be much better off living with someone else that might help instill better values and morals.
Jackson Jr’s attorney is arguing for a more lenient sentence because Jr’s mental health could get worse from being in prison. Oh really? His mental health had no problems stealing three-quarter of a million dollars from his campaign, some of which came from his poorer constituents. After all, if you do the crime, be prepared to do the time. Now if only someone could figure out a way for his dad to join him in prison.

Read more:

Judge Jeanine Slams IRS, NSA and Obama for Expanding Surveillance Program - Opening Statement

Published on Jun 8, 2013
June 8, 2013 - Opening Statement - Judge Jeanine Slams IRS, NSA and President Barack Obama for Expanding Surveillance Program