Monday, June 10, 2013


When Senate staffers arrive in offices Mon. morn, make sure they encounter huge piles of faxes opposing the Tues. amnesty vote

This week is the real thing.
Many of you have been with us while we turned back every amnesty attempt from 2001 through last year. Most of the time, a bill never got to the floor.
But that will change Tuesday when we are facing a vote on an amnesty whose impact will be about 10 times larger than Amnesty No. 1 in 1986.
We're asking for faxes today before we put all our efforts into phone calls on Monday and Tuesday.
The next two days, you will be getting emailed alerts from Anne asking you to make one of the most important phone calls you've ever made. Watch for alerts with the toll-free numbers and also for phone calls you'll get from me to remind you.
The vote at 2:15 p.m. Tuesday is on a Motion to Proceed. If 60 of the 100 Senators vote YES, the S. 744 amnesty bill will come to the floor for debate. If we can keep the vote from getting up to 60, we will have killed the bill.
One by one, most of us are fairly inconsequential compared to the special interests who rule over Washington. But a million of you individuals would truly shake the foundations of this place if you would just take the time to make a phone call and send a fax.
The effect of passing S. 744 would truly change America. How much? Well, take a look at the extremely high unemployment in California and the chronic state budget crises, at the congestion and social problems.
California has been hit the hardest by the seven previous amnesties between 1986 and 2000 and the massive immigration unleashed by the 1990 Surge Law. And California is pretty much what the rest of the country will look like if S. 744 passes.
No matter what you care about the most, you can be almost certain that it will deteriorate if S. 744 passes because . . . . .
S. 744 would:
  • give work permits and legalization to 11+ million illegal aliens in the first year, and entice millions more foreign workers to come illegally in the future
  • double authorized immigration to 22 million over the next decade, swamping the 20 million Americans who want a full-time job and can't find one
  • add millions of less-educated, low-wage immigrants to all the country's welfare and entitlement programs 
And the bill would do all of that without even guaranteeing improved enforcement at the border and workplace in the future.
Friends, I know there are lots of demands on your time. But I beg of you to open all of our alerts this week and to quickly fax and phone when we give you the opportunity.
With $1.5 billion already spent by the other side on more than 1,700 Washington lobbyists and advertising, the ONLY WAY that we can defeat this monstrosity of a bill is if nearly every one of you act.
I'll say it again:
One by one, most of us are fairly inconsequential compared to the special interests who rule over Washington. But a million of you individuals would truly shake the foundations of this place if you would just take the time to make a phone call and send a fax.

ROY BECK is the CEO & Founder of NumbersUSA

Peoples Mandate --- Rise of the republic -- Let's unite for change

Here it is!  CLICK HERE

Let's get this viral!  Approved by St Germain!

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight. Namaste

NumbersUSA has forwarded an urgent page to you.

Dear Patriots:

Please NOTE AMIGOs’ communique herein.

‘Look it’……this Government has clearly gotten caught with their hands in the Political Jar of an Altered & Perverse Ideology- and totally foreign to what this Republic was ever about.

I cannot put it any more clearer than that.

As a result, they fully intend on ‘Stacking the Deck’ numerically creating a Demographic Base that will NEVER question their authority.

This has been ‘quietly’ under way for the last 35 years in earnest and certainly long before with respect to what Lincoln did in advancing his NOT so Civil-War.

Why do YOU think Those People in Washington have NOT addressed the Illegal Immigrant Issue in this time span while running away from the enforcement and protection of our Borders?

Hell, Obama doesn’t even want the term Illegal Immigrant used because it is ‘offensive’. What does that suggest?

Each and every one of their Congress’s hence, hasn’t made any Legitimate attempt nor has any ‘president’ but, in fact, has ONLY MADE IT WORSE!

If you believe their actions have ANYTHING to do with ‘Humanitarian Considerations’, then YOU might want to try to sell an Eskimo some Ice Cubes.

This is a Game of Numbers and it is those numbers that will FINALIZE the POLITICAL IDEOLOGY these Miscreants in Washington WANT whose system will make of us all their unfortunate subjects.

So Goes the South, So Will Go This Republic,

Craig Maus,
President, The Confederate Society of America

PS- ‘He Who Controls the Casino, determines who Sits and Plays at ITS’ Card-Tables’- c. maus

Subject: Re: NumbersUSA has forwarded an urgent page to you.

June 5, 2013

American’s Must Investigate Government Officials
P.O. Box 44, Luverne, Alabama 36049-0044

Least you not forget that Elected Office Holders are Public Servants that are accountable to the Citizens. They are required to obey their Oath of Office to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and all the laws made in pursuance thereof.
Under your watch you have failed to protect our borders. You have allowed millions of foreign invaders to cross our borders and failed miserably to protect the Citizens from invasion (Article IV Section 4). Being ILLEGAL in America is a Criminal Felony and for Congress to even consider giving the INVADERS Aid and Comfort is TREASON against the United States of America (Article III Section 3). Providing Tax Dollars to provide welfare, healthcare, food stamps, housing, jobs to Illegal Felons is not part of the 18 authorized Congressional Powers of Treasury Appropriations (Article 1 Section 8).
The World Trade Center Towers, Pentagon and Plane in Pennsylvania were brought down by those on welfare, overstaying their visas, and having forged documents. The Boston Bomber’s Tsarnaev Family received welfare from the time they arrived in America. Homeland Security and ICE released over 2,000 illegal immigrants and approximately 1000 illegal immigrants from its jails. Then another thousand of dangerous illegals were released. DHS and ICE admitted they have no idea where they are. These Foreign Invaders are killing Americans on American soil. Isn’t it amazing that a Mad Cow born in Canada and several years later can be tracked from birth to a farm in America! But the Government can’t track illegal immigrants.
There is at least one high ranking Government public servant (criminal felon) that is using a stolen social security number 042-68-4425. That SSN has failed E-Verify but his alias still draws a government salary every month, buys property and files IRS Forms using Harrison J. Bounel (deceased) SSN. Why hasn’t the IRS, FBI, DHS, SOS, ICE, Judiciary (Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth) and Law Enforcement had this public servant arrested? Millions of Illegal Immigrants are receiving some type of Government assistance. Government Agency after Agency are out of control with their failure to comply with the Laws. Are Public Servants and Congress above the law? If Congress can’t E-Verify ONE Failed how in the world will Congress E-Verify millions? Isn’t this a great country where Citizen Felons are in jail while Foreign Felons are free and being rewarded with government benefits and promises of pathway to Citizenship? This is detrimental and unauthorized use of power that plainly undermines the public's trust.

All of the appointed Secretaries of these Agencies must immediately be removed from Office and their Department need to be eviscerated. The GANG of EIGHT (RUBIO-FLAKE-McCAIN-GRAHAM-DURBIN-MENENDEZ-SCHUMER-BENNET) provides just more Government FAILURES and ABUSES while the Foreign Invasions continue unabated!
The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution guarantees each Citizen the right to privacy and protects each Citizen from arbitrary government intervention - it says, "the right of the people to be secure in their persons, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated ..." In its current form, the Gang of Eight's comprehensive immigration reform bill will allow Congress to Target the Citizens and severely impair this sacred right of privacy through its provisions for a national biometric database: the language that would establish a "photo tool" found on 1,318 of the recently-passed markup version of S. 744.
Consider the words of Kentucky Senator Rand Paul: "I worry that the Senate is working to consider a series of little-noticed provisions in comprehensive immigration reform that may provide a pathway to a national ID card for all individuals present in the United States - citizens and non-citizens. These draconian ideas would simply give government too much power."
Be it known now that Congress does not have the Constitutional authority to grant Amnesty or appropriate any funds to bestow American Citizenship or any monetary relief or assistance to foreign invaders, illegals, illegal immigrants. Congress you are not authorized as public servants to deprive any American - or group of Americans - of their constitutional rights, regardless of whether or not the Congress may think it wise.
The Citizen’s Tsunami’s goal is to Target each and every Senator and Representative now serving in the 113th Congress that violates their Oaths of Office and fails to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America to be voted out of office in the next elections. Citizens’ message to Washington is that the American people are coming after all of those who play fast and loose with the Constitution and HELL IS COMING WITH US. Tyranny and Treason by elected and appointed public servants will not go unpunished.
"My question isn't about who's going to resign. My question is who is going to jail...?" -John Boehner is right - Congress owns it!
Constitutionally yours,

Harold Sorensen
AMIGO Fiduciary

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Subj: FW: NumbersUSA has forwarded an urgent page to you.

Dear Patriots:


This ‘Amnesty Bill’ is a JOKE and describing it as a ‘JOKE’ doesn’t even remotely do it ‘justice’ by definition as there are many other NAMES I can think of to describe Washington’s latest gimmick designed to Screw Us ALL.

This ‘Gang of Eight’s’ creation is an abomination and what it will create & do is BEYOND YOU’RE WILDEST COMPREHENSIONS.

Mr. Scruggs is a well-known author and VietNam veteran having authored several books. Among them:

Ø  The Un-Civil War- 2011;
Ø  The Un-Civil War: Truths Your Teacher Never Told You- 2006;
Ø  The Morrill Tariff: Northern Provocation to Secession- Confederate Veteran 2011 Nov/Dec issue and:
Ø  Lessons from the VietNam War- Truths the Media Never Told You- 2009 to name but a few.


Ø  What Each of You do NOW and in the ensuing DAYS WILL DETERMINE YOUR FATE and that of YOUR Families.
Ø  ALL that is occurring today is SIMPLY the EXPOSURE of their Ideology that they can NO LONGER HIDE RESULTING IN THOSE ‘SCANDALS’ APPEARING BEFORE YOU or, as WE have been saying for YEARS….
’All the Chickens are Now Coming Home to ROOST!’

Craig Maus,
President, The Confederate Society of America

From: NumbersUSA
Subject: NumbersUSA has forwarded an urgent page to you.

Mike Scruggs has forwarded a page to you from NumbersUSA

Mike Scruggs thought you would like to see this page from the NumbersUSA web site.

Recent blog posts

  1. When Senate staffers arrive in offices Mon. morn, make sure they encounter huge piles of faxes opposing the Tues. amnesty vote
  2. How Senate's 33 million green cards in single decade compare with all other decades -- SHOCKING
  3. Some media still struggle to explain legalization-first foundation of Senate bill
  4. VIDEO: 30-sec. moral case against Senate immigration bill
  5. Washington Post/ABC poll: Only 18 percent support Gang of Eight approach to illegal immigration

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The rash of scandals facing Barack Obama and his administration in recent days has some people wondering if the president can survive his full term through January 2017.
Britain’s Telegraph newspaper is even running the headline: “You have to wonder: Will Obama see out his full term?”
But U.S. radio giant Rush Limbaugh says that’s the wrong question to ask.
“That’s not the question. The question is: Will America last through Obama’s full term?” Limbaugh said on his program Monday.
He continued:
Will the country survive the implementation of Obamacare? Will the country survive all this spying and all this data collecting? Will the country survive amnesty, will the country survive every plan this man’s got? That’s the question. The question is not will he serve out his second term ’cause that’s a no-brainer. Yet the UK Telegraph, ’cause they live in the real world and think, my gosh, the population of any country learning this about their president, they’d be livid. Not here. Not here. The racial component alone is not gonna permit it. It’s not gonna allow it. That coupled with the basic ignorance of the low-information voter.
There’s no real uptick on jobs. There aren’t any careers being created. People have lost jobs. Jobs are vanishing. Taxes are going up, skyrocketing high. The divide between rich and poor is only gonna get worse. Obamacare’s gonna be fully implemented. If it is, folks, 20 grand for a family to be insured? Then we’re talking immigration, amnesty, 11, 12 million people. Look at what’s on tap. If Obama could he’d wipe out the Second Amendment, if he could. You know who he is; I know who he is; you know where he’s headed. Everybody in this administration’s headed the same way. Look at the IRS scandal. Look at what the FDA is doing and the EPA and the autocratic-like, dictatorial regulations coming out of the various branches and cabinet positions of this administration, and the question is not is Obama gonna survive. The question, will America as founded.
There’s always gonna be an America. I don’t want to be misunderstood. I must always clarify. I think, like I said Friday, we are in the midst of a coup taking place. This government, this nation is being – what terminology would not affect you? Taken over? Is that too dicey? Does that make you too nervous? Transformed? Regardless, there is a peaceful coup d’etat going on. Most people, when you tell ‘em there’s a coup going on, you think of rebels in tinhorn dictatorships riding around in 25-year-old Jeeps firing machine guns at the rebels, and at the citizens on the dusty road. That’s not what’s happening here. That’s not the kind of coup that’s taking place here.
The kind of coup that’s taking place here is nationalizing one-sixth of the economy, the health care system, under control of government. They’ve taken it over. They are attempting to totally bastardize the immigration system in this country, take that over and destroy it. If you look at the IRS scandal, this is what happens in tinhorn banana republics: enemies of the regime are targeted, punished, votes suppressed, not allowed to raise money, basically not allowed to be in opposition. We’re in the middle of a coup. And the question is not whether Obama survives it, folks, it’s whether the country does.
Meanwhile, now that Edward Snowden has stepped forward as the NSA whistleblower exposing the process of massive electronic snooping on Americans, Limbaugh admits he’s unsure if Snowden should be punished.
“I must tell you, I am conflicted about this in a number of ways,” he said. “It boils down or comes down again, in my mind, to who’s doing it. Because a person’s ideology matters.”
“Do I want somebody in charge of this kind of surveillance who doesn’t like this country as it’s founded? Do I want somebody collecting this kind of data on everybody who is in the middle of trying to transform this country into something the founders never intended it to be? On the other side of this is you would hope that our country and our intelligence agencies are able to determine planned attacks against this country and citizens against this country and uncover those in enough time to thwart them. In that sense, you want this kind of ability. …
“So in my mind, it does matter who’s in charge of it. It does matter. The political identity of the people who administer something like this matters incredibly. You look at the focus on how the leak happened and the motives of the leaker, if you focus on that, I think you missed the main question. The main question is, why is such a gigantic surveillance operation even necessary? What is really going on here? Who is the enemy? The tea party, we know, is an enemy of this administration.
“We know that conservative Republicans – and I could give you names – are enemies of this administration. We know that this administration has people in it who consider conservative Republicans to pose a greater threat to them than Islamic jihadists. So in deciding how you think or how you feel or what you think about this, I don’t know how you take that out. The government’s not just this thing sitting there that people run. There are certain kinds of people running it.”

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Sent: Sunday, June 9, 2013 8:54 PM

Today .... I call to all spiritual contracts that exist within my past, present and future beings, selves and existence in this dimension and time stream, all time streams above and below the earth centric sign wave of co-existence. At this exact moment in the ever-present co-creating moment, I summon all DNA linage ancestors to create a unified-proper spiritual court of equity. So I may find reme...dy and resolve with all contracts that have inserted fine print during the pre-birth and birth process.

I call to the 4 elements, Air, Earth, Water and Fire. I call forth the the spiritual court of equity with all ancestors in union with the migration patterns of all soul family's incarnating on earth mother. I call the primary ancestor spirits of earth mother to come into this spiritual court of equity to hold space for the reading and removal of all contracts dealing with the energetic exchange of value systems.

I call forth the earth global dreamtime. I call to the unified dreamtime societies of all earth to come to this spiritual court of equity too provide their complete wisdom to this sacred moment in which I reclaim my sovereign spirit authority for all exchange of energy for value systems.

I here by revoke all spiritual contracts with the primary banking family's. I revoke all spiritual contracts with all banking family crests. I revoke, remove and dissolve all banking family trusts that use my name as a number for energy harvesting. I revoke all assumed rights used by the DNA based king-ship, lordship, or manor roll contracts that function with in all banking families. I here by state I do not consent to rule by the few. I do not consent to rule by the banking families.

I do not consent with the assumed authority of the banking families funding the free court systems. I revoke all rights, privileges and rules created by the family crest based or DNA linage based banking families to dominate and control the free court system. I here by revoke all spiritual contracts that define the bank system as being intertwined with my freewill. I revoke all fine print with in all of my soul contracts past, present and future that deal with any banking system as a 3d-matrix debt collection or energy harvesting system.

I demand the instant repayment of all energy and 3d matrix representations of value. I do not consent to the use of corrupt courts as a means of judgment. I revoke all rights of 3d based courts assumptions of power with any 3d exchange for value systems created for the follies of the banking families.

I here by revoke all consent of ink based, web based or energy based signature harvesting systems. I revoke all rights to use my 3d matrix signature to represent me in any court system, spiritual or 3d matrix.

I do not consent to the use of my soul contracts as a means of energy harvesting from any of the primary banking systems created by the primary soul contract holding banking families. I revoke all rights to use my name in any form of banking family coat of arms contracts. I demand the instant and permanent erasure of all signatures used to represent me in the banking exchange for value system.

I do not consent to the use of my life-force for any exchange for value banking system that is not completely transparent with all transactions, spiritual or 3d-matrix.

I here by state that all bank based buildings using sacred geometry have NO POWER over my sovereign free will. I here by revoke all spiritual contracts with all banking systems that use sacred geometry as a means of energy harvesting or a tool for domination and control.

I revoke all rights, privileges and assumptions with all buildings that use sacred geometry as fine print soul contract enforcement systems. I do not consent to any sacred geometry building to house, hold or transfer any of my life force to any banking system on all of earths time lines and or co-existing dimensions. I here by revoke all spiritual contracts with all sacred geometry systems that use my life force with out direct consent from me and all of my soul family ancestors in complete agreement.

I revoke all rights, assumptions and rules that create a new sacred geometry banking system. I here by declare that all banking families and systems are now banished from operating in secret, covert or overt ways to harvest my energy in any way shape or form.

I here by declare that earth mother is now in dominion with me for all energy exchange for value systems. I call forth all the ancestors to honor this reading of my freewill and enter it into the earth Akashic record for all sentient kind to understand our freedom comes with the use of freewill at all times.
~ BY: Andrew BartzisSee More

Fantastic! Impeach Obama Demo - Along Freeway in Carlsbad, California - Listen to all that Honking!

Fantastic! Impeach Obama Demo - Along Freeway in Carlsbad, California - Listen to all that Honking!
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 10-Jun-2013 13:39:24

Honk, Honk, Honk, Honk, Honk, Honk, Honk!

RV CHATS - 6-10-13


[FLPatriot59] MarkZ Is it your informed opinion that Omega will be delivered this week?

[MarkZ] FLPatriot59 I very much am looking for Omega to deliver this week. I am beyond hopeful.

[FLPatriot59] MarkZ That's good news for sure. Thanks!


Duguid] Omega is just one of many.....Destiny, DestinyII, Nations, part one and two....This list goes on forever .....jmo

 [MarkZ] Duguid bergevin freedom and so on, about 70 programs most pretty small compaed to Omega. Although FC's are considerable.

[keiji] MarkZ so did you imply earlier that we should possibly see e-mails by midweek
[MarkZ] keiji If I had to make a GUESS right now I would say yes but it is only me looking at signs and processes and guessing.

[book2] MarkZ what % of Omega has to be out before RV?

[Papa Bear] MarkZ Quickly say IMHO to them

[treasure4e] Papa Bear rofl

 [MarkZ] book2 We don't have to look at it that way anymore. Money has been put in place so that when deliveries start we will be on a short clock.

[MarkZ] IMHO

[book2] MarkZ awesome, ty

[Robertprofessor] MarkZ Your guesswork helps all of us a great deal because we know that you and Papa Bear have tons more information on the packages than any of us. Thanks for being bold to put your guess out there.

[pat] Papa Bear what is the omega

 [MarkZ] Papa Bear nice catch

hillbillypreacher] MarkZ is Omega connected to Wanta during the Reagan days?

MarkZ] hillbillypreacher post Reagan but it is from what he started.

[MarkZ] hillbillypreacher you are smart to study Wanta, Reagan Mitterand protocols. EVERYONE SHOULD!!!


MarkZ] hillbillypreacher I will go into the money at great length after the reset. I have some folks involved with the protocols for some conference calls after the reset.

 [Robertprofessor] My computer screen is melting. This is HOT information.

 [burk50] So again I understand that O will be out before emails for ce is this correct ??imo

 [MarkZ] We have to remember that this is fluid and the end is the only gaurantee. It will happen and any and all curves will be dealt with and moved past. We are VERY nearly there. Try to stay patient and understanding of the players involved. They are changing the world as we know it at great personal scrafice.

[Papa Bear] MarkZ Lets see if u will agree with this Mark .When RV email is put out PPs start through the Marshall on the initial F&P ,FC and banking instruction deliveries in mass

[MarkZ] Papa Bear I believe that to be correct Sir.

[burk50] PapaBear sounded to me like pps will go first?? Imo


[starbucksrules] MarkZ MarkZ I have to you see the whole phylosophy of "Fluid"....really being as (serious), at this point??

[MarkZ] starbucksrules It has to be fluid to deal with anything that might pop up.


[MarkZ] Papa Bear They can even bite after they are long dead...

Papa Bear] MarkZ Roots great on many snakes .LOL

[starbucksrules] MarkZ Agreed! But for the most would appear that no other obsticles SHOULP pop at this point, doesn't it??

 [cashinqueen1] so what "" When rv  email is put " are you speaking of ty
[MarkZ] starbucksrules I doubt any real big issues are left.


[DiddyKong] A little history though, in 1993, the Bank of Mexico introduced the MXN (New Mexican Peso) to take the place of the MXP (Mexican Peso), starting the redenomination and revaluation at the same time. With that in mind, we would need to see the Central Bank of Iraq to introduce the IQN to take the pla

 [DiddyKong] of the IQD; though Iraq don’t share the exact same situation as Mexico did, the situation are similar, IMHO.

 [DiddyKong] Not trying to knock intel coming in to us, but I’ve been invested for a long time and the IQN isn’t new to me, so I’m confused about the importance of the USDIQN showing up (again).

[MarkZ] DiddyKong also note that mexico was one of about 6 countries to start really buying gold since 2005. They have positioned themselves very well considering their resources.

[MarkZ] I hate to leave Papa with all this but I have some work calls that have to be made.

 [jorge793] MarkZ kinda funny how MX can buy all that gold but an't take care of their people

[oxglove] MarkZ any chance for a quick summary before you go please?

 [Readynow] MarkZ ty This was a world of information

 [MarkZ] jorge793 I believe they are actually thinking long term, I am looking for serious change there.

 [checkmaker] MarkZ Thank you sir. Much appreciated!!!

[MarkZ] bye gang

 [Papa Bear] Maybe Jester will come in now.


Americans for a Free Republic ----- Benefits of Militia Restoration

Benefits of Militia Restoration
There are so many benefits to such a revitalization. As Vieira writes, "Today, at every level of the federal system, America is woefully unprepared to deal effectively with hurricanes, tornados, floods, earthquakes, and other natural disasters; with major industrial accidents, such as leakages from offshore oil-drilling rigs or meltdowns of nuclear power plants; with epidemics and pandemics; with crop failures and possibly attendant famines; with invasions through the Volkerwanderung of illegal immigration; with economic breakdowns, and in particular a collapse of this country's monetary and banking systems; and with the myriad threats posed by real terrorism. '[W]ell regulated Militia', however, not only could deal with the consequences of such events, but also could forefend many of them."
In addition, the Militia can be used to investigate the constitutionality of the laws that they execute, they can supervise honest elections, they can help to repel a foreign power invasion, they can help local police, they can be very instrumental in defeating the machinations of globalism, etc.

Another crucial point to grasp is that the revitalized Militia will not be in anyway a part of the regular military, nor will they be under the thumb of Congress. This is the way the Constitution established them in the beginning, and this is the way they must be revived. They will be institutions of unity and defense at the state government level. [...]

Message From Texas Attorney General

Message From Texas Attorney General

Your Liberty -- as a United States citizen -- was weakened and threatened yesterday when the Obama Administration helped the United Nations pass the Arms Trade Treaty.  Immediately after this disappointing vote, I wrote a letter to President Obama urging him not to sign the treaty.  If the President signs the treaty allowing the UN to be involved in regulating firearms in the U.S. , Texas will lead the charge to have the treaty overturned in court as a violation of the U.S. Constitution.  I need your support.  Please help us get the word out by referring 3 of your friends right now, and forwarding this email to 5 of your friends.  Together, we can make a difference.  America is exceptional in part because our Constitution safeguards our individual liberties – including the right to keep and bear arms enshrined in the Second Amendment.  The new UN treaty threatens your rights:
  • it doesn't recognize the individual right to keep and bear arms or the fundamental right to defend yourself, your family, or your property;
  • it empowers a new UN bureaucracy focused on firearms restrictions that will be run by international bureaucrats who are not accountable to the people of the United States .
  • it could impose firearm registration requirements that may empower international authorities to get information about American citizens and businesses.
This UN treaty does more than trample Second Amendment rights.  It also threatens to erode all liberties guaranteed to Americans in the Constitution by giving the UN power to govern our lives.  Please refer 3 of your friends today and forward this important message to 5 of your friends right now.  Your voice must be heard on this issue.  When the Constitution says, “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed,” it means no one—including the UN—can infringe upon that right.  UN treaties do not trump the Constitution.  And with your help, we will make that message clear to President Obama and this administration.
Greg Abbott