Tuesday, June 11, 2013

More Than A Dream

More Than A Dream

June 9, 2013 – Daniel Holdings

Yesterday morning, June 8th, I took an early nap.  My Pop had a rough night and as a consequence, I only got about 3 ½ hours sleep.

I laid down about 10:30 am.  I was exhausted so I slept pretty hard, but started dreaming toward the tail end of the nap.

Canadian MilitaryIn my dream, war had broken out throughout America.  I was one of the mass of humanity that was preparing for an attack that I knew would come.

Civilian buildings were converted for military use, but we were very low on weapons and ammunition – we needed help.

Suddenly the Canadian military showed up in force.  They set up their equipment and barricades in the streets.  They were an impressive show of force and with them we had a fighting chance.

Then the attack came.  Bombs began to drop all around and people were dying. 

In the dream, while bombs were falling, I was very concerned about my wife and started running from building to building calling for her.

It was at that point that I felt a gentle shake on my shoulder and I awoke to find my wife standing over me.  My nap time was over.Fighter Jet

I jokingly said to her in a daze, we’re under attack!  Take shelter!

She said, “What?  You heard it too?”

“Heard what?” I asked.

Now here’s where reality and dreaming begin to blur.

I live about an hour away from Los Angeles, in a high-desert community in Southern California.

Obama with FlagI had heard that President Obama was supposed to come to Southern California and meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping sometime this weekend.  I assumed that it was down by LA.

My wife began to tell me that the two worldChinese President With Flagleaders were meeting a mere twenty to twenty-five miles away, as a crow flies, in Palm Springs, California.  Although a significant mountain separates our community, it is geographically much closer to us than Los Angeles.

My wife said that there had been a fighter jet that was buzzing all around out little community for at least an hour.  She said it was such a spectacle that all of the neighbors were out in the streets watching the fighter fly fast and low. 

Apparently there was a “no-fly” zone put in place and an aircraft had taken off from out small airport.  So this jet, was probably enforcing the no-fly rules.

As I sat up on the edge of the bed, my wife said, “So the jet must have worked itself into your dream.”Chinese Presiden and Obama with Flags

If you’ve ever had a dream given to you by the Holy Spirit, you’ll know that they are extremely vivid.  The colors, sights and sounds are real.  You will be able to recall the smallest of details (because God want’s the information out) and you feel like you are right there.  That was this kind of dream.

Although I found the dream interesting, I had no idea what it meant – until I talked to a friend on the phone later in the day.

My buddy lives in a different state, far from the hustle and bustle of Southern California.  He is a godly man, who walks with Jesus.

I had the urge to call him and tell him about the dream, but didn’t know why.

After listening to my explanation, he made a very astute observation.

He said, “Well Daniel, perhaps that meeting with the Chinese and American leaders was about more than what we were told.  Maybe it is a precursor to war.”

Instantly the Holy Spirit confirmed his words in my heart.  My dream had been a warning about things to come.

Like so many of the Watchmen that have warned about a coming war with China, I now have confirmation that something is about to happen to change the world forever.

I don’t know when or how, but… war is ahead.  To that end, God had me write down this dream for your benefit.

Are you prepared both spiritually and physically?

Time is short.

many free books in online .PDF library (link)

Hi John,

I would like to send you this link to our .pdf library, it might be of interest to your readers: 

The library is updated regularly.

With kind regards,

Victor Rijman from vrijewereld.org

27 Edward Snowden Quotes About U.S. Government Spying That Should Send A Chill Up Your Spine

27 Edward Snowden Quotes About U.S. Government Spying That Should Send A Chill Up Your Spine
Posted By: Tholidor [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 11-Jun-2013 14:04:54

Michael Snyder
Economic Collapse
June 11, 2013

Would you be willing to give up what Edward Snowden has given up? He has given up his high paying job, his home, his girlfriend, his family, his future and his freedom just to expose the monolithic spy machinery that the U.S. government has been secretly building to the world. He says that he does not want to live in a world where there isn’t any privacy. He says that he does not want to live in a world where everything that he says and does is recorded. Thanks to Snowden, we now know that the U.S. government has been spying on us to a degree that most people would have never even dared to imagine. Up until now, the general public has known very little about the U.S. government spy grid that knows almost everything about us.
But making this information public is going to cost Edward Snowden everything. Essentially, his previous life is now totally over. And if the U.S. government gets their hands on him, he will be very fortunate if he only has to spend the next several decades rotting in some horrible prison somewhere. There is a reason why government whistleblowers are so rare. And most Americans are so apathetic that they wouldn’t even give up watching their favorite television show for a single evening to do something good for society. Most Americans never even try to make a difference because they do not believe that it will benefit them personally. Meanwhile, our society continues to fall apart all around us. Hopefully the great sacrifice that Edward Snowden has made will not be in vain. Hopefully people will carefully consider what he has tried to share with the world. The following are 27 quotes from Edward Snowden about U.S. government spying that should send a chill up your spine…
--- snip ---
Some interesting quotes from the man who some are calling a hero and others a traitor.
The entire program of spying of everyone is about as far from the ideals upon which this country was founded as you can imagine.
Personally, I like the idea of jamming up their system by using terror-related keywords in every phone conversation which I have. In fact, I then include a short audio note to the listeners. Depending on my mood that might be a comment on the unconstitutionality of what they are doing - or speculation on their personal legitimacy and birthright. LOL
Read the quotes at:
(NOTE: The author is selling a book and the linked site is one of those annoying "sticky" pages that you cannot back out of, so be prepared to close the tab after reading!)

My Thoughts on Little Lord Snowden/Snowdon - Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy!

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

My Thoughts on Little Lord Snowden/Snowdon - Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy!
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 11-Jun-2013 16:18:12

Commentary by Rayelan A. Russbacher
The following post is long, but I believe you will better understand how the clandestine world works if you read it. At the end I speculate on who is behind Edward Snowden.
The more I hear about this man, the more he reminds me of Gunther Karl Russbacher... aka Emery Joseph Peden (stock broker who funded CIA off the books companies)... aka Robert Andrew Walker (Naval Aviator, ONI, CIA)... aka David Rauhof (State Department)... aka Wolfgang Wagner... Gerhard Wagner... Karl Riggs... aka Dr. Emery Peden, MD... Lt. Col. Robert Beiler... aka Russ A. Bacher... aka Gunther RussAbacher... aka Rusty Bacher.
Gunther was known as Karl Riggs when he was drafted into the army... BEFORE finishing high school. He was 17. He was immediately given a "lateral transfer" to a "civilian agency". That agency was the CIA. This was 1959. For the general public, he received a dishonorable discharge for passing bad checks.
After being transferred to the CIA, Gunther spent time in Houston working for a company called "Space Designs". I don't think I ever knew what it did. I suspect that it was a cover for for teaching him all the skills he needed to learn to be a CIA operative.
Gunther was picked by the CIA because his IQ was very high. His ability for learning languages was extremely high. By the time he was 5 he spoke German and Austrian German (the accent), Italian, French, English... both American and British English (the accent), Hungarian and old Hungarian, Spanish (Spain), Russian.
Gunther grew up in divided Austria. Most people don't remember that at one time Austria was divided between the USSR and the US, England and France. One set of grandparents lived in the USSR sector, the other grandparents lived in the sector controlled by the United State, England and France. Because of this he learned English, French and Russian by the time he was 5.
One of his grandmothers spoke Italian. One grandfather spoke Hungarian. Add these two languages plus an ancient dialect of Hungarian, taught to his by his grandfather, Joseph Weisl.. to his list of languages.
His ability with languages plus his extraordinary physical skills, taught to him by his father who was a Ober Sturnbaum Fuerer in Hitler's army and a half brother who was taught guerilla skills by Otto Skorzeny. Gunther's father was part of the Canaris Conspiracy to assassinate Hitler. As a result, he was brought to this country by the State Department. My grandfather's first cousin... with whom he was raised, was Cordell Hull. Cordell Hull didn't trust the OSS to resettle the members of the Canaris Conspiracy. For some reason it appeared as thought the OSS and President Roosevelt wanted them dead.
Cordell Hull had created his own intelligence service inside the State Department. It still exists. It's known as Consular Operations. After the war and after the CIA was established, the CIA used Consular Operations as the revolving door to enter and exit countries for operational purposes.
Cordell Hull turned to my Grandfather, a retired railroad detective who biggest claim to fame was arresting Emmett Dalton. (See article from the Fresno Bee and look for the name Bill Smith.)When I read the article to my mother, she became angry and said: "That's not the way it happened. Your grandfather went there to keep Emmett alive. If he hadn't arrested him and put him in custody, he would have been lynched by the railroad owners.)
Yes, my grandfather and father knew Gunther's father. I first met Gunther's father when I was 11. I also met his son, Karlie who was so rude to me that I hated the name Karl up until the time I met Gunther and finally figured out who he was... this was in 1994.
From an article on the Red Brigade:
"The Red Brigade was used by the CIA in their counterterrorism efforts from the early 60s. At least this is the story I have gotten from Gunther and others.
Here is what Gunther said about his "tour of duty" in the Red Brigade:
"I was also in Belgrade, Vienna, Rome, Paris, and that was also when I did my first short term at the Moscow embassy. In Italy I worked with counter revolutionaries and counter terrorists groups in liaison with Italian intelligence staff and carbinieres. Our objective was lotocontinua (continual struggle). The Brigade Roso, I infiltrated the groups to review and construct funding for our own purposes so we could use them for our purposes. However, all that went sour. I was in Milan during the catastrophe, when they blew up the train station and all those people died. Also I was on the train going north to Trieste as they bombed the train out from underneath us."
You can read the rest of this article at this link:
This was Gunther's early career with the CIA. By the time he was Snowden's age he had been given a congressional commission as a Naval officer and was sent to flight school. After he came back from Laos, where he was a POW for 18 months, he studied law and the stock market. One of his teachers was William J. Casey, the other was a lawyer named Sam Pittman in Oklahoma. Pittman was his father's direct commander during WW2, Wilhelm Canaris, the man who tried to stop the war before Germany and Austria were bombed back to the stone age.
Gunther received the best training a lawyer could receive and he also knew every trick that Wall Street brokers and bankers knew.
During this time he became an expert in computer programs, software and hardware. He easily rigged the market so that the CIA companies that he oversaw became enormously wealthy. Gunther was referred to as: "An off the shelf, stand alone, self financing man." In other words, he set up hundreds if not thousands of companies that were started with the money of other CIA companies, but no one could trace them back. These companies and more still exist. This is why it is virtually impossible to destroy the CIA and the people who really run it.
When Gunther used the alias, Naval Aviator, Robert Andrew Walker, he had an entire family and he was related to the Walker family of George Herbert Walker Bush. Gunther even attended family reunions as a guest of his partner in "assassin school", George H.W. Bush. Both were Naval aviators so it was easy to construct a story that his young cousin went into the Navy because George was a Naval aviator during WW2.
When Gunther was using the alias, Emery Peden, his father was Joseph Peden... played by his real father, Karl Russbacher.
The aliases Walker and Peden were two of his main aliases, and as such, they needed to have history. These two aliases had family, school records... everything a normal human has. When he was younger, he did not have a wife. As he got older, wives were added as part of the alias.
Depending on the situation... i.e. whether the alias needed to be lauded or vilified, the family would be given their marching orders and they would do interviews praising him or demonizing him.
Getting back to Little Lord Snowden...
I believe that Edward Snowden has led a life similar to the life Gunther led. I am going to take everything that is posted in the news as "props" in this current intel drama.
Picking the last name of Snowden for this operation must mean that "they" (those who sent him on this mission)... want the English royal family to leap to the thinking forefront of those who remember Queen Elizabeth's sister, Princess Margaret and her husband, Antony Charles Robert Armstrong-Jones,1st Earl of Snowdon. I can see that "someone" is telling "someone else" that this is just the beginning... look to England for the next major release. (Of course, I could be wrong about this... I am only speculating.)
At the moment, I can't even speculate on the reason for the release of the intel that Snowden released. What I do know is all of his background and probably even his girlfriend is a creation of an agency like the CIA. As you see... I said "like the CIA".
I don't know... at this moment, who created Edward Snowden. If I could speculate, I would think that the people behind him are clandestine operatives who are loyal to Obama and who know their mission is to destroy the United States...
Or possibly...
The military men (Remember SEAL Team 6 and how they died?) that Obama has used and abused.
The only way we will know who is behind Edward Snowden is to let the play continue. If Obama is impeached, then I will know the military is behind this. If our nation is destroyed then we will know that the Obama Administration is/was behind Edward Snowden.
Time will tell...
Commentary by Rayelan Allan (Russbacher)
Please forgive typos and other mistakes... I have too much to do today to proof this... but then again... maybe the errors are "code"!! ;-)

State Department cover-up of 70,000 State Department employees worldwide… From Prostitution Charges To Drug Rings…

State Department cover-up of 70,000 State Department employees worldwide… From Prostitution Charges To Drug Rings…
Posted By: esu333
Date: Tuesday, 11-Jun-2013 12:39:58

Source: CBS
CBS News has uncovered documents that show the State Department may have covered up allegations of illegal and inappropriate behavior within their ranks.
A draft of the Inspector General’s report on the performance of the Diplomatic Security Service, obtained by CBS News, states, “Hindering such cases calls into question the integrity of the investigative process, can result in counterintelligence vulnerabilities and can allow criminal behavior to continue.”
Fedenisn was part of the team that drafted the whistleblower report, and CBS News reports that two hours after the charges were reported, investigators from the State Department’s Inspector General showed up at her door.
article and embedded video (6 min.):


Posted By: food4thought
Date: Tuesday, 11-Jun-2013 09:49:34

Who is watching you while you're onlne?
This app will show you.


AP’s Discovery Suggests al-Qaeda Has Feared Weapon

AP’s Discovery Suggests al-Qaeda Has Feared Weapon

Editor’s note: This is the fourth story in an occasional series based on thousands of pages of internal al-Qaida documents recovered by The Associated Press earlier this year in Timbuktu, Mali.
TIMBUKTU, Mali (AP) — The photocopies of the manual lay in heaps on the floor, in stacks that scaled one wall, like Xeroxed, stapled handouts for a class.
Except that the students in this case were al-Qaida fighters in Mali. And the manual was a detailed guide, with diagrams and photographs, on how to use a weapon that particularly concerns the United States: A surface-to-air missile capable of taking down a commercial airplane.
The 26-page document in Arabic, recovered by The Associated Press in a building that had been occupied by al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb in Timbuktu, strongly suggests the group now possesses the SA-7 surface-to-air missile, known to the Pentagon as the Grail, according to terrorism specialists. And it confirms that the al-Qaida cell is actively training its fighters to use these weapons, also called man-portable air-defense systems, or MANPADS, which likely came from the arms depots of ex-Libyan strongman Col. Moammar Gadhafi.

Discovery of Manual Suggests al Qaeda Has Feared Weapon
In this March 29, 2013 photo provided by the French Army’s images division, ECPAD, a French soldier holds the launch tube of an SA-7 surface-to-air missile before its destruction in Timbuktu, northern Mali. The knowledge that the terrorists have the weapon has already changed the way the French are carrying out their five-month-old offensive in Mali. They are using more fighter jets rather than helicopters to fly above its range of 1.4 miles (2.3 kilometers) from the ground, even though that makes it harder to attack the jihadists. They are also making cargo planes land and take off more steeply to limit how long they are exposed, in line with similar practices in Iraq after an SA-14 hit the wing of a DHL cargo plane in 2003. (AP Photo/ECPAD, Olivier Debes)

“The existence of what apparently constitutes a ‘Dummies Guide to MANPADS’ is strong circumstantial evidence of al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb having the missiles,” said Atlantic Council analyst Peter Pham, a former adviser to the United States’ military command in Africa and an instructor to U.S. Special Forces. “Why else bother to write the guide if you don’t have the weapons? … If AQIM not only has the MANPADS, but also fighters who know how to use them effectively,” he added, “then the impact is significant, not only on the current conflict, but on security throughout North and West Africa, and possibly beyond.”

The United States was so worried about this particular weapon ending up in the hands of terrorists that the State Department set up a task force to track and destroy it as far back as 2006. In the spring of 2011, before the fighting in Tripoli had even stopped, a U.S. team flew to Libya to secure Gadhafi’s stockpile of thousands of heat-seeking, shoulder-fired missiles.
By the time they got there, many had already been looted.

“The MANPADS were specifically being sought out,” said Peter Bouckaert, emergencies director for Human Rights Watch, who catalogued missing weapons at dozens of munitions depots and often found nothing in the boxes labeled with the code for surface-to-air missiles.
The manual is believed to be an excerpt from a terrorist encyclopedia edited by Osama bin Laden. It adds to evidence for the weapon found by French forces during their land assault in Mali earlier this year, including the discovery of the SA-7′s battery pack and launch tube, according to military statements and an aviation official who spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to comment.

The knowledge that the terrorists have the weapon has already changed the way the French are carrying out their five-month-old offensive in Mali. They are using more fighter jets rather than helicopters to fly above its range of 1.4 miles (2.3 kilometers) from the ground, even though that makes it harder to attack the jihadists. They are also making cargo planes land and take off more steeply to limit how long they are exposed, in line with similar practices in Iraq after an SA-14 hit the wing of a DHL cargo plane in 2003.

And they have added their own surveillance at Mali’s international airport in Bamako, according to two French aviation officials and an officer in the Operation Serval force. All three spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to comment.
“There are patrols every day,” said the French officer. “It’s one of the things we have not entrusted to the Malians, because the stakes are too high.”

First introduced in the 1960s in the Soviet Union, the SA-7 was designed to be portable. Not much larger than a poster tube, it can be packed into a duffel bag and easily carried. It’s also affordable, with some SA-7s selling for as little as $5,000.

Since 1975, at least 40 civilian aircraft have been hit by different types of MANPADS, causing about 28 crashes and more than 800 deaths around the world, according to the U.S. Department of State.

The SA-7 is an old generation model, which means most military planes now come equipped with a built-in protection mechanism against it. But that’s not the case for commercial planes, and the threat is greatest to civilian aviation.

In Kenya in 2002, suspected Islamic extremists fired two SA-7s at a Boeing 757 carrying 271 vacationers back to Israel, but missed. Insurgents in Iraq used the weapons, and YouTube videos abound purporting to show Syrian rebels using the SA-7 to shoot down regime planes.
An SA-7 tracks a plane by directing itself toward the source of the heat, the engine. It takes time and practice, however, to fire it within range. The failure of the jihadists in Mali so far to hit a plane could mean that they cannot position themselves near airports with commercial flights, or that they are not yet fully trained to use the missile.

“This is not a ‘Fire and forget’ weapon,” said Bruce Hoffman, director of the Center for Security Studies at Georgetown University. “There’s a paradox here. One the one hand it’s not easy to use, but against any commercial aircraft there would be no defenses against them. It’s impossible to protect against it. … If terrorists start training and learn how to use them, we’ll be in a lot of trouble.”

In Timbuktu, SA-7 training was likely part of the curriculum at the ‘Jihad Academy’ housed in a former police station, said Jean-Paul Rouiller, director of the Geneva Center for Training and Analysis of Terrorism, one of three experts who reviewed the manual for AP. It’s located less than 3 miles (5 kilometers) from the Ministry of Finance’s Budget Division building where the manual was found.

Neighbors say they saw foreign fighters running laps each day, carrying out target practice and inhaling and holding their breath with a pipe-like object on their shoulder. The drill is standard practice for shoulder-held missiles, including the SA-7.

As the jihadists fled ahead of the arrival of French troops who liberated Timbuktu on Jan. 28, they left the manual behind, along with other instructional material, including a spiral-bound pamphlet showing how to use the KPV-14.5 anti-aircraft machine gun and another on how to make a bomb out of ammonium nitrate, among other documents retrieved by the AP. Residents said the jihadists grabbed reams of paper from inside the building, doused them in fuel and set them alight. The black, feathery ash lay on top of the sand in a ditch just outside the building’s gate.

However, numerous buildings were still full of scattered papers.
“They just couldn’t destroy everything,” said neighbor Mohamed Alassane. “They appeared to be in a panic when the French came. They left in a state of disorder.”

The manual is illustrated with grainy images of Soviet-looking soldiers firing the weapon. Point-by-point instructions explain how to insert the battery, focus on the target and fire.
The manual also explains that the missile will malfunction above 45 degrees Celsius, the temperature in the deserts north of Timbuktu. And it advises the shooter to change immediately into a second set of clothes after firing to avoid detection.

Its pages are numbered 313 through 338, suggesting they came from elsewhere. Mathieu Guidere, an expert on Islamic extremists at the University of Toulouse, believes the excerpts are lifted from the Encyclopedia of Jihad, an 11-volume survey on the craft of war first compiled by the Taliban in the 1990s and later codified by Osama bin Laden. Bin Laden, who led a contingent of Arab fighters in Afghanistan at the time, paid to have the encyclopedia translated into Arabic, according to Guidere, author of a book on al-Qaida’s North African branch.

However, the cover page of the manual boasts the name of al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb.
“It’s a way to make it their own,” said Guidere. “It’s like putting a logo on something. … It shows the historic as well as the present link between al-Qaida core and AQIM.”
Bin Laden later assembled a team of editors to update the manual, put it on CD-ROMs and eventually place it on the Internet, in a move that lay the groundwork for the globalization of jihad, according to terrorism expert Jarret Brachman, who was the director of research at the Combating Terrorism Center when the al-Qaida encyclopedia was first found.

N.R. Jenzen-Jones, an arms expert in Australia, confirmed that the information in the manual in Timbuktu on the missile’s engagement range, altitude and weight appeared largely correct. He cautions though that the history of the SA-7 is one of near-misses, specifically because it takes training to use.

“Even if you get your hands on an SA-7, it’s no guarantee of success,” he said. “However, if someone manages to take down a civilian aircraft, it’s hundreds of dead instantly. It’s a high impact, low-frequency event, and it sows a lot of fear.”
Associated Press writer Lori Hinnant contributed to this report from Paris, and AP journalist Amir Bibawy translated the document. Callimachi reported this article in Timbuktu, Mali and in Dakar, Senegal.
The document from al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb in Arabic and English can be seen at http://hosted.ap.org/specials/interactives/_international/_pdfs/al-qaida-papers-dangerous-weapon.pdf

Rukmini Callimachi can be reached at www.twitter.com/rcallimachi

"Jet Fighter Chases UFO"

Reader, link to 1-min video: "Jet Fighter Chases UFO"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 11-Jun-2013 16:51:58

(Thanks, B. :)
Reader B. forwards to us:
What is it?
Video (about 1 mins):

- Alexandra

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Message from Matthew for June 11th

    Message from Matthew for June 11th

                                      by 2012thebigpicture


Some very interesting tidbits here... thank you Matthew and Suzy
With loving greetings from all Souls at this station, this is Matthew.  As we address the issues in which readers have expressed greatest interest, please keep in mind that the "negative" end of the Duality Spectrum is at its zenith; and that energy, once set in motion, must run its course. You are seeing the combination of individuals with violent tendencies following their intensified urge to commit violence—whether in random acts or leaders oppressing their peoples—and the playing out of energy in many diverse situations around your World.
Turmoil in Turkey, ostensibly to protect a park, was instigated by the CIA's "black ops" to stoke the fire between the Sunnis and Shi'ites and lead to a blazing war. Just as all other Countries in your World, Turkey has policies that are not satisfying every citizen, but it is economically sound and progressive—and that's what the Illuminati want to destroy.  Although their Global Network has come apart at the seams, a few peak individuals are stuck in their delusion that they will take over the entire Mideast, and move on to control the rest of the World too.  Most assuredly, that will not happen, and when the unrest in Turkey subsides, and it shall soon, some reforms will emerge and further strengthen the Country's progressive path.
In Mid-Eastern Countries where the people have ousted despotic or dynastic rulers, freedom is new and it is natural that there is confusion about leadership and Governance.  Eventually a consensus will be reached in each Country and the kind of Democratic rule that best suits each will be instituted.
Syria is somewhat different, because disparate groups are battling the Assad regime—their purpose is the same, but each group has its own agenda, so to say.  When victory does come, there will be a time of severe dissension, led by the most radical in the groups until common sense and wisdom prevail; then a coalition will be formed to move the country toward a peaceful stability.
China's interest is not in "economically conquering the USA," but in dealing with its serious Internal issues.  Among the World's Major Nations, economically speaking, China and the United States have the largest Internal challenges.  Due to its authoritarian nature, tempered by clear vision, the Chinese Government is working on solutions to its problem areas; due to Democracy gone awry, action in the United States in regard to troublesome areas is comparatively at a standstill.
This is an appropriate place to address questions, that many readers have asked: How can US President Obama defend the National Security Agency's collection of data from Citizens' private telephone conversations and Internet records? Why did he sign the Monsanto Protection Act? Congressional actions are public knowledge, but what goes on behind closed doors is not known, and we shall tell you what is relevant to these two situations.
President Obama defended NSA's data gathering, which was authorized in the Patriot Act passed during George W. Bush's administration, on the authentic basis that it has led to discovering and thwarting numerous terrorist plans.  What the President cannot say—and Bush never would—is that the most extensive terrorist acts that met failure and most of the lesser plots that also got shot down were those devised by the CIA faction under Illuminati control.
Neither can Obama disclose that ETs are working in the NSA and other agencies in that Country and in several others.  They are collecting and analyzing information on all Illuminati activities around the Globe and using it to weaken their operations and obtain evidence for prosecution. When this has served its purpose—bringing to its final moment the Illuminati reign—the Patriot Act and also Homeland Security will come to an end.
As for the Monsanto Protection Act, Illuminati spokespersons told the President that if he vetoed it, Congress would override it.  Furthermore, they would intensify their efforts to overturn the Affordable Healthcare Act, block legislation that could relieve some immigration issues, and doom attempts to resolve international conflicts by rational discussions instead of belligerent confrontation.
That is the "down-to-Earth" reason, you could say, that Obama signed the bill, but there is another facet of this that the Illuminati bloc doesn't know. Despite their threats, the President was not going to sign the Act—he did so because ETs close to him, advised it.  Their higher perspective was that Citizens' outrage at this insidious bill needs to motivate them to force its nullification. The people must exercise their right and responsibility to demand that their elected officials end stubborn partisanship, stop letting lobbyists' money dictate their votes on legislation, and start serving the best interests of the country.
By no means does this apply only to the United States!  Governments in every Country must start serving the needs of their people, because this goes to the very heart of Earth's Golden Age and Soul evolvement!
As mentioned in previous messages, Earth's populace is in fourth density as far as location, but many have not yet reached this density consciously or spiritually. Just as Earth's Ascension was predestined, so was her Golden Age, but when that Age blooms in glorious fullness in your linear time, depends upon the people's collective thoughts, feelings and actions.  We cannot emphasize too strongly how greatly your Light is needed to help your Society advance in Conscious and Spiritual awareness!
The Universal law of attraction is an essential part of advancement.  By concentrating on dissatisfaction with governing systems' injustices and nefarious activities, the populace is sending forth energy that is prolonging situations they want to end!  They need to know that by focusing instead on what they want, they generate the energy that will manifest it. They need to be discerning about information from all sources by asking within, where the Truth is known as to whether something is fact or fiction, true or false.
We first spoke of Barack Obama prior to the 2008 primary election in the United States, when we stated that he would be elected President. We have spoken about him numerous times since then, including before the 2012 election when we said he would remain in office and why.  After each of our many messages that mentioned Obama went out, my mother was inundated with emails: Advocates of the Republican party's ideologies vehemently denounce what we tell you about him and his supporters want to know if he can surmount the formidable opposition he faces.  Some ask: Is he still a Light-filled Being?  YES, HE IS !
We shall add a bit to that, but first we say, it is Politics that has subjected Earth's successive generations to wars' horrendous death tolls and destruction and has created an unconscionably lopsided distribution of your World's vast riches.  We are not overlooking the part that Religions have played, but it is those who rule Church and State who drive their followers onto the battlefield.
For long ages, the foundation of your World's Political Systems, was the madness of conquest and bloodshed, corruption and deception.  Eventually it created such a mass of negativity, that Earth's very life was at stake.  Gaia, the Soul that embodied as your Planet, didn't want her body and all of its life forms to die.
Thus, in accordance with Gaia's request and God's blessing, far distant Civilizations infused the Planet with life-saving Light and the highest Universal Council created the Master Plan for a New Era that became known as 'Earth's Golden Age'. They asked a Soul from a highly advanced Civilization to take on one of the most difficult tasks—Presidency of the United States, a role that would transcend Politics Worldwide.
Yes, absolutely, Barack Obama is as Light-filled as when he agreed to accept the mission to right the wrongs in that Country, and be in the vanguard of World Peace-bringers!  Throughout his time in office, he has been diligently working behind the scenes to dismantle the network that enabled the Illuminati to control everything that impacts life in your World. Their power to stymie or completely derail his efforts has been formidable and largely successful, but when their influence within and beyond the Congress ends, you shall see the Truth of our words about Obama.
Now let us put negativity into the context of weather and geophysical events, which you may not have considered as the evidence of change that they are. The intensive Light that saved Earth's life gave her the strength to start releasing negativity, via powerful earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and severe storms that resulted in massive death toll and destruction.
The last of the "old" negativity was eliminated about six months ago—that's what enabled Earth to enter fourth density. "New" negativity caused by ongoing violence is being released through a series of earthquakes in areas where there is little, if any, loss of life or land destruction, and the same with volcanic eruptions. More is being dispersed via torrential rainstorms in some areas and wildfires in others—water and fire are Nature's cleansing elements.
Never again will negativity amass on the Planet and none of the predicted cataclysms will occur! The darkness that for long ages enshrouded Earth is gone, but "mopping up" what was left in its wake will continue until she reaches the planes where violence doesn't exist.  She won't get there next week or next month, but aided by Light forces within, on and beyond Earth, she is moving toward that space at a speed that is unique in this Universe and all along the way, violence will lessen and so will storms, quakes and volcanic activity.
Moving on now to other matters readers are questioning, some time ago radioactive emissions from Japan's damaged nuclear facility were neutralized to the extent that they posed no new health risks.  Eventually all nuclear power plants, stored waste and other toxic pollution will be technologically dematerialized.  In the meantime, crews in your skies are using technology aboard their ships to safeguard nuclear facilities that still are in use.
Concerns about countries with nuclear weapons acting rashly, other Countries racing to develop or acquire those arms, and accidental launches are totally unnecessary. By Creator's decree and God's authorization, Civilizations with the ability to prevent deliberate or accidental nuclear strikes will continue doing that.
During the Bilderberg conference, the Illuminati could scarcely disguise their deepening worries about how much longer they can control banking, lending and investing around the world—they have almost exhausted the means whereby they have been able to keep their fortunes intact. As mentioned earlier, individuals within and outside the NSA have been collecting evidence that the Illuminati acquired those fortunes illegally, and unethically; however, until all documentation is presented in airtight cases to the various courts and then justly ruled upon, the funds will remain in Illuminati hands.
It was with joy that we heard about the Canadian Minister of Defense's acknowledgement of the presence of other Civilizations!  It isn't known yet how much this may affect the timing of landings and when ETs living among you will identify themselves.  Mother, please insert Hatonn's reply to your question about this.
"As encouraging as that acknowledgement is, it's not enough for landings tomorrow. The word we got is, you have to put your house in better order first. No one expects you to do it by yourselves—that's why we're here!
"Suzy, my friend, you know we aren't going to take over your World but most people don't. They are curious about us but not convinced that if we landed, it would be to help. They don't have a clue about what we've been doing for Earth for centuries—they're more like, 'Why would ETs be interested in us'?
"When they see things moving in good directions and feel more confident about what's changing, they may not be so leery about strangers dropping in. But, that Illuminati propaganda about `ETs may seem friendly but they're going to enslave you' is still making Internet rounds.
"Anyway, the bottom line is, God's in charge. He will know when you're ready to welcome us and then give the council the GO sign. We're even more eager for that than you are, Suzy!"
Thank you, Mother, and please copy the link to the short video that also adds energy to speeding the day when you will meet your "space benefactors." We hope you will feel inspired to support this group's efforts to spread the word. http://www.youtube.com/embed/b3RYMb9uoZ0
Our beloved Earth family, billions of souls want the same as you, to live in a peaceful world where everyone's needs are plentifully met, where all leaders are wise and honorable and life is in harmony with Nature. But they don't know how to help make the world that way and you do—you are there to be the way-showers!
By living from your heart, you are exemplifying to everyone around you that LOVE is the way to create the world that they, and you, want. Remember, in the continuum the era of world peace, joy, beauty, kindness, mutual respect, abundance and marvelous adventure already is!
Suzanne Ward



     "The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men."- Plato of Greece

     "The Bible is the rock on which our Republic rests." - President Andrew Jackson 

     Some medical doctors who were honest commented on national TV that some vaccines used on the elderly threw them into a super state of senility such as forcing them to take an anti-flu vaccine with toxic mercury in it and other things which would poison the body. Also, the same such as anti-flu vaccine for small children helped turn children into a state of autism and potentially ruined for life. Vaccines need to be labeled for ingredients and also not forcing adults and children by law to take deadly vaccines which can either kill them or else seriously impair them for life. Because of enforced so-claimed law by Obama such as protecting Monsanto Chemical Co. from lawsuits when their products are killing off bees across America, beekeepers are warning that bees are now being killed off so fast in America that by three years from now, America will produce one-third less food than it does now. This would lead to famine in America at that time and threaten the lives of much of Americans. Obama is pushing America towards mass death, not trying to protect America from this pending mass slaughter of the American people.
      Passage of the Omni Law will protect America from pending economic collapse due to agricultural collapse of America. Once passed, responsible leadership will aggressively act to stop this threatened collapse of all bees in America used for the pollution of much of the food crops raised in America. Obama will do nothing to prevent this pending collapse of America as a nation. He is pushing by law to cause this. Look up the Omni Law on our national website and push it nationally. Our website is www.fastboomamericaneconomy.com .
Our email is fastboomamericaneconomy.com@gmail.com   The moment it is passed, we can carry out aggressive policies to keep America from collapsing economically or otherwise. I studied with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe including a German economist personally endorsed by Albert Einstein to be teaching the only true economic science in the world. Obama by law is settting America up for economic collapse as a nation. I keep hearing reports that he is the main obstacle to having the RV of foreign currencies which will help the economies of foreign nations around the world and also help the American economy. Pass the Omni Law and we will see that the RV of foreign currencies is no longer blocked by Obama and allies who don't want the American people to become prosperous and a free people again. With 10% of the nation backing us, that is enough and we should have the Omni Law passed in weeks after that. Politicians look at statistics whether 10% Black vote or other large votes. 10% is the figure that scares them into paying attention to blocs of voters in America. As one politician in Congress once said to a representative of mine pushing to give the American people more direct authority over government, "When you show us that the people care, then we will care! Until then don't bother us!" The Omni Law is the only smart move the American people have to head off the threatened economic collapse of America under Obama.
      Due to the legal definitions used with loans, that is the method we use to help finance the saving of America by passage of the Omni Law. We accept loan money and have terms for repayment with commitments that should work fine once the Omni Law is passed. That loan program which is used to finance the Omni Law drive among other things has a plan how to pay you a royalty payment divided pro-rata in profits to be made from the world food industry for 30 years per terms listed in our book "The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity" by Erasmus of America (my pen name). Also, we have the 15% club offer at the end of this book which is a loan program, not stock or bond offer, which has a royalty plan on how to pay you royalty payments on profits for potentially for life if Obama doesn't crash the American economy or ruin America in other ways. Have to read the book for more details on these loan programs. The book is for sale on our website for $25.00 and Christians have heavily praised this book and said it should be read by all Americans as its message is so important to the survival of America as a nation and people. We now list on our website the listing of contents of the book so you know more the flavor of the many topics this book covers both about Christianity and about temporal answers to answer the temporal problems of America today. 
      As we don't offer securities meaning paper titles of ownership for loan money you supply us, this avoids being legally a security as you don't receive title or ownership you can sell to others. This is legal maneuvering, but is in total agreement with our legal rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights. Obama claimed to be a constitutional law professor. Is that really true as he talks like he knows nothing about constitutional law. All his moves are in legal violation of the U.S. Constitution. For example, he apparently just had a UN Treaty signed to abolish the U.S. Bill of Rights guaranteeing the legal right of the American people to keep and own guns in America. I refer to the World Almanac as a good reference on this as they tell the history of the Preamble to the 10 U, S. Bill of Rights put into force Dec. 15, 1789. In simple language, the preamble to the U.S. Bill of Rights as submitted by Congress and ratified by the States of America says that the U.S. Bill of Rights are superior in legal authority to the rest of the U.S. Constitution and all authority from the rest of the U.S. Constitution being inferior in legal authority to the U.S. Bill of Rights cannot be used to change, modify, or cancel the ratified 10 U.S. Bill of Rights. For our moron in law in the White House who does not know constitutional law, that means the treaty section of the U.S. Constitution is inferior in authority to the 10 U.S. Bill of Rights if conflicting with them in legal authority. The U.S. Bill of Rights remains the law of America and UN treaties on gun control in America are not law, not binding, and high treason if Obama or associates tries to enforce such type treaties in America. The same principle applies if Obama tries to give away ownership of half of America to the UN as reported planned under Agenda 21. 
     Obama has plans for destroying Russia as a nation. Russia has done nothing to deserve this. And since I warned Wash., D.C. do nothing to provoke me to further legal actions and they have started a new campaign I am supposed to be too dumb and naive to know the game they are trying to engineer now, I am willing to help Russia outmaneuver Obama's plan to wipe out Russia as a nation. I would do the same for France, Germany, Japan, or any other nation as I believe in the national independence of nations across the earth. Wash., D.C. pulled its razzle dazzle tactics on Czarist Russia in 1917. This is the same Czarist Russia dumb enough to have backed Wash., D.C. against the Confederate States of America. The Czar sent two Russian fleets to America to show support for Abraham Lincoln and cause Britain and France to back off from pending official backing of the legal independence of the Confederate States of America. In 1917 Wash., D.C. thanked Russia back for saving the Union from defeat by the Confederacy by overthrowing the Czarist Government that had saved Wash., D.C. from defeat back during the Civil War also called The War Between the States. Wash., D.C. overthrew the Czar of Russia and then killed off maybe 40 million or more Russians for having backed America long ago against the Confederacy which would have won but for the support of the Czar of Russia behind Abraham Lincoln. Such is the treachery of the government of Wash., D.C. President Woodrow Wilson had a secret meeting with Leon Trotsky at the White House, gave him an American passport so he could go through border lines until he reached Russia and then joined with Lenin who was coming by "sealed train" through Kaiser Germany
to Russia. Also, President Wilson gave Trotsky $10 million from a $100 million White House military trust fund to help finance the Communist Revolution in Russia. $42 million or so funds supplied by Wall Street bankers was funneled through the Bank of St. Petersburg , Russia to overthrow the Czar of Russia in 1917. With Washington approval, the Communists then over the years killed off maybe 40 million Russians or so as Washington's way of thanking Russia for having saved the Union from defeat by the Confederate States of America. The $42 million investment was very profitable for the Wall Street bankers. They and associates in Europe stole all the Czarist gold deposited about outside of Russia. Then with Lenin took over Russia, he through 1922 shipped all the Czarist gold left in Russia to New York City where I think it was the Lehman Brothers received all the gold for the Wall Street bankers. Russia buy the options offered now and I can show them how to recover all the Czarist gold stolen from Russia in 1917 through 1922 and much more besides. I have a sharp legal brain and have engineered legal upsets before such as being a Jewish lawyer who had never lost in any state court until he faced me. Then he lost for the first time in his legal career. Russia pay me the current value of the $525,000 federally stolen from me by Wash., D.C a decade ago and the current value of the $295.000 stolen from my mother in 1933 by the federal government and I will show you how to recover all the gold or equal value stolen from Czarist Russia due to the Wall Street banker scheme of 1917. As one banker explained to Congress when testifying on why they financed the overthrow of the Czarist Government, he said this was to stop Russia which was growing so fast in industry, etc. as they would have become the new leader of the world instead of America if incompetent Communist rulers had not been placed over Russia who did not understand how to run a national economy. Russia was overthrow to make America the leader of the world then instead of Russia which was fast moving to pass up America in economic growth.
      Russia gets the gold or else equal value stolen from Czarist Russia restored to Russia, then Obama will not be able to engineer the overthrow of Russia which he plans soon to destroy as a nation as I hear from various sources. Since Wash., D.C. has no intention of ever returning to me the federally stolen $525,000 nor the modern equivalent of the $295,000 they stole from my mother in 1933 which is likely $3 million or more in 2013 terms of money. With this money, I will restore my father's Vatican endorsed food process in America if Wash., D.C. gets out of my face or will consider Russia if Wash., D.C. is so evil and corrupt as not to want for America the likely biggest world industry of our century when this great food industry is reestablished based upon my father's great food discovery. I won't abandon the American people and leave you to be destroyed by Obama. I will see that the Omni Law is passed and America is saved from pending economic collapse engineered by Obama and his co-conspirators in Wash., D.C. There is an old saying that "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Obama is the enemy of the American people and if not stopped, will destroy America by his schemes I have found out about. If If required, I will help save Russia in order to help save America from Obama. Having spent eleven calendar years in military academies, I am good at strategy and was chess champion in military school. And for Russia for whatever it is worth, I am a descendant of a minor branch of the royal line of Russia and I am not interested in seeing Russia destroyed as a nation by Wash., D.C. under Obama. By the same token, I will not let the American people be betrayed by Obama and so with finances and other means, I am going to save the neck of America from its deadliest enemy who is named Obama. For all sides to understand, I am the strongest supporter of free enterprise probably in America, strongly believe in freedom and constitutional government, and a strong Christian supporter but also worldly wise and will see that Christianity backs the smart moves, not dumb moves, for its survival on earth. 
      Obama is setting America up for national famine. My maneuvers will head this off. He is preparing to engineer the economic collapse of America. Why else has he repeatedly been blocking the RV of foreign currencies which would also help strengthen the American economy? Obama wants a World War III. I intend to block him so he cannot commit mankind to massive death across the earth.   
      Americans, this report will panic the traitors in Wash., D.C. The American people win! The Russian people win! And suddenly both America and Russia will end up great friends of each other and no worry of wars between either nation. And as an economist, I have an economic plan how both America and Russia can end up joining together in a form of economic partnership which will skyrocket both the economy of America and the economy of Russia. With Russian natural resources and land and American natural resources and land, we can do wonders for both nations. And peace is much better than war for our nations! The Russian people have much greatness to their national character. Get rid of the rotten leadership in control of Wash., D.C. today and the American people under good leadership will also prove to be a great and noble people when we get rid of the corruption and evil now ruling Wash., D.C.
       American people, I am heading off a world war between Russia and America by this highly surprising, unorthodox maneuver. Back me heavily so you will live and prosper! Back my Omni Law Loan Program to finance the passage of the Omni Law in  America. Back my NIFI 15% Club plan listed in the rear of my book "The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity" and help finance the new industrialization of America and millions of new jobs in America.
      Pass this report around so all can see it. Read my maybe 180 or so national reports posted with Nesara News since April, 2012. Use their search box on the first page, put in Erasmus of America (my pen name) to see reports listed, and know why I can head off Obama's planned destruction of Russia which is going to force Russia to fight a World War III with America which risks the annihilation of America if this happens. Is Obama worth 300 million Americans dying for so he can try and be the intended dictator of America for life?
      Answer with your support and finances. That is what wins for national movements. 
      Since our website has just been hacked by obvious federal hackers, the new financial settlement figure with me by Wash., D.C. is now $10 trillion as the bottom figure. And all federal officials and employees in any way tied in with these criminal tactics also to each and all be served legal papers personally suing them for $10 trillion in damages also! Does Wash., D.C. wish to raise this figure to $20 trillion? If we cannot be paid through our website, send checks, etc. made out to NIFI and mail to NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Wash., D.C. is hacking our website to try and block you the American people from backing us. Behold Obama the would-be dictator of America! News for Obama! He is not dictator yet and I call for the U.S. Justice Dept. to now arrest the federal hackers or the U.S. Justice Dept. will be sued as well as Eric Holder and Obama for $20 trillion each and when I make my move, I have the surprise why these legal actions will be ruled upon and I win the settlements. Dangerous to underestimate me! I have won too many times in legal upsets and understand how law works!
       We will see if our website is operational again in one or two hours from now. Obama wants to be dictator of America. That is why all emails and calls in America are spied upon by the federal government. Wash., D.C. is trying to do damage control as the American people have found out that Wash., D.C. is spying on all Americans now. By the way, hacking by feds was not smart. We will now present when the hour is right how C.I.A. ran an operation to steal from all bank accounts in America. We will tell you their secret system as explained to us by one of the C.I.A. operatives who was a former Navy Seal. They tried to kill him, so he told us everything of this C.I.A. hacking of all your bank accounts in America. 

      Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for a military brain also. With me offering Russia a chance to recover the Czarist gold stolen from Russia in 1917-22, there will be no nuclear bombing of America that might have occurred a little later this year of America! Russia was totally ready to annihilate America if war came! I spied on all their secrets also!)