Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A Message From “Jesus” (Prince Of This Universe), To The Elite And Military

A Message From “Jesus” (Prince Of This Universe), To The Elite And Military

                                                                by indianinthemachine2

A Message From "Jesus" (Prince Of This Universe),   To The Elite And Military
A repost of a message that is as timely as ever... listen to the words of the Prince of this Universe and see if they resonate as the words of the historical "Jesus" from the bible... who is back 2000 years later and has brought millions of Lightships and Beings with him... I bet Humans don't try to crucify him this time, not that it worked the other time.                  IITM

The Shackles Shall Be Unlocked!

 12/6/01 - Esu “Jesus” Sananda
Esu present in Light and in Service to The One God.  I come in response to your petition for the greater good of ALL.
There are those who seek to keep Humanity enslaved in the chains of ignorance.  I Am come this day that the shackles may be unlocked, that the Mind may be freed, and that the Soul may soar with the eagles.
There is a scramble by your 'Elite, One Worlders', and that scramble is to HOLD THEIR POSITION, for it is slipping from their grasp, more with each passing day. The harder they try to implement their plans of power, and to further enslave the population, the more quickly their plans are backfiring upon them. This shall continue; yeah, it shall escalate.
God’s Plan is for the WHOLE of Humanity to be a FREE people.  All plans of enslavement for God’s people shall always fail.  It is foolhardiness to think otherwise.
But so it is with the Big Egos in positions of power.  They are but puppets on a string, dancing to the 'Dark Brotherhood’s' rhythms.  All the while the 'Master of Deceit' laughs at the antics which are so predictable, and so doomed to failure.
Collectively, the awakening of mankind is ON TARGET.  You don’t hear about that in your Controlled Media.  Perhaps one day you shall.  I said: Perhaps one day you shall!   For in a Free Society, there is also a FREE EXCHANGE OF TRUTHFUL INFORMATION.  And so it shall be, for those of Humanity who make the CHOICE, to live in accordance with the Goodness within man’s Soul.
My compatriots and I, shake our heads, as we watch the antics of your Military and Political 'so-called' leaders.  They are like rats in a maze.  Why is it that man, in his EGO, must seek to DOMINATE AND DESTROY all around him?  You may not bomb innocent women and children and old men without consequences.  Did you really think there would be no consequences for such actions?  Come now!                                                                
 I come with God’s representatives of Light.  And yes, we must allow man his choices.  BUT, WE DO NOT NEED TO STAND BY AND WATCH, AS THE SLAUGHTER OF MANKIND IS UNLEASHED UPON THE PLANET.
I said it before, and I shall repeat my words: You-the-people are being deceived and lied to.  Your Media is controlled and is not telling you the Truth.

Do I know the hour of my return?  No, I do not know the hour of my return.  But I may tell you that I am righteous in my anger, and when I do return there shall be a reckoning.
Do not be fearful, scribe, for no harm shall come to you.  These words must be written, so that people may see my words and take those words to heart.  I hear your pleas, and those prayers shall not go unanswered.
Blessed people, you are loved beyond your ability to comprehend.  KNOW that you are not alone in this Magnificent Universe.  There is help, and we are here!
Hold this close in your hearts, and rest in the knowledge that God’s Plan is real, and Justice Shall Prevail.
I am Esu Immanuel, who many of you have known as Jesus.  I am known now as Sananda, which is a level of accomplishment, meaning ,“One with God”.
Go in Peace.

indianinthemachine2 | June 12, 2013 at 1:30 am | Categories: Sananda channeled messages | URL:

Update For The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation

Update For The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation

            Sheldan Nidle - 12 June 2013

Dratzo!  We return!  At this time, our Associates are making the adjustments and orders of scale necessary, to ensure that your abundance deliveries are disbursed as planned.  A series of final agreements and orders of contract are also now being completed.  The moment is coming for these deliveries to be successfully initiated, and so the Dark Cabal is being closely watched by a number of Galactic Federation and Agarthan liaison teams, whose purpose is to see that no serious violation takes place prior to starter’s orders, as has happened so often in the past.
As of this update, pre-launch operations are underway, and we foresee no impediments which might cause speed bumps or deviations from the path embarked upon.  The many groups we are associated with, have completed their to-do lists and are putting the required personnel into position.  We are closely monitoring this operation to ensure a formal commencement at a predetermined time.  These actions, once begun, will be the first strokes on a much broader canvas, which is intended to change your reality out of all recognition!
Millennia ago, an 'ill-starred realm' was brought into Being which has been your lot for far too long.  This realm crushed your Grand Potential, enfeebled your Spirit, and allowed those in power to ride roughshod over you.  This realm is ending.  Each of you is to be set free and encouraged to freely pursue your contracted life path.  This objective will thrive, once the Dark Cabal’s ubiquitous agents are removed from authority.  Quite quickly, you will be liberated from the droves of obstructions and burdens with which you have been saddled since birth.
To assist you in grasping the significance of the opportunities enveloping you so fast, the Ascended Masters and the Agarthans have come up with a curriculum of teachings to bring you up to speed on what is happening, what you need to know, and how best to adapt the new knowledge to your individual circumstances.  These teachings will be only guidelines, that you can use to get a better understanding of what your New World can look like.  Armed with these basics, you can gain a broader comprehension of how your Consciousness is changing, and a clearer appreciation of the work that you and your individual Federation mentor will be doing together.
Imagine for a moment what an enormous impact this mentoring program will have on you!  Each one of you on this Planet is to be assigned your Own Personal Mentor, who will be responsible for leading you gently and Lovingly, out of the fog and confusion of a dark and dying World, and into the increasing brilliance of a Lighted realm which many do not consider possible, even in their wildest dreams!  What a lot to take on board in such a short time!  This is why you need a Personal Guide at your side 24/7 who can inform you about so very many things, and who will be able to answer all your questions and concerns as they arise.
More stunning by far than the changes to your Planet and Solar System, are the changes happening within you and where this will take you.  To give you a small indication: you have an expression, ‘rags to riches,’ and yours is to be the mother-of-all rags-to-riches transformations happening on many levels, especially the Spiritual one.  Such a prospect can quickly put you into overwhelm, and this is why you will need Wise and Loving Mentors, to reassure and inform you as your New World unfolds.
As your New Environment blossoms around you, you are to rediscover who you were created to be, and why you incarnated in this particular part of Physicality.  Once you have successfully surmounted the massive watershed which is First Contact, you can turn your attention to understanding the ‘bridge’ that you represent.  You will be living in two Worlds:  your present limited-consciousness one and the full-consciousness realm, that you are rapidly moving into.  Here, many new concepts are to become everyday realities, like your Life Contract and what this signifies, and the Four Laws and their role and implication in Galactic Society.
With this data you can begin an increasingly informed exploration of what you want your own Galactic Society to look like.  Your experience of straddling two Worlds provides you with unique wisdom, and it is this that is to be used by Heaven to spread the Light.  Many Beings in Physicality are in need of acquiring a Light-body and your unique experience in this area will be invaluable to them, by substantially shortening their path to Full Consciousness.
                                                                                                                               * * * * * * *
Blessings!  We are your Ascended Masters!  These are most Auspicious Days!  Many things are happening, which herald a great change, in your most limiting reality. Affairs on your World are set to explode (but not literally!).  A new range of possibilities has at last appeared, which promises to create opportunities for us all.  Your World is mired in the throes of a struggle, that is hatching a new spectrum of existence; in short, a Whole New Era and Wholly New Ways of creating our lives.   It also means that we can come among you again to teach what we know from our experiences of becoming Immortal.
To bring you these Truths, is a most longed-for pleasure for us!  What you may not realize is that you possess within you an invaluable Wisdom that needs to be brought forth, and this is where We come in.   It is our task to complete what the great spiritual teachers did millennia ago. Then these divine truths can at last be clearly recognized and properly esteemed by humanity.  These Great Truths will form the Living Heart at the core of your Galactic Society.  Each of you is a grand and unique aspect of the Creator, and together we form a beautiful collection, which is part of the unity that is all life.
We each have duties and activities that we perform in concert with the immediate whole, and this in turn correlates with the wider whole like a massive symphony.  This magnificent harmony is to bring joy to Heaven, and all who pause to listen, and to observe its sacred effects.  Spirit is pouring out her Love and care for this Reality and we are committed to bringing you some sense of what is coming, and to prepare you for this Truly Spiritual and Physical first contact.  We are pledged to shift this reality, and then to deliberate deeply about what it all means.  We are standing on the very brink of a wave of activity which will eternally transform our World!
We come, therefore, full of joyous anticipation and brimming over with Love.  We deeply feel the responsibility of explaining to you something of what is to manifest in your lives.  This land has not seen the likes of what is coming, in over 13 millennia!   Heaven is thoroughly resolved to transform each of you in such a way, that Gaia is enfolded in a Reality that is a True Dispensation of Heaven and a grand decree of AEON.   Furthermore, there is no hint of the haphazard in this undertaking; the intent of the Divine Plan fills our hearts and informs all that we do.  Be therefore open to receive miracles, and watch as your present Dark Realm flees, before the incoming radiance of Love.   Over the years we watched the World slowly awaken, and now the gathering momentum is such that the long-promised changes can start to appear and begin to make a difference!  The moment we have so long awaited is upon us now!   Hosanna!  Hosanna!  Hosanna!
Today, we continued with our messages.  We thank you all for your Love and dedication to the cause of the Consciousness Transformation that is the Divine Will of Spirit.  The time for the Great Shift in Humanity is nearly here.  This will be the path that leads all of us to First Contact and Full Consciousness!    Know, Dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours!   So Be It!    Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy! / link to original article

Keiser Report: PRISM, SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, etc. Copyright Prostitutes!

Keiser Report: PRISM, SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, etc. Copyright Prostitutes!
Posted By: FreePlanet
Date: Wednesday, 12-Jun-2013 03:39:41
In my forthcoming novel CUSTODIAN (free planet #1) I make it clear that PROFIT and abuse of Copyright/Patent is the REAL CRIME on this beleaguered consumerist planet...
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert ask, "What is Boundless Informant, PRISM, Trans-Pacific Partnership, SOPA, PIPA and ACTA if not copyright prostitutes colluding and beating up the competition? Max also informs President Barack Obama that a food stamp is NOT a job. In the second half, Max talks to artist, Mark McGowan (aka The Artist Taxi Driver), about his pushing the pig to Downing Street as an artistic response to the privatisation of the National Health Service in the United Kingdom. They also discuss McGowan's crowd-funded film currently in production, "This is Not a Recession, It's a Robbery!"

The King's Bolton

The King's Bolton

Is there a trust to disarm all Americans to save a few more lives, as that is more important than liberty?

Can not this be projected out to, surely the regime can spy upon Americans who are innocent in making America a complete gulag of slaves, for the good that a few more lives have been saved in terror events stopped........but at what cost to liberty?

The intelligence whistleblower, Edward Snowden has now been openly discussed by intelligence officials to murder him.........without trial, without charge, without hearing.

The reality of this comes to the forefront when one tunes into the American oil industrial heartland of North Dakota, in the once praised Scott Hennen, Mark the Freedom Poet and a Steve Bachman, who in chorusful union termed Mr. Snowden a traitor, and the Freedom Poet, judged that if Snowden went to Iceland, then in insulting Iceland as two icebergs as they are no power, it would be permissible, but if Snowden went to Russia, then of course it exposed his true colors in being a red.

I will state again, that there are things called Drones murdering Americans without trial or hearing. Communist China and Putin's Russia are the only places on earth someone exposing the tyranny in America would be able to go to not be murdered. It was why Sheik bin Laden was taking treatment in Xianxang China for years, as Bush43 did not dare strike inside a nuclear China with 100,000,000 armed soldiers.

John Bolton, has judged Snowden on this issue too, in deeming him the worst kind of traitor.

It would seem that those cartel operatives who have destroyed the Constitution in spying on innocent Americans and those who decide  that Andrew Breitbart should be murdered as he has information which would bring down the Obama regime, are not a problem in this, and they in destroying the United States Constittution are not the problem that Edward Snowden is exposing.

It would seem that an entire blackmailing and corrupt system in treason of the United States Constitution, from the 4th Estate like Mark Levin in keeping a foreign agent in one Barry Hussein Obama Chin, from blackmailing John Roberts to mandate Obamacare to the absent FBI in investigating Sandy Hook, Boston Blow Jobs, Chris Dorner, Hutatree set ups etc.... are not the problem in the least in destroying the United States Constitution in keeping Birther installed at 1600 Penn Avenue by election theft, that they are not the problem, but Edward Snowden exposing this is the treasonous problem.

The reality is, Americans are having a genocidal war waged against them. It started under Woodrow Wilson socialism. graduated to FDR communism, degraded under Eisenhowers national socialist state and by increments of LBJ to the now Marxist Barack Hussein Obama, have set upon a path of murdering Americans by poisons injected, ingested and incubated in them in the food, water, air and life supply.
America is a disease to be treated to death as it is bled to death by every conceivable rapine from European bailouts to education debt to mortgage debt to the economic rape of energy prices in a world overflowing with oil.

What is being put on display is the John Boltons and the Scott Hennens both up Karl  Rove's arse are the Tory feudalists of 1776. They said nothing when the Men in the Clergy were murdered by the English just as Andrew Breitbart and a host of others have been in America by this feudal regime.
Yes for a Hennen and Bolton, it is the people are the threat, and not the regime and those industrial forces funding their lavish lifestyles which are not the problem.

Follow this in Hennen was a Tea Party conduit to be praised, but in bed with Karl Rove. Hennen was booted from North Dakota radio by former doper who was then booted. Hennen then "raised funds" to buy out not only the radio station syndicate in Fargo, but now has the money by miracle to by the Bismark blow torch.
Hennen now in attacking Edward Snowden is leaving a record which is most interesting in his excuses for "big oil" rapine in North Dakota in it is the people's fault for accidents in North Dakota and not the oil truckers.
It is the people's fault, so there needs to me more laws passed about drunk drivers. It is the people's fault so more needs to be done on motorcycle helmets. It is the people's fault so more animal rights laws need to be passed. It is the people's fault for wanting jobs, so all of those illegal Mexicans should be imported all the more as people not wanting to pay for Mexicans are deemed "racists".............

Yes is it not amazing that this tool of whoever now, suddenly is like John Bolton judging someone who exposed the very things that Nathan Hale and Patrick Henry did, is now sounding exactly for the exact same things that a Marxist like Obama implements by decree.

So the mantra of the Bolton conglomerate backed feudalists is exactly that of Barack Hussein Obama in his drone murder spree, that "terror events stopped is more important than liberty and justice". More important than LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.

What happens in a terror event? Really what takes place?

A large event might crop 3000 urban dwellers who vote for feudalism and press for more slavery of people for their bank account protection.

Bill Clinton deemed so many Americans dead as acceptable before George W. Bush came along.
Currently ten to twenty times the number of Americans are being murdered compared to Bill Clinton's acceptable levels of 100 dead per year. While Clinton was wrong, the fact is in feudalism, Bill Clinton camel bombing was a great deal more safe than Barack Hussein Obama's managing al Qaeda from 1600 Penn Avenue.

Yes under Bill Clinton 500 Americans would be dead in five years. Under B. Hussein Obama, one has dead children at Sandy Hook and in Boston from wag the dog events, along with thousands of Americans dead in uniforms. So which policy is the more astute and which policy with even more draconian destruction of the US Constitution, now using drones to murder Americans is the one that resembles something out of Moscow or Peking.

Is it not TELLING, that like Americans had to flee to the Netherlands and France to get away from the British murder machine in 1776, that an Edward Snowden has to flee to Peking and Moscow to get away from a Birther Obama murder machine, with John Bolton and these tories embedded in the "right" backing the very Orwellian things that are causing all of the murder in this world.

America was founded in exploitation of  trade, resources and getting the hell out of other nation's businesses. America was founded on responsible liberty, moral life and the pursuit of ideals to fulfill you while not trespassing on the rights of others.
The world is crumbled and in the cauldron of the Obama Abyss, and it is pure treachery for the John Bolton's of this age to back the terminal cancer murdering the world all for the sake of the placebo that..........sacrificing liberty because we are told terror events were stopped........when no one is sounding save this blog about the problems at Sandy Hook and all of these other Boston like events, is the treason in all of this.

The latest victim of this assassination machine was Michele Bachmann in her being forced out. Yes her being offered up for sacrifice is just quite alright with the male Bolton and Hennen who are parrots of this feudal state imprisoning the world.

Let us join with Ronald Reagan in a new Lame Cherry addition quote, as this blog is the only one worth quoting now:
The people are not the problem. The government is the problem, and, those minders who back the regime are the traitors.

Lame Cherry

There would not be terrorists unless the feudal conglomerates were educating and arming Muslims to turn them into Militant Islam terrorists to utilize them herd the free peoples into the gulags where they can be controlled by being made criminals of their own laws..

 What is it 5  trillion dollars in bailouts and terror wars? Did you get richer? Who did?

Terrorists, dope lords, weapons dealers, oil barons and Wall Street tycoons.......who donate money to Obama elections and fund the mic heads on the right and left.

But yes, Edward Snowden is the problem in this intelligence operation.....let us focus on HIM and not the criminals in the Obama regime he has exposed.

Oh yes the new talking points on the right handed save Obama again.

Who are the real  traitors?

Let's sing, or maybe we can all be distracted by sports as Hennen runs that now in brain deadening the Midwest daily as "political news".

First Class - Beach Baby (1974) HQ - YouTube
Sep 19, 2009 - Uploaded by Bertha0815007
First Class - Beach Baby, a hit in 1974. The song was produced with singer Tony Burrows, but he didn't ...

nuff said



Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 12-Jun-2013 05:51:20
1. Part of the disks carry crews, others are under remote control
2. Their mission is peaceful. The visitors contemplate settling on this plane
3. These visitors are human-like but much larger in size
4. They are not excarnate Earth people, but come from their own world
5. They do NOT come from a planet as we use the word, but from an etheric planet which interpenetrates with our own and is not perceptible to us
6. The bodies of the visitors, and the craft, automatically materialize on entering the vibratory rate of our dense matter
[link to]
page 22 of 69

Carrol Beams ---- PUBLIC RV THURSDAY

Good morning, and a Great week.

           (1) Last night Bonny and Lew had to fly to Reno
               to sign final release and immediate deliveries.

           (2) Ben Fulford. said Mr. big Pres. will do a big
               announcement on the 4th. It will be shocking.

           (3) All deliveries for America and RVs this week plus
               some important Announcements.

           (4) America this week, world next week, big announcements
               and stepping down July 4 th.



Dinar Intel - Jester and I4U Members Chat Late Tuesday Night

Jester and I4U Members Chat Late Tuesday Night

[Jester] hi castle mods, peeps, lurkers, and critters... hope everyone is having a wonderful evening...

[lightman1] Jester just heard there are tons of jets in reno tonight any truth?

[Jester] lightman1 been tracking lots of those in reno for a few weeks... it is redwolfs hobby to tell me of one plane that has now been there like 40 times.... lol

[ezmuny] jester 1 ? what is so special about reno!!! except the mob ? lol

[Jester] ezmuny it is where they used to keep all the money... lol

[BLESSME] Jester do you have a post for us

[Jester] BLESSME i did not have time to compose a post tonight... too many calls... i am winging it.... lol

[HIGHERGROUND] Jester double wing it and land this thing roflmao

[Jester] HIGHERGROUND it is about to crash and burn... lol
Read More Link on Right
[wegotit] Jester so do you know what word okie got? and is it going to be told this week ?

[Jester] wegotit he is on top of the situation.. i can verify that... when the time is right he will be ready....

 [lightman1] Jester what are your thoughts now on the baskets?????????

 [Jester] lightman1 i think they are going to shoot the whole thing at once... my opinion... but the best way to get it over with... like removing a band-aid... get-er-done...

[sananddan24] Jester still waiting for the emails?

[Jester] sananddan24 nothing else matters...

[1biz4u] Jester Jester Randy K says tonight if "o" doesn't sign off on this we will be waiting a while , what say you??

Jester] 1biz4u O is a man with a paper butt running through a brush fire... he has other issues.... he has no options left... and he has been on board for a while... we are not waiting on him....

 [okrocks] Jester ok so who are we waiting on?

[Jester] okrocks the fact of the matter is mostly paperwork... they need to have everything signed off in order for certain things to change hands... like... corporations... hmmmm

  [okrocks] Jester hmmmm ty

 [candy] Jester is the Republic coming back sooner than you thought?

[Jester] candy it is coming back right on schedule...

[pedrobob] okrocks ty i like the hmmmmmm

[calibeach] Jester Are they trying to trick us with the timing or is there still more to get done?

Jester] calibeach they certainly want to make sure we are not in the know... but they are not wining that battle yet... we have been cut off a little... last friday every banking contact we had dropped off the grid...

 [sananddan24] Jester has the Omega Pp been releaded yet?

[Jester] sananddan24 not to the best of my knowledge... certain things need to be for certain before they release the grandaddy...

 [cashinqueen1] confused???? said all was signed off just waiting for the currencys to get up to par now we are waiting signatures again oh well round and round and round

[deb2blessed] cashinqueen1 don't think that was ever said-- Jester has always said it is a process---signatures are part of the process IMO

[redhead1] Jester - can you be more specific on the types of documents that need to be signed because we heard they were all signed weeks ago.

[Jester] redhead1 whoever reported that was misinformed apparently....

Ambi] Jester Please, are we waiting for this last group before the public RV?

Jester] Ambi hmmmm... a couple actually...

[book2] Jester did anything get accomplished today that you can share with us?

[Jester] book2 stuff got signed... a certain family has released control of a certain corporation that has been a problem in the past... now their function will be under the control of the proper entity...

[okrocks] Jester I wish I had a good question for you but I dont... all I know is the banks I hear from are all anxiously waiting just like we are

[Jester] okrocks yes they are... they are on high alert...

[starbucksrules] Jester WHAT Family??

[foxylady56] Jester what do you know of the bilderberg accounts being emptied, has it been replaced?

[KajunRedBull] starbucksrules The Rothschilds

[tc0043] Jester Would that corp be the FEd Reserve?

 [Jester] tc0043 maybe... ;-)

okrocks] I will repeat my hmmmmm lol

 [thebear] Jester I pray that the USA is the corporation which is now free from the clutches of the cartel in order to be a republic once again :)

 [spiritfilled] okrocks Jester's comment on the banks being on high alert is a positive to me....

[Jester] spiritfilled okrocks banks cut us off last friday... said... ummm... can't really talk to you guys anymore... not one... ALL of them at once....

 [Robertprofessor] Jester That in itself should send a strong indication.

 [spiritfilled] Jester wow that speaks volumes to me IMO

[spiritfilled] Robertprofessor Yes and Amen!!!

[candy] Jester has that ever happened before?

 [sk8pastort] Jester how many bank contacts are you talking about?

[Jester] candy not for all of them at once... one here and there... and then they come back.... since friday.... NOTHING...

[georgiagrandma] Jester must be close and they feel you know to much

Jester] georgiagrandma or maybe they got marching orders and nda's... hmmmm...

[sananddan24] Jester silence is golden!

 [okrocks] Jester double hmmm

[georgiagrandma] Jester could be...

[Robertprofessor] Jester For all to shutup at once, yep.

 [richc] Jester ...the eye of the storm

[spiritfilled] okrocks I second that hummmmmmm!!!!!

[Cyndee49] Jester the testimony in front of congressional committee said "taxes are voluntary" is that part of the Republic rebirth?

[Jester] Cyndee49 interesting situation there isn;t it?

[obxlady1] Jester are you feeling good about bank withdraw?

[Jester] obxlady1 not really... i want to know what is going on in there... lol

[foxylady56] Jester is UST still in lockdown?

 [Jester] foxylady56 nope...

 [jack1977] Jester how would you know banks are on high alert ....... If banks are not talking just a question ty

[Jester] jack1977 they have been for longer than that... and we still have contacts in the people getting processed...

Midnight Blue] Jester have you heard if the banks have been given their final cash-in instructions yet?

[asher] Jester, I am hoping that the ownership of this country is being returned to its rightful owners - the American citizens. I am hoping that this process is the big picture.

Jester] asher then you shall receive your wish....

[asher] Jester, it would be indeed a Great Day!

 [deb2blessed] Jester please God-- let it be

[Jester] asher it will be...

[hopeinwyo] Jester Sure would be great...can't imagine what it will look like, though!

[Jester] hopeinwyo much the same... beautiful views like the picture you sent me... just much safer....

candy] Jester if the UST is no longer in lockdown, is that an indication that the system is a go?

 [sk8pastort] Jester how many bank contacts are you talking about? Is "all bank contacts" 2 or 20 makes a difference how interesting that is lol

[Jester] sk8pastort everyone in the system i am operating within... a lot...

[okrocks] well as far as know they are waiting on greeting us in a nice orderly fashion :)

[ModelWoman] Jester ...I'm thinking the announcement will be made that we are a New Republic on July 4th Independance Day????

[asher] Hope for our children and our grandchildren and all that follow with responsibility. TY Jester for your assurdness.

 [foxylady56] Jester, any truth to the rumor that WF is worried about there being chaos at CE if folks do not follow instructions and make appointments,

[Jester] foxylady56 there have been concerns of that... people are hopefully not going to do stupid things to jeopardize their blessings...

 [sananddan24] Jester JL signing off is huge!!!

 [hopeinwyo] Jester Good...I would love to have a government I can trust. Will we see that?

  [Jester] hopeinwyo yes you will... you will vote for it...

[wingnaprayer] Jester Midnight Blue] Jester have you heard if the banks have been given their final cash-in instructions yet?

[Jester] wingnaprayer i am certain they are ready for you... they are waiting...

[Ambi] sananddan24 Did Jester say the news was correct on JL signing off in Reno last night?

 [treasure4e] Ambi I believe so

[sananddan24] Ambi I do not know when said he signed off

[citizenbob] JL did sign off in Reno

[bigworm] citizenbob I would love to see the proof of all these sign offs

[candy] Jester significance to UST not on lockdown?

[Jester] candy got what they were doing completed?

 [MTGranny] Jester GE and TY, Do you hear anything regards to the IRS situation?

 [Jester] MTGranny that is clearly evident by watching the news...

 [starbucksrules] Jester Jester Jester Basket being released tonight?? As-heard-on-a-call???

 [Jester] starbucksrules was not on the call...

[rich17] starbucksrules What call. Can you share?

[tc0043] rich17 I heard it from Lou on Alabama`s call

[MTGranny] Jester TY, Been watching but thought you had some inside scoop. Bless you for your dedication to all of the peeps.

 [Jester] MTGranny i do... but it is surely the logical conclusion is evident by just watching the news...

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

IRS Orders Coffee Trays With Hidden Cameras

IRS Orders Coffee Trays With Hidden Cameras

The news is replete with headlines about our government snooping and spying on Americans. We’re all being watched in some way or another. It kind of reminds me of that Simon and Garfunkel song “America,” where he sings, “The man in the gabardine suit is a spy. I said, ‘Be careful; his bowtie is really a camera.’”
It’s not just NSA that’s keeping tabs on everybody. Apparently, James Bond-style coffee trays are in demand by the IRS. And they need them immediately.
What in the world would the IRS need coffee trays with hidden cameras for? They also ordered plants and clock radios with hidden cameras and remote surveillance systems to go along with their “covert” items. Here’s what their purchase order read, and I have no idea why they kept misspelling “equipment”:
“The Internal Revenue Service intends to award a Purchase Order to an undisclosed Corporation. The following descriptions are vague due to the use and nature of the items. If you feel that you can provide the following equiptment [sic], please respond to this email no later than 4 days after the solicitation date.
The following equiptment [sic] will be purchased:
  • (QTY 4) Plant Concealment Color 700 Lines Color IP Camera Concealment with Single Channel Network Server, supports dual video stream, Poe, software included, case included, router included
  • (QTY 4) Covert Coffee tray with Camera concealment
  • (QTY 4) Remote surveillance system, Built-in DVD Burner and 2 Internal HDDs, cameras
  • (QTY 2) Concealed clock radio
  • (QTY 4) Color IP Camera Concealment with single channel network server, supports dual video stream, poe, webviewer and cms software included, audio”
What are they planning to do with these covert coffee trays and plants? I can only imagine. Maybe they’ll put them in their own cafeteria to keep tabs on their own employees. They don’t want any more scandals being leaked by their agents, so maybe this is their way of keeping the lid on.
Or maybe they’re going to be auditing a tea party or conservative organization, and they want to secretly record their encounters with them. With coffee tray cameras. Who knows?
They were deliberately vague in their description, because they don’t want people to know what they’re doing. Whatever the case, we know we’re supposed to trust them on this. Isn’t that what Obama said recently? “If you can’t trust us, we’re going to have some problems.” So, I’m sure they have a perfectly sufficient reason for wanting covert surveillance equipment immediately.

Read more:


This is tough to see. It just shows the dangers of going to these events.

Amazing photo below shows great detail.

The pilot at low level had no control over his
It narrowly misses a crowd gathered for the air
show and slams into four buildings. One can only
imagine the horror of the occupants inside those
No one was killed, but it probably scared the pee out of them.

When you stop laughing send it to someone else
who needs a good laugh.


Montague Keen, June 11, 2013

      Montague Keen, June 11, 2013

                                                                                         Posted on    - by Jean

Continue to be strong, my dear, knowing that our plans will come to fruition.  Occasionally, an attack gets through.  Remember, it is nothing like it was when I first passed over.  We are protecting you.  There is a shield around you. You know at a Soul level that we will succeed.  You are seeing how those who want to destroy life as you know it, are being challenged by those of the Light.
The meeting of the Cabal [in Watford, England], which they tried to keep secret, is being openly challenged by the irrepressible DAVID ICKE.  What you are seeing is the Dark (hidden behind locked doors); and the Light, led by David, openly celebrating the coming together of the Awakened Masses.  Even those who are paid to protect the Cabal must be questioning themselves, as to why, what this Cabal does, is hidden and in secret, and is not reported by the Media.  
Now, this shows you clearly that the Cabal controls the Media.  They control the content of the news Worldwide.  You are only told what they allow you to know.  Who gave these people the right to decide the future of mankind?  You must wake up to the subliminal control of your minds. Become who you are, and take back your power and your Planet.  These Archons have used every trick in the book to lull you into a false sense of security, and to persuade you to obey all their laws that have removed all freedom from you. You sleep-walked into this situation.
Are you now just going to sit back and allow them to CULL THE POPULATION, and to create prisons for the rest of you, so that you can serve them.  You are Spirit, and you are capable of so much more, if only you could put your minds to it.  They have picked off every Country that has tried to be independent and go it alone.  They are getting quite desperate, to bring Iran under their control; but the Iranian people will not play their game and give them an excuse to invade.
Keep calm !  You have witnessed what they have done in other Countries all around you.  You must not fall into the same trap, as they did.  Be strong.  The Cabal is watching all its plans being made public.  They can no longer hide.  They now find themselves fighting for their own existence, so they will take desperate measures to protect what they regard as their own.
THEY PLAN TO ATTACK ALL COMPUTERS ON THE  21ST OF JUNE; so be wise, and have a rest day.  Do not use your computers on that day.  They know they were exposed by means of the Internet, so now they want to destroy it.
Research the Archons and learn how they operate through mind control.  You must be awake and alert.  Come together as you have done with David Icke this weekend, and show that you will not just stand by, and allow this take-over to happen.  You are now fighting for your very existence.  Stand up and be counted.  By sitting back and doing nothing, you are allowing the Cabal to destroy you and your Planet.
Together, you are strong.  The Cabal controls everything:  food, water, air, and the weather; but your Souls are still FREE.  So go into your Hearts and Souls.  Then you will find the strength to prevent what the Cabal has in store for you.  They are not Human, as you are.  They are 'Arch Manipulators of Minds', and they can appear as anything they wish.  Since I passed to Spirit, I constantly remind you that NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS.  This is so important for you to remember.  You have trusted the wrong people and you have suffered for it.
The Vatican is now trying to survive as the rats leave the sinking ship.  It is being exposed as 'the Seat of Evil that secretly controls your World'.  This is the game it plays; creating many Religions and causing wars, which destroy the lives of innocent children.  It does this by creating FEAR.  Now, it is itself in fear, as it fights for its existence. They, too, find themselves exposed and vulnerable. The Light has to expose all the darkness so that you can be free.
The Light of Truth is spreading her wings across your World.  Country after Country is waking up, and seeing what is being done to keep you docile and in control.  When you fully understand that when you stand together as One Humanity – All One – with no divisions of class, State or Religion, then you will be free, as in ancient times.  This was before Rome set out to create the Empire in which you now live (though they do not admit that this is what they have done).  The God they serve, bears no resemblance to the God of Love, who now awaits you.  You have been cruelly deceived by those you trusted.  Those who preach hell, fire and damnation, are lying to you.  It is all part of the plot to keep you in fear and under control.
Do not be frightened of death.  It is a beautiful experience.  A returning home to where you belong, with those you have loved, waiting to welcome you back.  It was a heartless thing to do, to make people fearful of dying.  Life on Earth is but a journey of exploration, which you chose to make, sometimes to learn and expand, and sometimes to bring about changes that are necessary for Humanity to survive.  Earth is a beautiful Planet, and it needs your protection.  The Cabal isolated the Earth from its sister Planets which eagerly await its return.
Think with your Hearts.  Logic is what you were taught by the Cabal, to prevent you from going into your Hearts and seeing things as they really are, not as the Cabal tells you they are.  When operating from the Heart, man would never kill another man or destroy Countries just because they are different.  You are encouraged to see others as less than you.  But no one is better than anyone else; different, perhaps, but never better or less.  The Cabal sees all of you as FOOD.
Protect and preserve your Sacred places.  Value them, Love and respect them, for they are an important part of your future.  The Cabal has tried to block the Sacred Energy of these places.  This energy is still contained within them, and when you release it, you will see it changing your World, and all will become peaceful.
You are on Earth at this time to bring this about.  It is your mission and you will succeed.  You will then cease to be the robots – there, only to serve the Cabal – and you will become loving, thinking, caring Human Beings, working together to restore your Planet.  The Cabal has not managed to prevent the Pole Shift, though they did try, as it exposes the lies they have produced in order to make life difficult and costly for you.
They are having to learn that it is not in their power to control everything, no matter how they try.  In serving them, you are guilty of a crime against Humanity.  Think about that for a moment.  Can you live with that?
With Love in your Hearts, join your fellow man, in restoring your Planet.  When the Cabal sees man coming together, it will realize that its game is over, and those within it, will leave your Planet, never to return.  So this is their last ditch attempt at a complete take-over with their New World Order.  Look at them.  They are parasites, living off of you.  Is this what you want?
They cannot exist on Earth without you.  Now, see who is really in control and wake up to this fact.  Love, and love alone, will win the day.  When you come together in Love and Harmony, nothing on Earth can stop you.
Veronica, my dear, we can show the way, but it is a matter of choice whether people see the Light, join together and move forward to a better way of life for all.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

When the levee breaks

A government that is self-destructing in living color
When the levee breaks
Written By: Bob – Jun 05, 2013

“These felony high crimes are unforgivable. They are impeachable. They are indictable under federal and state felony laws, including conspiracy and racketeering…
This federal government under the presidency of Barack Obama and the vice-presidency of Joe Biden is so obviously, incredibly, indelibly corrupt, that they’ve devalued the legitimacy of the federal government itself.”

              Cryin’ won’t help you, prayin’ won’t do you no good,
           Now, cryin’ won’t help you, prayin’ won’t do you no good,
                 When the levee breaks, mama, you got to move.

When I wrote WYSIR (“What You’ll See in the Rebellion”), I could never predicted that the government would self-destruct in living color before a revolt against tyranny ever began.
Incredibly, the federal leviathan became so bold in its overt corruption that it has self-destructed, without any external help, before the first shot has been fired in anger.
With this exposed plan of intimidation, big government has finally, irrevocably exploded all over us–drenching us in its own corrupt excesses. It’s gotten so fat, so immensely greedy, so impossibly grotesque, that the only thing that can end it is itself.  
Big government exists only through expansion. The bigger it gets, the harder it is to kill. But it got too cocky; it grew too fast, and now all of its insides, are outside–for all of us to see.
Which is why this is no time to lend it a helping hand. Let big government die from its own desires. The IRS, to its own horror, has just helped create a new movement. Think about it: If you were to go to a hardware store right now, buy a sign and paint “audit this,” and place it on your lawn, what could they do? Nothing. Once you’ve got a thug’s number, the thug knows better than to target you.
Never mind the appeasers–the IRS scandal IS a big deal. It’s such a big deal, it could ruin the agency forever, and take a few others down with it. And sure, it’s a lot of fun on the right to be clamoring for scalps–like, who should be fired and how many. But pink slips are small potatoes.
The end game is way, way bigger than that stuff. What we are witnessing is a collapse of trust in big government, which ultimately–to our benefit as small-government types–leads to a permanent undermining of the whole system.
Until now, this administration produced loads of soaring rhetoric that made many forgive its lack of substance. But now, to everyone who pays taxes, the wolf is suddenly at the doorstep, and it’s looking for food.
This new era, for some, sounded great in the abstract–but with the IRS scandal, we’re starting to see our first home front casualties.
The IRS just gave small-government America–which is most of America–a wake-up call like no other.

…It is their goal to purge the nation of anyone who tries to get in their way. Becky Gerritson is one of many victims of this mindset, personally targeted for her destruction for merely deciding to participate in the Democratic process. Take the time to listen to her testimony, and the frustration in her voice, as she challenges a government that not only failed to protect her basic rights as an American, but which actively persecuted her for exercising them…
The government—this wannabe banana republic dictatorship—does not have the right to ask for donor lists and for list of volunteers for them to further single out for harassment and abuse. They do not have a right to a list of speeches and speakers, to censor political speech before the fact, or punish citizens after the fact for holding views opposed by the regime. They do not have the right to shut down political speech, or otherwise subvert the processes of free and fair elections as has this government.
And yet, this is the path that Barack Obama and his allies have chosen. They are not in for half-measures.
The Obama Administration, through orchestrated abuse of power in multiple executive branch agencies, has attempted to suppress the free speech of millions of Americans by targeting hundreds of apolitical and independent non-profit groups vested in liberty.
The Obama Administration, through orchestrated abuse of power in multiple executive branch agencies, has used the power and intimidation of the state to bully and harass individual Americans that dared to exercise their free speech rights.
The Obama Administration, through orchestrated abuse of power in multiple executive branch agencies, targeted news media critical of the Administration, going so far as to use laws designed to catch and prosecute spies, against them.
Collectively, these felony high crimes are unforgivable. They are impeachable. They are indictable under federal and state felony laws, including conspiracy and racketeering.
The phrase “gangster government” is no longer hyperbole.
What will be your response?



This weekend's Bilderberg meeting included discussions about the global financial crisis, Great Britain leaving the European Union, the new emerging motors of world growth, renegotiating the social welfare model, and technologies of the future.  Population control and food supply was at the top of the agenda, he continued.  They are actively working to reduce the world's population and have created an artificial scarcity of nutritious foods, Estulin suggested.  For them to eat, we have to die, he warned.  In addition, the group is purposely destroying the world's economy, as well as, nation states that support life and progress as part of their plan to reduce the global population.  Progress and development are directly proportional to population density and the Bilderbergs cannot survive in a world where there is widespread technological and scientific progress, Estulin said. -- Coast to Coast AM interview with investigative journalist, Daniel Estulin, 06-08-13

6-9-2013 as told to Judy Curmi byher mother

Our 87 year old mother came down the stairs this morning breathless and just about the most disturbed I have ever seen her. She had just had a dream about Monsanto Chemical Company regarding their GMO [genetically modified] crops.
Some of Monsanto’s major GMO crops, (which have just about cornered the market in the USA) include field corn, soy beans, canola and sugar beets. They hold an unknown share of the cotton market and have just released a GMO alfalfa. They started work on GMO wheat, but the trials were suspended. Rogue Monsanto GMO wheat seed has just recently been found in an Oregon farmer’s wheat field.
My mother could not describe any specific event in her dream, but this is what she said she was shown.
It was completely shocking – much much worse than she ever could have imagined. The Monsanto GMO crops are killing the animals. They are killing the plants. They are deadly. They have the potential to totally destroy the world’s food supply. In fact, mother said the DEPTHS OF EVIL she saw associated with Monsanto and their “GMO crops” was indescribable and impossible to explain.