Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Nightmare is Almost Over: Part I FOR FULL STORY GO TO DIVINECOSMOS.COM

The Nightmare is Almost Over: Part I FOR FULL STORY GO TO DIVINECOSMOS.COM

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by David Wilcock
June 8, 2013, 2:00 am
Hits: 75,040

The NSA data-mining scandal is only one of dozens of strong pieces of evidence that the cabal of shadowy Power Elite are right on the brink of being publicly exposed and brought to justice -- as we've been anticipating for years now.
Once this happens, it will soon become the most significant event in all of modern history -- dwarfing 9/11 by many orders of magnitude as a game-changer.
This time, however, the game will change for the positive -- not for the negative.
[Illustration courtesy of John Seymour. UPDATED with pullquotes and new synchronicities, next day.]

How does it feel to know, for a fact, that the NSA has potentially been spying on everything you think, say and do online?

How does it feel to know you are under constant surveillance -- and Congress says this is "nothing new?"

How does it feel to know that all your credit card spending habits are being tracked?
How does it feel to know that every call you make is being logged for who you called, when you called them and for how long -- and that's only the part that's public as of today?
For many people, this is coming as a complete shock. Headlines are exploding. Everything we think we know must be re-examined.
There is a monster under the bed.
For others -- apparently including our members of the US Congress -- they are brushing it off as "nothing new."
I don't think the public is going to view it that way.

I've known this was a fact for many years. And the truth will set us free.
When I woke up today, Friday June 7, 2013, I felt absolutely terrific.
Finally -- after all these years -- the evidence that this global nightmare is almost over is undeniable.
In the last six months, I wrote a 500-page book, with nearly 700 references, that boldly predicts the sequence of events that is already starting to happen.
In that same timeframe, I've also written and produced 21 half-hour episodes of my own television show -- with six more due to tape in two weeks' time.
It's been very hard work -- harder than I've ever worked in my life -- but I've also never felt better.
In this new investigation I will systematically make the case that the nightmare is almost over -- with dozens and dozens of specific data points you can check for yourself.
I have actually written up a comprehensive, chronological outline first, which is very rare for me. It's the only way I could organize such a huge volume of information.

For years now, hecklers have written off this website and its collaborators as foolish idiots for believing in the fantasy that an international alliance is working to bring down the Power Elite.
In many cases it would appear that deeper psychological forces are motivating their resistance. No measure of factual evidence ever seems to convince them.
Oftentimes, it seems that people cannot allow it to be true in their mind, because they are so deeply afraid that their hopes will be shattered.

Some people are getting a payoff from the idea that they are embroiled in a terrific struggle against a supernatural, nearly all-powerful nemesis.

They may also be getting a payoff from the idea that they are embroiled in a terrific struggle against a supernatural, nearly all-powerful nemesis.
Nonetheless, Benjamin Fulford has been in contact with this positive alliance since his 2008 debut, and I've been investigating and reporting on his claims ever since he started.
I gave detailed and very timely insider testimony about the history of this alliance in Part 3 of Disclosure Endgame, which I wrote in December 2009.
Clearly, this information is even more relevant today.

You may be surprised to learn that the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 was financed and supported by Wall Street. This is one of many points I make in my new book, The Synchronicity Key, which will be unleashed this August.
[By pre-ordering the book now, you will get a significantly lower price -- and help ensure this mission-critical work gets the credibility it needs in order to gain mainstream attention.]

An alliance of Russian Christians has been quietly working to defeat the Cabal ever since it started in 1776 with the "Bavarian Illuminati."

According to insider Dr. Peter David Beter, who was John F. Kennedy's top, most trusted banker, this Christian resistance sect was "at least two centuries old" as of 1977.
This dates the alliance all the way back to when the "Illuminati" was founded in Bavaria -- in 1776.
Most surprisingly, this Christian alliance worked for sixty years to eventually oust the Bolsheviks -- a powerful faction of the Cabal -- in the 1970s.
Several key moves were made right under their noses -- including the assassination of Josef Stalin on March 5, 1953 and Khruschev's de-Stalinization campaign in the 1960s.
The deeper cosmic context of both of these events is clearly explained in The Synchronicity Key.
The Bolsheviks had no idea what was going on until the trap sprung on them in the late 1970s. This quest for planetary freedom is still ongoing as of today.

That [sixty-year] experience [of defeating the Cabal] has left them with very definite, vivid opinions about what does and does not work when dealing with people like the Bolsheviks and Zionists.
They also know that rapid, radical change of any type opens the door for revolution -- and where there is revolution, Bolshevik-Zionist agents will be there to exploit it.

Although this alliance apparently suffered setbacks in the 1980s and again in the 1990s, Gorbachev definitely appeared to be a part of it -- with his plans for total nuclear disarmament.
Furthermore, several of the insiders I know have said that Vladimir Putin is the most visible coordinating member of this alliance today.
I was personally contacted by the Asian contingent of the alliance that was working with Fulford in November 2011, after their trillion-dollar lawsuit against the Power Elite became public -- and I started writing about it.
That article alone has now had over a million views.

On December 1, 2011, I began receiving an incredible volume of photographs and documents that supported the validity of the alliance and its claims.
I have since written entire books' worth of supporting material on this site. This was considered the single most dangerous and classified subject on earth -- by several different insiders I know personally.
In December 2012, the alliance appeared to have ordered the creation of two three-hour documentaries that aired on Russian national television, and were seen by millions of people.
I starred in both of these documentaries, and was told they were directly built around my written investigations -- particularly Financial Tyranny.
Right after we taped the second round of shows, I began working like crazy on my new book.

In order to properly set up the cosmic context of our discussion, I will share some personal information -- as many of you have been asking for updates of this nature.
Writing The Synchronicity Key was brutally difficult -- but ultimately very rewarding. I already miss the magic of the creative process, and am looking forward to writing the sequel.
Once I realized that no overt change had occurred on the Mayan Calendar end-date of December 21, 2012, I had to step back and take a huge look at all the information I had gathered.

Over 30 different ancient cultures predicted a "Golden Age" would arise as we moved through the end of a 25,920-year earth cycle.

In The Source Field Investigations, I had clearly established that December 2012 was actually the end of a 25,920-year earth cycle.
Over 30 different ancient cultures, worldwide, had information "encoded" in their mythologies that specifically told us to study this cycle.
This clearly seemed to be the result of a unified, coordinated effort -- from benevolent beings who founded all the world's greatest spiritual teachings, including Christianity.
Not all of my research made it into the book. Very key pieces of the puzzle had to be taken out.
The deleted pages included shocking information on how this "master cycle" neatly divides into smaller units of time -- where major historical events keep repeating like clockwork.

In the fall of 2010, I submitted a 700-plus-page manuscript of The Source Field Investigations to the publisher -- and was told, in no uncertain terms, that 200 pages had to go.
As painful as it was, we all ended up agreeing that every page on the great cycles of time had to be eliminated.
This was about 120 pages of very dense research material that I had spent months and months developing -- 14 hours a day, 6 or 7 days a week.
Cutting these pages was frustrating. Horrible. This was what I'd spent most of my time working on and now I had to hack it out.

I didn't feel smart enough, nor talented enough to write about this phenomenon in an understandable, cogent way.

I knew I was on to something spectacular -- but I didn't feel smart enough, nor talented enough to write about this phenomenon in an understandable, cogent way.
It's very difficult to use three, four and even five-digit numbers in a narrative and not have the reader's eyes glaze over.
It's even more difficult to discuss specific historical events in different eras of time, and compare them so that even an eighth-grader can see the underlying unity and precision between them.
I had to let it all go. It was sad, but it was also a relief, as I knew I hadn't solved the mystery of why these cycles of time were happening.
That solution didn't dawn on me until August of last year -- 2012 -- just four months before the big Mayan Calendar end-date.

Less than two months after The Source Field Investigations came out, the trillion-dollar lawsuit against financial tyranny emerged -- and I got drawn in.
My time-cycle research in 2010 had already suggested that a major act of war against the Cabal would occur in 2011, and culminate with their defeat in 2014.
Once this trillion-dollar lawsuit was filed, I realized that this could very likely be the fulfillment of a repeating cycle that predated the arrival of Jesus of Nazareth on earth by well over 100 years.
The Financial Tyranny investigation consumed the vast majority of my time from November 2011 to August 2012 -- and left me feeling extremely stressed out.
In the meantime, I had promised my publisher a new book, but I had barely been able to write anything new.
I had about 120 pages of densely-packed research material on the cycles of time to start with -- but as of December 2012, I had suffered a near-total writers' block.

As I wrote in December 21, 2012: Romance and Reality, I was taken in by the "romance" that the ancient prophecies of a Golden Age would literally surprise us overnight.
Instead of a cosmic mind-gasm or even a sacred gathering of friends, I ended up badly fracturing my right big toe that very same night -- December 21st, 2012.
This certainly appeared to be some kind of a "cosmic joke" -- but the injury itself was no laughing matter.
The pain was very loud for the first 3 days, and since I am completely chemical-free, I never took any drugs to dull it out. 
I still can't quite walk normally on it six months later -- but it has gotten much, much better.

To me, the broken toe was a very obvious reminder that I / we are still in pain -- and we were definitely not there yet in terms of a happy ending.

Breaking my toe on December 21, 2012 reminded me that we are still in pain, and have not yet reached the "happy ending" spoken of in the prophecies.

Lying there flat on my back, and hobbling around on crutches, I reflected on the "good" and the "bad", the ups and the downs of life.
In this state of crippling pain and boredom, I finally put it all together -- and saw the Big Picture.
This changed everything about how I decided to write the book -- from the very first page to the very last.
The linkage between the ups and downs of global events, and the growth cycles in our own soul evolution, suddenly became clear to me.
Just as the ageless wisdom teachings have always said, everything in the Universe is sacred. Realizing and knowing this, and understanding how it works and why, is the key to your Ascension.

I had a complete vision of what I needed to do almost immediately.
This was further consolidated by reading every Amazon review of my previous book, beginning with the one-star ratings and working up to the five-star reviews.
To the best of my ability, I made sure that every salient criticism of the previous book was addressed in my design of the new one.
The most common suggestion was "less information and more discussion of what it all means" -- and that's exactly what I ended up doing.

The book was designed with the meticulous precision of a fine Swiss watch. Not a single word had to be cut from the narrative.

The first book has over 1000 academic references. This book has slightly less than 700 -- and goes much deeper into discussing the implications.
I am also happy to report that I designed this with the meticulous precision of a fine Swiss watch, and except for one small section, not a single word had to be cut.
The previous book had many passages that originally were intended to help link the pieces together and were cut. Not this time. It was 500 pages, and none of them had to die.
I admit that I deliberately left that one section unfinished in the first draft so the editing team could jump in and help me shape it -- and they did. It all flows very well now.

Once I started writing, I barely got more than five or six hours of sleep a night for six months. I worked fourteen or fifteen hours a day, seven days a week.
Although I really enjoyed the creative process, it also felt like I was trying to wolf down a wonderful gourmet dinner in less than 60 seconds.
During this same time, I produced 21 television episodes with Gaiam TV that are chock-full of new content.
In filling up 30 new minutes a week, I was able to say so many things I'd always wanted to cover at conferences, but never had the time.
It also utterly satisfied the complaint of "too much information, not enough discussion."
I also delivered at least one conference a month, and updated this website as much as I possibly could. It was truly a frenzy of activity.
As I saw the prophecies of a worldwide defeat of the Cabal increasingly coming true, I deeply wished I could spend more time writing on this site -- but the deadlines for the book were utterly immovable.
Even so, I barely made it, and this stressed the whole team. To make our deadline of an August delivery, I was supposed to shoot for a finished first draft by mid-February.
Otherwise our release would have to wait until Spring 2014 -- and that would throw off the timelines the book was written around, and built to support.

As it turns out, I didn't even send in a partial, incomplete manuscript until mid-March. It was way, way late. The first draft itself wasn't finished until early April.
That meant I could barely change anything in the book after the first week of April. I had a couple of weeks to do other things while I waited for them to send this "first pass" back.
There were tons and tons of notes I had to go through. Almost every page had at least one or two things on it that I had to deal with. 
Every single thing I said had to be backed up with facts -- even including the proof that a grocery store called Robin's Food Warehouse had existed in New Paltz in the mid-1990s.
This rigorous verification process ended up adding at least 50 more academic references. The book became a lot stronger in several key areas as a result, and is now effectively bullet-proof.
I had another immovable deadline to send this version back -- and I'm telling you, I almost killed myself to finish it -- only to have to immediately do even more.

I was then sent a huge paper copy of the book -- slightly over 500 pages -- where all changes had to be made in red pen.
At this point I could only change a single sentence here and there, as the index was already being constructed by the team.

After six months of literally working 14-15 hours a day, seven days a week, I finally took a week off and did nothing.

Normally, you can still change up to 10 percent of the book at this stage, but since it was so last-minute, I could hardly change anything.
Otherwise, the index would be thrown off, and the reader would be looking for information and not find it on the page that was listed.
I managed to get all these tweaks done on a ridiculously tight timeline, and was up until 6AM photographing the inked pages and sending them in.
Even after that, I had other minor deadlines to wrestle with. It didn't all actually end until about a week and a half ago.
I was so burned out by this point that my dreams suggested I take about a week to decompress, do nothing, and try to feel normal again.
I played a lot of fingerstyle guitar -- and worked through all the most interesting music films in Itunes on my Apple TV.

I thank you for the overwhelmingly positive response you have had to this. We've already broken all existing records at Gaiam TV, and my episodes are consistently in the Most Popular list!
A great deal of time and effort has gone into designing these shows. Each one of them is loaded with slides and specific information, just like a conference. 
I can and do go into a lot more detail than I have time to do at conferences, which is terrific. 
[We discovered that little buffering "hiccups" are completely eliminated in full-screen mode by closing other browser tabs and programs first.]
I'm also going through a much more systematic and in-depth treatment of the material than I can ever do at an event -- because I have a lot more time.
To let you in on a little secret, this show is really an Ascension class. I'm just taking the first 25 episodes, more or less, to lay the groundwork for the heart of our discussion.

Just five days after I announced my new show, Wisdom Teachings with David Wilcock, we were hit with the biggest terrorist attack in the U.S. since 9/11.

50 different scientific studies have proven that meditation can dramatically reduce wars, fatalities and terrorism.

Bombs were set off at the finish-line of the Boston Marathon -- and a huge explosion detonated a fertilizer plant in Waco, Texas.
In the book, I had written about how we all ultimately share thoughts much more than we realize. 50 different scientific studies have shown that meditation can dramatically reduce wars, fatalities and terrorism.
I clearly seemed to have intuitively anticipated the attack, as I did an entire radio show on this same subject -- meditating for peace to reduce terrorism -- directly before it happened.
As soon as I hung up the phone and checked the internet, the bombings had occurred.

I was still madly struggling through all the book deadlines in the last two weeks of April, shoving all social, personal and professional concerns aside, when an incredible dream crashed in on me.
It clearly prognosticated that a major defeat of the Cabal was imminent. You can read about it in The Storm of Disclosure is About to Hit.
I was shown that there would be significantly disruptive effects for a while as this event reached its apex.
In the dream this world-transforming event appeared as an incredibly massive lightning storm -- utterly wiping out everything in its path.
Please note that this was NOT a worldwide disaster. However, the central, beating heart of the Power Elite -- symbolized by a castle -- was in the direct path of the onrushing storm.
I was being asked to try to expose as much about the Cabal as possible before this storm actually hit.
That's actually why I'm writing this piece now -- particularly as these events are reaching critical mass.

I was clearly shown that once this storm arrives, history will have forever changed.
At that point, anything I say or do will be "after the fact", and therefore will not carry the same gravity as it does now.

The dream revealed that a spectacular exposure and defeat of the Cabal would be seen in the very near future.

In dream-time this major defeat of the Cabal was only a half-hour away.
I certainly knew this was not a literal time estimate -- but on the other hand, I obviously could see we were dealing with a mega-event that was only a few months away -- at the most.
This actually fit very nicely with the cycles I had just finished writing about in the book. It seemed very difficult to believe, but I was open to the possibilities.
As of last night, when the NSA data-mining scandal went global, I knew we were getting close -- and it was time to spring into action.

I've now been documenting and analyzing my dreams almost every morning for over 20 years.
So many accurate prophecies have happened that the burden of proof has been satisfied hundreds of times over.
This included processing 500 paid clients from 1998 until my retirement in 2005.
Every client got a dream from me that was so accurate that we had a 99-percent satisfaction rate.
There was almost a 50-50 chance that the person would burst into tears as I shared it with them.
I still have audio-cassette documentation of every one of these cases -- but they were intensely personal experiences for the clients and are confidential.

All I had to do is remember my dream and repeat it back to the client when they called, and the next thing you know they'd start saying "Oh my God" over and over again, and / or crying


Dear Drake, Tannath, and Sunfire,

I warn you out of love to stop rebelling and spreading lies against God Jesus Christ, or you will spend your eternity in HELL, as God Jesus Christ has warned us about CONSTANTLY through His messengers, whom you have rejected time ad time again. You have already done enough damage to many souls by misguiding them with the lies of Lucifer and his fallen angels. There is little time left before God Jesus Christ Returns on His Second Coming with Judgement. Repent, repent, and repent of your sins before He Arrives to make Judgement. I write to you for your benefit and the benefit of mankind. You can ascend all you want, but you still will have to face God Jesus Christ for your sins like the rest of humanity:

"Those who scream at My Word in anger and declare that It comes from Satan will reside with the beast for eternity

Friday, May 24th, 2013 

My dearly beloved daughter, everywhere My Voice is heard, in every place, and in every temple dedicated to the adoration of God, there will be disruption. While many will pay homage to Me, to My Teachings, to My Church, when they hear My Voice, as It commands attention now, they will cover their ears.

My Voice will fall on deaf and stubborn souls. My Voice, My Word and My Call will be angrily rejected and spit out, as I Am persecuted for the last time on Earth. This is the final calling to draw God’s children into My Bosom, before My Second Coming and yet, many people, confused by the lies spread by demons, will turn away and reject My Mercy.

I will once again be rejected by those who reside in the House of God, the priests and all those who do not accept the Truth. The final insult to My Name will be seen by all of you shortly. Those of you who cover your eyes and walk around with blindfolds on your eyes will, eventually, see the Truth as it is being given to you at this time.

I cannot create schism within My Church, for then I would be denying Myself. My Body is the Church and It can never die, but It will be those within it, who will reject Me. Just as I was rejected the first time, they will, this time, try to destroy Me, before I come to bring the final salvation promised to man.

Man is weak. Man is ignorant and is not worthy of My Mercy. Man is stubborn. Man was given the Truth during My Time on earth, but still does not understand My Promise. My Return, in the Second Coming will be precipitated by the rejection of My final prophet. The prophet which has been sent to give you the final Word of God in order to prepare your souls, will suffer harshly. It is Me, Jesus Christ, you slander when you mock My Holy Word given to God’s prophet.  It is the Word of God, which is being given to prepare you for the battle with the antichrist, which you reject. By doing so, you destroy souls. You prevent these souls from entering My Paradise.

Those who say evil things about My Messages cannot justify their resentment, their anger or their logic, for they are full of error, which is born of the sin of pride. Soon the Truth will be difficult to discern from the lies by the new world organisation, which will present the pagan new world religion.

If you do not listen to Me now, you will be bullied into accepting this evil substitute. It will be dressed in a glittering, gold exterior. It will impress even the most devout amongst you and it will twist your allegiance to Me and will be admired by all. This is the religion which will convert atheists into believing in a great lie. No peace will come to those who follow this pagan abomination. Fear and loathing for each other will be manifested, where brother will fight brother and where the human race will be divided into two. One half will accept the twisted truth of this new world religion, which will be presided over by many churches, many faiths, as well as a large part of the Catholic Church. The other half will consist of those who truly love Me and who will remain faithful to the Truth.

When you do not accept the Truth – the Truth contained in the Holy Bible – you will live a lie. You will have no love left in your soul for Me if you accept the lies which will be fed to you.

And while My Word may seem like heresy today, as it was during My times on Earth, many of you will devour these Messages when you are starved of the Truth, when the antichrist will control your nations. You will crawl on your stomachs and scream out for Me. You, who blasphemed against Me, will want to cut out your tongues, for you will realise then how your words have insulted Me. I await this day patiently, but should you stand before Me and prevent Me from reaching out to souls, I will cut you down. Should you continue to blaspheme against Me, by declaring My Messages to be the work of the devil, then you will never be forgiven. For this is the greatest sin against God.

Remember that I come to God’s children this final time in order to fulfil My Father’s Covenant. His Will, can now be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Not one   amongst you can stop this from happening. Not one amongst you, though some of you hate Me, can prevent My Second Coming. Those who scream at My Word in anger and declare that it comes from Satan will reside with the beast for eternity.

Your Jesus

God the Father: I promised the world the Book of Truth and I never go back on My Holy Word

My dearest daughter, My beloved children are in disarray at this time. I wish to tell them, and especially those who doubt these Divine Messages given to you because I love them, that they must not fear.

Fear creates doubt. Doubt creates confusion. Confusion can lead to unease and, eventually, you will be blinded to the Truth. The Truth will never be easy to accept, for the Truth reveals the good and the bad. No one wants to hear the bad and rather than accept the direction given to the world through My Wishes humanity will cower in fear.

I send My prophets to remind you of My Infinite Love for every one of My precious children. I also send them to warn you of the obstacles, which will be placed before you by the evil one to take you away from Me. When I reveal these things, it is not to upset you, but to save you and to keep you from harm.

The Truth given to you in My Holy Book, the Bible, is there for you to see. Do not take it and create your own version, for it is not My Desire that you twist the Truth. I promised the world the Book of Truth and I never go back on My Holy Word. This I give you now, so that I can gather My children from the four corners of the Earth. My enemies will try to stop the spread of the contents in the Book of Truth. Do not allow them to distract you, as when this happens souls will be lost to Me.

Be thankful that I, your beloved Father, give you this great Gift, as you will need My Direction, especially now, as the antichrist will now be presented for the world to see. You will, through the Book of Truth, be shown how to protect your souls from the contamination he has planned to inflict upon the world. Every protection is being given to you to help save, not only your own souls, but the souls of billions.

The Remnant Army will be given the greatest powers to defeat the beast. It will be strong enough to do this, so never feel disheartened when My enemies try to prevent you from multiplying across all nations. Their power will be quashed and those who are weak and accept the lies, which will be presented to them, soon, in the Name of My Son, will be lost to Me. Only through your love for Me and My beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and by the Power of the Holy Spirit can all of My children be saved.

I will protect you and guard you at all times. Uplift your souls to Me through your allegiance to My Son and you will be given the most Glorious Gift of My New Paradise.

Let no one stop you from claiming your rightful Inheritance. Let no one stop you from fighting for the souls of all My children, for you are being given the Graces necessary to save even the souls of those who offend Me the most. 

I love you, children. I await your response to this Call from Heaven.

Your beloved Father"


Obama U.S. State Dept. Pedophilia Cover-Up

Veil Of Politics

Obama U.S. State Dept. Pedophilia Cover-Up.

June 12, 2013 · by Volubrjotr ·      

Obama's pedophile brother in t-shirt -his name is samson obama, he was barred from entering the U.K.
Obama’s pedophile brother in t-shirt – his name is samson obama, he was barred from entering the U.K.
June 11, 2013
Bill Donohue comments on news reports that the U.S. State Department is involved in a cover-up of pedophilia:
At a Senate Finance Committee today, it was reported that the State Department found in 2010 that the majority of domestic victims enslaved in the sex industry are runaway and homeless youth. It did not say whether the child that was allegedly raped by the U.S. Ambassador to Belgium was homeless. Perhaps that is because the investigation into what Howard Gutman did was spiked by Patrick Kennedy, the Undersecretary of State for Management.

The State Department under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton seems to have been infinitely more concerned about punishing whistleblowers than pedophiles. Aurelia Fedensin, a former senior inspector general investigator at the State Department, said Gutman “routinely ditched his protective security detail in order to solicit sexual favors from both prostitutes and minor children.” Evidently, lots of people knew about it and did nothing. Gutman raised a half-million dollars for Obama in 2008 and helped finance his inaugural.
Worse, the Inspector General’s (IG) office compromised its independence by lying about the events: Assistant Secretary of State for Diplomatic Security, Eric Boswell, ordered reference to the pedophilia deleted, and the IG acceded to the request. As for Fedensin, she was threatened with criminal charges, but nothing was done about the child rapist.
Yesterday, a State Department official said that investigations sometimes result in disciplinary actions that aren’t made public. If the State Department wants to punish its johns internally, that is of no interest to the Catholic League.
But when priests are being removed from ministry for “boundary violations,” and bishops are being pressured to step down because they didn’t sufficiently supervise a former groping priest, it is unconscionable—if these stories are true—that State Department higher-ups not be punished for refusing to contact the authorities about a suspected child rapist, and then engaging in a cover-up.
Phone: 212-371-3191 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 212-371-3191 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Relaled articles:
Washington D.C. Communism Forces Catholic Church Out And Anal Masturbation In. Gay Death Style – Population Control

WHERE DID 27.5 TRILLION GO???????????

WHERE DID 27.5 TRILLION GO???????????


for taking the time to set this up for me, having Leo Emil Wanta as a guest speaker, on Global Fact Radio. 

I did speak to Leo on June 11th/2013 wished him a  Happy Birthday. He is still working on getting his money back. The US tells him tomorrow, tomorrow, however it has not happened yet.

He was in meetings again all last week working on this.         this is the link to website  Leo Emil Wanta will be a guest speaker on.


6:00pm PDT

7:00pm Alberta time

9:00pm EDT time

Yes you will be able to phone in and ask questions.



Thanks Diane:):)


Hi Sherry

Yes, I'm still at this, just like you. This is just to IMPORTANT not to resend to everyone including you. GOD BLESS YOU FOR




P.S. This will be sent to Ron Paul's office so  A special Thank You to Ron Paul for helping Sherry  return to  FREEDOM.

 Thanks Diane in Canada :):):):)

Ronald Reagan, 1984 put out a report that NONE OF THE MONEY COLLECTED THROUGH INCOME TAX GOES TO


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My Jewish parents had changed their lives – inner and outer – by coming to America. When their son was old enough to go to school, they were determined not to send him to the prestigious Hebrew school on the street next to where they lived in Boston.
No, the boy was to be more fully Americanized by taking a sizable walk to the William Lloyd Garrison public elementary school in the neighborhood.
They are no longer here, but I can imagine their hurt had they read this on the front page of the June 7 Wall Street Journal: “The National Security Agency’s monitoring of Americans includes customer records from the three major phone networks as well as emails and Web searches, and the agency also has cataloged credit-card transactions” (“U.S. Collects Vast Data Trove,” Siobhan Gorman, Evan Perez and Janet Hook).
I would also have shown them a startling story by U.S. reporter and constitutional lawyer Glenn Greenwald, who covers American civil liberties et al. for the British newspaper the Guardian. He found a top-secret Obama program run by the NSA that had direct access to the Internet systems of “Google, Facebook, Apple and other U.S. Internet giants” (“NSA Prism program taps in to user data of Apple, Google and others,” Greenwald and Ewen MacAskill, June 6).
Included are huge quantities of personal information about us, such as “search history, the content of emails, file transfers and live chats.”
The program is called PRISM.
Were they here, my parents might have asked, “What happened to America?”
“His name,” I would tell them, “is Barack Obama.”
Greenwald, also my Facebook friend, and MacAskill add that PRISM “facilitates extensive, in-depth surveillance on live communications and stored information. The law allows for the targeting of any customers of participating firms who live outside the U.S., or those Americans whose communications include people outside the U.S.”
And, of course, “it also opens the possibility of communications made entirely within the U.S. being collected without warrants.”
So you, readers, will know more about your ever-closer companion, PRISM. Barton Gellman and Laura Poitras write that “according to the slides and other supporting materials obtained by The (Washington) Post, ‘NSA reporting increasingly relies on (the gigantic) PRISM’ as its leading source of raw material, accounting for nearly 1 in 7 intelligence reports” (“U.S., British intelligence mining data from nine U.S. Internet companies in broad secret program,” Gellman and Poitras, Washington Post, June 6).
And, as our re-elected president has become the rule of law, that 1 in 7 number “is a remarkable figure in an agency that measures annual intake in the trillions of communications.”
Oh, multiple news outlets have reported that “government officials declined to comment.”
Very seldom am I part of a story I’m reporting on, but I may be one of the eventual “persons of interest” after reading this in Greenwald and MacAskill’s report: “Disclosure of the PRISM program follows a leak to the Guardian … of a top-secret court order compelling telecoms provider Verizon to turn over the telephone records of millions of U.S. customers.”
Despite the huge volume of calls, it does appear that every one is being monitored. Since my phone calls have long been transmitted by Verizon, this makes me uneasy.
Citing Greenwald’s reporting in the Guardian, Stephen Rex Brown writes in the New York Daily News that the court order “requires the carrier to hand over information regarding phone calls – which does not include actual conversations (as if we actually believe that) – on an ‘ongoing, daily basis’ to the FBI” (“Verizon is giving the feds phone records for all of its U.S. customers: report,” Brown, New York Daily News, June 6).
Gee, the FBI has known my phone numbers well since the J. Edgar Hoover era. I’ll never know, but I guess they’ll find my suspicious “patterns” now on Verizon.
Under the court order, “the information is classed as ‘metadata,’ or transactional information, rather than communications, and so does not require individual warrants to access” (“NSA collecting phone records of millions of Verizon customers daily,” Greenwald, The Guardian, June 5).
Furthermore, the Verizon court order is covered by “the so-called ‘business records’ provision of the Patriot Act. … That is the provision which (Sen. Ron) Wyden and (Sen. Mark) Udall have repeatedly cited when warning the public of what they believe is the Obama administration’s extreme interpretation of the law to engage in excessive domestic surveillance.”
Through the Freedom of Information Act, I have part of my FBI record, with decidedly negative comments on what I’d written about the long distances between the Patriot Act and the Constitution.
So what of those of either party who intend to hold on to our American identities against Obama? I suggest that we press those members of Congress who individually represent us to join Republican Sen. Rand Paul’s introduction of the “Fourth Amendment Restoration Act of 2013,” which, according to his Senate website, “ensures the constitutional protections of the Fourth Amendment are not violated by any government entity.”
No matter, I would add, who the president is.
“The bill,” says Paul, “restores our constitutional rights and declares that the Fourth Amendment shall not be construed to allow any agency of the United States government to search the phone records of Americans without a warrant based on probable cause” (
Here, too, I would expand the act to protect more than just our phone records.
So the senator has introduced the legislation. But how many of you are outraged enough to do anything about what Obama is doing to you – besides spreading the word about Paul’s bill? If so, please let me know what that will be.
