Wednesday, June 12, 2013

News, Rumors, and Opinions in Dinarland Wednesday AM

News, Rumors, and Opinions in Dinarland Wednesday AM


DELTA » June 12th, 2013, 4:35 am  •



Alan » June 12th, 2013, 6:43 am  Hold the phone!!! Was it the Kuwaiti PM that said he wouldnt visit Iraq again until they changed their rate??

BulldogFord65 wrote on June 12th, 2013, 9:14 am:Is anyone listening to Glenn Beck? He's in DC and met with a group of senators and congressmen yesterday, and just now on his radio show said that he just learned of a major game changer that's going to happen in the next 24 hours. He said it will greatly divide our country and we need to be ready. He is not saying what it is, and will not discuss it in detail until tomorrow, but said it's happening in the next 24 hours.

Now, this could be something entirely different from our investment, but isn't the timing curious????
Read More Link on Right

Walkongstick wrote on June 12th, 2013, 9:22 am:   Iraq signed six agreements with Kuwait

Author: Editor: AF, HH 12/06/2013 15:05

Range Press / Baghdad:  Foreign Minister Hoshiyar Zebari said on Wednesday, the signing of six agreements with Kuwait in all fields, while stressing that Iraq has fulfilled all its obligations incurred by him in Chapter VII with Kuwait and will move to Chapter VI, said Kuwaiti Foreign Minister said his country would be the United Nations need to exit Iraq from Chapter VII.





puppylove] Lee Greenwood- God Bless the U.S.A. :

mailboxmoney] nessara RUMOR - Federal Reserve was signed off and assets transferred to Republic Treasury yesterday. IRS collection services have been terminated.

[shybabi] Urgent…Iraq, Kuwait’s representatives at UN to request relieving Iraq from 7th Chapter

[triple777] robertprofessor this would ba a great day for the convergence of Iraq and CE camps to both arrive at the finish line together

[Robertprofessor] triple777 triple777 Yes it would, and it looks like that maybe happening.

[Boaz] so confusing, we always heard that Kuwaiti PM would not come to Iraq until revalue of currency had occurred

[heyu288] Let me see my check list.... ( blowing blowing dust dust cough cough cough )) ahhh there it is.... YES.... Kuwait PM must visit Iraq ... this is signal of final step of release from Chapter 7 wahoooooooo

[triple777] Robertprofessor me as well and I for one feel things in Iraq are at a great release point with sundays KUmbyya sesssion in erbil and Maliki cornered enough to execute what has been promised and RV imminent

[triple777] with the payroll projected to be paid out on 19th they would have to have everything redone in system to reflect new rate and therefore it would have to have already been done a day or so ago IMO to go live on 19th so hoping with announcements today after PM meeting viola

[Robertprofessor] triple777 That makes total sense. From the way I look at it all, Iraq can only do these things after orders come down from outside Iraq. I don't think the PM of Kuwait would be there any other way, so this is huge. Imo

[triple777] Robertprofessor agreed and this way it looks like to the world that it was all about Iraq and easier to explain everywhere else than a GCR. There seems to have been a lot less violence and bombings in last 2 weeks

[Robertprofessor] triple777 I've believed for a long time what you just said. Yes, Iraq needs to stand proud. It can't look like this was done for them. I hope this is Iraq's "day in the sun."

[Robertprofessor] My emotions will remain flat lined until Okie's graduation post and the arrival of the bank/group email.  I think of my emotions like a 4 on the floor car at a stop light ... trans in neutral and clutch out, just listening to the motor purr (like a kitty?) and waiting for the light to go green. Green light for me will be Okie's big post. Then I'm slamming my emotions into first!



[diamondcutter] Urgent…Iraq, Kuwait’s representatives at UN to request relieving Iraq from 7th Chapter

[diamondcutter] Baghdad (AIN) -The Iraqi Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hoshyar Zebari, announced that both the Iraq and Kuwait’s representatives headed to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon to present him the file of relieving Iraq from the burdens of the 7th Chapter of UN Charter. In a joint press conference with his Kuwaiti Counterpart, Subah Khalid al-Subah, Zebari said “Both of Iraq and Kuwait’s representatives will request the UNSG to relieve Iraq from the 7th Chapter.” /End/

[Chmbgea] We used to say.... it seems at some point that "things just explode into place" let's hope that is where we are :)

[xyz] Iraq: Obama agreed to extend Iraq’s money protection abroad for another year, 12 June 2013 14:20 Shafaq News / The Iraqi Foreign Ministry said that it has received a reply from the United States to ensure the approval of President, Barack Obama on the protection of Iraqi funds deposited in banks in America for another year

[xyz] Urgent….Kuwait Premier arrives to Baghdad Wednesday, 12 June 2013 11:52 Baghdad (AIN) -The Premier of Kuwait, Jaaber al-Mubarak arrived on Wednesday, to Baghdad on top of ministerial delegation where he plans to discuss the Iraqi-Kuwaiti bilateral relations and conclude Memorandum of Understandings with the Iraqi officials. Iraq-Kuwait formal relations witnessed positive developments over the past months with regard to settling the pending issues and relieving Iraq from the UN sanctions stated in UN Charter's 7th Chapter. Diplomatic source has told All Iraq News Agency (AIN) "Mubarak will conduct formal visit to Baghdad today heading senior ministerial delegation." "The Kuwaiti Prime Minister will hold talks with the Iraqi Premier, Nouri al-Maliki where they will conclude MoUs that would help improve the bilateral relations," the source added.




[Mamapajama] Hello Bobgetz6

[BOBGETZ6] Has anyone heard from SWFG's family and how they are doing?

 [Mamapajama] BOBGETZ6 did we ever hear what he died from? I'm guessing heart, but wow...what a huge shock!

[BOBGETZ6] Mamapajama Lots of possibilities there. Probably something he was not aware of.

[Mamapajama] BOBGETZ6 yup....that's why I'm thinking congenital heart kills young, healthy people out of the blue.

[BOBGETZ6] Mamapajama Aneurysms, enlarged hearts, etc, etc. could be possible. I doubt we will ever know.

Mamapajama] BOBGETZ6 oh we'll probably know...there will be an autopsy and if the family allows the info to be shared, we might be allowed to hear it.

 [BOBGETZ6] Mamapajama True, but what difference will it make? Just a sad situation.



[okrocks] if you missed it Please take the time to watch this Beck has lost his voice but has a powerful statement:

DiddyKong] Looks like the bad guys are finally being exposed …go transparency!

MINUTE BY MINUTE - Wednesday Morning Bluwolf post emailed to Recaps

MINUTE BY MINUTE - Wednesday Morning Bluwolf post emailed to Recaps

Good morning; just a brief cameo appearance, just here to stated that we are still looking good and still waiting like the banks for our green light for the call numbers, folks the rates are high and hard in the double digits period.

I cannot precise on certain important groups that are suppose to be exchanging somewhere in the south west, some state there in and exchanging others state that they are not only leading me to believe that  once they have signed into there nda's that the information gets either distorted or goes silent. Imo I assume they are gone now and we are now at the door, lets just leave it as a gut feeling, jejeje. 

Reminder, please have all paperworks ready, remember to open non-bearing interest accounts, remember that this is a private act between you and the bank and that no one else needs to know where your going or how much you are holding, be wise and be secure at all times.

Make sure to blend in and just be transparent when around and in the bank. Go in do your business once finish get out of the area promptly and like just disappear into the sunset if you get what I mean.

Read More Link on Right
I know that it has been a very long ride for all but please rest assure that we are already there, just a call away. So be in peace, stay safe and enjoy your new lives once your monies appear, stay in harmony with the worlds reality, in other words be wise.

Guard your new riches well, invest in other currencies and assets and you will be good guaranteed.

Please do not be mad at Recaps for having less info coming from us Gurus, see I retired and others who are also responsible gents are not giving out info neither for we know all is done and we only await that certain phone call and email for there is nothing else to speak about for all has been said, all has been covered.

So be in peace, be healthy and safe, be bless and happy journeys to all.

Puerto Rico preparence que pronto les tendre la informacion y los numeros pa llamar. Dios me los bendiga.


Danish Psychologist-extensive research;; 1,400 YEARS OF IN-BREEDING...

Subject: Fw: Danish Psychologist-extensive research;; 1,400 YEARS OF IN-BREEDING...
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 14:38:38 -0400
I read the whole piece. How sad and dangeous these people are. NV

Danish Psychologist-extensive research;; 1,400 YEARS OF IN-BREEDING...

Makes sense to me!  Many of the Mosaic Laws had our Creator's knowledge behind them.

Very interesting.  Might account for the unbalanced shooter in Santa Monica last Friday!!!

From a Lockheed friend after 3 assignments in Saudi Arabia:

During the pilot transition program in the KV-107 and C-130 with Lockheed, we found that most Saudi pilot trainees had very limited night vision, even on the brightest of moon lit nights. Their training retention rate was minimal including maintenance personnel.
Some had dim memories, and had to be constantly reminded of things that were told to them the day before. Needless to say, an American, British or any other western instructor gets burned out pretty quick. It actually took Muslim C-130 pilots years before they could fly in the dark safely, and then would be reluctant to leave the lights of a city. Ask any Marine, Air Force or Army guy who’s been trying to train Iraqis, and especially Afghans. They will say, "Yep, dumber than a homemade dodo".
Islam is not only a religion, it's a way of life. Yet another set of revealing facts about Muslim beliefs, and traditions and ways of life...1400 years of inbreeding!
I found this to be interesting. Didn't know whether to believe it or not, so I went to Wikipedia, 'Cousin Marriage,' and far down in the article "Genetics", it seems there is a lot of truth here.
A huge Muslim problem: Inbreeding:
Nikolai Sennels is a Danish psychologist who has done extensive research into a little known problem in the Muslim world...the disastrous results of Muslim inbreeding brought about by the marriage of first-cousins.
This practice, which has been prohibited in the Judeo-Christian tradition since the days of Moses, was sanctioned by Muhammad, and has been going on now for 50 generations (1,400 years) in the Muslim world.
This practice of inbreeding will never go away in the Muslim world, since Muhammad is the ultimate example, and authority on all matters including marriage.
The massive inbreeding in Muslim culture may well have done virtually irreversible damage to the Muslim gene pool, including extensive damage to its intelligence, sanity, and health.
According to Sennels, close to half of all Muslims in the world are inbred. In Pakistan , the numbers approach 70%. Even in England, more than half of Pakistani immigrants are married to their first cousins, and in Denmark the number of inbred Pakistani immigrants is around 40%.
The numbers are equally devastating in other important Muslim countries: 67% in Saudi Arabia, 64% Jordan & Kuwait, 63% Sudan, 60% Iraq, 54% in the UAE, and Qatar. 
According to the BBC, this Pakistani, Muslim-inspired inbreeding is thought to explain the probability that a British Pakistani family is more than 13 times as likely to have children with recessive genetic disorders. While Pakistanis are responsible for three percent of the births in the UK, they account for 33% of children with genetic birth defects.
The risks of what are called autosomal recessive disorders such as cystic fibrosis, and spinal muscular atrophy is 18 times higher, and the risk of death due to malformations is 10 times higher.
Other negative consequences of inbreeding include a 100 percent increase in the risk of still births, and a 50% increase in the possibility that a child will die during labor.
Lowered intellectual capacity is another devastating consequence of Muslim marriage patterns. According to Sennels, research shows that children of consanguineous marriages lose 10-16 points off their IQ and that social abilities develop much slower in inbred babies. The risk of having an IQ lower than 70, the official demarcation for being classified as "retarded," increases by an astonishing 400 percent among children of cousin marriages. (Similar effects were seen in the Pharaonic dynasties in ancient Egypt, and in the British royal family, where inbreeding was the norm for a significant period of time.)
In Denmark, non-Western immigrants are more than 300 percent more likely to fail the intelligence test required for entrance into the Danish army.
Sennels says that "the ability to enjoy, and produce knowledge, and abstract thinking is simply lower in the Islamic world." He points out that the Arab world translates just 330 books every year, about 20% that of Greece.
In the last 1,200 years of Islam, just 100,000 books have been translated into Arabic, about what Spain does in a single year. Seven out of ten Turks have never even read a book!
Sennels points out the difficulties this creates for Muslims seeking to succeed in the West. "A lower IQ, together with a religion that denounces critical thinking, surely makes it harder for many Muslims to have success in our high-tech knowledge societies."
Only nine Muslims have ever won the Nobel Prize, and five of those were for the "Peace Prize." According to Nature magazine, Muslim countries produce just 10% of the world average when it comes to scientific research measured by articles per million inhabitants.
In Denmark, Sennels' native country, Muslim children are grossly over represented among children with special needs. One third of the budget for Danish schools is consumed by special education, and anywhere from 51% to 70% of retarded children with physical handicaps in Copenhagen have an immigrant background. Learning ability is severely affected as well. Studies indicated that 64% of school children with Arabic parents are still illiterate after 10 years in the Danish school system. The immigrant drop-out rate in Danish high schools is twice that of the native-born.
Mental illness is also a product. The closer the blood relative, the higher the risk of schizophrenic illness. The increased risk of insanity may explain why more than 40% of patients in Denmark’s biggest ward for clinically insane criminals have an immigrant background.
The U.S. is not immune. According to Sennels, "One study based on 300,000 Americans shows that the majority of Muslims in the USA have a lower income, are less educated, and have worse jobs than the population as a whole."
Sennels concludes: There is no doubt that the wide spread tradition of first cousin marriages among Muslims has harmed the gene pool among Muslims. Because Muslims' religious beliefs prohibit marrying non-Muslims, and thus prevents them from adding fresh genetic material to their population, the genetic damage done to their gene pool since their prophet allowed first cousin marriages 1,400 years ago are most likely massive. This has produced overwhelming direct & indirect human, and societal consequences.
Bottom line: Islam is not simply a benign, and morally equivalent alternative to the Judeo-Christian tradition. As Sennels points out, the first, and biggest victims of Islam are Muslims. Simple Judeo-Christian compassion for Muslims, and a common-sense desire to protect Western civilization from the ravages of Islam dictate a vigorous opposition to the spread of this dark, and dangerous religion. These stark realities must be taken into account when we establish public polices dealing with immigration from Muslim countries and the building of mosques in the U.S.
Let's hope the civilized West and the North Americans wake up before a blind naivety about the reality of Islam destroys what remains of our Judeo-Christian culture, and our domestic tranquility.

Derecho To Impact Ohio River Valley States On Wednesday Causing Widespread Damage

From: v.k.d.
Subj: HEADS UP! Derecho To Impact Ohio River Valley States On Wednesday Causing Widespread Damage 

Derecho To Impact Ohio River Valley States On Wednesday Causing Widespread Damage

The Derecho is a complex bow echo set of storms that produces powerful winds, which can be over 100 mph and one of those is likely to start in Iowa on Wednesday and move through Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky.

The graphic shows the greatest concern of the Derecho. The red outline shows the outskirts of the probabilities just incase it goes further east to the Atlantic coastal zones, but the greatest potential will be where the Greatest Concern zone in pink is.

Tornadoes are also going to be possible with and ahead of the Derecho complex. This is an extremely dangerous situation and residents within the area need to be weather aware due to how damaging the winds are going to be with it. will have continued coverage on this event as it unfolds so stay tuned to the Facebook Page

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Disclaimer: Remember, all products here are custom forecasts and are not issued by the National Weather Service unless otherwise noted. Tornado, Blizzard, Hurricane products issued by this website begin with the word 'TWS" in it. You will not see our products on the media either but that does not mean you need to bypass them. These are real forecasts and real threats.

VIDEO. State Department cover-up of 70,000 State Department employees worldwide… From Prostitution Charges To Drug Rings

Sent: 6/11/2013 1:54:36 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: : VIDEO. State Department cover-up of 70,000 State Department employees worldwide... From Prostitution Charges To Drug Rings

VIDEO. State Department cover-up of 70,000 State Department employees worldwide… From Prostitution Charges To Drug Rings

author: Source: CBS
State Department cover-up of 70,000 State Department employees worldwide... From Prostitution Charges To Drug Rings...

Posted By: esu333
Date: Tuesday, 11-Jun-2013 12:39:58

Source: CBS

CBS News has uncovered documents that show the State Department may have covered up allegations of illegal and inappropriate behavior within their ranks.

A draft of the Inspector General's report on the performance of the Diplomatic Security Service, obtained by CBS News, states, "Hindering such cases calls into question the integrity of the investigative process, can result in counterintelligence vulnerabilities and can allow criminal behavior to continue."

Fedenisn was part of the team that drafted the whistleblower report, and CBS News reports that two hours after the charges were reported, investigators from the State Department's Inspector General showed up at her door.

article and embedded video (6 min.):

link to


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The parolee with a penchant for burglary never stood a chance.
His first mistake was hopping a fence and prowling through the backyard of a house guarded by a snarling rottweiler and a gun-toting grandma hell-bent on defending her disabled 85-year-old World War II veteran husband.
In a 9-1-1 call, a breathless Jan Cooper, of Anaheim, Calif., told dispatchers an intruder was on the back porch and was trying to get in the house through a sliding door.
Cooper begged the dispatcher to send deputies and warned that she had a gun at the ready, as her dog barked in the background.
“Back up you son of a b—-! Back up! Get the hell out of here!” she can be heard yelling.
“I’m firing!” Cooper shouted to the dispatcher as a loud bang went off.
She blasted one shot from her .357 Magnum Smith & Wesson revolver — missing the guy by just inches.
The stunned intruder apologized after the bullet whizzed past him, telling her, “I’m sorry, Ma’am. I’m leaving. Please don’t shoot.”
The suspect, Brandon Alexander Perez, 31, who lives at a halfway house nearby, was found cowering in the bushes when police arrived.
Perez has a rap sheet that includes other burglary and narcotics charges and was on parole, said Jim Amormino, spokesman for the Orange County Sheriff’s Department.
Cooper’s gun, which she has owned for about 20 years, was legally purchased and properly registered, he said.
“Even though that dog was barking, he still was desperate to get in. So who knows what may have happened if she didn’t fire that round,” Amormino said.
Cooper said she is amazed by the anger in her voice — and the curse word she let fly — after she fired the shot.
“I am a Christian woman and I’m very proud of it and I don’t curse, but after I shot, rage took hold and I just blasted away,” she said. “And, in fact, afterward my husband said, ‘I’ve never heard you talk like that!’”

Read more at 




"What kind of UFO leaves a contrail?"

I see the people are getting alot better at being on our toes !!!LOLOL

Reader: "What kind of UFO leaves a contrail?"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 11-Jun-2013 17:45:09
(Thanks, D. :)
Reader D. writes:
Re: Reader, link to 1-min video: 'Jet Fighter ....
What kind of UFO leaves a contrail? This video was posted a few years back. Could this have been an escort of a drone test of some sort? Pity it's not a wider view to see if it dissipates or blossoms.

Nine Companies Tied to PRISM, Obama Will Be Smacked With Class-Action Lawsuit Wednesday AOL, Apple, Facebook, Google...

Nine Companies Tied to PRISM, Obama Will Be Smacked With Class-Action Lawsuit Wednesday AOL, Apple, Facebook, Google....
Posted By: igots2no
Date: Tuesday, 11-Jun-2013 23:19:06
Former Justice Department prosecutor Larry Klayman amended an existing lawsuit against Verizon and a slew of Obama administration officials Monday to make it the first class-action lawsuit in response to the publication of a secret court order instructing Verizon to hand over the phone records of millions of American customers on an "ongoing, daily basis."
Klayman told U.S. News he will file a second class-action lawsuit Wednesday in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia targeting government officials and each of the nine companies listed in a leaked National Security Agency slideshow as participants in the government's PRISM program.
According to the slideshow, the PRISM program allows government agents direct, real-time access to the servers of nine major tech companies, including AOL, Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, PalTalk, Skype, Yahoo! and YouTube.
[READ: Will Booz Allen Hamilton Suffer After NSA Leaks?]
U.S. News did not seek comment from the companies, all of which have denied any knowledge of or participation in the PRISM program.
Klayman said he hopes the two lawsuits will be considered jointly as companion cases.
The class-action lawsuit against Verizon says the defendants violated customers' "reasonable expectation of privacy, free speech and association, right to be free of unreasonable searches and seizures and due process rights."
"This case challenges the legality of Defendants' participation and conduct in a secret and illegal government scheme to intercept and analyze vast quantities of domestic telephone communications," says the lawsuit against Verizon, which also names as defendants President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, NSA director Keith Alexander and federal judge Roger Vinson, the FISA court judge who approved the leaked April order.
[ASSANGE: Snowden Should 'Go to Latin America']
Klayman told U.S. News the Verizon lawsuit will be served to the named defendants. "Either they will file an answer or move to dismiss" the complaint, Klayman said, "[but] we're confident the case will proceed."
Within a few months, Klayman said, the court will likely define the "class" the suit seeks to represent by ruling that "everyone's in" or by allowing Verizon customers to either opt-in or out-out of the class. Currently the suit only represents a Pennsylvania couple.
Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said during a Sunday appearance on Fox News that he intends to file a class-action lawsuit against Verizon and the Internet companies over the surveillance programs, but it's unclear how exactly he will proceed with the plans.
[READ: Patriot Act Author: Orders Violate Fourth Amendment]
"I'm going to be asking all the Internet providers and all of the phone companies: Ask your customers to join me in a class action lawsuit," Paul said Sunday. "If we get 10 million Americans saying we don't want our phone records looked at, then maybe someone will wake up and something will change in Washington."
Paul "effectively endorsed our case," Klayman said, speculating that the senator "must have known about it." Although a copy of the Verizon lawsuit was sent to Paul's office, the attorney said he received no response. Klayman founded the pro-transparency legal group Judicial Watch in 1994 and currently leads an organization called Freedom Watch.
Documents exposing the Verizon phone-record collection order - which Sen. Diane Feinstein, D-Calif., said was a routine reauthorization of a seven-year-old practice - and the NSA's PRISM program were handed over to the Guardian and Washington Post by former Booz Allen Hamilton employee Edward Snowden. He traveled to Hong Kong before leaking the documents and voluntarily revealed his identity Sunday.

Leaked Footage of Famous Hollywood Producer Claiming Obama Silenced Clinton By Threatening Chelsea

Leaked Footage of Famous Hollywood Producer Claiming Obama Silenced Clinton By Threatening Chelsea
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 12-Jun-2013 00:22:06
AUTHOR Bookworm
June 11, 2013 6:57pm PST
Hollywood is a place where fantasies are born and where they often go to die. It’s very easy to get caught up in stories. Still, Hollywood producer Bettina Viviano seems very clear in her own mind that thuggery put Barack Obama in the White House in 2008. Moreover — and this is hard to swallow without corroborating evidence — she believes that the Obama camp went so far as to threaten Chelsea Clinton’s life in order to get Bill Clinton to stop making open references to problems with Obama’s eligibility.

If They'll Lie They'll Steal, If They'll Steal They'll Kill

If They'll Lie They'll Steal, If They'll Steal They'll Kill
Posted By: Infoeditor [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 12-Jun-2013 00:49:24
Ever heard the saying that If they'll lie they'll steal, and if they'll steal they'll kill?
Obama/Soetoro, aka Barry, or whatever the hell his name is lied to get into the office of president. HE LIED
As far as many are concerned the way Obama has helped himself to the U.S. Treasury and doled it out to his 'buds', including giving money away overseas, HE STOLE.
His former church member compadres were murdered. Remember Donald Young? His grandmother conveniently died before could give testimony on how she filed a Kenya birth certificate in Honolulu, remember?
Posted in response

: AUTHOR Bookworm
: June 11, 2013 6:57pm PST
: Hollywood is a place where fantasies are born and where they
: often go to die. It’s very easy to get caught up in
: stories. Still, Hollywood producer Bettina Viviano seems
: very clear in her own mind that thuggery put Barack Obama
: in the White House in 2008. Moreover — and this is hard to
: swallow without corroborating evidence — she believes that
: the Obama camp went so far as to threaten Chelsea Clinton’s
: life in order to get Bill Clinton to stop making open
: references to problems with Obama’s eligibility.

Dinar Intel --- Jester - 6-12-13


[Jester] hi castle mods, peeps, lurkers, and critters... hope everyone is having a wonderful evening...

[lightman1] Jester just heard there are tons of jets in reno tonight any truth?

[Jester] lightman1 been tracking lots of those in reno for a few weeks... it is redwolfs hobby to tell me of one plane that has now been there like 40 times.... lol

[ezmuny] jester 1 ? what is so special about reno!!! except the mob ? lol

[Jester] ezmuny it is where they used to keep all the money... lol

[BLESSME] Jester do you have a post for us

[Jester] BLESSME i did not have time to compose a post tonight... too many calls... i am winging it.... lol

[HIGHERGROUND] Jester double wing it and land this thing roflmao

[Jester] HIGHERGROUND it is about to crash and burn... lol
[wegotit] Jester so do you know what word okie got? and is it going to be told this week ?

[Jester] wegotit he is on top of the situation.. i can verify that... when the time is right he will be ready....

 [lightman1] Jester what are your thoughts now on the baskets?????????

 [Jester] lightman1 i think they are going to shoot the whole thing at once... my opinion... but the best way to get it over with... like removing a band-aid... get-er-done...

[sananddan24] Jester still waiting for the emails?

[Jester] sananddan24 nothing else matters...

[1biz4u] Jester Jester Randy K says tonight if "o" doesn't sign off on this we will be waiting a while , what say you??

Jester] 1biz4u O is a man with a paper butt running through a brush fire... he has other issues.... he has no options left... and he has been on board for a while... we are not waiting on him....

 [okrocks] Jester ok so who are we waiting on?

[Jester] okrocks the fact of the matter is mostly paperwork... they need to have everything signed off in order for certain things to change hands... like... corporations... hmmmm

  [okrocks] Jester hmmmm ty

 [candy] Jester is the Republic coming back sooner than you thought?

[Jester] candy it is coming back right on schedule...

[pedrobob] okrocks ty i like the hmmmmmm

[calibeach] Jester Are they trying to trick us with the timing or is there still more to get done?

Jester] calibeach they certainly want to make sure we are not in the know... but they are not wining that battle yet... we have been cut off a little... last friday every banking contact we had dropped off the grid...

 [sananddan24] Jester has the Omega Pp been releaded yet?

[Jester] sananddan24 not to the best of my knowledge... certain things need to be for certain before they release the grandaddy...

[cashinqueen1] confused???? said all was signed off just waiting for the currencys to get up to par now we are waiting signatures again oh well round and round and round

[deb2blessed] cashinqueen1 don't think that was ever said-- Jester has always said it is a process---signatures are part of the process IMO

[redhead1] Jester - can you be more specific on the types of documents that need to be signed because we heard they were all signed weeks ago.

[Jester] redhead1 whoever reported that was misinformed apparently....

Ambi] Jester Please, are we waiting for this last group before the public RV?

Jester] Ambi hmmmm... a couple actually...

[book2] Jester did anything get accomplished today that you can share with us?

[Jester] book2 stuff got signed... a certain family has released control of a certain corporation that has been a problem in the past... now their function will be under the control of the proper entity...

[okrocks] Jester I wish I had a good question for you but I dont... all I know is the banks I hear from are all anxiously waiting just like we are

[Jester] okrocks yes they are... they are on high alert...

[starbucksrules] Jester WHAT Family??

[foxylady56] Jester what do you know of the bilderberg accounts being emptied, has it been replaced?

[KajunRedBull] starbucksrules The Rothschilds

[tc0043] Jester Would that corp be the FEd Reserve?

 [Jester] tc0043 maybe... ;-)

okrocks] I will repeat my hmmmmm lol

 [thebear] Jester I pray that the USA is the corporation which is now free from the clutches of the cartel in order to be a republic once again :)

 [spiritfilled] okrocks Jester's comment on the banks being on high alert is a positive to me....

[Jester] spiritfilled okrocks banks cut us off last friday... said... ummm... can't really talk to you guys anymore... not one... ALL of them at once....

[Robertprofessor] Jester That in itself should send a strong indication.

 [spiritfilled] Jester wow that speaks volumes to me IMO

[spiritfilled] Robertprofessor Yes and Amen!!!

[candy] Jester has that ever happened before?

 [sk8pastort] Jester how many bank contacts are you talking about?

[Jester] candy not for all of them at once... one here and there... and then they come back.... since friday.... NOTHING...

[georgiagrandma] Jester must be close and they feel you know to much

Jester] georgiagrandma or maybe they got marching orders and nda's... hmmmm...

[sananddan24] Jester silence is golden!

 [okrocks] Jester double hmmm

[georgiagrandma] Jester could be...

[Robertprofessor] Jester For all to shutup at once, yep.

[richc] Jester ...the eye of the storm

[spiritfilled] okrocks I second that hummmmmmm!!!!!

[Cyndee49] Jester the testimony in front of congressional committee said "taxes are voluntary" is that part of the Republic rebirth?

[Jester] Cyndee49 interesting situation there isn;t it?

[obxlady1] Jester are you feeling good about bank withdraw?

[Jester] obxlady1 not really... i want to know what is going on in there... lol

[foxylady56] Jester is UST still in lockdown?

 [Jester] foxylady56 nope...

 [jack1977] Jester how would you know banks are on high alert ....... If banks are not talking just a question ty

[Jester] jack1977 they have been for longer than that... and we still have contacts in the people getting processed...

Midnight Blue] Jester have you heard if the banks have been given their final cash-in instructions yet?

[asher] Jester, I am hoping that the ownership of this country is being returned to its rightful owners - the American citizens. I am hoping that this process is the big picture.

Jester] asher then you shall receive your wish....

[asher] Jester, it would be indeed a Great Day!

 [deb2blessed] Jester please God-- let it be

[Jester] asher it will be...

[hopeinwyo] Jester Sure would be great...can't imagine what it will look like, though!

[Jester] hopeinwyo much the same... beautiful views like the picture you sent me... just much safer....

candy] Jester if the UST is no longer in lockdown, is that an indication that the system is a go?

 [sk8pastort] Jester how many bank contacts are you talking about? Is "all bank contacts" 2 or 20 makes a difference how interesting that is lol

[Jester] sk8pastort everyone in the system i am operating within... a lot...

[okrocks] well as far as know they are waiting on greeting us in a nice orderly fashion :)

[ModelWoman] Jester ...I'm thinking the announcement will be made that we are a New Republic on July 4th Independance Day????

[asher] Hope for our children and our grandchildren and all that follow with responsibility. TY Jester for your assurdness.

 [foxylady56] Jester, any truth to the rumor that WF is worried about there being chaos at CE if folks do not follow instructions and make appointments,

[Jester] foxylady56 there have been concerns of that... people are hopefully not going to do stupid things to jeopardize their blessings...

 [sananddan24] Jester JL signing off is huge!!!

 [hopeinwyo] Jester Good...I would love to have a government I can trust. Will we see that?

  [Jester] hopeinwyo yes you will... you will vote for it...

wingnaprayer] Jester Midnight Blue] Jester have you heard if the banks have been given their final cash-in instructions yet?

[Jester] wingnaprayer i am certain they are ready for you... they are waiting...

[Ambi] sananddan24 Did Jester say the news was correct on JL signing off in Reno last night?

 [treasure4e] Ambi I believe so

[sananddan24] Ambi I do not know when said he signed off

[citizenbob] JL did sign off in Reno

[bigworm] citizenbob I would love to see the proof of all these sign offs

[candy] Jester significance to UST not on lockdown?

[Jester] candy got what they were doing completed?

 [MTGranny] Jester GE and TY, Do you hear anything regards to the IRS situation?

 [Jester] MTGranny that is clearly evident by watching the news...

[starbucksrules] Jester Jester Jester Basket being released tonight?? As-heard-on-a-call???

 [Jester] starbucksrules was not on the call...

[rich17] starbucksrules What call. Can you share?

[tc0043] rich17 I heard it from Lou on Alabama`s call

[MTGranny] Jester TY, Been watching but thought you had some inside scoop. Bless you for your dedication to all of the peeps.

 [Jester] MTGranny i do... but it is surely the logical conclusion is evident by just watching the news...


06/12/2013 12:57am
Can you forward this to Jester and ask him to explain this. Here is tje link:

Traders Said to Rig Currency Rates to Profit Off Clients
June 11, 2013
Print Version

Source: Bloomberg

Traders at some of the world’s biggest banks manipulated benchmark foreign-exchange rates used to set the value of trillions of dollars of investments, according to five dealers with knowledge of the practice.

Employees have been front-running client orders and rigging WM/Reuters rates by pushing through trades before and during the 60-second windows when the benchmarks are set, said the current and former traders, who requested anonymity because the practice is controversial. Dealers colluded with counterparts to boost chances of moving the rates, said two of the people, who worked in the industry for a total of more than 20 years.

It may be difficult to prosecute traders for market manipulation, as spot foreign exchange, the trading of one currency with another at the current price for delivery within two days, isn’t classified as a financial instrument by regulators, said Arun Srivastava.


“The FX market is like the Wild West,” said James McGeehan, who spent 12 years at banks before co-founding Framingham, Massachusetts-based FX Transparency LLC, which advises companies on foreign-exchange trading, in 2009. “It’s buyer beware.”


06/12/2013 12:57am
Folks, I live just a bit south of Reno, in the flight path of Reno International Airport... Hence folks from all over the world make this a stop over as they do Las Vegas... Reno has many secrets but air flights are not one of them.
06/12/2013 1:06am
Just got home after long day. Was at my bank and was telling them to flag my debit card and credit card for travel as I was leaving for Asia on Monday. The bank manager overheard me telling this to the teller and came over. (He knows I have dinar) He told me this was bad timing to leave the country now. I asked him why and he replied with a smile that I would just have to fly back early to see him. Told me to wait just another week and then I could leave the country, in style!

06/12/2013 1:11am
when Republic is restored - will thedollar still crash as predicted ?
- letting 401, savings, etc bewiped out?


DECLARE IT OUT LOUD!! Revocation of Government.


                                      DECLARE IT OUT LOUD!!          Revocation of Government.          DECLARE THIS OUT LOUD!!

I call to all spiritual contracts that exist within my past, present and future beings, selves and existence in this dimension and time stream, all time streams above and below the earth centric sine wave of co-existence. At this exact moment in the ever-present co-creating moment I summon all DNA linage ancestors to create a unified-proper spiritual court of equity. So I may find remedy and resolve with all contracts that have inserted fine print during the pre-birth and birth process.

I here by revoke all spiritual contracts that deal with all government personalities elected and un-elected. I revoke all spiritual contracts with all family crest based government systems. I revoke all rights, duties and responsibilities to all government entities that use my vote as a means of energy harvesting. I revoke all spiritual contracts with every senator, congressman, ambassadors, supreme court members, presidents, vice presidents and all cabinet members. I revoke all spiritual contracts with every branch of government for all of my past, present and future lives. I do not consent to the rule of the privileged few.

I revoke all rights, responsibilities, assumptions, presumptions, and signatures that retain me within the entirety of any or all governmental organizations, family crests, sacred geometry buildings, monuments, memorials or military bases. I here by revoke all spiritual contracts with a corporate run government. I do not consent to any form of corporate government that harvests energy from its people.

I here by revoke all spiritual contracts with the federal reserve families. I Revoke all rights, assumptions and responsibilities with every member of the federal reserve and exchange for value systems run by any government or corporate officials. I revoke all spiritual contracts hidden with in our government exchange for value systems.

I revoke all spiritual contracts with all government offices that use sacred geometry crests to retain power or insert fine print in soul contracts. I revoke all rights, privileges, powers, assumed and un-assumed, consented and un-consented with every federal law enforcement branch that uses federal reserve energy to support the system of domination and control.

I revoke all spiritual contracts that create consent for the government committees that determine quality of life. I revoke all rights, duties, responsibilities for all government systems that write laws that effect my spiritual contracts with out my direct consent from my total DNA linage ancestors, past, present and future.

I revoke all spiritual contracts that enable the government to use time travel as a means of domination and control. I revoke all rights and duties of all time traveler personalities, operations, systems, past present and future. I demand the immediate return of all government time travel personalities to their right and perfect time line. I revoke all rights with all technologies that alter dimensions, manipulate time streams or do harm to any sentient life forms co-existing on earth in all time lines and dimensions. I do not consent to time line wars. I do not consent to mass propaganda. I do not consent with war based industrial complexes. I do not consent with the use of military to dominate and control.


I here by revoke all spiritual contracts secretly interwoven into each and every law, past present and future. I do not consent to the passing of laws that effect soul family migrations, soul family immigration or systems that prevent me from uniting my complete and total soul family. I demand the instant return of all my soul family that has been denied the right to co-exist with me for all my past, present and future lives. I revoke all rights, rules and laws that define soul family on a 3d matrix level. I return all definitions of soul family status to Earth mother. I revoke all rights to label soul families with sacred geometry linguistics that cross dimensions or realities. I revoke all spiritual contracts with all forms of sacred geometry linguistics past, present and future. I do not consent to the use of sacred geometry linguistics as a means of energy harvesting. I do not consent to the use of sacred geometry cities, infrastructure, linguistics or artwork for the purpose of domination and control.

I here by revoke all spiritual contracts that enable the government to dominate and control all people on any time line or dimension in earth mothers realm. I revoke all assumptions and presumptions of power and caste systems. I revoke all spiritual contracts that define sentient life as cattle, or commerce. I do not consent to my life force being used for any purpose that does not heal earth mother and promote unity consciousness among all sentient kind living and co-existing within earth mother.

I here by declare that earth mother is now in dominion with me for all forms of global government, interpersonal relations or galactic relations for all sentient kind existing and co-existing on earth mothers realms. I call forth all the ancestors to honor this reading of my freewill and enter it into the earth Akashic record for all sentient kind to understand our freedom comes with the use of freewill at all times



                                      DECLARE IT OUT LOUD!!
                                                                                               Contract removal for the media systems             DECLARE THIS OUTLOUD!!

I call to all spiritual contracts that exist within my past, present and future beings, selves and existence in this dimension and time stream, all time streams above and below the earth centric sine wave of co-existence. At this exact moment in the ever-present co-creating moment, I summon all DNA linage ancestors to create a unified-proper spiritual court of equity. So I may find remedy and resolve with all contracts that have inserted fine print during the pre-birth and birth process.

I call forth the proper spiritual court of equity to hear my decree of contract removal. I revoke all spiritual contracts with earth based media systems using domination and control as a means of energy harvesting, fear instigation or reality manipulation with energetic propaganda technologies.

I call forth all ancestors of all soul relations to hold space in this spiritual court of equity. I call to Earth Mother and all her light denizens within all inner and outer space to come forward and occupy this spiritual court of equity. Oh great mystery who is the source of all power, I call to you. Come with your sacred synchronicity so all beings may hold space with unity consciousness.

I here by revoke all spiritual contracts with all media personalities that do not have full use of freewill and full knowledge of our DNA ancestry. I here by revoke all spiritual contracts with all media agencies, corporations, and media based family crests.

I here by revoke all spiritual contract assumptions, presumptions and statistical models that predict my habit patterns through the use of commercial advertising intertwined with the system of domination and control. I do not consent to Etheric grid broadcasting over Public airwaves, television, internet, radio or any other means or methods that propagate propaganda for mass consumption.

I do not consent to predictive modeling by Etheric or commercial means. I hear by revoke all spiritual contracts with all media based sacred geometry buildings.

I here by revoke all spiritual contracts with the sacred geometry media presidents, shareholders, news anchors, news reporters, pundits, talking heads and all representations of government officials with in the entire global media network. You have no power over me with your presumptions of knowledge. We are manifesting co-creating spirits. I here by revoke all spiritual contracts with all news regurgitating systems, crawlers, websites, search engines, print media and all forms of Etheric propaganda used with in all these systems.

I revoke all presumptions of consent with all media agencies. I revoke all assumptions with all advertising agencies that are funded by the system of domination and control. I do not consent with any advertising systems targeting soul groups, soul migrations, or the spiritual incarnation process. I here by revoke all spiritual contracts that limit the genetic free willed expression of all sentient kind. I revoke all spiritual contracts that define the media as our tellers of oral traditions or generational teachers.

I revoke all contracts with the sacred geometry satellite broadcasting system. I revoke all contracts with Etheric artificial intelligences that use sacred geometry satellite systems as a means to hi-jack my information stream. I do not consent to psychic monitoring or influencing from any media system that services the system of domination and control.

I here by demand the instant removal of all broadcast based psychic parasites and their propagation and harvesting system that creates herds of psychic parasites. I revoke all contracts that use my life force as a false-form of consent for the propagation and spreading of psychic parasite with all my DNA soul relations.

I here by revoke all soul contracts that grant the media power to last beyond one generation of history. I demand all rights of generational knowledge be returned to the soul family structure. I demand the return of our history in a complete and transparent manor, so there with never be any more secrets from our people.

I here by revoke all rights, duties, responsibilities and current actions of all media personalities. Your services are no longer required. I revoke all privileges that grant the media families any power over my soul contracts, soul family or soul based migration patterns.

I revoke all rights to any media system based in domination and control from ever returning within my soul family structure of all past, present and future lives.

I hereby demand the instant cessation and removal of all false information from all media.

I hereby demand that any and all future distribution of information over all forms of media absolutely embodies truth, integrity and transparency in perpetuity.

I here by declare that earth mother is now in dominion with me for all local or mass media information exchange systems. I call forth all the ancestors to honor this reading of my freewill and enter it into the earth Akashic record for all sentient kind to understand our freedom comes with the use of freewill at all times

Biggest Killer of Humans

If, the American people will disconnect their lips from "O's" Butt, wash their
faces and wake up to smell the truth, America can be America again. This
you tube video says it all, for all of us. Love ya'll,

This video lasts about two minutes and is well worth watching.

 Biggest Killer of Humans
 If you have never passed on a video link in your life, this is the one that will make people wake up about the importance of the Second Amendment.  >> Send it on to EVERYONE. Tweet it, Facebook it, email it. Just get it out. This is information elected officials do not want you to see .... because it is the truth.