Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Nightmare is Almost Over: Part I

The Nightmare is Almost Over: Part I
by David Wilcock
June 8, 2013, 2:00 am
Hits: 75,536

The NSA data-mining scandal is only one of dozens of strong pieces of evidence that the cabal of shadowy Power Elite are right on the brink of being publicly exposed and brought to justice -- as we've been anticipating for years now.
Once this happens, it will soon become the most significant event in all of modern history -- dwarfing 9/11 by many orders of magnitude as a game-changer.
This time, however, the game will change for the positive -- not for the negative.
[Illustration courtesy of John Seymour. UPDATED with pullquotes and new synchronicities, next day.]

How does it feel to know, for a fact, that the NSA has potentially been spying on everything you think, say and do online?
How does it feel to know you are under constant surveillance -- and Congress says this is "nothing new?"
How does it feel to know that all your credit card spending habits are being tracked?
How does it feel to know that every call you make is being logged for who you called, when you called them and for how long -- and that's only the part that's public as of today?
For many people, this is coming as a complete shock. Headlines are exploding. Everything we think we know must be re-examined.
There is a monster under the bed.
For others -- apparently including our members of the US Congress -- they are brushing it off as "nothing new."
I don't think the public is going to view it that way.

I've known this was a fact for many years. And the truth will set us free.
When I woke up today, Friday June 7, 2013, I felt absolutely terrific.
Finally -- after all these years -- the evidence that this global nightmare is almost over is undeniable.
In the last six months, I wrote a 500-page book, with nearly 700 references, that boldly predicts the sequence of events that is already starting to happen.
In that same timeframe, I've also written and produced 21 half-hour episodes of my own television show -- with six more due to tape in two weeks' time.
It's been very hard work -- harder than I've ever worked in my life -- but I've also never felt better.
In this new investigation I will systematically make the case that the nightmare is almost over -- with dozens and dozens of specific data points you can check for yourself.
I have actually written up a comprehensive, chronological outline first, which is very rare for me. It's the only way I could organize such a huge volume of information.

For years now, hecklers have written off this website and its collaborators as foolish idiots for believing in the fantasy that an international alliance is working to bring down the Power Elite.
In many cases it would appear that deeper psychological forces are motivating their resistance. No measure of factual evidence ever seems to convince them.
Oftentimes, it seems that people cannot allow it to be true in their mind, because they are so deeply afraid that their hopes will be shattered.
Some people are getting a payoff from the idea that they are embroiled in a terrific struggle against a supernatural, nearly all-powerful nemesis.
They may also be getting a payoff from the idea that they are embroiled in a terrific struggle against a supernatural, nearly all-powerful nemesis.
Nonetheless, Benjamin Fulford has been in contact with this positive alliance since his 2008 debut, and I've been investigating and reporting on his claims ever since he started.
I gave detailed and very timely insider testimony about the history of this alliance in Part 3 of Disclosure Endgame, which I wrote in December 2009.
Clearly, this information is even more relevant today.

You may be surprised to learn that the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 was financed and supported by Wall Street. This is one of many points I make in my new book, The Synchronicity Key, which will be unleashed this August.
[By pre-ordering the book now, you will get a significantly lower price -- and help ensure this mission-critical work gets the credibility it needs in order to gain mainstream attention.]
An alliance of Russian Christians has been quietly working to defeat the Cabal ever since it started in 1776 with the "Bavarian Illuminati."
According to insider Dr. Peter David Beter, who was John F. Kennedy's top, most trusted banker, this Christian resistance sect was "at least two centuries old" as of 1977.
This dates the alliance all the way back to when the "Illuminati" was founded in Bavaria -- in 1776.
Most surprisingly, this Christian alliance worked for sixty years to eventually oust the Bolsheviks -- a powerful faction of the Cabal -- in the 1970s.
Several key moves were made right under their noses -- including the assassination of Josef Stalin on March 5, 1953 and Khruschev's de-Stalinization campaign in the 1960s.
The deeper cosmic context of both of these events is clearly explained in The Synchronicity Key.
The Bolsheviks had no idea what was going on until the trap sprung on them in the late 1970s. This quest for planetary freedom is still ongoing as of today.

That [sixty-year] experience [of defeating the Cabal] has left them with very definite, vivid opinions about what does and does not work when dealing with people like the Bolsheviks and Zionists.
They also know that rapid, radical change of any type opens the door for revolution -- and where there is revolution, Bolshevik-Zionist agents will be there to exploit it.

Although this alliance apparently suffered setbacks in the 1980s and again in the 1990s, Gorbachev definitely appeared to be a part of it -- with his plans for total nuclear disarmament.
Furthermore, several of the insiders I know have said that Vladimir Putin is the most visible coordinating member of this alliance today.
I was personally contacted by the Asian contingent of the alliance that was working with Fulford in November 2011, after their trillion-dollar lawsuit against the Power Elite became public -- and I started writing about it.
That article alone has now had over a million views.

On December 1, 2011, I began receiving an incredible volume of photographs and documents that supported the validity of the alliance and its claims.
I have since written entire books' worth of supporting material on this site. This was considered the single most dangerous and classified subject on earth -- by several different insiders I know personally.
In December 2012, the alliance appeared to have ordered the creation of two three-hour documentaries that aired on Russian national television, and were seen by millions of people.
I starred in both of these documentaries, and was told they were directly built around my written investigations -- particularly Financial Tyranny.
Right after we taped the second round of shows, I began working like crazy on my new book.

In order to properly set up the cosmic context of our discussion, I will share some personal information -- as many of you have been asking for updates of this nature.
Writing The Synchronicity Key was brutally difficult -- but ultimately very rewarding. I already miss the magic of the creative process, and am looking forward to writing the sequel.
Once I realized that no overt change had occurred on the Mayan Calendar end-date of December 21,y dense research material that I had spent months and months developing -- 14 hours a day, 6 or 7 days a week.
Cutting these pages was frustrating. Horrible. This was what I'd spent most of my time working on and now I had to hack it out.
I didn't feel smartd clearly established that December 2012 was actually the end of a 25,920-year earth cycle.
Over 30 different ancient cultures, worldwide, had information "encoded" in their mythologies that specifically told us to study this cycle.
This clearly seemed to be the result of a unified, coordinated effort -- from benevolent beings who founded all the world's greatest spiritual teachings, including Christianity.
Not all of my research made it into the book. Very key pieces of the puzzle had to be taken out.
The deleted pages included shocking information on how this "master cycle" neatly divides into smaller units of time -- where major historical events keep repeating like clockwork.

In the fall of 2010, I submitted a 700-plus-page manuscript of The Source Field Investigations to the publisher -- and was told, in no uncertain terms, that 200 pages had to go.
As painful as it was, we all ended up agreeing that every page on the great cycles of time had to be eliminated.
This was about 120 pages of very dense research material that I had spent months and months developing -- 14 hours a day, 6 or 7 days a week.
Cutting these pages was frustrating. Horrible. This was what I'd spent most of my time working on and now I had to hack it out.
I didn't feel smart enough, nor talented enough to write about this phenomenon in an understandable, cogent way.
I knew I was on to something spectacular -- but I didn't feel smart enough, nor talented enough to write about this phenomenon in an understandable, cogent way.
It's very difficult to use three, four and even five-digit numbers in a narrative and not have the reader's eyes glaze over.
It's even more difficult to discuss specific historical events in different eras of time, and compare them so that even an eighth-grader can see the underlying unity and precision between them.
I had to let it all go. It was sad, but it was also a relief, as I knew I hadn't solved the mystery of why these cycles of time were happening.
That solution didn't dawn on me until August of last year -- 2012 -- just four months before the big Mayan Calendar end-date.

Less than two months after The Source Field Investigations came out, the trillion-dollar lawsuit against financial tyranny emerged -- and I got drawn in.
My time-cycle research in 2010 had already suggested that a major act of war against the Cabal would occur in 2011, and culminate with their defeat in 2014.
Once this trillion-dollar lawsuit was filed, I realized that this could very likely be the fulfillment of a repeating cycle that predated the arrival of Jesus of Nazareth on earth by well over 100 years.
The Financial Tyranny investigation consumed the vast majority of my time from November 2011 to August 2012 -- and left me feeling extremely stressed out.
In the meantime, I had promised my publisher a new book, but I had barely been able to write anything new.
I had about 120 pages of densely-packed research material on the cycles of time to start with -- but as of December 2012, I had suffered a near-total writers' block.

As I wrote in December 21, 2012: Romance and Reality, I was taken in by the "romance" that the ancient prophecies of a Golden Age would literally surprise us overnight.
Instead of a cosmic mind-gasm or even a sacred gathering of friends, I ended up badly fracturing my right big toe that very same night -- December 21st, 2012.
This certainly appeared to be some kind of a "cosmic joke" -- but the injury itself was no laughing matter.
The pain was very loud for the first 3 days, and since I am completely chemical-free, I never took any drugs to dull it out.
I still can't quite walk normally on it six months later -- but it has gotten much, much better.

To me, the broken toe was a very obvious reminder that I / we are still in pain -- and we were definitely not there yet in terms of a happy ending.
Breaking my toe on December 21, 2012 reminded me that we are still in pain, and have not yet reached the "happy ending" spoken of in the prophecies.
Lying there flat on my back, and hobbling around on crutches, I reflected on the "good" and the "bad", the ups and the downs of life.
In this state of crippling pain and boredom, I finally put it all together -- and saw the Big Picture.
This changed everything about how I decided to write the book -- from the very first page to the very last.
The linkage between the ups and downs of global events, and the growth cycles in our own soul evolution, suddenly became clear to me.
Just as the ageless wisdom teachings have always said, everything in the Universe is sacred. Realizing and knowing this, and understanding how it works and why, is the key to your Ascension.

I had a complete vision of what I needed to do almost immediately.
This was further consolidated by reading every Amazon review of my previous book, beginning with the one-star ratings and working up to the five-star reviews.
To the best of my ability, I made sure that every salient criticism of the previous book was addressed in my design of the new one.
The most common suggestion was "less information and more discussion of what it all means" -- and that's exactly what I ended up doing.
The book was designed with the meticulous precision of a fine Swiss watch. Not a single word had to be cut from the narrative.
The first book has over 1000 academic references. This book has slightly less than 700 -- and goes much deeper into discussing the implications.
I am also happy to report that I designed this with the meticulous precision of a fine Swiss watch, and except for one small section, not a single word had to be cut.
The previous book had many passages that originally were intended to help link the pieces together and were cut. Not this time. It was 500 pages, and none of them had to die.
I admit that I deliberately left that one section unfinished in the first draft so the editing team could jump in and help me shape it -- and they did. It all flows very well now.

Once I started writing, I barely got more than five or six hours of sleep a night for six months. I worked fourteen or fifteen hours a day, seven days a week.
Although I really enjoyed the creative process, it also felt like I was trying to wolf down a wonderful gourmet dinner in less than 60 seconds.
During this same time, I produced 21 television episodes with Gaiam TV that are chock-full of new content.
In filling up 30 new minutes a week, I was able to say so many things I'd always wanted to cover at conferences, but never had the time.
It also utterly satisfied the complaint of "too much information, not enough discussion."
I also delivered at least one conference a month, and updated this website as much as I possibly could. It was truly a frenzy of activity.
At the time of this writing, you can watch the first 12 episodes free for 10 days -- and pay nothing if you decide to cancel within that period.
As I saw the prophecies of a worldwide defeat of the Cabal increasingly coming true, I deeply wished I could spend more time writing on this site -- but the deadlines for the book were utterly immovable.
Even so, I barely made it, and this stressed the whole team. To make our deadline of an August delivery, I was supposed to shoot for a finished first draft by mid-February.
Otherwise our release would have to wait until Spring 2014 -- and that would throw off the timelines the book was written around, and built to support.

As it turns out, I didn't even send in a partial, incomplete manuscript until mid-March. It was way, way late. The first draft itself wasn't finished until early April.
That meant I could barely change anything in the book after the first week of April. I had a couple of weeks to do other things while I waited for them to send this "first pass" back.
There were tons and tons of notes I had to go through. Almost every page had at least one or two things on it that I had to deal with.
Every single thing I said had to be backed up with facts -- even including the proof that a grocery store called Robin's Food Warehouse had existed in New Paltz in the mid-1990s.
This rigorous verification process ended up adding at least 50 more academic references. The book became a lot stronger in several key areas as a result, and is now effectively bullet-proof.
I had another immovable deadline to send this version back -- and I'm telling you, I almost killed myself to finish it -- only to have to immediately do even more.

I was then sent a huge paper copy of the book -- slightly over 500 pages -- where all changes had to be made in red pen.
At this point I could only change a single sentence here and there, as the index was already being constructed by the team.
After six months of literally working 14-15 hours a day, seven days a week, I finally took a week off and did nothing.
Normally, you can still change up to 10 percent of the book at this stage, but since it was so last-minute, I could hardly change anything.
Otherwise, the index would be thrown off, and the reader would be looking for information and not find it on the page that was listed.
I managed to get all these tweaks done on a ridiculously tight timeline, and was up until 6AM photographing the inked pages and sending them in.
Even after that, I had other minor deadlines to wrestle with. It didn't all actually end until about a week and a half ago.
I was so burned out by this point that my dreams suggested I take about a week to decompress, do nothing, and try to feel normal again.
I played a lot of fingerstyle guitar -- and worked through all the most interesting music films in Itunes on my Apple TV.

In the midst of this crazy deadline crush in April, it was time to announce my new television show -- and that went out on April 10th.
I thank you for the overwhelmingly positive response you have had to this. We've already broken all existing records at Gaiam TV, and my episodes are consistently in the Most Popular list!
A great deal of time and effort has gone into designing these shows. Each one of them is loaded with slides and specific information, just like a conference.
I can and do go into a lot more detail than I have time to do at conferences, which is terrific.
[We discovered that little buffering "hiccups" are completely eliminated in full-screen mode by closing other browser tabs and programs first.]
I'm also going through a much more systematic and in-depth treatment of the material than I can ever do at an event -- because I have a lot more time.
To let you in on a little secret, this show is really an Ascension class. I'm just taking the first 25 episodes, more or less, to lay the groundwork for the heart of our discussion.

Just five days after I announced my new show, Wisdom Teachings with David Wilcock, we were hit with the biggest terrorist attack in the U.S. since 9/11.
50 different scientific studies have proven that meditation can dramatically reduce wars, fatalities and terrorism.
Bombs were set off at the finish-line of the Boston Marathon -- and a huge explosion detonated a fertilizer plant in Waco, Texas.
In the book, I had written about how we all ultimately share thoughts much more than we realize. 50 different scientific studies have shown that meditation can dramatically reduce wars, fatalities and terrorism.
So, I made a big call for everyone to meditate for peace in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon attacks.
I clearly seemed to have intuitively anticipated the attack, as I did an entire radio show on this same subject -- meditating for peace to reduce terrorism -- directly before it happened.
As soon as I hung up the phone and checked the internet, the bombings had occurred.

I was still madly struggling through all the book deadlines in the last two weeks of April, shoving all social, personal and professional concerns aside, when an incredible dream crashed in on me.
It clearly prognosticated that a major defeat of the Cabal was imminent. You can read about it in The Storm of Disclosure is About to Hit.
I was shown that there would be significantly disruptive effects for a while as this event reached its apex.
In the dream this world-transforming event appeared as an incredibly massive lightning storm -- utterly wiping out everything in its path.
Please note that this was NOT a worldwide disaster. However, the central, beating heart of the Power Elite -- symbolized by a castle -- was in the direct path of the onrushing storm.
I was being asked to try to expose as much about the Cabal as possible before this storm actually hit.
That's actually why I'm writing this piece now -- particularly as these events are reaching critical mass.

I was clearly shown that once this storm arrives, history will have forever changed.
At that point, anything I say or do will be "after the fact", and therefore will not carry the same gravity as it does now.
The dream revealed that a spectacular exposure and defeat of the Cabal would be seen in the very near future.
In dream-time this major defeat of the Cabal was only a half-hour away.
I certainly knew this was not a literal time estimate -- but on the other hand, I obviously could see we were dealing with a mega-event that was only a few months away -- at the most.
This actually fit very nicely with the cycles I had just finished writing about in the book. It seemed very difficult to believe, but I was open to the possibilities.
As of last night, when the NSA data-mining scandal went global, I knew we were getting close -- and it was time to spring into action.

I've now been documenting and analyzing my dreams almost every morning for over 20 years.
So many accurate prophecies have happened that the burden of proof has been satisfied hundreds of times over.
This included processing 500 paid clients from 1998 until my retirement in 2005.
Every client got a dream from me that was so accurate that we had a 99-percent satisfaction rate.
There was almost a 50-50 chance that the person would burst into tears as I shared it with them.
I still have audio-cassette documentation of every one of these cases -- but they were intensely personal experiences for the clients and are confidential.
All I had to do is remember my dream and repeat it back to the client when they called, and the next thing you know they'd start saying "Oh my God" over and over again, and / or crying.

I did write up "The Storm of Disclosure is About to Hit" -- and felt good about it.
However, on Sunday, May 12th, while I was still scrambling to perfect the book on a ridiculously tight deadline, I had another prophetic dream.
This time it was even more outrageous, and specific, than the previous one had been.
In this case I didn't feel like jumping up and posting it right away. This time I wanted to hang back, take some time and see where it would lead.
The time estimates were so precise that I had a hard time understanding they could really be that close at hand.
With dreams, anything and everything can be encrypted with symbolism. It is not wise to take anything literally, though many inexperienced dreamers do.
I did end up discussing the dream, in detail, during the Evolvepalooza online conference that one of my dreams had specifically asked me to participate in.
Here's a detailed summary of what happened.

In a dream I woke up from on Sunday, May 12th, at 9:15 am Pacific time, I was walking outside my house in the driveway, in daylight.
A person walked up to me in a white outfit -- and he had a very unusual, radiant quality.
A radiant man in white clothing sat me down and said, "Everything we've been preparing you for, all these years, is about to start happening."
His presence immediately put me at ease. Right away, I knew that he was a wise person and he had valuable information to share with me.
Some kind of new, futuristic building was on the land, and he brought me inside through a doorway. Other people like him were working at computers inside the building.
He sat me down in front of a normal-looking laptop computer, and sat facing me on the other side of the computer. He looked me straight in the eye and began talking.
"David, all the things we've been preparing you for, all these years, are about to start happening. You are actually going to see Disclosure."
I was stunned. Speechless. I just kept listening. I was glad that finally, someone "in the know" had decided to talk to me.
He then pulled up a webpage on the laptop. "This is how it starts."
Much to my surprise, he pulled up the front page of the Drudge Report!

Specifically, this was the front page of the Drudge Report with bold, red headlines. It appeared that some major new story of political scandal had broken.
"This will be the first sign. You will see headlines like this breaking on the Drudge Report, all in red."
"You should see them within about a week, but it might take two weeks for you to see everything."
This was only the beginning of the dream. I expected I might have to wait a week to see something.
I was quite shocked to see a red headline dominating the top of the Drudge Report the very next morning, Monday, May 13th -- just as I had been shown:

Although the dream didn't specifically indicate that a red headline would be seen on The Huffington Post as well, there it was:

The next surprising real-world event was a very odd synchronicity that occurred the next day -- Tuesday, May 14th.
This was shocking, considering I was finishing up an entire book on synchronicity -- entitled The Synchronicity Key.
Here, this seemed to be a very clear, obvious, easy-to-understand message that rival factions in the United States were now attacking each other.
This is exactly what we had just observed the day before -- where the Department of Justice was tapping the phones of the American press.
Furthermore, the meta-message of this event centered around airplane crashes -- such as we saw in 9/11 -- since the birds crash-landed on an airport runway.

Both of the birds fell to the ground. In the course of their fighting with each other, their talons had become locked together and embedded in each other's flesh.

This synchronicity had a happy ending. The exhausted birds accepted rescue and were brought into a pickup truck, still entwined.
One of them escaped and flew off, seemingly fine. The other bird remained behind, and accepted fluids, nutrition and rest to restore its health. It did not bite, claw or attack its rescuer.

The caption says it all, in terms of the deeper symbolic meaning of this event: "The injured eagle is expected to recover."
Six days after this dream, on Saturday, May 18th, I discussed this and the rest of the dream in the Evolvepalooza online conference.

After I did Evolvepalooza, the initial window of "one or two weeks" with huge headlines produced even more results -- nine days after I had the dream.
This time, the headlines were far more tragic -- though Drudge had not put this one in red during the time I photogrape will be talking about them."

I honestly did not know whether to go public with this dream -- including details I will share in just a minute.
I did end up covering it in the online conference, but I needed to rest, and didn't feel like updating the site ream, there was a mega-storm of unprecedented destructiveness that was going to utterly wipe out the Cabal.

In the dream, my guide then went on: "These initial headlines directly set the stage for a much bigger series of events that will follow."
These initial headlines directly set the stage for a much bigger series of events that will follow.
"These later events will also appear as headlines, all in red, on the top of the Drudge Report."
"The key time window you need to look for is six weeks after the initial headlines appear."
"What's going to happen then," I asked him?
"Disclosure will begin," he answered. "Everything you've been hoping for is going to start happening."
"Well, can you be a little more specific," I asked? At this point he pulled up another image of the Drudge Report on the laptop.
"You will see three different major news stories all hit at the same time. Each of them will be highlighted in red at the top of Drudge Report. They will be worldwide. Everyone will be talking about them."

I honestly did not know whether to go public with this dream -- including details I will share in just a minute.
I did end up covering it in the online conference, but I needed to rest, and didn't feel like updating the site yet. I wanted to enjoy my time off -- and wait and see what happened.
However, once this story broke, my resting period was over -- and here we are.
By this point, I was already gearing up to disclose the dream and write a major new piece -- but this new event put it over the top.


The "six weeks" figure wasn't entirely clear. One possibility was that it would land on Monday, June 24th -- six weeks after the dream itself happened.
Another possibility was that it would happen on Monday, July 1st, six weeks after the one-week window I was given for the first round of events to take place.
However, if the tornado is supposed to be the main coordinate-point to count six weeks from, that would bring it to roughly Tuesday, July 2nd, 2013.
It is also possible that the six-week figure is symbolic, not literal -- and only represents an approximate window.

In the dream, I was told that these headlines would be Disclosure-related. UFOs and ETs would break out on a major level, and be taken very seriously.
I was also shown that one of the stories seemed to involve the Atacama humanoid discussed in Amardeep Kaleka and Dr. Steven Greer's film SIRIUS, which I am briefly featured in at the beginning and in a few other spots.
After I saw these upcoming headlines in the dream, the guide and I then stood up from the laptop workstation and walked back outside the building.

I was now looking at the security gate and fence that I'd been asked to install at the front of the driveway at the house I'm living at, roughly around this time last year.
This request had come in the form of a horrible dream where my house was broken into by a drugged-out hippie guy -- and I witnessed him stealing items out of the house.
The feeling was very disjointed and terrifying.
I tried to scream at him but I had no voice. He then ran off and zoomed away in a very high-end silver sports car, like a Porsche.
"We needed you to install a security gate to keep the press out. Otherwise, they would have congregated outside your front door in a giant mob."
It ended up taking quite a long time to get the gate actually installed, and it was definitely not cheap -- but it is there now in real life.
The man I was talking to said "This is why we urged you to install the security gate. It's not about fans stalking you. We needed it there to keep the press out."
"Everyone is going to want to interview you once this story really breaks, and we wanted to make sure you would have privacy."
"Otherwise, they would have congregated right outside your front door in a giant mob."

I have had many, many dreams preparing me for massive, worldwide exposure, coinciding with the revealing and defeat of the Power Elite.
One of these dreams involved Michael Jackson.
Though this dream was simply a piece of data I received intuitively, I was reticent to discuss it for a long time, since the default attack of every skeptic is that anything like this is "ego" and nothing more.
I first mentioned the dream in a post from September 11, 2009:
Weeks before Michael Jackson died, I had a dream where I walked with him and he ended up dying of a heart attack from fear of his public.
After he was gone, his family was gathered and said how sad it was that he chose that time to leave, because if he had stayed here he would have lived to see a massive defeat of the New World Order.
I am delighted to know that some of these very major problems are going to be resolved a lot sooner than I had imagined they would be.
This was something he had wanted for a very long time, and now it was imminent.
When he actually did then die, it was a further sign to me that the forces creating my dreams can definitely see into the future.
The point was not whether I published the dream about him before it actually happened. The point was to add yet another layer of proof to convince me that this seemingly outrageous prophecy they were giving me was really in fact true.
I am delighted to know that some of these very major problems are going to be resolved a lot sooner than I had imagined they would be.
It is also a huge honor to be given this information to share with you in advance of the actual events taking place. I am humbled.
I finally revealed the full detail of this dream in a radio show I did on May 15, 2010 with Dr. Robert Pease on Co-Creator Radio Network -- after a caller named Judy asked me a question.

RP: You have some questions for David?

JUDY: Yeah, in your article you said that on the dream level, they’re preparing you to do things in your life in a different phase.

I was wondering if you could elaborate what you feel your work is preparing you to go into a different phase with?

DW: Well, that’s a deliciously unpleasant question. Wouldn’t you like to know? [laughs]

RP: [laughs]

JUDY: Yeah, I would.


DW: I can’t really go into detail because if I did, I would look like an egomaniac.

RP: Oh, come on David. Come on, we don’t see you as an egomaniac. We’re all friends here. Let’s do it.

DW: All right. All right. I will give you something very controversial that I have never said before.
Michael Jackson died in my arms of a heart attack. Three weeks later, the prophecy came true. But there was much more to it than I had revealed before.

Everybody knows that I had a dream about Michael Jackson’s death about three weeks before he died.

The dream was extremely precise. In the dream he was in tears, and he died in my arms – from a heart attack.

In the dream the reason why he died was because he was so terrified of being as public as he was.

We were walking around a giant outdoor concert and there was a big commercial that showed up on the screen.

The commercial was basically showing diagrams of his nose and his plastic surgery. He just started totally freaking out and going into a panic attack.

The thing that was so sad about his death was that after he literally died in my arms, there was this giant gathering.


The gathering had many of the top luminaries in the African-American community, people that are big names, like Reverend Al Sharpton, guys like that. It wasn’t clear whether Obama was a part of this or not.

Basically what had happened was that the negative, financially corrupt forces in the world had decided to give up their control and power – obviously not willingly. They were now preparing to formally hand it over to this new group.

Michael Jackson’s family members were actually part of that new group. Obviously, it’s all analogizing to Obama as well.

So, bottom line here is that there was this massive transfer of power.

Everybody was saying, “It’s such a shame that Michael died when he did. If he lived just a little bit longer, he would have been able to see this massive change in society that’s he’s been working and hoping for all along.”


Now, I get this dream three weeks before he died, but here’s the detail that I omitted. Michael told me, “You’re going to go through the same things I went through. I hope you can handle it better than me.”

By context, it was clear this publicity increase in my own life would come about as this massive transfer of power took place in society.

I’ve had many, many dreams in which I have a highly significant level of publicity in the world.

The best way I deal with it most of the time is ignoring it, because it’s not really going to affect what I do day-by-day very much, other than to just distract me.


But the other thing that was so fascinating was a synchronicity. I was on the phone, on Internet telephone, with Henry Deacon, the top Camelot witness who actually worked with extraterrestrial humans who look just like us – at a base on Mars.

I definitely believe he’s for real. I’ve interrogated him for over 80 hours. I know what I’m talking about here.

We were on the phone that day, and we had had an amazing conversation. As soon as I got off the phone, I found out that Michael Jackson died.

He called me back on the phone, and said it was astonishing that Michael Jackson had died, and yet none of his videos were on the top of Google Video.

He felt it was almost like there was some kind of cover-up; they don’t want his videos to be seen, even though that’s got to be what people are watching.

And then he’s looking at the videos and he goes, “Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!”
"Did you actually look at the videos on the top of Google's list?"

I said, “What’s that?”

And he said, “Did you look at the videos?”

I had just told him the dream, in which Michael Jackson said, “You’re going to be as well known as me.

"That’s what’s going to happen to you. Hopefully, you’ll do better than I’ve done, because I admit it; I’ve had a lot of trouble with it.”

So then Henry goes, “Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.”

“What’s that?”

“Did you actually look at what’s on the top video list?”

“No, not really.”

“Go take a look.”

2012 Enigma was the number two on Google’s most viewed at the moment that Michael Jackson died – and for a few hours after he died. And I have proof; I took screen shots.

Then I said, “Oh my God, I don’t want to publish this. People are going to eat me alive. I don’t want to make any prophecy in public about the idea that I might become pretty well known.” I guess it’s the right time.

RP: It’s part of the deal.


The anger and hate that has been directed towards me has been very difficult to take. Had I not grown into this gradually, it would have been utterly overwhelming.
I do believe that if the Power Elite are exposed and arrested, and the public learns the truth, there will be a storm of media around many different people who have covered these topics.
I am certainly not the only one who will suddenly be inundated with this type of attention -- not by a longshot.
The events of this past Thursday night have really transformed my perspective on all of this. I am now seeing it as a good thing -- not a bad thing.
We've been talking about these upcoming events for a long, long time. It's quite amazing to see them becoming tangible realities.
In Part Two of this article series, we will go into much more detail about all the OTHER pieces of data that must be considered when putting this all together.

I am very excited by the idea that these dreams may be accurate, and we do not have long to wait.
Many other dreams have presented me with the same bottom-line conclusion -- using equally grandiose and stunning metaphors.
I do know that once the truth is set free, it can never be stopped. Things are now starting to get really interesting.
No one can deny what's going on at this point. Public indignation will quickly drive new revelations.

The pace of exposure has been excruciatingly slow -- but the Alliance may well have been building up to this moment ever since the Bavarian Illuminati was first founded in 1776.
The biggest events in history, including 9/11, are all happening in regular cycles, with as little as a day or two between the events in each round... even across 2,160 years.
I had discovered that the greatest events in history, including 9/11, are all happening in regular cycles -- with as little as a day or two between the events in each cycle, even across 2,160 years.
Once I had dramatically expanded the scope of this research, combining all the best sources on it and making many new discoveries of my own, I had to look at the greater purpose for why this was happening.
Ultimately, I concluded it was all part of a much greater Divine design to awaken us to the fact that we are in a living universe -- and we all share the same identity.
Consciousness is not strictly the result of neurons firing in the brain.
Once we understand, collectively, that the Universe itself is conscious -- built by a Source Field that actually thinks -- we will also realize how it is guiding us through an individual and planetary evolution.

Each of us, regardless of our spiritual beliefs or lack thereof, are being guided through the same spiritual curriculum -- known as the Hero's Journey archetypes.
Jesus dropped a very provocative statement in the Bible that showed he understood this, and came to embody the pattern of the Hero. These cycles undeniably appear in other religions as well.
My broken toe got me thinking about mortality -- and the greater reality we all know and share in the afterlife, and beyond. That became a key part of the new book.
The whole first half of the book -- 250 pages -- beautifully sets up the greater reality we live in before the cycles are ever even discussed in any detail.

Synchronicity is being used to gradually awaken us to the truth of who and what we really are. Synchronicity is happening on an industrial scale in the cycles of history.
All recorded events in history, going all the way back to Sumerian times, are following precisely-repeating cyclical patterns. But why?
In fact, one Russian scientist discovered that all recorded events in history, going all the way back to Sumerian times, are following these same patterns.
They were built to be discovered.
It may be that untold billions of inhabited worlds have already come to realize the structures in time that govern their soul evolution -- on an individual and collective level.
Synchronicity may be the key that unlocks the greatest mystery of all time: Who are we, why are we here, and where are we going?
History begins to look very different once we understand that all events are part of a grand, Divine design, endorsed by all the great world religions as the key to our collective awakening.
It appears that this grand moment of Triumph is finally upon us now.

Finally, after extraordinary effort, I have created what may come to be seen as the finest work of art I have ever produced.
Producing hours and hours of no-holds-barred "Disclosure Television" at the same time has been a marvelous experience.
In Part Two we will cover the breathtaking new discoveries that emerged as I synthesized this vast wealth of data together for my new book.
We will also see a great treasure-trove of specific data that strongly suggests the Alliance is real -- and is taking down the Power Elite at a slow but inevitable speed, without creating revolutions or violent upsets.
The main, basic outline and data summary of this new material is already 40 pages -- and I have to start dictating the audio version of the book in the studio as of Monday.
The Synchronicity Key was written in anticipation that all of this was about to happen. It is available now for you to pre-order at a much lower price.
This is one case where you stepping up and doing this now can actually help affect the outcome. If these cycles become common knowledge, the world will be radically transformed for the positive.

Available in hardcover, audiobook and ebook formats as of August 20, 2013!
#1 Best-Seller in "New Age Divination with Prophecy" category on Amazon!

Wow. I just had quite an incredible synchronicity. I had re-read the article, just for proofreading it and enjoying it.
I got to the end and just blanked out for a minute or two. Then I heard a quiet but clear message. "Click refresh... NOW! You might get a synchronicity."
I just did it, without even thinking about it. And this time the results were so spectacular that I said, out loud, "Oh my God!"

This was a QUINTUPLE-DIGIT hit counter synchronicity -- 22,222. I immediately snapped a shot of it and went into the website to post the update.
The timing for this to work had to be incredibly precise. Just in the time it took me to make it into the editing window, the hits had jumped up to 22256.

I took a snapshot of this, very quickly, and then clicked right into the article. As soon as I did, the hit counter was showing 15 more hits, at 22271.

This clearly indicates that the margin of error was literally within fractions of a second for landing on a five-digit numerical synchronicity like this.

After I posted this update just now, I had to check it and make sure the spacings of the graphics were right.
I fixed one spot, updated it, and now I had a very clear anagram of 25920, the Master Number, with only 2 digits different.

Without even trying, the exact width of the image I just took, in its raw form, was 444 pixels.

When you consider the much deeper prophecies that this article is built around, this is all very, very exciting supporting data.
For those with eyes to see....
Hits: 75,536

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thomas jefferson of the house of jenkins
Private Correspondence to intended party from thomas jefferson of the house of jenkins
This electronic communication is transmitted under the private seal of the living man who has authored its contents, regardless of whether such content includes personal email address, his name, autograph or other distinguishing marks, and said content is expressed by and within the living flesh as a Living Beneficiary, free born inhabitant and heir to and of the Global Estate protected within the jurisdiction and private venue of the Divine Province (see


Paper Is Not Dead

DHS Must Surrender Their War Weapons to Dept. of Defense

Every Senator and Congressman should receive a barrage of these letters.
Do your part and send it to your Congressman.

DHS Must Surrender Their War Weapons to Dept. of Defense

Posted on Sunday, March 24, 2013,

Captain Terry M. Hestilow, United States Army, Retired
On Saturday March 23, Terry M. Hestilow, a retired Army officer with nearly 30 years of service under his belt, posted this letter he sent to Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) this week. Hestilow wants DHS to hand over their war weapons to the Department of Defense.
The Honorable Senator John Cornyn, State of Texas
United States Senate
517 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington , D.C. 20510
Re: Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and that agencies preparation for war against citizens of the United States of America
Dear Senator Cornyn,
It is with gravest concern that I write to you today concerning the recent appropriation of weapons by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that can only be understood as a bold threat of war by that agency, and the Obama administration, against the citizens of the United States of America .

To date, DHS has been unwilling to provide to you, the elected representatives of the People, justification for recent purchases of almost 3,000 mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP) armored personnel carriers, 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition (with associated weapons), and other weapons systems, when, in fact, the DHS has no war mission or war making authority within the limits of the United States of America.
Significant is the fact that at the same time the Obama administration is arming his DHS for war within the limits of the United States against the People of the United States in accordance with his 2008 campaign speech claiming,
“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve gotta have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded [as the United States military]”–Exact words uttered by Candidate Barack Obama, back in 2008.

The Obama administration is deliberately defunding, overextending, and hollowing the Department of Defense; the only legitimate agency of the U.S. government with any war mission.

This act of the Obama administration stands as a glaring threat of war against our nation’s citizens! This act of the Obama administration can only be understood as a tyrannical threat against the Constitution of the United States of America ! If left unresolved, the peace loving citizens who have sworn to defend the United States Constitution “against all enemies, both foreign and domestic” are left with no other option except to prepare to defend themselves, and the U.S. Constitution, against this Administration’s “coup” against the People and the foundations of liberty fought for and defended for the past 238 years. We have no choice if we are to honor our sacred oaths.
The only proper response to this threat against the American people is for the representatives of the People, the members of the U.S. House and Senate, to demand in clear terms that the Administration cannot ignore, stating that the Department of Homeland Security must immediately surrender their newly appropriated weapons of war to the Department of Defense (DoD). 

Further, since the DHS has assumed a position in the Administration to enforce the tyrannical acts of this president against the People of the United States against the limits of the United States Constitution, it remains for the United States Congress to exercise its limiting power in the balancing of powers established by our founding fathers, to disestablish and dissolve the DHS as soon as possible. One needs only to look to the rise of Adolf Hitler, and his associated DHS organizations, the SA and the SS, of 1932-1934, to see the outcome of allowing an agency of government this kind of control over the free citizens of any free nation. The people of Germany could not have imagined, until it was far too late, the dangell not expose ourselves o hold this kind of power. We must not be so naïve as to think it will not happen to us as well if we remain passive toward this power grab by the Marxist Obama administration!
Finally, for more than two centuries this nation has lived in peace at home because of the protections of our legitimate military and the many appropriate state and federal law enforcement agencies, supported by Constitutional courts. We stand today at a cross-road. Will we allow this present Administration to overthrow our United States Constitution and its legal processes to amend injustices, or, will we honor our obligations to defend the Constitution against a “domestic” enemy? Our Constitution lays out the proper methods of resolving our differences; and it does not include its overthrow by a rogue agency or a Marxist leadership at home.

You, sir, are our constitutionally elected agent to defend our Constitution here at home. We are counting upon you. We remain aware, however, of this present threat and will not expose ourselves as an easy prey to the authors of the destruction of our nation.
I know that this letter demands a great deal of you. You and others like you were elected to public office because we, the citizens of the State of Texas and the United States of America, firmly believe that you are up to the task at hand and will, against all threats, honor your oath and office. We are also writing to your fellow members of the House and Senate to stand in integrity with the Constitution and against this present threat by the Obama administration and his DHS.

We refuse to surrender our Arms, our Constitution or our Nation to any foreign or domestic enemy of this nation!
With Firm Resolve,
Captain Terry M. Hestilow
United States Army, Retired
Fort Worth , Texas
March 23, 2013
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to  keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in their own government."  -- Thomas Jefferson

This Act may be cited as the Illinois Corporation Practice of Law Prohibition Act. (Source: P.A. 86-1324.)

This Act may be cited as the Illinois Corporation Practice of Law Prohibition Act. (Source: P.A. 86-1324.)

Whereas pursuant to; Sec. 1. It shall be unlawful for a corporation to practice law or appear as an attorney at law for any reason in any court in this state or before any judicial body, or to make it a business to practice as an attorney at law for any person in any said courts or to hold itself out to the public as being entitled to practice law or to render or furnish legal services or advice or to furnish attorneys or counsel or to render legal services of any kind in actions or proceedings of any nature or in any other way or manner to assume to be entitled to practice law, or to assume, use and advertise the title of lawyers or attorney, attorney at law, or equivalent terms in any language in such manner as to convey the impression that it is entitled to practice law, or to furnish legal advice, furnish attorneys or counsel, or to advertise that either alone or together with, or by or through, any person, whether a duly and regularly admitted attorney at law or not, it has, owns, conducts or maintains a law office or an office for the practice of law or for furnishing legal advice, services or counsel. (Source: Laws 1917, p. 309.)

Whereas pursuant to; Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any corporation to solicit by itself or by or through its officer, agent or employee, any claim or demand for the purpose of bringing an action at law thereon, or for furnishing legal advice, services or counsel, to a person sued or about to be sued in any action or proceeding, or against whom an action or proceeding has been or is about to be brought or who may be affected by any action or proceeding which has been or may be instituted in any court or before any judicial body or for the purpose of so representing any person as attorney or counsel in securing or attempting to secure any civil remedy. (Source: Laws 1917, p. 309.)

 Whereas pursuant to; Sec. 3. Any corporation violating the provisions of this Act shall be guilty of a petty offense, and shall be fined not to exceed $500, and every officer, trustee, director, agent or employee of such corporation who directly or indirectly engages in any of the acts herein prohibited or assists such corporation to do any such prohibited act or acts is guilty of a petty offense. (Source: P.A. 77-2380.)

Whereas pursuant to; Sec. 4. The fact that any such officer, trustee, agent or employee shall be a duly and regularly admitted attorney at law shall not be held to permit or allow any such corporation to do the acts prohibited herein, nor shall such fact constitute a defense upon the trial of any of the persons mentioned herein for a violation of the provisions of this act. (Source: Laws 1917, p. 309.)

Whereas pursuant to; Sec. 5. Nothing contained in this act shall prohibit a corporation from employing an attorney or attorneys in and about its own immediate affairs or in any litigation to which it is or may be a party, or in any litigation in which any corporation may be interested by reason of the issuance of any policy or undertaking of insurance, guarantee or indemnity, nor shall it apply to associations organized for benevolent or charitable purposes or for assisting persons without means in the pursuit of any civil remedy or the presentation of a defense in courts of law, nor shall it apply to duly organized corporations lawfully engaged in the mercantile or collection business or to corporations organized not for pecuniary profit.

Nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent a corporation from furnishing to any person, lawfully engaged in the practice of the law, such information or such clerical services in and about his professional work as, except for the provisions of this act, may be lawful, provided, that at all times the lawyer receiving such information or such services shall maintain full professional and direct responsibility to his clients for the information and services so received. But no corporation shall be permitted to render any services which cannot lawfully be rendered by a person not admitted to practice law in this state nor to solicit directly or indirectly professional employment for a lawyer.

Nothing contained in this Act shall be construed to prohibit a corporation from prosecuting as plaintiff or defending as defendant any small claims proceeding in any court of this State through any officer, director, manager, department manager or supervisor of the corporation as authorized by Section 2-416 of the Code of Civil Procedure. (Source: P.A. 83-909.)

Impeach?? VS release him from office


If you haven’t studied it yet, PLEASE consider posting the difference between impeachment and firing someone from the highest office in our country.

1.        You can’t impeach someone who does NOT hold the office legitimately…he is not an American – he must be fired!!!!!  Furthermore, he is president of a corporation, not president under the constitution….he has NOT been vetted as a constitutional candidate!!!!
2.     Since he (as an imposter) is president of a USA corporation, why the discussion about impeachment?  He is president of the corporation (NOT president under the US Constitution!!) …I have been in corporate America all my life and have NEVER seen a president of a corporation get IMPEACHED!!!---- they get fired!!!!! 
3.       Because of the fraudulent executive orders and laws he purports to have signed, they are ALL null and void since they weren’t passed under constitutional law…therefore, all his ‘new’ laws must be undone immediately!!

You have done an amazing job of informing your readers (I watch your site many times a day)…please clear this up for your readers!!!

judge disqualified for Facebook entry

Subj: Fwd: judge disqualified for Facebook entry

12 June A.D. 2013

A ruling in Florida from September of last year.

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-------- Original Message --------
Subject:  Fwd: judge disqualified for Facebook entry
Date:  Wed, 12 Jun 2013 17:16:27 -0500

see page 15

Domville v. State
37 Fla. Law Weekly D2126
(Fla. 4th DCA September 5, 2012).

The 4th DCA issued a writ of prohibition against the judge who refused to recuse himself after a criminal defendant complained that the Judge was a 'friend' of the prosecutor, on the prosecutor's Facebook page.

Recent ruling in EFF's FOIA case in the FISC

Subj: Fwd: Recent ruling in EFF's FOIA case in the FISC
13 June A.D. 2013

"EFF" -- Electronic Frontier Foundation -- Defending Your Rights In The Digital World

This article is found in their DeepLinks Blog.

"FOIA" -- Freedom of Information Act

When dealing with "agencies," this is one way parties obtain "discovery" they might not be able to obtain in the normal judicial manner.

"FISC" -- Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

This author sent a four-part "research starter" set of notes regarding the FISC a few days ago.

[The typo in the link in the very last line of the discussion here is in the original.]

Harmon L. Taylor
Legal Reality
Dallas, Texas

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[At the bottom of the page at this link are several more links to several more stories on this.]
June 12, 2013 | By Mark Rumold

FISA Court Rejects Catch-22 Secrecy Argument in FOIA Case

In the first publicly known victory by a non-government party before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), the secret court today granted a motion filed by EFF related to an ongoing Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.
The FISC gave its OK to the public disclosure of an earlier opinion of the FISC—an opinion that declared aspects of the NSA's surveillance under Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act to be unconstitutional.
Last week, the Department of Justice made a confusing, head-spinning argument in opposition to our motion, arguing that the FISC's procedural rules operated as a seal, which prevented the executive branch from releasing the opinion. And the court saw right through that claim. In fact, it took EFF longer to figure out how to physically file a motion with the FISC than it did for the FISC to dispatch with the DOJ's arguments.
The victory today was a modest one. The Court didn't order disclosure of its opinion; it just made clear, as EFF had argued, that the FISC's own rules don't serve as an obstacle to disclosure of the opinion. The FISC also clarified that the executive branch cannot rely on the judiciary to hide its surveillance: the only thing obstructing the opinion from the public's review is the executive branch's own claims that it can hide its unconstitutional action behind a veil of classification.
The effect of the Court's decision could be more significant. In earlier arguments, the Department of Justice tried to pin the blame for withholding the opinion in its entirety on the FISC. But, with that argument gone, DOJ should have no choice but to release, at the very minimum, parts of the opinion describing the government's unconstitutional practices.
EFF isn't alone in fighting for the release of these documents. A bipartisan coalition of Senators today announced legislation that would require the Attorney General declassify significant FISC opinions, a move they say would help put an end to "secret law."
The FISC's decision was a welcome move toward greater transparency concerning the NSA's domestic surveillance program. It's now incumbent on the executive branch to provide the public with access to this vitally important document.
You can find the opinion, along with related documents and a motion filed by the ACLU urging the court to release its interpretation of Section 215, on the FISC's recently-created public docket.

Related Cases

Michelle Monk: Geke.US Lays Out Government-Corporate Circles of Corruption Here is what they have as of today.

From: billsbest
Subj: [Charleston Voice] Michelle Monk: Geke.US Lays Out Government-Corporate Circles of Corruption
Here is what they have as of today. An extraordinary effort that should soon become automated. You won’t find these on LinkedIn! Click for individual Venn diagram similar to the Keystone Pipeline shown below.,

Nominally Good:


The Rest:
Comcast . Defense Contractors . Disney . Enron . Fannie Mae . General Electric . Goldman Sachs . Green Energy . Keystone Pipeline . Media . Monsanto . Motion Picture Association of America . Oil Industry . Pharmaceuticals . Planned Parenthood . Social Networking Sites . Tobacco Industry . Walmart
Click on Image to Enlarge and Clear

Phi Beta Iota: Now imagine this being done at every level of government from the municipality on up, across every policy domain, with whole systems analytics, true cost economics, and all trade-offs clearly visible. This is where we are going. Humanitarian technology and Open Source Everything (OSE) are going to empower the public in a manner no government or corporation can conceive or achieve.


Posted By Charleston Voice to Charleston Voice at 6/13/2013 09:53:00 AM

The Mysterious Missing Slides from the NSA Leaked Presentation

Subj: [Charleston Voice] The Mysterious Missing Slides from the NSA Leaked Presentation
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
NSA slide (photo: Washington Post) Edward Snowden blew the whistle on the National Security Agency (NSA), he turned over a 41-slide PowerPoint (PPT) deck to two newspapers hoping they would reveal the whole presentation about operation “PRISM” to the public.

Instead, The Guardian and The Washington Post published only five of the slides.

Apparently, the legal or national security implications of publishing the remaining slides may have dissuaded the newspapers’ editors from going all in on the major story.

“If you saw all the slides you wouldn’t publish them,” the Post’s Barton Gellman posted on Twitter, adding in a second tweet: “I know a few absolutists, but most people would want to defer judgment if they didn’t know the full contents.”

“I’m not going to discuss our legal advice with you,” Glenn Greenwald of The Guardian tweeted in response to a message from Kim Zetter at Wired, “but we’re not publishing NSA tech methods.”

Snowden’s preference was for the entire presentation to be published, according to Wired’s Kevin Poulsen.

That could still happen…if WikiLeaks gets a hold of the PPT slides. Julian Assange, the whistleblowing website’s founder, has said he’s had “indirect communication” with Snowden. He also acknowledged Snowden’s original intent, which might indicate what WikiLeaks would do with the information.

“Snowden demanded all 41 pages of PRISM document be published but neither WaPo nor Guardian had the courage,” Assange tweeted.
-Noel Brinkerhoff

To Learn More:

U.S. government a 'bully' to Hong Kong in quest for extradition

Subj: [Charleston Voice] Edward Snowden: U.S. government a 'bully' to Hong Kong in quest for extradition

NSA whistleblower threatens more surveillance leaks on America's alleged hacking of Chinese computer networks

By Stephen Rex Brown / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS

Wednesday, June 12, 2013, 11:53 AM


Glenn Greenwald/Laura Poitras/EPA

Former CIA employee Edward Snowden revealed himself as the source of documents outing a massive effort by the U.S. National Security Agency to track cellphone calls and monitor the email and internet traffic of virtually all Americans.

Related Stories
Edward Snowden has resurfaced and accused the U.S. government of trying to “bully” Hong Kong into extraditing him before he leaks more top-secret information.

But Snowden, 29, says he has a card up his sleeve that will complicate any extradition request: Information regarding the National Security Agency’s surveillance of people in Hong Kong.

“I heard today from a reliable source that the United States government is trying to bully the Hong Kong government into extraditing me before the local government can learn of this,” Snowden told the South China Morning Post, referring to the NSA’s monitoring of people in Hong Kong.

“The U.S. government will do anything to prevent me from getting this into the public eye, which is why they are pushing so hard for extradition.”

Snowden showed the newspaper the documents, which it couldn’t verify, that indicated the NSA had hacked computers in Hong Kong and mainland China since 2009. Among the targets was the Chinese University of Hong Kong and “public officials, businesses and students in the city,” according to the paper.

The accusation, if true, undermines the White House’s criticism of China’s ongoing hacking of both government and corporate computers in the U.S.

The documents show “the hypocrisy of the U.S. government when it claims that it does not target civilian infrastructure, unlike its adversaries,” Snowden said.

A picture of Edward Snowden is seen Wednesday on the front page of a newspaper in Hong Kong. The whereabouts of Snowden remained unknown Wednesday, two days after he checked out of a Hong Kong hotel.

Kin Cheung/AP

A picture of Edward Snowden is seen Wednesday on the front page of a newspaper in Hong Kong. The whereabouts of Snowden remained unknown Wednesday, two days after he checked out of a Hong Kong hotel.

“Not only does it do so, but it is so afraid of this being known that it is willing to use any means, such as diplomatic intimidation, to prevent this information from becoming public.”

The cunning move — if it works — could serve as a rebuttal to Snowden’s critics who said he was a fool for taking refuge in the semiautonomous city.

“People who think I made a mistake in picking (Hong Kong) as a location misunderstand my intentions. I am not here to hide from justice; I am here to reveal criminality,” Snowden told the newspaper.

“I have had many opportunities to flee (Hong Kong), but I would rather stay and fight the United States government in the courts, because I have faith in Hong Kong’s rule of law,” he added.

It seemed he was prepared for a protracted legal battle against an extradition request.
“My intention is to ask the courts and people of Hong Kong to decide my fate. I have been given no reason to doubt your system,” Snowden told the South China Morning Post.
Since he revealed himself Sunday, Snowden said he had not spoken to any of his family or his girlfriend.

Snowden  is technically free to leave the China-ruled city at any time, local lawyers said Wednesday.


Snowden is technically free to leave the China-ruled city at any time, local lawyers said Wednesday.

“I am worried about the pressure they are feeling from the FBI,” he said.

Snowden’s mother in Ellicot City, Md., has yet to speak to reporters. His father, Lonnie Snowden, 52, told ABC News he was still “digesting and processing” the shocking news on Sunday.

His bombshell girlfriend, Lindsay Mills, 28, wrote on her blog that she is “lost and adrift” after Snowden abruptly left their home in Hawaii, giving only a vague reason for his departure.

The high school dropout’s series of leaks published in The Guardian last week have spurred calls for greater transparency regarding U.S. surveillance of its citizens.

The head of the NSA, Gen. Keith Alexander, will give the agency’s first public testimony since the revelations before the Senate Appropriations Committee on Wednesday.

Snowden’s first leak showed that Verizon hands over data on phone calls made on its networks. Follow-up reports revealed the practice applied to other phone carriers as well. A subsequent leak reported that the government has direct access to the servers of nine major Internet companies, giving the feds access to virtually all manner of online communications.
Some politicians have called him a traitor who should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Russia, on the other hand, has said it would consider a request for asylum.

He wouldn’t say whether the country had contacted him with an offer, however.

“My only comment is that I am glad there are governments that refuse to be intimidated by great power,” he said.

Posted By Charleston Voice to Charleston Voice at 6/12/2013 05:43:00 PM

Thursday: Tony Davis ~ QUO WARRANTO - 9 WINS IN A ROW !!

Subject: Thursday: Tony Davis ~ QUO WARRANTO - 9 WINS IN A ROW !!!
To: "William Strecker" <>
Date: Thursday, June 13, 2013, 5:18 AM


Public Service Announcement:
THIS Thursday CALL



(Medieval Latin for "by what warrant?") is a prerogative writ requiring the person to whom it is directed to show what authority they have for exercising some right or power (or "franchise") they claim to hold.

A legal proceeding during which an individual's right to hold an office or governmental privilege is challenged.
In old English practice, the writ of quo warranto—an order issued by authority of the king—was one of the most ancient and important writs. It has not, however, been used for centuries, since the procedure and effect of the judgment were so impractical.
Currently the former procedure has been replaced by an information in the nature of a quo warranto, an extraordinary remedy by which a prosecuting attorney, who represents the public at large, challenges someone who has usurped a public office or someone who, through abuse or neglect, has forfeited an office to which she was entitled. In spite of the fact that the remedy of quo warranto is pursued by a prosecuting attorney in a majority of jurisdictions, it is ordinarily regarded as a civil rather than criminal action. Quo warranto is often the only proper legal remedy; however, the legislature can enact legislation or provide other forms of relief.
Statutes describing quo warranto usually indicate where it is appropriate. Ordinarily it is proper to try the issue of whether a public office or authority is being abused. For example, it might be used to challenge the  Unauthorized Practice of a profession, such as law or medicine. In such situations, the challenge is an assertion that the defendant is not qualified to hold the position she claims—a medical doctor, for example.
In some quo warranto proceedings, the issue is whether the defendant is entitled to hold the office he claims, or to exercise the authority he presumes to have from the government. In addition, proceedings have challenged the right to the position of county commissioner, treasurer, school board member, district attorney, judge, or tax commissioner. In certain jurisdictions, quo warranto is a proper proceeding to challenge individuals who are acting as officers or directors of business corporations.
A prosecuting attorney ordinarily commences quo warranto proceedings; however, a statute may authorize a private person to do so without the consent of the prosecutor. Unless otherwise provided by statute, a court permits the filing of an information in the nature of quo warranto after an exercise of sound discretion, since quo warranto is an extraordinary exercise of power and is not to be invoked lightly. Quo warranto is not a right available merely because the appropriate legal documents are filed. Valid reason must be indicated to justify governmental interference with the individual holding the challenged office, privilege, or license.


T O N I G H T S        D I S C U S S I O N

What is the secret?

SPEAKERMr. Tony Davis  

....... shares with us that he Writ of Error Quo Warranto requires a complete investigation of all aspects of a case and all people.

Do not assume that because they are government officials that they are valid or honest!!. 

Every document obtained must be certified!! 

"Copies" of documents could be prepared by your 6 year old.


Ø The judge, background, credentials, documents.

Ø The prosecutor, background, credentials, documents.

Ø The clerks, background, credentials, documents.

Ø A copy of the financial records and financial statements of the prosecutor, judge and clerks.

Ø A copy of any campaign contributions and financial statements disclosed
Ø with the Secretary of State.

Ø A complete and thorough investigation of the backgrounds of the federal officials.

It is possibly the most powerful writ in the country, for both federal and state cases, if done properly.

What we have found:

Ø Judges oath was notarized on January 1, a legal holiday.

Ø Judge did not have an oath.

Ø Prosecutor did not have an anti-bribery affidavit.

Ø Court dismissed rather than disclose judge's records.

Ø Judge had a mortgage with the defendant and received campaign contributions from defense attorney. 



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Other tools are available. 

If you understand the law, you can win!!

Tune in for more exciting information.


YRIITL has been serving the American community for over 7 years to secure the very best in Information Providers to assist you and to teach you how to deal with court related matters. Our Students are simply the best informed, bar none.


For more information .......  
Contact: Martin Michaelsson:

Brought to you by....


PRISM program - Needs to be shut down!

Hi all,

This 29-year-old just gave up his whole life to blow the whistle on the US’s insane PRISM program -- which has hacked all our emails, Skype messages and Facebook posts for years. If millions of us act urgently and get behind him, we can help press the US to crack down on PRISM, not Edward. Let’s stand with him before it's too late:

Sign the petition
This 29 year-old analyst just gave up his whole life -- his girlfriend, his job, and his home -- to blow the whistle on the US government's shocking PRISM program -- which has been reading and recording our emails, Skype messages, Facebook posts and phone calls for years.

When Bradley Manning passed this kind of data to Wikileaks, the US threw him naked into solitary confinement in conditions that the UN called "cruel, inhumane and degrading".

The authorities and press are deciding right now how to handle this scandal. If millions of us stand with Edward in the next 48 hours, it will send a powerful statement that he should be treated like the brave whistleblower that he is, and it should be PRISM, and not Edward, that the US cracks down on:

PRISM is profoundly disturbing: it gives the US government unlimited access to all of our personal email and social media accounts on Google, Youtube, Facebook, Skype, Hotmail, Yahoo! and much more. They're recording billions of our messages every month and the CIA can now or in the future use the information to prosecute, persecute, or blackmail us, our friends or our families!

Edward was horrified by this unprecedented violation of individual privacy. So he copied large amounts of files, sent them to the Guardian newspaper for publication and escaped to Hong Kong. His bravery not only exposed PRISM, but has started a domino effect around the world, shining a light on secret spy programs in Canada, the UK and Australia in just days! Now he's trapped in Hong Kong, waiting to be arrested. A global outcry could save him from extradition to the US, and encourage other countries to grant him asylum.

We can't let the US do to Edward what they did to Bradley Manning. Let's urgently stand with him, and against PRISM:

Sometimes the things our governments do are simply breathtaking. When heroic individuals like Edward have risked their own freedoms to bring scandals of this scale into light, the Avaaz community has come together to demand fair treatment -- and won. When half a million of us joined with other organizations and activists calling on the US government to stop its cruel treatment of Bradley Manning, he was relocated to a medium-security prison and taken out of solitary confinement. If we act quickly, we might do better for Edward, and help him win the fight he's bravely taken on, for all our sakes.

With hope and determination,

Ricken, Emma, Oli, Mia, Allison, Ari, Dalia, Laura and the whole Avaaz team

PS - Many Avaaz campaigns are started by members of our community! Start yours now and win on any issue - local, national or global:


Edward Snowden Contact Glenn Greenwald Should Be 'Disappeared', Security Officials 'Overheard Saying' (Huffington Post)

NSA PRISM program taps in to user data of Apple, Google and others (The Guardian)

Prism scandal: Government program secretly probes Internet servers (Chicago Tribune),0,301166.story

PRISM by the Numbers: A Guide to the Government’s Secret Internet Data-Mining Program (TIME)

Anger swells after NSA phone records court order revelations (The Guardian)

Data-collection program got green light from MacKay in 2011 (Globe and Mail)

Greens unveil plan to require warrant to access phone and internet records (The Guardian)

Support the Avaaz Community!
We're entirely funded by donations and receive no money from governments or corporations. Our dedicated team ensures even the smallest contributions go a long way.
Donate to Avaaz

Newest Info on HOBO PRINCE

Information received on the "Truth Call" from Willie
There are about 10-12K members in the first wave
The first wave is to get their cards and get paid after the announcements of the UST being in charge with the new gold backed monetary system
Hobo can take 1 million members, and some folks were doing double signups
and the rules are all changing w/ this new financial system, so changes need to be made across the board such as in
the Reverse Pension Plans as well
Membership will reopen at the time of these major changes happening first, and at the same time
boom, the floodgates open
Here is a bit of info that Shelby gave us from the beginning.
He stated that the debit cards would go through the same process that one goes through when receiving a debit card
from the bank.
First the debit card arrives at your home than a few days later your pin number arrives.
This is a security measure that is put in place.
Shelby said that he will be doing the same thing.
Debit cards will go out then a few days later you will receive the activation information.
Therefore, IMO if we do get debit cards before the announcement of the change of currency.
Shelby will most likely hold on to the activation information until the new currency is announced or online.
Willie has stated that the debit cards will most likely be post dated if received before the new currency comes on line.
There will be No need for the cards to be post dated.
One can receive the cards but will not be able to take any money off the card until the activation information is -----------------------
Once again, tonight, Willie restated that Shelby is aware of the switch to the UST & asset backed money.
Furthermore, he has put out that he will be making money available on the cards once all the blessings are released
at the time of announcements of these financial changes.
The cards may come out in the mail; however, the date for access to the money will be back dated to match the above events.


Secure searches and email

Hello John,
I have been a regular reader of your NESARA Blog for about 3 years now. I am a retired USAF Officer/Combat Pilot and I recognized in 2008 that our government has declared us the enemy and turned against WE THE PEOPLE. I learned of a great search engine alternative to Google, Yahoo, AOL etc who are in bed with the NSA, FBI, CIA, etc. in 2009 and began using it. It is a secure server, does not reveal any data of our searches or give any information to any government anywhere in the world. It's called They are based in the Netherlands, Europe.

They are currently working on a secure email system, also totally private and secure and I have signed up for Beta Testing of their system. I plan to dump my gmail account as soon as StartMail becomes available.

Here is the link to learn about IXQUICK, StartPage and StartMail:

I hope you see the value in this and will share this with your readers.
Warmest Regards,

Captain (Retired), USAF

B-52 Command Pilot