Friday, June 14, 2013


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: igots2no
Date: Friday, 14-Jun-2013 08:45:16

Found at
By David Crayford/WB
Jun 13, 2013 - 11:58:26 PM
Dear Candace,
I have just been made aware of the following article, which is posted on:-
Posted on June 4, 2013 by Jean
Having reviewed this article, it is necessary for me to respond to it via Abundanthope, to correct so many inaccuracies, mistruths, and just blatant lies.
I will pre-apologise to readers for the length of this response on the grounds that the Keenan article itself is quite long whereby the best way to respond to it is on a section by section basis to ensure that there is no confusion when answering each part.
QUOTE “Neil speaks about what happened in Chiasso in a comment to reader who suggested that: “A Mr. Dung Anh, Executive Assistant to the President at Dragon Family, states Mr Keenan and Mr Yagamuchi are not members of Dragon Family, they are fake. Something is clearly afoul!”
DC RESPONSE. This statement is absolutely correct, even though Yamaguchi claims the opposite in fake Dragon Family documents that he was not only carrying, but issued to others around the world. We have those documents which are now held safe and secure in a safe because they are now part of a whole package of disclosures and evidence that is classified “Top Secret” (More on this “Top Secret” factor below).
QUOTE My response to the reader’s comment was: “I’m not sure about what you speak. No one ever stated they were members of the Dragon Family, did they? I also haven’t a clue about Mr. Dung Anh . . . never heard the name before . . . I wouldn’t worry about any of it though . . .”
Neil then stated the following, which has been edited a bit for clarity:
DC RESPONSE Sorry Keenan, but you are totally wrong on this point. Yamaguchi stated he was the Signatory for the Dragon Family, whereby if you know how the Dragon Family works you will know that a Signatory is a member of the Dragon Family as a matter of fact. Do you really believe that the Dragon Family would appoint someone as signatory from outside of their own organisation. Your way of thinking is very juvenile to say the least. It appears that when you are faced with the truth you just ignore it or say “I wouldn’t worry about any it” and then to continue your own mistruths and misinformation.
QUOTE Yes you are right, Jean, no one ever really does—only Mr. Anh, but let’s get to what I did not mention yesterday because I was in a hurry. I never leave my friends out there to dry, so here is my response to the Yamaguchi part of Mr. Anh’s blabbing. The first is that the Dragon Family never announces who they are, and they lay low and never expose themselves as he has done. They are more than 3000 years old, and most people have never heard of them and never speak about them. YOU DO!!!! YOU tell anyone who will listen who you are, or what you want them to believe.
DC RESPONSE Yes, they are a very old organisation and very secretive with their existence and their organisation. For anyone to speak of them and say it’s the truth is naïve to say the least because you don’t know unless you are a Dragon Family member. Even then, there are layers that prevent specific information from reaching the lower layers. All I can say here is that “Empty Kettles make the most noise”.
QUOTE Now, on the other hand what I have witnessed myself and know about Mr. Yamaguchi and Watanabee: One thing for certain is they never want anyone to know who they are. They are quiet, discerning people. When we walk into a bank—and we have walked into many—the bankers all know who they are and try to do business with them. One banker in Zurich categorically stated, “I have waited forever to meet you Mr. Yamaguchi and it is my pleasure.” Agencies have told me that for 20 years Yama did not step one foot into Europe; they were amazed I could get him to fly there to work with me. As for Watanabee, he is the ex-VP of a very large corporation in Tokyo, so most people already know who he is, and he is not only brilliant in the banking world, but quiet and calculating as well. He is a wonderful person.
DC RESPONSE I am not surprised at your comments here because Yamaguchi is a member of the Yakusa and a criminal (Jailed in 1984 for fraud, in Japan) and further jailed (in absence) for 3 ½ years in Italy.
Watanabe is a former Senior Officer of Merryl Lynch Bank who was forced to resign by the Board of Directors in respect of illicit activities that brought the name of the bank into dispute. All of this is on official record, of which we have copies of same, and again now part of a whole package of disclosures and evidence that is classified “Top Secret” (More on this “Top Secret” factor below).
QUOTE CHIASSO: Everyone wants to know about Chiasso and there is nothing to know. The Italians stole the bonds. Berlusconi and the Italian Financial Police conspired with the West’s Alan Greenspan to ambush Yamaguchi and Watanabee at the Chiasso border after telephoning him and telling him they were ready to complete the deal now. The police did not look around for anyone at the border, they looked for Yamaguchi and Wata. They were questioned and brought before a Judge who was warned by Mr. Yamaguchi that he, the judge, was making a big mistake. That they better call the Prime Minister or the Chief of the Italian Central Bank before proceeding. When the Judge requested Yama to tell him who he worked for Yama made it clear only the very top could hear this and he was not the top, not near it. Yama also advised the Judge that should they be arrested the Italian Government would be bankrupt soon after, because they owed their family and could not pay them back. This is why Yama and Wata were released. The Italian Judiciary and Government were afraid it would come back to bite them but what they did do was steal the bonds which is another story in itself. It is part of my lawsuit which will be refiled.
DC RESPONSE What a load of BS. They looked suspicious to the Border Guards and Immigration Police and were escorted to an Interview Room at the Border Post. They were questioned and their luggage searched. That is when the Police found the Certificates, Bonds, Notes, hidden in a secret compartment within one of the briefcases which Yamaguchi claimed was his. They were immediately arrested on the grounds that they were attempting to smuggle Financial Instruments across a National border contrary to both National and EU Law.
The Immigration Police then called the Financial Police at Como, whereby the Financial Instruments were confiscated on the grounds that a verification would need to be undertaken to establish whether these were fake or genuine Financial Instruments. Irrespective of whether the Financial Instruments were genuine or not, an attempt to smuggle Financial Instruments (genuine or otherwise) across a National border is illegal both under National and EU Law.
Again, we hold copies of all this documentation, again now part of a whole package of disclosures and evidence that is classified “Top Secret” (More on this “Top Secret” factor below).
Does anyone, honestly and consciously, believe that this whole Yamaguchi scenario in Chaisse was anything but legal when Yamaguchi hide those Financial Instruments in a secret compartment of his briefcase. No one hides documents in that way if the documents are legal and the courier is properly qualified and carries written authority from someone who actually holds authority to appoint such a courier.
Come on Keenan, you are stupid if you believe what Yamaguchi states, and even more stupid to continue your illicit activities based upon what Yamaguchi states.
Re-file your legal action if you wish, it will come to nothing, just like the last one. It means nothing and no court in the world holds jurisdiction over the OITC or any member of the OITC.
QUOTE Well, when we investigated, it did come back to bite them!!!!! We read that they had been sentenced to 3 1/2 years imprisonment in abstentia. Where was this printed? Berlusconi’s family newspaper in Como. When checking this out our lawyers were told by the Library or Clerk in Rome not to return or they would have trouble. We paid no attention, and our lawyers then went to Milan and checked out the files, only to find there were not any. The Clerk said go back to Rome and they have them. Enough chasing!
What eventually happened was we were able through someone we thought was a friend to acquire the telephone number of the head of the Interpol Division in Italy, who worked with the Financial Police. This gentleman worked with our attorney and went through all three data bases, and guess what? No case and no files!
It was all a con to steal the notes.
We later learned that they attempted to sell them back to the Chinese with no luck and then finally worked something out with the Federal Reserve. There are so many twists to this, and most of them are real, and 99 percent of them I may never tell you.
DC RESPONSE What is stated here doesn’t surprise me at all knowing what we know about how the system works.
After the case, in which Yamaguchi and Watanabe were sentenced to 3 ½ years’ incarceration for their crime, the Intelligence people went in and ordered all documents and evidence to be boxed as this case was now classified as “Top Secret”. Furthermore, the Clerks to the Court were ordered to strike all reference of this case from the records and say nothing to anyone.
Quite normal under the circumstances because the whole subject of the Collateral Accounts is classified “Top Secret” and will remain so for infinity. This is because most of the Treaties revolving around this issue are “Private Treaties” of which the public has no legal right to see or review, just as your private information is private to you (that’s if the recent revelations about massive phone and email spying by America is to be believed), on this point. Now that the very large underground base of the Intelligence Services of America, is now completed, this was bound to happen. People were warned about this but did nothing about it, so it is not surprising that a Whistleblower has come out of the cold to reveal just what is going on in our world today.
If you know the whole story of the Collateral Accounts you would understand this point. Instead, you put out so many falsities and misinformation on the subject which gives hope to the most vulnerable, when there is no hope, not via you or the OPPT anyhow because that would be illegal.
As for your last paragraph on this, I can tell you that the Financial Instruments were confiscated and returned to the Collateral Accounts, where they belong.
QUOTE So let me get everything straight from above: Yama never told anyone nor does anyone involved with the DF or any secret Family reveal who they are or what they do. They remain silent as Yama does. As Wata does. As they all do. They never expose themselves and are damned happy that I am fighting for them and always have been. I have all the support I need to move forward with what I do, but does Dung Anh? Does he really represent the DF so loudly and in such a lofty position for a teenager? If he is not a teenager, he should know better. Understandably General Hanh has retired (96 years old—or 97 now), but it does not change over 3000 years of history and privacy.
I sugggest Mr. Anh put up all his papers here on Ms. Haines site so we can really see who he is. I have Mr. Yamaguchi’s.
Now where are your’s Mr. Anh? We know Mr. Yamaguchi’s check out clearly, how about yours?
DC RESPONSE Yes, you are fighting for them, but you are fighting for crooks, not the real Dragon Family. The documents that Yamaguchi issued to you have no legal validity because he is NOT the signatory for the Dragon Family.
Don’t ask Mr Ahn to put up his documents either publicly or to any website, because he won’t and quite rightly so. The same applies to us at the OITC, because that would be a breach of International Official Secrets Laws. Obviously you do not understand the latter, but perhaps you should learn some of it because then you may understand just a little of what you claim to know a lot about. (Candace: I am fairly certain that the stuff of Casper is also of these same crook Dragons.)
************ ****************************************************************
Within the above and herein below, I also respond briefly to an article on the same web site:-
Posted on May 9, 2013 by Jean
May 8, 2013
by Michael Henry Dunn
RESPONSE You may believe what you wish, which is your prerogative. However, be assured that we have all the official documentary evidence to prove everything that I have stated above and in previous posting on RMN and ABUNDANTHOPE, so we do not need to prove anything to you or others on this issue. The Court documents (that is an official certified copy of same) and all depositions of Yamaguchi, Watanabe, and all other witnesses, are safely and securely locked away in our archive safes in a location that will never be revealed.
Like the courts, we are bound by the International Official Secrets Acts, and will not breach such laws just to satisfy a few people’s curiosity.
As for Keenan’s agreement with Daniele Del Bosco, you should be aware that the law clearly states (in 99% of countries of the world) that any agreement that derives from an illegal act, is in itself illegal and holds no legal validity at all. Keenan’s act derived from an illegal act by Yamaguchi and Watanabe and as such any act that followed is also illegal and legally unenforceable in law.
It is for that reason I have used the word “Dumped” because that is what it amounts to in law. There was no legal agreement between Keenan and Del Bosco. Keenan was extremely fearful of being arrested and incarcerated just like Yamaguchi and Watanabe (even though he deserved the same treatment by the Italian Police). Keenan dumped his Financial Instruments on Del Bosco, placing him in an illegal position as being in unlawful possession of Financial Instruments that are legally owned by the Collateral Accounts. Del Bosco did what any other law abiding person would do. He investigated this matter, both with us and his banking contacts in Switzerland, and soon realised he had been placed, by Keenan’s actions, into a precarious and unlawful situation which could have resulted in him being arrested and incarcerated just like the person Alessandro Santi (The Italian man [old man at that] who assisted Yamaguchi and Watanabe) who found himself with an 18 month prison sentence. Del Bosco did everything correctly to put this situation right and get himself out of a predicament created by Keenan. Wouldn’t you have done the same.
You also state that I have not provided any proof. Please allow me to remind you that I have provided far more proof (extracts from Official documents and sometimes whole documents) within my articles on RMN and Abundanthope than Keenan ever has, so I would advise you read ALL of my postings and become enlightened on the subject matter before criticising others based upon your own beliefs of what others, like Keenan and the OPPT, have sated. All of this proof is backed up by official documents / information, held on record and locked safely and securely away, the reason of which is the International Official Secrets Laws and the classification of “Top Secret” that applies to this subject.
I will also advise that only Kings, Queens, Presidents and Prime Ministers hold and carry the relevant International / UN security level clearance to be able to verify the OITC of which several have already done so both in the past and recently.
Please do not ever believe that we (the OITC) will breach any of these International Official Secrets Laws. We will publish what we can and when we can, no matter how hard we are pushed by people like you. We use utilise the Collateral Accounts in the proper professional manner and in a manner that will benefit the people of this planet as and when the Governments of all individual countries reach agreement (Bi-lateral Treaty) with us. Then and only then will the people benefit. The fact that people are not benefitting (or the majority of them at this time) is the responsibility of their Governments, not ours, and no illegal actions by Keenan or the OPPT is going to change this factor.
Finally, the OITC is not DEAD, nor has it ever been DEAD. It experienced problems after the propagated (CIA generated) demise of H.E. R.C. Dam. We are nearly back to normal operations after 2 ½ years (18 months under Caretaker Chairmanship, and 1 year under a newly appointed Chairman), which is not a bad performance within that time, and there is more to come so don’t ever repeat DEAD because you could not be further from the truth, with Keenan living in fantasy land with his comments on same.
To repeat, The OITC is a Sovereign Entity under its own jurisdiction. No court, anywhere in the world holds jurisdiction over us at any time. We are Chartered under the UN, a fact that only the aforementioned persons can verify. We are not part of the UN, but chartered under it just like every other Sovereign Nation of the World. We are independent and will remain that way so as to ensure the use of the Collateral Accounts to the beneficial interests of the people of the world. We are not part of the cabal, never have been and never will be.
DO NOT at any time propagate information to others which is total misinformation, suppositions, etc, or your own opinions based upon what others (who have little knowledge of the subject matter) have stated or what you read and prefer to believe.
The TRUTH and the people behind the TRUTH can never be destroyed or eliminated by you or others.
David P. Crayford.


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A congressional committee chaired by Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., may have moved on to other Obama administration scandals, but Arizonans still want answers to the Fast and Furious gun-running project that sent thousands of weapons to drug lords in Mexico.
Will they get them?
Not if a reported conspiracy of intimidation and enforced silence wins.
Arizona State Rifle and Pistol Association President Noble Hathaway said it angers Arizonans that it looks like the federal officials involved with Fast and Furious “got away with it.”
“To Arizonan’s it looks like they all got promotions and were commended for executing this scheme. I hope I am wrong but that is the appearance it had,” Hathaway said.
“By having the top people in management saying they did not know about it, this is worse than just saying they made a mistake and moving on. Not many in this administration preach personal responsibility though so it’s par for the course,” Hathaway said.
A former U. S. intelligence and State Department Security officer who still has connections in the State Department says he knows why “they got away with it.”
The operative, who asked not to be named, said silence is part of the deal.
“It is highly likely that gun shops in Arizona were forced to assist the U. S. government [in] getting the Fast and Furious guns and ammunition out of the country into Mexico,” he said. “As a result, the gun shops don’t dare elucidate in public on this issue.”
He said many of Arizona’s gun shops were intimidated into cooperating with the federal government and now are being intimidated into silence.
“The government intimidation process included a threat to restrict gun shops’ acquisition of these products through stiffer regulations of the products. This was done by executive action,” he said.
There is evidence that the former intelligence operative and security officer’s claims are on target.
A gun shop owner who declined to allow WND to use his name said he believes that the reason the issue has faded from public and that no gun shops will talk to the media is political pressure.
One gun shop owner refused to speak on record and referred WND to House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform spokeswoman Becca Watkins.
WND contacted several gun shops in the Phoenix and Tucson areas and all but one declined to be interviewed about the Fast and Furious investigation. Their response was, “We’re not interested.”
Hathaway says he’s aware that other issues have taken center stage in the country, but because Arizonans want answers, he wants the Fast and Furious investigation to remain alive.
“I hope that after all the other government scandals have been resolved that some focus will again be turned to this issue. Its just one more reason that the U.S. citizen is becoming very distrustful of their government,” Hathaway said.
“In this instance (it’s the government) wanting to keep the honest citizen from owning a certain firearm but giving 2,000 of them to the drug cartels and bandits south of the border. Go figure,” Hathaway said.
One gun shop owner was willing to go on the record. Black Weapons Armory spokesman Tommy Rompel said he believes some firearms dealers refused to talk to the media because they fear the media more than the government.
“My sense is that they’re paranoid about talking to the press. They’re afraid the media will take their words out of context,” Rompel said.
Hathaway said even though Fast and Furious it not in the headlines every night, “I believe we Arizonans are still concerned with this.”
“I would say we are still vigilant on this matter and have not forgotten this misguided venture by the Justice Department,” Hathaway said.
Hathaway says the people of his state have a practical reason to be concerned.
“We are the ones most likely to be killed by this bad element south of our borders which had so many guns put in their hands by the U.S.,” Hathaway said.
He said he doesn’t believe more such sales are occurring.
“Every dealer I knew and do know was and is very conscious of not putting firearms in the hands of drug dealers and other vermin,” he said. But the drug dealers now already have the guns.
He said, “We want good citizens to be armed and our families protected from these violent people operating in and out of our state.”

Read more at 

Main Core: A List Of Millions Of Americans That Will Be Subject To Detention During Martial Law

Main Core: A List Of Millions Of Americans That Will Be Subject To Detention During Martial Law

Are you on the list?  Are you one of the millions of Americans that have been designated a threat to national security by the U.S. government?

Photo: Dees Illustrations
By Michael Snyder
End of the American Dream
June 11, 2013
 Will you be subject to detention when martial law is imposed during a major national emergency?  As you will see below, there is actually a list that contains the names of at least 8 million Americans known as Main Core that the U.S. intelligence community has been compiling since the 1980s.  A recent article on Washington’s Blog quoted a couple of old magazine articles that mentioned this program, and I was intrigued because I didn’t know what it was. 
So I decided to look into Main Core, and what I found out was absolutely stunning – especially in light of what Edward Snowden has just revealed to the world.  It turns out that the U.S. government is not just gathering information on all of us.  The truth is that the U.S. government has used this information to create a list of threats to national security that the government would potentially watch, question or even detain during a national crisis.  If you have ever been publicly critical of the government, there is a very good chance that you are on that list.
The following is how Wikipedia describes Main Core…
Main Core is the code name of a database maintained since the 1980s by the federal government of the United States. Main Core contains personal and financial data of millions of U.S. citizens believed to be threats to national security. The data, which comes from the NSA, FBI, CIA, and other sources, is collected and stored without warrants or court orders. The database’s name derives from the fact that it contains “copies of the ‘main core’ or essence of each item of intelligence information on Americans produced by the FBI and the other agencies of the U.S. intelligence community.”
It was Christopher Ketchum of Radar Magazine that first reported on the existence of Main Core.  At the time, the shocking information that he revealed did not get that much attention.  That is quite a shame, because it should have sent shockwaves across the nation…
According to a senior government official who served with high-level security clearances in five administrations, “There exists a database of Americans, who, often for the slightest and most trivial reason, are considered unfriendly, and who, in a time of panic, might be incarcerated. The database can identify and locate perceived ‘enemies of the state’ almost instantaneously.” He and other sources tell Radar that the database is sometimes referred to by the code name Main Core. One knowledgeable source claims that 8 million Americans are now listed in Main Core as potentially suspect. In the event of a national emergency, these people could be subject to everything from heightened surveillance and tracking to direct questioning and possibly even detention.
Of course, federal law is somewhat vague as to what might constitute a “national emergency.” Executive orders issued over the last three decades define it as a “natural disaster, military attack, [or] technological or other emergency,” while Department of Defense documents include eventualities like “riots, acts of violence, insurrections, unlawful obstructions or assemblages, [and] disorder prejudicial to public law and order.” According to one news report, even “national opposition to U.S. military invasion abroad” could be a trigger.
So if that list contained 8 million names all the way back in 2008, how big might it be today?
That is a very frightening thing to think about.
Later on in 2008, Tim Shorrock of also reported on Main Core…
Dating back to the 1980s and known to government insiders as “Main Core,” the database reportedly collects and stores — without warrants or court orders — the names and detailed data of Americans considered to be threats to national security. According to several former U.S. government officials with extensive knowledge of intelligence operations, Main Core in its current incarnation apparently contains a vast amount of personal data on Americans, including NSA intercepts of bank and credit card transactions and the results of surveillance efforts by the FBI, the CIA and other agencies. One former intelligence official described Main Core as “an emergency internal security database system” designed for use by the military in the event of a national catastrophe, a suspension of the Constitution or the imposition of martial law.
So why didn’t this information get more attention at the time?
Well, if Obama had lost the 2008 election it might have.  But Obama won in 2008 and the liberal media assumed that he would end many of the abuses that were happening under Bush.  Of course that has not happened at all.  In fact, Obama has steadily moved the police state agenda ahead aggressively.  Edward Snowden has just made that abundantly clear to the entire world.
After 2008, it is unclear exactly what happened to Main Core.  Did it expand, change names, merge with other programs or get superseded by a new program?  It appears extremely unlikely that it simply faded away.  In light of what we have just learned about NSA snooping, someone should ask our politicians some very hard questions about Main Core. According to Christopher Ketchum, the exact kind of NSA snooping that Edward Snowden has just described was being used to feed data into the Main Core database…
A host of publicly disclosed programs, sources say, now supply data to Main Core. Most notable are the NSA domestic surveillance programs, initiated in the wake of 9/11, typically referred to in press reports as “warrantless wiretapping.” In March, a front-page article in the Wall Street Journal shed further light onto the extraordinarily invasive scope of the NSA efforts: According to the Journal, the government can now electronically monitor “huge volumes of records of domestic e-mails and Internet searches, as well as bank transfers, credit card transactions, travel, and telephone records.” Authorities employ “sophisticated software programs” to sift through the data, searching for “suspicious patterns.” In effect, the program is a mass catalog of the private lives of Americans. And it’s notable that the article hints at the possibility of programs like Main Core. “The [NSA] effort also ties into data from an ad-hoc collection of so-called black programs whose existence is undisclosed,” the Journal reported, quoting unnamed officials. “Many of the programs in various agencies began years before the 9/11 attacks but have since been given greater reach.”
The following information seems to be fair game for collection without a warrant: the e-mail addresses you send to and receive from, and the subject lines of those messages; the phone numbers you dial, the numbers that dial in to your line, and the durations of the calls; the Internet sites you visit and the keywords in your Web searches; the destinations of the airline tickets you buy; the amounts and locations of your ATM withdrawals; and the goods and services you purchase on credit cards. All of this information is archived on government supercomputers and, according to sources, also fed into the Main Core database.
This stuff is absolutely chilling.
And there have been hints that such a list still exists today.
For example, the testimony of an anonymous government insider that was recently posted on alluded to such a list…
“We know all this already,” I stated. He looked at me, giving me a look like I’ve never seen, and actually pushed his finger into my chest. “You don’t know jack,” he said, “this is bigger than you can imagine, bigger than anyone can imagine. This administration is collecting names of sources, whistle blowers and their families, names of media sources and everybody they talk to and have talked to, and they already have a huge list. If you’re not working for MSNBC or CNN, you’re probably on that list. If you are a website owner with a brisk readership and a conservative bent, you’re on that list. It’s a political dissident list, not an enemy threat list,” he stated.
What in the world is happening to America?
What in the world are we turning into?
As I mentioned in a previous article, the NSA gathers 2.1 million gigabytes of data on all of us every single hour.  The NSA is currently constructing a 2 billion dollar data center out in Utah to store all of this data.
If you are disturbed by all of this, now is the time to stand up and say something.  If this crisis blows over and people forget about all of this stuff again, the Big Brother surveillance grid that is being constructed all around us will just continue to grow and continue to become even more oppressive.
America is dying right in front of your eyes and time is running out.  Please stand up and be counted while you still can.

NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden Describes Turnkey Tyranny

video on this page:

NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden Describes Turnkey Tyranny

An Exclusive Journeyman Pictures Interview:  NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden discusses NSA Surveillance

Intelligence Briefing

HONG KONG – 2013: In this handout photo provided by The Guardian, Edward Snowden speaks during an interview in Hong Kong. Snowden, a 29-year-old former technical assistant for the CIA, revealed details of top-secret surveillance conducted by the United States’ National Security Agency regarding telecom data. (Photo by The Guardian via Getty Images)

By Avalon
June 10, 2013
In a Journeyman Pictures Exclusive Interview conducted June 6, 2013 from Hong Kong, NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden describes the direction that the world is now heading in – termed, Turnkey Tyranny. Anyone paying attention over the last 12 years should not be surprised to hear this statement.
Interestingly, at this very moment, mainstream corporate media is posting articles on NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden and his Hong Kong location. A brief listing follows:
How Long Can Edward Snowden Stay in Hong Kong?
By Bruce Einhorn – June 10, 2013
Edward Snowden Is No Hero (comic)
Posted by Jeffrey Toobin – June 10, 2013
National Security Agency whistleblower William Binney was employed at the NSA for 28 years, until he quit in October 2001 over the illegality of the surveillance programs launched after the 9/11 attacks. Binney is quoted as saying he would inform congess if asked to testify that:
“The intelligence community is feeding you a line of babble, and since you have no capacity to figure out what is right or wrong or mediocre in any of it, you simply take them at their word and that’s the wrong thing to do.”
When Binney was asked, in a June 7 interview with the Libertas Institute in Utah, about DNI Jame Clapper’s recent testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee, denying that the NSA indiscriminately collects data on American citizens, Binney responded:
“Those are lies. Those are just outright lies. Obviously they are, with that court order [referring to the FISA Court order for Verizon]. They’re scooping up the metadata of everything, and the PRISM program is a scoop up of actual content. Emails, video, photographs, all of that — that’s content. So they’re collecting all of it, and it’s a big vacuum. So you know, those are just outright lies.”  Source: Domestic Spying Increased Under Obama; They’re All Lying About It, Says NSA Whistleblower  | June 9, 2013 at 10:13AM
A good starting point to understand the NSA Surveillance System and the origin of the story check the Glenn Greenwald archives at
NOTE: will be adding background and additional information throughout the day – check back often for updates.
NSA Whistle-blower Interview – Hong Kong
Published on Jun 10, 2013 – 290 views at 15:30 pm
For downloads and more information visit:
It’s the largest intelligence leak in a generation. PRISM whistle-blower Edward Snowden has exposed a secret world of US-sponsored digital snooping. Now he explains his motives and his fear of reprisal.
Edward Snowden is a wanted man: “all my options are bad” he mutters. And as a former NSA contracter with a decade of experience for the US Secret Services, he’s got a good idea of what to expect. “Yes, I could be rendered by the CIA. I could have people come after me. Or any of the third-party partners.” It may sound like paranoia. But Snowden knows that the biggest and most secretive surveillance organisation in America, the NSA, along with the most powerful government on the planet, is looking for him. Despite this, he decided it was a moral imperative that he reveal his identity. “I have no intention of hiding who I am because I have done nothing wrong.” Instead he hopes to add credibility to his claims through his decision to go public. As far as Snowden is concerned, the stakes are just too high. “They’ll say that because of the dangers that we face in the world, some new and unpredicted threat, we need more authority. We need more power. And there will be nothing the people can do at that point to oppose it. And it will be turn-key tyranny”.
A good starting point to understand the NSA Surveillance System and the origin of the story check the Glenn Greenwald archives at
NOTE: will be adding background and additional information throughout the day – check back often for updates.


Statement of Stephen M. Kohn, Executive Director of the National Whistleblower Center

Washington, D.C. June 10, 2013.
The National Whistleblower Center issued the following statement in support of NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden:
“Edward Snowden should not be prosecuted. Instead, the White House must keep the promise made by President Obama, during his 2008 election campaign, when he pledged to support legislation that would fully protect all government whistleblowers, including those in sensitive national security positions.”
“Until Congress enacts a law, setting forth reasonable procedures by which civil servants can disclose national security violations to the American people, the government should not prosecute these whistleblowers. Congress and the President must do their jobs, and stop destroying the lives of civil servants who try to report misconduct”
There is significant historical precedent for the protection of whistleblowers demonstrating that such protections were strongly supported by the Founding Fathers. Mr. Kohn previously discussed this precedent in his New York Times Op-Ed, The Whistleblowers of 1777. Mr. Kohn is also the author of The Whistleblower’s Handbook: A Step by Step Guide to Doing What’s Right and Protecting Yourself  (Lyons Press, 2011).
National Whistleblowers Center
3238 P Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20007
Mary Jane Wilmoth
(202) 342-1902

US Whistleblower Edward Snowden ‘Missing’ in Hong Kong

US Whistleblower Edward Snowden ‘Missing’ in Hong Kong

An ex-CIA employee who leaked details of US top-secret phone and internet surveillance has disappeared from his hotel in Hong Kong.

Photo: Top Information Post
Top Information Post
June 11, 2013
Edward Snowden, 29, checked out from his hotel on Monday. His whereabouts are unknown, but he is believed to be still in Hong Kong. Earlier, he said he had an “obligation to help free people from oppression”. It emerged last week that US agencies were gathering millions of phone records and monitoring internet data. A spokesman for the US Office of the Director of National Intelligence said the case had been referred to the Department of Justice as a criminal matter. Meanwhile a petition posted on the White House website, calling for Mr Snowden’s immediate pardon, has gathered more than 30,000 signatures.
He was revealed as the source of the leaks at his own request by the UK’s Guardian newspaper.
Transatlantic fallout
Hong Kong’s broadcaster RTHK said Mr Snowden checked out of the Mira hotel on Monday. Reuters news agency quoted hotel staff as saying that he had left at noon. Ewen MacAskill, a Guardian journalist, told the BBC he believed Mr Snowden was still in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong – a Chinese territory – has an extradition treaty with the US, although analysts say any attempts to bring Mr Snowden to America may take months and could be blocked by Beijing. Mr Snowden is believed to have arrived in Hong Kong on 20 May. A standard visa on arrival in the territory for a US citizen lasts for 90 days.
His revelations have caused transatlantic political fallout, amid allegations that the UK’s electronic surveillance agency, GCHQ, used the US system to snoop on British citizens. Foreign Secretary William Hague cancelled a trip to Washington to address the UK parliament on Monday and deny the claims. Mr Snowden is described by the Guardian as an ex-CIA technical assistant, currently employed by Booz Allen Hamilton, a defence contractor for the US National Security Agency (NSA).
He told the newspaper: “The NSA has built an infrastructure that allows it to intercept almost everything. With this capability, the vast majority of human communications are automatically ingested without targeting.
“If I wanted to see your emails or your wife’s phone, all I have to do is use intercepts. I can get your emails, passwords, phone records, credit cards.
“I don’t want to live in a society that does these sort of things. I do not want to live in a world where everything I do and say is recorded.”
Mr Snowden said he did not believe he had committed a crime: “We have seen enough criminality on the part of government. It is hypocritical to make this allegation against me.”
But he admitted that he could end up in jail and feared for people who knew him.
‘Core values’
In a statement, Booz Allen Hamilton confirmed Mr Snowden had been an employee for less than three months.
“If accurate, this action represents a grave violation of the code of conduct and core values of our firm,” the statement said.
At a daily press briefing on Monday, White House press secretary Jay Carney said he could not comment on the Snowden case, citing an ongoing investigation. The first of the leaks came out on Wednesday night, when the Guardian reported a US secret court ordered phone company Verizon to hand over to the NSA millions of records on telephone call “metadata”. The metadata include the numbers of both phones on a call, its duration, time, date and location (for mobiles, determined by which mobile signal towers relayed the call or text).
On Thursday, the Washington Post and Guardian said the NSA tapped directly into the servers of nine internet firms including Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Yahoo to track online communication in a programme known as Prism.
All the internet companies deny giving the US government access to their servers. Prism is said to give the NSA and FBI access to emails, web chats and other communications directly from the servers of major US internet companies. The data is used to track foreign nationals suspected of terrorism or spying. The NSA is also collecting the telephone records of American customers, but said it is not recording the content of their calls.
US director of national intelligence James Clapper’s office said information gathered under Prism was obtained with the approval of the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court (Fisa). Prism was authorised under changes to US surveillance laws passed under President George W Bush, and renewed last year under Barack Obama. Mr Obama has defended the surveillance programmes, assuring Americans that nobody was listening to their calls.


Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 14-Jun-2013 02:33:02

A startling transcript from a 1986 Public Radio News Services documentary sheds some light on the Whitlam government sacking of 1973, and the power of foreign governments and spy agencies in our country.
This was one of the most monumental events in Australia’s political history, and to think it was orchestrated by a foreign power, and as far back as 1973, shows just how embedded the CIA is in Australia.
Lots of references to the CIA, ASIO and Pine Gap.
For those unfamiliar with Pine Gap, it is a massive satellite data collection tool smack bang in the middle of the Australian continent. From my info, it is at least nine stories deep, and all employees and contractors live on base, a great majority from the US.

You can’t go anywhere near it, over it or around it without being arrested, or shot down.
The weapons testing grounds of Woomera and Maralinga, are in the same state.
Wikipedia link below –
Transcript below –
Jane Lanbrook: “Welcome to the second part of Watching Brief this week. I'm Jane Lanbrook and now in the third part of our series examining the activities of the CIA in Australia we look at the role of the Pine Gap military communications base in connection with the fall of the Whitlam government.”
Tony Douglas: “So the first Labor government for a generation was gone. It had been in office for three years but hadn't really been given the opportunity to govern. Twice in that time the conservative parties blocked supply and countless other pieces of legislation were also defeated in the Senate. As his government came under daily assault through the building up of the Loans Affairs, the Marosi Affair and other diversions, Whitlam struck back at his enemies blowing away some of the secrecy surrounding Pine Gap. Former Whitlam Cabinet Minister Clyde Cameron recalls.”

Clyde Cameron: “We were never told that Pine Gap was a CIA installation and it wasn't until Gough Whitlam publicly declared that Richard Stallings was a CIA operative and that he had been in charge of the Pine Gap installation that we knew that Pine Gap was a CIA installation and I believe that at the very beginning Gough Withlam and the Minister for Defence were led to believe that it was a pretty harmless sort of operation. But you've got to remember that just about the time the dismissal took place, the Australian government had to make a decision as to whether it would renew the leases of these American installations on Australian soil and there is every reason to believe that the Americans were fearful that the leases wouldn't be renewed. That would be a good enough reason, in their view, for moving in to destabilise the government and to bring about its overthrow to say nothing of any threat that our policies may have for their Australian investments in the multinational area.”
Tony Douglas: “Whitlam's exposure of Stallings also revealed another interesting fact and that was that Stallings was staying at National Party Leader Dough Anthony's flat in Canberra. From November 2 to November 6, 1975, Whitlam repeated these charges and demanded a list of all CIA agents in Australia. The CIA in turn demanded that ASIO report to them on what Whitlam was up to. A cable from a senior CIA official and Task Force 157 member, Ted Shackley, on November 10 accused Whitlam of being a security risk and asked ASIO to do something about it. The Head of the Defence Department, Arthur Thang, described him as "the greatest risk to our nation's security that there has ever been." Meanwhile Whitlam said he would detail the operations of Pine Gap in Parliament on the afternoon of November 11. It wasn't until years later that details about the Pine Gap base and American fears that its top secret role would be disclosed were linked to the downfall of the Whitlam government. That link came to light when Chris Boyce, a cipher clerk at TRW -- a California-based aerospace corporation, was charged with espionage in 1977. Boyce was working in the black vault where information from Australia was directed to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. Kelly Johnson of the Christopher Boyce Alliance takes up the story.”
Kelly Johnson: “The information was mostly coming from Pine Gap, Nurrungar and Canberra, from the CIA stations there. It's difficult to know actually what the content was, it's obviously very secret what the content was, but it came into the communications relay room where Boyce worked. He then sent the information on to CIA headquarters in Langley and sent certain information back to Australia.”

When a Pathological Liar Becomes a Murdering Psychopath

The following coverage of the NSA issue has evoked major backlash

This backlash includes a shower of hate mail, people going and posting ridiculous drivel to forums and comments around the web while claiming to be me, tampering with the forum to kill good discussion, including deletion of good materials (verified by other forum members), and making my computers incapable of accessing various pages, most notably the new member approval on the forum and the Facebook page, as well as periodic banning of my cell modem to keep me off the web (yet leaving the airtime intact) which is a real change of pace.

This means I nailed it, The following coverage is a solid gold wrecking bar, go tear down the police state with it, ARCHIVE AND POST!

When a Pathological Liar Becomes a Murdering Psychopath

June 14, 2013


Right when a media distraction was needed, "proof" of Assad using chemical weapons surfaced, which could well lead to world war 3

How do you spot when a pathological liar is also a murdering psychopath? Catch the pathological liar doing something bad. Unfortunately, murdering psychopaths are frequently pathological liars as well, and WHAT did the U.S. government do within two days of being caught doing something bad via the NSA? Hatch a pathological lie about Assad "using chemical weapons", to justify having that same government play the role of murdering psychopath and commit another act of evil to distract a mind numbed public from the evil it committed elsewhere

If they succeed in fronting this lie, it's WAR ON.

An appeal to the intelligence of this world - WAKE UP. You know what America is by now. To all foreign governments - WAKE UP, you know what America is by now. You saw America use the weapons of mass destruction excuse in Iraq to justify that war. THEY JUST GOT NAILED RAPING YOU WITH THE NSA. And ALL of your intelligence agencies ought to know about the rogue the American government has become at the hand of Israel. COME ON NOW, DO NOT support this illigitimate, pathological lying, pathological spying, pathological murdering rigged election government in a new war effort that could well end up being world war 3.
What do you want to remember years from now? Would you like to remember laughing in the American Government's face regarding this new accusation against Assad, and remember telling the U.S. to STUFF IT and to NOT go to war after learning what their intelligence apparatus was really doing to you, or would you instead prefer to remember being a no brained sissy, incapable of applying an ounce of thought to anything, who then jumped on the bandwagon with a nation that freshly raped you and become a murdering psychopath as well?
If you are stupid enough to believe the Hollywood propaganda about American freedom after learning about the latest stupid pet trick from the NSA, GOD HELP THE WORLD, and may those who can think join forces against this psychopathical lying and murdering tyranny that was once the great United States and kick it's illegitimate unlawfully "elected" government's ass back to the stone age along with all other governments stupid enough to ally themselves with that which has become so evil.
The world has a few tough choices to make now. Obviously the U.S. government has gone full rogue, along with Israel, and is NOT going to stop genetic manipulation via companies such as Monsanto and Syngenta, and it is OBVIOUS that America one day intends to ram it's tainted GMO down the world's throat, YOUR THROAT. It is also obvious that tainted vaccines are part of the mix, as well as biological outbreaks, endless psy ops, endless spying, and in the end, endless tyranny. You have a choice to make. Allow the American government to issue false accusation upon false accusation against innocent nations, while building to even greater levels of power that will one day be used to subjugate you, or SAY NO TO THE LIES RIGHT NOW, and turn America packing. Absent the wars for profit based on fronted lies, America is finished and will not be able to threaten your future. DO NOT play the role of enabler by going along with the latest lie. Even the bees will thank you for having a backbone.
And in the end, if it does come down to war, do not fear the monster. True, America has an amazing war machine based on a multi trillion dollar budget, but when the cards are on the table, the winner tells the tales and NUKES ARE CHEAP.

Archive the following NSA report and back up the photo, as I have presented this it is classified

Forget the whitewash surrounding Snowden, HE NAILED IT!