Saturday, June 15, 2013


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JERUSALEM – In a bombshell admission that has until now gone unreported, Martin Dempsey, chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, conceded that highly trained Special Forces were stationed just a few hours away from Benghazi on the night of the attacks but were not told to deploy to Libya.
In comments that may warrant further investigation, Dempsey stated at a Senate hearing Wednesday that on the night of the Sept. 11, 2012, attack, command of the Special Forces – known as C-110, or the EUCOM CIF – was transferred from the military’s European command to AFRICOM, or the United States Africa Command.
Dempsey did not state any reason for the strange transfer of command nor could he provide a timeline for the transfer the night of the attack.
Also, Dempsey’s comments on the travel time between Croatia and Benghazi were incorrect.
His remarks for the first time confirm an exclusive Fox News interview aired April 30 in which a special government operator, speaking on condition of anonymity, contradicted claims by the Obama administration and a State Department review that there wasn’t enough time for military forces to deploy the night of the attack.
“I know for a fact that C-110, the EUCOM CIF, was doing a training exercise in … not in the region of North Africa, but in Europe,” the special operator told Fox News’ Adam Housley. “And they had the ability to act and to respond.”
The operator told Fox News the C-110 forces were training in Croatia. The distance between Croatia’s capital, Zagreb, and Benghazi is about 925 miles. Fox News reported the forces were stationed just three and a half hours away.
“We had the ability to load out, get on birds and fly there, at a minimum stage,” the operator told Fox News. “C-110 had the ability to be there, in my opinion, in a matter of about four hours … four to six hours.”
The C-110 is a 40-man Special Ops force maintained for rapid response to emergencies – in other words they are trained for deployment for events like the Benghazi attack.
Dempsey was asked about Housley’s report by Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis, at a senatorial hearing Wednesday over Defense Department Budget requests.
Dempsey confirmed the C-110 was indeed at a training exercise. At first he claimed the Special Forces were training in Bosnia and then later stated they were training in Croatia. But he did not explain the discrepancies in his statements about their location nor did he note the discrepancies.
“It (the C-110) was on a training mission in Bosnia, that is correct,” stated Dempsey.
Dempsey had been asked whether they were training in Croatia, not Bosnia.
In further remarks, he stated the forces were in Croatia.
Dempsey was asked whether he agreed with the Fox News timeline that the C-100 could deploy in four to six hours.
“No, I would not agree to that timeline,” he stated. “The travel time alone would have been more than that, and that is if they were sitting on the tarmac.”
Dempsey’s remarks are inaccurate. Even a large passenger jet can travel from the furthest point of Croatia to Benghazi in about two and a half hours or less.
Dempsey further stated the command of the C-100, or the EUCOM CIF, was transferred the night of the attack, but he didn’t explain why.
“There was a point at which the CIF was transitioned over into Africom” from European command, he said.
He could not give a timeline of when the command was transferred, telling Johnson he would take the question for the record.
Asked whether the C-100 left Croatia that night, Dempsey stated, “They were told to begin preparations to leave Croatia and to return to their normal operating base” in Germany.
Dempsey’s statements confirmed the forces were not asked to deploy to Libya.
The whistleblower operator told Fox News the C-100 could have made a difference.
“They would have been there before the second attack,” he said. “They would have been there at a minimum to provide a quick reaction force that could facilitate their exfil out of the problem situation. Nobody knew how it was going to develop. And you hear a whole bunch of people and a whole bunch of advisers say hey, we wouldn’t have sent them there because, you know, the security was unknown situation.”
Also, in his testimony, former deputy Libyan ambassador and whistleblower Gregory Hicks said he contacted Africom the night of the attack but received no support.
Stated Hicks: “At about 10:45 or 11 we confer, and I asked the defense attache who had been talking about AFRICOM and with the joint staff, ‘Is anything coming? Will they be sending us any help? Is there something out there?’ And he answered that, the nearest help was in Aviano, the nearest – where there were fighter planes. He said that it would take two to three hours for them to get onsite, but that there also were no tankers available for them to refuel. And I said, ‘Thank you very much,’ and we went on with our work.”
Aviano, Italy, is 1,044 miles from Benghazi, about 100 miles further than the Croatian capital.
With additional research by Joshua Klein.

Read more at 

Stand with Edward Snowden and for your own rights

This 29 year-old analyst just gave up his whole life -- his girlfriend, his job, and his home -- to blow the whistle on the US government's shocking PRISM program -- which has been reading and recording our emails, Skype messages, Facebook posts and phone calls for years.

When Bradley Manning passed this kind of data to Wikileaks, the US threw him naked into solitary confinement in conditions that the UN called "cruel, inhumane and degrading".

The authorities and press are deciding right now how to handle this scandal. If millions of us stand with Edward in the next 48 hours, it will send a powerful statement that he should be treated like the brave whistleblower that he is, and it should be PRISM, and not Edward, that the US cracks down on:

PRISM is profoundly disturbing: it gives the US government unlimited access to all of our personal email and social media accounts on Google, Youtube, Facebook, Skype, Hotmail, Yahoo! and much more. They're recording billions of our messages every month and the CIA can now or in the future use the information to prosecute, persecute, or blackmail us, our friends or our families!

Edward was horrified by this unprecedented violation of individual privacy. So he copied large amounts of files, sent them to the Guardian newspaper for publication and escaped to Hong Kong. His bravery not only exposed PRISM, but has started a domino effect around the world, shining a light on secret spy programs in Canada, the UK and Australia in just days! Now he's trapped in Hong Kong, waiting to be arrested. A global outcry could save him from extradition to the US, and encourage other countries to grant him asylum.

We can't let the US do to Edward what they did to Bradley Manning. Let's urgently stand with him, and against PRISM:

Sometimes the things our governments do are simply breathtaking. When heroic individuals like Edward have risked their own freedoms to bring scandals of this scale into light, the Avaaz community has come together to demand fair treatment -- and won. When half a million of us joined with other organizations and activists calling on the US government to stop its cruel treatment of Bradley Manning, he was relocated to a medium-security prison and taken out of solitary confinement. If we act quickly, we might do better for Edward, and help him win the fight he's bravely taken on, for all our sakes.

With hope and determination,

Ricken, Emma, Oli, Mia, Allison, Ari, Dalia, Laura and the whole Avaaz team

PS - Many Avaaz campaigns are started by members of our community! Start yours now and win on any issue - local, national or global:


Edward Snowden: the whistleblower behind the NSA surveillance revelations (The Guardian)

Edward Snowden Contact Glenn Greenwald Should Be 'Disappeared', Security Officials 'Overheard Saying' (Huffington Post)

NSA PRISM program taps in to user data of Apple, Google and others (The Guardian)

Prism scandal: Government program secretly probes Internet servers (Chicago Tribune),0,301166.story

PRISM by the Numbers: A Guide to the Government’s Secret Internet Data-Mining Program (TIME)

Anger swells after NSA phone records court order revelations (The Guardian)

Data-collection program got green light from MacKay in 2011 (Globe and Mail)

Greens unveil plan to require warrant to access phone and internet records (The Guardian)

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We're entirely funded by donations and receive no money from governments or corporations. Our dedicated team ensures even the smallest contributions go a long way.
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If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.

Laugh Often, Love Freely, and Live Your Life in the present and to the fullest.

A Message From St. Germain through Elizabeth Trutwin, June 14, 2013


A Message From St. Germain through Elizabeth Trutwin, June 14, 2013

Greetings!  This is St. Germain through Elizabeth Trutwin.  I come to you now from China.  Arrests will begin here.  Hillary Clinton and her Cousin Angela Merkel will closely follow. The Chinese funded back in 1933 the United States and hid the bankruptcy from the U.S. Citizens.  George Bush Sr. and George Bush Jr. with Dick Cheney are all clones. They will be arrested and simultaneously, President Obama will make Announcements, explaining the arrests and enacting NESARA Law.

All of this goes back to the late 1500s and early 1600s, the untold story of the United States' beginning.  The original seven Colonies of the New Land were all French. They were the Templars, who are descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdelene from Rennes Le Chateau in Southern France. This group brought with them the Rosicrucian Manifesto, which is the Brotherhood of the Rose Cross.  Planet X, Niburu, The 12th Planet pictograph, the "Planet of the Crossing", was a cross. The Rose reflects the Kumaras from Venus, of which I am one.  I have never laid down my physical body, but have always been incarnate on Earth. The same is true for Lord Maitreya who was the Buddha and the Krishna.  Some of my lives have been as Count of Rakoczy, Francis Bacon, Christopher Columbus, Roger Bacon, St. Joseph, Father of Jesus.  I am also known as the Cosmic Alchemist.

I came to the United States to help the Founding Fathers write the Declaration of Independence.  As Francis Bacon, I had been Attorney General and Chancellor of England.  This role was as presiding officer of the House of Lords, and the head of the judiciary in England and Wales.  The United States would be the World Headquarters of the New Jer-USA-lem. This is where Mother Earth would heal the wounds of Atlantis and begin the New Age.  As Francis Bacon, I sent my son to live in the colony of Virginia.  Still today I have two offices in Virginia, and one in Washington D.C., as I continue my work leading up to the Announcements and Enactment of NESARA Law.

I counseled and supported the works of the Rosicrucian-Freemasons, including Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and Benjamin Franklin.  After the Declaration of Independence was signed, I continued to help establish Divine Government.  I was destined to be King of England, but as Elizabeth 1's illegitimate son, I was forced out of the castle, and taken in by the Bacons.  I was a Moor, as was my Mother Queen Elizabeth 1.  The Moorish Brothers, who had fought in the American Revolution, became the first Presidents of the United States, after the Articles of Confederation were adopted in 1781.  The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, was modeled after the Intergalactic Confederation, and was the first attempt of Unity Consciousness in Government on Earth.  This did not work out. Washington was the first President after the Constitution, under the new Doctrine in 1787.

The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871, made the United States into a Corporation, operating under Martial Law. That continues until this day. Since the beginning of the United States, there has never been true freedom.  Because of this, things have become corrupt and more corrupt. The United States Corporation was Quit Claimed to the International Monetary Fund in 1944, and became a Foreign Controlled Private Corporation.  By 1971, each of the States of the United States, had formed State Corporations.  Now the Elected Officials in each State, no longer represented the People, but represented a Corporation. There is no more 'We The People'. The Original 13th Amendment, called 'The Titles of Nobility Act', prevented anyone who had ties to the Crown in England, from holding a Public Office. This would have been like having the Monarch and the President as One.

As time went on, the taxation in the United States, the Internal Revenue Service, and the Federal Reserve Bank, were using Government Branches and Executive Orders, to steal money and land from the Citizens. They were regarded as Foreign Enemies, to the Corporation United States.

Divine Government has arrived, after many years, as NESARA Law.  From 1993 until 1999 Barack Obama, my Moorish relative, and 14 others, worked on writing the 75 page document called NESARA Law, including Bernie Sanders, Barbara Boxer, Harry Reid, Charlie Rangel, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, Patrick Leahy, Barbara Lee and Paul Wellstone.  NESARA Law was signed into law in October of 2000, but was not enacted.  This was kept a secret from the Citizens, in order to protect the Law until the right timing.  It also protected President Obama, because knowing he was a writer of the Original Law and a New Declaration of Independence, his life would have been very hard to protect.  In order for NESARA to be a success, we had to coordinate Arrests with Announcements.  Many of President Obama's actions have been blocked, and having everything come together at the right time has been quite the chore.  Just when we were ready, especially close in 2009, then something would happen to make an unavoidable delay.  Since NESARA was signed in 2000, then in May of 2011, President Obama put his signature on the law, keeping it up to date.

Now so much has taken place in the Cosmos, that enactment of NESARA Law has become inevitable.  It is not about money - not at all.  It is not about revaluing Currencies or Real Estate.  It is about Divine Government.  Those who are playing in the Hedge Funds, or with cashing in Dinar, or other games they shouldn’t be playing at, will be considered criminals, and will not receive any funds from the 78 programs or the 135,000 Humanitarian Funds.  Some will be sent out of the United States permanently, with no money, and others will be going to the Hague.  

Be Love.  In Shallah!  This is St. Germain through Elizabeth Trutwin, June 14, 2013.

What Will It Take

What Will It Take
What will it take until we do understand
Federal Reserve Notes have turned into sand
Flying out of your bank and into the grave
Fort Knox is empty catch the junk silver wave.

Foul politicians sitting above the law
Arrogant thinking has become their real flaw
Shallow characters exude a nasty smell
Gross lies fall to the pit of the D.C. well.

International games no longer not told
The White Hats are telling us who has the gold
Troops guarding poppy fields like its a good deed
Fat rats scramble like the sick junkies they feed.

King of the World Drug Trade makes it all handy
Filling up planes with heroine like candy
While all the rich countries stay clear out of sight
Not ever trying to make anything right.

The mucky-muck hoard all of their blood money
While soldiers fight on and don't think its funny
Tours of duty for pure profit without shame
Sacrificing limbs is no video game.

What will it take for the truth to become real
First stop banksters from continuing to steal
Then make them accountable for all their fraud
Give the trillions all back before the psych ward.

The old twisted schemers need to step away
They've done nothing to create a better day
Blood shed of millions for money is treason
Going to war is no longer a reason.

The melting pot's dream has been smothered not lost
Hopes have been planted in our soil at a cost
Believing our country is still worth the fight
Lets join together and all work towards the light.

Awakened American For Freedom

Use your masterful powers of thought,
visualization and verbal intent to
Co-create a peaceful world now...

dolphins 3

CAFR1 in Reply to Judge Dale's Comments

 Walter Burien - CAFR1 - Responds to comments of Judge Dale as copied below the CAFR1 Reply.

CAFR1 in Reply to Judge Dale's Comments
by Walter Burien - CAFR1

Judge Dale's comments, even though appearing to be explaining the game going on, are misdirections away from the core reality. The points he brings up are valid but the underlying core reality is left out.

Yes, the dollar is a "fiat" currency as most currencies are. They are a bartering tool for HARD ASSETS. The currency has no physical value, it is what is acquired with the currency that has value and those hard assets are convertible into ANY currency or barter tool such as Swiss Frank, British Pound, Gold, or even if a farmer wishes to exchange land or crops if it can be arranged.

Judge Dale gives the view of the "curtain" in front of the "Wizard" and at the same time creates a 100% void of the aspect of the Wizard's actions behind the curtain. The following paragraph pulls back the curtain and qualifies what the Wizard has done here:

** The wizard utilizes that fiat currency bartered over the decades for exchange to buy up all of the assets both domestically and globally. Land; buildings; developments; corporations; debt instruments, etc. And said here again, these hard assets can be exchanged for "ANY" bartering tool used globally; dollars, Chinese Yuan, Gold, promissory notes, Mexican Peso, etc. So the issue is not the bartering tool being used, but what is happening with all of the "hard assets" being acquired over the decades. I note the peoples productivity value is also a hard asset being that it is drained from them and then used  to acquire other hard assets.

Here is a hard question for you? (being sarcastic) Who has been acquiring most of the hard assets utilizing currency bartering tools, and taking most of the people's productivity value over the last century?

ANSWER: Collective local and federal government.

Curtain drawn back, Wizard exposed.

This is why you will never see a consolidated ownership report for local and federal government for domestic and international holdings. Total Stock, bonds, land, buildings, foreign currency, promissory notes, bank deposits, derivative positions, cash loans, etc.

You will find individual reports large and small (out of tens-of-thousands) that will show holdings, a few reports if you dig deep enough that show a "selective grouping" of a few local government investment holdings, but never a consolidated report that shows all physical asset holdings from all local and all federal government accounts.

Keep in mind, government both local and federal spends billions of dollars a year on its own accounting. Internally, access to all local and federal account holdings "globally" is there at the stroke of a computer key pad "if designed" to do so at any point in a given year. This is NOT done for public viewing being that the showing of extreme, systematic, and massive power abuses from control therein would be so condemning, the Wizards would be naked and in most probability drug out of their cushioned chairs by an irate populace unified by common knowledge learned, using whatever force was necessary to do so.

Here, the illusion  is masterfully maintained with cause, maintained from precise actions of an international government syndicate, primarily controlled and orchestrated out of the US, and maintained and over-sighted by eager minions of bought and paid for appointed and elected attorneys.

The public is masterfully entertained with spoon-fed distraction, in most cases to direct them to a fiction or non-consequential circumstance that has no-effect on the reality of the government syndicate's total control and ownership of it all, the hard assets owned by them and obtained using those currency bartering tools globally.

I note 80% of the private homes and property in the US is owned by collective government through the mortgages on the same whereby collective government is the #1 investor behind those mortgages and loans.

The Banks and Mortgage companies are just the "in-between" man facilitating the transactions. The profit from the usury interest primarily goes back to the government investment portfolios and the Banks, Mortgage, and insurance companies take their transaction and holding fee cuts from the same..

When looking at US local and federal collective government investment holding accounts globally, as of 2012 a conservative figure would be 110-trillion dollars. Getting a clear look over the obfuscation in place here is a difficult and time consuming effort.

What is "promoted" to the public is the "debt" aspect, raising taxation to satisfy the debt, and meet ever expanding operating costs. I note that if you look at any well established local government that cried bankruptcy threats after the 2008 market orchestrated theft, they increased their gross income by 25% to 35% from 2008 to 2011 (in three years) as they were also promoting to the contrary that they were cutting back to meet expenses. (Look at the local government's CAFR from 2009 to 20012 to verify the same). I also note that the same occurred in 2002 through 200 6 after the 2001  911 event.

As is the standard over the last century, the curtain was flailed in-front of the Wizard to distract the population as the Wizard behind the curtain stuffed his pockets with stacks of hundred dollar bills, created more stacks of hundred dollar bills to acquire more hard assets, and laughed uncontrollably at the public's nativity and ease of manipulation. (Greed and opportunity unrestrained)

Now when you have the full control and eager participation of the talking heads, syndicated media, both primary political parties, controlled education, and the financial and industrial complex out of a very profitable multi-trillion dollar a year symbiotically designed operation, this in their cooperative silence maintaining a void of any cognitive thinking from the population makes the job all so much easier to accomplish.

The population is controlled, "drained", and maintained, thus the beat goes on. Personal empires are built small and large with the public scratching their heads saying: "There is something terribly wrong here but I just can't put my finger on it."

The population was never intended to "put there finger on it". Much efforts, influence, and billions of dollars were exerted to make sure they never did put their finger on it over the last century due to the money and control involved. If anyone tries to exert for a cognitive thought in this arena from the outside or even the from inside, they run smack into a brick wall of well-entrenched silence and void maintained.

Touching or speaking about the core reality is a dangerous thing to do, and gets a visceral reaction from the all so many players firmly attached to the over-bloated tit of the fatted cow.

Judge Dale was right when he notes the way things are now is "good for business". Yes, government's global conquest business. I note also that the "debt" he refers to is funded directly or indirectly by collective government's own investment capital where the usury interest goes back to their own "global" investment holdings. Another example of draining the public, an undisclosed tax, without the population ever being the wiser. Inflation on goods and services with the increased profit going back to the government global investment holdings, the same. Trade and policy enacted funneling massive amounts of money back to the government investment holdings, the same.

If at this point you scratch your head and say you just can't put your finger on it, then just be a good little boy or girl and go back to your TV and be masterfully entertained by the same syndicate, paid and bought individuals, and organizations that will spoon-fed you in their attempts to masterfully distract and entertain so that they can drain and manage you. Remember, that is good for their business in you doing so.

If you are no longer scratching your head, and now have a cognitive thought pertaining to the core issue effecting your every-day life as outlined above, then you may want to take it to the next step of creating government policy to make you, your family, and the population of this country the "First-Line-Benifitiary" of our government operations and the massive global investment holdings held whereby from the investment return generated therefrom (a revenue source), all taxation (a revenue source) is eliminated and your and your future generation's productivity value is protected for all time to come, and as an end result we all have a very prosperous economy to boot for the next thousand-years and beyond, then: is a site I put up last year with the basics to do so. There is a basic 4-point template initiative linked on the page as a starter.

The City of Mesa, AZ has been doing it in part for 40-years. They require all investment funds; enterprise operations to contribute to the General Purpose operating budget each year. The city owns the power company and they have the lowest electric rates with the enterprise operation pitching in 40 to 100 million a year to the city's general purpose operating funds.

When I looked in 1999, only 35% of the income for the general purpose accounts was satisfied by tax income. The city police had their own fund that supported based on return from 45% to 85% of their operating expenses depending on what year you look at.

Any government pension fund is an example of TRF operation. The pension funds were designed to generate salaries and benefits at retirement.  TRFs are set up exactly the same way only the returns from a TRF are designated to meet that local government's general purpose operating fund requirements so the the income source of taxation is not needed.

The State of NH on the state level up until 1989 satisfied 85% of the state's operating funds from their own investment account.

Two counties will be coming on line with the TRF management principle at the end of 2012 and in operation in 2013.

When the the first county implements the TRF operation, I will be doing a radio simulcast with about 30 independent radio show hosts who go out to a million + each. Should reach 50-million people in one day with what is happening and why and reach 90-million individuals within a week through those that listen to the archive of the simulcast.

My focus at this time is building a data-base under the Tax Retirement Fund Association (TRFA) of 150,000 managers with their track-record going back 5, 10, 15, 20, 25-years. This way if a city, say Miami, FL calls wanting to implement the TRF management principle, at a key-stroke I can pull up 15 local managers to Miami, compile their performance records at a keystroke, and assign them as the team to complete the audit; statistical review; fill in the blanks into the standard (written in stone) TRF 12-point prospectus; and then be the management team over the TRF fund management.

The data base will then monitor performance to make sure the objectives of phasing out all taxation (property; sales; corporate) are being reached or exceeded. If falling behind then corrective action is taken.

In this fashion at a key-stroke I can put thousands of venues into motion from start; to implementation; and then  oversight monitoring. My 4-year projection after the simulcast is to have 10,000 to 15,000 local venues on line under TRF management. Then maybe in 8-years the TRF being the standard across the county in satisfying local government's general purpose operating expenses. I note that in the TRF prospectus, all fines and fees are capped and are targeted for reduction. Again, the TRF establishing the population as the first-line- beneficiary.

1. Population maintains their productivity value (no taxation)

2. Financial and industrial complex are well funded (almost unlimited capital reinvestment growing under the TRF management accounts)

3. Government has their truck-loads of cash rolling in from the returns on and from the TRF accounts.

Win-win for one-and-all, and a thriving economy to boot! First time event in the last 10,000 years that all three power groups are combined on the same page with the same objectives. Cutting through the greed out of oppertunity that is well entrenched today within government and its symbiotic players will not be an easy job to accomplish, but it can be done..

PS: My birth name is Bubien

My BIO in case you did not catch it is at - 

Walter Burien - CAFR1
P. O. Box 2112
Saint Johns, AZ 85936

Tel. (928) 458-5854

-------FOOTER NOTE------

Per understanding CAFRs [ Google CAFR ], people have been intentionally kept in the dark so long they forget the basics:

1. A "Budget Report" is a selective funding of x accounts from x resources (set up to be primarily funded with taxation and done so "for the year")

2. An "Annual Financial Report" is the showing of "all" income: Investment; taxation; and Enterprise, plus the "accumulated wealth over decades. Budgets are for the year, an AFR is for it all since creation of the entity.

There is a big difference between the two. A correct analogy would be: The budget to operate your house vs. your statement of net worth.

The public has been played with the biggest shell game of selective presentation there is allowing for massive fortunes to be made by the inside players over the last several decades..

Every investment fund large and small is a power base. Where that money is invested determines what company; real-estate venture, etc., is made or broken. Thus in line with that, never a mention of the 184,000 AFRs of the corresponding local governments..nor the many thousands of specialty investment funds they contain. I note gov pension funds facilitate the same. Paying employee benefits from the return on the funds is an after thought for the government players.

The head communists back in the 30's and 40's said they could take over America without firing a shot. The undercurrents of that statement were that they could depend on the greed and opportunity of the players to accomplish that goal and it did. US Collective government since 2000 brings in more gross income than the entire gross income of the population of the United States.

Taxation is rammed down the public's throat (1/3rd of the gross income) and Investment / Enterprise income (2/3rd of the gross income) the "silence is golden" rule is strictly enforced with the full symbiotic cooperation of the syndicated media; controlled education; and both political parties as applies over the last century.

NOTE: Up until 1999 the CAFR showed the "gross" standing balances of income and investment fund balances. Then with onset of disclosure by CAFR1 and the public now looking for the first time (a 100% private association) who oversees the accounting guidelines of the CAFR, changes were made starting with transmittal letter-31 (up to 90 now) changing the showing in the CAFR from that of gross balances to a showing of "net" balances. Many games are played there so it is very important now to look through the "notes to the financial section" to spot or be directed to many of the specialty advance liability actual fund balances.

** Government was NOT supposed to operate at a profit. How did they get around this restriction?

ANSWER: If for example a city had a 100-million dollar profit for the year from any of its operations, at a stroke of a pen they create or deposit into a "liability fund" and poof, there goes the profit re-designated now as a liability.

A personal example would be:

If you and I ran a business for the last twenty years and we now had 1-billion dollars clear. We decide we are going to retire in five-years and want to buy an island in the Bahamas for 700-million dollars. So we create an "advance liability fund", move 700-million dollars into it and now our "net" balance on our books is 300-million dollars. Now if with drafted a "Budget" for our business operations (projection of expenses for the upcoming year) of say 325-million dollars, that budget would show us to be 25-million dollars in the red. If we now actually spent 200-million for the upcoming year, gee, we now have 125-million we can move into our "buy an island liability fund in the Bahamas" zero out our profit, have the ability to buy a bigger island now with 825-million in our fund, and start the process all over again for next year.

Now catch this point: On our accounting of the "buy an island fund', our liability if we left the price at 700-million and the fund balance was 825-million, the "net" balance of the fund is now 125-million dollars. (700-million of the funds balance is a liability to pay). If we modified the liability to 825-million then our "net" fund balance is zero. 825 - 825 = 0

One other tactic we could use as a mask of our true funds held would be to take the 825-million, deposit it with some financial institution domestic or international and arrange a loan or investment from that same financial institution of 825-million using our own capital through that financial institution to give the impression the 825-million was 100% a debt for repayment to whatever X financial institution we were using in that shell game of appearance. AGAIN why it is important to carefully look at the notes to the financial section of the CAFR.

ON A LAST NOTE: Did you ever notice how a local government projects their liabilities out 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30-years but project their income only 1-year out? THINK ABOUT IT! Do the math and see the selective presentation game you are being spoon fed to buy hook - line - and sinker!




You all know about Americas NATIONAL DEBT and heard the arguments about how our government leaders have squandered the labor and assets of future generations for centuries to come! Now here's the truth about that argument: America is a FIAT or debt based government and economy, and in order to stabilize a FIAT system, it is necessary to PERPETUATE DEBT and never pay it off! Hence, the reason why Congress refuses to be held to a balanced budget and the reason for our military involvement in so many foreign wars! Even a high tax structure helps to perpetuate debt, especially when 100% of your tax dollars are exported out of the United States! And I bet you thought your taxes ran the government and wars were all about stopping Communist aggression! In the minds of our government leaders: War and taxes are good for business! Spoken like a true sociopath! ................................. JUDGE DALE RETIRED

Debt represents a negative number and in America, debt is perpetuated with the use of promissory notes called: Federal Reserve Notes. The Federal Reserve is neither Federal nor is it a Reserve. It is a privately owned foreign corporation and is also known by the name: The Bank of International Settlements. The Federal Reserve Corporation is owned and controlled by a group of Sabbatean Jewish Bankers based in Israel. Americas NATIONAL DEBT is actually Israels Debt but we all have been taught that it is Americas obligation and responsibility, with the use of clever patriotic slogans like: This is the cost of Freedom! You've got to love those patriotic slogans! The NATIONAL DEBT is a trick bookkeeping entry, which does not involve any real assets because a real asset entry would immediately cancel the debt. Under the Uniform Commercial Code, promissory notes such as a Federal Reserve Note, is defined as a: Negotiable Debt Instrument; and so the National Debt of America is based entirely upon these negotiable debt instruments. In retrospect, Americas National Debt can be cancelled at any time with an asset bookkeeping entry and the payment of one dollar of solid gold or silver! A positive cancels a negative, even when the negative is in the trillions. Its basic Algebra! BY JUDGE DALE
--------- END OF CAFR1 POST - 05/13/12 -----  

Hagmann unhurt after law enforcement incident

Earlier today, a report was posted that Doug Hagmann, host of The Hagmann & Hagmann Report was involved in an altercation with armed authorities while driving on a city street early this morning. As reported, he suddenly and inexplicably found himself surrounded by police SUV vehicles and a cadre of police officers treating him as if he was a terrorist threat. That incident was indeed accurate as initially reported, but was temporarily removed at his request until further details could be provided. After obtaining additional details of the incident, it was determined that this incident was not directly related to the journalistic work he has been performing, or the active NSA surveillance he has experienced. Investigation ultimately determined that the incident originated from a false complaint filed with a law enforcement agency by an individual familiar with Doug Hagmann’s work and positive reputation. It was an attempt, in part, to harm his reputation as well as take him away from his investigative work.

Following some tense moments, the incident involving Doug Hagmann has been cleared and he escaped from this drama unhurt. Nonetheless, some very sensitive issues related to this incident are currently in play and have yet to be fully resolved. Accordingly, Doug Hagmann asked that any further release of information be limited until these issues can be resolved for the safety and security of him and his family. Doug Hagmann expects to be able to talk more freely about the matter on our special Sunday program on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report at 9:00 p.m.

Update: Make no mistake that there is a legitimate threat to whistle blowers and others who dare expose the truth, although in this case, the police acted properly based on the best information they had in their possession at the time, although the information with which they were provided was proven to be false and maliciously reported, according to Hagmann. “It’s a very convoluted situation,” stated Hagmann, adding that there is more to this story than can be responsibly reported at this time.” Hagmann added: “I would like to thank you and everyone involved in praying for my safety and the safety of my family. It is my belief that it was prayer and the hand of God that diffused a situation that could have turned out much, much worse. I am glad to be back in the safety of my own home, and cannot begin to express just how much of a role prayer and Godliness will play in the things we are about to experience on a larger scale. May God bless you and everyone for their thoughts and prayers.”

Jun 14, 2013