Saturday, June 15, 2013

Dinar/RV/Republic Chat - Jester 6-15-13

Jester] gm castle pupster, peeps, lurkers, and critters...

[Jester] spankey just thought i'd drop in and see how you all are this morning... the saturday morning crowd is usually nice and sweet...

[okrocks] Jester GM what do you make of this? "The IMF said the United States should reverse the spending cuts and instead adopt a plan to slow growth in outlays on government-funded health care and pensions, known as "entitlements." It would also like the nation to collect more taxes."

[Jester] okrocks i haven't seen it... too early to get redwolf up... lol

[Jester] nothing every happens on saturday morning... everyone sleeps late from no sleep during the week... lol

 [TNGirl] Jester which is what you should be doing

[Jester] TNGirl can't... brain won't shut down... it i try to i just start dreaming about the process and my notes and it makes me crazy... better to get up and let those cobwebs go to the wind.... lol

[okrocks] It (IMF) would also like the nation (US) to collect more taxes. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[burk50] Ok rocks guess the IMF doesn't know abou the Republic . IMO lol


 [puppylove] "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS. THE BRAVE MEN AND WOMEN THAT ARE OUR HEROS BOTH PAST AND PRESENT :fl

[Jester] puppylove thank you for the pledge.. for the republic has has a whole new meaning now...

[puppylove] ~~~ and to the REPUBLIC~~~ :

 [okrocks] Eventually, in 1913 the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified creating the legal basis for the federal income tax.

[Midnight Blue] okrocks read the amendment states that that Federal income tax is a war supplement tax only.

[drl] In regards to the 13th amendment there are questions as to whether or not I really ever properly ratified!

[FrenchTexan2] drl The current 13th was not ratified properly.

[montana2] okrocks 1913 is also the year the Fed was established too, I think. Interesting how certain things tie together. Can you say, Rothschilds?

[oxglove] Jester just wondering your thoughts on where you think things may be in relation to any announcements regarding republic and when that may be and if you can say how the rv process is coming along in your opinion. Thank you !

[Jester] oxglove everything is going wonderful... not to worry...

[dldieter] Jester... do you still think there are certain days of the week when this thing can or can't go?

[treasure4e] dldieter this was Jesters answer to that yesterday ............................. all is good... we are just waiting on the timing... lots of people think that there is certain times that make better sense than others...when forex is closed...when the banks are closed...when the banks are open...east to west...starting in iraq...whatever...i think it is waiting for the right time they have picked to do it...almost everything else is done.

[deb2blessed] I fear that if we are waiting on the Republic to see the rv --- well we may have a very long wait ahead--- I pray NOT though!

 [ [redhead1] I am not sure how the Republic got tied into the Currency Exchange - they were never connected and now all of a sudden one depends on the other - I don't think so

[FrenchTexan2] deb2blessed I hope not but I fear that will be the next stall to be used in the chats.

[treasure4e] deb2blessed imho I do not think so.............but the republic is not something they JUST decided to do either..........this ALL has been a long time coming..........just put your seatbelts on and watch and see

 [Jester] for those that want to figure out how a simple rv got tied up into a global reset and a republic i will give you the thumbnail sketch...

[Jester] first of all... reset your mind a little and realize that the people working on getting our republic back from the ones who took it over have been at work for many years... going back to kennedy to start... they realized the problem with the fiat money system designed to steal your money and funnel it into the banking families hands... they tried to change it... didn't go well...

[Jester] these are some very powerful families with control in all parts of the government much more than anyone at the time realized...

[Jester] there became people in the government that knew they had a problem but did not have the power to do what needed to be done to change it... so they started getting together and working on the problem over a long period of time...

[Midnight Blue] President Kennedy had silver certificate notes printed and wanted to get out of fiat money. The first official act Of President Johnson was to recall and destroy the silver certificate notes with servere penalities for having one.

[Jester] you can call them white knights if you like... that is as good a description as any... good guys working within the system..

[Jester] mostly military guys... but some other patriots as well... and they had to be careful...

[Jester] is became apparent over time that the problem was not only with the us...

[Jester] other contacts were made... approximately 30 years ago or so... they became aware of other people working on the same problem... enter the dragons... not going into too much detail there... you can figure that out... families that wanted to bring their country back to its rightfull place as well...

[Jester] the actual people running the world were very powerful... they controled almost all powerful governments and most of the financial banking institutions...very powerful...

[redhead1] Jester - you have gone over to the dark side at NESRA and drank the kool aid - for goodness sake - this Republic talk has nothing to do with the RV - you are confusing people - if you want a Republic - vote it in - but the US will never see civil war again

[dollardude] Executive order 11110. LOOK IT UP

[pokerbrat] Jester the attitude of "I just want my RV" from some short sited peol you hare probably all guilty of. IMO is natural but greedy and part of the reason we got into this mess. it seems to me the time it has taken for this to RV is our penance. For letting this country and the greedy PTB get out of

 [geoworld] redhead1 Jester is RIGHT

[that guy] Yes and it is still there always has been and nothing has changed, we ARE a republic

[redhead1] geoworld - he is so wrong it is not even funny

[Digs] redhead1 agreed

 [geoworld] dollardude I have

[Jester] they needed to have all the information necessary to prove what was done and take the proof to the world court... they all worked together... a lot of what we have seen just in the recent past... like the vatican rework... the stuff going on in the fed... other things you can see happening... are the result of these actions...

 [dollardude] geoworld Executive order 1111o

 [WWP] redhead1 it's coming to you and all to.see truth imo

[that guy] I will return when we talk about dinar, rv or any other sane topic. This is BS!

[pokerbrat] that guy a slave republic See trillions of debt and the IRS

[Jester] this is not going to be what a lot want to hear... but some do want to hear it... call it the dark side if you like... but it is coming out... all you have to do is open your eyes to see it...

[clipper] Jester Most of us agree. Please keep going

[that guy] This is worse than rv rumors. Stop stressing people about their nation. Sad just to get attention. I am done. Bbl

[happydave1] Jester go on i want to hear n thanks

[kat2011] that guy well said

[oxglove] that guy hit it!

[Readynow] Jester please continue

 [redhead1] that guy - I am with you - this is so far beyond the RV that it is not intel - nor rumor - just a diversion as to why the RV has not happened - I am gone too

[WWP] Jester yes sir and amen, continue my friend

[Jester] so anyway... this is all going on in the background... and along comes more recent events... the iraq war... designed to create more debt and get the oil that we don't really need anyway... do you wonder why they don't let us drill? that would mess up their plans for more control... they need us enslaved to the oil..

[Jester] the debt is designed to funnel your tax money... which has to be raised to cover more interest on the debt... to be funneled into the system so they can take the interest and put it in their pocket...
[Jester] the more debt.... the more interest... the more profit into the bankers hands and the controling families pocketbooks...

[D-Dub] But...haven't we heard all this before? How does this effect the RV?

[oxglove] D-Dub that is exactly what is being explained

[yayamare] Those that have the ear to hear, let them hear.

[FrenchTexan2] Jester The only thing that can pay on the debt is the taxes and the only thing the taxes can pay is the interest. It is an unpayable debt. Per 16th admendment.

[awty] Jester if started over 30yrs, then soon could well be months or yrs before reset. Do you agree?

[Readynow] awty no

[Jester] last thursday the fed interest in the us was done away with... and in the process $15 trillion went back to the ust... now if they had the money to pay off most of the debt why would they not use it to do so? not to mention the several trillion we loaned to foreign banks just recently as well... this is to keep the interest flowing into their pockets...
[Jester] they didn't WANT to pay off the debt... that was their cash flow...

[ready4riches] Jester what does this mean exactly? "the fed interest in the us was done away with"...... ?

FrenchTexan2] ready4riches Means the fed and the irs are done for.

 [Jester] back to the story now... so we have some white knights and some white dragons for lack of better terms... taking control of the situation worldwide to get the control out of the hands of the banking families... consider this a long term hostile take over of the system because that is basically what it was...

[Jester] and in the process a lot of paperwork filed at the world court level toassess fines and penalties for all the things that were done.. this is way oversimplified from the way it actually happened but that will give you a general idea... they realized that the system had been designed to steal from the world... nad they assesed major fines and penalties for that in additions to getting the money back to where is was stolen from...

  [Jester] this it the world global settlements.. in effect... everything that was stolen over a very long period of time... a huge amount... i have heard 72 zeros...

[bayougirl] Jester, is the republic issue holding up the rv?

[tatortot] bayougirl Please try to understand both are very closely tied.

[bayougirl] tatortot Im trying to, first the republic, then the rv?

[okrocks] bayougirl no

[WWP] bayou girl like a divine lightning bolt out of heaven , All at once imo

[Readynow] Jester you're connecting the dots---thanks

[FrenchTexan2] Jester Is it too soon to talk about the trusts that were formed to steal even more money from us?

[Jester] FrenchTexan2 there are SO many things that were done like that... and money outright stolen from people with the excuse of national security... and other stings such as cmkx... a cover up of the government setting up a company for investors and then shutting the company down using the sec and that those people never got paid out...

[Jester] so anyway... back to the story of how a simple rv gets tied up into a global reset...

[Jester] so with all that going on you can see there is a lot of work already underway to try and take the system back... enter the iraq war... again, designed to steel from you and get more oil which we do not need...

[Jester] they realized that this was happening... and they are already taking steps toward the world global settlements... so it naturally became part of the overall process... and they were not going to let the government rv the iraq currency and put more money into the banking families and government hands and make it harder to fight them... so they took that into the process...

 [Midnight Blue] Jester I agree with all you said except one thing, 72 zero's. A trillion trillion would probably equal more money than ever existed in the history of the world and that ia 26 digits. Certainly 39 digits or zeros would cover it. However, the point is well made no matter how many Zreo's. LOL

[FrenchTexan2] Midnight Blue One thing to consider is the fact they create money from nothing.   Credit.

[Papa Bear] I am here only shortly this morning 1 To wish everyone a Happy Fathers Day Weekend and 2. To remind all that the IMF resets currency rates on the 1st and 15th.If Im not mistaken HUMM. Later

[Jester] they took over the us banking system to a certain extent... the corporate takeover of the us was done through the banking system....

eppexpress] Jester so you are saying that until the banking families are under control there will be no RV

[Readynow] eppexpress they are now

[starbucksrules] eppexpress That is not what he is saying.....he is just explaining to us how the RV got caught up in the Global Reset. Now worries! Basil 3 will not protect our Blessing!

[Jester] and the tie together with the republic is that they would not want the government and the banking families to be in control of the situation to let it continue to work the way it has worked since they took it over...

[pokerbrat] unfortunately the general public may never know this. So many feel things are acceptable as they are. they will wake up one day and things will magically be better. This needs to be a history lesson!

[Jester] so all the things you are seeing right now are the culmination of all this many years work of the people taking the system away from the government and banking families... so they cannot continue to steal from you and your children... to make a better world for everyone...

[D-Dub] As long as they tear down the IRS I am all for it!

[ [Jester] i hope that little thumbnail sketch helps... it is way more complicated of course... but that is the basics...

[chucker7] ty so much is all making sense now!!!!

[Midnight Blue] Jester This is a herculon task to over throw and take much of the wealth of the wealthiest and most powerful families in the world. Do you think this will be accomplished?

[FrenchTexan2] Jester It was made complicated to hide what they were doing. Therefore it made it complicated to bring it back.

[mollie] I will admit. I was LOST yesterday!!!!

 [Jester] so i know you guys all need the rv... but keep an eye on the big picture... it is happening... even as we speak... all you have to do is watch...

[okrocks] Jester ty but I have to ask if the fed res interest was taken away on Thursday why is it the IMF stated on Friday, " It would also like the nation to collect more taxes."

[eppexpress] okrocks under the Fair Tax system the country WILL collect more taxes

[D-Dub] I'm good with the fair tax. Only way to go
grandpa10] Jester ty, when we are told the truth look how it divides the room, I can not imagine how the non dinar educated citizens will react when they start to learn

[Jester] grandpa10 and that is part of the problem... how to get it out there... the country will be divided... hmmm.... seems as if i heard someone say those words very recently... so ask yourself what you would do if you needed the word out...

 [grandpa10] Jester id talk to Glen Beck

[Jester] would you blast is on the main news channels and put it out there... no taking that one back....

 [Readynow] Jester I am correct in thinking those banking families are now under control?

[honeybelle] Jester Well then let GB do it we are ready

[Cautious] Jester hey big guy... think you would start revealing some scandals and build up on it?

[Jester] grandpa10 exactly... half the people will clap and the other half will go there goes that guy beck wiht another conspiracy theory...

[pokerbrat] if this is how it goes down. this is 50times better then an RV. it is free from slavery. the bankers should see jail cells for 100 or so years

[oucrazy] How did our country survive BEFORE the fed income tax was thrown on our backs? It did just fine, but now we have all the nonsense added that has nothing to do with funding our government!!!!!

[grandpa10] Jester but it is a good place to start and grow from there

[subtle] Midnight...the over all general plan, as far as i understand it,began at the turn of the 20th century,with most of the details plan begun approx 35 years ago...however like all plans ,especially this one which had never been done before,the end game has been fluid..the bad guys were given numerousto "retire" in a more humanitarian fashion..and some did....while others refused to give up power...and used every trick in the book to stop the process

 [Jester] but it will leak into the minds as an idea and then it can be controlled to a certain extent... gain steam... eyes will open... and it can gain groud that way without an expolsive result...

[happydave1] Jester Jester copy these words and bring in here for all

[xyz] happydave1 here its .... Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — — one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it

[WCW] bankers are not bad people it s the laws in the banking system

[Jester] happydave1 good post... i wish everyone would go look at that real quick...

[Readynow] WCW it's those that control the banks

[grandpa10] WCW most of the bankers we know are just folks

[Jester] anyway... i hope that helps... i know some simply want the money... we all sure need it... but this is now a simple rv gets absorbed into a global reset... and i can tell you it is happening now... do i know the end? i can tell you no one does... and i can tell you anyone that is saying different is telling you bs... some for reasons they think are right based on something they hear from what they consider a good source... some for their own personal egos or gain... do i think it is close? from what we know of the process and what we are seeing happen every day... yes... i think it is very close...

Terri] Jester Are we years away from an RV ??

[Jester] Terri are you watching the news? what to YOU think?

[gdsgrl21] Jester we've been enslaved since 1920 - it's about time to free the shackles of the fake banking system and puppet masters ! Praise God for those that have the gumption to set us free!

[honeybelle] I wish they would just put the bad guys in jail thats what they would do to us I don't understand that??????

[bhjd] Myabe the Fourth of july is realllllllllly going to be a $th of jjjjjjuuuuulllyyyy innnnddddddeeeepppppeeeennddddccccee dddddddddaaaaayyy!!!!@

[Readynow] Terri close is NOT years

[Iank1978] Guys papabear implied pay attention to the fact the IMF sets rates today hmmmmm

[Jester] based on what i have told you... you should all see that things HAVE happened.... and that things ARE happening right now... it is happening right before your eyes..

[geoworld] Jester Keep Up the good work --TY for doing your HOMEWORK

 [happydave1] good article :  Crime Against Humanity After careful consideration, it must be said that this is not only the greatest theft of wealth in history; it is also the greatest crime against humanity in history.

[happydave1] plenty of written articles that are not on nesara to back jester up

[montana2] No one likes change.

[NC227B] montana2 is scary...

[Readynow] NC227B and with a closed mind--impossible

[geoworld] NC227B This stuff is a shocker to those who are not informed.

[Jester  just trying to help bring the awakening... trying to do what i think i have been charged with...

[Jester] i know many of the people here often question my motives... or how i learn all this stuff... who my contacts are or are they real or whatever... i can tell you that i have always prayed for knowledge and wisdon... i never though praying for money or riches or whatever was the way it was supposed to be... and i think in doing so i was blessed with the power to make the contacts needed in order to have what i prayed for...

[Jester] that seems pretty simple but it is the only way i can explain it... the call i got the other night was from somene that took notice of what i have been doing and wished me to have more information on the truth of the matter... and to give me the word that getting the word out there was helping... and to ask for yoru prayers again for their safety and good passage to get this all done....

[tessa] Jester Is Glen Beck  still coming to chat??????

[cheeny] Jester Will that person that you spoke to be coming in or on a call as you implied?

[Jester] cheeny it has already gotten a lot bigger than that... i was contacted by some people that have some contacts in the media.... and i will be working to get him there... he is amenable to that... i will let you know when that happens...

[Midnight Blue] Jester Is it true, that several of these people working on the Republic and global reset have been killed, perhaps including some navy seals?

[Jester] Midnight Blue i have been told that is the case... a lot of good patriots have died for this cause...

[montana2] Jester I'm thinking RFK too.

[tampa---dd] Some "gurus" only post articles and people hail it as facts and real info but that isnt intel. Intel cant always be gathered from a newspaper or a tv . Sometimes the source has to remain unnamed for the safety of the source AND the intel itself

[honeybelle] JFK gave a famous speech on secret societies and he ended up dead

[Jester] it is the same in history.... i believe thomas jefferson said it best when he said... The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

[Iank1978] He also tried to end the fed

[WWP] Jester they're are 90+0s in the St. Germaine trust alone friend

[happydave1] Part II: The Off-Ledger, Occult Economy Operation Golden Lily, The Black Eagle Trust, 9/11, The Dragon Family, the $1 trillion dollar Keenan federal lawsuit, and the Global Collateral Accounts/World Global Settlements

[Iank1978] This republic thing is about freedom to choose and be what you want as long as it doesn't hurt someone else common law

 [Jester] WWP that is part of the reset... will go to help millions through humanitarian efforts...

[Jester] well this is what happens when i come in to play on saturday and eat too many donuts... but the sugar has worn off now and the phone is ringing off the hook... so i better get back to work... lol

[Jester] you guys should take some time off to enjoy the day... smell the roses... you will never get this day back... don't sit in here agonizing about something you cannot do anything about... it will come when it comes... take a break and enjoy yourself...

[happydave1] listen to paul harvey in 1965 if i were the devil very good

[happydave1] do ya think he knew what was coming !!!!!!! paul harvey

[geoworld] Jester So now you are leaving --Take the FED Reserve with yu :

[Jester] geoworld already done... lol

[Jester] i'll check in on you guys later... but i hope you are out doing something fun instead...

[Jester] seeyalaterbye...

US Air Force Academy Chemtrail Manual

US Air Force Academy Chemtrail Manual
The word "chemtrails" was not invented by a conspiracy theorist,
it was invented by the US Air Force.

A microfiche has been found in the Oklahoma Library system of an Air
Force manual dating back to 1990, which uses the word "Chemtrails" in
its title and describes the various experiments pilots will be conducting
with the aerosol release of various noxious substances, some relating to
cloud-seeding and weather modification such as silver iodide and others, in
conjunction with the HAARP project, such as barium-fluoride.

The spraying of toxic barium salts in the atmosphere relates to scalar
weapons systems (HAARP), which behave like targeted gravitational
fields and act as anti-ballistic shields.

Click the link below for a more comprehensive list of toxic chemicals
that have been released by the USAF since at least 1990.

US Air Force Academy Chemtrail Manual

Our government has been building spy-access into the Windows Operating System since the late 1990′s

John, the new laptops have spyware hard wired under the motherboard !!!! The people caught that a few years ago when they put a cam and mic into a cable box that the so-called government said that we had to have when they changed over. That was why everyone had a coupon from the government to help buy the boxes.. Lynda
Our government has been building spy-access into the Windows Operating System since the late 1990′s
Posted By: esu333
Date: Friday, 14-Jun-2013 17:02:08
In researching the stunning pervasiveness of spying by the government (it’s much more wide spread than you’ve heard even now), we ran across the fact that the FBI wants software programmers to install a backdoor in all software…Digging a little further, we found a 1999 article by leading European computer publication Heise which noted that the NSA had already built a backdoor into all Windows software:
A careless mistake by Microsoft programmers has revealed that special access codes prepared by the US National Security Agency have been secretly built into Windows. The NSA access system is built into every version of the Windows operating system now in use, except early releases of Windows 95 (and its predecessors)…
“The first discovery of the new NSA access system was made two years ago by British researcher Dr Nicko van Someren [an expert in computer security]. But it was only a few weeks ago when a second researcher rediscovered the access system. With it, he found the evidence linking it to NSA…
“According to Andrew Fernandez of Cryptonym, the result of having the secret key inside your Windows operating system “is that it is tremendously easier for the NSA to load unauthorized security services on all copies of Microsoft Windows, and once these security services are loaded, they can effectively compromise your entire operating system“. The NSA key is contained inside all versions of Windows from Windows 95 OSR2 onwards…”
We have repeatedly pointed out that widespread spying on Americans began prior to 9/11.

RV Chat - 6-15-13



[IvanTulafitov] what'd i miss? heyu288

[heyu288] IvanTulafitov Just a call with BlueWolf... he said we are next in line and this group ahead of us should finish very soon.... then our turn... rumor until email.. I don't know how good his info is but he seemed positive...

wingnaprayer] I also just heard from someone who listened to Tony's call that there will be 5 bank packages to negotiate depending on how much dinar you have. hmmmm.....

[pedrobob] wingnaprayer hmmmmmmmmmm



[heyu288] ..SweetQueen Thank you...I praying that most of our peeps have been educated enough thru this site to be armed with enough education to make the correct choice for them... I believe I am thanks to your hard work and the staff here in the castle :


[amg] i will call for an appt and in the mean time check around to see what the others banks could offer before i go to the appt. that way i am in the know

[DrRod] ..SweetQueen I agree with you very much about the coming financial arrangements. We don't know the details although many have stated all sorts of suppositions. We will know the details when we get that so-called famous email... Only time will tell. In the meantime, we wait and hope.


[~healthy3] ..SweetQueen I am a little concerned about this whole WF thing and the email myself. I would like to see my other options too. Chase reassured me that they will match WF too.


[Jester] hi castle mods, peeps, lurkers, and critters! hope everyone is having a nice evening!

[Jester] i do not have a prepared statement tonight... ran out of time... too many phone calls... too many texts...

[Jester] and it is still going on... i just needed a break... lol

[vote4rv] jester so if last night was the best call to date, how does today rate?

[Jester] vote4rv not up to par... that was a republic call just so you know... i know there was a lot of discussion about that today.

 [tatortot] Jester Not an RV date question but will I be in St. Kitts for my birthday June 30?

 [Jester] tatortot do you have reservations? hee hee

[book2] Jester did the final person move into place?

 [alin] book2, I think Jester was saying today that he can't talk about that. Maybe things changed since this morning

 [19rue] Jester Is there anything you can share concerning the RV and it's progression?

 [tampa---dd] Jester You know, when we even mention "big changes" in our gov, people look at us like we have a new crack sniffing fetish

Jester] tampa---dd sokay... they will be asking you questions about it soon.. after they wake up a little..

tampa---dd] Jester works for me, and my liberal friends will need a gallon of pepto .. and ear muffs so they don't hear me laughing

Jester] tampa---dd rofl you got that right...

[TRudinarfreedom] Jester the Ramadan could delayed our blessing

[tampa---dd] TRudinarfreedom Doubt it could since they are only a small part of the bigger process


[Jester] fantasia since they started around last june 1st... i calculate 380 days in seconds... or approximately 32,832,000 seconds....


[sananddan24] Any intel tonight?

[Jester] guys... all is good... we are just waiting on the timing... lots of people think that there is certain times that make better sense than others... when forex is closed... when the banks are closed... when the banks are open... east to west... starting in iraq.... whatever... i think it is waiting for the right time they have picked to do it... almost everything else is done...

[weathernut] Jester Awesome bro and ty



 [wango1] Did everyone listen to PTR call from Tony today?

[Precious] wango1 I did

[wango1] Precious pretty straight forward I think

[Precious] I like Tony....he gets me excited to stay in haha

[Precious] sandinar he feels like terryk any time now

[wango1] yes he did and his Iraq contacts are amazing.



hub] Sparkles my guys say they know its done, because they see it on the instramentation they use as a profession,, dont know why it has not happened ,,but know its what else can you say...

[hub] guys, let me reiterate what i have been saying, just to make all feel better,,,in 1955, the encyclopedia britanica stated that the iraqi dinar was $2.55 per dollar,,,in 1990, it was $3.22,,,do you think with at least 250,000,000 barrels of oil,,three times that much oil, gold , diamonds and many other natural resouces the dinar will be at 1/10 of a cent per dinar....I DONT THINK SO,,,,do you????????

hub] i mean that much gas...sorry

Sparkles] NO I don’t

hub] watercolor i have three different high level contacts very close to the situation and all are scratching there head not knowing why this has not popped?????????

[watercolor] hub Thank you. It must be about to pop!

[hub] watercolor i think so,,,nothing we can do but wait and watch,,,so i am waiting and watchin.....hehehehe

[watercolor] hub Same here. .. watching and waiting

[watercolor] hub I'm encouraged because your info has not changed.

[hub] so anyway,, dinar wise,,,we are there,,, dont know when ,,but now,, very close,,,when i got in the story was the dinar was at $3.22. anything above that is gravy,,,,, just hold on and dont give in to the dark side........ luke , hold on..dont give in.......hehehehhee...gonna play golf with my two sons...both served in the navy,,neither ever been in jail and i dont support either one of em.......will talk to all tomorrow afternoon.....happy fathers day to all..............God Bless American



Whatever:  A mild-mannered man was tired of being bossed around by his wife so he went to a psychiatrist.

The psychiatrist said he needed to build his self-esteem, and so gave him a book on assertiveness, which he read on the way home.

He had finished the book by the time he reached his house.

The man stormed into the house and walked up to his wife.

Pointing a finger in her face, he said, “From now on, I want you to know that I am the man of this house, and my word is law! I want you to prepare me a gourmet meal tonight, and when I’m finished eating my meal, I expect a sumptuous dessert afterward. Then, after dinner, you’re going to draw me my bath so I can relax. And when I’m finished with my bath, guess who’s going to dress me and comb my hair?”

“The funeral director,” said his wife

Is the NSA too much competition for the Jews?

I think Jim has Israel right on the TEE !! Take a look at Obama when Israel is around him, and then take a look at Romney and Israel when Romney was not elected.. He went to Israel, wonder WHY ???? And yet the people are still having our money stolen to give to Israel !!! Wonder WHY ??? I think maybe NSA ought to come clean to the people !!!! The people have a right to know since it's been our money being stolen by the fools in the Corporation and wanting to kill the American people !!!! I also think that Jews is the wrong word for Israel. Other than think I think this has it right. Come clean NOW NSA.

Is the NSA too much competition for the Jews?

Jim Stone, 6-14-13


The Jews own ALL the major telecommunications firms, ALL the major media, and virtually the entire internet, and as a result, without any effort at all get ALL the information the NSA picks up simply because the Jews own the infrastructure. This was part of a war plan for world domination, - for decades the Jews have been buying up infrastructure for the sole purpose of spying and we cannot possibly win if they know every secret. ENTER THE NSA -
It's competition for the Jew and Israel, which can get into many of their back doors. They HATE the NSA because they want information superiority. And you want to know what I really think?
I'd bet the NSA is not lying when they say they stopped terror attacks, ALL OF THEM ATTEMPTED BY FALSE FLAGGING JEWS, and the NSA is probably why the Jews need to use drills as cover for all their false flags. The NSA cannot tell the world it is the Jews doing it all, because they know that the Jewish owned media will not report that anyway, and doing so is political suicide. So the NSA keeps thwarting Jewish terror, and now, after exposing Obama and other forms of corruption, the NSA has crossed a line and the Jews have decided it has got to go.
THAT is what I finally concluded after thinking about this scenario for a few days.
Consider this - the system in question, PRISM, was made in Israel and designed by the Jews. Pretty ideal when they own all the infrastructure. By doing this they could accomplish two things - make sure the system could not get into their own most sensitive and secure areas, AND more importantly - put in whatever back doors they needed to keep an eye on what the NSA might know about.
Yeah, after thinking about it for a while, I believe the NSA really has stopped MANY terror attacks, but because it is not Arabs doing the terror, the real terrorists have used death threats and possibly even nuclear blackmail to prevent the NSA from telling the world who they really are.
Keep in mind that I am in no way excusing the NSA for what they are doing, they are the eyes and ears of a totally out of control police state. Also consider that despite what I have said above, that it is entirely possible that the NSA functions, for the most part, as a zionist weapon.

Elections in Iran underway

Unlike what you have been told, Ahmadenijad is not getting ousted. Iran has term limits that are exactly the same as America's, and Ahmadenijad has served his 8 years. Most likely he would win in a landslide absent term limits. Contrary to what you have been told, Iranian elections are not rigged. They all take place with public counts of anonymously cast hand counted paper ballots, the exact same way New Hampshire does it in America. Furthermore, if I remember right, the ballots in Iran have two parts that separate and you get to keep your ballot number, and can then check that number against public record to ensure your vote was counted correctly while remaining completely anonymous.
It is America with the rigged elections, where except in a few jurisdictions, your vote goes into a black hole with no way to know how it got counted. The zionist media in America can STUFF IT with their lies about elections. The Israeli made electronic voting machines in America keep everything secret and can be tweaked at will, and if you are smart enough to find this site, I don't need to tell you that. There is a reason why Iran has a non Rothchild central bank, and a reason why the zionists want Iran destroyed, and a big part of that reason is FULLY ACCOUNTABLE YET ANONYMOUS TRUTHFULLY ACCURATE ELECTIONS, and a well educated population. But since the Iranian election, as a result of it being impossible to manipulate will most certainly NOT produce the results Israel wants, watch for all sorts of screams in the ziopress about how rigged it all is.

The following coverage of the NSA issue has evoked major backlash

This backlash includes a shower of hate mail, people going and posting ridiculous drivel to forums and comments around the web while claiming to be me, tampering with the forum to kill good discussion, including deletion of good materials (verified by other forum members), and making my computers incapable of accessing various pages, most notably the new member approval on the forum and the Facebook page, as well as periodic banning of my cell modem to keep me off the web (yet leaving the airtime intact) which is a real change of pace.

This means I nailed it, The following coverage is a solid gold wrecking bar, go tear down the police state with it, ARCHIVE AND POST!

The Woolwich terror attack exposes Saudi and Israeli collusion


The Woolwich terror attack exposes Saudi and Israeli collusion

There has been immense speculation whether the Woolwich terror attack was another false flag operation or just Muslims angry at US and Britain’s aggressive wars.

The mainstream media’s  practice of ‘lapdog journalism’ ignores glaring questions left unanswered concerning the Sandy Hook shooting incident; the Boston Bombings; the Woolwich murder and of course 9/11 and 7/7, blaming it all on Islamic terrorism.

Which is contrary to a recent Europol report which states that out of 543 terrorist attacks in 2009 and 2010 only 0.7% of terrorist attacks less than 1%–were committed by Muslims.

The Woolwich Murder is part of a more sinister development that is now sprouting its poisonous tentacles into Muslim communities to cause sectarian warfare and has its roots in Saudi Arabia’s Wahhabi ideology.

Two Muslim converts hacked a British soldier to death in a busy London street and then as a special favour to Islam stood around covered in blood begging to be filmed so the world can see  how Islam has turned these converts bloodthirsty and barbaric.

They did no one any favours accept the Zionist media and their numerous think tanks who have been perpetuating hatred against Islam for decades; as well as the ruling elites who want to generate patriotic fever in order to recruit more young people for the continuation of global imperialist wars as part of a plan to bring in the New World Order.  (VN: And raping profits from the blood of our children and the wealth from the sweat of our brow, while they never "earn" anything, rather criminally steal to obtain whatever wealth they have.)

In a related incident that took place a week before the killing of the British soldier a group of Wahhabis  led by the same man Anjum Choudhry who had inspired the two meat cleaver killers went in a large group, shaved heads, long beards  many wearing Arabic Jilbabs  and sunglasses, looking more like gangsters than men of religion, with placards stating ‘The Shias are Enemies of Allah’ and physically attacked men believed to be Shia and also urged Muslims on London’s Edgware Road to go to Syria and join the Free Syrian Army

The two incidents are related as both were inspired by Al-Muhajiroun and its leader with no religious credentials Anjum Choudhry.  (VN: Choudhry, was the first person into Iraq after Bush Sr declared hostilities over and he was suppose to be the new leader of Iraq, but his past criminal history for the Bush Mafia, was exposed to the American public and killed all those plans)

There are puzzling questions that need addressing; why would one hack a person to death in a busy street than stand around covered in blood begging to be filmed?

Also why is Anjum Choudhry living in the safety of London interested in toppling President Assad while instigating Shia- Sunni violence?  Shouldn’t Choudhry and his goons be dealing with the growing problem of the English Defence League who is walking around carrying Israeli flags, bombing mosques and attacking Muslim women and children?

More importantly why isn’t Choudhry arrested for incitement to violence when others have been arrested for far less; the case of the 20 year old ‘lyrical terrorist’ comes to mind.

If we look closely at groups like Al-Muhajiroun and its leaders, what unfolds is that they are a part of a sinister plan that was set in motion centuries ago to create a sectarian divide amongst Shias and Sunnis and destroy any Islamic unity in order to weaken it as a force that can stand against oppression in the way Hezbollah did when it threw Israel out of Lebanon. And in the way the Iranian people with nothing but Koran’s held over their heads stood against the military machine of the US backed Shah of Iran.

Contrary to what western media would like to propagate Shias and Sunnis have co- existed and intermarried for centuries, they differ on a few things but the Koran and the basic fundamentals of Islam unites them.

Until recently, many US top army brass has openly admitted that every effort was used to create sectarian divisions in Iraq through undercover CIA Mossad and Blackwater operations.

However the issue is not that simple as it doesn’t explain why this sectarian divide is permeating into Muslim communities based in western countries like London.

To understand these recent developments one has to examine them in the context of sectarian warfare strategy that was used as a tool by the British to destroy the Ottoman Empire and intensified after the British with its secret agent Abdul Wahhab installed the Al- Saud Family into power as revealed by historian David Livingstone.

The Al Saud Family which according to writer Mohammad Sakher, who was put to death for writing a book called ‘Zionist rulers of Saudi Arabia’ where he traced the roots of the Al -Saud family to a Jew who through treachery installs himself as a rich Arab Bedouin where he marries many women and spawns many children and is finally installed into power by the British and its agent Abdul Wahhab.

According to another writer D Mustafa Turan in his book, ‘The Dönmeh Jews’, Abdul Wahhab was a crypto Jew and his grandfather, Tjen Sulayman, was actually Tjen Shulman, a member of the Jewish community of Basra, Iraq.

After Ibn Saud was installed as ruler in Saudi Arabia, Abdul Wahhab began to propagate his own version of Islam under the name of Wahhabism. After the death of Wahhab his descendants maintained their supreme religious authority position and have been behind the most vicious fatwas designed to make Islam appear as a backward intolerant religion.

Whether the Saud Family are crypto Jews or not one fact is certain they have always worked against the interests of Muslims. They have allowed western forces to be based on Islam’s holy land,  they allow women no rights; they have systematically destroyed Islamic heritage sites linked to the Prophet Mohammad and replaced them with gleaming malls where Zionist conglomerates like Starbucks and MacDonald’s take prime positions.

They have also joined up forces with Rupert Murdoch whose pro- Israel credentials and propaganda is clearly evident through his Fox News channels and now we have Arabic Fox News which promises to pump the same propaganda to Middle Eastern households.

Abdul Wahhab was part of the same movement as the self- appointed Scribes and Pharisees who hijacked Judaism and the original message of Moses, and produced the Talmud that states that Christians are Goys (cattle) sent to work and toil for the Jews and that mercy and compassion should never be shown to a non -Jew.

A most worrying fatwa was recently pronounced by Saudi cleric Muhammed al Arifi that stated ‘Israel is not our enemy but the Shias are’ and that the Arab youth should join the Free Syrian Army and as a consolation prize they can have a few hours marriage with Syrian women in order to satisfy their sexual desires which will boost their testosterones to kill more Syrians.

In the way that the British soldier was hacked to death is the same way that the Free Syrian Army has been beheading and hacking Syrians putting their decapitated bodies on YouTube with some going so far as cutting out and biting into the victim’s heart.

Respected American journalist Seymour Hersh revealed in 2007 how the US, Israel and the Saudis’ are working to under- mine Shiite Iran. In his famous article “The Redirection” stated that US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia were arming, funding, and organizing these global jihadists with direct ties to Al-Qaeda to overthrow the governments of Syria and Iran.  (VN: Remember, Al Qaeda has always worked for the CIA  and mossad.) 

Gordon Duff a US political analyst also highlighted how there were pictures of “aircraft leased to the Department of Defence” on which the CIA was flying al-Qaeda members into Syria to take control of Syrian villages. He also said: “They are taking women and girls hostage and using them as tools of sexual battery”.

The Saudis are working with Israel in not only attempting to destroy Iran and Hezbollah but also working to cause a clash of civilisations that Jonathan Cooke, a Guardian and Observer journalist  highlighted in his book ‘Israel and the Clash of Civilisations’ in 2008. He  explains how Israel nurtured a policy to promote Islamic radicalism and how “…Israel has succeeded in greatly increasing Western alarm about Islam as a global threat, in the process identifying the question of what to do with the Palestinians with the issue of what the West should do about Islamic extremism.” (VN:  "And by deception, we will conduct war". A sign on the wall in Mossads office in Israel)

Today Muslims are busy dealing with Shia and Sunni issues instead of the atrocities Israel is committing against Palestinians.

The English Defence League and Al Mahjiroun are part of the same coin being used to create communal warfare in Britain.

What is baffling is the connection between the EDL and Israel?  The EDL are supposed to be British nationalists yet they go around chanting Israel’s propaganda and carrying Israeli flags as they try to whip up hatred against Muslims. When the Zionists were drumming up tension in New York about a Muslim centre being built near ground zero members of the EDL were flown over specially to participate in the demonstrations.

While the Zionists infiltrated the political and economic systems of western countries, the Saudis have through Wahhabism attempted to infiltrate the Sunnis belief system through funding and supporting thousands of madrassas and mosques around the world.

Wahabisms produced the Takfiris who believe that Muslims who do not go along with their version of Islam are apostates and need to be killed and that includes Shias, Sufis and in some cases Sunnis. Their purpose is to destroy any Muslim unity that has any chance of forming.

Millions of petro dollars have been spent funding religious institutions madrassas and mosques which are run by Saudi trained scholars globally. In London most of the media outlets, TV stations, mosques and learning centers have been financed by Saudi Arabia.

Daniel Mabsout in his article ‘Sectarian Sunnis Against Islam’ on deliberation website writes: “It is in every other Sunni mosque that fitna is being fuelled and nurtured , go enter most Sunni Mosques in Beirut or Tripoli or in any other country or city , what do you hear ? You hear sectarian instigation. You were supposed to hear about the wonders of the Prophet of Islam and you end up ready to kill your next door neighbour, this is what you hear and what you learn. This might take the appearance of a campaign against a ruler or a so called dictator but the truth is that this is directed against the sworn enemies of Israel.”

And it is this intolerant Islam that has spawned groups like Al Mahjiroun and in turn inspired the two meat cleaver killers.

Dr Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist and America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror states:  

“Anjum Choudhry and other “Finsbury Park Mosque” Muslims, presumably including the two Woolwich suspects, are agents of the British crown, whether they realize it or not. The killing of a British soldier at Woolwich was not a defense of Islam; it was an act of psychological warfare against the religion of Islam, orchestrated by the enemies of Islam, namely the British-American-Israeli governments and the House of Rothschild that owns them".

Anjum Choudhry and his mentor Omar Al Bakri are not what they claim to be. Choudhry, became the leader of Al Mahjiroun when Omar bakri was finally deported to Lebanon, to the sigh of relief from London Muslims.  Choudhry has been seen lurking around trendy Islamic hot spots in the Whitechapel area dressed in a suit jacket and pants scouting around for likely recruits into his so called jihadist philosophy.

He is brought out on queue by the media dressed in Arabic gear ranting and raving promoting sharia law and fear mongering.  Even the many names the group has used are provocative like Islam4UK which is aimed to threaten the British people that Islam will be forcibly on you.

He talks about Sharia law and how those who drink alcohol should be whipped, however the ‘Mail Online’ revealed he was known to be a beer drinker, drug abuser and according to his ex- university friends indulgenced in many sexual relationships with the opposite sex.
His mentor Omar Bakri made many anti British statements but was allowed to operate with impunity for many years. The reason why he was never arrested could be because as Bakri boasted himself in a 2002 interview when he said:

“I think now we have something called public immunity (from prosecution).”

In 2006 when Israel invaded Lebanon Bakri’s Jihadist mask fell apart. He had spent many years in Britain recruiting young Muslims to wage jihad against the West and had his chance to finally practice what he had preached.

However, instead of joining the jihad he picked up the phone, and begged the British government to allow him to come back to England. He even tried to force himself on a ship to get back to Britain but was forced to stay back. He made his appeal to the British government on Arabic TV and in Arabic newspapers in order to prevent his British followers, who don’t understand Arabic, from hearing his humiliating cries for help.

It is a well -known fact that the British and U.S secret service recruits Muslims and uses them as their agents to infiltrate communities and use them to achieve their goals.

The Independent newspaper revealed that Britain’s security services attempted to recruit the Woolwich murder suspect Michael Adebolajo. His friends and family claim he was tortured and even sexually assaulted by Kenyan police following his arrest in November 2010 before he was returned to Britain where he was allegedly “pestered” by MI5 agents to become an informant. The Daily Mail also reported that Michael Adebolajo’s younger brother Jeremiah was already a spy for M16 and ‘was paid thousands by MI6 to spy in the Middle East’.

In 2009 The Independent revealed that five Muslim community workers had accused MI5 of waging a campaign of blackmail and harassment in an attempt to recruit them as informants. The men claim they were given a choice of working for the Security Service or face detention and harassment in the UK and overseas.

The problem is in a world where political agendas are put forward as news and what dominates are lies and more lies and no one knows what to believe. We were led to believe that Al Qaeda was a threat to world peace and as a result millions of people have died in two illegal wars which began on the pretext of going to fight them.

Now all of a sudden top US Senators like John McCain are flying over to meet and shake hands with Al Qaeda militants promising them further support while the US Israel and Saudi are funding them to carry out warfare on their behalf in Syria and Lebanon.  (VN: it was McCain who carried both funds and weapons over to Libya and gave them to the Mossad backed so called "rebels", and it made the "arabist" ambassador mad at the interference with his diplomatic efforts to win over the Libyan  people.  I still believe that is one of the major reasons he was killed)

The Woolwich murder did not reveal the growth of Islamic radicalism, rather it revealed the collusion of the proponents of the New World Order led by the Zionists to create chaos and sectarian violence through a culture of fear mongering, pitting brother against brother and in the meantime introducing more surveillance, policing and loss of civil liberties.  (VN: which is why they did these false flags.  it was to get to us, and not the Muslims)

More importantly it also revealed how attempts are being made by the Saudi regime which has clearly shown its allegiance to Zionism and their aim to manipulate Sunni Islam into a Wahhabi ideology that views Shias, Sufis and those who oppose it as an enemy while pursuing Israel’s expansionist agenda. (VN: we did a blog a very long time ago about how these Saudi' princes were not Arab, rather khazar Ashkenazi's.)

The Bilderberg Conspiracy Theory Turns into Official History Overnight

Hiding in Plain Sight: The Bilderberg Conspiracy Theory Turns into Official History Overnight

UPDATE 11 June: Whistle-blowers reveals US and UK governmental agencies involved in massive surveillance of citizens (theirs and others)

Henri de Castries (Photo: Shepard Ambellas/


by Advaita Mihai Stoian

June 14, 2013
Many documents leaked these days, all proving the involvement of NSA in the surveillance of Internet activity of people with the cooperation of nine internet giants. Here is a good synthesis of these news.
For me it didn’t come as a surprise nor am I surprised by the cooperation of the Internet companies (since they mostly have the mentality of opportunists that will always cooperate for their best interest). But the way the arrogance of power is displayed in the debates triggered by these disclosures is very significant for what i wrote in this article. Follow this debate and you will be surprised by the rhetoric that become much like all the classic pre-dictatorial rhetorics in the world.
Here is one of the threads you can follow. And this is the excellent statement of NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden on the generalized surveillance system.

England Welcomes the “Elite”

The Bilderberg Group, an annual gathering of royalty, statesmen and business leaders, will take place this week at the Grove Hotel, a golf resort in Watford, Hertfordshire (June 6-9).  Approximately 140 members of the global elite will be present. A “festival feel” has been promised. The Bilderbergers are staying at the Grove Hotel – “a private family-owned luxury hotel” (that previously hosted the exclusive Google Zeitgeist conference in 2009, 2010 and 2012). (Google’s Chairman, Eric Schmidt, is no stranger to Bilderberg.)
Until now, any attempt to discuss this group’s meetings was massively ridiculed and considered to be pure speculation, a ”conspiracy theory”. But now, as anyone can easily see, the magic happened and the meeting is in plain sight, right under the public’s and press’ noses! Obviously, I am wondering, what is with this miraculous metamorphosis – from something that was ”not existing” to something that now not only exists, but is going to eventually impact our lives?
How about all the references to this group – so far made by different authors (Alex Jones, David Icke, Jim Tucker etc)? Were they lunatics or visionary heroes? Obviously the latest is confirmed by the reality … but then, how about their warnings?
In my opinion what we see now happening in the UK Bilderberg meeting is the next level of what I called years ago “the arrogance of power“.

Who Are the Bilderbergers?

At the Hotel de Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Netherlands, from 29 to 31 May 1954, “the future of the world” was first debated. They called themselves the Bilderberg Group with a membership representing a who’s who of world power elites, mostly from America, Canada, and Western Europe with familiar names like David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, Gordon Brown, Angela Merkel, Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, Larry Summers, Tim Geithner, Lloyd Blankfein, George Soros, Donald Rumsfeld, Rupert Murdoch, other heads of state, influential senators, congressmen and parliamentarians, Pentagon and NATO brass, members of European royalty, selected media figures, and invited others – some quietly, by some accounts, like Barack Obama and many of his top officials. Always well represented are top figures from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), IMF, World Bank, Trilateral Commission, EU, and powerful central bankers from the Federal Reserve, the ECB’s Jean-Claude Trichet, and Bank of England’s Mervyn King. Ever since they decided to meet annually in secret. So secretly that the very existence of the group was denied and whomever talked about it was ridiculed by the corporate media.
For over half a century, neither the agenda nor discussion topics were made public, nor was any press coverage allowed.The few invited fourth estate attendees and their bosses were sworn to secrecy. Only the Group’s Steering Committee decides whom to invite, and in all cases participants are adherents to One World Order governance run by the top power elite. Here you can read more about what is on the ‘’wish list’’; the Group’s grand design is for “a One World Government (World Company) with a single, global marketplace, policed by a one world army, and financially regulated by the one ‘World (Central) Bank’ using one global currency.”
To get a taste of the often arrogant and mostly irrational attitude of the organizers, here is a fact: until now the corporate media had always immediately dismissed any information about the group … but how can one be so sure that something does not exist without in reality affirming its existence? Now the same corporate media, acting as if nothing happened, is reporting about the annual meeting as a well-known fact. Someone really has an elitist attitude behind the smokescreen ;-) .

Controversies and In-depth Studies About the Bilderbergers

Many things have been said about this group and its connections with the power structure the world over. Some say that the Bilderbergers are rich, powerful people who manipulate human genetics to create particular hybrid bloodlines. Others report that the members of the elite group know how to manipulate the reality of the masses through anxiety, stress and frustration so that it generates energy, and in this way they have been changing our planet, its atmosphere, genes – not just the GMO’s of the human being, but of the entire world. For others it appears that their practice is in fact de-humanization, as they use fear as the control factor. But no matter what are the sources and how well documented and sound are the arguments, some things are made here clear to all: the Bilderbergers are a power-thirsty elite group that are seeking to change the planet as we know it. And they consider they have the right to interfere from behind closed doors. This becomes obvious now when the reality of this occult group is being gradually brought to public awareness as if it was always there.
G. Edward Griffin explains in his lecture, “The Quigley Formula: A conspiratorial view of history as taught by the conspirators themselves”, that a great deal of the point where we are today in our history is due to the Bilderberg Group.
There are also at least two sociological studies that aim to make the world understand the psychology behind the ‘’elite’’. In 1956, sociologist C. Wright Mills published a book entitled The Power Elite. In it he argues that our democracy was corrupted because the same people exercised power in business, the military, and politics. Fast forward to 2012 and Lambert Strether continues, and posts a series of Venn diagrams at Naked Capitalism.
However, the media blackout hasn’t stopped some courageous individuals from exposing the Bilderbergers. Amongst them are: Jim Tucker – for his last 35 years, David Icke – for 20 years, Alex Jones –for 18 yrs, Gerald CelenteBenjamin FulfordFidel Castro  and the list goes on. There are thousands of articles on the Bilderbergers’ secret deals, such as:,,,,,, etc. Proponents of Bilderberg opponents in the United States include individuals and groups such as the John Birch Society, political activist Phyll is Schlafly, political activist Lyndon LaRouche, radio host and politician Jesse Ventura, who made the Bilderberg group a topic of a 2009 episode of his TruTV series Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura. Non-American proponents include Russian-Canadian writer Daniel Estulin.
Studying the few reports that have managed to slip past the censors in the course of the previous decades, we can see that both the European Union and the European single currency have been nurtured and guided by the far-reaching hands of Bilderberg. For example, in the leaked transcript from the 1955 Bilderberg meeting (chaired by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands), participants speak of the “pressing need to bring the German people, together with the other peoples of Europe, into a common European market”. The current reality has proven the influential power of these talks.
Anders Eldrup, a Freemason from Denmark, reveals here a number of details about the meetings of Bilderberg in Denmark.
This ghost-like group has surfaced here and there, every now and then deciding some important world issues, never taking responsibility for this in the open or admitting their existence … until now.
These people have been aiming to rule the earth for many generations. Now they have almost everything in place, obtained by eliminating any form of governance with sabotage from the shadows. They are one step away from their controlled world dream becoming our daily reality.  Their plans for further economic, political, and military  integration, that have been pre-scripted for decades, are designed to expand from regional to global in a fine-tuned process.
If one wants to see the real consequences of the Bilderbergers’ activities, take a look here at their plans that have come to fruition so far: austerity and loss of national sovereignty and democracy in Europe, the massive transfer of wealth and manufacturing from America to the communist elite in China. Henry Kissinger (one of the very active members of this occult group and one of the dark eminences of it) has been involved in secret wars, military coups, CIA torture and terrorism — all of which have caused the loss of hundred of thousands of lives. But the machinations of his mentor David Rockefeller and the manipulations of the central banks could, if not stopped, already cause worldwide economic disaster, famine and war. And all these for an alleged “greater good”.
The question that I have in the first point is: in whose name are they acting? Because for sure they are not asking any of us here. :) And if it is in their name, how dare they decide for all of us?

“The Bilderberg Elite Just Want to Help”- Watch for the Big Scheme!

‘’But the Bilderbergers are not a secret society,” insists Andrew Kakabadse, a professor at Cranfield University School of Management. “The meeting is just a get-together of bankers and business magnates who understand how capitalism works and are trying to help. It’s basically nothing more than rich people saying nice things to each other,” Kakabadse explains.
In other words: There is nothing to see here. Please move along. Honestly, what do they take us for? Just a bunch of idiots?!
On the other hand, the professor says that when royalty rubs elbows with Wall Street and former presidents, wars are prevented and crises “smoothed out”. It is interesting that Bloomberg feels compelled to explain away Bilderberg. In the past, they would simply deny any knowledge about the annual meeting. Here they even describe Kissinger and Rockefeller as somewhat boring folks who prevent wars and financial crises. Obviously they are not doing a good job at all since all that happens after their meetings is exactly the financial crises and wars, all of which are not following the bottom-to-top natural pattern but the top-to-bottom pattern that reveals the elite behind it. All recent crises and wars have the same abnormal pattern that shows that they are not reactions of the social system to regulate itself but an induced state of affairs in order to follow a hidden agenda. If you see the tree moving, most probably it is the wind blowing even if you cannot see the air.
Back in 2009 at the Bilderberg meeting in Greece, as we can find out here, there were barely a dozen witnesses – harassed and arrested by heavy-handed Greek police. This year there is a press zone, police liaison, portable toilets, a snack van, a speakers’ corner – all the ingredients for a different Bilderberg. For the first time in 59 years there will be an unofficial press office, staffed by volunteers, on the grounds. We can now even see a full list of 2013 Bilderberg attendees.
So now the Bilderberg Group comes out in the open and is meeting everyone in England. The only problem debated in the English media is whether society has to spend money for this conference or it is kept on private donations. This, by the way, is an ordinary manipulation method, as it is also presented here, in order to attract attention to a minor problem which does not lead to major questions. The issue here is NOT who finances this conference; the problem is its fundamental LEGITIMACY! So far the same organizers have denied it and now they simply take it out in the open? What kind of credibility do they have? If our yoga school would have done that, there would have been such a wave of criticism. If any organization that is not following the elite’s agenda would have done this, they would have been mediabolized … This is another example of the double standard mentality -institutionalized hypocrisy. What kind of trust can one have in people that start their leadership adventure on these grounds?
There are even social and political groups that  have been asking questions to political forums about their involvement in the Bilderberg Group and even MEPs raising the issue of the Bilderbergers in the European Parliament, such as Gerard Batten MEP, UKIP (London), Europe of Freedom and Democracy (EFD) Group.  Even so, until now there was NO ANSWER to these inquiries other than ridiculing the one asking or eventually dismissing the issue all together.
Speaking of which, what are EU Commission President Barroso and Vice-President Reding doing in a Bilderberg meeting then?? Government appointed officials are acting outside their elected authority where they operate secretively and in conflict to the interest of their public position. Isn’t this against the interest of the people who elected them? This is a violation of our rights as Citizens and, and as such, people have the right to react and demand explanations and hold responsible those that trespassed.  These meetings are also illegal at the level of international law and under Logan’s Act in the USA because these activities are recognized across the world as a conflict of interests manifesting itself as a serious threat to our legitimate and natural society.
And of course one can legitimately ask: who authorizes these people to organize these meetings, and in whose name? I do not have anything against people meeting for an informal chat but in this case many of them are officials, holding key positions in the power structure of the world. Having this power from the people they allegedly represent their participation to such meeting holds another meaning.  Is this the way democracy works? Definitely not the one they apparently are suppose to stand for.
Such conference should be discussed openly in each country or group represented there and then we should send our representatives, who represent those on whose behalf mandate acts, our political leaders! Such a meeting should be completely supervised. Or am i pushing here toward an utopian democracy? Judging the facts, definitely the members of Bilderberg group do not have the same opinion about transparency and democracy as they preach it to the others.(again the double standards?)

The World’s Elite is Taking the Place of Centralized World Leadership In The Open!

By hypocrisy, deceit, sabotage, assassination, lies, economic terrorism, fear, violence and manipulation, occult groups were preparing their way to control this world in a centralized occult elite fraternity since many centuries. All natural power structures that appeared among people were in a way or another destroyed, weakened, hindered to the point of collapse. All for the occult societies to gradually take over. And acting from the shadow is much easier than openly taking responsibility. You can create a big mess in an entire country with only one bomb planted by some brainwashed soldier. And by repeating this you can weaken the system to the brink of collapse, getting it ready for you to take control. But it will take a lot of dedicated, intelligent and honest people to exert a wise rulership for a long time.
But there is a problem when you are acting always from the shadow: nobody can see you did it. Therefore step by step they came closer to the final moment: disclosure of their existence and claiming the vacant position of the King of the World. And this is the moment we are into now. The last of natural power structures were eliminated when the new age of terrorism was instated into the world in 9/11 by the only ones specialized since centuries to strike from the shadow.
And now they are facing the most dangerous step of all: stepping out in open and taking responsibility, claiming the prize of the victory and assuming the real responsibility for the world leadership. This will mean exposure to real public scrutiny … an operation they hate the most since they have used the idea of democracy only as “the opium for the masses” but without really planning to apply its principles to themselves. And of course the thief is is the one that takes the most measures against thievery … because they think many people are like them.
Here is part of an article that I wrote years ago on my blog, foreseeing this pattern which unfortunately became so obvious today: ‘’So far, this Bilderberg group was practically nonexistent, and now, suddenly, they are the ones who are shaping the future of the world? It is probably the next level of involvement of these free masonic structures in international politics: an arrogant attitude that is displayed without any scruples. I am sure that in the future we will see more of these people playing their games out in the open.’’ It was clear to me all along that the Illuminati and the occult power will have to come to light, at a certain moment, because otherwise they cannot keep their power if they do not expose, even if they are still a ‘’discreet’’ organization. The predictability of this situation proves only the existence of a clear pattern behind the scene.
Speaking of ‘’transparency’’, The Economist reaffirms the fact that ‘’the cosmopolitan elite’’ do indeed ‘’flock together’’ at such gatherings and elusive clubs to shape the world that the ‘’superclass’ wishes to inhabit. A decade ago anyone who even spoke of the existence of Bilderberg, let alone suggested it was a major manipulator or world events, was roundly categorized as lunatic. And today we have the same assertions make up by the staff of editorials in the world-s corporate press. This is definitely a new notion of transparency: the remotely controlled transparency. This is always the tool used by dictators, elite groups and anarchists. And the occult groups like Illuminati or Bilderberg contains all of them in a “melting pot”.

‘’We Can Do What Others Cannot!’’

Is it a coincidence that the FreeMasons had the same strategy in the recent years? Few years ago it was a top-secret organization, saying they know nothing and are not involved in anything; now it became an official organization with founding from the state. But this is because they could not arrogate the deeds they did in the secrecy of shadow. How can an organization that didn’t exist claim the organization of the French Revolution in 1789?
For centuries the ranks of the occult organizations of Freemasonry were the nursery for the secret groups of power such as Illuminati, CFR, Trilateral Commission or The Bilderberg. And this is why the step forward into the semi-obscurity from the total secrecy is done in unison by all these structures, even if they apparently have nothing in common (they didn’t even exist until now!). It is exactly the same pattern of thinking for it is the same people in these groups. And for a lucid observer this is another proof of the existence and nature of these power structures that are built without our consent.
If you check Bilderberg’s website you can find there bluntly things about their conferences such as this: ‘’in short, Bilderberg is a small, flexible, informal and off-the-record international forum in which different viewpoints can be expressed and mutual understanding enhanced. Bilderberg’s only activity is its annual conference. At the meetings, no resolutions are proposed, no votes taken, and no policy statements issued. Since 1954, fifty-nine conferences have been held. The names of the participants, as well as the agenda, are made available to the press. ‘’ It sounds like a boring nap day on the beach, saying ‘’go to sleep, it’s really nothing interesting going on here’’. This is their official story and we know how ”true” that is.
Speaking again of their previous absolute secrecy, here is what Ken Clarke MP exposed.
On the same note, a few days ago, in Romania, Radu Balanescu, Grand Master of the National Grand Lodge of Romania and Rüdiger Templin, Grand Master of the United Grand Lodges of Germany were invited on the national TV post for a special show, saying that ‘’freemasonry (..) is not a secret society, we are a civil society, a discreet society …” said Rüdiger Templin, Grand Master of the United Grand Lodges of Germany.

These Are the Times, We Are the People!

The Bilderberg, Google and the G8: New Global Tax Regime Already in the Works may show one of the purposes of this meeting; all this while, interestingly enough, as we find here, Bill Gates, Bloomberg, the world richest are meeting right now on a south Carolina island.
Time to ask: Are Bilderbergs really this innocent ”on and off” thing, as they present it and that happens just once a year and where are we heading?
My conclusion is that what Bilderbergers do now is a test. They are testing the ‘’market’’ to see if anyone notices their strategy and if there is any reaction. Otherwise, a big(ger) crisis is always easy for them to provoke, on the way to the world government foundation. They are counting on the fact that people will not notice this slow smooth move and they will have their grip upon the world power before anyone will sound the alarm. And when this will become obvious it will be too late, they are the legitimate power and the attempt to disclose these plans will be an attack upon the established (long awaited) order.
It is only now we have a window of opportunity to massively drew the attention upon this move, to put under public attention and scrutiny these attempts, despite the smoke screens that I am sure will abundantly come in the next months. It is now that these occult structures are weak and face a delicate moment, when they are stepping out of their dungeons and are still not used with the light. And the Light of awareness and Truth can be now the strongest weapon one can use, starting from within.
It therefore depends on each of us to perpetuate this induced mass sleeping slavery or to wake up NOW without any hesitation. Waking up is not as hard as it seems at first sight, it is just a matter of making the first attempt. The system is weaker than one thinks it is and one firm intention that reaches to the point of action is enough to create a breach and then another, and so on, until this network of occult power will be dismantled.

Firefox Plug-in Warns Users of NSA Surveillance

This might be good to try ! 

Firefox Plug-in Warns Users of NSA Surveillance

The NSA can spy on us all they want; we crazy diamonds are gonna keep on shining. If only 52 per cent of those polled oppose surveillance, they don’t understand that the only terrorists are the dark cabal governments.
Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day? The government is likely logging even the most mundane day-to-day computer habits of millions of Americans, but there’s a way to stand up against surveillance while also rocking out.
According to leaked NSA documents published by The Guardian last week, the United States National Security Agency is conducting dragnet surveillance of the communications of Americans, regularly receiving phone records for millions of Verizon customers while also being capable of accessing the conversations that occur over Facebook, Google and several other major Internet names through a program called PRISM. Now a 28-year-old artist and developer from Brooklyn, New York has found a fun way of warning computer users about potential government surveillance, and he’s incorporated one of the best-selling rock albums ever in the process.
Justin Blinder released a plugin for the Web browser Firefox this week, and he’s already seeing a positive response in the press if not just based off of the idea alone. His “The Dark Side of the Prism” browser extension alerts Web surfers of possible surveillance by starting up a different song from Pink Floyd’s 1973 classic “The Dark Side of the Moon” each time a questionable site is crossed.
Blinder told the Guardian that he built the program over the course of four hours with the hopes he could “create some sort of ambient notification that you are on a site that is being surveiled by the NSA.”
I was really interested in the fact that, although the PRISM leaks were a shock to many of us, we pretty much already kind of know we’re being surveiled a lot of the time and giving away so much data,” he said.
Upon news of the phone tracking program, even members of Congress said they couldn’t get over how much information was being shared between the telecoms and the government. Walking out of a briefing this Wednesday, Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-California) said, “What we learned in there is significantly more than what is out in the media today,” and described her reaction as “astounded.” Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) said the program “represents an outrageous abuse of power and a violation of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution,” and the American Civil Liberties Union has sued the government with a similar complaint filed in federal court.
Separate from leaking a document about the NSA’s access to phone records, former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden also gave The Guardian evidence of Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, AOL and others sharing private communications of customers with the government. When “The Dark Side of the Prism” is installed, users of those sites will be reminded with one of the most iconic albums of the twentieth century.
I just Googled ‘Prism’ and the cover came up,” Blinder said. It just so happened that the long-time best-seller also fits the mood for exactly what the programmer was looking for.
I didn’t want it to be too jarring because a lot of us seem to be giving in to being surveiled on a daily basis. I feel like people already know that. I didn’t want it to be alarming,” he said.

Image from
“The Dark Side of the Moon” was Pink Floyd’s eighth studio album and most commercially successfully, selling roughly 50 million copies and landing on the Billboard charts for 741 consecutive weeks. Surveillance, on the other hand, isn’t quite as popular: according to a Post/Washington Post poll released this week, 52 percent of Americans oppose the PRISM program.
With regards to Snowden, the American public is largely polarized on the issue. He’s been labeled as both a traitor and whistleblower and is currently the target of a Department of Justice investigation.
He’s not a whistleblower, by the way, because a whistleblower actually wants the rule of law to be enforced,” Jeremy Bash, the former chief of staff for then-CIA Director Leon Panetta, told Politics Confidential this week. “He copied documents and he made a run for it. He may be actually aiding our enemies.”
On his part, Snowden said he leaked the documents because, “I can’t in good conscience allow the US government to destroy privacy, Internet freedom and basic liberties for people around the world with this massive surveillance machine they’re secretly building.”
Earlier this year, Pink Floyd lyricist Roger Waters lent his support to Army Private first class Bradley Manning, who is currently on trial for the largest intelligence leak in US history.
We need more whistle blowers,” Waters wrote in a statement. “Blowing the whistle on our behalf is not just brave, it is heroic and it is our duty.”

For anyone considering downloading The Dark Side of the Prism plugin