Saturday, June 15, 2013

Obama scandals involving IRS, DOJ, EPA and NSA amount to a constitutional crisis

Obama scandals involving IRS, DOJ, EPA and NSA amount to a constitutional crisis
“If the ‘right balance’ of government action vs. constitutional restraint is blatant, serial violations of the Bill of Rights, I'd call that a problem - a big problem
Our constitutional republic has been hijacked by generations of would-be tyrants and petty dictator types who have nearly succeeded in usurping every piece of liberty our founding fathers fought and died to enact…
Welcome to post-constitutional America. This is just the beginning.”
Friday, June 14, 2013 by: J. D. Heyes

"Trust us, we're from the government."
That statement is no longer a punch line, thanks to President Obama, who had the temerity recently to suggest Americans should not question him or his regime, despite a plethora of still-unfolding scandals that make his the most corrupt administration in the history of the country.

As reports began to roll out earlier this month that the National Security Agency, arguably the most technologically advanced and powerful spy entity on the planet, has been targeting American citizens by the tens of millions, Obama - during a speech in San Jose, Calif., June 7, said with a straight face that we should ease our suspicions and just go about our business:
“If people can't trust not only the executive branch but also don't trust Congress, and don't trust federal judges, to make sure that we're abiding by the Constitution with due process and rule of law, then we're going to have some problems here.”
- Barack Obama responding to mushrooming scandals in his administration, Friday June 7, 2013
A constitutional crisis
Continuing, the president sought to mock critics, which is what he always does, by saying, "You can shout Big Brother or program run amok, but if you actually look at the details, I think we've struck the right balance."

Well, we are examining the "details," Mr. President, as they continue to roll out, and let me tell you something: We've already got 'some problems here'.
If the "right balance" of government action vs. constitutional restraint for you is blatant, serial violations of the Bill of Rights, I'd call that a problem. A big problem.

Since Obama won reelection last fall, Americans have witnessed one scandal after another unfold: Benghazi; IRS targeting of conservative/Tea Party groups; Justice Department targeting of the phone records of reporters; the NSA's covert data-mining of electronic data on millions of Americans. And let's not forget the botched "Fast and Furious" gun-walking operation; Obama's order to the Justice Department to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act, a constitutionally passed law; and his department's refusal to pursue federal voting act violations against the Black Panthers, who intimidated white voters outside a polling station in Philadelphia in 2008.

I'm not sure what is more frustrating, Obama's dismissive arrogance to our outrage or his pained justification for the actions of his bureaucracy. Either way we've definitely got some "problems." I would even go so far as to call the sum of these various scandals a legitimate constitutional crisis, but I doubt that the current regime or its enablers in Congress are up to the task of addressing the systemic problems and righting the American ship of state.

Obama is the perfect post-constitutionalist president because of inherent Marxist-socialist tendencies (government-run healthcare, punitive tax policies, class warfare rhetoric, etc.) are well-suited to the task of running the congressionally empowered, bureaucracy-heavy Administrative State that he inherited. Therein lies the root of every single one of the current scandals.
Obama is a symptom, not the cause
There is a reason why the U.S. president is often referred to as "the most powerful man in the world." Upon taking office, presidents become heir to the behemoth federal bureaucracy, which falls under the control of the Executive Branch. As head of that branch, the president, in essence, is given near-dictatorial powers because

a) he sets the political tone for the bureaucracies; and

b) because regulations issued by the various bureaucracies favor the president's agenda and have the full impact of law.

With this in mind, it's easy to see how power can be concentrated within one branch of government - unlike the three equal branches envisioned by our founders - and then abused.

Our constitutional republic has been hijacked by generations of would-be tyrants and petty dictator types who have nearly succeeded in usurping every piece of liberty our founding fathers fought and died to enact. That's why you have no food freedom, no freedom from Big Medicine and Big Pharma, no real private property rights (too many regulations and if you don't pay your taxes for one year, you lose your property altogether), no freedom to choose your own healthcare, and no more privacy.

Obama is merely a symptom of this usurpation, not the cause of it - though given his background as a student of Saul Alinsky, he is a master at the game.

Welcome to post-constitutional America. This is just the beginning.


The Galactic root and All consiousness root Story of us THE ONE PEOPLE Very Deep

Walking in energy show 1

Walking in energy show 2

Walking in energy show 3

The Transitioning   clarification questions and answers with Andrew Bartzis

THEN GO TO   left hand colum  The Declarations  READ THEM OUT LOUD!!!

WARNING If You Take Photos With Your Cell Phone

If you post pictures you take with smart phones this one is so important
please read and view to protect yourself and your family.
This is truly alarming - please take the time to watch. At the end they'll tell you how to set your phone so you don't run this risk!
It's REALLY important info, about what your posting things on your cell phones can do TO YOU!!!
Too much technology out there these days so beware...........

The Most Common Challenges of Awakening

The Most Common Challenges of Awakening
  • Rejection and flack from others as well as the fear of judgement that goes with it
  • Having doubt about information
  • Feeling alone
  • Judging the world as it exists today
  • Blaming others for how our world is
  • Dealing with money
    Tips for overcoming each at bottom. Full articles to come.
That choice opened a big door, that door was this website. In 2 days from now it will be 4 years since this website was created and became my passion. I do what I love to do and spending many hours on it flies by as if it were minutes. While CE was getting started I worked for a company doing IT as it was something that came fairly easy to me. Eventually I got to a point where I was completely at peace with my job and what I was creating here at CE. That’s when the next door opened for me and I was able to do what I loved full time. This is also when my choices, job, and beliefs were meeting the challenges of pursuing them in this reality.
I see it all the time, we start learning about consciousness, spirituality, meditation, conspiracies, how the financial system and government really work etc. As we learn these things we can go through a mixture of emotions. Sometimes it’s exciting, sometimes its frustrating. Sometimes we feel a great sense of relief.  Whatever the emotion is we certainly realize sooner or later that the way most of us view the world is completely backwards to the truth. It is in these moments that we begin sharing with people what we are learning. That’s when everything starts to get tough. Part of the inspiration behind writing this is to share what I have learned in my journey of going through all of this. It is my hope that anyone who reads this will get inspired to keep going and shifting their lives because giving into and not facing the challenges that come before us is not what our soul is here to do.
My work with CE raised a lot of feathers within my circle or friends, family and even those it was being shared out to on the internet. I felt what it feels like to have friends leave you behind, judge you, and talk behind your back. I have gone through the lectures from family about getting a real job and giving up my dream to change the world because it simply ‘will never happen.’ I have been ripped apart and torn to shreds by people online who feel challenged and angered by the information shared. I felt alone in doing this work as even those who I worked with were less committed than I was. I have felt it all and can say quite easily that it has only brought me to more peace in the end. People will challenge you because they love you and think they are supposed to. People will challenge you because they are reading information that is a threat to what they believe. People will challenge you because you need it. In being challenged you learn about how much you care about how others perceive you. You learn how you perceive yourself and what insecurities you might have. You learn to detach from information and not have it represent who you are. In doing all of this you learn that peace is something inside of you and the more triggers you have within yourself that can pull you out of peace, the greater the chance that will happen on a regular basis. It took time but I learned not to hold my ground in conversation but more so to remove triggers within myself that can make you upset, feel attacked, feel judged and so forth. It’s important not to identify with beliefs or even make them ‘ours,’ it is just information so let it stay that way.
When someone challenges you, they are only challenging the information you share. Don’t identify with that information and you won’t feel challenged.
It is inevitable that you will be making choices that go against societal norms. People will judge you and attack you for this. Know that if this happens it’s never really about YOU. Sure, how you react is about you and it’s all you really need to focus on, but from the perspective of the person or people involved, it’s their own journey. I have learned over the years that we get challenged by people because their mind and beliefs feels threatened. Don’t take it personally. It does not help us to feed our anger or judge them. Instead, we can do the one thing that is most important in these moments and that is looking at why it bothers us. Do we feel insecure? Do we doubt the information we are learning? Do we judge others and get angry at their journey? Ultimately, how does it help to create peace in our lives when we are in these stories? It does and it doesn’t. It only does because it’s an opportunity to acknowledge it and grow out of it. But if we find ourselves justifying our reactions and thoughts, we are only perpetuating the same problem.
Focus on you and how you react. Don’t look to blame others for where they are at in their journey. You can create peace and powerful change by focusing on you. Be change, don’t just know about it.
By 2012 in my journey I had learned a lot about how to keep peace in my life. This did not mean that it was always there. I am always learning and things are always changing, so I am always open to what can change. It was also at this time where I began to question why I was not being supported in my personal life financially by the work I did. I was able to do what I did and another helped me through that, but it could be seen as the minimum to get by. By this time CE was a well established site, I had created 3 documentaries that continue to reach more people and many people loved what was being done with CE. I began to feel like maybe I was doing something wrong, maybe I needed to change something about what we were doing with CE and maybe that would be the answer. I see this challenge as a very common theme for those awakening and working on sharing this type of content. Many of us, myself included, have gone through moments of frustration, confusion and anger about how difficult it is to make money in a world that isn’t always ready for this material and nor do you want to charge people for it. This I can say was one of my biggest challenges to overcome. I got to a point where I had to completely surrender to whatever was going to happen. I essentially threw in the cards and said whatever happens with CE, fine, so be it. If I can no longer go full time with it and it begins to falter, fine so be it. For 3 straight days I did not do anything related to my work. I sat back and just let things unfold. I completely surrendered any ideas of how things should be, what my life should look like and so on. I removed my doubts and disbelief in the fact that one cannot be supported while doing this work. In that I learned the feeling of letting go of something we think we need to survive. Within a matter of weeks everything changed. Money came from various unpredictable sources and suddenly I was being supported. Within a month CE was now generating an income that meant all of our content could still be free but those working to create it could be supported. Perhaps it was the collective timing, perhaps it was the complete surrendering. Either way, the biggest lesson is to not judge how your life looks. Don’t have expectations or ideas of what it needs to look like. If you want to plan out some goals and ideas, go for it, they can be powerful and have worked wonders for me personally, just don’t become rigid with them. The moment you do is the moment you fall out of being fluid which is the true nature of who you are.
Whatever you are creating now you are projecting. Whether it is your beliefs projecting it or not having yet learned a lesson you require, you are creating your situation for a reason. Accept it, surrender to the idea of needing control and let things play out. It’s scary, but when you truly move forward with it things happen as they need to.
Moving onto the 4th anniversary since CE was created, I am happy to see how much has changed over the years. Not only with myself, but with the world as a whole. Being so deeply involved in everything that unfolds in this movement as humanity awakens, it is so clear to see the massive progress that has been made. The team we have here has grown and we come together to create powerful content through this vehicle designed to create a shift in humanity. CE now reaches millions each month and that number reflects the consciousness shift that is touching the souls of everyone in the world. Our stories are all unique but we are all working for the same cause. It isn’t about personal gain or personal circumstance, it is bigger than each of us. All of this happens for the whole and that is probably one of the most powerful realizations I have had over the years.
I wanted to leave some final words that I hope will inspire. If you ever doubt whether or not things will change, know that they will and always are. If you ever doubt whether you have made the right choices, know that there are no wrong choices and everything you are experiencing is literally perfect for you. If you fear what others think of you and worry about whether they are judging you, know that no matter what you do people will judge you for it. It is not to be taken personally, if it bothers you, ask yourself why it does and work to overcome the belief that makes you feel upset about their judgement. If you feel alone in your journey, know that you are not alone and that there are many others out there who are doing the same as you but often don’t talk about it. You, at the deepest levels of you, know that you do not need the approval of others to feel whole and complete within yourself. You are already and always will be whole and complete. Feel it. Let go of your expectations and resistance to how things change. Plan, make choices and set goals if you like, but do not be rigid with them and always ask why you are setting that goal to begin with. Is it for your highest good? If you are having doubts, ask yourself what you feel deep down. Don’t let the state of the world, how it looks, how people are and how it functions make you change what you want to do deep down.
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'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.

Soul Soaring In Paradise

by Christopher Rudy / 6-15-2013

  It's June in Montana. Prairie dogs are scrambling as hawks and
eagles feast after a long winter of slim pickings. Ranchers are
scrambling to irrigate fields and make hay while the snowmelt
fills the irrigation ditches. Here in Paradise Valley, tourists are
  also busy cruising down to the North gate of Yellowstone Park.

  After weeks of overcast sky and much-needed rains, blue sky
has returned with green hills that the sun burns brown in July.
 It's a small window of heaven-on-Earth, here in Paradise, and
      for some of us, like the eagles, it's a good time for soul-soaring.

Soul Soaring In Paradise

Continued HERE


Tune in to 'Cosmic Love' Internet radio tonight
at 5pm PST (8pm EST) for more on

You're safe with Startpage and Ixquick,The world's most private search engines

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  • Not Under U.S. Jurisdiction: StartPage and Ixquick are based in the Netherlands, so we are not directly subject to U.S. regulations, warrants, or court orders. We can't be forced to participate in spy programs like PRISM. Europe has strong privacy protections, and as far as we know, governments there are not asking companies to spy on users. Should that ever change, we will fight for your privacy to the end. 
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Holder Arrest Warrant


TO:       United States Marshals Service
          Attention: Ms. Stacia Hylton, Director
      c/o U.S. Department of Justice
          950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
          Washington 20530-0001
          District of Columbia, USA

FROM:     Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
          Citizen of Washington State,
          Private Attorney General, 18 U.S.C. 1964(a), and now
          Acting United States Attorney General in Fact

DATE:     June 15, 2013 A.D.

SUBJECT:  felony criminal conduct by Mr. Eric H. Holder, Jr.

I, Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S., Sui Juris, Citizen of Washington State, qualified Federal Witness, Private Attorney General, and now the Acting United States Attorney General in Fact, on My honor and under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United States of America, without the “United States” (Federal Government), do hereby warrant that probable cause now exists to justify the immediate arrest and arraignment of Mr. Eric H. Holder, Jr. on formal charges in connection with verifiable documentary evidence calling for the conclusions that Mr. Holder has failed to execute valid Office of Personnel Management (“OPM”) Standard Form 61 (“SF-61”) APPOINTMENT AFFIDAVITS, that he has conspired to engage in a pattern of racketeering activities in repeated violations of 18 U.S.C. 1962(d), and that he has also continued to aid and abet the existence of similar missing and/or defective credentials required by Law of numerous employees of the United States, including but not limited to past and present personnel claiming to occupy the offices of U.S. Attorney, Assistant U.S. Attorney, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, U.S. District Judge, U.S. Magistrate Judge, Federal Clerk of Court and Deputy Clerk of Court, in multiple violations of United States criminal statutes including but not limited to 18 U.S.C. 2, 3, 4, 912, 1001, 1510, 1512, 1513, 1951, 1958 and 2381.

I hereby verify also, under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United States of America, without the “United States” (Federal Government), that I am the victim of, and also an eyewitness to, some but not all of the actual and consequential damages caused directly and/or indirectly by the criminal violations partially enumerated above.

In point of Law, your good offices are now subject to the qualified directions issued by the Undersigned Acting United States Attorney General in Fact, due in chief to the vacancy that now exists in the Office of United States Attorney General in direct consequence of the intent of Congress at 44 U.S.C. 3512(b), to wit:

(b)           The protection provided by this section may be raised in the form of a complete defense, bar, or otherwise at any time during the agency administrative process or judicial action applicable thereto.

[bold emphasis added]

Please make all necessary arrangements to execute the arrest of Mr. Eric H. Holder, Jr. at a time and place most convenient to the Undersigned and to your office, and without any undue delay(s).

Kindly remember to schedule the issuance of a proper MIRANDA WARNING to Mr. Eric H. Holder, Jr. before executing the arrest warranted hereby.

Thank you, in advance, for your immediate professional cooperation in this matter.

Sincerely yours,

/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell

Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Private Attorney General, 18 U.S.C. 1964(a) and now
Acting United States Attorney General in Fact


defective credentials for Eric H. Holder, Jr.

Pigford: The Unexamined Obama Administration Scandal

We have become a nation of outlaws, crooks, liars and thieves...

June 15, 2013

Pigford: The Unexamined Obama Administration Scandal

The Obama administration has again been protected from a troubling scandal by the mainstream media (MSM) using the tactic of omission to simply ignore the scandal, its reality, and the negative blowback attendant to a disturbing story. As sunlight began to illuminate the scandal's inconvenient and troubling facts, charges of racism were used to temporarily silence those sounding the alarm. Seemingly, the alarm-ringers' only crime was having the temerity to respond with a politically incorrect point of view to abuses.

The underreported scandal referenced is generally identified as "Pigford."   Pigford's germination occurred in 1997 as a lawsuit (Pigford  vs. Glickman) alleging that 91 African-American farmers were unfairly denied loans by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) due to racial discrimination which prevented the complainants from farming. In 1999, the black farmers won their case.

Pigford  has the distinction of being an out-of-control waste of taxpayer funds and/or a cynical attempt by the Obama administration to curry favor with certain minority groups to which neither President Obama nor Attorney General Eric Holder can plead ignorance of involvement. Both have had knowledge since the court ruled on the Pigford lawsuit; in 2008, then-Senator Barack Obama supported and voted for the funding of the initial settlement. Since then, Eric Holder (and Obama) have been involved in overseeing and managing the Pigford  "judgment fund."

Yet can Pigford be fairly described as a scandal?

Pigford  began innocently enough: as a lawsuit to redress a perceived wrong against a group of 91. But then the number climbed to 400....then 1,600...then...

The number of black farmers has metastasized -- nay, exploded -- and the aggrieved group now includes not only blacks, but Hispanics, Native Americans, and females. In fact over 90,000 people have filed claims seeking a payment under the terms of the original  Pigford court ruling. That decision, now referred to as Pigford #1, was anticipated to cost approximately $120 million, including legal fees.

Pigford  #2 is the appellation used to identify an expanded payment regime that funds more payments to African-Americans, Native Americans, Hispanics, and females. This regimen grew out of the fact that thousands of claimants missed the original Pigford #1 filing deadline of October 12, 1999. Interestingly, Native American potential claimants were estimated at 5,300, while plaintiff lawyers pegged the exposure at an estimated 19,000 Native Americans. The judgment fund announced by Agricultural Secretary Thomas  Vilsack and Eric Holder in 2010 was expanded from just over $120 million to $1.25 billion, given the expectation of many more filers.

However, the explosion of claimants has caused payouts to reach $4.4 billion and has swelled legal fees to over $130 million. More importantly, the claim's process created a rush to get a share of the monies allocated to the judgment fund, even if no real claim existed. Essentially, the process encouraged people to lie and spawned a cottage industry. Claimants had only to file applications for a $50,000 payment by stating that they had "thought about" applying for loans to become a farmer. Proof of a claimant's intent to farm also included a statement from that petitioner saying he or she had attempted to farm by planting a batch of tomatoes in his or her backyard and having that statement verified by a family member. In essence, the need to be a farmer at the time of the alleged discriminatory actions by the USDA was not a requirement to share in the financial redress.

Fraud was endemic to the claims process -- for example, every apartment in a New York City building received a settlement of at least $50,000. Further, some families received checks of $50,000 for each family member (see the NYT's fraud identification narrative of 4-26-13). These payments were dispensed by the judgment fund's monitor, whose management and control fell to the Executive Branch and Justice Department. Due to the application vetting process, the payouts were criticized by both Representative Steve King (D-IA) and journalist Andrew  Breitbart as payoffs to Obama's/Democrats' preferred groups to gain a favored political position with those entities.

King and Breitbart had the courage to indelicately point out that some of payouts were ridiculous, fraudulent, and highly politicized. Both Congressman King and Breitbart were predictably charged with racism by many in the MSM; only because The New York Times printed their recent investigatory story have some MSM members begrudgingly ceded the veracity of King's and Breitbart's  concerns.

The combination of the racial criticism, the MSM's silence regarding Pigford, and the quarantine on additional Pigford narratives subsequent to the NY Times' article have emphasized the media's concern for the damage an ongoing discussion of Pigford could cause the president. Potential stories may have included added evidence of rampant fraud and controversy:
  • A review of the Shirley Sherrod incident/resignation that became an embarrassing chapter in the Obama administration and might have brought into question the fairness of the payout her family received from Pigford which was rumored to total in the millions. TIME magazine also reported that the Sherrods' received compensation of approximately $330,000 for mental suffering after it was determined that Ms. Sherrod did not use racist tactics in dealing with white farmers, a charge that led to her resignation from the USDA.
  • The NY Times' article disclosing that in 16 ZIP codes in Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, and North Carolina, the number of successful Pigford  claims exceeded the total number of farms that existed in 1997.
  • The possible resurrection of a contentious conversation on the redistribution of wealth by whatever means to correct previous wrongs for certain minorities à la the Van Jones reparations argument.
  • The blatantly racially charged comments similar to those of Mr. Al  Pires, a lead attorney for African-American Pigford farmers, who asserted that the USDA was "the biggest racist the world has ever seen."

Thus,  Pigford is another scandal that has received little attention and even less discussion than many of the scandals currently in the news cycle. Nevertheless, this scandal is another example of an administration out of control. This is perhaps because Americans elected a leader without a modicum of real world management experience -- a person who believes that ideology trumps organizational discipline, who believes that political cronies are automatically qualified as leaders/managers, and who uses lies/dissembling as a tool to obscure factual information from the American people.

In sum, the damage generated by the Pigford scandal, and all the others, continues to be muted by the MSM's lack of interest in reporting the facts integral to each issue and their lack of desire to dig for more information. But given the daunting mass of scandals existent, President Obama's administration will be described in the future by objective historians as the most scandalous in history.



This film is packed with heart felt power. It centers on the voices of the people of this planet and strives to present not only the REAL problems we all face, but the suppressed solutions that are...


Hope Moore
This is URGENT! The FTW documentary is already having an effect. The content in this film has triggered them and HopeGirl and the FTW Team are now officially on the front lines going head on against the cabal and they are trying to shut us down. This is not a joke. Since the launch of this film just a few short hours ago, we have had problems with attempts at censorship, we are already blocked in several countries, needless to say there is some “funny stuff” going on with Youtube. I have also put the film up on Vimeo to give as many options as possible to view.
Things are frantic here right now, and I am calling in all my biggest c...ontacts to get this film out to the people. Please help! Can you please post this and share with everyone you know? I am currently working like crazy here with phone calls and everything else trying to get the movie on as many platforms as possible, but I am one girl with one laptop and need help!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
ON Vimeo
Here is the link with all the information for the movie:
And here are some words written by Steve Beckow scheduled to go online tomorrow that explain the severity of what we are up against.
”People like Hope's team (but many other teams as well) have agreed to step off the grid - the grid of employability, the grid of earning your living, the grid of anonymity and personal safety.
They state the truth about the military-industrial complex, the Illuminati, the cabal.
By doing so, they risk their lives. By doing so, they also restrict or sacrifice their employability and guarantee that they will never have a really bright future in the world of business, academe, art, etc.

They'll have earned the wrath of the cabal and invited its sanctions upon themselves. They can be hacked, robbed, ridiculed. They become lightning rods.
At the same time, they're showing us all the way to a brighter future. These are the wayshowers. Meryl Streep said she couldn't make it. Harrison Ford sends his regrets. We have to go with ... us.
Hope's team is doing the unglamorous work of exposing the poisonous use of chemtrails, depleted uranium, toxic vaccines, untested medicines, fracking, GMOs, and the list goes on.
They're standing out against the powers that be in ways that have earned others death.”
See More
HOW TO FIX THE WORLD DOCUMENTARY This film is packed with heart felt power. It is centered around the voices of the people of this...

By HopeGirl587|

awesome drive

How would you like the job of building this road?? !!!

The road is built on several small islands and reefs, and is crossed by eight bridges, several roads and overpasses. This road has a view of the open sea, which is rare on the roads along the Norwegian coast. You can see fjords and mountains near the road. The spectacular road quickly became a tourist attraction.

Imagine you are driving here.

Gardasil: chemical weapon of the elite

Subject: Gardasil: chemical weapon of the elite
Whether you believe that vaccines are beneficial or not, even as
more and more information becomes available about the dangers of
vaccines like gardasil, there is an essential question at play here.

Who has custody of your children, you or the government?

At every turn, we see that the government is willing to inject YOUR
children with questionable and dangerous vaccines, with or without
your permission or knowledge, and if necessary, against your will...


- Brasscheck

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Mainstream media losing all credibility as it fails to break any news on exploding government scandals

Mainstream media losing all credibility as it fails to break any news on exploding government scandals

In another sign of the weakening "influence" of the mainstream media, not one of the major scandals currently swirling around the Obama Administration were broken by what you could fairly call the establishment press.

Fact: Over the past few weeks, three major scandals have broken over the Obama Administration, and it is a very sad (and frightening) truth that our pathetic, American, lapdog mainstream media are not responsible for breaking even a single one," writes John Nolte in Breitbart News' Big Journalism section.

He goes onto note that the three scandals - involving the IRS; NSA/Verizon phone records; the Justice Department's improper seizure of Associated Press phone records; and Benghazi - were either broken by foreign media or the so-called U.S. alternative media (of which NaturalNews is a proud member).

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46 Congressman Send Letter To President Obama Demanding Eric Holder Resign NOW

46 Congressman Send Letter To President Obama Demanding Eric Holder Resign NOW

White House: Obama's $100M Africa trip 'great bang for our buck'

Huh? Great bang for the buck??  How do we  know that this $100 million for his vacation isn't just his "getaway" money in Air Force One (that he redesigned as his own private plane with its own special logo) now that the jig is almost up and the heat is about to start here with all his scandals? He could set up his own little dictatorship in grand style right in the heart of Africa! It's a wild dream!  Just wishing....

White House: Obama's $100M Africa trip 'great bang for our buck'

By Justin Sink - 06/14/13 02:51 PM ET

President Obama’s $100 million trip to African offers “great bang for our buck,” the White House said Friday.
Deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes defended the cost of Obama’s upcoming trip to South Africa, Senegal and Tanzania, which could cost taxpayers as much as $100 million.
He said the White House doesn’t determine the cost of security and argued traveling to the often overlooked region would help the U.S.

"Frankly, there will be a great bang for our buck for being in Africa, because when you travel to regions like Africa that don't get a lot of presidential attention, you can have very long-standing and long-running impact from the visit,” Rhodes said.

The White House spokesman added that “the president's not going to retreat from an entire continent on terms of the cost.”

"We don't determine the cost of the president's security, just as President Bush didn't and President Clinton didn't," he said. "The Secret Service is going to do what they think is necessary to protect the president. That's going to come with its own cost. But we don't sit here and say, ‘We want to spend X amount of money on a trip.’”

The Washington Post reported Friday that the weeklong visit would require moving some 56 support vehicles, dozens of Secret Service agents, and military jets and ships to the continent. The White House reportedly scrapped a planned safari for Obama and his family when the Post inquired about the costs.

According to the newspaper, the safari would have required “sniper rifles with high-caliber rounds that could neutralize cheetahs, lions or other animals if they became a threat.”
At the White Hose on Friday, Rhodes did not address the safari but argued that Obama’s failure to visit the “overlooked” region would be ceding U.S. leadership.

“You've got some of the fastest growing economies in Africa. You've got a massively growing youth population,” he said. “You've got key security and counterterrorism issues that we work on with African countries.”

Admission: Special Forces were only hours from Benghazi


Admission: Special Forces were only hours from Benghazi

Joint chiefs chairman confirms whistleblower account

Published: 16 hours ago  June 14, 2013
author-image  Aaron Klein


JERUSALEM – In a bombshell admission that has until now gone unreported, Martin Dempsey, chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, conceded that highly trained Special Forces were stationed just a few hours away from Benghazi on the night of the attacks but were not told to deploy to Libya.

In comments that may warrant further investigation, Dempsey stated at a Senate hearing Wednesday that on the night of the Sept. 11, 2012, attack, command of the Special Forces – known as C-110, or the EUCOM CIF – was transferred from the military’s European command to AFRICOM, or the United States Africa Command.

Dempsey did not state any reason for the strange transfer of command nor could he provide a timeline for the transfer the night of the attack.

Also, Dempsey’s comments on the travel time between Croatia and Benghazi were incorrect.

His remarks for the first time confirm an exclusive Fox News interview aired April 30 in which a special government operator, speaking on condition of anonymity, contradicted claims by the Obama administration and a State Department review that there wasn’t enough time for military forces to deploy the night of the attack.

“I know for a fact that C-110, the EUCOM CIF, was doing a training exercise in … not in the region of North Africa, but in Europe,” the special operator told Fox News’ Adam Housley. “And they had the ability to act and to respond.”

The operator told Fox News the C-110 forces were training in Croatia. The distance between Croatia’s capital, Zagreb, and Benghazi is about 925 miles. Fox News reported the forces were stationed just three and a half hours away.

“We had the ability to load out, get on birds and fly there, at a minimum stage,” the operator told Fox News. “C-110 had the ability to be there, in my opinion, in a matter of about four hours … four to six hours.”

The C-110 is a 40-man Special Ops force maintained for rapid response to emergencies – in other words they are trained for deployment for events like the Benghazi attack.

Dempsey was asked about Housley’s report by Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis, at a senatorial hearing Wednesday over Defense Department Budget requests.

Dempsey confirmed the C-110 was indeed at a training exercise. At first he claimed the Special Forces were training in Bosnia and then later stated they were training in Croatia. But he did not explain the discrepancies in his statements about their location nor did he note the discrepancies.

“It (the C-110) was on a training mission in Bosnia, that is correct,” stated Dempsey.

Dempsey had been asked whether they were training in Croatia, not Bosnia.

In further remarks, he stated the forces were in Croatia.

Dempsey was asked whether he agreed with the Fox News timeline that the C-100 could deploy in four to six hours.

“No, I would not agree to that timeline,” he stated. “The travel time alone would have been more than that, and that is if they were sitting on the tarmac.”

Dempsey’s remarks are inaccurate. Even a large passenger jet can travel from the furthest point of Croatia to Benghazi in about two and a half hours or less.

Dempsey further stated the command of the C-100, or the EUCOM CIF, was transferred the night of the attack, but he didn’t explain why.

“There was a point at which the CIF was transitioned over into Africom” from European command, he said.

He could not give a timeline of when the command was transferred, telling Johnson he would take the question for the record.

Asked whether the C-100 left Croatia that night, Dempsey stated, “They were told to begin preparations to leave Croatia and to return to their normal operating base” in Germany.

Dempsey’s statements confirmed the forces were not asked to deploy to Libya.

The whistleblower operator told Fox News the C-100 could have made a difference.

“They would have been there before the second attack,” he said. “They would have been there at a minimum to provide a quick reaction force that could facilitate their exfil out of the problem situation. Nobody knew how it was going to develop. And you hear a whole bunch of people and a whole bunch of advisers say hey, we wouldn’t have sent them there because, you know, the security was unknown situation.”

Also, in his testimony, former deputy Libyan ambassador and whistleblower Gregory Hicks said he contacted Africom the night of the attack but received no support.

Stated Hicks: “At about 10:45 or 11 we confer, and I asked the defense attache who had been talking about AFRICOM and with the joint staff, ‘Is anything coming? Will they be sending us any help? Is there something out there?’ And he answered that, the nearest help was in Aviano, the nearest – where there were fighter planes. He said that it would take two to three hours for them to get onsite, but that there also were no tankers available for them to refuel. And I said, ‘Thank you very much,’ and we went on with our work.”

Aviano, Italy, is 1,044 miles from Benghazi, about 100 miles further than the Croatian capital.

With additional research by Joshua Klein.

Now information is coming out showing that “Prism” program data was used to pressure John Roberts and illegally gain advantage in elections

from Oryl Taitz's site...

Now information is coming out showing that “Prism” program data was used to pressure John Roberts and illegally gain advantage in elections.

Posted on | June 15, 2013 | No Comments

Now information is coming out showing that “Prism” program data was used to pressure John Roberts and illegally gain advantage in elections.

If this is true, then Obamacare is null and void, as one deciding vote was obtained through illegal means, through blackmail of the Justice who cast the deciding vote.

I’ve been saying for 5 years now that our elections are heavily rigged and judges are either pressured, blackmailed or paid off to cover up election fraud in court. If indeed we find out that 2012 election was rigged by actions of NSA, IRS and other governmental agencies, then the results of the 2012 election are null and void and we have to have a new special election.
This is Watergate on steroids.