Sunday, June 16, 2013

$100 Billion Gift to Israel — $83 Billion Cut To American Families


$100 Billion Gift to Israel — $83 Billion Cut To American Families

I just tried to call my senator about this and the staffer was rude and would not provide any answers to my questions.  So I tried to find out where to file a complaint and guess what?  There is no where centralized for staff accountability so you can assume, if you have had the same problem, that they are blocking your comments, so ask for the Director or chief of Staff of that Senator or better yet, go on line to the Senates site and look for the list of chiefs of staff for all senators and get his  name and ask for him by name.

First Israel does the USS Liberty, and kills American sailors, I believe it was 34 of them, and tried run after run to sink the ship so there would be no survivors to expose the scam.  Then Israel does the USS cole for political reasons and blames it on the Muslims, then she does 9-11 and also blames it on the Muslims, but got caught because Cheroff, a dual Israeli citizen, included "IMMUNITY IN THE PATRIOT ACT FOR ISRAEL" for anything she did on 9-11.  Now why do you need immunity if you didn't do anything wrong?

Then Israel  sets up instances where we are the designated losers of WW III.  She sold our F-22 advanced new fighter plans to China who has taken them and revised the plane so that our F-22's are now useless.  Further, Finland stopped a ship load of advanced patriot missles from Israel heading for China that would have  insured their protection against our weapons.   Then the military industrial complex American companies were given contracts to build our weapons systems and they contracted out with China to do the job.

So Israel takes the land from the Palestinians, ILLEGALLY ACCORDING TO INTERNATIONAL LAW, and bulldozes their homes, and puts up new housing for the khazars coming into Israel.  WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?   ARE WE NOW A COLONY OF ISRAEL????   Our people are being forclosed on by these same zionists who are bankers and then they take our money from our taxes to support their nazi treament of the Pals. Austerity (budget cuts on aid to American families, whose children are dying in wars for Israel, are  pushed on Americas that results in savings, but then goes to Israel.  I don't think so  Somebody needs to explain this and damn  soon too.   . 

$100 Billion Gift to Israel — $83 Billion Cut To American Families
by Mohamed Khodr, Veterans Today

“The Modern Age is the Jewish Age, and the twentieth century, in particular, is the Jewish Century.”

–Yuri Slezkine, in his book “The Jewish Century”, Prof. of History U.C. Berkeley,

“A little group of willful men, representing no opinion but their own, have rendered the great government of the United States helpless and contemptible….The government, which was designed for the people, has got into the hands of the bosses and their employers, the special interests. An invisible empire has been set up above the forms of democracy.’
—President Woodrow Wilson

U.S. Congressman Steny Hoyer (D-MD) second highest ranking member in the House of Representatives, Minority Whip, while visiting Israel along with 26 other Democratic Representatives as part of AIPAC’s “educational” tour to Israel program went out of his way to comfort the Jewish State that despite America’s current economic crisis, aid to Israel will continue as usual.

He said such the American economic crisis “will not have any adverse effect on America’s determination to meet its promise to Israel.”  (Jerusalem Post, August 11, 2011)

That Israel’s interests are the “Litmus Test” for U.S. domestic and foreign policy was made abundantly clear by the U.S. Ambassador to Israel, Dan Shapiro, in remarks he made to the Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI) on September 6, 2011

“There are two implications that flow from the President (Obama) identifying this core interest (absolute commitment to Israel) that I would like to discuss.
The first is this—- the test— of every policy the Administration (Obama’s) develops in the Middle East is whether it is consistent with the goal of ensuring Israel’s future as a secure, Jewish, democratic state.  That is a commitment that runs as a common thread through our entire government, even while approaching the U.S.-Israel relationship and regional challenges from a variety of perspectives.”

“The test of our policy – that it advances Israel’s status as a secure,
Jewish, democratic state – also explains our commitment to vigorously battle against those who would attempt to isolate or delegitimize Israel in the international community”.

This is an outrageous and incredible admission by an Obama official that America’s foreign policy is dictated by Israel.  Yet this control of U.S. foreign policy especially in the Midle East goes back to Harry Truman’s administration.
In fact John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State in the Eisenhower Administration put it bluntly:  “We cannot have all our policies made in Jerusalem.”

In every government throughout history there have always been clashes among persons, parties, and groups for power and influence in their native countries and empires; but never in history has there been a small group of wealthy and powerful oligarchs and special interests that wield enormous power not for the interest and welfare of their native land but for the interest and welfare of a foreign nation.   In the U.S. it’s the Jewish Cabal that runs America’s foreign policy in the Middle East.

No greater example of such special interest power was more evident than in the Jewish Neocons push for the illegal and devastating war upon Iraq.   Following Israel’s Mossad motto of “By way of deception” you shall make war they brought an imbecilic fool as President then went ahead and filled every foreign and defense policy position in the White House, State Department, and Pentagon with Jewish Neocons who fabricated the lies and fear mongering upon a hapless uninformed populace to push for war, although both in the U.S. and Britain intelligence agencies informed both war criminals, Bush and Blair, that Iraq had no WMD’s.

But in the West Facts don’t dissuade the thirst for oil and blood.

Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense (VN: and dual israeli citizen and neocon) in the Bush administration, whom Time magazine called “The Architect” of the Iraq war said this in an interview with Vanity Fair on May 9, 2003:

“The truth is that for reasons that have a lot to do with the U.S. government bureaucracy we settled on the one issue that everyone could agree on which was weapons of mass destruction as the core reason”

Only in America and only a Jew (VN:  KHAZAR ZIONIST) can have the chutzpah to make such an incredulous statement in the face of the total annihilation of an innocent nation and at enormous cost in American lives and treasure;

Why should he or any other Jewish (VN: Khazar) American care; it’s not like Jews (VN: Khazars)  are prominent in the U.S. military.


Jewish Neocons like Paul Wolfowitz know that their job is to push America to fight Israel’s War for only Gentiles will Die. Only 4,515 Jews serve in the U.S.Military comprising only 0.3%

According to the Wall Street Journal (November 9, 2009, only 4,515 Jews serve in the 1,359,948 strong U.S. military, i.e. 0.3%.  These Jewish Neocons push for wars but it’s Gentiles who die for them and Israel.  (VN: historically, these chickenhawks are the biggest cowards on the planet, they are great when it comes to firing on an unarmed surveillance ship, or killing unarmed children, pregnant women, but are afraid of armed men as we see in their attempted grab for our guns through their dual citizens who have loyalty to Israel and not the US which is their parent country.  The good news is, its an advantage we have over them when the rubber meets the road.  They have no military battle experience close up and personal, so they will be at a disadvantage when they come up against us.  They will be forced into war and battle in the end.  No more deception to hide behind. ).

Wolfowitz’s barbaric statement is the worst display of pure human evil in mankind’s entire history.  Not even Hitler issued such a justification for his barbarism.

America paid, died, and massacred for Israel, yet the entire world, especially the Muslim world, is silent with no clamor to charge Bush, Blair, Cheney Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and the rest of the Jewish Neocons with war crimes.   They are responsible for a genuine holocaust against the Iraqi people but they will never face a criminal court.    Accountability is saved only for the poor, weak, and dark race.

When governments lie people die.

Read the incredible Lies and Quotes from Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Jewish Neocons about Iraq and the need for War.

Every mass murderer in modern history has used the media to rally the cause and stir blind hysteria amongst his people, from Hitler, Mussolini, Churchill, Franco, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Castro, and Netanyahu.

PLEASE WATCH the next two very worthy and important Videos that deal with how a powerful “democratic” government can use its political, economic, military power, but most of all the power of a “Jewish” owned and controlled media in beating the propaganda drum for war on a daily basis until the lie became the truth and Americans again and again as they have done throughout their wars are easily manipulated and lulled to except a lie as truth.   Even today many Americans still believe that Saddam Hussein was linked to Al Qaeda and 9/11.

This is a vital Video entitled “The War Party” made by the BBC on Jewish Neocons and their Lead up to the Iraqi War.

The courageous MSNBC host Rachel Maddow aired a documentary tiled; “Hubris: Selling the Iraq War” that reexamines the lies and events that led up to the Iraq War.

Future students, if allowed, will study the case of the Iraq War and hopefully imbibe the wisdom of how a few men and women with wealth and power can manipulate nations into wars of mass destruction either to serve their interests or as is the case with the “Jewish Lobby” use American power to do the bidding and killing for a foreign nation:  Israel.

To understand how such a small but powerful lobby can dominate, influence, dictate, and intimidate the most powerful President and Congress in the entire world, one only needs to know that in a capitalistic society where political campaigns depend on contributions no lobby is wealthier, more connected to vital institutions such as Wall Street, banking and Financial services, the media which possesses the power to make or break careers, Hollywood wealth, than the Jewish Lobby, primarily AIPAC, the American Israeli Public Action Committee.

NOTICE the word Public in AIPAC’s name rather than the standard Political; a deliberate deception  to avoid registering as a foreign agent serving Israel as required by Federal Law.   The cowardly government will not even apparoach the issue.
Israel and AIPAC are drowning America in a cesspool of corruption,illegal and immoral wars, resulting in America losing whatever dignity, honor, and credibility it still had.  Israel is the greatest threat to America’s national security, peace and economic prosperity.

There would be no Israel without U.S. recognition, political, economic, and political support in 1948. In return Israel has been an albatross around America’s neck drowning it in endless wars that have cost the American people the lives of their children and Trillions in treasure.

Please Watch this Dutch Video: “The Israel Lobby” and its impact on U.S. Foreign Policy.  The Video is Subtitled but all the interviewed persons are Americans.  Would an American TV or Cable Channel dare do such a Video?  No, not when you find out who the bosses are.
To assess any Government’s Priorities look at the Budget.
Every President since Harry Truman has tried to mildly inform Israel of American  displeasure with its policies of ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity toward the Palestinians.   All have “threatened” to withhold foreign aid only to cave in quickly when met with “Jewish” backlash, especially in the Jewish owned and dominated media.
Presidents Bush and Obama are no exception.  Both faced two wars, both faced huge budget deficits and an ever increasing national debt, but both, as usual chose to enrich Israel with money taken out of domestic programs that serve America’s families and children.Under President George W. Bush:
In August 2007 Bush signed a Defense Aid Package with Israel worth $30 Billion over ten years.   Contrary to U.S. law which states that aid funds must be spent in the purchase of American products, Israel as always got an exemption to spend 26% of the funds in Israel, not in the U.S.thus depriving U.S. Companies of $7.8 Billion which could have created jobs and more tax revenue for the federal government.
Only Israel among all nations that receive U.S. aid has this privilege of receiving its total package in one lump sum.
BUT, where does Bush get the $30 Billion for Israel during times of economic crisis and huge deficits?  From SCHIP; the Children’s Health Program for America’s needy children.

Less than 2 months later Bush vetoed the same amount, $30 Billion, approved by Congress to fund the SCHIP, the Children’s Health Program.  Why?  It’s too expensive and will increase the budget deficit.     (“Bush Vetoes Children’s Health Bill”, New York Times, October 3, 2007)
Thus American children be damned.  Bush cared more for Israel’s murderous military than feeding impoverished American children and offering them health care..
President George W. Bush’s Priorities:

·       Iraq and Afghanistan Wars:   $4 – $6 Trillion

 “The largest portion of that bill is yet to be paid. The legacy of decisions taken during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars will dominate future federal budgets for decades to come.”   (Most of this funding was borrowed adding to the debt)
–Harvard Kennedy School Study, March 2013

·       ush Tax Cuts:  >$2 Trillion  (Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation)

·       Bush FY 2006 Proposed a $2.5 Trillion Cut in about 150 Domestic Programs  (Washington Post, February 7, 2005)

 Bush:  Bankrupts America but Enriches Israel.

Under President Barack Obama: 
The President of “Hope and Change”, the man who promised to fight “special interests’, has turned out to be a huge disappointment and hypocrite, not only breaking all of his promises but adopting Bush’s domestic and foreign “war on terror”, unleashing Drone Massacres, curtailing civil liberties, and implementing the largest most intrusive surveillance in American history of all communications monitored by the NSA.
Not to be outdone Obama proposed an even greater defense aid package to Israel than Bush:   $40 Billion after Bush’s $30 Billion expires thereby continuing this package till 2027 thus locking his successors to the commitment.
Plus, Obama plans to increase the annual aid package from $3.1 Billion to $4 Billion annually beginning 2017; the year after he leaves office, again locking his successor to such a commitment.   (Defense News March 24, 2013)
In addition to Bush and Obama’s $70 Billion , Israel continues to receive its usual aid of between $4 – $5 Billion annually since 2007, plus the U.S. totally funds Israel’s Iron Dome Anti-Missile Defense system which cost the U.S. tax payer an additional $1.5 Billion.
Such enormous aid packages to a foreign nation at a time Obama and Congress cut $83 Billion from health care, education, food stamps, meals on wheels for the elderly, housing subsidies, heating assistance program for the elderly, and so many other life saving programs for American families who are struggling with home foreclosures, high unemployment, debts and bills, and much more.
The $100 Billion Israel receives can more than pay for the budget sequester cuts to domestic program of $83 Billion.  But Israel says; “Let Them Eat Cake”.
It’s like taking government subsidies for infant formula and giving it to Bill Gates.
With Priority Funding going to Israel, the U.S. Government can’t help is own people.

·       46.2 Million Americans below Poverty Level:  15% of U.S. Population

·       More than 1, in 5 American children live in Poverty: 16.4 Million

·       16.7 Million American children are Food Insecure

·       50 Million Americans Without Health Insurance:  (17,1% :In 2000 13.1%)

·       1.5 Million Americans are Homeless

·       76,329 Homeless Veterans in January 2010.

·       U.S. students ranked 25th out of 34 nations in Math and Science (2009)

Given the cowardice to speak against Israel in this country and our doormat subservient government to the “Jewish Lobby”, it takes a Britisher, Tom Dalyell, a man intimately familiar with the history of colonialism and enslavement, to speak the truth n 2003:
“A Jewish cabal have taken over the government in the United States and formed an unholy alliance with fundamentalist Christians … There is far too much Jewish influence in the United States.”
Yes, America, you have surrendered your democracy and liberty to the Government and special interests, but none more powerful and dominant than AIPAC, a true foreign agent that spies on the U.S. and funnels your tax dollars to a foreign nation, Israel, whose interests have damaged America’s own national interests around the world, none more so than in the 57 Muslim nations with a population of 1.7 Billion people.

Jester Part 1 6-15-13

06/15/2013   Part 1 of 2

[Spades] Hey diddykong . Do yoy think that the three basket thing and one large one could both be true because first basket loaded now two is then three none show till the exact date ? I have been toying with this fir a week or two .

[DiddyKong] Spades I just think one solid basket

[burk50] If Eagles1 had been correct the 2 nd basket was to start this weekend or first of week ,wish he was right imo

Jester] sorry about the carppy day I caused some of you guys in here by my post this morning…. i guess the ones that don’t really want to know should not ask me to explain how a simple rv got tied up in a global reset and a republic… lol

[teochi] Jester thank you for the post and those who do not want to know can come back later. I need info on all levels and that helps to understand what is going on, so, thank you

GJHHonor] mrs.) I went today to get some dinars and the guy that has the currency place is from Iraq ,told me that his brother from Iraq told him that chapter 7 has been lifed , He did not believe the rv would happen, but he is starting to.

[[book2] Jester were any more milestones reached today toward the RV?
[Jester] book2 people being processed... lots of planes in and out...

[sananddan24] Jester people being process is good news!

[Jester] sananddan24 yes it is... and the threshold limit of what they are carrying is getting smaller and smaller... working toward the rest of us....

[buybyeby] Jester Midnight Blue gave a great synopsis of the interrelationships of global reset, RV, and the republic earlier. Some will want to take the red pill, some will only want the illusion.

[Jester] buybyeby weirdly enough there are those that relate what is happening to the matrix... there is a similar feeling to it... feed the people garbage and let them work for you....

WEW] Jester ... Getting people to understand the currency reset is a big change for a lot of people. Including the republic information is just too far too quickly for many. They have been under the programming influence most of their life. Hard for them to understand. Maybe patience my friend..

[Jester] WEW i am... not my problem if they don't get it... i know what is going on and will be prepared... so will a lot of you... you will be in a position to do something about it instead of just letting someone try for other resons that pure qualifications to do the job... which is what we have right now...

[Midnight Blue] Is this site closed all day tomorrow?

[HIGHERGROUND] Midnight Blue yes

 [buybyeby] Midnight Blue affirmative

[Midnight Blue] I am not calling the RV for tomorrow, but it is a distinct possiblity. If it does RV tomorrow, will this site open as soon as it does. IF IT DOES!

[sandytob] Midnight Blue SQ has always said she would open up when RV happens if it is at a time we are closed.


[Iank1978] Jester-have you heard any announcements about the VND? In country

[Jester] Iank1978 heard all the hype and rumors... no confirmations though...

[Midnight Blue] Jester If the bad guys win out and the Republic is not restored, then knowing what is going on and what should have been, won't hurt anyone. IMO If the Republic does get restored as we believe it will, those same people will probably still not thank you, but will be better off because of your attempt to wake them up. Those who do listen, will be better prepared. So IMO you are doing the right thing. Keep up the good work.

[Jester] Midnight Blue all i can say is they will be prepared too.... they won't thank me... but they will know... hopefully they will remember what to do...

 [keiji] Jester Who has the authority or power to enforce the returning to the republic. The ones who control everything are the foxes guarding the henhouse.Would it involve military invovlememt to remove them and would the military do that willingly? I know we vote but that would take a long time.

[Jester] keiji there are a lot of people working on this for a long time... the supreme court is aware of what is going on...

[keiji] Jester ty,,that would definitely make a difference!!

[Jester] the only ones that are not aware in my opinion are the ones that simply refuse to believe it... or think they are above it... which includes a lot of people on oth sides unfortunately...

gapeach56] Jester do the current people in power (those that don't want to restore the republic) have anything to do with all the extra low flying helicopters and military transports i see around my area?

[Jester] gapeach56 yes as a matter of fact they do... and for security after the fact...

[Midnight Blue] One of my highest contacts says he has been working on the Republic for over 20 years. He considers our RV only a small part and less important. he only follows and reports on the RV and global reset as a favor to me and my friend.

[burk50] Jester ? The Supreme Court ?? Think things need to be adjusted there also imo

 [Jester] burk50 not necessarily.. it might surprise you to know that they have blocked many attempts to put this off until october... then july... then to the end of the month... they will not...

 [Midnight Blue] And for all of those who do not think the rpublic is important to the RV and wants only RV intel, who do you think has been causing many of the delays and why do you think they are doing that?

[oucrazy] Jester. . . are the Supreme Court Justices on board with the return of the Republic? Thnx

[Jester] oucrazy well... all? i am aware of a 6-3 vote to tell him to go pound sand... does that answer your question?

[nutzo] please dont forget, we do not have a government, we have a private corporation masquarading as government,, it is a "defacto" government not "a dejure" in other words it is government through force of arms and intimidation through taxes, not through consent of the people,

[FLPatriot59] Jester Since we won't be here tomorrow, can you give an update on how things are progressing with the RV? No rate/date, just updates.

 [Jester] FLPatriot59 i already answered what is going on today... they are processing people through...

Jester - Part 2 6-15-13

06/15/2013   Part 2 of 2

[FLPatriot59] Jester Thanks - just wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything. Can you expound on what "processing people through" means?

 [Jester] FLPatriot59 giving them their money? setting up their gfr's for cash to go live at a later date...

[misskitty05] Jester hello I'm just joining and apologize if you've answered this already but can you comment on where our group is in the "processing" line? ty

[Jester] misskitty05 sadly we are the biggest group and will take the longest time... we are last in line...

[Jester] we are waiting on the email to set off the appointments and get us going... they sill get to us as soon as they can... trust me... noone will be left out...

[texan1] Jester when will they start processing our group
Jester] texan1 as soon as they are done with the ones in front of us...

[keiji] Jester do you know if they are getting close to our position in line or is there still a bunch in front of us?

[Iank1978] Jester-does that mean our group goes before the live RV ?

[Jester] Iank1978 no it does not... our group is on the post rv side

[deb2blessed] Jester I know of a group waiting in a western city with alot of WF buildings-- they have been waiting 430 days--still there--

[Jester] deb2blessed well... i could tell you what i know about them... some are people that have no business there... they have taken dinar from people and lied to them about getting a special deal or in earlier or better rate... a lot of it is scams perpetrated on the greedy and impatient... sorry to say they are not getting there any faster and they will lose momey to the scammers and could have gotten a better deal at the street rate....

 [sandytob] Jester this processing? is whales and the pre rv groups and humanitarian projects?

[Jester] sandytob if you do not know the exact pecking order of each then does it make a difference? they are in front of us...

[pokerbrat] Jester who has our email addresses to send us said email?

 [Jester] pokerbrat have you signed up for one of the group emails at recaps or other chat sites?

 [sandytob] pokerbrat did you sign up for one of the groups?

[Jester] i would go to recaps at this point... i am aware they are going to be posting post rv information regarding the group email and instructions...

[IvanTulafitov] Jester, after we get *the email* for WF 800 # etc... at that point will the RV be on national news or ...

[Jester] IvanTulafitov really? you think they will announce to 300 million people that 30 million of their fellow countrymen are now millionares and won't that cause a stir you think?

 [keiji] Jester do you know if they have a planned goal to get the groups finished by (not asking for time) and get to us or are they just winging it until then?

[Jester] keiji they are working on it... i feel they could rv at any time they want and still be working on it... they have their time in mind i feel... and they can control the influx with the appointments to control the flow...

[prissynell] Jester, is it true the groups will go into the banks first before the public street rate people

[Jester] prissynell depends... i have heard that even walk ins will get directed to the call centers... i guess that will depend on the discretion of the individual bank...

[Ifly25] wow, sure would like Jester's links but not gonna join FB to get them

[Jester] the facebook thing is no big deal guys... you are going to find that a lot of the unconstitional fears that you have right now are going to go back the way they were supposed to be..

[burk50] Jester with the new Republic will one or be tracked anymore and will all the info collected from the past be burned up ?

[vote4rv] jester was wondering how you think about the rate not the rate itself. I can't even begin to think how you start doing a global reset becasue by the time you are done counting you have to start again. So start with the current reserve currency and send gold backed currencies higher?

[Jester] vote4rv the imf has a formula against which all currencies worth will be decided.. depending on their gold and resource reserves...

[honeybelle] Jester except for the fact of our corupt government don't the usa have resources?

[Jester] honeybelle the usa has tremendous resources... we just don't go after them because then oil prices would go down and the debt would go down and they could not keep stealing from us...

 [burk50] Jester will all the spying stop and all info collected be trashed ??

[Jester] burk50 i am not in charge... remember constitutional... remember republic... use your brain to come up with the answer to that...

[Midnight Blue] Jester There are many new technologies being held back by PTB that could irradicate the need to use those resources.


[sandytob] Amazing movie about free energy technology and other changes possible in the future:

[Jester] sandytob actually that is a good movie... i will put it on my fb page.. lol

Black Panthers Condemn Obama

Amazing...Obama brought the Black Panthers in and they did his bidding at the polls...Now they want to Condemn Obama.

Black Panthers Condemn Obama
Posted By: igots2no
Date: Saturday, 15-Jun-2013 23:02:55

A Short Note To Gasoline Retailers and CEO's of Energy Supplier Corporations

A Short Note To Gasoline Retailers and CEO's of Energy Supplier Corporations
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 15-Jun-2013 20:58:53

It won't be long.
You have had your fun.
You have had your time of greed mongering, price gouging, consumer raping, extortion game playing, lame excuse making, economy destroying, profit taking.
Hope you enjoyed it.
If you sell electricity, gasoline, fuel oil, natural gas, propane, or communication services - you should know that Satan has a cleaner reputation in the minds of consumers than you do.
In the future, I would suggest you slither down your dark alleys under the cover of darkness, and hope to God no one recognizes you or knows what you do.
When the American people have had enough - they have had enough.
There are very long lines of tall trees fitted with short pieces of rope, with your names written on them.
Just thought you would like to know.

The Energy Of The Planet Is Accelerating In Frequency

The Energy Of The Planet Is Accelerating In Frequency..
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 15-Jun-2013 19:50:13

Many crop circles carry some of the most important messages mankind could receive at this time. It is a time of one cycle of evolution ending while another begins with smooth synchronicity. It is a cosmic moment of awakening to our oneness with all of Creation and awareness of the truth that our power within that oneness resides right within the "crop circles" of our own DNA.
That power is about to take one quantum leap in the mass consciousness of every single person on planet Earth, and many crop circles have been showing us the keys and codes of this energy transformation in plain sight in their designs.
The energy of the planet is accelerating in frequency to the point where it (and we) will experience a moment of no space, no time, commonly called zero point. Gregg Braden in his book Awakening to Zero Point states Earth's maximum vibratory rate for this segment of our evolution will reach a max of 13 cycles per second. What's important is that each rise in frequency is a rise in dimension, and each rise in dimension is a rise in consciousness. Yes that is also being called ascension, or the ascension process.
The cells of our body are responding, likewise Earth as one large cell, is responding. Its molecular mass is changing geometrical shape, and that's where we come to the crop circles showing us how frequency acceleration is causing the cubes and spheres of the geometry of earth and cubes and spheres of the geometry of our own cells to change form, shift their shapes -- shape-shift!--to critical mass energy which automatically will trigger that quantum awaking in consciousness mentioned above.
Let's look at what GW Hardin says about that moment we reach critical mass. A cosmic tone or sound will envelop the earth. He explains it best in an email he got:
There is an upcoming event that begins and ends with a new cosmic sound that will resonate through our local Universe. The Bible refers to it as ‘The Word,’ [or the Sacred Sound] and it sets the tone for the whole of our physically manifested reality. This sound is also a key that allows many energy structures of a controlling nature that have long been locked in place to become unlocked and set aside.
The new sound replaces one of a lower frequency, and in so doing it moves the whole scale upwards. By activating a new consciousness structure it invites and enables a return to full consciousness for all of humanity. This key sound we refer to will be sudden, happening, as the bible says, 'in the twinkling of an eye'. Veils will be rent asunder; old energy-based humanity-control systems will finally collapse and no longer be effective.
The long battle for the souls of humanity will have been won, and we shall start to have our true selves back.
End of Quote
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *]
And directly underneath, the crop circle of 1 August 2007, Sugar Hill, Aldbourne, Wiltshire UK.
Read more here:

"May I pose several questions regarding this latest scandal?"

Reader: "May I pose several questions regarding this latest scandal?"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 15-Jun-2013 23:26:55
(Thanks, L. :)
Reader L. writes:
May I pose several questions regarding this latest scandal?
One internet source, albeit unreliable claims the former IRS is gone and is now part
of the Department of Treasury. Yet, there has been no official announcement yet.
Could this affect the signing of a warrant? Is the warrant necessary when the lines
between the US CONSTITUTION and CORRUPTION have become so blurred that the two are

Is it possible, that a vast other area of fraud has been uncovered between dishonest
medical providers, and insurance companies that requires some reconciliation done
before we can all continue with constitutional government?

Could it be that a private report was made to the I.R.S. including original medical
records, billing and payment statements concerning a medical facility in Santa
Monica who over-billed some times as many as five times for one procedure long after
the patient left the facility?

Could it be that the method used was a slick operation that any other medical
provider could duplicate that would ultimately inflate the cost of all health
insurance and could over-treat the patient causing his or her death?

Could it be that because ERISA fraud crosses state lines it is a constitutional
issue under Article I, Section 8, Clause 3, ?To regulate commerce with foreign
nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes? and it must be
addressed before we can move forward?

The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) (Pub.L. 93?406,
88?Stat.?829, enacted September?2, 1974, codified in part at 29 U.S.C. ch. 18) is a
federal law which establishes minimum standards for pension plans in private
industry and provides for extensive rules on the federal income tax effects of
transactions associated with employee benefit plans. ERISA was enacted to protect
the interests of employee benefit plan participants and their beneficiaries by:

? Requiring the disclosure of financial and other information concerning the plan
to beneficiaries;

? Establishing standards of conduct for plan fiduciaries;
? Providing for appropriate remedies and access to the federal courts.
ERISA is sometimes used to refer to the full body of laws regulating employee
benefit plans, which are found mainly in the Internal Revenue Code and ERISA itself.
Responsibility for the interpretation and enforcement of ERISA is divided among the
Department of Labor, the Department of the Treasury (particularly the Internal
Revenue Service), and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.

I am not condoning the lack of a warrant if one is called for, but isn?t it just
possible that because our government has failed so miserably all of its fiduciary
duties, that we must now take control in a manner that will produce results and not
more theater in the usual habit of congressional hearings?

We all agree; we want honest government. Maybe we need to let the good guys in to
arrive at a point where we can actually achieve it.


Revealed: a lost city and a holy temple (vid)

CGI's Dave404: Revealed: a lost city and a holy temple (vid)
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 15-Jun-2013 08:35:21

Revealed: a lost city and a holy temple
A mist-covered mountain in Cambodia gives up its treasure, writes Lindsay Murdoch.
"Scratched and exhausted, Damian Evans pushed through dense jungle into a clearing where mountain villagers long ago attempted to grow rice, stepping on to a weed-covered mound.
"Bingo," the Australian archaeologist said as he picked up and examined an ancient sandstone block.

"This is a collapsed temple that was part of a bustling civilisation that existed 1200 years ago … It looks like the looters were unaware it was here."
Over the next few hours Evans and a small group of archaeologists hacked through more landmine-strewn jungle and waded through swollen rivers and bogs to discover the ruins of five other previously unrecorded temples and evidence of ancient canals, dykes and roads, confirming data from revolutionary airborne laser-scanning technology called lidar.
The discoveries matched years of archaeological ground research to reveal Mahendraparvata, a lost mediaeval city where people existed on a mist-shrouded mountain called Phnom Kulen 350 years before the building of the famous Angkor Wat temple complex in north-western Cambodia.

Subsequent searches have identified another two dozen hidden temple sites."
Read more:

You have no idea of the wonders that await you

                                     Saul  -  by John Smallman
When the moment for Humanity's awakening arrives – as it most surely will because it is God's Will – joy and amazement will engulf you all.  You have no idea of the wonders that await you – wonders that will uplift and inspire even the most skeptical among you.  Once Humanity has awakened you will find yourselves in a different World, one that has changed out of all recognition, and yet, it will also be the same World!  That is indeed a paradox, one that you will understand with absolute clarity when you have awakened, but for now you will just have to accept that it is beyond your understanding. This is because the illusion, your present World experience, has severely limited your awareness and your intelligence; it is, as you know, an environment of limitation.  When you awaken, the limitations will have gone and infinite knowledge will be available to you.  All you will have to do is to choose the field of knowledge which you wish to embrace and your understanding will instantly be complete.
Living without laws or limits, as you will be doing – the laws of Science, Physics, Human laws, Religious laws, in fact, any kind of law or limit you can possibly imagine – is most wonderfully freeing.  In Reality, in Heaven there are no laws or limits because all Life, all Consciousness, all sentient Beings are perfectly and completely in alignment with the Will of God.  It is the only Will, and It is utterly free – an impossible concept for you to grasp as you strive and struggle with the constant laws and limits that a Human existence imposes upon you.  This Infinite freedom provides an environment of boundless harmony in which all that exists melds and integrates in an endless selection of creative opportunities that complement and add to each other in the enormous and constantly expanding field of Divine Energy – Love – whose never-ending beauty and wonder will ceaselessly delight and astonish you.
Does this perhaps sound too good to be true?  I assure you that it is not.  It is the limits with which the illusion has basically ensnared you which make it beyond the bounds of possibility for you to imagine the wonders of God's Domain that awaits your awakening.  Know that what God has created by His Will is for your everlasting joy, and that nothing can prevent even one of you from being an essential, inseparable and totally aware and fully disturb you – such as feeling unworthy of His Love; of being a grave sinner whom He can never forgive; or just plain wondering why He should be interested in you or care for you at all – can be dismissed, because each one of you is dearly loved. . . because you are you.  You need do nothing to prepare yourselves, or make yourselves acceptable to Him.  conscious aspect of that state: Eternal Oneness with your Father.
Your Father's greatest joy is to see His children happy.  It is also His Will, and so this happiness will come into being, forever.  Any fears, worries, or anxieties that may disturb you – such as feeling unworthy of His Love; of being a grave sinner whom He can never forgive; or just plain wondering why He should be interested in you or care for you at all – can be dismissed because each one of you is dearly loved. . . because you are you.  You need do nothing to prepare yourselves or make yourselves acceptable to Him.  He created you perfect; all of creation is perfect; and there is no way that you can improve on that.  Just let go of fear and all the unloving and fearful thoughts that pop into your minds.  Focus on Love, His eternal Love for you, and remind yourselves whenever doubts or anxieties arise that His Will is for you to be eternally happy.
Your experiences of unhappiness, dissatisfaction, pain and suffering are all of the illusion – imaginary states that you constructed and which no longer serve you. When you offer love in every situation you will discover very quickly how rewarding it can be.  You do not need to go around telling people that you love them; just hold love for them in your hearts while neither attacking them nor defending yourselves.  Doing that completely alters your individual energy fields, making them safe and welcoming to all, and others will feel this even if they are not consciously aware of it.  You are beings of Love, so to do this is to recognize and embrace your natural state.  As you do, all doubts and anxieties will just fall away and your energy fields will clear so that you feel buoyant, uplifted, confident in just being yourselves, and that is how you are meant to feel.
You are not and never have been responsible for how others feel.  Each of you is responsible for how you yourself feel.  If you offer only love, then you will feel good about yourselves.  When you see others who are unhappy, suffering, you will feel compassion, empathy for them, but you need not and should not embrace their suffering: it helps neither of you.  When you can give them some time – you do not need to give anyone all of your time – be present for them, listen to them, without interrupting to offer guidance or advice, and your quiet presence will be very healing for them.  If they should ask for advice offer it, but sparingly, because you will never be able to fully understand what they need, and just a few kind words will present them with new perceptions to enable them to release whatever is causing them pain.
'ALL ARE ONE', but by not being loving, you shut yourselves off from that Divine state and anxieties flood in to disturb you.  Feelings that disturb you, are an indication that you need to focus on being loving, thus opening yourselves to engage with the Divine field of Love in which you are eternally immersed.  As you have so often been told, Love is the answer to every problem, to every issue, and enables you to find solutions that work for everyone involved.  Dismiss your fears by intentionally and very consciously opening to the Divine field of Love which envelops you in every moment of your Eternal Existence, thus allowing your guides to help you see things more clearly, and leading to the resolution of issues with which you have been concerned.  It is likely that the solution that results will not be what you had expected, because frequently your expectations, your ideas of what needs to occur are not in alignment with Love's solution, the only viable solution.
Let Love resolve your issues and problems by letting them go and handing them over to the Divine Wisdom that will compassionately and gently show you the way forwards.
With so very much love, Saul.
John Smallman | 06/16/2013 at 12:01 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

The era of unending conflicts and wars is to come to an abrupt end

The era of unending conflicts and wars is to come to an abrupt end

                                           Jesus -   by John Smallman


Here in the spiritual realms we are all most enthusiastically cheering you on as you continue to release all that is unloving, and which prevents you from seeing each other as you truly are: beloved children of your Infinitely Loving Father, God, the Source of all that exists.  As you collectively strengthen and intensify your intention to embrace the field of Divine Love and release all that is not in harmony with it, the essential changes to ensure your well-being and bring you Home to Reality continue to occur with increasing rapidity.
Humanity is, on a massive scale, turning towards Love and away from fear, and this is very easily seen when you observe the release of so many supposedly secret intelligence-agency files into the public domain.  Transparency and openness – essential aspects of the honesty and integrity necessary for a truly free society to flourish – are escalating and being encouraged and demonstrated across the World, as courageous individuals decide to honor their consciences by disclosing that which they had been forbidden to disclose.  It has become utterly inconceivable for them to continue to allow such monstrous secrets to remain hidden any longer as they realize the extent to which the enormous and endemic corruption in Governments, Corporations, and even Religious organizations – which were originally set up to operate with unimpeachable honesty on behalf of the societies in which they became established – has completely undermined their ability to operate in the manner that society has a right to expect and rely on. With well-known public figures making statements to stimulate an ongoing expansion of this most meritorious trend it has now become unstoppable.  The scale of corruption that is soon to be fully revealed will, for most of you, be extremely shocking.
Society can only be successful and serve its members properly if all its plans, intentions, and activities are utterly transparent and formulated lovingly for the benefit of everyone.  Humanity has now collectively chosen to follow that path. All across the World signs of this immense and most welcome change in attitude are appearing as new, vibrant, and honest groups of individuals from many fields of endeavor come together to bring into being the required and benevolent organizations that will honor and respect every individual on the Planet – without exception.  You are succeeding in changing your attitudes so that they move into alignment with the Divine field of Love which surrounds and envelops you, and by doing so you are changing the world.
This worldwide move towards openness and transparency throughout all nations and all cultures is of major importance.  It is in itself a very positive indication of Humanity's collective intent to awaken, because it demonstrates an awareness that without such transparency and honesty a loving and compassionate Society honoring all life is impossible.  And Humanity does want that kind of Society.
Wherever secrecy and corruption – which are always constant companions – are allowed to flourish Society ends up at war with itself.  People – seemingly of necessity – take sides and support one group against another which they judge as the enemy, and when the emotional charge intensifies sufficiently they go further and take up arms in an attempt to destroy that enemy.  It is a total negation, an incredible unawareness of the inescapable fact that 'All Are One', and that to harm another harms yourself.  When Military engagements occur, as your history clearly shows, anger and bitterness grow, and eventually it becomes widely acceptable – in fact, a Military necessity – to torture and slay the unarmed civilians, the women and children of the opposing side.  Insanity breeds insanity, and the insanity of going to war is defended as a right and reasonable response, the only sensible response to the provocations of your enemies!
Peace cannot be achieved by going to war!  Yet even today on your Planet there are those who claim that wars to achieve and maintain Peace are essential, and they are regularly engaged in imagining scenarios in which “the enemy” takes an unacceptable action that must be retaliated against with maximum force to demonstrate that the power of might, when used by those with “intelligence and wisdom,” can effectively maintain Peace.  The good news is that this insanity is being recognized and people will not for much longer allow those who have assumed the mantle of power and authority to take warlike action on their behalf – action that is in complete violation of basic Human rights.  The realization that those-who-would-govern have in fact placed a monetary value on a Human life, making it happily expendable, has dawned.  The era of unending conflicts and wars is to come to an abrupt end.
People, billions of people, have realized that the industrial-Military-machine cannot be operated without their willing and enthusiastic assistance, and that willingness is being withdrawn all over the World.  Yes, there are still areas in which conflict continues, but even there the fact that small numbers of misguided individuals are directing these activities for their own ends can no longer be ignored.  People no longer want war and conflict and so they are ceasing to allow themselves to be coerced into Military service by those who would lay a guilt trip on them by calling them naïve, unpatriotic, or cowardly.
The time for war is passed; it has never served you.  It has only caused you grief and suffering, despite the high and mighty aims it was always supposed to protect and preserve, and finally enough of you have made the decision, the collective decision, to cease engaging in it.  That decision is powerful and irrevocable, as it has the Will of God to support it.  Humanity has chosen a new direction, a direction based on loving kindness, which is but a reflection of your true and Divine Nature.  All in the Spiritual realms support this change of direction with joyful enthusiasm, and rejoice that it has been made.
During your daily quiet times, reflect on the change that has occurred in Humanity's collective intent which is bringing it into alignment with God's, and add to it your own intent to send love to all without exception, and especially to those whom you believe have offended or hurt you in any way.  To love others unconditionally is to love yourselves, because those two states are inseparable – they are one.  As you do so you will experience stress falling away to be replaced by Peace, and your inner knowing that all is Divinely taken care of will intensify.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
John Smallman | June 16, 2013 at 12:01 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Obama identity fraud: The net closes in

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Obama identity fraud: The net closes in
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 15-Jun-2013 21:11:41

Mike Zullo, the volunteer chief investigator for Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Ariz., is not letting go. Like a bulldog, he continues to investigate the outrageously bogus “birth certificate” Mr. Obama personally endorsed as his own when it was posted at the White House website a year before the last presidential election.
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Recently, Zullo gave a briefing to the Constitutional Sheriffs’ and Peace Officers’ Association setting out just some of the evidence that the document must be a forgery.
One of the many bombshells he dropped was the news that a certified document examiner with 20 years’ experience had closely examined the “birth certificate” and had concluded that it was the most obvious forgery he had seen in those 20 years.
The examiner was not making a party political point, for he is a registered Democrat.
Mike Zullo’s investigation has now continued for almost two years. He has amassed many thousands of pages of evidence. His draft investigation report is already more than 300 pages long, and he reckons it will be 700 pages before it is complete.
There is some explosive evidence that he has not yet disclosed, because it concerns third parties who may be connected with the forgery.
His determination is commendable. But there is one question the Obots raise that now needs an answer. If it is so very plain that the “birth certificate” is forged, why has Sheriff Arpaio been unable to put the matter before any court? Why is Obama still in the White House and not in the jailhouse?
Part of the answer lies in the terrified reluctance even of Fox News to cover the story properly. Fox calls itself “fair, balanced, and unafraid.” But it is afraid. Very afraid.
A concerned citizen sent every congressman, every senator, every state governor and attorney general, every member of Obama’s Cabinet, every member of the Democratic and Republican National Committees and every member of the Supreme Court a copy of my own briefing paper summarizing the evidence for forgery. Fewer than half a dozen replies were received. There are a lot of fraidy-cats in your governing class.
I asked one congressman why he had done nothing about the forgery. He replied: “It is unquestionably a forgery. We all know that. But you, with your experience of what the left will do to the reputations of those who challenge it, know that if any of us were to raise this issue we would be subjected to the same hatred, vilification and organized reputational damage that you have had to endure because you challenged them on climate change.”
He added, “Scientifically and economically, your challenge was correct. But they didn’t care about that. They did their level best to trash your reputation anyway. I value my reputation, and I dare not take the risk of having it destroyed.”
So there is no media pressure to bring the matter to court, and no political pressure either. A state of such fear and funk now subsists in the United States that no one will touch the birth certificate issue.
And that is a shame, because the in-your-face forged “birth certificate” is arguably the biggest news story of our generation. In defiance of your Constitution, the current occupant of the White House clings to office even though his endorsement of the bogus document creates serious doubt about whether he is entitled to hold that office, and still more serious doubt about his fitness to hold it even if he were constitutionally entitled.
Naturally, the Obots have done their best to interfere with the sheriff’s investigation. A trumped-up Justice Department investigation of him for allegedly doing his job eventually ran into the sand. And an attempt to recall him almost immediately after he was handsomely re-elected has also now failed.
Now that other sheriffs and law enforcement officers have had some elements of the fraud explained to them, even if Mike Zullo and the sheriff were unable to persuade the attorney general of Arizona to do his constitutional duty, it is now clear that Obama will not survive the fraud. It is only a matter of time before some public-spirited citizen takes the short, simple, inexpensive stops that will bring him to book.
Step 1: Commission reports from court-certified specialists in typewriter analysis and separately in electronic document forgery.
Step 2: Refer the reports to a mathematician so that he can confirm the near-zero probability that a document containing as many errors as this one can be genuine.
Step 3: Put the reports and the mathematical analysis before a federal district court and ask it for orders obliging Hawaii to release the original documentation to forensic specialists acting for law enforcement.
There is actually no need for any further investigation. There is quite enough evidence to obtain such orders right now.
Consider, for instance, the typewriter irregularities in the White House document. Some specialists say they do not like to rely on typewriter anomalies. However, as part of the case against a suspect document, they have their place.
Typewriter analysis has a unique value in that, unlike electronic anomalies that require specialist knowledge to understand them, typewriter anomalies are visible. Anyone can see them once they are pointed out. They are as plain as the nose on your face.
Especially for WND’s readers, I have updated a report that I compiled last year on the numerous typewriter errors in the White House document. The pdf document is available at this link.
Here is my challenge to the Obots. Provide a rational explanation for the irregularities I have identified in my report. Whether or not the typewriter errors are as serious as I consider them to be, there are many other errors.
So know this: Mike Zullo’s net is closing in, and – however many reputations you try to trash for the sake of saving your fallen hero – Black Jesus is doomed.

ALERT: Chief Judge of the United States District Court for DC gives leave of court to file motions & documents providing undeniable evidence of Obama’s use of a stolen Social Security number

Let's hope this is not just a flash in the pan like all of the other cases that have gone
forward with no results!!!  And that includes the cases of attorneys Mario Apuzzo, Stephen Pidgeon, Phil Berg and there is one other prominent attorney whose name I can't think of off hand...

I highlighted the part about the trip to Africa since it is estimated to cost $100 million dollars...that's your tax dollars and mine! Huh?? $100,000,000?  Is he skipping the country or what??? 

They don't dare bring this to court because evidence would have to be presented and his documents would not hold up under the light of day!!

ALERT: Chief Judge of the United States District Court for DC gives leave of court to file motions & documents providing undeniable evidence of Obama’s use of a stolen Social Security number
Posted on 15 June, 2013 by Amy
Blank American Social Security Card
On June 13, 2013, Judge Lamberth Chief Judge for the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia gave leave of court to file 74 pages of motions and exhibits submitted by Attorney Orly Taitz in case 11-cv-402 Taitz v Astrue (Michael Astrue was the Commissioner of the Social Security at the time the case was originally filed, currently it is Carolyn W.Colvin)

This is significant, as the motions attached herein show that Barack Obama is using a stolen Social Security number of Harrison J. Bounel, born in 1890, immigrant from Russia, who is presumed to be deceased.

At the time the case was originally filed and heard, the plaintiffs did not have new information that became available recently. Such information includes recently released census data which shows Harrison J. Bounel being born in 1890, recent disclosure to the public of the 120 year SSA rule, which requires release of SS-5, Social Security original application of “extremely aged individuals”, meaning individuals of 120 years old or older without a consent of such individual and without a death certificate or any other proof of death, as well as recent report from Merlins Information Systems showing Barack Obama using both Bounel’s name and Social Security number in connection to his property at 5046 Greenwood in Chicago as late as 2009.

All of this information placed Obama in the corner and with no way out. (not counting his planned trip to Africa, of course). Holder Department of Justice has until 06.27.2013 to file an opposition on behalf of the Commissioner of the Social Security Administration, however at this time Social Security Administration cannot provide any justification or opposition. Holder , Obama and Carolyn W. Colvin, new Commissioner of SSA have to produce the application, which was filed by Harrison J. Bounel and which would be sufficient evidence not only for an impeachment of Obama, but also for criminal prosecution of Obama.


"You are bringing in enormous evolutionary change of a most essential nature"

        "You are bringing in enormous evolutionary change of a most essential nature"
                                                   Jesus - by John Smallman     
Here in the spiritual realms we, in every moment, are pouring out our love and our assistance to help you in your awakening process.  To many of you it seems that your progress has stalled, but we can assure you with the utmost confidence that this is most definitely not the case.  Your progress is proceeding, as perfectly and divinely intended, and will continue ceaselessly until you awaken.  And we are your spiritual guides and mentors who contracted to be with you at all times throughout this period of intense spiritual evolution that you chose to undergo.
What you are doing is of great benefit to all sentient life forms.  You are bringing in enormous evolutionary change of a most essential nature, while for the most part remaining unaware of the immense task that you have so willingly undertaken.  And you are succeeding quite brilliantly.  It is a sweeping away of the dark, of the unreal physical limitations that appear so real.  Once, you believed that the earth was flat, that instant communication over great distances was beyond belief, and that rapid and convenient travel across the world and into space was impossible.  Those were all limited belief concepts that have been permanently proved erroneous.  What other beliefs do you have that will be proven false?  Countless numbers!
The unawareness that you experience of your essential divine nature – the joy of oneness with God and with all sentient life – is a choice that you made.  Within the illusory environment of confusion, pain, and suffering you are in the process of learning about and releasing the many restrictive, inflexible and very frightening beliefs you invented which are not in alignment with, and do not and can never resonate with, your true nature – Love .  While you hold on to them you close yourselves off or hide from your true and divine nature because Love is terrifying to anyone who is fearful.
Love is all-encompassing, all-welcoming; fear shuts out, excludes, disparages. When you release yourselves from the cloak of fear under which you are hiding, when you remove and discard it, you will see clearly and realize that your fear was just fear of the dark – as imagined by a small child – a darkness which does not exist, unless you could establish it by shutting out the Light, and that is impossible, except temporarily, under that imaginary cloak of the illusion.  The thought of removing that cloak frightens you because it seems to be a protective shield that is essential to your ongoing well-being.  To be without it would make you vulnerable, open to experiencing horrendous pain and suffering, the kind that you observe all over the world as people behave without love, defending themselves or attacking others.
However, the truth is that when you remove that seemingly protective cloak you become invulnerable, because you will have removed the barrier you erected to keep out Love – a barrier that to you has seemed almost impenetrable, because Love was hardly ever seen except when offered conditionally and in exchange for benefits or payments – truly love with a small “l,” another unreal aspect of the illusion.  Love is the most powerful field of energy that exists.  It is the only energy field that exists.  Any other energy that you can conceive of or experience is of the illusion, and is an enormously diluted and weakened form of Love, which allowed you to think that you had power without the Presence of your Father. Love is the life force; you cannot live without It.  You are, every one of you, essential parts or aspects of It.  However, when you constructed the illusion you attempted to exclude It, by apparently separating yourselves, shutting yourselves off from God.  That is not possible, but you were and are free to pretend that it is, and that is what causes you so much pain and suffering.
Your awakening process is in fact a process of uncloaking yourselves, of releasing all that is not in perfect and harmonious alignment with Love – your natural and eternal state – and which effectively hides from your conscious awareness the fact that you are, always have been, and always will be beings of infinite Love as created by your Father.  The time for games from which you have attempted to exclude Love is over.
You are now very much aware of the pain and suffering worldwide which need to be brought to an end – pain and suffering in which many delighted and gloated as they watched others mistreated, abused, and tortured.  The insanity of that attitude has now become apparent.  Daily, more and more on Earth are becoming aware that they themselves did actually embrace it while at the same time denying it and convincing themselves that they were only making “fair judgments” of the unconscionable behavior of others, as was their god-given duty and responsibility.  This awareness has shocked them, and now they are making the firmest of resolutions to release that unloving attitude and replace it with compassion, forgiveness (of selves and others), and the intent to offer only love from here on in.  In the spiritual realms that change of heart, which is occurring throughout humanity, has led to the greatest rejoicing.
Relax into your quiet inner space at least once daily, talk to your guides, ask for their help, and open your hearts so that you can recognize the great changes that are taking place worldwide, as Love dissolves the fear that has driven and guided so many of your thoughts, words, and actions for eons.  Remember, anything other than Love is illusory, and intend to be constantly loving, as you make your way homewards.
Your loving brother, Jesus.

John Smallman | June 13, 2013 at 12:00 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: