Monday, June 17, 2013

Are You On The List?

Are You On The List?

By Michael Snyder (The American Dream | Original Link)
Are you on the list? Are you one of the millions of Americans that have been designated a threat to national security by the U.S. government? Will you be subject to detention when martial law is imposed during a major national emergency? As you will see below, there is actually a list that contains the names of at least 8 million Americans known as Main Core that the U.S. intelligence community has been compiling since the 1980s. A recent article on Washington’s Blog quoted a couple of old magazine articles that mentioned this program, and I was intrigued because I didn’t know what it was. So I decided to look into Main Core, and what I found out was absolutely stunning – especially in light of what Edward Snowden has just revealed to the world. It turns out that the U.S. government is not just gathering information on all of us. The truth is that the U.S. government has used this information to create a list of threats to national security that the government would potentially watch, question or even detain during a national crisis. If you have ever been publicly critical of the government, there is a very good chance that you are on that list.

The following is how Wikipedia describes Main Core…
Main Core is the code name of a database maintained since the 1980s by the federal government of the United States. Main Core contains personal and financial data of millions of U.S. citizens believed to be threats to national security. The data, which comes from the NSA, FBI, CIA, and other sources, is collected and stored without warrants or court orders. The database’s name derives from the fact that it contains “copies of the ‘main core’ or essence of each item of intelligence information on Americans produced by the FBI and the other agencies of the U.S. intelligence community.”
It was Christopher Ketchum of Radar Magazine that first reported on the existence of Main Core. At the time, the shocking information that he revealed did not get that much attention. That is quite a shame, because it should have sent shockwaves across the nation…
According to a senior government official who served with high-level security clearances in five administrations, “There exists a database of Americans, who, often for the slightest and most trivial reason, are considered unfriendly, and who, in a time of panic, might be incarcerated. The database can identify and locate perceived ‘enemies of the state’ almost instantaneously.” He and other sources tell Radar that the database is sometimes referred to by the code name Main Core. One knowledgeable source claims that 8 million Americans are now listed in Main Core as potentially suspect. In the event of a national emergency, these people could be subject to everything from heightened surveillance and tracking to direct questioning and possibly even detention.

Of course, federal law is somewhat vague as to what might constitute a “national emergency.” Executive orders issued over the last three decades define it as a “natural disaster, military attack, [or] technological or other emergency,” while Department of Defense documents include eventualities like “riots, acts of violence, insurrections, unlawful obstructions or assemblages, [and] disorder prejudicial to public law and order.” According to one news report, even “national opposition to U.S. military invasion abroad” could be a trigger.
So if that list contained 8 million names all the way back in 2008, how big might it be today?
That is a very frightening thing to think about.

Later on in 2008, Tim Shorrock of also reported on Main Core…
Dating back to the 1980s and known to government insiders as “Main Core,” the database reportedly collects and stores — without warrants or court orders — the names and detailed data of Americans considered to be threats to national security. According to several former U.S. government officials with extensive knowledge of intelligence operations, Main Core in its current incarnation apparently contains a vast amount of personal data on Americans, including NSA intercepts of bank and credit card transactions and the results of surveillance efforts by the FBI, the CIA and other agencies. One former intelligence official described Main Core as “an emergency internal security database system” designed for use by the military in the event of a national catastrophe, a suspension of the Constitution or the imposition of martial law.
So why didn’t this information get more attention at the time?

Well, if Obama had lost the 2008 election it might have. But Obama won in 2008 and the liberal media assumed that he would end many of the abuses that were happening under Bush. Of course that has not happened at all. In fact, Obama has steadily moved the police state agenda ahead aggressively. Edward Snowden has just made that abundantly clear to the entire world.

After 2008, it is unclear exactly what happened to Main Core. Did it expand, change names, merge with other programs or get superseded by a new program? It appears extremely unlikely that it simply faded away. In light of what we have just learned about NSA snooping, someone should ask our politicians some very hard questions about Main Core. According toChristopher Ketchum, the exact kind of NSA snooping that Edward Snowden has just described was being used to feed data into the Main Core database…
A host of publicly disclosed programs, sources say, now supply data to Main Core. Most notable are the NSA domestic surveillance programs, initiated in the wake of 9/11, typically referred to in press reports as “warrantless wiretapping.” In March, a front-page article in the Wall Street Journal shed further light onto the extraordinarily invasive scope of the NSA efforts: According to the Journal, the government can now electronically monitor “huge volumes of records of domestic e-mails and Internet searches, as well as bank transfers, credit card transactions, travel, and telephone records.” Authorities employ “sophisticated software programs” to sift through the data, searching for “suspicious patterns.” In effect, the program is a mass catalog of the private lives of Americans. And it’s notable that the article hints at the possibility of programs like Main Core. “The [NSA] effort also ties into data from an ad-hoc collection of so-called black programs whose existence is undisclosed,” the Journal reported, quoting unnamed officials. “Many of the programs in various agencies began years before the 9/11 attacks but have since been given greater reach.”

The following information seems to be fair game for collection without a warrant: the e-mail addresses you send to and receive from, and the subject lines of those messages; the phone numbers you dial, the numbers that dial in to your line, and the durations of the calls; the Internet sites you visit and the keywords in your Web searches; the destinations of the airline tickets you buy; the amounts and locations of your ATM withdrawals; and the goods and services you purchase on credit cards. All of this information is archived on government supercomputers and, according to sources, also fed into the Main Core database.
This stuff is absolutely chilling.

And there have been hints that such a list still exists today.
For example, the testimony of an anonymous government insider that was recently posted on alluded to such a list…
“We know all this already,” I stated. He looked at me, giving me a look like I’ve never seen, and actually pushed his finger into my chest. “You don’t know jack,” he said, “this is bigger than you can imagine, bigger than anyone can imagine. This administration is collecting names of sources, whistle blowers and their families, names of media sources and everybody they talk to and have talked to, and they already have a huge list. If you’re not working for MSNBC or CNN, you’re probably on that list. If you are a website owner with a brisk readership and a conservative bent, you’re on that list. It’s a political dissident list, not an enemy threat list,” he stated.

What in the world is happening to America?

What in the world are we turning into?

As I mentioned in a previous article, the NSA gathers 2.1 million gigabytes of data on all of us every single hour. The NSA is currently constructing a 2 billion dollar data center out in Utah to store all of this data.

If you are disturbed by all of this, now is the time to stand up and say something. If this crisis blows over and people forget about all of this stuff again, the Big Brother surveillance grid that is being constructed all around us will just continue to grow and continue to become even more oppressive.

America is dying right in front of your eyes and time is running out. Please stand up and be counted while you still can.

possible trigger and predictor to the global reset of currencies


I wanted to get you guy's opinions on something I have been researching and think that it is a possible trigger and predictor to the global reset of currencies we have been looking for.

First, looking at just a few currencies that have RI/RD/RV:







  They seem to make changes to their currencies on or around the 1st of January or the 1st of July. Also, there appears to have been a point of inflation/volatility before these currencies went about changing.
Now, I have found this article interesting which says,

"Some fund managers are throwing in the towel after two weeks of extreme volatility that blew up previously successful bets on the yen, Australian dollar and other currencies."

Then goes on to say,

"The volatility comes as investors try to recalibrate their strategies to a world where central bank stimulus, which has buoyed economies and driven asset prices for years, is no longer a given."

Someone asked me a while ago how would a global reset of currencies occur when in Forex, longs would gain the advantage vs the shorts?

My theory is that all the central banks are working together with this volatility in mind to discourage long hold investors into shorts, for what a belive a preparation for a date on or around July 1, which maybe our global currency reset.

The last "freaky coincidence" piece I have is that the dates related to the before mentioned currencies changes occurred Fri-Mon. July 1 just so happens to land on a Monday.

Hope you guy's found this enjoyable!

For more fuel to the fire:

Bloomberg video:

Currency Newshound article:

RV INTEL/CHAT - 6-17-13



[puppylove] "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS. THE BRAVE MEN AND WOMEN THAT ARE OUR HEROS BOTH PAST AND PRESENT

[Midnight Blue] Good morning everyone, The dollar continues to slides against the pound, euro and yen amongs others. oil is above $98.

 [Midnight Blue] Fox is still talking about Bernanke and the Fed policy with a Fed conference tomorrow.

[Midnight Blue] If the Fed was moved over to the UST, it seems business as usual under their new owners/boss.

[Midnight Blue] For over a month now, I and everyone has heard about leaders, politicians, fat cats, etc have been exchanging while the "process" is going on. I wonder then, how they are going to handle the 3,5 million masses exchanging, if the process is taking so long for relatively few or is there something else in the process we don't know?

[Maryrose] Midnight Blue perhaps making corrections as needed as they go along!!
[#2sister] Midnight Blue Makes me wonder if the group in front of us is really doing a CE!

 [weimar] I have trouble imagining that it has taken 2 months to get fat cats done

[Midnight Blue] Maryrose IDK, remember how I have said we should never say "it's done because we don't know what we don't know. Perhaps this is an example of that.

[Maryrose] Midnight Blue well, it's not like they put out a check list!! Rofl

[Midnight Blue] Maryrose they may not put out a check list, but I hope they have one ( i hope excahnging Midnight Blue is out that list some where too! LOL)

[Jamison] Well before making people worry about the masses , there is not 3 to 5 million people with dinar

[Readynow] Jamison what is your guesstimate?

[Jamison] Ready now I am not privy to that info but told less then a million. The government has been tracking it and they only do not know what has been gifted out

[redhead1] MidnightBlue - in all of the searches I have done and political contacts I have spoken with - there is no proof that anyone has exchanged their dinar - or received a SKR for their deposit - I am not sure where that information comes from on the various levels but I would like to see some proof

[Midnight Blue] redhead1 Unfortunately, they all have to sign a NDA.

[Jamison] Redhead1. Skr's have been given thru 3 rd party brokers

 [Iank1978] Jamison I agree it seems more like a million IMO I don't know anyone else that owns dinar except all of you fine folks

 [Jamison] Redhead1 that is correct

[weimar] Jamison IMHO also, alot of people individually have less than 2 million each - it is the people who have been on forums that possibly have more

[Jamison] Weimar. Yes. Most people own a small amount

[misskitty05] Jamison and therein lies the question .... the gifting. I would bet that a lot of people who have given dinar to 10 or more people. There may be many more showing up at the banks than people realize. Jmo

GJHHonor] mrs.) maybe  1 million in the us but how about in all the other countries Canada and others

 [Jamison] Missktty. That is why they are setting up a call center to organize it all

 [redhead1] misskitty05 - I think you are correct on the gifting

[misskitty05] Jamison yes I get that

[jorge793] redhead1 I have given a bunch of mine away and still have a bunch more to give to other family members

[Jamison] When the governments roll this out it will be organized I am sure some will try and bypass the system and create problems

[redhead1] MidnightBlue - no disrespect that but dog does not hunt - see Jamison's comment on brokers and those are iffy at best

[Midnight Blue] redhead1 Then I guess the people I have tlked to are lieing???

[redhead1] MidnightBlue - not sure who you have talked to but you should at least ask to see the NDA or who it is from - WF are not issuing them

 [misskitty05] redhead1 there are likely severe penalties attached to breaking the NDA. Why would you think that anyone would risk that just to satisfy your curiosity?? I know I wouldn't imo

[Papa Bear] misskitty05 Yes very severe .check dealers and other rates before u go in on appointments

[Midnight Blue] redhead1 Not showing the NDA is apart of what the NDa covers. That is not unusual, I have signed many of them.

[redhead1] MidnightBlue - so have I - but we have people on this site who have high reaching contacts at WF - and those NDA's are not coming from them - so who else would be issuing at this point

[Papa Bear] lets stay off politics and focused on RV .That is the best way for compatiblity and unity. By working together as a united RV TEAM GM Dinar Family

[Jamison] WF is not issuing or paying out skr's

 [Iank1978] Papabear- how goes the Rv process lol

Midnight Blue] redhead1 Perhaps the UST or who ever is handling the whole process and making the decisions who are exchanging and not. I would doubt that would be WF.

[Papa Bear] redhead1 That NDA will be signed at appointment IMHO

[Papa Bear] Midnight Blue UST will give go when banks can bring us in for C/E

[okrocks] Gm there are "lining their own pockets" groups and then there is our group... 2 dif things

[jblb] Papa Bear i spoke with my nephew yesterday home on leave getting ready to board one of our super carriers i wont say which but he verified everything jester has told us recent about our republic and said is briefed on it by his superiors regular and its all real

[Papa Bear] jblb Interesting

[Robertprofessor] Papa Bear I'm rereading Susan/ZAP. Sounds like the time is upon us.

Papa Bear] Robertprofessor Yes Sir IMHO

[Midnight Blue] Well, I have no answers or new intel today, just questions, so I am going to just lurk while I am hunting for answers....Later everyone

[louthunder] So here we are again with another weekend come and gone and Monday is here. But WAIT!! STOP!! This week could be different for once. O is meeting with the 8 today to talk about global economics and international taxes and Bernenke has a full week meeting with the Central Bank on Tuesday and his Fed plan release on Wednesday... This could be the begining of the end

[Robertprofessor] Papa Bear From what you have seen are US banks far enough along on Basil 3 for the rv ?

[Papa Bear] Robertprofessor Robertprofessor Yep IMHO

[Papa Bear] GM Dinar Family lets let that RV MOOSE loose!!


[xyz] freedom13 gm [weeeeeeeee] lol

[freedom13] xyz do you think we are there ,,is it our time

 [xyz] freedom13 i can only hope brain is saturated with all guru stuffy that i can not think anymore lol

 [freedom13] xyz what do you think about all the articles not guru carp

[xyz] freedom13 i like very much what is in the articles.

[freedom13] xyz yes me to ,,thinking this week ,,we can pray and wish

[watercolor] freedom13 xyz Good morning! I think this is a good week for the RV. :okie:

 [jimt] News is sounding really good lately

 [freedom13] jimt yes all articles coming out saying we are in gooooooooood shape weeee

Emailed to Recaps:

BenM: Somebody said...

Somebody said.....
No one will run the mile in under 4 minutes.
Roger ran a mile in under 4 minutes in 1954

Somebody said....
To Thomas Edison...."Tom, you've tried to invent that consarned light bulb over 900 times and failed every time. There's just no way to do it."
Today there's electric light in every home in America

Somebody said...
To J.K. Rowling....."I'm sorry, Ms. Rowling, but your books will never sell."
To date, the Harry Potter series of books has sold over 450 million copies.

Somebody said....
To Wilbur and Orville Wright...."What a silly and insane way to spend money. Leave flying to the birds."
Today jet aircraft loaded with passengers fill the skies all over the world.

The point is, you will always find naysayers, in every conceivable endeavor. But it is not these naysayers who will change the world. It is the people who persist, who overcome all obstacles to achieve their goals. Who just won't stop following their dreams and listening to that inner voice that keeps saying, "Yes you can."

In this forum there are many naysayers, people who would discourage your hopes, "keeping it real", they would say. Are the naysayers always wrong? No, sometimes they are right. But if you give in to them, you will fall victim to that old curse, best said by the great Wayne Gretzky, "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life - The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology

From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life  - The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology (FULL LENGTH VIDEO).wmv
Uploaded on Feb 24, 2012
As the natural world dies around us, what will take its place? Planetary engineering includes bioremediation measures to bring us genetically engineered trees and crops. And what of humans themselves? How are we being transformed from the inside out?

Presented at Conspiracy Con 2011, this 1 hour power point presentation by Sofia Smallstorm introduces primary and scientific findings hidden in the muffles of mainstream alternative media.

People around the world are observing aerosol spraying (also called "chemtrials") and strange man-made clouds. White skies filter sunlight as trees around the country sicken and die. Soil and water tests high for heavy metals, and artificial fibres fall on us from the sky.

Is aerosol spraying only about experimenting with weather? What do the self-replicating fibres found in Morgellons patients signify? Why are engineered materials being found in airborne environmental samples?

All this suggests a planetary engineering program that is affecting and targeting all living things. Synthetic biology is science's most exciting new frontier, combining genetics, robotics and nano-technology with artificial intelligence, hybridizing natural forms and engineering tissues beyond our wildest dreams. The technology explosion is skyrocketing, and artificial intelligence will soon surpass our own capabilities.

How will our world be organized then? Will we turn ourselves over to machines? Or will we have become technological hybrids ourselves?
Special thanks to Sofia Smallstorm and youtube user, IonUCanada, for leading me down this road. Open description box for proper credits.  This full length video is being posted with PERMISSION GRANTED TO ME,, by the OWNER of this full length video and EXPERT doing the presentation here, Ms. Sofia Smallstorm. Pertinent info is as shown below.  Here are all the particulars regarding Ms Smallstorm, her websites and other pertinent info, including where you may contact her and purchase her material (which you may also do through me!)
When I first started and opened this channel I promised you the truth!  The channel was born out of necessity because British Petroleum destroyed my life and, to-date, has not even attempted to 'make things right' by  me or anyone else affected except for paying off politicians at the top of state and federal levels! You know who you are.  
We have been lied to and betrayed far too many times, and that's the truth regarding chem trails! I will continue to bring you the truth about things and have done no wrong here.  Conversely, it is I that has been wronged and not made whole. This once proud republic, paid for in blood by my ancestors, is in a bad way and I, for one, will not forget nor will I just disappear silently in to the night. Someone will some day take me seriously, and maybe I'll entertain the thought of hiring myself out if the cause is just and the price is right. Till then, the truth shall be made known.


Also check out:



Growing up in America in the Midwest, I have always been proud to be an American.  When turning 18, I took it upon myself to understand the issues at hand when I voted for the first time.  I look at my nation now, and don’t even recognize it as America.  Where have the selfless statesmen gone that had the best interest of the people in mind, when presenting legislation?

I look at Washington DC and you that we have supposedly voted into office, and see people that have manipulated the system to their benefit.  They have thrown out the Constitution and its stated inalienable rights of the people, in order to use the very people that they have been placed in office to protect. 
With all these scandals finally coming to the surface, which should be called “criminal activity” instead of “scandals”, we the people expect our elected officials to do the right thing.  Move swiftly to act on the mountain of evidence presented to you of at the very least, unconstitutional activity and at the very most, criminal activity.  Yet, we the people see a lot of rhetoric being thrown out, and what appears to be false indignation.  While, nothing is being done.  Much of this activity appears to be treasonous, and simply removing someone from office does not address their criminality.  When are our officials going to repent of their evil deeds and turn the other direction?  Those of you that have been silent, all the while knowing about the evil activity going on, are just as culpable as those committing the acts.

Father YHWH has given you a short time to repent, and it appears that you have scoffed in His face.  I only know of a handful of statesmen that have stood up against the onslaught of tyranny coming from this government.  You have a short time left to stand up for what is right.  Do it now.
We have been restraining the people from marching against you.  If you think it’s terrible that those people bent on perversion, who have no self-restraint, have invaded your offices; imagine what it’s going to be like when the good people, that only want to keep what they earn and live their lives in peace and provide for their family, demand you to act.  Yes, we know that some of you have been itching for this to happen, just so you can use Operation Garden Plot, a.k.a. Proposition 55-2 against good people that you have labeled as “terrorists”.  Know this, Father YHWH sees everything that you are doing and will protect His people.  The ones that have no self-restraint will be your own people coming against you.  Thus, as what always happens to the greedy and perverted, they devour themselves.  Your friends become your enemies when their evil behavior is exposed.  They will lash out at those closest to them and point fingers at you.
So, act now for the sake of this nation, your families, and yourselves.  Turn from your wicked ways, repent before YHWH, and act on what you know is right.  There is no more time to hide what you’ve stolen, hide your perverse activity, or cry out for the rocks to fall on you to hide you from the wrath of YHWH.  His anger is kindled against you, and will not be contained.  There is no place on this planet or other worlds that you can hide. Either your peers will expose you in order to supposedly protect themselves, or the good people of this nation will expose you.  Come into the light of exposure, confess your sins to the people, which is the only place that you can find restoration.  None of the evildoers can blackmail you if you come clean.  Yes, it will be the most difficult thing you have done in your life, but it will ultimately be the best thing you can do in your life.  Father YHWH will accept those who truly repent of their evil deeds and turn the other direction.  Your hearts and minds can be healed, and you can be restored.  He has great mercy for those who repent, and nothing is too big for Him to fix.  This is truly your only way for restoration.  And you might even be surprised that those you thought were your enemies, will forgive you, and receive you.  You will not be able to continue your high life as a government official, but you will be able to live life cleanly, joyfully and in the company of those who truly love you.  What more could a human being want?
In closing, give to us, the people of YHWH, that which belongs to us.  We will go into our place to worship our God, and help those of this earth that are in need.  May YHWH have mercy on your souls.

Blessed be the Name of YHWH,


Revealed: a lost city and a holy temple

CGI's Dave404: Revealed: a lost city and a holy temple (vid)
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 15-Jun-2013 08:35:21

Revealed: a lost city and a holy temple
A mist-covered mountain in Cambodia gives up its treasure, writes Lindsay Murdoch.
"Scratched and exhausted, Damian Evans pushed through dense jungle into a clearing where mountain villagers long ago attempted to grow rice, stepping on to a weed-covered mound.
"Bingo," the Australian archaeologist said as he picked up and examined an ancient sandstone block.

"This is a collapsed temple that was part of a bustling civilisation that existed 1200 years ago … It looks like the looters were unaware it was here."
Over the next few hours Evans and a small group of archaeologists hacked through more landmine-strewn jungle and waded through swollen rivers and bogs to discover the ruins of five other previously unrecorded temples and evidence of ancient canals, dykes and roads, confirming data from revolutionary airborne laser-scanning technology called lidar.
The discoveries matched years of archaeological ground research to reveal Mahendraparvata, a lost mediaeval city where people existed on a mist-shrouded mountain called Phnom Kulen 350 years before the building of the famous Angkor Wat temple complex in north-western Cambodia.

Subsequent searches have identified another two dozen hidden temple sites."
Read more:

The Hack

The Hack

Jim Stone, June 16, 2013


"In this day and age, where the lie is everything when it comes to the government and the zionist elite, you have to be thinking one step ahead and consider the types of things they might do next. When corruption becomes policy, it is YOU against the think tank."

Hackers have succeeded in imitating facebook accounts and posting offensive stuff to people's walls to destroy social networks set up by alternative truth sites. No one from this web site is posting anything of the sort to people's walls, including ads, insults, or anything else of the sort. If your wall gets spammed or offended by anyone claiming to be associated with this web site, please report it via one of the anonymous forum log ins, including what the offensive content was. Screen captures work best. We will document this.
And of course, government paid shills are old news, modern shill tactics include the use of supercomputers which rapidly sniff all new web posts for keywords, to notify a shill that they are "needed" somewhere to go and destroy legitimate public discourse. This is a step beyond Prism, which is really just the tip of the iceberg. It really is a whole lot worse than that.
The cold hard reality is that for many people the web is entirely synthetic, a false reality existing on a supercomputer which spoofs their entire online reality and sections them off from connecting with anyone who will not be able to verify tampering in the real world. If you cannot call an individual, it is virtually assured your dissenting e-mail with totally new info will never make it, and that your posts to comment sections and forums are visible to only you and no one else if they do not reflect what the elite want the public to think.
I have been manually logging the comments on even my own forum, with NO ONE having delete priviledges, to attempt to troubleshoot problems and in only 24 hours over 100 comments are missing, with 109 showing and 239 made. This was over the slowest period of the week, Saturday into Sunday. People are complaining that the forum lost it´s spark. I have sat down and manually logged exactly why. And what is worse, when the comments get vaporized, they are not even passing through the delete log. The only way I can prove something is amiss is to record on paper the number going in to the number that is actually showing. With the top half of the best of the best erased, it's no wonder why the forum is missing a little spark.
Yet no one is saying their own comments are gone, which means everyone who is posting can see their own comments in full, and are probably wondering why they are not getting any response from other people on the forum. This is accomplished by having the forum replicated many many times on a supercomputer somewhere, with a separate reality for everyone posting to it. This type of government tampering is now commonplace, my site is not the only one affected by this and the system that was supposed to be able to accomplish this went active in 2009.
This system was put in place to "steer public opinion" and was briefly discussed in even the mainstream press and then slipped into the censorship black hole, and since I was not doing the news section of this web site at the time I never recorded it - I just figured the news of this would always be available. It no longer is. But the evidence of this system in operation seems to be everywhere, and I just nailed it solidly by paying attention and manually recording what is going on with my own forum.
I urge all people with alternative news forums to watch the new comment numbers as they come in, record them, and then contrast that with the daily total. If the number does not match, then either the older parts of the forum are being systematically expunged or new comments are being holonetted shortly after they come in.
Since all forums exist on a database, the daily total will be caluclated against all comments in the database throughout history to the new number showing at the end of the day. In the past, when I went back and cleaned up shilled over sections that were a week old, those deleted comments would subtract from the CURRENT day's total. So the destruction of your forum could be happening in secret, via government sponsored behind the scenes destruction of older relevant comments that not many people are paying attention to anymore but would normally be linked to by search engines. This has the effect of severely weakening the public effort to fight tyranny, by erasing the public´s past great works.
FURTHERMORE, because of all the secret back doors built into the various operating systems, your backups are not safe unless they are made and immediately un plugged from the host machine. I have documented that articles I have typed on my own computer and archived on backup have had edits made to them that I never did, to take the edge off of them. These edits involve the removal of links and changing of syntax and removal of any reference to anything solid, while skillfully making it appear to read as normal. It´s downright sinister. That nifty little instant search feature built into Windows and now into many distributions of Linux makes it dirt simple for a spook to log into your system, type keywords, and modify your archives. WATCH OUT FOR THAT, AND KEEP ALL YOUR BACK UPS UNPLUGGED, AND ACCESS THEM ONLY THROUGH A MACHINE THAT DID NOT CREATE THEM.
It is obvious that by now they would have a hidden automatic synchronize function built into the operating systems that will synchronize your backups and instantly replace them with the spook version the moment you plug your back up hard drive into a system that has had those files modified. In this day and age, where the lie is everything when it comes to the government and the zionist elite, you have to be thinking one step ahead and consider the types of things they might do next, which I have nailed them on repeatedly. When corruption becomes policy, it is YOU against the think tank.

Microsoft Waits to Fix Your Software Bugs So the NSA Can Use Them First

Microsoft Waits to Fix Your Software Bugs So the NSA Can Use Them First
Posted By: Maryhrt [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 16-Jun-2013 10:29:08
I am always apprehensive about downloading updates, especially security updates. I doubt they are for MY security but likely spying on my activities. My antivirus software updates about 3 or 4 times per day. Really????? How can there be THAT many updates? It does not make me feel safe only exposed. In a perfect world, these things would never cross our minds. People would not feel that the government is dangerous and acting in their own interests.
Microsoft Waits to Fix Your Software Bugs So the NSA Can Use Them First
"In a move as fiendishly clever as it is galling, Microsoft tells the U.S. government about bugs in its notoriously buggy software before it fixes them so that intelligence agencies can use the vulnerabilities for the purposes of cyberspying."

John Stewart Reports - 73 Year Old Hunk John McCain Finds Prince Harry "A Very Attractive Young Man"

John Stewart Reports - 73 Year Old Hunk John McCain Finds Prince Harry "A Very Attractive Young Man"
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 16-Jun-2013 06:40:04
Published on May 14, 2013
(May 14, 2013) - Jon Stewart tonight targeted President Obama for his reactions to major administration scandals in the past week and how every time there's a big news item involving his administration, Obama always seems to have found out about the news at the same time as the rest of the public did.
Stewart found it odd that Obama wouldn't have found out about IRS targeting Tea Party groups or the Justice Department seizing journalists' phone records from, say, people inside the government instead.
Stewart noted how at Obama's big press conference on Monday, there was a "question limit of one, total, from the entire American press corps," but a reporter smartly exploited a loophole by asking four questions in the same question.
Obama began his answer explaining that he learned about IRS targeting in the same news reports that the rest of the public found out about from.
Stewart mocked the blasé manner in which Obama answered the question, and pointed out that this is not the first time Obama has claimed to find out news at the same time as the rest of us.
Stewart highlighted how Obama said the same thing about the Fast & Furious ATF gun-running scandal and the time when a low-flying plane freaked out everyone in New York City.
And Jay Carney admitted that's the same way Obama found out about the Justice Department seizing AP phone records.
Stewart quipped, "I wouldn't be surprised if President Obama learned Osama bin Laden had been killed when he saw himself announce it on television."
Stewart then brought on correspondent John Oliver, who explained how Obama shouldn't have had the British prime minister at his press conference yesterday if he wanted a distraction from the press scrutiny, he should have palled around with Prince Harry.
Published on May 14, 2013 By PrankMasterKing

Jon Stewart Tears Apart Obama Again! Can't Say You Found Out About News Same Time As Us!

Constitutionally Illiterate Michael Bloomberg Doesn’t Want the DOJ Monitoring His Stop-and-Frisk “Military”

Constitutionally Illiterate Michael Bloomberg Doesn’t Want the DOJ Monitoring His Stop-and-Frisk “Military”
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 16-Jun-2013 10:54:26
In November 2011, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg told an audience at MIT, “I don’t listen to Washington very much, which is something they’re not thrilled about.” He didn’t listen because he didn’t have to. “I have my own army in the NYPD, which is the seventh biggest army in the world,” Bloomberg bragged.
That boast–crude and alarming as it was–sort of just hung in the air, slowly losing its stench. Yesterday, Bloomberg revived it, this time while announcing that he didn’t want the Justice Department overseeing the NYPD in the event a federal judge deems stop-and-frisk unconstitutional.
WNYC News reports:
The U.S. Department of Justice filed papers Wednesday saying that if a federal judge ruled the NYPD’s practices unconstitutional, then the DOJ would strongly endorse the use of a monitor to oversee changes at the department.
The mayor, however, said that the police department needs a clear line of authority. “No military organization or paramilitary runs where you have confusion in the command structure. You just cannot have that. Lives are on the line,” he said in a question-and-answer session with reporters.
Emphasis mine. The NYPD is not a “military organization” or an “army,” much less Bloomberg’s “own army.” Nor is the NYPD a “paramilitary organization”–that would require the department to change its core function to supporting an actual military. The NYPD is a police department. New York, New York is a city, not a sovereign nation. The 14th Amendment says Bloomberg and his police are required to respect the Fourth Amendment. This is basic stuff. You’d think Bloomberg would know it.
As for his claim that federal supervision of a police department that regularly violates the constitutional rights of New Yorkers “would create confusion in the command structure”? New York cops say there’s plenty of that already, thanks to their union working with commanding officers to create confusing and possibly illegal quotas for stopping, frisking, and arresting minority residents. In the event that a federal court deems stop-and-frisk unconstitutional, there will be that much more confusion at the NYPD. Bringing in an outside body–one tasked with making sure the department respects the constitutional rights of New Yorkers–would provide the department with a much needed moral compass.
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Nikola Tesla: Maverick, Visionary & Master of Light

Nikola Tesla: Maverick, Visionary & Master of Light
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 16-Jun-2013 10:18:32
I have permission, from New Dawn Magazine, to post this in Full.
It’s almost a cliché. Working alone, an inventive genius pioneers new devices that ultimately change the world but his genius is barely recognised and he goes on to die in relative poverty; and whilst he dies, virtually alone and unrecognised, his inventions eventually transform life across the planet.
Unfortunately it’s pretty much the story of Nikola Tesla, the scientific visionary whose inventions shaped much of the 20th century, whilst the man himself has been all but forgotten. And it is no exaggeration to call Tesla a visionary.
In contrast to many scientific pioneers who spent years developing their projects, Tesla’s ideas were often conceived and perfected in his mind’s eye in an instant.
“Birth, growth and development are phases normal and natural,” said Tesla, but, “It was different with my invention(s). In the very moment I became conscious of it, I ‘saw’ it fully developed and perfected…”
In fact these extraordinary powers of memory and visualisation were to characterise much of his life and work. One day while walking with a friend in Budapest, Tesla was reciting lines from Goethe’s Faust when the idea of a rotating magnetic field suddenly appeared before him, literally. In an instant Tesla knew how to produce the alternating current.
“Can’t you see it right here in front of me, running almost silently?” He asked his companion: “It is the rotating magnetic field that does it… Isn’t it beautiful? Isn’t it simple? My motor will set man free, it will do the work for the world.”
He was in every sense of the word a scientific visionary; he initially developed the fluorescent bulb and neon lights; he pioneered the speedometer and the car ignition system, and helped reveal the basic scientific principles behind electron microscopes, and the microwave oven. Yet apart from a small but enthusiastic following that has grown around him, most people have hardly even heard of Nikola Tesla.
Born at the stroke of midnight, July 9-10, 1856 in Similjan, Croatia, the son of a priest of the local Serbian Orthodox Church, the young Tesla quickly distinguished himself as intelligent and went on to study physics and mathematics in Gospic and electrical engineering at the Polytechnic Institute in Graz, Austria.
A turning point came in 1884 when Tesla first arrived in America but initially he wasn’t too impressed: “What I had left was beautiful, artistic and fascinating in every way.” He wrote to a friend: “What I saw here was machined, rough and unattractive.”
The young immigrant arrived with four cents in his pocket, some mathematical computations and a letter of introduction from Charles Batchelor, one of Thomas Edison’s business associates in Europe.
After a short spell working for Thomas Edison, Tesla went out on his own and by December 1887 he had filed for seven US patents. These comprised a complete system of generators, transformers, transmission lines, motors and lighting. So original were the patents that they were issued without a challenge, as would normally happen. They turned out to be the most valuable patents since the telephone.
Pittsburgh industrialist George Westinghouse heard about Tesla’s inventions and decided to investigate for himself. Acting on his sharp business instincts, Westinghouse arrived at Tesla’s lab, inspected the inventions and promptly bought the patents, which ironically were to lay the foundations for the Westinghouse Corporation, one of the pillars of the Military/Industrial complex (otherwise known as the ‘New World Order’).
The Westinghouse Corporation went on to win the bid for illuminating the World’s Fair. Held in Chicago in 1893, the fair was also the world’s first ever all-electric fair. It opened on the evening of May 1 when President Grover Cleveland pushed a button and a hundred thousand incandescent lamps illuminated the fairground’s neoclassical buildings.
Tesla inventions had arrived and they were about to illuminate not only the World Fair but also the world itself.
Unlike Westinghouse though, Tesla didn’t have any business sense, nor was he driven by any overwhelming desire to make money; instead he had vision, genius, a God given creative gift that has led some observers to liken him to a Da Vinci of the modern day sciences.
In fact it’s no exaggeration to say that Westinghouse Corporation was built on Tesla’s lack of business sense. Years of fierce competition with Edison’s Corporation had left Westinghouse financially drained and by 1896 his company’s position was looking extremely precarious.
J.P. Morgan, the Stock Market’s ‘robber baron’, saw his chance. In an effort to bring the US power industry firmly under his control he began to manipulate the Stock Market, with the intention of ruining Westinghouse and buying Tesla’s valuable patents.
In desperation, Westinghouse pleaded with Tesla to revise his contract and release him from a bond to pay the inventor generous royalties. In a gesture that was typical of his true spirit, Tesla is said to have torn up the contract.
Rocky Mountain High

Around the turn of the century Tesla concluded that it would be possible to transmit electrical power without wires. To optimise results, he chose to experiment at high altitude, where the air was thinner and therefore more conductive.
As a result he ended up building a research laboratory in Colorado Springs where he conducted some of his most extraordinary experiments, tests that even to this day are shrouded in mystery.
Tesla theorised that unlimited amounts of power could be transmitted anywhere on Earth, without wires and with virtually no loss of energy. It is not clear exactly how he intended to do this, but right up until the end of his life he maintained it was quite possible and that he only needed sufficient funds to make it a reality.
The funds, however, were not forthcoming, and Tesla was eventually forced to abandon his Colorado experiments in what was to become a recurrent feature in his life: no money or insufficient finance to pursue an idea… but a constant stream of new ideas.
At the beginning of the First World War, Tesla described a means for detecting ships at sea. His idea was to transmit high-frequency radio waves that would reflect off the hulls of vessels and appear on a fluorescent screen. The idea was way ahead of its day, and at the time few quite understood it, but it was a forerunner of what we now call radar.
Tesla was also the first to see a time when flying vehicles could be remotely controlled to land with an explosive charge on an unsuspecting enemy. In effect he was describing what we know today as a cruise missile.
By 1922 Tesla was working as a consulting engineer. He was making just enough money to live on, but often the plans he drew up were rejected as impractical.
Interestingly, around this time Tesla spoke out against the new theories of Albert Einstein. In contrast to the Nobel Laureate, Tesla maintained that energy was not contained in matter, but in the space between the particles of an atom.
Toward the end of his life Tesla became even more eccentric and reclusive. He began visiting parks to rescue pigeons that he then took home to nurse.
In his final years, at the Hotel New Yorker, he had the chef prepare a special mix of seeds for the birds. He also became obsessive about cleanliness, eating only boiled foods.
Nonetheless the ideas continued to flow and in the years prior to the Second World War he announced that he had discovered a new energy source, and a technology that could end war entirely.
The New York Times of 11 July 1934 announced that: “TESLA, AT 78, BARES NEW DEATH BEAM.”
“The Death Beam,” the Times continued, “will send concentrated beams of particles through the free air, of such tremendous energy that they will bring down a fleet of 10,000 enemy warplanes at a distance of 250 miles…”
The weapon, said Tesla, would make war impossible by surrounding every country with an “invisible Chinese Wall.” It was, in effect, what we know today as a charged particle beam accelerator.
Once again though, Tesla was unable to summon sufficient finance to back his proposal and as the prospect of war became more likely so Tesla became ever more desperate.
In despair he finally sent detailed plans for his ‘peace weapon’ to the governments of the US, Britain, France, Canada, Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union. But to Tesla’s dismay, none of the Western governments took his proposal seriously, not at the time anyway.
However, in the aftermath of Tesla’s death in 1943, it became apparent that some of these governments had grown more than a little interested.
Tesla’s nephew, Sava Kosanovic went to his uncle’s rooms on the morning of his death. On arrival, according to Kosanovic, the rooms looked as if they had been searched; notebooks and crucial technical papers were missing, and two days later the Office of Alien Property seized all of Tesla’s remaining belongings.
One result of this is H.A.A.R.P.1 Situated in Alaska, exactly where Tesla first proposed it should be sited, H.A.A.R.P. is seen by some observers as a working example of a device first proposed by Tesla in 1915. Long before anyone had heard of H.A.A.R.P., before it had even been built, Tesla was talking to the press about it.
“It is perfectly practicable to transmit electrical energy without wires and produce destructive effects at a distance,” he told the New York Times in an interview published on December 8, 1915.
“I have already constructed a wireless transmitter which makes this possible, and have described it in my technical publications. . . With a transmitter of this kind we are enabled to project electrical energy in any amount to any distance [HAARP’s output is a full gigawatt] and apply it for innumerable purposes, both in war and peace.”

Tesla's 1917 Patent for Lightning Protection/Capture

Reader: Tesla's 1917 Patent for Lightning Protection/Capture
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 16-Jun-2013 20:32:10

Thank You!!!!
Re: Nikola Tesla: Maverick, Visionary & Master....
"Wardenclyffe" Tower 1913. 1) Sun - Ionosphere - Wardenclyffe Vortex 2) ULF Di-Electric Longitudinal waves created by a) Sending resonant coil & step-up voltage & frequency with a Receiving resonant coil attached to a b) Low voltage, room temp, no flickr resonant Mercury-Gas bulbs c) Negative Resistance in bulbs allow the receiver to run off of the sender attached to a Light, Motor or Battery 3) The 1911 Tesla Turbine using underground or added Air/Water Pressure 4) 500 ft deep so-called "Spiral Staircase" connected to Long Island's aquifer 5) The sixteen (4X4 Organ) hollow metal tubes dug 420 ft into ground/water to send ULF frequencies @ 1-2HZ through the ground, a resonant cavity 6) 1914 Tesla Fountain effect connected to the Westinghouse 100-300KW generator/pump 7) Di-Electric Resonant Electrolysis, capturing Hydrogen and Oxygen. 8) Tesla's 1917 Patent for Lightning Protection/Capture.

US Warns of Cyberattacks Targeting Medical Devices

CGI's Lymerick: US Warns of Cyberattacks Targeting Medical Devices
Posted By: CGI_admin [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 17-Jun-2013 05:08:25
The FDA is warning that implanted medical devices, such as pacemakers and defibrillators, are often connected to networks that are vulnerable to cyber attacks that could shut down or manipulate the machinery.
Hackers with malicious intentions could introduce malware into the equipment, thereby gaining access to configure settings in medical devices or hospital networks, the Food and Drug Administration said in a warning sent to hospitals, medical device manufacturers, user facilities, and biomedical engineers.
“Over the past year, we’ve become increasingly aware of cyber security vulnerabilities in incidents that have been reported to us,” William Maisel, deputy director for science at the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health, told Reuters. “Hundreds of medical devices have been affected, involving dozens of manufacturers.”
Maisel noted that most of the infections were most likely unintentional, but that they demonstrate a very real possibility that hackers could intentionally inflict damage upon them.
The FDA report identified 300 medical devices that are at risk of crippling cyber attacks, including insulin pumps, implantable cardioverter defibrillators, anesthesia devices, drug infusion pumps, ventilators, and pacemakers. Some of these devices can even be remotely accessed through the Internet, the FDA report said.
“Somebody could take over the device and make it do whatever they want it to do and it would be almost impossible for hospital staff to know that it had been tampered with,” Billy Rios, a researcher at the cyber security firm Cylance Inc., told Reuters.
Jon Ogg, an analyst at 24/7 Wall Street, told AFP that the threat is very serious, even though it may seem like something that would occur in a science fiction movie.
“Can you imagine a device being retooled maliciously, like an inserted pacemaker/defibrillator?” he said. “Or imagine if a robotic surgery system was maliciously recalibrated in even a slight manner for surgeries. The list of threats is endless.”
The FDA said it was not aware of any patient deaths or injuries as a result of cyber attacks on medical devices, but that it is responsible for identifying the risks associated with at least 300 pieces of equipment.
“The FDA is recommending that medical device manufacturers and health care facilities take steps to assure that appropriate safeguards are in place to reduce the risk of failure due to cyberattack,” the warning said.
Suspicions about the vulnerability of implanted medical devices have long existed, but the latest FDA report confirms the gravity of those fears. Last October, the Government Accountability Office published a report urging the FDA to investigate security flaws in medical devices. Earlier in 2012, Barnaby Jack, a researcher of McAfee security firm, succeeded in hacking into a medical device and altering the quantity of insulin that a pump delivers.
With default passwords that malicious hackers can obtain with relative ease, cyber attacks can be inflicted upon life sustaining devices that medical patients rely on.

Putin says West arming Syrian rebels who eat human flesh

Putin says West arming Syrian rebels who eat human flesh

Posted on by Jean
By Khaled Yacoub Oweis and Alexei Anishchuk
AMMAN/LONDON | Sun Jun 16, 2013 6:34pm EDT
(Reuters) – Russian President Vladimir Putin, arriving in Britain ahead of an international summit set to be dominated by disagreement over the U.S. decision to send weapons to Syria’s rebels, said the West must not arm fighters who eat human flesh.
In Syria, rebels fought back on Sunday against forces of President Bashar al-Assad and his Lebanese Hezbollah allies near Aleppo, where Assad has announced a campaign to recapture the rebel-held north after seizing a strategic town this month.
After months of deliberations, Washington decided last week to send weapons to the rebels, declaring that Assad’s forces had crossed a “red line” by using nerve gas.
The move throws the superpower’s weight behind the revolt and signals a potential turning point in global involvement in a two-year-old war that has already killed at least 93,000 people.
It has also infuriated Russia, Cold War-era ally of Syria, which has sold arms to Assad and used its veto at the U.N. Security Council to block resolutions against him.
Russia has dismissed the U.S. evidence that Assad’s forces used nerve gas. The White House says President Barack Obama will try to lobby Putin to drop his support for Assad during this week’s G8 summit hosted by British Prime Minister David Cameron.
After meeting Cameron in London, Putin said Russia wanted to create the conditions for a resolution of the conflict.
“One does not really need to support the people who not only kill their enemies, but open up their bodies, eat their intestines in front of the public and cameras,” Putin said.
“Are these the people you want to support? Are they the ones you want to supply with weapons? Then this probably has little relation to the humanitarian values preached in Europe for hundreds of years.”
The incident Putin referred to was most likely that of a rebel commander filmed last month cutting into the torso of a dead soldier and biting into a piece of one of his organs.
Both sides have been accused of atrocities in the conflict. The United States and other countries that aid the rebels say one of the reasons for doing so is to support mainstream opposition groups and reduce the influence of extremists.
The U.S. plan to arm the rebels also places new doubt over plans for an international peace conference called by Washington and Moscow, their first joint attempt in a year to try to seek a settlement.
After meeting Putin, Britain’s Cameron said the divide between Russia and the West over Syria could be bridged, although they disagreed about who was at fault.
“What I take from our conversation today is that we can overcome these differences if we recognize that we share some fundamental aims: to end the conflict, to stop Syria breaking apart, to let the Syrian people decide who governs them and to take the fight to the extremists and defeat them.”
Britain has not said whether it too will arm the rebels, but the issue is contentious even within Cameron’s Conservative-led government. Nick Clegg, the deputy prime minister from his Liberal Democrat coalition partners, said: “We clearly don’t think it’s the right thing to do now, or else we would have done it.”
Under its new posture, Washington has also said it will keep warplanes and Patriot surface-to-air missiles in Jordan, an ally whose territory it can use to help arm and train rebel fighters. Washington has 4,500 troops in Jordan carrying out exercises.
Washington has not ruled out imposing a no-fly zone over parts of Syria, perhaps near the Jordanian border, although it has taken no decision yet to do so.
Jordan’s King Abdullah rallied his own armed forces on Sunday, telling military cadets: “If the world does not help as it should, and if the matter becomes a danger to our country, we are able at any moment to take the measures to protect the country and the interests of our people.”
Washington hopes its backing will restore rebel momentum after Assad’s forces seized the initiative by gaining the open support of Hezbollah, Lebanon’s Iranian-backed Shi’ite militia, which sent thousands of seasoned fighters to aid Assad.
Just a few months ago, Western countries believed Assad’s days were numbered. But with Hezbollah’s support he was able to achieve a major victory this month in Qusair, a strategically located rebel-held town on a main route from Lebanon.
Since then, the government has announced major plans to seize the north, including Aleppo, Syria’s biggest city and commercial centre, largely rebel-held for nearly a year. The United Nations says it fears for a bloodbath in the north.
Rebels say they are fighting back against government offensives in the north. An opposition operations room in northern Aleppo said fighters had destroyed an army tank and killed 20 troops at Marat al-Arteek, a town where opposition sources say rebels are holding back an armored column sent to reinforce loyalists from isolated Shi’ite villages.
“Assad’s forces and Hezbollah are trying to control northern rural Aleppo but they are being repelled and dealt heavy losses,” Colonel Abdeljabbar al-Okeidi, a Free Syrian Army commander in Aleppo, told al-Arabiya Television.
He said Hezbollah had sent up to 2,000 fighters to Aleppo and the surrounding areas, but expressed confidence the opposition would prevail.
“Aleppo and Qusair are different. In Qusair we were surrounded by villages that had been occupied by Hezbollah and by loyalist areas. We did not even have a place to take our wounded. In Aleppo, we have a strategic depth and logistical support and we are better organized,” he said. “Aleppo will turn into the grave of these Hezbollah devils.”
Battles were also fought inside Aleppo itself, where thousands of loyalist troops and militiamen reinforced by Hezbollah have been massing and attacking opposition-held parts of the city, driving rebel fighters back.
Opposition activists said the army was also airlifting troops behind rebel lines to Ifrin, in a Kurdish area, which would give access for a bigger sweep inside the city.
“For a week, the rebel forces have been generally on the retreat in Aleppo, but the tide has started turning in the last two days,” said Abu Abdallah, an activist in the area.
Hezbollah’s support for Assad, a follower of the minority Alawite offshoot of Shi’ite Islam, against mainly Sunni Muslim rebels has increased fears of sectarian violence spreading into neighboring countries.
In Lebanon, security sources said gunmen had shot dead four Shi’ite Muslim men in an ambush in the Bekaa Valley close to the Syrian frontier. It was not clear who was behind the shooting.
Lebanon is still rebuilding from its own sectarian civil war, fought from 1975-1990. Fighting between Sunnis and Shi’ites was also behind most of the violence in Iraq in the decade after the U.S. invasion of 2003.
(Additional reporting by Laila Bassam in Beirut, Suleiman Al-Khalidi in Amman and Guy Faulconbridge, Costas Pitas and Andrew Osborn in London; Writing by Peter Graff)