Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Illegal Alien Probably One Of McShame's Or Obozo's Own "Messes With The Wrong Witch."...

Illegal Alien Probably One Of McShame's Or Obozo's Own "Messes With The Wrong Witch."...
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Monday, 17-Jun-2013 21:43:10

A Texas mother’s determination to keep her family out of danger drove her to battle an alleged carjacker until he fled from her minivan — only to be struck by her vehicle as she tried to “stop him so he didn’t hurt anybody else,” the woman said.
While Dorothy Baker and her 2-year-old and 5-year-old sons were shopping Friday at a CVS in Baytown, Texas, a man identified as Ismael Martinez allegedly hid out in her unlocked van, police said.
When the family got back into the car, Baker said Martinez “popped up out of the backseat and said that if I didn’t want my kids to get hurt, that I would do exactly what he said.”
Martinez, 54, allegedly pulled a knife on Baker while she was driving and demanded she stop at an ATM for money, she said.
When she refused, Martinez allegedly became violent, she said.
Baker said she fought back, refusing to compromise the safety of her children.
“She’s got a cut that goes across her chest, and she grabbed the knife and he bit her hand,” Baker’s husband, Charles Flugence said.
“I took my fist and I hit him in the face, and I told him to get out of my car,” Baker said.
Baker intentionally drove her van into a telephone pole in hopes of sending Martinez through the front windshield, according to the Baytown Police Department crime report.
Police said she managed to dial 911 while she grappled with the suspect in hopes that a dispatcher might hear what was going on in the car and find a way to help, ABC station KTRK-TV in Houston reported.
“I thought, ‘If you swerve and hit the pole, he’s not wearing a seatbelt, he’ll go through the windshield or at least hit his head, and you can stop him. You can do something to make sure that he doesn’t hurt your kids,’” Baker told KTRK-TV. “That’s all I was thinking of really, was just to get him away from my kids.”
Police said Martinez eventually jumped out of the van and tried to flee. But before Baker knew it, she had run her car into him.
“I didn’t mean to run him over,” she said. “I was just trying to stop him so he didn’t hurt anybody else.”
Martinez was airlifted to Memorial Hermann Hospital in Houston with serious injuries after the alleged attack. He is expected to face felony charges once he is discharged.
Meanwhile, Baytown residents have rallied around Baker’s bravery.
“She was trying to protect herself and her kids. I would do the same thing,” resident Joyce Sparks said.
But Baker said she is just glad her family is safe.
“You don’t come after people with kids,” she said. “I told him he messed with the wrong witch.”

Olympus Has Fallen, NSA Orwellian Crimes, PHYSICAL Gold & Silver Surge - Andy Hoffman

SGT Report: Olympus Has Fallen, NSA Orwellian Crimes, PHYSICAL Gold & Silver Surge - Andy Hoffman
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 17-Jun-2013 22:19:18
Published on Jun 16, 2013
SGT Report Unbound:
This week we visit with our friend Andy Hoffman from Miles Franklin.
Andy and I talk about a variety of current events and global concerns including the Cheney-Rumsfeld-Bush crime cartel, the international Banking cartel, NSA crimes, the realization that "Olympus" really has fallen AND the fact that despite the endless cartel propaganda global demand for PHYSICAL silver and gold IS surging.
Andy's website:

My websites:

Music: "Covert Affair" and "Enter the Maze" by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0" http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b...
The content in my videos and on the SGTbull07 channel are provided for informational purposes only.
Use the information found in my videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence (DD) BEFORE making any significant investing decisions. SGTbull07 assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, I cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. Thank you.
Olympus Has Fallen, NSA Orwellian Crimes, PHYSICAL Gold & Silver Surge - Andy Hoffman

I just nailed the Holonet BIG TIME

I just nailed the Holonet BIG TIME

This may sound like an old theme here that is boring to you, but I suggest you pay attention to this particular rant BIG TIME

It is now obvious that all the supercomputers that have been purchased by various intelligence agencies are likely not for snooping. They are for faking a completely alternate internet universe, to cause people to not see the world as it really is
I just did an ambush log in to the forum server, which I have never accessed since starting the forum over new at a new location three months ago. I did this from a clean Linux boot through a Wifi connection I have never used before, and made the log in the first thing I did, to deny my machine the time it would need to synchronize with any spookware. Totally clean log in. And what I saw blew me away.

Here is what is happening - There were approximately 450,000 hits to the front page list of the forum, where you can see the discussions. But after that, GET THIS - THE NEWS FEED PAGE GOT 87 TOTAL HITS TO THE LOCAL SERVER. AND WHEN YOU HIT THE FORUM THROUGH THE "FRONT DOOR", THAT THREAD HAS 868 COMMENTS. HOW DOES A PAGE GET 87 HITS AND 868 COMMENTS? ANSWER - THAT PAGE IS HOSTED ON A BLACK OP SERVER, NOT MINE.

After seeing the legitimate stat page for the forum issued from the legitimate server, the connection was terminated and I could not re connect through it even to only access google. And to that I have to say, SCREW YOU, I ALREADY SAW IT.

What this means? The front page to the forum gets hit through the legitimate domain access, and upon the initial hit, you get secretly re-directed to the spook server and my server gets no hits at all. And I don't care if some genius mails me saying that they have software that can detect secret re-directs and he is not seeing that happen at all, THE STAT PAGE ON THE LEGITIMATE SERVER PROVES THIS IS GOING ON, and I really don't care if even with a security program people cannot see it, because that is meaningless when the DNS server is owned by the people performing the redirect. They can show your machine anything they want.

What this means to truth site Web admins -

Your stats are not likely to be true to life. Chances are, your site is in fact running on a spook server, and they do perfect spoof log ins and re-directs, and you don't even know it, it just looks like you are administering your own server. And when you look at stats, they are probably not coming from your own server. People are not hitting your own server. Chances are, you are not seeing things as they really are, and your readers are not seeing things as they think they are. The only reason anyone would have to run your site (or my forum) on a server other than yours or mine is to create a separate holonet reality for everyone accessing it so that key comments can be destroyed, key messages censored, and spooks get the first hit at public opinion, all in the background, ON YOUR OWN WEB SITE.
And to that I have to say: When unfettered peaceful discussion and resolution is made impossible, VIOLENCE THEN BECOMES THE ONLY ANSWER. To the elite: There is only a certain extent to which you can get away with screwing the public without direct physical consequence. The public has proven to be very tolerant so far, but for many you have already crossed the line.


Ben Fulford: The hunt is on for M1, the secret guy printing fraudulent Euros and dollars for the Sabbatean Mafia, June 18, 2013

Ben Fulford: The hunt is on for M1, the secret guy printing fraudulent Euros and dollars for the Sabbatean Mafia, June 18, 2013

Posted on by Jean
The battle for control of the Western financial system, and thus to a large extent the future of the world, is now hinging on hunting down and arresting an individual going by the code name M1, according to multiple sources. “M1” is using forged documents in order to claim the right to print dollars and Euros on behalf of the Sabbatean mafia, the sources say.
The attack on the Sabbatean control of the right to print and distribute dollars and Euros is coming from several different directions. This includes several legal approaches such as the Neil Keenan lawsuit in Indonesia and maneuvers of the Five Star Trust group of Marion Horn now posing on the internet as “Zap” and friends of “Poof.”
However, the Sabbateans are not about to step aside no matter what some judge may rule so even as the hunt for M1 intensifies and the legal cases roll forward, the real killer blow against their control grid may come from elsewhere. That elsewhere is expected to be South Korea. The South Korean economy is now considered likely to implode and that might just be enough to take down Goldman Sachs, according to Asian secret society sources. The South Korean implosion is expected to be triggered by the bankruptcy of
Hyundai Motors. Hyundai Motors is in extremely bad shape and has been issuing fraudulent financial statements to postpone its collapse, according to an executive at a Japanese securities company and other sources. The collapse of Hyundai motors would trigger a collapse of the South Korean economy, its financial system and its government. Since Hyundai and the South Korean economy are secretly controlled by Goldman Sachs (Rockefeller), such a collapse would be a death blow to them, according to the Japanese financial sources.
A news search did show plenty of signs of trouble at Hyundai, the world’s fourth largest automaker.
The big problem seems to be that European and American customers thought Hyundai was a Japanese company and assumed the cars would be of the same quality as Japanese cars (but cheaper to buy).
However, that did not turn out to be the case. A survey of 860 people by a group called consumer affairs found that 70% of them gave only one star out of a possible 5 star rating to Hyundai. Another 25% just gave their cars two stars. That is a consumer dissatisfaction rate of an astounding 95%.
There have also been problems with recalls, false data on fuel consumption and more. This has translated into plunging sales. That is why Hyundai is seen by many as within as little as one month of collapsing. There are already signs here and there. In South Africa and India, for example, there are labor disputes connected to unpaid wages. In Thailand and Vietnam Hyundai has been caught cooking its’ books in order to create fake profits, according to the Japanese securities company executive.
Also, a group connected to Hyundai has been trying, through the auspices of a Japanese company fronting for the Rockefeller family, to sell vast amounts of gold that they have been unable to prove actually exists, according to several people directly involved in the negotiations.
The collapse of Hyundai, a company that accounts for close to 10% of South Korean GDP, would trigger a domino effect that would take down the South Korean financial system and thus its government. Since the South Korean financial system has been owned by the Sabbatean mafia since the financial crisis they engineered in 1997, this will hurt them big time.
As mentioned previously in this newsletter, the attack on Sabbatean control of the South Korean financial system has also been going on in the form of lower ranking bank officials loaning money to their buddies in exchange for a commission.
The North Koreans and their Japanese allies see the impending collapse of the South Korean financial system as an opportunity to end the artificial division of the Korean peninsula and free South Korea from Sabbatean mafia control.
The new regime in North Korea has also been forthcoming with lots of information about its previous relationship with the Bush/Nazi part of the CIA. For example, they said there was a special door at the Panjunmon truce village located on the border between North and South Korea that was used to deliver North Korean amphetamines to CIA agents and Japanese gangsters. “Every yakuza has heard this story,” a Japanese crime syndicate member confirmed. The amphetamines delivered via this door were 100% pure, they said.
In Japan as well, another blow has been dealt against the cabal. Last week Japan’s Health and Welfare Ministry announced it was no longer going to administer HPV vaccines after they were found to be ineffective at preventing cervical cancer. What the Japanese news reports failed to mention is that investigators found evidence the vaccine was being used to sterilize women and that criminal charges were being prepared against Japan Medical Association and pharmaceutical company executives. This trail will lead to the World Health Organization and from there to the population reduction efforts of the eugenicist families like the Rockefellers and Bushes. Translation: they will be facing provable criminal charges of mass murder. I would call these people scum except that I would not want to insult, by association, the colonies of bacteria that inhabit the rims of toilet bowls.
Also, contrary to what I reported in previous newsletters, it seems the sudden plunge in Japanese stock prices in recent weeks was not due to cabal sabotage. The sudden fall has been traced to Japanese institutional investors and not foreign hedge fund selling, according to Japanese securities industries sources. Apparently many Japanese institutional investors have rules limiting the percent of their investments they can have in shares. Since the Japanese stock price rose sharply during the first months of this year, the value of share holdings rose above the permitted percentage, and so some had to be sold. This in turn triggered computer trading algorithm sales. Foreigners have not been net sellers during the recent fall off, according to Tokyo Stock Exchange data.
We have also found out that the reflationary policy of the current Japanese government, known as Abenomics, is taking form in part through hand-outs of vast sums of free yen to large Japanese corporations like Toyota Motors, Panasonic, Hitachi and Toshiba. This might be a good time for hungry high-tech start-ups with big ideas and small budgets to approach these companies for an Abenomics trickle-down.
Meanwhile back in Europe, the governments of the G8 have been announcing plans to go after the $32 trillion in money being held offshore by tax avoiding corporations. This is a good sign but only if it really happens so, only believe it when you see it.
Also, please note the G8 meeting has also been dominated to a large extent by Russia’s Vladimir Putin. There is a reason for that. What many of the people at the meeting may not have realized is that the pentagon and the Chinese have reached a deal with the Russians, according to senior Russian sources.
In that deal, the US will no longer intervene in Europe and the Middle East to help Western European powers. That means there will be no US troops to fight the Russians in Syria and that in turn means the Europeans will not be able to end their dependence on Russian gas by importing gas from Saudi Arabia and Qatar via Syria.
If the Europeans want to avoid an overly aggressive Russian bear hug, they might consider getting their gas from Canada or the US instead.
The Russians have also offered to protect Israel since the pentagon has made it clear they are no longer willing to shed American lives on behalf of that country.


Part One: How you are controlled and how to be free

Subject: Part One: How you are controlled and how to be free
A vitally important series about how society
in general - and schooling in particular -
not only "dumb down" the population,
but also control its thinking.

It gets off to a slow start, but stick with

If you truly get the ideas of this series
under your belt, it will change your



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Edward Snowden: Truth is coming, and it cannot be stopped.

Edward Snowden: Truth is coming, and it cannot be stopped.

The threat of imprisonment or murder will not stop the truth from coming out, Edward Snowden, the whistleblower who blew the lid on the massive National Security Agency surveillance program, told the Guardian in a live Q&A.

I saw him on an interview, & I believe he is a Hero !!!  
Click below, & there is a lot of Info about him.  Then watch the Video, of another Hero. Click on Info above, in the Video, for more Info of a group of people that are helping the Whistle Blowers, that are giving us interesting News, we need to hear.




Massive rally this week to demand agency brought to justice

June 17 2013    Published: 2 hours ago
From “No taxation without representation” at the Boston Tea Party in 1773 to “No taxation without an investigation” of the IRS at Washington, D.C., in 2013. Boston Tea Party in 1773  
Patriots arriving from around the nation will be able to attend two tea parties at the Capitol on Wednesday.
The “Audit the IRS Rally” organized by the Tea Party Patriots, running from noon to 3 p.m., will demand a full investigation of the agency’s harassing of  conservative groups.
The  Tea Party Patriots’ co-founder and national coordinator, Jenny Beth Martin, told WND: “We want to make sure the IRS and the employees of the IRS understand that we expect them to be public servants, which is their job, and not to infringe on our constitutional rights or to use the IRS as a political weapon against citizens. So, we are standing up now to make sure this never happens again.
The big draw at the IRS rally will be speaker Glenn Beck, along with several prominent lawmakers such as Sens. Rand Paul, R-Ky; and Mike Lee, Utah; and Reps. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn.; Louie Gohmert, R-Texas; Jim Jordan, R-Ohio; and Steve King, R-Iowa.
A second rally from 9 a.m. to noon, and picking up again from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., will call for scrutiny of any immigration bill with an amnesty provision.
King is organizing that event, which he calls an “immigration press conference” and should feature some of the speakers from the noon event.
“Border security, Rule of Law Members of Congress are unlikely to get a full debate inside the halls of Congress,” said King, “So we are taking the debate outside it’s halls.”
Scheduled to speak at the “Audit the IRS Rally” are several members of tea party groups targeted by the agency.
One of those members, Becky Gerritson, told WND Monday night, “I am hoping we will have a large crowd from across the country. I know they are busing people in from some states. I’m just hoping the American people continue to wake up and to see how these government agencies are out of control and how they are used against U.S. citizens.
Gerritson, preseident and founder of the Wetumpka Tea Party in Alabama, shot to youtube and talk-radio fame when she testified before the House Ways and Means Committee on June 4, and delivered a scathing indictment of the IRS:
“We aren’t here as serfs or vassals. We’re not begging our lords for mercy. We are born free American citizens and we’re telling our government that you’ve forgotten your place. It’s not your responsibility to look out for our well being and monitor our speech. It’s not your right to assert an agenda. The post that you occupy exists to preserve American liberty. You’ve sworn to perform that duty and you have faltered.”
Sue Martinek of the Coalition for Life of Iowa also made headlines when she testified before the committee, “[The agent] told me verbally that we needed to send in a letter with the entire board’s signatures, stating that under perjury of law we would not picket, protest, or organize outside of Planned Parenthood.”   !!!!!!!!
Martinek told WND, “I am planning on coming and speaking briefly. My hope is after all these stories of people who have been subjected to the IRS overstepping their boundaries some reform will be enacted to make sure the IRS will not be doing that to any groups, conservative or otherwise. The IRS needs to be accountable and they need to stop it.”
But the IRS has not stopped the harassment and the delays in approving tax-exempt status, according to another woman who testified before the committee.
Dianne Belsom of the Laurens County Tea Party in South Carolina told WND, “Our group is still waiting. We still haven’t had any response at all from the IRS and we are coming up on three years.”
“You still haven’t been approved?” asked WND.
“Right. There’s been dead silence from them ever since this whole thing broke about a month ago.”
“Have your lawyers tried to contact the IRS?”
“They have filed a lawsuit against the IRS, so I don’t know what the IRS is thinking is but they certainly have not gone ahead and approved us,” said Belsom.
WND’s Jerome Corsi broke the story on May 24, that the American Center for Law and Justice, which represents Belsom’s tea party group, would sue the IRS because of continued harassment.
The head of the ACLJ, Jay Sekulow, told WND, “intrusive and unlawful questioning continued after May 2012 with 18 of our clients receiving 26 questionnaires from the IRS from May 2012 through May 2013.”
Now Gerritson is wondering whether there is an investigation of the IRS at all.
She told WND, “None of the tea parties we are associated with, who were targeted, have been contacted by the FBI. It appears there is not an FBI investigation. I hope there is one but from what we’re hearing from other groups, no one has been contacted. Jay Sekulow is our lead counsel, he represents 25 different tea party groups, and he confirmed a few days ago none of them have been contacted by the FBI.”
As WND reported four days ago, if there is an investigation of IRS abuse by the FBI, the head of the bureau doesn’t seem to know too much about it.
During a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Thursday, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, grilled FBI Director Robert Muller on progress made in the bureau’s criminal invesitgation of the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status.
The congressman became increasingly frustrated as Mueller answered a series of questions by saying he had little information on the investigation.
When Jordan asked Mueller who the lead investigator was, the director said he did not know.
Jordan seemed incredulous.
“You do not know who is the lead investigator on the most important issue before the nation?”
“No, I do not.”
Jordan pressed on, asking if the FBI paid visits to any of the tea party members improperly scrutinized by the IRS.
“I don’t know,” replied Mueller.
Some of them specifically said they were visited by FBI said Jordan, citing a Catherine Engelbrecht in Texas.
“I don’t know,” said Mueller, once again.
“You don’t know,” echoed Jordan.
“You’re asking me details about the investigation…” Mueller began to explain.
But Jordan cut him off, saying, “No I’m not, I m asking why the FBI visited these people that happened before the investigation started.”
“You are asking about the investigation,” the director tried to reiterate.
But Jordan shot back, “No, I am not.  I am asking basic questions such as who the lead investigator is, and you can’t even answer that.”

From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life. The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology


reason for line above - that is what is picked up by censorship - doesn't say anything so email goes through - otherwise many are stopped cold now


From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life. The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology (FULL LENGTH VIDEO).wmv
Uploaded on Feb 24, 2012
THIS WILL ANSWER ALL YOUR QUESTIONS ABOUT CHEMTRAILS AND REALLY NEEDS TO GO VIRAL BECAUSE THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!  Definitely worth your while to educate yourselves. Special thanks to Sofia Smallstorm and youtube user, IonUCanada, for leading me down this road. Open description box for proper credits.  This full length video is being posted with PERMISSION GRANTED TO ME, http://www.youtube.com/user/SuperDelt, by the OWNER of this full length video and EXPERT doing the presentation here, Ms. Sofia Smallstorm. Pertinent info is as shown below.  Here are all the particulars regarding Ms Smallstorm, her websites and other pertinent info, including where you may contact her and purchase her material (which you may also do through me!)


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As the natumbining genetics, robotics and nano-take its place? Planetary engineering includes bioremediation measures to bring us genetically engineered trees and crops. And what of humans themselves? How are we being transformed from the inside out?

Presented at Conspiracy Con 2011, this 1 hour power point presentation by Sofia Smallstorm introduces primary and scientific findings hidden in the muffles of mainstream alternative media.

People around the world are observing aerosol spraying (also called "chemtrials") and strange man-made clouds. White skies filter sunlight as trees around the country sicken and die. Soil and water tests high for heavy metals, and artificial fibres fall on us from the sky.

Is aerosol spraying only about experimenting with weather? What do the self-replicating fibres found in Morgellons patients signify? Why are engineered materials being found in airborne environmental samples?

All this suggests a planetary engineering program that is affecting and targeting all living things. Synthetic biology is science's most exciting new frontier, combining genetics, robotics and nano-technology with artificial intelligence, hybridizing natural forms and engineering tissues beyond our wildest dreams. The technology explosion is skyrocketing, and artificial intelligence will soon surpass our own capabilities.

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What does this word mean?

Subject: Fwd: What does this word mean?
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 23:38:22 -0400

Now this is truly worrying. 

May your Deity help you, and especially your children

What does this word mean?

WAKE UP   http://www.incredimail.com/app/?tag=emoticon_click_me_im2_re&lang=9&version=6395260&setup_id=7&aff_id=1&tID=601752&addon=IncrediMail&upn=3b78b6f3-e464-41cd-bce5-cad75dd97178&app_test_id=0&id=95202&guid=22F91226-11B7-4967-84C3-DEAAB12C1CDA  WAKE UP


The word "Dhimmitude" is found in the new health care bill. So what does it mean?

Thought this was interesting and worth passing on.

Obama used it in the health care bill. Now isn't this interesting? It is also included in the health care law.

Dhimmitude -- I had never heard the word until now. I typed it into Google and started reading. Pretty interesting. It appears on page 107 of the healthcare bill. I looked this up on Google and yes, it exists.. It is a REAL word.

Dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-Muslim populations conquered through jihad (Holy War). Specifically, it is the TAXING of non-Muslims in exchange for tolerating their presence AND as a coercive means of converting conquered remnants to Islam.

ObamaCare allows the establishment of Dhimmitude and Sharia Muslim diktat in the United States . Muslims are specifically exempted from the government mandate to purchase insurance, and also from the penalty tax for being uninsured. Islam considers insurance to be "gambling", "risk-taking", and "usury" and is thus banned. Muslims are specifically granted exemption based on this.

How convenient. So I, as a Christian, will have crippling IRS liens placed against all of my assets, including real estate, cattle, and even accounts receivable, and will face hard prison time because I refuse to buy insurance or pay the penalty tax. Meanwhile, Louis Farrakhan will have no such penalty and will have 100% of his health insurance needs paid for by the de facto government insurance. Non-Muslims will be paying a tax to subsidize Muslims. This is Dhimmitude.

I recommend sending this on to your contacts. American citizens need to know about it --

snopes.com: Health Insurance Exemptions
Apr 13, 2010 ... Dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-muslim populations ... The ObamaCare bill is the establishment of Dhimmitude and Sharia ...

Keep this going. Every non-Muslim in the United States of America needs to know about it


Supreme Court ruling: You need ID to buy beer, but not to register to vote

Supreme Court ruling: You need ID to buy beer, but not to register to vote

http://www.naturalnews.com/gallery/300x250/Concepts/Woman-Men-Beer-Supreme-Court.jpgMonday, June 17, 2013
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

(NaturalNews) The U.S. Supreme Court ruled today that Arizona's state law requiring potential voters to show proof of citizenship while registering to vote is illegal.

The court ruled that Arizona, like every other state, cannot add ID requirements to the federal voter registration form which simply asks the person to check a checkbox to indicate whether they are a citizen. No proof of citizenship is required, anywhere across America, to register to vote.

As the LA Times reports, "The Supreme Court threw out an Arizona law Monday and by a surprisingly lopsided vote, ruling state officials may not demand a proof of citizenship from residents who register to vote."

This may come as a shock to those who thought the U.S. elections process was fair and just. But here's why it's all being engineered this way: The federal government, which has been caught conspiring against conservative groups via the IRS, intentionally wants as many non-citizens as possible to register to vote. This is how the democratic party expects to win future elections. Their strategy is rooted in voter registration fraud, which is why no proof of citizenship is required. They call it a "voting rights" issue, laughing off camera at the fact that they are helping huge numbers of people who have no right to vote in America -- because they aren't Americans -- still vote in elections.

Remember: If UN election observers ever came to watch a U.S. election, they would call the outcome complete fraud. Nearly everywhere else around the world, voters are required to show their ID when registering to vote. This is essential to the integrity of elections, making it a key civil rights protection for all citizens. Without an ID being required, the door is open for massive voter fraud. That's exactly what keeps happening, year after year, in the USA... and it's happening by design.

U.S. government: Keep everything secure except voting

It seems bizarre that the U.S. Supreme Court would bar Arizona from tightening the integrity of its voter registration requirements. In an age of total government paranoia when we're all told, "if you see something, say something," and we're constantly reminded that security is desperately needed to keep America safe, the fact that the U.S. Supreme Court all but openly endorses widespread voter registration fraud is shocking.

And why doesn't the federal voter registration form require proof of citizenship to begin with? You have to show your ID to travel by air, to enter a state capitol building and just to walk down the street with a video camera because a police officer might demand to see your ID. But you don't have to show an ID to register to participate in what is one of the most sacred acts of any free society? Why is all security selectively dropped from voter registration?

The answer to this is that the idea of an endless expansion of Big Government can only be supported through fraud, not through real votes cast by real people. And in order for democrats to keep getting elected even as they are destroying America's economy, jobs, human rights and civil rights, a system of widespread voter fraud needs to be put in place. That's the federal voter registration form, which requires no ID.

And that's only part one of the plan to keep democrats in power, no matter what the cost to the nation. The other part of that plan is to grant citizenship to 11 million currently-illegal immigrants who have no connection to the U.S. Constitution and American history. Most of them will therefore almost always vote for socialist policies (and democrats) because that's what they were taught in Mexico: government handouts, obedience to Big Brother, subsisting in poverty while worshipping the ultra-wealthy corrupt politicians, etc. If you want to see the result of such policies, just take a trip through Mexico and open your eyes: mass poverty, runaway corruption, a nation ruled by armed gangs, abysmal living conditions and so on. A similar fate awaits America if democrats are allowed to keep running things. They will drive this nation into poverty while completely destroying the middle class.

With these two plans -- widespread voter fraud and the instant citizenship of 11 million undocumented immigrants -- democrats may very well be able to continue to hold power in Washington as they drive America into complete financial bankruptcy. But they don't care about the long-term impact of their actions. The only thing that matters to them is to stay in power and keep milking the system for as long as possible before total economic collapse arrives.

But there's something they've neglected to consider in all this -- something that will actually shift the demographics strongly away from Latinos in the next coming crisis. And that's the fact that Latinos tend to have little or no long-term preparedness or survival planning. Ever notice that nearly all the preppers and survivalists are white folks? And that the most (but not all) working-class Latino immigrants are extremely resistant to the idea of long-term financial planning, tending to live paycheck to paycheck instead of setting money aside? This has enormous implications in a collapse scenario. It turns out that white people are imprinted with concepts of preparedness and survival because they come from colder climates where surviving deadly winters requires long-term strategic thinking. I will discuss the demographic repercussions of all this in more detail in a future article.

In the mean time, rest assured that democratic operatives in Arizona and elsewhere across the country are trying to register as many non-citizens to vote as possible. This is their key strategy for the 2014 and 2016 elections. If you can't win on merit, try to win on fraud. 

Florida Repeals Renewable Fuel Standard; Silly Senator, Corn is for Food!

Sunday, June 09, 2013 10:26 AM

Florida Repeals Renewable Fuel Standard; Silly Senator, Corn is for Food!

Last week Florida Governor Rick Scott signed HB 4001, repealing the state’s Renewable Fuel Standard. This has researchers seeking handouts at the expense of everyone else in a tizzy.

For example, the Biotech Industry Organization (BIO) says Repeal of Florida’s Renewable Fuel Standard Will Stifle Innovation, Investment and Jobs.
“Florida’s repeal of its RFS sends a chilling message that companies developing advanced biofuel and other biotechnology innovations are unwelcome in the state,” said Brent Erickson, executive vice president of BIO’s Industrial & Environmental Section.

“Companies have invested more than $215 million in Florida over the past five years to develop commercial-scale advanced biofuel projects. These projects have generated nearly 1,000 high skill new jobs in the state,” Erickson continued. “Florida’s bioscience industry has monitored the state’s commitment to policies that drive investment and development of new industries. Florida’s biotech sector comprises more than 5,100 companies that employ more than 78,000 Floridians, contributing to the state’s job growth over the past decade.
I am all in favor of research, as long as taxpayers don't have to pay for it. And mandated ethanol standards come at enormous cost.

Green Car News has additional details in Florida repeals law requiring 10% ethanol blend in gasoline
It looks like ethanol – especially when blended into gasoline – is facing some pushback. Florida has decided to repeal its Renewable Fuel Standard, which had required all gasoline sold in the state to be blended with nine-to-10 percent ethanol or other alternative fuels.

Florida Governor Rick Scott just signed into law HB4001, which repeals the state's Renewable Fuel Standard as of July 1, 2013. The bill was passed by the Florida House and Senate in April. The Florida Renewable Fuel Standard Act took effect December 31, 2011 and required all gasoline sold by terminal suppliers, importers, blenders or wholesalers (i.e., those up the supply chain) to be blended. These parties were also required to submit a monthly report to the Department of Revenue on the numbers of gallons of blended and unblended gasoline sold. Retail gas stations had not been expressly prohibited by state law from selling or offering unblended gasoline, Green Car Congress reports.

In his signing statement, Scott called the state's Renewable Fuel Standard, "a state mandate on Florida businesses that is duplication of the Federal Renewable Fuel Standard and inconsistent with the efforts to reduce the regulatory burdens that have helped Florida create over 330,000 new private sector jobs in the past two years."

The state of Maine is going in a similar anti-ethanol direction. Legislators are concerned about the damaging impact ethanol blend going up to 15 percent in gasoline (E15) could have on engines and the environment. They approved a bill by more than a 3-to-1 margin that would ban ethanol blends in Maine, as long as two other nearby states do the same. State leaders also supported a resolution asking the government to ban E15 altogether.
Ethanol Debacle Heats Up

This Week in Energy reports Ethanol Debacle Heats Up.
This summer we can expect the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to set new targets for US ethanol use while the policy comes under massive criticism. The market has been unkind to the ethanol mandate, and we’re not sure how the EPA is going to now attempt to push through a higher blend ethanol in fuel—above the 10%/gallon, when ethanol supplies aren’t there.

So the new targets to be released this summer will require a bit of a re-think, and the EPA will have to decide how to resolve the issue, which could mean a lowering of targets or an elimination of them altogether.

Refiners and ethanol producers are up in arms over the mandate, which is already threatening to cause fuel shortages and higher prices for consumers—along with higher food prices thanks to the diversion of corn for the ethanol blend.

Of course, the beneficiaries of the EPA’s ethanol targets—primarily the corn-growing states—are hoping there won’t be any lowering of the requirements, but the market clearly sees things differently.

Those trading in Renewable Identification Markets (RINs)—otherwise known as ethanol credits—are also hoping the largesse of the forced mandate continues. The more difficult it becomes to blend low supplies of ethanol with gasoline, the more valuable these RINs become for traders. And the opposition to increasing this mandate from 10% is making the RIN market more vulnerable. For this year, it looks like refiners will be able to meet the ethanol requirements—with help from RIN credits—but next year looks impossible.

What will the EPA’s summer target be? No one’s quite sure yet, including the EPA, so it’s impossible to predict, but we’re inclined to think that the market will convince them that the planned 2014 target of 18.15 gallons of ethanol (up from this year’s 16.5 gallons) is unrealistic.
Silly Senator, Corn is For Food!

Please play the video for a correct interpretation of what is happening and why. Link if video does not play: Silly Senator, Corn is for Food!.


Ethanol advocates claim that ethanol is a cheap, renewable energy source that reduces pollution and our dependence on foreign oil. It sounds too good to be true--and it is.

Video quote: "Oil prices are as high as they have ever been; if renewable fuels, biofuels were such a good deal, they would already be emerging without government subsidies."


Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Read more at http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com/2013/06/florida-repeals-renewable-fuel-standard.html#Gy30us2Ff6QipOjK.99