Tuesday, June 18, 2013


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A state senator from Louisiana who recently announced plans to leave the Democrats and become a member of the Republican Party says the party of President Obama is one of “overseers.”
Sen. Elbert Guillory released a video explaining his move away from the Democrats, citing their opposition to civil rights, their attitudes toward people, and their desire for “control.”
He said the black community, which he invited to join him in the move, should quit exchanging self-reliance for the “allegiance of overseers” through government programs that are intended not to help people, but to control them.
He said in his video message that Democrats simply push a social justice and welfare aid strategy to manage citizens, not help them from poverty.
“In recent history, the Democratic party has created the illusion that their agenda and their policies are what’s best for black people. Somehow, it has been forgotten that the Republican Party was founded in 1854 as an abolitionist movement, with one simple creed – that slavery is a violation of the rights of man,” he said.
He noted it was Republicans to pushed for the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments, giving blacks citizenship, voting rights and due process.
“Democrats, on the other hand, were the party of Jim Crow. It was the Democrats who defended the rights of slave owners.”
He warned that the very foundations of the Democrat party are faulty.
“At the heart of liberalism is the idea that only a great and powerful big government can be the benefactor of social justice for all Americans. But the left is only concerned with one thing: control. And they disguise this control as charity.”
According to the New Orleans Times-Picayune, there’s only a week left in the legislature’s session for now, and since the GOP already held a majority in the state Senate, the impact of the change is uncertain.
The report also said Guillory moved into the Democrat party in 2007, but his voting record throughout his service in office has “remained staunchly conservative.”
He expressed disappointment in his party’s positions on abortion, which Obama supports in all forms; the Second Amendment, which Obama repeatedly has tried to cut down; education and immigration.
Guillory said he reached his tolerance limit when state Sen. Karen Carter Peterson said fellow lawmakers had told her they based their opposition to Obamacare on the race of the president, not policy, the newspaper said.
“The accusations of racism this week certainly helped push me over the edge,” Guillory told the newspaper.
A commentary by Star Parker reported Guillory said Democrats “have moved away from the traditional values of most Americans. Their policies have encouraged high teen birth rates, high high school dropout rates, high incarceration rates and very high unemployment rates.”
Said Parker, “Black Americans, like every American, need less taxes taken out of their paycheck, need to be able to choose where to send their child to school, need to be able to pick freely a health-care plan that suits their needs, and need to save for retirement instead of paying payroll taxes.”
The move, said Guillory, was “The right decision, not only for me, for all my brothers and sisters in the black community.”

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/06/black-democrat-abandons-party-of-slaves/#oxxHMrse137xpdwG.99 

Was Justice Roberts Intimidated Into Voting for ‘ObamaCare’? Senator Mike Lee Presents the Evidence

With the NSA super spy machines running, whatever regime is in office has the unique capability of blackmailing every individual in the nation, especially those in high ranking postitions. Perhaps Roberts was just one of many, although the writer of this article brushes that approach off.  Nevertheless, it is a strong possibility...

Was Justice Roberts Intimidated Into Voting for ‘ObamaCare’? Senator Mike Lee Presents the Evidence

After Chief Supreme Court Justice John Roberts voted to uphold the Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as “ObamaCare,” many wondered if there could be a yet-unknown reason why the Republican-nominated justice made the unexpected decision.
On the Glenn Beck radio program Tuesday, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) explained why he believes Roberts was intimidated into changing his vote late in the process, as laid out in his new book Why John Roberts Was Wrong About Healthcare.
Senator Mike Lee on Why Justice John Roberts Voted to Uphold ObamaCare | Glenn Beck Radio Program
(Photo: AP)

Lee’s argument is not based on the NSA or its monitoring of the nation’s communication. Rather, Lee said, there are indications that Roberts originally intended to vote against the act, but that a public “campaign of intimidation” made him change his mind.
First, the senator claimed “the opinion was written in a way to suggest he switched his vote,” and that the dissenting opinion reads like it was originally written as the majority. He added that several news outlets reported that Roberts did change his vote, based on insider information.

Not only that, he said, but the court performed an unusual feat of “legal gymnastics” in upholding the legislation, particularly with regard to whether the fines incurred are or are not taxes. They had to re-write sections of the the bill not once, but twice.

Lee continued to say that he has “no evidence” that Roberts was being blackmailed, but said that doesn’t mean Roberts wasn’t under any kind of “direct pressure.”

But even if he wasn’t, Lee reminded the Obama administration and Democratic lawmakers were open in their warnings to the court, “denigrating the authority of the house,” and saying the Supreme Court would become irrelevant if it failed to uphold ObamaCare.

The argument that Roberts changed his vote has been made in the past, but is certainly lent additional credibility when a U.S. senator writes a book making the case.
Watch Lee’s complete interview, below:

Complimentary Clip from TheBlaze TV Subscription

(The full episode of The Glenn Beck Program, along with many other live streaming shows and thousands of hours of on-demand content, is available on just about any digital device. Get it all with a FREE TRIAL).

Other must read stories:

MSNBC Blames IRS Scandal on Bush and Supreme Court...and Sneaks in a Wildly Inaccurate Smear of Glenn Beck

Good News from the White House Concerning Your Pensions and Benefits


Good News from the White House Concerning Your Pensions and Benefits

نور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره
ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه. ر رفت
نور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه. ررفت ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه پيدانيست نقش ديوار و چشمخيره ماسايه
ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه پيدانيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيرهماپيدا
نيست نقش
If I hear anything else, I'll let you know.


Warning of Pending Cyber-Terrorism Attack -

Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2013 12:30 PM

Tuesday –
June the 18th, 2013
1150Hrs; M.S.T. (Arizona)                                                                                                                                            Lyle@Sentinelintelligenceservices.com
_________________________                                                                                                                                       _________________________
Email Briefing Bulletin:                                                                                                                                               NOT RESTRICTED – INTELLIGENCE COMMUNICATION:


SUBJECT OF BRIEFING:                Multi-dimensional cyber-attacks against the petroleum industry for 19 June 2013

Please regard the following intelligence analysis with High Priority and Warning.  Confirmation has been received that a “time clock” began with the hours, minutes, seconds count-down for the launch of this cyber-terrorism attack.  Depending on the degree of success, it is possible petroleum prices will rise seriously.  Plan accordingly. 

       Lyle –
Protective Intelligence and Assessment Specialist
Consultant at Behavioral Analysis and Threat Assessment
Private-Sector Intelligence Analyst

Last month, the hacker collective Anonymous announced their intention to launch cyber attacks against the petroleum industry (under the code name #OpPetrol). Their claimed reason for this attack is primarily due to petroleum being sold with the US dollar instead of currency of the country where petroleum originates. However, some chatter indicates there was a desire to launch new attacks due to both #OpIsrael and #OpUSA being regarded as ineffective.
Users should note that June 19 is only the day that most attacks are expected to occur and/or be made public. Similar to last month’s #OpUSA, they have begun mobilizing prior that date. Since the announcement of this operation, targets have been hit, credentials have been stolen, and the list of targets is already growing.
It is also not uncommon for these activities to be used as a distraction to mask other attacks. Based on the collateral damage recorded from previous operations and data leaks outside publicized attack dates, their targeting and timing aren’t always precise either.
An announced operation like this is a good opportunity for all current existing and potential targets to exercise the necessary steps to protect themselves. Everyone is a target eventually; there will always be vulnerabilities to be exploited for cause or profit.
If your organization or country you defend is a potential target in this operation, you should consider doing the following steps (see below) and possibly more. If you’re in anyway connected to the targeted industries or located in one of the potential target countries, we advise that you consider going through these steps anyway. However, if you are not affected or linked to the expected targets, you may use these steps as proactive measures against attacks like #OpPetrol.
Before June 19, 2013:
  • Ensure all IT systems (OSs, applications, websites, etc.) are updated.
  • Ensure IT security systems are current, have as wide a view as they can, and can inspect deeply. Can they detect and prevent phases of attack plan and can they be integrated into part of a kill-chain? Can they observe indicators over the network, on disk, and in memory?
  • Ensure relevant third party vendors are aware and accessible.
  • Probe any anomalous network and system behavior and examine it. Reconnaissance phases of the attack are already in play. Opportunities for exploit are being logged and credentials are already being stolen. Solutions such as Trend Micro Deep Discovery can help you examine dubious network activities.
  • Remind your users to be particularly careful and watch out for phishing and spear-phishing emails.
  • Plan or review your incident response procedures with all necessary parties (not only IT groups). Explore how the planned response differs among DDoS, defacement, and disclosure.
  • Have IT Security, Attorneys, and External Communications departments prepare or review public statements in the event your organization is affected. Ask the question of “how your statements and response might differ if it wasn’t a hacktivist group, but a criminal, nation state, insider, or terrorist?”
  • Monitor the many Anonymous sources for any changes in targeting, tools, or motives, lists of accomplishments, or data dumps.
On June 20:
  • Note that attackers may attack across different time zones, so it can last longer than the 24 hours in your time zone.
  • Continue to monitor the Anonymous’ sources for any changes in targeting, tools, motives, lists of accomplishments, or data dumps.
  • Exercise a high level of awareness of your IT and IT Security systems and their logs; continue to apply questioning curiosity to anything interesting.
  • If you think your organization is affected, assume that you are affected by DDoS, defacement, and disclosure – and not just one of them.
After June 20:

  • Continue to monitor Anonymous’ sources for any lists of accomplishments or data dumps.
  • If you’ve made it into Anonymous’ news, you’ll be remediating and designing against future occurrence.
  • If you didn’t make it in Anonymous’ news, review for any sign of breach, compromise, or excessive probing.
  • Remain vigilant, especially if you’re in the target list. The attacks may not be over. 

June is the final month in the Supreme Court term -- lots of cases

From: legal_reality
Subj: June is the final month in the Supreme Court term -- lots of cases

18 June A.D. 2013



There are always more rulings this time of year than time allows for study and comment. Five rulings were issues on June 17.

The Arizona ruling, Case No. 12-71, regarding proof of citizenship for voting, prohibits STATEs from adding more requirements for "federal" elections than the "federal" law allows/requires. As may be obvious, and as was picked up on by even some of the syndicated talk-radio hosts, there is a distinction between STATE elections and "federal" elections. We can expect that distinction to start to manifest itself in STATE legislation and "election" activity. (While they do that, those who realize that the problems are commercial in nature, not political, can proceed toward resolution of the problem(s).)

Down the path of immigration and "securing the borders," as is all the political discussion these days, the legal reality is along the lines of Can-Am-Mex, where the "borders" have been reduced to "transportation" "check points." While this author hasn't studied statutes, treaties, etc., for purpose of putting a finger on the exact language that ends the national identity of "United States (of America)," we can generate deductively, starting with the criminal prosecutions of Ramos and Compean, the conclusion. There's a very good reason why the political machinery "talks" about the borders, but "does nothing legislatively" about the borders and even actively recognizes those who should be treated as illegal as "part of the citizenry." That reason is that there are no borders. Says who? The bankers, of course.

From that angle, we have this scenario. The "dollar," in the form of "funny money" printed up by "the fed" (the Federal Reserve Bank) ("federal" means "federal," as in "by agreement"), is being assailed in the world market. A South American nation (or two) wants its gold back. Russia and China (and Japan?) want to stop using the "dollar" and use some other "currency" or medium of exchange entirely. Thus, a more domestic expansion of "use" of the "funny money" was made with the intent of "securing" (what was/is possible to secure about) the "dollar." Thus, all the drug activity through the porous southern "border," which is transacted in "dollars," and all the shipping of "dollars" "home" to Mexico, maintains (expands) the "use" of the "funny money." Where the objective is to justify needing a huge supply of "funny money," anything and everything that "uses" "funny money" is "good." Kiki Camarena was "outed" by his "own." Why? There's always intrigue where there's huge amounts of money involved, but then that's just it: huge amounts of money. The drug-trafficking is one more mechanism, just like oil, by which huge amounts of money are transacted. It's so easy to attribute the matter to individual corruption, and yet the problem is so much larger than that. The "war on drugs" is a complete success, where we realize that the objective is to "support" (bolster) the need for "funny money." Prosecute a few of the "little people" doing drugs, so as to pretend to care whether the people poison themselves (to death) with that stuff or not, while having set up banking systems that cater to the need to hold and pass huge sums of (drug) money. The big playerz in that game aren't really doing "drugs." They're doing "banking." This goes a long way toward understanding why the obvious "solutions" aren't being implemented, and why the exact opposite off what makes sense is being implemented. Where the banking cartel "own" the system, it does the bidding of its owners. Those owners are, essentially, the board of directors, and that board will hire who it wants to do the running of the business. Thus, "voting" is 100% irrelevant; there is no political solution to the drug problem; there is no southern "border;" and if importing people that will "use" the "funny money" and borrow "funny money" (into existence) is what the bankers expect will reduce the pain derived from being cut off, slowly but surely, in the world market, then importing people is exactly what's going to happen.

Thus, as will come as zero surprise to the longer-term readers, "the" solution here, i.e., "immigration," is commercial in nature. Once the "funny money" is no longer in (popular) "use," the need to salvage that (type of) system, and destroying this nation in the process, will cease. We can say, "It's all about the money," and "follow the money," and we're pretty close. To be right down the center stripe (of the runway), we do well at least also to say, or at least have firmly in mind, if not exclusively to say, "It's all about the money supply," and "follow the money supply." For the european banking cartel to remain in business, thus to remain as the preeminent source of Fourth Reich legal standards and policies, which standards and policies justify the murderous life-style directly associated with the Clintons, the "funny money" has to flow super-abundantly. Where the "funny money" stops flowing, so does the european banking cartel's system (of God-hating, America-hating) policies. It's not easy, but it's got to be done. And, to get that started, the small business owner is the key. For the "buyer" to have the choice, the "seller" must offer the choice. Since the "big boyz" are addicted to the "funny money," that leaves the other 99.7% (2010 statistics) ( http://www.sba.gov/sites/default/files/FAQ_Sept_2012.pdf ) of the "employer firms" (of 500 or fewer employees -- SBA's "definition" of "small business") of the marketplace, where the goods and services are supplied by "small business." Since 98% (same statistics source) of firms doing exporting are "small businesses," it's also an international outreach ministry.

We have a choice. The sooner we exercise that choice, the sooner the slide to despotism, under the, "Let's depopulate the world" banking cartel, stops.

The Maracich ruling, Case No. 12-25, can be labeled several ways, including "The Lemon Car Sales protection" ruling, "The Next Phase of Privacy Protection" ruling, and the "Bash The Plaintiff's Bar and Class Actions" ruling. Lawyers used STATE FOIA requests to obtain DMV information to get addresses for sending solicitation letters to set up a class action suit against various car dealerships. The recipients of those letters sued, alleging unauthorized disclosure of restricted information. The litigation for which that information was sought was pending, but 18 U.S.C. § 2721, anti-stalking, privacy protection legislation, wasn't intended to allow lawyers to access that information for purposes of sending out solicitations of this nature. Note, carefully, though, some of the defenses that might be possible to assert on remand, including governmental function. In other words, there may be a "private attorney general" defense in the making. How do lawyers reach those people otherwise? That may depend on the STATE's Bar Rules regarding solicitation. Something other than direct mail/contact may be necessary.

[Note: There are scads and scads of people bashing lawyers, thinking that somehow, if there are enough lawyers bashed that the personal situation of those doing the bashing will change for the better. The presumption throughout is that the instant one is "licensed" to "practice law" in "this state" comprehension of the reality is universal, as if a download directly to the brain. These lawyers got (very, well, well see as the case moves forward just "how" or "very") sideways with the law. They were in good faith throughout, but "wrong." As brilliant as many attorneys are, they don't acquire an understanding of the reality by acquiring a "license." Reality is not what's taught. And, until one undergoes a rather wicked paradigm shift, the reality isn't what comes to mind.]

The Alleyne case, No. 11-9335, overrules Harris, from 2002. Harris allowed judicial fact-finding for sentencing purposes (distinguishing between facts that increase the statutory maximum sentence and facts that increase the mandatory minimum sentence). That distinction is now eliminated, and judicial fact-finding for sentencing purposes is eliminated. In general, where the Court sees the need to make changes, they do so incrementally. This is the next step in that incremental change that reduces judicial fact-finding (for purposes of sentencing). Part of the confusion arises from the separation of the "guilt/innocence" phase from the "sentencing" phase, and part of the confusion arises from the structure of the statutes being construed. This ruling clarifies the restriction on judicial fact-finding, which may go a long way toward statutory construction, i.e., what facts go with which punishment level of which offenses.

The Actavis case, No. 12-416, is an antitrust case involving pharmaceutical companies. There was a patent challenge between the "brand name" company and the "generic" company. The settlement produced a question of anti-competitive activity, and the FTC filed suit, which the trial court dismissed. The 11th Circuit, which court is hopefully now infamous for supporting the trial court's rulings against Lozman (the floating house case, which defines "transportation" (as commercial activity)), affirmed, despite the existing S.Ct. rulings (emphasis on the plural) that overtly state that patent-case settlements are not immune from anti-competition scrutiny.

And, in the Salinas case, out of Texas, No. 12-246, there's not a lot surprising about the ruling. In this system, rights don't exist unless asserted. In our present Monte Hall's, "Let's Make A Deal!" legal environment, going silent is not an assertion of a right (or of anything else). The Supreme Court have extraordinary patience in various matters, and their need to teach us repeatedly that there are always two options when it comes to interacting with law enforcement personnel is one of those areas in which they patiently continue to repeat themselves and repeat themselves and repeat themselves. Either (1) don't talk, voluntarily, at all, or (2) assert rights. This is the classic case, a textbook case, of not answering on the grounds that the answer might incriminate. That non-response is what the prosecution used (and they may or may not have needed to "go there," but they went there, and we now have this case). This isn't an issue that is terribly relevant for those receiving these notes directly, so it's not something that warrants a lot of discussion or analysis. In one of the classic, textbook fact patterns, where, "I decline to answer based on the Fifth Amendment" would have been a perfect response, this individual went silent. [Note that his body language is what is being used here, not just his non-speech but also his body language.] For these kinds of cases, i.e., violent, homicide, where the party is good for the crime, this present system isn't looking for ways to exonerate. The evidence presented at trial tied the defendant with the shotgun, and the shotgun with the death-causing injuries. < http://blogs.findlaw.com/supreme_court/2013/04/salinas-v-texas-is-silence-golden.html >. So, it's not like the prosecution "had" to use that part of the "voluntary interaction" with the police in that case. There was also third-party testimony of a confession by Salinas regarding those specific murders. With all that, is any court or Court going to let him off the hook of murder because he went silent during a purely voluntary interview? Reality and Common Sense suggest No, and No turns out to be correct, this time.

These are just the rulings for June 17. Two of these have been discussed in the news, and despite all the distractions, there's still a murder case arising from the facts in Benghazi, and it'll be good to remember that there's been a few murders in Benghazi, despite the plethora of distraction stories that are being used to try to avoid the reality of the murders in Benghazi, in the exact same way that there were murders associated with the drug-trafficking in and out of Mean, Arkansas. Is it just coincidence that Hillary Clinton's name keeps showing up in such murderous activities? We could ask Vince Foster, but then, he suicided himself, or so the "official" story of that murder presently states.

Harmon L. Taylor
Legal Reality
Dallas, Texas

Subscribe / unsubscribe : legal_reality@earthlink.net

New Prophecy 6/15/2013 11:15 PM: 'Unusual USA EARTHQUAKE Will Strike - Early Morning Hours'

America continues to receive warnings from the Lord concerning coming earthquake(s) ......this church is known for the accuracy of the prophetic words spoken here 
The Lord has warned about the west coast and the east coast in particular along with a division of the entire nation along the New Madrid fault line

MONDAY, JUNE 17, 2013

New Prophecy 6/15/2013  11:15 PM: 'Unusual USA EARTHQUAKE Will Strike - Early Morning Hours'

Harvest Army Church released a prophetic warning on Sunday that the USA should expect an unusual, early morning EARTHQUAKE in the near future. 

As with all prophetic warnings, consider the source, recent accuracy of those releasing the prophecies, and whether it may impact you or your family/friends. - EFG-BN 


HarvestArmy 1 day ago

PROPHECY June 15, 2013 (11:53 PM EST) An unusual earthquake will strike the US shortly. It appears to happen in the morning hours 

EFG-BN U.S. Food Reserves Note:    


We Ask You Only One Question.  Are You Prepared?  For a complete review of emergency food reserves with programs tailored for every budget, designed to keep you and your family safe during the unexpected/unforeseen event, or to Sign-Up and Join GoFoods Global/Try Out the GoFoods Sample Pack for Free (Shipping Charges Apply), please visit our companion site HERE 


'If You Start Now, You Won't be Sorry Later'



"Courage is never to let your actions be influenced by your fears"