Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Rupert Sheldrake 's Morphic Field & The 100th Monkey Theory

Rupert Sheldrake: The morphogenetic Universe

Rupert Sheldrake 's Morphic Field & The 100th Monkey Theory

Rupert Sheldrake is best known for the introduction of the term Morphic Field and Resonance, which is an organizing field or systems which can be found at all levels of complexity.
Rupert Sheldrak
Morphic Fields underlie the organisations of minds, bodies, crystals, plants, molecules, planets, solar systems, galaxies etc. They give things their shape, their form and their organisation.
The more thoughts, ideas and actions arise concerning a specific topic or field, the more powerful the morphic field becomes. Which in turn attracts more thoughts and interests from individuals, who then add to this virtual field or abstract thought construct.

Rupert Sheldrake writes in his book The Presence of the Past: "The morphic fields include all kinds of organizing fields...: The organizing fields of animal and human behaviour, of social and cultural systems, and of mental activity can all be regarded as morphic fields which contain an inherent memory."

This a rather large video, where he speaks about Morphic Fields and the Morphogenetic Universe:

Visit Sheldrake's Official Web Page
The Matrix Energetic Field is great example of a growing Morphic Field, as Richard Bartlett is introducing more and more people to Matrix Energetics through his seminars and books.

The 100th Monkey Theory

The 100th Monkey Theory tells us how the behaviour of an entire group of individuals can change when the critical mass is reached. Allthough this popular story explains how a morphic field works, Sheldrake never uses it to confirm his theory.
Lyall Watson was the first to mention the 100th Monkey Theory in his book LIFETIDE (1979): In the early 1950ies, on the Japanese island of Koshima the Macaque monkeys were fed sweet potatoes by scientists who were observing their behaviour.
100th Monkey Theor
The scientist would feed these monkeys by throwing sweet potatoes into the sand. One young female monkey, named Imo, started washing the dirty sweet potatoes in the sea before eating them and discovered the improved flavours of washed potatoes.
Other young monkeys in her troop observed her and began doing the same. Soon all young monkeys washed their potatoes in the sea as well as their mothers. According to Lyall Watson, when the 100th monkey in the troop learned the new skill, over night all monkeys on the island began washing their potatoes before eating them. He goes on to say:
"… Let’s say, for arguments sake, that the number was 99 monkeys who washed their potatoes in the sea, and that at eleven o'clock on the Tuesday morning, one further convert was added to the fold in the usual way. But the addition of the 100th monkey apparently carried the number across some sort of threshold, pushing it through a kind of critical mass, because by that evening almost everyone in the colony was doing it. Not only that, but the habit seems to have jumped natural barriers to have appeared spontaneously, like glycerine crystals in sealed laboratory jars, in colonies in other islands and on the mainland in a troop at Takasakiama."
It can not be confirmed that monkeys on the neighbouring islands or mainland also adapted to potato washing. But as thoroughly researched and well presented in this article by Elaine Myers called The Hundreth Monkey Revisited, it is quite interesting how behaviours change from one generation to the next.
The article points out that the older individuals, who do not have a lot of contact to the young ones in their troop, would not adapt to the new skills. When the young ones reach adulthood, they teach the new skills to their offspring naturally and after a couple of generations the whole troop uses the new skills as a natural way of living.


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Dinar/RV rumors BulldogFord65 - 6-18-13


BulldogFord65 » June 18th, 2013, 9:37 pm  •  

Here are the CC notes, family. Have a blessed and peaceful night!

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

Frank26 IQD Update after Bible Study Tuesday, June 18, 2013

• Frank reviewed a post stating that Kuwait dropped the ball in our court and cleared the way for lifting Chpt 7, see post from 6/16 #284; don’t worry about the 11billion owed to Kuwait, it’s chump change!

• I Teams sent another update to the intel from last night, he will review later

• Tomorrow we look to see Qi cards come out, however there should be no turmoil if they do not come out tomorrow, as long as we see them sometime between June 19 and June 26; do not be concerned if they are not activated immediately upon release

• Look at the movement of the Iraqi dinar, a huge drop in 2 hours
• Frank reviewed a post from the forum which encouraged joining KTFA Premium as the information there will answer your questions! Frank read several posts from forum members which gave good information or clarification

Frank read a number of posts which contain tremendous evidence:

• Frank asked the family to read thread 6/17 post 415 from Dame as the article is information packed!! (regarding Ban Ki-Moon statements)

• Walkingstick 6/17 post # 451 article about Jack Lew’s revised signature being implemented on US currency in 18 weeks – curiously, it is 18 weeks until October, which the intel and sources opinion is when we will see the change in US currency from the Federal Reserve note to US Treasury notes

• Delta was not on the call as he’s on assignment; Frank spoke of Delta’s post in Arabic, translated as “a thousand congratulations” in response to seeing the major rate drop in the IQD in 2 hours today

• Frank’s opinion is that the citizens will get paid next month, and that the Qi cards need to be passed out between June 19th – 26th or they will have trouble, they need to get the cards out now, or some way to pay their citizens

• JJonesMX post 6/17 #587 is extremely important, it is an article regarding the tariff laws; the tariff laws walking them into international trade status is GIGANTIC; remember tariffs when Frank gives I Team update

• Another article referring to CPA 87 – this is also extremely important! Look to last night’s notes about CPA 40, and do the homework for the article relating to CPA 87

• Walkingstick article about Iraq joining NATO exercises but this is jumping the gun again as they can’t do it under chpt 7! This is more evidence that chpt 7 is done! Just the official vote needs to be taken, but again, we need to see the Qi cards out

• Article about the central bank of Vietnam taking action to stop the decline of the Dong – yes! remember what basket the VND is in!

• JustMichelle 6/17 post 207 talking about the return rate of the dinar

• Mary Cooper 6/17 post 212 is EXTREMELY important, the house of representatives meeting to read the draft laws

• JustMichelle 6/17 post 231 about the ambassadors change, very interesting; they are having meetings in the presence of 190 deputies

• Frank gave an update from I Team: we must make a change from last night’s notes based on updated intel: yesterday Frank reported S, Z and 2 others on a plane to DC; I Team saw the flight manifest at plane side showing first destination DC, second unknown, and reported this to Frank;

this seemed odd as O has nothing to with the RV, so I Team leader went inside the airport and looked at the official flight manifest – it was different than the manifest at plane side – no trip to DC , the destination was NYC, and they are still there;

I team confirmed no visit to DC, they went to NYC and they are still there; I Team thinks the false plane side manifest was a diversion put out for security reasons

• I Team has not slept in 36 hours but they are not on assignment; Why? Because they are watching something, so therefore, whatever they are watching started 36 hours ago; it could be a lot of things, for example the exchange rate on the CBI, the Forex, etc; I Team reports the “smell is getting stronger” and defined it as “the nectar of the gods”

• Take it all to God in prayer

• Frank asked I Team what should we be looking for to have more confidence that the CBI and GOI are ready to enter international status; what is their opinion? They said look for the tariff laws, they are watching the same thing Delta is watching, and it is moving along nicely!

• Frank has given us a lot! Piece it together, notice there is no IMF! Do your homework, and take everything to God in prayer

• Frank closed with prayer and Andy sounded the shofar horn blast


NSA: Behind the Edward Snowden “smoke screen”


NSA: Behind the Edward Snowden “smoke screen”

 By Dr. James Fetzer and PressTV

“The threats under surveillance by the NSA are not posed by domestic terrorists who would undermine national security but by veterans, patriots, constitutionalists, Ron Paul supporters, 9/11 Truthers and others who pose a threat to the imposition of martial law by the national security state”–Jim Fetzer
The head of the NSA before Congress

The real purpose of this massive surveillance is that all that stands behind the DHS and the imposition of a fascistic military/police state is 100,000,000 armed Americans. This sweeping and detailed spy-op is intended to identify which of those would be willing to stand up and place their lives in jeopardy for the sake of freedom and democracy. At last count, the number was 8,000,000. This is serious stuff and the DHS isn’t taking any chances.
Most Americans and others worldwide naively assume that the National Security Agency (NSA) scandal represents an excess of zeal in attempting to track down domestic terrorists who want to attack targets in America. What they do not appreciate is:
(a) that terrorist activity in the US is virtually non-existent, as a recent report by a subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Intelligence has officially confirmed;

(b) that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been faking attacks (such as Sandy Hook and the Boston bombing) to create the false impression that the threat is real, since otherwise no one would believe it; where

(c) the real purpose of this massive surveillance is to identify Americans who would have the courage and resolution to oppose the complete transformation of America into a fascistic military/police state, which is in the offing.

Fear and Fusion in America

A subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Intelligence released a report on 3 October 2012, in which it explained that, after surveying 680 “fusion center” reports from 2009-2010, it had discovered that there were no indications of any terrorist activity: NONE. ZILCH. NADA. NOT ONE!
This information, however, has been bottled up by the mainstream press, where neither I nor anyone else I know has heard anything from NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, FOX or even PBS about this rather stunning development. After all, if the public knew, it might be wary of spending billions on unnecessary anti-terrorist enterprises.

Fraud and Fakery in Terrorism

As a form of compensation and to maintain the illusion that terrorism is a real problem about which you can read on the front page, the DHS has organized and conducted a series of drills that “went live,” which was precisely as planned, most recently in Sandy Hook and at the Boston marathon. These were staged events whose participants included many who were naive about them but also actual actors.
The absence of numerous emergency medical technicians (EMTs)’ presence at Sandy Hook rushing those little bodies to hospitals where they could be determined to be dead or alive is one indication. And what parent would allow the body of their young child to be left at the scene of a massacre, only to be removed from the site in the dead of night with no one to witness it?

The DHS admits its complicity

The DHS has even acknowledged that the Boston bombing was planned months in advance of the marathon. It claims that the plan was to conduct “a training exercise” that was centered around a fictitious terrorist faction called “Free America Citizens,” which would plant backpacks full of explosives that detectives would be forced to track down.
According to this fantastic tale, “the city was hit with a real terrorist attack executed in a frighteningly similar fashion.” I am reminded of the training drill conducted by the Pentagon about a year before 9/11, in which a simulation was done of the building being hit by a Boeing 757 – “frighteningly similar” to what would allegedly occur, one of myriad indications that 9/11 was itself a fabricated event.

The black backpack with the white square

These claims are obviously feigned to cover-up the exposure that these staged events have received. The Boston bombing was exposed by the alternative media by the evening of its occurrence, during which time the perps – Craft International personnel wearing khaki trousers and black jackets with distinctive baseball caps that had a skull insignia – had been identified.
Some of them were wearing black backpacks, one of which had a white square insignia. One of the two that exploded had a white square insignia – and the man who had worn it was photographed rushing away without his backpack. The younger brother was also photographed but wearing a backpack that did not resemble either of those that blew up.

The FBI sends out a stooge to deceive the public

The alternative media was so quick to solve the case that the FBI had to send out a stooge to say, “Don’t look at the man behind the curtain!” He insisted that only the two photographs he presented should be studied – as though they had done an exhaustive search of everyone in every other photo and eliminated them for consideration.
The two photos were of the two brothers, where the FBI asked the public for its assistance in identifying them. This was a hoax within a hoax, however, since the FBI had had them under surveillance for at least five years and already knew their identity. If there has even been a more obvious “false flag” operation, I can’t imagine what it would be.

Parallels with the London 7/7 tube attacks

There are parallels here with the London 7/7 tube attacks, where bombs were set off in three subway trains and blamed on four young Muslims, but where Nicholas Kollerstrom, the author of Terror on the Tube, discovered that the alleged assailants could not have been involved because they missed the subway from Luton, which had been cancelled that day. They missed their appointment with destiny.
Those attacks just happened to coincide with an anti-terrorism drill that was planned for that very day involving the same tube stops. If anyone doubts what I am explaining, see the brilliant video study, “7/7 Ripple Effect,” which documents every step from the planning to the execution of this fantastic travesty, showing that most of the British public is just as gullible as the American.

Anti-gun “psy ops” and vitiating Posse Comitatus

Since we know that any real domestic terrorist activity is virtually non-existent and that these apparent attacks are faked or staged, the question becomes why the DHS has conducted them. Sandy Hook appears to have been a huge hoax and anti-gun “psy-op”, which members claiming to have lost children have been promoting with the greatest zeal.
The Boston bombing appears to have had a complementary objective, namely, creating a situation where military force was in the streets of a major American city in a blatant violation of Posse Comitatus, a statute passed in 1878 forbidding the use of military force to perform police functions. They were both planned to weaken the ability of the American public to resist the imposition of a police state in the tradition of the Nazis and the Soviets prior to World War II.

The real reason for massive NSA surveillance

The DHS has acquired two billion rounds of .40 caliber hollow-point ammunition that is not even permissible for use in combat under the Hague Convention of 1899. It has also obtained 2,700 light tanks and 7,000 assault rifles. It has made special arrangements with funeral homes and mortuaries in case there should be an excess of casualties beyond the capacities of hospitals to handle.
The real purpose of this massive surveillance is that all that stands behind the DHS and the imposition of a fascistic military/police state is 100,000,000 armed Americans. This sweeping and detailed spy-op is intended to identify which of those would be willing to stand up and place their lives in jeopardy for the sake of freedom and democracy. At last count, the number was 8,000,000. This is serious stuff and the DHS isn’t taking any chances.
Dr. James H. Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, is McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth. A leading expert on the death of JFK and on the atrocities of 9/11, he has published extensively as a journalist for Veterans Today. He edited ASSASSINATION SCIENCE (1998), MURDER IN DEALEY PLAZA (2000), and THE GREAT ZAPRUDER FILM HOAX (2003) on the assassination and chaired or co-chaired four national conferences about it. The founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, he has published THE 9/11 CONSPIRACY (2007), organized the Madison Conference on “The Science and Politics of 9/11″ and, during 2012, The Vancouer Hearings, which brought together experts on different aspects of the case. The conclusions to emerge include that no Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon, that all four of the crash sites were faked or fabricated in different ways, that mini or micro nukes were the most likely explanation for the “collapse” of the Twin Towers, and that Israel and American Neo-Cons planned 9/11 to promote their political agenda. The archives for his radio show, “The Real Deal”, on, at, include more than 500 interviews on the most complex and controversial issues of our time. His most recent and important articles are accessible via “Veterans Today, Jim Fetzer”.

The Law of Christ pre-exists time

The Law of Christ pre-exists time

John 8:58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
The Law of Christ is revealed by seers. Mankind has known this law since ancient times. The testimony of the contemplation of ancient Jewish10 seers is recorded in the Kabblah regarding Ain, Ain Soph and Ain Soph Aur, which can be correlated to the ancient Greek One, the Intellectual-Principle and Soul and in the Christian tradition One, Our Father in Heaven and Man.
The shattering force of Christ who declared the Law in the face of Caesar’s oppression is evidenced by the testimony of known western history as the ‘Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’.
The ancient Vedas, or ‘Word of God’, faithfully preserved by many millennia of oral tradition, capped by the teachings of the Upanishads11, we find the testimony that the sage Yagyavalkya proclaimed his knowledge of the Law to the king12 and told his son, “bring home those cows”. It is with this temerity of Christ and Yagnavalkya that we come now to once again declare the Law of Christ to Caesar and Shylock even as Swami Vivekananda did not so long ago and forever altered the face of the British Empire and the balance of power in Europe.

The effect of the Law of Christ as redeclared in recent times

It is hopeless and perfectly useless to attempt to govern mankind with the sword. You will find that the very centres from which such ideas as government by force sprang up are the very first centres to degrade and degenerate and crumble to pieces. Europe, the centre of the manifestation of material energy, will crumble into dust within fifty years if she is not mindful to change her position, to shift her ground and make spirituality the basis of her life.
- Swami Vivekananda, circa 1896 on his return to India after a world tour that included Rome.

Researchers at the Vatican can find the evidence of Swami Vivekananda’s influence in the legacy of Pope Leo XVIII and the Papabile Cardinal in the 1903 election, Mariano Rampola del Tindaro. The subsequent history is the compromise choice of Pope Pius X as a result of the veto of Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria, Apostolic King of Hungary, etc., followed by World War I in 1914 circa the election of Pope Benedict XV on 3 September 1914 and the inevitable World War II as a result of the devious Paris Peace Treaty of 1919. Another dot for researchers in Austria to connect is a certain void document with the mark of Hades, that is but an empty promise of wealth. This document left the ‘apostolic king’ blind to the “methods of historical and literary justice13” and thereby the Rule of Law. What a price the people of Europe had to pay for their spiritual blindness!
What then is this spiritual blindness? The answer is examined in detail in our Open Letter to Professor Richard Dawkins. There are only three possible schools of philosophy regarding the epistemology and ontology of knowledge, namely there is only matter, there is matter and there is spirit and that there is only spirit or Mind. The intellectual recognition that the last school, that there is only Mind, Christ or One is what lets us see ourselves in our enemies. When rational regard for our neighbours replaces gushing sentimentality14 and its opposite which is dry cynicism, hatred and consequent tyranny, one can make progress in mind and spirit to life and peace.
Professor Richard Dawkins is right in that the Bible is not a book about morality or ‘what ought to be’ – we come to say what it is: it is a book about the Law of Mind unpacked into parables – perfectly opaque to literal minded westerners who have lost the ability to think in symbols and images.
The land of spirituality, India, has not failed to send its best men before each World War to warn the West15. Tracing the progress of karma and cunning from the Congreve rockets16 imported to England from India by Lord Wellington to V2 rockets raining from the sky is easy. It is more difficult to see that men of the spirit have been ever present to bear witness to the folly of the worship of dead Force.
Swami Vivekananda taught men to be strong and fearless. “The means are the cause: attention to the means, therefore, is the great secret of life”, he said17. The Western Caesar has listened and has seized the means – the surest testament to this fact is the crumbling world of finance. The ideal of a rational civilisation based on the Law of Mind is nearer than what self congratulating bankers, impotent military men18, pseudo-rational scientists and bickering politicians can possibly believe, for both the knowledge and the means are in the hands of the men and women of Mind (Holy Spirit). Once again we hasten to point out that the religion in this letter engenders trust and final settlement of law and money.

Revelation of the Law

The Law is revealed to seers, even as the tertiary laws of nature are revealed to scientists. The similarity between the scientist and the seer is that both must use intense concentration to penetrate the law that is manifest as our identity, body and the universe around us.
There is the story of Einstein’s wife being shown around an astronomical observatory. Her guide remarked that all the equipment was needed to determine the laws of the universe. Einstein’s wife expressed surprise, why, she wondered aloud, is all this needed when her husband does it on the back of an old envelope. Introspection leads to better Relations of Ideas that describe the ‘glorious’ manifestation that are then confirmed by observation.
Over the last few hundred years, matter had disappeared into blazing energy and electromagnetic radiation has been shown to have a dual wave-particle nature and it has been shown that ‘vacuum energy’ exists and can be extracted. Yet materialism is more rampant today than ever. The ignorance or ‘original sin’ is in you. Eve, the personification of our capacity for feeling – for she is present in both man and woman, has led you to the serpent of tempting hedonistic pleasure: “Forget about God19, have fun”.

The Lords Spiritual brought the Law to England

King Alfred the Great (King of Wessex from AD 849 to AD 899 ) took the Law of Christ as his law. Christ through Saint Peter and the clergy of the Roman Catholic Church was the settlor of this trust, the king of England became the Trustee by voluntary acceptance. It was the monk Bede who wrote the Ecclesiastic history of the English People. Pope Sergius I was credited with endeavouring to secure Venerable Bede as his adviser. This convinced King Alfred the Great to take the Law of Christ as his law. This settlement of the Law of Christ into England has survived many centuries, informed the Common Law and given birth to our era where we may choose to live with an abundance of life and peace.
It is also in England that Paul Brunton ‘PB’ was born in 1898, and passed away in 1981 in Switzerland. PB travelled the world and set down the distilled essence of its wisdom.
It is this spiritual inheritance20, scorned by academic philosophers and professional churchmen alike, that this Court of Record brings to you. In the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ we pray, may a few good men be found and the soul of the west saved from blood stasis21.

Experience of the Law of Christ, the Living God

‘In Mind we live and move and have our Being’, is a terse summary of profound Truth – a whole lifetime may be needed to experience this Truth as insight.
The worldly church, tasked with administration of human affairs, is a thankless, boring22 task, as the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, candidly admitted. “It was staggeringly boring, but it just shows God is bigger than us because I remember being very bored,” he said.
Has Almighty God left us on this insignificant dirt ball in a mighty clockwork universe with ‘relative laws’ without any hint that God is pure Mind? Just as with particle physics, just asking the question if it is really true that if you smash atoms together you get little ever more minuscule particles that are smaller and more subtle, cannot be answered without the necessary effort and the guidance of those who have gone before, the necessary effort in contemplation must be made. The ancient short-cut of deep devotion has made manifest many miracles and produced many a saint, western as well as eastern.
Actual success in contemplation that contacts the deeper World-Mind that brings space-time and the phenomena of the senses to our consciousness, is a transformation of our mundane existence. A modern example can be found in Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda. His testament includes a description of his first ‘super-conscious’ experience, or, waking up from boring life:

A testament to Contemplative states of Mind

Mukunda!” Sri Yukteswar's voice sounded from a distant inner balcony.
I felt as rebellious as my thoughts. “Master always urges me to meditate,“ I muttered to myself. “He should not disturb me when he knows why I came to his room.”
He summoned me again; I remained obstinately silent. The third time his tone held rebuke.
Sir, I am meditating,” I shouted protestingly.
I know how you are meditating,” my guru called out, “with your mind distributed like leaves in a storm! Come here to me.”
Snubbed and exposed, I made my way sadly to his side.
Poor boy, the mountains couldn’t give what you wanted.” Master spoke caressively, comfortingly. His calm gaze was unfathomable. “Your heart's desire shall be fulfilled.”
Sri Yukteswar seldom indulged in riddles; I was bewildered. He struck gently on my chest above the heart.
My body became immovably rooted; breath was drawn out of my lungs as if by some huge magnet. Soul and mind instantly lost their physical bondage, and streamed out like a fluid piercing light from my every pore. The flesh was as though dead, yet in my intense awareness I knew that never before had I been fully alive. My sense of identity was no longer narrowly confined to a body, but embraced the circumambient atoms. People on distant streets seemed to be moving gently over my own remote periphery. The roots of plants and trees appeared through a dim transparency of the soil; I discerned the inward flow of their sap. ...
Suddenly the breath returned to my lungs. With a disappointment almost unbearable, I realized that my infinite immensity was lost. Once more I was limited to the humiliating cage of a body, not easily accommodative to the Spirit. Like a prodigal child, I had run away from my macrocosmic home and imprisoned myself in a narrow microcosm.
My guru was standing motionless before me; I started to drop at his holy feet in gratitude for the experience in cosmic consciousness which I had long passionately sought. He held me upright, and spoke calmly, unpretentiously.
You must not get overdrunk with ecstasy. Much work yet remains for you in the world. Come; let us sweep the balcony floor; then we shall walk by the Ganges.” …
One day, however, I took a problem to Master.
I want to know, sir when shall I find God?”
You have found Him.”
O no, sir, I don't think so!”
My guru was smiling. “I am sure you aren't expecting a venerable Personage, adorning a throne in some antiseptic corner of the cosmos! I see, however, that you are imagining that the possession of miraculous powers is knowledge of God. One might have the whole universe, and find the Lord elusive still! Spiritual advancement is not measured by one’s outward powers, but only by the depth of his bliss in meditation.
Ever-new Joy is God. He is inexhaustible; as you continue your meditations during the years, He will beguile you with an infinite ingenuity. Devotees like yourself who have found the way to God never dream of exchanging Him for any other happiness; He is seductive beyond thought of competition.
How quickly we weary of earthly pleasures! Desire for material things is endless; man is never satisfied completely, and pursues one goal after another. The ‘something else’ he seeks is the Lord, who alone can grant lasting joy.
Outward longings drive us from the Eden within; they offer false pleasures which only impersonate soul-happiness. The lost paradise is quickly regained through divine meditation. As God is unanticipatory Ever-Newness, we never tire of Him. Can we be surfeited with bliss, delightfully varied throughout eternity?” …
Paul Brunton’s writings give us further insight beyond this expansive, ecstatic23 glimpse. Ecstatic experience as described above is also a mental experience.
John 10:30 I and My Father are One
It is possible to go beyond such ecstasy and become One with the Mind itself, a permanent transcendental transformation that is the mark of a Sage: One awake, Christ, Buddha, Krishna.
PB describes the World-Mind this way: “There has been so much friction and clash between the different religions because of this idea: whether God is personal or impersonal—so much persecution, even hatred, so unnecessarily.  I say unnecessarily because the difference between the two conceptions is only an apparent one.  Mind is the source of all; this is Mind inactive.  Mind as World-Mind-in-manifestation is the personal God.  Between essence and manifestation the only difference is that essence is hidden and manifestation is known.  World-Mind is personal (in the sense of being what the Hindus call “ÃŽshvara”); Mind is totally impersonal.  Basically, the two are one.”
And he also says, “Behind it all is the Great Silence, broken only by the projection of new worlds and the re-absorption of old ones, the unutterable and unknowable Mystery, unreachable and untouchable by humans.  Tiny creature that we are, with the tiny minds we have, THAT is utterly beyond us.  But from the Grand Mystery, the active God of which this planet Earth is a projection has in turn projected us.  Here, communication in the most attenuated intuitive form is possible, even holy communion may be attained.  This is the God, the higher power, to whom people instinctively turn in despair or in aspiration, in faith or in doubt.  Sometimes a mere fragment of His work is revealed to a chosen prophet in the Cosmic Vision, an awe-filled experience.”
Does our Church welcome and feature such men of the Holy Spirit?

A declaration does not change the law

Neither the Act of Supremacy of King Henry VIII of England or the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America changed the law. The same could be said for the discriminatory/unlawful parts, in particular the Declarations of Reasons24 in the Declaration of Rights that was read to Prince William of Orange, which is current statute law as the Bill of Rights 1688.
The law, which can be confirmed by a reading of the Gospel of Saint Luke, is that Caesar may not take what is not his and that those who practice usury and false law are to be punished. From the Gospel of Saint Luke, King James Bible, chapter 20:
20:45 Then in the audience of all the people he said unto his disciples, 20:46 Beware of the scribes, which desire to walk in long robes, and love greetings in the markets, and the highest seats in the synagogues, and the chief rooms at feasts; 20:47 Which devour widows’ houses, and for a shew make long prayers: the same shall receive greater damnation.
From the Gospel of Saint Luke, New International Version, with interpolation to current terminology in square brackets:
20:45 While all the people were listening, Jesus said to his disciples, 20:46 “Beware of the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and love to be greeted with respect in the [stock/forex markets] and have the most important seats in [parliament/congress] and the places of honour at banquets. 20: 47 They devour widows’ houses and for a show make lengthy [speeches]. These men will be punished most severely.”
It is in England that the Rule of Law has been observed to the best ability of a nation of men. It is in England that the Royal Command is seen for what it is, a Brutum Fulmen – an empty threat – a Caesar subordinate to the Rule of Law. It is in England that the republics in France and America were seen for what they were – weapons of war against the treasonous kings of Europe. It is in England that the practice of hanging, drawing and quartering of Catholic Priests came to an end without violent revolution. It is in England that the House of Commons quietly entered the realm of formal, corporate law in 1908, even as Parliament moved in treason to the king. It is in England that the inability of the French and the Americans to see their folly in 1919 was openly discussed and published by Lord Maynard Keynes. It is the contemplation of Lord Maynard Keynes that has brought us this day that we may choose life over death.

Formal corporate law, the law of the dead

Luke 9:60 Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God.
The Great London Plague of 1665/1666 devastated the population. It became a problem to know if a property was owned by a living man or woman or not. When someone dies intestate with no living successors, the property is escheat to the King or State. Parliament passed the Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 which declared everyone in the kingdom legally dead and lost beyond the seas. Those still living would get to claim their property by showing up alive!

This ingenious mechanism, a variation on “render unto Caesar”, to determine if you are a living Man is in use today. With the creation of the United States of America, a ‘dead’ king, a legal fiction, a name in business became a new legal framework – the corporate laws of the dead. Such a king, could not be ‘killed’ - he or rather ‘it’ was not alive. Opening the way for Tyranny forever.
Those who swear an oath to the United States constitution prove that they do not understand the first principle of living law. The United States constitution does not bind the American people for they have no part of it. It would be just as ridiculous for a handful of people to get together and declare a ‘United States of the World’ and expect obedience from the rest of mankind.
An agreement between two living women is typically made verbally, “I’ll wash the dishes and you do the laundry, then we shall go out for tea”. What part of that agreement would be difficult to ‘enforce’ or determine if incomplete? From the Gospel of Saint Matthew:
5:33 Again, ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time, Thou shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths: 5:34 But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne: 5:35 Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King.
5:36 Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black.
5:37 But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these
cometh of evil.
“Yea, I washed the dishes.”

The worship of the dead

Those who worship the United States constitution and the dead Founding Fathers must explain why, if the constitution was so perfect, did they need amendments? No sooner had the ink dried on the paper that it became obvious that the founders had created a tyrant: if, in contravention to the word of Our Lord Jesus Christ, you, dear reader, had sworn an oath to the legal fiction United States, you could be told to ‘shut up and sit down’. Thus came the 1st Amendment. Soon the 2nd and so on. … the most successful mind game25 in the history of man.
When a baby is born the parents give it a name. The parents are the granter of a name, a title that will be used by the child in the future to earn a living. The parents happily fill out a Record of Live Birth which is carefully filed away forever by the government. Some government employee, innocent of the consequences of his act, signs a Birth Certificate and mails it to the parents. They even used to enclose a disclaimer that the Birth Certificate is not to be used for identification purposes. The Birth Certificate, signed and issued by a government employee, has the same name and spelling as the Record of Live Birth, but the difference is in the grantor of the formal, corporate title: The Government or, put simply, Caesar.
What is the first thing Caesar wants when the child grows up and wants a ‘Drivers licence’? The Birth Certificate. Innocent of the ongoing process, the young ‘adult’ goes on to get a ‘passport’, file taxes, incorporate a corporation and function as the Director and so on – all for the legal fiction, ‘dead name’ in business created by Caesar.
A fundamental Power of a living man or woman is “I am who I say I am”. To produce ‘Government identification’, is to prove that one is not conscious of one’s power as a living soul in that body and that one is unconscious about the spiritual power that vitalises the language that is being written and spoken.
What is it that a Swiss Banker asks of the earnest offshore corporation holder, before he gets the coveted offshore corporate bank account? It is, of course, the passport. The offshore bank holds fictitious money created by the formal legal fiction corporate government. The question is, can a bank licence granted by a different formal Caesar hold the fiction of another? WHOSE fictitious liability are you holding?
Led by their worship of Mammon, the ‘rich’ legal idiot or ‘infant’ - George Soros who ‘broke the Bank of England’ comes to mind – thought he was a God on Earth; where all he has done is remove dead legal fiction money from circulation, keeping price inflation low for the formal corporate Caesar and the common man. Recently George Soros confessed to the media that he has no idea how markets work26.

From Magna Carta to the restoration of the Law of Christ

When the life, liberty and property of the The Sovereign, is not secure, no one’s property is secure. It is The Sovereign who must protect the weak, the infants, lunatics and idiots.
It is the duty of a free man to remain at liberty, to provide for his family. There is no one else in a free society where people are at liberty to provide for his family.
To be at liberty is to posses one’s person, one’s body and mind; to own private property, to trade that property for other property, to travel, communicate and trade with others at a distance, to take such steps as is right and prudent to protect one’s life, liberty and property.
No nation of free men can forbid the movement of people or trade. It is the heritage and pride of England that the Magna Carta declared the rights of free men and even of ‘foreign’ traders:
38. No bailiff for the future shall, upon his own unsupported complaint, put anyone to his “law”, without credible witnesses brought for this purposes.
39. No freeman shall be taken, imprisoned, disseised, outlawed, banished, or in any way destroyed, nor will We proceed against or prosecute him, except by the lawful judgement of his peers and by the law of the land.
40. To no one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay, right or justice.
41. All merchants shall have safe and secure exit from England, and entry to England, with the right to tarry there and to move about as well by land as by water, for buying and selling by the ancient and right customs, quit from all evil tolls, except (in time of war) such merchants as are of the land at war with us. And if such are found in our land at the beginning of the war, they shall be detained, without injury to their bodies or goods, until information be received by us, or by our chief justiciar, how the merchants of our land found in the land at war with us are treated; and if our men are safe there, the others shall be safe in our land.
Even with an eight century distance in time, 2015 being the 800th anniversary, these words are as alive as ever, a fresh breath drawn in a kingdom of Law.
From article 61 regarding a transgression by the king:
… And if we shall not have corrected the transgression (or, in the event of our being out of the realm, if our justiciar shall not have corrected it) within forty days, reckoning from the time it has been intimated to us (or to our justiciar, if we should be out of the realm), the four barons aforesaid shall refer that matter to the rest of the five and twenty barons, and those five and twenty barons shall, together with the community of the whole realm, distrain and distress us in all possible ways, namely, by seizing our castles, lands, possessions, and in any other way they can, until redress has been obtained as they deem fit, saving harmless our own person, and the persons of our queen and children; and when redress has been obtained, they shall resume their old relations towards us. …
These words describe the process of a lawful war by the barons of the realm with the king himself. The king is not above the Rule of Law. Where has this been observed in the last few hundred years? The answer is Europe. The kings of Europe are to the Bishop of Rome as the Barons of England are to the Queen of England. From the Council of Trent to Vatican II can be seen a long range war. The war is over, it is time to settle the peace so that all may live in abundance of life.
We have heard the comment, “how many divisions does the Pope have?” … leading to the general attitude that the Bishop of Rome is unimportant, a mere religious figurehead, with religion being seen as irrelevant and unimportant – witness the recent debate at the Cambridge Union Society. In 1870 Garibaldi led the forces of King Victor Emmanuel II of Italy and took Rome and the Papal States from the Pope by force. The breach of the walls of Porta Pia are the evidence that it was not voluntary. The Pope’s life was spared. The keys to Rome were stolen. A monument to the Italian State was built, across from the Vatican, shrieking defiance. Across the quadrangle is the stone monument of Mussolini. Visitors can see the cannonball shot by the troops of Napoleon III preserved on the marble steps. In the Sistine Chapel, one can view the nudes covered up by the ‘Fig Leaf Pope’. The Italian State and the rest of Europe is in Financial Crisis. In stone, cannonball and art is the unmistakable symbolic message, with a currency crisis and a spectacular resignation to draw our attention.
The message is clear – as the people are being distrained and distressed. The Allies regarding the Rule of Law – the Law of Christ, friends and protectors of the people, are drawing attention to the fact that the people are to be set free, that Caesar is a formal ghost, that the frontiers of impotent Westphalian States are crumbling before our eyes … and there is nothing Caesar and Shylock can do about it. The expensive UN/US/EU/IMF/ESF/TLA bureaucrats, elected and unelected political actors, lunatics seeking or controlling fiefdoms, child molesters and ‘bankers’ shall learn to create wealth anew. Karma is playing, ‘tag, you’re it’. May Mother Mary have mercy on your souls! May the Divine Mother transform these fallen Dark Lords into men and women of goodwill!
The Western world is governed by a handful of Shylocks. All those things that you hear about — constitutional government, freedom, liberty, and parliaments — are but jokes.
- Swami Vivekananda

A little over a century later, Caesar and Shylock are insane, sterile male ghosts.
The quality of mercy is not strain’d;
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest:
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.
'Tis mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes
The throned monarch better than his crown;
His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,
The attribute to awe and majesty,
Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;
But mercy is above this sceptred sway,
It is enthroned in the hearts of kings,
It is an attribute to God himself;
And earthly power doth then show likest God’s
When mercy seasons justice.
- Shakespeare

One Christ World Debt Jubilee

One Christ World Debt Jubilee

[big snip]
When a baby is born the parents give it a name. The parents are the granter of a name, a title that will be used by the child in the future to earn a living. The parents happily fill out a Record of Live Birth which is carefully filed away forever by the government. Some government employee, innocent of the consequences of his act, signs a Birth Certificate and mails it to the parents. They even used to enclose a disclaimer that the Birth Certificate is not to be used for identification purposes. The Birth Certificate, signed and issued by a government employee, has the same name and spelling as the Record of Live Birth, but the difference is in the grantor of the formal, corporate title: The Government or, put simply, Caesar.
What is the first thing Caesar wants when the child grows up and wants a ‘Drivers licence’? The Birth Certificate. Innocent of the ongoing process, the young ‘adult’ goes on to get a ‘passport’, file taxes, incorporate a corporation and function as the Director and so on – all for the legal fiction, ‘dead name’ in business created by Caesar.
A fundamental Power of a living man or woman is “I am who I say I am”. To produce ‘Government identification’, is to prove that one is not conscious of one’s power as a living soul in that body and that one is unconscious about the spiritual power that vitalises the language that is being written and spoken.
What is it that a Swiss Banker asks of the earnest offshore corporation holder, before he gets the coveted offshore corporate bank account? It is, of course, the passport. The offshore bank holds fictitious money created by the formal legal fiction corporate government. The question is, can a bank licence granted by a different formal Caesar hold the fiction of another? WHOSE fictitious liability are you holding?
Led by their worship of Mammon, the ‘rich’ legal idiot or ‘infant’ - George Soros who ‘broke the Bank of England’ comes to mind – thought he was a God on Earth; where all he has done is remove dead legal fiction money from circulation, keeping price inflation low for the formal corporate Caesar and the common man. Recently George Soros confessed to the media that he has no idea how markets work26.
[much bigger snip to end]