Thursday, June 20, 2013

NSA Whistleblower: Edward Snowden

Whistleblower Edward Snowden

Ex-Jew Brother Nathaniel Exposes Jewish Spies

Judge Napolitano

Ron Paul & Piers Morgan

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CGI's Liberty_Lady: NSA Overreach

CGI's Liberty_Lady: NSA Overreach
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 20-Jun-2013 11:17:39

This article at Veterans Today by Stephen Lendman is a 'must read'. If anyone today still thinks we live in a democracy, they should go back to their mindless favorite TV show. They are beyond hope. In view of the recent events of the last couple of months,as well as a few scandals from last year that refuse to be safely buried, there is hope of exposure and a return to what this country was founded on-principles. Look at the growing list: Benghazi still under investigation, as well as Fast & Furious, the AP scandal, the IRS scandal and then the NSA outing by Snowden. Stay vigilant. Question 'accidents' like the one that just befell Michael Hastings. Also, as reported on RMN, another brick in the wall of exposing Obama of fraud in holding the office of President with more information about his supposed birth in Kenya. Our beloved republic isn't dead yet. I believe there are patriots everywhere in every branch of government and agency. Let's see if our Congress and Supreme Court have any real patriots left in them or if we are indeed heading for a slippery slope into a police state.

Improve Circulation, Lower Blood Pressure, Strengthen Your Cardiovascular System with Proven Herbs and Natural Supplemen

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Improve Circulation, Lower Blood Pressure, Strengthen Your Cardiovascular System with Proven Herbs and Natural Supplemen
Posted By: LilliHart
Date: Thursday, 20-Jun-2013 14:41:19

Your blood circulation can be obstructed for any number of reasons, including clogged arteries, capillary constriction, cardiovascular disease and a variety of auto-immune diseases. Certain foods, supplements and herbs are helpful for improving blood circulation and reducing pain or disability.
Read more: 

Real-time Map of Where Chemtrail Activity is Taking Place in the U.S.

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Real-time Map of Where Chemtrail Activity is Taking Place in the U.S.
Posted By: NaturalWisdom
Date: Thursday, 20-Jun-2013 14:53:43

Here is an online tool to view, in real-time, where chemtrail activity is the heaviest on the United States mainland. Site financed, in part, by reader donations.

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The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: CliffR [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 20-Jun-2013 11:05:42

The main Atlantian center of civilization was a very large island stretching through what is now the area of the Azores near the mid Atlantic almost down to South America. The present day Islands of the Azores are mountain tops of the original.
North America had only a sparse population. Two large centers, Sodom and Gomorrah, the 'Cities of the Plains' existed however where the mass consciousnesses was well evolved into higher fourth dimensional awareness. Who were also adept in the power of crystals.
Sodom (vice), was located near the north east border of what is now Washington State in the United States and British Columbia in Canada. Gomorrah (crime), was located in what is now offshore the city of Miami, Florida.
In the cataclysms that followed the explosions over Sodom and Gomorrah, the large Island of Atlantis sank and is now the source of the many existing lores about the lost Island of Atlantis. The remnants of the Sodom explosion lie buried by time in the region between Spokane, Washington and Creston, British Columbia, plus the Palouse. The remnants of the Gomorrah explosion are lost in the oceans offshore Miami.
See - full details of Atlantis: =>
See - full details of the Intelligent Design of Creation: =>

“Obama plays an old Clinton trick. When your violation of a rule is exposed, change the subject and demand a conversation about developing a new, perfect rule.

The charge that Snowden helped our enemies is hogwash

They are lying to us!

“Obama plays an old Clinton trick. When your violation of a rule is exposed, change the subject and demand a conversation about developing a new, perfect rule. Ignore the fact that you violated the existing rule, by talking about what the perfect rule might be.”

On June 18 NSA chief General Keith Alexander answered “no” when asked if NSA has the technical capability to monitor the content of the private telephone conversations of U.S. citizens.

An article published today at American Thinker by Jonathan Moseley argues that General Alexander is the traitor and Edward Snowden is the hero in the so-called NSA spy scandal.

After reading this article listen to the June 19 interview of Doug Hagmann by Rick Wiles at:

Go to 15:00 in the audio file and listen to Hagmann describe his encounter with the NSA, an experience which clearly confirms that General Alexander and James Clapper are liars.

Also keep in mind that the issue that has the Obama administration seriously concerned is the Benghazi cover-up. All this other stuff has been put out there to distract us, as in  "Look over there! A cloud shaped like a bunny!"


June 20, 2013
Will the Real Traitor Please Stand Up?

By Jonathon Moseley


… President Barack Obama, leading student of Clintonian double-speak, tells us that we need to strike a balance between our privacy and keeping the country safe.
We already struck that balance. It's called the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Our Founders struck a balance between privacy and national safety and protection from crime.
The Fourth Amendment speaks eloquently for itself:
“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
But Obama plays an old Clinton trick. When your violation of a rule is exposed, change the subject and demand a conversation about developing a new, perfect rule. Ignore the fact that you violated the existing rule, by talking about what the perfect rule might be.
Some are trying to cry "Look over there! A cloud shaped like a bunny!" to distract people from the real issues. Do you have privacy rights in telephone call data, since that data belongs to the telephone company?
Well, is your social security number private? Heck, yeah! But your social security number is issued to you by the U.S. Government, by the Social Security Administration. Yet it is very clear in the law that your SSN is private information that you have a right to have protected.
Then on June 18 Alexander joined James R. Clapper, Jr., Director of National Intelligence, in committing perjury in a Congressional hearing before our very eyes. Snowden claimed that NSA technicians -- like him -- can listen in to anyone's telephone conversations any time they want. He announced this in his now-notorious news media interview from a Hong Kong hotel.
Yet on June 18, Gen. Alexander denied in the Congressional hearing that NSA staff can listen in on phone calls.
Or did he?
The Obama Administration is answering that question in terms of what is legally permitted -- not what is actually possible…
Many say Snowden helped our enemies. Hogwash. Anyone engaged in terrorism, espionage, or crime already knew that the government can get a warrant -- based on probable cause -- to wiretap their phones and even plant a hidden microphone. This changes nothing for people engaged in "probable cause" eligible behavior. And, they will never know if the government is on to them.
So is Snowden a scoundrel or a political savior? When faced with the same violation of the U.S. Constitution, Edward Snowden chose the Constitution over his job and his life. Gen. Alexander chose his job over the Constitution. This is why Snowden inspires (hesitant) admiration. But perhaps there are no angels in this story.

Glenn Beck Bashes DC Establishment At Tea Party Rally: 'Vegas Admits Its

Glenn Beck Bashes DC Establishment At Tea Party Rally: 'Vegas Admits Its 

Dinar Rumors -- Jester - 6-20-13


[Jester] hi caslte mods, peeps, lurkers, and critters... hope you are all having a nice evening...

[SolarKing] Jester -Is it even remotely possible for Iraq's currency to be international without a UN vote and release?????\

[Jester] SolarKing iraq needs a tradeable currency to get out of chapter 7... they are telling it right...

SolarKing] Jester -So you say their money can be international before they vote the sanctions off??

[rotormech35] SolarKing That is exactly what he is saying

[SolarKing] Wowe

[jtwest] SolarKing i has to be !!!

[Jester] SolarKing heck... we ae aware of shabbibi saying that on iraqi tv last week... then... oops... that went away because we wern't ready...
richc] Jester premature regurgitation

[Jester] richc hahaha... gotta start somewhere... lol

[Robertprofessor] Jester Are you aware if other currencies changed value today? Or is that better not answered now?

[Jester] Robertprofessor we won't get that until morning...

[TnBikerGal] I would love to hear what Jester has to say tonight!

[Jester] TnBikerGal i don't have a lot to say.... heck... there is not much left to say... not much left to do... everyone is where they are supposed to be... we just need for them to get what they have to do completed... simple as that...

[jcole] Jester as you have said many times i have been watching news and boy there are meetings, scandals, currency this currency that, gold dropping ,bernacke time to go ,,maliki time to go, convergence of things like a well planned train wreck with a juagernaught following close behind

[DocO] Jester....what's the chances of them actually finishing it?

 [Jester] DocO 100%

[rotormech35] DocO 150%


[Robertprofessor] Jester Then maybe we can discuss important post rv things. Prefer ribeye, sirloin, NY st

[gdsgrl21] Robertprofessor ...and lobster lolrip, T bone ... ?

[Robertprofessor] gdsgrl21 Steak and lobster for me with oysters on the half shell for an appetizer.

 [weathernut] Robertprofessor rofl

tampa---dd] Jester are we still on track from what was talked about this afternoon? Okie's 24 hour window?

[Jester] tampa---dd i think we are... i do not like to do deadlines but it sure is looking good... hope it holds...

[wolverine7] Jester How long do you think it will take to do the other 2/3s that's left???

[Jester] wolverine7 hmmm.... about one more day... lol

 [ChildOfGod] Jester hi Looks like things are moving along :whoohoo:

Jester] ChildOfGod best information day i can remember in a long long time... movement off the charts... and all going the right direction...


[Jester] you guys can forget about trying another currency reval play... ain't gonna happen...

[candy] Jester i am almost relieved to hear that.. i don;t think i could go thru this again lol

[Robertprofessor] Jester As if we're going to need more money.

[Jester] Robertprofessor anything after this is just getting greedy... which is the reason they are not going to do it that way.... lol

 [Robertprofessor] Jester We won't need it, and we have better things to be doing post rv.

[Jester] Robertprofessor you got that right... stuff to do....

 [ram1] Jester so is everything going at once?

[Jester] ram1 within a short enough time that you can't do anything about it..


[Robertprofessor] Jester Anything tonight you can share about the Republic?

[Jester] Robertprofessor details are hard to share... i have a pretty good idea what will happen but there is a lot of security about it... the part that is not in the news right now just doesn't need to be out there...

[Robertprofessor] Jester Good enough. RV is not the end of the story.

Jester] Robertprofessor that is true...

[book2] Jester will there be additional 24 hour waiting periods for the final two groups?

[Jester] book2 not sure what you mean but i am not aware of timeframes like that...

[book2] Jester the first thirds is on a 24 hour waiting period, according to Okie

[Jester] book2 i don't think that is what he meant by that... there is a hold only... not a timing issue...

[Robertprofessor] Jester As I understand it a "hold" on a currency means it has processed but can't go live to the teller screens. Is that about right?

spiritfilled] Jester so if I understand the other 2/3rds can be done in a day or so??? ...sounds good

Jester] you guys need to relax... this is what happens when you try to dig into the process... to understand it would require a lot of explanation... answering the questions you are asking is easy because the answers don't make any more sense that the questions... BECUASE THEY DON'T TIE TO ANYTHING.... this will NOT tell you what you want to know....

[Robertprofessor] Jester The chat made more sense we were discussing steak. Lol

 [cookiesdad] Jester ...... while we understand your answer, we still are a bunch of bugs looking into the zapper, we just cant resist

[Scotzgirl] cookiesdad lol

 [deb2blessed] Jester you are right--- all we want to know is WHEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Robertprofessor] cookiesdad roflmao That's the funniest thing I've read in here all day. Lol

[Jester] cookiesdad roflmao i like that description...

[Jester] Robertprofessor roflmao when we come to explain remember this... a several hundred page explanation of how this works was written to explain it... and no i will not tell you where that is now... later it will be published...

[Robertprofessor] Jester As thick as the Obamacare manual?

[buybyeby] Jester THE LONG AWAITED BOOK! i knew someone had some 'splainin' to do!

[Jester] buybyeby it was written and presented a few years back out of the g20... this has been going on for a long time...

 [tampa---dd] Jester so does this mean we aren't as close as we think we are?

[tampa---dd] Jester as in US common folk

[Jester] tampa---dd oh yeah... getting closer all the time...

[Robertprofessor] Jester You mean they actually do things at the G20 and G8 meetings in contrast to the news reports today?

[bigbear] Jester I think where the problem is Okie said the expiration on the hold for the

[Jester] bigbear i am not going to speak for okie... but the hold is already over... soooooo... there ya go...

[candy] Jester ok, i can't let that one go by...the hold is over.. was everything as planned?

 [tampa---dd] Jester Huh? So I guess that takes the guess work out of "what time zone" he is talking about for 24 hour window

 [greek1212] Jester If the hold is gone did all go well??

[Jester] greek1212 see and that was what i was trying to explain to you earlier... the answer does not mean anything because it does not tie to anything... so there ya go...

[geoworld] Jester Sounds like E-MAIL time HELLO


[1974Z28Camaro] Jester hi just by watching Fox News tonight you can tell things are moving on. More coming out right and left . When you know what we know. Thanks for everything!!!

[Jester] 1974Z28Camaro sweet! that was the whole idea!

[1974Z28Camaro] Jester came out big timnity. Yahoooooo !

[greek1212] Jester I wasn't hear earlier, but we all want to hear the answer that will get us to the RV I understand what you are saying, but most are hanging on every event. I want an RV but it will happen when you tell us it has, not when I try to figure it out. Sorry

[Jester] greek1212 agreed... i think we are close... could happen at any time... that is how much is left to do... not much...

[tampa---dd] Jester Has there been any word about whether the Iraqi citizens got paid today or whether Iraq ponied up the $11 billion to Kuwait yet?

[Jester] tampa---dd unofficially heard the payment was made... not confirmed...

[tampa---dd] Jester That's really big news. Surely they wouldn't "unconfirmedly" pay Kuwait in $11 billion non revalued dinar. All was said that it would be in IQD not USD

[tampa---dd] Jester thanks again for all the info you bring. I know it could be hard to discretely keep us informed while protecting your sources and their wishes.

Woman Fatally Stabbed for Photographing Panhandlers With Signs - U.S. City Dwellers on Edge as "The cities are fallen"

I'm thinking there is more to this than short fuses, photo, and conversation..It smells !!
Woman Fatally Stabbed for Photographing Panhandlers With Signs - U.S. City Dwellers on Edge as "The cities are fallen"
Posted By: Infoeditor
Date: Thursday, 20-Jun-2013 03:22:09

Thursday, June 20, 2013
Woman Fatally Stabbed for Photographing Panhandlers With Signs - U.S. City Dwellers on Edge as "The cities are fallen"
Hollywood, Ca.
A woman who was walking with a friend was reportedly stabbed in the body after both had taken pictures of some men holding signs panhandling on Tuesday night.
One vendor said bystanders attempted to help the woman by holding pressure on the wound, but the Lynwood woman died in surgery after she was rushed to the hospital. The three suspected attackers were arrested nearby, but it doesn't bring the victim back.
That's the way it has become in U.S. cities - people on edge and lots of folks thrown out on the streets due to an undeclared depression and overcrowding from millions of illegal immigrants. Lots of folks in the U.S. are on edge and severely up tight.
"The cities are fallen".
Whatever protest or discussion the victim may have attempted to raise with the panhandlers was like trying to stand in front of a locomotive and train. Many persons who have suffered and are without food, housing, transportation, money, etc., are on a short fuse. This sort of thing seems to be happening more and more as sudden stabbings and shootings seem to have increased in Obama's so-called presidency.
Have a place to go at night and go there before dark and try to stay inside if you must live in the big city.
Woman Fatally Stabbed After Taking Pictures of Transients in Hollywood
Read more:

Suspicious Activist and Whistleblower Deaths on the Rise – Spread the Word of Warning

Suspicious Activist and Whistleblower Deaths on the Rise – Spread the Word of Warning

In 2013 alone, one could count at least 5 suspicious deaths of people who are outspoken against government tyranny, and are highly effective and skilled ideological resisters of their corrupt agenda. How are we going to preserve our rights, and ensure our safety for our ideas and beliefs? We must all be outspoken and have the strength in numbers, or get systematically picked out and murdered in cold blood to stop our contagious ideas.

Chris Kyle
By Cassius Methyl

June 19, 2013
In this year so far, we have seen a sharp increase in suspicious deaths of whistleblowers, activists, and anyone who is highly effective at trying to preserve the citizens rights and keep government in check. With the increasingly tense economic weather, we are seeing the department of homeland security alone, purchasing over a billion rounds of hollow point ammunition and buckshot, 7400 tanks, enough deadly rounds to kill every man , woman, and child in America multiple times.
Leaked documents even confirm the existence of military internment camps in America, to be used specifically in a disaster that could be strategically instigated by government in the first place. It is believed that these camps are to be used for “political dissidents”, and people who wish to preserve our rights. The big picture is, the US government is in its death throes, the global economy is inevitably bound to collapse, and the US government has given itself the right to imprison and kill activists with impunity, and put all of the most effective ideological resisters to tyranny behind bars, under the label of “domestic terrorism”. They want to hold their power, and the truly psychopathic people at the top of the pyramid of power understand the supreme yet peaceful threat to their dominance, that these activists are. In trying to guarantee peace, rights, and prosperity for the citizens, these activists are putting targets on their backs, and it is up to us to keep them safe.
Some of these activists are calling for the peaceful and orderly disillusion of government, rather then a police state lockdown and a violent, horrible collapse, before the ones in power attempt to use massive lethal force to hold their positions. So given that background info, here is the alleged progress they have made in silencing “dissidents”, murdering ideological resisters. These people’s deaths make out government or government operatives to be prime suspects in their murders, and while the killers have not been conclusively caught, it is important to be aware and suspect those who have a most powerful motive to carry out such murders.
On February 2nd, 2013, former US navy seal Chris Kyle was found dead with his friend at a shooting range in Texas. He is the founder of “Craft International”, who are suspected of being the true people associated with carrying out the Boston bombing, after Chris Kyle’s death. Craft International associates, bearing hats with the logo, were caught on video holding detonator-like devices at both the start and finish line of the Boston marathon, where each explosion took place, and one of them was taped running from the explosion, with no backpack. The backpack the man left at the scene, perfectly matched the backpack that allegedly contained the bomb, with a matching white square on the backpack. Chris Kyle also had the most kills by any US sniper ever, and recently started training Texas teachers to legally use firearms for self defense.
A month before, Keith Ratliff, producer for the most viewed pro second amendment channel on youtube, was found dead in his office with a non self inflicted gunshot wound to the back of the head. His channel, FPS Russia, has 3.4 million subscribers, and over 537 million views. Multiple weapons of his were at the scene, loaded and unfired. His murder appeared calculated and carefully executed, characteristic of a professional murder.
The day after the death of Keith Ratliff, John Noveske died in a mysterious car crash. John was one of the most celebrated rifle manufacturers in America, and he publicly proclaimed that psychiatric drugs were linked to almost all school shootings, like sandy hook. And of course, he was a well known person in favor of the second amendment.
A week later, Aaron Swartz, an enormously skilled computer expert, activist, and highly useful individual for the cause of liberty, was found hanged in his apartment. No suicide note was found, yet his death was ruled a suicide. This individual was so incredibly valuable to the cause of liberty, and was such an outspoken, skilled opponent of criminal government, to think that he committed suicide makes little sense. His father, at Aaron’s funeral, even said ” [Aaron] was killed by the government, and MIT betrayed all of its basic principles. The story of Aaron Swartz is too complicated for this article, but the info is there to be gathered by one themselves, through the Internet of course.
The sediment to gather from these events of course, is that being an activist, maybe calling for the orderly disillusion of government instead of a police state lockdown, or doing what these deceased individuals did, is likely to make one a target. But much more importantly, this is preventable. If the citizens demand an investigation concerning these deaths, and prosecute the real criminals, or if there are so many outspoken activists that killing a few will do nothing, then we cannot be silenced. It is our duty to speak up. We cannot allow our most valuable human assets as a movement for the liberation of the people, to be systematically murdered. Soil you want to preserve your rights, use them. And share information like this to those who need it the most, awaken the most asleep.

Obama Set to Kill U.S. Jobs Market with 30 Million Workers

Obama Set to Kill U.S. Jobs Market with 30 Million Workers

Obama Immigration Bill will allow Illegal Workers to Displace 30 Million Legal American Jobs

WASHINGTON, DC – MAY 20: U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) (L) talks with one of his staff members during a markup session for the immigration reform legislation now before the Senate Judiciary Committee in the Hart Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill May 20, 2013 in Washington, DC. The Judiciary Committee is hoping to wrap up work on the landmark immigration reform bill this week after wading through the 300 amendments that were filed to the bipartisan bill. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
by Avalon
June 19, 2013
Contact your U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators to take action and voice your opinion on this critical issue.
With the decline in employment, rather than implement ways to increase growth in the economy, the Obama administration is doing just the opposite. It is clear to so many people now that Obama was selected by the Elite to bring about the destruction of the United States. No decision he has made has had a single positive impact to our country – not one.
Now, the Obama administration is poised to roll in the Trojan Horse into the U.S. Economy and the timing couldn’t be better. With virtually 20% unemployment and 45 million people on Food Assistance, it’s time to bring another 30 million workers into the Jobs Market.
The current Immigration legislation would, in effect, legalize 30 million non–legal workers who will displace current workers in a failing economy. People are barely able to make ends meet in most cases and the additional burden of supporting these 30 million workers, some of which may find employment, with Financial Assistance of some kind will bankrupt most states. The individual states are failing and many are bankrupt, according to a ZeroHedge article 32 States Now Officially Bankrupt: $37.8 Billion Borrowed From Treasury To Fund Unemployment; CA, MI, NY Worst, the situation is an emergency. Quoting from the article:
Courtesy of Economic Policy Journal we now know that the majority of American states are currently insolvent, and that the US Treasury has been conducting a shadow bailout of at least 32 US states. Over 60% of Americans receiving state unemployment benefits are getting these directly from the US government, as 32 states have now borrowed $37.8 billion from Uncle Sam to fund unemployment insurance. The states in most dire condition, are, not unexpectedly, the unholy trifecta of California ($6.9 billion borrowed), Michigan ($3.9 billion), and New York ($3.2 billion).
Forget what the Mainstream Corporate Media is propagandizing – they are controlled by the Banking Sector who stands to gain from this influx of immigrants, cheap labor and indentured servants. The article was posted by Tyler Durden on 05/21/2010 and these facts are being totally ignored.
According to data:
Many local governments across the U.S. face steep budget deficits as they struggle to pay off debts accumulated over a number of years. As a last resort, some have filed for bankruptcy.
Governing is tracking the issue, and will update this page as more municipalities seek bankruptcy protection.
Overall, bankrupt municipalities remain extremely rare. A Governing analysis estimated only one of every 1,668 eligible general-purpose local governments (0.06 percent) filed for bankruptcy protection over the past five years. Excluding filings later dismissed, only one of every 2,710 eligible localities filed since 2008.
Most recently, the Hardeman County Hospital District in Quanah, Texas, announced it was seeking bankruptcy protection in March. The majority of Chapter 9 bankruptcy filings have been submitted by utility authorities and other narrowly-defined special districts. In Omaha, Neb., nine Sanitary and Improvement Districts filed for bankruptcy in recent years.
It’s also important to note that only about half of states outline laws authorizing municipal bankruptcy. View our bankruptcy laws map for each state’s policies.
The article, Rand Paul Makes Immigration Move, by Alexander Bolton (06/18/13 05:00 AM ET) describes the political situation in detail, highlighting important practical measures that exert control over immigration and citizenship. Quoting from article:
Paul’s most ambitious proposal would eliminate the pathway to citizenship for 11 million illegal immigrants and lift the caps on guest workers. 
It would provide immigrant workers to employers who can demonstrate need, but immigrants would have to apply for legal permanent residency and citizenship through the existing lines of their native countries. 
Paul is expected to file that amendment this week.
Another measure, Paul’s “Trust but Verify” amendment, would give Congress — and not Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano — ultimate authority on deciding when the southern border is secure. 
Under this plan, immigration reform would not proceed until Congress votes on whether several criteria have been met.
These objectives would include the completion of a comprehensive system to track visa entries and exits at all points of entry — not just air and sea ports as mandated by the broader bill — and law enforcement achieving a 95 percent apprehension rate of illegal entrants. 
Interestingly, The Heritage Foundation’s study 2013 Index of Economic Freedom, states that Mexico’s economy is expected to do better in coming years as explained and graphed at the site (pdf).
Mexico’s economic freedom score is 67.0, making its economy the 50th freest in the 2013 Index. Its score is 1.7 points better than last year, reflecting notable improvements in investment freedom, trade freedom, and monetary freedom. Mexico is ranked 3rd out of three countries in the North America region, but its score is well above the world average.
The Mexican economy has shown a moderate degree of resilience in the face of a challenging global economic environment. Reform efforts have continued in many areas related to economic freedom. Implementation of policies intended to support open markets and encourage a vibrant private sector has enhanced investment flows and the vitality of entrepreneurship, although growth remains sluggish. The 2012 labor reform bill, which aimed to increase labor market flexibility, was weakened by amendments to protect the country’s powerful unions. Source: 2013 Index of Economic Freedom: Mexico
Even News of India, in an article titled, OECD: Mexico’s economy to grow at faster clip in 2014, reports that Mexico’s economy is on the rebound – despite the Drug Cartel & Banking Cartel Money Laundering and destruction of security and stability in the region.
Proving there’s been an Obama administration policy of pro illegal immigration is the resignation of Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director John Morton as reported in the USA TODAY article Obama’s immigration enforcement director to resign by Alan Gomez posted June 17, 2:42 p.m.  The interesting thing to note here is John Morton is going to work for Capitol One, known for credit financing – coincidence?
He will be moving to Capital One, the Fortune 500 financial services company, and be based in its McLean, Va., headquarters as head of the company’s compliance office, the company said in a statement.
Morton may best be remembered for a policy plan he authored in 2011 — known in immigration circles as the “Morton Memo” — which outlined a new strategy for determining whom the agency should deport.
In the memo, Morton explained that ICE has a limited amount of money and resources it can dedicate to deporting any of the 11 million unauthorized immigrants living in the country. So he ordered his agents to use “prosecutorial discretion” to focus deportation proceedings on certain groups of unauthorized immigrants, including those who pose a national security threat, who have extensive criminal backgrounds and recent border-crossers.
That strategy was dubbed “amnesty by any means” by the Center for Immigration Studies, a group that advocates for lower levels of immigration, and had already earned him a vote of “no confidence” from the National ICE Council, the biggest labor union for ICE employees.
“He was the architect of the administration’s non-enforcement policy,” said Ira Mehlman of the Federation for American Immigration Reform. “He was toeing the administration’s line rather than allowing them to do the jobs they were sworn to do.”
Attempting to inject sanity into the Immigration Debate is Senator Jeff Sessions, who posted this video on the SenatorSessions YouTube channel on June 18, 2013 titled Sessions On Immigration Bill: Doesn’t Congress Owe Its Allegiance To U.S. Workers?
Sessions, Jeff - (R–AL)
To HIGHLIGHT the corrupt politics at work, it’s interesting to read closely the New York Times article Immigration Law Changes Seen Cutting Billions From Deficit posted by Ashley Parker on June 18, 2013.
The report estimates that in the first decade after the immigration bill is carried out, the net effect of adding millions of additional taxpayers would decrease the federal budget deficit by $197 billion. Over the next decade, the report found, the deficit reduction would be even greater — an estimated $700 billion, from 2024 to 2033. The deficit reduction figures for the first decade do not take into account $22 billion in the discretionary spending required to implement the bill, however, making the savings slightly lower.
The report was immediately seized on by backers of the bill as a significant boost to its prospects. Senator Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York, one of the bill’s authors, said the report “debunks the idea that immigration reform is anything other than a boon to our economy.”
The budget office also found that in the next decade the legislation would lead to a net increase of about 10.4 million permanent legal residents and 1.6 million temporary workers and their dependents, as well as a decrease of about 1.6 million unauthorized residents.
Conservatives had expected that an analysis of the second decade — when immigrants would begin to qualify for federal benefits — would bolster their argument that the costs of an immigration overhaul were unwieldy, but that turned out not to be the case in the economic analysis.
Senator Jeff Sessions, Republican of Alabama, a leading opponent of the bill, said that its authors used “scoring gimmicks” in order to conceal the “true cost from taxpayers.” “As a result, the score effectively conceals some of the biggest long-term costs to taxpayers contained in this legislation, including providing illegal immigrants with Medicaid, food stamps and cash welfare,” Mr. Sessions said.

Feinstein On NSA: Nothing to See Here, Please Move Along

You know, going way back to Bush and the others, Obama and the Congress has been complicent in all that has been done.. How do you minimixe people starving to death in American, being murdered, that includes innocent nen, women and children. Obama could have found a better way if he was supposedly a good guy. There is not one family in this world that this mess hasn't touched and harmed in one way or the other. Obama had alot of chances to tell the truth and yet, it still hasn't come out!!! Being blackmailed or not, Obama still could have found a better way. How many people have died under him, and this congress for many years ???? And that's all over the world.

Feinstein On NSA: Nothing to See Here, Please Move Along

Obama and Congress continue effort to minimize damage inflicted on American people by Stasi state.

WASHINGTON, DC – Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism John Brennan (L), President Barack Obama’s nominee to be CIA director, meets with U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) (R) at Feinstein’s office at Hart Senate Office Building January 31, 2013 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. Brennan met with Feinstein who will hold a hearing to start the confirmation process of Brennan’s nomination. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
By Kurt Nimmo
June 19, 2013
California Democrat and Senate fixture Dianne Feinstein and her comrades in Congress hope the NSA political football gets lost in the shuffle.
On Tuesday, Feinstein said there are no hearings currently planned on the NSA scandal and nothing will happen until the intelligence community decides “what can be said” about the massive and unprecedented violation of the Fourth Amendment by No Such Agency.
Georgia Republican Saxby Chambliss said Congress does not plan to discuss the issue with the American people who are routinely kept in the dark on so-called national security issues.
“We so rarely have open hearings,” Chambliss said. “Right now I don’t see it.”
Rep. Mike Rogers, who has served as the main apologist for maintaining a super-secret Stasi state, said on Tuesday he will convene a dog and pony show devoted to how the NSA programs “protect Americans, and why disclosure aids our adversaries.”
Rogers plans to roll out NSA Director Gen. Keith Alexander, Deputy Attorney General James Cole, Deputy FBI Director Sean Joyce, Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Robert Litt, the general counsel to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
A scheduling snafu resulted in Alexander facing Maryland Sen. Barbara Mikulski’s Senate Appropriations Committee instead of the Intelligence Committee. Mikulski tried to steer questions posed by fellow senators away from the NSA violations of the Constitution and move the discussion into the neutral area of cyber security. Criticized for the attempt to protect Alexander from answering to the American people, Mikulski took a self-defensive stance on Twitter.
On Wednesday, Obama tried to defend the Stasi state and its unwarranted intrusions. “Lives have been saved,” he claimed from Berlin, where he met with his counterpart, German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
 Obama said NSA surveillance “is not a situation in which we are rifling through ordinary emails” of huge numbers of citizens in the United States. He said PRISM and other NSA efforts are “circumscribed, narrow” and do not violate the constitutional rights of Americans.
Obama also said the NSA program has the “oversight” of the court. He refraipan style="font-family: Courier;"> unconstitutional aberration created as a response to decades of constitutional abuse by intelligence agencies.
Merkel floated the idea that the state has an interest in violating the privacy of citizens in order to prevent terrorism. “There has to be proportionality,” she said and added that her discussion with Obama on the issue Wednesday was “an important first step” in establishing a “balance,” as the Associated Press described it.
Obama and Congress will continue their effort to minimize the damage inflicted on the American people by the Stasi state. Rep. Rogers insistence that the NSA has prevented terror attacks and saved lives is, of course, ludicrous when the facts are examined. has provided conclusive evidence that the FBI creates terror attacks, which are in turn exploited by the establishment and its congressional clerks to build a fallacious case for the supposed war on terror and a continued dismantlement of the Bill of Rights, specifically the Fourth Amendment.
FBI director Robert Mueller signaled last week that the NSA revelations will not result in a rollback of his agency’s tactics. He called for a continuation of the Stasi state that has turned the Fourth Amendment into a mockery.
“Every time we have a leak like this and you follow it up and look at the intel afterwards [you find terrorists] are looking for ways around,” Mueller said. “If we lose our ability to get their communications we are going to be exceptionally vulnerable” to staged terror attack his agency orchestrates.

What the Hell is the U.S. Doing in the Middle East? David Icke Makes it Crystal Clear

What the Hell is the U.S. Doing in the Middle East? David Icke Makes it Crystal Clear

Many of us know something is dreadfully wrong with the US government meddling in the Middle East, murdering innocent people—men, women and children—with drones and guns and basically making life a living hell over there, but many of us can’t understand what’s been happening or why, especially if we try to make sense of the blather the talking heads on the lamestream media are spewing.
David Icke has been watching this unfold for some time and from his point of view, it’s very easy to unravel the threads to see what lies beneath the lies and subterfuge. If you have nineteen minutes, I think you will gain a much needed perspective on just what the plot is and has been for a long time; the Illuminati long-term agenda.
Once you have a little history, you will then be able to recognize what is unfolding now, the reasons for it, and why they must be stopped.
The entire world is watching to see how The People of the Republic of the United States of America are going to stop this runaway train of treachery. They know WE are NOT our government. How do you see this situation ending? What’s the solution—a pocketful of miracles?

Gun Control by Proxy: Insurance Companies Vow to Drop Schools if Teachers Carry Concealed Under New Law

Time for concerned parents to look into Christian or homeschooling everywhere. Don't wait for the corporatist juggernaut to land in your child's kindergarten. Cancelling your coverage with the offending insurance companies is not a solution. Get with other church members.

Gun Control by Proxy: Insurance Companies Vow to Drop Schools if Teachers Carry Concealed Under New Law

Kimberly Paxton
June 19th, 2013
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Have gun control proponents figured out a new way to make sure that our children are not protected in schools?
As Kansas passes a state law that will allow certain teachers and other employees to carry guns, the insurance company that covers most of the schools has said they will refuse to indemnify the facilities that to allow concealed carry permit holders to have weapons at school. Because of this, the state’s school board association has urged the schools NOT to take advantage of the new law.
EMC Insurance Companies, the state’s main insurer of schools, won’t insure districts with armed employees under the new law, which takes effect July 1. Districts already insured by EMC wouldn’t have their policies renewed.
“We understand that school districts have every right to decide which way they want to go,” Bernie Zalaznik, EMC’s resident vice president in Wichita, said Monday. “But we have to make the decision based on what we perceive to be our best financial interest.”
The insurance companies justify this questionable new policy as a business decision rather than a political statement:
EMC, which Zalaznik estimated insures about 90 percent of Kansas’ 286 school districts, has issued a letter to its agents around the state, explaining that concealed carry would pose too great a risk.
“We are making this underwriting decision simply to protect the financial security of our company,” said the May 15 letter, which can be viewed in full on The Topeka Capital-Journal’s website.
Zalaznik and the Kansas Association of School Boards said some school districts have been showing interest in letting employees carry firearms. Currently, only law enforcement officers can carry guns on school property.
Zalaznik said he had heard directly from or indirectly of about five or six districts seeking information on allowing guns in schools. David Shriver, director of the school board association’s insurance program, said about a dozen districts around the state, mostly small ones, had called and expressed interest.
The school board association is advising all districts against taking advantage of the new law.
Shriver said two other insurers of districts, Wright Specialty Insurance and Continental Western Group, also have decided either not to cover liabilities related to concealed firearms or not to insure such districts at all. (source)
Heaven forbid that another act of violence should take place at a school anywhere, but if it should occur in one of the schools that has been barred against allowing the staff to protect children, particularly when the state law says that they can, the magnitude of the resultant lawsuit should make all of the number-crunching actuaries quake behind their adding machines.
Assess that risk, EMC Insurance Company.
Delivered by The Daily Sheeple

Contributed by Kimberly Paxton of
Kimberly Paxton, a staff writer for the Daily Sheeple, is based out of upstate New York.
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