Thursday, June 20, 2013

Julien Wells Update: Psychic Defense

Julien Wells Update: Psychic Defense

friends in high places

Julien Wells Update: Psychic Defense

In this update Julian and I are joined by Andrew Bartzis to discuss a topic mentioned in his recent interviews on the Walking in Energy and The Transitioning shows, that the PTW are aggressively using telepaths operating as remote observers and influencers to reinforce the disruption and disinformation campaigns they are running and are also using entities called etheric fleas and etheric parasites to negatively effect and control individuals in conjunction with the “troll” program.
Andrew states that a plan exists to flood the Internet with these technologies on June 21st 2013. Forums and Skype rooms could be badly affected and disrupted. Defending yourself against these attacks is relatively straight forward and is explained in detail by Andrew.
Please pass this link on to anyone who will resonate. These psychic technologies and programs are truly disgusting and have been used against us for decades. The more people who have this information and act on it, the less effect these disgusting programs will have on The One People from this point forward.

Letters of the Court


The unfolding financial crisis is a hall of mirrors. What appears a terrible thing may hide what is good. Only a vision as broad as Christ, One with Our Father in Heaven can help us see through the fog of financial war. Never has maya been woven so thick around the affairs of men.

Plato and Aristotle
The School of Athens by Raphael
‘As above, so below’
This series of letters begins with a contemplation of the bank crisis in Cyprus where we investigate two thousand years of history and the mysteries of Greece and Christ.
The resulting document is of interest to all men and women: Popes, Kings and Queens, Archbishops, politicians, secret service, military men, bankers, magistrates, corporate CEOs, lay church members, atheists ... people from all countries from Argentina to Britain, from Japan to America; from all religions, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Atheist, etc.

Letters of the Court

The method of this letter

We begin with the Law of Christ and its bedrock in Greek philosophy. This is to heal the virtual lobotomy in the west between those with the left-brain scientific character traits (think German engineer/banker/warrior) and the right brained character traits of those whose art is painted on the pages of European history. The impersonal nature of the philosopher’s God is also the personal saviour of those who with intense devotion contemplate the passion of Christ.
The purpose of this thesis is to build bridges of constructive cooperation between all peoples and reintroduce finality of settlement in trade.
We examine the laws of Caesar, the God of those who worship arbitrary Force, who creates the mountain of statutes, the Tower of Babel, which has been ‘administered’ as a slow poison to the brains of the rule-fearing lower and middle class population of the west and that has turned all of Caesar’s courts into administrative courts where the people cannot, if they look into it, find either law or equity.
We contrast commerce and trade. Caesar’s commerce, which keeps the people too busy to think and allows the ‘upper class3’ of bankers access to purchasing power that the usurious lenders of the past could only dream of, is the basis for financial war and used to finance the ever escalating spiral of weapons. We look into how ‘negotiation’ is defined in commerce and its consequences for bank deposits, ‘foreign exchange’ and how the people and their leaders have been entrapped and then treated as infants.
We trace the history of the modern Caesar back to the Peace of Westphalia and how the modern Nation State came to be and how politicians cannot possibly be our representatives.
We finally invoke Prosperity and place our resources in law and trade at the disposal of His Beatitude Archbishop of Nova Justiniana and all Cyprus Chrysostomos II, that he may lead the way to a durable prosperity free of usurious lenders and false law.
The letter is a condensed introduction to decades of research and contemplation. This letter is intended as a starting point for formulating the right questions, the answers to which, can solve the problems of our age.
We ask you, dear reader, to forgive us for any perceived insult or strong emotion caused by these words that follow. Satan is nothing other than the wickedness of our own egos with its strong emotions – personified in ancient epics as the ten headed4 demon – cut off one head and it sprouts a new head.
This letter marks a milestone in our odyssey5 to reclaim the Vineyard of Our Father
for His children.

The Law of Christ

I and My Father are One
- Gospel of Saint John 10:30
One, to the ancient Greeks, was not just the first counting number6. Our Lord Jesus Christ came to an advanced civilisation of His day, a civilisation that produced the Antikythera mechanism, a mechanical computer capable of accurately predicting the eclipses of the moon with “jaw dropping” precision.
For the Hellenic Civilisation of Archimedes, Plato, Socrates, Proclus and Plotinus, philosophers who loved wisdom, One represented the Good, the inviolable ultimate Reality as utter self-sufficiency and the source of all Power; the Authentic, which never ceases to be itself, which cannot be negated; the Absolute, self sufficient, without need of anything. One, “is nowhere, nowhere is it not”7 according to Plotinus.
The philosophers of His day differentiated between different ‘degrees’ of reality, determined by the degree of participation in the One. The self knowing reality of our Mind, the I-AM of the Bible is the Nous or Intellectual Principle of the Greeks. Nous is Truth, the identity of knower and known; it is Beauty, the shining forth of Divine Ideas. Thus we can differentiate Absolute Reality or One, the self knowing Nous, living reality or Soul and manifest reality or Nature.
The thinkers at the time of Our Lord clearly saw that the oneness or unity of all knowledge included Relations of Ideas and Matters of Fact. They could differentiate the prior in a sequence of reason-principles. The Idea of Man, an intellectual-principle, is prior to its innumerable instances as the lives of all the men and women for all time; in this perfected Idea of Man, salvation is the universal non-dual, timeless life of the One. This philosophical concept of the Idea of Man is simplified as “Our Father”. Our Father, then, includes the Manifest Universe as His body, the Universe-Idea impinging daily on our consciousness; the motivation for the construction of the Antikythera mechanism – to know the manifest will8 of Our Father in Heaven; the universe-idea being thought of as what we would call a hologram today, each part containing and reflecting the essence of all other parts9.
Those who wish to research this further are referred to the Enneads of Plotinus who talks about the Soul thus:
... the Soul is of so far-reaching a nature – a thing unbounded- as to embrace the entire body of the All in one extension... The universe spreads as broad as the presence of soul... a shadow as broad as the Reason-principle proceeding from soul...
- Plotinus, IV.3.9
The most famous agnostic of our time, Professor Richard Dawkins, uses the conception, ‘Blind10 Watchmaker’, to set against the worship of a ‘dead man’. It is better to have some conception of ‘God’ than to have no conception at all. The ‘God’ of Our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, suitable for the most advanced contemplation, is a very impersonal One.
With this brief introduction, we can begin to comprehend the depth of Power and Knowledge, demonstrated in His life and implied by the Law of Christ, “I and My Father are Oneand the knowledge of eternal life outside time implicit in, “Before Abraham was, I AM.”.
It is with such direct and intimate knowledge of the Law, the Law by which awareness of consciousness arises, that it becomes possible to know, even experience, the ever-newness of One flashing into manifestation as our psychosomatic, fleshy body, the ‘Son of Man’, that people call ‘human’ today. Heisenberg’s principle of indeterminacy being the ‘Platonic solid’ or ‘mathematical theory’ that is closest to quantifying the newness or randomness.
Without learning, studying, or practising yoga, Heisenberg, famed nuclear physicist, formulator of the Law of Indeterminacy, unwittingly entered what is a high goal to yogis, Nirvikalpa Samadhi. This happened at times at the end of the deepest abstract thinking about his subject. Thoughts themselves ceased to be active. He found himself in the Stillness of the Void. He knew then, and knows today, his spiritual being. ...
When he was dying, Heisenberg said to von Weizsäcker, “It is very easy: I did not know this before.” At another moment he said, “I see now that physics is of no importance, that the world is illusion.” He passed away in peace.
- Notebooks of Paul Brunton11
As Soviet tanks rolled through Prague and the KGB enforced their purges of all intellectual people, loose leaf typed copies of Paul Brunton’s notebooks were smuggled by the spiritually thirsty, taped to the undersides of dining room chairs – stories I have heard direct from the lips of those who lived there – and experienced their authentic spiritual radiation. It can be shown that whilst the Church struggles with transmuting sexual energy and empathetic feeling to kundalini shakthi, there are those whose consciousness has soared in direct experience of One.
Spiritual vs religious
Contemplation of these reason-principles provides a method of Thinking, it becomes clear that the Man is formless – an object definition, rather than an instance of the object definition; the genes themselves the vector primitives by which the complex ‘rendering of the drawing’ is made. When Man makes God in his magnified image it is his mental error in seeking his prior, looking for a magnified superman to worship or shun in scorn.
When blind belief that is religion, is replaced by abstract contemplation of the causal prior, seemingly intractable problems are dissolved by the alchemy of pure Reason12 – reason or reason-principles, such as embodied in ‘Platonic solids’, ‘mathematical theories’; in general, Relations of Ideas that model manifestation better than what went before.
It is possible to approach the ‘Mind of the Dreamer’, conceived as Vishnu by the people living East of the Indu river, that the west calls Christ (Krishna or Christ-I). There is no thing alien or ‘impossible’ to the Mind of Christ (Mind that is Awake) – what a human can think, it can manifest – it manifests your waking world. We can leave the minor miracles to the scientists13 and concentrate on the major miracle of transforming hatred14 into love.
For those for whom devotion comes naturally as visions of refined sense perception, develop your Reason. The Causal world of reason-principles is infinitely more refined than the Astral world of mystic vision or the ‘material world’ of your day time body. Shunning visions and miraculous powers the Sage goes on to encounter the Holy-of-holies, the Whole, the Void behind the void – I and My Father are One.

The Laws of Caesar

Ever since prehistoric humans beat one rock against another during the stone age to master the application of Force, there has been an exponential increase in human ability to make the rocks themselves cry out in a relativistic release of brute Force.
Claim to the pyramid of Force lies in the hands of Caesar, all lesser Kings and village chiefs bowing to his claim of ruthless application of organised violence against other humans. The image of Caesar’s minions is the Roman soldier who killed Archimedes in cold blood as he pondered a mathematical problem sketched in sand.
The intellectual-principle of Caesar is what may be organised as one man, a company of men or seen as vested in all men. What Caesar says is recorded in earnest, for his say-so is what Caesar’s attorney’s15 call ‘statutes’.
Wise men are instructed by reason;
Men of less understanding, by experience;
The most ignorant, by necessity;
The beasts by nature.
- Letters to Atticus, Marcus Tullius Cicero
When those of the lowest stature, beasts by nature, assume the mantle of Caesar, we experience tyranny as witnessed in the lives of historical ‘villains’, recent and ancient.
The worship of manifest Force is easy, it comes naturally to anyone who imagines that the ‘United States’ is the ‘sole superpower’, whose Force inspires tribute from lesser chiefs.
Force today is a technological mastery over little bits of rock; the ‘scientist’ exults at having discovered over a hundred different ‘elements’ of rock, and the entire ‘zoo of elementary particles’, mocking the ancients who only had five difficult words for elements, little knowing that the ancient classification of five forms of objective conscious experience, experience of Earth (solids), Air (gases), Fire (energy), Water (liquids) and Ether (space-time) binds still the scientist in his ‘Shelly like16’ human bubble of consciousness.
Caesar commands all aspects of force, claims complete dominion over liberty, whilst promising his citizens a litany of rights. He must, therefore, control money or finance as it is called today. Ever since Abraham Lincoln printed up ‘legal tender’ backed by the force of arms, it has been a financial war in which the ancient power of the lender over the borrower has been mortgaged17 to the Lord of Death.
The Caesar we know as the ‘United States’ is organised as a ‘constitutional republic’. The fact that there is a ‘written constitution’ implies that it is a legal fiction, a ‘dead’ thing without life of its own18. This Caesar is mirrored in every nation, including the United Nations.
How do the citizens expect that once the Dark Lords of Finance hold the reins of Force, the weak citizen can overcome the powerful Dark Lords? If such were indeed possible, the Minnesota Credit River decision19 would have swept away the tyranny of credit in 1968.
Those who call themselves ‘republicans’ everywhere, swear an oath to a constitution and bind themselves to the Lord of Death. Without much fuss20 they practice the administrative rituals that mortgage their life and liberty to the much hated Dark Lords of Finance21. Such people can hardly call themselves Christian. From the Gospel of Saint Matthew:
5:33 Again, ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time, Thou shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths: 5:34 But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne: 5:35 Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King.
5:36 Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black.
5:37 But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.

The European Union, a manifestation of a Great Caesar for Europe22, and the United Nations a ‘world wide’ Caesar are both corporations with a constitution as are various ‘financial institutions23’ big and small. Yet the very cultivation of the reason-principle of a ‘constitution’ in the human mind leads us to the more ancient constitution left by Our Lord in the Parable of the Vineyard and his Command to Peter, “Feed my Sheep24”.
It is this ancient constitution that His Beatitude Archbishop of Nova Justiniana and all Cyprus Chrysostomos II has sought to fulfil in good faith by pledging the wealth of the Church which is but the wealth of the flock.
When the Court of Pontius Pilate, Caesar’s Magistrate25, offered Our Lord and Master the protection of Caesar against the mob baying for His blood, Our Lord refused the protection of the lesser Laws of Caesar – He was fully conscious of the One whose Law by which the crucifixion itself would be done. Unlike humans who have failed to investigate their own consciousness, Our Lord was destined to demonstrate His unity with One by His resurrection.
The question we have is, have the lower Laws of Caesar come to dominate those who profess the Law of Christ?

Commerce vs Trade

Caesar’s commerce is simply the exchange of goods for a circular promise26 to pay. Trade is exchange of goods, that is measured substance for measured substance; substance itself the Good of One.
A detailed examination then of the circulation of these ‘promises to pay’, how they come into existence and how these ‘promises to pay’ pass from one human to another must then be essential to learning the lessons embedded in and in concluding the correct course of action regarding Caesar’s financial disaster unfolding in Cyprus.

Uniform Commercial Code

The Uniform Commercial Code27 is the basis of all commercial transactions worldwide. It forms the basis for all commercial contracts, from the delivery of petroleum products to the deposits in bank accounts and their transfer as a result of a freshly concluded contract. Consider the following pertaining to obtaining a signature on a contract as a result of ‘negotiation’:

(a)  Negotiation is effective even if obtained (i) from an infant, a corporation exceeding its powers, or a person without capacity, (ii) by fraud, duress, or mistake, or (iii) in breach of duty or as part of an illegal transaction.
Then consider the following:

(a)  If a person acting, or purporting to act, as a representative signs an instrument by signing either the name of the represented person or the name of the signer, the represented person is bound by the signature to the same extent the represented person would be bound if the signature were on a simple contract.  If the represented person is bound, the signature of the representative is the "authorised signature of the represented person" and the represented person is liable on the instrument, whether or not identified in the instrument.
In short, ‘infants’ can be bound, by fraud or by an imposter. Such commercial instruments, obtained by fraudulent deception can be ‘transferred in good faith’. Commerce is war by deception. Commercial contracts turn adult humans into legal idiots – full time lunatics - ‘infants’. An ‘infant’ or legal idiot is someone who you cannot reason with at any time. A lunatic you can reason with on some days of the month28.


Contrary to popular myth, neither paper cash or bank deposits are printed by the Caesar’s Central Bank out of thin air.
Bank deposits are created when humans walk into Caesar’s Bank and sign a commercial contract, for example, a ‘mortgage29 application’, popularly called a home loan. In Caesar’s banks, the borrower is the depositor.
The borrower, unaware of the sleight of hand and the commercial nature of the contract, feels30 obligated to repay. The NAME being bound is a name created by Caesar’s registrar of live births.
The above is true for the corporate NATION. The ‘representatives’ of the people, equally legal idiots, sell Government Bonds backed by Caesar’s ability to steal by taxation, to obtain bank deposits created by the borrowing public to pay their tax collectors and enforcement agents.

Forex Market

Between the various bank liability currencies created by humans walking in and out of financial institutions there exists an inter-bank foreign exchange market.
Eager traders lap up 100:1 ‘leverage’ in a cross border trading system exchanging trillions of dollars, euros, etc. What does ‘100:1 leverage’ mean? It means they can extend for themselves an instant ‘commercial deposit’ for up to 100 times their initial ‘deposit’ to purchase a ‘commercial forex contract’. How many traders and their lawyers and bankers know this? Legal idiots, the lot31 of them.

Power vs Force

The ‘scientific’ definition of power is that it is the rate of application of energy. More the power expended, the greater the force. In spite of the French metric system, every young man wants a car with ‘more horsepower’. This is not what we are talking about here.
Power comes from owning the prior reason-principle in a sequence. For example, this is what has been used to create the system of intellectual property rights. To those who own the patent, Caesar grants the monopoly to take advantage of your neighbour.
This has been done so that any threat to Caesar, for example, in terms of a ‘better way to beat rock together’, becomes disclosed, so Caesar can grab the idea and snatch it for ‘reasons of national security’. Any sane person32 uses Trade Secrets – see Coca Cola.
Power, contemplated in this manner, grants access to virtually unlimited force. Lesser men, try to grab the force for themselves. A recent example is “Power flows from the barrel of a gun”.

Financial war

Financial war is as old as history – all genuine liberty and freedom comes from the lack thereof, all access to brute force comes from a successful swindle of the weak. Wherever you see a grand display of Force, know that the people of that country and their neighbours33 are on their way to hardship and ruin.
The decline and fall of the Roman Empire, came as a natural consequence of the debasement of money, as much from those who identified and seized for themselves the gold as best they could. Senators, then as now, are a scheming bunch34. Et tu Brutus, your time shall come too, my son.
It is the Christian church that, looking out for its own affairs – the safety of its flock from Caesar, kept the liberty of the flock intact – gold, land and inheritance, which then included marriage, enforcing the responsibility of the Trust inherent in marriage and letting Caesar disintegrate... as has to be the case with the Pharaohs of Egypt. The tribute in kind, wheat in particular, from the colonies in North Africa ceased, Rome starved and the Roman State fell to ruin. That the Church shall outlast today’s Caesar is not in question.
The question today is, will the people who only worship Caesar learn the principles of Trust, or, distrusting each other, grabbing gold and weapons and hiding in their ‘hidden’ foxholes begin to destroy themselves by Darwinian evolution. It would be a poor choice.
The infrastructure that they count on, won’t be there for such people.
Fixed fortifications are a monument to the stupidity of man.
- General George Patton.
With the fall of the Roman Empire, the prior system of tribute by lesser Kings to Caesar, by fear, was replaced by a system of Trusts modelled on the Vineyard of the Lord parable. Linguistic groups had Kings, a Trustee of Law Enforcement, appointed by the Bishop of Rome. All rights to violence required in such enforcement were in his hands. He had to enforce Trust Law with regards to money and land, see the Gospel of Saint Luke, chapters 19 and 20.
In 1534, when King Henry VIII declared his ‘Act of Supremacy’, or “I’m better than you”, an implicit war was automatically declared35. Queen Elizabeth I, who had to defend the new Protestant Kingdom from the resulting insurrection, debased the coinage in Ireland – to prevent the rebels from being able to purchase foreign arms. In 1604, the learned and noble Law Lords ruled that since ancient times, the Sovereign36 has the power to decree what shall be the money.
The parallel history unfolding in Europe is important as it leads to the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 and the recognition of the Dutch Republic. The Roman form of Caesar was once again in incarnation.
In 168837 the ‘Glorious Revolution’ saw the Dutch Prince William of Orange ascend the English throne. The Declaration of Rights read to them settled the Trust – which became an Act of King William and Mary in Parliament agreed on, the Bill of Rights 1688.
By the early 1700s, the South Sea bubble was in full swing. In Europe, the Tulip mania can be studied. By the time the South Sea bubble popped, the who’s who in the Kingdom were implicated. It is during this era that Parliament granted money for the building of a certain palace for a Duke who had led the English forces to victory. In Scotland, the Darien Scheme for the Scottish to compete with the English by setting up colonies in Central America collapsed. This brought about the union of Great Britain by the Acts of Union 1707. During the reign of Queen Anne, the position of Lord High Treasurer went into commission under the Great Seal – for many reasons, including that the Acts of Union enjoined the new entity, Great Britain, to Presbyterian Polity or the use of a ‘Council of Elders’ to make key decisions. This is what gave that country a Prime Minister, the First Lord of the Treasury and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Second Lord of the Treasury. Sir Isaac Newton, who was Master of the Mint, who placed England on a de-facto gold standard, said:
“I can calculate the movement of the stars, but not the madness of men”
By 1776, the colonists were led to the ‘American Revolution’, modelled on the Roman Republic over a tax dispute that is not what it appears to be to the casual historian – smuggler’s arbitrage was destroyed when London cut taxes – the smugglers threw the tea of the tax paying competition in the sea38. At the same time, the French Revolution was happening in Europe. The ideas of ‘Civil Rights’ have since been promoted. Rights are a consequence of Liberty. The 1688 Bill of Rights in England to declare and entrench English Liberty were mirrored with ‘Equality, Fraternity, etc.’, in France. Fredrick Bastiat in his essay The Law39 outlines how enforced Fraternity destroys Liberty. This did not stop the lesser men who populate the legislatures from using the Powers of Caesar which they take for themselves, from trying to mould mankind by grabbing the visible and visceral Force40.
By 1812, Napoleon had failed to conquer Russia and the American Second War of Independence had reached a status quo ante bellum peace or, ‘as it was before the war began’ peace. The question is, which war?
The ‘success’ of King Henry VIII, George Washington and Napoleon inspired Bismark in Germany. An incisive thinker, he instituted ‘Public Schools41’ through the Kulturkampf to mould the children to be good soldiers and unquestioningly obey civil authority and ask for permission for every wee act; a scheme copied widely worldwide. The ‘Culture War’ purpose of ‘compulsory school education’ is not learning. Public Schools and compulsory ‘civil/secular’ education are a structural element of the Global Zoo.
By 1870, Garibaldi had united Italy by force of arms under King Victor Emanuel II and Abraham Lincoln had ‘preserved the Union’ after the American Civil War. Purportedly, slavery was abolished, with ‘equal rights’ for 14th amendment ‘citizens’.42
Abraham Lincoln had used Financial War for offensive purposes. The people of the North were forced to use ‘legal tender’ to slaughter their fellows for ideological gain. What the war was about is not obvious from the trumpeted history. This reason-principle of Caesar43 was now openly worshipped as the ‘public good’.
Walter Bagehot in The English Constitution44, published in 1872, predicted the emergence of the banker-military-industrial complex. See Letter Rogatory to the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States by this Court of Record for more information that includes an analysis of the 1908 Banker’s panic in New York and how that seemingly distant history had an effect, exactly a hundred years later in 2008.
There are other significant 100 year anniversaries that have recently arrived and a few imminent. These include but are not limited to the founding of the Federal Reserve, 2014 as the start of the Great War and closing of the International Bill Market and 2019, the anniversary of the Paris peace treaty inimitably analysed by Lord Maynard Keynes.
It must be noted that the ‘great debate’ between Hayek and Keynes is rather unequal. Keynes was an insider, aware of the financial war. He was obliged to secrecy. His remarks regarding ‘animal spirits’ and gold as a barbaric relic45 must be interpreted in the light of earlier quoted Letters to Atticus by Marcus Tullius Cicero. We pray that the only conclusions that can be reached regarding the history of the last three hundred years will result in an awakening for European and American leaders and a return to the Rule of Law – the people certainly cannot let their leaders remain mad.
History in her solemn page informs us, that the Crusaders were but ignorant and savage men, that their motives were those of bigotry unmitigated, and that their pathway was one of blood and tears. Romance, on the other hand, dilates upon their piety and heroism, and portrays, in her most glowing and impassioned hues, their virtue and magnanimity, the imperishable honour they acquired for themselves, and the great services they rendered to Christianity…
Charles Mackay, The Madness of Crowds.
The force of commercial banking
Commercial banking is a weapon of war. Local government cannot curb the power of the
multinational commercial banking sector. The ‘Federal Government’ of the United States or the EU bureaucracy in Brussels or the leaders of Germany do not have the power to control the commercial banks.
By increasing or decreasing the amount of credit extended to the retail population, the commercial banking system can cause any government to collapse, imports of essential commodities to fail, etc.
The fall of the Soviet regime in the USSR was engineered by financial war. There is a devoted clique of non-sovereign actors that would like you to believe that they control the future because they participated in the take down of the USSR. In this world reflected through the looking glass, they do not see that they are participating in another campaign.
Possession of Force and Gold is no guarantee of Sovereignty. The foolishness of President Woodrow Wilson, is witnessed in The Economic Consequences of the Peace46, by Lord Maynard Keynes, regarding the Peace of Paris that marked the end of the Great War in 1919. The remarks of Mahatma Gandhi regarding the President’s 14 point plan are pertinent47. By 1933, the United States was bankrupt – in secret.
Jesus is presented to us as King David’s heir, but the liberation he brought to his people was not about holding hostile armies at bay; it was about conquering sin and death forever.
- Pope Benedict XVI, Christmas Message 201248.
The power wielded by commercial banking is demonstrated by the recent history of the 2008 banking crisis in the Price/Earnings ratio of the Standard and Poor S&P 500 index.
What does the standard deviation of the 2008 drop in the chart tell us?
When the top 500 US corporations can be shut off for three months, there is a definite message. You can be sure that anyone who is or was on the board of any such company is being extremely conservative regarding what she can do.
There is a message too for those who are waiting on contracts from such companies or believing that, for example, Apple Inc., has XX billion USD of ‘cash in the bank’.
The parallel fall in the Baltic Dry Index and the consequent largest fleet of anchored merchant vessels49 off Singapore have another message.
This brings us to the collapse of the Cyprus banks in early 2013. Those who know which index to follow were anticipating a much wider collapse and the outbreak of war. A very brave man, holding the keys to the difficulty of our time, took a tremendous historic decision to prevent the bigger catastrophe.
The visible Caesar shall not prevail. The visible Caesar cannot refuel his war ships50.
What we do not need is a ‘modern’ crusade driven by the madness of corporate banking, where people are driven to kill each other for nothing, not even a scrap of paper.
In other words, the army of today’s crusaders is driven by USD in a ‘bank’ that is not even redeemable for paper legal tender!


Two millennia ago Jesus Christ incarnated One and walked amongst us. The Roman Empire, surely the most ruthless and cruel51, fell to ruin as Christians then opposed the Emperors of those early centuries after Christ, even as Mahatma Gandhi did more recently in India.
That the British Empire, the world’s greatest in scope and extent retreated before Mahatma Gandhi’s non-violent struggle shows that there were people in Power in the last century in Great Britain who recognised the re-manifestation of the Law of Christ52.
In this century past, the descendants of those Roman Warriors who populated the New World and the Old, fought two of the most satanic, violent, wars mankind has ever seen. We know how Sages came to advise the ‘scientists’ and ‘leaders’ regarding non-duality in an effort to prevent the world wars, as every wound and death is inflicted on the body of Man (Man, the Son of God, Christ). We acknowledge with deep gratitude these Sages and honour them by these words that come now to those in need of help, who are thirsty for Truth and willing to carry their Cross53 without burden to others.
Looking back at the history of the world since the Council of Trent (1545 – 1563) and the subsequent Peace of Westphalia in 1648 shows the unstoppable progress of human reason, the futile effort at suppression of information and the return of rule by the, “primitive doctrine that might is right”. The resulting history is proof that information cannot harm those who walk together in the path of Christ.
The descendants of Roman Warriors returned to their former ways and Kings fought each other for territory and subjects, eagerly financed by usurious lenders seeking to promote the new Protestant religion as a method of destroying their prior obligations by Force Majeure.
In keeping with European tradition over these past centuries, is Europe going to have its clocks cleaned by the Blind Watchmaker, given that the time now is getting to quarter past the century mark? There is yet time for people to wake up and modernise their clocks so that Prosperity comes daily to their door, rather than the empty promise of Hades.
The Emperor’s Cult of Westphalia, reorganised as the formal corporate NATIONS of the United Nations are bankrupt. Any would be Caesar would find that the promise of more fraudulent conversion would make for a short and brutal life. Those who have built a temple for Herod are welcome to try54 – Darwin loves you.
A popular revolution or ‘Declaration of Independence’ would be futile55. Those loyal to the United States might do well to read the list of grievances published in 1776 and look at themselves in the mirror.
A Roman Republic as a form of government is futile – history both ancient and modern proves that republics fail to deliver the advertising in the ‘constitution’. The ‘time scale’ for contemplation is, ‘hundreds of years of history’.
It becomes clearer who the allies are in the restoration of the ancient Rule of Law where usury is forbidden, and Trust restored in the Vineyard of Our Lord.

The Entrapped ‘INFANTS’

‘Christian morality’ as ought-to-be reasoning56 has led the gullible to be entrapped by their fear, greed and false charity. Today, a century of credit money later, there are so many who call themselves ‘Christian’ who are entrapped in ‘bank trade’ programs. Their dreams of walking as messiahs of charity in distant lands have floundered on the rocks of reality.
Equally, those who worship Caesar, ‘Oath Keepers of the Republic’, are entrapped in ‘Freedom programs’ by their worship of the brute force of fraudulent conversion. Simple logic - a look at the statutes that define a legal tender dollar and the current published Federal Reserve statistics,57 would show them that there is not multi-trillion quantities of legal tender ‘dollars’.
There are those who are the ‘super-rich’ entrapped by their belief that their bank accounts are ‘cash deposits’ - bank deposits are not cash or ‘legal tender’.58
There are those who, for example, ‘hate the Federal Reserve’. Why then do they vote for ‘representatives’ when their ‘representatives’ are technically to blame for the whole mess, borrowing more than the people can afford and condoning the rampant commercial fraud? Such people are entrapped by pure hatred and demonstrate failure to reason. The situation is the same in every ‘nation’.
Every ‘representative’, in what is today a profession, by failure to object to the loss of ability of the people to pay their debts at law are in treason to their masters, the people. The statutes of these representatives, therefore, no longer bind the people. The U.S. Congress and the U.K. Parliament and every copy worldwide including the United Nations are lunatic asylums in operation. There is little surprise then, when the process of entry for ‘refugees’ is a process called ‘asylum’. Any legal body that no longer controls their property in money is not at liberty. The Federal Reserve can be seen as the Committee for the Management of the Property of Idiots, Lunatics and Infants. We can trace the legal history of these concepts hundreds of years. A vast bureaucracy exists, inside the operating lunatic asylum, fretting about the possible loss of their retirement plans59.
There are those who are entrapped by ‘oath of office’. In the land known as America, the United States corporation statutes say clearly, oath of office is loss of American Nationality. All oaths of office come under 22 CFR, Foreign Relations, Sections §§92.12 - 92.30, and all who hold public office come under Title 8 USC, Section §1481 “Loss of nationality by native-born or naturalised citizen; voluntary action; burden of proof; presumptions.” 
As soon as someone takes oath of office, he is bound by the grantor of the legal body to which he takes an oath. The question to ask is who does the formal Caesar represent? See the questions outlined in our first letter to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. By following this process, it is possible to discover the truth, which we have communicated back to those in charge of ‘constitutional reform’ there – see Open Letter to the Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
There are those who are entrapped by treaties with the United States. The 11th Amendment clearly states that the United States Courts have no jurisdiction over law and equity. Treaties by the United States corporation, and the ‘debt’ of the ‘treasury’ cannot therefore be enforced against the people60.
‘Rich’ people inside the box are desperately holding on to ‘deposits’ void at law – it is the same in every nation.
Consequently, there are those entrapped with court cases in the administrative courts designed to allow lunatics and idiots space to vent their frustrations and to perform legal penance and pay their indulgences to Caesar. The most deranged want to pay imaginary taxes from the ‘profits’ from the last financial war to prolong the madness.
The entrapped have failed to ask the questions, Who is Caesar? Who is the Federal Reserve? The answer is discussed in our Letter to Professor Richard Dawkins regarding the debate at the Cambridge Union Society on the relevance of religion in the 21st century that was copied to Baron Rowan Lord Williams of Oystermouth, the Former Archbishop of Canterbury. The answers to these questions above are relevant to the people and government of all ‘nations’.
In 1870, Rome fell to the troops of the Kingdom of Italy. The Bishop of Rome, the King of Kings was confined to his house. The legal principle is, that if the liberty and property of The Sovereign is not secure, no one’s property is secure. Today, no one is at liberty, one cannot leave one’s home without a license to drive or work permit.
Is it not a wonder then, how all this has come to pass? What is the Law?

Entrapped by Mammon

These principles elucidated above by John Dee and others posturing magic61, are as insanely ludicrous as is the practice of melting down all the gold they can into bars and hoarding it in vaults guarded by secret police and armies.
It's like putting ideas in a vault and thinking that the power of genius lies in the ideas themselves. How can that be? It is the mind and creative genius of men and women that creates value - not the metal just sitting there.
Metal is the ideal form to use for trading measured substance for substance. That's all.
A simple thought experiment will identify the idea-principle of Mammon. Imagine, for a moment, that you, dear reader, have all the gold in the world. Imagine that you land with it, naked, in the midst of an ancient nomadic tribe. Can you buy all the ‘goods’ that you identify with wealth? For example, a sports car, a Swiss watch, a washing machine, an air conditioner – or what about comfortable clothes, a rain coat and insect repellent? The worship of Mammon is futility itself.
There are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart’s desire. The other is to gain it.
- George Bernard Shaw
Entrapped by Mammon, they worship Caesar62, the sterile male ghost, the ‘Holy’ Roman Empire, the fruits of which are the skulls scattered across Europe and the world.
The presence of Zero, non-dual with One, is signified by the ‘Immaculate’ Virgin Mary, the Indian Goddess Mahakali, the Tathagatagarbha of the Buddhists, the Great Void beyond the void, the Goddess of the Triple Distant Peaks, the Goddess of the Law of Voids. By this Soliton of Law, She Herself exorcises this ghost wherever or whenever it may appear.
Dualities and trinities on something do hang
Supportless they never appear;
That support searched for, they loosen and fall
There is the Truth. Who sees that never wavers.
- Ramana Maharishi


Society today is global, the products of our daily life come from all over the world. As we wrote in our Prayer for Pope Francis, the Bishop of Rome:
The question is not which corporate body owns this or that natural resource or island big or small, but how the society of these Global Isles shall move goods freely made available by God or Nature to God’s children; how such a process shall preserve the liberty, property rights and freedom, both religious and civil, for all men and women from the poorest peasant to the Lords Temporal and Spiritual and The Sovereign himself.

Michael Hastings Investigator - Possible HIT by FBI?

Subj: [Charleston Voice] Hours Before His Death Michael Hastings Contacted Wikileaks Attorney Said FBI Was Investigating Him | XRepublic