Friday, June 21, 2013

Is it time for Billy Jack to come back? Please?

I can relate to this..We should have all the good guys back right now. I bet our MILITARY would love that. That would be a good thing.!!!

Is it time for Billy Jack to come back? Please?
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 20-Jun-2013 11:33:52
I think so!
From a Long time RMN reader. TY I loved Billy Jack. I was about 10 when it came out the first time and watched it throughout my teen years at midnight showings.
Is it time for Billy Jack to come back?
Many of the kids, now grownups, whom the renegade justice-seeker influenced three decades ago say it is. Obligingly, the hero plans a reappearance.
By Ben Montgomery, Times Staff Writer
Published August 19, 2007

First, the story about the little girl, because that's where we must begin, with discovery, in the spring of 1972, inside the Park Plaza Theater in Orlando.
She is 8, sitting beside her mother, left side, middle, when the lights go dark.
On the screen: Wild mustangs charge across the desert mountains, followed by men on horseback. The men kill mustangs for dog food, and for fun.
There are no words at first, just the crackle of a song.
Go ahead and hate your neighbor, go ahead and cheat a friend
Do it in the name of heaven, you can justify it in the end.
The little girl's name is Lisa, and she'll grow up to be an American government teacher at a high school outside Tampa, but not before a movie burns into her brain, changing in a few moments who she is and who she will become.

What happens to the girl, not long after, involves a 50-year-old man and a criminal trial at which she is asked to testify about terrible things.
But let's stay in that theater for another moment, watching the girl watching the movie.
"I'm 8 years old and I'm watching this guy come riding out of the woods, and I'm watching this guy in a black hat stop these men from shooting wild horses," she would say 35 years later.
"And it clicks. I want to be that man."

And so it begins, a story about a movie, a renegade who walked away, and the people three decades later who need him to come back.
Watch his feet. He can kill you with his feet.
There are times in America when the pendulum swings too far and power is displaced.
In 1971, Nixon's people tapped phones in secret while blood ran thick in Vietnam. Students who stood against war were shot dead. The Weather Underground bombed public buildings.
The stage was set for change, and along came a movie.
Billy Jack tells the story of a half-white, half-American Indian ex-Green Beret who lives on an Indian reservation outside a conservative Arizona town. He makes friends with a pacifist named Jean who runs the alternative Freedom School for runaways.
The townies, controlled by a businessman named Posner, persecute the hippie kids from the Freedom School.

So Billy Jack becomes the protector of children, Indians, land and horses, like Jesus Christ and Chuck Norris in the same Stetson, standing in a tornado of cultural and political confusion, bearing the flag of naivety and justice.
When Billy Jack hit the box office in 1971, it flopped.
Tom Laughlin, who played Billy Jack and wrote, directed and produced the film, blamed the marketing. He sued to get it back and re-released it.

Then something magical happened.
1. Even though critics slammed the film, people came in hordes.
2. Those who saw it couldn't stop.

Two boys in St. Petersburg watched the movie 17 times. A kid in Missouri saw it 16 times in the theater, then 10 at the drive-in. Elvis Presley watched it nine times. It played in Canton, Ohio, for 26 weeks. Mothers across the country wrote Billy Jack on birth certificates.
The independent picture landed in the top 100 highest-grossing films. Adjust the numbers for inflation, and it's 53rd all-time.
It would be easy to make claims here, to overstate its impact, because what is the measure of a movie? Jurassic Park grossed $914-million during its release, but what effect did it have on society?

Billy Jack was different.
Billy Jack:
You wanna know what I think I'm gonna do then, just for the hell of it?

Tell me.

Billy Jack:
I'm gonna take this right foot, and I'm gonna whop you on that side of your face. And you wanna know something? There's not a damn thing you're gonna be able to do about it.


(Sound: Eiiyah!)
Two camps formed around the film: those who thought it was nonsense and those who thought Billy Jack was power, an unorthodox hero.
"He's a hero to me," said John Picone, a screenwriter in Bangor, Maine. "In everything I write, I try to infuse this ideal that they continue to set out."
"Billy Jack helped me develop a sense of value for the path that a person may choose to make themselves a better person, and to acknowledge that may fall outside of what convention teaches," said Rick Shelly, a 44-year-old teacher outside Detroit, who recently wrote Laughlin a letter. "The majority isn't always right, and refuting common knowledge is sometimes the right thing to do."
Then, without fanfare, Billy Jack disappeared into the American abyss.
He resurfaced a few times, briefly, strangely, but he never made another film like Billy Jack.
He vanished, and we grew distracted. Idealism slipped out of vogue. We got a swimming pool and one of those SUVs with the televisions planted in the headrests.
Now we're at war again. Sixty-nine percent of us disapprove of the president's handling of Iraq. Bush's disapproval rating in June was at 65 percent, a point away from Nixon's record low in August 1974.
It's not just the left that is frustrated. It's the crowd at Applebee's. And it's not just the war they're mad about, it's corrupt politicians, phone tapping, lobbyists, torture, taxes, presidential pardons, doublespeak, $400 haircuts.
That's why I'm headed to L.A, to find Billy Jack.

You've got due process, Mother's Day, supermarkets, the FBI, Medicare, air conditioning, AT&T, country clubs, Congress, a 2-car garage, state troopers, the Constitution, color television and democracy. They've got Billy Jack!
He's late, which is strange, because in the movies his timing is perfect. The doors of the Hyatt in Thousand Oaks, Calif., finally split and an old man shuffles in. He's wearing black. Shoes, socks, pants, shirt, jacket. His hair is thin and ashtray gray.
He looks tired.
You've come a long way," he says. "What is it you want to know?"
I want to know how to find someone to stop men from killing horses, to protect women, to throw a man through a window when children are degraded. Someone to remove his boots and socks and defend us. To be sensible and strong, to right wrong, to be honest and imperfect.

I don't say any of those things.
I ask about the new movie.
Laughlin has announced on his Web site,, that he's making the first Billy Jack movie in 30 years. He says it will influence the presidential election in 2008.
"We were just talking about that on the way here," he says. "We're not sure what the title should be."

The Web site suggests Billy Jack's Moral Crusade, and Laughlin has referred to it as Billy Jack's Crusade to End the War and Restore America to Its Moral Purpose. It has also been called Billy Jack for President.
The film pits Billy Jack against the Bush administration, with a web of a plot that includes an exit strategy for Iraq and teaching people to use impeachment to wrest control from abusive politicians.
"Tom is always ahead of himself," says Robin Hutton, his assistant for 28 years. "He sees things before anybody else can grasp them.
"That's why some people think he's crazy."
He didn't predict his own crash. After Billy Jack came the sequel, The Trial of Billy Jack, which fizzled, and then Billy Jack Goes to Washington, which was never released.
In the 30 years since, Laughlin and his co-star wife, Delores Taylor, have lived quietly, embracing Jungian psychology, lecturing, writing books and teaching at the University of Colorado.

But once in a while, when duty called, Billy Jack stepped out of the frame.
Aug. 27, 1986 (United Press International)
NEW YORK - Actor Tom Laughlin, known for his movie role as "Billy Jack," jumped into a bloody street fight on Manhattan's West Side and broke up the brawl, saying, "If it's killing you want, come and get it." . . .
One of the men struck the other over the head with the bottle and threatened to hit him again, as onlookers circled the fighters to watch, said one woman who was in the crowd.
"The guy was just a bloody hulk. He was starting to hit him a third time when Billy Jack jumped in," she said. "Billy Jack yelled, 'Look, you touch him again and I'm going to rip your arm off.' "

Now people are pulling for Billy Jack to ride out of the woods.
"The Billy Jack movies opened our eyes back in the '70s," says John Leach, a 60-year-old instrument technician and Vietnam veteran in Southport, N.C. "It's gotten progressively worse since then."

"I would so much like to see another Billy Jack movie," says Anthony Angellotti, a 57-year-old chef in Ohio. "We seem to have come full circle."
Remember the little girl in the theater in Orlando?
In 1975, when Lisa was 11, she was raped at Yogi Bear's Jellystone Campground in Apopka, which is why we're using just her first name.

Other little girls were present. The manager of the campground was sleeping in an RV nearby. Lisa told. The rapist was arrested.
Lisa testified in open court, and she thought about the movie. It gave her resolve. The rapist was convicted.

A few months ago, she sat down at the computer and typed an e-mail to thank Laughlin all these years later.
"I can tell you that this year's freshman class (the class of 2010) is the most socially aware class I have ever taught," she wrote. "I hope that my message, our message, gets to them."
She says the freshman class held a sleep-out in the Tampa suburbs to raise awareness for children in Darfur. They listen to Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin on their iPods. And for the first time since she started teaching, every kid in American government class - 170 in all - turned off the television for a weekend in response to a challenge.

She teaches her kids to question authority. She tells them about Billy Jack.
"The same thing was going on when Nixon was in office, and I don't understand why we're so blind," she says.
"We need Billy Jack."

"People never think of me as an actor. I'm not an actor. I'm Billy Jack."
Tom Laughlin, Jan. 26, 1992
I meet Laughlin again the day President Bush is holding a press conference about Iraq. The president fields a reporter's question: "How hard is it for you to conduct the war without popular support?"
The president says it would be a mistake to withdraw precipitously. "Sometimes, you just have to make the decisions based upon what you think is right."
"These are the things that are insane to me," says Laughlin, on hearing Bush's response. "How can one man decide the law of the land?"
Laughlin has just returned from a doctor's appointment. He's battling an eye infection. He talks for a while about his college football days at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and how he and his wife headed to Hollywood in the 1950s to try to change the world through film. They founded the first Montessori school in Los Angeles in 1959.
What's surprising about Laughlin is that he doesn't seem to have a false sense of self. He says he's rarely recognized on the street. He says he still receives about 50 e-mails a week from fans, but he's not sure what that means.
"The passion people feel for the picture is as intense as any I've ever heard of," he says. "As far as any clout that's left, it's not what it once was."
We head to Snapper Jack's Taco Shack for a late lunch. He orders a burrito and lets me pay. He apologizes and says he can't speak while he eats because tongue cancer has left him without saliva glands. So we sit for a while in silence.
"Impeachment is the most powerful tool we have, given to us by the Constitution," he finally says between bites. "With the ability to impeach, we have the ability to control. We have the power. Real political power. . . . It's the ball bearing of democracy.

"We are to be a government of the people, by the people, for the people," he says. "That's it. And we can do it. All we need is a groundswell."
He's on a roll now.
"America needs a major third party," he says. The system isn't working how the forefathers planned, but all it would take is an outsider to slip in and steal an election. For that reason, he admires Ralph Nader, Michael Bloomberg and Ross Perot.
In fact, Laughlin says he campaigned for president in '92 as a protest until Perot joined the race. Then he stepped aside.
His wife hesitates when she's asked about his hints at another quixotic journey.
"It devastated him the last time because people didn't take him seriously," she says. "He was huge. The films were huge. . . . We hoped we would touch people again, and that didn't happen. It was hard."
Hard because it's tough to reconcile Billy Jack with Tom Laughlin, the hero with the human.
Laughlin wipes his mouth and tells his assistant they should take the extra tortilla chips home. He asks if there's anything else he can answer.

There is.
Laughlin looks up.
"I would have to be stupid to run for president," he says. "I'd be dismissed as a nut."

He says people would write him off as an egoist with false notions about who he is. And he's older now, 76, though he says he feels fine. "When I get p----- off," he says, "I feel finer."
Then he stops. Takes a sip of water.

He says the only reason to run would be to give the people a chance to reclaim power.
A protest. A sunset standoff.
Billy Jack vs. the Man one more time.
The old man gets up and walks toward his car. He says goodbye as the sun falls off California. His face is wrinkled and soft, but in his eyes you can still see Billy Jack.
In the movie, the sheriff goes looking for Billy Jack. He asks Jean from the Freedom School if she knows where he is.
"Who ever knows where Billy is?" Jean says.
"Well, you must have some way of getting in touch with him if you need him for emergencies," the sheriff says.
"Whenever we want Billy, we just contact him Indian-style," Jean says.

"What's that mean?" the sheriff asks.
"We just want him," Jean says, "and somehow he shows up."
Ben Montgomery can be reached at or (813) 661-2443 .

Booz Allen and the Big Business of Big Government

Booz Allen and the Big Business of Big Government
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 20-Jun-2013 11:23:35

The revelations by Edward J. Snowden, the guy who leaked the existence of Prism and other government monitoring operations to The Guardian, is drawing attention to another important issue: the vast amount of money private contractors make from selling goods and services to the government.
Snowden was employed by Booz Allen Hamilton for three months, according to the company. Booz Allen, which went public in 2010 and is largely owned by the famously connected Carlyle Group, is ostensibly part of the private sector. But it is hugely dependent on government spending for its profits.
Binyamin Applebaum and Eric Lipton profiled Booz Allen in The New York Times this weekend.
The company, based in Virginia, is primarily a technology contractor. It reported revenues of $5.76 billion for the fiscal year ended in March and was No. 436 on Fortune's list of the 500 largest public companies. The government provided 98 percent of that revenue, the company said.
(For the latest Booz Hamilton stock price, click here.)
As Slate's Matt Yglesias points out, having this kind of wealth transferred from the public to the private sector creates an enormous incentive for rent-seeking lobbying.
An established government bureaucracy has, of course, considerable capacity to lobby on behalf of its own interests. That's particularly true when the bureacracy's leadership can claim possession of secret information. But it's also constrained in certain respects. The National Security Agency can't bundle campaign contributions, give money to independent expenditure campaigns, or offer nice paydays to former congressional staffers.
But if you take a few billion dollars worth of intelligence spending and transfer it onto the Booz Allen balance sheet, then political organizing around the cause of higher intelligence spending can avail itself of the tools of private enterprise along with the tools of bureaucratic politics.
One of the problems created by government contracting is that it expands the universe of potential so-called rent-seeking, trying to obtain your share of existing wealth. That is creating additional support for growing the government spending pie. So instead of capitalists lobbying for less regulation and lower taxes, you get capitalists lobbying for more spending and favorable regulation. This is one of the reasons that the growth of government spending is so closely connected with an increasing share of goods and services being provided to the government by outside contractors.
One way of reading that is to say that the attempt by conservatives to privatize more government services has wound up creating a new sector of the economy desperately dependent on government spending, and therefore highly incentivized to lobby for the growth of spending.
This can be enormously profitable. The Carlyle Group's stake in Booz Allen was purchased in 2008 for $910 million. Between special dividends and appreciation of the equity stake, Carlyle made $2 billion in profits on that investment, according to Forbes.
One thing that hasn't received a lot of attention is that Booz Allen's ties to the government give it a funding advantage over similarly situated companies. For one thing, the buyers of its bonds know that—at the very least—Booz Allen's payables are unlikely to go unpaid. Its counter-party risk is close to zero because its counter-party is the government. What's more, to the extent that Booz Allen is providing very important government services, the government is unlikely to let the company go out of business. It's too connected to fail.
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Regulating PRISM Should Involve Public: Expert
David Livingstone, associate fellow of international security at Chatham House, discusses PRISM and calls for a "mature debate" about privacy between countries and their citizens.

There's a strong tendency toward the monopolization of provision of services to the government in part because of the barriers to entry created by the funding advantage and lobbying activities of established government contractors. This is exacerbated in security and intelligence work because of the built-in security-clearance barriers. Monopolization leads to both overpricing and poorer products.
The truth is that we know painfully little about government contractors. Too much of the work they do is classified, providing little room for public oversight. What's more, the government simply doesn't collect enough information about the contractors with whom it does business.
Here's the abstract of a 2011 paper from M.A. Thomas, an assistant professor of international development at The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies of Johns Hopkins University.
As the volume of government contracting increases, so does the importance of monitoring government contractors to guard against market concentration, rent seeking and conflict of interest. Doing so, however, is impossible without knowing the identity and organizational structure of contractors. At present, the government does not collect information on organizational structure. Using STATA to analyze data from a new government database, this paper takes a first look at contractor organizational structure. The complexity of the structures makes clear that better data are needed if the government and the public are to be able to hold contractors accountable.

Judge blasts speech limits at Supreme Court building


Judge blasts speech limits at Supreme Court building


  We did some blogs on here in the past showing and proving the role Homeland Security AND SPLC AND ADL play in what that sign in this photo below, says about police being "illegally allowed to murder and brutalize minorities in this country," why???  Because those doing this are racists of the highest order.  If you don't believe me just google, "Prince Phillip is a racist" and see what you get.

Remember, Britain is the hub for the New World Order and controls the UN. The royalty are khazars from black nobility families of Germany.  They are doing this to reclaim their status as empire, and are controlled by the Rothschild chatham house through the York Lodge of Britain.  They never do anything for one reason, the khazars also are trying to get a revolution going by splitting or dividing up the country which has not worked pitting right against left, and Muslims against Christians, so they are trying the old tried and true, Whites against blacks or blacks against whites.

Ironically there is NOW an attempt by Israeli dual citizens, neo and libcons  to "USE BLACKS TO BRING DOWN WHITES" as we discussed in the past, and the SPLC and ADL have always promoted racism in this country and used it to garner massive amounts of donations through promoting fear using race as the cornerstone of their drives.  They actually funded the KKK here in this country to stir up the racism and thus increase their donations. 

The Israeli khazars were the first to introduce slavery of blacks into America.  They are also the ones that hired the M13 gangs in LA to kill black children who were doing well in school.  Once again, the real racists are trying to control the agenda using race.   The real reason they want this done is the annunaki connection to caucasians and the khazars are dragos.  This war is thousands of years old, and they never win.  Right has might.  We will prevail. 

What the SPLC and ADL neglected to tell their donors is THAT they are satanists that rape children as the court case showed in the case of Dees divorce where his wife accused him of pedophiling his own children.  Its part of their satanic pagan religion of penis worshipping.  That is how we knew that it was the khazars that killed Gaddafi and the ambassador, it was the sodomy.

Remember black nobility are the intermarriage of the khazars and royalty of eastern europe.  And how we know they control our gov is they just got Sodomy legal in  the military under the NDAA act.  Notice how no one knew that?  That is the real reason no one was allowed to read it before voting on it.

Judge blasts speech limits at Supreme Court building
by Bob Unruh, World Net Daily
4 days ago 


With hours, the Supremes bashed back, installing a new set of restrictive “regulations” specifying what can and cannot happen on the high court property including the plaza.


It was Judge Beryl Howell who wrote in an opinion this week that such limits – outlined in federal law and based on the “dignity” of the location – are unconstitutional and unenforceable.

“The absolute prohibition of expressive activity in the statute is unreasonable, substantially overbroad, and irreconcilable with the First Amendment,” the judge wrote. “The court therefore must find the statute unconstitutional and void as applied to the Supreme Court plaza.”

Constitutional attorney John Whitehead, president of the Rutherford Institute, said Howell’s “frank, no-holds-barred ruling affirming the Supreme Court plaza as a free speech zone throws a lifeline to the First Amendment at a time when government officials are doing their best to censor, silence and restrict free speech activities.”

Whitehead, author of “A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State,” said there are “many things that are repugnant to the Constitution right now – mass surveillance of Americans, roadside strip searches, forcible DNA extractions, SWAT team raids, civil commitments for criticizing the government, etc. – but this ruling at least sends a message all is not lost as long as we still have some members of the judiciary who understand and abide by both the letter and the spirit of the rule of law, our U.S. Constitution.”

However, the high court posted online an announcement that it now is imposing a regulation that bans activities on the court’s grounds or building such as picketing, speech-making, marching, vigils or religious services “that involve the communication or expression of views or grievances, engaged in by one or more persons, the conduct of which is reasonably likely to draw a crowd or onlookers.”

The notice said the plan has been approved by the marshal and approved by Chief Justice John Roberts.  (VN: I believe its in the Constitution that a Supreme Court justice can be impeached.  So get on the horn to your senators and demand impeachment of Justice John Roberts, no question about it, he is in violation of his oath of office.)

Whitehead said the new maneuver to restrict constitutional rights is being researched.

“We’re going to go after it. We’re going to do what we can to challenge it,” he said.

The original case developed over the Jan. 28, 2011, appearance on the plaza by Harold Hodge. He stood quietly and peacefully in the plaza area wearing a small sign that proclaimed: “The U.S. gov. allows police to illegally murder and brutalize African Americans and Hispanic people.”

The Rutherford report said the plaza is a place where the public is allowed to gather and converse and is, in all relevant respects, like a public square or park where citizens have traditionally met to express their views on matters of public interest.

But police immediately approached Hodge and told him he was breaking the law. When Hodge refused to leave, he was arrested, taken to police headquarters and cited.

Later, the charge was dropped because Hodge fulfilled an agreement to stay away from the building for six months. But he later filed the challenge to the constitutionality of the special protection for the justices on the Supreme Court.

Rutherford Institute attorneys argued that absolute prohibition on speech and expression on the Supreme Court plaza is unreasonable and unnecessary to protect any legitimate governmental interest with respect to the court or its proceedings.

See a video report on the case:

Rutherford noted that the message of Hodge’s sign was correct, citing statistics that show black males are more than one-third of prisoners in state and federal lockups, even though they make up only 10 percent of the population. And beyond that, Hodge “has a right to be out there,” he said.

Whitehead said the whole idea of a zone without free speech violates the constitutional concept of being able to “petition our leaders.” The court opinion says that the concept of limiting freedoms through a law advocating for the “dignity” of the courthouse was “repugnant.”

The judge said the limit at the Supreme Court was based on a similar earlier law that was used to protect the U.S. Capitol.  However, that law already was declared unconstitutional.

“Given that the challenged statute was rooted directly in the Capitol Grounds statute, which was ruled unconstitutional, and is clearly relevant here, the court takes judicial notice of this history.”

The opinion noted that attorneys are allowed to hold news conferences there, and court officials have approved commercial filming projects on site.
The judge said a decision on whether the location is a public forum or not wasn’t needed.

“Even if the court were to conclude that the plaza is a nonpublic forum, the absolute ban on speech set forth in [the federal law] is not reasonable and, thus, the court concludes that the ‘justifications for restricting … speech’ on the Supreme Court plaza simply do not ‘satisfy the requisite standard.”


94-year-old Minn. man linked to Nazi atrocities

Reader: 94-year-old Minn. man linked to Nazi atrocities
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 20-Jun-2013 17:18:52
MINNEAPOLIS — The revelation Friday that a former commander of a Nazi SS-led military unit has lived quietly in Minneapolis for the past six decades came as a shock to people who knew him, prompted harsh condemnations from World War II survivors in the U.S. and Europe, and led prosecutors in Poland to say they would investigate.
An Associated Press investigation found that 94-year-old Michael Karkoc served as a top commander in the Ukrainian Self-Defense Legion during World War II. The unit is accused of wartime atrocities, including the burning of villages filled with women and children. Wartime records don't show that Karkoc had a direct hand in war crimes, though records indicate he lied about his military past when immigrating to the U.S.
"I know him personally. We talk, laugh. He takes care of his yard and walks with his wife," his next-door neighbor, Gordon Gnasdoskey, said Friday. Gnasdoskey, the grandson of a Ukrainian immigrant himself, said he was disturbed by the revelations about his longtime neighbor.
No one answered the door Friday morning at Karkoc's house on a residential street in northeast Minneapolis, where several television news trucks were parked outside. Karkoc had earlier declined to comment on his wartime service when approached by the AP, and repeated efforts to arrange an interview through his son – including again Friday – were unsuccessful.
Late Friday, Karkoc's son, Andriy Karkos, read a statement accusing AP of defaming Karkoc. He pointed to the portion of the AP story that said records don't show Karkoc had a direct hand in war crimes.

Big Oath Keepers Summer Gathering at Annual North West Patriots and Preparedness Rally, July 26-28


Big Oath Keepers Summer Gathering at Annual North West Patriots and Preparedness Rally, July 26-28
Attention all Oath Keepers and liberty-minded Patriots!   Oath Keepers presents the first annual Oath Keepers Patriots and Self Reliance Rally in northern Idaho.  This is THE summer Oath Keepers gathering to attend.

July 26 - 28, 2013.

Farrgut State Park
Athol, Idaho (between Coeur d'Alene and Sandpoint, East of Hwy 95) 


·       Stewart Rhodes

·       Sheriff Richard Mack

·       Pastor Chuck Baldwin

·       Dale Pearce

·       Kris Anne Hall

·       Cope Reynolds

and others!

Music by  Jordan Page! (an awesome liberty artist)

If you would like to attend or just want to help the cause please donate at the info page linked below. We are recommending a $7.00 donation when entering.   We also have a Facebook page: North West Patriots and Preparedness Rally  

For complete information please click here


You do not need to be prior service to join Oath Keepers. All Patriotic Citizens are invited to join as an Associate Member. 

Oath Keepers is growing FAST, but like General Patton, we are outpacing our own supply lines. Your donations are "fuel" for our advance! If you would like to support the Oath Keepers vital mission to teach the current serving about their oath and about the Constitution so they will stand firm and do what is right, and our second mission to remind veterans of their oath and obligations.:

Please click the PayPal image below to donate. 

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Make checks payable to: OathKeepers

Mail to:
Oath Keepers
5130 S. Fort Apache suite 215
Las Vegas, NV 89148 

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The Lead Vaccine Developer Comes Clean So She Can “Sleep At Night”: Gardasil and Cervarix Don’t Work, Are Dangerous, and Weren’t Tested


The Lead Vaccine Developer Comes Clean So She Can “Sleep At Night”: Gardasil and Cervarix Don’t Work, Are Dangerous, and Weren’t Tested

Vatic Note:  If we were to prosecute all the felony crimes committed by our Government, foreign occupiers of our government, bankers, and Corporations, such as drug companies,  there would be a massive void in leadership in our country that could then finally be filled by those with integrity, ethics, and creativity.

We need to seriously begin forming and codifying Citizens Grand Jurys not only permitted in the Constitution, but actually mandated.  Then we could begin the serious cleaning house, of the sewer pollutants that are making us and this nation sick as we have never been before.  This has to be a top to bottom cleaning and soon.

They are sterilizing, maiming,  and killing our children intentionally, which is a felony crime and in some states, a death penalty offense.  This is worse than the Gacey murders.  He did a lot less of them than our drug companies and FDA.  What makes these crimes so heinous is the agenda  underlying them..... GENOCIDE of a whole nation of people and a planet of subjects they want to control. Remember, these people are anal retentive control freaks.  They can't help it either and that is a weakness we can exploit.

This doctor was very brave, so lets keep a close eye on her and make sure she stays safe, and when this is over, its the whistleblowers that we need to use to restart our various industries and country over again in the manner that should be done to preserve the nations integrity and culture. 

We are not Israel and the people of this country do not support the Bill Gates of this world going around and arbitrarily sterilizing whole populations without their permission, or killing them off with genetically engineered Mosquitoes.

The Lead Vaccine Developer Comes Clean So She Can “Sleep At Night”: Gardasil and Cervarix Don’t Work, Are Dangerous, and Weren’t Tested 

Posted by: The Liberty Beacon™ Staff, By: Sarah Cain
Published June 14, 2013, filed under HEALTH
Dr. Diane Harper was the lead researcher in the development of the human papilloma virus vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix.  She is the latest to come forward and question the safety and effectiveness of these vaccines.

She made the surprising announcement at the 4th International Public Conference on Vaccination, which took place in Reston, Virginia on Oct. 2nd through 4th, 2009.  Her speech was supposed to promote the Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines, but she instead turned on her corporate bosses in a very public way.

When questioned about the presentation, audience members remarked that they came away feeling that the vaccines should not be used.
“I came away from the talk with the perception that the risk of adverse side effects is so much greater than the risk of cervical cancer, I couldn’t help but question why we need the vaccine at all.”
– Joan Robinson

Dr. Harper explained in her presentation that the cervical cancer risk in the U.S. is already extremely low, and that vaccinations are unlikely to have any effect upon the rate of cervical cancer in the United States.

In fact, 70% of all H.P.V. infections resolve themselves without treatment in a year, and the number rises to well over 90% in two years.  Harper also mentioned the safety angle.  All trials of the vaccines were done on children aged 15 and above, despite them currently being marketed for 9-year-olds.

So far, 15,037 girls have reported adverse side effects from Gardasil alone to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (V.A.E.R.S.), and this number only reflects parents who underwent the hurdles required for reporting adverse reactions.

At the time of writing, 44 girls are officially known to have died from these vaccines.  The reported side effects include Guillian Barré Syndrome (paralysis lasting for years, or permanently — sometimes eventually causing suffocation), lupus, seizures, blood clots, and brain inflammation.  Parents are usually not made aware of these risks.

Dr. Harper, the vaccine developer, claimed that she was speaking out, so that she might finally be able to sleep at night.
“About eight in every ten women who have been sexually active will have H.P.V. at some stage of their life.  Normally there are no symptoms, and in 98 per cent of cases it clears itself.  But in those cases where it doesn’t, and isn’t treated, it can lead to pre-cancerous cells which may develop into cervical cancer.”

– Dr. Diane Harper

One must understand how the establishment’s word games are played to truly understand the meaning of the above quote, and one needs to understand its unique version of “science”.  When they report that untreated cases “can” lead to something that “may” lead to cervical cancer, it really means that the relationship is merely a hypothetical conjecture that is profitable if people actually believe it.

In other words, there is no demonstrated relationship between the condition being vaccinated for and the rare cancers that the vaccine might prevent, but it is marketed to do that nonetheless.  In fact, there is no actual evidence that the vaccine can prevent any cancer.  (VN:  But it is proven to contribute to depopulation through sterilization and death as well as other inhibiting side affects, and that was the objectives, besides just profits.)

From the manufacturers own admissions, the vaccine only works on 4 strains out of 40 for a specific venereal disease that dies on its own in a relatively short period, so the chance of it actually helping an individual is about about the same as the chance of him being struck by a meteorite.  Why do nine-year-old girls need vaccinations for extremely rare and symptom-less venereal diseases that the immune system usually kills anyway?

See original here:

Un-flippin-believable! American who allegedly fought with Al Qaeda affiliate in Syria indicted

Un-flippin-believable! American who allegedly fought with Al Qaeda affiliate in Syria indicted
Posted By: Tholidor [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 20-Jun-2013 23:32:40

Why is this so strange you might ask.
Well, he was in Syria fighting with the "good rebels" (FSA) when he was rescued from a firefight by some guys from an Al-Qaeda affiliated rebel group ("bad rebels").
So he hooks up with the guys who saved him and continues the fight against their common enemy, the Syrian Army.
Now he's under indictment for giving aid to terrorists.
Did somebody overlook the fact that the concept of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" originated in the Middle East...
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Ex-U.S. soldier Eric Harroun, who allegedly fought alongside an Al Qaeda affiliate against the forces of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad in the nation’s ongoing civil war, was indicted by a federal grand jury Thursday on two charges related to his activities in Syria.
Harroun, a Phoenix native, was charged with conspiracy to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization and conspiracy to use destructive devices overseas, according to a U.S. Department of Justice Press release. The announcement was made by U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia Neil H. MacBride and Valerie Parlave, Assistant Director in Charge of the FBI’s Washington Field Office.
--- snip ---
Read the entire article at:

14-Year Old Faces 1 Year In Prison For Wearing NRA T-Shirt to School

This so-called Judge needs to face 1 year im Prison and lose all he has for this!!! All of this over a T-shirt, and what did the officer do to provoke it further ????

14-Year Old Faces 1 Year In Prison For Wearing NRA T-Shirt to School

A Logan judge announced that the case against a young boy wearing an NRA t-shirt to school will move forward, signifying we already live in a 1984-like world.
June 20, 2013
LOGAN – Middle school student, Jared Marcum, 14, was suspended from school and arrested earlier this year for refusing to change an “NRA shirt” he wore to to school.
However, the kid’s problems just got worse as a judge announced that the case against him for “obstructing an officer” will move forward in court proceedings. This should be an outrage and a concern to most United States citizens as the line in the sand has now been crossed.
14 year-old Jared Marcum, now faces 1 year in prison and a $500 fine according to the law.
The boys father stated on camera, “I think eventually we’re going to get through this, but I don’t think it ever should have made it this far”.
Ben White, Jared’s attorney speaking about Jared said that, “He has no background of anything criminal, and it seems like nobody (police) wants to admit the’re wrong”.

Reader's Commentary

Submitted by a Reader

When is that announcement going to be made ???? The more the people read things like this, the angrier they are going to get. So slow up the announcements until someone else  is murdered and it doesn't matter who it might be.. They have stolen and stolen..For someone that is supposed to be under arrest they sure do get around. Of course, lets not forget how he transformed the peoples Air Force One to suit himself either.  Instead of depopulating the suburbs,  HOW ABOUT WE DEPOPULATE ALL OF THEM UP THERE INCLUDING OBAMA.  How do people in a corporation get to do all this murdering, and harm all over the world and continue. Of course, lets not forgot about USURPING OUR WHITE HOUSE, SPENDING ALL OF OUR MONEY,  STEALING OUR LAND, AND ALSO GIVING IT AWAY LIKE IT BELONGS TO THEM.  I am starting to agree maybe it's way past time..    NOT ONE ANNOUNCEMENT HAS BEEN MADE THAT WAS PROMISED TO THE PEOPLE BUT JUST KEEP THEM APPEASED WHILE THEY COMMIT WHATEVER OTHER CRIMES THEY WANT TO DO AND WALK AWAY.  All the people get is some empty promises, being used and abused by these so-called, and I won't call them human when they can't act like it. All they care about is themselves. Don't forget to get the bought off media to tell the people another story to take our fogus off whatever it needs to be on at that time.




This is a bunch of BS that the people have to wait and wait until these guys feel like doing whatever so the people can be taken care of .  How many more have ot die before the PEOPLE HAVE ALL OF OUR LAND, HOMES AND EVERYTHING ELSE THEY HAVE STOLEN FROM US ????



Obama’s Plan to Depopulate the Suburbs


Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 20-Jun-2013 14:43:21

Morsi-appointed Governor of Luxor linked to 1997 massacre
Voltaire Network | 19 June 2013
Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi appointed, on 17 June 2013, 17 out of 27 governors total across the country, increasing to 11 the number of Muslim Brotherhood members.
Among the newly promoted, the president picked Adel Asaad Al-Khayat as governor of Luxor. Al-Khayat, who now represents Building and Development Party, is one of the organizers of the 17 November 1997 Luxor massacre which left 62 people dead (photo).
The Minister of Tourism, Hisham Zazou, resigned in protest.
Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya was a terrorist organization that sprang from the Muslim Brotherhood. It claimed responsibility for the 1981 assassination of President Anwar Sadat. After the Luxor massacre in 1997, the group split into two, one section rejecting terrorism, the other following Ayman Zawahiri to join Al-Qaeda. In the aftermath of the "Arab Spring", the first group created the Building and Development Party. It provides President Morsi with para-military backing.
Nothing to see here about Halliburton, circulate!


The illuminati Bilderberg Group Documentary


The illuminati Bilderberg Group Documentary
Published by jswift3000 on May 21, 2013

Vatic Note:  After so many years of gathering information on all the players and trying to build the big picture, a video finally crossed my path that did this so very effectively.   Within it you will see who  the players are and how big this is. This is the very best documentary I have seen on this subject and it touches on almost all the elements in their plan for world domination. What amazed me and I suspect it amazed the uploader, was the predictive nature of all of this contained in the Bible for end times, especially revelations with the mark of the beast. 

Just one example is how It covers why Rockefeller funded the Equal rights issue. They fund nothing that does not fit in with their bigger objective of total control of the global population.  What gets disclosed is almost nothing is done by these icons of industry for the idealistic reasons they always put out there.  If they are doing it, funding it, its because it adds to the success of their agenda to globalize and control the global population. Its continually mentioned that the global world will be run by the global bankers.  Rothschild ring a bell?

Aaron Russo, Bill Cooper and others are interviewed and add their pieces to the big picture.   I have to say we have come a long way since the interview with Bill Cooper, who was having trouble getting anyone to believe what he was trying to warn us about for so many years.  What I found most interesting was the fact that these two men who had the best pulse on the issue, are both dead and not by accident either.   

Please watch this and pay close attention to the truths they were talking about many years earlier.  Even something as seemingly innocuous as the build up of sports and the building of stadiums, all had a role and part in the evil agenda of these base born evil creatures that run our countries, industries, banks and society.  Its well worth the time to put all we have published into one big picture.


Time for us to make changes in our world, and soon.  (Notice in the picture below, before you start the video, how every single person in that room, with no exceptions is wearing black.  Is that for Satan?)

Visit my site for more information:

Some people really cant grasp the FACT the Lord's son came to be a ransom for our sins. As if it's a fairytale. Yahshua the messiah love is real, and its when you find this out you find true unconditional love. Even when you don't believe in him he loves you, think of how much more he can show you that if you open up to him...give him a chance. Not religion but a true relationship, a growing love, a captured heart of a creature for its creator. More than rules and guidelines, when true love steps in.


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Meals Per Hour --- Toyota will donate one meal to the New York Food Bank for every view this video gets

Two Chemtrail Jets Almost Collide With a Fed-Ex Jet. Chemtrail Jets Have Transponders Turned Off!

[link to

Video footage taken by a Federal Express commercial airline pilot, the tankers didn't appear on the Fed-Ex aircraft avoidance other words they were "Ghost Planes"

The FedEx Aircraft was on a dangerous collision heading with what appears to be two tankers. Vertical separation under 2,000 feet.

"... FedEx 5034 with request"

"... FedEx 5034 is requesting flight level '340' (34,000 feet)"

Second tanker on collision heading...

FedEx 5034 descends to 34,000 feet only to discover a third tanker at that altitude.

Conclusion: tankers were operating at civilian altitude with transponder off. The control tower had no idea the Air Force tankers existed and no radar system was available to warn the FedEx pilot of danger.