Saturday, June 22, 2013

Contact In The Desert

Pass along.........

Join us for a weekend of exploration
into ancient aliens, human origins, UFO sightings,
and the need to know.

Alexandra Bruce
Forbidden Knowledge TV

I would like to invite you to attend an exciting conference at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center during the Perseid Meteor Showers.  This will be our first annual CONTACT in the DESERT where we will gather under the stars to conduct a serious exploration into UFO phenomena, technology, ancient aliens, human origins, and the need to know.  We will have the opportunity to meet the leading scientific and military specialists, researchers and theorists on the subject.  Don’t miss out on this extraordinary event!  I look forward to seeing you there!

through the CLEAR DESERT SKY!

Enter for your chance to win
all weekend passes!

George Noory, Steven Greer, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, David Wilcock, Graham Hancock (Live Stream), Jim Marrs, Michael Tellinger, William Henry, Michael Salla, Jason Martell, David Sereda, Richard Dolan, Marshall Klarfeld, Michael Cremo, Carol Rosin, Travis Walton, William Brown, Laura Eisenhower, James Gilliland, Roger Leir, George Filer, Alfred Webre, Byron Belitsos, Paola Harris, Yvonne Smith, Suzanne Taylor, Celeste Yarnall, Douglas Taylor, Mark "Dr Dream" Peebler, Barbara Harris, and many many more...

[Click any expert for more info]

[ Live Stream ]

The night sky over
Joshua Tree is breathtaking

You can see the arc of the Milky Way within a blanket of stars! On August 11-12, 2013, this majestic night sky will host the Perseid Meteor Shower, and will appear to "rain" into the atmosphere from the constellation Perseus, rising in the northeast sky around 11 p.m. The waxing crescent moon will be setting just when the shower is just revving up.

If this is your first experience seeing a meteor shower, then the Joshua Tree Retreat Center will offer a great experience for you. The dark night sky and its unique location will show the shower to be a sky of fireworks. Bring your telescopes, beach or lawn chairs. Showtime usually begins as soon as the radiant (near the Double Cluster in Perseus) clears the horizon, an hour or so before midnight, and climbs higher in the sky throughout the night. The Perseid meteor shower, will offer up to 60 meteors an hour under our spectacular summer skies.

A unique architectural
landmark on a sacred site

Joshua Tree Retreat Center is the oldest and largest retreat center in the Western United States; a unique architectural landmark on a sacred site.  Visit the Chalice Well Pond, Labyrinth, Swimming Pool and Meditation Room.  Enjoy the unique architecture by Frank and son Lloyd Wright amidst the serene beauty of the desert.

Friday, June 21, 2013

$9,000,000,000,000 Missing From The Federal Reserve Why should any American pay their taxes

Iceland-Bound Jet for Edward Snowden 'Could Take Off Tomorrow'

Iceland-Bound Jet for Edward Snowden 'Could Take Off Tomorrow'

Businessman says he has a Chinese jet on standby in case Icelandic government green-lights asylum

June 21, 2013 RSS Feed Print
Activists display a photo of President Barack Obama and pictures of Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning  during a protest in Berlin, June 19, 2013.
Activists display a photo of President Barack Obama and pictures of Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning during a protest in Berlin, June 19, 2013.
An Icelandic businessman is offering to transport Edward Snowden to the island nation aboard a chartered jet if Iceland's government grants asylum to the man who exposed the National Security Agency's massive harvesting of Internet and phone records.
"Everything is ready on our side and the plane could take off tomorrow,'' DataCell executive Olafur Sigurvinsson told Iceland's Channel 2 television station, Agence France-Presse reports.
"We have really done all we can do. We have a plane and all the logistics in place. Now we are only awaiting a response from the [Icelandic] government," he said. "It would be stupid to come here only to be extradited to the United States. In that case he'd be better off where he is."
Sigurvinsson said the jet is owned by a Chinese company and was chartered for $240,000, which was raised with donations to DataCell, a Web company that processes credit card payments to WikiLeaks. His Twitter page says he's the company's chief operating officer.
"We could fly Snowden over tomorrow if we get positive reaction from the Interior Ministry," Sigurvinssontold Reuters. "We need to get confirmation of asylum and that he will not be extradited to the U.S."
Snowden would be most secure in Iceland if the country gave him citizenship, according to his Icelandic advocates.
A man crosses a street next to banner displayed in support of Edward Snowden in Hong Kong, June 17, 2013. Snowden's presence in Hong Kong is shining a global spotlight on the city, where relations with Beijing is testy, and any Chinese interference into the ongoing saga sets a precedent to how the city will be governed. (PHILIPPE LOPEZ/AFP/Getty Images)
"We would most want him to get a citizenship as well [as asylum]," the businessman said. Birgitta Jonsdottir, a Pirate Party member of Iceland's 63-seat parliament, told Reuters she believes Snowden would need citizenship before being able to travel to Iceland.
There's precedent for granting citizenship to a political dissidents. In 2005, Iceland's parliament votedunanimously to grant citizenship to Bobby Fischer, a former chess champion who faced extradition to the U.S. for breaking sanctions against Yugoslavia by playing a game of chess there.
In lieu of a parliamentary vote to give Snowden citizenship, Iceland's interior ministry would presumably need to grant – or say it will grant – Snowden asylum before he would board the flight.
Snowden fled to Hong Kong before releasing top secret documents on NSA surveillance programs to the Guardian and the Washington Post. The revelations embarrassed President Barack Obama, and the Justice Department is considering what criminal charges the former Booz Allen Hamilton employee will face. Snowden expressed interest in seeking asylum in Iceland when he voluntarily revealed his identity June 9.

U.S. charges Edward Snowden with espionage in leaks about NSA surveillance programs

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U.S. charges Edward Snowden with espionage in leaks about NSA surveillance programs

By  and Friday, June 21, 6:04 PM

Federal prosecutors have filed a sealed criminal complaint against Edward Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor who leaked a trove of documents about top-secret surveillance programs, and the United States has asked Hong Kong to detain him on a provisional arrest warrant, according to U.S. officials.
Snowden was charged with espionage, theft and conversion of government property, the officials said.
The complaint was filed in the Eastern District of Virginia, a jurisdiction where Snowden’s former employer, Booz Allen Hamilton, is headquartered and a district with a long track record of prosecuting cases with national security implications.
A Justice Department spokeswoman declined to comment.
Snowden flew to Hong Kong last month after leaving his job at an NSA facility in Hawaii with a collection of highly classified documents that he acquired while working at the agency as a systems analyst.
The documents, some of which have been published in The Washington Post and Britain’s Guardian newspaper, detailed some of the most -secret surveillance operations undertaken by the United States and the United Kingdom, as well as classified legal memos and court orders underpinning the programs in the United States.
The 29-year-old intelligence analyst revealed himself June 9 as the leaker in an interview with the Guardian and said he went to Hong Kong because it provided him the “cultural and legal framework to allow me to work without being immediately detained.”
Snowden subsequently disappeared from public view; it is thought that he is still in the Chinese territory. Hong Kong has its own legislative and legal systems but ultimately answers to Beijing, under the “one country, two systems” arrangement.
The leaks have sparked national and international debates about the secret powers of the NSA to infringe on the privacy of both Americans and foreigners. Officials from President Obama down have said they welcome the opportunity to explain the importance of the programs and the safeguards they say are built into them. Skeptics, including some in Congress, have said the NSA has assumed the power to soak up data about Americans that was never intended under the law.
There was never any doubt that the Justice Department would seek to prosecute Snowden for one of the most significant national security leaks in the country’s history. The Obama administration has shown a particular propensity to go after leakers and has launched more investigations that any previous administration.
Justice Department officials had already said that a criminal investigation of Snowden was underway and was being run out of the FBI’s Washington field office in conjunction with lawyers from the department’s National Security Division.
By filing a criminal complaint, prosecutors have a legal basis to make the request of the authorities in Hong Kong. Prosecutors now have 60 days to file an indictment, probably also under seal, and can then move to have Snowden extradited from Hong Kong for trial in the United States.
Snowden, however, can fight the U.S. effort to have him extradited in the courts in Hong Kong. Any court battle is likely to reach Hong Kong’s highest court and could last many months, lawyers in the United States and Hong Kong said.
The United States has an extradition treaty with Hong Kong, and U.S. officials said cooperation with the Chinese territory, which enjoys some autonomy from Beijing, has been good in previous cases.
The treaty, however, has an exception for political offenses, and espionage has traditionally been treated as a political offense. Snowden’s defense team in Hong Kong is likely to invoke part of the extradition treaty with the United States, which states that suspects will not be turned over to face criminal trial for offenses of a “political character.”
Snowden could also remain in Hong Kong if the Chinese government decides that it is not in the defense or foreign policy interests of the government in Beijing to have him sent back to the United States for trial.
Snowden could also apply for asylum in Hong Kong or attempt to reach another jurisdiction and seek asylum there before the authorities in Hong Kong act.
The anti-secrecy group Wikileaks has held some discussions with officials in Iceland about providing asylum to Snowden. A businessman in Iceland has offered to fly Snowden on a chartered jet to his country if he is granted asylum there.
The chief executive of Hong Kong, Leung Chun-ying, said last week that the city’s government would follow existing law if and when the U.S. government requested help.
“When the relevant mechanism is activated, the Hong Kong [Special Administrative Region] Government will handle the case of Mr. Snowden in accordance with the laws and established procedures of Hong Kong,” Leung said in a statement.

Some startling revelations are shortly to be disclosed

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Some startling revelations are shortly to be disclosed
Posted By: LucyInTheSky [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 21-Jun-2013 13:47:15

Some startling revelations are shortly to be disclosed
06/02/2013 by John Smallman
Here in the spiritual realms, where we truly are not separated from you, excitement is building; in fact, we are bubbling over with it! I know you have been told this countless times over the last few years, but it is incumbent on me to tell you yet again, humanity’s awakening is divinely ensured and the moment for it to happen is very close. Many of you are feeling tired, angry, and depressed, almost as though you had been short-changed, conned, or even swindled by those who are telling you of the wonders that await your awakening. It seems that you have been waiting and waiting and waiting. The waiting seems to have been interminable, so it is no wonder that you are feeling upset and that your doubts and anxieties have been intensifying.
However, the end is in sight, and the joy that will replace your present life experience will cause you ecstasy as you finally understand completely what has been going, and why. Hold firm to your faith in the divine plan, about which you have been given very limited information in order not to overload you, and in order to ensure that the pain and anxiety of waiting do not overwhelm you. Remember that although you are experiencing life in an illusory environment, for you it seems very real, and too much information about the wonders to come would cause a severe drain on your already limited energies as you recognized the vast disconnect between life as you are experiencing it now and the way it should be, and into which you will awaken.
Within the illusion, signs of the breakdown - of the crumbling away of the systems of so-called civilization established on Earth - are visible everywhere and even your mainstream media is beginning to report on it. Confusion and disbelief are growing as the numbers of whistle-blowers, shaking off the fear of retaliation for their actions of disclosing and releasing information which has been hidden under the tightest of security, continue to build inexorably. They can no longer be contained, silenced, or ridiculed; the truth will out. Therefore, I promise you that some startling revelations are shortly to be disclosed which will make a return to the old and secretive ways of running society impossible.
The group which has for eons been controlling politics, religious organizations, and all the large multi-national corporations – which are all covertly and inextricably interlinked while remaining shrouded in the darkness of secrecy – have now lost that control. Its members are in severe disagreement with each other and are living in a state of dread and anxiety never before experienced by them, because they know that their identities, their agendas, and their innate corruption are about to be publicly exposed.
They will experience intense shame – self-imposed, of course – because they have known for a long time that their behavior was unconscionable, and yet they persisted in it. Do not judge them. Just leave them in their ivory towers where they can do no further harm, to contemplate their utter and inexplicable incompetence and unwillingness to engage with the field of divine Love which, like all sentient life, is their inevitable destiny. Eventually they will turn to the Light and be most joyfully welcomed Home as the prodigal children of God which they most certainly are. Heaven is not complete until all the wanderers have returned. However, the fact of their absence (asleep and still dreaming) will not be permitted to intrude on the intense joy of those who have chosen to awaken.
Love is your nature, and only what is in perfect alignment and harmony with Love exists, because that is everything that God so lovingly created. Anything unloving is most definitely, wholly unreal. Discover that divine Truth now – by engaging only with Love in every thought, word, and action. When you do you will find peace and contentment that is available nowhere else, because there is nowhere else. You can do it while you remain sleeping within the illusion, and then the suffering around you will cease to make you sad or anxious because you will see the ephemerality of it and understand that by intending to send love to those who are suffering you are easing their pain and assisting them in their efforts to awaken into Love. The tide of Love now surging across the planet is irresistible, and daily more and more of humanity is surrendering to its warm embrace. Humanity is firmly established on the path to awakening, the path Home, and nothing can divert it. Give thanks for the infinite wonder of God’s eternal Love for you, and how it is drawing you back to the brilliant Light of His Presence.
With so very much love, Saul.