Sunday, June 23, 2013

Befuddled No More

Befuddled No More
City of London and Wall Street joined at the hip
With all of their crimes taking the world on a trip
Dirty money running like a river through each
Main Street losing while the banksters are at the beach.

Bank of England sits high on the heap of it all
With the monetary system ready to fall
Banks sliding off the cliff with no one yet in jail
Same old sad song, singing banks are too big to fail.

Fragile crimes with so many hands passing the buck
With shuffling bonds like a casino with luck
They each carry their own "get out of jail" free pass
Along with handcuffs to wear provided they're last.

As old world politicians kiss the ponzi scheme
With debt growing daily without a magic bean
Giving their blessings to the financial big boys
Heads in the sand, consumers buy more and more toys.

Financial analysts clearly see it each day
With brain dead economics being new bank way
These parasites still live without banking standards
Reckless misconduct not an industry hazard.

Century old family banking is a club
With few sneaking in without rubbing a dumb dub
Which makes all their insidious deals that much worse
Befuddled no more, karma is their only curse.

Awakened American For Freedom

Use your masterful powers of thought,
visualization and verbal intent to
Co-create a peaceful world now...

dolphins 3


Jim Marrs - Monoatomic Gold
Uploaded on Aug 19, 2011 By ZeroSixtyFive
"“Humans are the only species that pay to live on the Earth...
Our money is fake. Our debt is fake. Our two party system is fake.
Our healthcare system is fake. Most of the stuff we've been told is
fake. Once you realize this, what you've thought of as reality begins
to look like a cheap set on some ridiculous B movie.”
Jim Marrs - Monoatomic Gold

Dinar Rumor - Bluwolf - 6-23-13

As I have informed all, all dinar dealers by law have to stop selling the dinars and dongs when it rv. Well Puerto Rico second most important dinar dealer just stated in his Saturday radio program that his broker has informed him that they will be closing up shop before the 27th of June.  So if your not excited as of yet, then you are dead. Remember the 25th.  Bluwolf 

Iraq News - 6-23-13 part 2

06/23/2013   Part 2

millionday] love it   this was to the citizens

    [millionday] very nice and promising for them too -- jobs and the progress they have been promised which will effect the globe as well

    [Papatom] and amending any laws that hamper investment!!!! they are very serious !!!

    [millionday] brb with more amending for investment is fantastic this is a huge hurry call here we go

    [millionday] Accelerated pace in the meetings and the meetings of parliamentary order to resolve the file laws broken.

At the time directed the Presidency of the Council of Representatives calling for parliamentary committees to meet and discuss important projects that have been completed for the purpose passed in the coming sessions, supported the Kurdistan Alliance pass laws broken in one basket with the need to get Compatibility them.

said in a statement to the Presidency received "morning," a copy of it on Saturday: "The First Deputy Speaker of Parliament Qusay al-Suhail, presided over the second meeting of the committee,

which is chaired includes Heads and representatives of the parliamentary blocs," adding that "the meeting discussed the draft law on the demarcation of the administrative border the provinces and the draft law infrastructure.

"the statement added that al-Suhail," called for the Committee of the Regions and governorates not organized in a region and the Legal Committee to a joint meeting with the chairman of the parliament to discuss the draft law on the demarcation of the administrative border of the provinces.

    [millionday] note -- they have called to activate the committees and complete all needed laws in a basket

    vote. For his part, endorsed Deputy Speaker Arif Tayfur pass laws broken in one basket, because that helps to stabilize the situation in the country and limit the outbreak of political crises. explained Tayfur said in a statement received "morning," a copy of him on Saturday, that "the differences and debate ongoing between the parliamentary blocs in addition to the lack of political consensus,

led to a delay in the adoption of important laws such as laws for the Federation Council and the Federal Court and the prohibition of the Baath Party and entities dissolved,"

pointing to the importance of pass laws broken because they contribute to the stability of the situation in the country and a challenge political crises. "and noted that" the Presidency of the Council is serious in resolving the laws and follow up the work of the committees because the remaining life of the Short Board, requires work, and to intensify efforts to pass these laws.

    [millionday] note -- the baath law was completed today by them for vote through

    [Godsalli/Jim] Million I think many laws were passed and put to the side till this time had come

    [Papatom] millionday you said it was a HUGE hurry call.

    [millionday] they are talking in many reports i have read -- ooops we only have 4 days until chapter 7 is lifted

    [wmawhite] millionday millionday .......that is super!!!

    [millionday] Godsalli/Jim i think many people think that too hun -- they do need them all in place at the same time that depend on each other to be compliant and compatible by law and the constitution

[millionday] smile

    [Godsalli/Jim] Wmawhite yes there is! The cover of oppression from sanctions is being lifted

    [lorijeanmarshall] millionday So ya think that they will RV right after CH7 is lifted? Reading what ya said up top.

    [millionday] The Deputy Speaker of Parliament "support to pass laws broken in one basket," pointing to the importance of "

the inclusion of legal re-demarcation of the administrative border of the provinces and the abolition of the decisions dissolved Revolutionary Command Council, and private re-agricultural land confiscation to the original owners in the disputed areas, the agenda of the Council during the this period.

"and saw the House of Representatives before the start of vacationing legislative series of withdrawals led to a failure to approve a number of laws, Cansahab Congress the Iraqi List, on the background of non-use of government with the demands of the demonstrators and then the withdrawal of the Kurdistan Alliance bloc because of the adoption of the state budget in a way the majority and the withdrawal of state law because

    millionday] lorijeanmarshall i hope so

[wmawhite] Godsalli/Jim .............yes, it is.

    [lorijeanmarshall] millionday Oh oh. Is there a little bit a doubt now? I know yesterday it was really looking like it would be right before according to the one article we had yesterday.

    [millionday] so this is the basket and it is a whopper

    [ROBINREDHED] wow i agree

    [Papatom] millionday that is a BUNCH....and how much more did they NOT talk about?

    [millionday] i was seeing that that is what it said but we have to be careful with these translations on some words -- i know it should be as the chicken and the egg -- they stated it will be greater then before the 90s and i am excited about that -- smile

    [lorijeanmarshall] I can't believe that we are getting all of the news that we are at this point! WOO HOO

    [lorijeanmarshall] millionday Me too. VERY excited!

    [cookie2] lorijeanmarshall I know, am I dreaming?

[millionday] not to include the criminalization of the Baath Act. Kurdistan Alliance bloc, pointed out that there are convinced the political blocs need to pass a number of important laws during the coming period, which require political consensus on them.

Chief bloc Fuad Masum told (Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network) on Saturday: "The coming period will hold a series of meetings and meetings between political leaders, in addition to the Presidency of the Council of Representatives and the heads of the blocks in order to agree on passing some important laws, including the laws of the Federation Council and the parties and the criminalization of the Baath, as well as a legal amendment elections, accountability and justice.

    millionday] wow this is great

    [millionday] "He infallible that" all blocs are aware that these laws are necessary for the next stage and before the end of the parliamentary session current, especially that some of these laws are relevant to the upcoming elections, such as the current electoral law and the law of the Federation Council,

"stressing that" not necessarily pass these laws in a manner basketball one, but there is a sense of the importance of it gets approved them.

"The House of Representatives has failed to pass a number of laws, mainly infrastructure and laws of the Federal Court, oil and gas and amend the administrative border of the provinces and general amnesty and the other due to the continuing differences on them.

    [anthonlcs] millionday When is the end of the parliamentary session?

    [millionday] i will have to look it up

    [Baxter1243] Pretty sure its June 30th

    [anthonlcs] Baxter1243 millionday ty

    [millionday] Referred to the Iraqi constitution provides for two types of the first vote by a simple majority and through customary laws are passed more than half of the attendees achieve a quorum after the meeting,

while the other is of the issues and the important projects that require a two-thirds voting, Kaltsoat the Law on the Federal Supreme Court. For his part, expressed his parliamentary economic committee member Abdul Salam al-Maliki, fear of deportation law infrastructure to the next parliamentary session.

    [millionday] thank you that would be great

 [millionday] According to the Attorney-Maliki in an interview (Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network) on Saturday, that "the law of the infrastructure is going to do in the electoral cycle current, due to harassment and political concerns of the distribution of money to the law after approval," explaining that "the government provided guarantees many of them formation of a committee of the cab of Ministers of the Council of Ministers, which represents all the blocks that they represent.

    [millionday] last part of the report and the news

    [millionday] As noted by the Economic Commission that these funds will be managed minister directly, each according to his ministry, he stressed that this money is not subject to the capital of Iraq because the payment on credit after ten years will pay the value of two billion out of the $ 47 billion distributed between sectors of the state.

Turn Male Council decision Representatives Muhammad Al-Khalidi, for (Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network) on Saturday, that "all the political blocs are different on the project because of the guarantees granted," noting that "the Iraqi List believes that mortgage this money is causing havoc and widespread, in addition to the lack of knowledge of the executing companies and mechanisms dues exchange projects and approval of the draft after the other in the House of Representatives and the knowledge of the executing companies and over Rsantha ".

 [Papatom] millionday this article shows that not ALL laws need a 2/3 majority to pass.....

    [millionday] wow that is a strange place for that report

    [Godsalli/Jim] Million you see the release about the Kurds and Baghdad reaching agreement on oil development and royalties ?

    [millionday] but all laws on on the table and they are in a huge rush to pass all they can and have called in the committees in a huge rush to get it done before their release of chapter 7

    [millionday] yes i have it let me get it

    Godsalli/Jim] Isn't that the Erbil?

    [wmawhite] millionday ..or is it the amended HCL???

    [Godsalli/Jim] "Struck a deal on budget allocations"

    [Godsalli/Jim] I'll take either one

    Godsalli/Jim] I'm not sure you can have one without the other

[wmawhite] The HCL lays out how the royalties from the sale of oil will be distributed to the citizens.

    [Godsalli/Jim] That's it then

    [millionday] i cant find that it is done hun

    [millionday] now the erbil they are working together in parliament and even local gov in adjoining areas --  the hcl should be with the basket of laws but i dont see it is in law yet

    [Godsalli/Jim] Progress is good

    [millionday] we should see it come with all of this in the next couple days  the progress rocks

    anthonlcs] millionday Do you consider the federal council basic power sharing?

    [wmawhite] millionday ....exciting,.........they are hiding nothing from us.

    [anthonlcs] wmawhite maybe a

    [Papatom] millionday this money...the 47 that the budget money we saw the arguments over like 2 months or so ago...where Kurdistan was mad cus they were only getting like 17 million...or something like that???

[millionday] the federal council will be above all and the go to guy so to speak

    [millionday] wmawhite it does look as though there is a lot being shared with the public finally -- this is great to see this all in ink

    [millionday] Papatom this is not in the budget and i believe this is for the citizens -- need to reread that -- was very strange in that part of that report i thought

    [millionday] like they lost their train of thought or something

    [anthonlcs] millionday ty .......I agree that last night's article was Parliament's announcement to the world.

    [Papatom] millionday or wandered....i thought so to

    [millionday] wmawhite oh yes -- and a huge one -- they must be excited to see where they are going

    [millionday] sure dont hear about someone not showing up to work right now

    [millionday] smile   anthonlcs yw all the time hun

    [wmawhite] millionday ......these next few days will be off the

[millionday] Papatom weird ending but informative -- in other words they are working on putting money out so that s all right with us

    [millionday] i agree

Iraq news - 6-23-13 Part 1

06/23/2013  Part 1

Wink Millionday news 6/22/13

    [millionday] ok this is all about the opening of the global economic condition for iraq

    [millionday] Received a number of specialists in the economic decision to remove Iraq from Chapter VII, which under the country's economy decisions negatively affect the development, and drew interested that discretion money after the entry into force of the country from the shackles of Chapter VII enables it to achieve a comprehensive development if accompanied by plans strategy at all levels .

    [millionday] Banking expert at the Ministry of Finance. Hilal Taan said that the impact of the withdrawal of Iraq from Chapter VII of the economy has positive dimensions of the most important that Iraq no longer poses a threat to world peace allowing the states to be more openness in economic terms.
He Taan told (morning): that Iraq would emerge from Chapter VII and move on to Chapter VI of the UN Charter comes after the fulfillment of its international obligations regarding the improvement of relations with Kuwait after the repercussions of the invasion of that country because of the policies of the former regime,

which was the most prominent resolve the file redrawing border and the payment of compensation and the subject of Iraqi Airways, pointing out that the decision to extend the protection has nothing to do with the exit of Iraq from Chapter VII.

    [millionday] He explained that under that will become the Iraqi economy is shackled to restrictions and is free and has a decision in his hand and take the action that fits the circumstances,

and pointed out that the extension of protection to Iraqi funds came at the request of Iraq to protect it from claims of foreign and piracy of creditor nations, noting that after extinguishing Iraq's debt, according to the club Paris now, there is no fear of the remaining refund to Iraqi sovereignty.

He pointed out that Iraq's relations with economic relations with the countries of the world will evolve after his release from Chapter VII soon and is shackled international resolutions in terms of trade as the countries considered to Iraq that it fulfilled its international obligations in full thereby increasing confidence in the Iraqi economy and the expansion of trade with Iraq and will get an improvement in the economic development The economic situation in general.

    [millionday] note -- obviously the opening of trade will cause huge growth  [millionday] chapter 6

    [millionday] The Taan that there materials and goods can not be for Iraq now imported directly from Mnashiha only through an intermediary world because restrictions of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,

 however, he and after moving to Chapter VI of the Charter, it will be able to control fully the sovereignty of the economic of free trade and import of goods without the need for an international mediator,

as he will become the most attractive environment for foreign investment in the region after the economy freed from international restrictions that resulted from it due to the wrong policies of the former regime.    [millionday] smile


[millionday] Economic expert Hassan Hadi al-Asadi said in an interview (morning) that the situation in Iraq under Chapter VII, which cable Iraqi economy, and bound him for a long time,

pointing out that everyone knows that the revenues the country into the Development Fund, founded by President George Bush in order to protect the money from countries and companies that claim to have rights to Iraq before the year 2003.

He said al-Asadi said: that the government if the act wants need to be approved by the Development Fund for it under Chapter VII, and this led to be a freedom to act is not complete.

He noted that the exit from Chapter VII gives greater freedom to act in Iraqi funds by 100 percent, and here it requires the development of strategies for action and a clear and supportive of the Iraqi economy at all levels of the short, medium and long term, especially in light of the growing country's budget year after year.

    [wmawhite] millionday .....obviously needing an internationally accepted currency

    Godsalli/Jim] Oh I am smiling

    [Trademan1964] That is all VERY straight forward!!!

millionday] love this >> supportive of the Iraqi economy at all levels of the short, medium and long term,  [millionday] oh yes -- love it

    [millionday] The economic expert d. Akram Abdel Aziz has confirmed that Iraq would emerge from Chapter VII toward Chapter VI, which will be its decisions are not binding would revive international relations with Iraq and restore confidence in the economy and thus be a strong attraction for international companies and capital towards the inside, according to being makes orientations financial autonomous and is far from the pressures and fears of any abnormal conditions of Iraq.

    [Papatom] millionday wow, it'd be hard to be much more blunt than this...

    [millionday] very

    [Papatom] and how does capital flow TOWARDS THE INSIDE????

    [millionday] She said the decision could cast a shadow on the positive of Iraq's economic activities in general, and that this decision has brought Iraq out of Iraq is considered trusteeship fledged sovereign state and will become a free state in the management of their funds away from the confiscation and freezing.

 Iraqi Prime industrial assembly Abdul Hassan Shammari said in his speech for the (morning) that Iraq would emerge from Chapter VII is a very important decision and helps to achieve economic development, pointing out that he will open wider horizons in the country's economic transactions all over the world.

 [Papatom] the I S X baby. !!!!

    [millionday] bringing profits to iraq

    [wmawhite] Papatom millionday .....that is saying bring your currency into do so it has to be exchanged!!!


    [millionday] whooop whoooop  [millionday] our world too

    [NUMBERS] millionday i like long term support

    [NUMBERS] ....

    [cookie2] wmawhite woooo hoooo!

    [millionday] He said the decision allowed the world's leading companies and relevant international classifications developed to work in the country and that the Chapter VII represents a significant impediment to its presence on the Iraqi arena and work in the field of project implementation.

Shammari pointed out that the private sector will have a high flow in the freedom of being on the global economy and build strong relationships with international economic blocs.

He pointed out that the industrial sector positively influenced this decision where it can supply materials and factories was difficult when you have imported under Chapter VII countries where they can supply factories and equipment from Switzerland, Germany and the United States and other countries in the developed world.

He said the public banking sector will be given greater freedom in the process of opening letters of credit that help to activate the flow of money movement.

    [Trademan1964] wmawhite yes!!!

    [wmawhite] yes

    [millionday] activate the flow of money

    [millionday] whooop whooop -- we are all for that

    [wmawhite] millionday .......that is saying a lot!!!

 [werblessed] Yes!

    [cookie2] activate activate -- love that word!

    [millionday] such a nice start

    [Papatom] wmawhite millionday freedom!!!! let me hear ya sing it...FREEDOM!!!

    [millionday] brb with more  more on the subject    [millionday] here we go

    [millionday] Projections indicate that Iraq approached the exit from Chapter VII after the submission of the memorandum filed by Iraq and Kuwait to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, which blessed and supported by the countries of the world, then we are just around the corner from the lifting of sanctions has coincided this important event with the decision to renew the protection of the American Iraqi funds another year,

despite the lack of a relationship but security remains the question that arises is whether there is a need to extend the protection in the coming years or suffice in this renewal The lifting of sanctions on Iraq after Ivaúh of all pledges, which he inherited from the previous regime would mean the liberation of the Iraqi economy of all sanctions and constraints which means the health of expectations that Iraq expects a big role at the level of global economies

millionday] global economies can only happen in exchange or the country that is gaining has nothing but dinar -- and it is not their or our currency

    [cookie2] global economies !!!!

    [millionday] so gain will be exchanged into the other country`s currency

    [millionday] smile

    [Papatom] millionday big toothy smile

    [millionday] hope that made sense

    [millionday] And not exchange anything on this role reports that indicated growth rising in Iraq due to the success of his policy of oil and the results achieved by the licensing rounds, which contributed to some extent in strengthening fiscal revenue and indicators reaching cash reserves and proximity of the 80 billion more important is how to deal with the new phase and how We manage these funds towards prosperity and development is required.

Before half-life of the investment budget and still did not proceed to implementation and construction due to non-completion of the formation of local governments new, however we very much hope to begin even late in order to communicate and prepare for the era of new development and most importantly creating infrastructure marking the initiation project development through campaigns of construction and reconstruction ahead.

[Papatom] millionday also really like all sanctions and constraints....ALLLLL

    [millionday] love it    this is saying -- better late then never

    [millionday] Required of newly elected governments to know where to start in order to establish a later stage where the economy has liberated and how to deal with the expected wave of investments and meet the needs of global companies that Ahzmt belongings to enter Iraq and its potential investment in the construction and reconstruction.

Thus, the case for the National Authority for Investment & Government provinces to prepare for the coming of days and provide the atmosphere of investment and to overcome the difficulties faced by companies through speeding amending the laws that hamper investment and the creation of all the requirements of reconstruction and cooperation and coordination with Wazzarart specialist concerned with development and construction.

    [millionday] wow they are talking days until they begin moving money and opening contracts ect

    [Papatom] millionday does their budget run jan to dec? i forget

[millionday] days !!   it is fiscal and will also reflect jan to dec but they are able to change it there -- they just havent

    [ROBINREDHED] days?????

    [Papatom] it looks like it's saying....1/2 of the current investment budget is gone and they need to catch up.....

    [millionday] so they will calculate as credit ect  days from the release of sanctions   smile

    [Papatom] millionday I also like how it appears to say...the way they budget and handle all this new money is going to be important....right?

    [wmawhite] millionday millionday .........all these articles are talking around the same event.

    [millionday] last of report >>>

    [millionday] So the need to require now prepare to invest time and compensate the many missed opportunities that we lost because of poor management and organization,

what is needed today to do the planning cells in turn strengthening and modernization plans short, medium and even long-term work and the blockade and sanctions had already been raised.

We find it important, and FEEDS do mulch in the country to intensify economic seminars, its panel discussions and talk about the answer to the question posed by the economic morning (What then remove Iraq from Chapter VII?) And we believe that this task of the priorities of economic activity required for the next phase

    [millionday] in other words -- what happens after the release ? a huge leap to activate the economy -- right away

    [ROBINREDHED] nice

Dinar Intel - Jester - 6-22-13

[Jester] hi castle mods, peeps, lurkers, and critters... i am right here... been reading recaps... interesting afternoon you guys had here...

[Jester] so if anyone has a question they would like to ask to my face instead of waiting until when i am gone again... nows the time... lol

[heartfelt] Jester I love your late Saturday into Sunday thinking.

[Jester] heartfelt well apparently some have a problem with the simple layout of a scenario... want to make it calling a date and then say we were misinformed.. course they dont come in here when i am here... lol

 [zorro] Jester All the world news is falling in place as you have said it would. Are you the real PTB?

[Jester] zorro hahaha.... no but i know some of them... lol

[Jester] thanks to those of you that try to help when i am not

[heartfelt] Jester well understood!!! I saw no dates called...just timing was good! Your knowledge and explanations through this journey has been most helpful and with grace. Thank you hon

[triple777] Jester aren't we in the 6 hour window you proposed earlier after you talk with forex expert and what time does that window expire and entities around the world reopen?

[Jester] triple777 you didn't read what that was all about apparently and are taking it out of context...

[tampa---dd] Jester Would you be surprised if you woke up tomorrow to an RV email?

[triple777] Jester there have been many others chatting tonight with the same understanding I got also.

Jester] triple777 then you all didn't get it... it was postulating a scenario of when someone would want to do something if they wanted to do it... the historical protocol for a simple excersize.... nothing more.... nothing less...

Vote4RV] jester we want to believe we are in the market closed window because the 27th looks like a date that hasn't come and gone like the rest. Where would you look for confirmation of a change first not that all things can get pushed as we know?

[dwanna] Jester seems like the quiet before the storm.

[keiji] Jester what's the status of the juggernaught?

Jester] there seems to be a tendency for some to extrapolate a date into everything that is said... you can assume when i am talking that no date reference it intended... then they come in whining about oh no we must have been misinformed... that is what gets me... sorry... i am in snit about the bs that happens in my name when i am not around.... lol

2mater] Jester you just made me that word 'snit',haven't heard it in years. Hope you can get past a snide comment or two and know how much your appreciated by all, whether your in the room or not...thanks for hanging in there!

[Jester] 2mater well... it only gets to me because they cannot read... they take things out of context and turn it around and try to make something negative out of it.... lol

[tampa---dd] Jester Are we close enough that the remaining parts of the process can be accomplished in a short amount of time if they want to? Say inside of 24 hours

Jester] tampa---dd what we can see that is left it would not take long to do...

 [FrenchTexan2] Jester Anything you can share tonight? And I thank you for what you do bring.

[Jester] we really think there is now a timing issue... they seem to be waiting for something... it is too weird... they are doing things... processing some people... but it does not seem to be the frantic pace from before... like there is something in mind and they are just filling the space...

[Vote4RV] Jester will your last post be from in the line at the bank?

[Jester] Vote4RV nah... will take a while to get an appointment... i will come in here to party with you... lo

[ready4riches] Jester hmmmmmm maybe getting all the people in place for republic you think? :

[Jester] ready4riches that is a possibility... you guys will remember that one of the data points i was looking for was an announcement right?

[gdsgrl21] Jester Lately I wake up every morning with joy and expectancy that today might be THE day! Thankfulness and hope is the best fuel to start your day!

[Jester] gdsgrl21 we heard that was done late last night... we been looking for it all day...


[Jester] highlander65 seems we are talking about the same thing... lol

[johnnyjunk] Jester they have incrementally micro-managed everything to the still point ... then ... just before dimishing returns ... BLAM lol

 [Jester] johnnyjunk i love it... you know about diminishing returns... let's have a ice cream or 5... lol

[FrenchTexan2] Jester Is there a link to JL?

 [Jester] FrenchTexan2 i wish... lol

 [Jester] we been looking for it all day..

[highlander65] Jester BTW I never saw Mr. B say anything about the Fed going away... He only said the end of QE....

[Jester] highlander65 ummmm.... it has not escaped your notice that he is on the sinking ship has it? lol

[highlander65] Jester no not at all... but many have reported he said end of Fed.... I just noticed on Friday big production on TV with him saying no more QE.

 [Jester] highlander65 and the fed will not go away... they have other functions that will need to continue... they base of that will be in london... however, the ust involvement with the fed is over... they signed over $15T in assets to the ust in the divorce... lol

[johnnyjunk] highlander65 QE is mainly just printing "extras" rofl ... no more printing ... no more injection of a bunch of worthless ZEROS ... lol

Jester] johnnyjunk and that is the truth...

[highlander65] Jester Yes and when they had the Lew Roast --- they mentioned repeatedly that the IRS NOW REPORT TO THE TREASURY NOT THE FED.

[johnnyjunk] Jester the fed signals are loud and clear ... to me

[ready4riches] Jester on the sinking ship with all the rest of the rats rofl

[Jester] ok... maybe i will sneak in under the radar in the morning.... you guys take care...

An Uncontrollable Ego

June 22, 2013
An Uncontrollable Ego
By James Lewis

IRS. FBI. NSA... Under Obama they consistently exceed their previously understood legal powers. Yes, there was technical consent by the secret FISA court for massive NSA spying. In times of national threat the FISA court is a pushover; just imagine if they said "No" and we had another 9/11/01. So they drove a dagger into the U.S. Constitution rather than stand for principle, the way Chief Justice John Roberts helped damage the Constitution by voting for ObamaCare, and the Burger Court shafted the Constitution and ruined millions of young lives with unrestricted abortion.

Perhaps the most damaging Leftist assault ever was reverse discrimination to make up for white racial sins going back to the slave trade that ended in 1865; that racialist revenge narrative still drives reverse discrimination, forty years after the start of "affirmative" action. It will never end, as long as there is a penny to be made on racial blackmail.

The equal protection clause is gone. Every time the left imagines another victim group, that gaping wound in constitutional protections grows larger and larger -- first on behalf of American blacks, then for all "people of color," then women and gays, and now, illegal immigrants. Reverse racial discrimination has empowered an unelected political class growing fat and thuggish on a new spoils system. With ObamaCare, racial spoils may capsize our elected ship of state, leaving only an EU-type corruptocracy.

The Left has pushed against the Constitution beginning with the Wilson administration and World War I. What's different about Obama is his Leninist grandiosity, combined with amazing oppositional-defiant disorder. In street language that means his f-u attitude. Obama takes pleasure in waving his finger in the air while violating our most precious values. Obama's narcissism and oppositional-defiance therefore control his official actions.

The week after Obama's first inauguration, commuters in New York City were shocked when Air Force One buzzed the Statue of Liberty. When the White House was queried nobody took responsibility. But only the President of the United States can override standing orders and FAA safety rules in that symbolic act of giving the middle finger to the whole country, within sight of the ruined Twin Towers. Buzzing Lady Liberty was only one of dozens of acts of symbolic defiance that Obama has indulged in over the years. Psychiatrically these gestures have two features: first, they are unnecessary to achieve any rational goal; and second, they always reveal rage and hatred against "middleclassness," as Jeremiah Wright calls it, the values that normal Americans hold dear.

Emotionally Obama's arrogance is based in deep feelings of inferiority, a mental plague that infects much of the left. Oppositionalism is at the very roots of the Left's glorification of revolution. Marx and the other hard Leftists make it very clear that "revolution" means civil war, as bloody as is necessary to alter human nature forever. When in the end human nature prevails, the Left always forgets its failures and discovers new messianic figures, like Obama himself, to forge another great new future.

Today the Europeans are genuinely afraid of Obama. If you doubt that, look at these two news photos. The first shows Frau Merkel looking with fear and doubt in her eyes at Obama in Germany this week. Merkel started life as a communist in East Germany, but seems acutely aware of personality cults like Stalin's and Obama's. She fears what she knows. The second photo shows Britain's David Cameron doing that little head bow that politicians do around Obama. Both photos show fear of Obama's arbitrary temper and rage, which is by now understood by governments around the world. It was France's Nikolas Sarkozy who first called Obama "aliene," meaning "estranged from reality."

Merkel's look is particularly revealing, because it was her job this week to protest against Obama's unbounded NSA spying against Germans and other Europeans, who have known Obamas before --- Mussolini, Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, and a raft of other control freaks who became enraged when their orders were not followed. Led by our loathsome media, many Americans took the public revelations about Obama's abuses of power with a shrug. The Germans did not, because they still suffer from earlier generations of Obamas.

Oddly enough, after the massive trauma of World War II, inflicted by Germany on Europe and America, there seems to be more sensitivity about massive abuse of power over there than in the USA. Their wounds are fresher than ours. We still imagine it can't happen here. The German press knows better, and therefore went ballistic about the NSA revelations.

The Muslim world has come to the same conclusion. The farcical Arab Spring started after Obama told Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak to leave office, arbitrarily, in the single most blatant act of public imperialism in American history. Obama thereby dislodged the most crucial pillar of Middle East stability in the last forty years: the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty established between Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin. Israel gave up the Sinai Peninsula and in exchange Sadat recognized Israel's right to exist. It was the only genuine peace treaty of the last sixty years, and Obama destroyed it.

The result hasn't harmed Israel so far, even though Obama considers Israel the obstacle to perfect, lasting peace. No. The result has been chaos and starvation in Egypt under the Muslim Brotherhood. Tens of millions of women who lived in relative freedom are now confined by Shari'ah law. In Syria an estimated 100,000 Arabs have killed each other so far, and last week Syria slipped toward the much-feared regional war between Shiites and Sunnis: Iran, Assad, and Hezbollah against Egypt, Libya, and Al Qaida, all financed by the Gulf Arabs. Russia is backing Iran and Assad, and the U.S. is foolishly backing Al Qaida, who hate us.

This is not a foreign policy. It is a jerry-rigged contraption to try to save the day after the Arab Spring destroyed all the unstable Muslim regimes.

In 2009, Obama proclaimed his Muslim sympathies from Al Azhar University in Cairo. Today no Muslim believes him anymore. Based on his own messianic authority, Obama has brought nothing but war and suffering to the Middle East. The Iranians hate him as a point of principle. The Saudis fear him as a wild man who has brought Mecca and Medina within easy range of Iranian nuclear weapons. Israel has not been damaged so far, but they don't want a wild man running U.S. policy either.

Obama has almost four years to go, unless he becomes UN SecGen, in which case he may be around for another decade to impose his Leninist vision on the world. So far, Obama has made things worse, much worse, both in foreign and domestic policy. Free-market capitalism is a robust system, one that has recovered from massive misgovernment before. Politics is worse today than it has been for decades, because of the rise of the Boomer Left, culminating in Obama the Messiah.

Yet precisely because control freaks cannot run our hypercomplex economy, they do not know what is going to happen, and neither do we. Nobody could predict the web, just as nobody could predict the internal combustion engine. Nobody predicted massive shale discoveries that are turning us into a net hydrocarbon exporter in the middle of the greenest administration in history. Nobody can predict the new age of biogenetic engineering. Nobody knows what will happen with ObamaCare, except it will be one unholy quagmire.

Wise policymakers understand the limits of their power and end up practicing the rule of "First, Do No Harm." We now have a U.S. president who has turned that upside-down: First, do some harm.

It hasn't worked, and it won't. Obama is a loose cannonball. He has only one guiding principle, the aggrandizement of his own ego. But just one Nobel Peace Prize, just one presidency, can never be enough for his insatiable needs. Obama will always need more.

Obama wants to control everything except himself. That has always been a formula for tyranny, and Obama is no exception.

Character is destiny.

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The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 23-Jun-2013 05:46:25

by Frenksken @, Sunday, June 23, 2013, 04:32
Ooh that has got to hurt ...
Hong kong has announced that Snowden is on his way to Moscow on an Aeroflot jet and that he will travel from there to an undisclosed third country where he is granted asylum.
Hong Kong also announced that the extradition documents submitted by Washington did not fully comply with the legal requirements under Hong Kong law.
(let's hope it was just something like wrong or missing punctuation hahaha)
It's the funniest thing I've heard all week.
Who else would like to be a fly on the wall when several people in big offices in the US get handed their early morning reports this morning ? lol


June 23, 2013, will begin the announcements of Worldwide change



We are overjoyed to tell you that tomorrow, June 23, 2013, will begin the announcements of
Worldwide change.  You will begin to receive bulletins containing information about disbursements of funds which will change the lives of every single person on the Planet. 

We have arranged for the changes to come gradually, to allow for  everyone to adjust to what will seem unbelievable and astounding to many. 

The Shift will bring peace, abundance and great celebration when people realize the far-reaching implications of what is being done.  This will be just the beginning; the events will unfold day by day in the most natural way possible.

We wish to send this bulletin to all the people who have listened, with Faith and Love in their hearts, to our messages of hope and instruction for elevating yourselves in preparation for your Ascension. 

As this historic event unfolds, you will be the ones who can reassure and teach those who have not learned along with you.

Our hearts are filled with joy for all of you who will finally find fulfillment and confirmation that what you were searching for does indeed exist.

We love you one and all,

Your Mother/Father God and St. German, in company with the Galactic Federation of Light

Via Kathryn May, June 22, 2013, 11 pm.
Kathryn E. May, PsyD
60 Lower 27 Knolls Road
High Falls, New York, NY 12440
(914) 466-4250

“We Got The Message…”

'...There's a suggestion of drug-trafficking busting and being "droned" to death.'

AND a whole lot of being "Boston Brakes" to death. "Boston Brakes" = no brakes. pjr

Sent: 6/22/2013 12:45:15 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Fwd: “We Got The Message…”
22 June A.D. 2013

Investigation into, analysis of, the assassination/murder of journalist Michael Hastings.

There's a suggestion of drug-trafficking busting and being "droned" to death.

Harmon L. Taylor
Legal Reality
Dallas, Texas

Subscribe / unsubscribe :

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:  “We Got The Message…” 
Date:  Sat, 22 Jun 2013 09:22:05 -0700
One more reason to avoid computer controlled cars and trucks. 

Sent: 6/23/2013 6:47:42 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Evidence of "motive"
23 June A.D. 2013

(The list of abuses, interestingly, doesn't include Waco, or the Murrah Building bombing, or the series of murders of the scientists, or of the politicians (killed in planes, mostly), or the other witnesses, e.g., the DC Madame, etc.)

A comment made that is "constitution-ist" in nature is that the "constitution" has been violated from essentially the beginning.

Presume the conclusion, unsupported in this particular video, correct.  This, then, begs the question for which this author, as just one of several, has the answer.  The question is, "Have those alleged 'constitutional' violations really been such?"  And, the answer is, "No, not actually."  There can't be a "constitutional" violation until there's a "constitution" to violate. Since we do not have and have never had a "constitution," while there are, to be sure, violations of concepts we call "rights," there has never actually been a violation of the "constitution" by the "government," because there simply is no such body of law extant in this nation.

Thus, judicially recognized 1st Amendment, or 2d Amendment, or 4th Amendment, etc., doctrines, which are quite active, can be violated.  But the "constitution" can't be, as such, because it just simply isn't there (as admissible evidence of law).

This current system, which this author likens to a bank, was not created by any "constitution," meaning, of course, that it can't be limited by any "constitution," either.

It's a commercial entity/system, meaning that the limits are commercial in nature, which translates, then, not into "group think" but rather into individual thought, word, and action.

That which passes as law (and is codified outside the penal code(s)) is really "public policy," which is activated when agreed to, individually.  The psychological trauma inflicted upon us, whether via inside job massacres or tv/movie programming (which is literally programming, hence the extremely appropriate labeling, as is "federal") has a purpose.  This short video explores and states that purpose.

To vote for more of that sort of thing, all we have to do is just keep using the Fourth Reich's "funny money."

Harmon L. Taylor
Legal Reality
Dallas, Texas

Subscribe / unsubscribe :

The Jewish Tie Salesman

Subj: The Jewish Tie Salesman
This is way too funny not to share, so I hope you get a good laugh out of it like I did!!!

The Jewish Tie Salesman
A fleeing Talibani terrorist, desperate for water, was plodding through the Afghan desert, when he saw something far off in the distance.

Hoping to find water, he hurried toward what appeared to be a mirage, only to find a very frail, little old Jewish man - standing at a small makeshift display rack - selling ties.

The Talibani terrorist asked, "Do you have water?"

The Jewish man replied, "I have no water.  Would you like to buy a tie? They're only $5."

The Talibanian shouted hysterically, "Idiot Infidel!  I do not need such an over-priced western adornment.  I spit on your ties.  I need water!”

"Sorry, I have none, just ties - pure silk - and only $5."

"Pahh!  A curse on your ties!  I should wrap one around your scrawny little neck and choke the life out of you but . . . I must conserve my energy and find water!"

"Okay," said the little old Jewish man. “It does not matter that you do not want to buy a tie from me, or that you hate me, threaten my life, and call me infidel.  I will show you that I am bigger than any of that. If you continue over that hill to the east for about two miles, you will find a restaurant.  It has the finest food and all the ice-cold water you need.  Go In Peace."

Cursing him again, the desperate Talibanian staggered away, over the hill.

Several hours later, he crawled back, almost dead, and gasped,

"They won't let me in without a tie!”

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Dinar Intel - 6-22-13



6-22-2013  Intel/Newshound Guru Poppy3   they have been making progress and the information I have received is still on track--- the ust contact has said that today [Friday] was the start day for the implementation of the rv and that from this day forward the rv can happen at any time literally day or night. TIME WILL TELL -- I also received the same information from contacts that are in washington. --HERE IS THE REST OF THE PICTURE. THEY HAVE REQUIREMENT THAT THEY HAVE SAID THEY WILL COMPLETE FOR US TO SEE THE RESULTS.  THOSE ARE THAT THEY PAY KUWAIT AND THAT IS TO HAPPEN ON THE 25TH .   [post 1 of 3....stay tuned]

Sheldan Nidle Webinar 40 - A fresh look at First Contact

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Sheldan Nidle Webinar 40 - A fresh look at First Contact
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 22-Jun-2013 20:08:57

Sheldan Nidle Webinar 40 - A fresh look at First Contact
In this Webinar Sheldan updates us on the events that
must intervene before we can be ready for first contact.

JOIN US SUNDAY ~~ Sheldan will share the latest plan for announcements, prosperity and disclosure leading to First Contact!
Topics include...
• Recent events pushing first contact forward
• The Agarthans and first contact
• Growing chaos of dark cabal's war with Galactic Federation
• Weather changes resulting from dark cabal's battle with Galactic Federation
• Ending the fear: exposing the UFO Cover-Up
• First contact - key to our new reality
• Shifting first contact scenarios

Sunday, June 23, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Thursday, June 27, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT

Talk to Sheldan Live...
simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!
Sheldan Nidle Updates

Obama strikes again; Russian Helicopters

Subject: Obama strikes again; Russian Helicopters
   This article can be verified at the link at the bottom.

Does anyone remember Barack Obama's great promise of the campaign of 2012?  He did not make a promise to America nor to Americans.  He did not make a promise to fellow politicians.  Unlike so many of his promises, he is keeping this one.  His promise was to Vladimir Putin of Russia. What is Obama doing to keep his promise to Putin?  Everyone remembers the hot mike incident in 2012 when Barack Obama pleaded with Russian President Dmitri Medvedyev to give him time until the election.  After the election, he promised Vladimir Putin, through Medvedyev, he would be more "flexible."
Now we have seen this flexibility.

Barack Obama is going to spend almost $700 million dollars of taxpayer money to buy Russian helicopters for the Afghan Air Force.  But wait. Just like those TV commercials, this gets better.  When Congress passed the
2013 National Defense Authorization Act, it had an interesting provision. Congress included, as a part of that law a prohibition on the United States buying helicopters from Rosoboronexport, the Russian manufacturer of the Mi-17 helicopter.

Unfortunately as always happens, when such laws are passed, Congress always gives the Regime an escape hatch. The law stated that Obama could buy from Rosoboronexport if the Secretary of Defense certified it was in the interest of National Security.  And of course, the Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, a man committed to destroying the US military immediately signed off on that certification.  Where do we even start with this one?

Congress is outraged over this with Senators and Representatives from both parties writing letters about this. Of course, this is Congress' fault for allowing a law to be written with such an escape hatch.  More importantly, Americans need to be asking just what the heck the Obama Regime is doing.
Why are we spending $700 million dollars with a Russian arms manufacturer?  Why are we even giving the Afghans these helicopters?
If we are going to give them helicopters, which we really shouldn't, then
why not give them American made helicopters and put Americans to work?
Even if we are going to give the Afghans Russian helicopters, the ones we are giving them are an old Cold War design. There are hundreds of used MI-17 helicopters floating around the world.  Why are we paying to give the Afghans brand new helicopters?

In the era of the Sequester, isn't there something better we can do with $700 million?  American Medicare cancer patients are being turned away from hospitals and are being denied life saving treatment because of budget cuts. The American military is being gutted to the point of ineffectiveness because of budget cuts.
Or consider this.  The United States Air Force is grounding 17 squadrons because of $591 million dollars in budget cuts.  Our Air Force is not able to do its mission because it lacks the money to fly but we have the money to give Afghanistan $700 million dollars in Russian helicopters.

And this is where Barack Obama thinks we should spend our money?  Most people reading this story will not have heard about it.  Why?
Because the Obama Propaganda Media is moving in lock step to make sure there is no bad news that might damage Obama's presidency.
This is a story that should damage him and outrage every American.

Ask your Senator or Congressman
why this outrage is being allowed and take a moment to share this story with all of your friends, family and business associates.
The only way we will ever stop Obama is if the American people know what he is doing.

BREAKING: Container Ship Carrying Weapons for Syrian Rebels Splits in Half/Sinks

That's rich: "BREAKING" Container Ship... 

Sent: 6/22/2013 5:44:46 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: [Charleston Voice] BREAKING: Container Ship Carrying Weapons for Syrian Rebels Splits in Half/Sinks
A large fleet named “Mol Comfort” carrying Arms for FSA from the U.S. has crashed in the Indian Ocean as it made its way from Singapore to Jeddah, on board were 4,500 containers loaded with arms for the Syrian rebels’ ‘MOL Comfort sank due to yet unclear reasons, [intended] sailing from Singapore to Jeddah and after that to North Europe, leaving behind hundreds of drifting containers and a huge aftershock hitting liner sector and all of the maritime industry.

Even the scale of the consequences is hard, impossible, to estimate, not to mention consequences themselves. This is the 1st case in liner sector, when modern ocean-going liner container vessel (built in Japan!) sank in the ocean after breaking in 2 parts, like a poorly built and managed bulk carrier or over aged coaster. Nothing like this ever occurred, and no one believed it was possible, even theoretically. It just could not happen, but still, here it is.’

Posted By Charleston Voice to Charleston Voice at 6/22/2013 05:44:00 PM

New Evidence: Obama registered for college as a foreign student

How can an Indonesian citizen be a ‘Natural Born Citizen’ of the U.S.?

New Evidence: Obama registered for college as a foreign student

Dinar RV Chatter --- 6-22-13



[kuu] Chaper 7 document on IMF website states, The IQD must have been restored to international status before the sanctions can be lifted. This is per FRANK. Does international status mean the RV rate? That is the question. At least if it goes international it can be used in a CE.

[ChildOfGod] kuu Intl status means tradeable currency, hence rv

[sananddan24] Kuu I would think so at least at their original status

[ChildOfGod] They would need to be able to trade with other countries

[DancesWithWolves] I was watching IrAQI sat channel on internet earlier today....big signing ceremony with Kuwatis, pen ink handshakes smiles etc. Didnt know what they were saying tough!

[ChildOfGod] DancesWithWolves hi Just smiles and handshaking with Kuwait ... that's enough for me! lol

[DancesWithWolves] ChildOfGod yep good sign

[ChildOfGod] DancesWithWolves You betcha!

[sananddan24] DancesWithWolves excellent sign

[Robertprofessor] DancesWithWolves We're nearing the end of the process. Iraq IS obviously part of the process, and they are in a hurry now.

[deb2blessed] Robertprofessor I have thought that Iraq has been held back until they were told to take the stage---

[Maryrose] Robertprofessor I agree

[Robertprofessor] deb2blessed Precisely!

obertprofessor] DancesWithWolves Up till lately, I think everything coming out of Iraq for about a year was said in fartsi.

[kuu] IMO, Whatever the rate becomes to be the paradigm for international status is pure conjecture. The fact that it will enable the lifting of the chapter 7 sanctions is the item of importance that moves ahead to our ultimate goal, which is the CE parameters that we seek.

ChildOfGod] kuu The rate itself is not the point. The fact that an RV must take place for Iraq to be lifted from sanctions is.

[happydave1] something to think about after rv if your looking for investing some money imo Water Stocks: Don't Overlook This $1 Trillion Opportunity


[DancesWithWolves] Robertprofessor How was Reno cleaned up ( or in what sense) IYHO?

 [Robertprofessor] DancesWithWolves There were several (I think) scammers that had members of their "group" meet them in Reno. The scammer said he could take all their dinars into the bank and get a higher rate before the rv because he would pose as a whale...

 [Robertprofessor] ...instead, he/they simply made off with their dinars. We heard that some people stayed in motels for weeks or months waiting for the scammer to return. Well, now what is happening this weekend is trying to help the victims of these scams.

[DancesWithWolves] Robertprofessor TY I'd missed that....where do these guys get the brass neck to try to pull these kinds of ruses!

[Robertprofessor] DancesWithWolves We need to constantly remind ourselves there are corrupt, stingey, mean people everywhere. We should expect that some lurk right here in the castle and spend all day gleaning personal information if they can. Some prefer to cheat at life.

[justincase] Robertprofessor - : Hi Dr. Robert - i've been out of pocket.. keeping up with Recaps. Things are looking Great!

 [Robertprofessor] justincase Things are looking great. I think right now at this very moment, we are somewhere in between this very moment and the moment of Okie's graduation announcement. That's my Yogi Bera update. rofl

 [deb2blessed] Robertprofessor I pray you are right dear!

 [justincase] Robertprofessor - hmm it's like de ja vue all over again.

 [Robertprofessor] deb2blessed It's an easy call. Just don't ask me how long in between those two moments.

[justincase] Robertprofessor - but it ain't over till it's over. lol

 [Robertprofessor] justincase Let's hope the fat lady doesn't sing the whole dang opera.

[justincase] I guess one of the things is... Even if ALL is totally ready for activation... It won't happen until somebody(s) gives the signal.

Robertprofessor] justincase I wonder if the signal will be waving a green flag, a referees arms straight up in the air, a big thumbs up from CL or ... ?

[deb2blessed] It has never had a better chance to really happen as it does THIS coming week, with all the things being announced---IMO

[rustyc] Hi castle and hello puppylove , I found this link for a market open /close map some may find helpful



[ARMYVET] did ya see the info but out by G20 this week

[beach] ARMYVET some time it is like this but much. No I didn't see that

[ARMYVET] central banks taken a more agressive estimated approach on exchange rates

[ARMYVET] Conditional commitments represent the latest efforts at improving transparency. Well over a decade ago central banks began to rely on verbal signals to hint at any future bias in the stance of monetary policy. More recently, some central banks have become more explicit about likely future policy rates by publishing forward interest rate paths. A few central banks, including the U.S. Federal Reserve, even publish forward rate paths conditioned on forecasts published by members of the monetary policy decision-making committee.

[ARMYVET] the best part of the G20 report is...........

[ARMYVET] The Bank of Canada’s conditional commitment was based on nominal variables, that is, interest rates and inflation rates, and not real variables such as unemployment. In 2013 the U.S. Fed under Chairman Ben Bernanke adopted a new kind of conditional commitment when it agreed to maintain the current stance of monetary policy so long as the medium term inflation target of 2% was not breached and the unemployment rate remains above 6.5%. In so doing, the Fed strays directly into the central bank making commitments driven by a target for real economic performance.

 [ARMYVET] it was released on thursday20JUN13

[ARMYVET] this is nice..... Duguay said that since the crisis, the balance sheets of central banks had become, in effect, another policy instrument. To demonstrate the “phenomenal expansion” of balance sheets since the crisis, he compared the pre- and post-crisis leverage rates, capital and assets of the U.S. Federal Reserve and the Bank of England, while noting the differences in how the two responded to the crisis. Duguay also illustrated the differences and overlaps in central banks use of quantitative easing versus credit easing. He concluded that remit of central banks is to: i) provide liquidity; ii) minimize distortions; and, iii) mitigate moral hazard.

[ARMYVET] in other words change their holding guidelines and policies


[tutts] I keep getting all these people telling me this dinar is a scam, I know it is NOT, but I guess I just need some assurance. Can any one give me some good news?

 [ckgdrums] tutts we're still here... mainstream media is starting to pick up steam in their coverage... everything from Okie is positive... there is no bad news... :)

[Then There Was SED] tutts 1st question? What "constitutes" a Scam?

 [Then There Was SED] Please answer, this is for your betterment.

[tutts] I`m not sure, but I tell them you could sell them back if it were a scam

 [tutts] Sorry Could NOT sell them back if it were a scam!

[Then There Was SED] Almost correct. A "scam" is where money or something of value is "invested", with a promise of some off the charts "return" Everyone, save for the few who initiate the "scam" losses their "investment" Further a "scam" very rarely lasts for more than 3-6 months before it has run its gamut.

[Then There Was SED] The mere FACT that if one gets skittish on the investment into Dinar, YOU can still sell it back to the dealer or broker, or a private individual, adn re-coup most of your expenses, but not all. NO SCAM has ever allowed that!

[tutts] You are right, thanks!

[Then There Was SED] For those that insist this is Scam, their blissful ignorance will turn into dismay when they realize THEY were 100% WRONG!

[Then There Was SED] Please copy and Paste and print this out and give it to the uninformed!

[..SpecialAgentGibbs] IF you go way back, and look at what started the "scam" idea about dinar, you will find that in the begining there were some people selling counterfeit dinar. THAT was the ONLY form of REAL scam associated with this.

[..SpecialAgentGibbs] Fronm that point forward, those that simply refused to research or become educated on this, chose to remain ignorant of the facts, and just preach "it's a scam" to everyone they knbew or encountered on this subject.

[..SpecialAgentGibbs] What Sed posted above is 100% accurate.