Thursday, January 5, 2017

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Petitioning Jerry Brown, U.S. Congress

Congress: require veterinarians to give drug side effect information when prescribing anim

Petition by Brandi Ryals
Wildomar, California

My dog was recently diagnosed with a health condition that required medication for treatment. His veterinarian prescribed an antibiotic, a steroid, and a drug to suppress his immune system. I received no written information about any of the medications. The vet told me my dog would experience increased thirst and urination. But I received no other information about potential medical side-effects.
My dog had been taking his medications for two days when he suddenly leaped from the couch and attacked my 3-year-old son who was walking nearby. My son’s injuries required a trip to the emergency room and plastic surgery. He was emotionally traumatized by the attack.
A friend later asked if my dog’s sudden aggression could be linked to any of the medication that I’d given him recently. That’s when the light bulb went off in my head. I remembered that one of the drugs was a steroid -- Prednisone. I did some research and discovered that “sudden aggression” was a common side-effect. I was stunned.
Had I been informed about this dangerous behavioral side-effect of the medication, I would have asked the veterinarian for an alternative. I also could’ve taken steps to keep the kids away from the dog while he was on the medication. What I didn’t know caused me to put my own family at risk.
I believe that every pet owner should be fully informed of any potential side-effects or interactions of a medication on their pet.
Please sign my petition and tell Congress to mandate FULL WRITTEN INFORMATION about pet medication to pet owners today.   ·   548 Market St #29993, San Francisco, CA 94104-5401, USA

Need a laugh?! Obama AWARDS HIMSELF a MEDAL!


The most hated U.S.A. 'president' in the past 150 years thinks very highly of his traitorous 2 terms in office! 

(Breitbart) On Wednesday, President Obama added another prestigious medal to his Nobel Prize collection when he had Defense Secretary Ash Carter award him with the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service.

Secretary Carter awarded his boss with the medal on January 4 during the Armed Forces Full Honor Farewell Review for the President held at Conmy Hall, Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall in Virginia.

Carter insisted that the medal was a token of 'appreciation' for Obama’s 'service' as 'commander' in chief, the Associated Press reported. ??!!

After spending the last few weeks throwing roadblocks in the path of President-elect Donald Trump and his transition team, Obama nonetheless claimed in his remarks to the members of the military in attendance that “We’ve got to make sure that during this transition period that there is a seamless passing of the baton, that there’s continuity.” (O's making a joke - right?!)

Along with the AP, CBS News White House correspondent Mark Knoller also marked the ceremony with a Tweet to his followers.
Many commenters on Knoller’s Twitter feed were incredulous at the award. Some likened the award to a much maligned “participation medal” and others were skeptical of Obama’s underling giving his own boss a medal.
 — LSU-Pi (@LSU_PI) January 4, 2017

President Obama Awards Himself Distinguished Public Service Medal

by Warner Todd Huston
4 Jan 2017

On Wednesday, President Obama added another prestigious medal to his Nobel Prize collection when he had Defense Secretary Ash Carter award him with the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service.

Secretary Carter awarded his boss with the medal on January 4 during the Armed Forces Full Honor Farewell Review for the President held at Conmy Hall, Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall in Virginia.

Carter insisted that the medal was a token of appreciation for Obama’s service as 'commander in chief', the Associated Press reported.

After spending the last few weeks throwing roadblocks in the path of President elect Donald Trump and his transition team, Obama nonetheless claimed in his remarks to the members of the military in attendance that “We’ve got to make sure that during this transition period that there is a seamless passing of the baton, that there’s continuity.”

Along with the AP, CBS News White House correspondent Mark Knoller also marked the ceremony with a Tweet to his followers.

Many commenters on Knoller’s Twitter feed were incredulous at the award. Some likened the award to a much maligned “participation medal” and others were skeptical of Obama’s underling giving his own boss a medal. 


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Col Roy Potter: The Time is Now

Roy Potter

Heart-wrenching scenes see six teens flank Vietnam War veteran's coffin as they volunteer as pallbearers at his funeral because he didn't have any family


While most high schoolers were enjoying their winter break, six teenagers from Mississippi spent a morning volunteering as pallbearers for a veteran they did not know. 

The young men from Long Beach, Mississippi laid to rest Jerry Wayne Pino who died at the age of 70.

Mr Pino served in the Navy during the Vietnam war and did not have any family. He passed away on December 12.
Six young men volunteered as pallbearers at a veteran's funeral because he did not have family members to carry his casket 

Six young men volunteered as pallbearers at a veteran's funeral because he did not have family members to carry his casket 
The young men from Long Beach High School immediately said yes when a friend contacted them to be pallbearers for Jerry Wayne Pino's funeral 

The young men from Long Beach High School immediately said yes when a friend contacted them to be pallbearers for Jerry Wayne Pino's funeral 

The veteran pre-arranged his funeral but because he did not have any family, there was no one to carry his casket.

The Sun Herald reports a veteran who worked at Riemann Family Funeral Homes contacted a young man who found the six pallbearers needed for the service. 

Bailey Griffin, Joseph Ebberman, JT Tripp, Jake Strong, Kenny McNutt and James Kneiss immediately said yes to being pallbearers. They laid Mr Pino to rest on Tuesday morning.
On Facebook, JT's mom wrote: 'Proud mom when [JT] told me that no one should be buried without people who care present, especially a veteran.

'Exposure to patriotism and respect comes from the home, schools and community. Proud of all these boys!'
Mr Pino pre-arranged his funeral service and passed away on December 12

Mr Pino pre-arranged his funeral service and passed away on December 12
Honor guards from the Navy folded a flag and gave it to the funeral home who presented it to the pallbearers. The teenagers hung it in their high school football locker room 

Honor guards from the Navy folded a flag and gave it to the funeral home who presented it to the pallbearers. The teenagers hung it in their high school football locker room 

Not much is known about Mr Pino. His short obituary on the Sun Herald's website merely reads: 'Mr Pino, age 70, passed away Monday, December 12, 2016.'

Honor guards from the Navy were present to fold the American flag that was laid on the casket. The guards gave it to the director of the funeral home who presented it to the teenagers.
They decided to keep it in their high school locker room since four of them were on the football team. 

Other teenagers in the US have volunteered their time to bury unclaimed veterans as well. In November, Today reported that a group of high school students in Michigan also served as pallbearers to homeless veterans.

Veteran Beats Down 8 Muslims After They Attack His Wife - One Put in the Hospital


Sometimes there is a degree of honor and bravery that is unmatched.  Such is the story of Kyle and Liana Tyrrell.  As Liana was attacked by eight Muslims who called her a "white slut" and punched her in the face, her husband came to her rescue, fighting all eight off and putting one in the hospital.
The Daily Mail reports:
A retired Iraq war veteran who fought off eight Muslim men after they attacked his wife has tried to put the record straight on what exactly happened that day.

Kyle Tyrrell, 48, had an altercation with fishermen on Victoria's Surf Coast a year ago while standing up for his wife Liana.
Mr Tyrrell claimed that Liana was punched in the face at the Cosy Corner beach, in Torquay, after one of the men put a crab pot in the water and she told him the area was a marine sanctuary and fishing was banned.

In the fight that took place on Sunday, January 24, 2016, Mr Tyrrell suffered minor injuries, while at least one of the fishermen was taken to hospital. No charges were laid.
The retired lieutenant-colonel claimed that the attack was racially and culturally motivated after his wife was called a white sl and a white w*e by the men.

However criticism that he has received about the incident on Facebook persuaded him to set the record straight on the incident. He confirmed that the men were Muslim and said he would 'do it again in a heartbeat'.
Apparently, the Muslims were illegally catching crabs and cooking them.  When Mrs. Tyrrell caught them and told them what hey were doing was illegal, they took offense at a woman telling them what to do and attacked her verbally and physically.

"His mates got close to me and then he made a run for my wife, that's when I ran at him, he threw a punch which I ducked and the fight started. At no time could either my wife, daughter or I safely walk away," Tyrrell wrote on Facebook.
"At that point five more joined the fight, one punching my wife as she attempted to get our daughter up the beach," he added.  

One of the men said to his wife, "Your husband needs to teach you a lesson."
"I would do the same thing again in a heartbeat, in fact I would do the same thing for any woman I saw in that situation not just my wife, Tyrrell concluded the Facebook post.

An interview with Tyrrell was featured in the Herald Sun.
One thing in the story I disagree with is that it should be illegal to catch crabs and cook them.  I see no place for government to be involved in such things as people feeding themselves.  However, the ideology that sees women as inferior, which is a part of Islam, needs to be corrected.  Fortunately, Mr. Tyrrell gave these Islamists something to think about should they try this again.

This is what needs to happen every single time Muslims attempt to engage in any form of physical altercations based on the demonic teachings of Muhammad.  They need to be beat down and their 7th Century ideology smashed into dust.  Well done, Mr. Tyrrell!

Editor's Note: The previous title indicated this was a US veteran. He was a veteran of the Australian military. That was my error and the title has been corrected to reflect that.

Jordan Maxwell Talks Global Awakening With Alex Jones: Exclusive Interview

Update on persecution worldwide



Chinese Government Threatens The Church- ‘Create A Pro-Communist Church- Or Else’

2017-01-02 23:07:04-05

Posted in FeaturedGeneral
While Christians are being butchered in the Middle East, the Chinese Government is also increasing pressure on Christians. Their message? Become a ‘Chinese national’ church- or else: Chinese Catholics are under pressure to distance themselves from the Vatican and come under Beijing’s influence. A senior Communist Party official told a government-approved church body that Catholics […]

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Christian Pastor Arrested By Muslim Sudanese Government And Facing Death Penalty For Helping Persecuted Christians Is Released At Last From Prison

2017-01-03 06:17:49-05

Posted in Featured
Rev. Kwa Shamaal has been in prison for weeks on false charges that he ‘tarnished the image of Sudan’- a charge which carries the death penalty. The reality is he was arrested for being a Christian and doing missionary work in this Muslim majority nation, and he has been harassed by the government before. In […]

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‘Stop Blaming The Muslims For Your Problems – If You Didn’t Stop Believing In Christ And Then Start Selling Your Churches To The Muslims You Wouldn’t Be So Afraid’ Major Catholic Cardinal Gives The Hard Truth To Europe

2017-01-03 12:16:12-05

Posted in Featured
Cardinal Schönborn of Austria is one of the most respected voices in the Church today. In a recent interview, he said out his opinion on the major issues of European politics today such as the Muslim invasion of Europe, the apostasy of the European people, religious freedom, refugees, Brexit, and American President Elect Donald Trump: […]

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Christian Pastor Tries To Build Church In Muslim Area, Suddenly A Koran With His Name In It “Appears” In The Street, Now The Muslims Have Arrested The Pastor For “Disrespecting The Koran”

2017-01-03 15:37:52-05

Posted in Featured
A group of Christians led by Pastor Babu Shehbaz have been trying to build a Church build a church in Lahore, but Muslim zealots have been trying to stop them. Suddenly, these same Muslims “found” a Koran with Pastor Shehbaz’s name written in it. In response, the Muslims called the authorities and using Pakistan’s infamous […]

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Hitler’s Mein Kampf Is Now A Major Best Seller In Germany, Nazism Is On The Rise

2017-01-03 23:21:30-05

Posted in FeaturedGeneral
By Theodore Shoebat Mein Kampf is now a major bestseller in Germany, Nazism is on the rise. I did a whole video on this:   According to one report: A massively annotated version of Adolf Hitler’s political manifesto Mein Kampf became a bestseller in Germany last year, Der Tagesspiegel, the publisher of the book said, […]

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Muslim Terrorist Attacks A Christian Man As He Is Sitting Down, Takes A Knife, Puts It One His Neck And Slits His Throat

2017-01-04 03:15:59-05

Posted in FeaturedGeneral
By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim terrorist attacked a Coptic Christian man from behind as he was sitting down, slitting his throat and murdering him, as we read from one Egyptian report.  The horrific crime took place in Alexandria before dawn on Tuesday.  The attacker, who is unknown at the moment, killed a Coptic merchant in […]

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Eight Muslim Men Gang Up On Woman, Punch Her In The Face And Call Her A “White Sl_t,” Her Iraq War Veteran Husband Fights Off All Eight And Sends One Of Them To The Hospital

2017-01-04 06:08:31-05

Posted in Featured
Liana Tyrrell and her husband were at a marine sanctuary in Australia when she saw a group of Muslim men illegally catching crabs and cooking them. She told them what they were doing was illegal, and in response the Muslims attacked her, punching her in the face and calling her a “white sl*t”. Her husband […]

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‘It Is Going To Be Worse This Year’ Major Christian Rescue Group Says Christians Worldwide Are Going To Be Persecuted Worse This Year Than In 2016.

2017-01-04 15:14:42-05

Posted in Featured
Last year, over 90,000 Christians were horribly slaughtered for their faith. This is a level of persecution that has not been seen since ancient times, and according to one major Christian rescue group, 2017 is going to be even worse: Violent persecution of Christians is set to increase in 2017, warns Release International. The greatest […]

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Landmark Federal Court Ruling Opens The Way For Explosion Of Constructing Mega-Mosques Across America

2017-01-04 15:43:58-05

Posted in FeaturedGeneral
I have been warning repeatedly that Islamization in America will not happen through any sort of military action, but it will come through the courts, that the biggest danger America faces is not from guns and terrorists, but lawyers in well-pressed suits and activist judges. In another case which illustrates my point, a court in […]

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Jarrett on Obama - Ready for your laugh of the day?

Ready for your laugh of the day?

Philip Hodges
Jan 3 2016

Valerie Jarrett is President Obama’s senior advisor. In an interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, she said that the President “prides himself” on the fact that he hasn’t had any scandals, and he’s never done anything to embarrass himself. Here’s how their exchange went:

FAREED ZAKARIA: He’s also played the role of head of state and president and Michelle has as first lady with a great deal of dignity. Is there a conscious effort to do that because it is the first African-American couple in the White House? Do they think in those kinds of historic terms about their role? 

VALERIE JARRETT: I think they behave in a dignified way because they’re dignified. I think part of the magic for why they’re so appealing is that they are who they are. Early on, we’d have meetings and people would say to me, well, what did he really think? And I’d say, what did he say? And they’d say what he said. I said well, he kind of is what he is and that is the same for both of them. So I think that they behave as the people who they are, what you see in public is the same thing I see in private. 

Do they feel responsibility because they’re historic figures? Yes, they do. But I don’t think that it has made them be different than who they are. The president prides himself on the fact that his administration hasn’t had a scandal and that he hasn’t done something to embarrass himself. But that’s not because he’s being someone other than who he is. That’s because that’s who he is, that’s who they are, and I think that’s what really resonates with the American people.

Valerie Jarrett  -  "Obama hasn't had a scandal"

It won’t matter what you bring up as scandals – whether it was the IRS targeting conservative non-profit groups, or the Fast and Furious debacle, or Benghazi, the disastrous foreign policy in the Middle East, or the current fear-mongering and sanctions toward Russia – the media and political establishment will regard those as non-events. They’ll claim that conservatives tried to blow them all out of proportion, and that the truth is that nothing really happened. (??!! What about all the emails and documents and whistle blowers who have produced information that these DID HAPPEN??)

Obama has been shielded by the press. Now that Trump is transitioning in, the media will be very different. They’ll be the exact opposite of what they have been during Obama’s terms. They’ll treat the Trump administration as nothing but a constant scandal and cover-up.

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