Tuesday, January 10, 2017

A doctor questions VACCINE SAFETY and all hell breaks loose.

proof not to trust the lame stream ever

Sent: Sunday, January 8, 2017 11:40 PM
Subject: A doctor questions VACCINE SAFETY and all hell breaks loose.

Inge's Added Comment:
The consistency with which questioning-professional-opinions are being silenced in medicine and in science is extremely alarming.
It really means that "no one is permitted to question” any agenda that "those in authority" are determined to unjustifiablyimpose.

None are more dangerous than the present "medical dictated mandates", especially "Public Health Policy Mandates" - with Infant Vaccinations and Psychotropic drugging of children leading the list.
If there is not a constant and honest monitoring, review and evaluation of these medical practices and their consequences, then citizens become nothing more than unwitting guinea pigs at the mercy of agendas of "mass experimentation"- by "an industry" which has a business agenda that no longer bears any resemblance to "the healing arts". Medical Dictatorship is the most insidiously dangerous dictatorship possible. It usurps jurisdiction (ownership) over the individual's body.

Many years ago, when the demands for more "Government Protection" became the "societal cry", I warned that "Those who Protect you Completely, also OWN you Completely." Sadly, that warning has now become "the REALITY" as we flounder in a "Medically imposed Prison".
For decades we have witnessed the destruction of the lives of hundreds of thousands of infants after being subjected to a prescribed "vaccine schedule" in infancy.
No "pretesting" for this "infant age group” was ever done prior to the implementation of this "Public Health Mandate" for infants.
No one is monitoring. In fact, the Mantra of the Vaccination Religion is so entrenched that no "honest" monitoring is permitted.
It is the epitome of the ultimate heresy! How dare one challenge "an established mantra"! Science be damned.
No one seems to give a dam, as these children are simply discounted as coincidental "unfortunate collateral damage” -"for the Greater Good".

Not only are thousands upon thousands of children being sacrificed on the Vaccine Altar.
But now the courageous scientists and medical professionals who are whistle-blowing are also being "sacrificed" with impunity.

Why is this outrageous corruption possible?
Because WE, the public, have failed to educate ourselves in basic scientific principles; have permitted ourselves to be media-brainwashed into accepting fabricated pseudoscience; and WE have failed to DEMAND Scientific, Academic , Political and Media Integrity.

"The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance".
If good people remain silent, Corruption will abound unabated, with impunity.

Alarmingly, this is now the REALITY as the protectors of "the Sickness Industry" occupy the "seats of authority" in government, academia and the"professional policing agencies".
And a fearful, brainwashed public not only tolerates it, but protects it.

If we do not protect the professionals who are "courageously speaking out" to protect us, then soon there will be no professionals left to speak out - since they will continue to be silenced and "professionally eradicated".-
- unless WE stand in cohesive solidarity on their behalf.
We cannot afford to let them flounder in the winds of injustice under these assaults.

Note: I have added bold highlights and have changed the font of some quotes.
For the original article, go to



A Doctor Wants Safer Vaccines and All Hell Breaks Loose
by Dr. Brownstein

A doctor writes about wanting vaccines free of toxic agents and you would think he was a mass murderer by the way other doctors and the media are beating him up.
This firestorm should convince everyone that something is terribly wrong with conventional medicine and the media.
Are we not allowed to question the wisdom and safety of any medical therapy?
Shouldn’t all medical therapies be held to a high standard of care?

Dr. Daniel Neides, a family doctor and the director and chief operating officer of the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute wrote a blog post about his concerns with childhood vaccines.

(http://www.cleveland.com/lyndhurst-south-euclid/index.ssf/2017/01/make_2017_the_year_to_avoid_to.html) in the news site http://cleveland.com/

He wrote, Does the vaccine burden – as has been debated for years – cause autism? I don’t know and will not debate that here. What I will stand up and scream is that newborns without intact immune systems and detoxification systems are being over-burdened with PRESERVATIVES AND ADJUVANTS IN THE VACCINES.”
(Note: Dr. Neides’ post was removed shortly after the firestorm began and put back up a few hours later.)
Adjuvants are items added to a vaccine to stimulate the immune system. Aluminum, a known neurotoxin, is one such adjuvant commonly added to many childhood and adult vaccines. Mercury, one of the most toxic substances known to mankind, is a preservative for many vaccines.
Dr. Neides continued his line of thought by writing, “Some of the vaccines have helped reduce the incidence of childhood communicable diseases, like meningitis and pneumonia. That is great news. But not at the expense of neurologic diseases like autism and ADHD increasing at alarming rates.”
When I read Dr. Neides comments, I was shocked that a physician employed by a large hospital organization would write something like that. I knew what would come next and it did.
Physicians chastised him and the Cleveland Clinic immediately distanced itself from Dr. Neides and his post.
He wrote this opinion piece on his own and it does not reflect the position of the Cleveland Clinic whatsoever, and we strongly support vaccinations and the protection of patients and employees,” said Eileen Sheil, executive director of corporate communications for the medical center.
Here are some comments that appeared after Dr. Neides’ post:
Dr. Vinay Prasad, a hematologist-oncologist at the Oregon Health and Sciences University, expressed disbelief on Twitter: Wow, this quack is the head of an institute of an actual medical center? Entire article empty rhetoric & harmful jenny McCarthy myths..
In an email to STAT, Prasad added, “That article … contains many of the tired, unsupported, irrational concerns about pediatric vaccines, as well as generally unsupported thoughts on ‘toxin’ exposure. Frankly, it is a little surprising it is written by a doctor, and not someone on the fringe, who lacks basic science and medical training.”
Dr. Jeffrey Matthews, chair of the University of Chicago’s Department of Surgery, tweeted:
Scientists and doctors were horrified about the misinformation contained in the article, especially given that the source is affiliated with such a prestigious medical institution. A spokesperson for Cleveland Clinic told STAT on Saturday that Neides “will not be doing an interview.”
Dr. Benjamin Mazer, a resident physician in pathology at Yale-New Haven Hospital who tweeted that the article was “one of the most vile, false things I have ever read by a doctor”, said in an interview that it wasn’t an isolated event.
This is really part of a larger movement that distrusts mainstream medicine, distrusts mainstream public health, and really trades in conspiracy theories,” he told STAT. “This article is a really prime example of that. It’s just a shame that it’s a physician spreading these conspiracy theories because people naturally trust physicians.”
He was especially appalled at the misinformation that Neides was spreading about hepatitis B vaccines, which, Mazer said, “have prevented thousands of deaths.
Wow. Maybe doctors should never question the prevailing opinions in medicine. Perhaps doctors should not have questioned whether cigarettes caused lung cancer because it took a massive campaign for the cigarette-lung cancer connection to come out.
Perhaps the above doctors need to recall the story of Dr. Semmelweis, who is probably rolling in his grave right now. In the 1800’s, before the germ theory was discovered, a Hungarian phsycian1 questioned whether the lack of handwashing by doctors while delivering babies was responsible for transmitting something to the mothers that resulted in a higher mortality rate than women delivered by midwives. You see, back then, midwives washed their hands before delivering a baby while a doctor did not.
Dr. Semmelweis performed a study where physicians washed their hands before delivery and the mortality rate fell nearly 9x—to the same rate as the midwives. Then, he started to wash the medical instruments before use and the mortality rate fell further.
After his study was completed, Dr. Semmelweis published his results and suffered the wrath of his peers. They simply could not accept that hand washing would improve mortality rates. In fact, it took nearly 20 years for his work to be accepted.
So, let’s move forward over 150 years to present-day time when a Cleveland Clinic doctor voices concern that vaccines should be safer by not containing carcinogens and neurotoxins. For that grievous (said with sarcasm) error, a resident physician claims this is one of the most vile, false things I have ever read by a doctor”.
Give me a break. Our children are vaccinated with more vaccines than any children on the planet.
Do we have healthier children for all these vaccinations?
We have the sickest children on the face of the earth. We have more children dying, more with autism, asthma, autoimmune disorders, cancer and chronic illness than nearly every other major Western country.
Show me where the pediatric vaccine schedule has been appropriately studied.
It hasn’t.
Show me where it is safe to inject mercury, aluminum, or formaldehyde into any living being?
It isn’t.
Show me where vaccinated children are healthier than non-vaccinated children?
You can’t because the CDC refuses to do the proper studies.
A whistle blower has come forth from the depths of the CDC stating that there is malfeasance at the CDC when it comes to the vaccine-autism connection. This whistle blower came out over two years ago—29 months ago. Why hasn’t he been called to testify, under oath, in front of Congress about his claims?
Dr. Neides is doing what any caring, intelligent physician should do when he/she recognizes something is wrong with a standard-of-care therapyin this case, he is questioning whether vaccines may be causing health problems in our children.
For that crime, he is made to apologize the very next day and the Cleveland Clinic promised that there will be appropriate discipline”


The very next day he stated,I apologize and regret publishing a blog that has caused so much concern and confusion for the public and medical community. I fully support vaccinations and my concern was meant to be positive around the safety of them.”
I don’t think Dr. Neides has anything to apologize for. In fact, I think he should be applauded.
If physicians never question anything in medicine, then how does anything change?
I think the Cleveland Clinic owes Dr. Neides an apology for not supporting him in voicing his opinion and starting a discussion about the safety of vaccines.

Ben Fulford 01.09.17 Countdown to the new age begins as final cabal unde...

Freewill Attack's a Liberal publication for fun - SNAPPY BIRTHDAY Horrifying moment young girl rides on the back of an eight foot ALLIGATOR as a treat during her birthday party as laughing adults look on

Freewill wanted to re-word-craft this article in the opposite of the original fear-mongering publisher. The original is first then the anti-fear-mongering one comes second. Weather you approve of the subject of this article or not is your opinion. Personally I would have loved to have done this as a kid! Imagine being able to tell your friends that you rode on a live gator! A memory for life worth bragging about!

Link: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/2568999/horrifying-moment-young-girl-rides-on-the-back-of-an-eight-foot-alligator-as-a-treat-during-her-birthday-party-as-laughing-adults-look-on/

A HORRIFYING video has emerged online of a young girl riding an eight foot long alligator at her birthday party.
The young kid can be seen astride the enormous reptile as it prowls round the room in front of adult onlookers.

The young girl was videoed riding the alligator at a birthday party
The young girl was videoed riding the alligator at a birthday party

clear where the footage was filmed it appears the stunt, featuring the gator named Bubba, was performed during a session about promoting conservation. In the film the little girl climbs aboard the scaly beast before it is commanded to walk.
At one point she hops off the predatory animal as it lies down, but she is encouraged to get back in the saddle.

The little girl can be seen astride the scaly beast as it trots round the room
The little girl can be seen astride the scaly beast as it trots round the room

was originally shot in 2013 but has resurfaced again and gone viral as people express concern for the child, and the alligator’s welfare. Although a childish voice off camera can be heard exclaiming, “that’s awesome” outraged commenters have slammed the video.
One critic wrote on Viral Nova : “Not only are the children at risk, but the alligators are, too.
“Unlike horses, camels or pack animals, an alligator’s back is not built to support the weight of a human.
“Is this good fun for the sake of education or is it child endangerment and animal abuse?”

Online commenters have slammed the video as cruel to the alligator and dangerous to the child
Online commenters have slammed the video as cruel to the alligator and dangerous to the child

Three days ago, Youtuber SimplyLatino wrote: “This isn’t funny at all. That animal can easily turn and kill that little girl. This is simply irresponsible.” The website claims the video was shot during a Jim Nesci’s Cold Blooded Creatures’ event.
The Chicago-based firm specialises in children’s parties that aim to promote ‘conservation through education’.

Freewill's Parody of this stupidity of the publisher's manipulation...
SNAPPY BIRTHDAY Exciting moment young girl rides on the back of an eight foot ALLIGATOR as a treat during her birthday party as laughing adults look on

A GlORRIFYING video has emerged online of a young girl riding an eight foot long domesticated alligator at her birthday party.
The young kid can be seen astride the enormous domesticated reptile as it walks round the room in front of adult onlookers.

The young girl was videoed riding the alligator at a birthday party
The young girl was videoed riding the trained alligator at a birthday party

clear where the footage was filmed it appears the interaction, featuring the domesticated gator named Bubba, was performed during a session about promoting conservation. In the film the little girl climbs aboard the scaly critter before it is commanded to walk.
At one point she hops off the friendly animal as it lies down, but she is encouraged to get back in the saddle.

The little girl can be seen astride the scaly beast as it trots round the room
The little girl can be seen astride the scaly critter as it trots round the room

was originally shot in 2013 but has resurfaced again and gone viral as people express heartwarming for the child, and the alligator’s friendliness. Although a childish voice off camera can be heard exclaiming, “that’s awesome” ignorant commenters have slammed the video.
One critic wrote on Viral Nova : “Not only are the children having fun, but the alligators are, too.
“Unlike horses, camels or pack animals, an alligator’s back is not built to support the weight of a human other than a small lightweight child.
“Is this good fun for the sake of education or is it child endangerment and animal abuse?”  Rather a side to nature most do not experience.

Online commenters have slammed the video as cruel to the alligator and dangerous to the child
Ignorant commenters have slammed the video as cruel to the trained alligator and dangerous to the child

Three days ago, Youtuber SimplyLatino wrote: “This isn’t funny at all. That animal can easily turn and kill that little girl just like a horse or a large dog could. This is simply irresponsible.” The website claims the video was shot during a Jim Nesci’s Cold Blooded Creatures’ event.
The Chicago-based firm specialises in children’s parties that aim to promote ‘conservation through education’.

Monday, January 9, 2017

FBI Agents Prepare To Counter CIA Coup Against Trump - Shadow Government.

How The CIA vs. Donald Trump War Is Just Getting Started

Fulford: Countdown to the new age begins

Countdown to the new age begins as final cabal underground bases subdued

Benjamin Fulford
January 9, 2017

The battle over the planet earth is coming to an end as the final Khazarian mafia underground bases and strongholds fall, White Dragon Society sources report. However, there is still some heavy duty last minute horse trading going on between East and West as the January 20th start of the presidency of Donald Trump approaches, according to sources involved in the negotiations. 

The future of our planet and our species is what is at stake.  The big battle still to be concluded is the one over who exactly will be controlling the process of creating and distributing money, which is the real source of power on this planet. Put another way, what is at stake is the process of deciding what we, as a species, do in the future.

With a little over one week to go before the Trump presidency begins, it is a good time to take note that, despite his name, he is not the one holding the trump cards in this high stakes world poker match.

When the US dollar became the defacto world currency after World War 2, it was backed by gold and US GDP was worth 50% of world GDP. Now, the so-called US dollar is backed by nothing (the US has no gold) and US GDP, as measured by the IMF, is just 15.6% of world GDP on a purchasing power parity (real) basis. Furthermore, the US was the world’s greatest creditor nation at the end of WW2 and now it is the most deeply indebted nation in the history of this planet.

By contrast, China now controls 17.9% of world GDP, has plenty of gold and is the world’s greatest creditor nation. The members of the China led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, now over 100 countries, control close to 80% of world GDP while the US and its slave state Japan, the final anti-AIIB hold outs, control less than 20%.  

This means that if China and its Western allies make a grab for control of the world’s financial system, they will succeed.  However, the US military industrial complex does have some big cards to play, many of them connected to its secret space and high tech programs. 

The US secret government is getting ready to show some of these cards including much of the technology behind the 6000 patent, that, according to the US Academy of Sciences, have been suppressed for “national security” reasons, Pentagon officials say.

The real question many of us want the answer to, when some of these secrets are revealed, is: Are two separate realities, one involving space colonization and one earth-bound, about to merge into one?

There is plenty of evidence, even for the most hard nosed and fact based among us, that the official version we are being given of history is full of contradictions and secrets.

The WDS society and their allies will be demanding and receiving answers about things like why manned space exploration suddenly stopped in the 1970s? It is very clear from various accidents that have happened since then that any manned exploration vehicle trying to leave earth orbit is destroyed, ostensibly by the Ionosphere.

Agents from the WDS were told by intelligence agency sources with clearance levels high above that of the President of the shallow US state that the planet has been put under quarantine because some very dangerous entities have taken shelter here after losing an inter-galactic war. These entities are now surrendering and freeing the hostage surface population of this planet in the process, these sources say.

If what these people are saying is true, then in the near future the benevolent galactic forces will open a wormhole in Antarctica and allow the surface population of humanity contact with the universe at large. That may be why religious, political and science luminaries have been visiting Antarctica recently. This month Russia’s Vladimir Putin is expected to be the latest bigwig to visit there.  https://themoscowtimes.com/articles/putin-to-visit-antarctica-21017

The fact that the US has confined all of its aircraft carriers to port for the first time since World War 2 may be a sign of something big about to happen. If so, we can expect some sort of earth-shaking announcement out of Antarctica soon. We shall see.

This sounds way too out there for many of us to accept but there can be no doubt a high level esoteric war has been taking place on the surface of this planet.

For one thing there is plenty of evidence which would hold up in any court of law or war-crimes trial that the leadership of the Western world has been engaged in mass murder. Let us not go too far back in history.  Let us even ignore the hundreds of millions of people killed in the 20th century and just look at events since the year 2000.  Since then, had a regime in the US that has ignored international law and used we haveterror and mass murder to manipulate its own citizens and those of other countries into war.

This latest campaign of terror started with the September 11th, 2001 (911) false flag terror attacks. Since then the US leadership invaded the Middle East and murdered hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people. It has also been spreading biological weapons like HIV, SARS, Ebola, Bird Flu etc. in an attempt to start mass pandemics. The Western leadership also used its control of the dollar printing system to try to create mass starvation by bribing farmers into growing fuel instead of food. It has also used earthquake and tsunami causing nuclear weapons against Haiti, Indonesia, Japan etc. 

This is mass murder and can be directly linked to people like George Bush Jr., Hillary Clinton, David Rockefeller,  etc.

Somebody broke into this writer’s home recently and attempted to delete all the copies I have of a tape recording of when I was offered the job of Finance Minister of Japan by a representative of former Japanese finance minister Heizo Takenaka in exchange for agreeing to participate in a campaign to kill 90% of the world’s population. Takenaka works for the Rothschild and Rockefeller Khazarian mafia families behind this plan. I still have many copies of this tape hidden but the fact they would try to delete this evidence shows clearly how scared of justice these people are.

Their increasingly shabby and desperate psychological warfare tactics are also a sign of the deep panic these people are in. Just take a look at last week’s pathetic attempt to derail the Trump presidency by asserting, without any evidence, that “Russia” hacked the US election.

This Hail Mary pass attempt to derail the Trump presidency failed utterly as did their previous vote recount campaign and as will anything else, including Trump assassination, that they might plan. Their fake truck attacks in France, Germany and now Israel are also not producing the desired results. 

People have become immune to their age old use of street theater (often including real murder) to manipulate the masses that false flag attacks are now routinely exposed as such within minutes of their being announced.

That is because this regime has lost power, thanks to the victory of the military and agency white hat forces behind Trump. We have been promised, and expect, a war crimes trial once Trump takes power. The WDS, for its part, would settle for a South African style Truth and Reconciliation Committee.

There are also some mopping up operations going on in the run up to Trump’s presidency. “More deep under ground military bases (dumbs) destroyed as cabal who refused amnesty are terminated,” was how Pentagon sources described the state of play. Also “New York nuclear arms were disarmed and a Vancouver underground rail demolished,” the sources say.

The Paris conference on January 15th is also being convened to impose a two-state solution on Israel, the last hold-out of the Khazarian mafia, and will use sanctions to force the regime there to “really make peace,” the sources continue. The world is “sick of Israeli tantrums and crimes against humanity,” they note.

Getting back to the horse trading.  The Western military industrial faction is taking two tacks vis-a-vis the Asians. On one level, they are seeking a Christian alliance with Russia, Europe, the Americas and the Christian parts of Africa to stand equal with the Asians. On another level, they support the creation of a meritocratic, democratic and transparent new world architecture that will make sure international criminal groups like the Khazarian mafia will never again be allowed to foment war, terror and suffering around the planet.

Overall, once it has finished removing the criminals from within its ranks, the Western military industrial complex will offer its technological and military might to the service of humanity as a whole, Pentagon and agency sources say.

And so, as the year 2017 begins, so does a new age start to unfold. Let us make it a golden age.
One of the major sources of funds for the Nazionist Khazarian Mafia is the “healthcare” industry, which registered a whopping $3.09 trillion in 2014, and is projected to soar to $3.57 trillion in 2017 in the US alone.

A good comment worth publishing as a post...

Thanks Anon!

Well, I'm about as far from holy or God liking as it comes and even I know there is a seriously disturbing problem with pedophilia. People who are not outright stupid know pedophilia of little kids younger than fourteen years old is pure evil.


Today, even the elites themselves know pedophilia is evil as is the attraction to young defenseless kids. So the claim of moral superiority is totally baseless, so why in truth is pedophilia becoming normal? Who is behind the agenda to bring pedophiles into every office?


The Elite of the world have been proven to exhibit the symptoms of a rare genetic disorder known as Hemophilia. So the real answer to them raping children and draining their blood, is to provide a cure to this very real genetic disease.

As difficult as it is to understand, the Egyptians often sacrificed children in secret to save their bloodlines. This would cure disease and genetic ailments, through the actual blood of the infants and children.

Of course before that could happen most of them would die. But the biggest issue here that needs to be brought to light to bring pedophiles to justice, is that they are doing blood transfusions of these kids to save themselves.

Not like in the Vampire movies either. These people hook these kids up to machines and drain their blood. This is real and plenty of it is satanic. The only way to stop pedophilia now is to connect it to the blood drinking used to cure their disorders. In Islam, pedophiles are encouraged: codified in law. Anyone who disagrees gets their head chopped, so we can pretty much narrow down pedophiles are very evil. The worst pedophiles should lose their head for entirely slaughtering children.

Deputies mistake kitty litter for meth; after 3 days in jail, suspect cleared

Mug shot, news release on drug bust sent out, before test reveals kitty litter


  I would have went after them using TREZEVANT v. CITY OF TAMPA | 741 F.2d 336 (1984) for 1.8 million per day!


Interview of Kent Dunn by Captain Max Steel


Published on Jan 4, 2017
Dr. Sam Mugzzi interviews Capt. Max Steel and Kent Dunn.

This is part one of this interview. The second part of this interview is on Wolf Spirit Radio with Capt. Max Steel and Kent Dunn.


Tonight we are discussing the Star Wars, and Global Liberation. Pindar, Queen Lizzy, Denver Airport, Underground bases, Freemasons, Annuaki, and Clones. We also discuss the Pleiadian's Healing Machines, and the Healing Frequencies that are now coming to the public.

These Healing Computers will regrow limbs, reverse age, and retrain the body to heal itself from all disease.

This transition that we are going through will take us to the Golden Ages and a happier reality.

Who is the Pope and what is his role within the Washington DC Corporation.

We also discussed the global collateral accounts, and the Strawman accounts. These are connected to the birth certificates and will be dissolved with the elimination of the Federal Reserve and IRS.

For more information on the RV, GVR and other financial abundance programs; check Gary Larabee's Youtube channel.


Irony: Obama Admin Approves Large Shipment of Uranium to Iran from... Russia

Link: http://freedomoutpost.com/irony-obama-admin-approves-large-shipment-of-uranium-to-iran-from-russia/

Any respectful president at this point would basically be in a hover mode and simply helping a new administration transition, but not the Marxist Obama administration. No, they are still hard a work selling America out to our enemies. The latest sellout is ironic because it has been the Obama administration pushing the narrative of Russia hacking US elections. Now, the administration has joined five other world powers in approving the transfer of a large shipment of uranium from Russia to Iran.
The Associate Press reports:
Iran is to receive a huge shipment of natural uranium from Russia to compensate it for exporting tons of reactor coolant, diplomats say, in a move approved by the outgoing U.S. administration and other governments seeking to keep Tehran committed to a landmark nuclear pact.

Two senior diplomats said the transfer recently approved by the U.S. and five other world powers that negotiated the nuclear deal with Iran foresees delivery of 116 metric tons (nearly 130 tons) of natural uranium.

U.N. Security Council approval is needed but a formality, considering five of those powers are permanent Security Council members, they said.

The transfer is to come under the surveillance of the United Nations' International Atomic Energy Agency and allegedly be accountable to that agency for 25 years.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said the transfers are "subject to the careful monitoring and inspections that are included in the deal to ensure that Iran is living up to the commitments that they made."

While Tehran has not said what it plans to do with the uranium, State Department spokesman John Kirby claims that natural uranium "cannot be used… for a weapon" in its original form.

Should Tehran decide to store the uranium, which amounts are very significant considering some of the possible uses once certain limits on Tehran's nuclear activities begin to expire within ten years.

The AP went on to report, "David Albright, whose Institute of Science and International Security often briefs U.S. lawmakers on Iran's nuclear program, says the shipment could be enriched to enough weapons-grade uranium for more than 10 simple nuclear bombs, 'depending on the efficiency of the enrichment process and the design of the nuclear weapon.'"
Is anyone buying that Iran won't try to develop a nuke even if just to defy the US and the world?

For those concerned about Israel, understand that the tiny nation has put a whipping on every attempt made against it to destroy it since its inception. In September 2016, it was reported that a 2015 email revealed that former Secretary of State Colin Powell said that Israel has 200 nukes of their own.
"Iranians can't use one if they finally make one," Powell wrote to Democratic donor Jeffrey Leeds, a hedge-fund founder who serves on the board of the Colin L. Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership at the City College of New York. "The boys in Tehran know Israel has 200, all targeted on Tehran, and we have thousands."

Frankly, for Tehran to use a nuke against Israel or the US would be suicidal, but we are familiar with Islamic jihadists who will commit suicide to accomplish jihad. However, not many of their high ranking officials and leaders are ready to engage in an operation that will turn them into dust. I'm all for countries being able to defend themselves, but I find the irony of an administration blaming Russia for election hacking and then turning around and approving a uranium shipment to Iran so hypocritical that you just can't make it up.

One question I do have though is, where is this uranium coming from? Is it coming directly from Russia or is this the Clintons the uranium have been selling Russia out from under the land of America's ranchers? By the way, the Clintons made millions on the deal.

Political prisoner Pete Santilli exposed the fact that the central government's illegal land grabs are all about uranium. Don't think that Bundy Ranch and the Oregon protests were all about nothing! They were about federal tyranny and tied to that is arming our enemies. Somehow, I have to wonder if Lindsey Graham and John McCain are involved in this too.

EPA Sends Over 1 Million Pounds of Toxic Metals Into Lake Powell

The Rest of the Story, Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 16

Link: http://www.paulstramer.net/2017/01/the-rest-of-story-or-stop-being-stupid.html

By Anna Von Reitz

So we covered the Law of the Sea, both Maritime and Admiralty, and you know now that Maritime Law is also called Commercial Law, Roman Civil (or just "Civil") Law, Maritime Law, and Law Merchant. 
You know that Admiralty is distinguished from Maritime in that Admiralty pertains to military and governmental affairs on the High Seas, while Maritime concerns itself with civilian transport of goods, services, and "persons" on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways.  This is the same difference as the difference between the U.S. Navy and the Merchant Marine Service.
All these activities fall under the Law of the Sea, which is a very ancient venue of the law that first arose thousands of years ago and which was based on pagan religious beliefs and ethical principles.  The most recent overhaul of Maritime Law ---also known as Roman Civil Law --- took place in the Second Century BC.
So, no, Dorothy, when you step out into international jurisdiction, you are not in Kansas anymore, and the rules and standards of behavior and the guarantees you are owed on land no longer apply.
Satan, aka, Poseidon, was the original "God of the Sea" known as the "Father of All Lies", so you can pretty much figure out what his "Law" is like and can now understand why the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure demand an "appearance" of Justice, and not the actual thing. 
This foreign, pagan, Satanic form of law governs worldwide shipping to this day and  its "legal" practices are often "unlawful".  Only corporations can form the maritime or admiralty agreements known as contracts and only corporations can be held accountable for contracts.
So how is it that you, a living man, are being "held to account"?
It's largely because you have an ACCOUNT----and you have what is presumed to be a "Legal Name" and a "Signature" written in "Cursive"---- as in "curse of the Sea".   
Normal average land-lubbers have no such things, so when a judge sees an ACCOUNT and a legal name like "JOHN M. DOE" and receives paperwork that is "signed"---- as in American Sign Language--- in cursive writing, he has to assume that you are acting as a corporation operating under the legal name "JOHN M. DOE" and that you have an ACCOUNT as a franchise of a federal corporation (a Federal Reserve Bank) and that you have entered into "legal contracts" --- that is, Maritime contracts of some kind--- and that you are to be "held accountable". 
Now, none of this is true.  You have--most likely--never knowingly, willingly, nor under conditions of full disclosure entered into a Maritime contract in your entire life, but the way the rats have set things up, you are automatically presumed to be operating in this venal, foreign, pagan system and to be voluntarily subjecting yourself to the Law of the Sea----either Maritime or Admiralty. 
And you can scream and shout until the cows come home about your rights and guarantees owed to you on the land, but none of that counts at sea.
You have been press-ganged. 
"Illegally transported".
Your identity has been stolen along with your money and your credit cards.
And the so-called "beauty" of the scheme is that nobody told you or your Mother or anyone that had a legitimate interest in you what was being done behind the scenes.  The entire "transport" took place under color of law, silently, when you were only a few weeks old, and nobody was the wiser except the Bar Association crooks and the feckless politicians responsible for this outrage.
Their excuse?  Oh, it was all for the war effort.  It's always a war effort in which you are called upon to defend them from their well-earned enemies and wind up fighting the people that are at the very least your natural allies.
The perpetrators have given you the "gift" of a Legal Name and an ACCOUNT as a presumptive "ward" of their state.  Wasn't that nice of them, to claim ownership of your name and steal your identity and misrepresent your political status, so as to take you into the foreign jurisdiction of the sea and "legally" rob and rape you? 
So they press-ganged you into their service and claimed that you were a "citizen" and subject to the international law of the sea.  And you let them do this to you, because you were deliberately dumbed down, misinformed, and left as prey to these vile monsters when you were just a baby in your cradle. 
Well, as it turns out, your ancestors "reserved" all "non-delegated powers" in international jurisdiction to the states and the people (Article X of the actual Constitution) and since you were born as one of the "people" owed the land jurisdiction of this nation, you can kick the ever-loving Bejeezus out of these vermin using those reserved powers. 
For starters, you own and control the Federal Postal Districts, which are land-based and which underlie and occupy the same space as the "United States Districts" ---- only this is your international jurisdiction on the land as opposed to their international jurisdiction on the sea. 
You can now discern the difference between a "Federal Marshal" and a "United States Marshal".
The men and women responsible for this criminal scheme and treason against you stopped hiring Federal Marshals a few years back, because, after all, there are so few people left who are still claiming to be American state nationals--- that is, knowledgeably claiming their birthright as Virginians, Californians, Coloradans, and so on.   And because it doesn't suit their agenda against you to hire men and women to fill those peace officer slots, they've just neglected to fund them.
Ah, but as the source of all money and all credit on this planet, you can fund those positions.  You can fill those positions with volunteers, too.  And you can actually serve as a Federal Marshal yourself, if you have the time and the expertise and desire to make a difference in this situation and put an end to the crimes being carried out against Americans.
You can assemble your jural assemblies at the county and state levels throughout this once-great nation and you can make it great again, to borrow a tag line from Donald Trump.  You can start by recognizing the venal crimes that have been committed and you can start by objecting to any claim that you are any form of "citizen".  
Most of all, you can realize that the "federal government" is a foreign entity with respect to you and your states of the union, and that it has committed crimes against you and your states under the guise of serving you. 
You can "surrender" the PERSON they created for you a few days after your birth --- the legal name they substituted for your proper English name---
and "assign" its assets to your benefit and the benefit of your country.

You don't have to act as a "citizen" of anything and you don't have to live under the venal Law of the Sea.
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com

Info From the Fringe with Alex Jones: VICE News Tonight on HBO (Full Seg...


I understand Y'all may have listened to this before....Perhaps this needs to be listened to again....
Off the charts funny...
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christian-persectutionBREAKING  NEWS


By: Devvy Kidd    
January 9, 2017      

"An able, disinterested, public-spirited press, with trained intelligence to know the right and courage to do it, can preserve that public virtue without which popular government is a sham and a mockery."  Joseph Pulitzer

Americans have been doing the job of the disgraced media including cable 'news' networks for decades. In-depth, thorough investigations of corrupt politicians, legislation, scandals and events like OKC, TWA flight 800, 9/11 and too many more.
President-elect Donald Trump blew the lid off the fake media practically from day one of his run for president. He has continued to pound on them relentlessly and shows no signs of giving them a break. The so-called 'mainstream' media, owned by six major corporations, quit being mainstream decades ago. That would be ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC as well as every major newspaper in this country.
FOX News Network is one of the worst. Sure, they have their anchors who draw big numbers but those big names have refused to tell the American people the truth either by complete omission or by bashing the messenger. The biggest example is the continuing cover up regarding the Marxist in the White House and his fake presidency. 
Sheriff Arpaio and his investigator, Mike Zullo, held a final press conference three weeks ago regarding Barry Soetoro aka Obama and his fake birth certificate. Two different forensic document examiners with credentials a mile long on two different continents both came to the same conclusion: The birth certificate Barry presented to the American people is a forgery.  They nailed down a real birth certificate, who it belonged to and how the forgery was clumsily done using that birth certificate. 
Soetoro/Obama committed fraud along with his forged Selective Service Registration card. Both are crimes. FOX News, the 'fair and balanced', ignored the press conference. It was to be expected for the prostitute media, but FOX consistently brags they bring it all to you when in fact they simply ignored what should have been a major news story. Just like the other liars for hire: NY Times, LA Times, Washington Post, CNN and the list goes on. USA Today did a short sarcastic piece that cheated their readers out of the truth.
Of course, the unknown birth place for bouncing Barry so long ago has nothing to do with his eligibility to serve as president. Without rehashing years of columns, it all comes down to one fact: BOTH parents must be U.S. citizens at the time of the child's birth. That leaves out Soetoro/Obama, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and another loser, Bobby Jindal.
The fake news scandal has been dominating the Internet for the past month. What you and I know and millions of Americans have known for a long time has finally blown up in their faces. The phony story about how the Russians hacked and influenced the presidential election last November has been flogged to death by the lying agenda-driven media. They hoped by telling the same whopper over and over and over, gullible Americans would swallow it hook, line and sinker. That may be true for a segment of the population who voted for career criminal, Hildebeast Clinton, but for those of us who do the research and carefully consider sources, we know it's all a big, fat lie to brand Trump's presidency as illegitimate.
Those same useful fools screamed, yelled and jumped up and down over the war to expose Barry Soetoro as ineligible and that his 'presidency' for 8 years was illegitimate. You're all racists, blah, blah, blah. Well, the chickens have come home to roost as they say and the day of triumph for what's referred to as the 'alternative media' - NOT the stupid moniker 'alt-right' (or even 'alt left') - has arrived.
Of course, the disinformation industry is out there in full force, pretending to be truth tellers on web sites that appear to be conservative. I receive email all the time asking me, 'Is this true'? I'm glad people are taking to heart how important it is to be wary of false information and outright lies. Verify is everything.
I've been in the trenches for 26 years. Twenty years ago WorldNetDaily came on the scene on the heels of The Drudge Report. A year later, July 4, 1998, my web site went up; I believe NewsWithViews went on line in 2002. Today there are thousands of web sites all competing for that hot story that can be uploaded in minutes. But, over the decades I have learned which web sites are consistently accurate, which are BS flame throwers (yellow journalism to sell products on web sites), which deliberately put out disinformation and which are party oriented and that goes for talk radio as well.
It's so frustrating to listen to some talk show host who doesn't know what he/she is talking about. They either have no clue regarding the U.S. Constitution, they do nothing but parrot the party line or in their arrogance brush off someone who does know what they're talking about and slap them with the some worn out label. Either deliberately deceptive or intellectual laziness, too many big name talk show hosts never talk about the cure, only more of the same party bickering. It's their cash cow.
So, who should the American people believe? The writers at NWVs and other big web sites who consistently bring verifiable facts in their columns over the decades. Journalists and columnists who consistently back up their allegations and research. I've seen too many web sites with lots of opinions and 'facts' where no source is provided just lots of hype. You know the old saying in media: If it bleeds it leads. I see too much of that on the Internet, much of which turns out to be either outright false or a foul distortion of facts.
As for talk show and cable network hosts, the same rule applies. Sadly, the majority in my opinion fail miserably. It wasn't until the 2016 election that Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity finally got fed up with the lying scum bag RINOs who keep getting reelected to Congress (94% again in 2016) and started going after the GOP. That's all well and fine, but some subjects that are critical to 'draining the swamp' they simply refuse to cover.
That's why it's up to yours truly to do my part in covering what 'conservative' talk radio isn't interested in bringing to the American people. I am back on the radio with my own show again and I promise you, it will not be the same old GOP-DNC tennis match of back and forth politics.
There's so much going on right now. We are living in a very historical moment that is also very dangerous. The shadow government isn't just going to roll over and go away. Their plans to destroy this republic is experiencing a set-back with the election of Donald Trump, but make no mistake: The evil doers think years ahead, not days or weeks.
I firmly believe if it wasn't for the Internet we would already be toast. If it wasn't for 'alternative' talk radio we would already be toast. Talk radio is like networking and it works. Just like networking on the Internet and through social media. When my eyes were first opened more than a quarter century ago, comparatively speaking, it would have been like the days of the settlers. All we had back then was fax machines, newsletters and very little radio exposure. Rush Limbaugh owned the market back then.
Today it's totally different. We need to keep hammering on getting the truth out. We need to keep networking to bring like minded Americans together on the same page to get critical legislation passed in Congress. We need to keep the information highway flowing with truth. We need radio shows like mine to keep Americans informed in real time so they can be a force to be reckoned with instead of chasing Band Aids
So, please join me Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 5:00 pm PST, 7:00 pm CST and 8:00 pm EST, to hear my guests, get up to date accurate information and call in with your thoughts and/or suggestions on the issues. Wednesday the 11th my guest is constitutional attorney, Larry Becraft. You won't want to miss it. And, every show this month for a lucky caller: A free copy of my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions. To listen, click here.
[Devvy's hot new book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions is now available. The most important issues destroying America are presented along with constitutional solutions neither the Republicans or Democrats will pursue. Get your copy now. Excellent discounts for 2 or more books, or bulk orders.]
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