Thursday, December 7, 2017

House approves gun rights expansion

Major win! House approves gun rights expansion

Republicans rammed a bill through the House on Wednesday that would make it easier for gun owners to legally carry concealed weapons across state lines, the first significant action on guns in Congress since mass shootings in Nevada and Texas killed more than 80 people.

The House approved the bill, 231-198, largely along party lines. Six Democrats voted yes, while 14 Republicans voted no.  The measure would allow gun owners with a state-issued concealed-carry permit to carry a handgun in any state that allows concealed weapons. It now goes to the Senate.

Republicans said the reciprocity measure, a top priority of the National Rifle Association, would allow gun owners to travel freely between states without worrying about conflicting state laws or civil suits.  Opponents, mostly Democrats, said the bill could endanger public safety by overriding state laws that place strict limits on guns.

Rep. Elizabeth Esty, D-Conn., called the bill an attempt to undermine states’ rights, “hamstring law enforcement and allow dangerous criminals to walk around with hidden guns anywhere and at any time. It’s unspeakable that this is Congress’ response to the worst gun tragedies in American history.”  Esty represents Newtown, Connecticut, where 20 first-graders and six educators were fatally shot in 2012.

Former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., who was shot in the head in 2011, denounced the House action.  “I’m angry that when this country is begging for courage from our leaders, they are responding with cowardice,” she said in a statement.

The NRA applauded the vote. The concealed-carry bill “is the culmination of a 30-year movement recognizing the right of all law-abiding Americans to defend themselves and their loved ones, including when they cross state lines,” said Chris W. Cox, executive director of the group’s political and lobbying arm.

The House vote came as the acting director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said his agency expects to regulate bump-stock devices and could end up banning them. Thomas Brandon told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that the ATF and Justice Department would not have initiated the review “if (banning them) wasn’t a possibility at the end.”

The Justice Department announced this week it is reviewing whether weapons using bump stocks should be considered illegal machine guns under federal law. The review comes after a Las Vegas gunman used the device during an October rampage that killed 58 people and wounded hundreds more. Bump stocks allow semi-automatic rifles to fire nearly as fast as an automatic rifle.  A woman who survived the Las Vegas shooting said she remained beside one of the victims as he died, even though she had never met him.

Heather Gooze, a bartender at the country music festival where the shooting occurred, said she didn’t want 23-year-old Jordan McIldoon to be a “John Doe,” unnamed and alone.  “His death mattered, and I wanted him to be remembered,” Gooze told the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., said during House debate that his state forces gun owners to meet an array of conditions before obtaining a concealed-carry permit — in contrast to some states where “if you’re 21 and have a pulse” you can get a gun permit.

Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said those who carry concealed handguns not only are better prepared to defend themselves, but can help others. He cited 2015 incident in which an Uber driver shot and wounded a gunman who was firing into a crowd of people in Chicago. “Without this citizen’s quick thinking and actions, who knows how many could have fallen victim to this shooter?” Goodlatte asked.

He and other Republicans compared the concealed-carry permit to a driver’s license that is valid in any state.
Rep. Ed Perlmutter, D-Colo., scoffed at that notion. “Georgia has no business, no right, to tell Colorado what its laws should be,” he said.  “If more guns made people safer, we’d be the safest country on earth,” said Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y. “We’re far from it.”

Democrats also criticized Republicans for including a bill on background checks in the concealed-carry legislation. The measure would strengthen the FBI database of prohibited gun buyers after the Air Force failed to report the criminal history of the gunman who slaughtered more than two dozen people at a Texas church.

The Air Force has acknowledged that the Texas shooter, Devin Kelley, should have had his name and domestic violence conviction submitted to the National Criminal Information Center database. The Air Force has discovered several dozen other such reporting omissions since the Nov. 5 shooting.

Rep. Jerrold Nadler of New York, top Democrat on the House Judiciary panel, said the background-check provision “actually would save lives and should not be tethered” to the concealed-carry reciprocity bill. He called it a cynical maneuver to force Democrats to cast a politically unpopular vote against background checks. The legislation also would order the Justice Department to study bump stocks, including how often they are used in a crime.

Brandon, the ATF director, told the Senate that the ongoing federal review may find the government doesn’t have authority to ban bump stocks. Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, the Judiciary panel’s top ranking Democrat, said the uncertainty demands that Congress quickly approve legislation “to ban these dangerous devices.”

Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, the No. 2 Republican in the Senate, co-sponsored a bipartisan bill bolstering the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS.  While he supports the concealed-carry measure, “I think it’s a mistake to try to combine this with the ‘Fix NICS’ background check,” Cornyn told reporters.  

The Map Of Global Islamic Invasion

See The Map Of Global Islamic Invasion 
Information on how NATO is Reinforcing Islamic
Invasion of Nations 
NATO Cover-UP 
Alex Jones


Published on Dec 6, 2017
Alex Jones gives a short history of Islamic Invasion into Europe throughout the past two thousand years. 



Published on Dec 7, 2017
Benjamin Arie for the Conservative Tribune reports, Left-leaning judges have been fighting President Donald Trump on his proposed travel restrictions since he took office, but the Supreme Court has just handed the White House a major win.


The Storm Is Here! Buckle Up!

Retired Marine - The Storm Is Here!
QAnon Tells Patriots To Buckle Up!

Local Police To Scan License Plate Numbers


Eric Liberman
Tech and Law Reporter
The Daily Caller

Local police officers are allegedly scanning the license plate numbers of people attending gun-shows per the request of the federal government.

Agents employ devices that record the plate numbers of every car that passes through such events, according to emails obtained by The Wall Street Journal. The incident has raised questions from Fourth and Second Amendment advocates.

The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency first devised the plan in 2010. Communications reveal that such surveillance occurred at a gun show in Southern California, specifically the city of Del Mar near the border with Mexico. 

The authorities compare the collected data to vehicles that travel over the border in an attempt to identify and apprehend gun smugglers. The practice once again pits both privacy and gun-rights advocates against law enforcement authorities.

Legal actions like purchasing guns and crossing the borders of a country now seem to be justification for legally dubious police surveillance.

“Because those two activities in concert fit somebody’s idea of a crime, a person becomes inherently suspicious,” Jay Stanley, an attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union, told The WSJ. This investigative tactic “highlights the problem with mass collection of data.”

“Information on law-abiding gun owners ends up getting recorded, stored, and registered, which is a violation of the 1986 Firearm Owners Protection Act and of the Second Amendment,” executive director of Gun owners of America, Erich Pratt, said according to The WSJ.

A representative for ICE admitted to conducting operations for the Del Mar gun show, but did not explicitly say they scanned license plates.

“In conducting these operations, HSI (Homeland Security Investigations) San Diego and its partners make every effort to utilize all investigative methods for planning purposes. As for specific methods, HSI San Diego does not comment,” the spokesperson said.

The Drug Enforcement Administration mulled over using this surveillance method in 2009, but ultimately decided against it. It appears, however, that the ICE permitted the plan anyway.

The more recent report comes only two months after a report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) revealed the Bureau, of Alcohol, Firearms and Explosive (ATF) illegally stockpiles gun owner’s personal information. 

Massive FBI Roundup Northern Virginia





More than 300 law enforcement agents conducting a coordinated roundup of individuals wanted on gun and drug charges.

Dan Taylor
Patch Staff
Dec 7 2017

ALEXANDRIA, VA -- The FBI conducted a huge roundup of suspected gang members throughout Northern Virginia as well as the District Wednesday afternoon, and 28 people face gun and drug charges as a result.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms and Explosives (ATF) along with the FBI in collaboration with a number of federal, state, and local law enforcement officials -- more than 300 agents were involved -- rounded up the individuals as part of Operation Tin Panda, which began in the spring.

The operation involved "jointly investigating area Blood gangs involved in violent crime and other criminal activity in Northern Virginia," according to a statement from the U.S. Justice Department.

"During the course of this investigation, more than 30 individuals throughout Virginia, Maryland, the District of Columbia, and California, who were illegally selling firearms and controlled substances or were involved in other criminal acts, have been arrested," the statement reads. "Prior to search warrants executed today, Operation Tin Panda resulted in the recovery of over 71 firearms and approximately 1,292 grams of cocaine base, 4,408 grams of cocaine, 23,838 grams of marijuana, 2,152 grams of crystal methamphetamine, 815 grams of heroin, and 36,075 grams of THC. 

During search warrants executed today, law enforcement seized more firearms, heroin, and other controlled substances."

Of those arrested, 22 face federal charges while six face state charges.

Here's a list of the arrested individuals:

Conspiracy to distribute one kilogram or more of heroin, Use and Carry of a Firearm During and in Relation to Drug Trafficking

To view the list, go to:


The Storm Surges - Col. Roy Potter

The Storm Surges
Col. Roy Potter
Dec 6 2017


Very interesting news right here, folks. 

Lt. Col. Roy Potter (retired Army intelligence) explains what “the storm” is at this point. And it is goin’ in right now as the cabal is being “rolled up” from the bottom…their defenses!

Very exciting…what is happening next?! 

Please watch this video.  Know that the hour of our freedom is at hand as our world changes for the better, and…


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

New Browser Hyjack virus and I just got it...

Just had my Firefox infected with this hijacker. Funny thing is I am running Linux Mint and they want me to call Windows Support! That's too funny! Anyway I have the IP address of that virus and I have Kali Linux installed as well. That makes a great combination if you want to inject into someone's server and hijack it. Do on to others as you would have them do onto you!

I just did a simple clean install of Firefox and wiped the hijacker right out.

A note to Windows users: This browser hijack would take over an entire windows computer. As I am running Linux, the infection could not get outside of Firefox therefore my system is safe. Glad the Linux environment does not support .exe files!



WHAT?  The farmers, milk producers, cattlemen, coal miners , loggers and military recruits are a 'core threat'?  TO WHAT? The libturbs and traitors??!!

For claiming to be the group that stands up for the little guy, Liberals sure love to alienate, exclude, discriminate and otherwise marginalize minorities. Of course, in this case we’re talking about rural Americans, but there is no question that this is a demographic that is now in the minority.

Unsatisfied with being able to bully and abuse these groups by dominating state-level government and the House of Representatives, they demand more power.

The very idea that a subgroup of Americans that comprises 30 percent of the population should have any say in our government is downright offensive to the left.

Liberals are so backwards and confused that they fully fail to understand how their progressive, urban minded policies cripple the backbone of this country. 

Without rural America, they wouldn’t have the raw materials to live their clueless, sheltered lives. And yet, they rail against every reasonable policy and approach that empowers the producers of our nation to succeed.

The forefathers anticipated population disparity, and they created a smart solution from the outset. The House of Representatives serves the majority. The Senate, on the other hand, exists to prevent the majority from exploiting and marginalizing people who don’t flock to major cities.

Both groups are important, and both get a piece of the government. Watch the video and see how liberals truly feel about minorities who don’t pander to the leftist regime.

Rural Americans Are the 'Core Threat' to Democracy According to MSNBC's Joy Reid

Those Who Work, Those Who Don't: Poverty, Morality, and Family in Rural America

Jennifer Sherman
When the rural poor prioritize issues such as the right to bear arms, and disapprove of welfare despite their economic concerns, they are often dismissed as uneducated and backward by academics and political analysts. In Those Who Work, Those Who Don't, Jennifer Sherman offers a much-needed sympathetic understanding of poor rural Americans, persuasively arguing that the growing cultural significance of moral values is a reasonable and inevitable response to economic collapse and political powerlessness.

Those Who Work, Those Who Don't is based on the intimate interviews and in-depth research Sherman conducted while spending a year living in "Golden Valley," a remote logging town in Northern California. Economically devastated by the 1990 ruling that listed the northern spotted owl as a threatened species, Golden Valley proved to be a rich case study for Sherman. She looks at how the members of the community coped with downward mobility caused by the loss of timber industry jobs and examines a wide range of reactions. She shows how substance abuse, domestic violence, and gender roles fluctuated under the town's economic strain.

Compellingly written, shot through with honesty and empathy, Those Who Work, Those Who Don't is a rare firsthand account that studies the rural poor. As incomes erode and the American dream becomes more and more inaccessible, Sherman reveals that moral values and practices become a way for the poor to gain status and maintain a sense of dignity in the face of economic ruin. 

If You See This On Your Walmart Receipt

If You See This On Your Walmart Receipt 
Call The Police Immediately – 
Here’s What It Means

Published on Dec 4, 2017

If You See This On Your Walmart Receipt Call The Police Immediately – Here’s What It Means

Americans have a love/hate relationship with the world’s biggest retailer in that products come cheap, but at a price with what typically turns out the be a really bad shopping experience or awful customer service. Of all the retailers in the country, Walmart is typically branded one of the most American ones. They profit heavily from their reputation of patriotic values and being the picture of success from capitalism, hard work, and the fruits of pursuing the American dream, despite using cheap overseas labor to produce a glutenous amount products.

While there are a number of ways that Walmart is losing customers in droves, especially recently, when the store’s CEO decided to get divisive in politics and turn on our president, there’s one shocking detail on store receipts that’s causing customers to call the police. It’s been widely reported as a consumer report for shoppers to keep an eye out for one specific code on their receipt and if you see it, to alert authorities as it allegedly signifies that you’ve just become the victim of a scam.

President Trump Declares Jerusalem as Capital of Israel

President Trump Declares Jerusalem 
as Capital of Israel 
12/6/2017 Trump Speech

Published on Dec 6, 2017
BREAKING NEWS: President Trump Declares Jerusalem as Capital of Israel 12/6/2017 Trump Speech

President Trump Gives a HUGE Statement on Jerusalem 12/6/2017 Trump LIVE Israel Speech, Old City, Jerusalem awaits Trump's statement

President Donald Trump Announce That The U.S. Will Recognize Jerusalem As Capital Of Israel

US President Donald Trump to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, Jerusalem Embassy


Trump’s approval rating SOARS


President Donald Trump’s approval ratings have soared like the economy, and this week he hit his highest approval rating since September.

Despite the mainstream media’s nonstop attacks, Trump’s approval rating is currently comparing favorably to former President Bill Clinton, who averaged 47 percent approval his first two terms in office.

That’s according to a Morning Consult/Politico poll released Dec. 4 which showed that Trump’s support has jumped remarkably in recent months to 45 percent.

A full 23 percent of voters strongly approve of Trump’s job in office, and a staggering 80 percent of registered Republicans were reportedly happy with their president.

This is even more impressive when weighed against the constant media attacks against the president.  

Recent studies have proven just how unfairly Trump has been treated by the liberal media.

The president is attacked in 62 percent of all mainstream media stories, while only 5 percent talk about Trump favorably.

Compare that to former President Barack Obama’s first year in office, when 42 percent of all news stories regarding him were positive… and only 20 percent negative.

Despite his treatment in the media, Trump is nearly identical to Bill Clinton’s approval ratings at 45 percent — and remains far better than Clinton’s low-point, 37 percent in June 1993 according to Gallup.

But don’t take our word for it. 

"Private Spy Network" To Counter "Deep State Enemies"


And while The Intercept notes that meetings have already been conducted to raise private funding for such an initiative, official sources from within the intelligence community have understandably denied all such rumors.

Some of the individuals involved with the proposals secretly met with major Trump donors asking them to help finance operations before any official contracts were signed.

The proposals would utilize an army of spies with no official cover in several countries deemed “denied areas” for current American intelligence personnel, including North Korea and Iran. The White House has also considered creating a new global rendition unit meant to capture terrorist suspects around the world, as well as a propaganda campaign in the Middle East and Europe to combat Islamic extremism and Iran.

"I can find no evidence that this ever came to the attention of anyone at the NSC or [White House] at all,” wrote Michael N. Anton, a spokesperson for the National Security Council, in an email. “The White House does not and would not support such a proposal.” But a current U.S. intelligence official appeared to contradict that assertion, stating that the various proposals were first pitched at the White House before being delivered to the CIA. The Intercept reached out to several senior officials that sources said had been briefed on the plans by Prince, including Vice President Mike Pence. His spokesperson wrote there was “no record of [Prince] ever having met with or briefed the VP.” Oliver North did not respond to a request for comment.

According to two former senior intelligence officials, Pompeo has embraced the plan and has lobbied the White House to approve the contract. Asked for comment, a CIA spokesperson said, “You have been provided wildly inaccurate information by people peddling an agenda.”

And here are the familiar names/companies behind the effort...

At the heart of the scheme being considered by the White House are Blackwater founder Erik Prince and his longtime associate, CIA veteran John R. Maguire, who currently works for the intelligence contractor Amyntor Group. Maguire also served on Trump’s transition team. Amyntor’s role was first reported by Buzzfeed News.

Michael Barry, who was recently named the National Security Council’s Senior Director for Intelligence Programs, worked closely with Erik Prince on a CIA assassination program during the Bush administration.

Prince and Maguire deny they are working together. Those assertions, however, are challenged by current and former U.S. officials and by Trump donors who say the two men were collaborating.

As with many arrangements in the world of CIA contracting and clandestine operations, details of who is in charge of various proposals are murky by design and change depending on which players are speaking. An Amyntor official said Prince was not “formally linked to any contract proposal by Amyntor.” In an email, Prince rejected the suggestion that he was involved with the proposals. When asked if he has knowledge of this project, Prince replied: “I was/am not part of any of those alleged efforts.”

Prince has strong ties to the Trump administration: His sister Betsy DeVos is secretary of education, he was a major donor to the Trump election campaign, and he advised the transition team on intelligence and defense appointments, as The Intercept has previously reported. Prince has also contributed to Vice President Mike Pence’s campaigns.

Of course, while a privately-funded spy network might help offset the problem of a politically compromised intelligence community, in the end these efforts will certainly prove to just substitute the political ambitions of corrupt public servants for those of corrupt private citizens who will undoubtedly expect a "return" on their invested capital.


The below was received from a faithful reader with request to publish, and especially with a urgent request to get this information to President Trump and the 'good' Generals with the hope that these orders will be changed so that the innocent will be spared from certain death.  Remember this:  This nation has more political prisoners (and kangaroo courts, i.e., the Bundy situation for example, and also a means to get those interfering with the enemy's agenda out of the way while THEY carry out THEIR UNLAWFUL AGENDA) per capita than all the other nations combined.  Incarceration is a MONEY MAKING BUSINESS.  MANY are sent to prison who have NOT committed crimes justifying incarceration or death, nor 'deserve' to lose their lives over wrongful sentencing. These are the 'innocents'.  We MUST take all necessary steps to insure that these are released and/or spared from certain death according to current policy as set forth below.

Please send to President Trump and the good military Generals if you have the connections

Death In Federal Prison By Way of Martial Law

If martial law is declared, the federal prisons have standing orders to kill by gassing all prisoners in custody in the prisons. That is the biggest fear when in a federal prison.

The guards have orders to lock down the prison then turn on the gas.  When all prisoners are dead, they body bag them and pack them out. (Remember the NAZI gassings during WW2? Sadly, it appears that same hellish methodology is in place today in the U.S.A.)

Many - if not most - of these people are not hardened criminals and were not sentenced to death by the judge but would die by way of BOP policy. If you haven't already, please address this problem.

Many people in prison are criminals but, at the same time, most are notA review of each should be conducted to determine who IS and who is NOT to be so executed - resulting in outright MURDER of innocents (i.e. political prisoners due to differences held concerning taxes, sovereign land rights, etc.)

Regardless, even criminals would not fight for another country against their own if let out. 
Respectfully submitted to our President
......... XX 

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Exclusive- Judge Anna von Reitz - A Country Enslaved - Taking Back Ameri...

This Time of Year

By Anna Von Reitz

After Thanksgiving.  Before Christmas.  The world is in a rush, some of it happy, some of it grim.  At no other time of the year does the chasm between the haves and the have nots become more glaringly apparent or the pain of it so sharp. 

This is as true for the members of The Living Law Firm as it is for everyone else.  

We now have almost 200 former judges, former Bar Attorneys, paralegals, financial auditors, volunteer CPAs, court administrators, and historical researchers working full time to save America --- and it is because of their work that we have been able to develop the knowledge base we have been able to share with all of you.  

It's because of them that we know the Civil War was an illegal commercial mercenary action.  It's because of them that we were able to track down the Lieber Code and its modern-day versions enshrined in The Hague Conventions. It's because of them that we have the complete details of the 1863 US bankruptcy, the 1907 bankruptcy of The United States of America, Inc., the 1933 bankruptcy of the United States of America, Inc., and the current bankruptcies, too. 

These experts have proven that the Territorial United States has been run under Martial Law for 150 years, that the US Army is the one responsible for supervising the Bar Associations (and failing to do so) and so much more that is absolutely crucial if we are to understand the world we are living in and the constant cognitive dissonance between Yankee Doodle and the Land of the Free and the ugly fascist surveillance state and threats from people on our payroll. 

It's also because of these legal eagles and historical researchers that we have been able to develop such a clear understanding of the fraud process that has been used to disinherit us, the meaning of the BIRTH CERTIFICATES and all the issues of genocide, enslavement, and institutionalized crime that are the festering results of the so-called American Civil War.

Thanks to these unsung and largely unknown heroes, you now know how to document and reclaim your names and estates--- and ultimately, regain control of the courts and the agencies and the banks.  

It's thanks to these volunteers and many, many more working thousands of unpaid hours that you now have a realistic and reliable ---and if I may say so, finally, a simple path forward-- and the means to claim the protections owed to you.  

You can begin to breathe again.  You no longer have to live in fear of federal tax collectors and attorneys coming after you with charges based on foreign statutory laws.  The worst of it has been exposed.  It is only a matter of time before it is undone entirely.  Good-bye to fraudulent mortgages and loan practices.  Farewell to bogus "titles" being held against your name and assets.  

Most of the members of The Living Law Firm are older folk like me, who, one way or another have enough to live on; but, we also have young men and women with families still at home to support, and a few folks who have just plain suffered misfortune this past year--- medical problems, accidents and injuries, floods, exploding water heaters, and all the other assortment of "nasty things that can happen to all of us".  

I know that everyone is struggling to a greater or lesser extent, but if you can, please help those who have struggled so long and so hard to help you----and who have shared the results of their labor and research for free.  

We have a basement to back-fill in Portland and a sump pump to install.  We have need of a large capacity home heating stove in the same area.  And fuel for it to buy.  We have a family of four living in a mobile home outside of Jackson Hole and tonight they are huddled together around a kerosene space heater without electricity or water. Emergency efforts are underway.  There is a retirement-age couple in the Midwest living in a cheap, rented hotel room, dependent on us and an $800 a month pension until better things happen for them. 

On top of everything else that I have to face and do, I have to try to help and take care of the people and families who make up The Living Law Firm..  I have to try to meet these needs and implore your help to do it, too, because of what these people have already done.  

Many of the people who have made the most important discoveries are not well-off.  They aren't retired.  Many of the members of The Living Law Firm struggle to pay the rent, the phone bill, the fuel bill, the college loan bill---- all of it.  They are living as average people making extraordinary efforts and contributions to us all.  

While others have created secret society groups and charged thousands of dollars to share what they have learned, and still more have run scams and charged for cures that don't work and which get people into trouble---- The Living Law Firm has plodded forward and simply shared the fruits of all their labor for free with everyone and they have continued to advance toward their goal of delivering systemic, permanent relief to everyone.  

Think about how far we have come in a year, and where we now stand.  

Last year, we weren't fully aware of all the implications of what went on in the Civil War.  Last year, we didn't know the full extent of culpability and responsibility that the American military bears in all of this. Last year, we didn't have a clear, proven, simple paper process to reclaim your name and estate.  And day by day, more pieces of the puzzle are brought forward and clicked in place..... by people who have to struggle to keep the lights on, buy Christmas dinner, and feed their dog.  

So, we just ask among all the other needs and appeals that come at this time of year--- remember our guys out here in the field. I continue to act as Paymaster for everyone.  My Paypal is and my snail mail is: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Post Office Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652. And if there is anyone in Portland who has the equipment and who knows how to back-fill a basement...... 

May all those who read this be blessed, may our long labor of love come to fruition as peace and freedom and plenty for everyone, may all the wonders of creation be alive in our hearts and may the peace of the True and Righteous Lord be with us. 

Love you all!  


See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website here:

Monday, December 4, 2017

US military to declare martial law as DOJ FBI criminality exposed Benja...

Benjamin Fulford Dec 4 2017

Step By Step -- Part Two -- The Gas

By Anna Von Reitz

So you now know what the BIRTH CERTIFICATE is and how it functions and why you authenticate it.

What else do you need to reclaim your identity and your Holder-In-Due Course/Subrogee/Priority Creditor status?

You have to correct the omission your parents made and record your Common Law copyright to your own name. 

The Session Laws of every State --- federated or not --- contain language guaranteeing your right to establish a Common Law copyright to your Assumed Name. 

Please note:  I said "Session Laws"---- not "statutes". 

Also note that the correct description of your Upper and Lower case name, First Middle Last, as in: Michael John Doe, is properly known as a "Trade Name" or a "Given Name" and this style of name is known as a "bicameral" name. 

It is "assumed" in the sense that when you came into this world you didn't have a name and were given one, but there are other kinds of assumed names including pen names and noms de guerre and corporate names, too. 

The Session Laws include all these kinds of names under the blanket description "assumed names". 

The name your parents gave you, your given Trade Name, has to be reclaimed and copyrighted and permanently domiciled on the land and soil of the state where you were born, together with all styles, orders, forms, punctuation, variations, abbreviations and other derivatives of your basic Trade Name. 

This is done by recording your claim and Certificate of Assumed Name in a land recording office or a postal district court or both.  Please note that a "recording" is different from a "registration". 

You record a deed because it references a land asset. People and their names are naturally land assets, too: for dust Thou art and to dust returneth-- and so of course are other actual, factual things such as rocks and trees and farm fields and houses and houses and dogs and cats--- all land assets. 

Now, I have shared examples of CERTIFICATES OF ASSUMED NAMES on my website that people can observe and use as templates to create their own documents simply by replacing the names, dates, addresses, etc. with their own.

These examples cite the Session Laws of Alaska and Washington State simply because that is where they happened to be brought.  Other states have their own Session Laws regarding ASSUMED NAMES which guarantee your Common Law copyright, so if you live in Minnesota or Florida or some other State, by all means consider spending an afternoon at a law library or hiring a paralegal to dig through and find the "local" Session Law and cite that in addition to the Alaska and Washington State laws. 

That said, the Doctrine of Equal Protection mandates that a protection provided in one state must be provided in all states of the Union, and if you absolutely cannot find the right Session Law for your state, you may rely on the citations provided from Washington and Alaska.

Some land recording offices object and refuse to file any record that doesn't include the Session Law reference for their State; this is either ignorance or guile on the parts of the Clerks who don't know the difference between Session Laws and Statutes--- but no matter.

You are not dependent on the Land Recording Offices to record your claims.

It's nice if you can get it on the Public Record that way, but not critical. 

You can use the Post Office to create a record of your claim by sending yourself a Registered Letter containing a wet-ink original copy of the CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME.  This is called a "Record Copy". When you receive the Registered Letter that you sent to yourself, you don't open it. You tuck it away in a file folder along with your own file copy of the CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME.

If there is ever a question or you are forced to go to court, you certify a black and white copy of the CERTIFICATE from your file as "true, correct, and complete" and sign off on this as the "Document Custodian".  Then take your unopened Registered Letter to court as proof. Wave it at the Judge.  If the judge has temerity enough to open your letter (which he won't) he has to certify the Record Copy on the record of the court upon your request and that seals the doom of any claim against your claim.

You can further back up your claim by placing a briefly stated Public Notice in the local newspaper(s).  Just a couple sentences will do, for example, "The Trade Name "William Henry Doe" has been returned and re-conveyed to its natural permanent domicile on the land and soil of New Hampshire effective March 2nd 1950; Doe, Wm. Henry, Fiduciary, in care of 4109 Fairfield Street, Oxford Massachusetts, 01540."

Wave the newspaper clippings showing the dates of publication at the judge, too. 

Please note that the examples of the CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME that are provided on my website include a permanent standing claim of the writ of Habeas Corpus, which allows you to come in and commandeer their courts if they address you improperly. 

With your Authenticated Birth Certificate and your recorded CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME firmly in hand, you are now ready to mow the grass. 

Or maybe I should liken it to saying the magic words:

"I claim the writ of Habeas Corpus allowing me to operate in this court while maintaining my true position and domicile on the land of these United States. I am the living Subrogee and Priority Creditor of the DEFENDANT. I claim all exemptions and bonds related to this case contract number and as an innocent Third Party controlling interest move the court to dismiss these allegations for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted."

This is a fancy way of saying that any money owed by the DEFENDANT is owed to you, not them, and that they don't have the jurisdiction to make any claims favoring themselves or to say jack-diddly-squat otherwise. 

This works in all cases regardless of what the case may be, so long as you have not murdered anyone (in which case the Prosecutor stands for the injured party) or actually injured a living man or woman or their property. 

This works on all cases brought against YOU including foreclosure cases, child custody cases, statutory crimes, traffic tickets, tax cases--- anything bogus that does not actually involve a living Injured Party who is willing to stand up in court and accuse you of actual injury to them or their private property--- and so long as you are not in fact a federal citizen.  

So there at last is your Administrative Process which frees you from the dread of these liars and flim-flam artists.  In fact, unless you are actually a federal citizen, I recommend that you just stay home and send the Judge and the Court Clerk a nice, polite Registered Letter in lieu of appearing physically at all. 

Just take black and white photocopies of your Authenticated BC, your CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME, the mailing receipts, mark everything "private and confidential", certify it all as "true, complete, and correct" as the Document Holder, and explain that you don't exist in their jurisdiction and don't acquiesce to their jurisdiction and object to having their court mis-address you. Note that you are the Holder in Due Course of your Trade Name and Estate and all Derivatives thereof---and request that they drop all charges and return the balance of any court bonds to you, the Subrogee and Priority Creditor of the DEFENDANT at the address shown above, sincerely......

So long as you provide a polite answer nobody can accuse you of being in contempt of court, and so long as you reply to a summons in proper character there is no basis for issuing a warrant. 

And if by any chance they ignore the facts and continue their prosecution, start thumping on the military authorities, especially the US Army, which is supposed to be riding herd on the Bar.  Instead, they have been letting the Bar ride herd on them.  They have entrusted this function to Provost Marshals who are all members of the Bar, so they have the foxes guarding the other foxes and the hen house at the same time--- a situation that has to stop. 

Start banging your dishes on the floor like angry dogs and demand that the Army get up off its complacent rump, read Title IV, then read Title XXXVII and realize the crimes that these disguised "Uniformed Officers" --- conscripted doctors-- are being forced to commit in hospitals throughout America and then finally read their own Field Manuals.  It's all there in black and white. 

We, the American states and people, are being subjected to vicious crimes--- press-ganging, identity theft, kidnapping, inland piracy, unlawful conversion, forced enslavement and conscription, mis-characterization of our nationality and political status, virulent fraud and racketeering, genocide on paper--- at the hands of people on our payroll, by attorneys operating outside their jurisdiction, and by banks operating as crime syndicates on our shores--- and the US Army and the Coast Guard which are both specifically tasked to protect us from all this are part of the problem.

They have let the "Rat Problem" get totally out of control and have failed to protect us and our actual borders. 

So, given this overall deplorable circumstance, please tell me what we are paying billions upon billions of dollars in "national security" expenses for?  It's like paying for a fur coat and being given a Do-It-Yourself paper raincoat instead.

But I digress.... you now know exactly what has been done and how you need to reply to it, and if the Bar members do anything but the right thing, you now know who to complain to. 

Time to mow the lawn, America, and do a damn good job.

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website here:

Vatican Christmas Ritual Exposed

Vatican Christmas Ritual Exposed

Published on Dec 14, 2016

(2016) Illuminati Ritual at VATICAN birth of "Son of Satan"

December, 2016 - It appears that they see this month as the concepton of Jesus and invert this with ritualistic 'imitative magic'. The goal is to break the veil and birth the abyss - they use the story of the birth of Jesus we read in the book of Luke as a masquerade for Revelation 9 (birth of the abyss). This is not a Christian organization, but the capstone of the mystery schools of Egypt / Babylon.

Remember Moses vs. the lying signs and wonders of Egypt? This is what we are dealing with here.

The real Messiah, Jesus Christ, is the way, truth and life and no-one can come to the Father but by Him. Go to a private place and call on Jesus to be your Lord and Saviour, confess your sin and believe in your heart that He rose from the grave to truly defeat death. Be filled with the Holy Spirit and be born again into a new life of purpose, hope and forgiveness. Salvation from death is in Jesus Christ alone. They are tireless in their efforts to invert and pervert the real truth of the Bible, don't reject the only way to everlasting life.

Vatican Secret Illuminati Ritual will shock you!

Col. Roy Potter Military 72 Hour Alert

Military 72 Hour Alert
Dec 3, 2017