Thursday, October 27, 2011

October 27, 2011 – White Hats Report #31 - VERY GOOD READ!

Posted: 26 Oct 2011 10:17 PM PDT
BUSH SR. - THE "KING" IS LOSING HIS MIND – How can a Stage Two Alzheimer Patient continue to terrorize American and  World Leaders!?

America is in grave danger by Washington Autocracy who have continued to fail to address the criminal actions of Bush Senior's Dark Cabal who are in collusion with renegade bankers to destroy not only America's, but the entire World's financial system.  America is not immune to the collateral damage from other countries, because our financial systems and currencies have become homogeneous and interdependent. An unchecked system has allowed the greed, self interest, and criminal activities of a few to prosper while the rest of the world collapses.  JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Citibank and Wall Street stand ready to fall, as they are cross invested in the European Union with substantial loans and trading portfolios.   America is in a free-fall led by a clueless President who is involved in vast criminal manipulations, a puppet on a string controlled by Bush Senior's Cabal and George Soros.

As the global financial system spirals faster and faster to a bankrupt state, Bush Senior and Obama plan for their next move.  Obama is preparing for his exit as a failed one term President, with Senior allowing him to spend more time congregating his stolen offshore bank funds, which we last reported exceeded 11 Billion Dollars.  He has degradated America with the ultimate scam.  And a long time ago Bush Senior started to make plans for his escape.  Hence, the Bush family, Soros and cohorts over the last several weeks have been flying in mass equipment and assets to their heavily fortified 100,000 plus acre Paraguay Ranches.  As the World's major financial system collapses, their plan is to take all their stolen assets and escape to the old Nazi Safe Haven immune from extradition. The Paraguayan newspapers have already announced the future arrival of the Bush family.   Our justice system is neutered to stop and apprehend them.  The world looks at America aghast with disbelief.  

By the end of next week investigators will have completed a comprehensive report on Bush Senior, exposing the location of his stolen global banking funds.  Upon completion we will also detail an expose of Obama’s fraudulent funds.  Furthermore, this information will be made available to the proper global authorities for future criminal investigations.

As the G20 countries struggle for a global financial solution, Chancellor Angela Merkel and Nicholas Sarkozy now realize their own survival is being threatened and entrapped with the sinking ship.  They see the demise of Bush Senior’s power and the disintegration of the old Cabal.   Although they both understand that Bush Senior’s Dark Cabal still has some power,  the encroaching reality that Bush Senior has entered the second phase of dementia is now perceived that it is time to review Geo Political loyalties.   Simply stated, “The King is losing his mind,” but make no mistake that even now Senior is still calling all the shots.   Obama, Geithner, Bush Junior, the Clintons and other of the co-conspirators are still moving to the will of the puppet master.   

As an example of Bush Senior’s control, as we have viewed from recent European Union events, we are very concerned that the present actions of Chancellor Merkel may possibly reveal that Bush Senior or his co-conspirators may be bribing or threatening Merkel if she does not prevent or derail by any means a solution to the European financial crisis.  Remember the Cabal's new world order can only succeed with the failure of the global financial system.

Even though Bush Senior maintains control over some of the political powers, we are seeing signs of his collapse.  We have reported that Josef Ackermann played a focal role in conjunction with Bush Senior, but due to Josef Ackermann's clear criminal exposure and visibility via the White Hats, the Bilderbergs have now severed their relationship with Ackermann in hopes of preventing criminal activities encroaching on them.  Ackermann's wheels are coming off.   Dr. Michael Herzog has threatened to tell all when he is arraigned over the Falcone fraud executed by Ackermann, Mitt Romney, Bush Senior and other co-conspirator’s associates.   We can now report from further investigation that Bush Senior, Mitt Romney and Josef Ackermann made approximately 3 Billion Dollars together with their criminal partners Dr. Michael Herzog and Paul Guenette stealing from Edward Falcone.  The CIA was also a recipient of Falcone’s stolen funds.   Ben Bernanke tracked this transaction following Falcone's stolen funds, but later took no action due to pressure from Bush Senior.   How will the new CIA director, an honorable man and true patriot, react to this?

Now that we see signs of the collapse of the Dark Cabal, a demented King slowly losing his mind to Stage Two Alzheimers and a President perceived by the world as greatly inept with his moral authority lost and his moral compass destroyed, the World is ready for a financial and political reset.   We have reported that money exists via the World Global Settlements and lawful obligations by the United States Treasury to patriotic individuals which would more than suffice to regenerate the World Global economies.       

The United States Treasury and Federal Reserve have been offered a simple and fast way out of our dilemma:
  1. Return the long overdue funds rightfully owed to patriotic Americans.
  2. Release the World Global Settlements.
  3. Repay what was stolen from Tropos Capital and all other missing funds. 
The Federal tax revenue alone will eliminate our national debt.  This responsible action will immediately channel major US humanitarian and global infrastructure projects.  This will immediately help resolve the Euro financial dilemma, create millions of jobs through industrial projects and new technologies, while building a new foundation that will not only benefit America, but financially stabilize the World.      

Edward Falcone is another American Investor ruthlessly betrayed in a Bush Senior fraudulent transaction.  Falcone has planned substantial construction investment projects to develop and aid communities in Florida and other US states, which would create jobs and income security for Americans.  Via an audit review, over 800 Billion Dollars has been created by inter-Bank compound trading with Falcone’s stolen funds.  Based on Falcone's stolen funds, the British Tax Authority may have missed 160 Billion (US Dollars) in tax revenue.  This does not include all the other transactions that could possibly run into the trillions of dollars in tax revenue owed to the British Government.  The largest beneficiary of these funds was the CIA, and secondly Bush Senior, whose accounts we are presently tracking.  Instead of Falcone's earned capital going as planned to help America, it has triggered theft and bribery of corrupt Politicians.

Remember, we reported a Two Hundred Million Dollar bribe taken by Vice President Joe Biden, offered by Hillary Clinton, acting for Bush Senior.   Of the 3 Billion dollars reported above, Mitt Romney alone, acting with Bush Senior was paid over $1 Billion to front for Bush Senior.  This money was stolen from Falcone’s program.  Falcone and his associates have already communicated with key Republican Senators and their plan to remove Romney as a Presidential candidate by filing a Federal lawsuit against Romney, Bush Senior and his associates.  Falcone is using the same strategy now as he did when Romney was a Vice Presidential candidate for John McCain.  Just when he is most vulnerable and a likely candidate, Falcone will share the incriminating evidence and have Romney removed.  The White Hats will make sure that all opposition parties are aware of the details of Romney's corruption. Romney cannot be allowed to be elected as yet another corrupt and bribe-taking United States President.

This whole saga of Political and Banking corruption was predicated upon large scale use of London Banking, operating via nominee and hidden offshore accounts.  Trillions of dollars have been traded in a series of bank programs making a total mockery of the humanitarian intent of these programs.  Political entities and persons in high level positions have been bought off.  Even the Bank of England itself is implicated in the Falcone affair along with Barclays, Deutsche Bank and HSBC Bank.

This corrupt practice has now been exposed to the House of Lords and the Parliamentary Audit Committee under Margaret Hodge.  While pressures and roadblocks will be imposed to delay investigations, once this gets into the hands of the opposition MP’s, Unions and media, exposure will create a Tsunami of redress consequences.  It will blow the lid off in a fire storm of retribution.   There are possibly Trillions in withholding Taxes which have been avoided, and will face enforced collection by the Revenue Commissioners in London once appraised.  The UK’s own Fiscal dilemmas can be resolved by simple Tax enforcement and conspiring Bankers being brought to justice.   Murdoch’s own media interests will be well served to expose this as Political dynamite but that has a lot to do with what the Bildeberg’s direct him to do.    The Federal Reserve Bank of New York has no idea of the extent of their files being held, corruption activities becoming known and being systematically tracked.   As this is exposed to the European Union and British media, IT’S GAME OVER!   Watergate will look like a Kindergarten birthday party.

THE WORLD GLOBAL SETTLEMENTS MUST BE RELEASED TODAY!   Also, the Iraqi Dinar revaluation is a cross-linked element of the solution, but compromised by Bush family interests and co-conspirators who have demanded and received twenty percent (20%) of the Forex differential, when exchange valuations are set to underpin the new currency.   In demonstration of the collusion between Bush and Obama, Obama has agreed to this “fee” for the Bush family.  Yet Obama, nor any one person in the Administration, is willing to provide a justifiable and legal position for this “fee”.

Will Obama finally realize he is being cut loose and that Senior has no more use for him?  Does he realize that he is expendable and will take the major part of the fall?  Can Obama be so blind or is Valarie Jarret not serving the interests of the President and thereby the interests of the American people?   Senior has allowed him to steal in excess of 11 Billion dollars in fraudulent funds.  Will Obama wake up and realize that Senior will never allow him to use these funds?  THE ONLY CHOICE FOR OBAMA IS TO USE HIS EXECUTIVE POWERS AND RELEASE ALL THE WORLD GLOBAL SETTLEMENTS IMMEDIATELY!   He still has the power to do what is right, but will his moral compass continue to be self edifying?  Obama alone will take the final punishment and be the end of his own demise.

All this and so much more has and will continue to be unveiled.  Pay what is lawfully owed and get Americans back to work.  Let real Patriots get Projects started.  Investigate and start the political and banking clean-up NOW!

What happens in the next few days may be the most important events in the history of mankind.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Andromeda Council: Removing Reptilian undersea bases from Middle East & China

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Andromeda Council: Removing Reptilian undersea bases from Middle East & China
Posted By: Rumormail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 26-Oct-2011 21:14:40
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
This is the 5th article in a series of articles on information of the Andromeda Council, a reported galactic governance council composed of selected star system representatives that carry out governance and development functions in a selected areas of our populated and organized galaxy and universe.
ED. NOTE: CAVEAT LECTOR - The opinions expressed in this article by interviewees are solely those of the interviewees and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this reporter or Thank you.
In an exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview released Oct. 26, 2011, a human representative of the Andromeda Council, a reported galactic governance council whose membership consists of star systems and includes representation from the galactic governance council of our Milky Way Galaxy, disclosed policing actions being undertaken by star systems of the Andromeda Council using advanced sonic energy beam weapons against specific undersea bases operated by Draco & Hydra based reptilian extraterrestrials off of the Middle East and of China.
Maps and video at link below:

545 PEOPLE By Charlie Reese

Disgustingly True!

545  vs 300,000,000  


Charley  Reese has been a journalist for 49  years.

By Charlie  Reese

Politicians are the only people in the world  who create  problems and then campaign against them.

Have you ever   wondered, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits,  WHY do we have deficits?

Have you ever wondered, if  all the  politicians are against inflation and high taxes, WHY do we have   inflation and high taxes?

You and I don't propose a federal  budget.  The president does.

You and I don't have the   Constitutional authority to vote on appropriations. The House of   Representatives does.

You and I don't write the tax code,  Congress  does.

You and I don't set fiscal policy, Congress  does.

You  and I don't control monetary policy, the Federal  Reserve  Bank does.

One hundred senators, 435 congressmen,  one  president, and nine Supreme Court justices equates to 545  human  beings out of the 300 million are directly, legally,  morally,  and individually responsible for the domestic problems that  plague  this country.

I excluded the members of the Federal  Reserve  Board because that problem was created by the   Congress.  In 1913, Congress delegated its Constitutional duty  to  provide a sound currency to a federally chartered, but private,  central  bank.

I excluded all the special interests and  lobbyists for a  sound reason.. They have no legal authority.   They have no  ability to coerce a senator, a congressman, or a  president to do one  cotton-picking
 thing.  I don't care if they offer a  politician $1 million dollars in cash  The  politician has the  power to accept or reject it. No matter what  the lobbyist promises, it  is the legislator's responsibility  to determine  how he  votes.

Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy   convincing you that what they did is not their fault.   They  cooperate in this common con regardless of party.
What  separates a  politician from a normal human being is an  excessive amount of  gall.  No normal  human being would have the gall of a   Speaker, who stood up and criticized the President for creating   deficits..  The president can only propose a budget.   He  cannot force the Congress to accept  it.

The Constitution, which  is the supreme law of the  land, gives sole responsibility to the House  of  Representatives for originating and approving appropriations and  taxes.  Who is the speaker of the House?   Nancy  Pelosi.  She is  the leader of the majority party.  She  and  fellow House members, not the president, can approve any budget  they want.  If the president vetoes it, they can pass it over his veto  if  they agree  to.

It seems inconceivable to me that a  nation of 300 million can  not replace 545 people who stand convicted  -- by present facts -- of  incompetence and irresponsibility.  I  can't think of a  single domestic problem  that is not traceable  directly to those 545 people.  When you fully  grasp the plain  truth that 545 people exercise the power of the federal  government,  then it must follow that what exists is what they want to   exist.

If the tax code is unfair, it's because they want it   unfair.

If the budget is in the red, it's because they want it  in  the red ..

If the Army &Marines are in  IRAQ  ,  it's because they want them in IRAQ 

If they do  not  receive social security but are on an elite retirement plan not  available  to the people, it's because they want it that  way.

There are no  insoluble government problems.

Do not  let these 545 people shift  the blame to bureaucrats, whom they hire  and whose jobs they can  abolish; to lobbyists, whose gifts and advice  they can reject; to  regulators, to whom they give the power to  regulate and from whom they can  take this power.  Above all, do  not let them con you into  the belief that there exists disembodied  mystical forces like "the  economy," "inflation," or "politics" that  prevent them from doing  what they take an oath to do.

Those 545  people, and they  alone, are responsible.

They, and they alone,  have the  power.

They, and they alone, should be held  accountable by the  people who are their bosses.

Provided the  voters have the  gumption to manage their own employees.

We  should vote all of  them out of office and clean up their  mess!

Charlie Reese is a former columnist of the Orlando  Sentinel  Newspaper.

What you do with this article now that you  have  read it.......... Is up to you.

This might be funny if it weren't  so darned true.
Be sure to read all the way to the  end:
      Tax his  land,
      Tax his  bed,
      Tax the  table
      At which he's  fed.
      Tax his  tractor,
      Tax his  mule,
      Teach him  taxes
      Are the  rule.
      Tax his  work,
      Tax his  pay,
      He works for  peanuts
      Tax his  cow,
      Tax his  goat,
      Tax his  pants,
      Tax his  coat.
      Tax his  ties,
      Tax his  shirt,
      Tax his  work,
      Tax his  dirt.
      Tax his  tobacco,
      Tax his  drink,
      Tax him if  he
      Tries to  think.
      Tax his  cigars,
      Tax his  beers,
      If he  cries
      Tax his  tears.
      Tax his  car,
      Tax his  gas,
      Find other  ways
      To tax his  ass.
      Tax all he  has
      Then let him  know
      That you won't be  done
      Till he has no  dough.
      When he screams and  hollers;
      Then tax him some  more,
      Tax him  till
      He's good and  sore.
      Then tax his  coffin,
      Tax his  grave,
      Tax the sod  in
      Which he's  laid.
      Put these  words
      Upon his  tomb,
      Taxes drove  me
      to my  doom...'
      When he's  gone,
      Do not  relax,
      Its time to  apply
      The inheritance  tax.
      Accounts Receivable  Tax
      Building Permit  Tax
      CDL license  Tax
      Cigarette  Tax
      Corporate Income  Tax
      Dog License  Tax
      Excise  Taxes
      Federal Income  Tax
      Federal Unemployment Tax  (FUTA)
      Fishing License  Tax
      Food License  Tax
      Fuel Permit  Tax
      Gasoline Tax (currently 44.75 cents  per gallon)
      Gross Receipts  Tax
      Hunting License  Tax
      Inheritance  Tax
      Inventory  Tax
      IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties  (tax on top of tax)
      Liquor  Tax
      Luxury  Taxes
      Marriage License  Tax
      Medicare  Tax
      Personal Property  Tax
      Property  Tax
      Real Estate  Tax
      Service Charge T  ax
      Social Security  Tax
      Road Usage  Tax
      Sales  Tax
      Recreational Vehicle  Tax
      School  Tax
      State Income  Tax
      State Unemployment Tax  (SUTA)
      Telephone Federal Excise  Tax
      Telephone Federal Universal Ser vice  FeeTax
      Telephone Federal, State and Local  Surcharge Taxes
      Telephone Minimum Usage  Surcharge=2 0Tax
      Telephone Recurring and  Non-recurring Charges Tax
      Telephone State  and Local Tax
      Telephone Usage Charge  Tax
      Utility  Taxes
      Vehicle License Registration  Tax
      Vehicle Sales  Tax
      Watercraft Registration  Tax
      Well Permit  Tax
      Workers Compensation  Tax
     STILL  THINK THIS IS FUNNY? Not  one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, and our nation was the  most   prosperous in the world  We had absolutely no national debt, had  the largest middle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the  kids.
What  in the hell happened? Can you spell 'politicians?'
And I still have to  'press 1' for English!?
I hope this goes around THE USA  at least 100 times!!!  YOU can help it get  there!!!
      GO AHEAD - - - BE AN  AMERICAN!!!

Some Info About the Poofness

Some Info About the Poofness… “Who is this Poof-er?” (not that there’s anything wrong with that…)
Posted on October 24, 2011 by kauilapele
I received a couple of emails from Suzy Star, with some correspondence she had written about who this “Poofness” really is. What she wrote was fascinating, and she said it would be okay to post it here.
First is a correspondence to David Wilcock. Next is the text of a series of emails in chronological order that Poof wrote to someone re: Ben Fulford, followed by a couple of comments by myself and Suzy.
Hope some of you enjoy this. As always, no matter what is written here, one’s own Higher Discernment is the Final Guide.
From: David Wilcock
To: Suzy Star
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 8:00 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Question: Fulford?

Dear David,
Not at all! I have known him since 1996. He was sent here to help usher in Omega, a trust that was set up by Saint Germain back in the late 1800′s. Saint Germain appeared to him in his home in Tennessee and asked him to help oversee the program and that is what he has been doing all these years.
When I first met him, he was known as Truth Warrior and I used to talk weekly with Michael Kodosky and Michael told me about him and on a couple of occasions, we would have a three way conversation. Michael’s main desire was to end world hunger and Truth Warrior’s (Poof) main passion is to bring free energy to the world.
He is a very dedicated lightworker who is passionate about making the world a better place to live. There is much more to the story but perhaps this is enough to erase some of your skepticism. If not, let me know and I will be happy to furnish some more background info on the Omega Trust.
There are about 300,000 of us involved and when the funds are released to us, our job is to help jump-start the economy and use our money for many different projects that we were sent here to accomplish. Check out my website [] to give you an example of just one of many projects that will take place with the assistance of the Omega Trust.
I have actively devoted my life to this mission and have recruited close to 200 fellow lightworkers who will assist in making these communities a reality.
Suzy Star

Description: Description:
Dear Ones,
Below is some correspondence between my friend & Poof that I thought you might find of interest. I would appreciate any feedback you might care to offer.
Blessings, Suzy Star
——– Original Message ——–

Subject: Question: Fulford?
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2011 18:47:44 -0400

We have talked many times and it is my understanding that the White Dragon Society are above reproach! They are the ones who are truly behind getting the US back to the Constitution and the world back on a gold or precious metal based money system. They also have more than enough money to buy off the world’s debt. So why would the WDS compromise themselves like this? It doesn’t make sense!!

Today’s Fulford report stated, “Rothschild family offers White Dragon Society $25 trillion to “go away.” When the WDS representative said “can you make it $50 trillion?,”
——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Re: Question: Fulford?
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 10:44:25 -0400

ANSWER: Fulford is way behind the 8 ball. Yesterday they pulled all the military hardware and software from the banks…ending any coup attempts. We are already back under the constitution. The announcements are all that’s necessary for the people to know. The real treasury that was frozen in 1933, is back online ‘under the republic’.
The Rothschilds made their peace with the dragons some time ago and I know the white dragon and he doesn’t have a society. p [= Poofness]
From: Kauilapele@xxxxxx
To: Suzy Star
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 7:41 PM
Subject: Re: Question: Fulford?

Thank you for this Suzy. I’m not sure yet if I would, or should post any of this, not yet. But what do you think about putting it out at some point?
That answer will come. Right now I can’t.
Also, I’ve felt Poof has been right on about everything. As I’ve felt out the Ben, I’ve sensed that he sees as much as he can, and is doing as much as he sees as right to do and his intention is to assist and heal humanity and the planet.
This White Dragon society thing is there, it’s just that the name implies it’s an Asian thing. I get that it’s much larger than that and does not fit any concept of any previous “society”. Can’t put it in any boxes.
That’s exactly what I see as a Galactic ship being. A ship is a collection of beings working together for a purpose. Yet it is constantly changing form and composition as the needs change.
If anything is lacking from Ben it’s that his viewpoint is pretty much all Earthly 3D based.
So they’re all there doing their thing, each in their own way. Remember that the elephants head doesn’t see what its tail is doing. That’s maybe like all of us. We’re just each playing our heart roles, knowing we’re part of a big elephant. And that’s okay!
Aloha… KP
From: Suzy Star
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 8:15 PM

I blind copied a reply to you of David Wilcock’s email for I wanted to fill you in on Poof and I agree that he has been right on about everything. At some point yes, it should go out and that is one reason why I sent it to you for I value your comments and I know that the info needs to be made public at some point in time.
I know that David has done much to help Ben as he is coming from a more 3-D reality and that is alright for he is submitting a valuable piece of the puzzle that we might not otherwise have access to.
Poof tells me he has a good friend who is a member of the White Dragon Society and it is much more than just the Asian society. From what I have been given to understand, there are members from all countries working for the good of the world. So you are correct in your analysis of a Galactic Ship.
I had to chuckle about your comment regarding the elephant as I just today sent a link to my email list of a baby elephant that is having difficulty figuring out what his trunk is.
The synchronicity is just too much and so have fun. viewing it.
Suzy Star

Benjamin Fulford on the Vinny Eastwood Show - 24 Oct 2011

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Benjamin Fulford on the Vinny Eastwood Show - 24 Oct 2011
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 26-Oct-2011 08:34:39
Vinny Eastwood


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 26-Oct-2011 08:10:50

Real History Revealed: General Patton's Warnings To The World! (Was he killed for it?)
Vatic note: Before you read this below, I would please ask you to read this first, all the way through so you have a good foundation for below and then when you read the Iron Mountain report, along with the 1969 insiders disclosure of the full plans outlined back then of the elites agenda and what categories they intended to attack to bring us to where we are today and we had no clue about it, just like Patton had no clue, only then will you understand where Patton was coming from that he saw early on, and how we got to where we are today because we did not heed his warming. Reading all of this changes the face of history that was fed to us through the publishers of the text books used in school to teach us that history. Once Patton figured it out and tried to disclose it, he was killed. Another coincidence. This is another must read. When you get through with these three very extensive research rabbit holes about what is going right now in our country and the world, you will see we have no choice but acknowledget the problem, both what and WHO! And only then can we adequately take care of it.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Real History Revealed: General Patton's Warnings To The World!
Being a true student of history, for the longest time I had swallowed the koolaid and believed everything that I read and was being taught about the history of the 20th century, and especially what the so called "History" books taught about what had happened in the World Wars. Now reflecting back and knowing what I know now, I still cannot believe that anyone can actually believe any of the filth and garbage that the criminals that run our education system pass off as "History"!
One of the greatest heroes of the Second World War was US General George S. Patton. This man led the American 3rd army throughout the campaigns of 1944-1945, and on many occasions, especially at the Battle of the Bulge in December, 1944, bailed out the Allied bumbling leadership under Dwight David Eisenhower. After the war, Patton was made military governor of the region of southern Germany that his army had liberated in 1945. During his campaigns in North Africa, Italy, France, Belgium, and Germany, he led his army under the belief that he was liberating Europe from the Germans and the Nazi terror. It was during the last months of the war, and shortly after the surrender of Germany on May 7th, 1945, that he finally saw the real TRUTHS about the war against Germany, and that enlightenment was most probably the reasons for having him assassinated.
To help my own readers understand the real circumstances of what may have led to Patton's death, I want to present the following article that comes courtesy of David Icke's forum at, submitted by "Eternal Spirit". This article is entitled: "General Patton's Warning" and is a definite must read for my own readers. I have that article in its entirety right here, and of course, some comments to follow:

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - October 26, 2011

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - October 26, 2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 26-Oct-2011 06:43:32

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - October 26, 2011
We look at your world and see what a marvelous place it has been, as a means of giving you a playground in which to play your games. You have been allowed to do exactly as you wish, but nevertheless with responsibility for the consequences. Through many lives you have created your future, but for a long time were held in the lower vibrations. Once you became ensnared in them, you found the greatest difficulty in releasing yourselves from them. Yet although you plunged the depths of darkness, somehow you found the Light and lifted yourselves up. It took a long time, but today so many of you are awakening to the truth of your being. The beliefs imposed upon you are no longer able to hold you back, and much progress has been made. Now you are rising up in your consciousness levels very rapidly, and realize the power you have to change your reality.
With your vision of the future firmly attached to the coming Ascension, you have moved onto a new level that promises to release you from the shackles of the past. Many of you are now able to step out of the energies of fear, that have unwittingly tied you to the past and its march towards total control by the dark forces. Hence you now live in a type of yo-yo existence where your senses are continually being stretched one way or the other, as the Light and dark fight for your attention. Since the Light is far more powerful, there is only ever going to be one winner, and you who are Lightworkers already know it to be true. You are therefore well beyond the likelihood of being pulled back into the darkness, and in fact your Light is part of a great upliftment that is taking place.
It is belief in your own power that is so important, and when many of you come together with a common purpose it is increased tenfold. It is why the worldwide demonstrations that commenced with those in Wall Street, are destined to become even more powerful. Politicians disregard what the people want at that peril, and they are being forced to respond. The energy that has resulted from the movement for change is not going to go away, and on the contrary is creating a backlash in many different ways. People are now looking at many aspects of their lives, and for the first time seeing how badly they have been treated. All of you are sovereign Beings and waking up to this fact, and now you want to be treated correctly and in accordance with your rights.
Dear Ones, we can say that whether your politicians respond to your pleas or not, we can because you have created the conditions that allow us to come to you. By yourselves the task to put matters right would have been too much for you, and since duality has all but run its course we are allowed to intervene. It is of course part of a plan laid down eons of time ago, that is now beginning to manifest. So all progresses well, regardless of any apparent problems or delays. Much has been done in the last few years, to bring about the ideal circumstances that will allow for the next phase in the process to commence. We are absolutely ready to go ahead with a number of acts that will signal to you all that the time has arrived for you leap into the New Age, that in turn will lead to the Golden Age, and your Cosmic baptism.
Live day to day as one that knows what the future holds, and fear nothing that happens around you. Most of you by now should be in the right place for the end-times, and it will be where you shall experience the final days of this cycle. The last two months of this year promise to be most exciting, and at last you see the proof that everything is on the move towards Ascension. That is after all, the whole point of what is taking place, and nothing else is more important. There is more emphasis upon your preparation for this event, and over the remaining months the focus will be upon ensuring each soul understands what the end-times mean. No one will be without some understanding of the choice that is being offered to them. We want to see as many souls as possible making the upliftment from the third dimension, into the higher ones.
Our service to you is based upon unconditional love, and we carry no judgment where anyone is concerned. We see your true selves as beautiful Beings of Light, and your potential of returning to being the gods that you are. Since we are One how else would you expect us to be, and that is a lesson for you to assimilate and live to your highest concept. When you can do that you also will find that you can accept all souls as your Brothers and Sisters, in the Light of the Creator that is the Consciousness that binds all together. You can be the means of bringing a peaceful balance, when others lose their way and re-act strongly to what is happening around them. Given time that phase will pass, as it will not take long for a general understanding of the uplifting period that follows the chaos.
Keep your eyes and ears open as much is about to take place that should have an impact upon the media. If not, the Internet will undoubtedly pick up anything that is out of the ordinary, and is mostly reliable. However, the same freedom of expression also allows those with disinformation to cast doubts. Fortunately it is usually so far removed from the truth, most of you will see through the attempts to mislead you.
We are watching your Earth very carefully as she begins to rumble, as the cleansing slowly continues. As always we will try to limit the effects upon you, but we cannot stop the process going ahead. We will however continue to take part in the cleansing of your atmosphere, which is something we have done for a very long time. Our responsibility will really get under way when we are free to come and go, without any interference from the dark Ones.
I am SaLuSa form Sirius, and pass on great blessings and love from the members of the Galactic Federation. We want to see you sail through what remains of the cycle of Duality, and we will be there with you to give every assistance. We will not of course be the only ones, as there are many souls from the Spirit World supporting you now. Plus your Angelic Beings that have exceptional powers if they need to use them, who are already protecting you as they have since your birth upon Earth.
Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.