Ron Paul Blows Them Out
Part 1 of 3
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
Sunday December 11, 2011

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin AP
The U.S. Fed, the European Central Bank (ECB), as well as the Bank of England, are still attempting to launder 200 BILLION Euro aka $268 BILLION of J. P. Morgan-MF Global derivatives through the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
The latest financial treason involves the National Bank of Hungary, which is being used to wash the derivatives, convert to Swedish kroner, and then try to launder it back into the International Monetary Fund.
Reference: Hungarian banks have long been used as headquarters for laundered and stolen U. S. Treasury funds linked to their bag men and bag lady, East German DVD agent Andre Strasser and Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton stooge, East German DVD agent, 7/11 London bombing terrorist suspect and noted check bouncer Eva Telege, Teleke, Teleki, along with none other than financial terrorist, Hungarian Intelligence officer and major worldwide money launderer George Soros.

This latest financial heist aka fraudulent trades involves a massive amount of co-mingled MF Global assets aka cash, derivatives and ghost accounts.
Enabling these financial terrorists in this latest Ponzi Scheme are none other than financial banking giant Goldman Sachs, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Royal Bank of Canada, Oppenheimer Holdings and Knight Capital Group.
The broker dealer that is executing these fraudulent co-mingled trades is none other than discount brokerage whorehouse Interactive Brokers.
Note: Interactive Brokers has recently been used by the U. S. Fed and the ECB, as well as the Bank of England, to use crooked derivatives to illegally buy Japanese yen futures on the forex currency exchange as an attempt to protect the Asian derivative debt of Bank of America.
Warning: If you are a customer who has trading accounts at either Interactive Brokers or other J. P. Morgan affiliates I would look to remove your funds immediately given the fact that they are probably no longer legally segregated.
We can further divulge that the major financial regulatory agencies are, once again, looking the other way obstructing justice and covering up the "too big to fail" gang.
P. S. At this hour I can divulge, despite the disinformation of Bloomberg News, that IMF President Christine Lagarde is not going to allow this criminal cabal to launder even one dime of these dirty derivatives through the International Monetary Fund.