by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
Monday December 12, 2011

They have now been laundered into none other than Finnish banks.
This is a total violation of the European Union's Basel II banking agreement.
Once again, folks, what we have here is a massive,illegal money laundry.
This preemptive freeze, authorized not only by IMF President Lagarde but also by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, will preempt financial terrorist and J. P. Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon, as well as the government of the United Kingdom and the British monarchy, from laundering these funds into secret hedge funds tied to J. P. Morgan in the Isle of Man aka Humewood and Associates as well as secret hedge funds tied to the Swedish monarchy.
P. S. The government of Japan is in direct, total conflict with the government of the United Kingdom and its crooked Prime Minister David Cameron when it comes to the recent Japanese government purchase of British government short term bonds, which the Japanese Financial Ministry has now discovered were collateralized by none other than bogus Bank of America derivatives tied to an artificially manipulated overvalued Japanese yen.

David Cameron and George Osborne
Notice to UK Prime Minister David Cameron and its crooked Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne:
Nancy Reagan well remembers what Lord Alexander was up to in the attempted diversion of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols involving British MI6 agent Mikhail Gorbachev aka Gorbafar.
Further notice to crooked UK Prime Minister David Cameron:
France and Germany are going to make you eat your crooked J. P. Morgan derivatives and make you like it!

Direct message to this filth:
The American People have had it! You either obey the Constitution of the United States as Ron Paul has called for or else!
Translation: "Or else" means the total wrath of a well-armed American population.