Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Bizarre lawsuit claims for $1 Trillion, against the Vatican Illuminati, the Masons, the U.S. Federal Reserve. and others

MANHATTAN (CN) - An American expatriate in Bulgaria claims the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the Office of International Treasury Control and the Italian government conspired with a host of others to steal more than $1.1 trillion in financial instruments intended to support humanitarian purposes.

The 111-page federal complaint involves a range of entities common to conspiracy theorists, including the Vatican Illuminati, the Masons, the "Trilateral Trillenium Tripartite Gold Commission," and the U.S. Federal Reserve.

Plaintiff Neil Keenan claims he was entrusted in 2009 with the financial instruments - which included U.S. Federal Reserve notes worth $124.5 billion, two Japanese government bonds with a combined face value of $19 billion, and one U.S. "Kennedy" bond with a face value of $1 billion - by an entity called the Dragon Family, which is a group of several wealthy and secretive Asian families.

more at link

source: [link to

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

All about the True Bush

***HOT*** Prophetic Vision - Judgment Day Coming Soon to America Court System Dec - 2011

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

***HOT*** Prophetic Vision - Judgment Day Coming Soon to America Court System Dec - 2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 13-Dec-2011 23:00:14

Prophetic Vision - Judgment Day Coming Soon to America Court System Dec - 2011
This is an excerpt to a talk given on November 23, 2011 by Frank O'Collins of Talkshoe Conference Call 'Ucadia University'. Frank shares the story of an Idaho woman's prophetic vision she had last week. Spirit has told her to not to worry about her Probate court case as the court system is about to meet their maker. Not only in Idaho but this is supposedly to occur across America. And its not contained only to the court system but to all levels of those that sit in positions of Trust, of power, authority & influence. And its about time!
Put that in your "wait & see" folder and smoke it.
Prophetic Vision - Judgment Day Coming Soon to America Court System Dec-2011.wmv - YouTube
Entire 1hour 48minute audio can be listened to at:

Ron Paul pulls with a single point of the Grinch in Iowa

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

new poll today:...Ron Paul pulls with a single point of the Grinch in Iowa
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Tuesday, 13-Dec-2011 18:39:42

According to Public Policy Polling’s most recent survey 12/11 of likely Iowa caucus-goers, the current numbers are:
Gingrich 22%
Paul 21%
Romney 16%
Bachmann 11%
Perry 9%
Santorum 8%
Huntsman 5%
Johnson 1%
In New Hampshire, Rasmussen is reporting these numbers:
Romney 33%
Gingrich 22%
Paul 18%
Huntsman 10%
Perry 3%
Bachmann 3%
Santorum 3%
Other 2%

Fulford Update: Cabal Struggles Desperately to Create Fascist World Government as Multiple Criminal Investigations Zero in on Them

The fascist cabal known as the Bilderbergers, CFR, committee of 300 etc., is desperately and without hope trying to start WW3 and install a fascist world government in an attempt to pre-empt criminal investigations closing in on them from all sides. Their efforts will fail because the Pentagon and the agencies in the US (with the exception of homeland Gestapo) are preparing to remove them from power, according to CIA and other sources. For example, multiple investigations are closing in on alleged President Obama, including one for illegally declaring war on Libya. A count among US representatives show the votes necessary to impeach him are there, US law enforcement officials say. In addition, evidence of bribery and other forms of illegally tampering with government is being compiled against George Soros, among others. There is also a lot going on under and on the surface in Europe, Japan and the Middle East.
In Europe, an agreement was reached by most countries, including the 17 in the Eurozone, to agree to cede national sovereignty over fiscal policy in order to protect the Euro. This is all part of a long planned central power grab by unelected secret Khazarian groups that was meant to be a major milestone on the road to a global fascist regime. Create the crisis, offer the solution.
In the US, as mentioned last week, the Obama regime has asserted the right to murder and imprison Americans without due process, meaning he has declared the US to be a fascist dictatorship. Again, it looks on the surface like the plans for a world fascist government are proceeding smoothly.
Fortunately for the rest of the human race, the fascist power grab is really just a sign of desperation.
The EU, agreement, for example, is like a dead-beat borrower promising to be good in the future saying: “Now that I have agreed to German autocratic control could I have some money please?” The answer remains, “sure, just borrow from the Germans.” The Germans, of course, do not have enough money. As mentioned before, the Euro zone still needs money from the rest of the world in order to stabilize its financial situation and that money will not be forthcoming until more fundamental problems with the global system, such as 1.1 billion hungry people and rampant environmental destruction, are dealt with. The upcoming belt-tightening, however, is a healthy process that will be good for Europe in the medium to long term.
Living within your means is always a wise policy for both individuals and nations.
The fact of the matter is that the European financial elites have been hogging the world’s financial assets since the end of World War 2 and have been plotting genocide so they are not going to get any money. End of story.
The UK was the only nation to veto the new EU treaty because the interests of the City of London financial district and the average citizen happened to coincide. The City did not want a financial transaction tax because it would gut their business and the average Britton was not willing to surrender to the Germans.
The situation in the US is a bit more complicated. The problem is that almost the entire leadership structure in Washington D.C. is corrupt and compromised but people in the pentagon and the agencies are so used to taking orders they do not know what to do when their leaders become dysfunctional.
For example, there are enough votes in the US Congress and Senate now to impeach Obama but the problem is nobody can agree on a replacement.
The various corruption investigations against the Obama regime can remove him from power but nobody knows what to do next. The only answer is for the military to set up a temporary government headed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff until the garbage can be removed from Washington D.C. and Wall Street. The military rightly claim that armies are not good at governing. However, they are good at cleaning up a mess and restoring constitutional order.
The US military also worry about being able to meet the payroll but the backers of the new financial system have already promised generous financing to ensure a restoration of US economic might and a gradual transition of the military industrial complex into something that can be self-supporting and good for the planet.
In any case, the Khazarian Satanic bankers in both Europe and the US are being cut off from their credit by the rest of the world. Since the only product they know how to create is debt, that means that without somebody gullible enough to provide them with credit, they have nothing but illusion to offer. These debts they claim the rights to are not owed by the people of Europe or the US because they were never anything but illusions placed upon them by rapacious bankers. No matter how many zeros and how many astronomical numbers they invent to put into their banking computers, there is simply nothing in the real world to back them up.
Their efforts to take over the rest of the world outside of the EU and the US are also failing big time. The sham attempt to sabotage Russian Parliamentary elections with paid saboteurs got nowhere. Efforts to start World War 3 in Iran continue to be blocked.
Attempts to get money from Asia to finance the Satanic cabalists are also going nowhere. According to a CIA representative, a senior member of the Du Pont family and a Rothschild representative are in Indonesia trying to get access to rights for Asian treasure but are getting nowhere.
In Japan too, there is a desperate attempt to re-establish Khazarian control.
Democratic Party of Japan power broker and Rockefeller stooge Ichiro Ozawa, police corruption beneficiary Shizuka Kamei and corrupt Tokyo mayor Shintaro Ishihara are trying to drum up support for a new political party. They have been sucking up to recently elected and very popular Osaka mayor Toru Hashimoto. The plan seems to be to use the nuclear fear they are fanning in Tokyo to promote a shift of government functions to Osaka. That, of course, would mean a lot of construction contracts and other means to bribe the Japanese political elite back into submission. It is such a pathetic plan that more than anything it shows how desperate these hoodlums have become.

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 13-Dec-2011 18:57:23

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
5 Manik, 0 Mol, 8 Manik
Dratzo! We return on this eve of your numerous global holidays! Your reality continues its upward path into the 5th dimension. This progress can be charted by the ever-rising base resonance of Mother Earth. Gaia is going through a series of swift birth pangs which parallel a similar change happening throughout our galaxy. The galactic core is rapidly increasing the amount of zero-point energy that she is flinging out to every farthest corner, and the amount of Light is reaching a point where many 3-D realms are being compelled to change into 5-D ones. This sacred scenario is another cosmic sign that the dark ones on your world do not have much time left to enjoy their dominion, and it is imperative that they accede to the realities of the situation according to their highest freewill choice. As you know, your solar system is preparing for the switch to a monopolar state, which explains the Sun's rather peculiar behavior and the much-heightened activity on the planets in your solar system. We have observed these dramatic changes in detail and know just how little time is left until the birth of your new reality!
The nature of the situation you find yourselves in demands that your 'current events' must get sorted out at a much quicker pace, which means that we need to take a firmer role in your affairs. Up till now we have looked upon this as something that your various Light groups were truly capable of handling. We listened closely as our Earth allies described the series of stages needed before disclosure was formally announced. However, we now firmly state that these stages need to be fused into a shorter timeframe and those actions securing each state must be more rapidly done. To this end we have reworked these stages and presented a more succinct alternative to our Earth allies. We expect the result of these meetings to condense the timeframe originally given to us and to bring forward the disclosure broadcast. For our part we have increased the number of liaison teams in order to achieve these swifter goals and have put the dark cabal on notice that the time for its dismissal has arrived.
The dark cabal has used every means it can think of to delay what is truly unstoppable. Over the last decade, our personnel have come to know much about these immoral scalawags as we watched them cook up endless schemes to keep our Earth allies from their goals. We understand what Heaven has been doing over the past five years and we now intend to bring this stage of your swiftly declining world to an end. Heaven desires that the monies and the various projects associated with them now go into effect. New governance is required to do this and the series of steps needed to accomplish this have been clearly known to all concerned. We call in earnest for our Earth allies to finish the job. The present power structure is in reality a den of thieves held up by a house of cards, and this house is now so fractured that only force of habit maintains it. All it needs is a deft push to bring it whooshing to the floor, and this we intend to do if your "white knights" cannot quickly do so.
In our opinion, first contact has been delayed for at least a decade. It is therefore our plan to set in motion the means to begin those steps we alluded to above. Over the past month, Heaven began a series of special blessings to ensure that our sacred mission be carried out as first planned. Your body guardians are moving you to a point where the dark can no longer prevent your return to full consciousness, and these transformations have ignited a great longing in you to be free from the shackles of limited consciousness. You yearn to become a fully integrated and wise Being, and remaining in your present state of ignorance and restriction is no longer an option for you. This can be clearly seen in the way you are reacting to the various forms of repression being used by many of your governments to squash your desire for freedom. These moves are wholly counterproductive! We intend to arrive on the scene in the very near future and put an end to their futile imbecility!
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We bless you, dear Hearts! We come with a message of hope and truth! Currently, we are involved with the Agarthans and our secret sacred societies in completing those projects that secure your deliveries. Further, we are watching the final legal barriers divest the US Corporation of any remaining claims to the American Government. Thus the way is being cleared for the forces representing the true "De Jure" governance to take back what was so callously stolen over 150 years ago. The dark cabal has lost its command of the American nation and occupies the seat of power only for as long as it takes to finish these final legal issues. Once done, we expect the agendas agreed to by the divine coalition to be commenced. Our purpose is to oversee these vital activities and assure ourselves that the deliveries, promised to you for so long, roll out as planned.
Meanwhile, our family in space has put into place the essential maneuvers that will allow those actions described above to occur. The goal of all these activities is to give you your freedom and your rights as sovereign citizens of this wonderful blue-green orb. In addition we are doing many things to keep you on your sacred path to full consciousness. We cannot overemphasize the importance of your return to your natural state. In this state of Beingness, you are truly amazing and powerful guardians of the Light. You become one with us and reunite with your Inner Earth family to create a truly vital addition to the Galactic Federation of Light. Much is to happen in our immediate future as this galaxy completes its long transition back to the Light. Many events are required and our mission is to assure Heaven that all this unfolds as the divine plan so directs!
Our present task is to prepare each one of you for your consciousness transformation and begin an education project concerning who you really are, spiritually and emotionally. The dark has relied on your constant frustrations and fears to control you and we need to show you how to change these patterns and in so doing, pave the way for your new reality. We are determined to guide you step by step into new realizations about yourselves and your capabilities. When you maintain an unbroken positive attitude and use this to visualize a goal in great detail, miracles happen; when you do this as a group, change occurs. It is hard for the uninitiated to understand how this works, and it takes time and a committed willingness to succeed. Nonetheless, your potential is in fact unlimited! The next step is to test these truths and show yourselves how powerful you truly are!
Today, we went over some of the events that are changing your reality. We reviewed what has been done, and what still remains to be accomplished. Your Ascended Masters and their allies are extremely close to some breakthroughs which will signal that your victory is ready to happen! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Downward Wisconsin

This is from my brother who has retired after 35 years of working in a union. I asked him what the union ever did for him all those years. His response; they took my money and “they held me back”. Progressivism is the creeping evil that threatens this country. Hillary is a self proclaimed progressive. The current occupant of the WH is even worse. Newt has been declared a closet Progressive by Glenn Beck. Ron Paul is a Libertarian. Perry is questionable, Romney is a RINO flipper as far as I can tell, so who is left standing. Little true blue Michelle Bachmann, then there is Santorum and the other also ran’s, but… All I know is I am not voting for anything Demoncrat or Progressive. If we don’t get it done this time we’ll be what is done. So whoever the Republican nominee is is it. Anybody starting a third party effort will just hand the election to the Demoncrats. The Clinton elections have proven that, thanks to Ross.
Warren Please past this to your children in CO, They are heading down the Wisconsin path. Ouch.
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 9:14 AM
Subject: Wisconsin

November 19, 2011
Downward Wisconsin
We used to make things here in Wisconsin.
We made machine tools in Milwaukee, cars in Kenosha and ships in Sheboygan. We mined iron in the north and lead in the south. We made cheese, we made brats, we made beer, and we even made napkins to clean up what we spilled. And we made money.
The original war on poverty was a private, mercenary affair. Men like Harnishfeger, Allis, Chalmers, Kohler, Kearney, Trecker, Modine, Case, Mead, Falk, Allen, Bradley, Cutler, Hammer, Bucyrus, Harley, Davidson, Pabst, and Miller lifted millions up from subsistence living to middle class comfort. They did it - not “Fighting Bob” La Follette or any of the politicians who came along later to take the credit and rake a piece of the action through the steepest progressive scheme in the nation.
Those old geezers with the beards cured poverty by putting people to work. Generations of Wisconsinites learned trades and mastered them in the factories, breweries, mills, foundries, and shipyards those capitalists built with their hands. Thousands of small businesses supplied these industrial giants, and tens of thousands of proprietors and professionals provided all of the services that all those other families needed to live well. The wealth got spread around plenty.
The profits generated by our great industrialists funded charities, the arts, education, libraries, museums, parks, and community development associations. Taxes on their profits, property, and payrolls built our schools, roads, bridges, and the safety net that Wisconsin’s progressives are still taking credit for, as if the money came from their council meetings. The offering plates in churches of every denomination were filled with money left over from company paychecks that were made possible because a few bold young men risked it all and got rich. Don’t thank God for them; thank them that you learned about God.
Their wealth, even the Koch brothers, pales in comparison to the wealth they created for millions and millions of other Wisconsin families. Those with an appreciation for the immeasurable contributions of Wisconsin’s industrial icons of 1910 will find the list of Wisconsin’s top ten employers of 2010 appalling:
Walmart, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Milwaukee Public Schools, U.S. Postal Service, Wisconsin Department of Corrections, Menards, Marshfield Clinic, Aurora Health Care, City of Milwaukee, and Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs.
This is what a century of progressivism will get you. Wisconsin is the birthplace of the progressive movement, the home of the Socialist Party, the first state to allow public sector unions, the cradle of environmental activism, a liberal fortress walled off against common sense for decades. Their motto, Forward Wisconsin, should be changed to Downward Wisconsin if truth in advertising applies to slogans.
There is no shortage of activists, advocates, and agitators in this State. If government were the answer to our problems, we would have no problems. The very same people – or people just like them – who picketed, struck, sued, taxed, and regulated our great companies out of this state are now complaining about the unemployment and poverty that they have brought upon themselves. They got rid of those old rich white guys and replaced them with…nothing.
Wisconsin ranks 47th in the rate of new business formation. We are one of the worst states for native college graduate exodus; our brightest and most ambitions graduates leave to seek their fortunes elsewhere. Why shouldn’t they? Our tax rates are among the worst in the nation and our business climate, perpetually in the bottom of the rankings, has only recently moved up thanks to a Governor who now faces a recall for his trouble.
In 1970, the new environmental movement joined unions and socialists in a coordinated effort to demonize industry. When I was in college, the ranting against “polluting profiteers” was like white noise – always there. They won, and here is the price of their victory: in 1970, manufacturers paid 18.2% of Wisconsin’s property taxes – the major source of school funding - and in 2010 those who remained paid 3.7%.
So who is it that caused the funding crisis in our schools and the skyrocketing tax rates on our homes? It is the same ignoramuses who are sitting on bridges, pooping on things, and passing around recall petitions. The unemployed 26-year old in the hemp hat looking for sympathy might look instead for some inspiration from Jerome I. Case, who started his agricultural equipment business at the age of 21, miraculously without an iPhone 4s.
Mr. Case got rich by asking people what they want and making it for them. He did not get rich by telling people what he wanted and waiting for them to do something about it. If you want to declare war on your own poverty, memorize that.
In the last decade alone, we have lost 150,000 manufacturing jobs in this state – over 25%. And it’s not just jobs that have been lost; the companies that provided them are gone. Those jobs are not coming back, no matter how long we extend unemployment benefits pretending they are. The 450,000 people who still work in manufacturing in Wisconsin are damn good it at, but we are now outnumbered by people who work for government. A significant number of the latter are tasked with taxing, regulating, and generally harassing the former. While it is true that many manufacturers chased low-wage opportunities on their own, many more were driven out of the state by the increasing cost of doing business here.
It is a myth that unions improve wages. If you consider only the 1,000 jobs in a closed shop, you might think an average union wage is, say, $30/hr. But if you add in the zero wages of the 10,000 jobs lost in companies chased out by union harassment, the average of all 11,000 union workers is reduced to $2.72/hr. Do you know the average wage of union iron miners in this state? Zero. And the left is fighting hard to keep it that way in Northern Wisconsin - looking out for the working man, they call it.
It is also a myth that free trade causes job losses. Over the past three years, U.S. manufacturers sold $70 billion more goods to our Free Trade Agreement (FTA) partners than we bought from them. Conversely, we suffered a $1.3 trillion trade deficit with countries where no FTA’s exist. I doubt that kids are going to learn that in our government-union monopoly schools – it doesn’t fit the narrative.
No one wants to see another person suffer in poverty, and liberty is the best economic policy there is. The great industrialists of Wisconsin took less than a generation to lift millions up to a life of dignity, pride, prosperity and good will. When enterprise was free and government was limited, we all prospered.
Those great men of industry were not anointed at birth to be rich; they rose from nothing to great wealth through their own hard work and the value they added to their employees and their customers through choice, competition, and voluntary exchange. That is the only sure path to real prosperity; the debt economy is a temporary illusion.
Look again at the list of our famous industrialists and the list of our current employers. Who would you wish your child or grandchild to grow up to be? Who do you think will do more good on this earth – Jerome I Case and his tractors, or the Coordinator of Supplier Diversity at MPS.
If you chose MPS, then apply now – that job is open, and it pays up to $72,000 plus benefits and early retirement. Go in peace and save the world. Me, I'm going with the tractor guy.