Thursday, December 15, 2011

David Wilcock Part 2 -- Recorded his part two information - on americanfreedomradio

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

David Wilcock Part 2 -- Recorded his part two information - on americanfreedomradio -- Thank you reader 'randude'
Posted By: Bob [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 15-Dec-2011 01:54:54

Bob could you please post this for me it's rather important.
David Wilcock recorded his part 2 information on americanfreedomradio
He is very emotional and he is very scared and needs our love and light from everyone.
Love and Light 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

12/14/11--Ron Paul rising fast...Even the Zionist NY Times says he most probably will take Iowa and possibly even NH

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

12/14/11--Ron Paul rising fast...Even the Zionist NY Times says he most probably will take Iowa and possibly even NH
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Wednesday, 14-Dec-2011 21:36:25

Even the New York Times is obliged to admit, if dismissively, that Ron Paul has a good chance in Iowa. Ross Douthat writes for the Gray Lady today that Paul is neck-to-neck with Newt Gingrich in the caucus state while the former front-runner Mitt Romney trails in the shadows.
Predictably, the Times scrivener takes the opportunity to elevate the establishment candidate Gingrich while softly berating Ron Paul, but this does not negate the fact Ron Paul is, as Douthat's title suggests, on the rise and will likely jostle past Gingrich in the days ahead.
On Tuesday, a Public Policy Polling survey showed him one percentage point behind Gingrich for the lead in Iowa. Paul took 21 percent in the survey compared to 22 percent for Gingrich with Romney third at 16 percent, according to Reuters.
Rasmussen Reports released poll data on Tuesday showing Romney in the lead in New Hampshire, the state where the next caucus will be held on January 10. Gingrich was second with 22 percent and Paul third at 18 percent. It should be noted that Paul narrowed a ten point gap in a week's time, again demonstrating that he is indeed "on the rise."
"In political terms, it probably means we're peaking at the right time," Paul told Reuters.
A national poll conducted by NBC News/Wall SPtreet Journal has Gingrich leading Mitt Romney by 17 points. If the election were held today, however, Gingrich would lose to Obama. "Although Gingrich may be at the front of the pack of contenders, if the next election for president were held today, four in ten registered voters said they'd choose him and 51% said they'd vote to re-elect President Obama, whose approval rating remains in the mid-forties according to the poll," notes CNN .
Mitt Romney would fare better against Obama, but would also lose if the election were held today.
The only Republican contender who stands a chance against Obama is Ron Paul. According to an NBC/Marist poll , 42% of registered voters in Iowa support Ron Paul and 42% back Obama, with 16 percent undecided.
"Paul also leads Obama 42 to 35% among independent voters and attracts 15 percent of Iowa's Democrats according to the survey. The Congressman also betters Obama by 14 percentage points among voters under 45 years of age," writes Steve Watson.
"Tellingly, Paul also leads the way over his GOP rivals with 25% among voters who see a candidate's position on the issues, rather than electability or popularity, as the most important factor of their candidacy. Gingrich, on the other hand, leads among avid college football fans."
Paul continues to gain momentum and win straw polls. He won the Cedar Valley Tea Party Presidential Straw Poll and a straw poll held in Pasco County, Flordia. Despite the fact the two recent straw polls had a small number of participants and were off the establishment media's radar screen, they demonstrate growing support for the Texas congressman.
Ron Paul is indeed rising. If the trend continues – and there is no reason to believe it will soon abate – Ron Paul will come out of Iowa the winner and will go into New Hampshire with a full head of steam. If he takes New Hampshire as well, his shot at the nomination is almost certainly guaranteed.

THRIVE Movie - New Video Player

Dear Thrive Network,
We continue to be thrilled with the wonderful response to THRIVE and would like to thank each and every one of you who has rented, shared, purchased and explored the THRIVE film and website.

We recognize that some of you have been experiencing technical difficulties while trying to rent THRIVE through PlayItFWD. To remedy this, THRIVE is now available on a new video player that simplifies the online viewing process.

This means that we will no longer be offering the PlayItFWD gifting feature at this time. We will resume with a new gifting technology as soon as possible. Meanwhile, we invite you to continue to share news of the film and website with your friends via Facebook, Twitter, and email.

We deeply appreciate your understanding and invite you to check out how easy it is to watch THRIVE instantly on your computer by visiting our site now.

Thanks again for everything you are doing to help create a thriving world and please help us spread the word by forwarding this message to your friends.


Foster, Kimberly, and the THRIVE team

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Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - December 14, 2011

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - December 14, 2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 14-Dec-2011 10:56:32

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - December 14, 2011
The financial saga in Europe is far from finished, and its repercussions shall travel far and wide. We hold no particular desire as to the outcome, but we see the opportunity arising to put forward the final plan that shall release you from the old paradigm. It will manifest one way or another, as there is no going back to the old ways of managing your affairs. As if by magic the coming of the year 2012 will release more energies that shall lift you up more rapidly than any previous period. Even those amongst you that have given little thought to its significance, will sense that dynamic changes are taking place. Rumors will fly around, with both acceptance and denial causing some dissension, but eventually the truth will come to the fore. It cannot be suppressed indefinitely and will always remain regardless of attempts made to conceal it. The problem is that you have lived in your illusion for so long, that it is difficult to see the truth that must replace it.
It is imperative that you enter the coming period with few fixed ideas, but allow for changes that will clearly point out the direction that your civilization is going in. It is of course Ascension but its path will meander somewhat before it is clearly laid out before you. Allow it to unfold in its own good time, and we will be on hand to direct you in the right direction. Most of the Lightworkers have a good idea of what will happen, but not necessarily the finer details. We of the Galactic Federation are as you might say, on the edge of our seats as the pressure to go ahead is almost unbearable. However, we will say time and time again - that there is a right time for what we are here to do and all will proceed far better as a result. In one sense there is no urgency, given that regardless of what happens, you will reach Ascension as intended. On the other hand, we know that the sooner we can start, the quicker we will have your support.
So we ask you Dear Ones, to please concentrate on where you are going and let anything of the lower vibrations pass you by. You have been entering the higher vibrations for quite some time now, and they support you in your quest to rise up. Each souls journey can be somewhat different to another's, but in principle you are all looking for a way forward that takes you out of your present predicament. Short of being too fearful to face change, there is no reason why you should not welcome upliftment out of your present experiences. We detect the tiredness and lack of motivation that holds some of you back, but the answers are coming very soon and will give you a lift out of the gloom. Have faith in what has been planned for your civilization to end this cycle of duality on a high note. You are going through the final days now, and if you change track to one that is full of promise for the future, you will be actively involved in the changes that will delight you, and bring peace into your life.
It is time to share your knowledge, as many questions will arise once the truth of our presence is announced. We can of course speak for ourselves, but at the grass roots level your assistance will help clear the way for the greater truths to be told. Bear in mind that not everyone has access to the Internet, and many are quite oblivious to what is coming. Your elderly people are mostly affected and also come from generations that usually have a totally different mindset, and need your help. Be gentle with them and give only as much as you feel they can comprehend, and make sure they realize that all will be well.
Let us emphasize that everything is going to plan, and the best is yet to come. At different stages leading up to this time your leaders have been given an outline of our role in the world changes. So the announcement of our presence will not be such a surprise as you might imagine. They will have had time to accept that our part in your lead up to Ascension is not negotiable, as we answer to much higher powers than those on Earth. In any event without us the end times would have been quite different. We are your assurance that nothing can alter the divine plan that we are carrying out at the Creator's request. This is why we constantly implore you to keep your eyes on what you have been led to expect. The sequence of events is more or less established, but we have our own desires where they are concerned. Changes are easily accommodated, as we have each aspect clearly defined and planned in great detail.
Even as we prepare for our mission to start the various projects in earnest, we note the deterioration of the worlds population as hunger grows unabated. Can your leaders really accept it is right that the problem can go unattended for so long, as the numbers grow to unmanageable proportions. We realize that without intervention, the deaths from malnutrition will reach record levels. That is not to mention the consequent sickness which also goes largely untreated. Dear Ones, the problems are already beyond your capacity or willingness to solve them, which the dark Ones ignore because of their desire to reduce the population of Earth. We are ready to deal with them, and we have ways of providing nutrition that will quickly overcome the hunger.
We want you to see what can be done with the natural resources of your world, of which there are sufficient to feed the whole population if handled in the correct way. Naturally we will introduce advanced technologies to make the best of what you have. These will be passed onto you, but the need for them will be short lived as once you ascend an even newer concept for food production will be introduced. On board our ships it already exists, and our Mother Ships are self contained farms if you wish to use that description. Naturally because of the higher vibrations of our bodies, our needs for solid food is very limited but we can enjoy the fruits similar to yours. In fact, we also cater for the needs of different Beings to ourselves who serve with us. The ultimate provision is from a Replicator that will provide anything that you may desire, which is useful for Earth Humans on the occasions that they stay with us for a while.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and look forward to this time of the year, when many of you have kind thoughts for those less well off than your selves. If shows the deep love within that stirs at such times, and shows you true selves.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Humor --- Pinocchio, Snow White, and Superman

Pinocchio, Snow White, and Superman are out  for a stroll in town one day.  As they walk, they come across a  sign:  "Beauty contest for the most beautiful woman in the world."

"I  am entering" said Snow White.  After half an hour she comes out and they ask her,  "Well, how'd ya do?  " First Place ," said Snow White.

They continue walking and they see a sign:  "Contest for the strongest man in the world."  "I'm entering," says Superman.  After half an hour he returns and they ask him, "How did you make out?"  " First Place ," answers Superman.  "Did you even doubt?"

They continue walking when they see a sign:  "Contest! Who is the greatest liar in the world?"  Pinocchio enters.  After half an hour he returns with tears in his eyes.  "What happened?" they asked.

"Who the hell is Obama?"

OIL - Here In America!

OIL - You better be sitting down when you read this  !!!!!!

As you may know, Cruz Construction started a   division in North Dakota
just 6 months ago.

They sent every Kenworth (9 trucks) we had here in Alaska to North Dakota
and several drivers.

They just bought two new Kenworth's to add to that fleet; one being a Tri
Drive tractor and a new 65 ton                    lowboy to go with it.

They also bought two new cranes                    (one crawler & one rubber tired) for that

Dave Cruz said they have moved more rigs in the last 6 months in ND than
Cruz Construction moved in Alaska in the last 6 years.

Williston is like a gold rush town; they moved one of our 40 man camps down there                   since there are no rooms available.

Unemployment in ND is the lowest in the nation at 3.4 percent last I checked.

See anything in the national news about            how the oil industry is fueling
North Dakota 's economy?

Here's an astonishing read. Important and          verifiable information:

About 6 months ago, the writer was watching a news program on oil and one
of the Forbes Bros. was the guest.

The host said to Forbes, "I am  going to ask you a direct question and I
would like a direct answer;

how much oil does the U.S. have in the               ground?" Forbes did not miss a
beat, he said, "more than all the Middle East put together.."

The U. S..Geological Service issued a report in April 2008 that only
scientists and oil men knew was coming, but man was it big.

It was a revised report (hadn't been updated since 1995) on how much oil
was in this area of the western 2/3                    of North Dakota
western South Dakota , and extreme eastern    Montana .

Check THIS out:

The Bakken is the largest domestic oil discovery since Alaska 's Prudhoe Bay , and has the potential to eliminate  all American dependence on foreign oil. The Energy Information         Administration (EIA) estimates it at 503 billion barrels. Even if just 10% of the oil is recoverable (5 billion barrels), at $107 a barrel, we're looking at a resource base worth more than $5.3 trillion.

"When I first briefed legislators on this,             you could practically see
their jaws hit the floor.
They had no idea.." says Terry Johnson, the      Montana Legislature's
financial analyst.

"This sizable find is now the  highest-producing onshore oil field found
in the past 56 years," reportsThe Pittsburgh Post Gazette.

It's a                    formation known as the Williston Basin , but is more commonly
referred to as the 'Bakken.'

It stretches from Northern Montana, through North Dakota and into Canada                    .

For years, U. S. oil exploration has been considered a dead end.
Even the 'Big Oil' companies gave up searching   for major oil wells
decades ago.

However, a recent technological breakthrough has opened up the Bakken's
massive reserves, and we now have access of up to 500 billion barrels. And because                    this is light, sweet oil, those  billions of barrels will cost Americans just $16 PER                    BARREL!!!!!!
That's enough crude to fully fuel the American   economy for 2041 years straight.

And if THAT didn't throw you on the floor, then this next one should -
because it's from 2006 !!!!!!

U.. S. Oil Discovery - Largest Reserve in the World

Stansberry Report Online                    - 4/20/2006

Hidden 1,000 feet beneath the surface of           the Rocky Mountains lies the
largest untapped oil reserve in the world.

It is more than 2 TRILLION barrels. On           August 8, 2005 President Bush
mandated its extraction.

In over five years of high oil prices none has been extracted.

With this motherload of oil why are we still fighting over off-shore drilling?

They reported this stunning news:

We have more oil inside our borders, than all      the other proven reserves on earth.

Here are the official estimates:

8 times as much oil as Saudi Arabia

18 times as much oil as Iraq

21 times as much oil as Kuwait

22 times as much oil as Iran

500 times as much oil as Yemen

and it's all right here in the Western United States                      !!!!!!

HOW can this BE? HOW can we NOT BE extracting this? Because the
environmentalists and others have                      blocked all efforts to help America become
independent of foreign oil! Again, we are letting a small group of people dictate
our lives and our economy. WHY?

James Bartis, lead researcher with the study      says we've got more oil in
this very compact area than the entire Middle East, more than 2 TRILLION
barrels untapped.. That's more than

all the proven oil reserves of crude oil
in the world today, reports The                      Denver Post.

Don't think 'OPEC' will drop its price                      even with this find? Think again!
It's all about the competitive marketplace, it has to.

Think OPEC just might be funding the environmentalists?

Got your attention yet? Now, while you're thinking about it, do this:

Pass this along. If you don't take a little            time to do this, then you
should stifle yourself the next time you complain about gas prices,

by doing NOTHING, you forfeit your right to       complain.

Now I just wonder what would happen in this country if every one of you
sent this to every one in your address             book.

By the way, this can be verified. Check it out at the link below !!!!!!                      <>                      ;) >

Cruz  Construction:                      <>                      ;

How to prove Obama is not from America --- youtube