Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Sovereignty and the Crown. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Sovereignty and the Crown. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday, March 19, 2017

150 Years of British Criminality -- The Very Short Version

By Anna Von Reitz

We are Third Party Beneficiaries with respect to the National Trust created in the Preamble and are indemnified in the British system under two Royal Sovereign Seals--- the seal of King George the III with respect to the delegated powers, and the seal of William Belcher with respect to the undelegated powers, otherwise known as the Great Seal of the United States.  William Belcher inherited his sovereignty as a result of the Norman Conquest of Britain and Wales.  Thus, the Definitive Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783, calls George III the "prince of the United States" and does not mention who the actual Head of State---the "king" of the United States--- was.  Later generations simply presumed it was the British Monarch, with results disastrous to them and to us.
This split of delegated and undelegated powers held by two sovereigns in international jurisdiction ultimately resulted in the situation we have today, where the delegated powers are held by the British-backed United States and the undelegated powers are held by the "states and people" under the Belcher Seal and operated by the United States of America by default.
The misunderstanding about our states (and also, therefore, our state offices) comes about because people don't grasp the difference between the international jurisdiction of the sea and the national jurisdiction of the land.  Everything discussed above, including the National Trust established by the Preamble, exists only in the international jurisdiction of the sea and has nothing to do with our sovereignty on the land. 
We have all been taught to focus on the Constitution but that is substantially a red herring in that it discusses only our position with respect to the foreign international jurisdiction and says nothing about our own sovereign domain.  This can be excused in that our land jurisdiction was never the subject of The Constitution, so why would the Founders talk about that?  We were expected to know the basis of our own sovereignty on the land, just as we were expected to know the history and protect our own Common Law Courts from British meddling.
Two centuries later, the situation speaks for itself.
As to our sovereignty on the land which vests itself in our nations called "states" for international purposes, that sovereignty derives from entirely different authorities and specifically begins with a land grant and settlement made by the King of Spain in 1778 via (yet another) Treaty of Paris. 
The situation was that the British King was financing both sides of the Revolution to hedge his bets--- he emerged the victor to a greater or lesser extent, either way.  The King of France was intermediary funneling funds to the Americans.  The King of Spain, however, had grudges against both the King of Britain and the King of France ---- and he was in charge of the land jurisdiction worldwide, thanks to the claims of the Holy See and its "dispensations" under the Unam Sanctum Trust. 
So while the Americans were concluding their treaty with France to secure what most of them believed was French support for the American Revolution, the King of Spain quietly granted the entire continent (absent Spain's holdings of course) to the rebels via the "other" Treaty of Paris, 1778. If they could win the war, the land was already vouchsafed to them--- and as of 1778, it was available to them to use as collateral to borrow against internationally. 
This is how the Americans financed their loans from the French King who was actually acting as a pass-through agent for King George III.  They wagered their claim to the land given to them by the Spanish King and used it as collateral.  If George III had won the ground war, he would have won the whole shooting match; as it was, he emerged with a tidy debt owed by the Americans and a great deal of leverage, which he used to secure the delegated powers granted to him and his proxy government in DC. 
The land claim passed from the Spanish King to the colonies, which in the years immediately following the end of open hostilities with Britain (1783-1789) undertook a number of inter-colony initiatives to settle the land jurisdiction claims.  This all focused on settling the national borders of the separate nation-states, establishing trade relationships, currencies, treaties with respect to international commercial issues, taxation, interstate travel, security of the international Post Roads and Post Offices, and similar concerns.  As for the basic grant of land jurisdiction, they issued another trust known as The Supreme Republican Declaration of the United Colonies, grandfathering in the original thirteen colonies as a union of land jurisdiction states, and claiming all the rest of the land jurisdiction for themselves and their progeny subject to later arrangements and acquisitions.
The later arrangements were solidified by the Northwest Ordinance which provided for the orderly creation and inclusion of territories and from the territories the creation of new nation-states which would be enabled to enter the union under the Equal Footing Doctrine.  The inclusion of "other acquisitions" such as the Louisiana Purchase and the Republic of Texas and the Spanish Settlement followed the same basic pattern of establishing a form of territorial government and later, upon enrollment in the original union, a separate state government.
Throughout this discussion we are talking about geographically defined nations and their body politics simply called, "California" or "Wisconsin" or "Ohio".  References in law books to these states always use the style "states"----- no capitalization whatsoever.  These are the sovereign states from which our sovereignty on the land of this continent derives.  These states are nations in the fullest sense of the word, just like Britain or France.
They are completely different and separate from any "State of __________", and in fact, the word "of" means "separate from, apart from, or belonging to", so "State of Delaware" is talking about what?  The international corporation used by the actual state known as Delaware and its people to operate in international commerce. 
In trade, Delaware needs no "State of _________" to conduct business within its own borders or with other unincorporated sovereign states and nations.  It is only when it wishes to engage in incorporated business transactions with the other nation-states, like the State of California, or with other countries like France, that it needs to use an incorporated "State of ___________".  
And therein lies the rub. 
Each state retains its right to conduct trade within its borders and also retains the right to trade with other sovereign nations; it uses a "State of _________" corporation to operate in international commerce outside its borders--- and the proxy "Federal Government" run by the British Monarch has delegated control of international commerce.  This control is exercised by operating all incorporated businesses in all states as franchises of the United States, Inc. 
So now you know the difference between the actual land jurisdiction sovereign state and the fact that each one is in fact a separate nation, an entire country unto itself, plus you know what the "State of _________" entity is and what it is used for and who controls it and why. 
None of the states operated in international commerce until after the Civil War.  At that time, The United States of America, Inc. was formed, and the original states were forced to write new "state constitutions".  Under these new constitutions (all constitutions are debt agreements) the corporation used by the actual sovereign state was obliged to operate under names styled like this: California State, Wyoming State, Florida State.  Meanwhile, the name "State of California" and "State of Wyoming", etc. was "adopted" by totally different entities under new ownership.
This switch and the use of the same old names applied to different corporate entities led up to the greatest fraud in human history.  The "State of Illinois" prior to the Civil War was an entirely different beastie and under completely different ownership than the "State of Illinois" after the Civil War and the same pattern applies across the whole country.  There is a state constitution prior to the Civil War and a new state constitution after the Civil War. 
Fast forward again to the 1930's.  FDR is working as liaison for the United States, Inc. at the Geneva Conventions, May, 1930.  As a business ploy, the G-5 nations agree by private treaty to bankrupt their "international corporations" and discharge all debts left over from the First World War. 
Three years later, Roosevelt, now elected President of the United States, carries through and by sleight of hand and deceptive wordsmithing, sets up a constructive fraud by which the California State, Illinois State and other land jurisdiction corporations are "assumed" to be sureties standing good for the debts of the United States, Inc. even though they are owned and operated by the United States of America, Inc. 
This isn't a corporate take-over.  It's just plain old commercial fraud in which false claims are made against the assets of a Third Party and false assumptions then lead to that innocent victim being charged for the debt via a process of commercial liens and titles and hypothecation of debt.
The American states and people were raped, pillaged, and plundered by the United States, Inc. and the British Crown from 1930 to 1999, when all debts of the bankruptcy of the United States of America were discharged and settled and our "States" doing business as "California State" and "Wisconsin State" were left derelict and adrift, mere shells ---- and in exactly the same condition as a man recovering from bankruptcy. 
All this was accomplished in Breach of Trust and Commercial Contract by the British Monarch and the British Government operating under color of law on our land, pretending to be our friends, allies, and protectors.
As a result of their vicious fraud our State corporations were left in financial ruin, but like a man recovering from bankruptcy, not dead. 
The vermin responsible for palming off their odious debts on us have tried by every means to "finish us off" in the intervening years, without success. 
All this history is necessary for you to know before I can answer your "simple" question about the oaths of office owed to our actual States.
The "vacated offices" that we are occupying belong to the land jurisdiction state and are operated as offices of the formerly bankrupted "Alaska State", "California State" and so on.   These offices were "vacated" during the long bankruptcy and so far as the vermin responsible for this circumstance are concerned, it was never anticipated that they would be re-occupied by the states and the people they belong to. 
During the bankruptcy these States were operated by "State of State Legislatures" functioning as Bankruptcy Trustees---- corporate con artists overseeing the rape and the pillaging, but nonetheless "representing" the state in the position of Trustees.  These legislatures operating in that capacity continued to pass "Session Laws" to administer the affairs of the victims.  Thus, for example we have Session Laws that establish the "California State" under a new "state constitution" in 1879, and we have Session Laws established for the bankrupt entity throughout the bankruptcy. 
It is via the circa 1870's "constitutions" creating the Wisconsin State, Louisiana State and so on, that we maintain a chain of title and succession of contract back to the original Constitution and are enabled to enforce it.  It is via the Session Laws related to the "second" state constitutions that we obtain the offices and the oaths.
All land jurisdiction offices are exercised under red ink.   Business signatures are in script in Upper and Lower Case.  All land jurisdiction transactions are understood to be in trade, not commerce, and are not under the control of the United States.  Our business  as State officials and State Citizens is all conducted under unincorporated business structures locally (hence the need for all state and county assemblies to operate as unincorporated businesses)  and under undelegated powers internationally ---note the red Post Marks. 
All commerce is exercised in blue ink. Commercial signatures of "Account Holders" are in script in Upper and Lower Case.  All sea jurisdiction transactions entered into by US PERSONS are understood to be in commerce.  You are considered to be acting as a US PERSON if you retain such a PERSON.  You surrender these PERSONS via surrendering the BC to the Secretary of the Treasury and appoint him your Fiduciary and credit the United States of America, U.S. Treasury, without recourse.
That settles the issue of whether you are operating as a State Citizen or a US Citizen. 
This entire history from the Civil War to date is nothing but a nasty scam designed by the British to bilk their Creditors and palm off their debts on innocent Third Parties, but once you have the history and the names nailed down, it gets easier to comprehend. 
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Open Letter to General Dunford and the Joint Chiefs of Staff

An Open Letter to General Dunford and the Joint Chiefs of Staff
November 12, 2015

The Joint Chiefs of Staff
General Dunford, Chief of Staff
9999 Joint Staff Pentagon
Washington, DC 20318-9999

Dear General Dunford and Members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:

Today, it is our sad duty to reiterate the facts. Our nation has been all but overrun by British-backed inland pirates making "war" upon innocent civilian non-combatants who are owed the Good Faith and Service of both the British Monarch who is supposed to act as our Trustee on the "High Seas and Inland Waterways" and the City-State of Westminster aka Inner City of London, which promised us "amity in perpetuity" under the Treaty of Westminster 1794.

These Breaches of Trust and Treaty by declared "friends and allies" and the criminality involved in their secretive execution of agreements revealed by the Secret Treaty of Verona (1845) led to the issuance of private privateer's "licenses" to Bar Association Members including Members of the American Bar Association.

It should also be clear that the resulting theft of our resources and labor and the abuse of our Armed Forces has occurred on the watch of your predecessors, all of whom have taken their paychecks from our treasury while turning a blind eye to the corruption in which they have participated and benefited from.

The jig, Sirs, is up.

Your duty is clearly to the American People and failure to perform will not be excused.

The false legal proceedings which have allowed the criminals responsible to “redefine” freeborn Americans as debt slaves belonging to the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation and to falsify the probate court records is now fully exposed and has been published worldwide. Similar mechanisms of fraud simulating legal process have been employed throughout Great Britain, the Commonwealth, Western Europe, and Japan.

A popular press article entitled "So What Does All This Mean?" elucidating the legal fraud mechanism and documenting the way in which it was put in place is attached. An original wet-ink signed copy of the referenced "Declaration of Joint Sovereignty" and "Sovereign Letters Patent" submitted to the UN Trust Committee-North America and to the UN Security Council is attached, as is an original wet-ink signed copy of our published, printed, and bound affidavit of probable cause, "You Know Something Is Wrong When.....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause."

Your offices are already in receipt of the General Civil Orders issued by the American People acting under the Last Man Standing Rule of our Lawful Constitution.

Your duty and the duty of the International Trustees to protect us and to protect our assets both public and private has been clearly enunciated along with our intention to live our lives in peace and our determination to stop this criminality in its tracks.

It's our credit that has been abused to pay your salaries and buy your "toys" and it is our sons and daughters who fill your ranks and give your offices meaning. You will obey us and you will perform your duty to protect our currency and protect our national trust or we will fire you and hire someone else.

We are the lawful beneficiaries and inheritors of the American National Trust(s) and we are speaking in that capacity as Beneficiaries making demand upon the Trustees to act in our favor and according to our direct instructions.

No presumption that any incorporated entity other than our long-established States of America "represents" us may be maintained and no claim presented by any Member of the American Bar Association may be deemed credible. These con men have been waging a form of commercial war against innocent Third Parties, entrapping and entangling innocent non-combatant civilians in their private abusive bankruptcies.

Not all lawyers and bankers are bad people and many have participated unknowingly in this rape and pillaging of America. Those that have known and have willfully participated in these nefarious acts have operated as Undeclared Foreign Agents and have committed capital crimes including press-ganging, inland piracy, conspiracy against The Constitution, and unlawful conversion of National Trust assets. They are Public Enemies of the highest order, as they have abused positions of Public Trust in order to carry out their actions. They have also committed numerous lesser crimes including personage, barratry, impersonating elected officials, simulating legal process, reverse and secondary trust fraud, fraud by semantic deceit, and constructive fraud.

If your Oath means anything to you, if your country means anything to you, these crimes and those committing them must be brought to a stop. This continuing criminality is our Number One National Security issue.


______________________________________________Anna Maria Riezinger, all rights reserved. ______________________________________________James Clinton Belcher, all rights reserved.

Contact: c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska RFD 99652 and as previously shared. Enclosed: Wet-ink bound copy of affidavit of probable cause, wet-ink copy of Declaration of Joint Sovereignty and Sovereign Letters Patent, copy of editorial, "So What Does All This Mean?"

===Field McConnell Reported Kristine Marcy Treasons and Barry Soetoro(*)===

Open Letter to General Joseph Dunford - Treason Against the United States - 18 U.S. Code § 2382 - Misprision of Treason - Government Drug Running - USMC Col. James Sabow's Assassination - US Military Members Are Being Threatened

Field McConnell
USMC 0116513
P O Box 9
Plum City WI 54761

General Joseph Dunford, CMC

CC Governor Scott Walker, WI
Dr. Ben Carson, MD
Donald Trump

29 July, 2015


We are aware of an ongoing Treason against the United States of America. It threatens members of the United States Military.

We are also aware that on 22 January, 1991, Colonel James Sabow USMC, was murdered on orders of two politicians and one four star general.

As you three gentlemen anticipate your next position, I wish to be contacted by any one of you willing to participate in the remedy for the Treason and a serious investigation of the murder of Colonel Sabow. Further, it is wise to consider definition of item below.

18 U.S. Code § 2382 - Misprision of treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.
Field McConnell ============== 94 Page Document to Following=============

Douglas La Follette Wisconsin Secretary of State P O Box 7848 Madison, WI 53707-7848

and John Koskinen ( IRS), Richard G. Chandler ( WI Revenue), Judge Rosemary M Collyer ( Civil Case 1:08-1600 (RMC) Judge who dismissed the BUAP lawsuit, Sheriff David A. Clarke, Jr ( Milwaukee Co. WI ), Dallas S. Neville ( U S Marshal, WI), Kevin Carr ( U S Marshal, WI ), Adan Y. BenZikri ( WI Revenue ), Nancy Hove ( Pierce Co. WI Sheriff ), Judge Dennis D. O'Brien ( MN BR Judge who presided on a Fraud BR on 27 May, 2003), Jon Brakke ( Fargo Atty in Fraud BR May 2003), Kermit E. Bye ( Court of Appeals Judge who told me Vogel Law had "all the bases covered" )

Senators Johnson WI and Grassley IA who claim to be concerned with Whistle Blowers may want to pay attention to the Treason and Felony WRONGFUL DEATH charges I delivered them on 4 August, 2015.

USPS Track for Gen Dunford copy: 9505 5112 1387 5216 5311 14


So What Does It All Mean? 

Anna von Reitz

It means we have been defrauded by international banking cartels operating "governmental services corporations" as if these entities were our lawful government. It means that the Holy See and the British Monarch have acted in secretive Breach of Trust and Dishonor and have undermined our rightful government since 1845. It means that we have caught the rats red-handed, proved the facts, and demanded remedy.

FRANCISCUS, the dba name of the Pope, issued his Motu Proprio and made the members of the Bar Associations responsible for their errors and omissions. This effectively washed his hands of the criminality of the Bar Members and the continuing assaults upon us by the British Crown and ended their privateer licenses and other protections that had been extended to them in Breach of Trust. So far, so good.

However, there has been no action to dismantle the mechanisms of the fraud that has been practiced against the living people. Every day, babies are born in hospitals and are "registered" as chattel belonging to privately owned and operated corporations masquerading as our government. These corporations patent and trademark our bodies and our names and create "citizens" for themselves that they ultimately control as slaves. This practice of "enslavement by proxy" is no less repugnant than physical enslavement and it has the same results.

They have accomplished this by obtaining undisclosed contracts under conditions of coercion and misrepresentation and by blatant fraud upon the probate courts and falsification of the civil records. They have had each one of us declared "legally dead"---- "Missing, presumed lost at sea"---and have seized upon our estates as presumed secondary beneficiaries. This legal chicanery has been assisted and expedited by a few evil politicians who literally conspired to sell their countrymen into slavery for profit.

They seize upon our property by presuming that it is "abandoned". This is what has happened to every so-called "mortgage payment" you have ever made. It has been seized by the banks as abandoned property belonging to your own estate. They take title to our land, homes, businesses, and other private property and public property interests under color of law. They disguise installment leases as "land sales". They disguise repurchase agreements as "loans". They disguise "security notes" as "promissory notes". And they steal us blind, taking their pay out of our treasury and otherwise using and abusing our own assets to do it.

Just as they have seized upon our private property via a process of fraud and deceit, they have attempted to seize upon our entire nation and claim that it is "abandoned property".

To understand how this works you have to understand the first frauds committed against us, for it is in the beginning that we most clearly see the ends.

1. March 27, 1861, the actual elected Congress ceases to function.

2. Lincoln creates a corporation doing business as "The United States of America" and uses what is left of the Congress as a Board of Directors.

3. This "Corporate Congress" changes the meaning of the word "person" to mean "corporation" for their own private in-house corporate purposes. (37th Congress, Second Session, Chapter 49, Section 68).

4. The Corporate Congress changes the meaning of more words--- according to them, the meaning of the words "state", "State" and "United States" all magically mean "“the territories and the District of Columbia” (13 Stat. 223, 306, ch. 173, sec. 182, June 30, 1864.)

5. These "special definitions" adopted by "a" Congress operating a private, for-profit corporation doing business as "The United States of America" then secretly allowed the rats to "presume" that anyone who used the common meaning of these words and admitted to living in a "state" or the "United States" was submitting to be considered and treated as a "citizen" of the District of Columbia, instead. In their secretively altered lexicon, "United States Citizen = District of Columbia Citizen"

6. And as anyone reading The Constitution can see, this meant submitting to the rule of "Congress" which was given plenary control of the District of Columbia. Via the use of semantic deceit a small group of venal criminals "redefined" our Republic as a plenary oligarchy run by none other than themselves. They also endeavored to redefine all the freeborn Americans as slaves belonging to the District of Columbia. Never mind that the "Congress" engaging in this fraud and merely pretending to be the lawfully elected Congress had absolutely no public office and no delegated authority.

7. What happened with all this fraud by a hundred years later? The Congressional Record, June 13, 1967, pp. 15641-15646 - "A 'citizen of the United States is a civilly dead entity operating as a co-trustee and co-beneficiary of the PCT, the private constructive, cestui que trust of US Inc. under the 14th Amendment, which upholds the debt of the USA and US Inc. in Section 4."

Now, put all this together in one big Ball of Wax, and what do you get?

The Bar Association Members employed by the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation have been "presuming" that you are "civilly dead" because you have been falsely reported as "missing, presumed dead" on the records of their probate courts. While they have been busily and secretively "presuming" this, they have also been "presuming" that you died intestate (without a Will) and that the local District of Columbia Municipal Corporation franchise doing business as (for example) the STATE OF OKLAHOMA, is the beneficiary of all your property.

How's that for a fraud racket? How's that for conflict of interest?

But they didn't stop there. They also presume that the still living man is a "co- trustee" and "co-beneficiary" of his own estate trust. How can that be? Obviously, he can't be the trustee AND the beneficiary of his own estate at the same time, because the two roles are mutually exclusive.

So they send out a false summons to you as the "presumed" co-trustee of the JOHN QUINCY ADAMS estate trust, and you, ignorantly assuming that this is your name and that this mail is addressed to you, show up in answer to their "summons"---- and they trick you into playing the role of trustee, while they suck up the beneficiary slot and milk your estate. That is what these demons in suits have been playing at all these years. They charge your estate millions of dollars for every "felony" charge they utter and nearly as much for every "misdemeanor". Then for good measure, they throw you in jail and make the taxpayers pay a hundred times more than any real cost for the "service" of incarcerating you----and profiting off your labor in "prison industries". They bilk billions of dollars out of the public treasury and out of your private "abandoned" estates every year, while parading around the town as members of "elite" society. No doubt the word "elite" has also been redefined by these maggots to mean "common criminal".

There is no doubt now that this system is what it is, nor is there any doubt that it must end, but before we leave this subject, please note, that they haven't been content with defrauding, press-ganging, enslaving, and taxing you under false pretenses, oh, no, they finally maxed out your credit cards which they stole along with your identity as a living breathing man.

So the Big Game has been afoot: do the same thing we did to each one of the people to the entire nation. How do we do that?

November 7, 2007 the rats in Washington, DC running the "United States, Inc." bankrupted it for the third and final time. They handed it over to the UN to act as bankruptcy trustee and nobody named a successor to The Constitution contract.

That left the "Federal" side of the Constitution contract flapping in the wind, and the United Nations Trust Committee -- North America overseeing our National Trust assets, and no other entity named to provide the nineteen enumerated services that the British-controlled Federal United States is supposed to provide. Nice.

Last week, the infernal bastards filed a claim on abandonment against our entire nation, claiming that we no longer exist as a sovereign nation because we haven't been heard from in 150 years. They further claimed that we are no longer a sovereign nation because we (allegedly) don't have a national currency in circulation. We had to file a Declaration of Joint Sovereignty and two new sets of Sovereign Letters Patent to rebut their unending "presumptions" before the UN Trust Committee- North America and the UN Security Council.

The fact is that we are sovereigns in joint tenancy; if we don't attend to our business in a hundred years, it's still our business. If we don't call a Continental Convention in 200 years, that's our business, too. And we are not obligated to have a national currency in circulation---even though we do.

It's the same schtick they are trying to pull only on a much larger scale--- claiming that our whole nation is effectively "missing, presumed lost" and that our estate is "abandoned" ready for the taking by secondary beneficiaries and creditors.

That's what the banks and their buddies the lawyers and their flunkies the politicians you elected in good faith had planned for you. That's what Wells Fargo Bank---- which is not a bank----it's a "securities investment corporation" using the trademarked name "Wells Fargo Bank" to pretend that its a bank---has been trying to promote this past week. And no wonder. It is partially owned and operated by the "US Attorney General".

And now, let's make it Perfectly Clear---- General Dunsford, you are responsible for providing for the security of the American People. You receive your paycheck directly or indirectly from funds and credit obtained from us---even if it is now in the hands of pirates and brigands and those who have colluded with them as false trustees. These evil men and women would like to start a Civil War in America, because they make their money off of conflict.

In preparation for trying to incite an uprising among the peaceful American people these criminals have armed corporate subcontractors that are operating under names designed to make people assume they are lawful units of government---- BATF, FEMA, IRS, DHS, FBI, CIA, local "Sheriffs" who are nothing but shills working in private corporate offices, not Sheriffs occupying public offices on the land at all ---- and have armed these private commercial mercenaries with billions of rounds of ammunition and tactical weapons. For what purpose?

So that the secondary creditors of a bankruptcy that we were never legitimately any part of ---international banking cartels and foreign investors---can come in here and loot and pillage America with the assistance of commercial mercenaries bought and paid for with illegal taxes extorted from Americans by criminals pretending to be our lawful government.

This circumstance and the UN's role in it is now well-known on a worldwide basis and is well-documented and proven beyond any reasonable doubt.

What are we going to do about it? For starters, we notified the UN Trustees that we are very much alive and in charge of our own affairs and that we have been victims of crime and misrepresentation. We are not "U.S. Citizens" of any kind according to their definitions---nor ours. We are Americans. We, and our property assets both public and private, have been entrapped in the private corporate bankruptcies of these bank owned and operated "governmental services corporations" without our knowledge or consent, and we object to any presumption that we are now or ever were civilly dead, incompetent, bankrupt, or otherwise dependent on these villainous fictitious entities.

That is a good and practical start. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

UNESCO-World Heritage sites Usurpation

Please read and share with as many American Sovereign CITIZENS and take legal class action to sue for Justice to cancel and revoke the U.N. Charter that seeks to take away and usurp control of the "CROWN JEWELS" of America, the National Park lands property rights away from the U.S.  department if the interior to the UNESCO "WORLD" HERITAGE DESIGNATED SITES.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: UNESCO-World Heritage sites Usurpation

Now that the notification process has been completed at the international court at the Hague asserting American National sovereignty of the several States as free and independent States from the corporate entity of the United States of America, Inc. of Dover, Delaware, another important issue of Amercan National sovereignty must be addressed and corrected. The issue of the United Nations illegally assuming control and usurping of the management of the National Park lands and cultural heritage sites that are America's "Crown Jewels" that formally were legally under the jurisdiction of the United States department of the interior. The ceding of control and management of the American National Park lands and American cultural historical sites to the UNESCO "World" heritage sites is a clear usurpation of authority away from the department of the interior's exclusive legal authority to administer and control the National Park lands and American cultural historical heritage designated sites to a "world" government entity of a "collective" body of an illegal and criminal unrepresentative United Nation (states) of the "World" Communist totalitarian government by the unauthorized signing by the head of State, (the President) that fraudulently assumed dictatorial powers to divest the American people of the property national park lands inherited and bequeathed in perpetuity by our forefathers to the American people by the signing of a "assention" of powers treaty, surrendering legal jurisdiction (authority) and sovereignty of American National territorial park lands to the U.N.  without the advise or consent of the American people illegally impinging upon the my inherent rights to the American national park lands as a Sovereign American citizen, which represents a legal TORT of deprivation of rights as an elected representative of the American people by the abuse of authority not permitted by a public civil servant of the Executive branch of government. The surrendering of American National Park lands and historical cultural sites management to the U.N. represents an abdication of American Sovereignty of the public property of the National Park lands that belong exclusively to the American people as Sovereign American CITIZENS. The President, as head of State of a Republican form of government, does not have the legal capacity to arbitrarily and capriciously authorize or sign any treaty surrendering American territorial Sovereignty resulting in the adverse posession of the National Park lands and historical cultural heritage sites to the U.N. as this is clearly an unlawful encroachment and theft of Sovereign property rights inherited to We, the People of the United States of America as irrevocable beneficiaries of the National Park land estates in violation of the 5th Amendment as the tort of deprivation of rights under color of law. "That no (Sovereign American) CITIZEN shall be DEPRIVED of the right to LIFE, liberty (FREEDOM) or PROPERTY without Due Process of Law".  The Due Process of Law clause also has consistently been interpreted to provide the guarantee of the EQUAL PROTECTION OF LAWS. The United States Constitution was designed not to protect the rights of those individuals in political positions of authority and power (that are usually able to protect themselves) but to PROTECT the rights of individuals and minorities from the arbitrary and capricious abuses of authority of those individuals in political  positions of power and authority that seek to hypocritically deny individuals their God-given inalienable birth rights that are endowed by the Creator as outlined in the Constitution, while at the same time hypocritically claiming the very same ownership rights to the property that are denied to another, resulting in adverse possession of the property estate lands. If no objections are made to contest the American National Park land grab, then the trespasser becomes a squatter and over time the squatter becomes the owner and the property is forfeited, lost forever to the future generations of American citizens by apathy and negligence for failure to act with due diligence to PROTECT American National Security interests. The Constitution under Article VI the "supremacy clause" is the Supreme LAW OF THE LAND and any legislative Act or law that is in conflict with the Constitution or that would DENY any (Sovereign American) CITIZEN of his or her individual civil rights to LIFE, LIBERTY or PROPERTY guaranteed as inalienable by the Constitution is deemed as UNCONSTITUTIONAL and therefore NULL and VOID from its inception under the DOCTRINE OF NULLIFICATION. A contract based upon a fraudulent premise is also similarly contestable and can be rendered NULL and VOID and thereby cancelled and revoked. American CITIZENSHIP is NOT A SUICIDE PACT, the legal civil rights granted to natural born American CITIZENS (or naturalized American CITIZENS by the LOYALTY OATH embodied in the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE to the Flag of the United States of America and the Oath of American citizenship) is guaranteed to PEOTECT these legal civil rights in exchange for LOYALTY, a PROMISE or OATH to not BETRAY OTHER AMERICANS to DEATH or compromise American National Security interests in favor of any other FOREIGN NATION (including Israel) or otherwise undermine or subvert the FREEDOM and independence of America as a SOVEREIGN NATION. The objective of the Communist Party is to establish a world-wide international government global totalitarian dictatorship otherwise known as the New World Order, dissolving and liquidating independent national sovereignty rights and establishing throughout the countries of the world Communist totalitarian dictatorships that are NOT FREE and independent nations but are mere SECTIONS or SLAVE STATES to the most powerful Communist totalitarian dictatorship headquartered out of Jerusalem, Israel, which is why the name of the Communist-front organization in America is "The WORLD ZIONIST ORGANIZATION, AMERICAN SECTION, INC." The evident duplicity and fraudulent claims of "DEMOCRACY" like the Communist "DPRK" the "Democratic People's Republic of North Korea" what is "democratic" about North Korea? The hypocritical APARTHEID Zionist STATE of Israel that falsely claims to be the "ONLY DEMOCRATIC STATE" in the middle east, when nobody is allowed to vote for ANY of the true power brokers, the central bank chairman in ANY COUNTRY. Democracy and voting for political leaders is therefore a FRAUD, a facade, an entertainment show and a complete waste if time when both "rival" candidates are mere stooges, underlings or puppets of those that control the money supply, the monolithic oligarchy of central banker families that are NEVER ELECTED but that CONTROL the MONEY supply, and thus are the puppet-masters or bank Communist "Czars" of the political puppets on their strings. My request and petition for redress of grievances as a civilian authority as a private attorney general, pro se, for assistance from the American military for judicial relief and satisfaction to correct the arbitrary and capricious abuses of authority is not solely intended for selfish aggrandizement, but is intended to benefit the American people, society in general, and insure the future generations of Americans will inherit a healthy ecologically balanced Earth that they can use grow and thrive in.  My time on this Earth is limited, as is true for everybody else that has not yet achieved Spiritual realization and physical immortality. The reality is that nobody really owns anything, for life itself is transitory, a cosmic dream. Whatever it is that you think you own in life, you simply can't take it with you when you die! Material posessions to a Spiritually enlightened soul lose any and all significance in the realm of the absolute, as relative things are only temporary, fleeting things to be valued as such. Anything material can be created or destroyed by Spiritual will power, including our physical bodies.  Our role during our brief sojourn on the physical earth plane or 3D state of conscousness, is that of a steward or caretaker of the Earth's environment and serving the Spirit of the Lord in others as our "brother's keeper". How well we as a human species prudently manage to maintain a healthy balance of the biogeochemical cycles of the ecosystem in harmony with the natural life cycles in homeostasis within the range of optimum between to two extremes of the various environental stress factors determines the success or failure of our stewardship role over the Earth and its renewable natural resources for future generations of our children and their future progeny. This stewardship role or "dominion over the Earth" is our role assigned to us by His Divine Majesty, the supreme Sovereign, and King of Kings, Lord Jesus Christ. The opulence of a true King or Sovereign (Citizen) is not intended for any ostentatious display by pretentiousness, but to provide an example of the abundance of blessings of one who is loved by the Lord and is willing to sacrifice all for His sake. A fruit tree does not bear abundant fruit only for itself, but for others to enjoy the sweet fruit provided as food by the tree. The fruit tree benefits by the seeds that are within the fruit that are dispersed by the creatures that eat the fruit and that spread the seeds onto fertile soil, thus insuring the genetic success of the fruit tree species into the future. Thus, a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship guarantees the future survival of both the fruit tree by genetic seed distribution and the animals that eat the fruit are provided with the benefit of an abundant food source.
The "social network" cyber websites such as facebook and craigslist and twitter can be used postively to reestablish social relationships or negatively by cyberbullies to "whip up hatred" to destroy social relationships. The negative or anti-social use by espionage (spycams) blackmail and unlawfully publishing invasions of personal privacy and unauthorized unwarrented material taken out of context to promote defamation of character and social ostracism, like the television show "survivor" that promotes the banishment of a citizen by popular vote, otherwise known as the last desperate resort to ad hominem attacks upon a person's character rather than consideration of the relevant truth of the facts, the appeal to the emotional states of envy, or jealousy to promote the rejection or exclusion of a person from a group or acceptance by society.  The unreasoning and insane "mob" rule by vociferous protests, to verbally abuse, to impugn by screaming and yelling abuses and casting aspersions in an attempt to stifle and drown out the calm voice of reason is referred to as "the court of public opinion" and is a clear fraudulent attempt to subvert and undermine the TRUTH of the facts and JUSTICE by a true legitimate court of law because the TRUTH HURTS! The classic example of a fraudulent court of public opinion was the "trial" of Barrabass and Jesus of Nazareth. Barrabass, the popular hero, was a triple MURDERER, was set free, and Jesus of Nazareth who was AN INNOCENT MAN that was NOT GUILTY of ANY CRIME, but was CONVICTED and sentenced to DEATH for the "BLASPHEMY" of speaking the TRUTH ("You have taken my father's house and turned into a den of THIEVES!") was EXECUTED. Was that JUSTICE? Obviously not, it was a TRAVESTY OF JUSTICE, a FRAUD, don't you agree? Jesus of Nazareth should have been set free as an innocent man and the MASS MURDERER, BARRABASS, SHOULD HAVE BEEN EXECUTED on the cross to achieve true JUSTICE according to the TRUTH of the FACTS and the LAW. BUT NOOO, Jesus of Nazareth didn't win the popularity contest in the fraudulent Jewish "COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION" and was ostracized and excluded by popular VOTE disregarding and ignoring the TRUTH of the facts and allowing the mass murderer Barabass to literally get away with murder, to kill with impunity by a mindless, insane mob rule, not the RULE OF LAW of a legitimate COURT OF LAW. The Catholic mystic and saint Theresa of Avila (whose incorruptible body remains visible under a glass casket to this day after more than 400 years in Avila, Spain) said "There is no body of Christ...except yours!" 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

We The People” Of The United States Must Assert Our Sovereignty!

We The People” Of The United States Must Assert Our Sovereignty!
By Volubrjotr on
Sovereignty“, The God Given Right To Determine What Goes On In His Own Life.

Unalienable rights

The Declaration of Independence says our rights are “unalienable”. Jefferson knew exactly what he was doing when he said that our rights are “unalienable”.

Thomas Jefferson Words
He could have used the word “inalienable” but he didn’t. “Unalienable” rights are rights that CANNOT under any circumstances be alienated. Under the definition for “Unalienable rights”, most law doctionaries say to see “Inalienable rights”. The reason that our rights are “unalienable” is because government officials have an oath of office, and it would be “perjury of oath” if they were to violate our rights.
That is exactly why the government attorneys appear and say that there is no contract – it is a nullity – it doesn’t exist.

Inalienable rights

Inalienable rights are rights that can be alienated by virtue of some contract. This is what the US Congress perjurers did with their Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act. The US Congress perjurers want you to think that the government has no responsibility towards you, so they can help out their owners. It is still perjury of oath.
Also, BAR members (foreign agents of the British Crown) are usually the author of law dictionaries, which is why they conveniently overlook the difference between unalienable rights and inalienable rights.
Washington Shot Revolution

We the People

Most people are aware that “We the people” are sovereign in America.
“…at the revolution the Sovereignty devolved on the people; and they are truly the sovereigns of the country, but they are sovereigns without subjects ……and have none to govern but themselves; the citizens of America are equal as fellow citizens, and as joint tenants in the sovereignty.”
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dall. 440, at pg 471;
“The words “people of the United States” and “citizens” are synonymous terms, and mean the same thing. They both describe the political body who, according to our republican institutions, form the sovereignty, and who hold the power and conduct the Government through their representatives. They are what we familiarly call the “sovereign people,” and every citizen is one of this people, and a constituent member of the sovereignty.”
Dredd Scott v Sandford, 60 US 393, at pg 404;
So what does it mean to be sovereign? It means that you have all of the rights of the King.
“People of a state are entitled to all rights, which formerly belong to the King by his prerogative.” Lansing v Smith, (1829) 4 Wendell 9,20 (NY).
“The people or sovereign are not bound by general word in statutes, restrictive of prerogative right, title or interest, unless expressly named. Acts of limitation do not bind the King or the people. The people have been ceded all the rights of the King, the former sovereign,…..It is a maxim of the common law, that when an act is made for the common good and to prevent injury, the King shall be bound, though not named, but when a statute is general and prerogative right would be divested or taken from the King (or the people) he shall not be bound.”
People v Herkimer, 4 Cowen (NY) 345, 348 (1825)
“It will be admitted on all hands that with the exception of the powers granted to the states and the federal government, through the Constitutions, the people of the several states are unconditionally sovereign within their respective states.”
Ohio L. Ins. & T. Co. v. Debolt, 16 How. 416, 14 L.Ed. 997.
Every nation on the planet, is a nation of Kings and Queens. Many people will find this hard to believe but the courts have affirmed this on numerous occasions. This is because of what is known as common law.
In fact, the courts have ruled that there is NOTHING that the government can do to affect “the people”.
“Sovereignty itself is, of course, not subject to law, for it is the author and source of law; …..”
Yick Wo v Hopkins, 118 US 356, at pg 370;
Inasmuch as every government is an artificial person, an abstraction, and a creature of the mind only, a government can interface only with other artificial persons. The imaginary, having neither actuality nor substance, is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible. The legal manifestation of this is that no government, as well as any law, agency, aspect, court, etc. can concern itself with anything other than corporate, artificial persons, and the contracts between them.

Penhallow v. Doane’s Administraters 3 U.S. 54; 1 L.Ed. 57; 3 Dall. 54, (1795)
In fact the courts have also ruled that the ONLY authority held by the government is authority that is “delegated” by the people.
“…., while sovereign powers are delegated to the agencies of government, sovereignty itself remains with the people, by whom and for whom all government exists and acts.” Yick Wo v Hopkins, 118 US 356, at pg 370;
The ONLY legitimate authority that any government has is delegated by “we the people”, so what does that mean?
Can I delegate to the government the authority to take some money from you and give it to the guy down the street because he is broke?
So how do they do it? There are 2 classes of citizens.
They do it by way of what the courts view as a contract, through our own ignorance. Much of it is our own fault, because of our own ignorance of the law and how it works, and it is as old as time itself.
Firstly, foreign agents infiltrated our government. 1917
Secondly, the foreign agents converted citizenship to the opposite of what the founding fathers intended.
Thirdly they passed color of law statutes.
Fourthly, we don’t know who we are.

We don’t know who we are.

of all the US Congress doesn’t have the authority to get you into some contract that violates your rights. The ONLY power they have is power “we the people” delegated, and cannot delegate to them the power to violate your rights.
the government cannot commmit treason. “We the people” created the government, and the government is a corporation. Treason is a breach of trust. A corporation CANNOT commit a breach of trust ONLY a living soul can do that.
Therefore, if there is anything that even remotely resembles a contract with the government, that violates the rights of the people, it is a nullity. It does not exist. I have seen government attorneys go into court and make that very statement.
Johnny Roberts
Johnny Roberts

They make legal determinations for us, and we let them.

Any time, any law enforcement (revenue) officer comes up to us, he has made a legal determination. Without any authority whatsoever, he has decided that we are a “person”, because it is ONLY “persons” over which he has any authority.
They represent us without authority. It is impossible for them to make a legal determination for us without representing us.
By us making application for a drivers license, or a Social Security Number, we are giving them a power of attorney, and we have to revoke that Power of Attorney. It is with that Power of Attorney that they are making legal determinations for us.

Why are they passing color of law legislation?

The government is a corporation, and it has been bankrupt at least 3 times. If you go to Dunn & Bradstreet website and do a company search for “United States of America” in the District of Columbia, you will find a “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA4, CORP.” That means that the first 3 were liquidated in bankruptcy, and now were on number 4.
I expect that we will be on number 5 pretty soon because of the so-called financial crisis of 2008.

What happens when ANY corporation goes into bankruptcy?

Their stock becomes worthless and the creditors become the new owners. If it was FORD or GM,who cares because it doesn’t really affect us, but when it is the government, it is effectively a coup de tat. The ONLY thing that protects “We the People” is the fact that most government bureaucrats have an oath of office.
Jacob Rothschild ~ Con Artist ~ Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild by Derry Moore, 12th Earl of Drogheda
Jacob Rothschild ~ Con Artist ~ Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild by Derry Moore, 12th Earl of Drogheda
That is why they pass color of law legislation because their owners are requiring it. They still have an oath of office so this legislation is carefully worded such that it really applies to nobody, but if you are ignorant of the law and how it works you will end up being a source of revenue for the owners.
rothschilds infamous 'let me issue & control money' quote, END the FED

It is all about the money!

Why do you think you can plea bargain a court case? It is a commercial transaction – they just want to make some money. Most judges retire millionaires because they get a royalty from every admiralty maritime law court case they rule on. If it was the law that you had to pay some fine, it would NOT be negotiable.

Even jail is voluntary!

Every court in the country is listed on Dunn & Bradstreet as a FOR PROFIT CORPORATION. They all charge filing fees and a big part of those filing fees is for errors and ommissions insurance for the so-called judges.
Think about it. If you go in there as a US citizen, you go into their courts with no rights, and you are making them money too! They can do anything they want because you can just appeal it, and even if they lose the insurance will cover it (pay you off).
Hmmm who IS Obama?
Hmmm who IS Obama?

It’s all in the name.

If you are in court, they ALWAYS spell your name in all block capital letters#. At common law, a proper name is NEVER spelled in all block capital letters. That is the US citizen or strawman. If you understand the law,…IT IS NOT YOU!
For anyone that is in jail, the judge is sitting up there making a bid bond, and the payment bond, and a performance bond. The judge is up there creating law merchant contracts by which the living soul is the surety for their fictitious entity.
Then they hold the living soul in the warehouse (jail) until the debt is paid by the International Monetary Fund. These bonds are circulated on Wall Street and the banksters also get into the act.
There are people who have found their criminal case number trading at Fidelity Investments worth millions of dollars. The judges and the prosecuting attorneys are making royalties off every case they do. It is just another form of Inquisition, and it has been going on for thousands of years.
They are getting the living soul to be a surety for their fictitious entity.
Doesn’t the Bible tell us not to be the surety for any man?
If you want to be truly free, you have to get away from the US citizen. If you want to get away from the US citizen, you have to Expatriate.

You can be a citizen of a State without being a US citizen.


Asserting Our Sovereignty

First of all, I would like to say that it is my firm conviction that most government employees (our servants) are just honest heard working people doing a very difficult job. After serving on them the Notice and Demand in Step 9, it has been my experience that most of them will leave you alone – which is all you want. Step 11 and on are for the perjurers of oaths, and other felons. Also, I donot have all the answers, so if you think of something that works, I am open to ideas.
So let’s restate the problem here before we start. The problem is that because of our own ignorance, we have gotten ourselves into what the Courts view to be contracts which have given up our sovereignty. Having said that, all we have to do is bring up the issue (that there is no contract) because the government cannot commit treason. Then the question will be whether they want to perjure their oath of office, and of course they won’t, but if they do, if this is done properly, you will have built a case against them.
First of all, some things we have to keep in mind when we create our documents. We have to defeat any so-called contracts. There are so-called contracts by virtue of the use of commercial paper (Federal Reserve Notes), ZIP Codes, Drivers Licenses, Voters Registration, and we have to keep these in mind in our paperwork.
All documents need to be recorded into the “public” to defeat (or bring into question) the evidence that we, ourselves have already put into the “public”.
Each document you send must be personalized for each individual bureaucrat. The power in this procedure is the fact that you are building a case against individual bureaucrats, by name, personally, and if necessary, you should file a felony criminal complaint against them personally. If this procedure is done properly, you will have evidence of multiple felonies, in the event that they violate your rights.
You need to learn how to sign your name, especially when you are signing documents that any government officer is demanding that you sign. I put “By” in front of my signature, which means that I am signing as “authorized representative”. These documents are from the living soul, so in this case, you are not operating as an authoritzed representative.
The use of ZIP Codes are not required unless it is pre-sorted bulk mail, or express mail, according to their Domestic Mail Manual DMM 602.1.3.e.2, and it is a felony to send mail to a fictitious mailing address (ZIP Code) pursuant to their 18 USC § 1342.
It is absolutely critical that you keep copies of everything you serve on them, and get return receipts (green cards) for the registered mail too, because you are going to use this stuff as evidence against them, if they violate your rights.
Registered Mail is extremely important because Registered Mail is kept under lock and key, and there is a chain of custody that is kept by the Post Office. Any Postal Clerk will tell you that Registered Mail is used in international commerce and when you send mail from the land of Texas to the THE STATE OF TEXAS, that is international, because THE STATE OF TEXAS is a region in the District of Columbia.
If you have to bring a lawsuit, in federal court, there is a good chance it will get dismissed. Do not be afraid of appealing it all the way to the Supreme Court. No matter what happens, there is a good chance the problem will go away.
The reason is that they have to do something. If you remember the Nuremburg trials after the second world war, the Nazi leaders were asked; “Under what authority did you do this?”, and their answer was, “Nobody complained.” We all know what happened to the Nazi leaders, most of them were hung, and the ones who weren’t hung spent the rest of their life in jail. By doing this procedure, you are complaining. If this procedure is done correctly, you will be amazed at what happens. I have seen several people removed.
They will never tell you that it was because of what you do, because you are exposing multiple felonies, but people will suddenly resign, or just disappear.
The first 8 steps are for the purpose of laying a foundation, to give Step 9 and on the maximum amount of power.
To understand some of what these documents do, google estoppel certificates.
Finally, this procedure can cost a lot of money depending on how many people you want to administrate. If necessary, put yourself on a budget and prioritize the bureaucrats and do them one at a time as your budget allows.

Step 1

Copyright the strawman/vessel’s name. This step is optional but I did it because I am a bit of an “in your face” sort of guy. They are using the strawman/vessel’s name for profit or gain and not only does it take away any potential profit or gain, it bring in the possibility of costing them huge amounts of money. This is the first step towards separating yourself from the strawman/vessel.

Step 2

Do a Security Agreement under the Uniform Commercial Code by which you provide public notice that you are capturing all of the assets of the strawman/vessel, and claiming a secured interest in first place. This will do a further step to separate yourself from the strawman/vessel. You need to make sure that it is on the public record that their strawman/vessel is NOT you.

Step 3

Do a Declaration of Independence to further assert your sovereighty, and aDeclaration of Peace, so they don’t think you are going to engage in any warfare.

Step 4

Do a Power of Attorney in Fact where you, the living soul agrees to operate as a Power of Attorney for their strawman/vessel. That way, you become the “authorized representative” for their strawman/vessel, and if you understand their law, the “authorized representative” is never responsible for anything. It is optional for this be recorded into the public. I am an “in your face” sort of guy, so mine is recorded.

Step 5

Do a Corporate Denial Affidavit something similar to the one I have done. You also might wish to do a ZIP Code Corporate Denial Affidavit, or combine them. Pursuant to their 18 USC § 1015 (f) is it a felony for anyone to claim they are a US citizen when they know they are NOT. They know they have NO authority over those who are State citizens and not US citizens.

Step 6

Do a Revocation of Power of Attorney, something similar to the one I did. This is one of the ways they get you, because, by making application for their so-called benefits, you are granting them a Power of Attorney. In the Notice and Demand in Step 9 below, there is a paragraph which tells them that they are FIRED! if they think they are representing you. If you think about it, when they think they have some authority over you, they are making legal determinations for you. They can’t make a legal determination for you without representing you. You have to put that to a stop.

Step 7

Do a Revocation of Voter Registration something similar to mine. This is one of the big contracts by which you tell them “under penalty of perjury” that you are a US citizen. This one is absolutely critical.

Step 8

Do a Notice and Demand Corporate Commercial Agents, and a Traffic Stop Lawful Notice, and a Photo ID Affidavit, something similar to the one I have done and record them into the public. The reason you do the Photo Identification Affidavit is so you will have some way to identify yourself. It is important that you do NOT provide a birth date because that is a way they can look up their strawman/vessel. These documents are Notarized because a Notary is an officer of the court. Once these are recorded into the public, they become “public policy” which is exactly the same thing as a regulation. As one of “We the people” we can make our own regulations for our public servants.

Step 9

Send by Registered Mail a Notice and Demand to the local Chief Judge (city and county), County Sheriff, Chief of Police, Chief Prosecutor (city and county), US Marshall, FBI Special Agent in Charge, US Attorney, State Attorney General, State Director of Public Safety, and Director of the Highway Patrol. Make your document similar to mine, but feel free to make whatever changes seem appropriate, remember it is your document. Having said that, please remember that these documents have evolved over several years and I have sent out dozens of them, if not hundreds, and everything in them is for a reason. Most of the time, this is the final step you will have to do. Steps 11 and on, are for the unusual circumstance when they keep coming.

Step 10

Any time you get wind of any proceedings against you, send by Registered Mail, a Notice and Demand like the one in Step 6 to the Chief Judge, the individual Judgein the case, the Chief Prosecutor, and the individual Prosecutor, the Police Officer involved, and anyone else that you can get their name.

Step 11

After doing all of the above, any time they proceed against you for anything, you file a felony criminal complaint with copies of the Notice and Demands that you served on them together with proof of service attached, into the “public”, and then you send a certified copy to the state Attorney General, or the US Attorney General by Registered Mail, as applicable. If they refuse to do anything, then add them to it, and send them a copy, (and the US Attorney General if it is a state Attorney General).

Step 12

If you file a felony criminal complaint with the Attorney General and they refuse to do anything about it, then file a lawsuit against them for violating your rights under the color of law 18 USC § 241, and operating a conspiracy to violate your rights under the color of law 18 USC § 242. Any lawsuit is like throwing mud against the wall – you never know what will stick, therefore, name everybody you can, including the Attorney Generals. Also, expect it to get dismissed by the lower courts and be prepared to appeal and take it all the way to the US Supreme Court. Expect them to do everything they can to sabotage you case, because they will do everything they can to protect their buddies, but your problem will probably go away.
Sovereignty International
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