Sunday, January 30, 2011

Global Economic Settlement

Rumormill News

CGI's fullsailmu: Global Economic Settlement
Posted By: Susoni
Date: Saturday, 29-Jan-2011 22:44:27

Note: I received this via email, I thought I would share it with you all.
One of the best talks of the year . . . . a genie in the bottle is going to be released . . . a global economic settlement is a comin’. Enclosed is a fascinating discussion by in-the-know economists that weaves the economic disaster rumors circulating on the internet into a comprehensible explanation of what is coming down the pike regarding new currencies. Apparently, very powerful countries, G-19, are ready to reboot, realign, resettle the world’s debt, and to create a settlement for all countries that have been ruined by the Federal Reserve. A sort of Jubilee is coming. Rumors among the Republic regarding Tim Turner and trillions being made available to the U.S. is substantiated. China is key . . . who by the way have resisted global domination of the illuminati. The Federal Reserve and the IRS are on the way out. Derivatives will be deemed worthless. The U.S. Treasury will be refunded. Treasury bills will replace FRNs.. Assets will be nationalized. Those damaged in the stock market will receive remedy. It is amazing . . . and . . . it’s all a matter of timing and coordination. The whole planet will be affected and soon . . . but to understand you need to listen to a healthy portion of this 90 minute session.
Global Economic Settlement

The following has been posted at 10:05pm 01/29/2011 by Paul Wenzel Editor & Publisher of
(snip) On Sunday, Treasury Secretary Geithner will have dinner at Treasury with former secretaries of the Treasury.
What's up with this? There was no indication on the weekly Treasury schedule, put out just a day ago, that this dinner was planned. Very unusual.
On top of that, the Treasury put this notice out at 9:00PM on a Saturday night. Sure looks like a rushed meeting to me. (snip)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

OP Compassion Update 1/29/11


When the Dinar RV - shortly thereafter
I Will be making out bank wires and checks money distributions in the following order:

1.  Past salaries owed to Op Compassion consultants
2. Op Compassion Salaries brought up to current status to be followed by Pay Cards the following weeks
3. Those in the HOT Dire Straits Group – Need guidance per each region per these HOT Needs folks.
Op Compassion Team workers – let your manager know of any special time critical needs   requirements.
4. Those in the Dire Straits Group – Need guidance per each region
5. Working members of the OPERATION COMPASSION Team.
6. Balance of the Needs Groups. Group 1, 2, 3 , 4 etc.

I and our consortium of 5 beautiful souls have arranged for “Huge” treasure lode of Dinar purchases which Will permit a quick distribution of funds. Thank You LORD for leading us to this!

Finally – this all may happen!

GOD Bless To You and Yours,
John MacHaffie

INTEL 1/29 11:15 am

INTEL 1/29    11:15 am

WARNING - Discernment advised.

Several of my intel sources now confirming the Prosperity Accounts data have been loaded up in the local banks for several days and ready for business. Funds have already been transferred into the banks some time ago as already been reported a few weeks ago. American program managers had 72 hours to get the envelopes delivered which expired Friday at 4:00 pm EST.

Still no confirmations of deliveries!

What is next?

The Dark Cabal had meetings in Paris the last few days to come up with a new delaying strategy. They realize in Great Fear if the envelopes go out, there game is over and WILL be going to jail or worst. 

Chinese have strongly said no more extensions or delays and come Monday, they will take operation control of the Federal Corporations. And this includes the Federal Corporations of the Governments, Military, Treasury and etc.. They are all in receivership already. 

This is what this blog and others have been saying all along and it now has come to the showdown. Hearing that the financial system computers are going off line on Sunday Night, in Canada first and who knows what is next.

The truth is finally coming out not matter what is shown on the ‘paid for’ media. Have you seen the riots ongoing in the Mideast and Europe? Yea, not on our entertainment ‘paid for’ media but on the internet. Yup, Yup – how is Charlie Sheen doing? That is more important!!

Something Big is happening worldwide! 

Deliveries Blockage at this time can only come from the Trustees level up. Green Light has been given for some time to deliver to the trustees. The local banks made their arrangements for delivery methods. 

Program Trustees – you are building up some bad karma for those silver doubloons you have taken! Your blockages per the Dark Cabal requests will come back to haunt you. I also been informed that the White Knights are very upset with the trustee’s blockages too. It is rumored that the ninjas are out and on the prowl per the Dragon’s orders. 

Treasury Banks with the New Gold Backed ‘Rainbow Currency’ have already been established and operational.

CMKX Program
Last minute battles between the higher ups including name calling and etc.. This was forewarned that at the end --- there be turmoil among the ranks. Perhaps this is a good sign.

Concerns being expressed per why there is still a delay. The answer lies in the blocking efforts of the Dark Cabal as stated above.  


 Now hearing R/V Announcement on Monday and cash-in on Tuesday. We have been here before so we shall see.

Now rumors are coming in of a Banking Announcement on Sunday Evening. We have been here before so we shall see.

It can be confirmed by Tim Turner’s response (or lack thereof) that 

Tim Turner DOES NOT have Military Support
Tim Turner DOES NOT have Financial Support

I asked his team to show the proof of his claims and all he could show was attacks against me as a disinfo source. Whatever!
Need I say more? 

To repeat – I support the REPUBLIC which has already been established by the military and recognized by the World Court.

John MacHaffie

Friday, January 28, 2011

There is a fresh season ahead for you.

Hear The Spirit:
     My dearly beloved, I hear and see the tears that you have cried over being broken.  I desire you to know that in these moments, I draw closer to you as a Father does to his child that has been hurt, rejected, or forsaken.  I declare to you that you are My precious one, the apple of My eye.  I will never treat you as those who have hard hearts, have done.  Yet know that their insensitivity is because of their own pain.  Give to them the compassion that they neglected to show you.  Your harvest of love will come back manifold.   Always, always, show My kindness in the face of hurt and pain.  I Am God, and I Am righteous to judge fairly.  I will repay to everyone the seeds that they have sown.  I know the hearts of men, and without Me there is nothing good in them.  That is why I Am constantly wooing the rejected, the downcast, the forsaken, and the one who is least.  I seek to save them from their own self-destruction.  My judgment is righteous and fair.  So, turn your tears of hurt to tears of prayers, uttered for those who have inflicted wounds.  Be like Me in your forgiveness.  Now stand back and see how I will turn what the enemy meant to harm you into your finest hour.  They meant it for harm, but I meant it for good, to save you and to bring you out into a large place.
     There is a fresh season ahead for you.  Most of all I will bring you into the place that I have prepared for you to show forth My glory.  Be sure and know that your gifts will make room for you.  You will not be disappointed with My purpose, trust Me, I will not fail to delight your heart.  I still have great surprises planned for all that put their hope in Me.  You will experience for yourself days of new liberation from pain, hurts, and any form of rejection.  It will be as if you are dancing in the sun, without the threat of rain.  You will know what it is to be covered by My shade of favor.  You will see and know that a divine healing has taken place in your heart.  All that the enemy lied to you about and said that I would not heal you of, I will do it for My pleasure in providing for you.  Stay ready for the changing of the present circumstances, they will be swift and many will stand with wonder at the speed of change.  So do not allow yourself to be overwhelmed or depressed by what you see.  For soon you will not see these enemies in your land again.  Your destiny is one of great hope.   Believe only and you will see! 
Scripture Reference: Is. 54:10-17; Is. 61:3; Mtt. 11:28-30 (Message)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Health - Delicious, Healthy Tuna You Can Trust

For years, Dr. Williams has recommended that you eat fish on a regular basis as a way to increase the omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. These help to support almost every system in your body, especially your cardiovascular system, blood pressure, cholesterol, brain function, and joints. But the big question is "which types of fish are best?"
Over the years he's studied a wide variety of fish for their omega-3 content and tuna always tops the list. It has over 1,000 mg of omega-3 fats in one 3 ½ ounce serving, while the same amount of Atlantic cod or rockfish contained less than 500 mg of these essential fats.
Tuna is one of the best fish sources of DHA fats you can eat, containing 900 mg per 3 ½ oz. serving-that's even higher than salmon, which has 800 mg per serving. Plus, tuna contains a lot of heart-healthy EPA fats. Studies have shown that eating at least two ounces of fish a week may cut the risk of heart disease in half (click here to learn more about EPA and DHA fats).
Dr. Williams has found an extremely healthy and delicious tuna
When it comes to health benefits, all tuna is not created equal. Some are much healthier for you than others.
The one Dr. Williams is most excited about is called Wild Planet Albacore Tuna.
This tuna gives you the biggest bang for your buck in terms of taste and healthy omega-3s.
The best tuna is high in omega-3s and lower in mercury content. And that's exactly what you get with Wild Planet Albacore Tuna.
After selecting the smaller, healthier tuna, they fillet the fish by hand and pack them into cans with lead-free seams. Once sealed, the tuna is cooked in the can with its own natural, healthy juices-with no added oil or water. Since every last drop of omega-3-packed oil is in each can, when you open this tuna, you don't want to drain it. Instead, you want to mix the oil right back in.
The taste and quality of this tuna are excellent. And now, we've made special arrangements to get it to you at a SPECIAL SAVINGS. Click here for the details of our exclusive, money-saving offer as well as delicious recipes!
We encourage you to give it a try.
Dr. Williams' Mountain Home Nutritionals Team
P.S. Carvalho Wild-Caught Albacore Tuna, packed in its own omega-3 juices, is one of the healthiest and most delicious foods you can eat for your heart and brain. Click here to learn more.

Here Comes $4 Gas, $5 Cups of Coffee

Here Comes $4 Gas, $5 Cups of Coffee

May I said it here? Pastor Lindsey Williams is right again!
The trends, real news and public records prove it! Do you want egg in your beer? Plus+
the U. S. Currency is going down in value. My Sam's best price Juice is proving to be
more than $4.00 per gallon. Milk is a ditto! You know that!
January 24, 2011
The final dam to stopping $150-a-barrel oil and $4-a-gallon gas is being breached, as financial regulation continues its daily erosion into worthlessness.
Watching the CFTC attempt to back up Dodd-Frank legislation since it was passed in July has been like watching salmon flop upstream as the water drains out — it’s slow, arduous and likely to lead nowhere.
It is clear now that we will instead be witness to the highest prices for commodities ever, fueled by the biggest influx of profit-driven trading and investment ever, unstanched even in the slightest by the hopes of financial regulation legislation.
Read entire article

Welcome To The Reservation

A must watch talk giving by a great speaker of wisdom Russell Means.

Subject: Russell Means: Welcome To The Reservation

Russell Means: Welcome To The Reservation 

The United States is one big reservation, and we are all in it. So says Russell Means, legendary actor, political activist and leader for the American Indian Movement. Means led the 1972 seizure of the Bureau of Indian Affairs headquarters in Washington, D.C., and in 1973 led a standoff at Wounded Knee, South Dakota, on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, a response to the massacre of at least 150 Lakotah men, women, and children by the U.S. Seventh Cavalry at a camp near Wounded Knee Creek.

American Indian Russell Means gives an eye-opening 90 minute interview in which he explains how Native Americans and Americans in general are all imprisoned within one huge reservation. Means is a leader for the Republic of Lakotah, a movement that has declared its independence from the United States and refused to recognize the authority of presidents or governments, withdrawing from treaties it made with the federal government and defining its borders which cover thousands of square miles in North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, and Montana.

Means explains how American Indians have been enslaved within de facto prisoner of war camps as a result of the federal government's restriction of their food supply and the application of colonial tactics, a process that has now also been inflicted on the United States as a whole which has turned into, "one huge Indian reservation," according to Means.

Means warns that Americans have lost the ability of critical though, and with each successive generation become more irresponsible and as a consequence less free, disregarding a near-perfect document, the Constitution, which was derived from Indian law. Means chronicles the loss of freedom from the 1840's onwards, which marked the birth of the corporation, to Lincoln's declaration of martial law, to the latter part of the 19th century and into the 20th when Congress "started giving banks the right to rule," and private banking interests began printing the money.

"The history of the American and the history of the Indian have now come full circle and are intertwined in the dictatorial policies of those that control the monetary system of America," remarks Means, pointing out that the elite are now so out of control that they are destroying themselves as well as the country.

"You've exported everything that makes a country run, for your greed, for Wal-Marts, for this idiocy of just buy, buy, buy and debt, debt, debt," states Means, slamming apathetic Americans for allowing the Republic to be commandeered by two political parties who are almost identical. Means says Americans have lost their culture and dispensed with their values as a result, with families being broken up as a result of the de-industrialization of the country, allowing the nation to be subject to mob rule.

Means explains how the patriarchal pyramid structure of power is designed to prevent itself from ever being changed, which is why he urges Americans to "go local," uniting families and communities and preventing people from being divided and conquered by building co-operative structures from the grass roots level on a model similar to that used by the Quakers. "It doesn't mean uniformity, it doesn't mean socialism," explains Means, pointing out that such a system is built around common goals and unanimous outcomes.

National Geographic Photos - Amazing

Amazing beautiful photos by the masters! Must see - enjoy!