Friday, February 25, 2011

Health - Has This Doctor Cured Acid Reflux?

Hi John

Acid reflux is one of the most preventable health problems on the planet.

Because unlike Crohn's or colitis for example, which also have an immune system component, acid reflux is 100%, completely and totally the result of what you eat. Exclamation point.

Because acid reflux is simply the result of your stomach attempting to break down processed foods and poor food combinations that you've eaten that are next to impossible to digest.

And your stomach does the one thing it was designed to do -- secrete acid enzymes over and over again.

So even though the pharmaceutical companies were successful in getting reflux to be called a disease, there truly is no "disease" process going on here -- reflux is a process you bring it entirely on yourself, my friend.

Besides the obvious overabundance of acid which lights your chest on fire and slides up your throat, this creates a cycle of other not-so-good effects.

See if any of these sound like you:

1- Hungry ALL the time

Excess acid destroys the naturally occurring nutrients in your foods. But since your body's hunger signal is triggered by a need for nutrients (not by a physical absence of food in your stomach), if you're not getting nutrients from your food, you end up feeling hungry almost 24/7.

And that leads to overeating and LOTS more of you to love.

2- Pains everywhere plus crumbling bones

Excess acidity in your digestive system doesn't stay put. It gets absorbed into your bloodstream and is transported all over your body.

This leads to inflammation all over. Inflammatory conditions that have been linked to excess body acidity include migraines, lupus, fibromyalgia, arthritis and chronic fatigue syndrome, to name a few.

Plus, your body uses up its own supply of alkaline minerals to neutralize the acid in your blood, one of which is calcium from your bones. This leaching of bone calcium often leads to osteoporosis.

3- Trouble down under

Food that is not broken down well in the stomach doesn't "ease on down the road" very well either.

This leads to gas, pain, bloating, constipation and diarrhea, and waste build-up in your colon, and can eventually lead to diverticulosis.

Acid reflux "remedies"

Now, here's the best part. The typical remedy for acid reflux is, of course, drugs. Antacids. Acid reducers. PPIs (like the purple pill).

But they make the problem WORSE -- not better.

They "work" by neutralizing or reducing the acid in your stomach. But your stomach needs acid to break down proteins. So all the purple pill does is ruin your digestion (and lead to trouble down under like in #3 above).

The problem is NOT acid -- it's EXCESS acid. They're 2 completely different things.

Spicy foods do not cause reflux

What makes matters worse is that many members of the medical community still have a mistaken idea about the role of diet in acid reflux.

The dietary advice typically given to acid reflux sufferers is to avoid things like spicy foods and citrus fruits.

That advice is useless.

It has no basis in fact.

Studies show it's false.

Spices and citrus fruits are ALKALINE to your body, so they are actually GOOD for acid reflux.

So what you've been told is actually harming you.

Ironic, huh?

Now, here's a new piece of "dietary advice" I heard that REALLY boggled my mind:

Recently I did a presentation for a group of college students about acid/alkaline balance. After my talk, one student came up to me and told me she had acid reflux and that her doctor told her to drink soda to make her burp...but it didn't do any good.

My chin hit the ground.

Her doctor ought to be on the cover of a book called, "The worst doctors in America." Because soda is THE most acidic, health-destroying beverage known to man. It's about as good for you as rat poison. And this poor young lady was told by this putzmeister to drink it for her acid reflux!

Talk about creating a patient for life, eh?

What REALLY works

Listen, if you want to get rid of acid reflux forever, it's easy.

If you want to ditch the purple pills, you can.

If you want to stop sleeping propped up on pillows, it can happen.

Even if you've had reflux your whole life.

I can teach you how to get rid of acid reflux for about half the cost of a single doctor visit.

Read that sentence again.

In the Great Taste No Pain system I explain the few simple principles you need to know to make all of your meals easy to digest.

In "How To End Stomach Pain Forever, Even If Your MD Says, 'No Way!'" you'll learn the science behind good combinations of foods and why it's so effective for everyone. Your mouth will be open a lot (in shock) as you read this eye-opening manual. And you'll know that you will never suffer from reflux again, as long as you do a few simple things.

"What To Eat With What" spells out all the foods and drinks that you can have with your favorite meats. You'll know what you can eat with pastas without pain. You'll have many choices of pain-free breakfasts. You'll learn how to snack and never pay for it with pain. No pain. Lots of pleasure.

You'll know which desserts you can have based on what you had for dinner. So, once again, no pain. Just pleasure.

This will be your bible for living pain-free.

And when you go out to a restaurant, no problemo.

You'll know exactly what to do. You'll be able to eat anywhere without suffering. And if you forget a rule of pain-free eating, you get a handy fold-up, wallet-sized card to remind you.

And the recipe book has 112 scrumptious dishes that you'll love. Many are probably foods that you thought you could never eat again -- but you CAN! You CAN!

Don't spend one more night with your chest on fire. Don't think for a minute more that you'll be a slave to the purple pills forever.

Follow my advice in Great Taste No Pain and you'll see how quickly YOU can be free of acid-reflux for good.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

PS: If you've spent many years in reflux hell and on acid reducers, chances are excellent you've depleted your supply of enzymes. This can now contribute to poor digestion and trigger an acid reflux attack on cue. Digestizol Max to the rescue. Give your body the help it needs to properly digest your foods and keep you free of acid reflux.

Read more about Digestizol Max here:

PPS: Jeanne used to even make herself vomit because of acid reflux--but not any more:


Hi Sherry,

For most of my adult life I suffered acid reflux and, at times, could only get relief by making myself sick. Even though I knew it was not Bulimia, I was reluctant to see the doctor, for fear he would say I was bulimic.

In about 2000, I started getting severe pains and, knowing it was digestive related, put up with it till it passed. After one very bad bout, lasting 12 hours, when I had pain breathing, lying down, sitting, moving etc. I went to see the Doc. A scan revealed I had multiple gall stones and was put on a waiting list.

Within the month I had my gallbladder removed and instead of "several" stones, there were over 200!

I thought this would be the end of my reflux problems, but no. Despite omitting certain alleged troublesome foods, bouts continued to occur regularly. A gastroscopy revealed I had a Hiatus Hernia for which I was prescribed 6 months of Omeprazole.

During that time I broke my ankle and was looking at diets to control my weight as I was 11 stone. I came across one of your letters and decided to follow some of your Great Taste No Pain principles, which gave me instant relief!

When I returned to the Doc, he prescribed a further 6 months of Omeprazole. I pointed out to him that I was following a "foods combination" plan which was effective but he still insisted I continue with the regime.

I got the first month's supply and used a few of the tablets, then gave up on them and never got any more.

For the last 12 months I have been completely trouble-free! I also have twice daily, easy bowel eliminations.

Thank you for your continued advice.



Haven't taken the Great Taste No Pain test drive? Why not? Atsamattayou? You like pain or something? I've heard about people like that!

Want to read past articles? Here they are.

* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!

(c) copyright 2011 Holistic Blends

Orders: 1-315-295-1236


**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**


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A message for 2011 and 2012

Submitted by B R - Thanks

I've heard her before and she is amazing.

Little Grandmother's Message for 2011

Little Grandmother and Shaman Keisha Crowther Regarding 2012

Health - Blood Pressure

Dear John,

Just about everyone knows that hypertension is directly related to heart attacks, strokes, and kidney disease. What many people don't realize, however, is that you can have none of these problems, feel great, and still have elevated blood pressure.

High blood pressure affects more than one in four Americans. And, although it's not considered a disease, it's known as "the silent killer" because its first warning sign is often death itself.

On the flip side, blood pressure testing has become so routine that sloppy, inaccurate procedures incorrectly label many people "hypertensive." In fact, researchers at the VA Medical Center in Long Beach, California, estimate that 20-30% of patients diagnosed as hypertensive actually have normal blood pressure. This misdiagnosis can certainly cause unwarranted fear, plus contribute to a lifetime of unnecessary medications and increased insurance premiums.

Given these startling realities, I strongly urge you to check your blood pressure regularly -and make sure it's done correctly.

"White Coat Hypertension" is a primary cause of misleading blood pressure readings

One common phenomenon that leads to inaccurate blood pressure readings is "White Coat Hypertension." This refers to the well-known fact that a person's blood pressure can escalate the minute he or she steps into a doctor's office. Therefore, readings taken in this setting may not reflect a person's everyday blood pressure.

Also, the technique used to measure blood pressure can vary greatly between doctors and can also change over time even with the same doctor. That's because an accurate reading depends on many factors: the position of your arm, the hearing of the person listening through a stethoscope, and the calibration of the instruments. all which can lead to inconsistent numbers.

As a result, you can never be sure that the blood pressure readings you're getting at your doctor's office represent your true, everyday blood pressure or if they're artificially elevated. This distinction is especially important if your doctor is about to (or already has) prescribed antihypertensive medications.

If I were being evaluated for a medication that I might have to take the rest of my life, I'd want to be sure it was absolutely necessary. One of the best ways to do this is to take control of your blood pressure measurements by monitoring yourself in the comfort and privacy of your own home, and discuss the results with your physician.

I finally found a quality home monitor that I feel confident recommending

Even though I've always liked the idea of at-home blood pressure monitoring, finding a product that could do the job easily, accurately, and affordably has been a bit of a challenge.

There are so many home blood pressure monitors that it's hard to know just where to begin when evaluating them. Many of the units that I tested had confusing operating instructions; uncomfortable cuffs; tiny, unreadable result numbers; uncertain accuracy; and inferior manufacturing. I found the whole process to be both frustrating and discouraging.

But recently, I evaluated a new unit introduced by HoMedics, a leader in professional-grade medical equipment and supplies. This blood pressure monitor satisfied every criterion I was searching for.and more. And the fact that this monitor was engineered and manufactured by a respected medical equipment firm, rather than a company that produces gadgets, toys and "fun" health and beauty items-meant a lot to me.

The unit is called the HoMedics Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor with Voice Assist. It audibly leads you through the entire blood pressure measurement process so you know you're getting an accurate reading each and every time. And the unit is compact, well-designed, and exceptionally easy to use.

It gives you other important measures of cardiovascular health, too

In addition to precisely measuring and tracking your blood pressure over time, the HoMedics Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor with Voice Assist takes other measures of cardiovascular health, including your pulse rate at the same time as it takes your blood pressure readings.

Some of the measures help alert you if the monitor detects something out of the ordinary. For instance, a symbol will appear on the readout screen if you have an irregular heartbeat. (If this shows up multiple times in a row, consult your physician for further evaluation.)

The monitor also tells you if your blood pressure reading falls into certain "risk categories." These categories-"High Normal," "Stage 1 Hypertension," "Stage 2 Hypertension," and "Stage 3 Hypertension," were developed by the World Health Organization (WHO). Together, these measures will help give you a more detailed picture of your overall cardiovascular health.

Order your own HoMedics Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor with Voice Assist. It's the best way to get accurate readings and spot important trends in your blood pressure levels, which is peace-of-mind like nothing else.

To your health,

Dr. David Williams

P.S. If you or a loved one have concerns about your blood pressure-or think you have been misdiagnosed with hypertension-you should begin daily monitoring right away with your HoMedics Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor with Voice Assist. Get stared today!

Dinar Intel Update

Submitted by Dick - Thanks Again

Date: Thursday, February 24, 2011, 9:51 PM

Peoples dinar: About MTT call

February 24, 2011 07:51 pm · Posted in RUMORS (Dinar Revaluation) · Comments Off

Against my better judgment, I was listening to the MTT call when I was driving to the beach to check the surf. Right when I got on, a lady called in and stated that someone told her or her husband(I forget those details) that it had rv’d in Baghdad, and the rate was over $4, and that we will see it on the US Treasury site(? :wacko:) tomorrow morning. I just started thinking,“Yeah yeah….hearsay this, hearsay that. A friend of yours got info from another friend who has a source high up,yada yada yada!” I was about to just hang up and slap myself for even listening to that call again….but then Hawaii came on, the guy who talks on there alot, and who I trust what he says at least. Hawaii said that his business partner over there had just gotten a call from a very high up position at Wells Fargo, and told him that it rv’d in Iraq and we will see it tomorrow. So now I started feeling torn…..I trust the Hawaii guy, and he had similar info as the initial lady had. And also, the MOD on MTT, DAVE(with the accent) was saying that they had someone saying that earlier today too, but somewhat different, yet similar info. Could this be? Could this be coincidental BS? Why has it not shown up on yet, if so? If it’s another hyped up rumor, well then it’s my fault for listening to that call again when I told myself I wouldn’t ever again. Whatever, it’s only 12 more hours till I wake up tomorrow morning and see for myself :rolleyes:
Wanted to share this here in case anyone else heard similar stories, other than from MTT.