Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Republic - Tim Turner - Time For Proof

Turner has crossed a line that I cannot and will not tolerate. When he starts trying to frame totally honorable people for his own crimes the gloves come off. I am a Gemini and I have warned them, I do have a twin, the "other witch with a B" and I can get in touch with her in an instant. I don't let her out to party often and haven't for quite some time.


He will man up and take responsibility for his actions on his own or I will provide a steady stream of evidence to the public until he won't be able to show his face in the mirror. Or until the authorities pick his sorry butt up whichever comes first.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Update by Sheldan Nidle 10-26-2010

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

8 Ix, 12 Tzec, 7 Ik

Selamat Jarin! We return with more to tell you! Over the past few weeks, the last dark cabal has been forced to make a number of concessions. These open the way to new monetary policies, a new financial system, and a much-needed series of regime changes. At present, we are working in step with our Earth allies to manifest what has been agreed to by the dark cabalists, who continue to squabble amongst themselves which further fractures what little unity remains within their ranks. As a result, we can report that the process of transforming your world is once more back on track, and we are expecting the appearance of those events that have taken so long to come about. Our Earth allies are in the process of assembling the various individuals who are to head the numerous departments of the new US government and are putting the final touches to the long-awaited announcements. Barring sudden delays, we expect the changes to begin at any moment and have consequently increased the number of our ships presently flying over several capital cities.
The reason for this is to secure these areas from rogue craft belonging to the secret government. We are on full alert status and have put cloaked defense ships on constant patrol above their bases. So far, our units' patrol schedule has been undisturbed. The last thing we want is for any 'incidents' to mar the smooth procession of the announcements that are to be made by the new caretaker governments. These new regimes have enough to do without contending with a premature display of any of the new technologies that are weeks away from being formally presented to the world. Our role is to keep the lid on any preemptive use of esoteric devices before they are unveiled. These formal unveilings are to include the range of technologies that we wish to provide you with. Until then, our Earth allies wish to concentrate on the more immediate global issues: introducing the new hard currencies; debt forgiveness; abolishing income tax and disbursing income-tax refunds; the reformation of the banking industry and related financial services; and the restructuring of all corporations.

Then there is the introduction of Common Law and, in most cases, reestablishing true de jure constitutional government. These diverse operations are expected to be among the first matters to be tackled by the new governments. Also at the top of the agenda are the cessation of conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan and the signing of agreements enabling the return of armies to their respective homelands. The restoration of many foreign military bases to their original owners also comes under this heading. This is a time to emphasize global peace and cooperation, and in pursuance of this, a full-blown nuclear disarmament is expected of all nations. Once this is in place, we intend to neutralize all nuclear weapons and reactors. This will dovetail with the deployment and activation of regional zero-point energy generators which will replace all nuclear reactors currently serving electrical power grids. In a matter of months you are to move along your path to full consciousness in a series of great leaps!

Moving your world quickly from its present state to something rather more civilized is a truly gargantuan undertaking. Your society is characterized by illiteracy, dogmatism, xenophobia, and a general disinclination to accept new concepts. As we watch this, we see just how challenging our task really is. We have sent observation groups into your myriad cultures and are well aware of the differences and entrenched hostilities that will need to be overcome. Our medical teams have observed the damage and violence that have been imposed on most of you, and these traumas are used to engender a whole range of perceptions that your former 'masters' have used to control and manipulate you. One of our jobs is to help you heal these assorted wounds as you prepare for the final stages of full consciousness. The Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy, too, envelops you with messages of Grace and Love in order to quicken this transformational process. We greatly look forward to the potential of the post-mass-landing world.

After the mass landings, we can easily work with you one-on-one and get you to focus on those areas that need it. Our counselors are well trained in the special requirements that will get you to full consciousness quickly. The procedures are complex and designed to open your perception to new realities. Right now, a very small number of you exhibit some of the characteristics that are dormant in most of you. We intend to fully explain these abilities to you and then help you bring out similar capabilities that you have long suppressed. The purpose of all this is to begin an awakening that will allow you to at least glimpse what you are capable of. We wish to peel away the layers of suppression that were imposed on you in early childhood, which can hopefully put you on a level where we can begin a dialogue that is to end with your return to full consciousness and the abilities that you abandoned long ago.

Returning to full consciousness is of course the primary reason for first contact. Everything else we do is simply to aid and abet this necessary transformation. In the same vein, Mother Earth wishes to progress beyond the reality she now occupies, and this desire was made clear to us before we formed this special first-contact mission. Spirit, too, dearly wishes to manifest the stipulations of the Divine Plan. For all this to happen, two components are required, of which we are the physical branch. Our task is to use all the resources at our command to get this mission completed successfully within the timeframe given to us. So far, we have achieved most of the protocols required. Everything is in place and we have kept meticulously abreast of the changes each of you is going through. Now what remains is an official contact with you.

We are waiting for the next steps planned by our Earth allies. As stated in last week's message, we have informed them that we are prepared to complete on their behalf whatever is necessary to get new regimes into power and to deliver the prosperity programs to each of you. To this end, moves are being executed according to the stipulations of our Earth allies and us. We wholly intend to carry out whatever can accelerate the necessary changes. Many of the dark-controlled regimes are still cooperating with the dark cabal, and we are expecting some degree of mischief on their part as our plans begin to manifest. This is why we are monitoring their secret underground bases and associated surface facilities so closely. These dark ones still persist in their recalcitrance, but any form of delaying tactics on their side will be preempted by us.

The cabalists know what the consequences of their dirty deeds will be and they do not like what is to happen to them. We have seen signs of their apprehension when discussing certain issues with them. We are constantly scanning their inner thoughts and predilections, and understand just how fractured their formerly solid bulwark has become. This last remaining obstacle is crumbling fast and everything else is pretty much in place. Our Earth allies and their friends have done great work in setting up the structures needed to implement Heaven's decrees. Now we are literally on the brink of realizing something wonderful for you, and within this context we hope that our presence will be seen by you as truly beneficent. This next period in your history will see the revealing of who and what you really are!

Today, we talked about how close you now are to achieving your true destiny. First contact is just one of the 'vehicles' being used to get you there. We are most proud of you and look forward to celebrating this magnificent future with you. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Dinar Opinion 3/28/11

TerryK Doozies: G.E.T. 3/28/11

March 28, 2011 10:32pm
Posted in DOOZIES

TerryK Chat 3/28/11 9pm Eastern

[barbt] when?
[terryk] AFTERNOON
[ricktog] Is That for the dong?
[peoplesmart] that’s freekin Huge!!!
wycoffjul] Did TK say this???
[peachee] TK saying Dong Rv’d at 1.67
[bubbav8chopper] That is great for the Dong. They were talking pennys or maybe .19 at one time
[terryk] IS GOING TO BE LIKE 4.12
[elaine schembre] he is saying he was told the dong ... rv tomorrow afternoon $1.67


[logos12] tomorrow???
[Mirty] Tk ... the dong is going to Rv?
[peoplesmart] For Reels? TK
[Mirty] 1.67?

[dinarlady2011] Back to Tuesday, that Is when you thought it would always RV,
[terryk] YEP
[chico] is 1.67 the dong
[Tina] really
[ricktog] Does the increase in VND? ...does it have to do with what is going on in Japan?

[terryk] I LIKE THE Agent 007 ... NAME ... SWEET
[Allstar] Last I heard the dong would rv at 21 cents…. hummm
[Mirty] 1.67 Yoooo hoooo
[seniortour] Time EST
[Nannie] Our time tomorrow afternoon?
[Carolina Girl] This is wonderful news, Thanks so much for sharing with us all
[terryk] OVER 100 COUNTRIES
[Agent 007] 183 countries
[Agent 007] is what I heard
[Allstar] this is way too much to comprehend…. way too much
[CBIKC1] Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
[Agent 007] that is why I am 007 now
[bixby] does that mean US will revalue too?
[terryk] DONT KNOW
[Mirty] Tk I hope is true
[terryk] I AM SURE IT WILL
[bassackwards1] Vietnam will obviously have to issue a new currency, because now they have only from 10,000 to 500,000 notes, have you heard anything about them issuing new currency?
[sistersister2] Did you speak to Ty as well. If banks got word about this, how about currency dealers like Ty and Ali
[terryk] I HAVE 250 DONG NOTES
[terryk] THAT SMALL

* Okie Update: Planet Dinar 3/29/11

March 29th, 2011 11:55 am · Posted in DOOZIES

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] good morning america and ships at sea. I will not go into a multitude of intel furnished me during the night-but suffice to say we are there–announcement of the r/v can occur at any moment. It is settled–it is done–it is completed–it can not be stopped now by anyone but God. There are entirely too many details to even start to discuss–just comfort yourself in knowing it is coming to fruition. I am purposefully not going to give exact date and rate–i gave my word not too. This is the end of the line. We are there period

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] this is going to be one of my lasts posts–will post very little henceforth—-it would be after the fact

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dinare - Opinion on R/V date

From the Dinar Chat II skype room

KME from thevPTR forum
((*))Disclaimer: This is an OPINION based on recent events. None of the info
you will read in this post has come from any source or contact. It is simply
a statement on what makes sense for Iraq to accomplish. (We know how that

Here we go.

Everyone has been wondering about the "end of March" deadline. There have
been MANY things that have happened in March that have been pivotal. If
you've read my last few "CSC" posts, you'll know that I believe Iraq has
attempted to revalue more than a few times this month. As we near the end of
March, I would like to point out a few events and a few resolutions that
should come "hand-in-hand" with those events.

WTO meeting-- As we all know, the WTO had a meeting with Iraq on March 18th.
Not much news was released about this. Then, Iraq's inauguration into the
WTO was set for March 25th. Did you see anything about this on March 25th,
or after? Probably not. Now we're hearing that Iraq is to have an
"Introduction Announcement" by the WTO on April 7th. Before you get up to go
get a shot of whiskey to drown the sorrows after hearing a date past April
1st, read this next paragraph.

Let's start with the "incognito info." March 18th and March 25th were
supposed to be news that would be earth shaking to Iraq. Why didn't they
release the big news? Maybe because it is tied to something even BIGGER. If
the ascension into the WTO was just a move into an organization, they would
have announced it when it happened. Even as just big news, they would have
announced it. They know that the world knows they HAVE to have an
internationally tradeable currency to be a permanent member. That would be
grounds to not tell us about their new membership, right? You bet it is!!

Now, when would they need to revalue their currency and make this membership
active? BEFORE THE NEXT BUDGETED PERIOD. You know when that is? That's
right--> April 1st. Not only is this the beginning of a new month, but the
beginning of a new quarter (but you already knew that.) Did you think of
that? If Iraq were to want their currency to have a brand new value in a
brand new budgeted period of time where it was effective in one period and
not have to be accounted for in another, they would have to revalue between
busines hours of 3/31 and 4/1. That way, it is not part of the first quarter
budget but is starting the second quarter fresh.

I told several of you guys to push back from the computer this weekend,
because the RV wouldn't happen this weekend. I also told you that you would
hear things that would not be favorable. The smoke is thick, and will
continue to get thicker. I was told that FOX News had a report saying that
Iraq is filing bankruptcy. Then someone lost their mind over it, and wanted
to get rid of their dinars. Mission accomplished!! That's what they're
trying to do!! They will say whatever they need to to get some of that IQD
in. Keep your dinars, folks. You will see and hear things that will have you
doubting this to the core. Most of it will be believable. That is the way
this plan was engineered. ALL authors of this plan know that they need to
control he amount of people in this. If too many people are in it, it can be
detrimental. If everyone in America were invested and became millionaires,
everyone would quit their jobs and there would be no more workforce. With a
controlled amount, it will work perfectly. The "smaller" investors will
immediately dump money into the economy buying houses, cars, clothes, toys,
and whatever else they need or want. "Larger" investors will quit their
jobs, opening positions for the unemployed. Others will open their own
businesses, opening even more jobs for the unemployed.

As we draw near the end, steer clear of the smoke. Like I said, most of the
negative news will sound believable.

In conclusion, Iraq and the WTO have hidden Iraq's membership inauguration
for a reason. Neither of them want too many details out in the open. That
would tell everyone that Iraq has a currency that can be traded over
international borders. I believe they are holding this info and all details
surrounding it until they can release the new value of their currency. I
believe that date to be March 31 (after business hours in Iraq.) To
reiterate, that will happen so that next budgeted period is fully covered.
Then one week later, Iraq is announced as being inducted into the WTO and
the World Market.

There you go. Nice and short. Analytical info that you guys have been asking
me to give. Hope this gives you a little peace of mind. Rest easy, folks. I
don't think we'll see anything until Thursday.

I am going to bed early tonight, but I will catch all of your questions that
I can before I get there. If not, I'll catch them in the morning.



Dinar - Opinion on R/V date

From the Dinar Chat II skype room

KME from thevPTR forum
((*))Disclaimer: This is an OPINION based on recent events. None of the info you will read in this post has come from any source or contact. It is simply a statement on what makes sense for Iraq to accomplish. (We know how that works.)

Here we go.

Everyone has been wondering about the "end of March" deadline. There have been MANY things that have happened in March that have been pivotal. If you've read my last few "CSC" posts, you'll know that I believe Iraq has attempted to revalue more than a few times this month. As we near the end of March, I would like to point out a few events and a few resolutions that should come "hand-in-hand" with those events.

WTO meeting-- As we all know, the WTO had a meeting with Iraq on March 18th. Not much news was released about this. Then, Iraq's inauguration into the WTO was set for March 25th. Did you see anything about this on March 25th, or after? Probably not. Now we're hearing that Iraq is to have an "Introduction Announcement" by the WTO on April 7th. Before you get up to go get a shot of whiskey to drown the sorrows after hearing a date past April 1st, read this next paragraph.

Let's start with the "incognito info." March 18th and March 25th were supposed to be news that would be earth shaking to Iraq. Why didn't they release the big news? Maybe because it is tied to something even BIGGER. If the ascension into the WTO was just a move into an organization, they would have announced it when it happened. Even as just big news, they would have announced it. They know that the world knows they HAVE to have an internationally tradeable currency to be a permanent member. That would be grounds to not tell us about their new membership, right? You bet it is!!

Now, when would they need to revalue their currency and make this membership active? BEFORE THE NEXT BUDGETED PERIOD. You know when that is? That's right--> April 1st. Not only is this the beginning of a new month, but the beginning of a new quarter (but you already knew that.) Did you think of that? If Iraq were to want their currency to have a brand new value in a brand new budgeted period of time where it was effective in one period and not have to be accounted for in another, they would have to revalue between busines hours of 3/31 and 4/1. That way, it is not part of the first quarter budget but is starting the second quarter fresh.

I told several of you guys to push back from the computer this weekend, because the RV wouldn't happen this weekend. I also told you that you would hear things that would not be favorable. The smoke is thick, and will continue to get thicker. I was told that FOX News had a report saying that Iraq is filing bankruptcy. Then someone lost their mind over it, and wanted to get rid of their dinars. Mission accomplished!! That's what they're trying to do!! They will say whatever they need to to get some of that IQD in. Keep your dinars, folks. You will see and hear things that will have you doubting this to the core. Most of it will be believable. That is the way this plan was engineered. ALL authors of this plan know that they need to control he amount of people in this. If too many people are in it, it can be detrimental. If everyone in America were invested and became millionaires, everyone would quit their jobs and there would be no more workforce. With a controlled amount, it will work perfectly. The "smaller" investors will immediately dump money into the economy buying houses, cars, clothes, toys, and whatever else they need or want. "Larger" investors will quit their jobs, opening positions for the unemployed. Others will open their own businesses, opening even more jobs for the unemployed.

As we draw near the end, steer clear of the smoke. Like I said, most of the negative news will sound believable.

In conclusion, Iraq and the WTO have hidden Iraq's membership inauguration for a reason. Neither of them want too many details out in the open. That would tell everyone that Iraq has a currency that can be traded over international borders. I believe they are holding this info and all details surrounding it until they can release the new value of their currency. I believe that date to be March 31 (after business hours in Iraq.) To reiterate, that will happen so that next budgeted period is fully covered. Then one week later, Iraq is announced as being inducted into the WTO and the World Market.

There you go. Nice and short. Analytical info that you guys have been asking me to give. Hope this gives you a little peace of mind. Rest easy, folks. I don't think we'll see anything until Thursday.

I am going to bed early tonight, but I will catch all of your questions that I can before I get there. If not, I'll catch them in the morning.



Obama may be illegal - Trump

Donald Trump on Fox: Obama's Presidency May Be Illegal - 3/28/2011

Monday, March 28, 2011


In response to the national call yesterday on the offer of funding to the states.

Please believe me when I say that what I feel I MUST share with you now pains me greatly but as the old saying goes, "if you know of an attack beforehand and say nothing, the blood is on your hands but if you raise the alarm and the victims don't listen the blood is on theirs".

I appeal to the good ladies who brought forth the offer of funding to the states who truly believe it is legitimate and the right thing to do.

That being said I will raise an urgent issue which could not only directly harm you and ALL of the good people left in RuSA but can be the catalyst the de facto has been salivating for to halt the entire massive awakening and sovereign movement all across the country. Not just RuSA but the Tea Parties and all other organizations out there. It can and will reverse thirty years and more of effort, research and solutions brought forth to the people in one fell swoop. I will try to share this by posing a series of questions coupled with fact because it is imperative that you don't just take my word for it but that you come to the realization and the reality on your own.

1. On the call it was painfully obvious that those representing national ie; Kelby Smith, CW, Jay Jones etc. were openly opposing, contradicting and even attempting to twist or add to what you were told by Tim Turner. Would a "real" vice president openly disagree with the president on a national call or imply in any way that what you were personally told by him was something other or meant something other than you stated? I think you get the point.

2. I wrote a letter to Jesus Berrios warning him that he would shortly be offered up to the slaughter in an effort to cover some very guilty backsides in the Dimitrion FBI fugitive case. They had to throw somebody or a group of somebody's from the inner circle of national to the hungry wolves if they had any chance of a defense when the arrests are made. This is a game and a very nasty one. The name of that game is WHO THROWS WHO UNDER THAT BUS FIRST? Go back and listen to your call recording to when CW stated that you might be dealing with the same individuals that "stole 500 million dollars from the Republic" then he attempted to claim that they had to stop working with those people because they turned out to be fugitives yadda yadda yadda. News flash! He was directly referring to Tama Puna and the Dimitrions WHO THEY ARE STILL INVOLVED WITH I KNOW FOR A FACT but now have hung Berrios out to dry for. All he did was drive Puna around Las Vegas and L.A. in preparation to attempt the theft of the 5 Star Trust Funds through the HSBC bank in L.A. after prior attempts had failed. The 500 million Turner has claimed was stolen WAS NOT STOLEN THEY NEVER HAD IT! What really happened is that first attempt to high jack the trust through the bank in Switzerland by Tama Puna under the direction of Tim Turner and CW, it failed but what was the amount that he tried to withdraw? 500 million dollars! Yes I can prove that.

3. The plan to extract the fugitives out of Hawaii was hatched behind closed doors by THREE INDIVIDUALS in Virginia last June. Those three were, Carl Sedlak, Tim Turner and CW Wright. Yes I can prove that but more importantly THE FBI CAN PROVE IT. As a result this entire Republic was launched with the commission of several felonies. Why? If there had been the possibility of REAL funding why would Turner and CW need the help of an international money launderer and a convicted felon specializing in forged documents and banking fraud?

4. Why after that meeting did the remaining elders, Tom Shaultz and Regan Reedy along with Rod Class, jump ship? The answer bears no resemblance to what the people were told.

5. The State Department has blocked ALL EFFORTS to obtain a passport for Tim Turner. He has never had one, let that sink in. He has known for quite some time that he will not get one. So how could he ever get to the HAGUE or meet with foreign dignitaries?

6. The state of West Virginia was forcefully taken over by national yesterday after a three and a half hour attempt to destroy the credibility of their governor to the assembly by phone took place last week and the people would not remove him. Indiana will be next, again. The following states are currently being attacked by national, Oregon, Utah, Texas and yes California. They have out of necessity dealt with Chelene Nightingale very quietly and sneakily setting up clandestine meetings to convince the people to remove her. Of course it has to be quiet, she's their "Rock Star" governor, the real live Constitution Party de facto candidate in the last gubernatorial race. She's the feather in the cap! But just like all other INTELLIGENT people she is expendable. .

7. Now the really tough stuff. IT IS IRREFUTABLE FACT that Homeland Security, FBI and all law enforcement agencies have now declared RAP and RUSA and all other "SOVEREIGN" movements and organizations to be not "potential" but full blown "domestic terrorists"! So why would ANY GROUP of possible funders approach them? All original funders except the Criminal faction still being used have not only permanently severed any ties but have actually SCRUBBED their computers of all records of ever having communicated with Tim Turner. YES I HAVE SPOKEN DIRECTLY WITH THEM. They know that any funding received WILL BE IMMEDIATELY SEIZED by the federal government. Secondly THERE IS NO WAY CURRENTLY to move funds into the US banking system undetected and any funds of any substantial amounts must go through not just banking compliance packages BUT HOMELAND SECURITY COMPLIANCE PACKAGES!!!. This I know because of my real world job.

8. LADIES YOU ARE BEING SET UP! Here is why. RuSA is set up as an "interim" GOVERNMENT. The minute you accept a single dollar from any foreign or overseas entity you have violated THE PATRIOT ACT, THE TRADING WITH THE ENEMIES ACT and even worse YOUR OWN RESTORED ORIGINAL 13TH AMENDEMENT!

The missing 13th Amendment, called Article XIII, reads:

"If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain, any title of nobility or honor, or shall, without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them."

Note the words Title, Honor, Present, Pension or Emolument (MONEY!) from any foreign Power, cease to be a Citizen, and incapable of holding office for either country. Those are very definite limitations with a profound sentence for violators - loss of Citizenship in the United States! If "honor" includes immunities and pensions, etc., all government employees will be under fire. This amendment certainly will cause a great shuffling sound in the areas of election donations (especially from non-residents), holding office, immunity from laws by government agents and agencies, titles of honor, and benefits legislators give themselves.

If a single state accepts a single dollar from an overseas source while that state is representing itself as the Republic you have handed the de facto the PEARL OF THE CENTURY. You have committed HIGH TREASON for which they will come down on you like the black plague!! I have already sworn to you that whomever you have been contacted by CANNOT AND IS NOT ONE OF THE ORIGINAL FUNDERS. CW told you to have your bank do a ping on their bank, why? That would establish banking evidence that you had intended to do business with a foreign entity and would add to the evidence and the case being built against you as we speak. Any money coming form anyone or anywhere not 100 % provable to be American is considered foreign. Even if a rich American gives you money from a bank in your town, if that money came from foreign investments or companies what you are guilty. Do you see the big picture yet?

If you do this you will be responsible not just for the death of your individual Republics BUT THE ENTIRE SOVEREIGN MOVEMENT AND OVER THIRTY YEARS OF HARD WORK, RESEARCH AND AWAKENING. The de facto thrives on FEAR and INTIMIDATION to control the masses. The FBI and other agencies have said their investigation into RuSA is FOCUSED on those professing to hold public office such as senators, congressmen, governors, president etc. Not the little guys. They KNOW WHO YOU ARE and it is NO COINCIDENCE that on Friday they convict one of the RAP elders and at the same time miraculous funding offers come to you. Add to that one more thing I am sure you haven't thought of.

A while back you folks in Florida were covered on television and that segment was played all over the nation, you tube etc. You rubbed the noses of the de facto in it publicly. You will pay for that ladies and it is the reason you are being singled out and made an offer that CANNOT be legitimate and WILL BE THE FINAL NAIL IN ANY POSSIBILITY OF RESTORING THIS NATION BEFORE GEORGE BUSH, OBAMA, GEORGE SOROS, MAURICE STRONG AND THEIR HANDLERS GET THEIR ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT AND WE ARE A THING OF THE PAST.

I know your hearts and I know how desperately you believe in what you are doing but has it not occurred to you that while you are so focused on what you are doing the enemy has surrounded your flanks and taken out your defenses from the inside out? Don't you realize that if one single state accepts money from a foreign source that it will mean the END TO ANY DREAMS OF RESTORATION? RuSA was never designed to succeed, INDEED the very act of forming a national organization and giving it a name made it a major target. That is the mistake all organized restoration attempts have made, giving it a name and a target. Bullets can only hit one target at a time but this one will be a machine gun and it will hit them ALL.

It doesn't mean you have lost or that you have wasted your time. The restoration IS HAPPENING in a lawful, legal compliant way using the very loopholes they have left open for themselves. Why don't you see it? Because it has to remain as hard to PIN DOWN as the WIND, they can't shoot bullets at the wind!!!! YOU ARE STILL THE ANSWER.

Please understand you cannot do this because you will destroy exactly that which you are striving to achieve! CAN YOU REALLY BE SURPRISED AT THE LEVEL OF ENTRAPMENT THEY HAVE PLACED YOU IN? Ask yourself why they let you get this far, well not really anywhere since nothing has ever really been accomplished but why have they LET YOU THINK IT WOULD? YOU ARE BEING SET UP TO PULL OFF A BLOODLESS COUP ON YOURSELVES AND THEY WON'T HAVE TO LIFT A FINGER .

God Bless and protect you!

Teri Lynn Hinkle



Teri Lynn Hinkle