Sunday, June 12, 2011

More Dinar Intel Updates 6/11

Subject: FW: 6/11/ & 6/10 Updates (lots of reading)
Date: Saturday, June 11, 2011, 10:41 PM

Info from a friend..JD

Lots of emails from this morning (Sat 6/11 & a few from 6/10/11> i have put them togethter from most recent to oldest. Again, thanks to everyone who has shared.

A little more Juice today

Currency Chatter 6/11 - Call replay at 712-432-1085 – Pin 541268#

Monday may just be one of the best day of our lives!!!!!!

bluwolf] That post on top of course you all knew that we will see 136 countries come out at the same time, I had explain(the system) to all

[bluwolf] Folks this is a big deal its not just Iraq, if we focus on it this way it will alleviate the stress

[bluwolf] The imf,ust,un,are all pulling in their last strings to get it all out [bluwolf] Today

[nocaligirl] bluwolf I think it's gonna be a while still do you?

[bluwolf] No its happening as we speak

[jonjobe7] bluwolf we should see it by monday?

[bluwolf] Such is the system. Amen

From PTR:

xxxxxxxxx BigSteve here is your first post again. had a little more "meat" in it BigSteve just listened to last night's call with Dan and Tony and I have to say they are SPOT ON with what I was told yesterday by my very high up banking friend!! 2 months ago this same person was telling me that "I'd probably know about the RV before they did". This is a VERY high up banker, actually VP of International Banking with a top 10 US Bank. Yesterday was SO different. He told me the RV HAS to occur ASAP!! Went on to say his contact in Dubai was very forthcoming. Said there is tremendous international pressure on Iraq to RV and do it NOW!! He went on to say that Iraq will NEVER be taken seriously in the Forex markets until they have a tradable currency. He also told me what most of us already knew, that BoA, Chase, WF, and Citi Bank are contracted to handle the cash in. I admit I've had my doubts about Dan and Tony, but not anymore!! So sorry for doubting them, but oh so glad I still listen. My friend said the RV will happen

Good morning All...
This is a post that ChiefV (PTR) did some time ago. I thought it was important to bring it over here. Many security issues we may have not thought about along with info on wealth protection. Please be safe with your new found wealth!

Words of Advice from Chief:

I had been in a conversation with a member and we had discussed security issues after the RV. What to do, what to look for, what is required? Folks you have to understand that once this goes down, you are going to have to change your train of thought, change your ordinary daily habits, and make yourself invisible to an extent. Wealthy people tend to stay wealthy in what they do and how they do it. This information has been posted in the past on other sites, but I've always kept this in the external hard drive for future reference.
I would highly recommend you do the same, and or devise a similar list that suits your need. Take this information for what it's worth folks, I'm not sure if this has been posted here before, even so it's worth sharing again. I will pin it to the top so that most can get a shot of it, and if the admin's wish to take it down later at least you'll know it was on here.

Post RV Checklist

1. Change your phone numbers - all of them; make sure the new number is unlisted. If you don’t, every Tom Dick and Harry will be knocking down your door when they find out about your new circumstances.
2. Contact an attorney that specializes in taxes and trust accounts.
3. Set up your family trust(s).
4. Contact your bank(s) and set up POD accounts.
5. Do not deal with banks that have derivatives and hedge funds.
6. Set up CDARS accounts.
7. Pay off ALL debt.
8. Fix everything that needs repair.
9. Upgrade your personal, home, auto and umbrella insurance.
10. (Consider ransom insurance too!) For your family/children
11. Set aside enough liquid funds for you to survive for 2-3 years. This should account for every expense you have on a monthly basis – don’t go short!
12. Invest in precious metals (like gold & silver or Rare Earth Metals).
13. Go to seminars to learn to make money through SMART investments.
15. Pick your friends wisely.

Someone will be “watching you” so you’ll want to do the following:

1. Be very low key (non-descript).
2. Don’t flaunt your newly obtained wealth.
3. Open up a secure Email address.
4. Get a new cell phone number; cancel the old one.
5. Get a P.O. Box
6. Put a security system in your house.
7. Install high security Medco bolt locks, and a heavy duty safe.
8. Install reflective film on your home windows.
9. Consider building a safe room.
10. Get training in self-defense / firearms.
11. Use PGP (or better) encryption on your computer and Email.
12. Don’t trust anyone … keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Tags: Dinar, RV

Sat am chats

[petite49] fThis was on facebook...didn't knowe if anyone had seen it. Makes good sence to me!!. from: Marool Nazli BARU DPT SMS...KLU X BETUL ANGGAPLAH IANYA RUMOS >> For Islamic Banks that hv joined with Iraq,they will start making loans on June 30th. In order to be legal to do this, Iraq has to be out of chapter 7 and hv an international recognizable currency.. Again an RI-RV has to happen b4 June 15th. On June 15th the GOI wil......l send confirmation to UNSC that all money will be transferred to the USA - means their currency will be international n recognizable. We are about there. Private info - RV @ USD 5.25. On or before coming Tuesday for the great expectation. American TAX debate on US citizen in Congress caused the delayed... tq..Hanif Junaidi

[BigSteve] I just listened to last night's call with Dan and Tony and I have to say they are SPOT ON with what I was told yesterday by my very high up banking friend!! 2 months ago this same person was telling me that "I'd probably know about the RV before they did". This is a VERY high up banker, actually VP of International Banking with a top 10 US Bank. Yesterday was SO different. He told me the RV HAS to occur ASAP!! Went on to say his contact in Dubai was very forthcoming. Said there is tremendous international pressure on Iraq to RV and do it NOW!! He went on to say that Iraq will NEVER be taken seriously in the Forex markets until they have a tradeable currency. He also told me what most of us already knew, that BoA, Chase, WF, and Citi Bank are contracted to handle the cash in. I admitt I've had my doubts about Dan and Tony, but not anymore!! So sorry for doubting them, but oh so glad I still listen. My friend said the RV will happen VERY SOON (days NOT weeks). Relax folks, we're almost home!

Poppy2 just posted this on PlanetDinar... [poppy2] peachee I AM FINE I finally got a desent nights sleep i havent had in a long while . i am excited about the next few days we will all be doing our celebrations . lol,lol I can say some very high dignitaries in WASHINGTON have already had parties in anticipation of the coming event. poppy2 tookie absolutely

Frank Post and Blaino Post

Tink and I just got back from a 3 hour meeting where we worked on preparing things for the blessing in Toledo and………………Hawaii.

I nor U……………………..Know when but I can hear an elephant ………………..When approaching.



[Blaino] Pattern developer "Tony" says that the 13th... Monday, fit's the mold for "an increase in value in the Iraqi Dinar". Tony is one of our ForEx and Stock Market Intel Guys, and has a 35 year track record of winning business. So... when he has developed a "pattern".... well I sit up and pay attention. Poppy2, Rich Queen, many other Contacts, Sources and Intel suppliers ... Okie, Myself, Gump, Dusty and several more... all believe that based on their intel, sources, contacts, direct first hand knowledge and insight that we "SHOULD" see the worldwide financial reset within days.... We all need to understand that this affair is not the revalue for Iraq alone... but for somewhere between 52 and 137 countries... some up, some down... and we are "PROBABLY NOT" waiting on anything to happen in Iraq.... but somewhere else, someone else, something else, etc. The key is that "IT" must happen TOGETHER... and it will not happen unless and untill it happens "TOGETHER!"


Sat Morning info

[11:12:32 AM] [poppy2] peachee all of the above in Blaino's post is very accurate . All of us focus every min on Iraq and this is global and they can rv one without all the rest. example if they where to rv say the elusively valued Vietnamese currency (not the dangly hang-me-down) three days before the dinar what would i do if i held a few million elusively valued Vietnamese currency (not the dangly hang-me-down) ?? of course i would cash my elusively valued Vietnamese currency (not the dangly hang-me-down) and then double dip by buying tons more dinar. This is just a small example of the trouble they would have if they dont get this right the first time.

ALL and I mean ALL information for the last 8 days has stated it in in process and moving to rv ASAP they want it just like we do all around the GLOBE. POPPY2

11:20:13 AM]
[poppy2] peachee I AM FINE I finally got a desent nights sleep i havent had in a long while . i am excited about the next few days we will all be doing our celebrations . lol,lol I can say some very high dignitaries in WASHINGTON have already had parties in anticipation of the coming event. poppy2 tookie absolutely


Tony-- Anything positive you are seeing, anything positive you are hearing - BELIEVE IT! I've gotten a ton of info, another one of those over load days again, today it was great -great -great positive info I can tell you this--everybody who says.83, $1.63, $2.00 and everything else will be proven wrong in the next 72 hours, Everybody who doesn't believe- will be proven wrong in the next 72 hours. I know you guys hate that all over again. It’s like that every weekend but some weekend has to be THE weekend- I'll tell you what--I have a ton of information right now- I am down town sitting on the front of the cigar clip everybody else is inside, I am outside, sitting here on the bench having me a drink, smoking me a cigar, having my own celebration because everybody else has had theirs! If you don't understand that -I don't know what I need to tell ya-- but I am having my own celebration!

Dan--Well Tony we do say this a lot from week to week and I know that you are aware of that as well and it is because we do see a lot of the information that comes out.......I mean I am just relating to what you are saying I get frustrated when the weekends come up as you guys have heard and you know by Wednesday we have already jumped to its going to happen Friday by Thursday/Friday. I mean I have heard for the last three or four days it’s happening tonight, for sure, you know its done- its over, this is going on in parliament and that’s going on with the...and we got people cashing out vouchers or getting vouchers written to whatever it is and it gets our blood pumped a little bit--but I think a lot of people are also to the point where, my blood can’t get pumped anymore- I don't really believe it anymore. Umm they keep saying this and I talked to a lady that mentioned that to me just a few minutes ago. I said you know it is a little bit disheartening to go into every weekend and hearing the same thing but we are really on the crust of this thing being done. I just spoke to Sara B. out of Arkansas who won our 100k thing last night and she told me how she did not want to send the email and a whole long story and it actually was a pretty good story on how she became one of the winners and we will have her on our call Monday I told her and Gene was the guy who won the night before that and have both of them on our call Monday IF we are still here Monday. Either way its a kind of exciting situation, but I know its kind of frustrating for a lot of people and Tony I know that’s what you are reiterating as well is that you are seeing the good side of this and you are in that belief mode again...

Tony--I always see the good side -I get the good information - I mean I get the bad information too, I have to weigh it, but today’s good information definitely outweighs the bad information. So this is what I would like to do- I'll put out a personal challenge, anybody who wants to say anything negative, which we accept, please do it in one thread, let’s start a negative thread cause I want everybody to put it all right there so when this time frame is up.....I mean those 83 cent people, 1.63 people, those people who thinks it’s not going to happen, people who said all the trash talking, tell them to talk trash now-- I am looking forward to it--I want to personally address each and every one of them, after the time, how’s that?

Dan--ok, so you want us to start a thread, maybe I will go start it or maybe one of the mods do it and we will call it "If you want to vent, vent here". SO if you want to vent- go vent in that thread but if you are like myself and don't want to see that stuff don't even open that thread, but if you want to complain about something go to that thread and do it

Tony--if you are a nonbeliever if you are one of those .83 people, 1.63, .10 people, whatever, ya go in there.......that’s fair isn't it? Everybody knows what I say...

Dan--I do like the members being able to say whatever they want at long as it’s not a personal or character assassination I mean they can say whatever they want, it doesn't matter to me

Tony-- Ya they can say whatever they want right there, but everybody wants us to man up, now you man up, that’s what I am telling all of them -- you man up ok, that’s what I am telling all of them

Dan--There is nothing to be negative about, we've got really, really good stuff going on. I think that’s where.... that is where I am going to keep my focus. I think that we've got a really good weekend coming up in front of us. Tony I know you had some news about this weekend being a weekend for all of us to look at, I won’t go into the details of that but I feel pretty confident that we are very close to this. I know there is something left or we would already be there...but we are so close and they pulled enough strings right now it won’t support itself anymore, it doesn't have enough......

Tony--it won’t--There are no more excuses, there are no more requirements, there is no nothing...we told you guys about what was going on with the banks- a lot of you didn't believe that, we told you about what was going on over there and some of you didn't believe that, we told you about the vouchers- you didn't believe that, we told you about the guy that got paid over there by the contract and you didn't believe that, well now it time to tell the its truth or consequences time

Dan--I think the reason they don't believe it is because we are sitting in a position where its never happened yet...I can relate to that, you have to admit we have both sat on that side of the fence a couple times and man how many things do we have to hear it before this actually happens. So I think we need to leave this on a real positive note, let everybody have a goodnight. I know we are definitely gong to have a good night with my wife and daughter.......

Tony--I want to leave it positive too and you can close it but I think I said this earlier today on a thread -- Enjoy your weekend, its Friday night go out and enjoy it, enjoy Saturday/Sunday but we told you all last week from Wednesday, when it was supposed to happen, to now - Be ready and if you're not ready I'd spend the weekend getting ready and enjoy it--okay that’s my close

Dan-- and that’s good enough. I mean if you get to feeling a lil overwhelmed this weekend, if you’re kinda frustrated, you've heard this news over and over again - do me a favor, just get off by yourself and close your eyes and say "It’s almost over" - "it’s almost over". I'm not going to tell you to do something corny like click your heels together and say it’s almost over (laughing) but it IS almost done! We feel the frustration, we are there too, but we ARE almost done- so don't wreck your night, don't wreck your weekend and don't get too caught up in the drama of when it’s going to be done - let’s just leave it at that. We ARE almost there!..........Hopefully we will be having a call Sunday night or Saturday night saying its over....have a great night/weekend everybody!

The call in # is as always - 760-569-7699 - pin code 701835#

Phoenix has a fun, interesting Astrological theory that also has BIG things happening starting tomorow with governments and financial institutions around the world.

30 minute long show chock full of information. Enjoy

Note from DTHG -Middle Eastern countries look to the stars as guides for making big choices - this is not the horoscope kind of astrology .... some major events have been documented as their choosing that date due to the "alignment" of certain stars etc.

Show: Here We Go, Full Speed Ahead!'
Date/Time: Jun 10, 2011 11:00 PM EDT

Listen: Click to listen

Bilderber Group

The Bilderberg Group, 2011 Meeting Set for San Moritz, June 9-12, 2011-Should we be paying attention to who they are!

First off it is extremely difficult to find out anything real about this group, you can read a great deal of speculation and a ton of conspiracy theories but very little in terms of fact. I am convinced that one of the reasons that it is so difficult to get decent info on this group is that they have included the media into their club, which was a stroke of genesis when you think about it, they control what information hits the airwaves and how often.

I am absolutely sure that many people have a hard time believing many billionaires sit in clandestine meetings around the world planning a new world order. What we do know is that, this group of people do in fact discuss, world currency, world trade, how to use and manipulate the Federal Reserves, establishment of the EU, provide support for the Euro. We also know that they strongly influence government policy in Europe, the United States and to a lesser degree Asia. People from the US such as Tim Geithner, Larry Summers who strongly influence decisions in the United States sit on several of their non existant boards.

A few of the members include of this shadowy cabal of global luminaries, including Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Prince Charles, Peter Mandelson, Lord Carrington, David Cameron, Queen Beatrix of Holland and the chairman of Barclay's Bank, Bill and Hillary Clinton to name a few. This group had Bill Clinton and Tony Blair speak to their group long before they become world leaders! These so called world leaders (read elitist) are unelected, self appointed people that attempt to influence the lives of all those on the planet. They are accountable to no one and work under the premise that what they do is good for mankind.

The Bilderberg group works in the same category of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), The United Nations (UN) and the World Bank. On paper all these organizations make a lot of sense but in reality they only have their own best interest are heart. This is not to say that some of the people are not well intentioned, some are, and they participate for all the right reasons but as with most things, human nature takes over and the majority have "their companies" or "their organizations", "their governments" and even "their own" best interest in mind instead of mankind's best interest. One of the major differences with the Bilderberg group is their obsession with anonymity, and the need for secrecy. Any organization that does not let light shine on their behavior is suspect. If they are doing all these great things for mankind don't you think they would want to showcase their efforts and achievements.

David Rockefeller praises the participation of the media in Bilderberg

The Bilderberg Group, Bilderberg conference, or Bilderberg Club is an annual, unofficial, invitation-only conference of approximately 140 guests, most of whom are people of influence in the fields of politics, banking, business and the military and news media. The names of attendees are made available to the press but the conferences are closed to the public and only a select powerful media group gains access, and no press releases are issued. The Bilderberg Group has been accused by conspiracy theorists of being an all-powerful secret society fixing the fate of the world behind closed doors. Scholars counter that it is nothing more than a social club which only serves as a means to create social cohesion within the power elite of Western Europe and North America nations, to better advance the cause of Atlanticism.

The pipe smoking Viscount Etienne Davignon

Leiden in Holland, the inauspicious base of the Bilderberg group

I have posted link below to a rare interview by the BBC's Bill Hayton with the head of the Bilderberg Group, Viscount Etienne Davignon. It reads like a nightmare for mankind, a group of the worlds most elite individuals getting together in secret to influence government business and policy for the betterment of the world. They have no official sanction just a bunch of good ole boys that know how the world should work better then anyone else on the planet. Not one person that attends these secret meetings (they prefer private) has a clue what we are go through on a day to day basis. Jobs, mortgages, rents, financial security are not issues for these men (most of them are men). They live in their expensive homes and have the chauffeured driven limos and have meetings in St. Moritz and other exotic locations.

The History of The Rothschild's (, is one of the best and most detailed explanation of the history from the beginning to current times. Much of the activities of the Bilderberg group is linked to the wishes of the Rothschild Family, so understanding their purposes is essential to understanding why they need the Bilderberg Group.

A must read for anyone interested in what is going on with the Rothschild's and their dubious activities.

Eisenhower warned us about them, Kennedy warned us about them, and quite possibly died because of his warnings. Is this groups objective world domination by controlling the purse strings of every nation. With control of the money supply one can control significant things that happen in the world.

The Council on Foreign Relations: what does this shadowy group have in relation to the Bilderberg s? The Council on Foreign Relations aims to create a "world system of financial control, in private hands" and members have included: George Bush, Barack Obama, Dick Cheney, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Tony Blair and a host of other notable characters.

Two Presidents have warned us, isn't time we pay attention!

The shadowy group known as Bilderberg will be gathering this year for its annual meeting at the resort city of St. Moritz, in southeastern Switzerland, June 9-12, but they will have a lot of company. St. Moritz is a short distance from Davos, the site of the regular high-priced meeting of thousands of bankers, political leaders and other notables called the World Economic Forum. But unlike at Davos, where the press is always welcome, Bilderberg still tries to maintain absolute secrecy.

Bilderberg has met in Switzerland four times over the years but never in the same city. Normally, when their sibling in crime, the Trilateral Commission (TC), meets in North America, Bilderberg does, too. This year, the TC will meet in Washington on April 8 to 10, but the Bilderberg's are avoiding the United States, in what may be an effort to fool the press.

Bilderberg has been called the most exclusive and secretive club in the world. To be admitted, you have to own a multinational bank, a multinational corporation or a country. Since its first meeting in 1953, it has been attended by the top pawnbrokers, financial minds and world leaders.

The Bilderbergers hope that part of their common agenda with the “Trilateralists” will be accomplished by the time they meet: a U.S. invasion of Libya to generate increased Middle East turmoil so America can go to war with Iran, on Israel’s behalf.

As has happened for several years, the Bilderbergers will blubber about how “ evil nationalists” are blocking their efforts to achieve world government. They will order oil prices to climb so desperate Americans might be made more willing to surrender sovereignty to a world government. They will promote wars for profit, and will advance the call for a world government to impose peace—as if peace can be imposed.

It is ironic that Bilderberg attendees love Switzerland so much because they are poles apart politically from Switzerland, which declared itself a non-interventionist neutral country four centuries ago. It has been involved in none of the world’s bloody wars since.

The Bilderbergers can expect to be loudly greeted by AFP, European news outlets and some in the U.S. independent media. In Europe, major metropolitan daily newspapers from Paris, London and other cities give major coverage to Bilderberg. But The Washington Post, The New York Times and The Los Angeles Times and their numerous chains will submit to muzzling because their top representatives are actual Bilderberg participants themselves.

AFP editor James P. Tucker Jr. is a veteran journalist who spent many years as a member of the “elite” media in Washington. Since 1975 he has won widespread recognition, here and abroad, for his pursuit of on-the-scene stories reporting the intrigues of global power blocs such as the Bilderberg Group

When I first started looking the the Bilderberg website several years ago it would list much more information particularly about their agenda items. In the last few years it has been sanitized to the point of being useless. I include only to be thorough. One point of interest is that the Bilderberg agenda never discussed global warming but in fact one of their biggest agenda items was always global cooling. I wonder what they know that we don't.


Yes we should be paying attention to them, yes they impact our lives and we should care. They certainly impact the price we pay for gas, there is a direct link between our economic well being and the topics and decisions reached by this private (read elite, secretive) group of people. They impact our lives on interest rates, currency conversion rates, availability or lack there of mortgage rates. They have a direct impact on how much we pay for products and services. They have influence on how much we pay for food. This list simply goes on!

They have had a major impact on Europe in ways that we are only beginning to comprehend. Without European Nations being able to print their own currency they can no longer stem the tide of economic failure. It has taken all the decision making away from each European country and placed it in Brussels.

These are people that want to put in place a global government, global monetary system and you really have to ask yourself "who benefits"?

Ask yourself what secret organization has mankind every benefited from…. Take it one step further, what would an organization gain by staying in the shadows?… Rockefeller answers this question in the first video above."We could not have advanced our agenda so far without the help and secrecy of the media". Today we elect representatives that are for transparency, for bringing things into the sunlight………………….not staying in the shadows with a secretive agenda.

Annuki is based in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, and is Stringer for Allvoices

Allawi's speech.. committing political suicide... today.. this will force an RV IMO

Here ya go... this is HUGE!!!

Sent: Fri, Jun 10, 2011 4:57 pm
Subject: Allawi's speech.. commiting political suicide... today.. this will force an RV IMO

Square, where organized demonstrations since 25 February, saying they are

determined to continue their protests. Allawi said in a letter to the Iraqi

people after the events he directed the Islamic Dawa Party Bkied Maliki

central Baghdad, chanting slogans against Allawi and raised the image

information gathered with Firas Jubouri the perpetrator of the crime wedding

of Dujail, killing 70 of the participants echoed the slogans of sectarian

that this is one of thousands of images that pick up with various

representatives of people especially, and he was carrying a formal identity

as the head to one of the organizations of civil society.

>>>>>> He said Allawi, "the head of the Dawa Party is to stage a

historical account and difficult .. is his ministers .. is not his own .. is

not mass .. is one of the drives got to some of his ministers and some of

our councils isnaad, and a party of his men went to create an environment

for this day through the thugs and cronies and Alhqawat and mercenaries ..

God on the largest of Iraq's resources are used to brutalize its own people.

" , And vowed "We will not leave Iraq rebellious youth alone in the face of

attempts to create a new dictatorship in Iraq and will find the Monument of

Liberty in all arenas of freedom and liberation in Iraq, our full support as

they have their constitutional right to embody the hopes and demands of the

people." He warned those whom he called "thugs and Alhqawat who are in the

organs of government and those outside that our people will never forget the

bitter Magah and stepped on the dignity of the judiciary would be fair to

those on the lookout for our people and will be on the lookout for them." :

<<<<<<<<<<< Allawi said in his speech: In the name of God the Merciful O Holy

wounded Iraqi people ... Ichabna patient of the injustice and tyranny O

brave young heroes of Iraq .. Peace, mercy and blessings of God ... Has

exceeded the prostitutes on all fonts and all the values ??.. The values

??of the sky and the values ??of the ground .. God is great .. Exceeded

Altagon term, tampered with in the country and create enough where the evil

and oppression Omaqgua people and insulted the dignity of the nation ..

Destroyed the values ??of struggle and jihad and fighting oppression,

dictatorship, and walked in the way of repression, murder and political

sectarianism abhorrent and worked in Iraq, burning and looting and a waste

of blood and the dissemination of humiliation where they stayed ..

<<<<<<<<< Killed a smile and targeted young people who are the owners of

the future .. And burned crops and cattle and was instigated by strife and

hatred, hatred, and away from the march of Aal al-Bayt purified them the

best blessings and peace ... Gone in corruption and opened the doors to far

and near to inflict harm and robbery Baracna lover who fought for him and

for him throughout our lives to pay him the scourge of fear and want and

poverty, and fought injustice, dictatorship, and were about to lose our

honor and the honor and sanctification of our great people and values ??most

... O Holy wounded Iraqi people ...

Holy wounded Iraqi people ...

<<<<<<<<< I have worked bats of darkness, led by the guiding leader Dawa

Party and the handful of first heard the tyrants in the preparation of

charges Mfbkrp based on lies, hypocrisy and deception that they used it and

tried When They smeared us the charge of false in the massacres of Alzerkp,

and lied and claimed many times that we are working to organize a military

coup, and denied .. And now rely on the false picture of me with hundreds of

thousands of our people and our region .. Most of the honest .. It may be a

limited number of them or the very purpose .. Is the image of this type of

charge ...?! Or are they lying and hypocrisy and deception ..

<<<<<<<<< And deny our people the question of the Hundred Days and forgot to

head the call that since the five-year rule and wants to hold the other for

a hundred days, and forgot that he does not have a program of the Government

did not discuss such a program, not with the Minister and with the House of

Representatives to be sentenced on his performance and the performance of

his ministers. And forgot that he was still defense minister and interior

minister and minister of national security and intelligence chief, did not

disclose its procedures in these ministries and institutions misled our

people .. They plot and plan, God .. The best of planners is Allah .. God is

great .. God is great on the injustice and lies.


this occasion, I carry the responsibility of the international community to

protect Iraq from Iran's interference and ensure the balance of the

political process, which lost its balance to remain in power .. Understand

and they are located Mswwolp great what is happening in Iraq today, had the

repressive organs of biscuits international and possessed of modern

techniques of States with this escape through the killers, terrorists and

warlords rule, as happened in the case of prisons Basra Fayhaa, the

involvement of innocent people in prisons terrible and overplayed corruption

and violation of human rights. . God is great to deceive and mislead the

people ...

<<<<<<<<< I just forgot and that he can muzzle the mouths and killing the

spirit of citizenship and crush the dignity, and did not learn a lesson

revolution of the martyrs for peace when he fired his cry, which was heard

and is still around the world .. Crying to us humiliation .. God is great on

by the humiliation of his people.

<<<<<<<<< Dear Iraqi people wounded Quran I promise before God and before

you that we will not let the youth of Iraq Rebel alone in the face of

attempts to create a new dictatorship in Iraq and will find in the monument

of freedom and all the spaces of freedom and liberation in Iraq, our full

support as they exercise their constitutional right to embody the hopes and

demands of the people.

<<<<<<<< O you young men and women of Iraq is our hope for all Iraqis to

end the corruption, injustice and tyranny and build a prosperous future for

all. That the head of the Dawa Party, is in front of the stage of historic

and difficult account .. Is before his ministers .. Is not a party .. Is not

mass .. Navarra is one of the drives of his ministers and some of our

councils isnaad, and a party of his men went to create an environment for

this day through the thugs and cronies and Alhqawat and mercenaries .. And

more on God who use Iraq's resources to the tyranny of its people.

<<<<<<<<< Victory in Iraq .. And victory for the youth of Iraq .. And

immortality to the martyrs of Iraq .. The victory for Iraq silks and pride

to all holy sites .. And the triumph of right over wrong and the triumph of

our Arab and Islamic countries .. And crushed all the tyrants and terrorists

and murderers .. Beware Alhqawat thugs and those who are in government

services and those outside that our people will never forget the bitter

Magah and stepped on the dignity of the judiciary would be fair to those on

the lookout for our people and will be on the lookout for them .. People on

a date with them in the day of reckoning.

<<<<<<<<<<<< God is greater, victory, pride and the glory of our people injured

patient .. Courageous people who will fall another tyrants .. Activists

protests: thugs backed by the authorities occupied Tahrir Square On their

part, activists said protests Iraqi thugs backed by the authorities and

security forces in civilian clothes had attacked them and occupied the

capital's central Tahrir Square, where organized demonstrations since 25

February, saying they are determined to continue their protests.

<<<<<<<<<<< He advocates that "the mafia-Maliki has occupied Tahrir Square at

the time decided that since more than three months to voice heard us and the

voice of the oppressed and the disadvantaged to the President of ministers.

"they said in a statement received by" Culture " today Fri decision where I

went buses Government protected the Iraqi army hero secret police and

al-Maliki and Bltjith and his militia and brutally occupied a manner and

under the slogans carried them falsely , we we brought them from the stoning

of terrorism and to hold accountable the murderers involved Iraqi blood

regardless of who they .. And today occupied the arena e Iraqis cherished by

Holnaha code to terrify each murderer and a terrorist and corrupt " .

<<<<<<<<<<<<<< They added, "they occupied and desecrated the presence of the

Parliament of the Iraqi people, Tahrir Square, and under the Freedom

Monument to steal freedom comes in the biggest mess government is

artificially carried out under the honor of sensible people of Iraq and

cloak that we are proud Bermziha to transform these elders manufacturers and

anti-relic of the society to gangs chased the young men and women who have

not left them Aragahm only this arena , in a move sectarian grim wanted

al-Maliki that ignites the fire of war, Allah extinguished Vahjmwa united

with sticks and weapons, and if us discover that all of these where brought

their clothes People are members of the secret police and the staff of

Maliki's office under the auspices of Qassim Atta (the official spokesman of

Baghdad operations) and Minister of State Government spokesman Ali

al-Dabbagh e and who attended for the first time to this place not to listen

to the demands of the demonstrators as he does any real official Sharif, but

to protect the killers and criminals, "they said.


and moved to the courtyard of the Paradise center of the capital " because

we do not want to play in the court of al-Maliki and match sectarian damned

because we were and we will keep players on behalf of Iraq and on behalf of

the people of Iraq Fterknahm and their gangs to offer their play poor in

order to make sure what they are all the Iraqi people, but we will come back

to ask again what I did percent on? Mixing of papers and the net will not

muddy the waters will benefit you in confusion to see the Iraqi people " .

<<<<<<<<<< They stressed, saying going back to Tahrir Square and on the

afternoon we will go with our brothers and Besdorena bare as we have

throughout the day pretending to Anmelk but Iraq does not bet only on Iraq,

a civilian with no Mhassat, without sectarianism and without thieves or

forgers or terrorists and no militias and death squads. and said, " We'll

cheer to that one day the departure of all of this and all of us involved

and our blood and our suffering and your introduction to eliminate the

largest forgers and robbers and Hatekin for the sanctity of life learn about

them in the history of this era, all that will come down the protests and

energetic young people, under the dome of the Parliament of the Monument of

Liberty " .

<<<<<<<<< Disputing two protests on Tahrir Square At the time, which

demonstrated citizens and tribesmen in Tahrir Square, the government

vehicles transporting them from areas of the capital and neighboring

provinces to Tahrir Square, waving banners calling for speed in the

execution of the perpetrators of the crime of the wedding and the

high-profile channel Iraqi official was activists demonstrating on the other

side of the arena, demanding to topple the government count Ivaiha promises

of reform instigated by promising to achieving within a hundred days

announced by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on 27 February (February), which

had led to scuffles between the parties.

<<<<<<<<<< The Ministry of Human Rights has announced three days before the

demonstration demanding the execution of the perpetrators of the crime of

the wedding will be held on Saturday, tomorrow, but seem to have been

brought forward to the day and called it "Fri retribution" in order to cover

up the demonstration, which prepared its activists chanted against the

government under the slogan "Fri resolution ".

<<<<<<<<< A demonstration demanding the punishment of terrorists Gathered

hundreds of demonstrators in central Baghdad organized the Dawa Party led by

al-Maliki banners demanding the execution of the agents of the crime of

"Wedding Dujail" Bmntp Taji, on Baghdad's outskirts North, which killed the

elements of al-Qaeda 70 citizens who were participating in the wedding

party, including a couple and 22 children.

<<<<<<<<< Was awarded the Governor of Baghdad, Salah Abdul-Razzaq, who

belongs to the Islamic Dawa Party led by al-Maliki to leave out these

protesters to demand the death penalty for the perpetrators of the crime and

said "This is the only holiday that made ??by the protesters Friday and

leaves Tugod other events planned for the rest of its launch." The transfer

was supervised by the authorities to the demonstrators to Tahrir Square,

bus-governmental organizations

<<<<<<<<<<< The protesters criticized President Jalal Talabani for the

implementation of the decisions he does not sign the death sentences against

militants who have committed murders, especially as it is now there in 1134

convicted were sentenced to death according to judicial statistics of the

Ministry of Justice.


reading "We demand the execution of the killers of the people" and "We

demand the disclosure of who is behind the wedding coronary criminals" and

"The memorial is robbed of life" and "We demand the implementation of death

sentences in the arena of liberation."

<<<<<<< The demonstrators issued a statement in which they need to speed

up the execution of the perpetrators of crime in public wedding and

implementation of death sentences and the rest of the convicts demanded the

disclosure of the political parties that stand behind these operations and


<<<<<<<<< And other calls to topple the government In contrast, Iraqis

demonstrated in Tahrir Square, calling itself the fall of the government and

take measures to combat corruption and corrupt to Lmhakmat and the provision

of basic services, but they were attacked by gunmen from the "thugs". The

demonstrators raised banners reading: "The people wanted to overthrow the

government of Maliki," and "liar Nuri al-Maliki" and "We want punishment of

the corrupt" and "call to guarantee public freedoms," waving Iraqi flags ..

The demonstrators were attacked by security men dressed in civilian clothes

and others from carrying weapons Albultdip who was white with the arrest of

seven of the demonstrators.

<<<<<<<<< The arena witnessed scuffles between the participants in the

Altzahertyn, which led to injuries, including Has crossed the group "Youth

Monument of Liberty," one of the groups that organized protests in

resentment of non-completion of the promises that were fired on by the

Reformation, and said in a statement: "We have heard for two consecutive

days and with interest and heartburn on the achievements of the largest

ministry in the world did not find in all the discussions by ministers

problems of the people and the concerns and did not understand for which the

letter went out to the arenas. " They added that "people want electricity,

they are talking about the opening and expansion of prisons and the people

want services, they are talking about the loss of money people want an Iraq

that healthy, they are talking and traveling in order to improve relations

do not serve Iraq, but in the interest of the other party. " and said that

"instead of open files problems started preparing for the achievements not

exist except in the hall where they met, where the electricity was cut off

for one moment and abundant water, their faces relaxed and Krochehem

Almtahedlp and swollen from the theft and deals. "

<<<<<<<<< They pointed out that " this is not a government fulfill its

promises, it is irresponsible government rights of its people and

communities .. government quotas .. government militias and parties,

influential government .. sick and cancer in the body of the Iraqi state and

hope to recover. " They explained that "the Prime Minister and his ministers

to make reviewing their achievements but for what is pretty badly as

minister of defense, interior and other security tasks, which collapsed in

his day became even by Muhammad al-Qasim forbidden to members of the

government and all officials. "

<<<<<<<< They said, "Fri resolution against the machine lying giant run by

43 ministers Those who stand behind them Istgvlon minds of the people and

laughing at him projects and achievements, as if speaking in another world

and not in our country, where ruin the great and at all levels, funds stolen

and is still stealing .. and sectarian raging fire so from time to time and

quotas as abhorrent Alastguetal the smallest office and complete lack of

qualifications, and the presence of a full ring of fraud and counterfeiters.

" They confirmed that by saying "We go to our own in order to decide at Fri

this decision on June 10 of any future we want for Iraq .. there is no

excuse anymore for those who can to Tahrir Square, a way has not performed

Hajj at her, and us with Iraq, and after this day Anaterv Association and

the Federation nor the Association nor the institution and found and Iraq

and calls to her desire to Takazlt (ALMS-Maliki and indebted). "

<<<<<<<< And protests in Iraqi cities In addition to Baghdad, thousands of

Iraqis have protested in other cities in the south and the north, demanding

the government to introduce reforms and political life a few days after the

deadline percent on which was granted to the ministries to improve their

performance. Iraq has seen at the beginning of this year, the biggest

demonstrations since the fall of the regime of Saddam Hussein in inspired

thousands of Iraqis protest movements in the Arab world denouncing the

inefficiency of the political class, as saying.

<<<<<<< The demonstrations prompted Maliki to announce on February 27

(February), said he will stay and will be announced after 100 days of this

date, "the failures and successes of each minister," suggesting a timely

manner to the possibility of expulsion of ministers or officials in their

ministries. Government has been unable at this time of finding solutions to

the fundamental problems facing the Iraqis in their daily lives, including

the acute shortage of electricity and clean water, as well as the security

situation, which keeps the country in a state of permanent alert. In Hilla

(100 km) south of Baghdad, hundreds demonstrated in front of the building to

maintain the center of the city, amid tight security, carrying Iraqi flags

and banners on one, "concluded Mieh boy and all the corruption with whether

the country".

<<<<<<<< Under tight security in Basra (550 km) south of Baghdad dozens

protested in the city center to demand the reform of living and security.

Also saw the cities of Kirkuk (240 km) north of Baghdad, Nasiriyah (305 km)

south of Baghdad and Najaf (150 km) south of Baghdad similar demonstrations

in which dozens of people. Despite the passage of eight years after the fall

of Saddam Hussein, the country is still plagued by daily violence and

political conflict overheated power. She was born about Maliki's government

after nine months of negotiations following the election in March (March),

legislative elections in 2010, comes to the composition of governance and

ministerial summarize the concepts of "national unity" which is based on a

fragile political balance.

<<<<<<<<<<< The Baghdad and several other Iraqi provinces have seen

demonstrations in February, demanding the government to improve services,

fight corruption and create jobs for a large number of the unemployed. In

order to contain the demonstrations on 27-Maliki promised last February to

work to respond to the demands of the demonstrators during the hundred days

ended Tuesday, with al-Maliki and his ministers threatened with expulsion in

the case of their failure to respond to these demands.

that was it allawi went off

Heck of a concession speech

that is his whole speech

actually its very good

Big Steve, Okie & Poppy2 Posts

[BigSteve] I spoke with my banking friend earlier today (VP International Banking with top 10 US Bank). What was said was 180 degrees from 2 months ago. Back then I was told by this person that "I'd probably see the RV before they did". Today I was told by this very same person that the RV HAS TO TAKE PLACE ASAP! This person said that 4 banks were contracted to do the cash in (Chase, BoA, WF, and Citi Bank). They went on to say that there is tremendous global pressure being placed on Iraq to do this, and they won't be taken seriously in the financial markets until they have a tradable currency. This person told me to not panic (as a lot of you have seen me do on here). Instead I was told to get ready, the RV was going to hit VERY SOON!! Just wanted to pass this along.

From PTR chat:RIVERRAT New Dinarian Posts: 1 6/12/2012 « on: Today at 02:12:22 PM » ________________________________________ 6/12/2012......relax,go on with your life,and remember this date.....nuff said Report to moderator Logged choclate New Dinarian Posts: 17 Re: 6/12/2012 « Reply #1 on: Today at 02:22:33 PM » ________________________________________ Thank you OKIE your the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO RV111111111111111

just now in ptr [POPPY2] i told everyone day before yesterday nothing would show till after business hours friday and we should see the rv by monday evening there is no delay at this time all is still looking well and i know none of you wanted millions of dollars going to terriost hands so calm down let the people do their jobs at this point they are doing


Blaino chat 12-23am est June 11

12:19 AM [Blaino] Pattern developer "Tony" says that the 13th... Monday, fit's the mold for "an increase in value in the Iraqi Dinar". Tony is one of our ForEx and Stock Market Intel Guys, and has a 35 year track record of winning business. So... when he has developed a "pattern".... well I sit up and pay attention. Poppy2, Rich Queen, many other Contacts, Sources and Intel suppliers ... Okie, Myself, Gump, Dusty and several more... all believe that based on their intel, sources, contacts, direct first hand knowledge and insight that we "SHOULD" see the worldwide financial reset within days.... We all need to understand that this affair is not the revalue for Iraq alone... but for somewhere between 52 and 137 countries... some up, some down... and we are "PROBABLY NOT" waiting on anything to happen in Iraq.... but somewhere else, someone else, something else, etc. The key is that "IT" must happen TOGETHER... and it will not happen unless and untill it happens "TOGETHER!"

Fwd: read real good RV news

Earlier today (VP International Banking with top 10 US Bank). What was said was 180 degrees from 2 months ago. Back then I was told by this person that "I'd probably see the RV before they did". Today I was told by this very same person that the RV HAS TO TAKE PLACE ASAP! This person said that 4 banks were contracted to do the cash in (Chase, BoA, WF, and Citi Bank). They went on to say that there is tremendous global pressure being placed on Iraq to do this, and they won't be taken seriously in the financial markets until they have a tradable currency. This person told me to not panic (as a lot of you have seen me do on here). Instead I was told to get ready, the RV was going to hit VERY SOON!! Just wanted to pass this along

[POPPY2] i reported three days ago that the oil companies Halliburton , shell, Exxon and several more had sent a few of their crews home because they had not been paid and they had told the workers if they where not paid by the 10th they where shutting down operations well that require rv'ed funds guess what it was reported last night that yes they where paid yesterday evening!! There where several more things that have taken place that all point to the RV at any moment .
Poppy2 i am smiling big time. That's why tony is having his own celebration lol,lol
[10:45:30 PM] [POPPY2] next i have been told all the military rotating out of iraq from here forward will have vouchers and as of the end of business time today in the USA those vouchers will be activated. And Free Spirit no i haven't ever stated it has revalued but some people and mostly organizations have been paid a rv'ed rate but i not me has even said it has rv'ed so don't put words in my mouth. Those military personnel when they rotate out to come home they can go to their new military pay station and deposit their voucher and the money will be wired to them in 48 hours!! Now i am only passing along the facts that i have been given from a top military official that just returned home a month ago. He still has much contact with his crew that remain in iraq. Poppy2


Dinar Update - 6-12-11

Blaino JUNE 12 2011 2AM ish

« on: Today at 01:19:38 AM »

[1:55:48 AM] Peachee: [Blaino] Citizens and guests of Well, it seems the end is at hand... finally! I have had several indepth intel conferences & conversations over the last several days with our intel teams, contacts, sources and searchers, boots on the ground, Agencies (WOW) and so on.... (Including, but NOT limited to:) Okie, Longfellow, Dusty, Studley, Chickenhunter, Gump, Rich Queen, Seeker, Jedi1, Taggert, Jim R, ShamanGirl, MR, Poppy2, TampaTom, Tom S, Bruce P, and on and on... including many more regular names and/or titles only a few might know.... and Here's what we feel secure to release from that... 1. Major American Bank; "Noticed to be ready for Monday 13, June...2. Electricity Minister "gets" his requested funding! (Folks, ya GOTTA have an "increase in the value" of the IQD to float that boat!)...3. We have solid proof of the release of the "lower Denominations" of the currency... AND...4. Solid proof that prices are changing EVERYWHERE in Iraq! This proof comes in the form of a member that arrived, saw and knows! Also, 5. The answer (at freakin last) to the incredible LACK of any kind of pictures ... like every cell phone can take... Now I understand! Authorities place a seal on the lenses of the cameras... and warn: If it's tampered with in ANY way... prepare to be DETAINED! Also, the subject is taboo for discussion ANYWHERE! (Thanks to a returning HERO for this one, he is back for awhile now and swore me to silence on his ID. With the story in hand, I was able to get confirmations however... & now we know "the rest of the story".... Shuuush! 6. We have the whole voucher program, detailed previously and very well by Poppy2! 7. There has been a notice to the big 4 banks...which was to inform them re: the revaluation was due this weekend, on track for Monday banking which carries easilly into the known "Bulking up" on cash at branch banks nationwide... 8. UST, IMF, WB and related parties have FINALLY (it seems... cross fingers and toes... yes, you 2 in the back as well!)got the software to "run" right!

Poofness 6-12-11 IT TOOK A WOMAN!

Subject: It Took a Woman
Date: 12 Jun 2011

Artist: Blackhawk
Song: It Takes A Woman
Album: Greatest Hits

It takes a dreamer
To get this far from my hometown
A real believer
To look up when things are down
It takes a fool to let a good life fall apart
But, when a man knows something's missing in his heart
It takes a woman

It takes forever
To get beyond the bitter years
And if I ever
If I ever get that far from here
I can look back, and say that I survived
But for a man to really make it in this life
It takes a woman

You can gain the world or lose your soul
But if you don't have someone to hold
You can't feel the victory for defeat
Climb higher than you've ever gone
When you reach the top, you're still alone
Flying high don't make a man complete
It takes a woman

Any fool can let a good life fall apart
But foolish pride can't fill an empty heart
It takes a woman

Greetings and Salutations,

Someone told me years ago, the only way this world was going to get straightened out was the that women had to be more involved, and I have just became privy of a woman who got the door blown open, The dragon clan families already moved in that direction, but it took a moment for that philosophy to dig into the patriarchal led west. I'm willing to bet that the next head of the imf will be C Lugard who has made the comment in the past, that there's been too much 'libido and testosterone' in the decision making in the world. Now if the women of the islamic world caught that same thought what a blessing that would be in the world. Since the men are now teary eyed about things publicly now, the stigma of 'weak' can disappear. It's called, evolvement and as a species, nature demands it. I have some links for you to peruse lest you think nothing has been going on;

Finally it get's public:

Another lid being blown off:

Bilderburgs and watch Jim tucker;

The world has reached the point, where a global depression is coming like a freight train, the new global banking system must publicly engage now, tho he doesn't like to go there, mankind is subject to nature , physics, call it what you will...some would say God...the Maker, All That IS. Whatever, but the people of the planet 'feel' something, perspectives and beliefs determine how it's expressed. Those animals didn't stop and debate, when they 'felt' that tsunami coming. They didn't even stop to eat each other, they all took off for higher ground together, so much for intellect. Some things are gut instincts...Knowing.

Fear still rules, despite how much money somebody controls. This event has never happened before so butts will be puckering as this stuff completes itself. Political positions will be lost, arrests of unbelievable magnitude will take place as the constitution is restored and the dynamism of creative people are freed, world wide. Nervousness, is to be expected, after all this will be a new experience, no more wondering how to pay bills or deciding how you're going to feed yourself without the need for gov help. Imagine that, everyone with their own 'vine and fig tree'. Some will turn down the opportunity, they need to continue to struggle against something, anything, but that freedom thing of 'no worries', frightens the hell out of them. Kind of like a zoo animal who wouldn't leave it's cage even if the door was opened to go elsewhere. If you have control issues, you'll have a problem with what is manifesting now. The idea to do whatever you want as long as you stay out of others folks business, is a remarkable surge forward for humankind. As I have said to you all, there's a lot more to all this than putting some money in your pocket... responsibility comes with it, can't act like babies anymore, waiting for momma to come and clean your drawers or feed you pablum.

I wish to extend my gratitude for the woman who stepped up and clipped aman's head and broke the logjam with not a second thought about it, it was the right thing to do. There were plenty of the 'right' people angry to give her plenty of back up if needed. And much gratitude to the french for sticking with us for all these years, despite being called wusses. Sometimes you can get things done without blowing the hell out of other nations to get your way. Americans would be very surprised by our quiet neighbors to the north for their help in making america free again...remember the bulk of our oil come from canada, not the middle east. When announcements start breaking and the Truth starts hitting the public's ears, much consternation will abound. Stay calm, just listen and get ready to toss out all kinds of outmoded beliefs. Even China is learning that with power comes don't just run over folks because you can. "Love your neighbor as you do yourself' the question is, do you love yourself? Are you kind to you?

C'est la Vie..

Love and Kisses,


PS: It comes now...just incase you got lost in the words

Bank Cash-In Questions after the Dinar RV

Found on the Dinar skype room authored by Mike - Thanks

This is something we all should print out or save a copy for future reference in regards to the impending RV


Bank Cashin Questions

I developed these questions for our team to coordinate answers from banks. I wanted to wait until we were pretty close to cash-in time to post them. Feel free to augment as you see fit. I have included my questions and then a post I had cut and paste some time ago, but I didn't capture the author so I am including it without a source.

Questions for cash-in locations.
I would recommend doing it as a conversation not an interview of questions. Be friendly but firm. After RV, ask for a private banker for the information not a teller.

Before you call write down institution, branch, and telephone number you called.

Are you exchanging Iraqi Dinar (or Vietnam Dong)?
What is the rate you are exchanging Iraqi Dinar at?
Is this the CBI rate or a bank rate?
How much of a spread does this include?
If we bring a large group in to do exchanges will we get a better rate?
If I provide a million Iraqi dinars:
What amount will I get back?
What are the fees that are included?
Do I get a better rate if I exchange a larger number of Dinars at one time?
Can you authenticate the Dinar on the premises or do they need to be sent out to be authenticated?
How long will it take to get an appointment to cashin?
How long will it be before the money is in my account?
How much do you charge for domestic wire transfer out?
Can I make more than one wire transfer in an exchange transaction?
Should this exchange be handled through a private banker?
Get a contact name and direct dial number for making an appointment.

Possible Cash in locations
DinarBanker (locations) $150 per transaction? CBI rate?
DinarTrade (locations) $150 per million? CBI rate?
US Treasury (locations and pay IRS at site? What rate for taxes?)
Local Banks (Are there differences depending on which state you cashin?)

Other Information
This is a post I copied a long time ago from another forum from somebody, I don't remember who wrote it or what site it is from, so I can't give anyone credit. But it has some decent info.

Lets talk about things you can and should know if you are going to try and negotiate a deal with a bank. First and foremost, we all need to learn that money talks and has considerable power. You need to walk into a bank and tell them what you expect if you choose to exchange your dinar there. You expect no fees, the highest rate possible (make sure you tell them the rates you can get elsewhere), immediate access to your money, an appointment with a private banker and an appointment with a wealth mgmt. consultant.

A private or personal banker is your personal banker and they are there for you. This is your go to person for normal banking issues and transactions. They should be the only one to handle your account and you should keep their number on speed dial. Your private banker is always there for you and defers to your decisions.

Make sure and feel comfortable with whom your private banker and wealth mgmt. advisor is and feel free to ask for a new one if needed. Always ask for referals, successful bankers do not mind providing this information. Then check on those referals..ask questions such as…is the banker available when needed, do they return calls in a timely manner, what is your track record with them. Do they follow your agenda or push their own? Since you are going to become very close to these people….you need to assure you have like personalities and are comfortable dealing with them.

The bank we are dealing with makes additional resources available depending on your net worth. Worths (for lack of a better word) start at $250,000 in investable assets and go up from there. Obviously the more you are worth, the greater your accesses and privileges. Privileges include such things investment management, concentrated stock management and intergenerational wealth transfer strategies. All this may seem greek to you at this point. But that’s why we need professionals to guide us through the process. And may I please say…make sure they are professional and not just someone you hear about on the internet. You’ve waited to long for this money to lose it via some internet scheme.

Other things you need to ask for and expect includes…no fees ever….no cashier check fees, no bank fees, no credit card fees or annual membership fees, free use of a safety deposit box. You need to ask for a privileged ATM card. I am not sure what other banks call this so make sure and ask. It’s a debit card with higher daily limits or even unlimited depending on your situation and no fees. Even when out of network. Be sure to determine both your ATM cash withdrawal daily limit (or no limit ) and your debit card spending limit (or no limit ). They’re different.

Banks are well aware of how to verify and deposit foreign currency as they do this every day. It is not critical that your branch have a De LaRue machine. Your dinar will be sight verified in front of you and deposited into your account. This acts as any other deposit in that most funds will be available overnight. Our bank has stated more than once that this is not a complicated ordeal for banks…only dinar holders have made this complex. They know foreign currency inside and out as this is their daily business.
Banks are well aware they have competition for our business from other banks, dealers and exchange centers. They are also aware that dealers state they will be giving the CBI rate. Banks know in order to get and keep our business they need to be competitive. Banking was explained to us in finite detail and the money they make is really on the back end and thus they want to retain our business long term. They are aware to do this they need to make us happy short term.

Starting a banking relationship -

If you do not know the answer to the topic question, you should take the following information into serious consideration! Who's in charge separates, the men form the boys, so to speak and will make a huge impact on your investment.

I am speaking of establishing, from the get go, a strong banking relationship. You may not know it, but you have all of the cards, and must show that stance immediately. Bankers are just ordinary people, like you and me, and have jobs, which are sometimes insecure. Believe me when I say, the banker needs you far more than you need them and especially with your sizable wealth. When this hits they are going to be dumbfounded.

My suggestions are as follows:

1. Check around with several business people and people you trust to determine which bank to approach. Get them, if they will, to help you to do due diligence and determine who, by consensus, what services offered, will best serve your needs. Keep in mind, again, that they are in for a shock when everyday people start showing up with massive amounts of money and investment needs.

2. When you have made your choice, approach the bank with a firm positive attitude that it is they who need you, not you them. I say that, not to be arrogant, but you will want to operate from a position of strength, not weakness. Many of our group, have never had much of a relationship with a bank except for checking, savings and CD accounts. This is far different by a large margin.

3. When you walk into the bank, DO NOT WALK UP TO THE TELLER'S CAGE! Ask to speak with the President or Branch Manager. When asked what it pertains to, tell them that you have a large investment to discuss and you want to speak with one of the two officers. Do not tell them anything further than that. If they don't want to accommodate you with your request. Tell them fine, that you will just go to another bank and ask them for their name and that of the President or manager. This might sound snooty and trite, but remember it is your money and your future.

4. After securing an appointment or an actual interview, don't be intimidated. Tell the officer that you want to develop a relationship at the highest level as you have a large sum that you are, or will be placing in their bank, depending on what they have to offer. That will get their attention, especially if you mention the approximate value of the account and the need to set up a trust with them, pending your CPA's and trust attorney's approval. You will then have their undivided attention and can go from there.

This is not a game, it is a real time serious event, and what you do from the start, will determine what you will get form the institution. Remember to always start at the top, from now on, no matter what you do. Deal from strength, not weakness. The first impression you make, is crucial as to how you are to be treated.

I am not saying to put on an arrogant face and attitude. Just go in with a confident air and a smile on your face, and you can't go wrong. What you have in your mind or in your head, always dictates the outcome for anything you do. You are what you think, it never fails.