Thursday, July 7, 2011

Dinar Intel Update

Cowgirl2002] [11:19:42 PM] [Blaino] I have several ForEx people... some more prominent than others... This from a less prominent (by choice) one and although I rarely can get her to commit... I have something interesting to disclose and share ... now... So here we GO! OK, She has access to a ForEx "Back Screen" of some type, I'm guessing it's Thompson-Reuters Interbank systems, through a very secret and secure connection she has via (Insert BLACK BOX here) [read that as "redacted"] which she says is showing the IQD 'renumerating' at very low levels over the last few days and as the pings are confirmed and answered world wide the rate sneaks up and another round of pings is issued worldwide at the new, slightly higher rate. (ALL COUNTRIES HAVE TO CONFIRM BEFORE THE NEXT MOVE)

[Cowgirl2002] Problems are solved as they occur. At this time the rate is passing $6.44... (that was the "wow") and heading to $8.43 or $8.44 where it will "lock in" and render us 'Revalued'.... (that was the "WOW") and she believes that the "lock in rate" will be acheived before 6AM Eastern Standard Time, USA on "Thursday", July 7th, 2011.... as I first indicated almost two weeks ago on our CC and here in Planetary Commons. I DID NOT SET THAT TIME/DATE/RATE BASED ON THIS INTEL!!!! Which makes me feel so much BETTER! I only recieved this "tidbit of 'telligence" this afternoon late and was able to get a second confirm a few minutes ago.... soooo, as promised, here it is for you, Citizen Members. I wish I could dispell all doubt, I cannot. I wish I could call this "fact", I cannot. This is a third party connect for me, but I have spoken with her several times before and she is a 26 year + ForEx Vet, NOT flighty, Not in any "Chat room" and NOT looking for notariety.... draw your own conclusions. I have drawn mine....and I'm posting this....Thanks for your kind attention, Blaino. STILL the cutting edge of the Dinarian Experience, (mind your toes!)

Subject: HOT, HOT, HOT!!!!! Posted 7/6/11
Date: Wednesday, July 6, 2011, 10:14 PM

elsie: lets move it i told them
elsie: rate continued to rise.. Banks watched it rate continued to rise.. Banks watched it
elsie: people were meeting at boa today.. They were trying to make deals with them to buy discounted rate.. Rate they wanted to pay
elsie: all people we heard from did not accept the deals
elsie: set up accounts....
elsie: offering deals for all DINAR... And then they said this is what we will give you today
elsie: if they would of thought about this they would of took that rate and turned around and bought more dinar
elsie: his appt is tomorrow, we will follow up
elsie: so we are looking at boa still scheduling people and offering deals
elsie is transcribing a mod call with tony
elsie: we looked at the receipt this morning.. Lady said we are buying it for 76 and selling it at 1.06 per dinar
elsie: we could not find out the limit.. The third call we made she was frustrated with all the calls and told us to come in
elsie: anyway we have to be careful what we put out and what we say
elsie: she did verify what was on the receipt
elsie: good news is after we heard all that.. Rate did go live last Thursday
elsie: was in the system yesterday.. Started LOW.. Rate goes up every 30 minutes until it reaches where it is suppose.. Goes up and down
elsie: once it went over 3:00 is what boa was basing deals on
elsie: has reached plateau.. It is fixed.. Banks have rate.. No hiccups... It is live
elsie: they need the go from the treasury.. Only thing holding us up
elsie: treasury guy told us it was stopped today at ten o'clock
elsie: this afternoon, O signed the document.... Signed the tax rate for the dinar
elsie: the tax rate is as follows
elsie: 15 percent flat TAX.... First 45 days.
elsie: treasury department
elsie: 45 - 6 months will be 18 to 22 percent tax
elsie: any dinar after 6 months will be 36 percent tax
elsie: i will repeat the tax once AGAIN... Treasury department
elsie: cash in before 45 days 15 percent
elsie: 45 to 60 days is 18 to 22 percent
elsie: over 6 months 36 percent
elsie: so this will be your decision when you cash out
elsie: after O signed document we were informed this can no go at any time
elsie: we know of nothing else holding this up
elsie: guys in iraq are being told they will be paid thursday at rv amount
elsie: we wait to see what happens
elsie: bank says it has stopped... We need a GO from the treasury
elsie: so you will have to decide when you want to cash in and if you r happy with the rate
elsie: will the rate go UP.... No guarantees
elsie: its been a good DAY.. Intel wise

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Bogus Obama document 'bigger than Watergate'


Bogus Obama document 'bigger than Watergate'

'Not just a crime of some plumbers breaking into an opponent's office'

Posted: June 30, 2011
11:20 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2011 WND

Barack Obama

A retired U.S. military commander who brought a court challenge to Barack Obama's tenure in the Oval Office says the mounting evidence indicating the "Certificate of Live Birth" he released in April is fake should shock the American public.

"If everyone was intellectually honest, they would admit those images put on the Internet are forgeries," said CDR Charles Kerchner, whose lawsuit that alleged Congress failed in its constitutional duty to make sure the man elected president was eligible for the office, was turned down by the U.S. Supreme Court.

He cited the work released this week by longtime Adobe software book author and computer expert Mara Zebest.

Get the New York Times best-seller "Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama Is Not Eligible to be President," autographed by Jerome Corsi, Ph.D.

Her detailed report explains how the document released in April by Obama as a copy of his original birth certificate isn't even a good forgery.

(Story continues below)

"This is a 100 times worse situation in that it is not just a crime of some plumbers breaking into an opponent's office, this is a crime against the Constitution and all the people of the United States. Obama is not who he says he is. These are forged documents on government property. Before it was a campaign website, now these are government websites," Kerchner told WND today.

Joseph Farah, publisher of WND books, who held a news conference featuring Zebest's research this week at the National Press Club with Jerome Corsi, author of "Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack Obama Is Not Eligible To Be President," agreed.

"This is bigger than Watergate," he said after the news conference where it was announced that a lawsuit had been filed against Esquire magazine over its faked "report" that falsely claimed the Corsi book was withdrawn.

Kerchner was just one of a number of high-profile leaders who have challenged Obama's eligibility to express alarm at the idea that a sitting president would release to the public a document that is being described as a forgery.

Others include Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, who is working through several outreaches to restore integrity to U.S. politics; Orly Taitz, the California lawyer who has spearheaded some of the biggest legal confrontations with Obama's supporters; Philip Berg, the Pennsylvania lawyer who first brought the issue of Obama's apparent ineligibility to the U.S. court system; and Floyd Brown of the Western Journalism Center, who has campaigned for Obama's impeachment.

'He'll do anything'

Kerchner believes there's evidence Obama's placement in the White House was orchestrated, and now that the façade that was created for him is cracking, no holds are barred.

"He's desperate," Kerchner told WND. "He'll do anything to survive. He's way overconfident that the media is never going to do a thing to investigate [and] so far he's right."

However, he said, "At some point the truth is going to come out and the house of cards is going to fall."

Kerchner, even though his court case did not succeed in obtaining documentation about Obama, has continued with a campaign of ads that probe the issue with question after question.

His latest asks, "We have a criminal and forger in the White House! Why isn't Speaker John Boehner investigating? Call or write and ask him."

"This is not a fringe issue of concern by only a few Americans. In the latest poll, 50 percent of the American people said they want Obama investigated by the Congress. It is time for U.S. House Speaker Boehner to take action and call for investigations in the House of Reps of Obama's criminal activities," he said.

Kerchner was referring to a WND Wenzel poll showing that even 28 percent of Democrats want Congress to investigate, meaning, according to pollster Fritz Wenzel, "There's no marginalizing those who want this matter investigated."

Kerchner's promotion cites questions about a forged birth certificate, an "invalid" Social Security number and issues with Obama's draft registration form.

He said Obama's release of the birth document April 27 also moved the dispute to a new level.

"Not only is Obama (now that he stood at that podium on 27 April and said it was his BC) an accessory to the crime of forging a birth certificate and then placing that forged long form birth certificate onto government servers, but I also believe he is a co-conspirator in having it made," Kerchner said.

'Let's see original'

California attorney Orly Taitz continues to fight some of the biggest cases that have been brought over Obama's eligibility, including on behalf of other presidential candidates and members of the U.S. military, whose lives are dependent on the orders of a commander-in-chief who may not be qualified.

"I already have submitted a request for production of the original [Obama birth certificate] to the White House counsel," she told WND today. The action comes as part of her Freedom of Information Act quest for details about how Obama ended up with a Social Security number normally assigned to Connecticut residents when Obama never lived in the state.

Taitz said that when the White House refused to respond, she followed up with another request as part of the requirements for pursuing such a document.

"There is going to be a lawsuit," she said.

'More holes than Swiss cheese'

Berg, who filed the first legal challenge to Obama's presidency more than two months before the 2008 election, said, "I cannot believe the audacity of Obama to put forth this document. He was making a joke out of it. But it has more holes than Swiss cheese."

He continued, "This is the biggest fraud against the United States of America in our history."

Berg said records revealed that Obama was listed as a Muslim and was known as Barry Soetoro while he was a youth in Indonesia, and he believes that name never was formally changed.

"There's no evidence he legally changed his name," he said. "It's unbelievable that members of Congress who know about this [haven't acted]."

He blamed the traditional media in the U.S., who have offered Obama a great deal of support, for the situation.

"I believe if the New York Times [and others] made this the front page above the fold, Obama would be out of office."

A 'permanent political class'

Brown, of the Western Journalism Center, who also is integral to the ImpeachObamaCampaign, told WND the simple arrogance of presenting a questionable document stretches credulity.

"The notion that their hubris would be so great as to release a fraudulent document to prove the legitimacy of a president is beyond anything we've seen in American history," he said. "It's beyond Watergate. Beyond the arrogance of power shown by Bill Clinton.

"It is an absolute scandal but what I find even more scandalous, the absolute complete lack of courage by the Republican Congress to tackle any of these issues. The American people want an investigation of his eligibility."

He said his organization alone already has delivered petitions from 2.5 million people to Congress demanding impeachment proceedings.

But he said members of Congress "totally and completely are ignoring the calls to action."

That response, he said, is evidence of a "permanent political class [in Washington] committed to bigger, stronger, more invasive government. It includes the leadership inside the Republican Party."

The solution, he said, is "wholesale change."

'You don't lie, cheat or steal'

Vallely, a retired major general, national security expert and Fox News contributor, now of Stand Up America US, said all that is needed to restore the nation is "honest and upright" members of Congress pursuing the goals of the Constitution.

"When you go back to the basics, the Constitution, the rule of law, what we had at West Point, 'You don't lie, cheat or steal or tolerate anyone who does,'" he said.

"We need to have those kinds of virtues in our government more today than ever," he said. "We have a whole gang of dishonest and corrupt individuals in our government today."

"Where are the honest, upright members of the Senate and Congress. None of them will challenge this president … on the deceitful and treasonous things that they are doing: His bypassing the War Powers act, basically bypassing many other things."

He said Obama "will say what he wants to say to boost his own image and reelection campaign."

It's urgent, he said, that Obama depart the White House even before the 2012 election.

The disputed image released by Obama, which has been called a fake by numerous document, computer and imaging analysts:

Read more: Bogus Obama document 'bigger than Watergate'

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Word of the Lord July 2011

Phyllis Ford
Carpenter’s Touch Ministries, Arlington, Texas

Word of the Lord July 2011

July 1, 2011

This is a time when some of your greatest accomplishments can be established as you yield your life before me. It is truly a time to shake oneself from negative experiences and avail yourselves to what I have placed in you, planned in you, and are preparing in you; that you may go forth to establish the work ahead with my grace and fortitude. And yes, there will be challenges and obstacles ahead. The most important thing must be determined, and that is ‘what do you believe?’ How will you obey the calling that I have placed upon you before the foundation of the earth? Begin to move along the lines of that which I have called you, established you, and perfected you; so that the answers to today’s dilemmas will be ultimately found in you.

This is a turning point, a time of great testing, and a time to stand for whom you have been called and what you are to represent on the earth. This time is now; and it must be now because the time is short, and the work ahead is monumental, but it can be accomplished with what I have placed in you, says the Lord.

The work ahead is a corporate one, and it operates because of what needs to be accomplished more than the individuals who are doing it. It becomes completed because of the cause by which the efforts are initiated. So many lives are hanging in the balance. I need sober-minded, strong leaders who are not compromised by their flesh and their loyalties to the world, but they are walking worthy of their calling, they know why they have been called and what their responsibility is. You are about to see some serious things take place because of decisions made in leadership, in the church, in the back room, in the government, in their prayer closets, and even things spoken in their bed chambers.

You will see a series of events that will now take place as a result of these decisions. So this is the time to make a stand. Who is on the Lord’s side, and who will do my bidding? Who will declare my word and my truth, even in the midst of greedy, lusty, and selfish men? Who will stand for my name? These things aren’t about a person’s reputation. These things are about truth. Who will you serve? Who will you be willing to lay down your lives for, will be the question. I am waiting and I already know what lies ahead. So choose now! Stand now! Make sure you choose carefully.

Are you willing to lay down your life for what you believe? If you do, I will defend you. I will hold you with my right hand, for I am your deliverer, says the Lord. Do not fear the things that are about to come upon this world, because if you have made the right choices you have nothing to fear. If you will make the right steps, I will lead you and direct your life. But you must hearken diligently and not make decisions based upon your flesh, but hear me and obey me as you follow me --- you will walk in realms of protection and move along to accomplish extraordinary tasks. So things that may seem impossible will be accomplished for My glory. So allow me to move you forth and instruct you as these months move ahead.

In this month (and beyond) you will see events occur that will astonish you. The earth is in travail which is why so many things are occurring right now, but there are also plans within groups, sleeper cells, and evil plans that are in the making.

The government should be in watch mode, but they will be going with business as usual and will not see the signs coming--- for great upheaval.
There will be more violent evil winds and earthquakes as well.

Intercessors, watchmen, I am calling you this hour to watch---–to pray. Leaders in the church-----it is your kingdom responsibility to move and act; make a stand. You must be ready and prepared for what is coming, but the only way that you will be prepared is to be before My presence.

Take necessary steps, make and implement plans for water and food. Crisis care and crisis management will be needed as you work together, as you pray together, as you move forward together, and much will be accomplished as you follow My leading and My directions.

Ecclesiastes 9:11 New Living Translation “I saw something else under the sun. The race isn't [won] by fast runners, or the battle by heroes. Wise people don't necessarily have food. Intelligent people don't necessarily have riches, and skilled people don't necessarily receive special treatment. But time and unpredictable events overtake all of them.”
Ecclesiastes 9:11 God’s Word Translation “I have observed something else under the sun. The fastest runner doesn't always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn't always win the battle. The wise sometimes go hungry, and the skillful are not necessarily wealthy. And those who are educated don't always lead successful lives. It is all decided by chance, by being in the right place at the right time.”

Prophetic Insight (Alert)
I had the following three vivid visions:
1. I saw an explosion near a very mountainous region –I saw a thick cloud, and after the cloud began to clear, part of the mountain was crumbling, literally, by the power of the force of what had just happened.
2. I saw several men dressed in white protective gear with containers pouring something in the water. I don’t know if it was a result of something already bad in the water or what.
3. It was very rainy outside, and I saw several officials and men dressed with suits and trench coats with umbrellas getting out of cars, and someone began to shoot through the crowd, and everyone was ducking to the ground—I did not see who was firing or if anyone or if several were hurt. (I felt real trouble in my spirit).

Please pray around these visions because the implications are serious. Since our last update Seattle Washington picked up a suspected terrorist (June 24th). Alaska had two earthquakes, magnitude approx. 7.4, and Philippines suffered tropical storm, Meari, and a typhoon-–these were all on our watch list. (So it is important that we pray.) A special thanks to those who send supportive info to pray about---we ask that Intercessors from Europe, Asia, South American, Africa etc. --- EVERY KINDRED, NATION, and TONGUE --- pray! Calling all intercessors!!!
we have obtained the email for watchman/intercessors to send their prayer alerts and we will send out prayer alerts and receive alerts

Final Note: Read over the word of the Lord for June because much will become clearer and clearer within the next 3 months. These words will overlap even going back to April 2011. The following is a very powerful word given to my husband, Apostle Miles Ford, which adds dimension to the words you have just read. Bless you.

The Challenge Ahead – Apostle Miles Ford

July 1, 2011

It is my view that the best of what the church will give to the world is about to be revealed over the next 2 and one half years. As citizens of the kingdom of God, we know that Jesus Christ is the best that the church can give to the world. As we live our lives in obedience, discipline, and power that is totally submitted and consecrated before Him, this is what makes us successful as we present Christ and manifest the power of His kingdom before all men. There are so many opportunities that are about to be presented for God’s people to come forward and shine. With answers to very complex events and sudden changes that will, to those not knowing and trusting in Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, be insurmountable. At each level and through each crisis, God has in advance given the wisdom, grace, anointing, finances and leadership as well as many other resources so that His will plan and purpose is fully accomplished and carried out.

The challenge aspect of what I feel will go down as the church’s finest hour is, unfortunately, what will be known as a great time of turmoil and trouble. I believe that the events of July will mark what is a total change in mindset for us as a nation. It will be a great all-hands-on-deck signal for the church, and during that time, we will be faced with a lot of angry, misguided, and untrusting people on all sides.

There is such a small window of time for preparation for those in the body of Christ to prepare and position ourselves for these coming challenges. There are those to whom God is releasing wealth in this hour from various avenues. These will be the most challenged of all because they will hold what I call a ‘Joseph key’ for many to whom God has ordained that they sustain and minister to during this season. In my estimation the church should be already shifted into a crisis-aftermath mode. We should have a sound answer to the question of: If the U. S. dollar collapses and loses it’s worth and value, how will I conduct the business of the kingdom and what then will be our method of currency to accomplish God’s plan? Also, if there is a food or water crisis or shortage, are we still able to function for a reasonable period of time?

This is the time that the church must listen to and study very carefully the words, and prophetic warnings, of its prophets and apostles, whether it concerns earthquakes or social unrest. For those who don’t, they will be left scrambling for answers in a time of challenges that they will then be staring in the face. We must not expect that the greatest harvest of souls that has ever been reaped coming into God’s kingdom would come without event. This time of challenge will also be a time of change and most importantly a time for God’s champions to arise and enter the fields that are ripe unto harvest to work and win souls for the Glory of God. “Except a corn of wheat fall unto the ground and die it abides alone but if it dies it brings forth much fruit.” (John 12:24) Sometimes we need to give up life (as we know it) and be willing to sacrifice, so that much fruit can be realized for God’s greater purpose.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

ALIPAC is calling for the impeachment of President Barack Obama

ALIPAC is calling for the impeachment of President Barack Obama
For National Release
June 28, 2011

Contact: Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)
(866) 703-0864 /

The Americans for Legal Immigration PAC is calling for the impeachment of President Barack Obama for his involvement in the Operation Gunrunner scandal, as well as his recent edict instructing federal employees to establish a form of amnesty for illegal aliens in defiance of the Congress, existing federal laws, and the US Constitution.

Obama's ICE Director John Morton issued a memo on June 17th to all ICE Field Office Directors, Special Agents-in-Charge, and all Chief Counsel, authorizing them to decline to remove illegal aliens who meet the qualifications for amnesty under the DREAM Act Amnesty which Congress has rejected many times.

Congressional investigations have determined that Obama's ATF and Justice Department have been supplying assault weapons to the drug cartels that import most of America's cocaine, methamphetamine, and illegal immigrants.

"President Obama is no longer the legitimate President of the United States," said William Gheen, President of ALIPAC. "By arming drug and human smugglers with assault weapons that have been used to kill American and Mexican citizens and police forces, and by ordering Amnesty for illegal aliens which has been rejected by both the Congress and the American public more than eight times, Obama has committed a form of Treason against the United States and must be removed from office by Congress."

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) is a national organization founded on 9/11 of 2004. ALIPAC has over 40,000 supporters, comprised of Americans of every race, party, religion, and walk of life, who represent the over 80% who want America's existing immigration laws enforced.

ALIPAC is sending letters to the 137 current members of Congress whom the group endorsed and supported in the 2010 elections requesting the impeachment process to begin immediately in the interest of public safety and civil stability.

"Obama just made it clear to the American public that he does not care what they think, what the current federal laws are, what the US Constitution says, or what Congress has ratified," said William Gheen. "Congress must take immediate action to stop Obama or the American Republic will fall. What use are elections, candidates, or the Congress, if the Executive Branch rules by decree?"

All ALIPAC supporters and like-minded Americans who oppose Amnesty and illegal immigration are called upon to immediately call and write their members of Congress demanding the impeachment of President Barack Obama for crimes against the people of the United States.

If Congress does not respond by July 15, ALIPAC will move to call for public protests across the nation calling for the ouster of this authoritarian regime which feels it can arm rebel groups invading America with their illegal cargo while forcing an Amnesty on the public.

The self-governance of American citizens and the health of the American Republic must be guarded against this form of Treason.

The Congress will be given an opportunity to act before members of the public take things into their own hands and call for a day of nationwide protests.

For more information, to schedule interviews or to show your support for the impeachment of President Obama, please visit ALIPAC at


Confirmed: Democratic Party of Hawaii would not certify in 2008 that Obama was constitutionally and legally eligible for the Office of President -Details here.

Notre Dame Professor Charles Rice: Obama's eligibility could be biggest political fraud in the history of the world; time for a new approach -Details here.

Attorney Mario Apuzzo: All presidents born after 1787, except for Chester Arthur and Barack Obama, met the “natural born Citizen” criteria. -Details here.

Commander Charles Kerchner: List of U.S. Presidents - Eligibility under Article II Grandfather Clause (GFC) or Natural Born Citizen (NBC) Clause or Seated due to Election Fraud -Details here.

Jack Cashill Discusses Obama's Fraudulent Social Security Number Reserved for Connecticut Applicants -Video here.

Detailed reports on Obama's SS# can be found here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here. Visit the Birther Vault for the long list of evidence against Hawaii officials and all of the people questioning Obama's eligibility; [

Riddle of the Day

Riddle of the Day

Arnold Schwarzenegger has a big one.

Michael J. Fox has a small one.

Madonna doesn't have one.

The Pope has one but doesn't use it.

Clinton uses his all the time.

Obama is one.

Mickey Mouse has an unusual one.

Liberace never used his on women..

Jerry Seinfeld is very, very proud of his.

Cher claims that she took on 3.

We never saw Lucy use Desi's.

What is it?

Answer below! (this is pretty good )





The answer is: 'A Last Name.'

You didn't think I'd send you a dirty joke, did you?


Get your mind out of the gutter !!!!!!!!!






My chosen ones doubt not that I have called you out, to be My conduits of power and light. I have great plans for you My chosen ones. Shrug off the heavy weight and lies of satan which bring confusion and cause you to doubt that you are called for My purposes. Stand on My promises! For in My Word you shall be victorious. I am the Great I AM, and I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. So press into Me and follow after Me. I have called you out of the muck and clay, out of the pits and the ravines to be My lighthouses dispelling the darkness with My Light.

Doubt not that I have called you out to be victorious in Me. Because you are My branches you shall bear much fruit. My desire is that none shall perish and all shall know Me as Lord and Savior. Stand on My Word for I am with you. Declare My Word from your mouth. Be bold and have faith enough to shout “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” and to actually BELIEVE IT! Doubt not!

Press into My word and by faith claim My truths; speak them out over your lives with authority. For you are My chosen ones. Doubt not! But arise and walk in the destiny and plans I have for you. Put on the full armor I have provided for you. I have called you out to be My light bearers, and to declare My truth. My truth shall set many people free to walk in the destiny I have called them to, and they will soar like the eagles – high and lifted up. They will soar with confidence, boldness and authority to fulfill the purposes I have destined for them.

Come up I am calling you up to a higher place then you have ever known before. It is a place of higher authority as well as a place of higher accountability and responsibility. Doubt not that you can learn to comprehend what I desire here and now. Doubt not that you can do what I require from you as you rise up to soar in this higher place I have called you to.

Doubt not for I am with you. My Spirit is within you and where My Spirit is – there is freedom, and liberty, and newness of life. Press into Me, Your God. Hearken to My voice and receive all I have for you. To fulfill your destiny in Me you will need everything I have set aside for you. So ask for what you need and gladly accept what I offer you. Do not refuse to accept the things I desire to give to you. You must learn how to receive as well as you give – then you will be properly balanced.

Doubt not for this is the season I am raising a people to fan the flames of the fire set by My Spirit, to walk by faith, and act boldly and courageously by faith, and proclaim My truths, with signs, wonders and miracles following. The outpouring of My Spirit such as has never been seen before is coming, so quit doubting and ready yourselves!

TSA Airport Scanners Dangerous?

This goes right along with the information awhile ago the TSA was anything but truthful about the danger of radiation to traveleres and workers around the Scanners.

Paul Joseph Watson

FOIA documents reveal how “large number of workers have been falling victim to cancer, strokes and heart disease”

Paul Joseph Watson


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Fearful of provoking further public resistance to naked airport body scanners, the TSA has been caught covering up a surge in cases of TSA workers developing cancer as a result of their close proximity to radiation-firing devices, perhaps the most shocking revelation to emerge from the latest FOIA documents obtained by the Electronic Privacy Information Center.

After Union representatives in Boston discovered a “cancer cluster” amongst TSA workers linked with radiation from the body scanners, the TSA sought to downplay the matter and refused to issue employees with dosimeters to measure levels of exposure.

The documents indicate how, “A large number of workers have been falling victim to cancer, strokes and heart disease.”

“The Department, rather than acting on it, or explaining its position seems to have just dismissed. I don’t think that’s the way most other agencies would have acted in a similar situation if they were confronted with that question,” EPIC’s Marc Rotenberg said.

In an email sent to Heather Callahan (PDF), deputy federal security director at Boston Logan International Airport, union representatives express their concern about “TSA Boston’s growing number of TSOs working here that have thus far been diagnosed with cancer.”

Of course, if TSA workers who are merely standing near the scanners are already developing cancer, frequent flyers are also putting themselves in harm’s way by standing directly inside the radiation-firing machines.

As we reported yesterday, newly released internal government documents, obtained via the Freedom Of Information Act by the Electronic Privacy Information Center, reveal that the TSA, and specifically the head of the Department of Homeland Security, “publicly mischaracterized” the findings of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, in stating that NIST had positively confirmed the safety of full body scanners in tests.

In erroneously citing both NIST and the Johns Hopkins school of medicine to claim that the body scanners are safe, the TSA has also deliberately misled the public on the dangers posed by the devices.

Documents obtained by EPIC show that, far from affirming their safety, NIST warned that airport screeners should avoid standing next to full body scanners in order to keep exposure to harmful radiation “as low as reasonably achievable.”

Further documents illustrate how a Johns Hopkins study actually revealed that radiation zones around body scanners could exceed the “General Public Dose Limit,” contradicting repeated claims by the TSA that Johns Hopkins had validated the safety of the devices.

At the time we pointed out that Dr Michael Love, who runs an X-ray lab at the department of biophysics and biophysical chemistry at the Johns Hopkins school of medicine had publicly stated two days previously that “statistically someone is going to get skin cancer from these X-rays”.

TSA workers complained about the radiation dangers of the scanners back in December, saying they were being kept in the dark by their employers, despite repeated requests for information.

“We don’t think the agency is sharing enough information,” said Milly Rodriguez, occupational health and safety specialist at the American Federation of Government Employees, the union that represents TSA workers.

A study conducted last year by Dr David Brenner, head of Columbia University’s center for radiological research, found that the body scanners are likely to lead to an increase in a common type of skin cancer called basal cell carcinoma, which affects the head and neck.

Following the study, Brenner urged medical authorities to look at his work, pointing to the dangerous notion of mass scanning millions of people without proper oversight.

“There really is no other technology around where we’re planning to X-ray such an enormous number of individuals. It’s really unprecedented in the radiation world,” said Brenner.

Similar concerns to those explored in the Columbia University study were voiced in February 2010 by the influential Inter-Agency Committee on Radiation Safety, who warned in a report that the scanners increase the risk of cancer and birth defects and should not be used on pregnant women or children.

Despite governments claiming that backscatter x-ray systems produce radiation too low to pose a threat, the organization concluded in their report that governments must justify the use of the scanners and that a more accurate assessment of the health risks is needed.

Pregnant women and children should not be subject to scanning, according to the report, adding that governments should consider “other techniques to achieve the same end without the use of ionizing radiation.”

“The Committee cited the IAEA’s 1996 Basic Safety Standards agreement, drafted over three decades, that protects people from radiation. Frequent exposure to low doses of radiation can lead to cancer and birth defects, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,” reported Bloomberg.

In a recent letter to President Obama’s Science Advisor, several University of California professors also complained of how, “There is still no rigorous, hard, data for the safety of x-ray airport passenger scanners.” The scientists noted how the safety tests for the scanners were carried out exclusively by manufacturers, and recommended an immediate moratorium on use of the devices until the health risks can be independently studied.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.

June 28, 2011

Dinar Intel Update 6-29-11

More tidbits from dinar sites......

[kevinweise] Okie---sorry to interupt, more of a comment than question, but I just pulled up ebay Iraq currency to check on some smaller demons and it looks like Ebay pulled all foreign currency listings off the site, I have been on the site all week and this has never happened...

(posted at cXc by Harold4187)

Hi everyone...!

Today at 2PM PST I went into my Chase Bank (We have two personal accounts and two LLC Business accounts) to inquire about a Private Banker. The Manager saw us and invited us into her office and inquired about Oksana's last Russia trip (we had spoken to her last just before her trip). She then indicated that she would be our Private Banker, and remembered that we hold Iraqi Dinar. She indicated that when the IQD Revalues they would be happy to handle all our exchanges should we desire to use a bank for that purpose.

She went on to bring in the branch's Business Manager, and one of the Financial Planners, then went through all the services they could provide for us when it happens. Then she excused the others.

Then she said something that shocked both of us... "IT'S SUPPOSED TO REVALUE TOMORROW, RIGHT...?" I said, "that is what we are hearing, what have you heard from Chase...?" She indicated that that is what she has heard from some people, but couldn't speak for Chase. She didn't go into any detail as to who the people were. However, she kept smiling a real "Cheshire Cat Smile", with a wink. She was unusually animated and almost excited - if we read her correctly. Then she said, "I expect to see you both tomorrow".

I don't want to read more into this than happened, but we've spoken about the IQD to her before, and got a kind and professional, but indifferent, response. My wife is a PhD Economist who worked as an International Bank Director in Moscow...but when we walked from the bank she said, "They are well prepared for this to happen, not like Wells Fargo (who have been generally un-encouraging)." She is NOW finally somewhat excited about it happening.

Blessings to everyone. We pray it really does RV tomorrow...!

[Rockin'RV] Hello Okie...It's great to see you here! I understand that Dewey claims that Iraq needs to inform the BIS to 'push' the magic button in order for us to see the RV of the Iraq Dinar. Will the seating of the GOI have an effect on that final word to the BIS [OKIE OIL MAN] ALL BUTTONS PUSHED---INCLUDING MINE

[cowboyjoe] Due you no how to get your blood pressure up. I swear it was not 1 hour after you (Okie) told us all that it could be as ealier as 1am est time I get a call from my best friend that no,s a guy in Iraq that told him we could see this rv at 1 am est. * [OKIE OIL MAN] COWBOYJOE--COINCEDENCE??------NOT----THAT DARN OKIE SOMETIMES KNOW'S MORE THAN HE TELLS

[goodyboy] major positivity from a major Chase manager, with no poker face...he just keptsmiling...second meeting with this gentleman..."we are ready, have been prepared, can take care of all your investment group right here down the street...we (Chase) intend to be the leader in this RV exchange." asked me about all my itel...kept smiling...he will text me when it pops...

I GOT THIS FROM A MEMBER.. IF HE WANTS TO BE NAMED HE WILL POST... Anyway my friend just called me 10 minutes ago. (1:35 MTN) , his business partners just called from Iraq and said this should be done Thursday NLT Friday. They deal in comodoties in Iraq. They buy sugar in Brazil and sell in Iraq. These guys live in Iraq and up until 2 weeks ago said this RV stuff is nonsense and you are all nuts. Anyway I'm just letting you know some good news I've heard. I'm very happy with this news personally and thaught I would share with you. I appreciate everybodies hard work at PTR

My friend with 5/3rd just called me and told me that his friend who has a contact that is over security in the CBI informed them that the "Holliday" is only to allow the CBI to prepare to release the rate publicly on Thursday. It is kind of the same info we have been hearing from the calls Poppy2, Dewey, and Okie have been doing and even Frank26 from last night. I have heard info from this CBI source before but this time at least there is more substantial significance to this time frame and associated events. Be Blessed, Robb

(Ed note: the first few questions might have been missed - Thank you JJHall for emailing in the beginning we missed.)






8:30 PM [EdH] [fivedee] Please ask Okie if he will have a conference call 20 minutes


8:32 PM [EdH] [dreamin] Okie...Do you think that the influx of extra taxes after RV will help our economy or should we prepare for more rough times ahead? thank you

8:33 PM [EdH] [lsugirl] will we be able to see it on un operational exchange

8:33 PM [Meatman4dinar] Okie, sorry for interupting, i just wanted to thank you and wanted to show you my little joke. I really appreciate everything you do and LOVE this site.. I was also silenced after my joke and had to log out and back in. Come on, some of yal need to relax and quit taking everything so serious. It was just a joke.





8:39 PM [EdH] [rb13] can you open a business trust in a state where you don't live


8:39 PM [abbababy] Okie i hear tonights gonna be a good night yeah yeah gonights gonna be a real good night yeah yeah let's go okie cause tonight's gonna be a good night let's dance come on okie let's go rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

8:40 PM [modude39] Ghost and Mod's of all the time I have been in a chat room with Okie, this is without a doubt, the best job I have ever seen pulled off with Okie, and He must of enjoyed it also, cause he stayed a lot longer then usual, you all are to be commended... Thanks for a job well done.

8:40 PM [EdH] [gwattbp1] still not answered, any time frame and where to look first

8:40 PM [cowboyjoe] Due you no how to get your blood pressure up. I swear it was not 1 hour after you (Okie) told us all that it could be as ealier as 1am est time I get a call from my best friend that no,s a guy in Iraq that told him we could see this rv at 1 am est



8:42 PM [EdH] did you get this one okie...sarababy99] Okie question: My local bank, not one of the big 4, does currency exchange and told me they will exchange my dinar. Is there any risk by not going with one of the Big 4



8:42 PM [EdH] [diamonddust] I heard the US bought 3 trillion dinar, do u know any thing about this. (to get us out of debt.


8:44 PM [EdH] [JudyElen] Okie: Do you still think we will have a 15% tax rate?



Wednesday, June 29, 2011

"NEW" Message from Wanderer of the Skies - June 29, 2011

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum

"NEW" Message from Wanderer of the Skies - June 29, 2011

Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 29-Jun-2011 06:31:21

Wanderer of the Skies - June 29, 2011

Greetings from the Federation:

There is much happening on your world right now despite the fact that so many of you have doubts about this process moving forward. We can assure you that it is indeed on track and all things are happening as we have planned.

There are many looking for answers to questions about what is happening now and many more who are totally overwhelmed by the process. We will not address these issues with you. We ask only that you keep focused on the task at hand. We ask that you direct your love, in its purest and most intense form possible, to your leaders as they discuss the final steps towards Disclosure. This will inspire a great movement forward as the power of your intention can create your reality.

In the time leading up to disclosure, we ask that you spread the word as diplomatically, and as articulately, as you know how so that the greatest number of people will have an idea of what is to happen. In the days following Disclosure, we ask that you triple those efforts, as the act of Disclosure itself will be your rallying cry and you will have been “vindicated” in all your actions leading up to this moment.

It is here and upon you. You will know it most definitely when it occurs. There will be no mistaking this. Our representatives are already among you and are taking their places for the announcement. The “cracks in the dam” are coming from every side now in ever increasing numbers and quality of information.

We know how difficult the ups and downs of this disclosure process has been over the years. But time has now run out and we are quite confident that any outbreaks of hostility to the announcement, which we are becoming more and more convinced will not happen, can be contained by us. The true “test” will be your abilities as Light workers to calm the fears of those who have no idea that this process was underway for so long. Information and knowledge are the keys to obliterating fear. It is the torch of truth that eliminates fear from the minds of the human being. When Disclosure occurs, you need not stand on the soapbox to preach about us. They will already know. You simply have to point those who are uncertain or fearful to the same sources you have been following these long years so that they may drink from the pools of knowledge and information that have allowed you to become assured of our benevolence.

After that, we will test, ever so diplomatically, the waters of Disclosure ourselves by becoming apparent in more than obvious ways. In the weeks and months following, we will begin the process of mutual understanding, mutual respect, mutual kindness and love. Those acts alone will bring the torch of Truth to those who are uncertain. Until then, you are charged with the responsibility for the knowledge you have. Begin by intending your result with Love and Kindness for all.

Be at peace.

Message from SaLuSa, June 29, 2011 by Mike Quinsey

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum

Message from SaLuSa, June 29, 2011 by Mike Quinsey

Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 29-Jun-2011 06:23:27

SaLuSa, June 29, 2011

By now you will have a good idea of what to expect as you pass through the final days of duality. Out of the chaos and uncertainty will come changes that will set the scene for what follows after Ascension. All will eventually be lifted up to a higher dimension, where you will have a degree of perfection not presently found on Earth. Indeed anything that is not of the same vibration will be unable to enter it, and will be attracted to its appropriate level. Now you will understand why there is so much emphasis on your individual development. It is up to you whether you ascend or not, but if you do there is not that much required from you to reach the higher level. It is largely a matter of intent and living your understanding of what it is to be at One with All That Is. It is love in action and it will take you all the way to and beyond Ascension. You do not have to belong to any sect or particular group, as it is something that is very personal and within your capabilities.

There is no experience quite like finding your true Self, and living out your beliefs in the face of many distractions and attempts to divert you off your path. Your power lies within your ability to stand fast, when others around you are failing to overcome the challenge from the dark Ones that is always present. Love is the gentle energy that is the supreme energy, that cannot be destroyed and remains all-powerful. It is the energy of what you call miracles, and can be applied even now and achieve results. It is God given and never taken away from you.

We have previously mentioned that those souls who have departed the Earth, will have exactly the same opportunity to ascend as those of you still on it. What you may not be aware of is that those who are of the higher vibration, will at some stage be able to meet you again when the Earth raises its vibration. The veil between the dimensions will no longer exist, and there will be some amazing re-unions with those who never thought they would see each other again. However, you will not be permanently together until the Ascension process has fully taken place. We do know that some of you visit the higher dimensions when out of the body, whether by chance or intent. There are in fact laws that govern entry into the Astral regions, and not every one would be allowed to go into them. For example souls leaving their physical body in near-death-experiences are usually met before they can enter such realms. The result is that most of them return to their physical bodies, when they understand that their time on Earth has not finished.

There is so much to learn about your future lives, and it is all beautiful, happy and most harmonious. In your wildest dreams you have been unable to capture the feeling of Oneness that exists in the higher dimensions. It is truly a heavenly existence where you want for nothing, because you have your own creative powers. How do you like the idea of being where no money changes hands, where there is no need for a health service or doctors for that matter? Where your lives are not run by how much time you have, where traveling is no longer a chore, and you can live in your dream house? This really gives you something to aim for, and makes the effort you put in to succeed so worthwhile.

Understand that all souls in your Universe are progressing through the same levels and onto the Source. For you Ascension is the first major step that will lift you up to levels, where you can meet with extraordinary numbers of different souls. Distance is of little consequence as you will move by thought, and could if necessary negotiate wormholes into other Universes. You will of course be given the necessary tuition so that you can safely travel around. When you reflect on what we have told you to expect in your future experiences, you will understand they are perfectly normal. It is your present life experiences that are peculiar to the third dimension and duality, and were never intended to be permanent. That is why the solar cycle was planned to complete in 2012, thus giving every soul the opportunity to rise up out of it.

Since you do not carry long-term memories of your previous lives, you have no feeling of having been in the lower realms for such a long time. If you did, to be present now would be so much more exciting as like any long trek, it is a great feeling when you reach the end of the journey. However, as you begin to learn about your true past and how you came to be in existence, a whole new picture emerges. We are all in it together and a wonderful union of souls will take place, that will see us traveling the wide beyond in one adventure after another. We of the Galactic Federation are made up of units of Beings that often stay together for thousands of years. That is why we can speak from experience where your past history is concerned. Bear in mind that we do not age such as you do, and changing from one body to another is by choice and like you putting on a new suit of clothes.

Dear Ones can you see now how important the power of thought is, which is why you should try to develop it at the same time as learning to control its use. Have no fears however, as there will be much help available to you as you acquire such skills. It is why even in your dimension thoughts are considered to carry the same responsibility as actions. The reason is that both carry energy with them, which can be misused if care is not taken. We create by the power of thought, sometimes individually or in groups depending on what is in mind. Where you are concerned we can heal you by thought alone, read your mind and transfer our thoughts to you. That is something you do, although you are not necessarily aware that you are doing it. So you can see Dear Ones that you are a much more complicated Being than you probably imagined, and have a huge potential that you can now start to develop.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and it is wonderful to be with you at a time when you are so much more receptive to the truth. Hitherto, your minds have been infiltrated by false beliefs and information intended to mislead you. The dark Ones still use the media to poison your minds, and cause fear amongst you. However, you are becoming wise to their methods, and they do not have the same power over you anymore. Stay in your love centre and live from the heart, and you will be doing a service to other souls by sharing it with them.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Edward Kennedy FBI letter discloses secret Japan funding for rogue CIA faction in US

Wednesday, June 29, 2011
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Richard Armitage
A photograph of the former US Deputy Secretary of State in the first Bush administration. Since his Vietnam days, Armitage is said to have been covertly involved with the Bush-Cheney Drug Empire.

Edward Kennedy FBI letter discloses secret Japan funding for rogue CIA faction in US
A Rothschild family source has released a cache of top-secret FBI documents. One of these is marked: "Top secret, to Senator Edward Kennedy - for his eyes only."

The text discloses that Japanese Prince Hiruko Watanabe, a cousin of the former Emperor Hirohito, provided George Bush Snr and his aide Richard Armitage with secret funds without the knowledge of the US government. These funds were used to manage political bribery and élite assassinations in Japan, and to help finance a rogue element within the US CIA which is controlled by the Bush syndicate.

In Japan, one of the Bush syndicate's bagmen was Soichi Iisuka. He laundered political slush fund money through the Mitsui Bank in Tokyo.

Projects Wanted By World Bank -Funding Available

OPC has received an inquiry to provide submittals for "humanitarian projects" for immediate funding by the World Bank. Inquiry is genuine and very timely as the Global Settlements are rolling now.

These humanitarian projects are to help mankind and 'Green' in nature. Location can be anywhere on our planet. This is an international program.

Allowable Budget for any project is in the range of millions to billions.

Your suggestion is requested in a form of a one page 'Executive Summary'. These will be submitted for review and selection by the World Bank. Additional details will be required upon selection.

Deadline for submittal is this weekend as I will be forwarding them out on Tuesday.

Please submit your project to with the subject line "PROJECTS"

GOD Bless

John MacHaffie

"80 Year Old Tucson Mayoral Candidate Seizes Foreclosed Homes From The Banks !"

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Reader, link: "80 Year Old Tucson Mayoral Candidate Seizes Foreclosed Homes From The Banks !"

Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 29-Jun-2011 00:09:00

(Thanks, H. :)

Reader H. sends us:


80 Year Old Tucson Mayoral Candidate Seizes Foreclosed Homes From The Banks !

80 Year Old Tucson Mayoral Candidate Seizes Foreclosed Homes From The Banks !

Posted on June 28, 2011 by Prisoner #26

Whoa…this is innovative ! And, most likely legal…because the banks, etc. don’t, won’t and can’t follow the Laws as written, and they’re almost powerless to correct this situation ! As the Mighty J. Geils Band once sang: “Serves You Right To Suffer” ! A bizarre, feel-good story of the banks, and Fannie and Freddie, getting a taste of their own medicine. Wait until you read the details.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011



Chart 1
Chart 1 reveals the linear connection between the Rothschilds and the Bank of England, and the London banking houses which ultimately control the Federal Reserve Banks through their stockholdings of bank stock and their subsidiary firms in New York. The two principal Rothschild representatives in New York, J. P. Morgan Co., and Kuhn, Loeb & Co. were the firms which set up the Jekyll Island Conference at which the Federal Reserve Act was drafted, who directed the subsequent successful campaign to have the plan enacted into law by Congress, and who purchased the controlling amounts of stock in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 1914. These firms had their principal officers appointed to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the Federal Advisory Council in 1914. In 1914 a few families (blood or business related) owning controlling stock in existing banks (such as in New York City) caused those banks to purchase controlling shares in the Federal Reserve regional banks. Examination of the charts and text in the House Banking Committee Staff Report of August, 1976 and the current stockholders list of the 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks show this same family control.
Chart 2
The J. Henry Schroder Banking Company chart encompasses the entire history of the twentieth century, embracing as it does the program (Belgium Relief Commission) which provisioned Germany from 1915-1918 and dissuaded Germany from seeking peace in 1916; financing Hitler in 1933 so as to make a Second World War possible; backing the Presidential campaign of Herbert Hoover ; and even at the present time, having two of its major executives of its subsidiary firm, Bechtel Corporation serving as Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State in the Reagan Administration.
Chart 3
The David Rockefeller chart shows the link between the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Standard Oil of Indiana, General Motors and Allied Chemical Corportion (Eugene Meyer family) and Equitable Life (J. P. Morgan).
Chart 4
This chart shows the interlocks between the Federal Reserve Bank of New York J. Henry Schroder Banking Corp., J. Henry Schroder Trust Co., Rockefeller Center, Inc., Equitable Life Assurance Society ( J.P. Morgan), and the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.
Chart 5
This chart shows the link between the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Brown Brothers Harriman,Sun Life Assurance Co. (N.M. Rothschild and Sons), and the Rockefeller Foundation.