Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What the Republic is all about w/ Tim Turner

John: This explains what The Republic is all about w/ Tim Turner:

Stephen was in attendance at the California Republic Meetings this last weekend -

Dr. Jones' Entry from 08/23/2011


The Republic of Israel--Part 1

In looking back to the year 2010 to see what happened on a prophetic level, there is one prime event that seems to fulfill all of our expectations.

It was the restoration of the Republic for the United States, which had come to an end in 1860 when the southern delegates walked out sine die (without setting a time to return). The original constitutional government of America that was set up in 1789 ended shortly after Lincoln was elected in 1860, and by the time he was inaugurated in March of 1861, he essentially had no lawful country to rule. So he ruled by martial law and by Executive Order in the only way that he was able under the circumstances. Then he was assassinated in 1865 before the original Republic could be lawfully re-established.

In 1871 a new government was incorporated in Washington D.C. called THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, identified in legalese as a corporation with all capital letters. The previous Republic still existed on paper, but it was "uninhabited" by government officials. The officials in Washington D.C. were inhabiting the new government only.

The point is that in 2010 the Republic was restored lawfully by the citizens' grand jury, and new representatives were elected to reinhabit the original Republic. Hence, we now have two governments, one very large, and one very small.


For many years (at least since 1997) we had been wondering what would happen in 2010 in regard to the Kingdom of God.

In October of 1997 the Promise Keepers descended upon Washington D.C. to crown Jesus King. We had been watching for such an event already for some years, because 1997 was 390 years after the establishment of the Jamestown colony in Virginia in 1607. This was the first permanent British colony in North America.

The number 390 is the biblical number indicating "No King in Israel." (See chapter 13 of Secrets of Time.)

We also knew that there were two main colonies to watch. The first was the Jamestown colony in 1607, but the second was the Plymouth colony in 1620. Having seen the 390-year cycle completed from 1607-1997, culminating with the recognition of King Jesus, we then knew to watch the year 2010 for the second part of the prophecy to be fulfilled. It was 390 years from 1620-2010.

This second cycle was actually more significant in that it actually goes back to the fall of Samaria, the capital of Israel, in 721 B.C.

When Israel's last king was killed in 721 B.C. at the fall of Samaria, Hosea's prophecy in Hosea 3:4 began to be fulfilled: "For the sons of Israel will remain for many days without king or prince." A series of 7 periods of 390 years began at that time. The first 6 ended at Plymouth in 1620, and the 7th cycle ended in 2010.

Between the two colonies, we were able to observe two events that provided us with a double witness. Yet more than that, the two events were necessary to complete the prophecy. The first one gave us a King in 1997, the second in 2010 gave our King a Kingdom to rule--The Republic of Israel.

For the past year I had thought in terms of a mere double witness of proclaiming Christ as King. Hence, I had assumed that the Glenn Beck rally in late August of 2010 was the second witness of Christ's coronation. I still believe this, but now I am seeing that the restoration of the Republic is the second part--forming the actual Kingdom itself.

Now I do realize that there is a difference between the Republic and the Kingdom of God. But insofar as the earthly expression of the Kingdom is concerned, this Republic is the restoration of the Israel Kingdom that was destroyed in 721 B.C., or 7 x 390 years earlier. This new Republic is as much the Kingdom of God as the Kingdom of Israel was prior to its destruction in 721 B.C. Hopefully, however, this time it truly will express the laws and faith of the Kingdom as God intended.

In fact, if we go back to 1776, which was the date of the Declaration of Independence, by which authority the Republic was set up in 1789, we see further connections to the House of Israel.

Ancient Israel began to be deported to Assyria in 745 B.C. This was the early beginning of their great tribulation 24 years before the actual fall of Samaria. According to the laws of tribulation in Lev. 26, if Israel violated their covenant with God, He would judge them "seven times" (Lev. 26:18, 21, 28). A biblical "time" is 360 years. Seven times is therefore 7 x 360 = 2,520 years.

If we count the years from 745 B.C., we find that 2,520 years ended in 1776 A.D. This was the beginning of the end of Israel's long tribulation period. When it ended, God established a new nation, a new Republic of Israel here in North America. Whereas the tribes of Israel had been "lost" and scattered in the dispersion, this new nation brought the tribes back together, saying: "out of many, one."

Many do not know that the people founding this new nation were the descendants of those lost tribes of Israel, who were scattered into Assyria. (See chapter 4 of my book, Who is an Israelite?)


It was important to God that the connection between Israel and America remain hidden for a while longer. God knew that the original Republic would last only 70 years before being replaced by a new corporate government. It would take a second beginning for the new Israel nation to be established permanently.

This is what happened in the year 2010 with the reinhabiting of the Republic. Some men had studied the history and the law sufficiently to accomplish this legal work. To my knowledge, they were unaware of the significant TIMING of their work in Bible prophecy. God loves to use people unwittingly, because this is His way of proving His sovereignty. I have no doubt that these men and women had a strong sense of calling and felt compelled to restore the American Republic. However, they were unaware of the stream of prophecy in which they were flowing, and certainly, they did not understand the 390-year cycle from 1620. Neither did they fully understand how they were connected to the earlier work that the Promise Keepers did in 1997.

God uses everyone to accomplish His purposes. Most of the time, they do not fully comprehend how God orders all things according to His calendar. It is my purpose to encourage you as you see the hand of God at work. I believe it is also very important that the representatives of this Republic understand the prophetic importance of what they have accomplished, in order that they do not allow differences of opinion to divide them.

To all of those honorable officials of the Republic, I say: You are a part of one of the most important projects in the history of the Kingdom of God. While this Republic is not (yet) the Kingdom itself, it is certainly a re-appearance of the biblical Kingdom of Israel. I believe it is a transition toward the Kingdom of God itself. It is not perfect, but as the founders said, it is "a more perfect union."

Remember that disunion was the problem in 1860, and it destroyed the Republic after just 70 years. The Republic remained dormant for 150 years until the year 2010. Do not let any differences bring about another "Civil War." Now is the time and opportunity to unite under the headship of Jesus Christ.



Even truth can wear different faces as it comes to the perception of individuals. Sometimes its ramifications are too painful to absorb completely and sometimes it may even present itself in alternate interpretations but in the end the bottom line is the basic truth. In the case of Tim Turner some of those bottom line facts are;
RuSA was never meant to succeed from the moment it morphed from a movement to a fantasy. The moment Turner announced the original funders required an “interim” government we should all have seen the big red flags and realized it was a de facto trap.
Tim Turner has been caught red handed many times in outrageous lies in public, on calls and in writing.
There have been numerous times Turner has made “presidential” decisions, issued orders or promises of orders to governors and other officials in his Republic only to have his “cabinet” members deliberately ignore or deliberately do the opposite.
Without fail when his “cabinet” countermands him he suddenly either can’t remember ever having given the order or suddenly takes the stand that he never said that and attacks the person he said it too even though there may have been multiple witnesses.
On Monday night’s governors call Turner and company went to great lengths to shift blame for CRIMES he and his cronies have committed onto one of his own, (hand picked by him) in addition to the only honorable man who ever came forth with funding opportunities. He paints two women in Florida as silly well meaning dupes after he personally gave them the go ahead before they held a national call on the previous Sunday. So we now see honor is as absent in Turnerville as it is in Washington D.C.
The Republic Governor of West Virginia copied me into a letter he sent out to his assembly yesterday and he is a man I highly respect. He has dealt with unconscionable accusations from Turners inner circle, manipulation of a couple of very twisted elected officials in his state and vicious public attack and still he remains loyal to Turner even though he sees the truth of the corrupted foundation of RuSA. I paste here his email message and my responses are in red.
Folks, I don’t agree with all of Teri Hinkle’s statements, OR her
attitude towards Tim Turner, but I have to weigh in on this – just to
correct her mistakes and let my stance be known. By so doing, I’m
sure that I will be thrown into Teri Hinkle’s camp – and be vilified.
(Tell the truth – get crucified – so what else is new?) I had read
very little of what Teri has had to say because I thought she was a de
facto agent – trying to destroy the republic. (if that is true the de facto is EXTREMELY LATE WITH MY PAYCHECK!) I’m 60 years old. I’ve
known about the private Federal Reserve, false flag operations – and
how the media and education had been more than compromised since I was
a teenager.
Before I go any farther, Tim Turner is the bravest man I’ve ever
met. He joined the ranks of those Americans who faced down the
money-changers – the counterfeiters: Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln,
James Garfield, William McKinley, and John F Kennedy. I do NOT
appreciate anyone who vilifies him. On this we will have to agree to disagree however even though all evidence points to Turner’s willing co-operation now, I will concede that he could be controlled. That may explain why his every decision and decree is countermanded by his overblown lying idiot of a vice president and the inept and thoroughly dishonest Media Boy.
Godly, constitutional government is the greatest threat to the
money-changers. These paper-printers – who’ve tried to buy the world
with their paper ‘money’ – have access to technology we can only
imagine – don’t want to imagine. From what I’ve learned from people
who knew Tim in the past, he couldn’t be bought, blackmailed, coerced
– or made to stand down. He really was offered an unimaginable sum of
money to stop doing what he was doing – returning Godly,
constitutional government to America. The criminals who wanted to
stop what he was doing – called in their best experts to stop this man
AND subvert him to their purpose – the utter destruction of what’s
left of constitutional common law government – and flat-out murdering
him would have martyred Tim. As I said I cannot disprove that he is an “unwilling puppet” but all roads lead to the same hell and that doesn’t erase his lies and deliberate control and manipulation of the people. It doesn’t change the fact that his Republic doesn’t even RESEMBLE what our founders created.
I understand more than most about puppet-masters and their puppets.
I KNOW how the dark side thinks. (I lived it for a while before I got
Saved in ’73.) Long ago, I also knew a reporter who told me what his
editors wouldn’t let him print.

Chisel this in stone: Corruption is always AT LEAST ONE LEVEL HIGHER
THAN THE CORRUPTION YOU CAN SEE! Think in terms of puppet-masters and
puppets. Never blame the trapped for the trap – or how hard it is to
get out of the trap.

Now – before puppet-masters can BE puppet-masters – they must trap
their puppets – whether they’re willing puppets or unwilling puppets.

Whether I’m right or wrong, I think that ‘something’ happened to Tim
in California – in April of 2010. He just – changed. You can see his
videos prior to that time – then look at the Windwalker Ranch videos –
then make up your mind about what I’ve just said. That said, I think
that anything Tim did after that 3-week disappearance in April 2010 –
was done by remote control – of some sort. Methinks that Tim trusted
people he shouldn’t have trusted. (Haven’t we all?) As one of Tim’s
long-time friends said ‘He went to California, and fell in with a
bunch of really bad people.’ I too have received many emails and calls with similar info.
I was not aware of all this – several months ago. From talking to
people who knew Tim well – before and after April 2010 – he appears to
be surrounded by visible handlers. I think that he and his handlers
are actually run by some VERY SCARY invisible handlers who have made
access to Tim – difficult at best. I believe that these handlers have
turned this into something that is designed to not only fail – but to
TRAP ANY who have signed onto it. This is now confirmed fact.

I’m an avowed pacifist – ‘blessed are the peacemakers’ – and I got
involved in the republic for one and only one reason – to try to stop
or minimize the horrendous bloodshed & suffering that
economic/societal collapse always brings. That – is my personal
agenda. I have been preparing for this economic/societal meltdown
we’re facing – at least mentally – since the middle ‘70s. I saw
RAP/RuSA – as America’s last chance to return to Godly, constitutional
government – without bloodshed or minimal bloodshed. Incidentally, I
saw through RAP – LONG before it was exposed as evil. I wish I’d seen
through RuSA!

I had noted what amounted to an endless string of plans, personnel,
paperwork, followed by plausible deniability excuses why something
hadn’t worked – presented along with yet the next plan. Broken
promises became the ‘norm.’ Early on, I had noted ‘divide to conquer’
tactics between the ‘ambassador program’ and the governors for
With time, we saw that they just didn’t do what they said they were
going to do. First instance: We needed promotion. I contacted
several patriot radio show hosts – asked them to contact Rick Rios –
the first media contact person. I contacted Rick w/the show hosts’
info. Rick Rios didn’t contact them, nor did he return their e-mails.
(?!?) Shall I waste a few pages – with all the broken promises? I
think not. I’ll just say they are legion - - - I had a similar experience with Mr. Rios but at this point the jury is still out on him. I am not convinced he is guilty of anything but rather is hoodwinked.

I will refer to the consortium of people who are AROUND Tim as
‘national’ – not to be confused with Tim. I believe they have
hijacked the republic. WHEN I SAY ‘NATIONAL’ I DO NOT MEAN – TIM
TURNER! Got it? In my estimation you can no longer separate by willing or not; the actions lead to the same place.

Insofar as what happened in West Virginia – and we ain’t neer as dum
as yoo think we is: Over a month ago, two senators started calling
members, flinging groundless false accusations about me. (Folks, I’m
really not a drunken, anti-Christian Masonic devil-worshipping rapist
who is too stupid to be a ‘governor.’ And just for the record – I
‘govern’ – NOTHING – except myself!) I can only imagine what would
power people who would spend SO much time – vilifying me to one person
after another – with first one false accusation – followed by another
– making total fools of themselves. (divide to conquer – orchestrated
by ‘national’? you got it.) Then, these two senators wrote up their
constitution – that they said was the West Virginia constitution.
Very few people saw it.

A few weeks ago, ‘TLGA’ made a post on ‘Greg’s blog’ – that stated
that West Virginia was next – on the chopping block – information that
somehow leaked out of ‘national.’ Another gov sent me the blog link.
I knew what had happened in other states that had been busted up with
the help of national ‘ambassador’ Jim Fitzgerald – and the SAME THING
was happening in West Virginia. It had become ‘textbook.’ This was a
crucify-the-governor operation – designed to bust up the state. I had
NO IDEA – that TLGA was Teri Hinkle. (had I known it, I would have
ignored the post – OK?) Actually I find it amazing that there are still any who don’t know that. I have never hidden it in fact have explained the reason many times but that’s neither here nor there and changes nothing.
Then – these two senators called for a constitution conference call
– and we were going to have at least TWO ‘special guests’ – from
‘national’ – one of whom was Jim Fitzgerald – national ‘ambassador.’
(ambassador – like Henry Kissinger was an ambassador?) It wasn’t a
constitution call. It was a crucify-Jimmy call – and I chose not to
attend – didn’t want to serve as the toilet at the party. Members got
so mad, they hung up and called ME. (then they couldn’t get back on
the call.) One of them said some psychoanalyst was analyzing my
e-mails. He said that was like a second-grader – critiquing the work
of a PhD. One member referred to her as ‘the chainsaw.’ Our false
accusers (the senators) did a real good job of hanging themselves – in
view of our republic. HEY – RuSA – TRUTH ALWAYS OUTLASTS LIES! Got
The day after the failed crucifixion call, I came home, saw ‘Teri
Hinkle’ on Caller ID. Oh boy – satan’s half-sister was on the phone!
I decided to call her back – because even if she was satan’s sister –
her post had helped save West Virginia’s collective butt. She and I
had a long talk. She started trashing Tim. I would not put up with
that. She gave me some people to contact – and a whole lot of good
info that I verified. OK – maybe she’s only satan’s first cousin - - Thanks for the promotion but I’m really just a female patriot and not a young one, who will not stand for corruption, betrayal, manipulation and harm to innocent people when there is anything I can do to change it.
- -

I don’t know that Teri will post this paragraph – or anything I’ve
written – but I need to correct her on a few things. Teri said that
there was a string of about a hundred false accusations. CORRECTION:
A few people made the same few asinine false accusations – over and
over – about a hundred times. I stand corrected, my source may have misunderstood or I may even have heard wrong. Teri said the call went on for 3 ½
hours. It went shy of three hours. Again I was told 3 and a half but after 3 hours of false attack what’s another half hour? Teri said that they unseated West
Virginia. They failed to get enough signatures. Make no mistake Governor you are unseated. Votes or no votes they will accept ONE person claiming to BE THE ASSEMBLY OF WEST VIRGINIA and it definitely isn’t the first time that has occurred.
FROM WHOM OR WHERE! Would she be in the crowd – screaming ‘Crucify
Him! Crucify Him!’ ??? No, I don’t believe in MOB RULE! She sees him as the devil himself. NO that seat is already taken but he is one of the minions, willing or not and it doesn’t matter which. I see him
as the bravest man I’ve ever met – who has been the victim of the most
complex – contorted attack I’ve EVER seen – by those evil ones who
only want to destroy him, his message, AND ANYBODY WHO AGREES WITH
PEOPLE! Here’s my message to Teri: ‘You’re trashing the wrong man!
Trash his handlers!’ Got it? Again I highly respect you and your opinion but on this one we just have to agree to disagree. As I pointed out above, either way leads to the same hell.

Here’s my message for you folks: We KNOW what ‘national’ tried to do
in West Virginia. It didn’t work. I don’t care whether you think
that Tim Turner is an angel – or the devil incarnate. What he – I
prefer to believe his handlers – visible and invisible – is doing is
IS THE OPPOSITE – OF WHAT THEY ADVERTISE. They consistently don’t do
what they say they will do. When will you catch on? WVa caught on!
We’re bailing out! The ship is burning!

Incidentally, on a governor’s phone call – maybe three weeks ago – I
told Tim that Congress was meeting in secret. They had their
congressional calls – and people weren’t given information as to how
to listen to their congress. Tim promised to correct that. FOLKS, IT
DIDN’T HAPPEN – AND RuSA IS TOTALLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL! GOT IT? Refer to what I said about this above. It has become the norm and so glaringly obvious that people would have to be wearing double blind folds and two paper bags over their heads not to see it.

And I was one of their biggest champions. I got on air and promoted
– promises that didn’t happen to the point where I was discredited.
RuSA has discredited itself BEYOND ALL REDEMPTION. And it grieves me
no end. I grieve for what might have been. I’m horrified at what is.

The good folks in West Virginia see ‘national’ RuSA – for what it is
– not what it’s advertised to be. We want no part of RuSA. If I even
suggested that we stay w/RuSA – they’d be beating on my door by
midnight! We’re dealing with some really bad guys – who hijacked this
– almost a year ago – and they want to trap us all!

The bad guys in the world put people into three categories: 1) Bad
boy players – 2) useful idiots (honest and therefore gullible people)
– and 3) dangerous people – those who are honest and not-so-gullible.
I’m in the last category. I can’t BELIEVE it took me so long to catch
on. And I HATE being duped! I’ve opened my eyes and swallowed my
pride – let go of the dream that turned into a nightmare.

I have never heard of a good man who hasn’t been duped. I’ve never
heard of a good guy who wasn’t set up to be a patsy. That’s where we
are, folks, and it really ticks me off that they duped ME! (and I
thought I was so damn smart) I believe that Tim is under the control
of world-class dupers who’ve tried to dupe AND TRAP us all. I just
read Teri’s ‘divorce’ letter – at the right of the website. I – AND

1) Get out of RuSA – send the letters – return receipt requested to
Tim’s address. I have yet to find the address for ‘national’ RuSA.
(CIA headquarters?)

2) Get everyone you know who has signed on to do the same.

My message for RuSA: You’re in self-destruct mode – by design – and
we aren’t letting you take us down with you! Got it? RuSA: You’re
exposing yourself. Keep up the good work! And for you folks who
think that those two ladies in Florida got your e-mail addresses from
Teri Hinkle, her database is old. New people got the e-mails. THE
LADIES GOT THE INFO FROM ‘NATIONAL’. Exactly and since I have never shared the data base with anyone other than those Tim Turner instructed me to they had to have gotten it from one of the following, Kelby Smith, CW Wright or Jim Fitzgerald (who has incidentally been emailing state data bases to people off the street who sign up without the state’s knowledge or approval). BTW contrary to the outlandish claim on the governor’s call that it had to have been Jesus Berrios or me, Berrios never had it and even if he had he has had his hands full for months hiding the criminals for Tim and chauffeuring Tama Puna around. The ninny set himself up to be sacrificed for the deeds of others but on this one at least, he isn’t guilty. Don’t believe for a minute any claims that Kelby and CW haven’t had that data base all this time. Tim Turner TOLD ME HIMSELF ON A PHONE CALL WITH ANOTHER OFFICIAL ON THE LINE THAT HE WOULD INSTRUCT KELBY AND CW TO GIVE ME THAT DATA BASE AS SOON AS THE CALL WAS OVER IN FACT HE CHOSE ME TO HAVE IT, I DID NOT EVER ASK FOR IT… instead Kelby set up a radio attack on me and my whole state the following morning and CW put out an unauthorized email calling for a poll vote after both were ordered to hand over the data base and not to say a single negative word. I’m sure you all remember the ridiculous recorded apology on the national call that week and the fake removal of Kelby for a short time afterward. I’m sure the other elected official who was on that call with me and Turner will swear to what I have said. Don’t accept blood money and
don’t pay attention to the controlled opposition from ‘national.’
Just GET OUT! ! Hmmm doesn’t seem to be any blindfolds and paper bags in play there.

I want you to walk away from what I’ve written with two questions –
that I want you to answer for yourself: ‘Do you – trust what
‘national’ – RuSA – is doing? Do you – trust them – not to throw you
into the slammer?’ Hey, it ain’t workin’ folks. And don’t just walk

And I’ve NEVER claimed to be ‘sovereign.’ GOD IS SOVEREIGN! WE
AREN’T! I am a man with God-Given rights, responsibilities, and I
have been given stewardship of what GOD has given me – and that
includes the truth as I see it. And as found in Ezekiel 33, we’re
each other’s watchmen. If you know something – and you don’t let
others know – their blood will be on your hands. I’ve gotten any
blood off my hands by warning you.

And I still love Tim – the man – and his (our) dream – return to
Godly, constitutional government – led by God almighty – not any man!
I fear that Tim (and probably his visible handlers) will be
sacrificed. My parting message – and tears form in my eyes as I write
this: Pray for Tim, Pray for Tim, Pray – for – Tim!

Sincerely, Jim ex-‘governor’ from West Virginia

PS: I’m not suicidal. If you hear that I’ve been charged with a
bunch of false charges and/or carted off to a slave camp – you’ll know
why. And for those who want to do such things – God’s revenge is
exquisite – and I’ve seen Him personally deal with some who set me up
to take great falls in the past.

2 Chronicles 7:14. If we DON’T put God FIRST – He will NOT heal our
land - - -
You all have a true an accurate history above on what happened to just one state and its very honorable governor. West Virginia is just the latest in a string of hostile takeovers by totally unscrupulous methods bearing no resemblance to a Constitutional Republic. The laughable Turner Administration has established a new low in the definition of unconstitutional behavior. All the while the dope on a rope at the top claims he is “not aware” of anything like that having taken place and promises on the governor’s call to “look into it”. He ignores the true statement of the honest man from West Virginia, attempts to humiliate him before his peers, then puts on his “hillbilly redneck persona” and spouts his latest message from God’s answering machine. He then proceeds to admonish the flock to “git er done”. And Oh by the way, his passport is on the way, and money too OH JOY!.
Reliable sources have leaked that Carl Sedlak has made the same offer to Robert Stevens of Hawaii that he made to another governor (who has since been removed) a couple of months ago, to fund with one million dollars any state who will dump Turner and go forth with their individual Republic. Can we say, oooops the national trap hasn’t worked out so well, is imploding as we speak so the de facto had better rely on those still leading the states to cross the line? Oh and did I share that I HEARD SEDLACK WITH MY OWN EARS MAKE THIS SAME OFFER BEFORE? AND DID I MENTION THAT HE CALLED ME PERSONALLY AND ASKED IF I COULD BRING FORTH FUNDING IF TIM TURNER AND THE CALIFORNIA VIPERS NEST WAS GOTTEN RID OF? The only thing surprising about this development is that Robert Stevens thinks he will be around to take advantage of it. Proof of his involvement with the escape of the Dimitrion’s has already been given to the FBI. What goes around comes around Bobby. New can for the Pineapple coming up.
P.S. It doesn’t matter if the authorities pick up the Dimitrions or not anymore. They have the facts of who, how and when now so sooner or later they will pounce on the guilty with or without the fugitives because they do have their own faces to save.


President May be in Deep Trouble

President May be in Deep Trouble

This will be an interesting turn of events if it does come to the surface.....bring it on!!

Our New Dictator May Be In Deep Trouble...with Chief Justice John Roberts, U.S. Supreme Court.

According to sources who watch the inner workings of the federal government, a smac
k-down of Barack Obama by the U.S. Supreme Court may be inevitable.

Ever since Obama assumed the office of President, critics have hammered him on a number of Constitutional issues. Critics have complained that much, if not all of Obama's major initiatives run headlong into Constitutional roadblocks on the power of the federal government. Obama certainly did not help himself in the eyes of the Court when he used the venue of the State of the Union address early in the year to publicly flog the Court over its ruling that the First Amendment grants the right to various organizations to run political ads during the time of an election. The tongue-lashing clearly did not sit well with the Court, as demonstrated by Justice Sam Alito, who publicly shook his head and stated under his breath, 'That's not true,' when Obama told a flat-out lie concerning the Court's ruling. As it has turned out, this was a watershed moment in the relationship between the executive and the judicial branches of the federal government. Obama publicly declared war on the court , even as he blatantly continued to propose legislation that flies in the face of every known Constitutional principle upon which this nation has stood for over 200 years.

Obama has even identified Chief Justice John Roberts as his number one enemy, that is, apart from Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, and so on. And it is no accident that the one swing-vote on the court, Justice Anthony Kennedy, stated recently that he has no intention of retiring until 'Obama is gone.' Apparently, the Court has had enough. The Roberts Court has signaled, in a very subtle manner, of course, that it intends to address the issues about which Obama critics have been screaming to high heaven. A ruling against Obama on any one of these important issues could potentially cripple the Administration. Such a thing would be long overdue.

First, there is ObamaCare, which violates the Constitutional principle barring the federal government from forcing citizens to purchase something. And no, this is not the same thing as states requiring drivers to purchase car insurance, as some of the
intellectually-impaired claim. The Constitution limits FEDERAL government, not state governments, from such things, and further, not everyone has to drive, and thus, a citizen could opt not to purchase car insurance by simply deciding not to drive a vehicle. In the ObamaCare world, however, no citizen can 'opt out.'

Second, sources state that the Roberts court has quietly accepted information concerning discrepancies in Obama's history that raise serious questions about his eligibility for the office of President. The charge goes far beyond the birth certificate issue. This
information involves possible fraudulent use of a Social Security number in Connecticut , while Obama was a high school student in Hawaii .

And that is only the tip of the iceberg.

Third, several cases involving possible criminal activity, conflicts of interest, and pay-for-play cronyism could potentially land many Administration officials, if not Obama himself, in hot water with the Court. Frankly, in the years this writer has observed politics,
nothing comes close to comparing with the rampant corruption of this Administration, not even during the Nixon years. Nixon and the Watergate conspirators look like choirboys compared to the jokers that populate this Administration.

In addition, the Court will eventually be forced to rule on the dreadful decision of the Obama DOJ suing the state of Arizona . That, too, could send the Obama doctrine of open borders to an early grave, given that the Administration refuses to enforce federal law on illegal aliens.

And finally, the biggie that could potentially send the entire house of cards tumbling in a free-fall is the latest revelation concerning the Obama-Holder Department of Justice and its refusal to pursue the New Black Panther Party. The group was caught on tape committing felonies by attempting to intimidate Caucasian voters into staying away from the polls. A whistle-blower who resigned from the DOJ is now charging Holder with the deliberate refusal to pursue cases against Blacks, particularly those who are involved in radical hate-groups, such as the New Black Panthers, who have been caught on tape calling for the murder of white people and their babies. This one is a biggie that could send the entire Administration crumbling--that is, if the Justices have the guts to draw a line in the sand at the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.


Dinar Count Down NOW!

[Bulldog75] "THE COUNTDOWN" 95.45%

IQD RATE POST PROBABILITY BEFORE/ON AUG. 29, TRENDING UP! 4.55% X FACTOR. IQD could post any hour from NOW to Aug. 29, IMO. "The fly in the ointment" was O and the UST. Yes, we uncovered that last Friday. All we had to do was follow the money. O asked repeatedly for 'favors' and he got continuous days of extension by calling in 'his chips' from his 'power of office and the Reserve Currency status'. O simply got extension favors so IRS/UST would collect more taxes in the long haul from Tier 3, you. They: O, UST, IRS will rake in 15-30% extra from you, the taxpaper for the delay "to get the extra sales. Its about the Tax Money folks!!! For some reason ladies and gents it just always seems to be about :



3.Oil. Now ain't that just something new...NO.

So #4 here is our TIMING.


Iraq has NO more timeouts left, the clock is ticking.

$$$ estimates:

IQD $3.50, Dong .25 USD.

There are NO retreating options here. "This is a Perfect Window" for Iraq, Tier 3, USA and the World. You are blessed and highly favored to be here. There is NO mistake that YOU are here, for HIS timing is perfection; for HE has the answers before you have the question, Jeremiah 33:3.

Your Gift comes SOON for You have believed and have Faith in Him. Be wise and courteous. Love others as you love yourself. Know you are a Child of God and are protected by HIM. 100% LOVE= no fear! For where there is LIGHT, there can be no darkness. Amen.

Your GIFT Comes Now.

Mass Arrests In Preparation - MUST READ!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

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Emerging Pentagon-CIA-NSA power faction preparing for mass arrest of US criminal oligarchs
The US Fed fiat-casino banksters meeting at Jackson Hole, Wyoming (Thursday 25th to Sunday 28th August 2011), will have more than the inexorable economic grind-down of the Washington DC private corporation to worry about. Many of the attendees' personal liberties are at stake. They can no longer rely on their bought-and-paid-for friends in the American Bar Association to protect them from their élite white-collar crimes. The BAR (British Accredited Regency) operates under the British Maritime Admiralty Law of Flags. But this DC corporation legal scam has been blown. American Constitutional Law is being quietly resurrected all across the old USA. And there is open talk of Treason.

More on the Jackson Hole meeting can be found here (22.08.11), here (22.08.11) and here (22.08.11). And there is more about the US corporation's gold-fringed scam flags here and here.