Monday, October 31, 2011

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - October 31, 2011

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - October 31, 2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 31-Oct-2011 06:40:04

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - October 31, 2011
Disclosure as such is important to us but not as much as the subsequent developments, and the dark Ones try by any means to block the announcement as it spells the end of their covert activities. It is also the beginning of a closer relationship between us, that will see a great coming together in the Brotherhood of Light. We are therefore pressing our allies to commence Disclosure as soon as possible, but if necessary we will make it happen. We have long referred to the divine date for it, and that looms near so any delay will be short lived.
It is not that you will be unprepared for Ascension, as it has been happening for a very long time. Also once we can openly communicate with you, we will make the details clearly known to you. As it stands, those of you who have elected to ascend have diligently followed the advice that has been given. You have found your own path, and many already live their lives as one who walks in the Light. There are different ideas as to the way in which the end-times play out, but that is accepted as it is your choice as to where your journey takes you. Bear in mind that the 21.12.12 is a major upliftment, yet only the beginning of another cycle of experience. However, it is for your civilization the opportunity to leave duality, and not continue re-incarnating in the lower dimension.
You may have fond memories of the Earth, but do not forgot that the majority of you will be ascending with her to enjoy the beauty and harmony of the higher dimensions. You will not have any regrets for leaving the present Earth, and in fact you will feel quite privileged to have shared her journey. You will have moved from the unreal to the Creator's expression of what life should really be like. Duality was given to you to experience exactly as you wished, and you had total freewill. Now, you are stepping into the heavenly realms where the Creator's Laws are manifest, and powers of creation are given to you. By then you will have become Cosmic Beings without any limitation whatsoever. However, the Laws of the Universe still apply but at your higher level of achievement and understanding, you would not do anything that would go against them.
After living through the depths of darkness, and the continuing erosion of your rights it was to be expected that you would turn against those who imposed it upon you. Because so many of you turned to the Light and sought freedom from your oppressors, it allowed the Brotherhood of Light to authorize our presence in your lives. With help you have risen up quite rapidly, and by so doing have lifted the consciousness levels to a new height. The effect has helped your fellow travelers to also awaken, and the impetus is such that nothing will stop it going to its natural conclusion. That is of course what you have been working towards for a long time, and our presence is your guarantee of completion.
Knowing that your present life is just but one of many that will continue ad infinitum, you will realize that it is all for your experience as you grow in consciousness. It will gradually expand so that eventually it could embrace a whole planet, and way into your future some of you may chose to experience being a planetary logos. This may give you an idea as to what a great being you have in Mother Earth, who like you is still growing in consciousness. It is why you are ascending together, and if you think about it, it is truly an astonishing fact. Who would otherwise think that the Earth is a fully conscious Being. That is why you are asked to acknowledge what she has done for you out of her love for humankind. She feels your love and receives your prayers, and is re-assured by them as she goes ahead with the cleansing of the planet.
The more you understand the truth about yourselves and your purpose for being here, the easier it will become to accept the changes that are taking place. We would say, go with the flow knowing that all will work out well regardless of how it appears now. Just think of how little time remains before Ascension, and enjoy the thoughts of how exciting it is to be part of it. It is why you incarnated for this particular time, and you were fully aware of what your experiences would involve. Think again of the wise souls that have joined you in recent years, bringing a higher level of consciousness that is necessary to ensure the upliftment continues. You call them Indigo children, Starseeds and other names that identify them as the special ones, that bring you much needed knowledge. They left the comfort and harmony of the higher dimensions, to serve you at a time when their presence is needed.
Treat all as your Brothers and Sisters and give of your love as freely as you can. If you can do that and see the Light within them, you will be helping uplift them as every soul responds to the love vibration. When you can do this, you have truly reached a new level of Christ Consciousness that will hold good for the future. Simply do your best and you can do no more, and no caring soul will fault you for the occasions when you cannot maintain such levels. It will become easier as you progress towards the higher dimensions, and eventually take your place within them.
The truth will come with the revelations that we shall bring you, but prepare to be astonished at how much you have been misled. Much will seem incredible and hard to accept because you have been mind controlled for so long. However accept as much as you can, and anything left undecided will still find place in your heart at the appropriate time. Most revelations will make good sense, and explain some of the mysteries that have been deliberately put before you to keep you under control. The last thing the dark Ones want, is for you to become independent of them.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and the more I understand about you, the more I appreciate how resilient you are and how duality has toughened you to life's ups and downs. No wonder other civilizations will look up to you and seek your help. You have left the comfort and joy of being in the of the higher dimensions, to have a total experience of duality with all of its pain and sorrow to help others. I bow before you and acknowledge the beautiful loving souls that you are, I love you all.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Message from Montague Keen - October 30, 2011

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from Montague Keen - October 30, 2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 31-Oct-2011 06:46:59

Message from Montague Keen - October 30, 2011
Veronica, my dear, I told you in the past that changes could not happen until the man in the street woke up to what was being done to your world. When, and only when, those brave souls stepped forward and asked for truth and justice, could the Transition move forward. I warned that it would not be an easy ride but that it would expose the real truth. Now, you see religions which preach love and concern for the poor, showing themselves in their true light. Again I say to you, look at their actions, not their words. Wealth and power are what they serve, not the Supreme Being whose love for mankind is behind the shift to full consciousness. It is then that your controllers will lose all that they have fought to acquire. It has become blatantly clear who you can trust and who you need to see with suspicion. Check who is pulling the strings. The puppets who sold their souls for gain were put in positions of power. They are there only as long as they serve their masters. The changes that are taking place are much bigger than you can imagine. Just because you do not see them, does not mean that they are not happening: they happen on different levels.
The corrupt are making mistakes in their bid to hold on to power and so are exposing themselves in their true colors. 99% of mankind DOES NOT WANT THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Now, the Vatican is pushing for it, pretending that they care for, and want to save, humanity. Well, it is blatantly obvious that they have no intention of helping the masses, who through the GREED of the VATICAN BANKS, are homeless and jobless. The Vatican controlled banks are driving people out of their homes. They controlled the so-called recession: they carefully planned it in an attempt to keep the masses under control. Most people do not know of the vast amount of GOLD stacked away in the Vatican. It will not save them. It belongs to the people and will be returned to the people. It will be used until the use of money is phased out. This may take a little time but this is our intention. The acquisition of money is what drives the corrupt.
You were shocked when you had to deal with my igregious blood family after my passing when you were suffering the shock of my sudden loss. I did as much as I could to show you that I was still with you. But I was no longer able to deal with everyday matters. They showed no respect for the grievous loss you had just suffered.
The lies that you are seeing on your TVs, and in newspapers, bear no resemblance to the truth. The killing of innocent people for OIL is going on, in front of your eyes. Wake up ! I know that there are still some who want to believe that their governments would not lie to them. In fact, the truth is so terrible that they cannot bring themselves to believe it. The pretence of going into countries to "PROTECT" the people, when what they actually do is KILL them and destroy those countries. Then they attack those at home who dare to question their actions.
Ask yourselves this question . . . What freedom do you have left? You will find that you have sleep-walked into a Police State. You have allowed your rights to be removed. You need to support those who have had the courage to say, No More. Not in My Name. Those who sit back and do nothing are as guilty as those who pull the trigger and kill. It is time to stand up and be counted.
One day soon you will learn what was done to you to control you so that you could serve the corrupt regimes. Each one of you is a powerful Being of Light, capable of so much. You will be as children when all is restored. You will enjoy learning all that you are capable of. You will not need money to explore your planet. The power of thought is all that is needed. You will have to forget all that you were taught as that only served to control you. The truth is exciting and liberating. Then you will know REAL FREEDOM. No more restrictions. Nothing will remain as it is. It is a time of new beginnings. Health restored without medical intervention - you will be vibrating on a completely different level.
Some of you have roles to fulfil. You know who you are. You will be guided as to what you must do. Respond to the energy changes that are happening all the time. The corrupt cannot control them. A greater power than theirs is orchestrating them. The corrupt will no longer be able to hide or keep their shape as the energy changes become more pronounced. They are using FEAR to try to keep you down. They show you how they attack and kill without mercy. This makes some of you fearful that this may be your fate also. It is when those who carry out such barbarous acts realize that they are destroying their world and their children's future; then maybe, they will refuse to be responsible for this crime against humanity. They lead double lives: at home with their families they are civilized human beings, but once they don the uniform, they become ROBOTS. Killers, whose only excuse is, "I was only obeying orders".
You, and you alone, will answer for your actions. The killings and attacks on innocent people must stop. Without those who only follow orders, the corrupt would cease to have any power to control, tomorrow. Their house of cards would fall. They need you to survive - you do not need them. You are the people who have the REAL POWER. You have the power to bring their reign of terror to an end immediately. You need to find your conscience and live by it. How can you hurt those who only want justice for you and your kind and a better life for everyone.
The more light that you create, the faster the change. The Dark Ones cannot survive in love. This is why they create the need for wars and discord all over your world. It is their oxygen. Human blood needs to flow for them to survive. The evidence for this is coming to the fore every day. It is as though the light that surrounds you is showing up their lies. It is making them more obvious. Their game is up, it's time for them to bow out. They will face the consequences of their actions, one way or another.
Many more from other planets are amongst you, assisting you through these difficult times. Many of them are working to dismantle the plans of the Cabal. They have been putting things in place in areas which the public do not even know about. They will show themselves when it is safe for them to do so; they have no wish to jeopardize anything. They are with you every step of the way. You will be one big family once more. We will be able to show ourselves soon also. Look on the positive side: it's just a matter of removing the Cabal's power structure and restoring human life to its full potential.
We wish to thank all those, who through their efforts, are restoring the light in your world. Exciting times are ahead, my love, as both sides of life come together to rejoice in the restoration of Light and Truth.
Your adoring husband, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

Unity, Unity, Unity.......otherwise disaster

Subject: Unity, Unity, Unity.......otherwise disaster


My last tour in Viet Nam I faced the enemy in was my duty to kill him. 

That didn't mean I hated or disrespected the North Vietnamese. I did respect the North Viet Namese fighter.  Both Americans, and I suspect North Vietnamese, were fighting in support of our ideals and what we thought was right.  We were all open about what our goals and objectives were, not hiding our intentions in the face-to-face combat realm. We fought each other fully knowing the potential price, but did it honorably.

We are now in a fight for our US Constitution and it is our duty to resist any and all who are distorting, betraying, dishonoring, and failing to uphold their oath.  It is also a fight against those that might say they are pursuing actions to support the US Constitution but also involved in undermining others through deceivable means to further personal insatiable selfish power ambitions.

I have a certain amount of respect for the "Occupy Wall Street" radicals because they are doing what they think is right, out in the open, as detestable as it is....we know what they're about.

What I detest most is despicable faux supporters in patriot movements, some established web sites, and others that would attempt to damage, discredit, interfere with other constitutional restoration movements through deceit, spreading virus bugs, while on the surface appearing as a legitimate entity.  I hold the "Occupy Wall Street" radicals above faux patriots that attempt, under the cover of covert malicious acts, virus spreaders, who interfere and malign other patriot movements...these  faux constitutional people are cowards and another enemy.

There are reports that indicate certain elements question "A Declaration To Restore The Constitutional Republic" ...that's fine, I don't think any believe the Declaration is perfect.  God has given all of us choice as does our US Constitution...but neither give anyone the right to back-bite, spread virus among others, use deceit and other means to discredit supporters of the Declaration.

This is the time to lock arms, stand shoulder to shoulder, put aside personal agendas and answer the Paul Revere call as the enemy has not only been sighted, we know who he is and where he lives. Do you think Obama and his crowd should go?  Then, let's go after him, not for any person, entity, group, but for "we the people" in liberty and freedom.  See you in D.C. on 11-11-11

Harry Riley, COL, USA, Ret
Crestview, FL

Rally to Restore the Constitution, 11/11/11 Washington DC

OK...all you people out there who want our Constitutional Republic back get busy and support these guys and spread the wordl.  They either need your body in Washington or your dollars to help fund this.  Send this to everyone you know! Make it the SHOUT heard 'round the world.

On the Rally to Restore the Constitution, 11/11/11 Washington DC  By Jim O'Neil

Thank all for the initial response to our donation request...a ways to go but we're on the way. We have new guidance for anyone that wishes to donate on line.  

If you're a USPU/VDA member  login to VDA and follow the instructions there.

For all others, proceed to the link provided in the earlier funding request or  Donate to 11-11-11 Event Fund!

If you do not wish to donate on-line, you may mail your contribution payable to The U.S. Patriots Union (11-11-11 Event). Mail to The U.S. Patriots Union - P.O. Box 783 - Hermitage, TN 37076-0783  Mail donations are requested to be sent right away.

Our natons rudder is broken, patriots...we're sending Libyan rebels to Germany for treatment in US Military hospitals and you wonder who pays?  Guess what....we do!.  At the same time Senator McCain is agreeing to rape military TRICARE health benefits to save funds.  Just lost 12 or 13 warriors in Afghanistan today thanks to a anti-American commander-in-chief that undermines our military at every turn. This doesn't even touch government selling guns to Mexican drug dealers killing our border guards; millions to failed energy busts; CZARS side-stepping Congress; on and on.  What the hell are we doing?  Obama is the enemy and people are snoozing, wondering if he will get reelected...wringing hands. We must stop this traitor, betrayer of the US Constitution.  This is what 11-11-11 Declaration Rally/muster in D.C. is all about...bringing to a screaming crescendo the failures and outright criminal behavior of the Obama Administration and his supporting Congress critters.

We all need to pitch in so it won't be so hard on any of us...Obama and his cohorts are slowly, like a cancer, eating away at our strength...soon we will be weakened to point of no alternative.  Be part of the fight, help with funding and lock arms and stand shoulder to shoulder together in D.C. on 11-11-11.  Our freedom and liberty is at tell me what's more important.

Harry Riley, COL, USA, Ret
Crestview, FL
Visit Constitutional Emergency at:

Did you notice who Obama threatened when he wasn't getting his way on raising the debt

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

JUST IN: Interesting observation; Did you notice who Obama threatened when he wasn't getting his way on raising the debt
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Monday, 31-Oct-2011 05:00:01
The following observation came in email.. thought it was worth sharing]

Interesting observation
Did you notice who Obama threatened when he wasn't getting his way on raising the debt ceiling?
He threatened to not pay: Social Security Retirees, Military Retirees, Social Security disability and Federal Retirees.
Now.. Let this sink in really good -
He did not threaten to stop payments to illegal aliens
He did not threatened to take frivolous benefits such as Internet access away from violent inmates
He did not offer to fire some of the thousands of unnecessary federal employees that he hired
He did not offer to cut down on his or his wife's frivolous gallivanting around
He did not threaten to not pay the senators and representatives or any of their staff
He did not threaten to take benefits away from welfare recipients
He did not threaten the food stamp programs
He did not threaten to not pay foreign aid
He did not threaten to cut back on anything that involves his base voters
The list could go on and on. He is in full political re-election mode!
Why are we allowing this person to destroy this wonderful country with his selfishness and his lies?
His type of change is killing our country. He needs to be stopped and only our votes can stop him.
Do not forget about his tactics when it's election time. Vote Obama out of the Presidency in 2012.
Democracy... is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.
Liberty ... is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. -- Benjamin Franklin

A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves! I'M 100% for PASSING THIS ON!!! Let's Take a Stand!!!

Obama: Gone!
Borders: Closed!
Language: English only
Culture: Constitution, and the Bill of Rights!
Drug Free: Mandatory Drug Screening before Welfare!
NO freebies to: Non-Citizens!
We the people are coming

Only 86% will send this on. Should be a 100%.What will you do?
PLEASE forward this message to your friends, who hopefully will think before they vote in 2012.

Foreclosure - Delaware Attorney General Sues Mortgage Electronic Measuring System, Calls for Halt to Foreclosures

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room Delaware Attorney General Sues Mortgage Electronic Measuring System, Calls for Halt to Foreclosures
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Monday, 31-Oct-2011 05:14:34
Delaware Attorney General Sues Mortgage Electronic Measuring System, Calls for Halt to Foreclosures | Truthout

The "JiffyLube Company" should be shut down yesterday.

Attention friends and family: This came to me from a friend and I want everyone I know to have it.

This is a must read and then forward. The "JiffyLube Company" should be shut down yesterday.
Copy and paste in you address bar and become educated to the JiffyLube scam at the link below.