Wednesday, December 28, 2011

DINAR - Commentary worth reading

WOW...this is one of the BEST articles I've read on the WHOLE picture of what is happening with the dinar, AND the banking system!  Do yourself a favor and read this thoroughly, it's chock-full of amazing insights, juicy details, and blessed reassurance!!!  

Thorough Commentary on the DINAR . . .

It has been a while, but I did not want to repeat myself, give false hope, or just echo what is flying about on the internet. Today, I read a blog from a friend that was quite encouraging and I want to share with you all my viewpoint.

It is very important to understand how something could be made from nothing. I heard a famous money advisor on the radio this week saying the dinar was a scam, based on the uncertainty of the Iraqi government and the current value of the dinar. Under normal economic circumstances, this is ABSOLUTELY correct. Today, we have no normal circumstance whatsoever, so all bets are off. The Euro is about to implode, the third largest economy in Europe is collapsing, and the funds for illegal banking are being frozen. The dinar was created to print wealth. If I give you a dollar for a loaf of bread, you now understand that things similar to loaf of bread cost a dollar. That dollar is then traded to other things for about the same value. If secretly, I have a printing press in my garage that spits out dollars, I can spend those dollars for things also of a similar value. However, if I print too many dollars on my press, the neighbors may grow weary of me buying all their stuff. The demand for dollars drops. This is called inflation. To combat inflation and create value out of nothing, all I have to do is get everyone to use my dollars and not use anyone else’s. The ultimate goal would be to get the world to use my dollars. Then I could never spend too much, because there would be an enormous demand for my dollars. This is precisely what the Federal Reserve has done since 1913. Over the last ten years, however, the world has reached its capacity for dollars. Those holding them, must keep them tied up or the value would drop to near zero. So the plan is to trade dollars amongst the privileged, while maintaining high demand if possible from the economy. Thus, the economy must be kept dollar poor to keep the demand high. In the backdrop, those with the press have printed quadrillions of dollars simply by making entries on a computer screen, and funneled it into strategic bank accounts. Those account owners know that releasing too much money at once will devalue their own holdings and reveal who they are. It is a vicious circle.

Asset backed wealth is the antidote. It cannot be revalued easily because the supply is limited and the demand is steady or growing. It cannot be created at will, but requires a production and the economic engine to gather together. I predict that the current economy will never be restored until the move to asset backed wealth is made. The currency could be gold or silver or toenails or belly button lint. I don’t care which. It just can’t be paper. Some of you need to take my Class 201 – Paper Mache Castles. If you are still tracking me, there was a time when the current system really took off. After the surrender of Japan took place on the USS Missouri in late 1945, a secret agreement was made. The right to print the money in Japan was given over to a wing of the the Agency. The asset backed wealth was put into reserve, and eventually turned over to an international holding bank.

Prior to that in China, the reserve of gold was shipped to America for “safe keeping” and bonds were printed in the Philippines as a promise to repay. They did this to avoid Japan looting their wealth. These reserves of asset backed wealth were looted by the banking cabal instead, as it was rising to power and taking advantage of the effects of the war. There are always winners and losers. When China’s loan came due, China demanded the delivery of the gold. The western bankers would not return it and my guess is that much of it was lost to private accounts and reserves when they were supposed to be keeping it safe. They were given 50 years to steal it, and so they did. China complained to the international court and won. Much of the gold and paperwork concerning this repayment was kept in the twin towers and now we are into conspiracy.

I will leave it at that, but no one can review the evidence that is out there now and not determine that there is much more to 9/11 than what the news told us. Nevertheless, these Asian reserves are vast and not limited to what was stolen over the years. They are the collections from dynasties, hidden in huge reserves in Asia and elsewhere. The Federal Reserve did not steal it all, but when there has been a release of these assets, great attempts have been made to steal it. If you think about the $2~3 trillion USD that China is holding today, you have to recognize the quandary that China is in.

They are sitting on vast assets, which they cannot move for fear of being stolen, and the money they are holding is US dollars, which if they spend it now its value will collapse faster than they can spend it. I don’t think that is much of an exaggeration. Thus, enter the dinar. It is merely a vehicle to get US dollars transferred from the holdings of the banking elite to the main street. It is driven by international interests to jump start the economy and get liquidity back in the hands of the people who will spend it to live.

You had to make this currency vehicle cheap or else no normal person could afford to invest much. It had to be available, which is why so much was shipped to the US and elsewhere. You had to make the gain big, because giving a few dollars to anyone would have no impact on fixing things. Then you had to force the banks to revalue it. The enemy holds the control over that button. Why would they push the button willingly? They wouldn’t. Their toxic paper was made toxic on purpose, to be bought for a song and held long enough to allow the default to take place.

Foreclosures are up again in November, on purpose. So the good guys, who used to be the bad guys according to our news and good guys, are forcing the hand of the banks. It is getting serious and will eventually come to pass. Hang in there. Keep in mind that it is now known by most governments around the world that this banking control is intentional and deliberately focused on controlling assets and existing wealth. This is why you see defectors now in European governments and the inability of the elite to rectify the money problems. It is also why you saw people being arrested for closing their accounts in the big banks during the occupy protests. It is why you saw Obama levying a Christmas Tree tax, (they are desperate). It is why there is this general disgust for America amongst the nations.

It is not America, however, but those who represent their own banking and money interests. The world is waking up. The house of cards is falling down. Strong international powers sent Interpol into the United States, starting in 2010. There were like 7 plane loads of international police that came here to audit the Fed. This is not our government being audited, but the private banking system that controls every politician. They were deputized by the President, but I believe this was his hand being forced. The executive order is #12425 if you care to research it.

When the Fed was recently audited, it was discovered that like $16 Trillion was given out to special interests and foreign banks. When you understand that, you know that they do not wish to get the economy going again and release all the debtors. Plain and simple. Conspiracy? No, not really. It is about greed and control. If you on main street prosper, their machine collapses. It has taken a lot of work to get you in this position without you knowing it. This Executive Order above is the president being drug along kicking and screaming. The release of these police in the US has uncovered much of the illegal banking practices, the false flag attacks, the phony war stories, and so forth.

Many of the trusted leaders are going to jail soon and many Americans are going to feel quite foolish for being on the wrong side. Doesn’t matter which political affiliation you are. 2012 promises to be a dramatic year, so believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. Hopefully you do that already. I still strongly maintain that the dinar will be revalued. It is not a matter of investment. Don’t call it that, because it is not. There is no investment that repays 3000 to 1 in normal circumstances. The dinar was created for the sole purpose of transferring wealth and to create a windfall tax for the US government. It was planned from the beginning. It will not be decided by the Iraqi government and it will not depend on some law to be passed. Those are all distractions. This will take place when the timing is right those who are blocking it are out of the way.

It is close now, keep watch..Interpol is about to make some moves behind the scenes. You will see these come out as scandals and offenses of the crazy kind. Don’t get tangled up in any of it. The agency has a dossier on everyone in Washington. It is simply a matter of time.

Criminal Investigations Close In On G5 Western Banking Cabal

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Criminal Investigations Close In On G5 Western Banking Cabal
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 28-Dec-2011 11:48:11

Source: Alcuin Bramerton
Criminal investigations close in on G5 Western banking cabal as its access to credit is choked off across the globe
Several gamebreakers are now running concurrently.
Any one of them has the potential energy to collapse the Western cabal with a single mainstream media legal headline.
Certain of the initiatives include legal rubrics which require public disclosures to be front-end-loaded in the Western MSM.
If a corporate news group fails to comply with such a disclosure mandate, by that act it will immediately and permanently cease to trade.
Its assets will be impounded and held mothballed for the use of the new media groups which are on the plate and ready to run.
These free-to-air and web outlets will operate above and beyond the control or censorship of corporations, security cliques or sovereign governments.
At present there are five or six open-and-shut cases filed which would immediately terminate the US Presidency of Barack Obama.
Each has majority support on Capitol Hill.
The delay in implementing them has to do with disagreements among Senators, Congressmen and the Pentagon about what, or who, will occupy the downstream vacuum after Obama's removal.
In addition to the élite deceptions swirling around Obama's fake American birth qualification
and the provenance of his stolen Connecticut Social Security Number,
there are mature legal depositions relating to US President's slush funds at the Vatican Bank and Banco Santander in Europe,
and to Obama's unlawful entangling of America in the NATO Libyan invasion.
It needs to be recalled that there are between 27 and 39 levels of security clearance operating above the US President.
The exact number depends upon how you name and list the agencies involved and how they interpenetrate and overlap in their covert remits.
Thirty nine is the commonly quoted number by insiders who manage to break surface and live.
Testimony of Master Sergeant Dan Morris, USAF (Retired)/ NRO Operative
This means that above the knowledge of the US President (any US President), and above the need or ability of US Presidential access, are thirty nine levels of meetings, papers, operations and facilities about which the incumbent of the Oval Office is kept in complete, tightly-managed ignorance.
This is not about plausible deniability, or setting up structures which enable plausible deniability.
It about the fact that the Western cabal uses American heads of state and their administrations as media players to gull the populace.
In Western "democracy", as currently constituted, the politicians are merely hired actors working to a media agenda written by others for the benefit of a largely unseen transnational corporate élite.
But all this is beginning to break down as the money runs out in the West.
George Soros, for example, is beginning to feel the heat of legal due process in connection with his financial interference in US government business.
The UK-France public row over the EuroZone's chaos-financing indicates an accelerating fragmentation of Western cabal organisation.
German banks face an imminent market meltdown.
Commerzbank is now a basketcase for emergency nationalisation and breakup.
See Chart Here:
In Asia the rolling up of the Western cabal's power bases is proceeding apace.
On Saturday 17th December 2011, the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-il, a Rothschild puppet, was assassinated by heart attack.
There is now a struggle for the succession under way between the Rothschild chosen one, Swiss-educated playboy Kim Jong-un, and a rising military faction which seeks to kick the Western cabal out of the country.
A similar situation is evident in the US where a benevolent military coup becomes more likely by the day as the Pentagon and US intelligence agencies line up against the Washington corporation's anti-Constitutional US Homeland Security apparat.
Still unrecognised by most Western-based international market traders is the significant fact that eighty five percent of the total global gold inventory is held off-market in Asia.
Soon this gold is going to be brought on-market through the China South Rare and Precious Metal Exchange.
Various figures are cited in connection with the potential value of this 85% gold injection.
The lowest valuation is $371 trillion.
The gold is held in depositories throughout Asia reported to involve between 125 and 172 separate locations.
Among the largest are said to be those in Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines.
Will Asia's financial firework display be the Western cabal's execution bonfire?
More global background here (22.12.11), here (20.12.11), here (20.12.11), here (12.12.11), here (05.12.11), here (30.11.12), here (28.11.11), here (24.11.11), here (23.11.11) and here (21.11.11).

Why's The Media Shafting Ron Paul, And Ignoring NDAA & SOPA Dangers?

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Why's The Media Shafting Ron Paul, And Ignoring NDAA & SOPA Dangers?
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Wednesday, 28-Dec-2011 08:00:51

Why's The Media Shafting Ron Paul, And Ignoring NDAA & SOPA Dangers?
David Seaman, Credit Card Outlaw
The American broadcast media's ongoing blackout of NDAA and SOPA -- and their race to marginalize GOP presidential front-runner Ron Paul -- suggests a level of moral bankruptcy in the press that is troubling, to say the least.
Even though President Obama is on vacation in Hawaii, NDAA sits on his desk, and could receive his signature via autopen at any moment -- certain hotly contested provisions within the NDAA would allow for the lifelong imprisonment of American citizens on US soil, by military force, without right to a trial, access to an attorney, and so forth -- yet the media isn't talking about it?
Similarly, SOPA has reached an advanced stage in Congress -- like a metastasizing deadly cancer -- and would allow for totalitarian-style censorship of US Internet content without trial. Even this article would be subject to removal under SOPA provisions. Yet the media isn't talking about it?
Look, you don't have to be a Ron Paul supporter. But you do have to see that the media plays a vicious game where it considers Iowa a major stepping stone in the path to the presidency, UNLESS someone they don't favor is the front-runner there (as is the case with Ron Paul's surging popularity). Now, all of a sudden, the pundits are crawling out from underneath their rocks to tell the American people that Iowa has become "irrelevant."
Something is desperately wrong here.
Yes, you can argue that FOX News is owned by News Corporation -- which also owns the FOX television and movie studio. Yes, you can argue that CNN is owned by Time Warner -- which also owns the Warner Bros. and New Line Cinema movie studios.
Is this the reason why they are silent on SOPA? To protect their respective parent company's box office profits?
It's a tempting line of paranoia, but not convincing enough. Surely at least one or two producers at these networks must have a conscience? Surely they realize that totalitarian censorship, and detainment of Americans without giving them a trial, is fundamentally wrong? It goes beyond political affiliations or economic status: these bills affect every single American.
Someone please wake our media up before it's too late. Merry Christmas, by the way.
Continue the conversation: I don't write articles every day, but when I do, they are on subjects you should know about. You can follow me on Google+ or on Twitter to see my newest posts and keep in touch.
Please follow Business Insider on Twitter and Facebook.
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Think about buying a GE Product

General Electric is planning to move its 115-year-old X-ray division

From Waukesha , Wis. , to Beijing . In addition to moving the
Headquarters, the company will invest $2 billion in China and train
More than 65 engineers and create six research centers. This is the
Same GE that made $5.1 billion in the United States last year. But
Paid no taxes-the same company that employs more people overseas than
It does in the united States .

So let me get this straight. President Obama appointed GE Chairman
Jeff Immelt to head his commission on job creation (job czar). Immelt
Is supposed to help create jobs. I guess the President forgot to tell
Him in which country he was supposed to be creating those jobs.

If this doesn't show you the total lack of leadership of this
President, I don't know what does. Please pass this information to
Others and think about it before you buy a GE product.


PROOF How the Iowa GOP Plans a Rigged Election....

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Reader Bill: PROOF How the Iowa GOP Plans a Rigged Election....
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 28-Dec-2011 03:55:43

PROOF How the Iowa GOP Plans a Rigged Election....
PROOF How the Iowa GOP Plans a Rigged Election....
This is big time criminal fraud my friends, and your responsible action now in these primary states could mean saving the American democratic system. Watch video >>

Galactic Messages For Downloading

This is a compilation of several recent messages which have been channeled from our Galactics friends. 

Download them and enjoy.

John MacHaffie  

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 27-Dec-2011 20:01:32

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
6 Imix, 14 Mol, 8 Manik
Dratzo! We return! The process that began in earnest nine months ago continues to progress toward its inevitable resolution, and our Earth allies are close to obtaining the final funding orders for Count St. Germaine's World Trust. As you know, the fund closes annually on Christmas Eve (December 24th) and reopens the day after Christmas (December 26th), unless this date falls on a Sunday. So this year, the fund opens the next day! Europe's Earth allies are ecstatic that the preliminary approvals to go forward have been issued. The next step involves obtaining the actual funding certificate. Once this is gained, the trustees can sign off on it and those responsible for the disbursement can begin their detailed procedures. We are monitoring these activities closely and intend to see that they proceed without a hitch. Our liaisons have already contacted those involved in the coming government transitions and have told them to firm up the final versions of their respective broadcasts. We, too, are preparing the personnel whose job it will be to safeguard the various new governments.
The new-government tasks, in order of priority, are: the disbursement of the new monies, simultaneous with the setting-up of the new caretaker governments, including the new financial system; and the administration of numerous programs that will lead in a few weeks to disclosure. We are confident that all this will not take long to manifest. We are also busy establishing the much-needed communications system by which each of the announcements will be flawlessly broadcast. In addition, our fleet is daily increasing its level of exposure in your skies, to give you enough evidence to prove without a doubt that you are not alone! This activity alone ensures that those who wish to carry on their old ways are doomed to failure. The dark ones are still determined to find a way out of their ever-deepening dilemma, despite our reminding them day after day that any such escape plots will be blocked by us. This includes the horrific scenario of creating an 'incident' to ignite WW III. Heaven and we no longer permit the nuclear option!
The primary goal of the dark is this world war scenario. Whether it starts in the Middle East or in the Far East does not matter to them. They have set in motion a variety of events which can easily expand into major incidents, but this persistence will not pay off. We monitor very closely all those governments that still support the dark cabal and its international intrigues. They insist on pursuing war and this is unacceptable to us. We warn them repeatedly that those incidents deliberately staged to ensure the start of a global war are quite simply, emphatically unacceptable! Yet despite these continual admonitions, their aggressive maneuvers continue to mount. Shortly, we intend to create sufficient snafus to utterly stall these infernal stoke points. Many world leaders say one thing in public while inflaming several incendiary events behind the scenes. These too will be nipped in the bud.
Our fleet has positioned multiple defense craft at strategic locations to uncloak if necessary. The threats we are monitoring require a means to greatly reduce their possible incendiary affects on your world as your current reality is growing more and more fragile each day. Simultaneously, your new reality grids slowly manifest. The effects of these energies are still quite subtle, and predictably, your dark ones are busily engaged in trying to subvert them. Let us inform you, as we have informed them: these grids are building a new reality; this will proceed without interruption. Heaven has drawn up a timetable for this, and we have a divine mandate to complete your return to full consciousness. The dark can play around up to a certain point, and then our options are simple: to terminate fully their interference. You are to be given enough time to discuss and explore what is involved in your return to full consciousness. Then, in joy, you are to be transported to Inner Earth and transformed by the Light into who you really are!
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! This is the time of year when many look at themselves and their loved ones in a spiritual way, assessing how the past year went and what growth was seen in themselves and in those they most cherish. Likewise, we take the time to review how humanity has progressed spiritually and assess what still needs to be done to draw all of us closer to our joint goal of a fully conscious reality. We see that much progress has been made! The next step is, of course, to remove the obstacles left by the dark for all of us to surmount. Despite your treacherous world environment, we have moved our Earth associates to the very brink of success. Now we require divine assistance to ensure that your prosperity funds are delivered on time. Our spiritual and space families are ready to comply with the wishes of Heaven, and thus the moment comes for a most sacred miracle to manifest.
This moment in our history is indeed to be treasured. We have all seen the dark cabal's program for the most inglorious objective that it is! Their goal is terrible and infamous indeed, and this baleful vision will be banished by the sacred activities of our spiritual and space family. Our own contribution is nearly finished, and with grace and joy we are handing over this task to some incredible Beings who are prepared to intervene massively and swiftly to terminate this present, crumbling realm. In its stead will emerge a far better world, where we can all achieve our goals and welcome our greater family. This family, in turn, is to ensure that all will be well with Gaia and her peoples. Every part of Gaia will be renewed and returned to its former pristine state. We, the Ascended Masters, welcome this and look forward to being able to greet you all openly.
The celebration that will ring out in Heaven and Earth will be most exquisite! Finally, you will all experience full consciousness and become one with all of physicality and Heaven's vast expanse. Millennia ago, what is now about to happen was carefully planned and then executed by the dedicated unfolders of the Creator's divine plan. And as we have stated many times, it will free you from the unending turmoil of the dark and reconnect you with the Light. This mission has proved to us all to be a true mission of Love and we have never swayed from this special task. Now is the time of completion and it will be one of celebration for us all! More importantly, it is a supreme and sacred moment to be remembered with joy by us all. Gaia also intends to rejoice in her return to her natural state of Being. Blessings to you all! Ekta Cresos! (Love and Light!)
Today, we continued our continuing transmissions about the coming changes for humanity and this part of physicality. We are at a point where great and tumultuous change is to happen. This reality is at long last ready to accept the sacred transformations decreed by Lord Surea and the divine plan of this universe. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Forced Vaccinations - Ultimate Armed Assault And Battery!

Forced Vaccinations brings new meaning when the government says, “Bend Over”!

Children herded like cattle into Maryland courthouse for
forced vaccinations as armed police and attack dogs stand guard!!!!!!!!!

"Yet, amazingly, most parents just lined up like cattle ready to be branded, not bothering to question the sanity or legality of the very system in which they were now agreeing to participate."

(NaturalNews) Following the State of Maryland's threats against parents who refuse to have their children vaccinated, children were herded into a Price George County courthouse being guarded by armed personnel with attack dogs. Inside, the children were forcibly vaccinated, many against their will, under orders from the State Attorney General, various State Judges and the local School Board Director, all of whom illegally conspired to threaten parents with imprisonment if they did not submit their children to vaccinations.

The State of Maryland has now turned to Gestapo tactics to force its medical will upon the People, stripping parents of any right to decide how they wish to protect their own children from infectious disease. Health authorities there have already announced their intent to essentially kidnap parents and throw them in jail, removing them from their children for up to thirty days if they continue to refuse to have their children vaccinated. This will all be conducted at gunpoint, with armed personnel and attack dogs at the ready, making sure nobody steps out of line, and suppressing any attempt at public dissent against the Orwellian vaccination policies.

The entire campaign against these parents is blatantly illegal. There is no law in Maryland requiring the vaccination of children, thus parents who refuse to do so may not be legally charged with violating any law. Instead, Maryland health and school authorities are using Gestapo-like tactics, threatening to charge the parents with child truancy violations, criminalizing them for daring to protect their children from the dangerous chemicals found in vaccines (including thimerosal, a chemical additive containing a neurotoxic form of mercury).
The desperation of organized medicine is becoming increasingly apparent as more and more parents are becoming informed about the dangers of vaccinations and their link to autism, state health authorities are increasingly turning to "Gunpoint Medicine" to force the People to submit to the poisons of conventional medicine. Parents who attempt to save their children from deadly chemotherapy chemicals are being arrested and having their children kidnapped by
Child Protective Services (see ), and oncologists who used to be armed only with radiation machines and chemotherapy injectors and now arming themselves with U.S. Marshals and other local law enforcement authorities who are using loaded firearms to enforce "the will of the State" against parents who resist.

Even the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) announced its strong opposition to the Maryland "Gunpoint Medicine" vaccination campaign. In a press release published Nov. 16, the AAPS states:

"The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons today condemned the “vaccine roundup” executed in Prince George’s county Maryland this week, and promised to do everything it can to support parents who refuse to immunize their children.  This power play obliterates informed consent and parental rights,” said Kathryn Serkes, director of policy for the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), one of the few national physician groups that refuse corporate funding from pharmaceutical companies. In a scenario reminiscent of cattle round-ups, the state’s attorney has issued summons to more than 1600 parents of children who have not provided certificates of immunization for their children. But instead of toting a cattle prod, this state’s attorney chooses to wield a syringe to keep the “herd” in line."

Read the rest of the press release at: 

Gunpoint Medicine: Why drug pushers must now rely on Gestapo tactics. Conventional (pharmaceutical) medicine is the only system of medicine in the world that is so unpopular with informed consumers that it must be administered at the barrel of a gun. There is no other system of medicine anywhere in the world that resorts to such tactics to recruit patients.
At the Nov. 17th event in Maryland, activists Jim Moody and Kelly Ann Davis from SafeMinds ( were able to get in front of TV news cameras and voice their opposition to the coerced vaccination policy.

Yet, amazingly, most parents just lined up like cattle ready to be branded, not bothering to question the sanity or legality of the very system in which they were now agreeing to participate (not to say WHAT WAS IN THE SHOTS BEING FORCED UPON THEIR CHILDREN).

A health freedom blog called Center for the Common Interest ( also covered the event, and it reports that a local activist named Donovan Hubbard videotaped the event and plans to make the video available online. (NaturalNews would like to contact Donovan and / or publicize his video. If you know of a way we can contact him, please call us at (520) 232-9300 to let us know...)

What's next for Gunpoint Medicine?

As the truth continues to emerge about the extreme dangers of vaccinations and pharmaceuticals, Big Pharma is becoming increasingly desperate to coerce the public into relying on its products. It is now working closely with state authorities (including Governors of several states) to mandate the use of vaccinations on young children. This results in the criminalization of parents who refuse to subject their children to these dangerous chemicals.

In effect, Big Pharma is hoping to turn natural health followers into criminals. The FDA has already criminalized nutritional supplement companies who dare to tell the truth about the health benefits of their supplements. (Read the true history of armed FDA raids on vitamin companies here: )

Next, parents who refuse to subject their children to the chemical pharmaceuticals proposed by Big Pharma will be criminalized, rounded up and incarcerated for "refusing to comply with public health policy." This is all being done by the State in the name of "protecting the children" from their own natural health parents. (Insane, isn't it, to think that protecting your child from toxic chemicals is now a criminal act in the United States?)

The end game of all this is to apply Gunpoint Medicine tactics to everyone: Adults and senior citizens included. Anyone suffering from high cholesterol, for example, who does not submit to Big Pharma's statin drugs could be arrested, strapped to a table and medicated against their will. People with cancer could be arrested for choosing to treat that cancer with safe and effective botanical medicines instead of patented, high-profit Big Pharma drugs. If you think the prisons are full enough right now from all the arrests for marijuana possession and other victimless crimes, just wait until the State starts arresting all the natural health moms and dads across the country who refuse to participate in the utterly insane and extremely harmful system of medicine that now dominates U.S. health care today.

The State is very clear about medicine: If you want to remain a free citizen, you must submit to the synthetic drugs made by the very same corporations that now control government health regulators. Any person who resists such "treatments" will be branded a threat to public health -- a designation just beneath "terrorist" in the eyes of many government bureaucrats. As such, they believe there is no limit to the level of force they may use to coerce such people into submitting to Big Pharma's chemicals. Today, it's armed guards with attack dogs.

Tomorrow, it might be water boarding or other torture methods. Think that's impossible? Think again: Just five years ago, nobody in their right mind would have thought that parents who did not want to get their children vaccinated would end up in prison, their children kidnapped by state authorities and forced to subject themselves to dangerous chemical injections at gunpoint. Yet that is precisely what is happening right now in the state of Maryland. It happened on Saturday, in fact.

Where is the outrage?

What's most interesting about this issue of using the threat of imprisonment to force vaccinations upon children is not necessarily who is speaking out against it, but who has chosen to remain silent.

The American Medical Association, for example, has said nothing in opposition to the policy. Neither has the Food and Drug Administration. Where is the outrage from the Maryland Hospital Association? None of these organizations seem to have a problem with Gunpoint Medicine. The idea of rounding up parents and coercing their children into receiving injections of toxic chemicals does not seem to bother these organizations. And why should it? All of these organizations are closely tied to Big Pharma. They're all in favor of vaccinations for all, it seems, and I have no doubt that some individuals in these organizations (especially the AMA) are strongly in favor of the Gunpoint Medicine coerced vaccination policy being played out in Maryland right now.

Organized medicine believes the People are too stupid to be allowed to make their own health decisions. Bureaucrats and physicians should be the ones making these decisions, we're told, and any person who disagrees with such decisions should be labeled a criminal, arrested and prosecuted. This is no exaggeration. It is, in fact, a shockingly accurate description of Maryland's current vaccination policy.

It wasn't too long ago that Americans would have stood up and rallied against this kind of medical tyranny. The major news networks would have denounced Maryland's vaccination policy with strong language and harsh accusations. People would have been marching in the streets, demanding their health freedom. But today, it's a different America. The People are drugged up on pharmaceuticals and dosed on fluoride. They're too intoxicated to think straight, and they're frightened into submission by a fear-based government that invokes domestic tyranny at every opportunity to control and manipulate the People into doing whatever it wants.

The "free" America we all once knew is long gone, and it has been replaced with The United States of Corporate America, where police tactics are now used to enforce hazardous public health policies, and the people who run the State no longer think there's anything wrong with rounding up the population at gunpoint and performing large-scale medical experiments on their children. That's what modern vaccinesare, after all: A grand medical experiment whose effects will only become known after a generation of mass poisoning has come and gone.



Dec, 27, 2011

"Be at peace, my people, for the enemy cannot harm you.  He came to
kill and destroy, but I have come to give you life and to give it more

You know that the year ahead will be filled with all types of
trouble.  For this is the year of the beginning of woes.  It will open
up as any other year, but as the days progress the heavens and the
earth will roll. Signs will be shown everywhere.  You will have
trouble with the economy.  For as it has shown some signs of
improvement, this will be short-lived.  The earth will erupt; the huge
monolithic plates will shift once again.  The oceans will rage and the
waves will once again hit your harbors.  The poor will be forced to
more and more places in search of food and shelter. Those instructed
to build places of shelter for others will be given great insight as
to the need for this.  For as the world grows darker and darker my
light within you will grow lighter and lighter.

Be not surprised at the firey trials ahead, for have I not warned you
of this? Your members of Congress have been divided among many issues,
but I tell you that this is a sign of an even greater thing.  For the
separation of the goats and the sheep has been going on.   The great
threshing fields will separate the wheat from the chaff.  Those who
are evil will grow even more evil, but those who trust in me will
shine like the stars in the heavens.  And those who have traditional
"religious" practices will see that their rituals will not save them.
Gone will be the days of the religions of man.  For I AM looking for a
people who only put their full faith and trust in me.  For you see, it
will only be through my spirit that you will make it through this
year.  For as buildings are crumbling and the economy is wavering,
many people's fear will overtake them.   But don't wait too long, for
my Ark of Faith stands ready and is open for all.

But the enemy will cause a blindness to many.   For he would have you
worship reason instead of faith.   His schemes will become more and
more darker in the coming year, but my words within you will dispel
his works.

This is a year of trouble, but it is also a year of great faith and
trust in me. "

Stephen Hanson

Message from the Galactic Federation by Greg Giles - December 27, 2011

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from the Galactic Federation by Greg Giles - December 27, 2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 27-Dec-2011 18:57:33

Message from the Galactic Federation by Greg Giles - December 27, 2011
Hello from all of us, your Galactic brothers and sisters. We would like to share with you at this time a little about what our lives are like, as many of you will soon be joining us on our continued mission to restore peace, love, and light to your world. We spent much of our day working at various workstations onboard our ships, monitoring various situations and facilitating operating procedures for functions our particular ship is designed for. We, the Galactic Federation, have many lightships each designed for a very specific purpose. We have ships that are capable of removing and purifying the poisonous gasses being deposited into your atmospheres through the spraying of what you may refer to as chemtrails.
We also have ships that engage in combat with opposing forces of the cabal, although our form of combat might differ from what you may envision. Our aim is to remove the space fighters from this quadrant of space, and we make every effort to see to it that no harm comes to the personnel within these crafts. The cabal has built, with profits derived from the labors of the people of Earth, quite a sizable fighting force with many secret bases on, in, and off your planet. Many of our advanced ships and much of our highly trained personnel are assigned to the task of removing these forces and placing them in quarantine from Earth and humanity throughout your ascension period. After your ascension they can no longer be any threat to you or your world.
We have other ships with specialized personnel for other assignments as well, such as environmental protection services. These Galactic Federation members utilize specially designed ships to detect hazards such as the radioactive fallout from the nuclear power facility in Japan. These team members study the situation and formulate a game plan to safely remove and purify any contamination.
We also have groups with assignments closely relating to the work of your intelligence agencies, gathering intelligence information and monitoring certain situations, groups, and individuals to keep abreast and one step beyond the scheming of the dark ones. We are able to sit in on their secret meetings, and one cabal agent cannot whisper to another without us being able to hear precisely what is being said. Such is our advantage over the dark, as we enjoy complete privacy at our strategic meetings no matter how many personnel are engaged.
Dealing with the cabal and many other areas of humanity’s ascension makes up most of our day, but we still have time to enjoy things that bring us relaxation, joy, and happiness. We enjoy our meals together in dining halls, or if one would prefer, eat in more quiet surroundings. We have time to read and enjoy books from authors all across this and other universes. We are even able to monitor your radio and television signals, and if we wish we can watch some of your television programs or movies, but we do not engage in watching television nearly as often as Earth humans might. We do monitor your news services, although from our vantage point we see little actual news reporting and mainly attempts to control your thoughts and opinions.
We also enjoy games and music, and many of us love to travel to distant worlds just as many of you would enjoy traveling throughout your planet. We also enjoy exploring Earth, and many of us have been able to spend some time on your surface world, even traveling to your inner world. We will be able to enjoy traveling from place to place and city to city more openly once the cabal and their minions are purified from your world.
As you can see, there are many career opportunities within the Galactic Federation, and these opportunities are being made available to those of you who have demonstrated certain qualifications. A most fundamental qualification would be one’s level of consciousness, and another would be their ability to work well with others. Once we are able to land and make open contact with you, many more opportunities to work with us will be made available. There also will be many positions available to those who wish to assist the new governance of your world, as this is your planet and it will be your responsibility to govern yourselves after all service to self individuals are purged from your offices and agencies.
Many of you hold positions within the Galactic Federation and will be welcomed back with open arms very soon. Many of you have many friends and co-workers eagerly awaiting your return after your current assignments on Earth are completed. Until then, please continue the tremendous work you are doing throughout your current assignment, either sharing our messages, making advanced knowledge more accessible throughout the Internet and your world, or assisting others to heal themselves at this most important period in humanity’s history. You are all doing a marvelous job and we wish to thank each and every one of you for your tremendous efforts on this, our shared mission.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light
As channeled through Greg Giles
Ascension Earth 2012

Obama - The Invisible Man

I don't know if you have ever seen this piece, but I highly recommend EVERY American read this... There are things about Obama that will really cause people to scratch their heads. I have done a lot of research myself, but Ms. Trowbridge blows it wide open.... WOW! 
It is a long read with so much new information and documentation there is no way for anyone to deny this...

The best run-down on the issue of Barak Obama's origins...26 pages of details, plus a series of supporting videos.....almost unbelievable in its details.

World banks brace for euro collapse

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

World banks brace for euro collapse
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Tuesday, 27-Dec-2011 10:14:21

World banks brace for euro collapse
Banks are preparing for a possible euro collapse.Banks around the world are preparing for the possible collapse of the euro as fears of the European debt crisis increase.
Several banks are even installing systems capable of coping with trading in old European currencies.
Meanwhile finance firms, corporations, and different governments have also turned to plans that aim at preparing them for harsh times.
Regulators have asked banks in the US and UK to provide updates on readiness levels in case of a possible euro collapse.
Some corporate firms have also started transferring their cash on a daily basis out of European countries, including debt-ridden Greece instead of once every two weeks.
Europe has for months grappled with an economic and financial crisis. Insolvency now threatens in-debt countries such as Greece, Portugal, Italy, Ireland and Spain.
Since its formation, the European Union had been a haven for those seeking refuge from war, persecution and poverty in other parts of the world.
The worsening debt crisis, however, has forced European governments to adopt harsh austerity measures and tough economic reforms. Tens of thousands of Europeans are migrating from their homelands as a result of these difficulties.
There are fears that more delays in resolving the eurozone debt crisis could push not only Europe, but also much of the rest of the Western world back into recession.

Foster & Kimberly Gamble Talk About Their New Movie 'THRIVE' -audio

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Foster & Kimberly Gamble Talk About Their New Movie 'THRIVE' -audio
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 27-Dec-2011 09:41:50

Foster & Kimberly Gamble talk about their new movie THRIVE and answer questions..
2011 12-22
Time Monk Radio Network Interviews Presents:
Foster & Kimberly Gamble on TMRN Radio
Click here for playlist

This sighting footage from Russia is awesome!!! Dec 25, 2011 (Video)

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
This sighting footage from Russia is awesome!!! Dec 25, 2011 (Video)
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 26-Dec-2011 20:33:59
This sighting footage from Russia is awesome!!! Dec 25,2011 (Video)
Mothership and Portal Sighting - Dec 26, 2011 - YouTube


Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 26-Dec-2011 21:58:13

Monday, December 26, 2011

Message from the Galactic Federation by Greg Giles - Dec 26, 2011

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from the Galactic Federation by Greg Giles - Dec 26, 2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 26-Dec-2011 20:16:27

Message from the Galactic Federation by Greg Giles - Dec 26, 2011
You can be heroes in your fight against the agents of the dark. There is a war at hand, there is no doubt of this. Removing these dark ones is a job we are well equipped for, but we need your assistance in finalizing the campaign set into motion long ago in your time. We push on in our front and move those still willing to fight for those who stand nowhere near the front lines. This has been their way for eons. They declare war, and then send someone else's children to the front lines to lose their lives for their own gain. There has never been a shortage of men and women willing to do their deeds. Without these fighting forces none of these actions we are taking would be necessary. For millennia, the citizenry has been tricked, conned, coerced, and forced to bare weapons against each other in the name of profit and power for the few. This game ends now; it has been decreed by your Creator. No more will this be allowed to transpire here. The light is winning the battle, the end of this struggle draws nearer every day. Soon, humanity will receive your true freedom, a light you have not seen in many eons. This day will come. There is no doubt of this now.
Assist us by doing your part. We need you to do tasks we are not fitted to accomplish, just as we, the Galactic Federation, are accomplishing tasks you are not properly fitted for. We cannot yet speak directly to your people, instead utilize channels for this information and these numbers are extremely limited at this time. Help us spread the news of our campaign against the dark. Help spread light, which is information, throughout your world about what to expect in the coming days ahead. This is your assignment now. You will have fresh assignments in the near future once we can speak to your masses publicly through liberated media outlets. Today, we need your voices to spread our words. We come in peace, light, love and universal cooperation. We are not here to conquer or for any personal gains. We have all we need throughout out our societies. We come on a mission of liberation for the Earth human. You are our brothers and sisters from long ago, we are not strangers to you. We are the designers of many of your ancient monuments, and we have much to share with you. Soon to end are your days of daily struggle. We come with many gifts of advanced technologies and we wish to assist you to end the cycle of destruction to your planet's ecosystems, and to yourselves. Welcome us as guests. We have assisted countless worlds before, and we will continue in this regard long after our work here is accomplished and humanity no longer needs our assistance.
We, the members of the Galactic Federation, have been away from our homes for many of your years. We have traveled great distances to arrive at your doorstep, although space travel is probably quite different from what many of you would imagine. We wish to land and touch our feet to your soil, just as there are many of you eagerly awaiting this same day. This day will be soon, given the opportunity by you, the citizens of Earth. The cabal and their quickly dwindling forces stand not in our way, and we never saw them as any threat to our first contact with you. It is you, the people of your world who we hope can manage to free themselves from the persuasions of countless television and motion picture tales of negative ETs coming to Earth for violent conquest. With the dark just days away from total defeat, our next priority is a first contact with you. Prepare yourselves now for this inevitability as we are now making final arrangements for our arrival to your shores.
Many of you are discovering visual evidence of our great and many light ships throughout the Internet. Some of this evidence is not authentic, yet much of it is truly images of our ships. Share the information that resonates as truth with your brethren, as to lessen the blow of our pending announcements. Our opening speeches are being finalized at this time. Continue your tremendous work and sharing our words and the evidence of our existence. If you could see as we do the success your efforts are having we feel you would be greatly inspired to continue your efforts. We see so many newly awakened ones every day, and this truly warms our hearts. Do you see where this is now leading, dear hearts? You will see a day when virtually all of your brothers and sisters are awakened to their divine nature and to their true purposes as spirit experiencing the physical through the human vessel. What an incredibly beautiful site it is indeed to behold. You have all come so far. You are almost there. Assist each other to finish the last mile. Your celebration awaits you just beyond the finish line.
Soon, all will return to its natural state, and all beings throughout the cosmos will be taken care of. This is our mission, of which we are extremely dedicated. Many of you will be working beside us on Earth or even with us on board our ships as we join together to repair the damage done to your mother planet and restore light to this once free world. We promise this will be a most exciting time to be here as so many once separated souls of your world will come together as one, united in common goal for the good of the planet and the welfare of all beings. Does this not sound wonderful dear ones?
Throughout the vastness of space there are many projects that need attending to, and Earth and her people are but one. After our work here is accomplished we will move on, leaving a contingency to maintain the peaceful order. Many of you will move on as well, as some of you have homes in worlds far from Earth, with family and friends eagerly awaiting your homecoming. Others will continue in service on board one of our great mother ships and for at least a while, you will call this starship your home. Some of our ships are not unlike a small planet, equipped with everything you could ever need or wish for, and the differences between these mother ships and a mother planet often go unnoticed.
Many important decisions will soon be made by many of you in the coming days, and we respect and honor the choices you will make. Until then, we will focus on the task at hand, to restore Mother Earth to her pristine condition before such a toll was taken on her. It will be the task of humanity and its chosen stewards to watch over her and protect her from suffering any harm ever again. Many of you are those chosen stewards. Take solace in your knowing your new lives on Earth will hardly resemble the lives you have become so accustomed to. All the benefits and luxuries of living on board a mother ship or returning to your homelands will be amply available to you right here on Earth, and all will soon experience this modification project firsthand after we make our initial introductions in the near days ahead.
We are your Family of Light from the Stars.
As channeled through Greg Giles
Ascension Earth 2012

FEMA Pulls Document on the Coming Lockdown

Nothing like ruining your holiday!  It looks like we have been completely taken over by Marxist thugs and we're either too stupid on a national scale or too indifferent to even know or care about it!  Click on SOW11 and read about the plan to extinguish the citizens of this country.  (If you can see the little "boxes", click.  If not, click on the printed "page" or links to see the document.) Remember, it was Bill Ayers' idea too reeducate the people, and if that didn't work, exterminate them. 

Written on by V2A

FEMA Pulls Document on the Coming Lockdown

Filed under
Constitution, Government

Alex Jones discovered an incriminating document on a U.S. government site. Within an hour, it was pulled. But he got an image of it.
This is part of COG: continuity of government. These plans have been circulating for at least 40 years. Once in a while, one of them surfaces. This is a juicy one.
FEMA Continuity of Government Plans Prep Total Takeover of Society, Dispatching Military Domestically Under Economic Collapse Emergency
Aaron Dykes and Alex Jones
December 21, 2011

UPDATE: Government censors document revealing plans to wage war on Americans. READ HERE.
NOTE: Within an hour of posting this article and linking to the pertinent document, the feds at have pulled the link and implied that it was a classified posting. We believe this was public and of interest to American citizens, taxpayers and peoples of the world and are in the process re-establishing an archive link of the material. Obviously, however, this information is revealing and certain parties do not wish it to be widely known. If you believe this material is important, please archive it and share it with your contacts. In the meantime, here are links to many of the pages: Page 1,Page 2, Page 3, Page 4, Page 5, Page 6, Page 7, Page 8, Page 9, Page 10, Page 11
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