Thursday, December 29, 2011


After two years of Obama ...
Here's your change!
January 2009
% chg
Avg.. Retail price/gallon gas in U.S.
Crude oil, European Brent (barrel)
Crude oil, West TX Inter. (barrel)
Gold: London (per troy oz.)
Corn, No.2 yellow, Central IL
Soybeans, No. 1 yellow, IL
Sugar, cane, raw, world, lb. Fob
Unemployment rate, non-farm, overall
Unemployment rate, blacks
Number of unemployed
Number of fed. Employees
Real median household income
Number of food stamp recipients
Number of unemployment benefit recipients
Number of long-term unemployed
Poverty rate, individuals
People in poverty in U.S.
U.S.. Rank in Economic Freedom World Rankings
Present Situation Index
Failed banks
U.S.. Dollar versus Japanese yen exchange rate
U.S.. Money supply, M1, in billions
U.S.. Money supply, M2, in billions
National debt, in trillions
Just take this last item: In the last two years we have accumulated national debt at a rate more than 27 times as fast as during the rest of our entire nation's history.
Over 27 times as fast. Metaphorically speaking, if you are driving in the right lane doing 65 MPH and a car rockets past you in the left lane.
27 times faster, it would be doing 7,555 MPH!
(1) U.S. Energy Information Administration; (2) Wall Street Journal; (3) Bureau of Labor Statistics; (4) Census Bureau; (5) USDA; (6) U.S. Dept. Of Labor;
(7) FHFA; (8) Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller; (9) RealtyTrac; (10) Heritage Foundation and WSJ; (11) The Conference Board; (12) FDIC;
(13) Federal Reserve; (14) U.S. Treasury
So, tell me again, what is it about Obama that makes him so brilliant and impressive? Can't think of anything? Don't worry. He's done all this in 29 months -- so you have one year to come up with an answer.Every statement in this email is factual and directly attributable to Barrack Hussein Obama. Every bumble is a matter of record and completely verifiable.

"You can't fix stupid, but you can vote it out." 'In God We Trust!'

Ron Paul Winning Google Trends By Lorie Kramer

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Ron Paul Winning Google Trends By Lorie Kramer
Posted By: CrystalRiver
Date: Thursday, 29-Dec-2011 07:27:12

December 29, 2011
Lorie Kramer
Have you seen all the ruckus the so-called lame stream media is kicking up about that goofy old Ron Paul and all his silly old fashioned ideas like Liberty and Freedom? Can you believe they are getting their panties all in a wad, dragging out twenty year old disinfo for a re-run and everything? Even that bastion (cough) of journalism (gag) CNN went so far as to cut up their interview with that dim witted reporter (cough) and Paul...making it look liked he stormed off. AND they thought they could get away with it! Like we need to watch "Wag the Dog" yet again!
"They" are suddenly dropping turds all over the guy they tried to ignore and dismiss. Not that I think there's any chance in hell of a true, accurate, and honest presidential election anymore...but watching the show gets pretty interesting at times.
I thought I'd take a look and see how the search wars were doing with all this hulabaloo going on. It was just as I thought...Ron Paul is winning the search wars. Just like he did 4 years ago. Those that try to marginalize Ron Paul will not be as successful as they think they will. They are scared to death of him, which means they are scared to death of YOU!
Let's take a look at the Google Trends charts I pulled up as a reminder that maybe, just maybe, it shows that Freedom and Liberty are not such old fashioned concepts for many of us after all. Wouldn't THAT scare the crap out of them? You bet it would. Especially if we acted like we believed it! Demanded it! You can bet that thought is driving them CRAZY!
Keep it up!
More of the article with graphs at:
Discoverd at:
Yep! I still support the Constitution and The Bill of Rights!
Many Blessings,

Thrive Movie - 5 actions top take

Dear THRIVE Network,

As we tap into the spirit of reflection and goal setting that often comes with the arrival of a new year, it is no secret we are at a critical fork in the road in human evolution. One road is leading us towards tyranny and possible self-destruction, while the other is leading to a peaceful, healthy civilization based on honoring the rights and freedom of every single person on the planet.

Like millions of you from all around the world, we believe that together we have the knowledge, the resources - and the solutions  - to meet these challenges.

For most of us this choice begins with a simple but powerful question: What can I do, right NOW, to contribute to creating a world where we can all thrive?

Based on the myriad solutions throughout our website, we have come up with a list of 5 of the most important actions we can all take as individuals, that don't take much time or money, to start making a real difference today:

1. Bank locally. When we move our money out of the big centralized banks, and into locally owned banks and credit unions, we defund the problem and fund the solution all in one move.

3. Join a coalition to keep the Internet fair and open. Don't let anybody take control over it.

5. Advocate for renewable and new energy technology. Bring the conversation about free energy out into the open. It will transform the power dynamic on this planet faster than anything in recorded history.

How can you start doing these things?  Visit our website where we provide further recommendations and a step-by-step guide on best practices to engage in these and other leveraged actions.

The solutions are here. It's time to act. Here's to doing all we can toward creating a thriving world in 2012!


Foster and Kimberly and the THRIVE team

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An Old Cowboy Came Into Church

An Old Cowboy Came Into Church

One Sunday morning, an old cowboy entered a church just before services
were to begin. Although the old man and his clothes were spotlessly clean,
he wore jeans, a denim shirt and boots that were worn and ragged. In his
hand he carried a worn-out old hat and an equally worn, dog-eared Bible.

The church he entered was in a very upscale and exclusive part of the city.
It was the largest and most beautiful church the old cowboy had ever seen.
The people of the congregation were all dressed with expensive clothes and
fine jewelry. As the cowboy took a seat, the others moved away from him.
No one greeted, spoke to, or welcomed him. They were all appalled by his
appearance and did not attempt to hide it.

As the old cowboy was leaving the church, the preacher approached him
and asked the cowboy to do him a favor. "Before you come back in here
again, have a talk with God and ask him what he thinks would be appropriate attire for worship in church." The old cowboy assured the preacher he would.

The next Sunday, he showed back up for the services wearing the same ragged jeans, shirt, boots, and hat. Once again he was completely shunned and ignored. The preacher approached the cowboy and said, "I thought I asked you to speak to God before you came back to our church."
"I did," replied the old cowboy."
And what was his reply?" asked the preacher.
"Well, sir, God told me that He didn't have a clue what I should wear. He said He'd never been in this church."

Ron Paul vs Israeli Nazi Filth

BREAKING NEWS: Ron Paul vs Israeli Nazi Filth

Ron Paul vs Israeli Nazi Filth
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
Wednesday December 28, 2011

UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that the Israeli Mossad Defense firm Elron Electronics has been outsourced by the Bush-Clinton-Obama-Mitt Romney-Michele Bachmann Crime Family Syndicate to STEAL the Iowa caucus from current Republican presidential candidate frontrunner Ron Paul.

We can now also divulge that current Republican presidential candidate, anti-Catholic bigot Michele 'Bitch' Bachmann is conspiring with her Israeli Mossad Nazi assets to re-route and tap the Washington D. C. phone line of Congressman Ron Paul.

It gets worse!

We can also report that the TREASONOUS Nazi Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been working hand-in-hand with former Florida Republican Governor, year 2000 presidential election stealer Jeb Bush, and current Republican presidential candidate and Bush Crime Family stooge, church of satanic latter day saints, satanic Mormon Mitt Romney, to use DHS private investigators to follow and monitor the movements and travels of Congressman Paul.

We can also divulge that corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly U.S. media filth aka Chrissy Pooh Matthews of MSNBC and closet homosexual media stooges, Israeli Mossad assets John Hielman of MSNBC and Mark Halperin also of MSNBC, have been assisting in this treasonous activity against the Texas Congressman.

P.S. Remember, folks, that Bitch Bachmann believes the Old Testament supersedes the Constitution of the United States.

Message to Bitch Bachmann: You will now cease and desist!

The American People are prepared with their Revolutionary Councils to put you and your Bush Crime Family associates on trial for wrecking and destroying the United States of America.

Message to satanic Mormon and Bush Crime Family stooge Mitt Romney: You will NEVER be president of the United States of America. You WILL be arrested by the U.S. Military for taking BILLIONS of dollars of kickbacks using your money laundry Bain Capital as a vehicle to STEAL BILLIONS of dollars of U.S. Taxpayers' money during the TREASONOUS Bush-Pelosi 2008 'Bail Out'.

P.P.S. The little bitch Romney was also involved with none other than alleged pResident Barack Hussein Obama-Soetoro in authorizing TRILLIONS of dollars of Bank of America toxic derivatives aka losing bets to be transferred to none other than the FDIC.

This illegal, criminal Obama-Romney financial TREASON is the final nail in the coffin to the U. S. economy and the future of the American middle class.

You keep your filthy, stinking, tribalistic, neo-Nazi agenda out of American politics OR ELSE! I have personally talked to Michigan Flag Officers who will NO LONGER TOLERATE the TREASONOUS Patriot Act supported by Netanyahu and the direct attempt by the government of Netanyahu in not only the LOOTING of the U.S. Treasury, but the shredding of the Constitution of the United States.

Yes, folks, it is about to get really ugly as we live free or die!

US/German Nazi-continuum deeply entangled within British Royal family.

Alcuin Bramerton Twitter .. WikiLeaks Master Mirror Sites .. #1ab archive
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Picture: King George V. Adolf Hitler's father. Angela Merkel's grandfather.

Confirmed: US/German Nazi-continuum deeply entangled within British Royal family. King George V of England was Adolf Hitler's father and Angela Merkel's grandfather.On Tuesday 27th December 2011, writing from Japan, a White Dragon Society spokesman confirmed that the German Chancellor,Angela Merkel, is the daughter of Adolf Hitler.

Hitler himself was the son of King George V of England (George Frederick Ernest Albert; Royal Houses of Windsor, and Saxe-Coburg and Gotha; 1865-1936). George V was the grandson of Queen Victoria, and the grandfather of Elizabeth Windsor (the current Queen Elizabeth II of England).

Russian intelligence sources report that just prior to the fall of Berlin in 1945, Adolf Hitler left Europe via Norway in a submarine, and ended up in Argentina. He lived in that country until 1979, when he had reached the age of ninety.

Not only was Adolf Hitler's suicide in his Berlin bunker in 1945 a faked cover story, but so also was the much-publicised 1944 plot to assassinate Hitler organised by several German High Command Officers, led by Wehrmacht Colonel, Count von Staufenberg. The pre-prepared narrative ran that this group managed to plant a bomb in Hitler's battlefield headquarters but, by sheer luck, Hitler survived the blast and the SchutzStaffel (SS) quickly arrested and executed all those involved in the affair.

In fact, this assassination canard was designed to enable the five thousand or so Nazi officers who were "executed" to be fitted out with new identities by the Odessa Group (Organization Der Ehemahlige SS Angehorige), so that at the end of the war they would not be hunted out, and thus could be seamlessly introduced into the American covert military-industrial and intelligence cadres.

These machinations led to the establishment of an élite-led Nazi-continuum at the heart of what became the Washington DC private corporation. Its most visible apparatchiks have included Heinz ("Henry") Kissinger, George Bush Snr, George Bush Jnr, and most major (male) American establishment figures who, since World War II, have been careful to take out joint Israeli-American citizenship.

More here (27.12.11), here (03.11.11) and here (19.10.09).

Picture: The Christ Star UFO


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 29-Dec-2011 00:55:16

Fearfully, the US Treasury's Secret, 75-Year-Old Fund and Its Dark History Has Been Exposed?
Posted by M. C. Bruecke
By: Staff Report
Date: 2011-12-13
After months of work, the video series on the Treasury's Exchange Stabilization Fund is finally finished! Why you should watch these five videos: It is impossible to understand the world today without knowing what the ESF is and what it has been doing. Officially in charge of defending the dollar, the ESF is the government agency which controls the New York Fed, runs the CIA's black budget, and is the architect of the world's monetary system (IMF, World Bank, etc). ESF financing (through the OSS and then the CIA) built up the worldwide propaganda network which has so badly distorted history today (including erasing awareness of its existence from popular consciousness). It has been directly involved in virtually every major US fraud/scandal since its creation in 1934: the London gold pool, the Kennedy assassinations, Iran-Contra, CIA drug trafficking, HIV, and worse ... " – Market Skeptics
Dominant Social Theme: The US Government has taken over the world and the ESF has been its weapon of choice.
Free-Market Analysis: We're not sure who Eric deCarbonnel is, but he has posted five YouTube videos that contain extraordinary allegations about the US Government's Exchange Stabilization Fund. In aggregate, the series is called, "What I have been afraid to blog about: THE ESF AND ITS HISTORY."
We were made aware of the series just last night by a considerate feedbacker who was puzzled by them. We used Google to find out about Mr. deCarbonnel, whose ESF thesis has been covered by GATA, where he contributes. He also contributes to some other alternative media websites and has received coverage there and elsewhere.
The videos don't seem to have made a wide stir as of yet (not that we could tell, anyhow). But they are certainly interesting. Having listened to all five presentations, we will try to provide an analysis of what we might call "holistic" journalism, where someone tries to put a lot of different facts together to create a scenario not previously well known.
You might call him a practitioner of conspiratorial or directed history. Perhaps that's why we're drawn to it. Many of the problems of the modern world can be traced to the ESF, according to Mr. deCarbonnel. He proceeds to make the case for his argument in over an hour of insights and detail.
We have been reading and writing about the New World Order for decades but the information presented by deCarbonnel seems, in some ways, new to us. (That doesn't mean it's accurate, of course.) We would be remiss in not making the following point: According to Mr. deCarbonnel, he is also related to Frank Vanderlip, one of the founders of the US Federal Reserve system, so the series of videos can also be seen in some way, perhaps, as a defense of Vanderlip and private banking.
Anyway, let's jump in. We will try to summarize Mr. deCarbonnel's argument for those who don't have the time or patience to sit through all five videos. Here are his arguments (buttressed, to be sure, by a plethora of historical sources) in approximate order in bullet points:
• The ESF was created WITHOUT OVERSIGHT by Congress in the 1930s to ensure support of the dollar. It has done a lousy job of what it was supposed to do, as the dollar has lost almost all its value.
• The ESF was put in the hands of the head of the US Treasury and the US Treasurer has absolute power to do what he wants with the fund.
• As a result, the ESF has acted as a giant slush fund that has funded the growth of the American Empire over the past century – against the will of both Congress and many bankers in private industry.
• The ESF also effectively runs the US Federal Reserve and tells the New York Fed what to do. It does this because it is responsible for stabilizing the dollar and implementing policies that are in the national interest.
• The ESF leaves few traces of its activities, as Congress mandated that it must conduct its affairs without oversight. Thus, dissembling is part of its mandate. Its bureaucracy lies as a matter of policy.
* The ESF was responsible for Project Mockingbird, apparently ongoing still today, and places many of America's top journos under the control of the CIA. The publishing industry – with a special emphasis on books about politics and American foreign policy – is an especially large part of this false flag operation. Books are seen as a key to controlling the American intelligentsia. The Internet has partially broken the promotional chokehold of Mockingbird.
• The ESF is legally MANDATED to lie, which is why even an audit of the Fed will not reveal the true nature of what has taken place in the US and the world in the past 100 years. The Fed and the ESF are symbiotic, but the ESF is in charge.
• In order to prop up the dollar, and to protect the interests of the US, the ESF has performed an enormous number of illegal tasks. It does so with maximum anonymity and without oversight of the rest of the executive branch or the Treasury itself.
• The ESF, through then-Treasury Secretary Harry Dexter White, virtually created the modern money system, including the IMF and World Bank. Today, the ESF is responsible for most of the rapine of the modern world's developing countries, as described in John Perkins's book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.
• John F. Kennedy was ready to expose the ESF and its dark deeds and to create a new, non Bretton-Woods financial system, which is why he was murdered by a "magic bullet." Later on, his brother was murdered for the same reason.
• The ESF, thus empowered, has continually and energetically bankrupted the US in order to save it.
• It has disposed of much if not all of the nation's gold supply.
• It used its secret funds to first create the CIA and then to fund its cover operations, including destabilization of democracies around the world.
• It has demanded enormous amounts of money printing from the Fed to prop up the US economy, the dollar and its illegal operations.
• It has coerced the Japanese, Chinese and others into buying dollars to mop up "inflation." (Ed.: He means "price inflation" actually.)
• It has sanctioned and created drug addiction in the US to "dollarize" the rest of the world. It has done so by imposing money-laundering regulations on banks that force drug dealers to export, via smuggling, tens and hundreds of billions of physical dollars out of the US.
• It has created a sophisticated forgery apparatus to ensure that the dollars do not flow back into the US, creating inflation. These dollars are apparently being printing by the US Treasury at a loss, but are the same as regular dollars in almost all ways. As a result, foreigners are afraid to bring their dollars back into the US for fear they will be confiscated as counterfeit.
• Because there are so many drugs flowing into the US, especially heroin and cocaine, people are dying of drug use in record numbers. As a result of these deaths, the ESF created the fiction of AIDS. It is still the accepted explanation for the deaths of millions, but there is no explanation for why the "virus" is found equally in men and women, although the deaths have been predominantly gay men who, especially in the 1980s, were apparently aggressive abusers of powerful drugs that depress the immune system. African statistics showing AIDS deaths are merely made up and not to be trusted.
• In order to keep the supply of dollars flowing out of the US, and to continue to fund illicit activities, the ESF has been responsible for wars as well as for covert and illicit assassinations and destabilizations. It was, for instance, responsible for the war in Afghanistan. The Taliban had begun eradicating poppy fields and this could not be tolerated, as the supply of heroin worldwide was plunging. Today, the CIA and US military guard the Afghan poppy fields and heroin production is heading toward peak supply.
• ESF manipulations have resulted in global "blowback." The dollar is in ruins. The ESF and its enablers are becoming unglued. Even Alan Greenspan has begun to admit the fraud that surrounds the ESF.
• As the ESF and the dollar itself has operated as a kind of Ponzi scheme and like all Ponzi schemes has fostered misinformation and disinformation. One of the most pervasive of these "tales" is that the world is run by an elite group of individuals intent on creating a New World Order. Even journalists who believe they are working for this group are being misled. The New World Order is nothing but a beard for the world's real power, which is the ESF and its enablers and associates.
• In reality, those who are responsible for the Ponzi scheme, bankers and government officials alike, are culpable. Mr. deCarbonnel says that they have no idea of what is about to happen to them. Hundreds of millions who have been defrauded by the ESF Ponzi scheme and all its ramifications are likely to be merciless when it comes to light. Justice will winnow those involved with special vehemence.
OK. Having summarized these arguments (we tried to hit the highlights, though doubtless we have left out some points), we will try to anticipate the arguments of cynics as well (too many of whom congregate here, for some reason).
These cynics, especially if they have listened to Mr. deCarbonnel's entire exegesis will make several points, the main point being that it is somehow a "limited hangout" in which a submerged "piece of the puzzle" has been presented as the mechanism for the Way the World Works.
The argument will be made that the REAL elites are preparing for a century's worth of malfeasance to come to light and that exposes such as deCarbonnel's provide a foretaste (perhaps a controllable one) of what will dominate the news over the coming months and years.
The main argument will be that by denying the existence of a New World Order, Mr. deCarbonnel is shifting the responsibility from where it belongs to the ESF. In other words, there is a coterie of what we call the Anglosphere power elite and it DOES make decisions. The ESF is merely another tool in an arsenal of weapons that have been employed to dominate the world.

The Third Eye and the Pineal Gland

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

The Third Eye and the Pineal Gland
Posted By: Revel [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 29-Dec-2011 01:03:33

The symbol of the All-Seeing-EYE, has always been part of Earth's creation mythologies and mysteries.
In Ancient Egypt, is was symbolized by the Eye of Horus.
The symbol was passed down, through the ancient mystery teachings and and can be found on the American dollar bill.
Why the symbol of the EYE?
The eye is the observer of reality - or the illusion of reality.
In the physical body, your eyes look outward - though it views objects upside down. It next sends the message of what it observes... to the brain, which interprets the image and makes it appear right side up to us.
But the human body has another physical eye, whose function has long been recognized by humanity.
It is called the 'Third Eye' which in reality, is the Pineal Gland. It is the Spiritual Third Eye, our Inner Vision, and it is considered the Seat of the Soul. It is located in the geometric center of the cranium.
The Pineal Gland is about the size of a pea, and is in the center of the brain in a tiny cave, behind and above the pituitary gland, which lies a little behind the root of the nose. It is located directly behind the eyes, attached to the third ventricle.
The true function of this mysterious gland, has long been contemplated by philosophers and Spiritual Adepts. Ancient Greeks believed the pineal gland, to be our connection to the Realms of Thought. Descartes called it, the Seat of the Soul.
This gland is activated by Light, and it controls the various biorhythms of the body. It works in harmony with the hypothalamus gland, which directs the body's thirst, hunger, sexual desire and the biological clock, that determines our aging process.
When the pineal gland awakens, one feels a pressure at the base of the brain. This pressure will often be experienced, when connecting to higher frequency. A head injury, can also activate the Third Eye - Pineal Gland.
While the physiological function of the pineal gland, has been unknown until recent times, mystical traditions and esoteric schools, have long known, this area in the middle of the brain, to be the connecting link... between the physical and spiritual worlds.
Considered the most powerful and highest source of ethereal energy, available to humans, the pineal gland has always been important, in initiating supernatural powers. Development of Psychic Talents... has been closely associated with this organ of higher vision.
The pineal gland contains a complete map, of the visual field of the eyes, and it plays several significant roles in human functioning. There is a pathway from the retinas to the hypothalamus, called the retinohypothalamic tract. It brings information, about light and dark cycles, to a region of the hypothalamus, called the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN).
From the SCN, nerve impulses travel, via the pineal nerve (sympathetic nervous system) to the pineal gland. These impulses, inhibit the production of melatonin. When these impulses stop (at night, when light no longer stimulates the hypothalamus), pineal inhibition ceases and melatonin is released. The pineal gland, is therefore, a photosensitive organ and an important timekeeper, for the human body.
Retinal research, done with hamsters, demonstrates another center for melatonin production. Located in the retina, this center implies... that the eyes, have their own built in circadian timepiece. This retinal system, is distinct from the brain’s body clock, in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). Biologists found, that they could throw the retinal rhythms... out of sync, with other circadian cycles. They also found, that they could set and reset the retinal clock, even when the SCN was destroyed.
The retinal clock, produces (stimulates the production of?) melatonin. Researchers are now looking for the exact location (s) of this clock, in the human eye, (and expect to find it). No one yet knows, what the separate clock is for, or how it relates to the SCN.
In some lower vertebrates, the Epiphysis Cerebri - Pineal Gland, has a well developed eye - like structure; in others, though not organized as an eye, it functions as a light receptor. In lower vertebrates, the pineal gland has an eye like structure and it functions as a light receptor and also is considered by some, to be the evolutionary forerunner of the modern eye.
The gland weighs little more than 0.1 gram. The gland is large in children and begins to shrink, with the onset of puberty.
It appears to play a major role in sexual development, hibernation in animals, metabolism, and seasonal breeding. In humans, it affects circadian rhythms, sleep patterns (melatonin levels increase at night) and is implicated in seasonal affective disorder. The abundant melatonin level in children, is believed to inhibit sexual development. When puberty arrives, melatonin production is reduced.
The pineal gland secretes melatonin, during times of relaxation and visualization. As we are created by electromagnetic energy - and react to EM energy stimuli around us - so does the pineal gland.
When activated, the pineal gland becomes the line of communication, with the higher planes. The crown chakra, reaches down, until its vortex touches the pineal gland. Prana, or pure energy, is received through this energy center in the head. With Practice, the vibration level of the astral body is raised, allowing it, to separate from the physical.
To activate the 'third eye' and perceive higher dimensions, the pineal gland and the pituitary body, must vibrate in unison, which is achieved through meditation and / or relaxation. When a correct relationship is established, between personality, operating through the pituitary body, and the soul, operating through the pineal gland, a magnetic field is created.
The negative and positive forces, interact and become strong enough, to create the 'light in the head.' With this 'light in the head' activated, astral projectors can withdraw themselves, from the body, carrying the light with them.
Astral Travel, and other occult abilities, are closely associated with the development of the 'light in the head'. After physical relaxation, concentration upon the pineal gland, is achieved, by staring at a point in the middle of the forehead. Without straining the muscles of the eye, this will activate the pineal gland and the 'third eye'.
Beginning with the withdrawal of the senses and the physical consciousness, the consciousness is centered in the region of the pineal gland. The perceptive faculty and the point of realization, are centralized in the area between the middle of the forehead and the pineal gland. The trick is to visualize, very intently, the subtle body... escaping through the trap door of the brain.
A "popping sound" may occur at the time separation of the astral body, in the area of the pineal gland.
Visualization exercises, are the first step, in directing the energies in our inner systems, to activate the 'third eye'. The magnetic field is created around the pineal gland, by focusing the mind on the midway point, between the pineal gland and the pituitary body. The creative imagination visualizes something, and the thought energy of the mind gives life and direction to this form.
'Third eye' development, imagination, and visualization are important ingredients, in many methods to separate from the physical form. Intuition is also achieved, through 'third eye' development. Knowledge and memory of the astral plane, are not registered in full waking consciousness, until the intuition becomes strong enough. Flashes of intuition come, with increasing consistency, as the 'third eye' is activated to a greater degree, through practice. Universal Knowledge... can also be acquired.
The pineal gland, corresponds with divine thought, after being touched by the vibrating light of Kundalini. Kundalini starts its ascent, towards the head center, after responding to the vibrations from the 'light in the head.'
The light is located at the top of the sutratma, or 'soul thread', which passes down from the highest plane of our being... into the physical vehicle.
The 'third eye,' or 'Eye of Siva,' the organ of spiritual vision, is intimately related to karma, as we become more spiritual in the natural course of evolution.
As human beings continue to evolve, further out of matter, on the journey from spirit to matter... back to spirit, the pineal gland will continue to rise from its state of age - long dormancy, bringing back to humanity... astral capacities and spiritual abilities.
At certain brain wave frequencies, a sense of "ego boundary" vanishes. In the "theta" state, we are resting deeply and still conscious, at the threshold of drifting away from or back into conscious awareness. As the brain enters deeper states, our consciousness is less concerned with the physical state, our 'third eye' is active, and separation becomes natural.
Many native traditions and mystical practices, refer to the ability of 'seeing,' or being aware of energy fields, at higher levels. This abstract awareness, is much more subjective and does not involve the normal level of mundane consciousness, which is mostly concerned with self - identity. This 'seeing' refers to the sight of the 'third eye'.
Consciousness is raised, from an emotional nature, into an illumined Awareness, when the pineal gland is lifted from dormancy. If the pineal gland is not yet fully developed, it will be in the course of evolution. When our sense of ego and personality are set aside and we keep our mental energy intact, we can become "conscious" of the non-physical, our inner self, the subconscious, through different practices to activate the 'light in the head.'