Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Financial Regulators Go Rogue

Financial Regulators Go Rogueby Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

Tuesday January 31, 2012

UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that the corrupt CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission) is allowing Mellon Bank of Pennsylvania to hold large foreign currency positions that are currently on margin call.

These foreign currency positions are tied to illegalcompounded derivatives and the London LIFFE Exchange.
Gary Gensler, CFTC Chairman

Note: CFTC Chairman Gary Gensler met three days ago in Naples, Florida with representatives and lawyers from CME Group. Gensler told the CME Group representatives to ignore the margin calls on Mellon Bank.

We can now divulge that the over extended Mellon Bank currency positions have a backdoor tie in to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the allegedmissing $1.2 BILLION of missing MF Global customer segregated fu
nds tied to the MF Global-JP Morgan fiasco aka Ponzi Scheme.

P.S. During the period of the MF Global-JP Morgan bankruptcy fiasco CFTC Gensler signed an emergency edict, which allows banks and security firms to be exempt from the rules of the CME Group, which calls for protection of customer segregated commodity trading accounts.

At this hour we can reveal that Justice Department lawyers have ruled the action of the CFTC Chairman to be ILLEGAL!

All change on the Great Game board.

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All change on the Great Game board. Under-the-radar geopolitical plan merges US Pentagon with Russian and Chinese Military to form global peace-keeping force. Satanist clique at Vatican Bank and Roman Curia to be cleared out. Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) and Western corporate media organisations to be fragmented and reformed into multiple smaller units under new management. High-status public arrests imminent.In coordination with Pandora's Suitcase disclosures in connection with the above reforms, it is set to be announced that the G5 Western banking cabal has been hiding vast amounts of accrued debt concealed from shareholder and public scrutiny in covert accounting books.

This giga-debt disclosure will end the present management of four or five major American banks and replace the principal personnel in control. The hidden debt books are separate from, and additional to, the White Spiritual Boy and Spiritual Wonder Boy accounts discussed elsewhere (introductory details here andhere).

Out East, the reunification of North Korea with South Korea now has the active support of Kim Jong-un and his new régime in the North, and the financial and political union of Japan with the new Korean peninsula government is being planned in detail.

Meanwhile, in Europe, Germany continues its methodical sabotage of the Euro currency in order to pave the way for a publicly acceptable reintroduction of the Deutschmark.

The modus operandi here is to place such intolerable financial and austerity demands on the political classes in Greece, Portugal, Spain and Italy that they each, in turn, "do an Iceland" and choose a hard sovereign default rather than risk élite-led and irresistible popular revolutions on their streets.

At the same time, and in parallel with this calculated Europolitical vandalism, Germany is quietly pursuing an Ostpolitik with Russia which will result in a Russian/German-led Eurasian Union being slipped into place by 2015.

More background here (31.01.12), here (27.01.12), here(23.01.12), here (28.10.11) and here (29.08.11).

The Sounds Of The Change

-The Days of Trumpets: Is this The End...!!!???-
-The Sounds of the Change-
-The Sounds of The Gods-

Sonidos Sobrenaturales en todo el mundo:

Strange sounds in Los Angeles, Ca 01/16/2012 Angels' trumpets

STRANGE SOUNDS in France (Auvergne) - 19/01/2012

Strange noises in Belgium - 19 Jan 2012

hell screams from sky Weird Noise from sky Russia.2012

Strange noise in Budapest - Cloverfield 2

Strange noises over southern Sweden

Strange sound in Montreal

Strange Sounds Costa Rica 2012

Strange Sounds Mexico 2012

STRANGE SOUNDS sound in Czech Republic. Scary!

This is not the Haarp,BlueBeam Project, or other device.
This is not...!!!

~Michael Mikal~

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - February 1, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - February 1, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 1-Feb-2012 09:03:43

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - February 1, 2012
The Human Race is proving to be one that is capable of experiencing the depth of darkness, and yet can still find its Light and raise itself up. The experience was indeed meant to strongly test your abilities, and you have been subjected to the most extreme conditions imposed upon you by the dark Ones. If you had not won this battle, you could today be looking at another catastrophic end to the cycle, and the prospect of having to do it all again. However, it must be said that you were expected to succeed, but with freewill the outcome was not taken for granted. You have had immense help and the plan to awaken you has been successful beyond expectations. As you are finding out, the dark Ones fight to the end but whatever they do it will not alter the outcome. The die has been set and Ascension will come with all of its glory and majesty. It truly is a great occasion that has stirred the interest of life throughout the Universe, who watch on to be part of the inevitable and welcome celebrations.
We know that some of you still find it hard to grasp that duality in spite of its seriousness, is still a game. It is a little like entering the Holodeck and enacting your role, knowing that whatever happens you can all leave the scene and return to your normal life. It is an experience that you have chosen that has a serious content as it counts towards your evolutionary upliftment. Since there is no such thing as death, you can repeatedly take on different lives and live to tell the tale. However, the taking of life is a serious offence that carries karmic penalties, although there can be certain circumstances that can evoke a more lenient understanding. Again we stress it is not a punishment, but specific experiences that may enable a soul to understand the full consequences of what they have done, so as not to repeat them again.
Since we are on the subject of your succession of lives we will state what should be obvious, that you come into them with nothing and you leave with nothing, that is apart from your experience which is all that matters. As part of an evolutionary plan you take on all types of lives, and in some you may be one who has great wealth and power, but it will all be gone when that life is finished. As you cannot take it with you perhaps the pursuit of wealth may be seen as rather pointless. In time you may well learn that having sufficient is all you need, and that greed is simply taking away an opportunity from someone else. If you aspire to ascend you will no doubt have already come to the conclusion, that sharing is the best way to keep a happy and balanced society. It also encourages an approach where all work for the good of all, and not individuals.
Dear One, you have learned so much through experiencing duality, and your strength of character will stand you good in the future. In fact once you reach a certain high level of consciousness, you will not even have to think about how to lead your life. You will have reached such a great understanding, that you will see All As One and act accordingly. That understanding is one that is slowly being accepted by people, and in consequence there is much more concern about the plight and well-being of all people. Without a doubt you are coming together and bonding, as you are beginning to see yourself in others. The energy being created is out of love for your fellow Being, and the barriers that previously separated you are being broken down.
We of the Galactic Federation cannot help but admire and applaud your tenacity and determination, to ride out the remaining months of this year to bring about the changes you desire to claim back your sovereignty. In doing that you have our support for everything you do that is intended to restore the Light. We are like your referees making sure all is played to the rules, which is why we can intervene to protect those who are of the Light. The rules are specific where duality is concerned and include Universal Law. It is the latter that prohibits other Space Beings from approaching you or Mother Earth, and we enforce the law. Again there are exceptions in circumstances where they are actually invited to Earth, and that was the case where the Greys were concerned.
Look back at your history and although the evidence has not always been written up, there is nevertheless much to indicate our interest in your affairs. We would therefore say that it is perfectly natural that at such an important time for you, that we should come close to you. After all, as any family would, where their offspring were concerned, we have always followed your progress. The majority of you are family to the different members of the Galactic Federation, and that mainly relates to the Sirians and Pleiadians. Usually those of you who are extraterrestrials know it deep down, because you find it so hard to settle down to Earth life, with its heavy vibrations.
Europe still struggles with saving the Euro, and we see little chance of that if any at all. The Dollar is weak and being released by some countries in favor of safer currencies, so financially the world waits to see the outcome. This is all calculated to force changes into being, with acceptable and necessary changes to the banking groups. The whole area has been manipulated by the few who must accept that their gravy train has ground to a halt. You are to experience what it is like to live in circumstances where money is a real commodity that has real value. You are also to have abundance and enjoy life without your present worries and stress. It will carry you through Ascension and set the pattern for the time when money will no longer be used.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and happy to share my thoughts with you as support is so necessary at a time when so much is happening. I would say keep pushing onwards as the finishing line is in sight, and help bring the end about by spreading your Light as much as possible. Wherever you are imagine yourself as a great beacon of Light, and visualize it touching the people around you. It really does make a difference and when you imagine thousands upon thousands all doing the same thing, it is a powerful source of Light that is lifting people up. After all you are Light Beings and what would be more natural than giving of your Light to others, and it can also be for healing as so many of you carry around conditions that would benefit from it.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - January 31, 2012

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - January 31, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 31-Jan-2012 21:13:52

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - January 31, 2012
Mission statement: I am consciously connecting to my purpose here at this time. I intend to fulfill my duties as outlined in my pre-incarnation blueprint. My assignments were clearly discussed with me, and I agreed to undertake these tasks in a timely and efficient manner when it was deemed the appropriate time. It is now the appropriate time. You are being called to your positions. You are being signaled to begin your assignments that you have agreed to and that you have trained for, to be of service to humanity at this time. Your talents are special ones, and each of you has your own unique gifts to share with the beings of this world. Many souls incarnate here can benefit from your experience in the upcoming events, and they will come to you seeking guidance and answers to their specific questions. Each soul that comes to you, comes to you not by chance or by accident, but has been directed to you by forces of your reality that many at this time do not fully understand. The details of this process are not of importance at this time, but what is important is that you recognize when a soul is sent to you and understand that you are being required to act in service to this individual. How you handle your assignment from that moment on is up to you, but we ask you to be kind, be patient, and fall back on your knowledge, experience, and intuition when offering guidance.
Many of you have done this work before, and your tasks are not any more difficult at this time. You knew you could successfully accomplish this mission, and we of the higher realms also shared your confidence in yourselves and your abilities. You are not being asked to wait for further developments in your world around you at this time to begin your work. You are being called to begin your assignments now. The tools are at your disposal. Your workload is assuredly to grow in the near days ahead. Events are about to commence, and we wish you to be up and running for ‘business’ before the floodgates open. The dam is about to burst. It is time for you to be a pillar of your society, to strengthen it at its foundation and keep it strong throughout the changes that will be quite profound for many.
Where will these changes begin? News of our presence will soon make ‘primetime’. Many families with no idea as to our existence will be shown our ships and our people through their television sets. This will certainly be quite a shock for many that have never even considered the possibility of extraterrestrial life before. This limited vision may be quite hard to understand for many of you of greater expanded consciousness, but there are many worlds that have been cut off from the truth just as your world has. All civilizations eventually reach a point when it is time for them to understand a greater truth, and we, the Galactic Federation of Light, are very experienced with assisting these worlds facilitate the immense changes associated with such revelation.
Today is humanity’s moment, and we are here in service to again assist a people in the many areas that will be affected by our presence, and we are also here to offer you gifts that will advance your world greatly. Lessening your daily burdens in the name of survival is one of the gifts we offer you, and this will allow so many of you to freely pursue greater wisdom and creative endeavors. With so many more of your great minds free from their daily toils and also free from the limitations of censorship, your world will be free to blossom through the brilliant visions of those of your own race, the human race. We feel so many of you will be quite surprised to learn just how intelligent and visionary so many of your people are, and this includes yourselves as well.
Many of you have never experienced the freedom to pursue your wildest dreams and innovative desires, and we know you will so enjoy this newfound liberty. Your new world will be a world virtually without limit, with no restrictions of information whatsoever. All of your planet's hidden secrets of your past will be revealed to you immediately and completely, leaving no mystery or questions about any subject of any kind. What a wonderful experience this will be for you. You will be like children again, seated among countless books that reveal every secret you have ever wanted to learn, and your library will be an endless labyrinth of book lined shelves for as far as the eyes can see. This is your new world. Prepare for it and expect wonderful things. This is only a small part of what you can expect. Take a close look at your lives today, as you will soon not recognize them from your new existence.
Keep your eyes focused on each task before you. Do not lose your center. Remain balanced for others to steady themselves. Be a pillar for them, as you have for many before. We have described many wonderful things for you to look forward to, and the moment of unveiling is at hand. The changes will be swift, and will continue in rapid succession as we begin the next phase of our campaign. We will not stop or slow as there will be no call for this.
The cabal will be completely obliterated in due time, and will present no problems for us from this moment forward. Many lanes of progress will be newly opened at an almost daily rate, and the changes to your society will take place from many different angles and locations. Some of these changes will take place from the inside, and some from the outside, of your institutions. We have all bases covered. We will leave no stone uncovered as your civilization experiences a complete and thorough overhaul from top to bottom. No one of your world will be ignored and left without. All will share in the new wealth and prosperity of a Galactic society. We will see to that.
You have many friends, some off planet and some from within. You will meet these friends from both of these locations. Humanity has seen many peoples that have migrated throughout many parts of your planet, and each of these migratory families has taken on their own culture and their own personality. These migrations have been well documented by your historians and researchers, yet some of this history has been purposely kept from you in the name of control. Some of these migrations were from one continent to another, and some of these migrations were from your surface world to your inner planetary locations. The details of this piece of your history will come as quite a shock to many of you, even to many of your experts in the fields of geology, geography, history, and science. You will soon be reintroduced to your inner Earth cousins, and we see a very joyful reunion indeed.
As you have been divided for so many eons, you will, of course, have grown somewhat apart in your natures and your cultures, but what remains inside of you all will never change under any circumstances, and it is this that joins you in common bond, as one, forever.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles English