Saturday, June 30, 2012

4th of July History Lesson

Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence ?
FIVE SIGNERS were captured by the British as traitors,and tortured before they died.TWELVE had their homes ransacked and burned.
  Two lost their sons serving in the Revolutionary Army; another had two sons captured.

NINE of the 56  fought and died from wounds or hardships of the REVOLUTIONARY WAR.



TWENTY-FOUR were lawyers and jurists. 
ELEVEN  were Merchants, 
NINE were Farmers and large plantation owners;
men of means, well educated, but they signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well that the penalty would be death if they were captured. 

CARTER BRAXTON  of Virginia, a wealthy planter and trader, saw his ships swept from the seas by the British Navy. He sold his home and properties to pay his debts, and died in rags.

THOMAS McKEAM was so hounded by the British that he was forced to move his family almost constantly.  He served in the Congress without pay, and his family was kept in hiding. His possessions were taken from him, and poverty was his reward.

Vandals or soldiers looted the properties of

At the battle of Yorktown ,
THOMAS NELSON, JR. noted that the British General Cornwallis had taken over the Nelson home for his headquarters.
He quietly urged General George Washington to open fire. The home was destroyed and Nelson died bankrupt.

FRANCIS LEWIS  had his home and properties destroyed. The enemy jailed his wife, and she died within a few months.

JOHN HART was driven from his wife's bedside as she was dying. Their 13 children fled for their lives. His fields and his gristmill were laid to waste. For more than a year he lived in forests and caves, returning home to find his wife dead and his children vanished. 

So take a few minutes while enjoying your 4th of JULY holiday and silently
thank these patriots.  It's not much to ask for the price they paid.

Remember:  FREEDOM is never FREE!

The best way to HONOR these men and keep their Memory alive, is to send this to as many people as we can so everybody in this Country will know the price that was paid for our FREEDOM.  It's time to WAKE UP AMERICA and get the word out that PATRIOTISM is something to be proud of and to live here and enjoy the privileges, the 4th OF JULY is more than beer, picnics and baseball games. 
SO PASS IT ON. . . .

Andre Rieu and the Scottish Pipers

Subject:  Andre Rieu and the Scottish Pipers


what makes you think that this e/m came from a scottish friend

  Andre Rieu and the Scottish Pipers - go to the site below and watch the short video to the end - very good even if you don't like bagpipes.

This will get your Scottish blood a-pumpin - if there's any Scottish blood in you or not.... Turn the sound up for this BIG show

Soul-stirring stuff!

Dennis Kucinich who was one of the authors of the NESARA legislation and has seen spacecraft in his life now addresses a commencement ceremony in Dubai and talks to them in the language of enlightenment.

May 11, 2012


Dennis Kucinich who was one of the authors of the NESARA legislation and has seen spacecraft in his life now addresses a commencement ceremony in Dubai and talks to them in the language of enlightenment. What else do we not know about Dennis? 
Thanks to Julie.

Note from Russ - This is one of the most brilliant modern day speeches to be heard and worth sharing with anyone and everyone.  You can be sure that--along with Ron Paul--Congressman Dennis Kucinich will certainly be one of the few Senators or Congressmen--in the USA left remaining--after the MASS ARRESTS occur.  I too believe in and have utilized "possibility thinking" often, for then truly nothing is impossible!  I hope you enjoy what you read here as much as I do, for this is the kind of thinking, and these are the kind of "new leaders" that will soon be staffing governments of our Earth, after MASS ARRESTS take place and we move swiftly into our forthcoming Golden Age on Earth! 

So be it!!  Bless us all.   WE are ONE.

Dennis Kucinich’s Commencement Speech at American University of Dubai, May 9, 2012 Dennis Kucinich, OpEdNews, May 11, 2012

Dennis Kucinich speaks

His Highness, Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum; Members of the Royal Families of the United Arab Emirates; Dr. Lance de Masi, President of American University in Dubai, Mr. Elias Bou Saab, Executive Vice President, Members of the Board, Members of the Faculty of American University of Dubai, Esteemed Officials, Parents and Sponsors, Students, Alumni and Friends and especially you, our dear Honored Graduates:

Thank you for the great honor of addressing this esteemed gathering upon an occasion of singular importance in the lives of each and every one of you. This day announces you are prepared. The journey which brought you here has conferred upon you a commencement to the future of your dreams.

For when you ascend this stage you are confidently passing through a portal in the time and space of your life, presenting yourself to the world as a person of accomplishment, as an individual prepared to tap the transformative power of this moment which brings to bear every talent and ability you have developed, pouring it into the moment when you present yourself at the door of opportunity, the moment which is called NOW. The NOW which contemplates that the past, the present, and the future exist simultaneously, the power of NOW as it connects with eternity, your timeless self which finds its power in expression of self recreation, self actualization. “Come my friends,” wrote the poet Tennyson, ” ’tis not too late to seek a newer world.”

Behold the new world being born in the moment. The NOW which comes again and again and again in each and every day forward as you watch for it, recognize it, be mindful of the possibility it presents, be grateful for its imminent unfolding potential. The NOW which bids you to think, to speak, to act, to challenge, to create, to change. The NOW which declares that years of preparation have come to meet the seedling of a single moment. The NOW which whispers: “Do not spill a single seed.” The NOW which makes joyous the challenge of venturing forth in faith. The NOW which bids you, “Come, you are ready!” And reminds you there is no time to waste. The NOW which unveils your deepest potential when you summon the courage to knock upon an unfamiliar door. The NOW which has been secretly awaiting your arrival.

“What you seek, is seeking you,” wrote the poet Rumi. The NOW which waits for you to embrace its endless possibilities, its extraordinary beauty of presence. Yours, the restless quest of the human soul for true purpose, for a place in the world, for life, for love, for a spiritual home all awaits your attention, your touch, your gaze. Your place in the scheme of things is unfolding and even resistance can be your friend as you align with the time signature with which the hand of destiny inscribes your name. Be relentless in pursuit of excellence. Though your reach exceeds your grasp every moment, “What’s a heaven for?” asked the poet Browning.

What do I know? From my earliest, I heard my life’s drummer banging out a rapid tempo, a quick march to college, to work, to public life, all at the same time, twenty years old working two jobs, going to school, running for city council. When I put my ear to the ground I could hear the heart of the world beating and I rushed excitedly to embrace it fully, no apprenticeships, only the experience of trying and failing, trying and succeeding, climbing the mountains outside or the mountains within, looking up, walking up, running up one path, then another, then still another, sometimes pausing as the crowd passed me by. Then, a new moment, sensing a new possibility, stepping out into the crowd, coursing with it, stepping briskly to meet it, to embark upon a new destination, a new life, the unfolding of each and every day: I chose a career in public service while I was still in college in Cleveland, Ohio, and was elected America’s youngest Mayor at age 31.

I ran for Congress five times in a period of twenty-five years before I was elected. I know what it is to try and to fail. Do not fear failure. Let failure be your friend. It prepares you for what you desire to achieve and you arrive at your new destination with growing beauty and wisdom, thanking your friend for the visit.

My dear graduates, the world needs you. I know how important you are. The raw, kinetic, intellectual and spiritual power here from one hundred countries can save our planet from destruction.

We are constantly being told that there is nothing we can do about war, nothing we can do about global climate change, nothing we can do about poverty. Those who accept the self-fulfilling prophecies of doom may have a stake in the status quo or, fearing a new order, delay change. Life, however, is not inert. The human heart is not inert. Its rhythms excite to the call of the future. The soul is not inert. Its eyes see the future.

George Bernard Shaw wrote in Back to Methuselah “You see things and say ‘Why’? I dream things that never were; and I say, ‘Why not’?” He spoke to the capacity of vision, of possibility thinking, of the certainty that life is a profoundly creative experience, an expression of the workings of the mind, the heart and the soul — the nonphysical, spiritual world which sanctifies the physical world. Ideas come through our senses, bathing in a world of dreams, imagination, the magical, mysterious province of poets and prophets, inventors and painters, the realm of Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam where man receives from the divine the spark of life.

A photograph by the Hubble Telescope has captured a picture of the Eagle Nebula: “Pillars of Creation,” that place in deep space where stars are born. Quantum physicists have identified gluon particles which exist in interstitial space, the space between the spaces, the unseen element of our physical universe which holds together the world with the primal energy of the Big Bang.

We travel back and forth upon the bridge between spirit and matter, at large in a physical universe, we breathe in the eternal spiritual sustenance. Inspired, we fling our dreams back into the physical world and create islands in the sea, buildings which reach to the heavens, new structures in society, and new ways of living. Possibility thinking is a science grounded in old truths. It is the capacity to call forth new outcomes.

Let me share with you a few examples from my own experience. Again and again in my public career I have confronted circumstances where I was told there was nothing I could do about a given condition: a city electric system sold to a giant private utility under indecent conditions. “Nothing you can do,” said my top advisors. I saw something else, organized a civic movement and a three year struggle resulted in regaining for the people of my community a light system which recently observed its 100th anniversary. Two hospitals were to be closed. “Forget it,” I was told. There is nothing you can do. I saw another possibility. Creative legal action ensued, the community rallied, hospitals were saved one still stands. A steel mill which provided thousands of jobs was about to be closed. Again I was told, “there is nothing you can do.” Long story short, we organized the community, intervened in court, stopped the shutdown of the mill long enough for a buyer to emerge and that mill today is the largest integrated steel mill in the world.

There is a practical physics to civic involvement and action. Look deeply into the appearances of things. Deeper within is another possibility. Envision it, call it forward, act upon it, drawing upon that same elemental energy which comes from where the eternal first touched us and where we touched the eternal, where stars are born.

What I have learned from experience is this — when you see a condition you desire to see change, when you seek to make something happen and you are told it is not possible — that may be exactly the place to put your energy, to change the outcome. When you do, people will say a miracle occurred. We live in a world where miracles are waiting to be welcomed.

This brings me to a thought I would like to share with you, my fellow citizens of the world; We have inherited a world where war is dropped on our doorstep and we are asked to adopt it as our own. We are told deadly force must be used to change people’s conduct. Violence to stop the violence, war to prevent war, war to end war. When we believe war is inevitable, we come to accept the self-fulfilling prophecy of war. War happens. We wonder why.

We must call forth from this world which is so fraught with fear and foreboding that which is beautiful and glorious, a new possibility, a new thinking, a new physics, if you will, of peace. We must do it with courage. We must do it in fulfillment of salaam, the peace which comes from the unseen, the peace which comes from the heart, the peace which comes from our collective yearning, the peace which comes from an awareness that the world is one. That all people are interconnected, interdependent, one with the human family, one with the world, one with the spirit, one with the divine.

War is never inevitable. Peace is inevitable if we desire to call it forward, if we approach it as a science. I speak of peace not simply as the absence of war, but as a practice of the science of human relations, as a capacity of human evolution and human development. But if we call peace forward from the unseen we must name it, we must give it structure, we must prepare for it a place to exist – a space to breathe, to be nurtured – to flower, so that it can be appreciated as an expression of that divine spark of creation.

In writing of the unfolding potential of nature, the poet Lowell celebrated the month of June: “Every clod, [or piece of earth], feels a stir of might, an instinct within it that reaches and towers, and groping blindly above it for light, climbs to a soul in grass and flowers.” His poem was about the search for the Holy Grail, a sacred vessel said to contain drops of the blood of Christ. Peace is a Holy Grail and the quest for peace is empowered by thoughts of peace, words of peace and actions for peace and attainment of peace. It is a temporal question. It is also a spiritual journey: “Wherewith Allah guideth all who seek His good pleasure to ways of peace and safety, and leadeth them out of darkness, by His will, unto the light, guideth them to a path that is straight.” — Qur’an 5:16

Think of the possibilities if we could create within every nation a place where the best minds and hearts are brought together within the context of a cabinet level position or ministry wherein resides the power to develop social structures for peace and strategies to avert conflict between groups and between states.

Such a proposal exists; I brought it to the United States Congress two months before 9/11. In its simplest expression, it seeks to develop an organized approach to make the daily work of our nation engage our top social and economic scientists to deal with the root causes of domestic violence, spousal abuse, child abuse, gang violence, gun violence, violence against gays, and racial violence. It would develop skills for non-violent conflict resolution on a domestic level, as well as internationally, where such a ministry would be prepared to assist to ameliorate the causes of violence inherent in poverty, lack of access to food, water, shelter and the instability caused by environmental disasters.

As violence is learned, so is peace. Education has a powerful social purpose. A ministry of peace would create the resources for peace education within every culture and within each government to construct a world where we learn to settle differences by tapping the spiritual principles of salaam, sholom, of peace. We are then within reach of creating cultures of vision, cultures of creativity, cultures of unlimited wealth and cultures of sustainability.

I have been in Congress for 16 years and involved in government for the better part of 45 years. I am told, “Dennis, such an idea is so impractical.” After all, my nation spends more money for weapons and war than all the other nations of the world put together. We spend so much time, so many resources human and financial preparing for war. Why not begin to spend time and resources preparing for peace?

Will this vision be realized for creating new structures for peace? I was reading a speech given in Dubai in 2007 by His Highness, Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum, observing the challenges facing his new organization, the Foundation His Highness created. He quoted a friend: “… in this Foundation you are like one ploughing the sea. The challenge is huge; the gap of knowledge in most of the Arab and Islamic countries is bottomless. There is a lot of talk about building communities of knowledge, but little action. The pit is too wide to be seamed, so why should you weary yourself over this matter?”

At a time when the technology of destruction and the capacity of human destructiveness is so great, this is exactly the time to create a common global effort to build communities of peace, to provide structures in every country to help peace issue forth and flourish. I, too, believe that if we will make of human development a new art, we will set our eyes to the distant horizon and plough the seas with wondrous effect. We can then lift up our eyes to the heavens and, with our imagination, with joyous abandon, plough the stars, and a thundering universe will burst forth with new possibilities and we will make heaven on earth. “Come my friends, ’tis not too late to seek a newer world.”


MAY 13,  2012
Telepath, Spirit Eagle

St. Germain speaks

This is the time you have been waiting for over millennia.  There is a Moment when all is ready for activation.  This is It!  What may seem like the same old problems surfacing have become the First step into the Truly New!  It is the time that you have been waiting for. 

The people of the world are awakening and removing themselves from the Matrix that has kept you zombie-like slaves from ancient times.  Those who have enslaved the people of the Earth Mother are at a place of reckoning now. The Change is upon you!  Your Hearts and Minds are ready for the new!  There Is No Going Back to the Old Ways that have benefited only the few.  The New World has been waiting for you to take back your personal power and stand as Free Beings of Creator! 

There are No "They" who took almost All from you!  You have Allowed what is before you.  As you Collectively Awaken to the harshness of this creation, Feel for All who are hurting!  All Living Beings are suffering right now.  Your Earth Mother is suffering, yet she has and Still gives of herself to you.  Now, as you look around you, can you not say that This Is Enough?  Enough repetitious pain and suffering in All kingdoms on the Earth Mother?  (Not just Human) 

I, St Germain, tell you that it is not enough that your political systems will change, that your money systems will change, that your environment will be cleaned (with your assistance); but what I say to you is that YOU must change in order for this New Creation to Flower!  This is Your work!  This is Your Destiny! 

In the Days to come, it will be Your Hands and Hearts that will transform this world!  In order to create this you must become Heart-Centered Humans and no longer remain Self-Centered as in childhood.  You Are the Adults; you Are the Bringers of the New Dawn upon the Earth Mother!  Stand Tall and Strong in your Hearts, Minds, and Souls!  You are Leaders in the Army of Compassion for ALL!  We Walk with you! 

Telepathic Communication by Spirit Eagle   Sunday May 12, 2012  9:47pm 

Copyrighted  Message


I was sent this by a friend, and it is   found on Galactic free press
if anyone  feels this is not truth let me know please


June 29, 2012

Dear ones,
We come to you this day, June 29, 2012 with a great message of hope!
We are the bringers of the dawn and the family of light.
We are your family and we love you!

We have watched over you throughout the ages not interfering with your evolution!

We have indeed intervened to avoid destruction of earth and its people and to ensure the great foretold ascension goes smoothly! It’s going to happen and you can help it go smoothly!

A few earth years ago was a great call sent out by GAIA to this galaxy and beyond! She had become very sick due to harmful actions of the corporate cabal. She is resilient and this great sentient being still sustains all life on earth regardless! This is her love for you!

A date and time was set in the stars eons ago for SOPHIA-GAIA to ascend from this realm and return to the great central sun where the AEONS walk.
This date and time is recorded in the living library and is shown by all ancient indigenous calendars.

You have seen the numbers 0, 1 and 2 over and over! These are trigger numbers that active the firing of the DNA which active the light body!
12 [13] strands of DNA are currently being activated and plugged into the chakras in and surround the bodies in all sentient life on earth!

These numbers were set in the great stone of the sun as a time-encoded trigger for the light body to be fully activated!

The earth and most of its beings will ascend to the 5th dimension as scheduled on the date 12-21-2012 at 11:11am.

The archons have hated this date for millennia because they know it is there end date! They have done everything they could to cover it up and hide it from you! We have helped you remember it!

All archontic clones will be completely cleared from the earth grid by
12-21-2012 at 11:11am. This date and time were encoded by the great keepers of time. The actual archons (reptilians, greys, dracos, and other hostile races) have already been cleared from this galactic quadrant. All that is left are the clones of these entities. They have no soul and are not sentient. They are your cabal and the ones hell-bent on destroying earth and its beings and to stopping you!
We have decided recently to deviate from the prime directive for your good cause and while not jumping in until absolutely necessary we will stop these cyborg-clones from stopping you!

This is assured!
We have technology unimaginable to earth humans that makes all things possible! We are the creators of worlds and soon you will see that you are us! We are not aliens but we are human just like you! We are you from a higher dimension! We have come to meet you!

You were with us in the beginning when we created earth and you voluntarily chose to come back here in this earth time in the body to help Gaia and its peoples makes their ascension! This is what you have been up to! You know truth!

This is the great time of mankind’s freedom from tyranny!

We stand by with the Andromedeans cloaked in your skies in great ships and power to support you and ensure that your transition to freedom goes well!
Yes the prime directive has been over-ridden for your sake because what you are overcoming this day on earth had not been done in this galaxy! It is priority number one in the universe! It is your great time and you know this inside! It is time for you to break free from these lower realms that have bound you!
You have raised yourselves to a vibrational level now where you can join with us for your next level of evolution!

What you are doing today takes universal priority over all things!
That is why we are here watching and waiting above and below for your sake! Do not be afraid, dear ones! Fear nothing!

All good will prevail and your ascension to a new earth is the greatest thing we have seen.

We will do whatever it takes to make sure this transpires in the safest way for all involved possible.

Listen now dear ones:
You are divine creator beings and part of our family! We from Erra and Taurus were here in the beginning when this planet was assembled! Can you remember it?

Here is what is happening now:
All that you have heard from our earth allies is true and is happening now! The first green light was given with a waiting period to see how many would react! We have seen that more reacted with faith and in a positive way than not! This was good enough to proceed to a second green light which was given today!

Many good leaders and forces on earth and from above and below are working today in stealth to clear out all archontic clones (the now-cabal). These beings are intent on chaos and destruction!

Since a green light was given by one of our contacts and earth allies many involved became ecstatic as did we! The news went viral overnight!

Now here is the important thing we want you to know.
A great battle is ensuing on earth and from above and below earth today. It is mostly hidden from the public for a good purpose. All infrastructures must stay intact during this transition and mass chaos, rioting or violence will not be allowed to transpire during this operation.

Considering the prime directive and other factors, our plans and levels of intervention change according to what you do. Know that you are not waiting on us, you are waiting on you and we are waiting on you!
We knew that you would rise to the occasion and do the work of saving GAIA and it’s people and you have and will continue! We have seen this in you great ones!

This day and night and weekend we the people of earth, the patriots, sovereigns, the militia, occupy, good earth leaders and positive military forces, anonymous, all light workers, ascended masters and many other freedom groups will join forces to free GAIA and it’s people from all archontic tyranny!

Today, finally you will begin to see the fruits of labors from 300,000 years of the control of the earth and its people.

These archons beat us out in those days for the control of earth, enslaved its people until this day! We are back with other ascended light beings and we are a million times more evolved and we stand with you in clearing the darkness from this galaxy! We will win the day!

Know that these archons are mind-lie-parasites that have infected most of your race on earth! They are the annu that say they tampered with your DNA. This is not so! It is a lie! Your DNA is tamperproof!
They are the muted bloodlines that believe in these ancient liars!
These archons have been your authorities and the gods of your religions. There is a prime creator source and it is all that is it is! It is not the god of any religion! It is the entirety of all universes!
You will learn that you need no authorities or false gods but yourself! This is the real truth! We have intervened to help you see this! This is true sovereignty!

Here now is information you need to know and instructions given by the high council on what you can do to help this great effort:

There is the game that is being played on you by these archontic clones.
It is not a new game! It’s the same old game!
It is a back and forth game like most games!
It is a game of vibrational war!
This is the back and forth fame of energy exchange!
Most do not know this game is being played!
We are here to quickly show you the rules of the game!
We are in the last quarter and the last minutes of the game and we are down a few points but we will win the game. This is known!

We want to give you the advantage in this game so you can finish your mission to free earth and its people.
Here is the advantage to your team of light:
First know that you are in a game of war for earth!
Know that the game has been escalated!
The other team uses weapons in the game called lies to provoke a fear reaction!
The archons masquerade as authorities and gods and are public liars that control earth beings by getting you to react through fear!

Yes know the other team (the archon-false-authority-nwo-clones) and their game strategy, but don’t get too absorbed or focused in their part of the game.
They want to wear you down by stealing your energy and causing you to give in and give up in despair and hopelessness! This is the greatest lie that is bought by the people!
The other team knows that emotional energy creates everything! This is their great guarded secret that has been held by their societies in the dark that you now know!
This is their feeding off (stealing) of your energy!
This beast feeds off of negative energy of sentient beings!
It cannot survive one more day otherwise!
They initiate plays in the game and deploy actions to incite a negative reaction and put fear in the people to keep things created where they are in control where the people lose!
The people’s buttons get pushed can cause negative re-actions to the news stories and orchestrated world events and the negative energy is fed back into the holographic 3d world-reality-matrix-system and keeps it created!
The archons use the people’s energy to create the fictional corporate matrix!
We say with you, no more!
Fear or ignorance is the two ways they can get the people to react negatively!
All man-made archontic systems such as politics, religion, education, and main stream media as the primary medium to transmit to implant this lie-parasite into the people of earth’s minds.
They also use dis-info agents such as trolls and shills to provoke you and the threat of deadly force to put the ultimate fear in your mind!
Some of the ploys and tactical operations executed on the people by the archontic dark team are diversion, shock, and false emergency and waiting!

Expect a provoking move from the dark team!
Know that it is a ploy-lie orchestrated to provoke a negative reaction from you to feed the beast!
Stop feeding the beast!

This parasite must be completely removed from the earth quadrant and is being removed as we speak!
It is removed primarily by having no authorities, saviors or gods to fear or bow to and by realizing that you are God and the authority!
This is sovereignty as we said! You are the savior of earth! This is truth!
We say no more control over you creator gods! Realize who you are and what power you have! You have the power to do all things and there is no one over you anywhere in the universe! This is the ultimate truth!
You are the creators of earth by your emotional energy vibrations!
What you focus on is the reality that is created! This is universal directive and law!
What we send out vibrationally is what is created on any level!
The only possible way to end the negativity of this world is to stop focusing on it!
We will create the outcome we want!
The way to win the game is to no give the other team the reaction they want! It is critical today that you understand this!
Also notice another ploy of the archons, making you wait!
What happens when people sit and wait?
They time to sit and think and this can be dangerous!
This is where mind-worry starts.

Since you are creator gods and since you understand the great law of attraction that says what you give is what you get and what you put your focus on creates this realm.
Know that the outcome of what happens in regards to the freedom of earth and its people is 100% a product of the energy earth beings project!
Since the majority of 7 billion plus beings look out every day and see matrix-lies and negativity and then react to it! They then project this negative reaction emotional energy back into the matrix keeping it created in a negative fashion and the game continues as usual!

Now listen, dear ones:
If you will notice, the cabal always throws out a negative news story or creates and event to cause a negative emotion which causes a negative reaction in the people which causes more negative in the game!
We have seen the people fall for this time after time!
We have been watched and participated in small ways with several recent freedom efforts on earth and we have seen that this lie-game-trick happen to the people over and over and the people always fall behind!
It happened with the republic.
It happened with occupy.
We have seen it happening again over the last few days since our earth ally setup a green light situation for you!
We break this loop today!
Learn to keep your energy! Learn to project only light and high vibrations back into the game!

Stop the provocation-reaction loop today!
We are helping you do this!
We will help you remove the cabal as you step forward to do it yourself!
Just watch for the bait and don’t get hooked by it again!
Positive or neutral emotional reactions to the other teams play stops the matrix loop program!
Truth love and light are your weapons and destroys the dark team!
They cannot play the game in the light and they will leave the court!
They will be dissolved into your light forevermore and the game is over!
Make a conscious effort to react positively to what you see and here!
Only see and hear good in the world! This is not a denial but a change of focus and perception!
What you focus on is!
What you do not focus on is not!
This is the basics of quantum creation.
It’s how you create!

Don’t be surprised by what you see or hear!
Only respond with love and light and truth!
Respond positively with understanding and light!
Positive or neutral emotional reactions stop the matrix loop program!
Do not give them the reaction they want, this is the secret to winning this game and ending it!

You hold all the power not to feed this back into this matrix-world which will cause the real world (5d-heaven) to appear.
You hold the seat of power and are fully in control of all of this!
This should give you hope! You are being used to create the hell on earth game and you have played your part! Now you will change your game strategy!
You have the power to act and react positively and with love!

Some of these positive reactions might be to counter it with Love Humor Faith Peace Joy Freedom Patience No reaction, be neutral Change focus to something that raises your vibes!

This is simply a vibrational (game-war) and is about your correct emotional reactions. This is the ascension!
Do you understand now?

Here is hope and strength for Earth beings What do you have in your favor?
Unlimited internal power
We the people
Many freedom groups and lightworkers combining energies and positive focus and mediations!
The republic military
Many in high places on earth even in the government that have seen the light recently and are ascending rapidly!
Incoming energy form the galactic core
Our help from above and below!
Here are some key questions you must answer!
How then do you react positively to a severe negative situation that threatens sentient life?
How could you react positively if the other team declares martial tomorrow?
How could you react positively if the archons (false-cabal-public
authorities) started shooting or killing or imprisoning earth beings?
How could you react positively if this comes down to a world war of the people vs. the archons (cabal) with their corporate military police and trained killers?

Here is the answer for you!
It is known that earth's military is composed of living beings not corporations and most would defect and like most earth beings would ban together and fight back against the cabal as they are fully prepared to do so now!
If this battle were to happen it would be we the people with their trained militia plus positive military and corporate military defects plus several groups of ET's cloaked in the outer atmosphere of earth vs a few cyborgs! They few would not have a chance and the battle would be very short and decisive!
We the Pleiadians the Andromedeans on standby have technology millions of years ahead of earth's technology that can disarm any weapon on earth easily, not to mention we could disintegrate any threat of any size to earth and its people with precision down to the Nano-level.
We don't miss if we shoot! We do not wish to deploy such technology but have the green light to disarm all threats over the coming days!
Will earth beings or other involved benevolent ET beings be forced take up arms and fight a physical fire-fight for the freedom of earth?
No! Absolutely not! It is not required and that is why we are here standing by because we will not allow an all-out physical war that could destroy Gaia and its people at this great time!
It is not allowed and will not happen!
So the good news is it is known that we won't have too and neither will you!
We want to make it very clear that violence is only to be used in-self-defense of the extinguishment of sentient earth beings and only as a last resort!
So is self-defense of sentient life right or wrong?
It depends on the level you look at it from.
In the sentient animal life species of earth it is natural and right!

From our perspective in light of the current critical destructive situation on Gaia it is right!
From Gaia’s current position it is right!
From most earth being's perspective it is right!
On earth now in this time and in most universal quadrants, yes it is, absolutely it is right!
Defend sentient life if threatened!
That is the whole point of why we are here now!
Both the earth and its beings are currently under the threat of deadly force!
Again, the extinction earth or of mass human life on earth will not be allowed to happen This is assured!
It is also assured the tyranny of earth ends now!
This lesson in this time will not be required to be learned!
The ascension of earth and its beings and the critical condition of Gaia and its peoples freedom is universal priority #1 at this time! Be assured!

Soon we will teach you that from the absolute sublime higher realm; highly evolved beings will give you their body if you demand it!
They do not fear authority or even death because they know they are not bodies but eternal consciousness!
Also consider that all beings have a free will to defend themselves and to kill or not.
Most importantly know that what you do shall be done to you!

This is not understood by most earth beings and again we say this is not required to be understood or adhered to at this time in your history due to what is happening with the ascension of earth and the evolution of its beings to the next dimension. Yes you are mostly through the 4th[5th] dimension now!

We want to encourage you to have faith in what is happening, to trust in good and know that all is as it should be and you will make it thought this will little disruption!

Store up some items for minor inconveniences and for no longer than 30 days, but do not worry about major survival!

All major infrastructure will stay in place and most people won’t notice the transition because this is the way it has been planned!
As one earth ally said, “sit back and relax enjoy the fireworks on the 4th of July!
Do not fear and work on building community as our earth allies have instructed!
Keep doing your personal inner work and clearing personal karma!
Do not stop, don’t back down and don’t give up!

The Independence Day movie ends they tell the whole world how to take down the enemy using a virus!
This virus this time is understanding, knowledge, truth, love and light!

Inject this vibration into the harmful false matrix-lie system and bring it down!

The same matrix we have been used to create, can be un-created by doing the opposite!

What you do not focus on does not exist! Can you understand this?

The Independence Day movie is based truth! It is a reality that would have happened and the archons on those ships would have destroyed earth and its people externally let alone internally and on the surface of earth!
Know that all archons have been cleared from the physical and non-physical quadrants.

Only non-sentient cloned bloodline mutants are left.
Know that these cloned-cabal remains are being removed as we speak!
Help others not be fooled into reacting negatively!
Question everything you think you know because the archons gave you most of it and it is not so! Wake up others to real truth!

“We will not go gently into that good night!”

Read this communication again and know how to win the battle for earth as we explained above.
Spread this good news with others and tell them how to bring these sons-a bitches down!
This will be a fourth of July to remember for time eternal!
Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all Mankind ~MICAH~

 you are love, you are loved, and I love you

California Sheriffs Threaten Feds For Usurping the Constitution!

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

California Sheriffs Threaten Feds For Usurping the Constitution!
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 30-Jun-2012 13:16:21

Give um Hell Boys!! :-)
Thanks so much to YouTube user: for this fantastic video. It's not often that I'm able to upload a video that promotes optimism instead of pessimism. These Sheriffs need our support. Please do whatever you can to educate your local Sheriff and turn the tide on the Govt and the Police State!