Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The 2012 Scenario Update

Twenty Steps to Activating Fifth-Dimensional Timelines and more...

In This Update...

Twenty Steps to Activating Fifth-Dimensional Timelines

Twenty Steps to Activating Fifth-Dimensional Timelines

By DL Zeta - June 30, 2012
Fifth-dimensional storylines can be accessed and experienced from within the present moment through awareness and conscious action.
It is not a given that one will “fall into” timelines that run along themes of peace and love.
However, each person holds the potential to awaken to these new reality threads and choose to shift toward them.
Such shifts can happen in the blink of an eye. The future is not fixed. Rather, it exists in probability lines that are energized through intention, vibrational frequency and action.
Twenty Steps to Energize Fifth-Dimensional Probability Lines
Once we become aware of fifth-dimensional reality threads in our field of potential, there are steps we can take to embrace and energize these probability lines. We offer here some steps:
1) Be present, awake and aware. The only way to be present in the future is be here now. Make a regular practice of slowing down, looking around you and allowing your consciousness to expand into the present moment. Too often, we fall into the trap of filling up our lives with commitments and activities that don’t feed our soul. To cope with the pain of this lack of fulfillment, we fall asleep in our daily lives. This creates more pain because sleeping through life slams us into more obstacles, perpetuating a vicious cycle. 
2) Embrace grief and loss as essential components of creativity; the old must be destroyed to make way for the new. Love and appreciate what has been; express gratitude for it and release it. Many people hold back from new and more fulfilling realities because it will mean leaving behind and releasing what has been. Learning to embrace grief makes this process much easier.
3) Send love into any situation you don’t understand. As we move further into the new time, we may encounter many new situations and events we don’t understand. Love is always the answer. Send love into all situations and the answers will soon appear.
4) Recognize we are already part of all-that-is. Our job is to merge with the force of creation by allowing ourselves to remember our oneness with the Divine order of the universe. We are not creating ourselves anew, but rather, allowing who we are to shine through.
5) Remain transparent and neutral to all you witness. It is not necessary to have an opinion about what you see. Awareness is everything. As you allow yourself to see what is there, you see through illusion. Within the moment, our conscious mind will not be able to grasp all that is beneath the surface of physical reality. This power of inner seeing helps us navigate times when we encounter paradoxes. For instance, separation as the path to unity, darkness gives way to light; dissolution of relationships and other life situations makes way for the new. Illness and accidents can serve as preludes to opening of heightened awareness and intuitive abilities.
6) Practice self-love at all levels. Pay attention to the needs of your body, mind and spirit. Eat fresh, unprocessed foods, especially root vegetables and dark leafy greens. Practice self-nurturing through the use of herbs, essential oils, gemstones and other healing modalities. Spend time each day communing with your spirit and expressing gratitude for everything in your life. Appreciate the Earth and all-that-is. Focus thoughts on expansive, loving themes that expand your inner light.
7) Observe all that goes on around you; observe yourself. Keep in perspective the big picture of your life and the up-close picture. Do not allow yourself to be overly absorbed into the events of your life. This causes you to lapse into states of less awareness.
8) Stay positive on no matter what happens in your life. Negativity drains your life-force energy and weakens your overall system, draining you of your ability to cope with what you are experiencing.
9) Practice self-reliance and self-responsibility in all matters. Disconnect from dependency on all systems, groups or institutions. Disconnect from mechanisms of mass thought that feed on your energies. Parasitic life scripts are everywhere. By remaining awake you are able to sidestep them and write your own script. Working in cooperation with others is not the same as participating in dependency relationships which keep one enslaved to mechanisms of mass thought.
10) Connect often with nature. The natural world exists in accordance with universal law. As we commune with nature and align ourselves with its essence, we unify our mind and spirit. A unified consciousness is essential for existing along fifth-dimensional timelines.
11) Practice preparedness; always have your affairs in order. Allow completions. Hold in awareness that each goodbye could be your last. Complete with everyone; be willing within each moment to release all that you are and all that you know; be willing to embrace the unknown. Change is the nature of life. When you are present, awake and aware, you begin and complete each moment impeccably with no loose ends.
12) Open to the new. Allow yourself to wake up in a new world every day. This makes it much easier to slough off old ways of thinking and re-invent yourself. You’re not the past, nor are you bound by the past.
13) Embrace freedom. Do not give your power away to enslaving thought forms; if a situation does not serve your highest and best, it does not serve the highest and best of others.
14) Become a detective of your own life to gain awareness of old patterns and scripts operating in the background. As you gain awareness of these scripts, visualize and rewrite them according to choices aligned with new visions and goals.
15) Review your beliefs, perceptions and goals on a regular basis. Create a 10 most wanted list and update it regularly. This helps you set priorities and release old ideas and beliefs that no longer support your higher evolution and growth.
16) Breathe and energize your physical system. Practice regularly forms of movement that unify body, mind and spirit such as yoga and tai chi.
17) Maintain a sense of humor in all you do. When you feel yourself becoming overly absorbed in the dream of your life, watch a humorous movie or see your life events from a comedic perspective.
18) Meditate and act on love. Unconditional love is the highest vibration in the universe and supercedes all other frequencies.
19) Give to others what you would like to receive and you will see your desires manifest all around you.
20) Set your intention to practice all of the above and expect miracles each day.

Now Bernie Madoff’s Brother Peter Faces Jail

Now Bernie Madoff’s Brother Peter Faces Jail

Thanks to Susan.
Stephen: Former Nasdaq chair Bernie Madoff’s in jail for 150 years; now brother Peter faces his punishment for complicity.

Bernie Madoff’s Brother Peter Faces 10-year Jail Term for Role in the Ponzi Scheme

By Mariano Andrade, New York, Sunday Telegraph – 1 July 2012
PETER Madoff, brother of shamed US financier Bernard Madoff, has pleaded guilty to helping cook the books of the world’s biggest Ponzi scheme, and faces a 10-year jail term.
“I apologise to the people I hurt and to my family,” Madoff, 66, told a packed Manhattan court after confessing to tax fraud and falsifying documents on behalf of his brother, who is already in jail.
Madoff pleaded guilty to two counts of conspiracy to commit securities fraud and falsifying investment records.
“Peter Madoff enabled the largest fraud in human history. He will now be jailed well into old age, and he will forfeit virtually every penny he has,” prosecutor Preet Bharara said.
Madoff spoke clearly but broke down when he apologised. He said he was initially shocked by his brother’s fraud.
“Until December 2008 I never suspected that my brother stole from anyone. I was in shock and devastated,” Madoff said.
“I lost my reputation. My family was torn apart because of my brother.” Madoff said he was taking Xanax and consulting doctors because of stress tied to his brother’s huge fraud, though judge Laura Taylor Swain said she considered him “fully competent to plead guilty”.
He described in detail operations to evade taxes and falsify documents, saying: “I accept my responsibility for what I have done. I know my conduct was wrong.”
A formal sentencing hearing was set for October 4.
“Peter Madoff played an essential enabling role in the largest investment fraud in US history. He made a pretence of compliance; he was really about complicity,” a statement from FBI Assistant Director Janice Fedarcyk said.
Prosecutors said Madoff agreed to forfeit $143.1 billion, a nominal sum representing the fraud that means all his assets will be seized.
“The Madoff investment empire, built on a foundation of deceit, was a house of cards that grew to skyscraper proportions,” the statement said.
Bernard Madoff, 74, once chairman of the Nasdaq stock exchange, is serving a 150-year sentence at a North Carolina jail where he earns $170 a month for prison work.
He took in some $65 billion by paying out fake “profits” to some investors by plundering the new cash from others.

Arcturian Meditation: A Visit to New Earth

Arcturian Meditation: A Visit to New Earth

By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie – June 29, 2012
Our dearest Ascending Ones,
We are over-lighting you now. In fact, we are just above and in front of you sending three beams of Light into your form.
The first beam enters into your Crown is the Beam of Wisdom.
The second beam enters into your Third Eye is the Beam of Power.
The third beam enters into your High Heart is the Beam of Love.
Feel how your body is merging with these Beams of light.
We are here today to take you on a journey to New Earth. Yes, New Earth is already formed for it is beyond time. However, to you who are still bound by time, it is in the process of being formed. It is important that you remain in the NOW, as that state of mind calibrates your consciousness to the log-in frequency for New Earth.
You, our Ascending Ones who came to assist Gaia during the fall of Atlantis, have had many incarnations on Her form and wish to experience the crowning competition of Planetary Ascension. However, the transition of your body of third dimensional resonance can be quite uncomfortable. Therefore, we take you beyond time and into the NOW of your visit to New Earth. With your three beams of Wisdom, Power and Love, you can calibrate your consciousness to the frequency of that reality.
Allow your sensation of form to melt away from you, as you also maintain connection with your eyes to read this document. It is only the escalation of your consciousness that takes “time” as your journey will be outside of time. Focus on the three Light Portals for your Crown, Third Eye and your High Heart.
Instantly, you appear at an invisible threshold. This threshold is invisible because it is not on New Earth, but in your mind. Your mind must totally relax to embrace the impossible. Of course, what was impossible on third dimensional Earth is normal on fifth dimensional Earth.
Calibrate your thinking to receive novel experiences, and open your consciousness to multidimensional thinking. Remember that you have done this type of travel many times in your higher expressions of SELF.
Do you feel how you are allowing us to fill your mind? Now, with your Third Eye calibrated to perceive the fifth dimension, observe how this reality has a higher resonance of color. Likewise, all edges are blurred by their expanding and contracting aura. It is via these fluctuations of your aura that you choose your reality. When you expand your aura you say, “Yes, I want to experience this.” On the other hand, when you contract your aura you say, “No thank you. I do not desire this experience.”
Now, please focus on the Violet Temple that appears to be floating just above a nearby hill. This Temple welcomes all new visitors because inside is the Rejuvenation Room. In the Rejuvenation Room your will receive assistance in fine-tuning your resonance to these higher frequencies of reality. This room is similar to our Rejuvenation room on our Starship.
Both of these rooms are filled with Violet Light which transmutes your energies back to that of your formless, Multidimensional SELF. Just as the caterpillar enters the cocoon to transmute the molecules of its being into a butterfly, you will transmute your molecules back into that of your innate Lightbody.
On the fifth dimension there is no need to perceive every step of your journey as there is no space to travel. Instead, you merely will yourself to be in the Rejuvenation Room, lying on the violet couch and feeling the energies move over, under, around and through you. Feel those energies now…
As these energies move through you, you feel yourself easily releasing all that has restricted your consciousness to a clay form. As you do so, you feel your form of light begin to grow from within and expand to encompass the entire room.
You then take the matrix for your 3D form and place it in your High Heart for safekeeping. You are ready now to experience New Earth. Again, there is no need for movement from one place to another. All you need do is to think yourself to any given location.
We see that you are thinking that you wish an over-view of this world. Therefore, your light form is instantly flying above the Temple and over the surrounding areas. It is important to note that areas are not static as they are on the physical plane. Members of this reality have the power of manifestation with their thoughts and emotions. Hence, when you have a thought, your resulting manifestation interfaces with the collective matrix.
This matrix is much like a house with many doors, and each door leads to another version of reality. The thoughts are similar to “files” in your computer. Once you chose to attend to a thought, a portal of manifestation opens into that experience. Therefore, think of your journey as choosing the file to open in your mind?
Which experience do you choose to preview?
We hear that you wish to preview the Ascending Ones who are first crossing into this world?
Instantly, you are experiencing that reality.
Many of you have wondered how you could actually make the transition into the fifth dimension. Thus, you are interested in observing those just arriving on New Earth. They too are crossing an invisible threshold. However, your threshold was in your mind, whereas they created a threshold that they believed they had to cross.
They believe they were physical. Therefore, their bodies first appear to be third dimensional. Crossing that threshold creates a transition point in which the Elementals can assist each Ascending One to release their belief in physicality. The Air Elementals are transmuting their breathing mechanisms so that they can release the habit of breathing through their lungs and nose. Instead, they will “breathe” via a minimal expansion and contraction of their entire form.
At first, many of the New Ones do not realize that their forms are no longer solid. Nonetheless, the Earth Elementals are busily transmuting that which was carbon into its crystalline form. The Water Elementals are transforming the New Ones’ bodily fluids into higher frequency molecules, which resemble steam. Finally, the Fire Elementals are assisting each One to accept, integrate and express the higher frequencies of multidimensional light.
All of these transitions happen beyond time. It is only the observation of this experience being translated into third dimensional language that creates the illusion of time. Once across the threshold, some choose to go directly to the Violet Temple, as you did, to calibrate their consciousness and to escalate their light quotient. Others are going to one of the Greeters who embrace them with unconditional love. They then take the New One aside to explain to them where they were and how they got there.
Some of the New Ones are here to stay, but others are “rehearsing” their Ascension in their night bodies. The Greeters can easily discern between these two groups and, eventually, lead them back to their sleeping bodies or off to the Violet Temple. From your position of observation, you can not perceive what event sent them here, but they all seem to be calm and peaceful.
We observe that you desire to know how many of your friends and loved ones are already here, and which ones are on their way to this “side” of reality. Which means that you are returning to your third dimensional thinking. Therefore, relax into your Lightbody so that you can understand this experience without falling into time-based 3D habits.
We suggest that you choose to wander through the vast areas of this reality, which are Gaia’s higher expression of Nature. As you float through this pristine beauty, you can easily surrender to the NOW.
While you were experiencing the transitional energy area, your aura fell slightly out of its fifth dimensional calibration. Hence, questions came into your mind, and doubts began to leak into your consciousness. Fortunately, floating through Gaia’s fifth dimensional Nature instantly recalibrates your consciousness.

Saul: Upheavals Are Essential

Saul: Upheavals Are Essential

Stephen: As Saul so eloquently points out: right now, as always, “all is divinely taken care of”.
As channeled by  by John Smallman – July 1, 2012
Many of you are feeling quite depressed as time passes and you get no personal sense of progress on your individual paths to awakening. In fact, everything seems to have come to a grinding halt. It has not; it just seems like that.
Very many of you are on Earth to be energy conduits to assist humanity and the planet in the awakening process. Being an energy conduit is very hard on your human bodies and some of you are experiencing this as extreme tiredness.
You are not alone in this, but it may well be that you have no one with whom you can talk about it, and maybe you wonder if you are not, perhaps, going a little crazy as the world around you seems to be going on as normal – crises everywhere! And everyone is operating as though nothing untoward is happening!
Behind the scenes an enormous amount of progress has been made, while the western mainstream media continue to focus on the economic troubles, the political shenanigans, and the unusual weather that many areas are experiencing. So you are getting a sense that something is up, but you want more – preferably dramatic evidence that the necessary and essential changes for your awakening are happening. Rest assured, they most certainly are, and the physical evidence is beginning to show.
Your expectations have been raised; the Golden Age is supposedly almost upon you, and yet. . . . It is difficult for you to maintain a positive attitude as you experience this sense of uncertainty, but if you will turn inwards and ask for help, you will find some peace and a reduction in your stress levels. The big push is on, and as a result the divine energy flow enveloping the planet is very intense, and all you energy conduits are in flood, hence your tiredness. You are doing great work for which you are highly honored. So hang in there – all is divinely taken care of.
A flood of divine energy is of course totally cleansing, and the cleansing that is going on is the cleansing of all the negative attitudes and behaviors with which humanity has been engaging so enthusiastically for so many eons. Those of you who can sense or see energy can indeed become aware of the cleansing.
Focus on it, and observe how effective it is. You will be able to see the shining auras of those who have released all or most of their unloving baggage as they move forwards towards their awakening, demonstrating to all around them the immense power of that divine energy flow, and encouraging all to engage with it.
This is indeed a time of great change, great upheaval. Changes that humanity has needed to make, has been implored to make, and has avoided making are now occurring anyway, because they can no longer be delayed. These upheavals are essential, and are an extremely positive sign that you are moving forwards towards your divine and heavenly destiny.
Your human condition is quite strange, in that you often know that something needs to be addressed, taken care of, resolved, and you spend much time discussing possible ways to deal with the situation – and then another situation occurs. You then move on to discuss the new one, leaving the previous one forgotten; or at least put on the back burner. And so issues mount with no sign of resolution. Tempers become frayed, and the blame game starts. Strange indeed! But now, with all the spiritual assistance flooding the planet, that is changing.
It is amazing how quickly ingrained and unloving attitudes are being released all across the world.
Humanity has been gripped by a sense of urgency, an increasing awareness that attitudes and behaviors must alter drastically or human existence will become unsupportable on Planet Earth.This awareness is growing rapidly, and quite soon even your politicians will start to become aware, as their constituents demand change more and more vociferously.
All is moving forward very satisfactorily as this awareness of the oneness of humanity – for one to live well, all must live well – spreads and spreads. The divine outcome, which was assured at the moment of separation, is coming to fruition beautifully and perfectly, just as divinely intended.
With so very much love, Saul.

The Arcturian Group –  June 30, 2012

The Arcturian Group –  June 30, 2012

As channeled through Marilyn Raffaele
Dear ones, we greet you in this time of much change and seeming chaos. We are here to bring hope through the awareness that all is proceeding according to plan even though, as of yet, you are not hearing anything different than the usual on your news. Indeed, much is transpiring that you are as of yet unaware.
Hold to the truth dear ones, and do not allow yourselves to go into fear and doubt from those manifestations of duality and separation from which you are ascending in this lifetime. All is moving swiftly to bring you into the new energies now pouring onto your planet.
Every small loving deed you do for the world and each other – easing another’s burden, adds more light when done through the recognition of truth. Try not to act from the level of a “do gooder”. A “do gooder” is an individual who through a false sense of “holiness” goes about looking for things to fix and whose actions are often ego based, done with the expectation of a return in the form of money or in ego gratification.
“Do gooders” work from the third dimensional belief in duality and separation, seeing people and things that need to be fixed. This is not a judgement, for this is where all start out in their evolutionary journey and much profound help has been given the world through this state of awareness, but you have moved beyond this way of seeing and working and are now required to work from a higher level; a level that knows there is really nothing to fix.
We are not saying that you are to deny what you see in the world, nor are we saying that you are not to give a hand where needed. What we are saying is that it is time to begin to recognize that the outer forms are not God ordained, but simply the manifestations of concepts based in duality and separation. This is the journey of evolution dear ones, moving beyond seeing appearances as reality.
Do your work quietly, allowing it to flow out from a consciousness of oneness, seeing every life as in and of the Divine whole, even if they themselves do not yet know it. The bible message is true in saying that what you do for another you do for yourselves, for there is only One. Always examine your intentions when helping others, and remember that many have chosen their particular experiences in order to learn.
Trust your intuition on these things, always working from compassion and not sympathy, for when you enter into sympathy with another’s problem you merge with the energy of it. In compassion you listen, offer what you can, but stay centered in truth and light.
Many moving into the light of new awareness are trying to incorporate their old familiar beliefs into the new. This cannot be done. You must leave behind all beliefs that resonate with duality and separation if you are to enter into the mystical message of Oneness. New wine cannot be put into old wine skins as is stated in your Christian bible.
Many fear leaving behind that which has been their truth and comfort for perhaps their whole lifetime and which has been the glue holding together family and friends in common worship and beliefs. However, as you open to deeper truths, you must make a choice; “Do I stay in what is comfortable and familiar, or do I move into the new awareness presenting itself to me?”.
Often as with any profound change, there is the fear of upsetting or angering families or partners, and indeed this is often the case especially in strong traditional belief systems. Realize that human worship, ceremonies, and teachings of the past as well as now, are simply concepts of truths; truths interpreted though somewhat un-awakened states of consciousness. This is why in organization, the deeper truths of a message are lost once the original consciousness is no longer around to clarify.
Sacred teachings are then interpreted by those not yet functioning at original teacher’s level. Know that through spiritual evolution you lose nothing of value, but simply move your worship to higher levels of that which is represented by the symbolic rites and rituals of many organized religions.
If those of your “group” are not yet ready to embrace the deeper truths, that is fine. You need not shout your enlightenment from the roof tops, but simply begin to practice it. Go within each day (and as often as you can), taking time to center and contemplate new awareness. This need not be long, just the incorporation of truth into your daily life.
If you experience anger from those who wish you to continue in the old ways, ways you feel you have outgrown, then is the time to lovingly take a stand. Explain only once that you are examining new directions for yourself but that you honor them and their practice and allow them to also choose. Never apologize for your enlightenment but also never try to force it on another.
One of your famous people said that the definition of insanity was to keep doing the same things over and over again while expecting different results, and yet that is what many continue to do. Those that try to continue with what is old and finished after they have evolved beyond it, will consistently meet with failure because that which is finished, is finished. New awareness ready to be lived will be incorporated either the hard way through repeated failure of doing things the way you have always done them, or the easy way through moving into and living out from the new awareness.
This is often seen with relationships where an individual continues to play third dimensional games of relationship after they are ready to live out from a deeper, truer sense of relationship. These individuals move from one partner to another, always seeking the fulfillment promised in old energy beliefs, and always experiencing painful failures until they “get it”. This is what you have asked for, chosen, and are receiving for yourselves dear ones, to evolve.
Many through ignorance or malevolent desire are still working to keep the old energy alive and well. You are the forward flank. You are those paving the way for others. You carry the burden of releasing all that is old and finished in order to bring the whole planet into readiness for the shift into higher dimensional light. You have chosen this. You dear ones, who are clearing and releasing that which is old and finished in your own lives are at the same time helping to clear and release these beliefs from the impersonal universal human matrix of beliefs; adding light for those others who are ready and are attracted to truth.
You are paving the way so to speak and because the head of the arrow creates heat as it moves through the air, so are you often catching heat from those not yet able to fully understand what you are doing, believing, or trying to tell them. Let this be of no concern. Your work is not to drag the world kicking and screaming into a new awareness. Your job is to simply do your work sacredly, secretly, and silently which will emanate Light wherever you are and those with “eyes to see and ears to hear”, will respond
Soon you will see the fruitage of you labors. All is well.

Constant Companions: MoS – Part 159

Manuscript of Survival – Part 159

Constant Companions through Aisha North
June 30, 2012
We have often times been accused of beating around the bush as it were, and that may be so, but let us just come clean and say what is on everybody’s mind at the moment.
Do not think for a second that we are mere figments of your imagination, or some other’s imagination at that, and that you are all delusional and incapable of grasping the truth.
It might feel like it to so many of you, as the times roll on and everything seems to be just scattered words of promises and nowhere near reality.
Just open your eyes, and every morning you are confronted with the same dismal views of a corrupt elite and a world heading for destruction as the pristine environment is being confined to smaller and smaller pockets on your beautiful planet.
Yes, that is the truth and the reality as you will call it, but it is only ONE reality, and not the one and only you have to be content with. You see, you are literally straddling several realities at the same time, and as you have already started to get a peek behind the veils in your so-called dreamtime, you have a hard time accepting the fact that the same dismal world come into view every time you open your eyes to another day. 
And it will not feel like another day in paradise, that much is sure, as you have all had to face the realities of this mismanaged world every second of your waking hours. That is, if you do not manage to literally tear yourselves away from this horror show and tune into the other channel, where freedom reigns and you can see how life permeates everything around you, and where the soul sings in a very, very different tune from the squawk it emits every time you have to immerse yourself in the ”reality” once again.
Well, nice words, but what do you really mean by that, we hear you ask. Let us get straight to the point. It is indeed imperative that you start to disassociate yourselves from the ”truth” out there and stop being a player in the drama that your overlords are putting on 24/7.
By that, we mean that you have to stop taking in all of the bad news and horrendous stories being played out in front of you, and start to detach yourselves completely in every emotional sense. That will be difficult, we know, but remember that every time you fall into the trap of being angry, sad or disappointed by what all of your fellow men are doing to each other and to your planet, you are actually fuelling it by putting your energy right where it should not go. Namely into the heart of this ensuing drama, and thereby actually making it just that more powerful.
You see, you have all passed a threshold where you as individuals play a much more powerful role, as you are now carriers of so much more energy than before, and as such, your mere presence can literally make all the difference in the world. We have touched upon this subject before, but not in this connotation, so it is indeed important that you understand just how powerful you all are, and start to heed that power lest you should accidentally invest it in the wrong place.
Again, this will be very difficult for you all, as you all in some way still perceive yourselves as members of the human family, and as such, you will feel a strong responsibility to invest all of your powers to do good for you all. In other words, you will feel the need to throw everything you have gained into the battle for this planet, and you will do so in the manner you have been trained to, namely to play according to the rules set up by those in control right now. But if you choose to follow that instinct, you will only play straight into their hands, and add your newfound strength into the drama that will hungrily gobble it all up and spew it right back at you all with new atrocities.
So stop feeding the beast, and start taking back your powers.
In other words, it is time to withdraw from the battle. Not as battleworn and heartbroken defeatists, but as cunning warriors, intent on spending their energy where it will have beneficial effect instead of giving it away to their enemies. We will not keep you any longer with this message, as we know it will give you much to ponder. And of course, we will return to this subject shortly, as it is the most important one for now.
Remember, do not continue adding fuel to the fire that is burning your world to cinders, but take it back and nurse it so that the flames will have to look elsewhere for something to consume. You are far to valuable to be mere fodder for this fire, as your flame will need to burn brightly on its own, lighting a way for all to follow in your footsteps. It will take some hard work on your behalf, as what we have just told you will go against much of what you have been taught to do, but this work is mayhaps the most important work we will ever ask you to take on.
So start calling back your energy, and make sure that you know where it is headed before you decide to send it back out again.

US Senator Bernard Sanders: Overthrow the Oligarchs

US Senator Bernard Sanders: Overthrow the Oligarchs

Thanks to Christopher
US Senator Bernard Sanders gave an impassioned plea this week in which he stated clearly why the American people are angry.
As he defended the poor teachers, firefighters, construction workers and others who now find themselves without jobs and mired in debt, he savaged “the greed, recklessness and illegal behavior of the people on Wall Street” for causing it all.
He also demanded the removal of “the handful of billionaires who control the nation’s economic and political life”.
The Senator’s words apply equally to all us ’99 per centers’ – on a worldwide basis – and it is heartening to know these anti-oligarch messages are being strongly relayed more and more in the halls of power right across the globe.
Click here to view the embedded video.

What Happens After the Mass Arrests? – Part 2

What I’d like to do in future parts of this series is look at how the truth will soon be revealed to us, how the the Company of Heaven wishes us to react to the mass arrests and truth revelations, where the dark figures will be going, how the transitional governments will be set up, and how unjust laws will be reformed.
In this part, I’d like to look at the Company of Heaven’s assertions that the truth of our history will soon be revealed to us. SaLuSa tells us that those who’ve been reading channeled messages will have a sense of what truths will be coming out but those who haven’t followed them stand to be shocked and astounded.
“Mankind has had adequate time to start paying attention to the many messages given, that are intended to pave the way for the greater revelations. The ones in the slow lane will have to witness much that will be a great shock to their mindset, but we must get moving. There is no more time to wait until a greater percentage of you are understanding what is about to happen.
“That will of course change dramatically, when the media are released from the constraints placed upon them by the dark Ones. Truth has been a rare commodity in the past, but as the controls are removed, it will come back in full force.
“Even those who profess to be aware are even so going to be surprised at the full extent of lies and disinformation, that has been dished up as the truth in the past. It goes well beyond what you would imagine, and will reveal the extent to which you have been controlled.”  (1)
According to Sananda, the many truths to be revealed “will literally shake all out of their doldrums and awaken them to realities they thought only existed in fairy tales and fantasy or science fiction.” He advises us to “prepare by first becoming informed of the many atrocities that have been committed in the name of God or for misuse of power. This is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg as so much will be revealed to you shortly.” (2)
Why do we need to know about atrocities? SaLuSa says: “Until you learn how you have been manipulated and used by the dark Ones, you will have little idea of how far their tentacles reached.” (3)
And Matthew Ward takes that explanation one step further and suggests that, until we know the extent of the threat we faced, we won’t know why the galactics came here.
“How could we help you consciously and spiritually prepare to physically accompany Earth into higher densities if we never mentioned that she is through with everything you think of as evil, and all of it has sprung from darkly-inclined individuals in ruling bodies or the ones who control them from behind the scene?
“You need to know why your world became a hotbed of corruption and deception and bloodshed, why Earth reached the point of near death and called out for help, why other civilizations came to her rescue, why the Golden Age was planned. All of that is why you are where you are!” (4)
SaLuSa assures us that the truth will come out regardless of how the Illuminati try to hide it because the light energies are rising.
“As predicted some time ago, you will have noted that the truth behind many dark operations is leaking out. You can take much credit for it as the level of vibrations has increased very considerably, and the Light will uncover what has previously been hidden. The truth will come out regardless of what steps are taken to hide it, and we will back up the evidence against the Illuminati for the crimes committed against you by them.” (5)
The way the truth will be presented will make it undeniable, he tells us.
“It will be presented in such a way that no amount of denial will change the facts that support the accounts we will give you. We also need them to substantiate the actions that are planned, when many persons in authority are removed because they have participated in criminal activities against the you. At this point our concern is to get them out quite lawfully, and not waste time before they are replaced by those who are of the Light.” (6)
He tells us that not so long ago we would have accepted anything from anyone in authority and our complacency cost us dearly.
“It was not too long ago that you tended to accept whatever those in authority told you, and they used your trust to hoodwink you whilst carrying out their covert operations against you. Almost on a daily basis you are now learning about the truth behind many events that have been the work of the dark Ones, but hidden behind legitimate activities. The truth goes a lot deeper than you really know, but over the coming months it is going to be revealed to set the historical records right.” (7)
He says that we’ve been used by the cabal for its own enrichment.
“Sooner or later you will have to face the awful truth of how you have been used all along, to fill the coffers of those who have for eons of time been the driving force behind your governments. The extent of their power will truly astound and shock you, and more so when you realise how a large proportion of the population was destined to be eliminated. With our coming that threat has been removed, but history will show that the lives of millions were nevertheless subject to their insidious plots.” (8)
And he reveals to us that we nearly fell into slavery after being lied to about our rights.
“You have been totally misled about your rights, that have been slowly taken from you to remove your independence. Your enslavement was been very carefully planned, and you were nearly under the total control of the Illuminati.” (9)
Many organizations have been used to hide the truth; SETI and NASA are examples, SaLuSa says.
“The extent to which there has been an ongoing cover-up of the truth for many, many years is quite astonishing to us, as your Governments have spent enormous amounts of money in supporting the organizations that are being used for this purpose.
“Even now it continues with SETI, who search the Universe for signs of intelligent life, yet your Government has had a continuous dialogue with the extraterrestrials you know as the Grays. It has been going on for some 70 years, and on a regular basis.” (10)
“N.A.S.A. has been the biggest culprit at hiding the facts, and issuing false information. All of this will rapidly change in the coming months.” (11)
Far from listening to beeps and clicks, our governments have been approached by the Galactic Federation directly but have refused their overtures to create peace on Earth, he tells us.
“Even we of the Galactic Federation of Light have had contact with your leaders, and our offers to bring peace to the world were refused. That did not surprise us, because the agenda of the dark Ones was to take over the world and enslave the people. Their plans were well advanced and within sight of success, until you suddenly responded to the Light and began to understand the truth.” (12)
When the truth is revealed, Mira the Pleiadian tells us, “you will see some empires crumble and wrongs will be corrected for the benefit of humanity. This will be a time of reconciliation on many levels.” (13)
The Pleiadian High Council through Wes Annac tells us that the galactics know the truth through, among other things, the use of nanotechnology and the Akashic Records.
“We are able to continually monitor any situation on Earth and have many such monitors sustained and looked upon on our ships.
“Through extremely small Nano-like technology that goes past even the notice of your dark, we are able to monitor any situation and even without the use of such technology, we are able to find everything we need through an easy counseling of the Akashic Records which hold each and every event that has ever manifested on Earth.
“As such, we are keeping our eyes and hearts on Earth constantly and are working with ourselves and with our many liaison teams to see that all that has been predicted to transpire in the time window established will do so as needed.” (14)
Moreover, while the cabal cannot spy on the galactics, the galactics can easily hack into any cabal system, SaLuSa says.
“Whatever information they are able to pick up, they will be unable to hack our systems as they are technically beyond them. It is in fact quite the opposite, as we have access to their communications and nothing is kept secret or beyond our reach. We are normally a step ahead of them, which is why we are confident of the outcome of our activities. Victory is ours, and we share the joy with you.” (15)
Among the truths we’ll learn is that the Illuminati knew of Ascension and have been doing all they can to prevent it, he explains. But they won’t be able to.
“You will learn the truth of what has preceded this period, and how the dark Ones have plotted and planned against you for many, many centuries. It has been ongoing with the very idea that they could take world control of the whole population, and prevent you from ascending.
“They have been as aware, if not more so, of the plan for Ascension than you have, and expected to achieve success before you realized what was happening. They reckoned without the Brotherhoods of Light that oversee your evolution, and the Divine Plan that declared the intent to close this cycle with Ascension.” (16)
Nonetheless, the truth is not being revealed so that we can take revenge, SaLuSa cautions us.
“The purpose of revealing the acts of the dark Ones is not to take revenge, as all souls are called to account for their thought and actions to much higher authorities. It is so that you understand how you came to be in the position you found yourselves. You were just short of becoming totally enslaved and controlled by a draconian World Government that was to be put in place.
“Your rights would have been strictly controlled and curtailed, so that you had little freedom unless you conformed to the new world order. It has not come about overnight, but has been planned for millennia of time. Slowly and almost unnoticed you have been fooled and misled so that you gave your rights away. There were plenty of warnings, but you were lulled into a false sense of security. You need to understand the reasons so that you fully benefit from the experiences.” (17)
The outpouring of truth, he reminds us, “will provide the opportunity to move on from accepted corrupt and criminal activities.”
“Such energies will gradually disappear, to be replaced by the desire for open dealings that are honestly carried out. Once it is seen to bring in the changes, a new mindset will ensure that honesty becomes a way of life. That can of course start anytime and the sooner the better, as there is nothing more likely to be followed that elevates the values Man works from. Be an example to others and help create a new energy of fairness and justice, and let it be seen in your everyday dealings. These are all aspects of the changes necessary if you are to complete your journey in an ascended state.” (18)
Thus, to summarize, those who’ve been reading channeled messages may not be as shocked by the truth revelations as those who have not. Hearing the truth will show us how far the Illuminati’s tentacles have sunk and why the galactics were summoned. We’ll hear how our rights were taken away, how we were used to enrich the cabal, and how we nearly ended up slaves.
When the truth is revealed, we’ll see empires crumble and historic wrongs righted. It can’t be hidden any longer and will be presented in ways that will make it impossible to deny. Superior technology and the Akashic Records will be used. The galactics know all that the Illuminati are doing but the Illuminati don’t know what the galactics are doing. The Illuminati knew about Ascension and resolved to stop it. But they won’t succeed.
The truth is not being revealed so that we can take our revenge on the cabal but so we can close this chapter of darkness and evil and move on to Ascension.


(1) SaLuSa, March 28, 2012, at
(2) “Sananda: Only Love Prevails,” channeled through James McConnel, Feb. 28, 2012, at
(3) SaLuSa, Feb. 22, 2012.
(4) Matthew’s Message, Jan. 4, 2012.
(5) SaLuSa, June 18, 2012.
(6) SaLuSa, Dec. 19, 2011.
(7) Loc. cit.
(8) SaLuSa, May 4, 2012.
(9) SaLuSa, April 2, 2012.
(10) SaLuSa, June 1, 2012.
(11) SaLuSa, April 2, 2012.
(12) SaLuSa, June 1, 2012.
(13) Mira the Pleiadian, May 14, 2011.
(14) The Pleiadian High Council, “Consciousness of our Craft and our Earthly Lineage,” channeled through Wes Annac, April 21, 2012, at
(15) SaLuSa, April 6, 2012.
(16) SaLuSa, Jan. 3, 2011.
(17) SaLuSa, Oct. 21, 2011.
(18) SaLuSa, Jan. 31, 2011.

Jesus: Humanity is Going Through the Ringer Right Now

Jesus: Humanity is Going Through the Ringer Right Now

As Channeled by John Smallman – July 1, 2012
Humanity is going through the ringer right now, as all your unresolved issues come up for recognition and release.
This is a very intense moment in your spiritual evolution and you are receiving enormous help from the spiritual realms. Intend to recognize and release all your issues; remembering that you all do have issues that you need to deal with, some of which lie hidden well below the surface of the semi-conscious state of awareness that you have chosen to experience while you remain chained to the illusion.
It is uncomfortable to address issues that you have chosen not to acknowledge. Nevertheless, you have abundant and unfailing spiritual assistance to help you with this task that must be accomplished before your awakening.
As you face them, and refuse to be discouraged by any fear that may arise, you will discover that there truly is nothing about them to fear, and that just facing and acknowledging them is enough to allow you to release them quite painlessly. What you keep hidden from yourselves frightens you; when you open up and observe, then your fears dissolve as you realize that in truth there is nothing to fear.
Fear is an obstacle to love. It is an obstruction, a veil, a fog that hides love from you, and it tends to be attached to the issues that, over the eons, you have invented and then failed or forgotten to address and release. The help available to you now, as you open to the divine field of Love surrounding you, will ensure that they are completely dissolved as you release them, so that you can feel the brilliance of the Love field embracing you and lighting your way Home.
That Light has always been with you, but as you sank ever more deeply into the illusion, It began to dim and fade from your view as the distractions became ever more seductive. The separation that had seemingly engulfed you also offered you the illusion of power to defeat others and become supreme. You wanted that, and you were prepared to fight all-comers to obtain exclusive rights to it.
And thus began the long journey through intense suffering as you fought one another and refused to acknowledge or recognize the Love from which you were all created. You have an expression, “use it or lose it,” and that is what happened to the Love: you lost sight of It, you forgot It and you denied Its existence.
Now you are in the process of becoming aware of It once more. Many holy ones have demonstrated It to you. You wrote down their stories, shared them, and then went on slaughtering each other in their holy names! Now recognition is dawning, as it becomes ever more apparent that self-serving egoic agendas do not work, and lead only to further conflict and further suffering.
The power of Love is infinite and eternal, and since the moment of your apparent separation It has been constantly nudging you either directly, or as demonstrated by those holy ones who, throughout the life of the illusion, have constantly visited you to help you to awaken.
Finally, Love is being acknowledged as the essential ingredient of a peaceful, harmonious, and joyful existence. And those who make that acknowledgment and live it, then share it freely, far and wide. Acknowledgment of the power that is Love is spreading exponentially throughout humanity, shocking many as they feel overwhelmed by the wonder of It and question if it is for real. It is. That enormous power is shaking the very foundations of the illusion, which has started to crumble, and nothing can now prevent its permanent demise.
So, as you each go through your own personal ringer remind yourselves constantly that this is an essential step on your path to awakening, and that you have abundant assistance to help you release this crushing burden that you have carried for so long. The end draws nigh as the embrace of the divine Love field holds you all gently and tenderly in Its comforting arms.
Your loving brother, Jesus.

Jean Haines Closes Her Site … For a While

Jean Haines, who has given the 2012 community such excellent and broad news coverage since opening her blogsite in March 2011, is closing her site for an indeterminate time due to physical pain.  Jean, you will be sorely missed. I don’t know any other site that covered the range of stories that you did with such skill. Get well soon.

An Announcement from ~Jean, June 30, 2012

Jean Haines, 2012: What’s the Real Truth?, June 30, 2012
Friends and Family,
I have not really shared with you the depth of physical pain I have been suffering as a result of the incoming energies. Unfortunately, Western medicine really screwed me in this regard, and so I must suffer because of my extraordinary sensitivity to energy. Perhaps all this blocked me from seeing things clearly.
In a frantic moment of pain this afternoon, I took my dogs and went to the lake, where at least my connection with Mother Earth gave me some relief and helped me decide some things about going forward. My Guides, however, have told me there is nothing I can do for this pain and not even my merkaba can protect me from it. I must simply try to hang on until we are through whatever we must go through.
As my head cleared a bit I learned that I must stay outside, connected to Mother Earth as much as possible, even to sleeping outside if necessary. The energies on my blog are now upsetting, so until we make it through this Shift, I will not be publishing anymore. Hopefully, we are only talking a very few days. Shutting down my blog is my contribution to Mother Earth’s birthing efforts. It may also help to invite us all ‘to look ‘inside’ instead ourselves instead of outside.
If I can get myself together at all, I’ll hope to start to paint a bit again.
What I discovered as my agitated body settled down a bit is that we are, indeed, into the Shift, but I do not know if it will be anything like Drunvalo’s generic Shift, which is all I know. (1) It might be better, and it might be worse. The fact is that we are creating this Shift. To say that this is not happening the way we were told it would happen makes no sense – not if we step to the line to realize we are creating it.
Soon, people will be unable to avoid the truth of the insanity. Until we begin to get it right, the physical calamities will continue to increase in size. We even have the choice not to get it, but I doubt we will succumb. Perhaps, also, as the Earth begins her cleansing and the ride starts to get a bit rough – as the oceans rise and fall, as new lands appear and old ones disappear (I think it has been prophesied that Atlantis will appear again) – and so on, we will be willing to wake up, get out of our brains, and into our hearts. Remember, though, it is going to be our choice. We will create the outcome – not for Mother Earth, I think, but for what happens to the human species here.
To me, Creator is calling us now to engage in a very serious business.
This, I think, was never about ‘outside’ preparation, but always about the preparation of our souls for what is to come. I beg you to stop trying to figure this thing out. As soon as it became a bit more complex this morning, with another ingredient thrown into the mix, anger became a part of the mix. Why are you angry? I don’t know, but perhaps it is because the complexity is getting beyond you, which, I think, is exactly what is intended. It’s all intended to make us lose control through our minds and enter into our hearts, where trying to remain in control isn’t necessary. So far, it’s pretty clear to me that we have not yet done that. Our minds are still trying to figure it out.
So, with these words and with lots of love I bid you farewell for a little while – and I’m already looking forward to visiting with you again on the other side after the Shift. Right now, I suggest meditation, meditation, meditation. You have some other tools to keep yourselves centered, because I have tried my best to give them to you. Use them! Find your own inner peace!
I love you and will always continue to love you, every single one of you! I am lucky, because as I see it you are all a part of my soul family. I wonder how many people are fortunate enough to have such a large family!
Go well, and make every effort to fulfill your purpose here.
Love and hugs,

PS I added a photo of one of my favorite paintings. To me, it is heaven on earth, waiting for us to bring it into being. It was entirely intuitive. When I started out with it, I had not a clue where it was going. I hope you like it. It is my gift to you! Please, may I suggest that if possible don’t try to make ‘sense’ of it in your minds. Just enjoy the colors, the shapes, the feelings you get from it. If you can’t do that, though, that’s okay, too. :)~J


(1) Jean follows Drunvalo’s assertion that we will be facing a pole shift and three days of darkness. I personally don’t follow that line of inquiry, but I honor Jean’s viewpoint.


There are reports from numerous sites and channelers that the mass arrests may or will (as the case may be) take place in the next 24 hours (Drake says before July 4). But speaking personally and not for the rest of the editors, I’m not going to go all out reporting the rumors. You already know that the reports published so far say that this may be so so we’re not adding anything by publishing more, except to create a climate of excitement.
But I, and perhaps we here, regard it as more important to remain calm and balanced than to get excited and lose our balance.
As soon as action does start happening, we’ll report it and so will everyone else.
A second reason for going slow is that, if these predictions prove unreliable, the snapback effect can really take people out. So perhaps why don’t we take it one step at a time, go slow, and listen next for some actual events.

Cobra: Green Light Update – “Not Yet” – June 30, 2012

Cobra: Green Light Update – ” Not Yet” – June 30, 2012

Stephen: OK all, here is Cobra’s latest update. Still no confirmation of the much muted “green light”; but affirmation that things will unfold and progress at the appropriate time.
By Cobra, Portal 2012 – June 30, 2012
Real Green Light has not been issued yet. When that happens, action will be taken within 24-hours time frame. This action will be very evident for everyone and nobody will have any more doubts whatsoever.
I have received hints from independent sources that action might indeed take place by Fourth of July. However, they were just hints and I can not completely confirm this.
Even if nothing happens by then, rest assured that mass arrests WILL happen. The Cabal must be removed from this planet and that removal will happen within a reasonable time frame.
It is worth mentioning that there are interesting developments in occult economy taking place.
The Resistance Movement has been playing with and testing the computer systems of the Rothschild’s banking casino to prepare for the Reset:
Eastern Alliance and White Dragon Society are very active during this weekend, putting additional pressure on the system.
This is all in preparation for the “financial Green Light”, as Drake calls it.
Many members of the Cabal are now seriously considering “silent surrender” when the Event happens.
The Event is a worldwide operation.
In the USA, it will happen through the Positive Military.
In Canada and Australia, it will be a combination of their own Positive Military and Interpol.
In Europe, it will be carried out through the positive faction inside Interpol and NATO.
In Asia, it will be a combination of Interpol and White Dragon Society.
In Latin America it will happen through a certain positive group that has members throughout most of the South / Central America and whose name can not be disclosed.
Situation in Africa is more complex and will receive special assistance.
And finally, the Resistance will give support with Operation Omega Phoenix:
For the full Cobra post, which includes some accompanying- but not newsy – videos, head here:

Global Elite Planning Another Mass False Flag Deadly Vaccine Pandemic

Global Elite Planning Another Mass False Flag Deadly Vaccine Pandemic

WHISTLEBLOWER Jane Burgermesiter

This is what I have been saying all along, the vaccines are for extermination or genocide. And for those in the military or thinking about joining the military, they are the first lab rats to try it. 

Beloved LIST HOLDERS - listen, and post BELOW TWEET on your Facebook WALL, personal Websites, before this EXPLOSIVELY REVEALING video by BRAVE Austria WHISTLEBLOWER Jane Burgermesiter is "snuffed out" by the Elite Dark Cabal.

I posted the below CLIP at my Facebook WALL,  and my Facebook personal site, so anyone worldwide can click and listen!!! It CAME UP perfect:   Modify as you wish, just make sure Jane's video Website is first of any Websites posted on your CLIP... "first come, first serve."

Make HASTE, please!!!

Message from Michael * * * Worldwide News Letter
#3 - June 26,  2012
Global Elite Planning Another Mass False Flag Deadly Vaccine Pandemic