Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Bilderberg 2012 Meeting Attendees - May - Virginia

Bilderberg 2012

The Bilderberg Meetings have come to an end, with top heads of financial, state, media, and other power structures leaving the Westfield Marriot in Chantilly Virginia amid bullhorns and screams from protesters Sunday night.
Over the course of three days, team (Alex Thomas, Shepard Ambellas, and Jason Bermas) was able to produce over thirty videos, (and counting) appear on over 30 radio shows, and capture at least a dozen high depth photos of actual Bilderberg attendees.
The meetings also gave us a chance to meet some amazing activists and independent journalists including the whole crew over at Truth Exposed Radio, Luke with WeAreChange, Alex Jones and the entire Infowars crew, Mark Dice, Charlie Skelton, and hundreds of protesters and freedom fighters all dedicated to liberty and exposing the globalist cartel.
Thanks to all who donated to help us attend the Bilderberg 2012 protests. Your support is greatly appreciated.


You can view a list of all our exclusive Bilderberg 2012 Articles (Over 30) Below:


Exclusive Bilderberg 2012 Videos – Dozens of Video Reports, Interviews, and More!


The following photos, taken at the Westfield Marriott in Chantilly Virginia on Thursday, May 31st , confirm numerous attendees at the Bilderberg (Palm Tree) Conference:
Heather Reisman – Founder and chief executive of the Canadian retail chain Indigo Books and Music.

Photo by Shepard Ambellas — ©
Josette Sheeran – Vice chair of the World Economic Forum.

Photo by Shepard Ambellas — ©
Alison Redford – Premier of Alberta, Canada.

Photo by Shepard Ambellas — ©
Photo by Shepard Ambellas — ©
Kevin Warsh – Visiting fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution and former Federal Reserve Board of Governors Member.

Photo by Marcus Gabrel
Jacob Wallenberg (and his wife) – Swedish Banker and Industrialist.

Photo by Shepard Ambellas — ©
Henri de Castries – Chairman and CEO of AXA (France)

Photo by Shepard Ambellas — ©
Cheng Li – Director of Research and Senior Fellow, John L Thornton China Center, Brookings Institution.

By Hannah Borno
Ying Fu – Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs. (China)

By Hannah Borno
Austan Goolsbee - Obama' Chief Economist

Photo by Shepard Ambellas — ©
Rabinovich, Itamar - Global Distinguished Professor, New York University

Photo by Shepard Ambellas — ©
Reports from May 30th, 2012 – Note: Visit Our YouTube Channel (Archives)
Bilderberg Building Security Fence Around Westfield – Police Everywhere
To the MEDIA:  If you have a radio, TV, or podcast show and want to interview us in regards to Bilderberg 2012 you can contact us.
Event: Bilderberg Meeting 2012
Location: Chantilly, VA
Dates: May 31st – June 3rd
Visit the Exposing Bilderberg 2012 and Occupy Bilderberg Facebook pages for real time up to date information.
Bilderberg is one of the real power structures at the helm of the planet and must be fully exposed to ever have a chance to dethrone the global crime syndicate commonly referred to as the New World Order.
For years respected press agencies such as the Washington Post and the New York Times have attended the meetings, subsequently hiding the truth from the public for over 50 years.
Those times have now come to an end.
The alternative media is growing rapidly and it is our duty as free people of the planet earth to OCCUPY and EXPOSE Bilderberg May 31st – June 3rd.
* This has all been made possible by reader donations and our sponsors. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS!
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Mysterious Lotuses Appear in Chinese River

Mysterious Lotuses Appear in Chinese River

So You Think You Want a Revolution?

Home » So You Think You Want a Revolution?

So You Think You Want a Revolution?

So you think you want a revolution...
well, you know
We all want to change the world — The Beatles
We all want to change the world. But there is a great deal of disagreement on how to do it without blowing it up.
There are a lot of anti-Romney voters out there, and they are not pro-Obama voters. I understand their anti-GOP establishment sentiment. I’m not happy with Romney, but it’s either him or Obama. There are no other viable choices. The operative word is “viable.”

A number of people I’ve spoken with on the subject believe that things have to get worse before they get better.
The assumption here is that things will get better if America falls apart. When this happens, so the argument goes, the people will rise up and throw off their oppressors, like they did during the Russian and Cuban revolutions. Those revolutions turned out well, didn’t they?

What makes anybody think that the dependent class will join with us against the establishment? When their checks stop coming and the grocery store shelves are empty, there will be riots in the streets, and they will be coming to your house and my house. It could be the Russian revolution all over again.

Revolutions generally do not turn out well. (The American Revolution was not a revolution but a war for independence. There was no uprising of the people but a joining of 13 individual governments to defend their sovereignty.) Think French Revolution.
The French Revolution is still celebrated in France and is often compared to our War for Independence. “Bastille Day” is celebrated on July 14th as a national holiday. Festivities and official ceremonies are held all over France. It is also celebrated in Belgium, Hungary, South Africa (naturally), the United Kingdom, and in more than 50 cities across the United States.

The murdering mobs that attacked the nearly empty Bastille (at the time of the siege there were only seven non-political prisoners) believed their actions were for a better France, similar to what today political revolutionaries have in mind. The storming of the Bastille was a catalyst for what became known as the reign of terror. “French society underwent an epic transformation as feudal, aristocratic and religious privileges evaporated under a sustained assault from left-wing political groups and the masses on the streets.” How bad was it?

Internally, popular sentiments radicalized the Revolution significantly, culminating in the rise of Maximilien Robespierre and the Jacobins and virtual dictatorship by the Committee of Public Safety during the Reign of Terror from 1793 until 1794 during which between 16,000 and 40,000 people were killed.

Did you get that? Between 16,000 and 40,000 French citizens were killed for a better France. Consider the following:
Ordered by the king [Louis XVI] to surrender, more than 600 Swiss guards were savagely murdered. The mobs ripped them to shreds and mutilated their corpses. “Women, lost to all sense of shame,” said one surviving witness, “were committing the most indecent mutilations on the dead bodies from which they tore pieces of flesh and carried them off in triumph.” Children played kickball with the guards’ heads. Every living thing in the Tuileries [royal palace in Paris] was butchered or thrown from the windows by the hooligans. Women were raped before being hacked to death.

The Jacobin club . . . demanded that the piles of rotting, defiled corpses surrounding the Tuileries be left to putrefy in the street for days afterward as a warning to the people of the power of the extreme left.

This bestial attack, it was later decreed, would be celebrated every year as “the festival of the unity and indivisibility of the republic.” It would be as if families across America delighted in the annual TV special “A Manson Family Christmas.”[1]
In time, the just cause of the revolutionary mobs got out of hand, and people began to notice. “During the Reign of Terror, extreme efforts of de-Christianization ensued, including the imprisonment and massacre of priests and destruction of churches and religious images throughout France. An effort was made to replace the Catholic Church altogether, with civic festivals replacing religious ones. The establishment of the Cult of Reason was the final step of radical de-Christianization.”
It was at this point that the people became disillusioned with the revolutionary ways of the radicals, but not before more atrocities were committed for the salvation of the people and the nation. As revolutionary leader Jean-Paul Marat declared, “Let the blood of the traitors flow! That is the only way to save the country.”

Once the mob starts down the road of violence to justify the first “just cause,” there is no way to stop the radical remedy because there’s always one more thing that needs to be changed. They already had killed tens of thousands, what’s ten thousand more?

We need a four-year reprieve from what will certainly be a radically changed America if Obama and his cronies get back in power. He won’t have to moderate his positions because he won’t be up for re-election, although a called state of emergency could change that. All the stops will be pulled out.

Don’t say it can’t happen here. The people in France, Russia, Cuba, and Venezuela probably said the same thing.

Ann Coulter, Demonic: How the Liberal Mob is Endangering America (New York: Crown Publishing Group, 2011), 107. []
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Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - July 31, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 31-Jul-2012 22:58:29

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - July 31, 2012
12 Manik, 5 Pop, 9 Ik
Dratzo! We return! Your transitioning world is moving from the old dark reality that is familiar to you, to a new one filled with Light, Love, and prosperity. In recent years the dark cabal has been doing all it can to stem the tide of this shift and maintain the control it has enjoyed for so long without opposition. However, this is no longer possible. The Ascended Masters have acted globally according to divine decrees to move your realm into Light, and these actions are exerting pressure upon the cabal, which is compelling it to reveal some of its fraudulent methods of doing business, thus demonstrating its habitual, arrogant modus operandi. These revelations are providing the grist for their eventual prosecution. Some nations, like Iceland, have already begun the legal process of disassembling the power structure built up decades ago by this cabal. Many other nations will soon follow suit. We are monitoring this, and our liaison officers are supplying reams of incriminating data to those who are in charge of investigating this large, unruly cabal.
Panic continues to mount within the ranks of the dark and we expect several key arrests to follow soon. True to form, it is still relying on some tremendous manufactured crisis or event to allow it to escape. As we have said, this we will not permit. There are presently several serious 'incidents' brewing in the Middle East and South Asia, and our observation teams are watching them closely. This time an incident will not be used as a means for preventing or even delaying what Heaven decrees! No longer will the cabal be permitted to use its old bag of tricks to get its way or to save its hide. We are stopping even the cabal's most desperate plots from manifesting, which means that the corrupt and sorry old system is at an end. The divine moment arrives for these rascals to be identified and isolated from the pack, allowing profound alterations to take place globally. Freedom, prosperity, and joy will define the reality that is to see you through to your ascension to full consciousness. The time is almost upon you for a number of wonderful events to manifest before you.
The Lighted realms are preparing a most remarkable world for you. Your seemingly endless journey through this vale of shadows with its grievous burdens and travails is at an end, and a new world of abundance and consolation and gladness beckons you. We, together with Heaven, welcome you with open arms and full hearts. It is time to say good-bye to a world that is coming to a timely conclusion, a world that engulfed you with discouragement and heartache. As of now, it can no longer be seen as all-powerful or immutable; instead, a new and much friendlier world is taking shape. Set aside any qualms you may have about what lies ahead for you, or any doubts about the new world. You are sitting in the front row, witnessing the birth of a most amazing new realm. Feel its joy surrounding you, and revel in the energy that wishes only to be of service to your true needs and desires. Peace, Love, unity, and unending joy are its hallmarks. In each corner of the globe, this nascent society will embrace and honor each one of you!
Galactic societies, like the one you are embarking upon, are characterized by harmony and noted for the enthusiasm of each member to serve the greater whole. Here, you are surrounded by those who wish you well and who invite you to add your unique gifts to a collective that ensures that your life flows ever onwards into greater and greater joy and fulfillment. Before your return to full consciousness, we wish you to experience the immense joy and deep inner happiness which bless our daily existence. Our ships will be open for you to visit, and there you will be able to personally feel the satisfaction and gratification that distinguishes life in galactic societies. Our Motherships radiate a sense of deep well being and cheer that can give you a foretaste of what you will be immersed in during your return to full consciousness in the Light Chambers. In our societies, ritual and 'spiritual soul-dancing' come together to celebrate our lives and we bask in the exhilaration that is the joining of individual with communing souls.
Blessings, dear Hearts! We are your Ascended Masters! We come today with much to discuss. Presently, we are completing the final series of talks with our associates, the major thrust of which is to terminate the procedures which are delaying the start of the announcements. These will be delivered by our associates who will proclaim the new financial system and the many new transitional governments around the world. These broadcasts will lead quite quickly to a worldwide disclosure of our existence and benevolence. It is important, at this juncture, that we also bring in our Inner Earth and space families, as it is together that we have formulated the detailed scenario that will bring all of you to a full awareness of what has been so busily happening around you. Soon, full transparency will be brought to bear on matters past, present, and future, and one of the first issues requiring transparency is the many ways you can participate in cleaning up Gaia's land, water, and air.
Restoring Gaia is part of a collective movement which allows surface humans like us to return to the divine grace originally extended to Earth's Lemurian colony nearly 900,000 years ago. As the distorted 'facts' of our history are reestablished, you can begin to revel in what the future has in store for us, starting with returning this glorious homeland to her rightful place in our hearts. Then we can take the great prosperity soon to be given us to reacquaint ourselves with who we really are: a great unity of souls who share this sacred place with each other. Societies in the past have dishonored our pledges, and so we will use this moment to establish a much wider pledge that will be the foundation for a new star-nation.
This is a hallowed moment. It is a divine prelude to a new era that will see our sacred service extended not only to this new star-nation but equally to all physicality. This transition period is ready to end and a time of great activity is poised to envelop you. We, the Ascended Masters, intend to carry out this cavalcade of changes in a tempered manner, and so we are putting a great deal of pressure on the cabal to relent, or else face the unfortunate consequences of their recalcitrance. We are closely watching the hot spots around the world as they reach a boiling-point, and are fully aware that the cabal intends to ramp them up until some form of initiative on our part is deemed essential. It is ill-advised for the dark to believe that its old ploys can still win the day. This is because, verily, a new day has dawned for all!
Today, we brought you another message about what is happening. A new initiative is in the works which will bring peace and Light to this world. Our fleet is stepping up its direct interaction with the dark, and this period of prolonged quiescence is about over! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One, and Be in Joy!)
Planetary Activation Organization

Where Are All the Deep Underground Military Bases? (Part 2)

Where Are All the Deep Underground Military Bases? (Part 2)

By Dr. Richard Sauder
With Commentary By Shepard Ambellas & Alex Thomas
April 17, 2012
(This is Part 2 of an ongoing and exclusive underground base series with excerpts from the book Hidden in Plain Sight provided to by the publisher, including commentary by Shepard Ambellas and Alex Thomas.)
In the continental USA there are numerous underground bases. I will briefly list just some of the bases that my research has uncovered over the last 17 years. There are assuredly many more than those listed here.
Camp David, the Presidential retreat, is immediately adjacent to Catoctin Mountain Park. On the surface there are some cabins and lodges, and conference rooms for Presidential use. But most of this facility runs like a labyrinthine anthill under Catoctin Mountain, just west of Thurmont, Maryland, along Rte. 15 between Frederick, Maryland and Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
The facility is operated and maintained by the U.S. Navy Seabees. The U.S. Marines provide military security. I have spoken to an individual who used to work there on a classified maintenance contract.
My source informed me that the underground portions of Camp David are so extensive and elaborate, and there are so many miles of secret tunnels, that it is doubtful that any one person would have a complete map of the facility in his or her mind.
In other words, we hear or read the words, Camp David, in the mainstream news media, but understand virtually nothing of what really happens there, or what the full nature of the installation really is.
Commentary from Alex Thomas: The fact that they have moved the G8 meetings to Camp David indicates that G8 nations may be actually doing their most important meetings within the underground base near Camp David.
Fort Meade, near Laurel, Maryland, midway between Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, Maryland. My research, from a variety of sources, indicates that there is a huge underground maze beneath Fort Meade.
Fort Meade is operated by the U.S. Army, but the National Security Agency (NSA) has its largest, publicly known operations center there. The NSA has literally acres upon acres of super computers underground at Fort Meade, stacked level upon level, going down and down and down, like a gargantuan subterranean stack of hi-tech digital pancakes.
The NSA is notorious for the ECHELON spying program and other unconstitutional spying activities. It is something like a high-tech KGB or Stasi surveillance agency, spying on the American population’s electronic and digital communications.
FEMA alternate underground command center, off of Riggs Road, not far from Olney, Maryland, to the north of Washington, D.C. When I visited the place back in the 1990s, only a few shabby, almost dilapidated looking buildings were visible through the security fence.
A few vent pipes poked above the ground here and there. There were a few largish antennae and radio masts visible. The casual onlooker would probably just drive right by, unaware that the real activity was taking place below ground.
I spoke with one man who had been in the facility and he described a multi-level base crammed full of sophisticated electronic gear. He had been to level seven underground, but did not know if the base extended deeper than that, or whether it was connected via deep tunnels with other underground bases in the region.
Site R, also known as Raven Rock or the Underground Pentagon, is about 6 miles north-northeast of the Camp David facility, not far from the Maryland-Pennsylvania state line. This enormous facility is the alternate underground command center for the Pentagon.
In recent years Dick Cheney reportedly spent a lot of time underground at Site R. I have heard that Site R and Camp David are connected by underground tunnels, and I am inclined to believe the rumors are true.
Site R is now under the command of Fort Detrick, in Frederick, Maryland, to the northwest of Washington, D.C.. Fort Detrick is the U.S. Army’s infamous biological warfare research facility.
Mount Weather, near Bluemont, Virginia on Rte. 601, is the major underground command center for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. FEMA has a 400 acre complex on the surface of the mountain. The underground base is very large, and actually qualifies as a high-tech, subterranean town. This base dates to the 1950s.
The Pentagon, in northern Virginia, the national military command center, across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C.. The Pentagon was built directly on the site of Robert E. Lee’s former plantation.
I have been told that there are multiple underground levels beneath the Pentagon. I don’t know how deep the complex goes, but elsewhere in this book I discuss plans dating to the 1960s to build a very deep base at the 3,500 foot level. I consider it likely that something like this has been done.
U.S. Army Warrenton Training Stations A and B, in the near vicinity of Warrenton, Virginia are ostensibly U.S. Army facilities. But in reality, my research showed that there is a CIA presence there. As for what sorts of operations take place there – who knows? I visited these places in June of 1992 and found Station A on Rte. 802; Station B is on Bear Wallow Road.
There are also Stations C and D elsewhere in the region, which I did not visit. In the course of my research, I called up Col. Fletcher Prouty, the well-known author of the book, The Secret Team.
For many years, at the height of the Cold War, Prouty was a liaison officer for the Air Force, helping the CIA with its clandestine activities worldwide. I surmised that if anyone ought to know something about what was going on at Warrenton it should be Fletcher Prouty.
So I put the question to him point blank, and asked him what the CIA was doing underground at a U.S. Army training installation in Warrenton, Virginia. To begin with, he confirmed that the CIA was indeed present in Warrenton, and was using the U.S. Army as a cover.
I asked him what was going on underground. He responded, “Well, you have to understand that that gets into the realm of Special Operations and that’s classified.” And that was all that I could pry out of him. I suspect the entire locale is tunneled out underground.
The palpable Alice in Wonderland aura exuded by the Warrenton U.S. “Army” Training Stations continues to linger in my memory, even with the passage of 17 years.
■ Before leaving Virginia, I also want to say something about another low profile CIA facility. Camp Peary is located just a few miles from Colonial Williamsburg. It is sometimes referred to as “The Farm” in popular parlance.
Though it is hard to find out much about the base, enough is known to say with confidence that Camp Peary is the CIA’s main training and operations base in the USA. As with the Warrenton Training Stations, the CIA uses a thin U.S. military cover at Camp Peary; in this case, maps indicate that Camp Peary is a U.S. Navy Reservation.
I am a native Virginian, from the Tidewater region, and spent my early childhood in a community just 20 miles away from Camp Peary. In the 1970s I attended the College Of William & Mary, in Colonial Williamsburg. Camp Peary lies just to the east of the town of Williamsburg, on the northern side of Interstate Highway 64. I have driven past the place numerous times over the years and it has always seemed darkly brooding to me.
Camp Peary lies on the York River; immediately to the southeast lies the U.S. Navy’s Cheatham Annex, a major weapons supply depot for the U.S. Navy’s Atlantic Fleet, part of the Yorktown Naval Weapons Station. This interests me, because many years ago I spoke with a woman whose father worked at the Cheatham Annex/Yorktown Naval Weapons Station complex in the years after World War II.
He was a construction worker, and at that time, about 60 years ago, the U.S. Navy was building a facility deep below the water line. The whole site lies only a few feet above sea level, so the water table is very close to the surface. The Navy used high powered water pumps to instantly pump out the brackish ground water that was rushing in, to keep the excavation from filling with water.
My acquaintance told me that her father said they used a fast setting concrete. She did not know the purpose of the facility. The instructive part of the story is that even then, 60 years ago, military engineers had the capability to construct facilities below the water line, using high powered pumps and quick setting concrete.
Moreover, the Navy’s Cheatham Annex lies immediately adjacent to the CIA’s secretive Camp Peary base, nominally administered by the U.S. Navy. Considering the Navy’s construction activities 60 years ago, and recalling that the Camp David Presidential retreat in Maryland is also administered by the U.S. Navy and lies above a major underground base hidden beneath it, I conclude that there is a high probability that the Camp Peary/Cheatham Annex area along the York River is underlain by an underground complex, too.
Washington, D.C.
The White House has a very large, deeply buried facility underneath it. One of my close friends was taken down into this facility during the Lyndon B. Johnson administration in the 1960s. She entered an elevator in the White House and was escorted straight down.
She believes that the elevator went down 17 levels. When the door opened underground she was escorted down a corridor that appeared to disappear to the vanishing point in the distance. Other doors and corridors opened off of that corridor. That was what Washington, D.C. was really like underground almost half a century ago.
■ My research indicates that Washington, D.C. has a veritable labyrinth of tunnels beneath it. Some of the tunnels are publicly known, such as the Metro tunnels and the underground train tunnels that members of Congress use to travel from their office buildings to the Capitol building.
As I discuss elsewhere in this book, I have been told and read stories of other tunnels that are more secret. In light of the available evidence, I incline to the view that these stories contain an appreciable degree of truth.
Medina Annex, at Lackland Air Force Base, in San Antonio. This facility lies in southwest San Antonio, on the south side of Rte. 90, immediately west of the junction of Interstate 410 and Rte. 90. This is one of the original Q Areas built by the Pentagon back in the late 1940s and 1950s for the storage and assembly of nuclear weapons.
Local lore has it that the underground portion is very large. I have been told that the underground base is very deep and cold, for whatever reason. The National Security Agency (NSA) also has a major presence at the Medina Annex with thousands of personnel. I have on occasion driven by the Medina Annex on Rte. 90 and the base has a very dark, ominous presence.
Camp Bullis, in northwest San Antonio, Texas, not too far from Interstate Highway 10. This is an Army training base, immediately adjacent to neighboring Camp Stewart, another Army base that keeps a much lower profile. I have been told that the Camp Bullis/Camp Stewart reservation is the site of an underground base. Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas, 70 miles north of Austin. This was also the site of one of the original Q Areas. I have been told that the area of Fort Hood, and the former Killeen and Gray Air Force Bases, are the site of a secret underground complex. I communicated with one ex-Fort Hood soldier whose duty area was at a checkpoint two miles inside a tunnel leading to an underground area, near the former Gray Air Force Base.
Offutt Air Force Base has had a major underground facility for decades. During the Cold War it was the underground command center for the Strategic Air Command. George Bush flew there for protection on Air Force One during the 9/11 attacks.
New Mexico
■ Since the late 1940s there has been a major underground base at Kirtland Air Force Base. The base is beneath a foothill of the Manzano Mountains. It was originally constructed as a super-secure nuclear weapons assembly and storage facility for the military.
Today the base is used by other agencies. The Air Force has built another, state of the art, facility for nuclear weapons storage at another location at Kirtland AFB. The Department of Energy’s Sandia National Laboratory is immediately adjacent to Kirtland Air Force Base, on the southeast border of Albuquerque.
I talked with one of the men who helped to build the Manzano base in the years after World War II. He spent his entire career as a hard rock miner for federal agencies, working on underground projects all over the western USA. While excavating the Manzano base, security was extreme.
The miners were blindfolded when they were transported to and from their work site. When they were taken from the area where they were working to another part of the facility they were always blindfolded. The practical result of this procedure was that not even the miners who built the underground base knew its layout.
All they ever saw was the immediate chamber or tunnel section they were currently working on. It was a strictly compartmentalized project in every sense of the word. I suspect that this facility has been expanded over the years.
Los Alamos is one of the U.S. Department of Energy’s national research laboratories, to the west of the state capitol of Santa Fe. I have been informed that the underground work space beneath Los Alamos is even greater in extent than the sprawling surface facility, reaching as much as one mile deep in its farthest reaches.
Two of the main missions of Los Alamos are nuclear and genetic research. Presumably classified projects related to these fields are among the secret activities carried out underground.
White Sands Missile Range, in south-central New Mexico, is the largest military base in the USA. It was the site of the first test explosion of an atomic bomb in 1945. White Sands was the launch site for test firing of captured Nazi V-2 rockets after the military defeat of the Third Reich.
Today it is still an operational military missile range, and also serves as an alternate space shuttle landing site for NASA. Underground facilities beneath White Sands are reportedly devoted to cutting edge research in lasers and conscious super-computing. The sum of my research strongly indicates a major underground component at White Sands. Nothing would surprise me where White Sands is concerned. Nothing whatsoever.
■ The notorious Area 51 of UFO fame and the Tonopah Test Range/Nevada Test Site/S-4/Nellis Air Force Base reservations in southern Nevada are all in relatively close proximity to each other.
My research and sources point to major, massive underground facilities in this region. A great deal of ultra-sensitive military R&D takes place here. Much popular lore has arisen around the theme of captured UFOs held in secret by the American military at Area 51.
In my estimation, these stories are probably true. Ryan Wood and other researchers have accumulated a great deal of evidence over the years that indicates that American military agencies are lying and that they do have captured UFOs. Area 51 is reportedly one of the places where this sort of technology is sequestered and studied. It is my informed guess that White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico is another site for the study and R&D of exotic technologies.
     ■ Cheyenne Mountain, near Colorado Springs, was themajorunderground command center for NORAD during the Cold War. It is a very deep, highly secure base.
While Cheyenne Mountain is still in use, most of NORAD’s daily operations have now been switched to Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado. This underground base has been featured in many motion pictures and television programs.
The Denver Federal Center, on the western edge of the Denver metropolitan area is the location of a FEMA underground command center. Many people are concerned about the Denver airport as being the site of an alleged underground base, but for my money the Denver Federal Center installation is more important.
Naval Support Activity Mid-South is a huge U.S. Navy base, in Millington, Tennessee just 21 miles north of Memphis. It is an enormous facility, covering thousands of acres. I have been told that there is a deep underground facility beneath this base.
Remember that the U.S. Navy operates and maintains Camp David, which is also the site of a major underground facility.
China Lake is a massive U.S. Navy R&D reservation in eastern California that has long been rumored to be the site of a major underground base.
While I can offer no direct proof, short of taking a live video crew underground to take a look around, the bulk of my research comes down on the side of a massive complex beneath the China Lake Naval Weapons Center, along Rte. 395, in the general vicinity of the town of Ridgecrest.
■ Reported massive, very deep underground installations are said to run out of Nevada and into eastern California. So much of the region is controlled by Federal departments and agencies, whether the Pentagon, Department of Interior, Department of Agriculture, Department of Energy, or unknown agencies, as in the case of Area 51, that that entire area of the country is essentially one large Federal Government Multi-Agency Reservation.
Numerous military bases sprawl across the landscape, and then there are National Forests, National Monuments, and other lands under Federal control. This provides the Feds with the opportunity to move almost any necessary personnel and equipment around without attracting undue attention.
Commentary from Shepard Ambellas: The  very idea of underground bases has fascinated me ever since I was a kid. In fact, I lived near an area in which I believe a deep underground/undersea base is located.
My general consensus is not based off speculation, rather it is backed by major observation and collaborating encounters of others in the area.
Many close friends and local people in the area including myself had experienced strange phenomenon.
On several occasions I, and others I know, witnessed (what I believe to be) possible secret government “Black Craft” technology (as mentioned by the late Phil Schneider during presentations he gave exposing the New World Order’s covert activities before he was allegedly murdered), such as the TR-3B triangle craft.
At this time I will not go into detail of an extremely close encounter myself and others had with a massive craft, but I will divulge the location.
Naval Submarine Base Bangor, Washington State in my opinion serves as a massive underground/undersea hub for black bag projects.
An excerpt from global reads;
In June 2004, SUBASE Bangor merged with Naval Station Bremerton. The new command was named Naval Base Kitsap.
The U.S. Naval Submarine Base (SUBASE), Bangor is located on the east shore of Hood Canal. The pier facilities of the base are located along two nmi of waterfront. The primary berthing facilities at SUBASE Bangor consist of four separate pier complexes: “KB” Docks, Delta Pier, Marginal Pier, and Explosive’s Handling Wharf. Trident submarines berth at Marginal Pier South and at Delta Pier North and South. They also use the Explosives Handling Wharf and the drydock on Delta Pier. According to harbor authorities, submarines are rarely nested, and when they do, are nested only for a day or two. Pier decks have a nominal height of 20 ft above mean lower low water. Alongside water depths vary from 45 ft at Marginal Wharves North and South, to 60 to 115 ft at the Delta Piers.
The primary berthing facilities at SUBASE Bangor consist of four separate pier complexes: “KB” Docks, Delta Pier, Marginal Pier, and Explosive’s Handling Wharf. Trident submarines berth at Marginal Pier South and at Delta Pier North and South. They also use the Explosives Handling Wharf and the drydock on Delta Pier. According to harbor authorities, submarines are rarely nested, and when they do, are nested only for a day or two. Pier decks have a nominal height of 20 ft above mean lower low water. Alongside water depths vary from 45 ft at Marginal Wharves North and South, to 60 to 115 ft at the Delta Piers.
No anchorages exist at SUBASE Bangor. Mooring buoys for barges are available near the KB docks. SUBASE Bangor has a complement of three 2,000 hp YTB tugboats and a twin-screw 1,600 hp commercial tug. Local authorities state that pilots are used for all submarine arrivals at Bangor. Pilots can be picked up at any point in the area from Foul Weather bluff at the entrance to Hood Canal southward to off Bangor, as requested. If a submarine commanding officer has passed through the Hood Canal Bridge once, a pilot is optional on departures. If tug assistance is required, pilotage is mandatory
Southwesterly winds directly impact Bangor’s dock facilities due to the orientation of Hood Canal. Winds are amplified as they are funneled northeastward through the canal by the orientation of the canal with respect to the adjacent topography. Operations at the Explosives Handling Wharf, Delta Drydock, and the Magnetic Silencing Facility will cease if wind velocities reach 25 kt. Wind alone is not a problem for moored submarines, but it does cause waves to wash over their hulls.
The KB Docks are used by small craft from the Naval Undersea Weapons Engineering Station (NUWES) at Keyport. Bangor harbor pilots state that lines are doubled and dead-man lines and buoys are used to prevent excessive motion of moored vessels during periods of strong southwesterly winds. Most vessels are moored on the inboard side of the piers, but YTT’s (torpedo recovery boats – 135-140 ft long/1,600 tons) moor to the outside of the piers and are exposed to whatever conditions exist in Hood Canal.
The only identified hazard at SUBASE Bangor is a strong southwesterly wind funneling through Hood Canal. Because of their low hull profile, wind does not pose a direct hazard to submarines. It can, however, impact the ability of tugs to work alongside submarines. It would also affect the operations of small craft and YTT’s from NUWES Keyport utilizing the KB Dock complex. Anytime winds approach 50 kt, the Hood Canal Bridge is closed to auto traffic and kept in an open position to reduce wind stress on the bridge structure. The floating bridge was partially destroyed by winds/waves on February 13, 1979 during an extremely strong wind storm.
The southwest berth of Delta Pier and the KB docks experience four to six ft swell during periods of strong (up to 60 kt) winds. As long as access hatches on submarine hulls are closed, the waves do not pose a direct problem to submarines. However, if tugs are alongside a submarine, wave motion may cause the tugs to pitch up and down with potential damage to the submarine hull. To preclude such damage, normal tug operations are suspended in strong wind situations.
I will be doing a massive in depth article on this base and some of the phenomenon in the area as an addition to this exclusive underground base series provided by Dr. Richard Sauder.
I encourage anyone to comment regarding the locations provided in the article (in the comments section).
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This list should give you a brief idea of what is under our feet. I am sure that there are many more facilities than those I have just discussed above.
Please take due notice that many of these installations are gargantuan. An expert source once described to me an excavated underground space he was familiar with that was inside a mountain: it was approximately 1,000 feet high, 600 feet wide and 1,000 feet long.
He wanted to give me an idea of the state of the art in hard rock, underground excavation. I was impressed, as I suspect you would be too.
We are faced with a global system that is so secretive and so wildly out of control that the vast majority of us have no earthly clue as to what is going on, on this, the planet that we inhabit.
The Elevator to the Sub-basement
During the course of my research I have spoken to several people who allege to have been escorted down into secret or highly secure underground facilities. A long, deep elevator ride is a common feature of their accounts.
Right about here, I imagine you are thinking to yourself: “How deep do the elevators go?”
The short answer is that the documentation in the open literature suggests that the answer would be anywhere from hundreds to thousands of feet, based on the capabilities of high-rise elevators built by companies such as Otis and ThyssenKrupp.
The testimony of the people I have spoken with comports well with that information. I have also run across softer, undocumented information from time to time that suggests that some facilities go even deeper, several or even many miles deep.
I have little interest in doing an exhaustive survey of the elevator literature, but let me provide you just a few brief ideas of the state of the art in that industry.
Keep in mind that an elevator system that is installed in an interior elevator well and goes to the top of a high building could just as easily be installed in a vertical shaft that goes straight down underground. Multiple elevators could be staggered on multiple levels to go down and down, as deeply as you desire. The same technology can be used in either case, whether you are going up, or down.
Otis Elevator Co. announced plans in 2002 to install high speed Skyway elevators in the new 880 foot tall Eureka Tower in Melbourne, Australia, that rise at 1,800 feet per minute.
Otis also planned to install its innovative Gen2 flat belted elevator hoist system on the same project, that utilizes a permanent magnet machine, which is quieter and takes up less space than the traditional elevator machine room.8
Another article I encountered referred to a “mile-high, multidirectional elevator being developed for Otis Elevator Co. for use in extremely tall buildings of the future.”9 Obviously, if a company can develop a mile-high elevator, it can also develop a mile-deep elevator. Toshiba /G.F.C. Elevator installed two high-speed elevator cars in the Taipei 101 tower that zoom up to the 89th floor observation deck at an ear-popping 3314 feet per minute.10
That will give you a little idea from the open literature of how fast and how high modern elevators can go – very high and very fast!
As I dug into the elevator literature a little more I happened to read a book by Jason Goodwin about the Otis Elevator Company. The book is entitled, Otis: Giving Rise to the Modern City.
I did not know who Mr. Goodwin was until I read his book, but I quickly came to understand that he is an extremely knowledgeable man in the field, having worked for Otis in a variety of important positions for 37 years, and then having formed his own elevator consulting company after his retirement form Otis.
I read the book carefully and I found out a few interesting things for my research:11
1.Elevators can be located in, and I quote verbatim: “…the legs of a deep-sea oil production or oil production platforms, and in many other extraordinary locations.”
2.There are very large platform “lifts for extremely special applications” that may use a variety of lifting technologies, including “screw jacks.”
3. And in a very brief summary at the conclusion of his most informative book, Mr. Goodwin briefly mentions the elevators “that are never mentioned but are needed to service the extensive infrastructures that make the cities run – the power plants, refineries, factories, and underground facilities (my emphasis).
Amen brother, underground facilities and the elevators that service them. That is what this book is about. Mr. Goodwin doesn’t really elaborate about that topic to any appreciable extent. But to his credit he does indeed mention elevators that service underground facilities beneath the nation’s cities.
His mention of the “extremely special applications” that require large platform lifts instantly caused me to reflect on David Adair’s description (elsewhere in this book) of a mammoth, football-field-sized platform elevator supported by huge screws the size of giant sequoia tree trunks that took him underground at Area-51 in Nevada.
As for the mention of elevators in the legs of giant oil production platforms, and in “many other extraordinary locations,” the implications for access to manned undersea bases is clear. The Gulf of Mexico and North Sea are dotted with myriad oil production platforms, with their legs sunk into the seabed.
Any of those platforms could potentially serve as an entry point to the sub-seafloor environment via elevators in their legs, which would permit personnel to travel to the platform and then travel down below the seafloor. I strongly suspect this is the case in some instances.
In his book, Alien Contact, Timothy Good mentions a NORAD offshore platform in the Gulf of Mexico that superficially resembles an oil production platform, but is not in reality an oil platform. The mission of the strange platform seems to be to serve as a sort of monitoring station to watch the air space of the USA for UFO activity.12
Of course, this begs the question as to how many ostensible offshore petroleum production platforms are not really oil rigs at all, but only resemble oil platforms as they perform other functions entirely? How many such cases are there? Only the oil companies and major governments would know the answer to that.
The average person absolutely lacks the means to ascertain those facts. But thanks to Jason Goodwin’s book, we know that oil platforms have elevators in their legs. Please note that Mr. Goodwin is not alleging that elevators in oil platform legs can go below the seafloor and access undersea, manned installations.
That is a conclusion that I am drawing from the available evidence. I am not saying that every offshore oil production platform has elevators in its legs that access the sub-seafloor environment. However, it is clear that some platforms certainly could serve in this way as entry points to manned, undersea installations.

8. “From Zero To 300 In 60 Seconds Otis High-Speed Elevator Systems Selected For Landmark 88-story Melbourne Tower,” news/newsdetail/0,1368,CLI23_NID11699_RES1,00.html, 2002.
9. “Micro Craft Does Major Business,” Outlook/WN_tenn.htm, 2002.
10. “World’s Fastest Elevator,” extreme_machines/2004/3/elevator/print.phtml, 2004.
11. Jason Goodwin, Otis: Giving Rise to the Modern City (Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2001).
12. Timothy Good, Alien Contact: Top-Secret UFO Files Revealed (New York: Quill, William Morrow, 1993).

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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/31/12 ‘Choosing a Pickup Location’

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/31/12 ‘Choosing a Pickup Location’
Posted By: MESETA [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 31-Jul-2012 20:26:53

Today we like to begin by discussing with you how to best prepare yourselves for your work with our organization that will begin shortly in the days to come, as the time to begin our many projects together has now arrived. We would like to begin by welcoming you to our teams, and we would like to do this by meeting with you on board our ships and introducing ourselves to you so we can get to know each other just a little better before we begin a working relationship together. We will do this by meeting with you at a pre-designated spot somewhere near or at your home residence. We will contact you in the days ahead beginning next week where we will ask you where it is you feel you would like to rendezvous with us.
To answer this question, we ask you to respond with a very short sentence so as to clarify your response to our question which you will hear either through the dream state, or for those of you who have begun to master telepathic communication, through your awakened state while you are meditating or any time it is that we are successful in getting our question through to you. Do you understand this? Are we making ourselves clear on this? We, the Galactic Federation of Light, will send you, telepathically or through the dream state, a short question asking where you would prefer to rendezvous with us to be teleported onto one of our awaiting ships where you will be escorted to a larger ship where you will then meet with representatives of our team to break the ice, as it were. At that time we will answer all of your questions and, if you don't mind, we will have a few questions for you, which is only natural as we wish to learn a little bit more about you as well before we begin working together, as this will assist us find a suitable position for you and learn your availability scheduling and how often and how long you could make yourself available for, and wish to work.
Please keep in mind that we do have set schedules for those who will begin working with us. We cannot tailor make a schedule for individuals, as this would entail many needless flights to and from our mother ships or whichever ship you will be working on. We feel it is necessary to reduce the number of flights to and from your surface world and to our work sites. Our work sites will be thoroughly protected from any possible dangers or threats of reprisal from any rogue military outfits aligned with the cabal. You have our word that we will do everything we can to protect your safety and well-being, although always keep in mind, no absolute guarantees or solemn oaths are made in this regard, only that we will do all that we can to protect our crewmembers and those working with us on these many projects.
As most of you who will be selected to work with us already fully understand, nothing could truly ever end your life as you are an eternal being, and as such, there is nothing ever to truly fear, as there is nothing that can happen to you out on the job sites or traveling to and from the job sites that could not be reversed in the case of injury, and even in the case of physical death it is certainly not the end, it is only the beginning for something new for you, something that many of you are headed for anyway in the months to come. Do you understand this? Do you understand that even if in the worst possible scenario where you were to experience physical death, that you would merely be getting a head start on all the others that will be ascending behind you very soon enough?
With this understood, we would like to begin this initial phase of this first and extremely important project to solidify and strengthen your shorelines by constructing beautiful, protective sea barriers off the coasts of selected areas around your planet. We will begin this project very soon, think in terms of weeks and not months, think in terms of a rapid deployment to job sites once we are successful in relaying our message to you and receiving your reply of where it is you feel would be an appropriate spot in your neighborhood or surrounding area to rendezvous with us. What we are looking for is an area that is at least semi secluded, although we understand that some of you live near major metropolitan areas and this might be a bit difficult for you to find such a space, but we tell you to use your resolve, be cunning and clever, research area maps and especially satellite imagery available through your Internet which will help you find such an area that at this time you may be unaware of as it is hidden from view even as you may drive or walk by. We are confident each and every one of you will find such an area, and we will leave this assignment up to you as we have much faith and confidence in you.
After this initial conversation, we will then be in touch with you when it is time for you to rendezvous with us. This signal must come as a surprise, with only very short notice being given to you, as we cannot have our plans leaked somehow to the cabal through the methods in which we communicate to you, as we wish for no surprises and wish for no one to gain an advantage by having any suitable time to prepare to intercept our meeting with you in any way. We hope you understand this, and we hope you understand that it is required of you to keep all this that we speak to you about to yourselves. Do not share this information with others on the Internet, on the phone, or even verbally in your own homes as your privacy is not guaranteed even in your own living room. We hope this does not come as startling news for you, but there are very many ways to intercept communications even without the use of electronic listening devices, technology which many of your world fully understand at this time.
There are disembodied spirits roaming all over your planet, some of you know this and some of you might be very surprised to learn this. One of the goals of our mission is to lift your planet away from these disembodied beings as they do not belong here on the same planet as you. We have discussed this at some length in a previous message, and if there are those of you hearing this news for the first time we ask you to please go back a few weeks and read that message as you may find it very informative. So in light of the fact that can never be too sure who is listening in on your conversation, we urge you to keep the information regarding our meeting with you to yourself and only to yourself, and in this way no one can eavesdrop on your conversation and learn of our plans or our schedule to meet with you. Is this understood, dear one? We hope we have made ourselves clear on this, as regrettably we would have to cancel our rendezvous with you if the details of this meeting were shared openly on your internet or even through private messaging on your Internet, as this type of electronic eavesdropping is quite simple to achieve and occurs each and every day in your world, and the culprits are various sources and not just one.
We feel we are clear on this, and at this time we would like to move on and discuss with you what it is exactly you will be doing when you begin working on this first project with us. We will rendezvous with you and escort you to a ship which is a craft capable of space flight, at which time you will receive training in the methods and technologies we employ to build water barriers used to protect coastlines. You will be instructed on how this technology works and how to properly engage this technology and utilize it. You will receive hands-on training from highly qualified instructors. We have teams of scientists, and each ship will have a representative with a scientific background who can answer any and all of your questions of a scientific and advanced nature.
We will begin slowly, as it will be you that will build these seawalls and it will not be us, as we have explained, this is your planet and it is your responsibility to care for her. We are only here to assist you, and by assisting you we will allow you to utilize our technologies and our spacecraft. We will train you, we will supervise you, we will coach you, we will organize you, we will answer any and all of your questions and we will do everything we can to keep you safe, but this is all we will do. As we have said, it is all up to you.
We do not expect you to move quickly in the beginning, we simply wish to see that you have learned to use this equipment properly and safely before we look for any kind of speed in the production of these see barriers. Once a section of seawall is seated into place we will advance our ship to the next location where you will once again construct and insert a section of seawall sturdily into the seabed, at which time we will move forward once again and repeat the process. This is a very simple process, and once you get comfortable with our technologies and this procedure we can begin to build this seawall at a very fast rate. This technology can build a seawall up miles of coastline in a manner of minutes, that is how fast this technology can be employed and a seawall can be built. This is very important as well, as there are many miles of coastline around your world that we feel necessitate the protection of these seawalls, and as we have said, time is running short.
When we speak with you personally we will speak more in depth of which areas of your world will receive these seawalls and which areas we feel may require the relocations of at least a certain amount of their populations, as we feel even these seawalls may not fully or adequately protect them from the rising sea levels and surges that these particular areas may experience as your planet shakes off her third dimensional layers for her journey into the higher realms of this universe, which is the underlying cause of these Earth tremors that will cause these seas to erupt in certain areas around your world. This is our first project together, to protect your people and your communities from the seas, and we look so forward to beginning this project with you, our brothers and sisters of Earth.
Please keep alert for our messages to you. For those of you who are beginning to master the ability of telepathic communication, we are confident you will receive our question to you as to where it is you would like to rendezvous with us, and we are confident you will successfully send your answer back to us. For those of you who are not yet quite skilled in telepathic abilities, you may look for our question to you through other means, only one of which is through your dream state. After you awaken from a dream where you have received this question, we ask you at that time to formulate your answer to us and telepathically send your response to us by focusing on us and stating in your mind, but not out loud, your response to us before you begin your day. We will be listening for your answers, and once again we look forward to working with you dear ones. It will be an honor and it will be a pleasure, and together we will get the work done that needs to be done.
We are your coworkers on this, our first joint project together. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles