Thursday, August 30, 2012


Dear King Juan Carlos Of Spain, Distant Cousin Of Mine If I Am Correct - Erasmus Of America
      I am creating quite a stir in America. Obama in our White House has mounted plans for a massive military takeover of America planned at this stage for October, 2012.
according to a retired U.S. Army Major General and other credible military intelligence sources. The estimated murder of American citizens by Obama will at low count be
around 25 million slaughtered American citizens up to a sickening maybe 100-150 million Americans murdered by Obama before it is over. I had spent eleven calendar years in military academies and many years also in military intelligence activities. The American people were defenseless before the well planned Obama military buildup. I could not just sit back and let the American people be led into the biggest military slaughter in the history of the human race. I looked at what assets I could muster and having no standing army, I resorted to a startling hand of international law and national and international economics to place obstacles in Obama's path so he could not carry out his plan of mass murder of the American people starting in October, 2012.  Just to let you know that your distant cousin here is not dumb, my mother had been rated by I.Q. test to be the most brilliant child in American history up to her time and entered a state university without prior formal education after self-educating herself. Her grandmother had taught her how to read and write since she was a child actress and had no time for formal education. I apparently had scored the highest I.Q. rating of any military cadet ever entering one prestigious military academy here in America. And in Wash., D.C. I shocked the testing source when I scored according to them an I.Q. rating of "beyond scientific measurement" and they said one of the two highest I.Q. ratings ever tested in Wash., D.C. Just to let you know that us royal cousins are not really dumb at all and qualified to lead our people if necessary. By the way, I think you got a great military education the way you got yourself trained in all aspects of military operations and branches of the Spanish military. Maybe someday if Europe is threatened, we can combine our military skills and stop Europe from being ruined by a global war, etc.  
     Now down to the business at hand. I descend from a recent branch of the royal line of France the Rothschilds thought they had successfully murdered off in the 19th century. This French royal line outwitted the Rothschilds, secretly moved to America, and now there are many of us in America who descend from this branch of the French royal line they thought they had successfully wiped out. They settled in America with a small fortune for them left from this French royal line hidden that the Rothschilds did not know of their secret royal funds still intact. For political reasons, I cannot yet openly admit the entire French royal line background, but you can probably figure out the missing pieces if I tell you my great grandfather gave his six children all names from this French royal line the Rothschilds thought they had successfully murdered and wiped out. The first son was named Francis. The first daughter was named Frances which is the same name as the son had. My grandfather the next son was named Joseph. And if you saw the remaining names, you would grin as you would recognize right away what cousins we are of you in Spain. Any of us of recent European royal descent are all related to each other by intermarry of the lines and so in tradition I greet you as a "royal counsin" of mine. I haven't checked out your genealogical lineage to see how close we are related but we are all related to each other. When Francis died young, my grandfather Joseph became head of the line and I am his only male descendant so I am head of the line. 
     Trying to save 25 million up to 150 million Americans from being slaughtered by Obama who is not legally an American citizen nor was born in America, but he is a fanatical Muslim and a fanatical Communist which is a very wicked combination for the current leader of America, I had to come up with some clever angle or else these countless millions of Americans would be mass slaughtered like helpless sheep before Obama and his assembled military mercenaries. I was always so successful in military intelligence because I was so unorthodox in strategy and tactics I seemed to win every time in objectives I was out to achieve in military intellience. I would come up with a plan the enemy would not know how to stop or win against. I was born with a gift for cunning which displays itself in law, science, engineering, military intelligence, etc. Same cunning but works in various professional fields as required. My logic showed me only one way to save the American people from colossal slaughter at the hands of Obama, so born with excessive daring, I did what logic told me must be done to save the American people from this massive slaughter military sources tell me cannot be stopped so many to most of the American people will have to end up dying under Obama. My tactics by this logic has already altered the playing field for Obama. Already I have received secret word of more and more federal personnel switching from Obama to support of me. They don't want to be part of the massive slaughter of American citizens under Obama. If enough switch, I guess no one will be left to arrest and try for high treason against America. And then of course after convicton executed for high treason planning to kill off millions of Americans for Obama. Wash., D.C. is totally corrupt as easily demonstrated. Obama was caught on videotape telling a meeting of Americans that he was not born in Hawaii but in Kenya when explaining why he thought foreigners coming to America should be given all the identical legal rights as those born in America. And all over the internet are copies of his college I.D. listing him as a foreign exchange student, not an American citizen. The Democratic Partyt pretends that Obama can legally run for the White House whereas the U.S. Constitution clearly lists that he cannot run for President of America. And the Republicas are too politically cowardly to try and forbid him from running for the White House. Since this demonstrates that Wash., D.C. has zero legal integrity towards its U.S. Constitution and refuses to enforce the terms of its national law called the U.S. Constitution, let me tell you a secret of Wash., D.C. how Wash., D.C. secretly destroyed the potential of Spain to ever again be a world colonial power and this act was an act of war against the royal line of Spain as well as Spain itself as a nation.
      Remember how the villain nation of Spain blew up the U.S. battleship Maine in Havana Harbor on Feb. 15, 1898? That gave Wash., D.C. the legal excuse to declare war on Spain and take away from Spain Cuba, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Phillippines! The Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon in top secret discussion mentioned how Wash., D.C blew up the U.S. Maine to create a legal excuse to start a war with Spain. The same kind of military tricks Hilter liked to use to start wars with nations he wanted to conquer. The Joint Chiefs of Staff made a bad mistake. They placed a copy of the report quoting what they said in the wrong stack and it got declassified as public record. Wash., D.C. blew up the U.S. Maine, not Spain, and laughed at Spain for being dumb enough to fall for Washington military tricks. Okay royal cousin, time to teach Wash., D.C. a Spanish trick or two not to mess with the future of Spain as a nation. Back me your distant royal cousin and I will checkmate Obama while you gain a powerful friend in America who will be of invaluable help to the future of the economy of Spain and other national interests of Spain. Us royal cousins need to back each other up occasionally when justified for our nation  and people. I have a hunch back me and your royal line will become very popular in Spain for standing up for Spain when Wash., D.C. planned by their blowing up of the U.S. Maine in 1898 to make sure that Spain could never again arise in history as a colonial or world power.
     I would appreciate a short term loan or gift from you of at least $2 to $5 million for my Omni Law drive in America. I have legally notified Wash., D.C. that if this is not passed  by Nov. 6, 2012, I will formally secede the Confederate States of America from the federal union forever. I got the authority from three branches of the descendant  Jefferson Davis family for the Confederate Government which never legally surrendered to the federal union according to the legal terms of the Confederate Constitution. Also, a British Commonwealth Parliament had long ago sent a secret letter of diplomatic recognition that the Confederate States of America under international law had never legally surrendered the Confederate Government nor Confederate nation to Wash., D.C. They also recognized that I was the lawful President of the Provisional Government of the Confederate States of America. Under Confederate authority, I have already started appointing secret ambassadors to governments I intend to deal with. My instructions have already been given. The first nation to be dealt with will be France because this is required under international law. The proof of the credentials of this secret ambassador to France will be the delivery of the technology of how to build the Soviet-era Doomsday Bomb. I got this years ago from a defector from the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies. When the French military see this, they know they will be able to easily take back from Wash., D.C. the entire Louisiana Purchase in exchange they agree to back the immediate national independence of the Confederate States of America at the same time. I will be the President in power of the Confederate States of  America and will use this leverage to save the American people in the 50 states of America from being mass slaughtered by Obama and co-traitors in Wash., D.C. But as I have already stated if Obama tries to engineer a civil war in America, I intend to see he is arrested, tried and executed for high treason against America. Also, any leaders in Wash., D.C. who back him.
      Obama has been secretly sabotaging what is referred to as the realignment of foreign  currencies also referred to in America as the RV of foreign currencies. He had to do this to set up his planned collapse of the American economy in October, 2012. He had to cut off social security checks, welfare checks, food stamps, etc. in October, 2012 to incite the American people to civil war. Then he declares martial law, kills off millions of Americans, and is dictator of America for life. And America will exist as a nation no longer being turned over in ownership to various foreign nations he already has secret deals with. A Russian expert has displayed on the internet one of the current projected maps of America divided up in ownership between foreign nations. Obama is a Communist and Muslim and has a fanatical hatred of the American people is why he wants to do this. I plan for the Confederate Government to end up the new national government of America if he tries this and with all 50 states if they want to join the Confederate States of America as free states under it.
      I had to pull a maneuver of law so I had the true legal claim to the Louisiana Purchase as well as the land of the Confederate States of America. With this block of land not legally owned by Wash., D.C., I could pull fancy maneuvers that would end up throwing Obama out of power and saving the American people from massive slaughter under the madman Obama. My French royal line has legal authority to take charge over the issue of the Louisiana Purchase which made America a powerful nation. I had to trick Wash., D.C. to sell back to my French royal line the legal claim to the Louisiana Purchase. They fell beautifully for my legal trap. They did not realize it, but under international law they sold me back legal claim to the title for the Louisiana Purchase years ago. But in law, I like to cover all the legal answers, so when they stole $25 billion from me a few years ago, I also maneuvered under law where they defaulted on payment for the Louisiana Purchase by stealing back from me the payment price for the Louisiana Purchase. A Jewish lawyer who had never lost in any state court lost when he faced me and the boy was in terrible emotional pain when he left that courtroom defeated for the first time in his legal career. I have also engineered other stunning legal upsets in law when required. I played upon the arrogance of Wash.,D.C. and pretended to be dumb under law until they fell for my legal bait which they did. I have legally airtight all legal claims to the Louisiana Purchase. If I sign it away to another nation, Wash., D.C. has lost national power and is finished worldwide as a power and will never have financial credit abroad every again if this happens. This bankrupt government will collapse from power and never arise as a national government again in America. I had been called "The Einstein of American Economics" and knowing how national economics works, I set up the economic trap that would bankrupt Wash., D.C. forever if Obama tried to crash the American economy in October, 2012 as he had planned. Correct economics can defeat any army in the world if done right. With no money, Obama will have no army and the boy will be executed by rage of the American people once they get their hands on him.
     By the way, my royal cousin back me now and I should be able to arrange that the RV of foreign currencies will go through swiftly after that. A high banking source secretly got word to me how Obama had been sabotaging the RV in order to strangle the American economy. Banking sources knew that the RV would trigger off prosperity in America, in Spain (your nation!). France, Greece, and other hurting nations across the world. Even China should have a strong rebound to their national economy with the RV. Russia also! Even Middle East oil countries would have far better world oil markets with money that buys, not money that is worthless.
      When all the dust politically settles in America, I already know that I will end up being the economic czar of America until the economic crisis in America is over and the American economy mass booming with prosperity again. My Omni Law will be passed and this creates the legal oversight committee over Wash., D.C. that stops the corruption and high treason now mass dominating the American economy through Wash., D.C.. America will skyrocket in prosperity and help lift Europe up into great prosperity with it. I get backing from Spain now when it is timely to prevent the potential slaughter of 25 million Americans up to maybe a wild but realistic figure of mass murder even as high as 150 million Americans murdered if that madman Obama has his way, I will be a powerful friend of Spain for this. With me on your side, watch the economy of Spain skyrocket with my help.
      Okay, I have at times been called "The Einstein of American Economics." But why? Let me give you a brief capsule version of my economic background. I studied with a German economist endorsed by Albert Einstein to be teaching the only true economic science in the 20th Century. I studied with a London economist of Russian noble background who taught Czarist Economics. People don't realize it due to liberal censorship of taught economics, but under the last Czar of Russia, Russia had the fastest growing economy in the world. Except the Communist Revolution in Russia in 1917 derailed it, Russia was growing so fast in economic growth that by 1972, Russia was scheduled to be twice as rich as America as a nation and the Russian people maybe the richest people on earth in human history. The last Czar of Russia was brilliant in economics using a teaching of Jesus Christ how to run a national economy and it worked! The Czar was also setting up the first taxfree government of any nation for that time. However, his talents in warfare was not equal to his economic brains and with Kaiser military intelligence intercepting all his secret military commands, Kaiser Germany found it easy to defeat the Czarist Army of Russia. As you know for Spain, you have to protect your transmitted military commands and your general war plans in time of war or else the enemy finds it easy to defeat you instead of you defeating the enemy. As the famous book of political science called "The Prince" said around 500 years ago, any ruler regardless of how good at economics, if he was not also good at military, would in the end find of no value to be good at economics as war would oust him and his economic leadership out of power. This Czarist Economics has some very smart angles to it! I studied with a brilliant economist in industrial economics or how to turn any nation into an industial giant of the world. This economics was not taught in any economic schools of the West, only by him. Another economist taught a trick way of how to set up a new monetary system overnight and have the money with full purchasing power the first moment set up with no needed support from banks or foreign governments. His system was tested and it worked great. Another economist taught all the ways to boom the economy with Lincoln Greenbacks. Another economist taught all the tricks or corruption practiced through Federal Reserve Banking and other versions of corrupt reserve banking in the world. I pioneered several new branches of economic science including how to massively increase the purchasing power of money through making engineering a branch of applied economic science. Thomas Edison suggested how to do this, but the economists never noticed what he said. I massively studied military intelligence records of America and other nations of the world. This taught secrets of national economics they would not allow to be taught in the colleges of involved nations. I hated doing it as much of my personal interests were elsewhere, but forced myself to work 30 or more professional fields to have practical insight into national economics no other economist would have. Several of my most powerful discoveries in national economics were made by this approach. I was not personally comfortable because human nature is human nature. I would be successful and then quit the field when I was successful and had mastered knowledge from that field. My formula required me to ignore my own human nature and do what this formula said I should to learn all the practical angles to national economics not taught in the college courses of the world.
     I said all this to lead up to the following offer to you as King of Spain. When I have won in America, send one or two of your handpicked family to study economics with me. Much of what they will learn from me will be top secret and I will not agree to share some of my best economic discoveries with colleges or universities unless I change my mind later on. I will have them work with me as I set up key national and international economic policies. With this training, they will be the best economic leaders for Spain since it was founded as a nation. Your royal line will skyrocket the economy of Spain with the economic secrets I will teach to your two family members I will accept to work with me and learn my economic secrets.
      A finish to this open letter to you I am inviting the American people to copy and send all over America. Consider it a loan. I want if possible $2 million up to $5 million from you so I can head off this planned mass slaughter of the American people by our lunatic Obama  in the White House. The public I usually say send any payments intended for me made out to NIFI and sent to NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679.  But if Wash., D.C. tried to interfere with this payment, this would be basically a violation of international law and in effect an act of war against Spain. So write a personal letter to me as Erasmus of America c/o NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Give me what ways you want me to contact you back. I will give you my regular name in life as Erasmus Of America is a pen name which was necessary for certain security reasons. I will give you banking information so you may have deposited direct in my banking account what amount you wish to. If Wash.,D.C. tries any delays or tricks on money deposited, your
Spanish Embassy in Wash., D.C. can file a diplomatic complaint that this is an outrage committed against Spain as a nation. Washington,D.C. gets uncomfortable fast when things get too hot for them.If I call you that they interfered with this loan from you, they are in a ton of trouble that will be in the world press.
      You may look at my proposed Omni Law on Nesara News, Look at their search box at the top left above the listing of archive reports and put in Omni Law. You will see copies of it. Put in Erasmus of America and you can read dozens of my recently released reports. I have a lot of people across America who want me to win and block this mass slaughter of America under Obama from happening. My tactics are unorthodox but with that system, I have consistently won in life against Soviet intelligence and other sources over the years.
         With Best Regards, Erasmus Of America at

The Mysterious Case of Obama’s Identity


WASHINGTON, DC. (Dispatch International)

Why has the President spent millions to suppress his ID and who is he really?

“An investigation, undertaken by a so-called cold case posse working for Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Maricopa County, Arizona, has now concluded that not one, but two Obama basic identity documents are, without a doubt, forgeries.”

As President Barack Obama completes four years in office and runs for re-election in November, a majority of Americans – 55% – believe he was born in the United States. However, 20% of Americans do not believe Obama was born in the US, while another 25% aren’t sure where he was born. Never before have so many Americans doubted the fundamental basis of their president’s identity. Why is this so?

Description: Who_is_he_Who_Knows_Obama

On one level, the answer is easy given the absence of verifiable bona fides attesting to Obama’s life story, from every college record to every travel document, from every medical record to every legal writing to every law practice billing record to every record of his tenure as an Illinois state senator – and more. But the story has had to penetrate the American psyche in spite of a deep freeze on the topic in conventional channels.The Obama identity story, burning at the grass-roots-level for more than four years now, is consistently snuffed out and ignored by American journalists and the political class, from elected leaders to party officials. This silence is strictly non-partisan, and spans the political spectrum.

An investigation, undertaken by a so-called cold case posse working for Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Maricopa County, Arizona, has now concluded that not one but two Obama basic identity documents are, without a doubt, forgeries1) the computer file (pdf) of the 1961 birth certificate that appears on the White House website; and 2) the president’s 1980 military draft registration card released by the U.S. Selective Service Administration shortly before the 2008 election. These investigators maintain they can prove this in court.
The story of how they might do so is verboten, too. But somehow the saga doesn’t end up in George Orwell’s “memory hole”. This is due mainly to the irrepressible nature of the Internet.
It is here, for example, and not in the mainstream media, where, following the White House online release of Obama’s 1961 ”long-form” birth certificate on April 27, 2011, a small army of private individuals with varying degrees of technology expertise downloaded the document file and delved into the unexpectedly “unflattened” graphic composition “layers”. They submitted a series of computer forensics analyses to this online public square, arguing that the White House pdf had been fraudulently manipulated. Since that time, similar evidence has been methodically amassed and repeatedly tested under the auspices of Sheriff Arpaio’s cold case team.
Sheriff Arpaio formed this cold case posse after 250 local citizens asked him to determine whether Obama was eligible to appear on the Arizona presidential ballot in 2012.
On two occasions in 2012, the posse presented findings to the public. They concluded that the birth certificate on the White House website didn’t originate on a piece of paper but rather was created, or, more precisely, forged as an electronic file on a computer. As one Adobe expert and posse consultant put it: “The only time Obama’s long-form birth certificate image exists as a paper document is when a computer user selects Print from the File menu.”
At this point, the posse would like to turn over all of its evidence to Congress for a formal investigation. Like a hand grenade that could go off at any moment, however, such an investigation has no takers. And so the fuse burns on not one, but two potential constitutional crises.
One involves the biggest unsolved mystery in American history: If Arpaio’s findings are correct, who did it? The other potential crisis, while linked to the first, is much more transparent. The U.S. Constitution lays out three criteria for president and vice president. Article II, Section 1, requires that the president be at least 35 years of age, have lived 14 years in the United States, and be a “natural-born” citizen.
“Natural born” citizens are distinct from citizens who are native-born (born in the country) or naturalized. While native-born or naturalized citizen may hold any other office, only “natural born” citizens are eligible for the presidency, the idea being that America’s founders wanted to ensure that the chief executive had allegiance only to the American republic.
The Constitution doesn’t define “natural born”, but according to common law at the time and, later, the 1875 U.S. Supreme Court case “Minor v. Happersett”, a “natural born” citizen is understood to be someone born in the U.S. to citizen parents (plural). “Minor” spelled out this definition and is thus the signal case. It is remarkable that in mid-2008, as Barack Obama was clinching the presidential nomination, references to the “Minor” case inexplicably disappeared from 25 related U.S. Supreme Court decisions archived at, a leading legal search engine popular with journalists and legal bloggers. Coincidence? When attorney and blogger Leo Donofrio, whose Obama eligibility challenge went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court in December 2008 (dismissed), discovered this apparent tampering in 2011, Justia called it a “programming error”. The blogosphere called it “Justiagate”. The media, of course, said nothing at all.
So where does this leave the president, the son of a white American teen mother and a black British subject from Kenya? (Kenya became independent in 1963.)
According to his own story, Baby Obama came into the world with dual American-British citizenship. At the same time, however, there is, to date, zero verifiable evidence to be found of his Hawaiian birth; meanwhile there is circumstantial evidence of alternative nativities. For example, the personal biography Obama’s former literary agent used to promote Obama described him as “born in Kenya”. This biography, written in 1991, remained on the agency website until April 2007 – two months after then-Senator Obama announced his presidential run.
Other oddities include a missing week of immigration cards tracking American arrivals into Hawaii from abroad that should be in the national archives. Obama’s birthday in August 1961 falls in this missing week. In light of unexplained facts such as these, in light of the Obama documents that remain sealed, it’s really not so hard to see where a foreign nativity story comes from – or at least why a number of Americans are confused.
Many have heard about the two 1961 newspapers that published announcements of Obama’s birth. Posse investigators discovered that foreign-born children were similarly announced as Hawaiian births in these same papers, while they also found a set of adopted twins who were several years old before their “birth” announcements appeared.
Further complicating Obama’s citizenship story is an undisputed school record from Jakarta which identifies young Obama as a citizen of Indonesia.
With all of this in mind, it’s hard to stamp Obama “natural-born”. Still, no challenger to date has managed to convince an American court of this. Of course, almost every single case has been dismissed before trial.
Also worth noting is that almost every single case sought the same thing: the release of the Obama birth “long-form” birth certificate. This is the very document the White House website put on display in April 2011. Obama spent an estimated one to three million dollars to fight previous attempts to compel him to release this same document. What happened to make the president change his mind?
Two senior White House officials presided over the birth certificate’s unveiling at a pen-and-paper, off-camera, no audio-recording, press conference. One journalist in the pack pointed out, “some people are going to remain unconvinced”. He continued: “They’re going to say that this is just a photocopy of a piece of paper. You could have typed anything in there. Will the actual birth certificate be on display or viewable at any …”
The White House transcript breaks off with the word: “(laughter)”.
Who will get the last laugh? Barack Obama? Sheriff Arpaio? The politicians who keep their heads down, or the citizens who take their Constitution seriously? Whoever laughs last, it seems safe to say that the Obama birth certificate is a very funny document.


48 hours to save my daughter

Last week an enraged crowd threatened to burn my daughter alive, and in 48 hours a judge will decide whether she goes free or stays in jail. Rimsha is a minor with mental disabilities and often isn't in control of her actions. Yet local police here in Pakistan have charged her with desecrating the Koran, and we are afraid for her life.

Right now she is being held in a maximum-security jail, and in hours, she will face the court under Pakistan's anti-blasphemy laws, which can carry the death sentence.We are a poor Christian family witnessing mob fury over my daughter's case, and many other families have faced similar intimidation forcing them to either flee or live in fear. But the international attention on Rimsha’s case has emboldened Pakistani Muslim leaders to speak out against this injustice and forced President Zardari's attention.

Please help me keep up the global outcry on my daughter's case. I urge you to sign my petition to President Zardari to save Rimsha and demand protection for us and other vulnerable minority families. Avaaz will share this campaign with local and international media, watched carefully by all the politicians here: 

An angry mob demanded the arrest of my daughter after a local imam started inciting people against her, claiming she had desecrated the Koran. Some then threatened to kill her and burn down the houses of Christians in our community. I pray that at her hearing on Saturday, the case against her is dismissed and she can come back to live with us.

Our family is in grave danger, as even talking about the blasphemy laws in Pakistan can be deadly -- last year the Pakistani Minister for Minority Affairs was killed after asking for the removal of the death penalty for committing blasphemy. It's such a sensitive situation that many of our Christian neighbours from our Islamabad slum have had to flee their homes.

We respect the religious rights of others. We simply hope for the safety of our daughter and our community and wish this had never happened. We are happy that the Ulema Council, an umbrella group of Muslim clerics and scholars here in Pakistan, spoke out, saying: "We don't want to see injustice done with anyone. We will work to end this climate of fear." With your help, we can not only free Rimsha but make this incident the beginning of a greater understanding between communities in Pakistan. I ask you to sign this petition, and share it with your friends. 

With hope and determination, 

Misrek Masih with the Avaaz team 

PS: This petition was started on Avaaz’s new Community Petitions site, which lets anyone, anywhere, start a petition on issues that are important to them. To start your own, click here:


Pakistan court postpones bail decision for girl accused of burning Quran (CNN) 

Father of Pakistani Christian 'blasphemer' girl appeals to President (Telegraph) 

Pakistan blasphemy case Christian girl 'is 14' (BBC) 

Pakistani Muslim leaders support Christian girl accused of blasphemy (Guardian) 

Pakistani Christians, fearing backlash, flee community after girl is accused of blasphemy (Washington Post) 

Pakistani president wades into 'Down's Syndrome' blasphemy case (Christian Science Monitor) is a 15-million-person global campaign network
 that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 19 countries on 6 continents and operates in 14 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

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Coal miners forced to attend Romney event and Donate

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Coal miners forced to attend Romney event and Donate
Posted By: Maryhrt [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 30-Aug-2012 10:14:13

Mafia tactics, Lovely!
Romney the American Jobs Slayer & Flip-Flopping Flim-Flam Man.
Coal miners say they were forced to attend Romney event and donate
By David Edwards
Tuesday, August 28, 2012 10:07 EDT
A group of coal miners in Ohio feel they would have been fired if they did not attend an Aug. 14 event with presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney and contribute to his campaign — and to make matters worse, they lost of day of pay for their trouble.
In phone calls and emails to WWVA radio host David Blomquist, employees at the Century Mine in Ohio said they feared retaliation if they did not attend the Romney event.
“Yes, we were in fact told that the Romney event was mandatory and would be without pay, that the hours spent there would need to be made up my non-salaried employees outside of regular working hours, with the only other option being to take a pay cut for the equivalent time,” the employees told Blomquist. “Yes, letters have gone around with lists of names of employees who have not attended or donated to political events.”
“I realize that many people in this area and elsewhere would love to have my job or my benefits,” one worker explained. “And our bosses do not hesitate in reminding us of this. However, I can not agree with these callers and my supervisors, who are saying that just because you have a good job, that you should have to work any day for free on almost no notice without your consent.”
“We do not appreciate being intimidated into exchanging our time for nothing. I heard one of your callers saying that Murray employees are well aware of what they are getting into upon hire, or that they are informed that a percentage of their income will go to political donations. I can not speak for that caller, but this is news for me. We merely find out how things work by experience.”
Murray Energy Chief Financial Officer Rob Moore told Blomquist that the charges were untrue.
“There were no workers that were forced to attend the event,” Moore said. “We had managers that communicated to our work force that the attendance at the Romney event was mandatory, but no one was forced to attend the event. We had a pre-registration list. And employees were asked to put their names on a pre-registration list because they could not get into the event unless they were pre-registered and had a name tag to enter the premises.”
“What about not getting paid for an eight-hour day?” Blomquist wondered. “If the mine was shut down for the visit, I understand, but wouldn’t it be fair — let’s use the word ‘fair’ — to still pay these individuals for that day? I mean, it wasn’t their fault they weren’t working.”
“Our management people wanted to attend the event and we could not have people underground during Romney’s visit,” Moore insisted.
“But why not still pay then their wage for that day?” Blomquist pressed.
“By federal election law, we could not pay people to attend the event,” Moore replied. “And we did not want anyone to come back and see where anyone had been paid for that day.”
“I’m not saying pay then to attend the event, I’m saying, ‘Hey look, we have to close down the mine, if you want to attend this event, that’s fine, but you’re still going to get a day’s pay for the work that you would have done,’” Blomquist pointed out. “Why not do that?”
“As a private employer, it was our decision and we made the decision not to pay the people,” the Murray chief financial officer said.
“We’re talking about an event that was in the best interest of anyone that’s related to the coal industry,” Moore added. “I do not believe that missing an eight-hour day, when you put it into perspective, when you think about how critical — critical this next election is, and how critical it is that we get someone in this office that supports coal — to give up eight hours for a career, I just don’t believe that there is anything negative about that.”
At the time, conservative blogs and websites like The Daily Caller, The Gateway Pundit and Townhall trumpeted the fact that “hundreds of Ohio coal miners attended” the event. Even though the mine was closed on Aug. 14, soot-covered miners were staged behind the GOP hopeful as he spoke.
Earlier that month, Murray Energy Corporation and its founder, Robert Murray, had blamed President Barack Obama after they fired hundreds of workers and closed an operation near Brilliant, Ohio five years early.
Company leaders said that “regulatory actions by President Barack Obama and his appointees and followers [are] the entire reason” that operations were shutdown.
Robert Murray received national attention in 2009 after his Crandall Canyon Mine in Utah collapsed, leaving six miners trapped inside. Between 2005 and 2009, the Murray Energy Corp. Political Action Committee had given more than $150,000 to Republican candidates. Murray personally gave $15,000 to the National Republican Senatorial Committee in 2004 and $10,000 in 2006. The Ohio Valley Coal PAC, a group affiliated with Murray Energy, gave $10,000 to George W. Bush’s presidential campaign in 2000.
Listen to this audio from WWVA, broadcast Aug. 27, 2012.

Secret Sky Experiments: Chemtrails Conspiracy Exposed!!

Secret Sky Experiments: Chemtrails Conspiracy Exposed!!

- VIDEO Documentary – For those of you that think you know about chemtrails, you need to see what the Europeans are saying. I also want you to know this program is based out of Wright Patterson Air Force base here in the States. Someone may want to ask Drake how the good military (he is dealing with) is protecting us, obeying their oath, and allowing this to go on at the same time.... In this documentary you will also hear how HAARP is being used to control all our emotions including our sleep and dreams... The chemtrails contain many dissimilar metals are mixing with the salt in our blood and causing a battery within us that could possibly be linked to heart attacks and nerve conditions.... i.e. MS, Parkinson, and other like man made so called diseases. 

For more than 20 years, people all over the world, first in the USA and Canada, have noticed strange persistent trails in the sky done by airplanes. In the meantime, people are more and more ill (Alzheimer, cancer, autism, MS, etc.). It is the same with trees, plants and animals. Is there a link? Are there illegal spraying in the sky of metallic particles (barium, aluminum, lithium…) and microorganisms? For what purpose(s)? The military, the scientists, the governments always reply that everything is normal and they don’t do such things. Is it so sure? This documentary proves the contrary. Some information it reveals has since even been deleted by a foreign army. A travel from North America to Europe, Africa and Asia.




The last few years have witnessed an all-out assault on your personal and financial privacy. Credit-reporting agencies, schools, Internet marketers, medical clearing-houses, and dozens of other private organizations, Government all now maintain detailed records on us. The worst offender has been the U.S. government..


#1. The first law of privacy is: Keep one's mouth closed, particularly when one is in public, on the phone, or sending faxes or e-mail. DO NOT TAKE THIS PERSONAL; IT'S ALL ABOUT BUSINESS AND YOUR SECURITY!

In fact, electronic communications are now so vulnerable to interception by government agencies, private investigators, and other snoops, that one shouldn't say anything in these communications you wouldn't want published on the front page of the New York Times or recorded by the IRS. One can now get hacked into from your printer. Use separate

# 2. Don't flaunt one's wealth, particularly if you have a lot of money. If you own a fancy home, make sure it looks as modest as possible from the outside. Don't drive a brand-new luxury car, and don't pay for a new apartment or house in cash.

The IRS regularly searches car-purchase and property records.[/b] If they suspect tax evasion – real or imagined – they can freeze your assets, and seize your car and home. When traveling overseas, you have to be even more careful.

Driving a fancy car or dressing like a "rich" American – i.e., the way you normally dress – can make you a target for robbers, kidnappers and anti-American terrorists. Also limit your credit card use. Every time you use your credit card, thieves could steal the number and rack up huge charges.

It could take months or even years to get it all sorted out. stick with a car no higher than a LEXUS, or one's draws serious attention.

# 3. Shred or burn important documents. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that it's 100% legal for snoops to rummage through your curbside trash and keep any papers they find.

So never throw any important papers in the trash without shredding them – including bank and credit-card statements, utility bills, letters from Social Security or other government agencies, information from your stock broker, etc.

Make sure and use a cross-cut shredder ($100-$150) which reduces documents to confetti, rather than a less-expensive shredder that cuts paper into strips which can be pasted back together. For ultra-sensitive documents, nothing beats burning them.

# 4. Isolate sensitive computer files from snoops. As we use our computers more and more to keep sensitive records and correspondence, it becomes more important to protect them from snoops.

# 4. Isolate sensitive computer files from snoops. As we use our computers more and more to keep sensitive records and correspondence, it becomes more important to protect them from snoops.

The #1 threat to your sensitive files is your modem, fax, or DSL Internet connection – anything that electronically connects your computer to the outside world.

Thanks to cookies, e-mail wiretaps, and other techniques, when you're browsing the web or reading your e-mail, snoops at the other end can download files from your computer hard drive.

The only sure way to protect yourself is by keeping all sensitive information on a different computer (or at least a different hard drive with its own, separate operating system) than the computer you use for web browsing.

In other words, you use Computer #1 to browse the web and send e-mail; and you use Computer #2 for word processing, accounting, and storing important information. Computer #1 has no important files or sensitive information.

# 5. Keep your web browsing and e-mail private. Whenever you contact a company or organization on the Internet, the computer at the other end will often insert a "cookie" into your computer – enabling merchants and government agencies to keep track of your web browsing.

he information that can be collected about you in this way is absolutely mind-boggling and includes your name, address, phone number, detailed information on the type of computer you are using, your Social Security number, credit-card numbers, a list of your friends and business contacts, and much more.

To keep your web browsing private, use an anonymous connection service, such as Anonymizer ( Another alternative is Hushmail, based in Anguilla, which offers a free e-mail service that allows you to encrypt e-mail using ultra-powerful 1024-bit encryption.

For further protection, encrypt your e-mail, using high-level, 1024-bit encryption software, such as Pretty Good Privacy (PGP). http:// Zero Knowledge Systems (ZKS) offers software called "Freedom" which also uses 1024-bit encryption and which: Allows you to use multi-pseudonyms that can't be traced to your real name Prevents the receipt of Internet cookies Provides multi-layers of encryption

# 6. KEEP YOUR HOME ADDRESS & PHONE# PRIVATE! This is the single MOST IMPORTANT step you can take to protect your privacy though all items within this POST are urgent for your welfare. Government snoops can't nose around your home, bug your computer, or listen in on your calls, if they don't know where you live or your phone number..

To keep your home address private, rent or buy your home in the name of an out-of-state corporation (Delaware and Nevada corporations are best). Also put your utilities in the name of the corporation, as well as your phone, and magazine and newspaper subscriptions.

This is precisely what TV personalities, professional athletes, and film stars do to protect their privacy. And it's not expensive. A Delaware corporation can be set up for as little as $150 and maintained for $50 a year!

Take your names off your local country tax rolls and replace your name with "property Owner". this is crucial!!!

# 6 B: Receive all MAIL personally addressed to you at a nearby mail drop, such as Mail Boxes, Etc. (about $15 a month), or an Executive Office Service ($50 to $150 a month), or at the address of a friend who owns a nearby business (free). Then use this address for your driver's license and car registration.

Naturally, your car will also be registered in the name of your corporation. Properly set up, a Delaware or Nevada corporation can also dramatically lower your taxes, if you're an independent contractor. (Please consult your attorney.)

For a private home phone, use a company name when setting up a new phone account, rather than your own, and make sure and get caller ID, complete blocking. To add a further level of phone privacy, purchase a prepaid cell phone – such as those offered by Trac Fone through Blockbuster, WalMart, and Staples.

No name, address, credit check, etc. is required to set up an account, and you can buy phone cards for cash to add more time. As of 11/11 WalMart sells iphones for less than $100 and Unlimited internet, text and talk for $55 per month. This is a fabulous rate!!!

#7 A.) (TWO PARTS) . Keep your medical records more private. Information in your medical files can be used to deny you insurance, jobs, and legal benefits. It could be even used by a government just slightly more authoritarian than the one we now have, to take away your children or commit you to a mental hospital.

Unfortunately, each time you see a doctor or check into a hospital or clinic, they will usually demand your Social Security Number, which in turn will be used to file and locate your medical records. You can protect yourself from unwanted snooping by getting an alternative Medical photo ID from ID Network (IDN). No SSN is required, and medical records are kept in your own handwriting. $9.95. Call 1-888-329-3686 or 314-416-7411,

#7 PART B: In the civilized society, we each have a crucial zone of privacy shielding us from outside snooping and control. Privacy is about keeping more of what you earn – protecting the sensitive information in your computer - avoiding being hassled by the IRS or police – protecting your children – and minimizing your chances of a 2 am visit by a machine-gun-toting SWAT team. The battle for your privacy is the battle for your freedom. Ultimately it is a battle we will win. AMEN.

#8. CASHIN : these are suggestions to consider; you decide what to do. The wolves inside and outside the bank can be few to many in different clothing. Your Life and Your Life Savings may be at RISK.

# 9. Do not park in the bank lot. Why show your car tags to others that will jot them down and trace u? A camera can take a photo of you and your tags for blocks away. Take a taxi or rental car to the banks.

# 10.. Go with someone to the bank; spouse, best friend who is a fellow Dinarian. Caps and glasses are nice. Make no new friends at the bank or locally who might discover your fortunes.

#11.. Make an appointment if u have a large investment to cash. Best, not all at one time cash in everything unless u really know what one is doing.

#12. Know your rate before you go. Have a predetermined game plan. Shop your rates. Seek investment angles, advice also from maybe Smith Barney, Scottrade Inc, etc, various options.

# 13. Watch your body language and the banker/tellers as well; everyone is watching whether you want to believe it or not ...who is going to be at the banks? Wolves?

#14.There is NO rush to cash in; supposedly many weeks and option days to have the possible 15% tax advantage with no audits (this is still a rumor; will be confirmed sooner or later next week). Seek competent tax and legal advice.

#15. If your deposit is in an acct "non interest bearing savings acct" seek additional insurance coverage for your entire principal.

#16. SMITH BARNEY or MORGAN STANLEY INC. OR SCOTTRADE INC ET and others can re-insure your accounts somewhere in the $600,000 TO ONE BILLION $$$ range per account. Seek legal advice and the broker / company policies. DO NOT LEAVE SIGNIFICANT LARGE SUMS IN INSTITUIONS UNLESS ITS RE-INSURED; IE: LLOYDS INC.


# 18. ONLY USE YOUR PASSPORTS FOR IDS: IT DOES NOT HAVE YOUR HOME ADDRESS, SOCIAL SECURITY # TIED IN: nor ht, wt, color of eyes, color of hair and not tied to your social security #. Avoid using your Drivers License for anything but the cops and court if mandated!

#19. Use UPS postal drop for home address or your attorney's office work address until you get things squared away about physical addresses. Never, ever again use your home address for anything!!! Have your bank statements go to a Po Box! Never let one's attorney know how much money you have.

#20. IMHO, use a "Business Trust" to save your wealth, health and happiness from the tax man. . You will now sleep with peace of mind. Approx cost $1300. Worth every penny and more. Blessings.

I love each and every single one of You.! Blessings, Always.

Updated by BULLDOG75 ON 11-30-11. BEST WISHES. 



BY: V.K. Durham, CEO
Remember! They are not building those crematoriums which can process 250,000 bodies per day in close proximity to those FEMA camps everyone is so concerned about.
Ron Paul "We are the future!" Now that's something to really contemplate! Just imagine all the homelessness, the joblessness.. our young being deeducated and drugged senseless, as our long honoured traditional established organization which formerly taught our young boys the Code of Ethics, Morals, the Spirit of God, Honour, Duty and Love of Country which appears to have allowed these young men to become what was known as "Hitlers Brown Shirts" and if you don't believe it, read this Kosovo - America's Nazi Colony
If you reside in a parallel universe then welcome to Kosovo, the land of Albanianization and Islamization and all in the name of democracy.
Wonderful Ron Paul Speech at We Are the Future Rally in SunDome Tampa Florida
Dquixote1217 -- Monday, 27-Aug-2012 13:51:53

I'm posting it again to bring it to the top of the Reading Room where new Readers will be sure to find it.
Here's Ron Paul's complete speech, given August 26, 2012, at the "We Are The Future" rally at the Tampa Sun Dome.
Thanks to 'Tuber RonPaulFlix.

DIEBOLD Voting Machines Can By Hacked By Remote Control!

The latest on electronic voting machine fraud, including how "Anyone with about $10, physical access to a Diebold voting machine and rudimentary knowledge of ..

The Bad Guys Are Even In China

The BAD guys are EVEN in China!!Angry smile

China official flees country with funds: report
by Staff Writers
Beijing (AFP) Aug 29, 2012

An official in northeast China has fled the country, allegedly taking tens of millions of dollars with him, amid a probe into corruption, a state newspaper said Wednesday.
The communist party chief of Fengcheng, a city in Liaoning province, left in April with as much as 200 million yuan ($32 million), the official China Daily Newspaper said.
The report quoted a spokesman for Dandong city, which administers Fengcheng, confirming the disappearance of party head Wang Guoqiang, although he could not verify the amount of money taken.
Anonymous Internet postings, which could not be verified, said Wang had fled to the United States amid a party investigation into a company run by a former classmate which had dealings with the city.
Fengcheng has not made a public statement about the issue, but the city on Monday announced a new party secretary to replace Wang, according to a statement. The local government could not be reached on Wednesday.
A Chinese study released last year estimated corrupt officials have siphoned off more than $120 billion from the country in less than two decades.
Between 16,000 and 18,000 government officials and executives of state-owned firms have fled China or simply vanished with illegal gains, according to the study by the country's central bank.
Higher-ranking officials carrying larger sums of money mostly go to developed nations like the United States, Canada and Australia, while others choose destinations closer to home, such as Russia and Thailand, it said.
In one notable case, three managers at a Bank of China branch fled to the United States and Canada in 2001 with $483 million.
Early this year, China's Premier Wen Jiabao said corruption was the biggest threat facing the party.